We are making a documentary on LGBTQ Sikhs. You can watch the fundraising video: th-cam.com/video/Wo71EPKVNTE/w-d-xo.html Do contribute to our crowdfunding campaign
Religious people irritate me as a rule. I like this man. He is sensible, humane and is not interested in clobbering people with doctrine. This is the first religiously-oriented TH-cam channel to which I have ever subscribed.
Southern Knight no dummy it’s not.He is saying who are we to Judge.Go google History of Sikhs they r more men that u ever be.They r warriors but Just not arrogant.
Gaylaxy is not a gay channel? Could have fooled me. lol! I know more about Sikh's than Google. I have the Adi Granth on my Kindle an am studying it and comparing it to my own way of life. Not much difference, so far. It's an admirable religion. The only thing that I disagree with, thus far, is not cutting your hair. I too, am a warrior, a Christian knight and have an arming sword, rifle and always carry my knife for defense. Not much difference between me and Sikhs, other than the hair thing. Godspeed!
@@southernknight9983 you do what you have to do. I’m Sikh and I cut my hairs. Trouble is Guru ji said people to have hairs to resemble god, from a distance you can see a Sikh is coming and if you need help, you know where to go. Sikhism is made to serve humanity and stand against tyrant.
He just said, "The Guru is for everybody" in reference to conversations with his homosexual friends. What other religion says this about homosexuals. This faith does not want to put anyone into a box and just wants everyone to have a relationship and understanding of God and live a peaceful life. I have to do more research. Wow! I'm a lesbian at a spiritual crossroads looking for ultimate truth. I didn't think there was a faith on Earth that would say this.
**Kate Meininger** ~HIeeeee, Darling ({; D) ...! Yeah; i, too, was ( *...am)* MOST (favourably) impressed!! i do believe, as well, that...'Wicca', and (many "branches" [ ...?? ] of) 'Buddhism', might well, also, be quite 'welcoming/ accepting/etc, of...and, to...our 'LGBTQIA+ Community'. But, 'Sikhi(sm) truly *does* sound like a *lovely* ( ...and, very interesting) Faith, and Philosophy...yes?!!
I've been an atheist most of my life, but this religion is something special. I've discovered it only a few weeks ago and man, what a beautiful thing Sikhism is. Sikhs are so lovely, you just have to respect them for their kind ways. I have nothing but love for them.
Some People are attracted toward same gender and demading marriage rights but what if in future which is also somewhat happening nowadays like sex with animals and demand of marriage with animals and Ai robots or virtual objects.
This man doesnt preach. He s educating people. That’s the best form of preaching because he gives information without trying to convert anyone. And his message is delivered well because one will listen to him.
Sikh culture does not identify homosexuality in the same way it doesn't single out females from males in religious discussions. The culture is about embracing EVERYONE regardless of who they are, where they come from or what religious beliefs they may hold. Sikhism is about respect and love of all mankind....it's that simple.
In that case why did Guru Hargobind and Guru Gobind Singh Ji fight jangs? Why were the masands put to death? Why did Baba Deep Singh become shaheed? Why did Peer Buddhu Shah fight at Bhangani? Why did Guru Ji send Bhai Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh into battle at Chamkaur Sahib? Why did Bhai Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh behead Massa Ranghar? You know nothing about Sikhi. Its clear you have no knowledge of ithias or gurbani. Keep spreading the corrupted world view you have been brainwashed with by mainstream culture and media.
@@singh5875 what does your narrative push? Who is really corrupting who because you seem an elitist who is discontent with his inner being so you have to infect that morale to others, and yes the word is infect because your thoughts and thought process imitate that of a disease more than the cure. Fuckin idiot.
I'm an ex-Christian and an atheist for decades. I have been checking out Sikhism for a while now and this man makes me lean even closer to becoming involved with god again.
Titanium Ovaries that's very kind of u to say. As a sikh I appreciate the fact that u are taking interest in our religion. I also believe that every religion leads u to that path of peace and God. So thank u for choosing to look through our religion 💖💕
Abu Adam hahaha what do u mean sikh is very old? Sikhism is the newest and youngest religion created and that's why so scientifically true. Did u know that NASA keeps Guru Granth Sahib Ji in their headquarters so that they can find our more about our world bc Grabth Sahib ji has so much true information? Why isn't the quaran there? Now I'm not hating , Muslims and the Quaran is just as beautiful as any other religion. But if ur going to talk bad about my religion , I'm here to prove u that ur wrong .
Sikhs don't follow prophets. Prophets are for middle easterners and I guess westerners as well. We follow Gurus and Guru traditions. In India and the East, Guru traditions are different from Prophet traditions.
I live in the Italian countryside, and regularly meet Sikhs while in town. We have many Sikhs here who work on the farms. They're peaceful people with warm smiles. We're blessed to have them. Beautiful people.
try and find some Sikh sangat (holy congregation) they will welcome you humbly and you can ask them anything, provided they are an initiated Sikh. Never listen to any advice given from a non-initiated Sikh btw
so good to hear somebody speaking the truth . I respect this man this is really throws a spanner in the Works doesn't it, they tell me I'm a bigot and racist I would love this man to live next door to meI'll give him my full respect and friendship I will fight shoulder to shoulder width Mohan Singh
listening to you is giving me new fresh hope. I don't want to seem as though I'm in patronising you . so you are not one of ignorant young people who bought into Jeremy Corbyn. hallelujah message for left and the liberals. think! it is not illegal yet . In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act "it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled" Donald Trump is a man you should respect and love. I suppose it's very difficult for you to accept that you have been fooled by Obama and Hillary Clinton. and huge power of the media. the righteous ones have nothing to fear. for you trump haters you are not capable of love if you have so much hate. as I said the righteous ones have nothing to fear! “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
Homosexuality was EXTREMLY uncommon during the Guru's times, thats why it is not mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji......... The only reason it is taboo is because of society and backward minded views. We as humans have come a long way and shouldn't be bothered by others actions or sexuality. STOP basing this on religion. If you think about it ones gender has NOTHING to do with religion. Escpecially Sikhi considering its such a peacfull and accepting religion
How am I incorrect? Which specific points do you disagree with? If you have issue with the truth then stay in your false little world. You can't just say your wrong without any substance smh. A sign of someone that has lost argument is when they bring up other points and not deal with the points in hand. This is what you are doing lol! You have either not comprehended my statement or like to be on the losing side of an argument, both scenarios are quite damning really!
*Mnrt sa* ~Ohhhh...so, "Homosexuality was EXTREMELY uncommon during the Guru's [ sic ] times..." ?? And *you,* of course, *were there* ...to *witness* and, *'attest'* to, this "fact"...YES?? *Am-a-a-a-zing,* darling; and, just *how* old are you, now...?!? Although, 'otherwise'...i *like* what ya said ({; D) ...!!!
Sikhi doesnt really have a stance on homosexuality directly, but definitely stresses the fact one should live in a family setting/life. In this context, family is defined by husband, wife, and children. That said, mainstream Punjabi culture is definitely not accepting of homosexuality, though individuals may differ.
I don't want to sound snobby or anything but Sikhism is the only religion I know that I really get. It's just such a free religion, something that might be hard to fund in other religions
OMG that is really sad why all nice people have to die so young...he talked sense may be God needed him more than us corrupt humans...He is in the safe hands now. May God bless his soul.
TheAKCrew thank you so much for that insightful comment and finding out the real motives of my comment. Lol... sweetie I was raised as a punjabi hindu but I am an atheist now. I do not believe in magic daddies and mommies existing in the clouds . to me it doesn't matter Whether its Hinduism and Sikhism islamism or Christianity it's all stupid fairy tales to me. I just feel he does not have any idea about the topic i.e homosexuality that he's talking about. Have a nice day
As a Sikh, I don't encourage LGBTQ, and homosexuals of course cannot participate in the Anand Carage marriage ceremony, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't treat everyone with respect and kindness.
that's probably the correct thing. Especially the fact that they target young children to indoctrinate them with lgbt views. So many people who aren't really lgbt, they become it due to constant indoctrination. Sikhi promotes family life.
There are so many things I'd like to say to this guy, all constructive and amicable, but I just hope that the Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and all the other religions can continue to help make multiculturalism work. The majority of Muslims hopefully want to help multiculturalism to work, but too many stand silent when it comes to the hostility towards non-Muslims. We are not an empire anymore. We are a single society. The 1980s race riots in the UK were an abomination, but it has been two generations since then where most of us live as a congruous unit. Let's go on 'together'.
you all need to know that sikhi is not a bodily state but a state of mind and as long as you are connected to God from the inside, whatever the body does is not really a concern and if you are connected from within, your body would act accordingly. sikhi talks about controlling the 5 bodily evils, lust, anger, greed, attachment to materials and pride and as long as you have control over these 5 evils, your spiritual connection with God will never break but as soon as you let your body surrender to these 5 evils, your connection with the ONE, breaks. to put it in context, homosexuality is a 'no problem' in sikhi because it is not at all a way of life that emphasizes on the outlook of a person or their side that the world can see and feel but the side of them that is hidden, the 'inside' of a person or the mind, so to say. i hope i could explain it.
Surgé Land Well, Sikhs are prohibited from forcing people to convert firstly, it goes against every aspect of our teachings and our goal of helping society so nobody would force you to do anything. Obviously god is a major part of the religion and is integral. However, as a sikh myself, I have always been taught to accept others despite being athiest or religious and just to encourage finding your own path to helping mankind, and finding peace in yourself. No judgement. Apologies if that sounds a bit lofty but it's truly what I've been taught
The path is not really about anyone having to fit in, it's more about helping any and all individuals liberating themselves mentally and physically, at whatever point they may be in their life. Guru Granth Sahib, the teachings written by the masters/founders, are for all who wish to help themselves, it isn't really about whether you identify as an agnostic, or if someone else doesn't identify with anything at all. The first character the teachings start with is "1", which means that all is one, there is nothing but one. I hope that helps.
I have always had a profound respect for Sikhs. And you have both reminded me why. Thank you. I try to keep an open mind as an agnostic I believe that there is no proof for or against god's existence. I hold respect Sikhs as much as I do because of their accepting values. It's beautiful to hear. Thank you both.
The proof is within yourself. Become aware of each layer of the mind, then you will see there is something else in existence. That is the soul which is part of and directly connected to God. If you haven't studied the 4 components of antahkarana then that would be a good place to start in becoming aware of your mind and ultimately come to understand that you are neither mind nor body.
good question. To be utterly honest and avoid deception the Guru has strong words for people who dont meditate. The Guru says you came on earth to join with the creator and your life was wasted. So to be honest an agnostic is similar to even someone who "believes" in a religion or as an "athiest" because they are not always conscious of the one energy inside and outside of them. As a sikh ones duty is to merge with the "one" that is you and me and "others" and to lose your identity which will give one bliss but also success. Then your lifecycles will end and you have dissolved. You are living dead, in bliss and a servant to humanity which cannot be corrupted.
Sat sri akal ji...I have a question and i'd really appreciate your answer... I have been curious about this and so i wanna know if an amridhari sikh can wear makeup or even apply baby powder??
No no no. Stay in natural form. Plus even if you wanted to wear make up and baby powder don't you know they contain many cancer causing and toxic ingredients e.g. talc, formaldehyde releasers, endocrine disruptor, benzene, aromatic compounds, preservatives, heavy metals etc so even from a health perspective it is detrimental. Google each ingredient on these products and see for yourself!
@@poojakaur2424 Omg, darling, noooo 🤦😂🤷 : i'd just written that as sarcastic/facaetious joking "humour" really - absolutely and certainly NO criticism of, "look(ing) down upon", nor slagging-off, a n y 'branch' at all of the LGBTQ+ Community; am in fact a "T-member" myself actually 😃🌹💋💖...!
Yes us British where empiricist in the past but your culture has enriched us and thank you, but I have seen some negativity on youtube about marriage to non believers in modern culture is that a thing.
It is very difficult for many thinkers to imagine that homosexuality exists. This is because diversity is not taught within the church, upbringing and school. Homosexuality has always existed and is a natural variation. It is what it is. To counteract this is the same as complaining that the sun shines every day. Not accepting, that which is, is harmful and degrading for the person concerned.
So are you saying Sikhism accepts homosexuality or not ? Or you saying all this pro LGBT to please people . I have heard from other Sikhs homosexuality is unacceptable so are you as an individual saying the opposite
There is a difference between Sikhism and punjabism, as Sikhism promotes equality, not judging anyone, accepetance. The Punjabi culture is a bit harsh just like many indian cultures, opperesment of women, against homosexuals etc.
The Guru Granth Sahib opens with the basic concept of the One Universal, supreme Energy called by so many different names across humanity,. Ik oankar - One absolute being (God) Satnam - Eternal truth it's name Karta Purkh - Creator Nirbau - without fear Nirvair - without hate/ enmity Akal Murat - Deathless/timeless image Ajuni - Beyound birth and death Saibang - self existant Gurprasad - known by the Guru's Grace. This is repeated numerous times and at the start of every section as a constant reminder. In the words of the tenth Sikh Guru - Guru Gobind Singh "recognise the human race as ONE"
Guru is Homographic word, which means who takes you away from darkness to light,,,, God is Guru, God's word is Guru, 10 Sikh masters r Guru....... But God is supreme Guru that's why we call him WAHEGURU .......
Guru is teacher, guru is source, guru is god (now one quality of god, he will not say I’m god) god is v modest, I’m sure. And this remind of Kabir ji doha, where he say to god. I’m in dilemma, who’s feet should I touch first? You (god) or my teacher (Guru) who made me capable to meet you. So PERSPECTIVE.
A lot of poetry in the gurbani is men, writing from a female perspective (pretending to be women) - about the union with another man (being god). It’s all about ecstasy, using sexual imagery to describe the bliss of union with god. Orgasmic being the only way to describe the moment. Courtship, wedding night, being a bride. Lots and lots of sexual imagery and couple’s language. At face value it’s quiet homoerotic verses. Guys talking about other guy. Similar to the homoeroticism in Sufism. Bhakti movement that Sikhism comes from is similar in evocative imagery poetically. You could argue the text is very homoerotic from a metaphorical and plain interpretation of the Gurbani text.
As a Sikh one can't judge another of what they want to do. In the same way though a Sikh must compel themselves and their friends to keep lust out of their heart. Marriage is the time that chastity can end with having children, but in any personal desire connected with LGBTQI your thoughts are contrary to that philosophy. Also in the same way a Sikh carries the 5 K's that are articles of faith to keep your dedication on track. To take what God has given to you as a gift and not disassociate with it. Keeping your Keesh (hair uncut). To keep it clean and manageable with the Kanga (wooden comb). Wearing the Kara (metal bracelet) for defense and in union with God's never ending love. Wearing cotton undergarments to shield from lust. To wear a weapon Kirpan in defense of your neighbor and yourself. These things require a courage that goes beyond selfish weakness that most are incapable of. When one falls short of pleasing God that is upon him, but to conspire with another in doing things or to influence others especially the young that are influenced is a thousand times worse.
Wait, Im attracted to the same sex because cultural marxism? Homosexuality has existed as long as we have recorded history, it seems to be a genetic based issue. Can it be used by social engineers? Obviously, just as anything it can be used as a tool for whomever wields power. That does not mean the thing in question is what they want it to be. Christianity may or may not have truth in it regardless of the fact that it is used as a tool of control. This applies to all things.
Being virgins till marriage is meaningless in modern times since people marry only in their mid 20's or later. These chastity rules were made at a time when people got married in their mid teens. This is why religion fails since it is stagnant and does not change with time.
Sexual preferences of a person are decided when a child is in womb. No wonder why many gay men don't have beards, their hormonal levels make them incline towards the same sex probably. He is not encouraging luster or anything. He is just saying as a human being let us don't interfere in someones personal affairs.. And don't judge them.. See them as God's creature,,, if you know about Sikhs there is a line that without God's will even a leaf can't move.. So co spider it as God's will and abide by it.. 😊 😊 Have a great day..
Mike Scott Singh Sikhism teaches to keep lust away from our mind.. it says that we should not be controlled by sexual desires. How is lust equal to being homosexual?
Its nice having a perfect world where everybody is god fearing but sardar jib you haven't answered two questions which arise in my head having homosexual thoughts Nd how does sikhi reflect upon two consenting adults carrying out the sexual act of the same gender. Thank god for Islam and the way of the prophet.
Dear , thoth shall not judge one another . This sentences may be found in all religious book . Muslim religion is practiced all over the world and the arabians are interneditors of islamic religion but the higher homosexuals in the world are arabian . There fore don't support of criticised any religion .
A question with all respect, if you might answer: in another video, you say that homosexuals cannot marry the ones they love. If they are to be Sikhs as much as anyone else as you say here, which I thought was wonderful, do they not also have the right to have a family based on love and live a contented, peaceful and compassionate family life? I'm only wondering if you have changed your mind about same-sex marriage. Apologies for anything I may have misunderstood. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh.
Perhaps as a gay man that is interested in Sikhism I may have had a prejudicial ear when listening to this. I feel like there may be a question in his heart about how Sikhism approaches homosexuality. Yes, peace, love, and compassion is garnered to all human beings but Sikhism stops short of embracing homosexual relationships. When he speaks about the British influence on Sikh culture and also the general sentiments of Indian culture towards homosexuality; I feel like he is questioning if these are truly in line with Sikh teachings. In any event I personally will continue to learn about this religion if only to better understand my Sikh brothers and sisters. As it is, I am a Roman Catholic. Sikhism certainly doesn't have a harsher stance on homosexuality than us Catholics do.
Evan Czarovich sikhi is unique because it's your own personal spirituality with the Guru.With the Guru Granth Sahib ji.And no one can deny your right to embark on your spiritual journey but on the whole it's always what people make it out to be
Evan Czarovich he said once in the past, a quote I find very applicable, "whoever you love, will never limit how much you love your guru, as long as you're faithful".
"As it is, I am a Roman Catholic. Sikhism certainly doesn't have a harsher stance on homosexuality than us Catholics do" Do you remember what the Catholic Church did to homosexuals several centuries ago - torture. Think before you speak!!
as there were people staying in close proximities in deras and khalsa armies, there probably were some males who got up to stuff like that. However, I haven't read anything about anyone being caught! Stuff like this happens now in deras and dals as well, obviously undercover as I have never really read a case about it. But there have been some Sant babas in the media in the past few years with some controversies about this.
i dont think back in that day, homosexuality was a known fact even to homosexuals. as in, they were probably attracted to the same gender but didn't know what it was or what they were feeling. so, i think its highly unlikely that what you wrote about, happened back then.
The Christian pastor referred to in passing in the video is Steven Anderson who is a most hateful man. He is anti-Semitic and homophobic. His comments about the Orlando Massacre were deplorable. Anderson could usefully learn from the tenets of Sikhism.
Pr Anderson has been refused entry to a number of countries because of his hate speech. I support free speech so am reticent to have awful people like Anderson shut down so long as at the same time that he and his views are exposed for what they are. I cannot agree he is funny.
So this sikh Kingdom he talks about gave equal rights to lgbt? No not at all. Did it punish criminals? Yes. Why didn't it forgive criminals instead? Guru Nanak was very sufi minded and forgiving but such a philosophy has limitations because law and order including moral legislation and conventions are necessary for human life! Forgiveness and love which nanak sahab spoke of has to operate within these boundaries
*Trab Ali* ~Don't you *really* mean, "The Answer"...that *you* wanted/hoped to hear?!? Why *should/Would/"MUST"* there, even, *be* "an Answer"...or, any "Pronouncement" *whatever, on* 'the matter'??? Just what *is* the 'point' of [ ...having been "given... ] *free will", anyway;* so God can have yet MORE opportunity to [ ...gleefully... ] "Punish"...?!?
Well if it doesn’t say it’s bad and says that everyone should be loved then I’m sure that’s a clear enough answer? try thinking before typing ,, thanks.
@@simh8687 well it doesn't say good either? So it's more of sitting on the fence with no real idea if it's permissible or not , or if it's good or not.
*Bradley Greenwood* ~Have you ever seen the film, *"Bend It Like Beckham"* ?? [ ...'set'/filmed, i *believe,* IN Southall; i'm from Hanwell, btw...! ] But, it *does* all tie-in with what he was saying...!
The belief in hell and the need to purify your society of evil causes unethical actions. Same problem in Christianity. Both religions are genocidal and need to be dumped
The God of heaven and earth is Elder Park Tae Sun. Do you know God's name? In the West, in the fear of the name of God, in the east, of the glory of God. Here is the name of God. It means that God came out of man. Is there anyone in the world who announced that I am God? In 1980, Elder Park Tae Sun declared, "I am God!" I will reveal to the world that Korea is the East, the place to fear the glory of God. In Israel, the East is the Republic of Korea. In Japan, keep the islands quiet in the Bible! It means not you. There will also be a nation that will never perish. A country that is not destroyed here forever is a country where the sun will lose its light and will emerge afterward! It is the country of Park Tae Sun. Do you know that the candlestick of Israel came to the East as the East? You will see that in the Republic of Korea there is a new, never-destroying country. God's Word of Man's Creation, the Word of the Alien, the Word of the End Times, and the Word of the eternal world are recorded on the following website. www.paikmagongja.org/index.html th-cam.com/channels/O_rEMr4UmnefwdY95cVJPg.html
with all Due respect, I understand that the sikhs love everyone, and do not have a problem with the LGBT community. yet they must produce children. I dont understand this. if a man is Gay he will respect woman for who they are, and the miracle of being able to produce new life, but there will be no sexual interest. so how can this come to pass, outside of artificial insemination?
You have been confused by this man's personal opinions. He is not stating the stance of Sikhism which is against LGBT( and any other added letters). What he is giving you is a politically correct, flowery, New Age world view manufactured by UN globalists. Sex is only for procreation. Gayness stems from the root lust. If you overcome lust which is required to conquer the mind and experience the soul then LGBT ceases to exist. These desires are only there because the mind is polluted so how can one's mind and all of its projections (e.g lust-->lgbt) be defeated? Through remembering God's name. So easy yet so hard.
He mentioned ranjeet sikh he was from west Punjab (Pakistan ) most of his soldiers were Muslims who distroyed all Afghani gay armies. Afghans only can dance in women's close. We Pakistani Punjabi army destroyed all Talibans in Pakistan they all run off to Afghanistan.
Good to hear that he said that SGGS doesn't say anything about homosexuals. If you read it, it is mostly about worshiping/praying to god, remembering god, and morality/ethics. Homosexuals do not reproduce, they do not produce stable families in the society, they live for themselves, they are not invested in the future of raising healthy children, when they die that is it. Compared to a heterosexual man who marries and takes care of his wife, has children, provides resources for his family, raises the next generation to be god loving and serving his fellow human being. From this picture I painted who is of higher moral quality and character? The answer should be obvious, this is why Christians consider homosexuality as sin, and they have a strong point, I probably wouldn't go that far, because I do believe in freedom and liberty as do most Christians today.
PunjabiSikhRajput1 you call yourself a Rajput and a Sikh, and in Doing so you defeat the purpose of being a Sikh. You accept a caste from the purusa sukta of the Vedas that the Sikhs are not told to follow and in doing so you also implicitly support untouchability or slavery. Guru sahab says that we needn't do any prayers to make waheguru feel good, prayers are for only making us feel better. The aarti Sahib of Guru Nanak ji says that the Akal purakh himself or itself (Infact using itself would be wrong because it is all that exists yet not an isolated collection of material) praises himself. The winds in their currents, the flowers in their scent, the trees in Their blushing all perform a worship under the light of stars, so how should we pray on to thee, says Guru sahib,,he continues to say that thousands are thine eyes yet thy has not even one
I pay homage to my forefathers who were Rajputs, I will not forget my ancestry for ideals or hurt feelings of untouchables. I also do believe in system of hierarchy based on merit, also known as meritocracy. The Hindu varna (caste) system was once like this, but turned into something else latter on, which I do not approve off. This is why the western countries especially America are so precious, regardless of your fathers background you can become any profession you want to be become based on your own hard work regardless of caste or creed.
*PunjabiSikhRajput1* ~Tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-t's right, dearie; *everyone* needs to, "re-pro-DUCE...Re-pro-DUCE...RE-Pro-DUCE...-DUCE... *-DUCE",* until the planet is SO overpopulated that it can't sustain *diddly-squat!* Is *that* it, then...?!?
I appreciate your opinion, brother, but we have to look to the deeper meaning in Guru ji's language and not let a superficial reading (that may conveniently back up our own prejudices) cause us to attribute our own manmukh opinions to the Gurus.
Pardeep singh Klair......................... i thought it was a a message to our ego filled mind to forgo the attachment of family friends and other impermanent things and focus on Waheguru. No where as far as I know does it speak of man and women.
Sinjin Smyth I lol always be singh don't worry but saying this u have shown what background u came from and u have a fake name I'll just say what my Guru had told me to say waheguru
If GOD has god no hate, then how will he treat the person if lets say he murders your infant baby? Stop teaching your man made religion, or i guess keep at it, your own demise. Live and let live i guess.
@@jaipreetsingh6566 May i ask, in Sikhism, do Sikhs believe in heaven or hell? If yes that’s cool, but why there are still Sikhs that said they believe in it when it’s opposed to the original teaching? Sorry, I’m not really religious person so i would like to know!
@@tiara_krunch2437 we don't believe in heaven or hell, we believe in reincarnation. Well Sikhism provides teachings but at last it comes down to an individual to take those teachings and act upon it or do Uther wise. If they wanna believe in heaven and hell and follow Sikhism i can simply make it to their knowledge about the sikh philosophy of afterdeath and then it's their division to what they should believe and follow it will not be my place to manupulate or force my believes on them.
you cant be a real singh. stop pretending to be one. quote me one, just one verse from the guru granth sahib where maharaj talks against homosexuality and i can quote you thousands of verses where guru talks about all of us as humans, and dasam granth talks about human lust which is only a bodily state whereas being a sikh is not only an outlook but the inner state of a person. homosexuals are more than welcome to practice sikhi as their way of life.
i respect peoples way of life/choice and i have had sikh friends but he is explaining in such a way of straddling a fine line to appease and appear neutral to fit the present .... i dont think the old gurus would have tolerated homosexuality.
The guru granth sahib( written by the guru's themselves) preach about eacceptence to everyone. It preaches about 1 God and 1 humanity and love towards everyone, it is also against judging any other human as Sikhs are to be told to reflect the qualities of God and become better human beings, God doesn't judge, it's without hate, without fear
so non sikh punjabis according to you are bad dude punjab means five rivers which comes from the sanskrit word panch eeb. and this land is much older than sikhism itself.....indian culture was never against lgbt......you look into kamasutra ....there are many references regarding freedom of lgbt.....its just that we indians have been made to forget our ancient and rich culture and have been lied about
Gay men and gay women are of a higher order spiritually than their hetrosexual counterparts. The homosexual person is more spiritual as they lack the need to look after a future growing family. The family with a gay sibling, gay son or gay daughter is very blessed because the gay child looks after the aging parents. The gay child spends time focusing on spiritual things while the straight child is focused on family, work and making money to care for the family. The gay sibling is a helper and friend. Most gays are talented in dual gender activities that are held in traditional roles by the hetrosexuals such as cooking or building. Many gays were the spiritual leaders. It is obvious in the monastery and the nunnery. Due to the humble nature of the most noble and religious of gay and lesbian persons, the need to brag about their plight in life is not published or advertised. The truly spiritual is truly humble. The G&L spiritual person need not worry about their future as hetrosexuals will continue to produce the blessed family with a gay baby. Cursed is the family that expels their own child because he/she is gay. That parent is destroying his/her own future.
Breathmedia Breathmedia, everyone has a point of view. PEACE TO YOU my brother. Let me elaborate for you. God does not make evil. Evil comes from YOUR OWN MIND. Sure things that are painful happen to individuals but that pain is for edification. All life is for learning and growing and if you do not learn and grow in this life, you will reincarnate and be given opportunities again. You, my brother, I hope for you to reincarnate as an openly gay person in your next life, as it will teach you to curb your self hatred. - Namaste
Eric Matlock, then don't have homosexual sex, Eric. Just as any hetrosexual sex done without love, is lustful. Saying "sex is for procreation only" is ignorance.
Eric Matlock, tell that to a grandmother or grandfather, or to a sterile couple, or to someone who is handicapped, then get back to me with the response.
Mack The Knife. I know right. Can you imagine ??? What a strange thing to say. What a strange thing to think. One guy bummin another man right in the stink hole and they feel enlightened? They need to wake up. Poo diving is no good. It will lead you into an abyss of pain. Wake up.
it all looks good in books and movies and songs ,,,,,, but they are jatt behind that beard and turbon !!!! go to india and see yourself how they treat othe lower cast people !!!! bull shit ,,,, confusing other counerty"s people
rocky singh Caste system has been part of Indian culture but Buddhism and Sikhi is completely against it. However many people are not letting go of this.
You have to understand there is a difference btw being a puniabi and being a Sikh, Punjabi is a culture dominated by the thinking of people which in someways is against many things like women rising to higher powers or wearing a bit small clothes but Sikhism talks about equality between Every human being, encouraging acceptence and is against cast system in the religion. At last it comes down to a human of taking things in their own perspective and acting upon it.
he is wrong by one thing so far on killing animals , he said to kill them from the back of the neck for a painless death and that halal was wrong... boy bye.. he followes and preaches blindly and probably says anything to make you belive. and you eat it up. not me.... study Islam .... that's the right path
@@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 bruh, can the internet revoke this dude license. Like why are you here making comments.. how tf do you even find the internet in your village?
The woman who asked the question also asked specifically about Punjabi beliefs. Much of the video was the speaker clarifying the difference between Sikhism and Punjabi beliefs. The two groups do not share the same beliefs, including their beliefs about sexuality. In addition to that, many eastern religions don't have official "rules" about sexuality because they don't care about it. Their way of life is about spiritual purity, not physical purity. The human spirit isn't defined by gender or sexuality. Those are physical biological traits, which Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. don't really concern themselves with. So the answer is...there is no answer. The question is not important enough to have an answer
Its a none issue similar to eating meat.. The Gurus deemed it unimportant otherwise they would of mentioned it in SGGS. Sikhism is a path to unite with God. Do you think a homosexual cannot meet and merge into God? Do you think God doesn't reside in a homosexual? Educate yourself on Sikhism. I highly recommend mysimran.info. I am homosexual! I love my creator and meditate on his name every day...
We are making a documentary on LGBTQ Sikhs. You can watch the fundraising video: th-cam.com/video/Wo71EPKVNTE/w-d-xo.html Do contribute to our crowdfunding campaign
He said it all when he said "What people don't understand , they hate."
Carol Norton that is so true.
Fun fact: humans are not born with hate, we learn it - Nelson Mandela
markos824......pls explain how is tht related to what Carol Norton said.
Markos824 I think i get your point.......i can say tht i kinda agree with ur comment.
markos824 well you see ur comment only makes sense in most situations...not all situations
Religious people irritate me as a rule. I like this man. He is sensible, humane and is not interested in clobbering people with doctrine. This is the first religiously-oriented TH-cam channel to which I have ever subscribed.
You do realize that this is a gay channel, right?
Southern Knight no dummy it’s not.He is saying who are we to Judge.Go google History of Sikhs they r more men that u ever be.They r warriors but Just not arrogant.
Gaylaxy is not a gay channel? Could have fooled me. lol!
I know more about Sikh's than Google. I have the Adi Granth on my Kindle an am studying it and comparing it to my own way of life. Not much difference, so far. It's an admirable religion. The only thing that I disagree with, thus far, is not cutting your hair.
I too, am a warrior, a Christian knight and have an arming sword, rifle and always carry my knife for defense.
Not much difference between me and Sikhs, other than the hair thing.
@@southernknight9983 you do what you have to do. I’m Sikh and I cut my hairs. Trouble is Guru ji said people to have hairs to resemble god, from a distance you can see a Sikh is coming and if you need help, you know where to go. Sikhism is made to serve humanity and stand against tyrant.
He just said, "The Guru is for everybody" in reference to conversations with his homosexual friends. What other religion says this about homosexuals. This faith does not want to put anyone into a box and just wants everyone to have a relationship and understanding of God and live a peaceful life. I have to do more research. Wow! I'm a lesbian at a spiritual crossroads looking for ultimate truth. I didn't think there was a faith on Earth that would say this.
**Kate Meininger** ~HIeeeee, Darling ({; D) ...! Yeah; i, too, was ( *...am)* MOST (favourably) impressed!! i do believe, as well, that...'Wicca', and (many "branches" [ ...?? ] of) 'Buddhism', might well, also, be quite 'welcoming/ accepting/etc, of...and, to...our 'LGBTQIA+ Community'. But, 'Sikhi(sm) truly *does* sound like a *lovely* ( ...and, very interesting) Faith, and Philosophy...yes?!!
@MJ khan if you are here to just be disrespectful, rethink your choices.
@MJ khan By saying that only Sikhism is made by a person. Technically, all faiths are made by enlightened people
Islam also says this, it is a sin but you can still be Muslim and a great one in fact
@@uzzy_787 no it is haram
I've been an atheist most of my life, but this religion is something special. I've discovered it only a few weeks ago and man, what a beautiful thing Sikhism is. Sikhs are so lovely, you just have to respect them for their kind ways. I have nothing but love for them.
I totally agree! Heard about this religion just this week and have immersed myself learning about it.
@@lucasstuart-chilcote7069 it's incredibly interesting
So when you see a Sikh Out in street don’t hate or stare. Which we usually get in London.
@@lucasstuart-chilcote7069 how did it turn out lol
Some People are attracted toward same gender and demading marriage rights but what if in future which is also somewhat happening nowadays like sex with animals and demand of marriage with animals and Ai robots or virtual objects.
This man doesnt preach. He s educating people. That’s the best form of preaching because he gives information without trying to convert anyone. And his message is delivered well because one will listen to him.
How beautiful this religion is! And this man and his speech is very attractive. I am an atheist, but now I think I have to read guru granth shahib
Ankon Rahman thank u for ur appreciation of our religion!!!
Jess xox not just your religion it's a way of living for the world it belongs to everyone who accept the gurus in their hearts.
Ls Man 🙏🙏
Jess xox just saying, lol
Jesus AS Is Coming Mehdi AS is Coming exactly. I left Sikhism to be Muslim - don’t go there come back to Alllah
I am a Christian and have known wonderful people who are Sikhi's.Truely respect this faith.
Sikh culture does not identify homosexuality in the same way it doesn't single out females from males in religious discussions. The culture is about embracing EVERYONE regardless of who they are, where they come from or what religious beliefs they may hold. Sikhism is about respect and love of all mankind....it's that simple.
In that case why did Guru Hargobind and Guru Gobind Singh Ji fight jangs? Why were the masands put to death? Why did Baba Deep Singh become shaheed? Why did Peer Buddhu Shah fight at Bhangani? Why did Guru Ji send Bhai Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh into battle at Chamkaur Sahib? Why did Bhai Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh behead Massa Ranghar? You know nothing about Sikhi. Its clear you have no knowledge of ithias or gurbani. Keep spreading the corrupted world view you have been brainwashed with by mainstream culture and media.
@@singh5875 what does your narrative push? Who is really corrupting who because you seem an elitist who is discontent with his inner being so you have to infect that morale to others, and yes the word is infect because your thoughts and thought process imitate that of a disease more than the cure. Fuckin idiot.
@@singh5875 but what’s your point ?
@@singh5875 what's your point bro?
@@singh5875 what
I'm an ex-Christian and an atheist for decades. I have been checking out Sikhism for a while now and this man makes me lean even closer to becoming involved with god again.
Titanium Ovaries that's very kind of u to say. As a sikh I appreciate the fact that u are taking interest in our religion. I also believe that every religion leads u to that path of peace and God. So thank u for choosing to look through our religion 💖💕
Abu Adam hahaha what do u mean sikh is very old? Sikhism is the newest and youngest religion created and that's why so scientifically true. Did u know that NASA keeps Guru Granth Sahib Ji in their headquarters so that they can find our more about our world bc Grabth Sahib ji has so much true information? Why isn't the quaran there? Now I'm not hating , Muslims and the Quaran is just as beautiful as any other religion. But if ur going to talk bad about my religion , I'm here to prove u that ur wrong .
sikhi is much more closer to a native tradition than a middle eastern abrahamic religion.
Sikhs don't follow prophets. Prophets are for middle easterners and I guess westerners as well. We follow Gurus and Guru traditions. In India and the East, Guru traditions are different from Prophet traditions.
check Islam but real Islam not what you see or hear about :D
The Sikhs are a great people. I hope their ideas grow. As a rasta I agree
Sikhs are so dignified and bring to Britain a wonderful serenity.
I live in the Italian countryside, and regularly meet Sikhs while in town. We have many Sikhs here who work on the farms. They're peaceful people with warm smiles. We're blessed to have them. Beautiful people.
Love to Sikhs who I've witnessed rushing in on situations that could endanger themselves to help someone. Respect to them from Texas.
Sikhs understand very much about war and peace. Peaceful people who are good soldiers.
I learnt a lot from this video rest in peace to this amazing man ❤️
Sadly Jagraj passed away last year 2017
rest in peace brother .. may lord always takes care of you and your family
Is this gentleman dead
@@SomitPal yea he died back in 2017
Simply amazing. What a beautiful way to life. Raj karega KHALSA !!!
Sikhs have a very beautiful way of life, I don't know anyone sikh but still I k ow how peacefully they are !
try and find some Sikh sangat (holy congregation) they will welcome you humbly and you can ask them anything, provided they are an initiated Sikh. Never listen to any advice given from a non-initiated Sikh btw
Hello, nice to meet you. Now you know one. 😍
Most excellent explanation!!! He is pretty awesome
What an incredible response
I like these people! I hope more of these people move into the USA! 🇺🇸
so good to hear somebody speaking the truth . I respect this man this is really throws a spanner in the Works doesn't it, they tell me I'm a bigot and racist I would love this man to live next door to meI'll give him my full respect and friendship I will fight shoulder to shoulder width Mohan Singh
Tony Davenport hi mate were you watching Mohan Singh make a speech on the football association rally?
He is no more. RIP
listening to you is giving me new fresh hope. I don't want to seem as though I'm in patronising you . so you are not one of ignorant young people who bought into Jeremy Corbyn. hallelujah message for left and the liberals. think! it is not illegal yet . In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act "it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled" Donald Trump is a man you should respect and love. I suppose it's very difficult for you to accept that you have been fooled by Obama and Hillary Clinton. and huge power of the media. the righteous ones have nothing to fear. for you trump haters you are not capable of love if you have so much hate. as I said the righteous ones have nothing to fear! “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
*"Tony truth"* ...Ohhhh, blah-blah-Blah-Blah-BLAH-BLAH- *BLAH...!*
Homosexuality was EXTREMLY uncommon during the Guru's times, thats why it is not mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji......... The only reason it is taboo is because of society and backward minded views. We as humans have come a long way and shouldn't be bothered by others actions or sexuality. STOP basing this on religion. If you think about it ones gender has NOTHING to do with religion. Escpecially Sikhi considering its such a peacfull and accepting religion
incorrect it was common. However it was a non issue and not important
Incorrect Kaam of anyform is a disease of the mind. for example, you could be heterosexual but be watching porn everyday. isnt that a disease?
How am I incorrect? Which specific points do you disagree with? If you have issue with the truth then stay in your false little world. You can't just say your wrong without any substance smh. A sign of someone that has lost argument is when they bring up other points and not deal with the points in hand. This is what you are doing lol! You have either not comprehended my statement or like to be on the losing side of an argument, both scenarios are quite damning really!
*Mnrt sa* ~Ohhhh...so, "Homosexuality was EXTREMELY uncommon during the Guru's [ sic ] times..." ?? And *you,* of course, *were there* ...to *witness* and, *'attest'* to, this "fact"...YES?? *Am-a-a-a-zing,* darling; and, just *how* old are you, now...?!? Although, 'otherwise'...i *like* what ya said ({; D) ...!!!
*"Param Eshwar"* ~omg; you *cannot* be serious [ ...regarding *anything,* about which you are - *so* "intellectually" ??? - ranting ] ...!!!
Sikhi doesnt really have a stance on homosexuality directly, but definitely stresses the fact one should live in a family setting/life. In this context, family is defined by husband, wife, and children. That said, mainstream Punjabi culture is definitely not accepting of homosexuality, though individuals may differ.
Neither does it hate.
This video need to go viral. Period
I don't want to sound snobby or anything but Sikhism is the only religion I know that I really get. It's just such a free religion, something that might be hard to fund in other religions
you are so young but still so wise..well done betaji
OMG that is really sad why all nice people have to die so young...he talked sense may be God needed him more than us corrupt humans...He is in the safe hands now. May God bless his soul.
Sinjin Smyth have some respect for the man.....he has done much for the sikhs
*"Sinjin Smyth"* ~anal passage ({: \ ) ...!
Sinjin Smyth Have some respect. He’s educating people.
Awesome video... I have been researching this religion for awhile now.. What a wonderful take on life.
Guru Nanak ji said everyone is equal ❤️🙏
Fair answer. He did not claim to have knowledge of what the official view is but made the claim of respecting everyone.
TheAKCrew thank you so much for that insightful comment and finding out the real motives of my comment. Lol... sweetie I was raised as a punjabi hindu but I am an atheist now. I do not believe in magic daddies and mommies existing in the clouds . to me it doesn't matter Whether its Hinduism and Sikhism islamism or Christianity it's all stupid fairy tales to me. I just feel he does not have any idea about the topic i.e homosexuality that he's talking about. Have a nice day
First see what sikhism is.
As a Sikh, I don't encourage LGBTQ, and homosexuals of course cannot participate in the Anand Carage marriage ceremony, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't treat everyone with respect and kindness.
that's probably the correct thing. Especially the fact that they target young children to indoctrinate them with lgbt views. So many people who aren't really lgbt, they become it due to constant indoctrination. Sikhi promotes family life.
There are so many things I'd like to say to this guy, all constructive and amicable, but I just hope that the Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and all the other religions can continue to help make multiculturalism work. The majority of Muslims hopefully want to help multiculturalism to work, but too many stand silent when it comes to the hostility towards non-Muslims. We are not an empire anymore. We are a single society. The 1980s race riots in the UK were an abomination, but it has been two generations since then where most of us live as a congruous unit. Let's go on 'together'.
No words to praise bhai sahib bhai jugraj singh ji khalsa rest in peace
nice guy , speaks well and i like his message
At least I know which group to surround myself with whenever I go to India.
you all need to know that sikhi is not a bodily state but a state of mind and as long as you are connected to God from the inside, whatever the body does is not really a concern and if you are connected from within, your body would act accordingly. sikhi talks about controlling the 5 bodily evils, lust, anger, greed, attachment to materials and pride and as long as you have control over these 5 evils, your spiritual connection with God will never break but as soon as you let your body surrender to these 5 evils, your connection with the ONE, breaks. to put it in context, homosexuality is a 'no problem' in sikhi because it is not at all a way of life that emphasizes on the outlook of a person or their side that the world can see and feel but the side of them that is hidden, the 'inside' of a person or the mind, so to say. i hope i could explain it.
Quick question for all the Sikhs out there: How do agnostics like myself fit into your beliefs? I've always wondered that.
Surgé Land Well, Sikhs are prohibited from forcing people to convert firstly, it goes against every aspect of our teachings and our goal of helping society so nobody would force you to do anything. Obviously god is a major part of the religion and is integral. However, as a sikh myself, I have always been taught to accept others despite being athiest or religious and just to encourage finding your own path to helping mankind, and finding peace in yourself. No judgement. Apologies if that sounds a bit lofty but it's truly what I've been taught
The path is not really about anyone having to fit in, it's more about helping any and all individuals liberating themselves mentally and physically, at whatever point they may be in their life. Guru Granth Sahib, the teachings written by the masters/founders, are for all who wish to help themselves, it isn't really about whether you identify as an agnostic, or if someone else doesn't identify with anything at all. The first character the teachings start with is "1", which means that all is one, there is nothing but one. I hope that helps.
I have always had a profound respect for Sikhs. And you have both reminded me why. Thank you. I try to keep an open mind as an agnostic I believe that there is no proof for or against god's existence. I hold respect Sikhs as much as I do because of their accepting values. It's beautiful to hear. Thank you both.
The proof is within yourself. Become aware of each layer of the mind, then you will see there is something else in existence. That is the soul which is part of and directly connected to God. If you haven't studied the 4 components of antahkarana then that would be a good place to start in becoming aware of your mind and ultimately come to understand that you are neither mind nor body.
good question. To be utterly honest and avoid deception the Guru has strong words for people who dont meditate. The Guru says you came on earth to join with the creator and your life was wasted.
So to be honest an agnostic is similar to even someone who "believes" in a religion or as an "athiest" because they are not always conscious of the one energy inside and outside of them.
As a sikh ones duty is to merge with the "one" that is you and me and "others" and to lose your identity which will give one bliss but also success.
Then your lifecycles will end and you have dissolved. You are living dead, in bliss and a servant to humanity which cannot be corrupted.
thank you! God bless the sikh
Sat sri akal ji...I have a question and i'd really appreciate your answer... I have been curious about this and so i wanna know if an amridhari sikh can wear makeup or even apply baby powder??
No no no. Stay in natural form. Plus even if you wanted to wear make up and baby powder don't you know they contain many cancer causing and toxic ingredients e.g. talc, formaldehyde releasers, endocrine disruptor, benzene, aromatic compounds, preservatives, heavy metals etc so even from a health perspective it is detrimental. Google each ingredient on these products and see for yourself!
To the point, there is no objection to wear make up or apply baby powder
@@alexysq2660 it's very sad of you to look down upon another community and to call them evil is just too much
@@poojakaur2424 Omg, darling, noooo 🤦😂🤷 : i'd just written that as sarcastic/facaetious joking "humour" really - absolutely and certainly NO criticism of, "look(ing) down upon", nor slagging-off, a n y 'branch' at all of the LGBTQ+ Community; am in fact a "T-member" myself actually 😃🌹💋💖...!
@@poojakaur2424 Am sincerely so sorry i'd not actually made that a bit more clear in the first place 🤦😒🤷 / 💖💖....
Guru nanak 2 companions 1 muslim 1 hindu
they may have had that beginning but by association became steadfast sikhs
It's a very general religion I feel, that shy aways from specific questions. Maybe there is no literature on many issues in sikhi.
Yes us British where empiricist in the past but your culture has enriched us and thank you, but I have seen some negativity on youtube about marriage to non believers in modern culture is that a thing.
ਮਃ ੧ ॥
ਭੰਡਿ ਜੰਮੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਨਿੰਮੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਮੰਗਣੁ ਵੀਆਹੁ ॥
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married.
ਆਦਮੀ ਇਸਤਰੀ ਦੇ ਅੰਦਰ ਨਿਪਜਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਸਤਰੀ ਤੋਂ ਹੀ ਪੈਦਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਸਤਰੀ ਨਾਲ ਹੀ ਉਸ ਦਾ ਮੰਗਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਵਾਹ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੧ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੮
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਭੰਡਹੁ ਹੋਵੈ ਦੋਸਤੀ ਭੰਡਹੁ ਚਲੈ ਰਾਹੁ ॥
Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.
ਇਸਤਰੀ ਨਾਲ ਹੀ ਆਦਮੀ ਯਾਰੀ ਗੰਢਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਸਤਰੀ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਹੀ ਉਤਪਤੀ ਦਾ ਮਾਰਗ ਜਾਰੀ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੨ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੮
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਭੰਡੁ ਮੁਆ ਭੰਡੁ ਭਾਲੀਐ ਭੰਡਿ ਹੋਵੈ ਬੰਧਾਨੁ ॥
When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.
ਜਦ ਬੰਦੇ ਦੀ ਪਤਨੀ ਮਰ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਹੈ ਹੋਰ ਇਸਤਰੀ ਲਭੀ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਹੈ। ਇਸਤਰੀ ਨਾਲ ਬੰਦਾ ਜਬਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੩ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੮
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਸੋ ਕਿਉ ਮੰਦਾ ਆਖੀਐ ਜਿਤੁ ਜੰਮਹਿ ਰਾਜਾਨ ॥
So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.
ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਬੁਰਾ ਕਿਉਂ ਕਹੀਏ, ਜਿਸ ਤੋਂ ਪਾਤਸ਼ਾਹ ਪੈਦਾ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ?
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੪ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੯
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਭੰਡਹੁ ਹੀ ਭੰਡੁ ਊਪਜੈ ਭੰਡੈ ਬਾਝੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ॥
From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.
ਇਸਤਰੀ ਤੋਂ ਇਸਤਰੀ ਪੈਦਾ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ। ਇਸਤਰੀ ਦੇ ਬਿਨਾ ਕੋਈ ਭੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੫ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੯
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਨਾਨਕ ਭੰਡੈ ਬਾਹਰਾ ਏਕੋ ਸਚਾ ਸੋਇ ॥
O Nanak, only the True Lord is without a woman.
ਨਾਨਕ ਕੇਵਲ ਇਕ ਉਹ ਸੱਚਾ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਹੀ ਇਸਤਰੀ ਦੇ ਬਗੈਰ ਹੈ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੬ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੦
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਜਿਤੁ ਮੁਖਿ ਸਦਾ ਸਾਲਾਹੀਐ ਭਾਗਾ ਰਤੀ ਚਾਰਿ ॥
That mouth which praises the Lord continually is blessed and beautiful.
ਮੁਖੜਾ ਜੋ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਹੀ ਮਾਲਕ ਦਾ ਜੱਸ ਉਚਾਰਨ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਉਹ ਕਰਮਾਂ ਵਾਲਾ ਅਤੇ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਹੈ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੭ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੦
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਨਾਨਕ ਤੇ ਮੁਖ ਊਜਲੇ ਤਿਤੁ ਸਚੈ ਦਰਬਾਰਿ ॥੨॥
O Nanak, those faces shall be radiant in the Court of the True Lord. ||2||
ਨਾਨਕ ਉਹ ਚਿਹਰੇ ਉਸ ਸੱਚੇ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਦੀ ਦਰਗਾਹ ਵਿੱਚ ਰੌਸ਼ਨ ਹੋਣਗੇ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯) ਸ. (੧) ੨:੮ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੦
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਪਉੜੀ ॥
ਆਸਾ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ: (ਮਃ ੧) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩
ਸਭੁ ਕੋ ਆਖੈ ਆਪਣਾ ਜਿਸੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਸੋ ਚੁਣਿ ਕਢੀਐ ॥
All call You their own, Lord; one who does not own You, is picked up and thrown away.
ਸਾਰੇ ਤੈਨੂੰ ਆਪਣਾ ਨਿੱਜ ਦਾ ਕਹਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜਿਸ ਦਾ ਤੂੰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈਂ, ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਚੁਗ ਕੇ ਬਾਹਰ ਸੁੱਟ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯):੧ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੧
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਕੀਤਾ ਆਪੋ ਆਪਣਾ ਆਪੇ ਹੀ ਲੇਖਾ ਸੰਢੀਐ ॥
Everyone receives the rewards of his own actions; his account is adjusted accordingly.
ਹਰ ਜਣੇ ਨੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਨਿੱਜ ਦੇ ਕਰਮਾਂ ਦਾ ਫਲ ਭੁਗਤਣਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਹਿਸਾਬ-ਕਿਤਾਬ ਚੁਕਤਾ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯):੨ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੨
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਜਾ ਰਹਣਾ ਨਾਹੀ ਐਤੁ ਜਗਿ ਤਾ ਕਾਇਤੁ ਗਾਰਬਿ ਹੰਢੀਐ ॥
Since one is not destined to remain in this world anyway, why should he ruin himself in pride?
ਜਦ ਆਦਮੀ ਨੇ ਇਸ ਜਹਾਨ ਅੰਦਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਰਹਿਣਾ ਤਾਂ ਉਹ ਕਿਉਂ ਹੰਕਾਰ ਕਰੇ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯):੩ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੨
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਮੰਦਾ ਕਿਸੈ ਨ ਆਖੀਐ ਪੜਿ ਅਖਰੁ ਏਹੋ ਬੁਝੀਐ ॥
Do not call anyone bad; read these words, and understand.
ਕਿਸੇ ਨੂੰ ਭੀ ਬੁਰਾ ਨਾਂ ਕਹੁ, ਇਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵਾਚਕੇ ਇਸ ਗੱਲ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝੋ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯):੪ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੩
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
ਮੂਰਖੈ ਨਾਲਿ ਨ ਲੁਝੀਐ ॥੧੯॥
Don't argue with fools. ||19||
ਬੇਵਕੂਫ ਨਾਲ ਵਾਦ-ਵਿਵਾਦ ਨਾਂ ਕਰ।
ਆਸਾ ਵਾਰ (ਮਃ ੧) (੧੯):੫ - ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੪੭੩ ਪੰ. ੧੩
Raag Asa Guru Nanak Dev
i really enjoyed that ,m what a kind man
It is very difficult for many thinkers to imagine that homosexuality exists. This is because diversity is not taught within the church, upbringing and school. Homosexuality has always existed and is a natural variation. It is what it is. To counteract this is the same as complaining that the sun shines every day. Not accepting, that which is, is harmful and degrading for the person concerned.
So are you saying Sikhism accepts homosexuality or not ? Or you saying all this pro LGBT to please people .
I have heard from other Sikhs homosexuality is unacceptable so are you as an individual saying the opposite
There is a difference between Sikhism and punjabism, as Sikhism promotes equality, not judging anyone, accepetance. The Punjabi culture is a bit harsh just like many indian cultures, opperesment of women, against homosexuals etc.
Everyone deserves Love and Freedom...
It is true that anger and hatred are born out of ignorance.
Waheguru 🙏
The Guru Granth Sahib opens with the basic concept of the One Universal, supreme Energy called by so many different names across humanity,.
Ik oankar - One absolute being (God)
Satnam - Eternal truth it's name
Karta Purkh - Creator
Nirbau - without fear
Nirvair - without hate/ enmity
Akal Murat - Deathless/timeless image
Ajuni - Beyound birth and death
Saibang - self existant
Gurprasad - known by the Guru's Grace.
This is repeated numerous times and at the start of every section as a constant reminder.
In the words of the tenth Sikh Guru - Guru Gobind Singh "recognise the human race as ONE"
Just Great १ॐ-(☬)
Got a question, I do understadn Guru G was a person and then at the same time u call Guru g is God, how can a person be a God,
Guru is Homographic word, which means who takes you away from darkness to light,,,, God is Guru, God's word is Guru, 10 Sikh masters r Guru....... But God is supreme Guru that's why we call him WAHEGURU .......
Guru is teacher, guru is source, guru is god (now one quality of god, he will not say I’m god) god is v modest, I’m sure. And this remind of Kabir ji doha, where he say to god. I’m in dilemma, who’s feet should I touch first? You (god) or my teacher (Guru) who made me capable to meet you. So PERSPECTIVE.
I would love to see this brother walk down Broad St, Bham on a Saturday night. That's #kalyugcentral
Gurtekh Singh he passed away to cancer
*Gurtekh Singh* ~Oohhh, dearie: so what's "kalyug" then, when it's at home...for us, "un-initiated" ({: D) ...?!?
Boxing myself into an identity, even as beautiful as this one doesn't sit well with me.
Woman asking question needs to get to the point.
A lot of poetry in the gurbani is men, writing from a female perspective (pretending to be women) - about the union with another man (being god). It’s all about ecstasy, using sexual imagery to describe the bliss of union with god. Orgasmic being the only way to describe the moment. Courtship, wedding night, being a bride. Lots and lots of sexual imagery and couple’s language.
At face value it’s quiet homoerotic verses. Guys talking about other guy. Similar to the homoeroticism in Sufism. Bhakti movement that Sikhism comes from is similar in evocative imagery poetically.
You could argue the text is very homoerotic from a metaphorical and plain interpretation of the Gurbani text.
As a Sikh one can't judge another of what they want to do. In the same way though a Sikh must compel themselves and their friends to keep lust out of their heart. Marriage is the time that chastity can end with having children, but in any personal desire connected with LGBTQI your thoughts are contrary to that philosophy. Also in the same way a Sikh carries the 5 K's that are articles of faith to keep your dedication on track. To take what God has given to you as a gift and not disassociate with it. Keeping your Keesh (hair uncut). To keep it clean and manageable with the Kanga (wooden comb). Wearing the Kara (metal bracelet) for defense and in union with God's never ending love. Wearing cotton undergarments to shield from lust. To wear a weapon Kirpan in defense of your neighbor and yourself. These things require a courage that goes beyond selfish weakness that most are incapable of. When one falls short of pleasing God that is upon him, but to conspire with another in doing things or to influence others especially the young that are influenced is a thousand times worse.
Wait, Im attracted to the same sex because cultural marxism? Homosexuality has existed as long as we have recorded history, it seems to be a genetic based issue. Can it be used by social engineers? Obviously, just as anything it can be used as a tool for whomever wields power.
That does not mean the thing in question is what they want it to be. Christianity may or may not have truth in it regardless of the fact that it is used as a tool of control. This applies to all things.
Being virgins till marriage is meaningless in modern times since people marry only in their mid 20's or later. These chastity rules were made at a time when people got married in their mid teens. This is why religion fails since it is stagnant and does not change with time.
Sexual preferences of a person are decided when a child is in womb. No wonder why many gay men don't have beards, their hormonal levels make them incline towards the same sex probably. He is not encouraging luster or anything. He is just saying as a human being let us don't interfere in someones personal affairs.. And don't judge them.. See them as God's creature,,, if you know about Sikhs there is a line that without God's will even a leaf can't move.. So co spider it as God's will and abide by it.. 😊 😊 Have a great day..
Mike Scott Singh Sikhism teaches to keep lust away from our mind.. it says that we should not be controlled by sexual desires. How is lust equal to being homosexual?
Sikh's good!
you have basic belief/recognition of karma isn't it?
He is so good looking.
Its nice having a perfect world where everybody is god fearing but sardar jib you haven't answered two questions which arise in my head having homosexual thoughts Nd how does sikhi reflect upon two consenting adults carrying out the sexual act of the same gender. Thank god for Islam and the way of the prophet.
Dear , thoth shall not judge one another . This sentences may be found in all religious book .
Muslim religion is practiced all over the world and the arabians are interneditors of islamic religion but the higher homosexuals in the world are arabian . There fore don't support of criticised any religion .
A question with all respect, if you might answer: in another video, you say that homosexuals cannot marry the ones they love. If they are to be Sikhs as much as anyone else as you say here, which I thought was wonderful, do they not also have the right to have a family based on love and live a contented, peaceful and compassionate family life? I'm only wondering if you have changed your mind about same-sex marriage. Apologies for anything I may have misunderstood.
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh.
Perhaps as a gay man that is interested in Sikhism I may have had a prejudicial ear when listening to this. I feel like there may be a question in his heart about how Sikhism approaches homosexuality. Yes, peace, love, and compassion is garnered to all human beings but Sikhism stops short of embracing homosexual relationships. When he speaks about the British influence on Sikh culture and also the general sentiments of Indian culture towards homosexuality; I feel like he is questioning if these are truly in line with Sikh teachings. In any event I personally will continue to learn about this religion if only to better understand my Sikh brothers and sisters. As it is, I am a Roman Catholic. Sikhism certainly doesn't have a harsher stance on homosexuality than us Catholics do.
Evan Czarovich sikhi is unique because it's your own personal spirituality with the Guru.With the Guru Granth Sahib ji.And no one can deny your right to embark on your spiritual journey but on the whole it's always what people make it out to be
Evan Czarovich he said once in the past, a quote I find very applicable, "whoever you love, will never limit how much you love your guru, as long as you're faithful".
"As it is, I am a Roman Catholic. Sikhism certainly doesn't have a harsher stance on homosexuality than us Catholics do"
Do you remember what the Catholic Church did to homosexuals several centuries ago - torture.
Think before you speak!!
Justin M you must come above all sexual preference or relationships and just pray to God he will help you live tgen
"Christian reverend, kind of an idiot..Sorry I kind of left that too wide open" 😁
Being of Punjabi descent, I can tell you that most Punjabis would be against what he is saying. Most Punjabis are homophobic.
If the gurus had caught two singhs bumming each other back in the days what would they have done? Serious answers please.
as there were people staying in close proximities in deras and khalsa armies, there probably were some males who got up to stuff like that. However, I haven't read anything about anyone being caught! Stuff like this happens now in deras and dals as well, obviously undercover as I have never really read a case about it. But there have been some Sant babas in the media in the past few years with some controversies about this.
SInghs of old never did that.
Probably would have turned a blind eye to such an immoral crime!
Guru ji was a battyman
i dont think back in that day, homosexuality was a known fact even to homosexuals. as in, they were probably attracted to the same gender but didn't know what it was or what they were feeling. so, i think its highly unlikely that what you wrote about, happened back then.
The Christian pastor referred to in passing in the video is Steven Anderson who is a most hateful man. He is anti-Semitic and homophobic. His comments about the Orlando Massacre were deplorable. Anderson could usefully learn from the tenets of Sikhism.
Pr Anderson has been refused entry to a number of countries because of his hate speech. I support free speech so am reticent to have awful people like Anderson shut down so long as at the same time that he and his views are exposed for what they are. I cannot agree he is funny.
Halemi Raj #compassionate kingdom
So this sikh Kingdom he talks about gave equal rights to lgbt? No not at all. Did it punish criminals? Yes. Why didn't it forgive criminals instead? Guru Nanak was very sufi minded and forgiving but such a philosophy has limitations because law and order including moral legislation and conventions are necessary for human life! Forgiveness and love which nanak sahab spoke of has to operate within these boundaries
and what do your people do still to this day
Abdullah K ... stick to your Islamic prison.
so you have no answer, and nothing is clear...wow.
*Trab Ali* ~Don't you *really* mean, "The Answer"...that *you* wanted/hoped to hear?!? Why *should/Would/"MUST"* there, even, *be* "an Answer"...or, any "Pronouncement" *whatever, on* 'the matter'??? Just what *is* the 'point' of [ ...having been "given... ] *free will", anyway;* so God can have yet MORE opportunity to [ ...gleefully... ] "Punish"...?!?
Well if it doesn’t say it’s bad and says that everyone should be loved then I’m sure that’s a clear enough answer? try thinking before typing ,, thanks.
@@simh8687 well it doesn't say good either? So it's more of sitting on the fence with no real idea if it's permissible or not , or if it's good or not.
Sikhi accepts the LGBT community
@@alexysq2660 sorry i dont know what your trying to say.
I knew a Sikh family that had to deal with having a homosexual daughter; it was NOT pretty.
*Bradley Greenwood* ~Have you ever seen the film, *"Bend It Like Beckham"* ?? [ ...'set'/filmed, i *believe,* IN Southall; i'm from Hanwell, btw...! ] But, it *does* all tie-in with what he was saying...!
It was probably their Punjabi culture cuz Sikhism and punjabisim isn't the same thing
why are the sikhs so much cooler than the muslims?
The belief in hell and the need to purify your society of evil causes unethical actions. Same problem in Christianity. Both religions are genocidal and need to be dumped
Rest in Power, 🙏
The God of heaven and earth is Elder Park Tae Sun.
Do you know God's name?
In the West, in the fear of the name of God, in the east, of the glory of God.
Here is the name of God. It means that God came out of man.
Is there anyone in the world who announced that I am God?
In 1980, Elder Park Tae Sun declared, "I am God!"
I will reveal to the world that Korea is the East, the place to fear the glory of God.
In Israel, the East is the Republic of Korea.
In Japan, keep the islands quiet in the Bible! It means not you.
There will also be a nation that will never perish.
A country that is not destroyed here forever is a country where the sun will lose its light and will emerge afterward!
It is the country of Park Tae Sun.
Do you know that the candlestick of Israel came to the East as the East?
You will see that in the Republic of Korea there is a new, never-destroying country.
God's Word of Man's Creation, the Word of the Alien, the Word of the End Times, and the Word of the eternal world are recorded on the following website.
Chale gye bhaiya bye bye c u
with all Due respect, I understand that the sikhs love everyone, and do not have a problem with the LGBT community. yet they must produce children. I dont understand this. if a man is Gay he will respect woman for who they are, and the miracle of being able to produce new life, but there will be no sexual interest. so how can this come to pass,
outside of artificial insemination?
You have been confused by this man's personal opinions. He is not stating the stance of Sikhism which is against LGBT( and any other added letters). What he is giving you is a politically correct, flowery, New Age world view manufactured by UN globalists. Sex is only for procreation. Gayness stems from the root lust. If you overcome lust which is required to conquer the mind and experience the soul then LGBT ceases to exist. These desires are only there because the mind is polluted so how can one's mind and all of its projections (e.g lust-->lgbt) be defeated? Through remembering God's name. So easy yet so hard.
Well, *DUSTERDUDE238,* he never *said* that ALL Sikhs are LGBT+ ...! So, what really *is* your "point"???
*"Param Eshwar"* *~YOU ARE AN HOMOSEXUAL...!!!!!* [ *...Admit* It; 'Confession' Will Set You *Free...!!!* ]
You Forgot to mention Pakistani Punjab "They are called Hijras"
That’s not true
He mentioned ranjeet sikh he was from west Punjab (Pakistan ) most of his soldiers were Muslims who distroyed all Afghani gay armies. Afghans only can dance in women's close. We Pakistani Punjabi army destroyed all Talibans in Pakistan they all run off to Afghanistan.
Good to hear that he said that SGGS doesn't say anything about homosexuals. If you read it, it is mostly about worshiping/praying to god, remembering god, and morality/ethics.
Homosexuals do not reproduce, they do not produce stable families in the society, they live for themselves, they are not invested in the future of raising healthy children, when they die that is it. Compared to a heterosexual man who marries and takes care of his wife, has children, provides resources for his family, raises the next generation to be god loving and serving his fellow human being.
From this picture I painted who is of higher moral quality and character? The answer should be obvious, this is why Christians consider homosexuality as sin, and they have a strong point, I probably wouldn't go that far, because I do believe in freedom and liberty as do most Christians today.
PunjabiSikhRajput1 you call yourself a Rajput and a Sikh, and in Doing so you defeat the purpose of being a Sikh. You accept a caste from the purusa sukta of the Vedas that the Sikhs are not told to follow and in doing so you also implicitly support untouchability or slavery. Guru sahab says that we needn't do any prayers to make waheguru feel good, prayers are for only making us feel better. The aarti Sahib of Guru Nanak ji says that the Akal purakh himself or itself (Infact using itself would be wrong because it is all that exists yet not an isolated collection of material) praises himself. The winds in their currents, the flowers in their scent, the trees in Their blushing all perform a worship under the light of stars, so how should we pray on to thee, says Guru sahib,,he continues to say that thousands are thine eyes yet thy has not even one
I pay homage to my forefathers who were Rajputs, I will not forget my ancestry for ideals or hurt feelings of untouchables. I also do believe in system of hierarchy based on merit, also known as meritocracy. The Hindu varna (caste) system was once like this, but turned into something else latter on, which I do not approve off. This is why the western countries especially America are so precious, regardless of your fathers background you can become any profession you want to be become based on your own hard work regardless of caste or creed.
Rajputs? the ones who colluded with the Mughals?
*PunjabiSikhRajput1* ~Tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-t's right, dearie; *everyone* needs to, "re-pro-DUCE...Re-pro-DUCE...RE-Pro-DUCE...-DUCE... *-DUCE",* until the planet is SO overpopulated that it can't sustain *diddly-squat!* Is *that* it, then...?!?
*"Sinjin Smyth"* ...blah-blah-Blah-Blah...BLAH-BLAH- *BLAH!!!* [ *...NOW, SISSY.THAT.WALK...!* ]
It's not about but a amrit Sikh can't be gay. It's simple bani talks about marriage of man and woman
An amrit sikh can't be intolerant or judgmental, bani talks about this as well, it's addressed in japji.
I appreciate your opinion, brother, but we have to look to the deeper meaning in Guru ji's language and not let a superficial reading (that may conveniently back up our own prejudices) cause us to attribute our own manmukh opinions to the Gurus.
Pardeep singh Klair......................... i thought it was a a message to our ego filled mind to forgo the attachment of family friends and other impermanent things and focus on Waheguru. No where as far as I know does it speak of man and women.
Rick Nash what the hell has it to do with you? Guru Nanak also did not say that the sun sets in a muddy pool
Rick Nash You cannot be a Sikh but that is a moot point. These people are welcome in my society because we are all one.
Akal Takhat (Sikh Supreme body) has rejected homosexuality.
Tarsem Singh Gurus never rejected anyone and there is a lot of misconceptions going on now
Akal Takhat is slowly turning into a political entity ....... Please stick to the OFFICIAL teachings of guru maharaj's
Tarsem Singh
Who gives flying fuck to Akal Thakat
Sinjin Smyth I lol always be singh don't worry but saying this u have shown what background u came from and u have a fake name I'll just say what my Guru had told me to say waheguru
These are not foreign values these are Gurus Values accepting everyone remember it is souls connection with Gurus not sexuality
If GOD has god no hate, then how will he treat the person if lets say he murders your infant baby? Stop teaching your man made religion, or i guess keep at it, your own demise. Live and let live i guess.
Did muhamod fly on a donkey and split the moon in half?🤣
Karma exists so god doesn't hate but will make people learn the lesson
@@jaipreetsingh6566 May i ask, in Sikhism, do Sikhs believe in heaven or hell? If yes that’s cool, but why there are still Sikhs that said they believe in it when it’s opposed to the original teaching? Sorry, I’m not really religious person so i would like to know!
@@tiara_krunch2437 we don't believe in heaven or hell, we believe in reincarnation. Well Sikhism provides teachings but at last it comes down to an individual to take those teachings and act upon it or do Uther wise. If they wanna believe in heaven and hell and follow Sikhism i can simply make it to their knowledge about the sikh philosophy of afterdeath and then it's their division to what they should believe and follow it will not be my place to manupulate or force my believes on them.
gays and lesbians need to read gurbani .it is a divine revelation.
Nice fake channel there. are you a hick?
singhs of punjab you need to convert to Islam as you are full of hatred
+raj uk oh yes, Islam is very progressive towards gay people. No, not really.
you cant be a real singh. stop pretending to be one. quote me one, just one verse from the guru granth sahib where maharaj talks against homosexuality and i can quote you thousands of verses where guru talks about all of us as humans, and dasam granth talks about human lust which is only a bodily state whereas being a sikh is not only an outlook but the inner state of a person. homosexuals are more than welcome to practice sikhi as their way of life.
Phil Maplesden relax man we are not mortal kombat characters.do you think you are kenshi ?
i respect peoples way of life/choice and i have had sikh friends but he is explaining in such a way of straddling a fine line to appease and appear neutral to fit the present .... i dont think the old gurus would have tolerated homosexuality.
But, *byte punk* ...he did speak on that *exact* thing!
Old gurus? So who are the new gurus? Gurus are gurus right? Why are there old and new?
The guru granth sahib( written by the guru's themselves) preach about eacceptence to everyone. It preaches about 1 God and 1 humanity and love towards everyone, it is also against judging any other human as Sikhs are to be told to reflect the qualities of God and become better human beings, God doesn't judge, it's without hate, without fear
so non sikh punjabis according to you are bad dude punjab means five rivers which comes from the sanskrit word panch eeb. and this land is much older than sikhism itself.....indian culture was never against lgbt......you look into kamasutra ....there are many references regarding freedom of lgbt.....its just that we indians have been made to forget our ancient and rich culture and have been lied about
*Arc aka Aeon* ...
@Pheromone Z the persian word itself is derived from sanskrit
What do you call a homosexual sikh?
Jaswant- chittar
Your sense of humour is complete shit
Halemi raj ask all the people sikhs massacred in india
Gay men and gay women are of a higher order spiritually than their hetrosexual counterparts. The homosexual person is more spiritual as they lack the need to look after a future growing family. The family with a gay sibling, gay son or gay daughter is very blessed because the gay child looks after the aging parents. The gay child spends time focusing on spiritual things while the straight child is focused on family, work and making money to care for the family. The gay sibling is a helper and friend. Most gays are talented in dual gender activities that are held in traditional roles by the hetrosexuals such as cooking or building. Many gays were the spiritual leaders. It is obvious in the monastery and the nunnery. Due to the humble nature of the most noble and religious of gay and lesbian persons, the need to brag about their plight in life is not published or advertised. The truly spiritual is truly humble. The G&L spiritual person need not worry about their future as hetrosexuals will continue to produce the blessed family with a gay baby. Cursed is the family that expels their own child because he/she is gay. That parent is destroying his/her own future.
Breathmedia Breathmedia, everyone has a point of view. PEACE TO YOU my brother. Let me elaborate for you. God does not make evil. Evil comes from YOUR OWN MIND. Sure things that are painful happen to individuals but that pain is for edification. All life is for learning and growing and if you do not learn and grow in this life, you will reincarnate and be given opportunities again. You, my brother, I hope for you to reincarnate as an openly gay person in your next life, as it will teach you to curb your self hatred. - Namaste
Eric Matlock, then don't have homosexual sex, Eric. Just as any hetrosexual sex done without love, is lustful. Saying "sex is for procreation only" is ignorance.
Eric Matlock, tell that to a grandmother or grandfather, or to a sterile couple, or to someone who is handicapped, then get back to me with the response.
Two men? Anal sex? Higher spirituality? Are you ok ?
Mack The Knife. I know right. Can you imagine ??? What a strange thing to say. What a strange thing to think. One guy bummin another man right in the stink hole and they feel enlightened? They need to wake up. Poo diving is no good. It will lead you into an abyss of pain. Wake up.
Why do jatt sikhs not marrt low cast girls
cast? there is no cast apart from the one you are encased in.
@Beautiful Meadows because in sikhi there’s meant to be no caste system
What about so called Manu Smiriti?
I agree mah bruda ALLAHU AKBAR
it all looks good in books and movies and songs ,,,,,, but they are jatt behind that beard and turbon !!!! go to india and see yourself how they treat othe lower cast people !!!! bull shit ,,,, confusing other counerty"s people
rocky singh Caste system has been part of Indian culture but Buddhism and Sikhi is completely against it. However many people are not letting go of this.
You have to understand there is a difference btw being a puniabi and being a Sikh, Punjabi is a culture dominated by the thinking of people which in someways is against many things like women rising to higher powers or wearing a bit small clothes but Sikhism talks about equality between Every human being, encouraging acceptence and is against cast system in the religion. At last it comes down to a human of taking things in their own perspective and acting upon it.
he is wrong by one thing so far on killing animals , he said to kill them from the back of the neck for a painless death and that halal was wrong... boy bye.. he followes and preaches blindly and probably says anything to make you belive. and you eat it up. not me.... study Islam .... that's the right path
You have to know this fact :
No GOD except Allah .
you made me laugh..you were saying that we don't hate anyone and then you call that rev an 'idiot' ha ha
baljeet ahluwalia
and u r coment me more laugh
Because he is condemning his saying of hating other people.
he was a incompetent wikipedia scholar ...enough said . The parson chose to open his mouth and remove all doubt
@@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 bruh, can the internet revoke this dude license. Like why are you here making comments.. how tf do you even find the internet in your village?
A sik. Man is a sik man.....hate. Or love......stay in your territory...every thing in it's cage...
I disagree with Sikhism!
Nobody cares about u
You disagree with the man talking, which I do too since he is propagating his own view and not that of Sikhism.
*Jon Goldberg* ~Oi, darling...please! So, *who* was asking you, *anyway...?!?*
He seems to be beating around the bush with the answer. Get to the point.
The woman who asked the question also asked specifically about Punjabi beliefs. Much of the video was the speaker clarifying the difference between Sikhism and Punjabi beliefs. The two groups do not share the same beliefs, including their beliefs about sexuality. In addition to that, many eastern religions don't have official "rules" about sexuality because they don't care about it. Their way of life is about spiritual purity, not physical purity. The human spirit isn't defined by gender or sexuality. Those are physical biological traits, which Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. don't really concern themselves with.
So the answer is...there is no answer. The question is not important enough to have an answer
*Def Rocker* ~Oh, not *at all;* he was, merely, being as 'thorough' as possible, *in* his reply, and explanation.
*"Param Eshwar"* ~"Epic Foolery...thy name is *"Param Eshwar"!*
In nutshell homosexuality whatever form it is in is forbidden strictly in sikhi!
lmfao no its not....
singhs of jarnail singh 's khalistan wow. My brother, u need.to be educated in sikhi. Seriously
Please give me quote in sggs where it says homosexuality is forbidden
Tell me where Guru Ji says homosexuality is allowed??? Your logic is flawed.
Its a none issue similar to eating meat.. The Gurus deemed it unimportant otherwise they would of mentioned it in SGGS. Sikhism is a path to unite with God. Do you think a homosexual cannot meet and merge into God? Do you think God doesn't reside in a homosexual? Educate yourself on Sikhism. I highly recommend mysimran.info.
I am homosexual! I love my creator and meditate on his name every day...
sikh version of dr .zaik naik.
Mike Wall they do have 1 thing in common, both are braindead religious numbnut.