Sighisoara, Eternally Charming | Walking tour with details | 4K

  • āđ€āļœāļĒāđāļžāļĢāđˆāđ€āļĄāļ·āđˆāļ­ 23 āļ.āļ„. 2022
  • Sighisoara, Eternally Charming | Walking tour with details | 4K
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    👉Sighisoara, the charming city in Transylvania, Romania.
    The fortified fortress of Sighisoara is a city with a special magnetism, due both to its 9 towers and three bastions, the most representative of which is the Clock Tower (initially the fortress had 14 towers (each representing a guild) and 4 bastions), but also due to charming streets, or charming houses, with flowers, with markets and streets full of movement, with "inviting" restaurants. What you absolutely must not miss in Sighisoara: the covered staircase, has 176 steps in number and was built in 1849. Covered because it was wanted to protect students from wind, rain, sun or snow. Grouped by 6 steps, then a straight space has the meaning of the 6 working days and one of rest takes us to the Hill School in Sighișoara, today the "Josef Haltrich" high school and the Hill Church in Sighișoara, an evangelical church, built in several stages between 1345 -1525.
    👉Sighisoara, fermecatorul oras din Transilvania, Romania.
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    Cetatea fortificata Sighisoara este un oras cu un magnetism special, datorat atat celor 9 turnuri și trei bastioane, dintre care cel mai reprezentativ este Turnul cu Ceas (initial cetatea a avut 14 turnuri (fiecare reprezentand o breasla) și 4 bastioane), dar si datorita stradutelor fermecatoare, sau a caselor cochete, cu flori, cu piete si strazi pline de miscare, cu restaurante "imbietoare". Ce trebuie neaparat sa nu ratezi in Sighisoara: scara acoperita, are 176 de trepte la număr și construite ÃŪn anul 1849. Acoperite pentru că se dorea protejarea elevilor de vÃĒnt, ploaie, soare sau ninsoare. Grupate cÃĒte 6 trepte apoi un spațiu drept au semnificația celor 6 zile lucrătoare și una de odihnă ne duce la Școala din deal din Sighișoara, astăzi liceul „Josef Haltrich” si Biserica din deal din Sighișoara, biserică evanghelică, construită ÃŪn mai multe etape ÃŪntre 1345-1525.
    We let the image and the imagination speak. We love action, hiking, nature, people, places and their habits. We thank you for your support and encouragement!
    Lasam imaginea si imaginatia sa vorbeasca. Iubim actiunea, drumetiile, natura, oamenii, locurile si obiceiurile lor. Va mutumim pentru sustinere si incurajari!
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