The 8 Point Plank - Upgrade Your Plank - Dr. Jordan Fairley

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ส.ค. 2021
  • How challenging is this for you?

    Far better for you than a regular plank…

    one of the greatest core stability exercises we have learned… and love to teach, is “The 8-Point Plank” first taught to us by Foundation Training.

    The beauty with this upgrade to a regular plank exercise is it requires deep abdominal and core stabilization while…

    1. Integrating the chains of the muscles on the front and back of the body
    2. Requires you to use your BREATH to create expansion in your rib cage and a neutral spine.

    There are many variations you can do to make it more challenging…

    including moving your arms further away from your torso and lifting one arm up at a time while stabilizing through the opposite arm.
    My pro-tip is “the better you get at it, the more challenging you can make it on yourself”.

    And check out Foundation Training if you are looking for a system to follow to get out of pain, strengthen your body, and become more present with your body needs.
    Dr. Jordan Fairley
    The Source Chiropractic - Oakland

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  • @Miranda_Duarte
    @Miranda_Duarte 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Saw your knee adjustment video. I was diagnosed with patellofemroal syndrome in my left knee 6 months ago. I am bowe legged, and the pain has gotten so bad in my left knee bending down is excruciating and I’m compensating with 95% body weight on my right leg coming up from a squatted position. Im not financially able to see a pt, doctor, or chiropractor at this time, and was a little unsure about the diagnosis I received as I am relatively inactive at this time, not an avid runner.. Thr majority of pain stems from the inner side of the knee. Recommendations for stretched or any helpful information would be amazing and much appreciated 🙏🏻😩