So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
What staggering is that you can’t see the Truth. Watching the Book of Revelation playing out in real time and false teachers like this Rabbai trying to lead people astray. Just like the Bible said it would.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
Not really, the guy he has on is not even a true Christian, he doesn’t even know what he is talking about and most of what he said is made up by him. I would love to see a discussion with a knowledgeable person, I am seriously interested in what the Jewish interpretation of the Bible without any lying or misquoting the Bible old or New Testament.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
Rabbi, I know you are doing this to bring back Jews from the apostasy sold by Christian missionaries but you are also convincing many of 'the nations' to direct their faith from that to Judaism. Your talks are always on my 'to watch' list. A wholehearted thank you from me for sharing your vast knowledge and truth.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
I was born Catholic I guess you could say as I was baptized but my father introduced me and all my siblings two apocryphal texts at the same time we were going to Sunday school. Now I'm no genius but even at the age of six I was questioning why we weren't Jewish is Jesus was a Jew. It was no secret that my father studied the Kabbalah and white magic from different ancient sources. I used to page through the book called The secret teachings of all ages which he had an original copy of as a child. And my father did angelic evocations for every one of his kids births. Now is an adult I see lots of people waking up to the inconsistencies and it is just such an extreme pleasure to see this rabbi breaking it down in perfect English and a calm fashion. I have been telling people about the council of Nicaea and how the church wrote the Bible in order to create a church since I was 10. It's so crazy how hardcore people stand behind Miss translations and cherry pick texts that were selected at the time to support power of bishops and other leaders for social control and to opress people.
@ the forth man In the fire, the angel of the Lord who tells mosses he is God in the burning bush, the pass over lamb to represent Jesus, the sacrifice of Issac to represent Gods sacrifice of his only son, literally read isaiah. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NIV “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” Genesis 3:8 NIV How can God walk if he has no physical attributes? “There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.” Exodus 3:2 NIV “Then he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.” Exodus 3:6 NIV “God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ”” Exodus 3:14 NIV How can an angel of the Lord which is supposed to be separate from God call itself God? You do realise the angel of the Lord written in the old testament is Jesus, the one who spoke to Moses and Elijah on the mountain was Jesus.
I was Christ and I started to study the stuff of history. I need long time to leave the church and now in 1 hour tobia tell stuff who I needed long time. Thanks tobia singer good job
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
I used to be catholic or grew up catholic and a little bit christian. I changed or something changed me and I was alone when the calling happened. I don’t just believe in God, I know there is one God, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the only God of the whole universe. I stay with Tanaj the original bible the Hebrew Bible. The other gods are just men, statues, images, sculpture saints and more, they are all pagan figures that don’t breathe, talk, walk, see, and don’t have any power. We cannot see God but he exists. More than 3,000 years ago God revealed himself with his voice at Mount Sanai to probably more than 1 million Israelites. They are the witnesses of God and the light to the nations period. Thank you Rabbi Tovia Singer.
Well, actually, there were no written copies of Torah till around the 3rd century bce. Before that were oral stories a few more centuries. Do you guys still believe in a worldwide flood?
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
If you see that what I am writing dear Rabbi Tovia remember that you are respected for level of your expertise fantastic memory and passion for academic approach to Christian matters. Please stay healthy and in good form for another decades... May Hashem give you long and happy Life! You are amazing!
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it? Don't care much for gentiles do ya now?
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
There are interviews with them both from many years ago on youtube, I've watched a few of them recently. Look up "Tovia singer Jews for Jesus interview" and something should come up!
The first time I read the Bible cover to cover, I realized there was no basis for the Trinity anywhere in it. That was an "Uh Oh" moment for me as a Catholic which led to many more.
@@therighteousrighthand Upside down and backwards, what verses do YOU believe establish a basis for the Trinity? You know the idea doesn't appear in any Pauline epistle, right?
Rabbi Singer is my rebbe- and for good reason. May Hashem bless his father with a Refuah Sheleimah- stronger and healthier than ever. Let us all remember, "Yeshuot Hashem K'Heref Ayin- Hashem's salvation comes in the blink of an eye."
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
Please wish your Father a belated happy birthday, I am one week of the month older than He is. G-D'S Blessings to you both, him for Fathering you and YOU for bringing the light of truth to so many.
We must only determine truth by what is written by what we know to be Divine and that can only be what is written in the Hebrew Bible. Baruch HaShem! You Rabbi, have done as you always have done, and we gratefully thank you for representing the speech of HaShem.
Very interesting about your family history in PA. My great-grandfather lived near Pittsburgh in 1920s, my grandfather was born near there in 1925. He later lived in Scranton as well.
I don’t understand why anyone feels they have a right to add to another group’s religious text, and then tell that group how to interpret their own text. The Tanach is the religious text of the Jewish people and don’t the Jewish people have a right to interpret what they themselves created? I am not Jewish, but it just seems odd to me that other groups jump in and always claim they have a right to tell Jewish what Jewish texts mean.
If you can believe the new testament, then you would know that the first believers were Jews who followed a Jesus that was born a Jew. Yet if you believe that Jesus didn't exist, then where did the non Jews, come up with such a dumb Idea to go and follow Jewish ways? Would it not been better for them ,to have stuck with their tried and "(true)".
This guy needs to see the evidence that was provided for the Roman Provenance of Xtianity, found in the books and documentaries Creating Christ and Caesar's Messiah.
❤thank you Rabbi Tovia Hashem used you to open so many peoples eyes. But the Christian's is stubborn. JC is everything for them. Thankyou for sharing about you father. I pray to Hashem that a family of Hashem will took me in I have nobody. ❤❤❤
That is because Jesus Christ is the Truth. 2nd John 1:7 For many deceivers entered into the world who confess not that Jesus come in the flesh.. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God Heareth us, He that is not of God heareth not us. Here by know we the spirit of Truth and the spirit of error.
@@BeckyCathell Your sourcebook, the Greek testament, bears no truth or authority here. Quoting from the xtian bible on a channel for Jewish learning proves ONLY that Torah and Tanach are devoid of a sacrificed messiah whether named jesus or anything else.
Topics the church gets completely wrong: rapture, virgin birth, salvation from sin through a blood sacrifice, trinity. Topics they don't even care about: resurrection of the dead
In the words of Paul to the minister Paul respected as a main person he trusted to carry on his ministry, Paul said that there is one God and one mediator between God and man. John said to believe not every spirit and went on to say that you can distinguish spirits that are of God from those not of God by whether that Jesus the Messiah was born in the flesh. Those that do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh are not of God, but are antichrists. Those that confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh are of God. So the emphasis is on believing that Jesus is flesh is the main thing that a believer is to believe in to be what was called first in Antioch a Christian.
@@marktravis5162 Charismatic Evangelicals are *ellbent on 1/3 of Israelis being destroyed so that "Jesus" returns, based on 1st Thessalonians. This isn't found in Tanakh. Zechariah isn't "hidden" from Rabbis either. Zechariah isn't another "Great Jesus Angel Hunt."
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
@neorahmusic9245 no you are terribly mistaken due to your ignorance of the Hebrew language. Mistranslation and forgery has made you all think that Jesus was the messiah. In fact Scripture states when the true messiah comes who will be a relative of King David that Every eye shall see him. Nations will not wage war against another. Weapons will be converted into plough shears. In fact Jesus himself said that he has not come to bring peace but a sword which is contrary to the prophecy. I really don't understand why umorons can't see this.
@@Isaac5123 " no you are terribly mistaken due to your ignorance of the Hebrew language. Mistranslation and forgery has made you all think that Jesus was the messiah" Source and proof of the forgery please? Look all this is fun and games and I could go into everything you said , but you still didn't answer my question Did God make a mistake with Jesus in having the whole world know the true God of the Jews through Jesus, which clearly happened and not only that everything in history is either before or after , wether you like it or not...all a big mistake huh? Yes or no?
The Christian jumped the shark when he tried to make an apology for Paul's invention of ''rose according to the scriptures'' part. Otherwise a very cool guy.
Yhwh help us. I came out of “Trinitarianism” because as I looked back at my time serving “God” as one, it did not add up. As I began to pray and study, I saw through scripture that “Jesus” was not God but the Messiah. As I continued to study I came to realize that he is not the Messiah and men have adultererd the word of Yah. I thank Yah for his truth. Yah’s people do not need to make up words to fit their belief. He has explained it clearly. There is only one Elohim.
the catholic church who invented the idolatry of the trinity, even they admit there's not one mention of the trinity in the Jewish Bible. So how do they know of something they were never commanded to believe in, that they were told would never exist (Isaiah 43:10-13, Isaiah 44:6-8, Isaiah 45:19-23)? Your trinity is foreign idolatry only ever to be rejected (Deuteronomy 13:6-17), your new unknown god is of no importance (Deuteronomy 32:16-17
I seriously doubt your Baptist guest will take it onboard, if anything he simply doubled down on the ridiculous resurrection claim and unverified "500" witnesses by Paul.
@37:28 ish, you just hit me with profound knowledge! While Mary was carrying this “god” she considered him a “god.” Right? That would be idolatry. How could Jesus be born sinless then? The perfunctory of it all.
Fact verify: No historian mentions Jesus Apostles miracles Paul anywhere in any historical record from that era outside of the Christian bibles. Not one shred . Pliny the elder was the main Roman historian from that exact time period and makes not one mention. Josephus and Tactius were born and wrote decades later after Jesus died. One must pause.. Unitarians Mennonites Quakers nice people never took part in atrocities as other christians committed. תודה רבה שלום
@lastsupperapologetics5710 not one shred of historical record... No mention of bringing back people from the dead healed blind walking on water etc etc etc. Also In Judaism we have no " superstition" allowed only HaShem G-d.
This guests whole theory about Joseph & Mary coming together at direction of the Holy Spirit is trash. BECAUSE ITS NEGATED BY: Matthew 1: 18-20 Nothing is more evident than the fact that people who claim the name “Christian” DO NOT READ THEIR OWN HOLY TEXTS. Really embarrassed for them…
It pained me and with some embarrassment when my son was ~ Sprinkled ~ at a combo-mix Para Egypt/Mexico (Baptist) ~ blue Spaniard church, French/Spain . . . . Though as who sang the {Loudest} of the HEM: Father/Son/Holy Ghost . . . Blessed Trinity . . . Was ~ she ~ of the Cow Clan who gave birth to all sons. Here formerly of rural America we all had [Beef], Thunderbird was reserved especial cheep Shurgard fortified Wine for the IN - Di - An's relating Di - Vine into theology . . . . how is your red/white blood cell count?
Things make a lot more since after waking up to Herodian Paul being the wolf in sheep’s clothing that Yeshua warned everyone about and the false apostle mentioned in Revelation.
Who in their sane sober mind would take the word of a man over the word of Yahuah? Didn't Yahuah use prophets and angels to message us? Where are the prophets in the Christian Bible?
People who are brainwashed their whole lives regarding this myth of the virgin birth, just can't give it up. We live in a world that follows the laws of physics and common sense, yet they stick to their primitive ways of thinking anyway. I think this fellow speaking to the Rabbi is still stuck there a bit.
Prophet Amos told the Jews their God was Saturn. Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. The star is on their flag.
*15 Proofs that Jesus is not The God, a god,* *or a person who is part of a trinitarian god:* *1)* God alone is good (αγαθος), unlike Jesus who himself said, "Why do you call me 'good'? No one is good except God alone. (Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19) *2)* God is greater than man (Job 33:12) including Jesus who said, “...the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28) *3)* God is immortal (Romans 1:23, 1 Timothy 6:16), but Jesus died. (Mark 15:37) God raised Jesus. (Acts 2:32, Acts 5:30) *4)* God's own understanding is incomprehensible (Psalm 147:5), but Jesus’ understanding is comprehended. (Mark 5:30-33, Mark 9:21, John 11:34, Hebrews 5:8) *5)* God alone is sovereign (Daniel 5:21, 1 Timothy 6:15) and Jesus is God’s servant. (Matthew 12:18-21, Acts 3:13, Acts 3:26, Acts 4:27, Acts 4:30) *6)* God is not a man (Hosea 11:9), nor a son of man. (Numbers 23:19) Jesus is both man (1 Timothy 2:5) and son of man. (Mark 2:10, Mark 14:41) *7)* No one has ever seen God. (John 1:18, 1 John 4:12), but Jesus was born (Matthew 2:1) and was seen. (1 Timothy 3:16) *8)* Jesus is not omniscient. (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32), but God knows all. (1 John 3:20) *9)* Jesus is neither immutable or invariable (Luke 2:52, Luke 9:29), but God is immutable (James 1:17) and invariable. (Malachi 3:6) *10)* Jesus came to do God's will (John 5:30, John 6:38), not his own will. (Matthew 26:39-42) *11)* Jesus is both hierarchically (1 Corinthians 11:3) and functionally (John 5:30) subordinate to God. *12)* Jesus was “tempted in all things.” (Hebrews 4:15) Conversely, God cannot be tempted. (James 1:13) *13)* Jesus' authority was given to him (Matthew 28:18, 1 Corinthians 15:28) and not simply assumed by himself. *14)* Jesus was taught by God. (John 8:28) Conversely, God knows all things. (1 John 3:20) *15)* Jesus has a God (John 20:17, Revelation 3:12), who is the “God and Father of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 1:3, Ephesians 1:3, Colossians 1:3, 1 Peter 1:3), the “one God, the Father” (1 Corinthians 8:6) and the “one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:6) whom Jesus called “the only true God.” (John 17:3)
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the sacrificial lamb who was sent by God to form a new covenant with his people. God can do whatever he wants and he chose to send his Son to save us. You’ll find out one day when you die, you’ll see Him and find out He’s the light of the world and he loves you. Just know He will always be there for you
This is a typical error committed by most Christians. John doesn’t say that Jesus is way, the truth and the life … John has Jesus open his mouth and say: I am the way, the truth and the life … Christians make the assumption that Jesus refers to himself, the man, but John makes it very clear that Jesus is not speaking of his own, but that he only speaks what he sees his father doing or saying. Jesus is speaking the oracles of God like prophets before him. In the TeNaCh we learn that the Torah is the way, the truth and the life. Only the Torah is the way to the father. This is what the gospel of John is all about. And Matthew confirms it: Matthew 5:17-19 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
@@Mymission53 The Torah is the way, the truth and the life. There is no new covenant. The servant is Israel not jesus. Christians chose themselves instead of being chosen. Israel is chosen by God. Isaiah-43:10 "You are my witnesses," declares the Lord, "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior.
I love your content and insight rabbi, I am LDS but I totally agree on the trinity. Most Christians when pressed on how the trinity works, they just say it’s too complicated for us mortals to understand the nature of God, but out of the other side of their mouth, they say you need to accept the trinity to be saved or even be considered a Christian. So either God made me incapable of understanding him and therefore that was never the point, or they’re wrong about their 1+1+1=1 equation. Can’t have it both ways.
So a branch of Jews started worship the three as one. The father. Son. Holy ghost. What make sense to me is the Flavian dynasty. Father Vespasian. Son Titus and holy ghost is Domitian because he could not be worshiped after his assassination. He had no funeral, unlike father,son. He a had no ashes to worship unlike father,son. Ancients had to somehow make sense of this. Josephus says Vespasian is the messiah. Flavians destroy temple and send most people into slavery and building projects across empire. Remember tekton. And many other things point to dynasty worship. But I don’t necessarily think as James Valliant that Roman’s made up the gospels.
Hello Scholars , Newer read where Jesus claimed he was the Prophesied Messiah. Somewhere I read the Most High Sent ISREAL their God Yahweh so why did Jesus have to come what was he supposed to do 😢. Most Jews didn't accept it and for some reason some did , I think they became Christians . Jesus could have told them the truth but he didn't, he brought all of that drama upon himself it had nothing to do with Sin . It was what he didn't do tell the Jews the TRUTH about himself.😮
They plant the doupt in our minds so nice is not G-d allowed to bring a son because only he can be perfectly obidience to His commandments we the people are all siners no salvation.But yet this very strict G-d offers salvation even to Ninve after rependance,but they represent and build it so careful that in deat we need His help to realise that its fake.
I liked this a very respectable peaceful debate. An exchange of ideas…. Tovia at around 56:30 you ask a question? “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. Btw I prefer Islam
The resurrection didn't happen nor was it needed as there are many examples of people achieving forgiveness with prayer and repentance before Christianity. Why is Jesus needed if you can ask and receive forgiveness anyways.
God is light, it's energy and it's love, ( trinity ) three eternal forces which reside in 7 intelligences; 4 active - masculine, and 3 pasive - feminine: creators of everything that exists.
@MarceloCoral-ez8zg can you prove any of that, or is it just kinda what you want a god to be. It was clear to Moses,Abraham, Isaiah, and the rest of Torah per many verses that there is no other and god, shares glory with none. Of course, the evidence leads to men creating God's, not the other way around, as the God of Abraham has the same morals and knowledge as those at the time scripture was created. That a God so old and is literally everywhere at the same time, including present at trillions x trillions of planets picks a little speck of time to be the champion of a illiterate desert people, with them as they slaughter others and the protector of Jerusalem over everything else is really a absurd belief as are all religions and concepts of God brought forth as of yet. But enjoy your unfounded beliefs. Everyone else does.
Regarding Jesus returning some day, there are a number of different religions that also teach that one of their special people will return to save their followers from evil. This guy is still stuck in the world of superstition and mythology.
Who can answer pls ? Were the 10 commandments only for Israelites within the Israelite community? Were the Israelis allowed to kill and rob all other nations, but just not their fellow Israelis??? Because we see that this was done in practice immediately after receiving the law on Zion.
Stop it with the music!!!!! People that come to watch a lecture do not want music. I'm a musician and any music put underneath words is very annoying and agitating. Nobody is asking for music underneath a dad gum lecture
"I said, Ye are eloheim and are all sons of the Most High" Psalm 82:6. This is where the blind guides of the catholic church misinterpreted scripture which has continued on for the last 1700 years. There's a difference between eloheim and Elohiem that the NT readers haven't discerned yet. And, while we are at it, the term MOST High can't be 3 different persons equal as one. Like even Jesus said, the Father is GREATER than I. Thats destroys the trinity doctrine outright.
It's becoming almost comical to me that the son would be equal to the Father, like really? How many kids (sons) would love to be equal to their fathers and be able to share in all privilege and be their own boss, lol. I always just accepted it until recently and now I'm like oooohhh my goodness 😮
I love “correcting” the Rabbi. But in this case we all need some correction or at least some perspective. And this perspective involves 1 cor 15. I direct your attention to the most profane scene in the life of Brian where the protagonist is standing in the window and two groups of people are shaking either sandals or squash in the air …..essentially saying to each other “My message is correct”. And so now we take a deep dive into Christianity in the second century and textual witnesses and as the rabbi says “it’s just mind blowing”. Let’s start with the Hebrew Bible. The problem with the Hebrew Bible in the second century is almost no one is a native speaker of Hebrew, and the scrolls are rather sacred and increasingly inaccessible to Jesus followers, a trend that started in Ephesus. The other problem is the Hebrew texts, while well conserved are not fixed. It’s even more of a problem when we consider proof text for Christianity is reaching to the Greek translations. It is however evident from the Dead Sea scrolls that when the Greek translations were written, the Hebrew texts were still in flux, books not in the later canon were being treated as authoritative, and people, including pharisetic Jews were having problems with sections of their own texts. The Septuagint as it is referred to today is a misnomer. The original Septuagint was, apparently, an agreed upon Greek translation of the “five Books of Moses” (that statement in itself is problematic, the books of the law, also problematic), nonetheless there was agreement by Jews in 276 BCE what content should be in the translation. What we call the Septuagint is mostly not this. Instead these Hebrew texts (the prophets, the writings, apocrypha), still in flux, are translated by different people, at different times, for different theological reasons. These varied texts are then adopted by Christians and copied with their theological goals in mind. This is what we think the scriptures are. However there is a problem. And the problem is what is canon. The first canon’s is Marcion’s 9 books of Paul and a gospel claimed to have been given to Paul and unchanged and the accepted by Marcion. The book is simply called the announcement (Evaggelion). Marcion fell out of favor and his canon was rejected and systematically replaced over 200 years. But what exactly was replaced? We go back to the scene in the life of Brian, where two groups, clashing with each other, don’t seem to understand the intent of the speaker (who gain fame by falling out of a window). However in this case people seem to realize that Marcion’s text are genuine to an extent but misrepresent their point of view, so Marcion must have altered these texts. So let’s look at one of the text people say Marcion altered, The gospel of Luke. The author of the text makes it clear what he is doing, he is ordering accounts. What are the accounts, the gospel of Mark, Q, which we don’t have, and a backbone that looks a lot like Marcion’s gospel. Now because of Christian conventions people placed Luke around 75 to 90 CE. Modern scholarship has pushed back on this. Let’s see why. 1. The first two chapters offer a beginning, but then chapter 3 also looks like a beginning. It appears the chapter with the “ordering accounts” was added later than the stuff in chapter 3. 2. Dr. Steve Mason has pointed out there are 5 points in Luke Acts were the author is borrowing from a text of Josephus that was not widely available until the 2nd century. Two of these points are in the first two chapters. So we begin to unpeeled Luke like an onion. It appears that Luke is assembling a narrative around Mark and the Evaggelion and essentially correcting the Evaggelion with Q. And Marcion appears to be aware that this has been done. What appears to have happened, as Marcion rose to power with his canon that was anti-harmonic to Judaism, a harmonizer came along, took his very text and tried to harmonize them with “Jewish” Christianity. As this text appeared it was a real threat to Marcion’s authority, and eventually he was pushed out. And christians at this point said, oh yeah, Marcion was crazy, this new text makes more sense so it must have been the original and that opinion has stuck for 1900 years. Ok so now we need to deal with the Corinthians. Of the 9 Marcion’s epistles the proportion of authentic Pauline text is far greater than the canonical epistles. If we just look at the canon. Authentic : 1 thess, gal, 1&2 cor, Phil, Philo, Rom, 1&2&3 John Inauthentic : 2 thes, 1&2 Tim, Eph, Col, 1&2 Peter, Heb*, James, Jude*. Hebrew appears to copies Paul style but doesn’t use his name, James would not have written in Greek, Peter as well, and Jude, which appears to mean Judas (Dumas) is not in the style of the primitive sayings of To,as in the secret sayings gospel, it appears to be derivative enochian literature. As we can see the NT has an authenticity problem, much more so than Marcion’s gospel. As we are well aware the NT curators just attaches stuff to text with out validation, as so attached the names of the four gospels. And so now we get to 1 cor 15. My first reading of this text in Greek I had that paul did not write this, that 1 cor 14 and 15 were inserted later. But as we look at Marcion’s Corinthians, 1 cor 15 is not present. Again, Marcion has the more authentic of the texts and 1 cor 15 is missing. But why add 1 cor 15. What does it do? It equivocates Paul’s mystical experience with that of the discipleship and the Hebrew/Aramaic followers. In other words Paul is just an extension of the Jerusalem church. But Paul denies this. In Gal he says, I am not lying, he explains that he went directly to the Aravah 3 years, then he went to Jerusalem to check-base, and then he left. He then says the good news he received was directly from “god”, and this directly contradicts Acts. So the question is when 1 cor 15 is talking about the scriptures we actually don’t know that the text (not Paul, but the text) is referring to. Is the text referring to the Hebrew Scriptures….unlikely. Is it referring to a variant of the mess people later called the Septuagint? Is it referring to a developing Christian corpus? If this insertion was added in the second century it could be referring to anything. Caveot Emptor.
Yeshua is for a remnant, Singer is not a remnant . Isaiah 7.14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. YHVH in the flesh !
Only in your mistranslated KJV! In the original Hebrew used in Isaiah 7 is ha alma, meaning "the young woman". The Hebrew word for virgin is betulah! If you read Isaiah 8, you will see "the young woman" is Isaiah's wife. Not a virgin, see Isaiah 6, Hashem tells Isaiah to take his son.
And by the way, it doesn't use the word בְּתוּלָה in the Hebrew Scriptures which is the word for "virgin". Please learn Hebrew so you'll stop being deceived by the corrupt translations you're reading. It's best not to need a translation.
@@rustneversleeps01 Also the English bibles change THE young woman (definite article) to A virgin or any virgin. Also the church just rips out part of the verse that says," IS WITH CHILD" as in already pregnant and changes SHE will call him Emanuel to THEY as Mary never called him that. So we see this all over the place when you take the Hebrew and put it next to the English we got many mistranslations and doctrines, thoughts and ideas built upon these mistranslations. It's a shame really what has been done and so many were misled ( myself included) by the church because they don't understand Hebrew and how important to keep Hebrew in context instead of parachuting down for a part of a verse that reminds them of Jesus and calling it a prophecy. There's nothing remotely close to John 3 16 or trinity in all of Tanakh.
It’s irrelevant if the Hebrew Bible says he will rise from the dead. Jesus said he would rise from the dead. Is this guy not capable of understanding that this was a sacred secret until the time of the Messiah’s arrival that’s literally what was taught by Christ God did not reveal this until the proper time
Rabbi Tovia's knowledge is staggering.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
What staggering is that you can’t see the Truth. Watching the Book of Revelation playing out in real time and false teachers like this Rabbai trying to lead people astray. Just like the Bible said it would.
Thanks! Would love to see more live discussion
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
Brilliant as usual!
Brilliant conversation. Thank you Rabbi
Not really, the guy he has on is not even a true Christian, he doesn’t even know what he is talking about and most of what he said is made up by him. I would love to see a discussion with a knowledgeable person, I am seriously interested in what the Jewish interpretation of the Bible without any lying or misquoting the Bible old or New Testament.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
Rabbi, you never fail to amaze me with your teachings. Thank you for all that you do.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
Rabbi, I know you are doing this to bring back Jews from the apostasy sold by Christian missionaries but you are also convincing many of 'the nations' to direct their faith from that to Judaism. Your talks are always on my 'to watch' list. A wholehearted thank you from me for sharing your vast knowledge and truth.
Professor of The Applied Christology! Excellent 👌
Hosea 6, 1-2 foreshadowing of Jesus rising on the third day
@@tb8766: NOWHERE in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures given to Moses at Mt. Sinai, did God EVER mention the "Jesus" character to us - NOWHERE!!
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
One of my favorite presentations thus far. Highly informative and helpful. Thank You!💖
Thank you rabbi tovia
I was born Catholic I guess you could say as I was baptized but my father introduced me and all my siblings two apocryphal texts at the same time we were going to Sunday school. Now I'm no genius but even at the age of six I was questioning why we weren't Jewish is Jesus was a Jew. It was no secret that my father studied the Kabbalah and white magic from different ancient sources. I used to page through the book called The secret teachings of all ages which he had an original copy of as a child. And my father did angelic evocations for every one of his kids births. Now is an adult I see lots of people waking up to the inconsistencies and it is just such an extreme pleasure to see this rabbi breaking it down in perfect English and a calm fashion. I have been telling people about the council of Nicaea and how the church wrote the Bible in order to create a church since I was 10. It's so crazy how hardcore people stand behind Miss translations and cherry pick texts that were selected at the time to support power of bishops and other leaders for social control and to opress people.
They did not “write” The Bible, the church just put scriptures together to make the Bible. Jesus is the way the truth and the life
Twisting scripture in order to establish the church. You have no idea how to read scripture if it hit you in the head.
@nahitsthekid6858 You're defending mistranslations you are defending untruths
@@tb8766: PLEASE, show us all where God even ONCE mentioned the "Jesus" character to us in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures - just ONCE!!
@ the forth man In the fire, the angel of the Lord who tells mosses he is God in the burning bush, the pass over lamb to represent Jesus, the sacrifice of Issac to represent Gods sacrifice of his only son, literally read isaiah. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6 NIV
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.”
Genesis 3:8 NIV
How can God walk if he has no physical attributes?
“There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.”
Exodus 3:2 NIV
“Then he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.”
Exodus 3:6 NIV
“God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ””
Exodus 3:14 NIV
How can an angel of the Lord which is supposed to be separate from God call itself God? You do realise the angel of the Lord written in the old testament is Jesus, the one who spoke to Moses and Elijah on the mountain was Jesus.
Oh what a tangled web we weave.....
Clarity as always. Thank you Rabbi. ❤
God bless your father.
I was Christ and I started to study the stuff of history. I need long time to leave the church and now in 1 hour tobia tell stuff who I needed long time. Thanks tobia singer good job
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
I used to be catholic or grew up catholic and a little bit christian. I changed or something changed me and I was alone when the calling happened. I don’t just believe in God, I know there is one God, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the only God of the whole universe. I stay with Tanaj the original bible the Hebrew Bible. The other gods are just men, statues, images, sculpture saints and more, they are all pagan figures that don’t breathe, talk, walk, see, and don’t have any power. We cannot see God but he exists. More than 3,000 years ago God revealed himself with his voice at Mount Sanai to probably more than 1 million Israelites. They are the witnesses of God and the light to the nations period. Thank you Rabbi Tovia Singer.
Baruch Hashem! Welcome home!
Amen you got it!
The God of Abraham YHVH Genesis 12:8 Jehovah God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is coming.” Revelation 4:7:8
Well, actually, there were no written copies of Torah till around the 3rd century bce. Before that were oral stories a few more centuries. Do you guys still believe in a worldwide flood?
@@strappedfatman7858 😅😅😅 and who wrote revelations ?
It's difficult to deny what the Tanakh clearly declares about the nature and oneness of God.
I would say 90% of Christians don't even read the bible
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please?
Thank you rabbi
Very good conversation thank you Rabbi
Amazing as always.
ישר כוח
If you see that what I am writing dear Rabbi Tovia remember that you are respected for level of your expertise fantastic memory and passion for academic approach to Christian matters. Please stay healthy and in good form for another decades... May Hashem give you long and happy Life! You are amazing!
You are very sweet.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it? Don't care much for gentiles do ya now?
Maranatha 🙏🏽
This is such a great teaching.
Rabbi Tovia Singer I ❤ listening and learning from you!
You say EXACTLY the same thing every video.
I am not a xtian. I worship the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob. Of Israel.
@@fasted8468She is correct! 😊
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
Shalom , Rabbi .
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
Rabbi Singer, May Almighty Hashem continue to add ברכה berakah (Blessing) to all you do and may HE grant you as your heart desires! - Amen
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
thank you rabbi
I want to see an interview with you and Jews for Jesus! Thank you for speaking the truth
There are interviews with them both from many years ago on youtube, I've watched a few of them recently. Look up "Tovia singer Jews for Jesus interview" and something should come up!
@ I saw that after I commented. Thank you 😊
The first time I read the Bible cover to cover, I realized there was no basis for the Trinity anywhere in it.
That was an "Uh Oh" moment for me as a Catholic which led to many more.
Really.. I am Catholic and hope you can show me which verses of the Tanakh convinced you about lack of basis for Trinity.
@@therighteousrighthand Upside down and backwards, what verses do YOU believe establish a basis for the Trinity? You know the idea doesn't appear in any Pauline epistle, right?
@@ji8044 I am only focused on Tanakh. What did you read that led you to believe a lack of basis for oneness of God.
Look at all sides. Look up Sam shamouns defense of the trinity
Read Revelations and show me the trinity . It's just not there ,..justsaying @@therighteousrighthand
Rabbi Singer is my rebbe- and for good reason. May Hashem bless his father with a Refuah Sheleimah- stronger and healthier than ever. Let us all remember, "Yeshuot Hashem K'Heref Ayin- Hashem's salvation comes in the blink of an eye."
His father can hardly blink, I doubt he'll be stronger healthier than ever.
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
Wow I didn’t know he was a Christian until 20 minutes in lol
thank you.
Please wish your Father a belated happy birthday, I am one week of the month older than He is.
G-D'S Blessings to you both, him for Fathering you and YOU for bringing the light of truth to so many.
We must only determine truth by what is written by what we know to be Divine and that can only be what is written in the Hebrew Bible. Baruch HaShem! You Rabbi, have done as you always have done, and we gratefully thank you for representing the speech of HaShem.
Happy B'day! Shlomo Zalman ben Leah HaKohen, and may you be granted many more. Baruch HaShem!
Very interesting about your family history in PA. My great-grandfather lived near Pittsburgh in 1920s, my grandfather was born near there in 1925. He later lived in Scranton as well.
I don’t understand why anyone feels they have a right to add to another group’s religious text, and then tell that group how to interpret their own text. The Tanach is the religious text of the Jewish people and don’t the Jewish people have a right to interpret what they themselves created? I am not Jewish, but it just seems odd to me that other groups jump in and always claim they have a right to tell Jewish what Jewish texts mean.
If you can believe the new testament, then you would know that the first believers were Jews who followed a Jesus that was born a Jew.
Yet if you believe that Jesus didn't exist, then where did the non Jews, come up with such a dumb Idea to go and follow Jewish ways?
Would it not been better for them ,to have stuck with their tried and "(true)".
This guy needs to see the evidence that was provided for the Roman Provenance of Xtianity, found in the books and documentaries Creating Christ and Caesar's Messiah.
❤thank you Rabbi Tovia Hashem used you to open so many peoples eyes. But the Christian's is stubborn. JC is everything for them. Thankyou for sharing about you father. I pray to Hashem that a family of Hashem will took me in I have nobody. ❤❤❤
That is because Jesus Christ is the Truth. 2nd John 1:7 For many deceivers entered into the world who confess not that Jesus come in the flesh.. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God Heareth us, He that is not of God heareth not us. Here by know we the spirit of Truth and the spirit of error.
Your sourcebook, the Greek testament, bears no truth or authority here. Quoting from the xtian bible on a channel for Jewish learning proves ONLY that Torah and Tanach are devoid of a sacrificed messiah whether named jesus or anything else.
Don't worry,with Kadosh Baruchu you are not alone;one short quote from king David tehilim;when my father and mother abandon me Hashem is with me!🙌☝️
@@garymichaels719 so its only ok when you guys use the christain Bible. I get it
Justinian was also detrimental to the Jews that remained in "Syria-Palestina. He forced conversion or lose the land.
Topics the church gets completely wrong: rapture, virgin birth, salvation from sin through a blood sacrifice, trinity.
Topics they don't even care about: resurrection of the dead
Topic the church gets completely wrong-monotheism!
Every other misappropriation follows from this.
So blood sacrifice follow again read the bible. Again that sin has to be cleansed with blood
And guess what…the Hebrew Bible won out because we can read for ourselves and see that your claims are found nowhere in Torah.
Shalom Aleikhem Rav,
Baruch HA'SHEM.
This is Awesome 👌
In the words of Paul to the minister Paul respected as a main person he trusted to carry on his ministry, Paul said that there is one God and one mediator between God and man. John said to believe not every spirit and went on to say that you can distinguish spirits that are of God from those not of God by whether that Jesus the Messiah was born in the flesh. Those that do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh are not of God, but are antichrists. Those that confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh are of God. So the emphasis is on believing that Jesus is flesh is the main thing that a believer is to believe in to be what was called first in Antioch a Christian.
The varying gospel biographies are proof that the propaganda was being tweaked according to the demands of the times they were written in.
Love ❤️ your work Rabbi.
Paul misapplies Isaiah teaching to the church in Romans 9:27
Explain how
@@marktravis5162 The 1/3 is a THIRD ONE, not 1/3
@@marktravis5162 The 144,000 is based on Zechariah; Zechariah is not about Caesar's messiah.
@@marktravis5162 Charismatic Evangelicals are *ellbent on 1/3 of Israelis being destroyed so that "Jesus" returns, based on 1st Thessalonians. This isn't found in Tanakh. Zechariah isn't "hidden" from Rabbis either. Zechariah isn't another "Great Jesus Angel Hunt."
@ You went way off from what’s written, so I don’t know what you’re talking about
Paul was a false self-proclaimed apostle and liar (Romans 3:7)
So you are telling me G-d made a huge mistake by revealing Himself , (the G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ) to all the nations through Jesus? Yes or no please? Why did you guys never share ? And keep G-d all to yourself? Bit selfish isn't it?
@neorahmusic9245 no you are terribly mistaken due to your ignorance of the Hebrew language. Mistranslation and forgery has made you all think that Jesus was the messiah. In fact Scripture states when the true messiah comes who will be a relative of King David that Every eye shall see him. Nations will not wage war against another. Weapons will be converted into plough shears. In fact Jesus himself said that he has not come to bring peace but a sword which is contrary to the prophecy. I really don't understand why umorons can't see this.
@@Isaac5123 " no you are terribly mistaken due to your ignorance of the Hebrew language. Mistranslation and forgery has made you all think that Jesus was the messiah"
Source and proof of the forgery please?
Look all this is fun and games and I could go into everything you said , but you still didn't answer my question Did God make a mistake with Jesus in having the whole world know the true God of the Jews through Jesus, which clearly happened and not only that everything in history is either before or after , wether you like it or not...all a big mistake huh? Yes or no?
@neorahmusic9245 did you have a tree in yr House over Christmas? Yes or no ?
What are all the beautiful old books, behind your guest?
The Christian jumped the shark when he tried to make an apology for Paul's invention of ''rose according to the scriptures'' part. Otherwise a very cool guy.
Rabbi Singer calls this guy a believer in promiscuous evidence... I would also call him delussional.
Yhwh help us. I came out of “Trinitarianism” because as I looked back at my time serving “God” as one, it did not add up. As I began to pray and study, I saw through scripture that “Jesus” was not God but the Messiah. As I continued to study I came to realize that he is not the Messiah and men have adultererd the word of Yah. I thank Yah for his truth. Yah’s people do not need to make up words to fit their belief. He has explained it clearly. There is only one Elohim.
the catholic church who invented the idolatry of the trinity, even they admit there's not one mention of the trinity in the Jewish Bible. So how do they know of something they were never commanded to believe in, that they were told would never exist (Isaiah 43:10-13, Isaiah 44:6-8, Isaiah 45:19-23)? Your trinity is foreign idolatry only ever to be rejected (Deuteronomy 13:6-17), your new unknown god is of no importance (Deuteronomy 32:16-17
It's hard to deny the onenss of God when it is clearly declared in the Tanakh. We see it right from Genesis to Malachi.
Go ask yourself why BARASHEET ,starts with Beit😊
jeezus, rose from obscurity, then fell into the trash can of bad copy.
The gospels' version of IT is all lies, all fake.
Dear Rabbi, u can lead a horse to water . . . Great shiur
I seriously doubt your Baptist guest will take it onboard,
if anything he simply doubled down on the ridiculous
resurrection claim and unverified "500" witnesses by Paul.
Nobody outside of the nt “universe” noticed any of the public events mentioned in the nt, except for the Census of Augustus.
This is insanely good, unbelievable
Isaiah 53 Christians are taught this is about the Messiah or Jesus. What is the Jewish interpretation of this passage?
@37:28 ish, you just hit me with profound knowledge! While Mary was carrying this “god” she considered him a “god.” Right? That would be idolatry. How could Jesus be born sinless then? The perfunctory of it all.
The G-d of israel is not born and doesn't die
Fact verify: No historian mentions Jesus Apostles miracles Paul anywhere in any historical record from that era outside of the Christian bibles.
Not one shred .
Pliny the elder was the main Roman historian from that exact time period and makes not one mention.
Josephus and Tactius were born and wrote decades later after Jesus died.
One must pause..
Unitarians Mennonites Quakers nice people never took part in atrocities as other christians committed.
תודה רבה שלום
@geoffreyk6229 Batman Also
You are absolutely incorrect I suggest that you search on the net for extra biblical evidence of Jesus
@lastsupperapologetics5710 not one shred of historical record...
No mention of bringing back people from the dead healed blind walking on water etc etc etc.
Also In Judaism we have no " superstition" allowed only HaShem G-d.
@@Nudnik1 Well, maybe not Batman, but for sure Superman
@cowboybrown2356 except Jebus failed all these requirements to be the Messiah..
Even with the idea that Joseph sired Jesus, he still can't be Messiah due to Joseph's lineage not being through Solomon.
When Paul says; that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures., Does he meen Isiah 53:5? And Isiah 53:11?
When Paul says he rose on the third day according to the Scripture (1 Cor. 15:4), what scripture is he speaking of? It doesn't exist.
100k subs Baru HASHEM
Margret no mention of JC in the Tanak ! Misinterpretation , misunderstanding of the Hebrew Text ! Need to read the Torah in Hebrew !
Rabbi Singer throws it all in this guys face and makes him look like a total yutz, and the guy insists on holding on to his idol. Sad. Very sad. Sad.
This guests whole theory about Joseph & Mary coming together at direction of the Holy Spirit is trash.
Matthew 1: 18-20
Nothing is more evident than the fact that people who claim the name “Christian” DO NOT READ THEIR OWN HOLY TEXTS.
Really embarrassed for them…
Constantine's marvel comic book characters...😂
Love you rabbi
It pained me and with some embarrassment when my son was ~ Sprinkled ~ at a combo-mix Para Egypt/Mexico (Baptist) ~ blue Spaniard church, French/Spain . . . . Though as who sang the {Loudest} of the HEM: Father/Son/Holy Ghost . . . Blessed Trinity . . . Was ~ she ~ of the Cow Clan who gave birth to all sons. Here formerly of rural America we all had [Beef], Thunderbird was reserved especial cheep Shurgard fortified Wine for the IN - Di - An's relating Di - Vine into theology . . . . how is your red/white blood cell count?
Things make a lot more since after waking up to Herodian Paul being the wolf in sheep’s clothing that Yeshua warned everyone about and the false apostle mentioned in Revelation.
Rabbi I truly admire your superhuman patience! Thank you!shavua tov💙
Who in their sane sober mind would take the word of a man over the word of Yahuah? Didn't Yahuah use prophets and angels to message us? Where are the prophets in the Christian Bible?
Hello, even the Ignatius testimony you cited is most likely a fake letter.
Thank you Rabbi 💙🇮🇱💙 BH!
This is why the seals are broken. HASHEM taught us clear and the result is.
Hey, if you guys are here during the tribulation, don't forget to turn to Yeshua!
People who are brainwashed their whole lives regarding this myth of the virgin birth, just can't give it up. We live in a world that follows the laws of physics and common sense, yet they stick to their primitive ways of thinking anyway. I think this fellow speaking to the Rabbi is still stuck there a bit.
Prophet Amos told the Jews their God was Saturn. Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. The star is on their flag.
*15 Proofs that Jesus is not The God, a god,*
*or a person who is part of a trinitarian god:*
*1)* God alone is good (αγαθος), unlike Jesus who himself said, "Why do you call me 'good'? No one is good except God alone. (Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
*2)* God is greater than man (Job 33:12) including Jesus who said, “...the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28)
*3)* God is immortal (Romans 1:23, 1 Timothy 6:16), but Jesus died. (Mark 15:37) God raised Jesus. (Acts 2:32, Acts 5:30)
*4)* God's own understanding is incomprehensible (Psalm 147:5), but Jesus’ understanding is comprehended. (Mark 5:30-33, Mark 9:21, John 11:34, Hebrews 5:8)
*5)* God alone is sovereign (Daniel 5:21, 1 Timothy 6:15) and Jesus is God’s servant. (Matthew 12:18-21, Acts 3:13, Acts 3:26, Acts 4:27, Acts 4:30)
*6)* God is not a man (Hosea 11:9), nor a son of man. (Numbers 23:19) Jesus is both man (1 Timothy 2:5) and son of man. (Mark 2:10, Mark 14:41)
*7)* No one has ever seen God. (John 1:18, 1 John 4:12), but Jesus was born (Matthew 2:1) and was seen. (1 Timothy 3:16)
*8)* Jesus is not omniscient. (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32), but God knows all. (1 John 3:20)
*9)* Jesus is neither immutable or invariable (Luke 2:52, Luke 9:29), but God is immutable (James 1:17) and invariable. (Malachi 3:6)
*10)* Jesus came to do God's will (John 5:30, John 6:38), not his own will. (Matthew 26:39-42)
*11)* Jesus is both hierarchically (1 Corinthians 11:3) and functionally (John 5:30) subordinate to God.
*12)* Jesus was “tempted in all things.” (Hebrews 4:15) Conversely, God cannot be tempted. (James 1:13)
*13)* Jesus' authority was given to him (Matthew 28:18, 1 Corinthians 15:28) and not simply assumed by himself.
*14)* Jesus was taught by God. (John 8:28) Conversely, God knows all things. (1 John 3:20)
*15)* Jesus has a God (John 20:17, Revelation 3:12), who is the “God and Father of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 1:3, Ephesians 1:3, Colossians 1:3, 1 Peter 1:3), the “one God, the Father” (1 Corinthians 8:6) and the “one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:6) whom Jesus called “the only true God.” (John 17:3)
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the sacrificial lamb who was sent by God to form a new covenant with his people. God can do whatever he wants and he chose to send his Son to save us. You’ll find out one day when you die, you’ll see Him and find out He’s the light of the world and he loves you. Just know He will always be there for you
His son is Israel.
So Jebus is the Egyptian pagan god Khnum? You aren't making sense.
This is a typical error committed by most Christians. John doesn’t say that Jesus is way, the truth and the life …
John has Jesus open his mouth and say: I am the way, the truth and the life …
Christians make the assumption that Jesus refers to himself, the man, but John makes it very clear that Jesus is not speaking of his own, but that he only speaks what he sees his father doing or saying. Jesus is speaking the oracles of God like prophets before him.
In the TeNaCh we learn that the Torah is the way, the truth and the life. Only the Torah is the way to the father. This is what the gospel of John is all about. And Matthew confirms it:
Matthew 5:17-19 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
See Exodus 4 v 22. G’d has a son already. He is also the “suffering servant.”
@@Mymission53 The Torah is the way, the truth and the life. There is no new covenant. The servant is Israel not jesus.
Christians chose themselves instead of being chosen. Israel is chosen by God.
"You are my witnesses," declares the Lord,
"and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me
Isaiah 43:11
I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior.
I love your content and insight rabbi, I am LDS but I totally agree on the trinity. Most Christians when pressed on how the trinity works, they just say it’s too complicated for us mortals to understand the nature of God, but out of the other side of their mouth, they say you need to accept the trinity to be saved or even be considered a Christian. So either God made me incapable of understanding him and therefore that was never the point, or they’re wrong about their 1+1+1=1 equation. Can’t have it both ways.
So a branch of Jews started worship the three as one. The father. Son. Holy ghost. What make sense to me is the Flavian dynasty. Father Vespasian. Son Titus and holy ghost is Domitian because he could not be worshiped after his assassination. He had no funeral, unlike father,son. He a had no ashes to worship unlike father,son. Ancients had to somehow make sense of this. Josephus says Vespasian is the messiah. Flavians destroy temple and send most people into slavery and building projects across empire. Remember tekton. And many other things point to dynasty worship. But I don’t necessarily think as James Valliant that Roman’s made up the gospels.
The Greeks and Romans liked their deities in trios.
This same G-d honor and fallow His commandments and acording these rools runs His all creation.
Hello Scholars , Newer read where Jesus claimed he was the Prophesied Messiah. Somewhere I read the Most High Sent ISREAL their God Yahweh so why did Jesus have to come what was he supposed to do 😢. Most Jews didn't accept it and for some reason some did , I think they became Christians . Jesus could have told them the truth but he didn't, he brought all of that drama upon himself it had nothing to do with Sin . It was what he didn't do tell the Jews the TRUTH about himself.😮
They plant the doupt in our minds so nice is not G-d allowed to bring a son because only he can be perfectly obidience to His commandments we the people are all siners no salvation.But yet this very strict G-d offers salvation even to Ninve after rependance,but they represent and build it so careful that in deat we need His help to realise that its fake.
Rabbi have you been watching Jake Brancatella regarding the trinity?
Are we allowed to mention Ben Pandira and ben Stada?
I liked this a very respectable peaceful debate. An exchange of ideas…. Tovia at around 56:30 you ask a question? “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. Btw I prefer Islam
Pray rainfall if u understand the meaning
I don't believe in the trinity any longer, but still believe in the 'resurrection'.
Do you believe Jesus was God?
I'm not holding that against you .
The resurrection didn't happen nor was it needed as there are many examples of people achieving forgiveness with prayer and repentance before Christianity. Why is Jesus needed if you can ask and receive forgiveness anyways.
God is light, it's energy and it's love, ( trinity ) three eternal forces which reside in 7 intelligences; 4 active - masculine, and 3 pasive - feminine: creators of everything that exists.
@MarceloCoral-ez8zg can you prove any of that, or is it just kinda what you want a god to be. It was clear to Moses,Abraham, Isaiah, and the rest of Torah per many verses that there is no other and god, shares glory with none. Of course, the evidence leads to men creating God's, not the other way around, as the God of Abraham has the same morals and knowledge as those at the time scripture was created. That a God so old and is literally everywhere at the same time, including present at trillions x trillions of planets picks a little speck of time to be the champion of a illiterate desert people, with them as they slaughter others and the protector of Jerusalem over everything else is really a absurd belief as are all religions and concepts of God brought forth as of yet. But enjoy your unfounded beliefs. Everyone else does.
Regarding Jesus returning some day, there are a number of different religions that also teach that one of their special people will return to save their followers from evil. This guy is still stuck in the world of superstition and mythology.
this priest is stubborn
Who can answer pls ?
Were the 10 commandments only for Israelites within the Israelite community? Were the Israelis allowed to kill and rob all other nations, but just not their fellow Israelis??? Because we see that this was done in practice immediately after receiving the law on Zion.
Let there be light.
What does it mean to you.
Stop it with the music!!!!! People that come to watch a lecture do not want music. I'm a musician and any music put underneath words is very annoying and agitating. Nobody is asking for music underneath a dad gum lecture
"I said, Ye are eloheim and are all sons of the Most High" Psalm 82:6.
This is where the blind guides of the catholic church misinterpreted scripture which has continued on for the last 1700 years. There's a difference between eloheim and Elohiem that the NT readers haven't discerned yet.
And, while we are at it, the term MOST High can't be 3 different persons equal as one. Like even Jesus said, the Father is GREATER than I. Thats destroys the trinity doctrine outright.
It's becoming almost comical to me that the son would be equal to the Father, like really? How many kids (sons) would love to be equal to their fathers and be able to share in all privilege and be their own boss, lol. I always just accepted it until recently and now I'm like oooohhh my goodness 😮
I love “correcting” the Rabbi. But in this case we all need some correction or at least some perspective. And this perspective involves 1 cor 15. I direct your attention to the most profane scene in the life of Brian where the protagonist is standing in the window and two groups of people are shaking either sandals or squash in the air …..essentially saying to each other “My message is correct”.
And so now we take a deep dive into Christianity in the second century and textual witnesses and as the rabbi says “it’s just mind blowing”. Let’s start with the Hebrew Bible. The problem with the Hebrew Bible in the second century is almost no one is a native speaker of Hebrew, and the scrolls are rather sacred and increasingly inaccessible to Jesus followers, a trend that started in Ephesus. The other problem is the Hebrew texts, while well conserved are not fixed. It’s even more of a problem when we consider proof text for Christianity is reaching to the Greek translations. It is however evident from the Dead Sea scrolls that when the Greek translations were written, the Hebrew texts were still in flux, books not in the later canon were being treated as authoritative, and people, including pharisetic Jews were having problems with sections of their own texts.
The Septuagint as it is referred to today is a misnomer. The original Septuagint was, apparently, an agreed upon Greek translation of the “five Books of Moses” (that statement in itself is problematic, the books of the law, also problematic), nonetheless there was agreement by Jews in 276 BCE what content should be in the translation. What we call the Septuagint is mostly not this. Instead these Hebrew texts (the prophets, the writings, apocrypha), still in flux, are translated by different people, at different times, for different theological reasons. These varied texts are then adopted by Christians and copied with their theological goals in mind. This is what we think the scriptures are. However there is a problem.
And the problem is what is canon. The first canon’s is Marcion’s 9 books of Paul and a gospel claimed to have been given to Paul and unchanged and the accepted by Marcion. The book is simply called the announcement (Evaggelion). Marcion fell out of favor and his canon was rejected and systematically replaced over 200 years.
But what exactly was replaced? We go back to the scene in the life of Brian, where two groups, clashing with each other, don’t seem to understand the intent of the speaker (who gain fame by falling out of a window). However in this case people seem to realize that Marcion’s text are genuine to an extent but misrepresent their point of view, so Marcion must have altered these texts.
So let’s look at one of the text people say Marcion altered, The gospel of Luke. The author of the text makes it clear what he is doing, he is ordering accounts. What are the accounts, the gospel of Mark, Q, which we don’t have, and a backbone that looks a lot like Marcion’s gospel. Now because of Christian conventions people placed Luke around 75 to 90 CE. Modern scholarship has pushed back on this. Let’s see why.
1. The first two chapters offer a beginning, but then chapter 3 also looks like a beginning. It appears the chapter with the “ordering accounts” was added later than the stuff in chapter 3.
2. Dr. Steve Mason has pointed out there are 5 points in Luke Acts were the author is borrowing from a text of Josephus that was not widely available until the 2nd century. Two of these points are in the first two chapters.
So we begin to unpeeled Luke like an onion. It appears that Luke is assembling a narrative around Mark and the Evaggelion and essentially correcting the Evaggelion with Q. And Marcion appears to be aware that this has been done. What appears to have happened, as Marcion rose to power with his canon that was anti-harmonic to Judaism, a harmonizer came along, took his very text and tried to harmonize them with “Jewish” Christianity. As this text appeared it was a real threat to Marcion’s authority, and eventually he was pushed out. And christians at this point said, oh yeah, Marcion was crazy, this new text makes more sense so it must have been the original and that opinion has stuck for 1900 years.
Ok so now we need to deal with the Corinthians. Of the 9 Marcion’s epistles the proportion of authentic Pauline text is far greater than the canonical epistles. If we just look at the canon.
Authentic : 1 thess, gal, 1&2 cor, Phil, Philo, Rom, 1&2&3 John
Inauthentic : 2 thes, 1&2 Tim, Eph, Col, 1&2 Peter, Heb*, James, Jude*.
Hebrew appears to copies Paul style but doesn’t use his name, James would not have written in Greek, Peter as well, and Jude, which appears to mean Judas (Dumas) is not in the style of the primitive sayings of To,as in the secret sayings gospel, it appears to be derivative enochian literature.
As we can see the NT has an authenticity problem, much more so than Marcion’s gospel. As we are well aware the NT curators just attaches stuff to text with out validation, as so attached the names of the four gospels.
And so now we get to 1 cor 15. My first reading of this text in Greek I had that paul did not write this, that 1 cor 14 and 15 were inserted later. But as we look at Marcion’s Corinthians, 1 cor 15 is not present. Again, Marcion has the more authentic of the texts and 1 cor 15 is missing.
But why add 1 cor 15. What does it do? It equivocates Paul’s mystical experience with that of the discipleship and the Hebrew/Aramaic followers. In other words Paul is just an extension of the Jerusalem church. But Paul denies this. In Gal he says, I am not lying, he explains that he went directly to the Aravah 3 years, then he went to Jerusalem to check-base, and then he left. He then says the good news he received was directly from “god”, and this directly contradicts Acts.
So the question is when 1 cor 15 is talking about the scriptures we actually don’t know that the text (not Paul, but the text) is referring to. Is the text referring to the Hebrew Scriptures….unlikely. Is it referring to a variant of the mess people later called the Septuagint? Is it referring to a developing Christian corpus? If this insertion was added in the second century it could be referring to anything.
Caveot Emptor.
Yeshua is for a remnant, Singer is not a remnant .
Isaiah 7.14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
YHVH in the flesh !
Only in your mistranslated KJV! In the original Hebrew used in Isaiah 7 is ha alma, meaning "the young woman". The Hebrew word for virgin is betulah! If you read Isaiah 8, you will see "the young woman" is Isaiah's wife. Not a virgin, see Isaiah 6, Hashem tells Isaiah to take his son.
@leisasparks2517 alma same word for Isaacs wife. Gen/B'rasheet 24.43
H5959 Alma virgin
Name one single instant JC was ever called Immanuel.
And by the way, it doesn't use the word בְּתוּלָה in the Hebrew Scriptures which is the word for "virgin". Please learn Hebrew so you'll stop being deceived by the corrupt translations you're reading. It's best not to need a translation.
Also the English bibles change THE young woman (definite article) to A virgin or any virgin. Also the church just rips out part of the verse that says," IS WITH CHILD" as in already pregnant and changes SHE will call him Emanuel to THEY as Mary never called him that.
So we see this all over the place when you take the Hebrew and put it next to the English we got many mistranslations and doctrines, thoughts and ideas built upon these mistranslations. It's a shame really what has been done and so many were misled ( myself included) by the church because they don't understand Hebrew and how important to keep Hebrew in context instead of parachuting down for a part of a verse that reminds them of Jesus and calling it a prophecy. There's nothing remotely close to John 3 16 or trinity in all of Tanakh.
It’s irrelevant if the Hebrew Bible says he will rise from the dead. Jesus said he would rise from the dead. Is this guy not capable of understanding that this was a sacred secret until the time of the Messiah’s arrival that’s literally what was taught by Christ
God did not reveal this until the proper time
Isaiah 53