four weeks of R.I.C.E. treatment and was getting nowhere. tried these for about 10 minutes and ALREADY am walking better. you guys are bloody life savers for this lol
I've had pain running for the past four months, and nothing I tried helped (and I tried a lot) - now I did your exercises for one single day, and was able to go running today without feeling any pain. Thank you guys so much, this feels miraculous!
First, I'm late to the party, but since you guys actually respond in the comments and you get right to the point on your videos, you just earned a sub! Second, I just strained my hamstring yesterday while rock climbing at an indoor wall. It's a high hamstring strain, hopefully not anything more than a minor tear, and I think it's the ischial tuberosity? I was pulling myself higher on the wall with something called a heel hook. Apparently I overworked my hamstring, felt a "pop" and fell right off the wall (2 feet off the ground) and immediately felt burning. All I've done so far is isolate movement or anything that causes pain to the affected area and take ibuprofen. I'm 50 and I just re-discovered rock climbing after a 30 year hiatus and I absolutely love it. It really has become my second passion after my family, so I'm extremely mad and disappointed, especially considering that this is something my daughter and I do together! I hope to get back on the wall ASAP, but I want to take the right steps. Thanks!
i did something similar at work long ago. i was climbing a column and i didnt hear it but i felt a pop. it bothered me for a long time. good luck man i mean that. also 50
I’m shocked that I was feeling the positive progress of my injury the day after I did these exercises . I wish I would have seen this video from day 1! Thank you guys for everything!!
Wow!!! Strained my hamstring pretty bad playing football two days ago and thought I’d be out for at least 2 weeks…. Started these recovery exercises last night and already can lightly jog. Thank you so much!
@@Daniel_ACG Check with your health care provider first BUT he says Start immediately. I agree. Why let all of the inflammation hang out in the area, too long.
These are probably going to come in handy. Pulled my hamstring yesterday while playing football (soccer), and I want to emphasize the working your muscles bit of advice during recovery. Keeping the area inactive for a long period of time may cause more damage, and just focusing on little things to get the blood flowing there again, and regaining sense of movement, play an important role during recovery. Thank you so much, guys. Appreciate it so very much, and I wish you a good recovery, and love and light!
Gentle movement as tolerated is definitely a good idea and is important for the rehab process! Absolutely! Rooting for you and a speedy recovery with your hamstring! If you need a bit more guidance, check out this program!
@@Greg_Gainz A couple of days after, but every grade of strain is different. Mine was, probably, a light one. I felt comfortable enough to move. I wish you the very best 😃👋🙏
Thanks for this video guys. I'm a 32 yr old male currently on active duty in the US ARMY. I pulled my hamstring playing football. Hopefully this video will help me recover and get back to running
I like that you take the athletic approach to recovery. So many people stop everything when they get injured. I look at it as an opportunity rather than a set back. Great video and looked like one take on the whole thing!
Great video, all i’ll add is that you guys left out a few reasons for hamstring strains: -overstriding -anterior pelvic tilt (What this means is that the pelvis is tilted forward and down in the front.) -Quad:hamstring imbalance (quad dominance) -weak glutes -tight hip flexors -poor conditioning (fatigue is a factor, this is similar to overtraining as you have mentioned)
@@Datman_1 it took a few weeks of consistently doing the dynamic stretches. These videos make it easy to spend a few mins rehabbing my hamstrings after each run
I mildly pulled my hamstring during Covid and never rehabbed it properly, as it was just barely functional enough to be active in…after a few days of doing this….instant difference. Unbelievable. Thanks guys!
Been struggling with a hamstring for the past 9 months 😪 .. Just 2 days of your recommended exercises I'm feeling lot better. God Bless you and your work.
Love this! Had a pull years ago. Started training for a marathon. Started acting up. Recently I had an accident walking dog at trails. Having to rehab it all over. Thank you! Working the other muscles has always been something I’ve said after I had a surgery that made one of my muscles not work right. Thanks again! Look forward to looking at more of your videos
You've got it Cristy! Keep after it! Be sure to check out our hamstring programs through our app if you feel you need a bit of extra guidance!
Love that this is a little more advanced than some of the basic PT videos out there; also love the emphasis on transitioning back to running. Would love to see similar advice for sport (basketball, soccer, etc.)
I was playing paintball in a full sprint and about 20 feet from my destination I pulled the hell out my hamstring. To add insult to injury, my buddy's lit me up like a Christmas tree while I cried like a baby on the ground. Anywho, great video, I needed this.
Guys - I wish I had seen this 6 months ago - it is absolutely fantastic. I had been getting guidance on my hamstring injury from the NHS physios in the UK - but this has helped me make more progress - literally - in 2 days. (Than I have in the previous 6 months.) Awesome - thank you!
Love this video. I am a physiotherapist and I've been seeing many school athletes with "pulled hamstrings". The scary thing is that their coaches tell them to stretch the hamstrings 😳 I find that isometrics, glute work, and fascia release around the hip (including anterior) help a lot. The only thing I struggle with is to progress their rehab into function, and getting them back to running. So thanks for your advice! 🙏 Love your channel!
49 year old playing open men’s div 1B soccer…pulled hamstring 1 month ago and finally hitting weights and jogging. Been 15 years since my last hammy tear. Great advice on this video. Looking forward to hitting the field in the next couple of weeks and competitive matches soon thereafter.
Man I’m on my 7th month of hamstring recovery. Was diagnosed with a strain and I’m slowly getting there but as the day goes on I find I get tighter and tighter and tighter and the spasming gets worse. Any tips?
balance working & resting the ham & self-palpate for better feedback on how it’s healing pre & post physical therapy & any other workout. Something you are doing is likely causing the spasming. See a physical therapist. @@Lawlawlaw6026
Really appreciate the explanations and demos in this video. Majorly tore my hamstrings about 2 & 1/2 weeks ago (bruises and all) and am cautiously working my way back to full mobility. Hamstring tears are no joke! Thank you for showing how to properly progress each movement. I’ll be working on it!
I’m 30 years old. Have been a runner/casual sprinter for the past 10 or so years and have never pulled my hamstring before. I think today was the day smh lol. Glad I found this video.
Mine is a lite sprain too.. run a lot and didn’t warm up long enough.. need to start isolating the muscles with some real leg workouts.. pulled groin a few months ago, only down and out for 2 weeks
Thanks for this. I'm a dancer and I can't afford to be out too long with my hamstring issue. It's the busiest time of year rn. This feels like it is going to help
Rooting for you Brynna! We also have this amazing hamstring program if you are really wanting to tackle it!
3rd day post hammy sprain. It’s a first, following hill sprints on slippery snow! Thought I’d update y’all.😂 OK, I didn’t buy the rest, rest, rest method, so turned to your vid. It makes sense to actively work the hams each day. Just watched it again for stretching tips. Day 2 I even went for a 1500m light jog to test the sprain the next day, slippery as hell, so took it slow with kinaesthetic tape. Followed up with light stretching in sauna (yes, I have one at home).😅 3rd day rested hams but kept tape on, continued icing, then removed in the evening. Took a shower, started a recovery regime based on this vid. Debating whether to test hams tomorrow and aim to run longer with tape, followed by light massage. Wish me luck!🎉
@@patrickfox5053😮😮 sorry for not noticing your comment, I hope you managed to get through it! I actually managed to sprain my ankle badly this winter so need to find another video for that rehab too! 😢
Love the feedback! A good rule of thumb is to begin with what is tolerated and does not worsen symptoms. We have a really great hamstring rehab program that can be accessed through the app if you wanna take the guesswork out of it! You can get started with a free 7-day trial!
Thanks for the video guys, I pulled a ham two weeks ago...decided to sprint at the end of my 6mi trail run and the next day my posterior lateral lateral knee area was bothering me. Tried resting for 10 days.. then tried to run a few days ago and it felt good. Completed 3mi on the road. Then 2 days after that run I went to the trail to see how my leg would do, 1.5 miles in I had to stop and hike back. May have made my ham worse ( pretty sure it's my biceps femoris)..this video was very insightful, the discussion about the deceleration through sprinting was on point with how I hurt myself...super thankful for the information, keep up the good work!
This is so helpful! I'm only 39 but play flag football and forget that I'm not 29 anymore 😅😢. This will help not only when I pull a hammy but help prevent injury in the first place 🙏🏿
I pulled my hamstring sprinting a few hours ago. When should I start these exercises, how often should I do them, and how long should each session be? I have a major tendency to over-do things, I would love some specifics. Side note, your channel is INCREDIBLE. I'll be watching everything you make.
VERY HELPFUL. SIMPLY A QUESTION OF IMPLEMENTING INTO MY EXERCISE ROUTINE. After reading some of the other comments, looks like I am headed down the right path. Many thincks for your video.
I haven't really ever pulled my hamstring but I just became strangely aware that I wouldn't know what to do if it ever happens. Thanks for this video! All the best 🙏🍀
Thanks! Will definitely try these. I hope it works. My weekly physical fitness routine comprises of 3 gym workout sessions ( broken into 1-hr each day, full body-upper-lower) and 1 day basketball (sometimes 2 days) at a rec league level. I intermittently feel this pain (tolerable) either on my butt or my hammy. Also occurs when I drive long distance or get stuck in traffic for a long time or when I stay glued on my seat too long while working (researcher and content writer). I've I've actually been using those bubble cushion seats in the car and on my computer chair. Also use my foam roller or electric heating pad from time to time.
You've got this! We recommend starting with about 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps but always important to listen to your body and do what feels comfortable and progress from there.
I’ve been doing this routine for a couple days now and my hamstring has already loosened a bunch and it’s not as sore anymore. Hopefully I will be ready for my track meet!
@@tomasfigueiredo2460 went and did a sprint workout last week and felt 0 pain literally! I wasn’t able to run on Tuesdays meet but I’m running next weeks meet and I can begin full workouts starting today! Hopefully it doesn’t come back as I am still continuing to do this routine everyday.
@@tr-nm5yv that's awesome!! I pulled mine like a month ago but since it was during an aductor exercise, doctors and I assumed it was aductor related. However, yesterday went do another doctor and he told me it had to do with my hamstring near my groin area. Gonna get any exam today to make sure what it is. So basically I need to do my research now for hamstrings instead of aductor ahahaha. Will start this exercises with way more hope now. What a fucked up situation
@@tr-nm5yv also, how many times did u do these exercises? Like daily? A couple times throught the day? And did u use anything externally like hot/cold, arnica cream, etc?
Glad that you found this! We also have more hamstring content including a blog article and full hamstring program. Here are both links!
Just tweaked my hamstring for the 3rd time in the last month. I warm it up well and run effortlessly for the first mile or so. After the first mile my left hamstring tightens up and pulls a little bit. Its starting to feel like i'll never be able to run fluidly again. I'm going to try these exorcises, hopefully they'll fix the problem. Thanks for creating this.
Sorry to hear about that hamstring of yours! Definitely recommend checking out our hamstring program through the app to really tackle this especially since it's a common reoccurrence - you can get started with a free 7-day trial!
I injured my hamstring as well as glute when I was hiking and tripped on an exposed tree root Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I managed to catch myself with my opposite leg but it was fully extended by that time, and then had to intensely strain to get up to standing position again. I immediately had intense pain and could not even walk. I couldn't lift my foot up off the ground. I had extremely intense spasms when I tried. Does this sound like a tear or just a strain? Btw I am 74 years old.
Very good explanation and demo. Showing regressions was also helpful. This allows for progression without becoming frustrated. Very good information that is presented in an interesting way. Thanks
Tweaked my hamstring a little last Thursday and I’ve already been feeling better the day after .. I’m giving my self 2 weeks to not sprint and just take it easy .. do you think I’ll be ok ?
Yes you sure will!!! We have a full hamstring program if you are looking for something to help you with your recovery process. Here is the link!
Generally, a good warm up is great to provide blood flow to the area before performing a specific activity. You can read more on this topic of hamstrings here!!
Thanks guys, pulled my hammies 2 days back over stretching during an Ultramarathon. Just did your dynamic stretching last night and im alot more mobile than i was! Thank you!
Ohh wonderful.pulled my hamstring yesterday.was having difficulties in walking ohh woow after these exercises I'm recovering well just with the 1st try
Ugh I strained my hamstring today. Felt a pop while single leg curling. Initially it didn’t really hurt I just felt pressure. As I finished my workout (switched to back and biceps) the pain increased. Now I’m home icing and trying a few of these. I’m hoping it’s not too serious and these will help me get back to 100% ASAP. Thank you for sharing! 🦵🏾
@@jasonbourne4127 leg is doing great now. I was limping for almost a week and it took about two weeks before I tried doing leg workouts. but definitely back to normal within 1.5 months. I still havent done single leg curls since that day though. double leg only seems safer as you go up in weight.
HI! I was doing unweighted SLDL to help with lower back rehab (I was substituting the SLDL for the exercise you demonstrate at 3:16 of this vid because that exercise kinda 'destroys' my left knee due to no cartilage behind left knee cap, so any leg extension-type movements cause quite a lot of pain; but BTW I could feel that exercise was a good movement when done with my undamaged right knee) and wow, the left hammy pulled quite hard and suddenly. Good video you have here, thank you for your efforts. Just wondering it you have an opinion re my pulled hamstring from SLDL for lower back rehab.
Honestly, every body pain I've had in the last week you all randomly have a video for. My thoracic and thigh thank you. P.S.A. ALWAYS STRETCH BEFORE SPLIT TWERKING.
I injured my hammies today doing leg curls, when i first started the workout it was painful the more i did it the stronger it got! I really appreciate it! Will stick to this for a week so wont miss another leg day! Hopefully will be lifting 100% again
Thanks for sharing, I tore my hamstring about a month ago playing soccer. What happened at that time was that I felt as if someone kicked me in the back of my thigh after accelerating. Fortunately, although there was pain, it did not affect my movement. These days, I just did some basic stretching exercises and thigh exercises. Muscle strength training. After watching your video today, I am going to start re-creating my training plan😁😁😁
I pulled my Hamstring 3days ago playing football, I was not able to walk when it happened. The next day I was able to limp around and then today my walking improved alot but still not fully recovered for walking. I did an 8 hour shift at work and its now much better. Got home started searching exercises I can do and honestly this was instant pain relief I can finally walk normally and it seems as though I might be fully recovered within the next week or so.
Laying down icing my hamstring as I write watching the video 🥲. I was sprinting with my daughter and wife at the park playing around and while sprinting I felt like a pull and pop.
I partially tore my hamstring 4 months and reinjured it 2 months later thinking it was healed when it wasn’t. I feel no pain whatsoever while running or walking, but the following days it comes back with a vengeance. Makes it very difficult to gauge when it is actually healed as I don’t feel any pain during exercise. Been doing everything I can, praying it goes away soon 😐
Terrific video guys….pulled my hamstring two weeks ago and have been icing and using massage but limited movement until you video…..A big personal Thanks !
Im pretty sure I tore my hamstring fairly badly doing a heel hook while rock climbing (about 4 loud popping sounds and immediate intense pain). I couldn't walk without poles for a few days (probably should have gotten crutches). I saw small improvements in the first week but could barely walk. My entire hamstring (back of leg) was a giant deep purple bruise after 2 days. At the 2 week mark I noticed significant improvement and now 2.5 weeks it seems like a small strain. Loved the isometric exercises, the later stuff (in the video) made me cringe at first even thinking about doing them and now I can actually do them. I thought I would months out but am happy to be almost pain free at 2.5 weeks. I will scour your youtube vids for any labrum and shoulder tips for my upcoming shoulder surgery. Thanks so much for these!
I have had hamstring issues for awhile I'm 37 have been playing basketball for a long time and each time I play my hammy hurts sucks so I'll try these for sure
Strained my hammy that is the same one my ACL graft was harvested from, concerned/questioning if its a complicating factor, a fresh strain, or i've aggravated the ACL harvest site on my semitendinosis. Really appreciate advice, thank you!
Ah yes some good ones here. I am 68 and had to slow down my kicks on the heavy bag a bit...Slight strain mid way hamstrings last Thursday. Might be back to biking this week....Want to resume full kicks too-Jeet Kune Do- Wing Chun and Muay Thai too. Nice work guys. Totally agree you can't stay still!!!! LOL I can't anyway too much Qi! Have to see a sports orthopedic this week anyway for some shoulder issues so this will also help out.
Thank you for this, I'll try the most conservative exercises first. This is the first time I've heard the warning against static stretching. That makes sense.
Pulled my left hamstring on 3 March 2022 while doing walking lunges. Stopped doing any hamstring related excersizes (lunges, squats, leg curls) for two weeks. Hamstring felt better, so decided to start with normal routine on on Saturday (19 March 2022). Did leg curls and had no issue, however when I started doing squats I felt a slight niggle, so skipped walking lunges and only did leg extensions. Felt okay after that. This past Tuesday I started with leg curls and then went over to squats. During leg curls I was perfectly fine, no pain no feeling of strain, however when I did squats I could feel my hamstring and it didn't feel good. I completed my full leg workout (basically through the pain) and ended with a sore hamstring yesterday. Today, I did leg curls again, no issue whatsoever, but skipped squats and lunges. Still have a little discomfort in the hamstring though. My question is, do I completely skip squats and lunges for a few weeks or do I rather go lighter?
Hey Benjamin really good question. Somewhat dependent on where you are feeling your symptoms. If it's higher up where the hamstring inserts onto the pelvis, you want to be sure you are giving yourself adequate time for that musculotendinous junction to recover. We have a really good video on high hamstring discomfort. check it out if you haven't and see if it better describes some of the symptoms you are feeling? If it feels more muscle belly, allowing time to recover is also important, but muscle soreness is expected as you mentioned.
@@ThePrehabGuys it's in the muscle belly (middle of the leg). When I do a leg curl motion it feels like there's a knot in the middle of my leg. I don't have pain when i walk, walking feels 100% fine. However, anything more intense (running or resistance training) I feel my hamstring. Would you recommend me just doing the exercises in this vid for now and build up slowly (lighter weights) before I go back to my normal routine again?
Just pulled my hamstring doing sprints while I’m corrections academy. I haven’t had a hamstring strain in years. I believe doing legs weightlifting yesterday at home before our PT day today might’ve tired the muscle out too much leading to injury. Hoping this gets me back to 100% in due time
Thank you! Excellent video Looking forward to applying your protocol. I strained my glute hamstring attachment doing an exercise I always do on leg day. Booo! Guessing a better warm up and more consistent post exercise rolling and stretching would have prevented this.
Becky, so glad you found us! Let us know how these go for you! We have some great programs to address these issues once and for all if you can't seem to find relief!
Anyone else watching this the day they pulled their hamstring while icing it? 😂
Crazy how this always seems to happen huh, Rich?
Me currently
Yup smh
I should subscribe because I get hamstring strains every year.
Ive match tomorrow nd m watching this😢 with pulled hamstring
Pulled my hamstring about an hour ago and these comments have my feeling optimistic about a quick bounce back, thank you guys 💪🏽
How long did you wait to start?
I felt mine pop kicking yesterday. I have zero hope of a fast recovery. Severe pain and no hope of doing any exercises for at least a week.
How are you feeling now??
How you doing now
four weeks of R.I.C.E. treatment and was getting nowhere. tried these for about 10 minutes and ALREADY am walking better. you guys are bloody life savers for this lol
Super glad this has been helpful!!
Yeahh I think RICE is only good for the first couple of days - definitely no longer than a week, then it’s optimal to begin the exercises!
hmmm very sceptical of this comment, was it done by a friend? 10 minutes hmmmm
Same! Did this routine a couple times today and I'm already feeling like I can trust my leg more.
Fun fact, the invented of the RICE formula regrets it. We’ve learned so much more/better since.
I've had pain running for the past four months, and nothing I tried helped (and I tried a lot) - now I did your exercises for one single day, and was able to go running today without feeling any pain. Thank you guys so much, this feels miraculous!
Gilda that is amazing we are so happy to hear it! Keep after it, consistency is key!
@@ThePrehabGuys I am still at it, three times a day - better than any medicine!
I swear I feel like this channel and I are aligned. Whenever I start feeling a pain somewhere you guys make a video about where I felt that pain
awesome to hear!
First, I'm late to the party, but since you guys actually respond in the comments and you get right to the point on your videos, you just earned a sub!
Second, I just strained my hamstring yesterday while rock climbing at an indoor wall. It's a high hamstring strain, hopefully not anything more than a minor tear, and I think it's the ischial tuberosity? I was pulling myself higher on the wall with something called a heel hook. Apparently I overworked my hamstring, felt a "pop" and fell right off the wall (2 feet off the ground) and immediately felt burning. All I've done so far is isolate movement or anything that causes pain to the affected area and take ibuprofen. I'm 50 and I just re-discovered rock climbing after a 30 year hiatus and I absolutely love it. It really has become my second passion after my family, so I'm extremely mad and disappointed, especially considering that this is something my daughter and I do together! I hope to get back on the wall ASAP, but I want to take the right steps. Thanks!
i did something similar at work long ago. i was climbing a column and i didnt hear it but i felt a pop. it bothered me for a long time. good luck man i mean that. also 50
Nice book bro
@@Maverick____1 the world dont revolve around you tik tok attention span. not sorry to disappoint you
I’m shocked that I was feeling the positive progress of my injury the day after I did these exercises . I wish I would have seen this video from day 1! Thank you guys for everything!!
Wahoo! Love to hear it Katie! Keep after it!
Genuinely appreciate this. Lifelong tennis player. Never pulled a hamstring before today.
Get after it! Also, be sure to check out our Hamstring Programs through the app if you feel you need a bit more guidance!
Wow!!! Strained my hamstring pretty bad playing football two days ago and thought I’d be out for at least 2 weeks…. Started these recovery exercises last night and already can lightly jog. Thank you so much!
Did you start playing
How long should one wait to do these
@@Daniel_ACG Check with your health care provider first BUT he says Start immediately. I agree. Why let all of the inflammation hang out in the area, too long.
try and run super fast lol, good luck
These are probably going to come in handy. Pulled my hamstring yesterday while playing football (soccer), and I want to emphasize the working your muscles bit of advice during recovery. Keeping the area inactive for a long period of time may cause more damage, and just focusing on little things to get the blood flowing there again, and regaining sense of movement, play an important role during recovery. Thank you so much, guys. Appreciate it so very much, and I wish you a good recovery, and love and light!
Gentle movement as tolerated is definitely a good idea and is important for the rehab process! Absolutely! Rooting for you and a speedy recovery with your hamstring! If you need a bit more guidance, check out this program!
How soon after you strained your hamstring did you start doing these exercises?
@@Greg_Gainz A couple of days after, but every grade of strain is different. Mine was, probably, a light one. I felt comfortable enough to move. I wish you the very best 😃👋🙏
Thanks for this video guys. I'm a 32 yr old male currently on active duty in the US ARMY. I pulled my hamstring playing football. Hopefully this video will help me recover and get back to running
Rod, thank you for your service! Should you need some more guidance we have a great hamstring program!
I like that you take the athletic approach to recovery. So many people stop everything when they get injured. I look at it as an opportunity rather than a set back. Great video and looked like one take on the whole thing!
Great video, all i’ll add is that you guys left out a few reasons for hamstring strains:
-anterior pelvic tilt (What this means is that the pelvis is tilted forward and down in the front.)
-Quad:hamstring imbalance (quad dominance)
-weak glutes
-tight hip flexors
-poor conditioning (fatigue is a factor, this is similar to overtraining as you have mentioned)
Dange, definitely agree as there are many reasons we see a prevelance of hamstring injuries these days!
Perfect timing - just strained my hamstring running. Thanks!
of course!
Did it work?
@@Shinoisreal yes it helped and hamstring recovered!
@@lisathomas1341 how long did it take
@@Datman_1 it took a few weeks of consistently doing the dynamic stretches. These videos make it easy to spend a few mins rehabbing my hamstrings after each run
I mildly pulled my hamstring during Covid and never rehabbed it properly, as it was just barely functional enough to be active in…after a few days of doing this….instant difference. Unbelievable. Thanks guys!
Been struggling with a hamstring for the past 9 months 😪 ..
Just 2 days of your recommended exercises I'm feeling lot better.
God Bless you and your work.
This is what we love to hear!!! So glad you are doing better, keep after it! Consistency is key!
I just pulled my hamstring the other day and these rehab has been working our perfect for me. Thank you for sharing!!
Excellent hamstring stretch and workout, tore my hamstring, and have been following your rehab, thanks guys, hamstring is coming along nicely now
Amazing! So glad to hear it Dave!
Love this! Had a pull years ago. Started training for a marathon. Started acting up. Recently I had an accident walking dog at trails. Having to rehab it all over. Thank you! Working the other muscles has always been something I’ve said after I had a surgery that made one of my muscles not work right. Thanks again! Look forward to looking at more of your videos
You've got it Cristy! Keep after it! Be sure to check out our hamstring programs through our app if you feel you need a bit of extra guidance!
Pulled my hamstring today, while stretching after a cardio workout. So glad I found this video!
Love that this is a little more advanced than some of the basic PT videos out there; also love the emphasis on transitioning back to running. Would love to see similar advice for sport (basketball, soccer, etc.)
+1 for springboard diving
I was playing paintball in a full sprint and about 20 feet from my destination I pulled the hell out my hamstring. To add insult to injury, my buddy's lit me up like a Christmas tree while I cried like a baby on the ground. Anywho, great video, I needed this.
We're happy to hear that you found this video helpful! Thanks for the support
Guys - I wish I had seen this 6 months ago - it is absolutely fantastic. I had been getting guidance on my hamstring injury from the NHS physios in the UK - but this has helped me make more progress - literally - in 2 days. (Than I have in the previous 6 months.) Awesome - thank you!
You are so welcome!! So glad it was helpful and best of luck with your recovery!!
Love this video. I am a physiotherapist and I've been seeing many school athletes with "pulled hamstrings". The scary thing is that their coaches tell them to stretch the hamstrings 😳 I find that isometrics, glute work, and fascia release around the hip (including anterior) help a lot. The only thing I struggle with is to progress their rehab into function, and getting them back to running. So thanks for your advice! 🙏 Love your channel!
49 year old playing open men’s div 1B soccer…pulled hamstring 1 month ago and finally hitting weights and jogging. Been 15 years since my last hammy tear. Great advice on this video. Looking forward to hitting the field in the next couple of weeks and competitive matches soon thereafter.
Man I’m on my 7th month of hamstring recovery. Was diagnosed with a strain and I’m slowly getting there but as the day goes on I find I get tighter and tighter and tighter and the spasming gets worse. Any tips?
balance working & resting the ham & self-palpate for better feedback on how it’s healing pre & post physical therapy & any other workout. Something you are doing is likely causing the spasming. See a physical therapist. @@Lawlawlaw6026
Really appreciate the explanations and demos in this video. Majorly tore my hamstrings about 2 & 1/2 weeks ago (bruises and all) and am cautiously working my way back to full mobility. Hamstring tears are no joke! Thank you for showing how to properly progress each movement. I’ll be working on it!
Antagonist training, iso , then dynamics to weighted dynamics. I've got this .
I’m 30 years old. Have been a runner/casual sprinter for the past 10 or so years and have never pulled my hamstring before. I think today was the day smh lol. Glad I found this video.
Mine is a lite sprain too.. run a lot and didn’t warm up long enough.. need to start isolating the muscles with some real leg workouts.. pulled groin a few months ago, only down and out for 2 weeks
Thanks for this. I'm a dancer and I can't afford to be out too long with my hamstring issue. It's the busiest time of year rn. This feels like it is going to help
Rooting for you Brynna! We also have this amazing hamstring program if you are really wanting to tackle it!
Tweaked my hamstring this morning and I am running the Chicago marathon in 4 weeks. Glad I found this video and hopefully I’m running that race!!
Rooting for you! If you need extra help, definitely check out our hamstring specific content on the app!
Thanks guys! Recovering from a Hami strain. It recovers, I go too hard and I feel it again. Need these exercises to strength it. 👌🏼
You got this! here is more information on hamstring exercises!
3rd day post hammy sprain. It’s a first, following hill sprints on slippery snow! Thought I’d update y’all.😂
OK, I didn’t buy the rest, rest, rest method, so turned to your vid. It makes sense to actively work the hams each day. Just watched it again for stretching tips.
Day 2 I even went for a 1500m light jog to test the sprain the next day, slippery as hell, so took it slow with kinaesthetic tape. Followed up with light stretching in sauna (yes, I have one at home).😅
3rd day rested hams but kept tape on, continued icing, then removed in the evening. Took a shower, started a recovery regime based on this vid.
Debating whether to test hams tomorrow and aim to run longer with tape, followed by light massage. Wish me luck!🎉
Hey Mika how is your hamstring now I injured mine about 2 weeks ago, I am devastated I can’t run do you have any tips that might help please 😊😊
@@patrickfox5053😮😮 sorry for not noticing your comment, I hope you managed to get through it! I actually managed to sprain my ankle badly this winter so need to find another video for that rehab too! 😢
Probably the best thing I have done in the last week to get back to normal
So glad to hear it! Keep after it!
I pulled mines on Saturday doing a game, but right now I’m feeling good it’s feeling way better thank you 🙏
This just answered all my questions that I couldnt even find on the web. Thanks.
I wish you broke it down in sets and days, like how many of what how long. But the exercises make sense. Will begin right now.
Love the feedback! A good rule of thumb is to begin with what is tolerated and does not worsen symptoms. We have a really great hamstring rehab program that can be accessed through the app if you wanna take the guesswork out of it! You can get started with a free 7-day trial!
These exercises helped me recovery within 2 weeks! Thank you!!
Thanks for the video guys, I pulled a ham two weeks ago...decided to sprint at the end of my 6mi trail run and the next day my posterior lateral lateral knee area was bothering me. Tried resting for 10 days.. then tried to run a few days ago and it felt good. Completed 3mi on the road. Then 2 days after that run I went to the trail to see how my leg would do, 1.5 miles in I had to stop and hike back. May have made my ham worse ( pretty sure it's my biceps femoris)..this video was very insightful, the discussion about the deceleration through sprinting was on point with how I hurt myself...super thankful for the information, keep up the good work!
That's amazing, keep up the great work! Thanks for the comment =)
This is so helpful! I'm only 39 but play flag football and forget that I'm not 29 anymore 😅😢. This will help not only when I pull a hammy but help prevent injury in the first place 🙏🏿
I pulled my hamstring sprinting a few hours ago. When should I start these exercises, how often should I do them, and how long should each session be?
I have a major tendency to over-do things, I would love some specifics.
Side note, your channel is INCREDIBLE. I'll be watching everything you make.
Are you good now? How long did it last?
The hamstrings pain started today, and I did this before bed, and omg, thank you so much. It worked 💪
So glad you are feeling better!
This helped so much!!! I was beginning to fear that I may need to go see a doctor.
We are so glad this was helpful!!!
VERY HELPFUL. SIMPLY A QUESTION OF IMPLEMENTING INTO MY EXERCISE ROUTINE. After reading some of the other comments, looks like I am headed down the right path. Many thincks for your video.
Thanks for the help, guys. Just tweaked my hammy last night (and was told it's nothing like Tweaking in Miami). Hope to be back running soon.
I haven't really ever pulled my hamstring but I just became strangely aware that I wouldn't know what to do if it ever happens. Thanks for this video! All the best 🙏🍀
Thanks! Will definitely try these. I hope it works. My weekly physical fitness routine comprises of 3 gym workout sessions ( broken into 1-hr each day, full body-upper-lower) and 1 day basketball (sometimes 2 days) at a rec league level. I intermittently feel this pain (tolerable) either on my butt or my hammy. Also occurs when I drive long distance or get stuck in traffic for a long time or when I stay glued on my seat too long while working (researcher and content writer). I've I've actually been using those bubble cushion seats in the car and on my computer chair. Also use my foam roller or electric heating pad from time to time.
Thanks bro i been pulled out my hamstring 3 months ago and today i found this video and i feel much better thanks❤️
Great video, I’ve pulled my hamstring on my road bike. How many reps and sets do you recommend for each stretch.
You've got this! We recommend starting with about 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps but always important to listen to your body and do what feels comfortable and progress from there.
Blasted my hammy a couple hours ago. Immediately came to see if you guys had a video. Thank you!
Nice video like always guys, Saludos desde Chile
Muchas gracias Rodrigo! Gracias por el apoyo
Thank you for making this video. I have a hamstring strain and it feels much better after doing the exercises for 10 minutes! I have subscribed.
Welcome to the [P]rehab family, Chris! Happy you are here!
I’ve been doing this routine for a couple days now and my hamstring has already loosened a bunch and it’s not as sore anymore. Hopefully I will be ready for my track meet!
Rooting for you! Let us know how your meet goes!
How do u feel now?
@@tomasfigueiredo2460 went and did a sprint workout last week and felt 0 pain literally! I wasn’t able to run on Tuesdays meet but I’m running next weeks meet and I can begin full workouts starting today! Hopefully it doesn’t come back as I am still continuing to do this routine everyday.
@@tr-nm5yv that's awesome!! I pulled mine like a month ago but since it was during an aductor exercise, doctors and I assumed it was aductor related. However, yesterday went do another doctor and he told me it had to do with my hamstring near my groin area. Gonna get any exam today to make sure what it is. So basically I need to do my research now for hamstrings instead of aductor ahahaha. Will start this exercises with way more hope now. What a fucked up situation
@@tr-nm5yv also, how many times did u do these exercises? Like daily? A couple times throught the day? And did u use anything externally like hot/cold, arnica cream, etc?
Great video. I’m on day 6 of hamstring pull recovery and this is will help a lot! Thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it! Be sure to check out our hamstring programs through the app if you need a bit of extra guidance!
Just the video I need, I’m a dancer and pulled my hamstring while doing my splits and it hurts so bad 😬
Glad that you found this! We also have more hamstring content including a blog article and full hamstring program. Here are both links!
Did it work
Omg same, last Saturday I got a little too confident lol
I want to dance with you
It really helped me start my hamstring rehab after a scooter accident resulted in me pulling my hamstring. Thanks guys
Zion could use these tips
Just tweaked my hamstring for the 3rd time in the last month. I warm it up well and run effortlessly for the first mile or so. After the first mile my left hamstring tightens up and pulls a little bit. Its starting to feel like i'll never be able to run fluidly again. I'm going to try these exorcises, hopefully they'll fix the problem. Thanks for creating this.
Sorry to hear about that hamstring of yours! Definitely recommend checking out our hamstring program through the app to really tackle this especially since it's a common reoccurrence - you can get started with a free 7-day trial!
I injured my hamstring as well as glute when I was hiking and tripped on an exposed tree root Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I managed to catch myself with my opposite leg but it was fully extended by that time, and then had to intensely strain to get up to standing position again. I immediately had intense pain and could not even walk. I couldn't lift my foot up off the ground. I had extremely intense spasms when I tried. Does this sound like a tear or just a strain? Btw I am 74 years old.
Ur 74 what?! U look,40 50 at max
@@calebwood1187 ty
After I watched this video - I have been doing the Hamstring exercise and I can now walk with out have to stop stretch my knee. thank you
So glad to hear that you are feeling better!
Very good explanation and demo. Showing regressions was also helpful. This allows for progression without becoming frustrated. Very good information that is presented in an interesting way. Thanks
Tweaked my hamstring a little last Thursday and I’ve already been feeling better the day after .. I’m giving my self 2 weeks to not sprint and just take it easy .. do you think I’ll be ok ?
Yes you sure will!!! We have a full hamstring program if you are looking for something to help you with your recovery process. Here is the link!
Thanks I was a hurdler in college and just want to get back the hamstring strength. Great advice and reminders
Love it! Definitely check out our Hamstring Prehab program through the app if you are looking for a bit more guidance!
Is heat a good thing when your hamstrings are really sore? Feels like every time I try to stretch, feels like it's going to cramp up?
Generally, a good warm up is great to provide blood flow to the area before performing a specific activity. You can read more on this topic of hamstrings here!!
Thanks guys, pulled my hammies 2 days back over stretching during an Ultramarathon. Just did your dynamic stretching last night and im alot more mobile than i was! Thank you!
So glad to hear it, Chris! If you are looking to really get after it, check out this here!
How are u now
Sharing these with my daughter who’s been dealing with a nagging hamstring problem. How many reps should she do of each exercise?
Ohh wonderful.pulled my hamstring yesterday.was having difficulties in walking ohh woow after these exercises I'm recovering well just with the 1st try
Ugh I strained my hamstring today. Felt a pop while single leg curling. Initially it didn’t really hurt I just felt pressure. As I finished my workout (switched to back and biceps) the pain increased. Now I’m home icing and trying a few of these. I’m hoping it’s not too serious and these will help me get back to 100% ASAP. Thank you for sharing! 🦵🏾
I felt a pop today. How you feeling now one year later? Hope to hear from you be well
@@jasonbourne4127 leg is doing great now. I was limping for almost a week and it took about two weeks before I tried doing leg workouts. but definitely back to normal within 1.5 months. I still havent done single leg curls since that day though. double leg only seems safer as you go up in weight.
HI! I was doing unweighted SLDL to help with lower back rehab (I was substituting the SLDL for the exercise you demonstrate at 3:16 of this vid because that exercise kinda 'destroys' my left knee due to no cartilage behind left knee cap, so any leg extension-type movements cause quite a lot of pain; but BTW I could feel that exercise was a good movement when done with my undamaged right knee) and wow, the left hammy pulled quite hard and suddenly. Good video you have here, thank you for your efforts. Just wondering it you have an opinion re my pulled hamstring from SLDL for lower back rehab.
Honestly, every body pain I've had in the last week you all randomly have a video for. My thoracic and thigh thank you. P.S.A. ALWAYS STRETCH BEFORE SPLIT TWERKING.
This is great, Tim! So glad you are doing well! Be sure to subscribe, good stuff dropping soon and ALWAYS stretch before split twerking!
They have Nike Metcons on so you know THEY KNOW what they are talking about.
Great suggestions, going to do this to recover quicker and stronger.
Pulled my hamstring 2.5 weeks ago. Wish I saw it sooner but glad I saw it when I did.
I injured my hammies today doing leg curls, when i first started the workout it was painful the more i did it the stronger it got! I really appreciate it! Will stick to this for a week so wont miss another leg day! Hopefully will be lifting 100% again
Thanks for sharing, I tore my hamstring about a month ago playing soccer. What happened at that time was that I felt as if someone kicked me in the back of my thigh after accelerating. Fortunately, although there was pain, it did not affect my movement. These days, I just did some basic stretching exercises and thigh exercises. Muscle strength training. After watching your video today, I am going to start re-creating my training plan😁😁😁
Love it! Keep after it! We are rooting for you!
I pulled my Hamstring 3days ago playing football, I was not able to walk when it happened. The next day I was able to limp around and then today my walking improved alot but still not fully recovered for walking. I did an 8 hour shift at work and its now much better. Got home started searching exercises I can do and honestly this was instant pain relief I can finally walk normally and it seems as though I might be fully recovered within the next week or so.
Laying down icing my hamstring as I write watching the video 🥲. I was sprinting with my daughter and wife at the park playing around and while sprinting I felt like a pull and pop.
I partially tore my hamstring 4 months and reinjured it 2 months later thinking it was healed when it wasn’t. I feel no pain whatsoever while running or walking, but the following days it comes back with a vengeance. Makes it very difficult to gauge when it is actually healed as I don’t feel any pain during exercise. Been doing everything I can, praying it goes away soon 😐
What a great video. Thanks guys. Really liked the end w the hamstring upper body combo
Terrific video guys….pulled my hamstring two weeks ago and have been icing and using massage but limited movement until you video…..A big personal Thanks !
Love it, Neil! Glad things are feeling better! If they don't continue to improve, check this out for us!
I'm a sprinter and last season in the first meet I pulled my right hammy and it ended up being an insane season.
Hopefully you're feeling better now, Tyson! Keep after it!
I just strained my hamstring in my men’s soccer league game 🤦🏾♂️. I’m already working on my recovery. I’ll be back out there soon 🙏🏾
Im pretty sure I tore my hamstring fairly badly doing a heel hook while rock climbing (about 4 loud popping sounds and immediate intense pain). I couldn't walk without poles for a few days (probably should have gotten crutches). I saw small improvements in the first week but could barely walk. My entire hamstring (back of leg) was a giant deep purple bruise after 2 days. At the 2 week mark I noticed significant improvement and now 2.5 weeks it seems like a small strain. Loved the isometric exercises, the later stuff (in the video) made me cringe at first even thinking about doing them and now I can actually do them. I thought I would months out but am happy to be almost pain free at 2.5 weeks. I will scour your youtube vids for any labrum and shoulder tips for my upcoming shoulder surgery.
Thanks so much for these!
These exercises really relieved the pain. Thanks so much!
I have had hamstring issues for awhile I'm 37 have been playing basketball for a long time and each time I play my hammy hurts sucks so I'll try these for sure
Definitely try these Luke and then check out this program for me!
Strained my hammy that is the same one my ACL graft was harvested from, concerned/questioning if its a complicating factor, a fresh strain, or i've aggravated the ACL harvest site on my semitendinosis.
Really appreciate advice, thank you!
Ah yes some good ones here. I am 68 and had to slow down my kicks on the heavy bag a bit...Slight strain mid way hamstrings last Thursday. Might be back to biking this week....Want to resume full kicks too-Jeet Kune Do- Wing Chun and Muay Thai too. Nice work guys. Totally agree you can't stay still!!!! LOL I can't anyway too much Qi! Have to see a sports orthopedic this week anyway for some shoulder issues so this will also help out.
I’m a long jumper and tore my right hamstring last year, just pulled/tore the left one today in long jump again.
Mike was killing it!
Thank you for this, I'll try the most conservative exercises first. This is the first time I've heard the warning against static stretching. That makes sense.
Thank you so much for this🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 prepping for TKD test so needed this
Keep after it, Karine! Rooting for you!
Thank you! Two days and I feel the difference.
Really great. How much discomfort in the injured area is okay when doing the exercises?
That's also what I want to know
Just pulled my hamstring running routes with my son now waiting till I can do these workouts
Pulled my left hamstring on 3 March 2022 while doing walking lunges. Stopped doing any hamstring related excersizes (lunges, squats, leg curls) for two weeks. Hamstring felt better, so decided to start with normal routine on on Saturday (19 March 2022). Did leg curls and had no issue, however when I started doing squats I felt a slight niggle, so skipped walking lunges and only did leg extensions. Felt okay after that. This past Tuesday I started with leg curls and then went over to squats. During leg curls I was perfectly fine, no pain no feeling of strain, however when I did squats I could feel my hamstring and it didn't feel good. I completed my full leg workout (basically through the pain) and ended with a sore hamstring yesterday. Today, I did leg curls again, no issue whatsoever, but skipped squats and lunges. Still have a little discomfort in the hamstring though. My question is, do I completely skip squats and lunges for a few weeks or do I rather go lighter?
Hey Benjamin really good question. Somewhat dependent on where you are feeling your symptoms. If it's higher up where the hamstring inserts onto the pelvis, you want to be sure you are giving yourself adequate time for that musculotendinous junction to recover. We have a really good video on high hamstring discomfort. check it out if you haven't and see if it better describes some of the symptoms you are feeling? If it feels more muscle belly, allowing time to recover is also important, but muscle soreness is expected as you mentioned.
@@ThePrehabGuys it's in the muscle belly (middle of the leg). When I do a leg curl motion it feels like there's a knot in the middle of my leg. I don't have pain when i walk, walking feels 100% fine. However, anything more intense (running or resistance training) I feel my hamstring. Would you recommend me just doing the exercises in this vid for now and build up slowly (lighter weights) before I go back to my normal routine again?
I've been suffering with a pulled hamstring since NOVEMBER. 😫 Now, it's just a dull pain. Definitely, wanna try this.
give it a shot!
Great information, I tweaked my hammy playing softball….good info on the micro progressions. I’m starting immediately.
Just pulled my hamstring doing sprints while I’m corrections academy. I haven’t had a hamstring strain in years. I believe doing legs weightlifting yesterday at home before our PT day today might’ve tired the muscle out too much leading to injury. Hoping this gets me back to 100% in due time
Rooting for you Silvio! If you need a bit more guidance we've gotchu!
Thank you!
Pulled my hamstring 3 weeks ago and is still hurts so bad with the spasms, will start trying these.
Hand in there! Definitely give these exercises a try!
Great exppanation and demlnstration thanks! The isometric ones were great to get me activating the hams
Isometric work is so good for these! Glad you enjoyed the video, Sophia! Keep after it!
Thank you! Excellent video
Looking forward to applying your protocol.
I strained my glute hamstring attachment doing an exercise I always do on leg day. Booo! Guessing a better warm up and more consistent post exercise rolling and stretching would have prevented this.
Becky, so glad you found us! Let us know how these go for you! We have some great programs to address these issues once and for all if you can't seem to find relief!