When I watched the video TH-cam actually did glitch on me. Nothing bad, just there was no audio but I thought it was intentional at first until I saw the title card
There was a moment literally yesterday where I had a bug that was interesting because whether it was "game breaking" is entirely a matter of opinion. I was playing Hollow Knight and encountered a glitch in which I stopped taking damage. I'm not at all sure what caused it but I think it had something to do with lifeblood because when I got hit, the animation of a lifeblood mask breaking would appear in a spot that had previously contained a lifeblood mask, despite the fact there wasn't one there anymore. I was freaking out because the game is supposed to be challenging, and so I would have considered this to be a 'game breaking' bug. Luckily, resting at a bench fixed the issue (well, I _think_ the fix was actually gaining lifeblood, but I can't say for sure because I had the Lifeblood Heart charm equipped, so I gained lifeblood when resting at a bench).
so i think it is a game breaking bug and not one at the same time. it doesn't softlock or hardlock you, it just basically removes the point of the game, yes?
Had one in Goodbye Deponia. I reported it to Daedalic Entertainment with my corrupted savefile. They immediately fixed it with a patch and send me a fixed savefile.
Had a stuck doctor in Project Hospital. Reported it on the forums, not only was it fixed in an emergency patch, I also got my fixed savefile back. 10/10 developers.
What about the Pokémon X/Y glitch where if you saved in Lumiose City, your save file would corrupt, forcing you to restart the game from the beginning. For context, Lumiose City is the largest city in the game.
@@supereinstien001 I was gonna say, yes it's the biggest city but you revist Lumoise from when you first visit it, unlike say Saffron City or Hearthome City
what about the glitch in myth ii that could delete your entire c: drive or games folder upon uninstalling the game. less game breaking, more system breaking
I was thinking the same thing. But they did say "recent" and Myth 2 was back in the 90's. It was a pretty epic bug, though. I don't know if I've ever seen a video game recalled so quickly.
When the PSP was a thing, I somehow accidentally found a glitch in GTA Vice City Stories that launched me all the way to the second half of the island which was still locked. I don’t think anyone else found it. But it was pretty damn cool since I sucked at doing missions in that game anyway.
2 bugs come to mind: On Dota 2, one of the most game breaking bugs was when Chen could control Roshan and basically just win the matches at lvl 1 single-handedly. The second one, it happened to me on my first Metro Exodus run: During the first mission, Anna glitching out and basically leaving you trapped on a zone with no clue of what's supposed to happen, and running out of air filters for your gas mask. I spent nearly an hour trying to figure out where I was supposed to go, before doing a quick google search and finding out it was a bug, and had to restart the game from zero/
I bought two fallout 76 right when it was released one for me and I really wanted to play with my friend so I got him one, it was soooo glitchy we only play for like 3 weeks $120 down the drain
@@dth91 Me and my friend have done that multiple time when one of us were broke and the other wanted to play a game with each other. Had that happen with a couple buddies actually.
@@liquidminds human perspective, maybe, but problem is thou that from tech and game perspective it IS a really long time ago, to be precise, 2 nintendo console generations ago (more like 1.5, since the Wii U is basically just a updated Wii, but whatever)
Sometimes those bugs are what makes Bethesda's games fun. Like the giants that ignore the laws of physics and launch you 2000000287920 feet into the air.
Old School Runescape had a glitched spawn of the most expensive item in the game. People were gaining literal billions of gp for about 6 hours. The game had to be completely rolled back.
There was a far worse game-breaking bug in Division 1 when it was released than the one you mentioned. After going through the tutorial you had to use a laptop to "activate" your character. Only problem was that the laptop did not work at launch. People actually lined up in huge lines and tried to activate it before they had to go back to the end of the line when they failed. People kept on doing that for over 10 hours before most finally gave up. It was fixed the day after.
Bethesda's games are very glitchy, I can agree. Skyrim VR has this one glitch. I have mastered the ability to climb up the steepest side of the tallest mountain in the game
The Worst Glitch is the one that is Semi Serious but Developers are like - It's not Serious enough to be Fixed but if you Exploit it you'll be Banned. lol
Rainbow six siege has a new bug where you can't use voice chat on pc, the game revolves around communicating with your team so this is kinda a big deal
I had a glitch in Jak 2 where the game couldn’t be progressed because every time you would approach the start point of a certain mission, the mission marker would disappear. Apparently this had a chance to occur if you used a terminal nearby to change the racetrack in the arena, which was close to the mission marker. The only solutions were to start over, or send your memory card to Naughty Dog.
In Minecraft 1.14 Pre release 4, there was a common glitch were you would get stuck in doors. Sometimes the only way out was to start a LAN server with cheats and using spectator mode to get out. That disables advancements, which isn't that bad, but it's frustrating.
Surprised Agony didn’t make the list. That game had screen tears and audio issues that would render it unplayable. Even had a glitch where the first line would just repeat, making you unable to even start the damn thing
@@reanukeeves1164 problem is thou that from tech and game perspective it IS a really long time ago, to be precise, 2 nintendo console generations ago (more like 1.5, since the Wii U is basically just a updated Wii, but whatever)
I moreso think they're referring to the fact that the Wii Shop Channel shut down (in January) which means you wouldn't be able to download the patch (unless you already have it.) The Wii Shop Channel shutdown is fairly recent.
I did have a weird glitch in watchdog's (the first one) where I was nearing the last mission and the ENTIRE world became a ghost town, I'd see cars in the distance and tried to go grab one to avoid the cops but they never got closer, when the glitch started to correct itself all civilians disappeared but the cars remain moving normally with no drivers. This was on a ps3, and I had no way to record this glitch happening but it was both weird and creepy.
Here's another one: In Ark: Survival Evolved, if you beat The Overseer, Rockwell, or King Titan, the game would glitch out and delete your character. This was fixed on the PC, but the console versions still suffer from it.
Doomy McDoomerson ark itself is a glitch. The amount of times my character had glitched out with all my good gear makes me sick. Super glitchy game that needs to be fixed before they release even more dlcs
Like when nutter say the world is controlled by the top 1%..like its just a small handful of people... ..seriously 1% of the population (7.9 billion) is lot of people = 79 million people...
I remember this one game breaking bug in League of Legends where two hidden spots would appear. Each one was just outside of either team's spawning fountain. When Xerath's Q hit one of these areas, they caused the ability to hit the ENTIRE MAP.
If you're wanting any more recent ones, there was a fun one with Wraith in Apex Legends where you could use her portal ultimate to glitch essentially out of the map. I think the portal had to be placed in a doorway or intersecting a ceiling which then allowed you out of the map where no-one could see you.
it only deleted most of the windows files, not formated the computer, i should know i tried it back then :) on my PC, files remained unharmed only the OS got screwed over Did it on purpose.
What about Anthem? That game was a complete mess on release, with all sorts of annoying, game-breaking bugs. Including two different progress-blocking ones that you had to leave the mission to get rid of.
the major bright side to the Skyward Sword glitch is that it is extremely easy to avoid whether you know about the glitch or not. i feel so bad for people that did encounter it though :(
I actually remember playing the Metroid game YEARS ago and getting stuck at that point in the game, I couldn't figure out how to progress! I ended up just giving up the game, thinking I was too dumb to figure it out. Nope. Just a glitch. Classic. But man that is a blast from the past.
The only big glitch i have ever experienced was in Mass Effect 2 when you reach the clinic for Mordon where upon entering if you are too far on the left you start to walk into the wall which then clips you through the ceiling and if you didn't have a save you had to start the mission all over again which was a pain.
dunno? Use her as profile pic since i create the account And yep the one behind the fallout 4: west buginia is not the big time team from maryland, just look how 'ok' previous elder scroll title like morrowind, oblivion and skyrim, those were made by the maryland team
@@TheTruePopeFrancis Actually they use Creation Engine which is new, I think they should tinker with it a little bit more before working on games with it.
An issue with no man sky that's been there since they introduced base freighters and is still there to this day, when you put your specialists on your freighter it straight up up just doesn't let you complete any more side missions for them, also the waypoints for the missions are all over the galaxy, also sometimes I straight up just fall through my freighter, been waiting for a patch for ages
Within Warframe: during some kuva siphon missions, the kuva clouds(the things you need to destroy, in order to destroy the siphon) will sometimes decide to be totally Invisible, stuck, or just outright never even appear during the mission. There's no way to fix it besides just restarting the whole mission and hope it doesn't happen again. (There's four "braids" You need to destroy so it has the chance to happen four times)
Devs wouldn't dream of releasing a bugged game (since there was no way to patch it). Well, it happened on occasion and those devs paid for it. Now, it's standard practice for a game to be released with serious bugs.
I had something similar to the Far Cry 5 glitch happen while playing Just Cause 3. Every now and then when I died trying to clear out an enemy base the game would restart me a few yards a way about a mile up in the air off the side of a cliff. This wasn't too bad most of the time so long as I was paying attention but it was kind of annoying
Mirrors Edge Catalyst had a super bad bug that I experienced a couple times on the Xbox One where looking in a certain direction around certain parts of the map would black the entire screen out and you be staring at nothing until you looked away. Idk if it was ever patched I eventually found my way around that area of the map but it was frustrating nonetheless
The PS4 versions of Fallout 4 and Skyrim are still suffering from the 0kb bug since Creation Club was implemented. Save files get corrupted, can't save at all. Bethesda refuses to fix it.
Ubisoft game Rainbow six siege has 3new glitches that are op , IQ glitch , clash glitch and shild head glitch, they removed characters in the game and didn't fix it
What broke the game was the castle glitch that made everyone have 1 fps in game and the doc glitch which gave him the ability to infinitely heal people.
I remember playing the original Assassins Creed game when it came out, got to the final mission and Altair kept falling through the floor in a continuous loop... every time I tried to reload the save file and progress the same thing happened over and over. This was also years before I ever got Xbox Live too, so I have no idea if it ever got fixed or if anyone ever experienced the same issue. Because of that glitch I never got to compete the game. And I never played another Assassins Creed because of it.
Diablo 3 (Xbox 360) . I had the craziest near game breaking bug experience in the game I've ever seen before and I have no idea what the hell caused it. Basically every single enemy in the area just stopped moving at once. They just looked at me and the Templar without making any sounds at all. I couldn't attack or access any menu features either and in case you're wondering the Templar ignored the enemies as well. Couldn't attack, couldn't save and couldn't load either. Oh, as if that wasn't crazy enough I entered a dungeon and instead of loading me into that dungeon it put me back outside where the glitch hit but the glitch was completely undone and it has not happened since nor do I have any idea what triggered it. Freaked me the hell out though.
Still haven't finished its Mooncrash dlc .Pirated Prey at start then just bought the whole package as soon n as I had the cash . One of the few games that actually made me want to support the devs
To be fair, not every company can catch every glitch in their games. Yeah, people are payed to find them, but even that's not enough to find every single one. It's basically not possible to have a game or piece of software without a single coding error. Even updates, DLC and patches can still bring new bugs into games. As for games released that have loads of glitches that even a young child can find on their own? Yeah, that's just the company rushing it and that's when it's entirely their fault, but it's a different story when it's a few bugs that aren't the easiest to detect and require specific steps to find.
Paper mario: thousand year door. There's an NPC you can speak to VERY early in the game, and if you do so, the whole game just crashes. Not sure if this was only in the PAL version, but it never got fixed, It was possible to avoid this NPC and continue the game, but as far as I'm aware there was never anything mentioned about this, so most people didn't know. Thankfully i was working in a game store at the time, so when copies inevitably got returned because of this, i could explain it to them
The glitch against Silver in one of the Sonic games (think it was '06) where you get stuck in a constant loop of getting hit, losing your only coin, picking it back up again and then being hit again so the cycle constantly repeats.
In Pokémon mystery dungeon explorers of time for the Nintendo ds there was a bug where if you nicknamed any Pokémon to have ten characters, the game would freeze when you tried to evolve them which sucked because if you wanted to have a certain partner evolve into something amazing you would have to either go out and get a new recruit and rename them something else, or you would have to reset to the start if you nicknamed your buddy
The game-breaking glitch in "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" was quite painful because it happened late in the game during the Quest for the Song of the Hero. If you choose to do Lanayru Desert first and speak to the Goron before the Thunder Dragon, then you activate this glitch. The Goron will not be present later when you need his help to get into Faron Woods. "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" on Wii also had a game-breaking glitch when you first try to cross the Eldin Bridge. If you save and quit after the twilight creatures remove the bridge without zoning into the area north of the bridge, the game will respawn you south with no bridge to cross. This was fixed in the HD version on Wii U.
What about the dark souls 3 bug where some dual core cpus can't play At all the hit boxes don't attach to the enemy it it makes it literally impossible to play and bandai hasn't said anything about it
Does that bug only occur on dual core, or dual core and more CPUs? Cause I've logged 140+ hours of DS3 on an 8th i5-8600K and the ONLY hitbox bullshit I encounter is the 0.5-2s delay during PvP. Cause yeah, I'm totally able to swing my axe, hear the hit sound, see the lightning particles, but he rolls away with no issue but I dodged roll, complete the roll, and his hit lands AFTER I've completed a roll. Yeah, GG on the PvP Fromsoft. Love the game, PvP is just a fucking NIGHTMARE
Battlefield 5 on xbox one just doesn't work sometimes... literally goes black and will load up black everytime you close it and reopen it. You've gotta restart the whole console
I feel like they should release a "master chief collection" of zelda games on the switch; OOT, MM, WW, TP, and SS. i would have zero qualms dropping $150 on that
@@RtistiqSkubie They all have remasters except Skyward Sword. Maybe tweak some remasters but I don't see the point because they already are amazing and fix alot of issues. They will have to change the TP and MM remasters because they were made to be played with the Wii U gamepad, and you're in obviously missing that second screen. This would be an amazing deal, and I don't see what you find wrong with it.
In Ratchet Gladiator (Deadlocked in US) my 100% completed save file got corrupted. At first I thought my brother had saved over my save file, but his save was different. Essentially what happened, my save file got changed to way earlier in the game and somehow got duplicated. It was still NG+, but almost all skill points were uncompleted again, my weapons were all low level and I had way fewer bolts. I was so sad and frustrated, because one skill point you got by defeating the second-last boss without taking damage. I don't know if you had to do that on the highest difficulty, but I did and was so proud of myself.
I followed your advice and uninstalled 76 it was honestly the best patch
🤔you mean bugthesdas fail out 76? yep definitely
even after you heard about that hidden PNJ?you're a weird guy
@@duczman76 U are a genius.
@@cillirpepper6454 psht! don't tell anyone or they'll believe it!😉
You actually bought that game??
"a small number of people is still a big number of people" -Falcon, 2019
Wooooh dude. That’s, like, deep.
I get what he means but he really needs to review those scripts XD "A small percent of people is still a large number of people"*
don't take it out of the context.
if you take 2% of 500000 people that still makes 10000 players
and this is alot if you think about it
not that many games are that famous x)
@@marceelino "take it out of context"- marceelino
Hmmmmm youtube seemed to have glitched and actually gave me a notification for this vid, very odd.
Lucky I got a notification for next month's video
Must be a sponsored video
Where's Memory Leak of Borderlands 1 Enhanced
When I watched the video TH-cam actually did glitch on me. Nothing bad, just there was no audio but I thought it was intentional at first until I saw the title card
What is fun, they announced the skyward sword to the switch.
I thought I was just missing something in my Metroid game for so long
Dang man.
Ah damn.
lol those reactions chain
at least no one laughed at you lol
Top 10 game breaking glitches that have never been fixed next please!!!
The mutant fight in the Church catacombs in Metro Last Light.
fallout as a whole
Fallout 76 - the entire game
KingreX32 what was the glitch? The fight was fine for me
npc's under the terrain in some jobs in gta 5 online
Are we going to ignore the “can potentially brick your console” glitch in anthem?
We will if you don't mention it.
Right? The number one reason I never gave that game the slightest chance.
@@SlayerRunefrost That game was a wasted potential to turn it into a cashcow. 😠😒
There’s this bug that is affecting most games nowadays, it’s being called “microtransactions” and in a few cases game breaking is an understatement.
There was a moment literally yesterday where I had a bug that was interesting because whether it was "game breaking" is entirely a matter of opinion.
I was playing Hollow Knight and encountered a glitch in which I stopped taking damage.
I'm not at all sure what caused it but I think it had something to do with lifeblood because when I got hit, the animation of a lifeblood mask breaking would appear in a spot that had previously contained a lifeblood mask, despite the fact there wasn't one there anymore.
I was freaking out because the game is supposed to be challenging, and so I would have considered this to be a 'game breaking' bug.
Luckily, resting at a bench fixed the issue (well, I _think_ the fix was actually gaining lifeblood, but I can't say for sure because I had the Lifeblood Heart charm equipped, so I gained lifeblood when resting at a bench).
so i think it is a game breaking bug and not one at the same time. it doesn't softlock or hardlock you, it just basically removes the point of the game, yes?
Had one in Goodbye Deponia. I reported it to Daedalic Entertainment with my corrupted savefile.
They immediately fixed it with a patch and send me a fixed savefile.
All's well that ends well.
That’s amazing, I wish other companies were this enthusiastic and cared about their games and players
Had a stuck doctor in Project Hospital. Reported it on the forums, not only was it fixed in an emergency patch, I also got my fixed savefile back. 10/10 developers.
What about the Pokémon X/Y glitch where if you saved in Lumiose City, your save file would corrupt, forcing you to restart the game from the beginning. For context, Lumiose City is the largest city in the game.
On the bright side, it's relatively very early on in the game, and Game Freak patched it out pretty quickly.
@@supereinstien001 I was gonna say, yes it's the biggest city but you revist Lumoise from when you first visit it, unlike say Saffron City or Hearthome City
The glitch only happened in one section of the big roundabout.
If I remember correctly, that glitch only occurred if you saved outside of the Pokemon Center in the city.
what about the glitch in myth ii that could delete your entire c: drive or games folder upon uninstalling the game.
less game breaking, more system breaking
I was thinking the same thing. But they did say "recent" and Myth 2 was back in the 90's. It was a pretty epic bug, though. I don't know if I've ever seen a video game recalled so quickly.
Lol the joys of recersive delete
Not recent and technically not a bug. Just coders not being aware that some people would install the game in less wise areas.
@@christrevino4397 so? still a neat tidbit and fun to share as the end of the video encourages
FO76 had a problem similar to that one. It just uninstalled itself because it knew it was a piece of shit at the time.
When the PSP was a thing, I somehow accidentally found a glitch in GTA Vice City Stories that launched me all the way to the second half of the island which was still locked. I don’t think anyone else found it. But it was pretty damn cool since I sucked at doing missions in that game anyway.
2 bugs come to mind:
On Dota 2, one of the most game breaking bugs was when Chen could control Roshan and basically just win the matches at lvl 1 single-handedly.
The second one, it happened to me on my first Metro Exodus run: During the first mission, Anna glitching out and basically leaving you trapped on a zone with no clue of what's supposed to happen, and running out of air filters for your gas mask. I spent nearly an hour trying to figure out where I was supposed to go, before doing a quick google search and finding out it was a bug, and had to restart the game from zero/
I bought two fallout 76 right when it was released one for me and I really wanted to play with my friend so I got him one, it was soooo glitchy we only play for like 3 weeks $120 down the drain
Erick Perez ouch
im amazed you put up with it for 3 whole weeks tbh lol
who buys their friend a copy of a game just cause he wants them to be able to play together lmao? you're a good friend shit bro
@@dth91 Me and my friend have done that multiple time when one of us were broke and the other wanted to play a game with each other. Had that happen with a couple buddies actually.
Damn I didn’t get pass the demo
We: 10 years ago
Falcon: it's recent.
shut up weeb
for the average viewer, 10 years is a life-time. Once you're in your 30s and 40s, 10 years feel like 3 years feel to a 10-year-old.
@@liquidminds human perspective, maybe, but problem is thou that from tech and game perspective it IS a really long time ago, to be precise, 2 nintendo console generations ago (more like 1.5, since the Wii U is basically just a updated Wii, but whatever)
@@theldraspneumonoultramicro405 In technological terms, it's a long time, yes.
FO76 has no bugs or glitches
Only features
ShadowMokujin kinda the way fat adds character
Godd Howard would never dare release buggy, glitchy, sometimes unplayable games. (Buy Skyrim for the 75th time-this time with less flying horses!)
Sometimes those bugs are what makes Bethesda's games fun.
Like the giants that ignore the laws of physics and launch you 2000000287920 feet into the air.
honestly i would believe them if these "features" didnt make the game uninstall itself from your computer
Who told you this, EA? Lol
Old School Runescape had a glitched spawn of the most expensive item in the game. People were gaining literal billions of gp for about 6 hours. The game had to be completely rolled back.
Falador massacre
There was a far worse game-breaking bug in Division 1 when it was released than the one you mentioned.
After going through the tutorial you had to use a laptop to "activate" your character. Only problem was that the laptop did not work at launch. People actually lined up in huge lines and tried to activate it before they had to go back to the end of the line when they failed. People kept on doing that for over 10 hours before most finally gave up.
It was fixed the day after.
Bethesda's games are very glitchy, I can agree. Skyrim VR has this one glitch. I have mastered the ability to climb up the steepest side of the tallest mountain in the game
Rock on, dude. That'll come in handy for... something.
@Taylor FuckYou lol whos taylor
i kinda cant
i dont have
@@jayvader9023 dame
The Worst Glitch is the one that is Semi Serious but Developers are like - It's not Serious enough to be Fixed but if you Exploit it you'll be Banned. lol
Right it's like don't remind us that we released a broken game...
All of ark ha ha
Rainbow six siege has a new bug where you can't use voice chat on pc, the game revolves around communicating with your team so this is kinda a big deal
No one cares!
Siege Players care, Luis
@@justiceforjoggers2897 your president doesn't care! Taxing poor Sony. What did PlayStation ever do to him
Probably banned his PSN account lmao
Man I hope falcon is okay, worried about his whooping cough.
He's dying
I had a glitch in Jak 2 where the game couldn’t be progressed because every time you would approach the start point of a certain mission, the mission marker would disappear. Apparently this had a chance to occur if you used a terminal nearby to change the racetrack in the arena, which was close to the mission marker. The only solutions were to start over, or send your memory card to Naughty Dog.
In Minecraft 1.14 Pre release 4, there was a common glitch were you would get stuck in doors. Sometimes the only way out was to start a LAN server with cheats and using spectator mode to get out. That disables advancements, which isn't that bad, but it's frustrating.
Surprised Agony didn’t make the list. That game had screen tears and audio issues that would render it unplayable. Even had a glitch where the first line would just repeat, making you unable to even start the damn thing
"recent" glitches.
Skyward Sword was released a "long time ago".
Make up your dang mind.
Depends on your age. If your an older semester like me it's not that long ago. If your a teen then it's probably seems like an eternity.
@@reanukeeves1164 problem is thou that from tech and game perspective it IS a really long time ago, to be precise, 2 nintendo console generations ago (more like 1.5, since the Wii U is basically just a updated Wii, but whatever)
@@theldraspneumonoultramicro405 it's just how it feels. If you go by facts then I agree. It is a long time ago.
Not literally recently.. When they say "recently" they basically mean the recent years.
I moreso think they're referring to the fact that the Wii Shop Channel shut down (in January) which means you wouldn't be able to download the patch (unless you already have it.) The Wii Shop Channel shutdown is fairly recent.
Fallout 76; like the whole game.
They tried to fix the bugs but it just made it worse I should be banned in the game, but I haven't but almost everyone I play with gets banned
The one best call I made for not buying a game ever (mainly cuz the trailer didn’t show anything decent and knowing Bethesda I didn’t trust em)
7y likes
2:23 Looks like Falcon got his wish because it will come out on July 2021...
"It just works!"
*blows raspberry and rolls eyes*
Biggest bug I have ever experienced is called ANTHEM
Metal Gaming u must have not played fall out 76
Anthem has no glitches and its an awesome game. So stop following the hatetrain.
@@GunnersGame server crashes are still around, is a nice concept but really badly made, you wont be able to stop the hate train
Biggest bug I have ever experienced is called fallout 76
Gunners Game Stop lying to people _and_ presenting your opinion as fact.
I don't know falcon could cough...
me too i laughing soo much
*When you Finally beat A dark-souls boss but then it softlocks and you gtta do it all over again*
Happens in skyrim a lot too!
I was fighting orenstein and smough and orenstein went back though the fog wall mid fight so I had to restart my game
“The last boss on Monster Hunter World for the pc-“
So I guess the ad is the final boss?
It just happened to me to lol
I was watching then saw your comment at the same time that it was happening.
Me too
I did have a weird glitch in watchdog's (the first one) where I was nearing the last mission and the ENTIRE world became a ghost town, I'd see cars in the distance and tried to go grab one to avoid the cops but they never got closer, when the glitch started to correct itself all civilians disappeared but the cars remain moving normally with no drivers. This was on a ps3, and I had no way to record this glitch happening but it was both weird and creepy.
Falcon... the reason I subbed to Gameranx.
Yer not lying about Fallout 76. It is a glitch. And the only fix is to uninstall.
Don't listen to him Lilian life is a gift cherish it.
Don’t listen to Stephen life is not worth living when it is destroyed
The Legend of Texas Found the die hard fan
@The Legend of Texas but I can't. There's too many steaks left in this world to eat.
Eh. Im enjoying it. To each their own. Launch was terrible but way better now imo.
Here's another one:
In Ark: Survival Evolved, if you beat The Overseer, Rockwell, or King Titan, the game would glitch out and delete your character.
This was fixed on the PC, but the console versions still suffer from it.
But, how i avoid this glitch
Doomy McDoomerson ark itself is a glitch. The amount of times my character had glitched out with all my good gear makes me sick. Super glitchy game that needs to be fixed before they release even more dlcs
"A small number of people is still a large number of people."
- Falcon, 2019
I gave you a thumbs up, then saw you Stoke this. Immediately took it back
Like when nutter say the world is controlled by the top 1%..like its just a small handful of people...
..seriously 1% of the population (7.9 billion) is lot of people = 79 million people...
@@letsbehonest4221 Did JFK Jr. tell you that? Asking for a friend.
Sniper: Ghost warrior 3 is one big glitch. Loading the game takes 5 minutes and then it would crash.
the ghost warrior series is a joke. An entire game about sniping with exaggerating ballistics and no real long shooting.
days gone, I became invincible for about 3 hours
Which meant that for those 3 hours the game became a absolute joke am I right!
Did u continue playing?
I was nearly finished days gone it glitched so bad it corrupted all my save games.
Once the game didn’t render properly and I was glitch stuck under a bridge 😂 could only see the top half of me ! That being said still a great game 🤘
Rotmg - Golden Dagger
Bruh wtf I’m seeing Your comments in like almost every video I watch
Generation Zero is the most bug ridden game in recent memory, first patch attempted to fix over 200 issues and people are still losing all progress
I remember this one game breaking bug in League of Legends where two hidden spots would appear. Each one was just outside of either team's spawning fountain. When Xerath's Q hit one of these areas, they caused the ability to hit the ENTIRE MAP.
If you're wanting any more recent ones, there was a fun one with Wraith in Apex Legends where you could use her portal ultimate to glitch essentially out of the map. I think the portal had to be placed in a doorway or intersecting a ceiling which then allowed you out of the map where no-one could see you.
Not so recent but Pool of Radiance (2001, not the DOS one) had a massive bug on launch that formatted your computer. Good times.
it only deleted most of the windows files, not formated the computer, i should know i tried it back then :) on my PC, files remained unharmed only the OS got screwed over
Did it on purpose.
What about Anthem? That game was a complete mess on release, with all sorts of annoying, game-breaking bugs. Including two different progress-blocking ones that you had to leave the mission to get rid of.
There was also the one that bricked consoles.
@@axelcornejoaguilar6055 temporarily, but yeah. That was a mess.
The surge, when your in the nucleus and charge the cell, after you get off the power-lift leaving the room, you just crash.
The game did crash on me once... maybe it was because of this lol
Videos like this make this channel the best gaming channel on youtube.
the major bright side to the Skyward Sword glitch is that it is extremely easy to avoid whether you know about the glitch or not. i feel so bad for people that did encounter it though :(
You can still download the Skyward Sword save data update channel.
At least Nintendo still supports that channel.
You may have been joking about the uninstall thing in 76 but that was a actual glitch in 76 where it would just...delete the game...
It knew it's own worth
random guy that was the Beta
I spent a day reinstalling it over that glitch wish i hadn't now.
Woah really??? Damn... but the people who faced this glitch... were they actually upset about it?
@@PrachirNathETC oh yeah it was only on pc i believe tho...
The part where Falcon started coughing because of Zelda...I couldn't stop laughing:)
I actually remember playing the Metroid game YEARS ago and getting stuck at that point in the game, I couldn't figure out how to progress! I ended up just giving up the game, thinking I was too dumb to figure it out. Nope. Just a glitch. Classic. But man that is a blast from the past.
The only big glitch i have ever experienced was in Mass Effect 2 when you reach the clinic for Mordon where upon entering if you are too far on the left you start to walk into the wall which then clips you through the ceiling and if you didn't have a save you had to start the mission all over again which was a pain.
Game: Tiny harmless graphics glitch
IGN: 1/10
"The glitch makes this game unplayable!"
You should try playing paladins. That game is actually unplayable.
Komaeda that glitch quite literally made the game unplayable.....
7/10 too much water
litteraly unplayable
Well it did make it unplayable. Whats your point?
Note to bethesda:
Do not use the incompetent small team to developed the triple A title game
Agree, the 76's team is too small and inexperienced. Damn shame they rushed the game too.
dunno? Use her as profile pic since i create the account
And yep the one behind the fallout 4: west buginia is not the big time team from maryland, just look how 'ok' previous elder scroll title like morrowind, oblivion and skyrim, those were made by the maryland team
The real problem is that the game engine hey use is 21 years old.
@@TheTruePopeFrancis Actually they use Creation Engine which is new, I think they should tinker with it a little bit more before working on games with it.
That thumbnail really creeps me out....
An issue with no man sky that's been there since they introduced base freighters and is still there to this day, when you put your specialists on your freighter it straight up up just doesn't let you complete any more side missions for them, also the waypoints for the missions are all over the galaxy, also sometimes I straight up just fall through my freighter, been waiting for a patch for ages
That's okay, I give IGN a 4 out of 10 for being useless.
Who gives a damn about gaming sites in 2020 anyway?
You're much too kind. Those losers don't even deserve a 4.
Don't you mean 4 too much water
@@VAArtemchuk me 👁
@Honey Hive
R6S recently had 3 major glitches all at once, and they still aren't fixed all the way.
yeah its out of the game atm
@@mgstriker7755 had to sacrifice some useful stuff
@@PunishedCreepswork4 true
Well, that explains why I never beat Metroid Other M
Last one I remember was in Fallout 3 (on Xbox 360) I had a glitch were if I tried traveling or walking to River City the game would crash
PrototypeActual had this same problem with Riften in Skyrim. Bethesda....
Within Warframe: during some kuva siphon missions, the kuva clouds(the things you need to destroy, in order to destroy the siphon) will sometimes decide to be totally Invisible, stuck, or just outright never even appear during the mission. There's no way to fix it besides just restarting the whole mission and hope it doesn't happen again. (There's four "braids" You need to destroy so it has the chance to happen four times)
2:24 - and a little over 2 years later Falcon's prayers were answered
Number 1: In-game Purchases
I'm so glad I grew up in a era where games were complete with big manuals.
Devs wouldn't dream of releasing a bugged game (since there was no way to patch it). Well, it happened on occasion and those devs paid for it. Now, it's standard practice for a game to be released with serious bugs.
Ps2, Original Xbox days...
We just gonna forget about Anthem?
... cuz i think we should
The whole game is a glitch the makes the game unplayable
@@TH-camr76239 lol wtf
Yeah I fell through a space and it TERRIFIED me I uninstalled bro
I had something similar to the Far Cry 5 glitch happen while playing Just Cause 3. Every now and then when I died trying to clear out an enemy base the game would restart me a few yards a way about a mile up in the air off the side of a cliff. This wasn't too bad most of the time so long as I was paying attention but it was kind of annoying
Mirrors Edge Catalyst had a super bad bug that I experienced a couple times on the Xbox One where looking in a certain direction around certain parts of the map would black the entire screen out and you be staring at nothing until you looked away. Idk if it was ever patched I eventually found my way around that area of the map but it was frustrating nonetheless
The PS4 versions of Fallout 4 and Skyrim are still suffering from the 0kb bug since Creation Club was implemented. Save files get corrupted, can't save at all. Bethesda refuses to fix it.
Thank God i have it on xbox, too bad shut down in October 😓
That error sound in the first one gave me flashback to the early 2000s. Heart almost fell out my ass 🤣
lmao I feel that way all the time. heart falling out ass I meant. 😅😂
Sometimes I wonder if English is Falcon's first language..other than..
well Falconese.
Do you speak beany?
Commit guacamole
He has a language called being drunk cause he always has a cold beer
Cyberpunk 2077 - trees in cement or just going through the ground
Ubisoft game Rainbow six siege has 3new glitches that are op , IQ glitch , clash glitch and shild head glitch, they removed characters in the game and didn't fix it
Rainbow6 siege with recent IQ, claymore and Clash glitch’s have pushed many people away from the game
Those aren't really new though. If I'm not mistaken they happened before with claymore and shields and it was Monty instead of clash
Oh and Jäger
Jackson Fisher still they have them banned until next season and it has upset and annoyed the community again with the abusive bugs in ranked gameplay
I don't disagree with that, all I meant is they aren't that recent or new as its basically a rehashed old glitch @@robertreidy5687
The R6S clash glitch was pretty much game breaking
But it didn't BREAK the game. You could still play and enjoy the game if there isnt' a Clash.
This hurts me as a clash main... she did not break the game... you could still play it
What broke the game was the castle glitch that made everyone have 1 fps in game and the doc glitch which gave him the ability to infinitely heal people.
Visionary that is indeed a game breaking one
R6 is a glitchy game
I remember playing the original Assassins Creed game when it came out, got to the final mission and Altair kept falling through the floor in a continuous loop... every time I tried to reload the save file and progress the same thing happened over and over. This was also years before I ever got Xbox Live too, so I have no idea if it ever got fixed or if anyone ever experienced the same issue. Because of that glitch I never got to compete the game. And I never played another Assassins Creed because of it.
You have missed a lot. Some of their Assassins Creed games have been masterpieces.... others not but still.
Diablo 3 (Xbox 360) . I had the craziest near game breaking bug experience in the game I've ever seen before and I have no idea what the hell caused it. Basically every single enemy in the area just stopped moving at once. They just looked at me and the Templar without making any sounds at all. I couldn't attack or access any menu features either and in case you're wondering the Templar ignored the enemies as well.
Couldn't attack, couldn't save and couldn't load either.
Oh, as if that wasn't crazy enough I entered a dungeon and instead of loading me into that dungeon it put me back outside where the glitch hit but the glitch was completely undone and it has not happened since nor do I have any idea what triggered it.
Freaked me the hell out though.
Literally the only game channel I like.
Damn, Prey was such a fun game for me.
Still haven't finished its Mooncrash dlc .Pirated Prey at start then just bought the whole package as soon n as I had the cash . One of the few games that actually made me want to support the devs
Yeah but r6 with the several glitches that happened at once a few weeks ago
Not sure I should be proud of patches to fix problems or most game developers really need to stop releasing unfinished games?
To be fair, not every company can catch every glitch in their games. Yeah, people are payed to find them, but even that's not enough to find every single one. It's basically not possible to have a game or piece of software without a single coding error. Even updates, DLC and patches can still bring new bugs into games.
As for games released that have loads of glitches that even a young child can find on their own? Yeah, that's just the company rushing it and that's when it's entirely their fault, but it's a different story when it's a few bugs that aren't the easiest to detect and require specific steps to find.
Sometimes they run out of time, it's not up to the devs when a game gets released
Paper mario: thousand year door. There's an NPC you can speak to VERY early in the game, and if you do so, the whole game just crashes. Not sure if this was only in the PAL version, but it never got fixed, It was possible to avoid this NPC and continue the game, but as far as I'm aware there was never anything mentioned about this, so most people didn't know. Thankfully i was working in a game store at the time, so when copies inevitably got returned because of this, i could explain it to them
The glitch against Silver in one of the Sonic games (think it was '06) where you get stuck in a constant loop of getting hit, losing your only coin, picking it back up again and then being hit again so the cycle constantly repeats.
on the other hand, you got gamebreaking bugs that allow for amazing speedruns... and sometimes corrupt your safe file as wel!
@The Legend of Texas idk its not interesting tbh
*cough* the first year of battlefield 4 *cough cough*
mans said *recent*
*9th place goes to legend of zelda*
Only 7 years ago.
In Pokémon mystery dungeon explorers of time for the Nintendo ds there was a bug where if you nicknamed any Pokémon to have ten characters, the game would freeze when you tried to evolve them which sucked because if you wanted to have a certain partner evolve into something amazing you would have to either go out and get a new recruit and rename them something else, or you would have to reset to the start if you nicknamed your buddy
The game-breaking glitch in "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" was quite painful because it happened late in the game during the Quest for the Song of the Hero. If you choose to do Lanayru Desert first and speak to the Goron before the Thunder Dragon, then you activate this glitch. The Goron will not be present later when you need his help to get into Faron Woods.
"The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" on Wii also had a game-breaking glitch when you first try to cross the Eldin Bridge. If you save and quit after the twilight creatures remove the bridge without zoning into the area north of the bridge, the game will respawn you south with no bridge to cross. This was fixed in the HD version on Wii U.
What about the dark souls 3 bug where some dual core cpus can't play
At all the hit boxes don't attach to the enemy it it makes it literally impossible to play and bandai hasn't said anything about it
Does that bug only occur on dual core, or dual core and more CPUs? Cause I've logged 140+ hours of DS3 on an 8th i5-8600K and the ONLY hitbox bullshit I encounter is the 0.5-2s delay during PvP.
Cause yeah, I'm totally able to swing my axe, hear the hit sound, see the lightning particles, but he rolls away with no issue but I dodged roll, complete the roll, and his hit lands AFTER I've completed a roll.
Yeah, GG on the PvP Fromsoft. Love the game, PvP is just a fucking NIGHTMARE
Sounds like lag to me....
Battlefield 5 on xbox one just doesn't work sometimes... literally goes black and will load up black everytime you close it and reopen it. You've gotta restart the whole console
bongothaplant ha Xbox player noob lol rawr XD I am pro master race ps4 player
Stfu console peasants. Imma PC Master Race and you two would get rekt if you played against me.
@@obi-wankenobi5411 you shut up I have an Xbox one and a PC and even I like to play on a Xbox one from time to time.
Was Netherrealm ever going to fix the MK11 offline progress system... You can't unlock anything or go to the krypt while offline WTF
Tabler Mabler it's not a glitch. It's done purposely as items have to be verified via the games server.
@@copyrightclaim1922 that's sucks... I think I'll go back to injustice 2 in that case
Lol goodbye
professional, straight to the point and clear. you have new subscriber
Theres a game breaking bug in BFV where if you turn it on it just sucks. The developers still havent been able to patch it😂
the glitch in dauntless when you cant back out from the loadout menu
The worst glitch in dauntless it the constantly dying frame rate. I played the game for 30min and it felt like a bland hack and slash.
How about behemoths that burrow into the ground and glitch out to where you can't hit it but it can hit you
>skyward sword on switch
Oddly enough, I support this. Puts the motion controls in the switch Joy-cons to good use!
I feel like they should release a "master chief collection" of zelda games on the switch; OOT, MM, WW, TP, and SS. i would have zero qualms dropping $150 on that
@@sirankari2522 that's entirely too much unless they do complete remakes.
@@RtistiqSkubie They all have remasters except Skyward Sword. Maybe tweak some remasters but I don't see the point because they already are amazing and fix alot of issues. They will have to change the TP and MM remasters because they were made to be played with the Wii U gamepad, and you're in obviously missing that second screen.
This would be an amazing deal, and I don't see what you find wrong with it.
Me: Come on Ubisoft, do it for the team come on...
Vid: You know the Division 2?
In Ratchet Gladiator (Deadlocked in US) my 100% completed save file got corrupted. At first I thought my brother had saved over my save file, but his save was different. Essentially what happened, my save file got changed to way earlier in the game and somehow got duplicated. It was still NG+, but almost all skill points were uncompleted again, my weapons were all low level and I had way fewer bolts. I was so sad and frustrated, because one skill point you got by defeating the second-last boss without taking damage. I don't know if you had to do that on the highest difficulty, but I did and was so proud of myself.
Just because you target these kind of disgusting glitches, you deserve a sub.