I did it at EXACTLY that age. Long story short I went from only having two black plastic trash bags full of dirty clothes to my name, to today remarried to a beautiful wife, have a daughter (my first) I absolutely ADORE, a degree in electrical engineering working for one of the big two resort/theme parks in Orlando, credit good enough to buy a car for the first time on it, and the people around me trusting me and never questioning my word. It was rough. First, I made an agreement with myself that ANYTHING that scared my had to be done as SOON as I possibly could. NO putting off anything, but in particular things that scared me or made me nervous. Second, I resolved myself to NO social life and doing WHATEVER I had to do to achieve my goal. This included working 60 hour weeks as a chef while going to school full time. I stayed up countless nights, one time I stayed up four days straight. I graduated with a 3.9 GPA. Third, I wrote my ultimate goal down, and then broke that down into two smaller steps and continued to break it down till I had literally HUNDREDS of steps. But what that meant was that every day, no matter how little time I had, I could do at least ONE thing on my GIANT list. I made a point that each day I would check off at LEAST ONE step. This wound up being a daily reminder that I WAS making progress every day toward my goal, which in turn FURTHER motivated me as well as keeping me from becoming complacent. That list went EVERYWHERE with me and ANY spare time I had (between sending out apps and starting the main at work, waiting in line ANYWHERE, going to the bathroom) I studied that list and even if I couldn't actually do anything on it at that moment I would plan what the next couple steps I was gonna do would be. At all times I was either actively working toward my goal, or I was planning the next course of action to take. And lastly I told myself everything that happens to you from here on out is on you, good or bad. Period. No bitching. No complaining. No acknowledging any discomfort or pain. If I want it I need to do it. If I don't get it thats MY fault. Sorry for the long response but I thought maybe my story would help you. I am 44 now. I too wish I had done this earlier in my life. But, you could be 72 and NEVER done it. Instead of worrying about the time you "wasted" (you may have NEEDED that time to prepare you for taking control) worry about the time you STILL HAVE and make the most of it. Best of luck.
Message to the person who just listened for the past hour - Don't be ashamed if orienting your goals take time, If you feel a temporary boost of motivation from this video that fades away by tomorrow. You're one step closer to being the person you absolutely have the potential to be.
I don't know who you are or what you're looking for... Thank God you are still here... This life is hard... I'm glad you're still here... This life would be boring as hell without you...
I needed to hear this. It doesn't matter who from. I came here from Jordan petersons words to someone suffering with suicidal thoughts. I live with the heaviest weight on my chest and it's held me back for so long. I was at my wits end tonight. I thank you for this x 😊
28 years old and the only one working in a house of 4. Today my family and I are facing eviction and we don't have anywhere to go, but your words, Mr Peterson, is what keeps me from falling apart as I type this. I want to blame someone for the hardship that we have been enduring, I want to blame someone for the bitterness and suffering that life seems to constantly produce, but alas, well fortunately your words have changed my mindset completely. I will take responsibility for it all. I will go back and look at which path/decision may have lead me to this point. It is difficult to see any form of silver lining when all life seems to be is a gloomy cloud of despair and disappointment, but thank you, Mr Peterson. Your words will get me through this, they will guide me and help me get back on my feet because there is no way in hell that I will stay down. A year from now things will be better. A few years from now I will accomplish my goal of being a data scientist and have a great job that I will do my best to be the best. I will ensure that this never happens again. Not ever. Wish me luck, people.
Multi time brain cancer patient here. I’ve listened to this more times than I can count. I still work every day, take care of my son and family… there’s no excuse as to why you can’t push through any obstacle in your way, not because of what I’ve achieved but, so many others. Keep pushing through those obstacles. You’ll get there eventually. Stay positive, stay happy, stay active. Be you. Much love to everyone out there doing the damn thing and not giving up!
Thanks, man! Seventeen years ago I was given the choice to either go on children's hospice care or risk it with a surgery that would more than likely kill me. I chose the latter of course and had a tumor the size of tangerine removed from the middle of my brain. It was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do, but I worked through it and it made me a stronger person.
@@wandalbowen8101 Please try to understand ,YAHUAH {YHWH} is not A GOD ,he is our Elohim,our Father , our Creator . Please dig deeper and look up the etymology of the word GOD, It's eye opening . satan is called the GOD of this world ,YAHUAH never changes ,hence his name is always his name ,no need to wipe it out the the scriptures or give him the title Lord ,did you know that the word lord means BAAL? Think about it ! Be well and understand that I am only trying to help. HalleluYAH ,amein. P.S. I have been at it for a long time and I am a former addict ,I am no better than any one but I have a voice and I feel compelled to share what I know is true .Amein.
You know, I've been listening to this guy for pushing upon three years now, and I realized that at least a couple of times in every lecture, he seems on the verge of cracking up and blowing apart. And I think I finally understand it, and I also think it was in some measure this fact that caused his recent health crisis: He pours so much of himself into this work that he quite literally empties the tank every time he speaks. This man is a national treasure. I love him as a father, and I was blessed with the best of fathers.
The thing about him that no one understands, is that the weight that’s upon his shoulders, is so heavy, but it’s carried voluntarily, something that at the very least, is noble.
@@williamakers7527 Bit of a stretch to leap to that interpretation, I didn’t hear anybody say that or anything like that. What he is is a man who will be recognized by history as one of the most brilliant visionaries of his time. His gift is not just his encyclopedic knowledge of history, science, philosophy, sociology, psychology, religion, mythology, etc., etc., it is his unique ability to take abstract ideas from these diverse disciplines and tie them together with wit and penetrating insight into an illustrative story that holds people's attention and interest for literally hours at a time. What he offers is profound truth, clearly delivered with great passion that captivates and inspires people. The concepts and principles he points to are what moves us, not the man himself. He strikes me as having great humility, not seeking to garner praise or adulation. When people share the story of how his work has positively impacted their lives it literally brings him to tears. That is a humble man.
28 yr old ex heroine and Xanax homeless drug addict. I’m 4 years clean, one semester away from my masters, just bought a house, have meaningful relationships I lost, and physically a unit. It gets better boys I promise. I’ve read both 12 rules and listened to every Jordan Peterson podcast at least 3 times. Thanks for showing me the light when all I could see is darkness
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 (Thats a slow hand clap) Because the people who are giving you a resounding round of rawkus applause are overwhelmingly in your future but you hear that in your struggle successfully carrying your cross you have chosen to lift, who looks for the light when stood in your presence @colbyd69 for they blind themselves with covered eyes due to brilliance that gleams showing those who want to see, you shine there paths be it narrow and less trodden. Mate, I see you from downunder , shine on you crazy diamond!!!!
I suffer from severe depression disorder, this hit me in a way like none other, because i hate my life, i dont care much for it, but i do care a lot for the lives of both my children and my wife and will go to hell and back for them. I guess i needed a father figure to tell me to care for myself the way i care for them.
It’s called self compassion which is not the same as self pity. It’s recognising hurt and that you’re a human being including flaws and foibles. Once you’ve established that honesty about and with yourself, you’ve accepted the attitude and task of responsibilities and purpose.
Hey I wish I’d heard of Jordan Peterson at 28, 30, 34, 40, 50 but I’ve been listening for just over a year to a year and a half and I’m turning 61 in 2 1/2 weeks. So don’t worry about being embarrassed. I’m not embarrassed any more and refuse to be embarrassed or ashamed or anything. I’m grateful that I have finally no matter my age because what would really have been a shame is to never have heard of him, or even worse,to never have listen his words of wisdom. And I do know how truly wise his words are. I’ve made many many mistakes, I’ve made many bad choices, I’ve been through traumatic experiences I’d never wish on anyone, ever. However I am still alive and I still have the opportunity every day I wake up and draw a breath and open my eyes. And then do my best and be my best self that I can that day. Some days I can do more then others but it’s about progress, not perfection and life is a journey and to live each day doing better than I have in the past to the best of my ability. For myself. For my children, who are 37 and 40, my young grandchildren, for my parents, my siblings, my friends and extended family and everyone my life might brush against. And I’m a lot stronger and more resilient and still able to keep working on and improving myself because all of us have something we can improve on. We can all be better people and we can all encourage and give moral support to each other. Don’t compare yourself to others because no one else has lived your life or been through whatever you have been through, good and not so good and sometimes painful and maybe even very hard experiences and situations. You can only compare yourself now to yourself who you were and then move forward and grow and realize life isn’t a straight and narrow path but rather a road that will be wide, smooth and easy as well as narrow, rough and winding and up and down and that road will go to the right or the left and sometimes backwards and sometimes in circles and you never know what you will learn or where it will take you and when it will end, just put one foot in front of the other and move and live your life. That’s what I’ve learned and it’s not over until I take my last breath. Life is the dash on our headstones between the day were born and they day we die. My dash isn’t over yet and I’m not going to give up now. I still have much more to do. And so do all of you! So go for it and give your life your best shot and live each day to the best of your ability and look back on each day and see what you have to feel and be grateful for, no matter how small or great it might seem. I believe in all of us. I refuse to give up hope on myself or the rest of the human kind. I’m grateful to be right here listening right now. And for Jordan Peterson doing this podcast and for all of you. Thank you all for being here too, alive and breathing and taking each and every step on your path, and stay true to yourself on your journey. And see ya down the road, maybe someday. You never know what surprises you’ll find or who you will meet or what experiences you’ll have. 🙏😎🌻☮️💟🤗
Bonnie - I believe what you said is an incredible summation. I also wish and yet I am quite thankful for JP and what he confers with his message(s). Just like another stated in another reply is that I will also think of you as you continue to be guiding your life.
@@djlancer88 I’m so glad that you found something in what I said to help you. We all have made mistakes, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of in that. The shame would only be if we denied the truth and then continued to doing those things that hurt ourselves and our loved ones. That we can change our lives and do something different and hopefully positive is our path to self redemption and self love and the best gift that we can give to those we love. My best wishes to you and to your family and I hope that they can forgive you for any hurt you may have inadvertently caused them and that they can be open and learn and grow from watching you learn and grow as well. I stayed stuck in blame and resentment towards others in the past who had hurt me and all it did was cause me more pain and suffering and others around me as well instead of doing something positive. I’ve learned, the hard way, that holding onto resentment or past hurts or anything that kept me stuck in that negative mindset and heart set, that is self destructive and it made me a miserable unhappy person and that affected everyone around me. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting either. It just means if I forgive someone then I can move on and move forward and that’s a positive movement and I can use what I’ve learned from it to make better choices and therefore have a better life and make life better for everyone around me. It’s a process though and sometimes I will take a step or two backwards and go drudge those old thoughts and feelings back up because I’m feeling bad about myself and then have realize I’m choosing to continue victimizing myself, using those things from the past ask an excuse to feel sorry for myself. Hopefully you won’t do that as long as I have done that too. Instead continuing to be a victim of whatever my past experiences were, I have to be honest with myself and then choose to not be in that victim role. That means hard work sometimes and being vulnerable and being willing to open myself up to others and letting them see the real me. The real gift comes though in time when you are able to realize how strong you are and you can stand up for yourself and not let others manipulate, use or harm you and you also don’t have to be hard-hearted and cold with 12 foot walls that keep others out but also keep you locked up and lonely and alone. The best thing I can tell you is Don’t Ever Give Up On You, No Matter What Happens To You, No Matter What Anyone Else Says Or Does! You may not feel very strong at times, in fact you may feel weak and overwhelmed, overwhelmed by fear or grief or pain or shame or guilt. However, those too shall pass, in time, and there will be times of joy, peace, love and happiness that will be all the more precious in comparison and all the more valuable and meaningful for having been through the opposite. And you will find that some of what you thought was the most horrendously painful experiences have given you an internal strength and resiliency and the ability to stand up stronger and straighter and know that you have the courage and strength of a lion in the face of whatever life throws at you and it can’t take away who you are in your heart ❤️ no matter what. And if you know in your heart and soul that you are a good person, and that you don’t purposely try to hurt anyone else, that you do your best to be your best and higher self and to help other be their best and higher self, then no one can take that away from inside of you. However it does take time to reach that, and it takes the willingness to look deeply and honestly into your own self with the real and true motive of being a better person for yourself and for those you love and who love you and even those who don’t know or love you, and the motive to help make this world a better place for every living person, every living creature and every thing. And know that it is going to take all of us doing that to make it that kind of world. And it might be the hardest and most thankless thing to do at times. But also know that you are not alone in striving for that. More and more people are turning and striving for that and yet it will be very hard at times and feel very lonely and alone. What keeps me going is that I know I’m not the only one that feels this way and I’m not perfect or am I going to always to do it perfectly but I’m willing to keep on doing my best each day because I don’t want my children and grandchildren and on and on or anyone else’s either to have to live in a world that’s worse than what it is or has been. I want it to be a better world for everyone in the future. I don’t mean better in the technological sense either. I mean better in the ecological sense, the emotional sense, the physical sense and spiritual sense. We are all connected and inter-connected whether we choose to believe that or not. We all have an affect on others and are affected by others too. We are all responsible for what our world is like right this moment no matter what has been in the past. We don’t live in the past. We don’t live in the future. We live in this moment right now and how we show up in this moment right now is going to affect what shows up in the future. I want it to be a better future for myself and for everyone else so I’m responsible for what I do and say right now and I want it to be filled with love and life affirming intention and affection for all.
Blessings to all the people who came to this video ! You didn't came here randomly, you are incredible and the universe is gifting you with this knowledge ! Peace ✌️
Jordan Peterson, has met His creator Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:16-20 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. God bless you all. 🙏
Definitely not by accident - it was the algorithm! Joking aside, you are so right - every second we are living a miracle but because that miracle is all around us all the time, we just don't realise it. Wishing you a wonderful life!
why are people amazing , just because you say,?????? no--- you are dust, and dust you will come.take this knowledgment! stop lying tu yourself. life is jsut for superior beings, those who can handle the TRUTH
I'm 70 and have learned a lot about myself recently and still learning. I have chosen a new path in life to try and find my happiness. I've been listening to Mr. Peterson over the last few years which has helped me to wake up for a need to change my life. Your a brilliant man and I don't how you haven't gone insane with the knowledge that you carry. I've watched you also fight your own demons. The only reason that the politicians are after you is that you are a very dangerous man in their eyes because you spread the gospel of truth and reality. People are waking up and listening which makes them afraid. Thank you for being here for us.
Indeed the man needs to go underground. He's much like the threat JFK presented to the government...MLK, Malcom X, Jesse Jackson. Incredibly enlightening but so simple. Just simple logic.
Anyone who doesn't want to have debilitating regret, because they know how painful even minor regrets are, I would think. He's a timeless philosopher, we're fortunate enough to share our time with here. Also I think he studied psychology. I get the feeling he wouldn't have any less to offer us if he did something else.
Jordan's words always cut to the center of my being. It hasn't been quite 24 hours since my mother passed but I'm here at 3am unable to sleep. Listening to him speak brings me to tears. I truly hope this man knows how much he's needed. Bless you Jordan, I really don't even have the words to say how meaningful you are to me.
I'm so sorry for your loss. She is all around you, and if you ask for signs she will show you. -A book called "The Light Between Us" might be life changing for you right now, if you find it on Audible it's so very worth it.
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing well, I'm sure she wouldn't want you to torment yourself and I hope you can mourn her with the fond memories and not just fixate on her passing and the painful memories. I wish you and yours all the best. I am very grateful I still have my parents and I tell them I love them frequently but with Dr. Peterson's guiding wisdom I hope to fortify myself to the point I can be the one relied upon by my family when the day comes.
This is absolutely brilliant. “ you don’t get what you want because you don’t try.” The reason people don’t get what they want is because they don’t know what it is.
Everything fell apart, and kept on falling. Dr Peterson kept me alive ,listening to Him kept me going..his lectures are like Meditations for me. Although i have been Overreacting,reacting stupidly and making things worse, i know my pride and ego is in the way, but it was all i had to hang on to. And i guess there is room for improvement, much improvement, i keep on being sure, i,ve tried my best, so there is no reason to feel guilty. I stumbled and went face to face with myself. Its the 3ed time in my live, i had to get myself out of the deep to something better, i do know myself a bit, and i am happy with me, i just need love. That is what i needed and still do. I miss someone i can tell my victories to, and my dives into the unnown dark side of me. Cause i am still convinced that doing good, helping other people should be the basis of all actions, i dont have anything to prove, But i must fight to stay me. This man is so clear in his teachings, much respect. He is very important to the world. Especially the world we live in today. Peace and love to this man.
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see you are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, you might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
As a Hindu from India... I must tell u people that I have read Bhagwat Geeta and I feel Dr Peterson captures the essence of that... Dr Peterson is surely at an advanced stage in the path of Enlightenment! Western Civilization is really blessed to have him in this woke popular culture!
@@BleedForTheWorld because I wondered, too… quoted from online Google source: “Definition in oxford dictionary says ‘Alert to injustice in society, especially racism.’”
@@zbigniewbielejewski7501 i think that the message was lost in the translation. i believe he tried to say that Is a light in this dark times controlled by the "woke culture"
Letting go of toxic relationships and everyone’s standards/judgements and becoming independent and moving towards goals that I actually wanted was one of the hardest/longest lasting mental trials I’ve ever been through. But also the most refining and character building things possible. I’m noticeably farther than where I started now and it’s all thanks to this guy
Me too. Though I didn’t appreciate my highest calling until quite recently. Now, I’m super charged by the objective. I’ll stop when my heart ceases to beat.
Yes! Discarding the ex-narc from my life was the hardest, traumatic, most painful thing I have done in my life thus far..but also the most challenging, rewarding, & spiritually uplifting as well! My eyes are wide open & the Universe is accepting of me...as I tread ever so wisely...
I’m on this path right now and it’s going to be a battle. But it’s a battle I want to win, and it’s a battle I won’t let myself lose no matter what. Setting something to aim for and disregarding everything that’s holding me back from that; is a kind of power I didn’t think I had within me. This man is showing me my inner warrior, I am NOT going to be a gardener in a war. Godspeed brothers. I wish everyone the most success on their own journeys. Even though I don’t know anyone in this comment section, I’m rooting for all of us.
2 yrs ago I was in active addiction, yrs and yrs of it, 12 rules to life and hrs and hrs of Dr Jordan Petersons college lectures....well something clicked, I was doing that while attending my treatment for the dozenth time. My perception changed, my attitude changed, my aim changed. 2 yrs later I'm sober and using my time laid off from work for the winter to train and fight muaythai and bjj. Soon I will start trade school for carpentry and I'm actively pursuing my dreams, goals, and that which I seen valuable. If you really listen and implement the actions and system of being this man lays out it will change your life...it did mine.
1 year and 4 months clean from fentynal addiction that started after my father died. Currently 3 weeks into Jordans lectures and about 60 pages into his book. I am finally taking care of myself, and I’m pursuing my career in technology that I’ve always dreamed of.
I come from France, been living in Uk for 7 years. We are the 25th of December and I’m spending Christmas alone... (Mix between Choices and circumstances..) went for a running in the country side and have listened this video the whole time. Jordan Peterson made my Christmas Day. Bless you
Alone is how we all feel. This time on this temp Earth is like the beginning of the sequel. We’ve been programmed to worry about what we are missing instead of the beauty in what’s in front of us. I hope 5 months after Christmas, you feel fulfilled in Christ’s love.
I'm so glad that I found peterson so early in my life. I'm a 19 yr old female and he's taught me so much, being a father for when I didn't have one and teaching me life lessons that I wasn't taught. God has truly blessed me with this man that I luckily came by so early in life.
Same, I’m only 20. The wisdom and knowledge that JP shares will certainly impact our lives for the better, and it’s amazing that we’re taking it in while we’re still young. People Like Jordan Peterson and David Goggins do more for us than they can imagine.
Another way of saying, "If all your thinking has led you to a place you don't like,(pause) have another thought. For you are only a thought away of a place you'd rather be." Yet another way of saying, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
It's never too late people, I failed high school the first time, knuckled down & passed it at the second attempt, then went into the world of work, joined the healthcare system midway through the pandemic, fell in love with it, enrolled in college part time for 2 years while managing full time work, passed college & applied to university to do paramedic science, I got in, I start tomorrow & I'm 28 now, it's never too late! We can all achieve what we want to do guys! Best of luck & go make your dreams happen! 👏🙏🙌👌👍♥️
I started college at age 18 and earned an associates degree from my community college at age 56. I now have 126 college credits and I'm 71. Knowledge is knowing that we don't know anything. Never stop learning.
*"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you have power over instead of craving control over what you don't." - Steve Maraboli*
@@thelittlelenora your quaint life is totally without real meaning and as your well aware it will end in certain death and destruction without God lady. Are you not aware that you are a prisoner on death row? Only through God may you escape. You should try finding him, you wont regret it. Seek and you shall find
It might even be time to sacrifice what you love best, so that you can become who you might become, instead of staying who you are. - Jordan Peterson ❤❤
Everything Jordan says is what my mother taught me growing up. So much so that it's helped me understand pure compassion to which many people today confuse with selfishness.
Can you elaborate on that a little more. I just spent 1/2 an hour reading about the differences in compassion and empathy and I still don’t fully understand the differences, I get them confused. I have discovered that there are people that do not deserve my compassion and empathy. It took me a long time to figure that one out. I try to be careful of the people I surround myself with. My mother worked in a seniors long term care facility for all of her career. When I tell people that my mother is a retired nurse I don’t always try to explain the difference in watching new born babies entering the world or older people’s last days as they leave this world. My mom has strong compassion and empathy traits but, working in that field for decades takes a toll on a person. I don’t understand the selfish comment. I don’t see the connection.
I recently discovered that I am a nice guy and that nice guys always finish last. Nice guys do nice things for others and think that they expect nothing in return BUT, they do expect a certain response. Over time when they don’t get this positive response, instead they get no response and/or a negative response they can become toxic. I was born a nice guy and my father raised me to be a people pleaser. I am slowly learning to be a good guy and lose the nice guy tendencies. It is difficult to learn new skills when you are doing it alone.
you lost part of your life in these bullshit ytb videos, i make you gain them back: Proverbs 4:23-27 Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. Don't use your mouth to tell lies. Don't ever say things that are not true.
@@guidofester5451 I have been looking to understand that too for a loong time. For me the key was to tie all up with boundaries and vulnerability. To be free you need to be vulnerable; to be vulnerable you need to have clear boundaries; to have boundaries you need to have compassion for yourself, then you can have compassion for others. Empathy is a tool that makes you vulnerable if you don't have boundaries, and powerful when you do have. To be free is to now your limits so well that you don't have to think about them, but first you really have to think about them!!
@@artifundio1 That’s pretty deep, l like it. I found it best to surround myself with good people, that way I don’t have to be concerned about giving too much.
To me, it is people like you who are the true ascended masters. Who are detached from their ego and who dedicate their lives to the betterment of the collective, with nothing asked in return...as long as your work makes an impact. You naturally attract respect and admiration through your well intended work. God bless.
To the *incredible person* that's seeing this, I wish you all the best in life❤ don't over blame yourself, accept things and go forward. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn the skills needed and get after it, all the keys to a happy life is in your hands. Keep pushing.
I love what you wrote. Did you know all of that is in the Bible? Much of what Jordan says is too. I finally found the TRUTH in the Bible. It has every answer to every question and every solution to every problem. 🙏
I'm sitting on my driveway listing to this video and 3 of my neibours are listening in on this video its been 45 min and they're just listening in ... they normally go out for a smoke and back in , not today 🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦 I think I'm going to make this a thing , spread the word . Thankyou Jordan Peterson God bless 🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦
I’m 21 and I THANK God for this man. I recently quit smoking and drinking after seeing myself in the mirror with a belly and thought this isn’t the body I want for myself… the future I want for myself. This year I will graduate college as an architect yet I don’t feel fulfilled… it’s time to make sacrifices. Jordan is an amazing man that lets me see clearly the potential I have… he gives us the words we wanted and needed to hear this whole time. It’s time to challenge ourselves and improve. God bless Jordan Peterson! A true role model of this age and I’m glad I’m alive at the same time this man is. It’s time to clean our rooms gentlemen… God bless.
Wow. How many others had to pause the video about every three minutes just to absorb what you just heard? Thank you for sharing your heart, Dr Peterson.
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see You are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, You might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
I got out of a rehab program 3 days ago, I was always a J.Peterson fan, now I listen to him everyday, I am 35yrs old, Peterson has helped me so much. Thank you sir.
Wow, I’m 17 years old, I have little education . I’m educating my self. I work full time to help my Mom with her bakery and this video is everything I needed to hear right now! Thank you
WOW!!! That’s incredible! And you’re watching Jordon Peterson ! If you choose to not hold on it could it would seem like an abomination to your God given intelligence . Focus on God and his goodness! And that you’re doing this alone? It’s very painful to me but stronger than that Awe Struck! You should find any organization to help you with this! You deserve it!
May you grow in ways that will inspire you with God's blessings. Hold fast to the hand of God. Your blessing is coming. If it hasn't happened yet. Give yourself a hand for your heart of gold .by helping your mom is in our nature but in God's eyes he sees your heart.
Right! He him self and what and how he says things is pleasing to my ears and mind. I dont just want to listen to what he says, I also want to listen to he him self.
@@sloanmagnum5009 that's called confirmation bias. That's why it sounds pleasing. Jordan when he used to teach actually mentioned that very problem. He also described how said problem was why religious people believe so deeply and why faith and not evidence is what they need because confirmation bias makes them believe faith is evidence.
@@sloanmagnum5009 No I am not I used to follow him on TH-cam he did and entire series of mythology and directly showed what I said. So no I am not mistaken.
@@sloanmagnum5009 oh yeah also forgot on the account of faith. I am definitely not wrong. Even by the biblical standards faith is defined as belief with no supporting evidence and in spite of evidence to the contrary of the belief you have faith in. ie if I show you evidence that you are wrong faith is what allows you to ignore my evidence to declare your belief is still valid..... Because you have to believe it is. Confirmation bias helps with that.
I am African American 66yr young woman who retired from a psychiatric care facility from 1972 until 2010. I have worked with many psychiatrist/ psychologist and many other professionals. My sister is familiar with your work and I told her how powerful and a amazing human being you're. I know that all you're saying is facts. You're such a great gift to the world if they would listen and apply your infinite insight, wisdom and guidance. I know that you're a man of great wisdom and a man of principles who express importance of family, love, horner and respect. You even acknowledge the reality of death. I know truth and logical thinking. I have never heard of such insightful information that you teach. I learned my job by training and I learned it well enough to motivate those who suffer from emotional challenges. I used kindness and sincerity as a way to get my patients through difficult times during hospitalization. Learning from you will give me more insight and understanding during my life journey to help my family during these stressful times. No one is exempt from problems but their is always a new beginning to learn and understand ourselves to improve into a better human being. Blessings too you and your family.
Jordan Peterson talks a good talk and I’m sure means well at every aspect he talks about, But that’s where he ends and you have gone way way way farther, You Ms Jones have been in the trenches of hell ,where the metal meets the meat ,I personally couldn’t have done all those years without going insane myself or hacking some of the patents to bits , Im not just saying this but you truly are an angel on earth, thank you
This lecture sounds casual & meandering but it’s the product of thousands of hours of thought & self talk. It’s as meaningful to a 61 year old as to a 25 year old, Pick up the greatest burden you can possibly carry & move towards a better day & place. There’s no higher purpose.
Hey there, I see You are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, You might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Going back to this after a year. I just realized my life has improved drastically financially, mentally, spiritually, and a bit physically. Listening to Jordan Peterson's lectures was like planting a seed. You'll just look back and see how your life has changed and grew from what it was before.
Exactly like a seed. Just listening to them, trying to do as he says, even if you "fail" a few times. Makes your life so much better 😊 I'm very happy you changed your life!!! Congratulations 🎉!!!
I don't even know how to say how bad my lifes been.... but this man he... he literally saved my life more then once and im so sad I can't shake his hand and thank him in person, for him to hear and see how genuine I am because nothing else could convey how much I appreciate what he has directly done for me..
But it was all within yourself all along. When the student is ready the teacher appears. Jp has reflected something in you. Give yourself some credit for seeking and being an open heart
He would much rather you create new rock bottoms for yourself as you climb. So that when you fall (which is inevitable because catastrophe just lurks around the corner for all of us and life is full of tragedy), you don’t fall as far. You’ve brought yourself up so much, that you don’t fall back to where you were when you got started. Jordan would rather this help you, than to receive a “thank you”. He would be thrilled knowing he helped you alone, and doesn’t expect a thank you. Be grateful, and try to spread his care and message as a thank you!
Your tribute is how I feel. At the very least, he's inspired you and your words (along with his) have helped make this world a tiny bit better (bigger than you think actually). So carry on and forgive my atrocious punctuation. I'm just writing how I feel and I'd imagine you understand that. I'm happy to hear that you sound like your in a much better place 🥲💚
I was able to almost banish my depression, leave my toxic family/job (my father was my employer and owned every aspect of my life) quit drinking, start my own business and improve my life tenfold all because of this man.
pagans worshipping flying invisible glow. in the dark reindeer in the name of christ an buttered toast. you humans arent even real arr you? its like you cant have you 9wn thoughts an need the ones who created atheisim/science/Christianity /satanisim to pull your strings
I hope one day Jordan reads these comments. Thank you. I love your passion for humanity. There is a God and He is smiling down on you for standing up and standing out. For being the man He created you to be. You touch people at their core. You have done your part in opening people’s minds. The rest is up to God. I see you Jordan.
I have recently become aware of Dr. Peterson and his countless hypothesis on man's mental understanding of self in contrast of his fellow man. What I find is how refreshing his explanation's are easily found and understood. In relation to others, how we should love and encourage those around us, but too do it selflessly. All these ideas are described in detail in the HOLY BIBLE!!! I PRAY Dr. Peterson continue his journey with Christ, Amen
I'm 38 and I'm just starting all over again because of a failed relationship where I invested everything into someone's success and forgotten myself in the name of good and love but I'm glad I have clarity because I've failed myself very badly to the point where the wrong paths are now obvious.
Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think and more talented than you know, and capable of more than you can imagine. *Keep putting in the work...*
Thank you ❤. You have recently inspired me to quit drinking alcohol . It's been 3 weeks of sobriety now . Also quitting smoking cigarettes, on day 3 right now . I feel really ill right now but I will get better soon . 🙏 Starting into my 3 1/2 months . Every day is a new day for opportunities.
You are the master slayer of those dragons!! You do not feel well now but you will have mastery over them and they will no longer be pulling you around. You are the conqueror and they are under your sword. Great job you can now inspire others
as a non-religious 16 year old male who lives in Scandinavia i wanna say that Dr.Peterson has helped me a lot. After pondering on the purpose of life for a few years i think i have found it. Life is what you make it, if your goal is to try and please your god so be but for me the ultimate goal is to be a better person than the day before.
I’m 69 and Jordan is reminding me, once again, I can continue to grow and become better and more engaged, not less, as I age chronologically, there are no limits in my life, only my decisions
Yass get it, never to late we are ever evolving, ageing has benefits youth doesn't not granted time is not one of the benefits but wisdom and experience triumphs no doubt
Every time I'm in doubt I listen to Jordan. I went from not knowing what kind of father I'd be and not knowing what job I want to do. Now I'm enjoying being a father, doing the job I never knew was possible for me. Jordan keeps me grounded and dreaming at the same time. Dream a little bit bigger but also get a little closer to knowing who you really are.
My Wife took her own like 18 months ago and Jordans guidance over the last 5 years has been life changing. There is no possible way I would have survived without him.
There are ways. He may be the twig you hang onto for dear life until you get better grounding, more confidence, then are brave enough to swing out & grab a branch...or fall to the earth. He's here to make ad revenue. He knows there's a market of heartache out there. A lot of so-called messed up people. It may not BE a bad thing he's selling. I watched this video and got some really good things out of it. And if he was a cult leader, his cult members would come to his defense. But helpful is helpful. And where it goes from here is up to you. It is what it is.
Listening to Dr Peterson has motivated me to make so many positive changes in my life, I'll be forever grateful especially because I go through periods where I'm extremely motivated then all of a sudden I feel lost again but listening to Dr Peterson brings me back every single time.
Hi Tanya, it’s nice meeting you here.. I’m Edward by name, it would be nice getting to know you,if that’s ok with you? My mom once said good friends are never too much to have. if you don’t mind, can we be friends??
@@ricabel321 sure the reply by “Edward” is seemingly creepy and off putting but you missed pretty much the entirety of what Peterson talks about in this video… Maybe edwards “aim” is simply to connect to people. He could be in a country or state or region where he’s not finding fufilling relationships… Whatever, point being he may genuinely just be trying to connect to people who’s topicss he resonates with. Part of positive psychology is the aim of just viewing best intentions in people. Do service. BE of service to other people. See the best, reinforce it. Make the world a better place. Want meaning? Stop being a f****g a***h***e every second of your life. Have some accountability if your life. I’m
i keep having same issue with myself!! i yo on this 6 month run motivated ambitious working out everyday reading everyday working torwards my self improvement and then the next I cant find that same drive and fall back down that ladder… These videos are a hugeee help as well as some others trying to recreate that lightning in a bottle!
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see you are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, you might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
I love the obvious fingerprints of God's touch in our lives, it's so apparent when he constantly answers our every day needs! A constant confirmation of his love for even the smallest and lowliest of hearts, I surrender all to you Lord as much as I possibly can!
Never is too late to start!! I am 37 and I started uni last year!! Been with two malevolent people, two kids and low self respect!! My salvation was to listen to God and put boundaries and go for what I want!! Now my ex trying to get into my life and do what he do best, hurt people, now I have a purpose thanks to the Lord and my highest self that could not take more evilness! I believe that I have a monster inside that can hurt other but I am trying to control it. But I still ask God that my heart don’t go cold because of the betrayal, lies, and hurts. I send love and self care to people who are going, still going and keep going through this journey call life!! God bless you all Amen 🙏
I’m 73 and still working on being a better person and relishing the joy that pops into my life from time to time. Dr. Peterson validates the choices I try to make each day. Listening to him has helped me so much in learning to turn away from the darkness in me.
I have cptsd. And learned more from jordan peterson in 4 month, than my whole life from teachers, doctors, and just people who work in the system. If people there work with people with traumas was more like jordan peterson, much more people would have a better life. The world need more of this man ❤️
@Annie Edison i am so happy to hear that you are getting better and it has been 4 years since you was on mental hospital🙏 i hope you will never get back to that place, and you will get Even better with time. 🙏
I was raised to be weak. Strong and determined to follow my goals but weak under duress. I was taught to panic and crumble when the pressure built. It was when I crawled out of the hole of depression and started hearing what people like Jordan, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Jocko had to say that I finally realized I need to dry my tears and become an animal. Think critically and logically under pressure and demand a higher level of excellence from myself. I'm a stronger man today because people like Jordan have offered a perspective to be a complete badass first and worry about others' opinions when it actually concerns something of weight.
This kept me on a treadmill for an hour when I typically only stay on for 20min lol. This is amazing knowledge. I'm hopeful it helps heal me and this lost soul feeling that has consumed my life. Thank you Mr. Jordan Peterson
LIFE’s Meaning Changes, when you KNOW that GOD is Real! An Eternal Perspective, Changes Everything! Hebrews 11:1 - …” the EVIDENCE of things NOT SEEN.” 🙏🏻💛🕊🍃
Jordan Peterson has changed my life, I wish that my own dad watched him and all of his wisdom. My moral compass is all I have, I am thankful for all of his words and wisdom. It saved my life!
Peterson the Nazi orbanuskisser: "my message to Hungarians: what your prime minister is trying to do is to restore the metaphysical foundation of Hungarian race and culture".
@@CherubChick1221 Peterson Nazi orbanuskisser: "my message to Hungarians: what your prime minister is trying to do is to restore the metaphysical foundation of Hungarian race and culture".
I am listening to this again after I made the sacrifice of self destructive self medication. It brings tears to my eyes just as it did before I chose to be better. I'm increasingly grateful I happened to find this humans messages.
*I am 77 years old.* *I was blessed with natural talents when I was born.* *I am an artist I could draw well at a very young age.* *I loved to draw, it fascinated me, so I drew all of the time and "practice makes perfect" as it is said.* *My grandfather incouuraged me and provided me with materials, oil paints and canvases when I was about 9, I did my first oil paintings at that age.* *So I was able to make a living at doing art.* *Eventually becoming a special effects artist in cinema I worked on several blockbuster science fiction films.* *I appreciate this life deeply, as I saw how difficult life was for many of my friends who didn't have anything within to start with.* *This is why I recommend Jordan Peterson to young men who haven't found themselves yet.*
He’s absolutely amazing! He breaks the mind down so perfectly that anyone can understand it’s works. I love that he speaks Bible passages. I searched for truth for thirty years and then I found what couldn’t be disputed, even by science. The Bible. We do have a Father, who loves us more than we will ever know. He sent His son to pay for our mistakes on a cross so we could be with Him in Heaven. Give your life to Jesus and ask Him to show you He is real, then stand back and watch. I don’t question any more. Btw, I forgot to say Jesus saved me from myself, addiction, depression and suicide and He turned my life around. Now I’m done. 🙏
I can feel your beautiful spirit through your words! I'm so glad you found the heart of truth and the peace that it brings. JP is also a great inspiration and speaks truth without fear of naysayers. Love that man!
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(Non Retilli Die Container) DANGER EXTREMELY INFLAMMABLE, Do not use near open flame. Do not puncture or incinerate container. Keep the container in a cool place Protect from sunlight. • Do not inhale contents. • KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
Mega Value•Pack Butane Gas for All Lighters & Torches If required, select appropriate adaptor and fit to valve stem. Most lighters do not require an adaptor. Use only in accordance with lighter manufacturer's instructions.
@@vilvianamentor646 if you want to start an existential metaphysical debate about what the truth is and how it fluctuates depending on what definitions you consider to be in the core of reality that is nice and all, but what I meant with the truths here are the afirmations and processes of thought that he makes that happen to be so blatantly relatable to people who are honest to themselves. Existence is so undefined and knowledge is something so bast and potentially infinite that you could always claim that noone, doesn't matter how learnt they are, knows anything. That's an epistemological problem and has nothing to do with a practical sociological/psychological debate such as the one taking part in the video.
Ive always considered myself as a decent parent, however, listening to the professor, Im a better parent and a better person for it. Nowadays, i dont worry to much how my kids are going to turn out to a certain point in regards to their upbringing. Thank you Mr Petersen for all that you do and say.
Listening to Jordan Peterson finally convinced me (29 F) to strive for marriage and children. I used to avoid these things because I was afraid of their cost/the necessary suffering required to attain them. Now, I understand the power, peace, and confidence gained from walking into suffering with your head up and eyes open, trusting that the price will be worth the adventure. 🌹
24 now and I've always felt that the time passes by so fast that I have no control over it. to the point that its so exhausting to even try. so Im in this cycle of realizing im doing nothing and getting even more exhausted and and disappointed that im doing nothing. comment section here really helped alot. seeing many different people on their different walks of life opened my eyes. to the point that I wanted to say to them that its never too late and that made me realize that I can say the same to myself. its never too late for you and I. we can always try again tomorrow. I guess that means something. atleast it means something for me, and I hope you do too. twas an hour well spent. thankyou.
So true about that humble goal - as I recovered from addiction, I had to really accept how weak and vulnerable I was. I remember making a daily list - put the bin out, wash clothes. Small, priorities and focused on getting through the day and being there for family.
Accomplishing the small list really is super important on every level.. not just so that those things get done and they are the stuff of life the basics.. but they also build self-esteem along the way.. to the same measure that not doing them compromises self-esteem
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see you are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, you might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Jordan, you talked about so many things that were quoted in the Gospel of Thomas. Every person on earth needs to read that Gospel. Not just read it but live it. Jesus didn't want us to read and memorize scriptures, he wanted us to live it and bring it to life. Thank you for everything that you do.
Thank you Jordan Peterson for helping me heal from PTSD. I wish I would of had a man like you in my life from the start. You are a gift from God for so many 💕
If you anyone reads this. Please pray for me. I'm going through a deep internal pain and could really use some prayers right now. If you are in the same position I will pray for you as well.
35:44 I hope you’re feeling better after one year. I would stop and see you. If I knew where to look. Go walking and talk with strangers and their dogs Just start with hello. And don’t trauma dump too hard… might help. I go out for at least an hour or two 30 min one way and back is enough to start yourself moving forward in body and mind and sunlight and have time away from digital world to process your thoughts about your goals over time. Plan ahead. Anticipate great things to come! Build yourself back up like acronym for fallout “You’re Special!” You’re unique Spend some time over 7day or hours a day thinking Special Thoughts: Tinker at incremental / gradual improving Strength, Perception,Endurance, Charmisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck! Life has its perks and downsides.. but there’s good in it, clouds and silver linings… I’m with you - King Nick was here. may 14 2024. Don’t forget what I said.
It's never too late to make sense of your life! I waited until 45, which gave me much greater purpose through the justification of a more lengthy time of suffering. Life is simply living out our own exchanges, for the most part. Be better than yourself yesterday, ever gracefully so. 💛
I can’t believe people try to cancel this man. The amount this man has helped me is absolutely unmeasurable, for someone I’ve never met or spoken to to impact me in such a way is unreal. This man is truly one of the most amazing people this world has even created. I can genuinely say that he is one of the only reasons I’m still alive today.
There are a lot of people out there who want to cancel anything that helps people or makes people happy. They want to cancel this man who has more intelligence than anybody in any political party. The people who want him cancelled are nothing but EVIL. The devil walks .... just look around...ask God to help us win the battle.
Hello Felicia , it’s nice meeting you here.. I’m Edward by name, it would be nice getting to know you,if that’s ok with you? My mom once said good friends are never too much to have. if you don’t mind, can we be friends??
I'm 61 and I just open my eyes after my addiction. Wakeup it's 20 years over already, so you work harder not so much to catchup but accept and move foward
Right there with ya brother. Turning 61 on the 19th of September. Today is the day to move toward the highest aim. It's never too late. Moses was 80 when he stopped at that bush!
I'm 34 years old. I'm just getting my life together. It's embarrassing. I wish I had this knowledge 10 years ago. Wish me luck as I redeem myself
Good luck!
Im 30 and just found this
I did it at EXACTLY that age. Long story short I went from only having two black plastic trash bags full of dirty clothes to my name, to today remarried to a beautiful wife, have a daughter (my first) I absolutely ADORE, a degree in electrical engineering working for one of the big two resort/theme parks in Orlando, credit good enough to buy a car for the first time on it, and the people around me trusting me and never questioning my word.
It was rough. First, I made an agreement with myself that ANYTHING that scared my had to be done as SOON as I possibly could. NO putting off anything, but in particular things that scared me or made me nervous.
Second, I resolved myself to NO social life and doing WHATEVER I had to do to achieve my goal. This included working 60 hour weeks as a chef while going to school full time. I stayed up countless nights, one time I stayed up four days straight. I graduated with a 3.9 GPA.
Third, I wrote my ultimate goal down, and then broke that down into two smaller steps and continued to break it down till I had literally HUNDREDS of steps. But what that meant was that every day, no matter how little time I had, I could do at least ONE thing on my GIANT list. I made a point that each day I would check off at LEAST ONE step. This wound up being a daily reminder that I WAS making progress every day toward my goal, which in turn FURTHER motivated me as well as keeping me from becoming complacent. That list went EVERYWHERE with me and ANY spare time I had (between sending out apps and starting the main at work, waiting in line ANYWHERE, going to the bathroom) I studied that list and even if I couldn't actually do anything on it at that moment I would plan what the next couple steps I was gonna do would be. At all times I was either actively working toward my goal, or I was planning the next course of action to take.
And lastly I told myself everything that happens to you from here on out is on you, good or bad. Period. No bitching. No complaining. No acknowledging any discomfort or pain. If I want it I need to do it. If I don't get it thats MY fault.
Sorry for the long response but I thought maybe my story would help you. I am 44 now. I too wish I had done this earlier in my life. But, you could be 72 and NEVER done it. Instead of worrying about the time you "wasted" (you may have NEEDED that time to prepare you for taking control) worry about the time you STILL HAVE and make the most of it.
Best of luck.
God speed.
Fucking saammmeee except I've been listening, not acting. I gotta get moving. 34 as well.
Message to the person who just listened for the past hour - Don't be ashamed if orienting your goals take time, If you feel a temporary boost of motivation from this video that fades away by tomorrow. You're one step closer to being the person you absolutely have the potential to be.
Well said
Love that comment
. That thatthat p)
First ; we need to accept the truth
That truth is that man was created by a Supreme Being.. And accept that you need instructiok
A good message. Thank you.
Such a heartfelt and beautiful and awesome comment thank you.
I don't know who you are or what you're looking for... Thank God you are still here... This life is hard... I'm glad you're still here... This life would be boring as hell without you...
I needed to hear this. It doesn't matter who from. I came here from Jordan petersons words to someone suffering with suicidal thoughts. I live with the heaviest weight on my chest and it's held me back for so long. I was at my wits end tonight. I thank you for this x 😊
28 years old and the only one working in a house of 4. Today my family and I are facing eviction and we don't have anywhere to go, but your words, Mr Peterson, is what keeps me from falling apart as I type this. I want to blame someone for the hardship that we have been enduring, I want to blame someone for the bitterness and suffering that life seems to constantly produce, but alas, well fortunately your words have changed my mindset completely. I will take responsibility for it all. I will go back and look at which path/decision may have lead me to this point. It is difficult to see any form of silver lining when all life seems to be is a gloomy cloud of despair and disappointment, but thank you, Mr Peterson. Your words will get me through this, they will guide me and help me get back on my feet because there is no way in hell that I will stay down.
A year from now things will be better. A few years from now I will accomplish my goal of being a data scientist and have a great job that I will do my best to be the best. I will ensure that this never happens again. Not ever.
Wish me luck, people.
Good luck,
Wish you over come the obstacles on your way and become good data scientist
I wish you the best. Facing the suffering can make you stronger. You're in my prayers
Your post was 9 months ago. How are you doing?
Good luck!😊
I’d love to hear an update on this if you’re able!
Multi time brain cancer patient here. I’ve listened to this more times than I can count. I still work every day, take care of my son and family… there’s no excuse as to why you can’t push through any obstacle in your way, not because of what I’ve achieved but, so many others. Keep pushing through those obstacles. You’ll get there eventually. Stay positive, stay happy, stay active. Be you. Much love to everyone out there doing the damn thing and not giving up!
Fight on and keep being a positive role model for your family and youth!!!
Odd... listening to this dripped causes brain cancer.
Thanks, man! Seventeen years ago I was given the choice to either go on children's hospice care or risk it with a surgery that would more than likely kill me. I chose the latter of course and had a tumor the size of tangerine removed from the middle of my brain. It was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do, but I worked through it and it made me a stronger person.
awesomevery inspiring. Thanks a lot
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Never lose your hope. 💯
Hope in the living God
Thank you for empowering us, just starting to feel like we're partly awakening
HalleluYAH my friend ,HalleluYAH!
@@wandalbowen8101 Please try to understand ,YAHUAH {YHWH} is not A GOD ,he is our Elohim,our Father , our Creator . Please dig deeper and look up the etymology of the word GOD, It's eye opening . satan is called the GOD of this world ,YAHUAH never changes ,hence his name is always his name ,no need to wipe it out the the scriptures or give him the title Lord ,did you know that the word lord means BAAL? Think about it ! Be well and understand that I am only trying to help. HalleluYAH ,amein. P.S. I have been at it for a long time and I am a former addict ,I am no better than any one but I have a voice and I feel compelled to share what I know is true .Amein.
Hope in the living Father. Son. and Holy Ghost
You know, I've been listening to this guy for pushing upon three years now, and I realized that at least a couple of times in every lecture, he seems on the verge of cracking up and blowing apart. And I think I finally understand it, and I also think it was in some measure this fact that caused his recent health crisis: He pours so much of himself into this work that he quite literally empties the tank every time he speaks. This man is a national treasure. I love him as a father, and I was blessed with the best of fathers.
No, it's because he's a highly educated neurotic lunatic with control issues.
The thing about him that no one understands, is that the weight that’s upon his shoulders, is so heavy, but it’s carried voluntarily, something that at the very least, is noble.
@@kelz_2247 So now he's Jesus with a cross?
@@williamakers7527 metaphorically sure
@@williamakers7527 Bit of a stretch to leap to that interpretation, I didn’t hear anybody say that or anything like that. What he is is a man who will be recognized by history as one of the most brilliant visionaries of his time.
His gift is not just his encyclopedic knowledge of history, science, philosophy, sociology, psychology, religion, mythology, etc., etc., it is his unique ability to take abstract ideas from these diverse disciplines and tie them together with wit and penetrating insight into an illustrative story that holds people's attention and interest for literally hours at a time.
What he offers is profound truth, clearly delivered with great passion that captivates and inspires people. The concepts and principles he points to are what moves us, not the man himself. He strikes me as having great humility, not seeking to garner praise or adulation. When people share the story of how his work has positively impacted their lives it literally brings him to tears. That is a humble man.
28 yr old ex heroine and Xanax homeless drug addict. I’m 4 years clean, one semester away from my masters, just bought a house, have meaningful relationships I lost, and physically a unit. It gets better boys I promise.
I’ve read both 12 rules and listened to every Jordan Peterson podcast at least 3 times. Thanks for showing me the light when all I could see is darkness
Well done man.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 (Thats a slow hand clap) Because the people who are giving you a resounding round of rawkus applause are overwhelmingly in your future but you hear that in your struggle successfully carrying your cross you have chosen to lift, who looks for the light when stood in your presence @colbyd69 for they blind themselves with covered eyes due to brilliance that gleams showing those who want to see, you shine there paths be it narrow and less trodden.
Mate, I see you from downunder , shine on you crazy diamond!!!!
You beast
Proud of you!
Wish you the best, you had true hell in your life and right now you deserve the best!!!
Imagine that you were taking care of yourself like you were someone you actually care for"
What a powerfull thought..
I suffer from severe depression disorder, this hit me in a way like none other, because i hate my life, i dont care much for it, but i do care a lot for the lives of both my children and my wife and will go to hell and back for them. I guess i needed a father figure to tell me to care for myself the way i care for them.
It’s called self compassion which is not the same as self pity. It’s recognising hurt and that you’re a human being including flaws and foibles. Once you’ve established that honesty about and with yourself, you’ve accepted the attitude and task of responsibilities and purpose.
@@philodonoghue3062 no that is self pity. It's why sad Boi lord of the whiners and clowns is advocating this defeatist attitude to spoiled children.
Hey I wish I’d heard of Jordan Peterson at 28, 30, 34, 40, 50 but I’ve been listening for just over a year to a year and a half and I’m turning 61 in 2 1/2 weeks. So don’t worry about being embarrassed. I’m not embarrassed any more and refuse to be embarrassed or ashamed or anything. I’m grateful that I have finally no matter my age because what would really have been a shame is to never have heard of him, or even worse,to never have listen his words of wisdom. And I do know how truly wise his words are. I’ve made many many mistakes, I’ve made many bad choices, I’ve been through traumatic experiences I’d never wish on anyone, ever. However I am still alive and I still have the opportunity every day I wake up and draw a breath and open my eyes. And then do my best and be my best self that I can that day. Some days I can do more then others but it’s about progress, not perfection and life is a journey and to live each day doing better than I have in the past to the best of my ability. For myself. For my children, who are 37 and 40, my young grandchildren, for my parents, my siblings, my friends and extended family and everyone my life might brush against. And I’m a lot stronger and more resilient and still able to keep working on and improving myself because all of us have something we can improve on. We can all be better people and we can all encourage and give moral support to each other. Don’t compare yourself to others because no one else has lived your life or been through whatever you have been through, good and not so good and sometimes painful and maybe even very hard experiences and situations. You can only compare yourself now to yourself who you were and then move forward and grow and realize life isn’t a straight and narrow path but rather a road that will be wide, smooth and easy as well as narrow, rough and winding and up and down and that road will go to the right or the left and sometimes backwards and sometimes in circles and you never know what you will learn or where it will take you and when it will end, just put one foot in front of the other and move and live your life. That’s what I’ve learned and it’s not over until I take my last breath. Life is the dash on our headstones between the day were born and they day we die. My dash isn’t over yet and I’m not going to give up now. I still have much more to do. And so do all of you! So go for it and give your life your best shot and live each day to the best of your ability and look back on each day and see what you have to feel and be grateful for, no matter how small or great it might seem. I believe in all of us. I refuse to give up hope on myself or the rest of the human kind. I’m grateful to be right here listening right now. And for Jordan Peterson doing this podcast and for all of you. Thank you all for being here too, alive and breathing and taking each and every step on your path, and stay true to yourself on your journey. And see ya down the road, maybe someday. You never know what surprises you’ll find or who you will meet or what experiences you’ll have. 🙏😎🌻☮️💟🤗
I read this and it helped. I just put my little family and myself through hell and I'm picking up the rubble. Thank you Bonnie
Wow! That was intense. I will always think of you. Good luck to you
Bonnie - I believe what you said is an incredible summation. I also wish and yet I am quite thankful for JP and what he confers with his message(s). Just like another stated in another reply is that I will also think of you as you continue to be guiding your life.
@@djlancer88 I’m so glad that you found something in what I said to help you. We all have made mistakes, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of in that. The shame would only be if we denied the truth and then continued to doing those things that hurt ourselves and our loved ones. That we can change our lives and do something different and hopefully positive is our path to self redemption and self love and the best gift that we can give to those we love. My best wishes to you and to your family and I hope that they can forgive you for any hurt you may have inadvertently caused them and that they can be open and learn and grow from watching you learn and grow as well. I stayed stuck in blame and resentment towards others in the past who had hurt me and all it did was cause me more pain and suffering and others around me as well instead of doing something positive. I’ve learned, the hard way, that holding onto resentment or past hurts or anything that kept me stuck in that negative mindset and heart set, that is self destructive and it made me a miserable unhappy person and that affected everyone around me. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting either. It just means if I forgive someone then I can move on and move forward and that’s a positive movement and I can use what I’ve learned from it to make better choices and therefore have a better life and make life better for everyone around me. It’s a process though and sometimes I will take a step or two backwards and go drudge those old thoughts and feelings back up because I’m feeling bad about myself and then have realize I’m choosing to continue victimizing myself, using those things from the past ask an excuse to feel sorry for myself. Hopefully you won’t do that as long as I have done that too. Instead continuing to be a victim of whatever my past experiences were, I have to be honest with myself and then choose to not be in that victim role. That means hard work sometimes and being vulnerable and being willing to open myself up to others and letting them see the real me.
The real gift comes though in time when you are able to realize how strong you are and you can stand up for yourself and not let others manipulate, use or harm you and you also don’t have to be hard-hearted and cold with 12 foot walls that keep others out but also keep you locked up and lonely and alone.
The best thing I can tell you is
Don’t Ever Give Up On You, No Matter What Happens To You, No Matter What Anyone Else Says Or Does!
You may not feel very strong at times, in fact you may feel weak and overwhelmed, overwhelmed by fear or grief or pain or shame or guilt. However, those too shall pass, in time, and there will be times of joy, peace, love and happiness that will be all the more precious in comparison and all the more valuable and meaningful for having been through the opposite. And you will find that some of what you thought was the most horrendously painful experiences have given you an internal strength and resiliency and the ability to stand up stronger and straighter and know that you have the courage and strength of a lion in the face of whatever life throws at you and it can’t take away who you are in your heart ❤️ no matter what.
And if you know in your heart and soul that you are a good person, and that you don’t purposely try to hurt anyone else, that you do your best to be your best and higher self and to help other be their best and higher self, then no one can take that away from inside of you. However it does take time to reach that, and it takes the willingness to look deeply and honestly into your own self with the real and true motive of being a better person for yourself and for those you love and who love you and even those who don’t know or love you, and the motive to help make this world a better place for every living person, every living creature and every thing. And know that it is going to take all of us doing that to make it that kind of world. And it might be the hardest and most thankless thing to do at times. But also know that you are not alone in striving for that. More and more people are turning and striving for that and yet it will be very hard at times and feel very lonely and alone. What keeps me going is that I know I’m not the only one that feels this way and I’m not perfect or am I going to always to do it perfectly but I’m willing to keep on doing my best each day because I don’t want my children and grandchildren and on and on or anyone else’s either to have to live in a world that’s worse than what it is or has been. I want it to be a better world for everyone in the future. I don’t mean better in the technological sense either. I mean better in the ecological sense, the emotional sense, the physical sense and spiritual sense. We are all connected and inter-connected whether we choose to believe that or not. We all have an affect on others and are affected by others too. We are all responsible for what our world is like right this moment no matter what has been in the past. We don’t live in the past. We don’t live in the future. We live in this moment right now and how we show up in this moment right now is going to affect what shows up in the future. I want it to be a better future for myself and for everyone else so I’m responsible for what I do and say right now and I want it to be filled with love and life affirming intention and affection for all.
Blessings to all the people who came to this video ! You didn't came here randomly, you are incredible and the universe is gifting you with this knowledge ! Peace ✌️
Jordan Peterson, has met His creator Jesus Christ.
Colossians 1:16-20
16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
God bless you all. 🙏
thank you
Definitely not by accident - it was the algorithm! Joking aside, you are so right - every second we are living a miracle but because that miracle is all around us all the time, we just don't realise it. Wishing you a wonderful life!
why are people amazing , just because you say,??????
no--- you are dust, and dust you will come.take this knowledgment!
stop lying tu yourself. life is jsut for superior beings, those who can handle the TRUTH
Best to you friend, be well
I'm 70 and have learned a lot about myself recently and still learning. I have chosen a new path in life to try and find my happiness. I've been listening to Mr. Peterson over the last few years which has helped me to wake up for a need to change my life. Your a brilliant man and I don't how you haven't gone insane with the knowledge that you carry. I've watched you also fight your own demons. The only reason that the politicians are after you is that you are a very dangerous man in their eyes because you spread the gospel of truth and reality. People are waking up and listening which makes them afraid. Thank you for being here for us.
Thank you for sharing. I am 52, and this gives me hope!
Indeed, the man needs
Indeed the man needs to go underground. He's much like the threat JFK presented to the government...MLK, Malcom X, Jesse Jackson. Incredibly enlightening but so simple. Just simple logic.
Anyone else feels terribly, emotional, hopeful and uplifted at the same time whilst listening to Jordan's words?
Very much so.... He makes me own my mistakes and think for the future 🍀
Anyone who doesn't want to have debilitating regret, because they know how painful even minor regrets are, I would think. He's a timeless philosopher, we're fortunate enough to share our time with here.
Also I think he studied psychology. I get the feeling he wouldn't have any less to offer us if he did something else.
Goals are the only way foward for me, I love JP
Jordan's words always cut to the center of my being. It hasn't been quite 24 hours since my mother passed but I'm here at 3am unable to sleep. Listening to him speak brings me to tears. I truly hope this man knows how much he's needed. Bless you Jordan, I really don't even have the words to say how meaningful you are to me.
I'm so sorry for your loss. She is all around you, and if you ask for signs she will show you. -A book called "The Light Between Us" might be life changing for you right now, if you find it on Audible it's so very worth it.
@@chasityawesome by Laura Lynne Jackson? I’ve found two books with that title.
May her soul rest in peace. Keep it up. Make her proud of you by being proud of your self.
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing well, I'm sure she wouldn't want you to torment yourself and I hope you can mourn her with the fond memories and not just fixate on her passing and the painful memories. I wish you and yours all the best. I am very grateful I still have my parents and I tell them I love them frequently but with Dr. Peterson's guiding wisdom I hope to fortify myself to the point I can be the one relied upon by my family when the day comes.
God Bless you Bro! Keep fighting! RIP Mom.
This is absolutely brilliant. “ you don’t get what you want because you don’t try.” The reason people don’t get what they want is because they don’t know what it is.
Everything fell apart, and kept on falling.
Dr Peterson kept me alive ,listening to
Him kept me going..his lectures are like
Meditations for me. Although i have been
Overreacting,reacting stupidly and making things worse, i know my pride and ego is in the way, but it was all i had to hang on to.
And i guess there is room for improvement, much improvement, i keep on being sure, i,ve tried my best, so there is no reason to feel guilty.
I stumbled and went face to face with myself.
Its the 3ed time in my live, i had to get myself out of the deep to something better, i do know myself a bit, and i am happy with me, i just need love. That is what i needed and still do. I miss someone i can tell my victories to, and my dives into the unnown dark side of me.
Cause i am still convinced that doing good, helping other people should be the basis of all actions, i dont have anything to prove,
But i must fight to stay me.
This man is so clear in his teachings, much respect.
He is very important to the world.
Especially the world we live in today.
Peace and love to this man.
That is so true
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see you are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, you might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
i’m 27, lost everything in my life. my family, friends, shop, relationships, today is the first day of turning me life around. wish me luck
How are you doing?? ❤
@@maggiejones9367was just going to ask
Good luck
How are you doing? Looking forward to hear from you❤
Good luck man!
As a Hindu from India... I must tell u people that I have read Bhagwat Geeta and I feel Dr Peterson captures the essence of that... Dr Peterson is surely at an advanced stage in the path of Enlightenment! Western Civilization is really blessed to have him in this woke popular culture!
Dude,he is not in woke bs.
What is woke? Is it woke to be gay or be a black person?
@@BleedForTheWorld because I wondered, too… quoted from online Google source: “Definition in oxford dictionary says ‘Alert to injustice in society, especially racism.’”
@@carolyntorres8171 is it any wonder how the far right likes Jordan Peterson when they're the first to not like black and gay people?
@@zbigniewbielejewski7501 i think that the message was lost in the translation.
i believe he tried to say that Is a light in this dark times controlled by the "woke culture"
Letting go of toxic relationships and everyone’s standards/judgements and becoming independent and moving towards goals that I actually wanted was one of the hardest/longest lasting mental trials I’ve ever been through. But also the most refining and character building things possible. I’m noticeably farther than where I started now and it’s all thanks to this guy
Have a nice day tomorrow
Me too. Though I didn’t appreciate my highest calling until quite recently. Now, I’m super charged by the objective. I’ll stop when my heart ceases to beat.
Yes! Discarding the ex-narc from my life was the hardest, traumatic, most painful thing I have done in my life thus far..but also the most challenging, rewarding, & spiritually uplifting as well! My eyes are wide open & the Universe is accepting of me...as I tread ever so wisely...
I’m on this path right now and it’s going to be a battle. But it’s a battle I want to win, and it’s a battle I won’t let myself lose no matter what. Setting something to aim for and disregarding everything that’s holding me back from that; is a kind of power I didn’t think I had within me. This man is showing me my inner warrior, I am NOT going to be a gardener in a war. Godspeed brothers. I wish everyone the most success on their own journeys. Even though I don’t know anyone in this comment section, I’m rooting for all of us.
*_^( he's_Gone!^\🤣¡¿239!?😂 )^43_/7/^_*
*_^( MAX_Atlas!? )^_*
2 yrs ago I was in active addiction, yrs and yrs of it, 12 rules to life and hrs and hrs of Dr Jordan Petersons college lectures....well something clicked, I was doing that while attending my treatment for the dozenth time. My perception changed, my attitude changed, my aim changed. 2 yrs later I'm sober and using my time laid off from work for the winter to train and fight muaythai and bjj. Soon I will start trade school for carpentry and I'm actively pursuing my dreams, goals, and that which I seen valuable. If you really listen and implement the actions and system of being this man lays out it will change your life...it did mine.
All the best to you my friend!!
Proud of you.
Proud of you my friend
71 year's young, and my first meaningful therapy. Thanks Dr Peterson ❤
69 yrs and at 31 mins in. Such truth. Mum was a Reynolds too. Thanks Dr Peterson
1 year and 4 months clean from fentynal addiction that started after my father died. Currently 3 weeks into Jordans lectures and about 60 pages into his book. I am finally taking care of myself, and I’m pursuing my career in technology that I’ve always dreamed of.
Keep going Hudson
Well done 👏🏻🤙🏻
God bless you! Keep it up!
This person is Dead now..
@@bobbychadwick8585how? that's awful
Congratulations man. JP is amazing I'm in recovery myself right now
28 years old. We are here because we all want whats best for our lives. It's now up to us.
I come from France, been living in Uk for 7 years. We are the 25th of December and I’m spending Christmas alone... (Mix between Choices and circumstances..) went for a running in the country side and have listened this video the whole time. Jordan Peterson made my Christmas Day. Bless you
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. You were only alone physically. Enjoy your solitude and talk it out loud.
@@CH-mv3fu ❤
@@tulipalll Did you send yourself a heart?
Alone is how we all feel. This time on this temp Earth is like the beginning of the sequel. We’ve been programmed to worry about what we are missing instead of the beauty in what’s in front of us. I hope 5 months after Christmas, you feel fulfilled in Christ’s love.
Jag try
37 years old, and i finally feel like im on the right road. Jordan peterson has helped me more than i could ever put into words
I'm so glad that I found peterson so early in my life. I'm a 19 yr old female and he's taught me so much, being a father for when I didn't have one and teaching me life lessons that I wasn't taught. God has truly blessed me with this man that I luckily came by so early in life.
You are indeed blessed and you have the right outlook on life. You are going to do great things!
@@tzvibendaniel2045 Thank you so much!
Same, I’m only 20. The wisdom and knowledge that JP shares will certainly impact our lives for the better, and it’s amazing that we’re taking it in while we’re still young. People Like Jordan Peterson and David Goggins do more for us than they can imagine.
Same here 🎉21
L ok o pp m pp LP oom lol popl pp pp on
“The purpose of thinking is to let your thoughts die instead of you” that was powerful
Yeah that nailed it.
@@dennisking3026 you know where it comes from?
@@karlinnaidoo3630 not from him, it was an other great mind, Alfred North Whitehead
Another way of saying, "If all your thinking has led you to a place you don't like,(pause) have another thought. For you are only a thought away of a place you'd rather be." Yet another way of saying, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
It's actually sophistry despite him being on point. There's things that just seem smart untill you marinate on what he actually said
It's never too late people, I failed high school the first time, knuckled down & passed it at the second attempt, then went into the world of work, joined the healthcare system midway through the pandemic, fell in love with it, enrolled in college part time for 2 years while managing full time work, passed college & applied to university to do paramedic science, I got in, I start tomorrow & I'm 28 now, it's never too late! We can all achieve what we want to do guys! Best of luck & go make your dreams happen! 👏🙏🙌👌👍♥️
Paramdic=Hero Thx for beeing there to save others
@@Wildbert thank you so much :)
I started college at age 18 and earned an associates degree from my community college at age 56. I now have 126 college credits and I'm 71. Knowledge is knowing that we don't know anything. Never stop learning.
@@nathanpeacock9978 that's absolutely incredible, well done to you good sir! 🫡😁
Jordan Peterson is the father and family I never had
I know what you mean all to well brother. He is a blessing to us all suffering in silence 😢
If you’re reading this. Never give up. Miles to go before we sleep. We are gonna grind our way to success. Let’s do this.
dont lose your soul in the process of success tho.
And promises to keep, and promises to keep.
The powers that be are devaluing human life by the day. We are now all native americans, 150 years ago.
@@chrisbova9686 the time to fight has come
Imagine you cared for yourself as if you actually cared.
Literally filled with light this video is.
*"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you have power over instead of craving control over what you don't." - Steve Maraboli*
Real change happens when you turn your will over to the ways of right and good. To God.
God you say? Yes, how quaint.
Amazing quote. Perfect timing for me. A great reminder to all of us who feel like things are out of control.
@@thelittlelenora your quaint life is totally without real meaning and as your well aware it will end in certain death and destruction without God lady. Are you not aware that you are a prisoner on death row? Only through God may you escape. You should try finding him, you wont regret it. Seek and you shall find
@@thelittlelenora Sad, your jadedness.
It might even be time to sacrifice what you love best, so that you can become who you might become, instead of staying who you are.
- Jordan Peterson ❤❤
Everything Jordan says is what my mother taught me growing up. So much so that it's helped me understand pure compassion to which many people today confuse with selfishness.
Can you elaborate on that a little more. I just spent 1/2 an hour reading about the differences in compassion and empathy and I still don’t fully understand the differences, I get them confused. I have discovered that there are people that do not deserve my compassion and empathy. It took me a long time to figure that one out. I try to be careful of the people I surround myself with.
My mother worked in a seniors long term care facility for all of her career. When I tell people that my mother is a retired nurse I don’t always try to explain the difference in watching new born babies entering the world or older people’s last days as they leave this world. My mom has strong compassion and empathy traits but, working in that field for decades takes a toll on a person. I don’t understand the selfish comment. I don’t see the connection.
I recently discovered that I am a nice guy and that nice guys always finish last. Nice guys do nice things for others and think that they expect nothing in return BUT, they do expect a certain response. Over time when they don’t get this positive response, instead they get no response and/or a negative response they can become toxic. I was born a nice guy and my father raised me to be a people pleaser. I am slowly learning to be a good guy and lose the nice guy tendencies. It is difficult to learn new skills when you are doing it alone.
you lost part of your life in these bullshit ytb videos, i make you gain them back:
Proverbs 4:23-27
Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. Don't use your mouth to tell lies. Don't ever say things that are not true.
@@guidofester5451 I have been looking to understand that too for a loong time. For me the key was to tie all up with boundaries and vulnerability. To be free you need to be vulnerable; to be vulnerable you need to have clear boundaries; to have boundaries you need to have compassion for yourself, then you can have compassion for others. Empathy is a tool that makes you vulnerable if you don't have boundaries, and powerful when you do have. To be free is to now your limits so well that you don't have to think about them, but first you really have to think about them!!
@@artifundio1 That’s pretty deep, l like it. I found it best to surround myself with good people, that way I don’t have to be concerned about giving too much.
To me, it is people like you who are the true ascended masters. Who are detached from their ego and who dedicate their lives to the betterment of the collective, with nothing asked in return...as long as your work makes an impact. You naturally attract respect and admiration through your well intended work.
God bless.
To the *incredible person* that's seeing this, I wish you all the best in life❤ don't over blame yourself, accept things and go forward. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn the skills needed and get after it, all the keys to a happy life is in your hands. Keep pushing.
To the person who wrote this comment above, Thank You. I hope you get 10x back what you put into your post.
May God bless you and your family and friends
I love what you wrote. Did you know all of that is in the Bible? Much of what Jordan says is too. I finally found the TRUTH in the Bible. It has every answer to every question and every solution to every problem. 🙏
If you're a liberal reading this God wants to talk to you
@@maxwelljacobfreedom why a liberal..the liberal party is running Australia and letting us be controlled by the new world order
I'd really like to shake this mans hand give him a hug and just say thank you
Jordan Peterson is the father we all wish we had.
I'm sitting on my driveway listing to this video and 3 of my neibours are listening in on this video its been 45 min and they're just listening in ... they normally go out for a smoke and back in , not today 🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦 I think I'm going to make this a thing , spread the word . Thankyou Jordan Peterson God bless 🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦
listing lazily to the left? You got some moves guy.
Perfect Tom Waite
Lol in a car or speaker ???
I think Jordan could be an Ozzie 🇦🇺💥
Greatest philosopher of our time. What a gift he is to us.
True. And if he is not the greatest living philosopher, he is ALMOST CERTAINLY at the top 5.
Great man, he's helped me with a lot of things
@Maxine McKenzie your pessimism is palpable. Yuck.
He does clinical psychology.
@Maxine McKenzie FailFish
I’m 21 and I THANK God for this man. I recently quit smoking and drinking after seeing myself in the mirror with a belly and thought this isn’t the body I want for myself… the future I want for myself. This year I will graduate college as an architect yet I don’t feel fulfilled… it’s time to make sacrifices. Jordan is an amazing man that lets me see clearly the potential I have… he gives us the words we wanted and needed to hear this whole time. It’s time to challenge ourselves and improve. God bless Jordan Peterson! A true role model of this age and I’m glad I’m alive at the same time this man is. It’s time to clean our rooms gentlemen… God bless.
Wow. How many others had to pause the video about every three minutes just to absorb what you just heard? Thank you for sharing your heart, Dr Peterson.
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see You are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, You might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
It's like he's just rambling about everything about life but it's all extremely useful
I love how he talks. If feels like I'm talking. It feels real.
I got out of a rehab program 3 days ago, I was always a J.Peterson fan, now I listen to him everyday, I am 35yrs old, Peterson has helped me so much. Thank you sir.
Wow, I’m 17 years old, I have little education . I’m educating my self. I work full time to help my Mom with her bakery and this video is everything I needed to hear right now!
Thank you
You still have time on your hands, use it wisely and don’t waste it
Be thankful that you’re still so young, and have plenty of time 🙏
WOW!!! That’s incredible! And you’re watching Jordon Peterson ! If you choose to not hold on it could it would seem like an abomination to your God given intelligence . Focus on God and his goodness! And that you’re doing this alone? It’s very painful to me but stronger than that Awe Struck! You should find any organization to help you with this! You deserve it!
May you grow in ways that will inspire you with God's blessings. Hold fast to the hand of God. Your blessing is coming. If it hasn't happened yet. Give yourself a hand for your heart of gold .by helping your mom is in our nature but in God's eyes he sees your heart.
Jordan Peterson is a special man with an extraordinary mind. His ability to communicate is changing my life. Thank you Jordan 🙏
Right! He him self and what and how he says things is pleasing to my ears and mind. I dont just want to listen to what he says, I also want to listen to he him self.
@@sloanmagnum5009 that's called confirmation bias. That's why it sounds pleasing.
Jordan when he used to teach actually mentioned that very problem. He also described how said problem was why religious people believe so deeply and why faith and not evidence is what they need because confirmation bias makes them believe faith is evidence.
@@danielessex2162 no, you're. Mistaken.
@@sloanmagnum5009 No I am not I used to follow him on TH-cam he did and entire series of mythology and directly showed what I said. So no I am not mistaken.
@@sloanmagnum5009 oh yeah also forgot on the account of faith. I am definitely not wrong. Even by the biblical standards faith is defined as belief with no supporting evidence and in spite of evidence to the contrary of the belief you have faith in. ie if I show you evidence that you are wrong faith is what allows you to ignore my evidence to declare your belief is still valid..... Because you have to believe it is. Confirmation bias helps with that.
I am African American 66yr young woman who retired from a psychiatric care facility from 1972 until 2010. I have worked with many psychiatrist/ psychologist and many other professionals. My sister is familiar with your work and I told her how powerful and a amazing human being you're. I know that all you're saying is facts. You're such a great gift to the world if they would listen and apply your infinite insight, wisdom and guidance. I know that you're a man of great wisdom and a man of principles who express importance of family, love, horner and respect. You even acknowledge the reality of death. I know truth and logical thinking. I have never heard of such insightful information that you teach. I learned my job by training and I learned it well enough to motivate those who suffer from emotional challenges. I used kindness and sincerity as a way to get my patients through difficult times during hospitalization. Learning from you will give me more insight and understanding during my life journey to help my family during these stressful times. No one is exempt from problems but their is always a new beginning to learn and understand ourselves to improve into a better human being. Blessings too you and your family.
I bet you helped many people in 38 years. Your professional life had meaning. Thank you- on behalf of all the lives you touched. Happy New Year.
@@MOAB-UT Thank you blessings to you and of humanity.
@@Sunnahiman Cheers!
Jordan Peterson talks a good talk and I’m sure means well at every aspect he talks about, But that’s where he ends and you have gone way way way farther, You Ms Jones have been in the trenches of hell ,where the metal meets the meat ,I personally couldn’t have done all those years without going insane myself or hacking some of the patents to bits , Im not just saying this but you truly are an angel on earth, thank you
This lecture sounds casual & meandering but it’s the product of thousands of hours of thought & self talk. It’s as meaningful to a 61 year old as to a 25 year old,
Pick up the greatest burden you can possibly carry & move towards a better day & place. There’s no higher purpose.
Hey there, I see You are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, You might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Going back to this after a year. I just realized my life has improved drastically financially, mentally, spiritually, and a bit physically. Listening to Jordan Peterson's lectures was like planting a seed. You'll just look back and see how your life has changed and grew from what it was before.
Exactly like a seed.
Just listening to them, trying to do as he says, even if you "fail" a few times. Makes your life so much better 😊
I'm very happy you changed your life!!!
Congratulations 🎉!!!
Yes! I am coming back a year later and my life is so different now, in a better way 😊
I don't even know how to say how bad my lifes been.... but this man he... he literally saved my life more then once and im so sad I can't shake his hand and thank him in person, for him to hear and see how genuine I am because nothing else could convey how much I appreciate what he has directly done for me..
But it was all within yourself all along. When the student is ready the teacher appears. Jp has reflected something in you. Give yourself some credit for seeking and being an open heart
He would much rather you create new rock bottoms for yourself as you climb. So that when you fall (which is inevitable because catastrophe just lurks around the corner for all of us and life is full of tragedy), you don’t fall as far. You’ve brought yourself up so much, that you don’t fall back to where you were when you got started. Jordan would rather this help you, than to receive a “thank you”. He would be thrilled knowing he helped you alone, and doesn’t expect a thank you. Be grateful, and try to spread his care and message as a thank you!
me too sir... me too...
Same ✌🏻🙂
Your tribute is how I feel. At the very least, he's inspired you and your words (along with his) have helped make this world a tiny bit better (bigger than you think actually). So carry on and forgive my atrocious punctuation. I'm just writing how I feel and I'd imagine you understand that. I'm happy to hear that you sound like your in a much better place 🥲💚
I was able to almost banish my depression, leave my toxic family/job (my father was my employer and owned every aspect of my life) quit drinking, start my own business and improve my life tenfold all because of this man.
Merry Christmas everyone. Have a great 2022
Merry christmas 😊🥰🙏
Merry Christmas
pagans worshipping flying invisible glow. in the dark reindeer in the name of christ an buttered toast.
you humans arent even real arr you? its like you cant have you 9wn thoughts an need the ones who created atheisim/science/Christianity /satanisim to pull your strings
Merry Christmas!!
I’m 24 years old and so grateful to have this man and his advice ❤️
I hope one day Jordan reads these comments. Thank you. I love your passion for humanity. There is a God and He is smiling down on you for standing up and standing out. For being the man He created you to be. You touch people at their core. You have done your part in opening people’s minds. The rest is up to God.
I see you Jordan.
I have recently become aware of Dr. Peterson and his countless hypothesis on man's mental understanding of self in contrast of his fellow man. What I find is how refreshing his explanation's are easily found and understood. In relation to others, how we should love and encourage those around us, but too do it selflessly. All these ideas are described in detail in the HOLY BIBLE!!! I PRAY Dr. Peterson continue his journey with Christ, Amen
Sir Jordan Peterson is the dad most of us needed. He is so articulate, so knowledgeable and has so much wisdom
I'm 38 and I'm just starting all over again because of a failed relationship where I invested everything into someone's success and forgotten myself in the name of good and love but I'm glad I have clarity because I've failed myself very badly to the point where the wrong paths are now obvious.
Good luck man. You can do this.
How about we hop on a zoom call togehter and talk about this. Maby we can help and learn from eachother.
you got this man, the world is eternally yours 🌹 ❤️
Your my twin forreal.
Still young
Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think and more talented than you know, and capable of more than you can imagine. *Keep putting in the work...*
@@Lishkabro Good!
those lying words,,, its the illusion to the weaks, cause weaks cant handle the truth.
@@vilvianamentor646 Take it easy
@@vilvianamentor646 What is Truth? Don't mistake a Personal truth for Reality!
Thank you ❤. You have recently inspired me to quit drinking alcohol . It's been 3 weeks of sobriety now . Also quitting smoking cigarettes, on day 3 right now . I feel really ill right now but I will get better soon . 🙏
Starting into my 3 1/2 months . Every day is a new day for opportunities.
Betty!? That is YAHsome! ♥️🔥💐💯
keep at it..really good work my friend!!..bottle that great feeling of being strong and achievements and sip from it every day..💖👍👊🙏💝
3 months on, how is your journey into getting rid of those vices? God speed to you and your recovery
@@darktividar7632 my journey is going great 3 &1/2 months in . I feel great 👍. Thanks for asking !
You are the master slayer of those dragons!! You do not feel well now but you will have mastery over them and they will no longer be pulling you around. You are the conqueror and they are under your sword. Great job you can now inspire others
as a non-religious 16 year old male who lives in Scandinavia i wanna say that Dr.Peterson has helped me a lot. After pondering on the purpose of life for a few years i think i have found it. Life is what you make it, if your goal is to try and please your god so be but for me the ultimate goal is to be a better person than the day before.
Good luck everyone hopefully I see everyone here on the winning team
I’m 69 and Jordan is reminding me, once again, I can continue to grow and become better and more engaged, not less, as I age chronologically, there are no limits in my life, only my decisions
Yass get it, never to late we are ever evolving, ageing has benefits youth doesn't not granted time is not one of the benefits but wisdom and experience triumphs no doubt
This guy is unbelievably gifted to speak truth that pierces the heart
Every time I'm in doubt I listen to Jordan. I went from not knowing what kind of father I'd be and not knowing what job I want to do. Now I'm enjoying being a father, doing the job I never knew was possible for me. Jordan keeps me grounded and dreaming at the same time. Dream a little bit bigger but also get a little closer to knowing who you really are.
He words are very inspirational words
My Wife took her own like 18 months ago and Jordans guidance over the last 5 years has been life changing. There is no possible way I would have survived without him.
So sorry for your loss. Stay strong brother much love.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
may she rest in peace, i pray that life goes well for you. i promise that you have what it takes. stay strong!
There are ways. He may be the twig you hang onto for dear life until you get better grounding, more confidence, then are brave enough to swing out & grab a branch...or fall to the earth. He's here to make ad revenue. He knows there's a market of heartache out there. A lot of so-called messed up people. It may not BE a bad thing he's selling. I watched this video and got some really good things out of it. And if he was a cult leader, his cult members would come to his defense. But helpful is helpful. And where it goes from here is up to you. It is what it is.
Listening to Dr Peterson has motivated me to make so many positive changes in my life, I'll be forever grateful especially because I go through periods where I'm extremely motivated then all of a sudden I feel lost again but listening to Dr Peterson brings me back every single time.
Hi Tanya, it’s nice meeting you here.. I’m Edward by name, it would be nice getting to know you,if that’s ok with you? My mom once said good friends are never too much to have. if you don’t mind, can we be friends??
Get lost!
He is a voice of reason and hope in a world of chaos
@@ricabel321 sure the reply by “Edward” is seemingly creepy and off putting but you missed pretty much the entirety of what Peterson talks about in this video…
Maybe edwards “aim” is simply to connect to people. He could be in a country or state or region where he’s not finding fufilling relationships…
Whatever, point being he may genuinely just be trying to connect to people who’s topicss he resonates with.
Part of positive psychology is the aim of just viewing best intentions in people.
Do service. BE of service to other people. See the best, reinforce it. Make the world a better place. Want meaning? Stop being a f****g a***h***e every second of your life.
Have some accountability if your life. I’m
i keep having same issue with myself!! i yo on this 6 month run motivated ambitious working out everyday reading everyday working torwards my self improvement and then the next I cant find that same drive and fall back down that ladder… These videos are a hugeee help as well as some others trying to recreate that lightning in a bottle!
Jordan Peterson - a beautiful person from the inside out! Thank you.
''The World shifts itself around your aim!'' All .. so utterly brilliantly said. Thank you, as ever.
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see you are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, you might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
I love you and respect you Dr. Jordan Peterson. You are the only person on earth that I consider to be smarter and more incredible than me Mathew. ❤❤❤
I love the obvious fingerprints of God's touch in our lives, it's so apparent when he constantly answers our every day needs! A constant confirmation of his love for even the smallest and lowliest of hearts, I surrender all to you Lord as much as I possibly can!
Never is too late to start!! I am 37 and I started uni last year!! Been with two malevolent people, two kids and low self respect!! My salvation was to listen to God and put boundaries and go for what I want!! Now my ex trying to get into my life and do what he do best, hurt people, now I have a purpose thanks to the Lord and my highest self that could not take more evilness! I believe that I have a monster inside that can hurt other but I am trying to control it. But I still ask God that my heart don’t go cold because of the betrayal, lies, and hurts. I send love and self care to people who are going, still going and keep going through this journey call life!! God bless you all Amen 🙏
"The purpose of thinking is to let your thoughts die instead of you"....and, the issue is not what you believe but what you do. God. So true.
I’m 73 and still working on being a better person and relishing the joy that pops into my life from time to time. Dr. Peterson validates the choices I try to make each day. Listening to him has helped me so much in learning to turn away from the darkness in me.
I got goosebumps, he is truly a Master one of a kind. What an honor to be in the same era with this man.
Happy new year everyone. You, you reading this, you are amazing, you are an abundant form of pure love and energy
I have cptsd. And learned more from jordan peterson in 4 month, than my whole life from teachers, doctors, and just people who work in the system. If people there work with people with traumas was more like jordan peterson, much more people would have a better life. The world need more of this man ❤️
That is for sure! ♥️🔥
@Annie Edison i am so happy to hear that you are getting better and it has been 4 years since you was on mental hospital🙏 i hope you will never get back to that place, and you will get Even better with time. 🙏
I can completely agree
I was raised to be weak. Strong and determined to follow my goals but weak under duress. I was taught to panic and crumble when the pressure built. It was when I crawled out of the hole of depression and started hearing what people like Jordan, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Jocko had to say that I finally realized I need to dry my tears and become an animal. Think critically and logically under pressure and demand a higher level of excellence from myself. I'm a stronger man today because people like Jordan have offered a perspective to be a complete badass first and worry about others' opinions when it actually concerns something of weight.
“...winning the argument doesn’t fix the problem..”
Selah! Thank you for putting into words what tears could not say.
This kept me on a treadmill for an hour when I typically only stay on for 20min lol. This is amazing knowledge. I'm hopeful it helps heal me and this lost soul feeling that has consumed my life. Thank you Mr. Jordan Peterson
Your not the only one that feels like that. I'm going through the same feeling. Been like this for a few years now. Still trying to figure it out.
Jesus is the son of God who died for your sins, resurrected, and will return!
@@whisperedwords5799 amen amen
@@CookbookAdventures get a hobby
LIFE’s Meaning Changes, when you KNOW that GOD is Real! An Eternal Perspective, Changes Everything!
Hebrews 11:1 - …” the EVIDENCE of things NOT SEEN.” 🙏🏻💛🕊🍃
I listen to this guy when I work almost everyday and it's changing my mentality to a disciplined person, thank you Jordan B Peterson.
Jordan Peterson has changed my life, I wish that my own dad watched him and all of his wisdom. My moral compass is all I have, I am thankful for all of his words and wisdom. It saved my life!
Peterson the Nazi orbanuskisser:
"my message to Hungarians:
what your prime minister is trying to do is to restore the metaphysical foundation of Hungarian race and culture".
Thank God, because there is no one else like you. Ever. In all Eternity. If only all Souls knew that.
@@CherubChick1221 Peterson Nazi orbanuskisser:
"my message to Hungarians:
what your prime minister is trying to do is to restore the metaphysical foundation of Hungarian race and culture".
You are going to be a dad with all this wisdom :)
@@furerorban1488 you should seek mental help. I wish you the best..
Thanks for this. Dr. Peterson is a gift to the world...his message couldn't be more necessary than right now
It's good...but leave God out of it...
@@williamyoung9401 uh, ok. You got something against GOD bro?
*”You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” - Marcus Aurelius*
"thats kinda gay"
@@TheLastPierrot "That's means you don't have a dick"
@@vacant8184 *that
It's impractical
I am listening to this again after I made the sacrifice of self destructive self medication. It brings tears to my eyes just as it did before I chose to be better. I'm increasingly grateful I happened to find this humans messages.
*I am 77 years old.* *I was blessed with natural talents when I was born.* *I am an artist I could draw well at a very young age.* *I loved to draw, it fascinated me, so I drew all of the time and "practice makes perfect" as it is said.* *My grandfather incouuraged me and provided me with materials, oil paints and canvases when I was about 9, I did my first oil paintings at that age.* *So I was able to make a living at doing art.* *Eventually becoming a special effects artist in cinema I worked on several blockbuster science fiction films.* *I appreciate this life deeply, as I saw how difficult life was for many of my friends who didn't have anything within to start with.* *This is why I recommend Jordan Peterson to young men who haven't found themselves yet.*
He’s absolutely amazing! He breaks the mind down so perfectly that anyone can understand it’s works. I love that he speaks Bible passages. I searched for truth for thirty years and then I found what couldn’t be disputed, even by science. The Bible. We do have a Father, who loves us more than we will ever know. He sent His son to pay for our mistakes on a cross so we could be with Him in Heaven. Give your life to Jesus and ask Him to show you He is real, then stand back and watch. I don’t question any more. Btw, I forgot to say Jesus saved me from myself, addiction, depression and suicide and He turned my life around. Now I’m done. 🙏
I can feel your beautiful spirit through your words! I'm so glad you found the heart of truth and the peace that it brings. JP is also a great inspiration and speaks truth without fear of naysayers. Love that man!
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Protect from sunlight.
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It's so sad that people hate on this man when all he does is spit truths in the most eloquent of ways.
You cannot do great things without gathering opposition. The hatred is apart of the greatness.
your problem is you consider be the owner of the truth, and you know nothing...if you like it, eat it...
He has a small group of haters that are very loud. Focus on the positive.
@@vilvianamentor646 if you want to start an existential metaphysical debate about what the truth is and how it fluctuates depending on what definitions you consider to be in the core of reality that is nice and all, but what I meant with the truths here are the afirmations and processes of thought that he makes that happen to be so blatantly relatable to people who are honest to themselves. Existence is so undefined and knowledge is something so bast and potentially infinite that you could always claim that noone, doesn't matter how learnt they are, knows anything. That's an epistemological problem and has nothing to do with a practical sociological/psychological debate such as the one taking part in the video.
@@germanbarragan529 you are dust and dust you will turn
Ive always considered myself as a decent parent, however, listening to the professor, Im a better parent and a better person for it.
Nowadays, i dont worry to much how my kids are going to turn out to a certain point in regards to their upbringing.
Thank you Mr Petersen for all that you do and say.
Listening to Jordan Peterson finally convinced me (29 F) to strive for marriage and children. I used to avoid these things because I was afraid of their cost/the necessary suffering required to attain them.
Now, I understand the power, peace, and confidence gained from walking into suffering with your head up and eyes open, trusting that the price will be worth the adventure. 🌹
@@TakaraoftheElves Beautifully said and enlightening!
24 now and I've always felt that the time passes by so fast that I have no control over it. to the point that its so exhausting to even try. so Im in this cycle of realizing im doing nothing and getting even more exhausted and and disappointed that im doing nothing. comment section here really helped alot. seeing many different people on their different walks of life opened my eyes. to the point that I wanted to say to them that its never too late and that made me realize that I can say the same to myself. its never too late for you and I. we can always try again tomorrow. I guess that means something. atleast it means something for me, and I hope you do too. twas an hour well spent. thankyou.
So true about that humble goal - as I recovered from addiction, I had to really accept how weak and vulnerable I was. I remember making a daily list - put the bin out, wash clothes. Small, priorities and focused on getting through the day and being there for family.
Accomplishing the small list really is super important on every level.. not just so that those things get done and they are the stuff of life the basics.. but they also build self-esteem along the way.. to the same measure that not doing them compromises self-esteem
Hey there, I see you enjoy Jordan Peterson content. In case you want to check Jordan Peterson talking about Carl Jung and the Hero archetype here's the link, thank you: th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Hey there, I see you are a fan of Jordan Peterson just like me. I made a video where he talks about Carl Jung and Hero archetype, you might wanna check it out,>th-cam.com/video/ZHr244oGdjM/w-d-xo.html
Jordan, you talked about so many things that were quoted in the Gospel of Thomas. Every person on earth needs to read that Gospel. Not just read it but live it. Jesus didn't want us to read and memorize scriptures, he wanted us to live it and bring it to life. Thank you for everything that you do.
Thank you Jordan Peterson for helping me heal from PTSD. I wish I would of had a man like you in my life from the start. You are a gift from God for so many 💕
If you anyone reads this. Please pray for me. I'm going through a deep internal pain and could really use some prayers right now. If you are in the same position I will pray for you as well.
35:44 I hope you’re feeling better after one year. I would stop and see you. If I knew where to look. Go walking and talk with strangers and their dogs
Just start with hello. And don’t trauma dump too hard… might help. I go out for at least an hour or two 30 min one way and back is enough to start yourself moving forward in body and mind and sunlight and have time away from digital world to process your thoughts about your goals over time. Plan ahead. Anticipate great things to come! Build yourself back up like acronym for fallout “You’re Special!” You’re unique
Spend some time over 7day or hours a day thinking Special Thoughts:
Tinker at incremental / gradual improving Strength, Perception,Endurance, Charmisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck!
Life has its perks and downsides.. but there’s good in it, clouds and silver linings…
I’m with you - King Nick was here. may 14 2024. Don’t forget what I said.
It's never too late to make sense of your life! I waited until 45, which gave me much greater purpose through the justification of a more lengthy time of suffering. Life is simply living out our own exchanges, for the most part. Be better than yourself yesterday, ever gracefully so. 💛
Jordan...you are AMAZING! I LOVE you so! Thank You! Keep Going you Glorious Courageous Man! God Bless You! ❤️🥰🙏
Whoever made this speech and whoever uploaded the video, I would like to say THANK YOU from bottom of my heart.
The one thing I look forward to in the evenings is listening to Jordon Peterson.
I can’t believe people try to cancel this man.
The amount this man has helped me is absolutely unmeasurable, for someone I’ve never met or spoken to to impact me in such a way is unreal.
This man is truly one of the most amazing people this world has even created.
I can genuinely say that he is one of the only reasons I’m still alive today.
They want to cancel him because they don’t want people to get better and to prosper. They want slaves.
Very true he pulled me out of a very dark place
He saved me from my PTSD
There are a lot of people out there who want to cancel anything that helps people or makes people happy. They want to cancel this man who has more intelligence than anybody in any political party. The people who want him cancelled are nothing but EVIL. The devil walks .... just look around...ask God to help us win the battle.
That is sad because he is exceptionally good and inspiring. His lessons sound like coming from the heart and not just lectures
This is SO real life. The speaker has a very transparent view of many types of people. I can relate. Loved the revelation from beginning to end.
Hello Felicia , it’s nice meeting you here.. I’m Edward by name, it would be nice getting to know you,if that’s ok with you? My mom once said good friends are never too much to have. if you don’t mind, can we be friends??
I'm 61 and I just open my eyes after my addiction. Wakeup it's 20 years over already, so you work harder not so much to catchup but accept and move foward
Right there with ya brother. Turning 61 on the 19th of September. Today is the day to move toward the highest aim. It's never too late. Moses was 80 when he stopped at that bush!
Thank you so much for this 🙏
This is what I needed at this moment.