Flew T1 Ranger VTOL PNP FPV up to 9858ft above sea level for 21 min flight on 2700 4s lipo

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • Took the Heewing Ranger t1 vtol pnp ersion up on stock arduplane FBWA VTOL settings which made for a really slow ascent and decent. I was flying from 5500ft and took it up 4358ft above me trying to reach the clouds that were much higher than they seemed. It was bumpy up there with the wind coming from the west.
    I was flying on a 27000mAh 4s lipo and was in the air for 21 minutes and used up 2800 mAh's as I wasn't paying attention to the mAh used, just the voltage of the pack. I wont make that mistake again. as I was just about to make it home the voltage starts to drop. so i had just enough power to switch it to quad mode before it lost power and dropped straight down . Luckily no damage to any part of it . Now Im going to change the settings so it will gain altitude much faster and decent fast as well in FBWA mode. enjoy the view.

ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @milt6208
    @milt6208 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great video Scott. I figured out Buck's Road.

  • @stevenoakley6800
    @stevenoakley6800 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Nice flight, looking at the Ground speed vs the airspeed, most of the climb you had a GS that was 10-20mph faster than the airspeed, so you were going downwind, on the return you had a headwind so it was always going to take more power to return. Next time to gain safety fly into the wind outbound then coming back if you have used 60% capacity you will probably only need 20% for the return as you will have the tail wind brining you home.

    • @ScottyMacsd
      @ScottyMacsd  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Actually I was flying directly into the wind every time i was facing towards the sun. this was why as i came around to the south it would start getting rough, as the tip of the right wing up and down and when facing to the east the tail would come up and pitch the planes nose down. i was using the head wind to gain altitude quicker at times , but was also trying to get video looking all directions as much as possible when i could. And when I started coming down, I wasn't in a hurry which was why i once again faced west and used the head wind to try and glide as much a It would allow. I was over my property through most of the flight. as I have 40 acres, Its easy to stay over my place when heading into the head wind, then when I got closer to the ground I flew over my friends/neighbors places to properties to buzz their places and capture some video for them as they like when I do that for them . I didn't realize the battery used up the full 2700 mah's and was planning on flying even longer too check on my front gate to see if the cattle were using my gate as neck scratcher again., and was going to move them away from it if so. but had already used all to was able to give .

  • @tubamanandy2
    @tubamanandy2 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great video - think I would have just glided in for landing as battery was looking low

    • @ScottyMacsd
      @ScottyMacsd  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      wasn't going to make it. by the time i realized it was dropping fast and didnt want forward movement coming into the cliff of solid rock. It would have been an expensive way to bring it down. due to the damage it would have caused to DJI Air Unit Battery and front of the plane. by switching it into tri copter mode it came straight down fast but flat, and the wings and props help slow it down this way, and so there was no damage to the plane. except a couple thorns stuck in the foam. Also this plane doesn't glide well with the amount of weight it carries, it would have gone straight into the rocks. Trust me , Ive lost a lot of aircraft trying to land around this rock I live on top of.

  • @flat-earther
    @flat-earther 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want to own land without paying rent AKA property tax. what do you think about it?

  • @flat-earther
    @flat-earther 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    awesome. BTW scottymac, do you think taxation is theft?