The color schemes are actually based on The Masque of the Red Death. In the original story, there were rooms in the castle that were decorated in different colors.
The blacking out Tammy is having is known as 'microsleeps' and happens at an extreme point of sleep deprivation. You lose control of higher cognitive function and memory yet still function - kind of like sleepwalking. A microsleep can last a fraction of a second up to 15 seconds. If you are reaching the point microsleeps are happening, then you are basically losing your mind and going insane. The longest without sleep record is 11 days and that was in a controlled lab setting. Most die after just 7-8 days of no sleep and lose their minds at around 3-4 days no sleep point and start to hallucinate and have psychotic episodes. There is a genetic disease passed down a certain family line that can activate at any time where they suddenly cant sleep....scary stuff!!!
The longest I went without sleeping was about two days when I was at Download Festival in England. I felt like I was going a little crazy by the end of it!
Verna is an anagram of Raven
The color schemes are actually based on The Masque of the Red Death. In the original story, there were rooms in the castle that were decorated in different colors.
Oh wow, great insight to share! And yet another part of this show that is an ode to Poe's work!
If you look you'll notice Verna isn't holding a cat in the pictures
Loving how often we're getting to see a new upload from you! Sorry your videos got stuck dealing with copyright bs for so long.
I would love to be able to drop one a day or every few days if I could!
The blacking out Tammy is having is known as 'microsleeps' and happens at an extreme point of sleep deprivation. You lose control of higher cognitive function and memory yet still function - kind of like sleepwalking. A microsleep can last a fraction of a second up to 15 seconds. If you are reaching the point microsleeps are happening, then you are basically losing your mind and going insane. The longest without sleep record is 11 days and that was in a controlled lab setting. Most die after just 7-8 days of no sleep and lose their minds at around 3-4 days no sleep point and start to hallucinate and have psychotic episodes. There is a genetic disease passed down a certain family line that can activate at any time where they suddenly cant sleep....scary stuff!!!
The longest I went without sleeping was about two days when I was at Download Festival in England. I felt like I was going a little crazy by the end of it!
@@mikewatchesstuff lol yeah, sleep deprivation does some weird stuff to your mind even after just a couple of days
Dude, fatal insomnia is my number 1, most feared prion disease. It's absolutely horrifying.