Fr It’s the most OP element easily Can just fly away from threats or simply use it for travel Stop someone from breathing Could use it to breath underwater I assume And it counters Fire and Water easily
@jshazgaming5953 the Nomads were pacifists. That doesn't mean their bending wasn't useful for combat, it was, just that they weren't interested in using it that way.
But that's the water I think. If it's JUST climate he's fine. Because fire hurts him but he doesn't complain of being "too hot" even when they were trying to suffocate his ability him with fires sticking the air around him. He's just weaker not succumb by the heat itself
@@MariThomas01 Sokka says in the very first episode that it's late night and the sun is still up. This indicates that it's late spring in the southern hemisphere. Kyoshi Island still has snow because it's apparently far enough south that late spring snow is a thing.
@@AtarahDerek nope, sokka makes a joke about midnight sun madness but its winter. There is snow at the southern air temple and kyoshi island too. When they meet haru in imprisoned its still cold. Shortly after that they have the winter solstice episode which is in December.
Actually it's mostly that because they're airbenders and possess the ability to manipulate and control the air that they're moreso creating a slipstream around themselves so as to redirect the air and temperature from hitting their bodies which would influence them otherwise.
@@_shadow_1 Pretty much this. It's no secret that each of the bending styles in the show take heavy inspiration from real world martial arts disciplines.
Also the coolest part about this is that iroh knew about that and taught it to zuko so even when zuko is in the freezer box at boiling rock he is able to use that technique to keep his bending at full power!
Pretty sure way back in the day the avatar extra episodes of ATLA with all the little trivia pop-ups mentioned something about it being a breathing technique to keep himself warm.
@@FrancisR420it is sort of a thing, just not to the extent that aang shows. You will still get hypothermia in freezing weather I'm pretty sure the actual technique is called breath of fire or something like that.
I could be wrong, but I don't think its that they warm/cool the air. Air is a very good insulator. This is why clothing that traps air is worn in cold climates (hence the parkas and whatnot). I think its more that in cold climates they prevent nearby air from escaping their bodies, causing them to retain their body heat, while in hot climates, they circulate nearby air to release as much body heat as possible.
Every element can change the temperature of what they’re bending. Water turns into ice or steam, and we’ve seen some fires burning hotter than others (Azula) even Earthbender has that huge jump into magma bending.
@@TheRaineyManin those examples energy is released or absorbed by a change of state in the matter they turn ice into water into steam etc, changing the temperature of the air could be analogous to making cold fire. Also aren't all the known lava benders half fire Nation?
@@FrancisR420hasn’t been proved, just theorized. We only know of 4. 1 of which is an avatar so don’t really count. We don’t know Ghazan or Sun’s parentage and Bolin is where the theory originated
@FrancisR420 energy is released or absorbed in order to change the state of matter. Earth it's super heated to become magma, water is super cooled to instantly become ice. It's obvious bending controls the elements on the molecular level, to create such immediate and drastic changes
As soon as I saw the elements as a kid, I knew airbending would be the most ludicrous. I mean, air is everywhere, people need it, and if it's fast enough, it can cut through things. Edit: All excellent points. I really like these replies, especially the lack of toxicity...! The one thing I haven't seen anyone say, and it might be because it's somewhat obvious, but another thing about air... when any other element is flying out at super high speeds, you can still see it. With air, you never really see it. All you can see are things moving from it or around it. Plus, it's hit-time for cqc is basically instantaneous. Everything else is automatically slower!
This reminds me of a speculation a friend and I made that the process to get tattoos could theoretically be done by replacing a needle in the tattoo process with air bending effectively air bending the ink into the skin. Which also would link with the fact that airbender are especially spiritual and based on how many of them rigidly follow custom it is a possibility that that is how it is done. Another possibility would be using air bending to essentially move the needle in and out of, meaning take the place of a tattoo machine, the skin. Just off the top of my head it could be done by passing air through a tube below the needle for example. That might allow an airbender to control the speed of the needle either through air bending directly or through a simple mechanism that blocks flowing air intermittently thus allowing the needle to move back and then blowing air to move it up when unblocked. Such as a spinning circle the circumference of the chamber.
Not to mention you can't really cut off someone's access to air. Not without killing them anyway. Restraining or containing an airbender is difficult because of that aspect. The only thing you can do to contain them is restrict their movements so they can't efficiently bend the elements around them, like how zhao did in the episode the blue spirit.
@@im_jordan_ Definitely moreso with water. Realistically, controlling water in a person should be no more difficult than plant bending if not easier. They rip water straight out of wood after all, WOOD! Blood bending is in fact an arbitrary nerf to what should be accessible to all water bending. Since our very squishy 70% water on average bodies are just fleshy water balloons. And no, earth and air most definitely cannot control the body. Pure water exists in the body. Pure earth and air does not. Oxygen and nitrogen is chemically locked into organic compounds aka not air. Same with every imaginable atomic element found in earth aka no longer earth.
No if anything the fire benders would have to warm the heat in their body would arguably be easier than to change the temperature of the air around you
I don't find this very surprising since in the end, all 4 bending disciplines aren't very much different. Bending is still pretty much manipulating energy inside and around them. "The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik
Each bender has the potential to change the temperature of their element. It just seems to be more common in water and air benders. We've seen earth benders raise the temperature of their element to create and bend lava (which is just molten rock).
I've actually known that it's an airbender ability. Didn't Uncle Iroh tell Zuko that it was in Airbender ability to control temperature. That was towards the end of book 1.
Yeah, I'm surprised everyone else didn't already know this. I mean, even if they didn't say it, it seems kind of obvious that airbenders could just do that.
Further solidifiying my theory that the elements, fire and air in particular, are more intertwined than most are led to believe. Though my following of Bleach and how it handles elemental powers (TL;DR: temperature IS a power unto itself), probably factors into this.
Guru Pathik did say the barrier between the elements are an illusion after all, and while Fire Avatars were once the best at using lavabending, it was the Earthbenders of the former Fire Nation colonies that were the first non-Avatars to develop its use
Temperature is not power it's energy specifically kinetic energy or the particles power would be the heating decided by time since the start of the heating
I personally think air and water are the most intermixed due to the fact that the air contains water. Also buoyancy is relative to the fluid around the object. Fluid dynamics is used to represent wind physically to let us see better
@@jonahkolellYeah, I see what you’re saying; but then I also think about air and it’s relation to the other elements: small pockets water molecules suspended in air (water vapor), oxygen in air combusting to keep fire alive, small pockets of earth being scattered (dust). There’s a relation to be had with each element and they’re all equally substantial in their own disposition. Going off what Guru Pathik said, to start saying that one element, or one relationship of two elements, is better is to put up the illusion of separation, since it starts to categorize items of superiority and inferiority, when there is none. Everything’s connected.
It seems to make total sense when you remember that they primarily lived in these mountain top monasteries and also spent a ton of time high up in the air on their bison. I'm surprised they don't still have some warm clothes though, since I don't think you can bend while sleeping
Well fire needs oxygen to burn. So it is actually part of air. Like Guru Pathic said the seperation of the elements is actually an illusion all elements are the same within
Earth is not fire. Argue all you want that earth is life and fire is life energy and I'll tell you that earth is a substance used by life while fire is a reaction that shows a transfer of energy.
Air is an incredible insulator, most forms of insulation simply use fluffy stuff to have big pockets of air The reason we mortals need jackets and blankets etc is because the fluff and sheathing of the coat etc holds the same air in the same spot, Normally new air is constantly moving and reintroduced to our skin cooling us off, Ang could hold air in place and be walking around with a six inch invisible jacket I think the biggest concern would be ground contact, if he's actually touching the snow then his feet are gonna be cold, so is Ang walking on air like 2 inches of the ground
Someone calculated rookie McQueen’s speed when he was younger from the first Cars movie, and he was about 213mph, and with drafting he’d be about 5mph faster making him 218mph, and this wasn’t even his prime speed, meaning that McQueen at his prime likely would have been the fastest race car in the franchise
Iroh reminds him to use his breath of fire to keep warm at the siege of the north - the same Iroh that invented lightning redirection by observing water benders and told him to keep a solid foundation (an importaint part of earthbending) during the agni kai against Commander Zhao - it’s an airbending move, and Iroh is a master at learning from others.
I'm actually shocked it took them that long to write that in. Noone at all during the writing of TLA ever asked why Aang isn't freezing cold while all the other characters have extremely thick coats?
Thank you for posting this! This is my favorite song they played this stream and I knew it would be unarchived but damn it I crave it all the damn time
It’s not that they heat or cool the air, it’s a breathing technique they use to regulate their own body temperature. It states it in the novel ‘The Rise of Kyoshi’ and I thought they mentioned it in one of the animated series too but I could be wrong on that
Just demonstrates again the extent of his mastery at such a young age. The dude was even inventing techniques before he was even frozen which shows not only level of skill and understanding but also his creativity/ingenuity.
I think it is less about the airbending but more about the fact that air is a great isolator when used right, mainly because gases have a lot of spaces i between them, energy transfers literaly need contact between molecules to interact which less likely and by so you condense/ make it less condensed and by so cooling/ heating the body by making the molecules less or more likely to interact
This is actually the reason fur and fluffy coats work. The hairs impede much of the movement, and a layer of warm, stationary air forms close to the body, acting as a barrier against cold air moving around and drawing heat away.
I believe it's more like how a winter coat uses the fact that air is a good insulator and just holds that air where it is thus being a good insulator and airbenders can just do that with the air around their skin and hold it there. I love magic systems that incorporate science and logic.
That's actually one of the reasons why we wear 'layers' to keep away the cold - there is air trapped in between the layers, and air is a great insulator when stagnant, keeping body heat contained
I think it could be more cuz there is a natural body heat and airbenders can isolate the heated air around them to stay on them instead of mixing with wind or the cold. But! To some degree cuz I think I remember Ange being cold from time to time.
This makes sensce when you consider the fact that water benders are able to munipulate the tempature of water, and they do it so effortlessly that they can simultaniously melt and freeze the water
I think it's that but also the fact that we grew up in the Southern Air Temple which is shown to have snow. If it was snowy there constantly, then he would be more acclimated to it
This proves the point that he’s able to make air that’s invisible because no other person in the show or people watching the show warming or cooling the air so when you see him, Airbender, that’s just him picking up the dust
Very few people know the many similarities between Avatar and real life! There are many examples. This secret technique actually exists among advanced Buddhist Yogis: it's known as 《 tummo meditation 》and yes... it is very real. There are real-life beings who have achieved much more incredible things than the characters in this beautiful animated serie. By the way, have you already heard about who Mah-avatar Babaji was? 😉
One of the best thing abt legend of Korra is they showcase how powerful airbenders can be. Aang was a master airbender but even he made the element seems weak at time. He mainly used it as a mean to evade and escape
You know, I never questioned it before simply because "haha cartoon makes anything possible" but the fact that the attention to detail does go that far for literally every other character, It's really interesting to have found out an even more understanding to something I didn't question before 😂
Super insulated clothing probably same like some artic divingsuits. Not thick but nothing gets through. People underestimate how cold it is high up in the air
This air bending style goes back to the days when avatar young to discovered that you can change the temperature of air in her mouth by air bending inside her body
i was thinking of that at first but i thought, since they are basically shaolin monks there are techniques to control body temperature and that's why he is never cold.
Considering Iro studied around the world to develop different fire ending techniques (lightning bending by waring water benders- cannon; studying search bending to learn to "break someone's root"- theory) he probably taught Zuko the hot air breathing by learning about the air nation!
When you think about it, water and air both, at some point, a crossover with fire. Water benders can increase or decrease water temperature to create steam, liquid water, or ice. Air benders can manipulate temperature of the air. Firebenders really get kinda shafted, when you get down to it. A powerful enough water bender could actually create explosions from manipulating temperatures in ice, and manipukate the temperature of water in the air (and thus air) to prevent fire benders from igniting anything. Likewise, a strong enough air bender could cool down the air around a fire bender such that they can't ignite anything (or just remove the air, but that isn't a crossover section). It's long been my opinion that, especially as water also got "healing", fire should have had the ability to restore life itself (which would also have made for the possibility of a cool Ozai return plot, if done well).
I totally forgot about this. Thanks for the info. I kept wondering how it is possible for Avatar Aang to stay warm since the first episode. I thought he got used to the cold because of being frozen for 100 years but turns out it was an airbending technique. Glad that Uncle Iroh taught Prince Zuko (then) the technique as well. I’m guessing only firebenders and airbenders can do this ability.
I honestly thought they'd just gather and condense air around themselves in cold weather, like how furred animals keep warm by trapping air in their fur, creating an insulant.
It makes a certain amount of sense. Waterbenders heat and cool water all the time (it's one of their core combat strategies), select earthbenders can do the same with their element (lavabending). Firebenders don't really fit, but Sozin was shown to be able to channel and release heat itself through his body when he cooled lava on Roku's island
That actually makes a lot of sense. And it’s not like the show was taking shortcuts with the clothes either like some animes since the characters all frequently changed clothes except Aang
I think all benders can manipulate temperature in some way. Airbenders can warm the air as you've just described, firebenders can do something similar with their "breath of fire" technique that Iroh teaches Zuko. Although I think this is much more difficult for firebenders because in the boiling rock that putting them in the cooler takes away their ability to firbend. But when Zuko is throen in he's still able keep himself warm with his breath of fire. So I figure it must either be relatively unknown or extremely difficult to master. Waterbenders of course can freeze water or melt ice at will (though steam seems slightly more difficult since we don't see it as often) and although it's extremely rare some earth benders can lava bend.
I’ve always assumed Aang was able to bloodbend his internal body to a degree where it’d actually warm &/or cool himself depending on the climate he’s in.
I've been rewatching ATLA and when they got lost in the blizzard I was like how is Aang not freezing. Well changing the temperature using airbending makes perfect sense now.
Honestly this makes sense since air is surprisingly a good insulator. It is one of the reasons why igloos work so well. Yes they are made from snow but that snow has a lot of air pockets. Not only does it help make the igloo strong yet light enough to support itself and stop the wind but they help keep the warmth leaving our bodies and keep it inside the igloo.
It's a known technique for multiple forms of bending to use your breath to regulate body temperature, fire bending simply applies or extracts heat, water bending does the same, but specifically in the water in the body of the user, air does the same, but with the air in and around your body, I think earth is the only one that doesn't have a shown or referenced body temperature regulation technique.
A bending style that can control the temperature around you, being able to literally suck the air out of peoples lungs and even allows you to fly without the need of a glider? I'd say that's and damn good element to learn.
That makes sense. Same way how Zahier was able to fly. Just instead of cold and heat your small aura bubble to move you with ease like a muscle flex when walking or running.
I could have sworn that Pre-Korra there was an official explanation going around that Airbenders could "Regulate their body temperature with their breathing."
He also like stayed in an iceberg for 100 years
And remember to visit his friend Buma I think , been awhile
he was in the avatar state at that time, so it likely kept him in _suspended animation_ since.
Ha, nice one😂. Don’t know what these other two are going on about
Only the outside was ice, tge avatar state made it hallow on the inside. that's why when katara broke it alot of air came out
I swear people underestimate Airbending. On every poll I see I always put Airbender.
It’s the most OP element easily
Can just fly away from threats or simply use it for travel
Stop someone from breathing
Could use it to breath underwater I assume
And it counters Fire and Water easily
@@1CE.I mean the Fire nation handled them pretty well so I don’t know about that 🤭
@jshazgaming5953 the Nomads were pacifists. That doesn't mean their bending wasn't useful for combat, it was, just that they weren't interested in using it that way.
They can easily bend the air out of a person's body easily. Its probably a good thing that the air benders were monks.
When he rides the Koi fish its winter on kyoshi island, theres literally snow on the ground. He gets naked and rides anyway 😂😂
But that's the water I think. If it's JUST climate he's fine. Because fire hurts him but he doesn't complain of being "too hot" even when they were trying to suffocate his ability him with fires sticking the air around him. He's just weaker not succumb by the heat itself
It's spring, actually. And they expect us to believe Kyoshi Island is far enough south that winter lasts until November.
@@AtarahDerek nope it was winter.
@@MariThomas01 Sokka says in the very first episode that it's late night and the sun is still up. This indicates that it's late spring in the southern hemisphere. Kyoshi Island still has snow because it's apparently far enough south that late spring snow is a thing.
@@AtarahDerek nope, sokka makes a joke about midnight sun madness but its winter. There is snow at the southern air temple and kyoshi island too. When they meet haru in imprisoned its still cold. Shortly after that they have the winter solstice episode which is in December.
This would explain the "fire breaths" that Iroh learned from the air nomades and taught zuko
No it doesn’t. Just go and watch the first episode. Aang says it himself the monks taught him how to regulate his body temp with his renting
Where did you get that he learned it from air nomads?
@ioverslept. During his time explaining how he took lessons from all elements.
I assumed it was more that they just ignored the extreme conditions via their monk training
It's honestly a mix of both because bending and spiritual training go hand in hand.
Actually it's mostly that because they're airbenders and possess the ability to manipulate and control the air that they're moreso creating a slipstream around themselves so as to redirect the air and temperature from hitting their bodies which would influence them otherwise.
That's how it is irl. And irl monks are the obvious inspiration for airbenders.
@@_shadow_1 Pretty much this. It's no secret that each of the bending styles in the show take heavy inspiration from real world martial arts disciplines.
Tenzin literally talks about this in korra about using airbending to regulate body temperature his trainees were freezing and he wasn’t
Aang trying to ride giant coyfish - “COLD!”
He can’t warm the water at that time
@supertiger123 he could, but not at the time. (Because he's the avatar, other airbenders would be cold in the water of course)
@@veganandatheist he wasn’t a water bender at the time
@@ACoolGamerKid that's exactly what I said.
He hadn’t learned watervendong yet
Also the coolest part about this is that iroh knew about that and taught it to zuko so even when zuko is in the freezer box at boiling rock he is able to use that technique to keep his bending at full power!
OH I TOTALLY MISSED THAT! I was wondering how he was still firebending! This show is so good
He taught Zuko this ? What, he taught him how to airbend?
@@dexter99999 No. Iroh knows different techniques from all the nations and also knows how to use them in fire bending.
@dexter99999 and technically, water bending.
@dexter99999 Iroh understands that the line between the four elements is not as rigid some would have you thinj
Pretty sure way back in the day the avatar extra episodes of ATLA with all the little trivia pop-ups mentioned something about it being a breathing technique to keep himself warm.
Yeah I always assumed it was just one of the real life ways that you can do that through meditation and the discipline of a master martial artist
@@FrancisR420it is sort of a thing, just not to the extent that aang shows. You will still get hypothermia in freezing weather
I'm pretty sure the actual technique is called breath of fire or something like that.
Aang says it himself the first episode
I could be wrong, but I don't think its that they warm/cool the air. Air is a very good insulator. This is why clothing that traps air is worn in cold climates (hence the parkas and whatnot). I think its more that in cold climates they prevent nearby air from escaping their bodies, causing them to retain their body heat, while in hot climates, they circulate nearby air to release as much body heat as possible.
Every element can change the temperature of what they’re bending. Water turns into ice or steam, and we’ve seen some fires burning hotter than others (Azula) even Earthbender has that huge jump into magma bending.
So it's double proved.
@@TheRaineyManin those examples energy is released or absorbed by a change of state in the matter they turn ice into water into steam etc, changing the temperature of the air could be analogous to making cold fire.
Also aren't all the known lava benders half fire Nation?
@@FrancisR420hasn’t been proved, just theorized. We only know of 4. 1 of which is an avatar so don’t really count. We don’t know Ghazan or Sun’s parentage and Bolin is where the theory originated
@FrancisR420 energy is released or absorbed in order to change the state of matter. Earth it's super heated to become magma, water is super cooled to instantly become ice. It's obvious bending controls the elements on the molecular level, to create such immediate and drastic changes
You can be like a thermometer, just reflecting the world around you. Or you can be a thermostat, one of those people who sets the temperature.
chatgpt comment
I like to think of myself more as a HVAC system
You sound like the kind of thermometer that people stuck up their butts.
@@flamingzucchini7843more of a self development comment
As soon as I saw the elements as a kid, I knew airbending would be the most ludicrous.
I mean, air is everywhere, people need it, and if it's fast enough, it can cut through things.
All excellent points. I really like these replies, especially the lack of toxicity...!
The one thing I haven't seen anyone say, and it might be because it's somewhat obvious, but another thing about air...
when any other element is flying out at super high speeds, you can still see it.
With air, you never really see it. All you can see are things moving from it or around it.
Plus, it's hit-time for cqc is basically instantaneous. Everything else is automatically slower!
I mean, not to undermine, but everything can cut through things if it's fast enough 😅
This reminds me of a speculation a friend and I made that the process to get tattoos could theoretically be done by replacing a needle in the tattoo process with air bending effectively air bending the ink into the skin. Which also would link with the fact that airbender are especially spiritual and based on how many of them rigidly follow custom it is a possibility that that is how it is done. Another possibility would be using air bending to essentially move the needle in and out of, meaning take the place of a tattoo machine, the skin. Just off the top of my head it could be done by passing air through a tube below the needle for example. That might allow an airbender to control the speed of the needle either through air bending directly or through a simple mechanism that blocks flowing air intermittently thus allowing the needle to move back and then blowing air to move it up when unblocked. Such as a spinning circle the circumference of the chamber.
Not to mention you can't really cut off someone's access to air. Not without killing them anyway. Restraining or containing an airbender is difficult because of that aspect. The only thing you can do to contain them is restrict their movements so they can't efficiently bend the elements around them, like how zhao did in the episode the blue spirit.
Same with water
@@im_jordan_ Definitely moreso with water. Realistically, controlling water in a person should be no more difficult than plant bending if not easier. They rip water straight out of wood after all, WOOD! Blood bending is in fact an arbitrary nerf to what should be accessible to all water bending. Since our very squishy 70% water on average bodies are just fleshy water balloons.
And no, earth and air most definitely cannot control the body. Pure water exists in the body. Pure earth and air does not. Oxygen and nitrogen is chemically locked into organic compounds aka not air. Same with every imaginable atomic element found in earth aka no longer earth.
Sounds like a fire bending ability
I pretty sure iroh learned it from air benders and taught it to zuko so he can be warm in freezing water
It's both I think
No if anything the fire benders would have to warm the heat in their body would arguably be easier than to change the temperature of the air around you
I don't find this very surprising since in the end, all 4 bending disciplines aren't very much different. Bending is still pretty much manipulating energy inside and around them.
"The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik
Each bender has the potential to change the temperature of their element. It just seems to be more common in water and air benders. We've seen earth benders raise the temperature of their element to create and bend lava (which is just molten rock).
I've actually known that it's an airbender ability. Didn't Uncle Iroh tell Zuko that it was in Airbender ability to control temperature. That was towards the end of book 1.
Yeah, I'm surprised everyone else didn't already know this. I mean, even if they didn't say it, it seems kind of obvious that airbenders could just do that.
That just sounds like fire bending with extra steps
It's airbending.
No, you got it backwards. Fire bending is air bending with flames.
I remember Momo doing fake earthbending.
Even zuko a fire bender was cold.
@@Sciptopia That’s because he was fire bending with his muscles rather than his breath.
when you realize air benders can make friction in the hair creating heat in the exact way a firenender does
Further solidifiying my theory that the elements, fire and air in particular, are more intertwined than most are led to believe. Though my following of Bleach and how it handles elemental powers (TL;DR: temperature IS a power unto itself), probably factors into this.
Guru Pathik did say the barrier between the elements are an illusion after all, and while Fire Avatars were once the best at using lavabending, it was the Earthbenders of the former Fire Nation colonies that were the first non-Avatars to develop its use
Temperature is not power it's energy specifically kinetic energy or the particles power would be the heating decided by time since the start of the heating
@@georgyekimov4577he mentioned Bleach and anime has power systems. Regardless of how "right" you are you look dumb when you ignore context
I personally think air and water are the most intermixed due to the fact that the air contains water. Also buoyancy is relative to the fluid around the object. Fluid dynamics is used to represent wind physically to let us see better
@@jonahkolellYeah, I see what you’re saying; but then I also think about air and it’s relation to the other elements: small pockets water molecules suspended in air (water vapor), oxygen in air combusting to keep fire alive, small pockets of earth being scattered (dust). There’s a relation to be had with each element and they’re all equally substantial in their own disposition. Going off what Guru Pathik said, to start saying that one element, or one relationship of two elements, is better is to put up the illusion of separation, since it starts to categorize items of superiority and inferiority, when there is none. Everything’s connected.
It seems to make total sense when you remember that they primarily lived in these mountain top monasteries and also spent a ton of time high up in the air on their bison. I'm surprised they don't still have some warm clothes though, since I don't think you can bend while sleeping
I always just figured he was used to the cold from living on a high peak where there would be cold and harsh winds.
Bro was in an ICEBERG for a century like ofc he has an ability to help him withstand the cold
Well fire needs oxygen to burn. So it is actually part of air.
Like Guru Pathic said the seperation of the elements is actually an illusion all elements are the same within
Earth is not fire. Argue all you want that earth is life and fire is life energy and I'll tell you that earth is a substance used by life while fire is a reaction that shows a transfer of energy.
@@Undomaranelbut you can’t argue with Guru Pathik😎
Air is an incredible insulator, most forms of insulation simply use fluffy stuff to have big pockets of air
The reason we mortals need jackets and blankets etc is because the fluff and sheathing of the coat etc holds the same air in the same spot,
Normally new air is constantly moving and reintroduced to our skin cooling us off,
Ang could hold air in place and be walking around with a six inch invisible jacket
I think the biggest concern would be ground contact, if he's actually touching the snow then his feet are gonna be cold, so is Ang walking on air like 2 inches of the ground
Someone calculated rookie McQueen’s speed when he was younger from the first Cars movie, and he was about 213mph, and with drafting he’d be about 5mph faster making him 218mph, and this wasn’t even his prime speed, meaning that McQueen at his prime likely would have been the fastest race car in the franchise
Pretty sure it's also a fire bending technique. Zuko used it in the island prison
I think thats different. Somehow they are raising the body temp.
Iroh reminds him to use his breath of fire to keep warm at the siege of the north - the same Iroh that invented lightning redirection by observing water benders and told him to keep a solid foundation (an importaint part of earthbending) during the agni kai against Commander Zhao - it’s an airbending move, and Iroh is a master at learning from others.
all four elements have the ability to control the temperature of said element; it's just very rare for earth bending
They actually makes sense. That is how you make tornados
The fact that he can do that subconsciously is peak air bending mastery
I don't think it is; I think that he's conditioned to do it at after alot of training
I'm actually shocked it took them that long to write that in. Noone at all during the writing of TLA ever asked why Aang isn't freezing cold while all the other characters have extremely thick coats?
He mentioned that he uses breathing exercises to keep warm instead of a warm sleeping bag once in the original show.
Thank you for posting this! This is my favorite song they played this stream and I knew it would be unarchived but damn it I crave it all the damn time
what’s the song called
It’s not that they heat or cool the air, it’s a breathing technique they use to regulate their own body temperature. It states it in the novel ‘The Rise of Kyoshi’ and I thought they mentioned it in one of the animated series too but I could be wrong on that
Just demonstrates again the extent of his mastery at such a young age. The dude was even inventing techniques before he was even frozen which shows not only level of skill and understanding but also his creativity/ingenuity.
The fact that airbender don’t have to worry about exposure as much as others is just way too good
I think it is less about the airbending but more about the fact that air is a great isolator when used right, mainly because gases have a lot of spaces i between them, energy transfers literaly need contact between molecules to interact which less likely and by so you condense/ make it less condensed and by so cooling/ heating the body by making the molecules less or more likely to interact
This is actually the reason fur and fluffy coats work. The hairs impede much of the movement, and a layer of warm, stationary air forms close to the body, acting as a barrier against cold air moving around and drawing heat away.
I believe it's more like how a winter coat uses the fact that air is a good insulator and just holds that air where it is thus being a good insulator and airbenders can just do that with the air around their skin and hold it there.
I love magic systems that incorporate science and logic.
Air Nomad. Literally grew up in the harshest wind in the fastest wind paths in the world, as living in the mountains myself, it's almost always cold.
Tenzin basically said it’s a common air bending ability
In the legend of korra, tenzin mentions that he can warm himself up with just his breath when he’s teaching the new airbenders
Very interesting! Hadn't really thought of the temperature while watching the series. Thanks for the explanation!
It makes sense, they can make the air molecules closer for cold and further for hot
Aang the last chair bender
I mean I breathe into my sweater on super cold nights to help keep myself warm.....
Lol love the falling into a ditch and then the way your character stared at the screen like: “really??” 😂😂
That's actually one of the reasons why we wear 'layers' to keep away the cold - there is air trapped in between the layers, and air is a great insulator when stagnant, keeping body heat contained
The air nomads lived on high mountains and THAT was their garment of choice. Yeah, they obviously kept warm with air bending
The comics show his ability does have its limits. He has warmer clothing the second time he visits the Southern Water Tribe.
I think it could be more cuz there is a natural body heat and airbenders can isolate the heated air around them to stay on them instead of mixing with wind or the cold. But! To some degree cuz I think I remember Ange being cold from time to time.
I love how you make this sound like it's a completely unknown thing, airbenders and firebenders can control the temperature of their body
And he flew through the desert looking for appa. And never got worn out.
I figured it was because he was a monk and he's trained himself to ignore things like being too hot or too cold
This makes sensce when you consider the fact that water benders are able to munipulate the tempature of water, and they do it so effortlessly that they can simultaniously melt and freeze the water
That’s actually pretty damn cool and nice foresight
I think it's that but also the fact that we grew up in the Southern Air Temple which is shown to have snow. If it was snowy there constantly, then he would be more acclimated to it
This proves the point that he’s able to make air that’s invisible because no other person in the show or people watching the show warming or cooling the air so when you see him, Airbender, that’s just him picking up the dust
Very few people know the many similarities between Avatar and real life! There are many examples. This secret technique actually exists among advanced Buddhist Yogis: it's known as 《 tummo meditation 》and yes... it is very real. There are real-life beings who have achieved much more incredible things than the characters in this beautiful animated serie. By the way, have you already heard about who Mah-avatar Babaji was? 😉
Iroh taught Zuko a breathing technique that helped him in the boiling rock prison and did close to the same thing.
Makes complete sense just how water benders can control the temperature to freeze and unfreeze it
One of the best thing abt legend of Korra is they showcase how powerful airbenders can be. Aang was a master airbender but even he made the element seems weak at time. He mainly used it as a mean to evade and escape
Yeah, he can control the temperature of the air around him.
_Airbenders low-key secretly violated the clothing industry_
You know, I never questioned it before simply because "haha cartoon makes anything possible" but the fact that the attention to detail does go that far for literally every other character, It's really interesting to have found out an even more understanding to something I didn't question before 😂
Super insulated clothing probably same like some artic divingsuits. Not thick but nothing gets through. People underestimate how cold it is high up in the air
Wtf, I'm blown away by this! I love it when people find cool theories like this.
This air bending style goes back to the days when avatar young to discovered that you can change the temperature of air in her mouth by air bending inside her body
He is also a monk… they do that today.
i was thinking of that at first but i thought, since they are basically shaolin monks there are techniques to control body temperature and that's why he is never cold.
I didn’t even have to see the entire video to know why
same i remembered that scene lol
Considering Iro studied around the world to develop different fire ending techniques (lightning bending by waring water benders- cannon; studying search bending to learn to "break someone's root"- theory) he probably taught Zuko the hot air breathing by learning about the air nation!
When you think about it, water and air both, at some point, a crossover with fire.
Water benders can increase or decrease water temperature to create steam, liquid water, or ice.
Air benders can manipulate temperature of the air.
Firebenders really get kinda shafted, when you get down to it.
A powerful enough water bender could actually create explosions from manipulating temperatures in ice, and manipukate the temperature of water in the air (and thus air) to prevent fire benders from igniting anything. Likewise, a strong enough air bender could cool down the air around a fire bender such that they can't ignite anything (or just remove the air, but that isn't a crossover section).
It's long been my opinion that, especially as water also got "healing", fire should have had the ability to restore life itself (which would also have made for the possibility of a cool Ozai return plot, if done well).
Man explains plot point from literally episode one like it’s a huge mystery of the series
He, like everyone else, heats the air in his lungs, then breathes it out. He specifically then bends it around his body.
I totally forgot about this. Thanks for the info. I kept wondering how it is possible for Avatar Aang to stay warm since the first episode. I thought he got used to the cold because of being frozen for 100 years but turns out it was an airbending technique. Glad that Uncle Iroh taught Prince Zuko (then) the technique as well. I’m guessing only firebenders and airbenders can do this ability.
I honestly thought they'd just gather and condense air around themselves in cold weather, like how furred animals keep warm by trapping air in their fur, creating an insulant.
It makes a certain amount of sense. Waterbenders heat and cool water all the time (it's one of their core combat strategies), select earthbenders can do the same with their element (lavabending). Firebenders don't really fit, but Sozin was shown to be able to channel and release heat itself through his body when he cooled lava on Roku's island
That actually makes a lot of sense. And it’s not like the show was taking shortcuts with the clothes either like some animes since the characters all frequently changed clothes except Aang
I thought you’d say “he was conditioned to the cold by being frozen for a century” 😅
Yes in the series they say that also uncle iroh made that with fire breath to keep zuko warm in north
I think all benders can manipulate temperature in some way. Airbenders can warm the air as you've just described, firebenders can do something similar with their "breath of fire" technique that Iroh teaches Zuko. Although I think this is much more difficult for firebenders because in the boiling rock that putting them in the cooler takes away their ability to firbend. But when Zuko is throen in he's still able keep himself warm with his breath of fire. So I figure it must either be relatively unknown or extremely difficult to master.
Waterbenders of course can freeze water or melt ice at will (though steam seems slightly more difficult since we don't see it as often) and although it's extremely rare some earth benders can lava bend.
I’m in the middle of the short and I think it’s by bending the temperatures of air around him
I’ve always assumed Aang was able to bloodbend his internal body to a degree where it’d actually warm &/or cool himself depending on the climate he’s in.
I've been rewatching ATLA and when they got lost in the blizzard I was like how is Aang not freezing. Well changing the temperature using airbending makes perfect sense now.
Forget a secret bending ability, I need Sokka to teach me his secret bending technique!
I'm no Airbender, yet i have the exact same ability irl: I don't feel cold and hot temperatures at all.
I was wondering why Aang had air around him in the ball of rock that Ozai blasted, I now realize he was maintaining his temperature 🤯
Honestly this makes sense since air is surprisingly a good insulator. It is one of the reasons why igloos work so well. Yes they are made from snow but that snow has a lot of air pockets. Not only does it help make the igloo strong yet light enough to support itself and stop the wind but they help keep the warmth leaving our bodies and keep it inside the igloo.
Tenzin literally talks about this in korra about using airbending to regulate body temperature his trainees were freezing and he wasn’t
This show has the best storyline ever to exist
Mans just Cooked like thanksgiving dinner 🙏💯 nice video
Dang that detail flew over my head and i watched Kora 3x :D
I mean Zuko did use an air bending technique to resist the cold in his cell during his time at the boiling rock.
It's a known technique for multiple forms of bending to use your breath to regulate body temperature, fire bending simply applies or extracts heat, water bending does the same, but specifically in the water in the body of the user, air does the same, but with the air in and around your body, I think earth is the only one that doesn't have a shown or referenced body temperature regulation technique.
also their air temples r literally in the mountains which is much colder, but they all still wear the same clothes !
So, best bending perk discovered; having an instant AC/ heater would be amazing!
A bending style that can control the temperature around you, being able to literally suck the air out of peoples lungs and even allows you to fly without the need of a glider? I'd say that's and damn good element to learn.
That makes sense. Same way how Zahier was able to fly. Just instead of cold and heat your small aura bubble to move you with ease like a muscle flex when walking or running.
Iroh knew this and adapted it aswell, even passing it to zuko, which is seem during his underwater exploration of the North Pole, in search of Aang
I could have sworn that Pre-Korra there was an official explanation going around that Airbenders could "Regulate their body temperature with their breathing."
On top of that Aang spent 100 years in an iceberg, he had a decent training