(2 Timothy 3) (KJV) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (Romans 1: 28-32) (God's Wrath Against Sinful Humanity) (NIV) Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
This report is so biased. How can Mr Wu guarantee his food is safe. Does he farm the pigs for the pork?Does he grow the wheat for the flour? Even though his standard is ethical, how can you guarantee the raw ingredients he uses are sourced from ethical suppliers? His customers are made to believe his high moral standards but not knowing the real root of the problem....the lack of government accountability.
That would be any food from china, it is estimated that 80% of their water is polluted with heavy metals, if one is concerned with their health never consume any food from china
I and my minors would starve to death as I can't knowingly eat what is fake. Somethings are worse than death, that is why I get very annoyed at times when doctors intervene after the birth of a child rather than let time rule. There are people who can't see or hear, understand in anyway, can't develop any kind of muscle coordintion, have no bladder or bowel control, don't know how to smile or laugh. If such a baby stays alive when you do not intervene, then so be it. Some individuals asked to be euthanized because somethings are worse than death. I wouldn't personally try to involve another. However, everthing exposed there is the modern reality where food is mass produced. Foods are coloured with insect. Insects play a big role in the preparation of many food by products. The poorest of people are privy to such things but they don't have a voice for fear of losing their jobs and in some places certain death, organised by the accused. Someone got very devious and said he'd give people taste, but not the natural flavours that humans were used to. His aim was compelling tastes, that is why people buy processed foods and drinks all the time because their tastes are embedded in people's brains. It is the tastes that people keep rembering. It is not "It is time for my next meal of the day", meaning that enough time has elapsed since the previous meal, especially if one is diabetic, or that the person needs the energy to continue a task or employment for the remaining of the day. So that is what nutrition in the hands of corporations is about- just taste, the true root of obesity. Goverments, scientists and nutritionists have not figured it out as yet, that is why there is commercial diet after commercial diet and reality weight loss after reality weight loss. No one has worked out the solution is organic, that is food production by the sun, the rain, birds and insects. The only human intervention is to pull up, pull off or cut off and shake down what is edible. What the insects and birds fed on, what fell to the ground, including the leaves are nutrients for the soil that nature will convert to be absorbed. That is what I know. We looked out the front, we looked out the back and saw various colours as time went on and all we did was throw out seeds and some of the food items that were not edible. We did not even dig up the soil to do the planting. When we were preparing food, we threw out what we wouldn't eat. That was it!
Much respect for this man who's not driven by greed and profit and is providing a healthy variant to his customers making everything from scratch with natural and organic products.
That poor girl 😥 Her mom's the hero here! She's doing almost everything right, such as growing their own vegetables, having her jump on the mini trampoline. I'd add 1 pint of home made real lemonade/day, which actually helps to dissolve the stones. Hot rice packs, to soothe the back behind kidneys. I suffer Struvite/Calcium combo kidney stones, doctor has me do all the above, to avoid surgery again.
I got rid of the beginning of Kidney stones, the calcium deposits causing my Renal irritation by drinking lemon juice and honey daily every morning for 4 months. When I went back for my CT scan they were gone.
Lying to protect ones job is a rampant epidemic in even more civilized societies than one would imagine but I fully understand the relevance of your statement as it deals directly with front line health care workers. She might as well be pointing a loaded gun on that child by lying.
how you know what this guy is saying is true, why is this man really in China,why is AL jazeera , selling me in english the evils of chinese foods. What about food in his country i would like to hear the evils of that first LOL Propaganda is good business ,and the unsuspecting chinese people in the Documentary have no idea how the have been used.
Boycott India boycott there products it's my requests to kindly they are killing innocents if you buy products it's like you are also involved in killing kindly boycott indian products
acethedeath it does bother lots of people. A lot of Chinese mom's now go to trouble to buy foreign brand milk online or foreign formula from US brands(emfamil or good start) in their stores.
auxetoiles everything is gmo carrots wouldn't be as big and we changed every plant and animal we have come across just look at dogs we did that, not Mother Nature
Anyone who makes noodles by hand deserve my respect. One of my favorite kind of food is noodle based (especially ramen). Making noodles by hand shows their dedication to the food. Also, screw those fake foods in China.
If you think China's food safety is a problem, then you should look at United States. There's a reason why so many people get sick every year and millions are on psychotic drugs.
@richard seymore 。。。When has the United States become a moral role model for China? When we see Chinese policemen abusing their power, some Chinese will say :"The American police officers are more violent". America bullies and invades small countries, so China is justified to bully little Taiwan and invade the South Seas. So, if the standard of American food safety is low, it justifies the Chinese being immoral in producing poisonous food for their own people。还是那句话,你隔壁的大妈偷汉子,你妈就可以理直气壮地偷汉子了吗?
The last minute of this video made me weep, it is sympathetically admirable that few Chinese still have backbone for their nation and people with morals and principles as real humanbeing.
@bopp9 lol, let me look at bad issues in your country and make my opinion based solely on that also. Kind of demeaning to my family and people i know but you do you.
So sad. My mother never fed me Chinese branded baby food/milk powder. Couldn't trust any food in China. She spent an extreme amount of money on New Zealand baby formula.
First I thought the 4 classes under Confucianism was backward, now... I can see why they saw the merchant class, driven by making profit from others was seen as the scum class.
That's how communist government works. Deny that anything is wrong. Obviously they are protecting their own comrades who are making the people at large to consume poison just to make profits.
my heart aches, hearing the story of a little girl's illness. shame on those who profit from her & her family's suffering. and, what's even worst is to see the cover-ups from those medical officials who are supposed to help her out.
That mother speaking out is driving the government to change, so she is making life better for the next generation but for her trouble she will get bad "social credit" like in Black Mirror "Nosedive," and won't be able to travel or send her kids to the best schools.
Please do. It's a great way to be aware of what you're eating and take in a lot of the trace minerals and vitamins that are removed or destroyed during processing.
**sigh** ... I want so badly to be offended by your comment. But you are 100% correct. The government really needs to crack down on the safety and quality of Chinese-made goods, not leave it up to the individual manufacturers.
He says "What problem?" like he is ignoring the issue but knows it exists. How can anything be changed from the top of the ladder if everyone at the top is threatened? Companies own the government. Change has to come from rebellion.
The chef making his food by hand is the hero China needs. His food looks much more flavorful and filling than the 'food' cooked with chemicals. FYI, as a home chef, texture really can make or break a dish in terms of enjoyment. I want a bowl of real wonton soup, please. 🍜💯
Yes, I couldn't restaurant display signs stating they use all natural ingredients to attract more customers. And possibly prove this by having a window into the kitchen people can look through and watch the cooking processes?
They don't think about the children.... They think about the profit.... Selling milk for three/four times the price.... Targeting the rich and making it unaffordable for the poor Chinese....
@@permaculturedandfree2448 it happens in Australia.... I had a difficult time finding baby formula for my son when I just had him... If I was lucky there would be one can left on the shelf.... I live in an Asian populated area.... So this is a common problem
I used to live in Beijing, I still remember the whole milk powder scandal. So many people have lost their sense of morals amidst China's economic boom.
I was in grade school back then, we were told not to buy chinese food like the panda shaped chocolate biscuits that we use to buy because it contains melamine.
It is a uniquely Chinese issue isn't it. Heard about that plastic rice scandal toom Not saying we don't have our own elsewhere, but yeah the boom is the cause no doubt. It a crashing now!! Will likely get worse because of this 😭 Ps don't trust Al Jazeera as far as you can throw them, govt funded by Qatar and eager to slam every country but their own 😁
@@onedaynoreason2572 Actually, it isn't, same thing happens in Bangladesh, India and also the US, though the US additives effects take longer to show and is usually cancer
That's super disappointing, China has so many great authentic dishes, but these scammers are doing dishonest business for cash. Guys when you go to China make sure to do your research and be careful of what you're eating. I appreciate people like the Chef in the beginning who preserve culture and tradition. There are still many amazing authentic places to try!
Beijing can make all of the food safety laws they want, but as long as local officials are involved in the industrial food industry, nothing will change.
Local officials involved, so what? there is a way they will bend the law for you, I am sure people try it when they want something. It a very common method, you know what i mean.
I imagine that's why they execute some people. Though that doesn't seem to be a strong enough deterrent. I don't want to make excuses for China, but how do you regulate that large of a country with all sorts of industries.
Country of that size needs to be well control, that's why asian countries like Thailand, Singapore etc are smart in implemented death penalty for drug smugglers. How does KIM JONG UN control north korea where every body scare of him. If laws are implemented and can be bend in some way then what is law. If a country only interest is money and nothing else then their future is only short term. Every country is skeptical about produce from China and things made from China, so eventually people will not buy from them. Everything is so fake , who will buy in the future?
Wtf, OMG ....................I feel sick watching this segment. yes extremely deplorable people involved with this food safety issue and the chinese food industry is unethically dysfunctionally regulated. The chinese individual authorities allowing this to continue, exported to other countries, all of these culprits, traders etc must be executed.
we all need to review globalisation. and anything manufactured with unregulated health guidelines. but at the end of the day all comes to greed, profiting, exploitation and immoral ethics. sadly the virus and many other disease of worldwide society this is that capitalism and globalisation has overpowered goodness, commonsense and climate change in 2020. we all must change our attitudes and habits. enforce civil law and hold those responsible for COVID-19 outbreak accountable.
Master Wu (authentic wonton soup maker; the chef at the beginning) looks like any smart foodie's Superhero: all natural ingredients, time, thought, energy, and care for the peeps who eat his creations. Please please consider doing a video all about him and his creations, his principles, and the thinking behind them.
Yeah like he buys flour in that same store selling borax. Buys pork that came from that swine farm where pigs are fed a shitload of chemicals. Vegetables sprayed with strong pesticides. Hand made but ingredients about the same.
Food for thought: The pigs may also have been fed growth hormones, given who knows what chemicals, etc. Same with the eggs. Unless the farm is truly reputable, there's no way for us to know.
The poisoning of the food, the air, the land and the water has reached an epic proportion. For the sake of economic growth the country wants to move forward regardless of consequences. The health of the people is ignored and many of them will suffer illnesses in due course.
As long as humans worship materialistic things, they will become unscrupulous in achieving wealth through making unsafe foods and polluting the environment. This can be in an monumental scale as what has happened in China.
Well then ask the Japanese and British return all the Chinese treasures they’ve robbed from Chinese during the two Sino-Japanese Wars and the two Opium Wars, hypocrite and “human right activist”.
There needs to be a system implemented to encourage ethical food sourcing and production while discouraging unethical methods used to maximize profit not just in China but worldwide
@@robertwilber1909 as long as it is profitable to sell toxic food there will be people profiting on it. We need to encourage producers to make healthy food that is not degrading the environment or human bodies. How can we make that happen using only money as incentive?
moral of the story: grow your own farm and make your own food for your safety. China was once a country that strictly believed in organic diet, everything was organic even clothes, what a sad unexpected situation it landed on
That's because the Chinese communist party destroyed most of China history from temples to books, so now Chinese are grown to be more industrialized than tradition, and they're paying the price for it.
We have lots of Chinese people buy New Zealand baby milk powder and sending it to China, supermarket's had to put a limit on how many a person can buy because they were cleaning us out.
same in the netherlands! Supermarkets paint crosses on the boxes so people who bulk buy (by having multiple people buying it from different supermarkets and different clothes so they go unnoticed) can’t export it to china. Not 100% sure how it works but I guess customs would see it when trying to export it illegally.
Same in germany. Chinese buisness man buy all the baby formula in a store and sell it in China. I would guess, their customers in China are probably rich. Considering the price here, shipping it to China and selling it for a profit probably makes it very expensive.
Live markets, drip with tortured dog remains, pangolins, captured domestic and wild things. Sick, unclean, poisoned, tainted, uninspected and unregulated. hmmm- so is anyone still hungry?
in the past four years they have. lots more signs and restrictions. this video is also from about four years ago, the problem is much more managable now.
@@kevinzhu6417 This isn't an old issue. Putting a sign is not going to keep corporations from evading regulations. This problem is still bad today and the government covers it up.
We need more people like the good chef, the Greenpeace investigator, and the food testers who are making things better bit by bit. It will take a while but eventually it will improve, because this problem affects everyone and no-one wants the current situation.
Here in New Zealand locally grown garlic costs $25 a kg. Garlic grown in China costs $2 a kg after travelling half way around the world. Glad that we have never bought Chinese garlic.
My wife is Japanese, when we go to the grocery shop, anything made in China will not end up in our trolley. Japanese will never buy Chinese produce or products
I’m in the uk I refuse to buy chinese products especially garlic I just don’t trust it. I got my son some choclate as a treat last week looked at the back and it was made in China 😔 I don’t know how it’s getting through the uk FSA and passing as choclate
I will never understand how people can live with themselves hurting other people for money. People like these vendors selling toxic foods, people who sell hard drugs, etc. I mean, how can anyone value human life so far below profit? I just can’t understand. I can’t.
P Last Name I understand those just fine. I am fairly greedy myself, I suppose. I guess most people are. But there’s a such thing as taking things way too far.
@deharleyva Not meant for me but I wouldn't. Even if it's a stranger I would have to live with it, knowing that I have killed someone. I couldn't enjoy my life like that even with the money.
@@helenclark7876" DEf" You're a shill, U.S was selling all these chemicals and using it domestically as well. Hiring locals to pour DDT on cereal and eat it to show it's safety. Nuke tests all around around the world... f off China may be poisining its citizens but you're a dumbass
One topic they didn't talk about here was nutritional value. Take the fake noodle soup for example. Let's pretend they found zero toxic chemicals. Since it contains almost no real ingredients, it probably has zero nutritional value. So you can eat it everyday, feel full, but still be starving your body. Since the fake stuff is cheap to make, it's likely also cheap to buy, so this is an issue that may disproportionately impact people who are poorer and already vulnerable to malnutrition. It's problematic even without toxic additives.
And the other problem that is ignored. The excessive amount of salt they eat. They think they are healthy because they are skinny. Salt doesn’t make you fat but it does cause high blood pressure and then heart failure.
@@rogerc23 Most stuff is made in China though, and failing that a lot of components that are in your stuff made in your country or other countries were made in China. Besides, there are a lot of Chinese stuff that's great.
I really appreciate the efforts to show how fake food is made in China. We need to expose similar practices of food adulteration in India...Jai Hind...
They almost never arrest or punish, they never even pursue anything. I've reported many businesses for bad food, even using expensive labs to test it. The government ignores it
lots of poor and impoverished areas. if you find a good restaurant you wont have to worry. just exercise caution with shady ones and check the ingredients of what you buy. Its illegal and much less prevalent, but I haven't been all over the country either.
All about making quick money and if people die or get sick too bad. No morals, it's all about them. They do not care about anyone else except themselves. Maybe this is because of how hard life used to be, they have lost their compassion. Go watch serpentza a blogger that has lived in China for many years and is married to a Chinese lady. Another one is called C milk. They give a truthful account of the good and bad things.
I once looked up to China as a country that embraced natural remedies & food,after years of seeing scandals, cover ups etc. I have come to realise that greed over powers tradition in China 👀
You can't lump everyone together, my friend. We are only talking about mass market food suppliers here. Not innocent civilians or doctors of natural medicine.
Gutter oil, recycled noodles, fake eggs & everything under the sun... though that baby milk scandal did end up with some death sentences being handed out, I still think it was more a show of force by the government.
Nah..they just put down some scapegoats to for PR control damage..don't think the government will do anything much if the news didn't blow up internationally
There's the issue with American food stores also, you can't trust any fast-food joint. Chicken McNuggets don't taste like real chicken either. There's a video where chicken mcnuggets are viewed under a microscope and there are tiny pieces of plastic scattered within the 'chicken meat': th-cam.com/video/zazn3CQEUI4/w-d-xo.html
Thank you for sharing! This is an eye opener for the rest of the world, not only in China but everywhere in the world...including the western countries. Here in the USA, even when you go to the farmer's market...I'm still vary about buying stuff from them because you don't know if they follow the rules after applying pesticide....so never buy the most biggest apples, grapes, nuts, nicest veggies. Get the plain looking one with bugs nibble on it which would signified it's safe to eat since the bugs are eating it.
I hate to tell you this but Chinese produced food is already showing up in Walmart in US markets. The origin of the final food product has to be shown on US products but not the origin of "ingredients". Believe me, a lot of US food products are full of chinese-sourced additives. The US food inspection process is not even prepared to deal with what is showing up in our food. High pesticide levels will not kill someone outright - but will raise cancer rates. Some products are already sourced directly from China. Take a look at the frozen fish area in Walmart. Yes, the fish are real but they are grown in coastal fish farms in China. These frozen fish are only spot inspected prior to be putting on sale at Walmart. What is the likelihood these fish are not contaminated with mercury and heavy metals?
21:12 That young man was so honest and nice to u guys !!! U should have the courtesy to blurr his face !! Now what if he will be suffering arrests and torchers cuz of u guys
Probably not lol. They didn't say the name of his farm or release any info on him. What's the police gonna do look through 100,000,000 pig farmers to find him lol.
Wu, (the natural food making guru), is a legend. He should be commended and used as a model, first for quality food production and also as a model for economic and social success (people sense the quality and come in droves it seems)!
I am a big fan of AJE and 101 East, but one thing that has really annoyed me about this episode was the segment about the little girl you filmed with Kidney stones. Her mother took a huge risk taking your producer into a state run hospital with hidden cameras... Particularly after, by your own admission, she had already been threatened with arrest if she kept protesting publicly. At the very least, both for your production integrity and to help the mother be able to strengthen her own claims, AJ should have paid for the girl to have been independently tested at a specialist medical clinic, not a huge cost given the risk her mother had taken. I found the lack of this both shoddy journalism and ethicly quite inexcusable. It's particularly stunning concidering the underlying narrative of this story is how large organisations cut corners to save money. This was really quite ironic, because you did exactly the same thing in putting an already vulnerable family at a huge risk of repercussions from the government authorities who had already threatened them. You could have at least helped them to provide the evidence that they needed and also added more evidence to backup your own statements.
You are too naive, once they prove to the Chinese people that the Chinese government is just a criminal organization what's gonna happen to her family and what's gonna happen to AJE? If you believe it's a worthy fight you might as well convince the US to have her nuke ready because that's how bad the situation can get.
holmiumh: To be honest, I'm not really following you with either of your comments. I really don't think it's too complicated. Everything has the possibility of having a negative reaction, so I'm not sure what your original comment was trying to convey? It seems you were saying not to challenge power over fear of retaliation or negative repercussions. Yes, China doesn't respond well to negative press, understood... But nor does any country. What you seem to be saying, is China would go to war over AJE making a negative documeny about food standards in their own country. A documentary, broadcast on a news network that can't be watched by its own people, and then later syndicated on a streaming platform that is also banned in that country and in a language that many of the population don't speak. To be honest I think the Chinese government have bigger fish to fry than this documentary that will be unlikely to ever see the light of day within China... Even if that fried fish were to be a fake fish made from industrial fillers. AJ are also a news network normally very unafraid of blowback, they regularly take on power and get their fair share of retaliation. Ironically, and to follow up on your "we may as well ask the US to nuking China" comment, Al Jazeera have themselves had their overseas news bureau's bombed in in retaliation for 'negative' news stories. One time it was in retaliation for negotive press towards the US and it's coalition after a British MP encouraged the US to include a AJ news bureau in its airstrcks, to which the US happy obliged and badly executed. On at least two other occasions, the US have bombed other AJ bureau's. It was also very well documented that in 2005 president Bush had been speculating about a U.S. bombing raid on AJ's world headquarters in Doha and other locations. As the story goes, the only reason they didn't go ahead was due to British PM Blair, persuading Bush not to take action. In short, I'm not entirely sure that the U. S. 'World Police' are ever a good solution for problems around the globe, unless they find a way to make it benefit themselves. Everything is connected, but we seem to have strayed a long way from chemical wonton noodle soup and a girl with Gallstones.
James: You completely missed the point. Nothing will change. full stop. It's china. There can be only negative consequences for the mother and children. China will take it as if countries involve themselves in trying to topple a regime and interfering with running a country and yada yada yada. Also since china is manufacturing a lot of the goods you use or consume, it can inflict a financial stress on a lot of the countries. Most of the countries will not do that unless they are united on the cause. ! child does not worth the money potentially being lost. Don't think the the girl is interesting to the majority of people in the west. You forgot about the Organ trade? That they harvested from prisoners?
That first white powder, if I'm not mistaken is a mixture of borax and and I believe some talc. Borax turns elmers glue into slime. Borax + flour easily turns it into dough. The mixture is actually used to make homemade roach killer.
Yeah, he needs to work on his fluency to do more interviews in China. I'm sure most locals would be confused to look at his appearance and then hear him sound like a 老外 when he speaks.
Oh c'mon, don't be so harsh now. Steve doesn't sound like a foreigner at all. He barely has any accent in Mandarin and speaks with great fluidity. Keep it up!
the little girl story sounds like fake news. Private hospital in China costs the same amount of money to do a kidney scan , the government has no reason to cover up the story because everyone knows about it, and herbal medicine cant cure kidney stone either its jst placebo. The mum is clearly uneducated and delusional.
Did you not watch the video. The doctor denied there being a kidney stone despite the child's continuing pain. She's hiding something from the mother. It's literally on video. Right. There.
My friends and I went to visit an office of a city official. He served us some biscuit and we chewed on some. Then we suddenly discovered it was from China (printed on the pack). As if on cue, all of us furtively spit out the biscuits into the paper napkins.
Hmm, your dad sounds like my Physics teacher Mr. Lin. He said he never trusted China’s food safety rules and would not let his kids eat anything made there.
Me, being a Chinese who emigrated abroad in the 80s, I think the ingredients for this mess are: - People smart enough to know how to cheat - Heartless, greedy people (as everywhere else of course) - People trying to improve their lives doing "whatever it takes" - A generation of people who are no longer extremely poor but in their mind they are afraid to go back to that state - Government that still favors good economy, end of hunger, over good quality of life. Remember guys, China is labeled as the 1st economy of the world but it is because of the quantity of trade, don't let this confuse you, what really matters is the income per person(GDP per Capita) that means how much money each person generates, and in this list China is 71st, even below Mexico. China is still struggling to feed its own people which is a priority right now. I really think that someday when China has stabilized its society, these problems will be eliminated completely. Why I think this? Because, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are full of Ethnic Chinese people and these societies has proven that Chinese people are capable of living with better standards. But China is right now like a man recently release from captivity into the city and started to live a new modern life, has plenty to change, plenty to adapt to, but he still have some bad habits from the recent past.
China Diaspora you sound very patriotic to the country. However you over looked the geographic size and population difference compared to Taiwan Singapore and so on. Those Chinese in my opinion have a different mind set than Chinese people in China. Also smaller land mass and population. Also early adoption to capitalism engaged a middle class who has the power to demand higher standards. The Chinese population mind set are comfortable as followers. Yes in the future regulations will improve but doesn't excuse the disregard and acceptance by the Chinese people to cause sickness to their fellow human beings. Remember the entire base of the current Chinese political system was stolen from the Chinese republic who now resides in Taiwan.
@@vicariouswitness I disagree with you. Not wanting to fight, just to discuss things. I'm not patriotic in a way that I like the communist party or the politics, I just have love for my people because I'm part of that ethnicity and I feel some degree of belonging. You said that the current political system was copied from Taiwan, I don't know, but you might be right, but then, so was the communist idea, it was copied from the Russians. Decades later they realized it didn't work, so they copied the capitalist model and it's kind of working right now. At least China is doing trial and error, because look at what other countries like India have done in this whole time, not much. I strongly believe that Chinese people can change despite of its population size as you mentioned. Because remember that since the 80s hundreds of millions of Chinese people got out of poverty by themselves just as soon as the government freed the market. Don't get me wrong, I don't think China will ever be better than USA or Europe in terms of new ideas, order or organization, but it surely can get closer to be as nice as Japan at least.
@@cynthiamagic2994 I'm also affected by this problem, due to the fact that me and my family still eat Chinese food everyday. We buy a lot of Chinese products even though I know there's a risk. Also most of my relatives still live in HK and Mainland.
This was produced Aug 2014 now in Feb 2020 we are dealing with COVID19 virus. It originated in China. When the commentary states illness jumping from animals to humans is quite chilling!!
@Thomas Long I have similar bad experience with Chinese stores and restaurants. I was once arguing with a waiteress because she was serving me rotten food. I told her I'm not eating it and I shouldn't pay for something I didn't even touch. She was really angry at me and she kept telling me the food is good and she is not going to cancel the bill, she was basically forcing me to eat it. I have never understood why she was so angry at me, i should be the one angrying , not the opposite!
Now I understand why Chinese in the Netherlands are buying food here (very expensive comparatively to Chinese prices I guess), especially baby foods, and sending it to China.
equarg unfortunately in Australia we are getting more and more foods from China. I also read the labels for made in China and halal which I throw back . I try to buy natural foods as much as I can.
If you watch the video carefully, it clearly says a lot of the additives are banned/illegal by the government's regulations, but it's the lack of reinforcement of the law that gives the unlawful sellers & shop owners the opportunity to continue selling. Law reinforcement needs tons of man-power for a country at this scale, it's just not feasible for the time being.
Europe bans so many things that the USA still doesn't regulate that lead to so many health concerns. There is a reason america is the fattest 1st world country. Everything is so low quality here but at least it isn't china level
I really felt sorry for that little girl. I really hope China would find some humanity and stop putting so many toxic chemicals in their food just to make a profit.
@@@LisaHPhoenix It sounds a bit conspiracy-like. But the thought did cross my mind, what if all the poorer folks die off, and only the go-getters who make it in the New China can afford proper food...like weeding the population. But I don't think they can be so inhumane, I think it was just a lapse in oversight, and now I believe they have started enforcing the food regulations more strictly. In fact, they removed the 1-child policy, because they don't want the population to become an "aging" population, they want more kids to be born. It makes no sense to let everyone be poisoned into dysfunction, because just imagine the monstrous health-care situation the State will then be faced with in about 20-25 years from now. Doesn't make sense.
Thank you for this brave and well-crafted documentary. I have been dating a Chinese international student for 5 years now. Every year his family gets him to buy baby formula and vitamins in Canada and ship them back to China, because they don't feel safe using the stuff at home. It's an incredible tragedy how Chinese citizens can't even be guaranteed the right to breathe fresh air when they go outside or to eat real food when they go out to eat. But the whole world is going to become a soup of pollution and toxins if drastic steps aren't taken to make change.
vitamins too.... when ever my wife sends home stuff to her family in china, I see many of customers sending lots and lots of vitamins and milk formulas...
Many baby formulas and vitamins, including drugs are made in China. Sometimes the labels say packaged in Ohio (for example), then look underneath, it says, produced in China. Be careful and read labels or ask about the product.
This is a world wide problem. In Holland the government banned some food that is coming from over sea. Bad people and they don't care. Thank you for having a good Soul.
Gummy Noodles China wants to introduce 5G worldwide, knowing it was produced by the military as a weapon of mass destruction. It has the capacity to microwave brain cells. The world cares, but China doesn't
Which a WHO documentary last week said got into the human system due to the practise of consumption of bat flesh in the poorer areas of rural China and also brought into the urban city areas for selling in street food markets.
@@rianmehri7678 No, BlueBerry, I am not Chinese and I am starting to pay more attention to food packaging information and also purchasing from local farming operations.
The man that made traditional dishes a noodles from scratch..may God bless..your business and protect you
No god needed
Glenda Starkey 😊 such a wholesome comment
(2 Timothy 3) (KJV)
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
(Romans 1: 28-32) (God's Wrath Against Sinful Humanity) (NIV)
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Indeed I trust chef woo jin, very honest good man but I hope his carefuf with pork his buying...
the guy that made the traditional wonton noodle soup is the real mvp.
dix out for Mr. Wu
Thank you Mister Wu!
Where is Mr. Wu located?
I would like to know too. Maybe we can donate to his cause
This report is so biased. How can Mr Wu guarantee his food is safe. Does he farm the pigs for the pork?Does he grow the wheat for the flour? Even though his standard is ethical, how can you guarantee the raw ingredients he uses are sourced from ethical suppliers? His customers are made to believe his high moral standards but not knowing the real root of the problem....the lack of government accountability.
Master woo is a good guy cooking real wonton soup. We still have honest people like him.
I get goosebump watching him dilligently serve his customers. This is someone to respect who has integrity in his work and know what life is about.
GOD Bless Him*
Some people in the comments claim Master Wu only did it all for the screen and imports unknown chemicals like anyone else
And this Master Wong guy from Beijing is suspicious that he knows how to make fake wonton noodle soup
true chef ,respect
This video MUST and SHOULD be shown on the national television. People MUST know exactly whats in the food you eat.
That would be any food from china, it is estimated that 80% of their water is polluted with heavy metals, if one is concerned with their health never consume any food from china
"Either we starve to death or we die of toxic foods." That is just too deep and true for many places around the world!
I can starve thank you
I and my minors would starve to death as I can't knowingly eat what is fake. Somethings are worse than death, that is why I get very annoyed at times when doctors intervene after the birth of a child rather than let time rule. There are people who can't see or hear, understand in anyway, can't develop any kind of muscle coordintion, have no bladder or bowel control, don't know how to smile or laugh. If such a baby stays alive when you do not intervene, then so be it. Some individuals asked to be euthanized because somethings are worse than death. I wouldn't personally try to involve another. However, everthing exposed there is the modern reality where food is mass produced. Foods are coloured with insect. Insects play a big role in the preparation of many food by products. The poorest of people are privy to such things but they don't have a voice for fear of losing their jobs and in some places certain death, organised by the accused. Someone got very devious and said he'd give people taste, but not the natural flavours that humans were used to. His aim was compelling tastes, that is why people buy processed foods and drinks all the time because their tastes are embedded in people's brains. It is the tastes that people keep rembering. It is not "It is time for my next meal of the day", meaning that enough time has elapsed since the previous meal, especially if one is diabetic, or that the person needs the energy to continue a task or employment for the remaining of the day. So that is what nutrition in the hands of corporations is about- just taste, the true root of obesity. Goverments, scientists and nutritionists have not figured it out as yet, that is why there is commercial diet after commercial diet and reality weight loss after reality weight loss. No one has worked out the solution is organic, that is food production by the sun, the rain, birds and insects. The only human intervention is to pull up, pull off or cut off and shake down what is edible. What the insects and birds fed on, what fell to the ground, including the leaves are nutrients for the soil that nature will convert to be absorbed. That is what I know. We looked out the front, we looked out the back and saw various colours as time went on and all we did was throw out seeds and some of the food items that were not edible. We did not even dig up the soil to do the planting. When we were preparing food, we threw out what we wouldn't eat. That was it!
Sad that their water is so polluted that they cannot drink their water. They shower in the water but purchase large bottles of water for drinking.
I've been growing my own little by little and expanding
@@soniag4516 that's a good move.
Much respect for this man who's not driven by greed and profit and is providing a healthy variant to his customers making everything from scratch with natural and organic products.
That girl with kidney stones broke my heart. She has a good mom who is fighting for her, so that’s good.
That poor girl 😥 Her mom's the hero here! She's doing almost everything right, such as growing their own vegetables, having her jump on the mini trampoline. I'd add 1 pint of home made real lemonade/day, which actually helps to dissolve the stones. Hot rice packs, to soothe the back behind kidneys. I suffer Struvite/Calcium combo kidney stones, doctor has me do all the above, to avoid surgery again.
Stay away from plants
I got rid of the beginning of Kidney stones, the calcium deposits causing my Renal irritation by drinking lemon juice and honey daily every morning for 4 months. When I went back for my CT scan they were gone.
A man who makes a noodle with his bare hands, is a one man wolf pack. Respect to them
respect don't feed you
@@Qrt99 Not only is it feeding him, but others. He has respect and won't go to jail for poisoning others.
They did it for a medical reason bec they think and believe that made them strong and give them a good looks so..
Has there been any update on the little girl? Chef Wu is a legend and deserves so much respect for the care and attention he puts into his food.
The mother of the little girl has since been arrested for her part in bringing to light the issues presented in this documentary.
@@MrPopots what!! No!!
Marianna Vlogs He is a national treasure.
This is heart breaking to see such a tiny girl with kidney stones at her tender age!
MrPopots sounds like what china would do ive been in a summer camp there and before going my parents warned me about child kidnapping and corruption
This is what great journalism looks like
U mean not like CNN ?
@@hmsdemolition8588 keep your political bias out of defining journalism
Amen. Independent journalism at it's best
I wouldnt call aljazeera "great journalism"
Zachary French this is Arabic journalism Al Jazeera is Arabic
bless that man who's working hard to make food naturally! i hope his community supports him
Imagine your hospital technician having to lie about kidney stones in patients to protect her job......
I'd rather lose my job and start a campaign to educate on whats really happening.
the doctors in china face imprisonment and/or death if they go against the government.
In the United States, radiology technicians are not allowed (by law) to disclose or provide their opinions on what they observe on imaging studies.
thats so ironic lol
Lying to protect ones job is a rampant epidemic in even more civilized societies than one would imagine but I fully understand the relevance of your statement as it deals directly with front line health care workers. She might as well be pointing a loaded gun on that child by lying.
That little girl is suffering unimaginable pain. I have had chronic stones. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
how you know what this guy is saying is true, why is this man really in China,why is AL jazeera , selling me in english the evils of chinese foods. What about food in his country i would like to hear the evils of that first LOL Propaganda is good business ,and the unsuspecting chinese people in the Documentary have no idea how the have been used.
I currently have six
Hospitals denying the presence of a disease to Save their governments behind. That's really pathetic.
Boycott India boycott there products it's my requests to kindly they are killing innocents if you buy products it's like you are also involved in killing kindly boycott indian products
@@malikkamranhussain1416 lol you are a troll
That isn't pathetic. It's inhumane
That's the CCP. That's why they have protests in Hong Kong now. And the CCP is in your country to
It happens all over the world, De-population
You have to get 2nd, 3rd or up to 5th opinion.
The US FDA should mandate all food be labeled country of origin.
The real question is, what does this do to your body **SLUUURP**
they still breeding so it naturally not enough @@Nairuulagch
@@Nairuulagch Completely irrelevant. China's problem with cancer is due to the high prevalence of smoking.
If you irritating a big man that would make you get punched or more.
Hope the little girl recovers from her kidney stones :/
acethedeath it does bother lots of people. A lot of Chinese mom's now go to trouble to buy foreign brand milk online or foreign formula from US brands(emfamil or good start) in their stores.
Why can't she go to a different country?.. clearly she can't even trust her own government
Foxy Alice well she can't afford to go to a private clinic so I doubt she'll be able to afford to see a Dr in a foreign country
the same situation in here sri lanka also govt massacre people
I know. When I visited China, my uncle there would not even allow us to eat food that wasn't produced by people he knows.
am now seriously worried about the world. am so tempted to seclude myself somewhere and create a self dependent farm
M05E5 Just walk out of ur room and off ur internet/ wifi
M05E5 can I come too, seriously
well the arctic circle in brooks range (Alaska) is pretty secluded and you can hunt your food everyday...just saying yo
auxetoiles everything is gmo carrots wouldn't be as big and we changed every plant and animal we have come across just look at dogs we did that, not Mother Nature
Enjoy Monsanto seeds only if they have their way with the world lol I hope you get your farm and be free from the system!
So sad for the little girl. May miracle heal her soon.
Anyone who makes noodles by hand deserve my respect. One of my favorite kind of food is noodle based (especially ramen). Making noodles by hand shows their dedication to the food.
Also, screw those fake foods in China.
If you think China's food safety is a problem, then you should look at United States. There's a reason why so many people get sick every year and millions are on psychotic drugs.
HUH also there is fake beef going on in TH-cam
Idgaf about having your respect
Since when japanese ramen is made by hand... Haha.
@richard seymore 。。。When has the United States become a moral role model for China? When we see Chinese policemen abusing their power, some Chinese will say :"The American police officers are more violent". America bullies and invades small countries, so China is justified to bully little Taiwan and invade the South Seas. So, if the standard of American food safety is low, it justifies the Chinese being immoral in producing poisonous food for their own people。还是那句话,你隔壁的大妈偷汉子,你妈就可以理直气壮地偷汉子了吗?
The last minute of this video made me weep, it is sympathetically admirable that few Chinese still have backbone for their nation and people with morals and principles as real humanbeing.
@bopp9 lol, let me look at bad issues in your country and make my opinion based solely on that also. Kind of demeaning to my family and people i know but you do you.
So sad. My mother never fed me Chinese branded baby food/milk powder. Couldn't trust any food in China. She spent an extreme amount of money on New Zealand baby formula.
Yet they still blame US for the hong kong protests
First I thought the 4 classes under Confucianism was backward, now... I can see why they saw the merchant class, driven by making profit from others was seen as the scum class.
That's how communist government works. Deny that anything is wrong. Obviously they are protecting their own comrades who are making the people at large to consume poison just to make profits.
my heart aches, hearing the story of a little girl's illness. shame on those who profit from her & her family's suffering. and, what's even worst is to see the cover-ups from those medical officials who are supposed to help her out.
, bh
That's the real China!!!
That mother speaking out is driving the government to change, so she is making life better for the next generation but for her trouble she will get bad "social credit" like in Black Mirror "Nosedive," and won't be able to travel or send her kids to the best schools.
I know. It’s so sad.
Somebody commented above your post that the poor mother got arrested. What a shame. Bless her and her family for speaking out.
The fact that this documentary is from 7 years ago is scary. Things haven’t changed have they?
This documentary makes me want to buy fresh veggies and do food from the scratch more often.
Please do. It's a great way to be aware of what you're eating and take in a lot of the trace minerals and vitamins that are removed or destroyed during processing.
trueopaque makes me never want to buy anything made in china period. One country i don't care to ever visit
+minorka2 Both China and India, plus a few other countries are suspicious food wise. To be honest I generally d9nt buy food made overseas.
**sigh** ... I want so badly to be offended by your comment. But you are 100% correct. The government really needs to crack down on the safety and quality of Chinese-made goods, not leave it up to the individual manufacturers.
I use HUEL it is a nutritionally complete meal replacement. Feel really safe and healthy.
I really wished they had taken the little girl to private hospitals just to prove her kidney stones. This whole mess makes my blood boil.
I hope she was able to be treated.
The mother already was threatened to shut up, not sure proving anything would have made their lives any better, most likely worse.
So nice of you, but I've got really tired explaining the truth to my blood relatives.
They gone pay In JESUS name 🙏💯 🙏
@Tribal Bella. Get used to it. It will be happening in your country within a few years. Keep up that Chinese immigration.
That politician what a jerk!
actually is there good politician?
There are many, they just don't survive in the political climate.
Typical. All he does is give speeches and pose for pictures before running away in his black Audi.
+Taco ☺👍🍸
He says "What problem?" like he is ignoring the issue but knows it exists. How can anything be changed from the top of the ladder if everyone at the top is threatened? Companies own the government. Change has to come from rebellion.
The chef making his food by hand is the hero China needs. His food looks much more flavorful and filling than the 'food' cooked with chemicals. FYI, as a home chef, texture really can make or break a dish in terms of enjoyment. I want a bowl of real wonton soup, please. 🍜💯
Makes me think that they're trying to be chemists with all those chemicals
The winner, we hope, is the gentleman that takes his time making the noodles by hand.
peter yeung in the end, he will. Honestly , dedication always win
Yes, I couldn't restaurant display signs stating they use all natural ingredients to attract more customers. And possibly prove this by having a window into the kitchen people can look through and watch the cooking processes?
no thats the problem. hand made ! wheres the hygene??????
@@ronalwoods3181 You are trolling right?
@@ronalwoods3181 where you can fine wanton noodle made by machine?
now i understand why chinese immigrants buy up baby formula overseas to sent back home
@Geen Naam wow. What country?
They don't think about the children.... They think about the profit.... Selling milk for three/four times the price.... Targeting the rich and making it unaffordable for the poor Chinese....
@@permaculturedandfree2448 it happens in Australia.... I had a difficult time finding baby formula for my son when I just had him... If I was lucky there would be one can left on the shelf.... I live in an Asian populated area.... So this is a common problem
@@angelado6726 sorry to hear it..I hope you can buy in bulk from manufacturers?
"The big question is, what is this bowl doing to your body"
*Slurps up the poisonous noodles and does't stop after tasting it once*
Mzwandile S. Mthethwa hahahahaha
now thats journalism! all i could think when he did that haha
Most weird thing I have seen
*Instant Ramen Intensifies*
That's what i thought it was contaminated he continues to eat it.
"The government hasn't done anything; it covers things up and evades responsibility"
Sounds familiar!
Very Familiar!
I used to live in Beijing, I still remember the whole milk powder scandal. So many people have lost their sense of morals amidst China's economic boom.
I was in grade school back then, we were told not to buy chinese food like the panda shaped chocolate biscuits that we use to buy because it contains melamine.
It is a uniquely Chinese issue isn't it. Heard about that plastic rice scandal toom Not saying we don't have our own elsewhere, but yeah the boom is the cause no doubt. It a crashing now!! Will likely get worse because of this 😭
Ps don't trust Al Jazeera as far as you can throw them, govt funded by Qatar and eager to slam every country but their own 😁
Yeah the melamine scandal lmao I remember that too
@@onedaynoreason2572 Actually, it isn't, same thing happens in Bangladesh, India and also the US, though the US additives effects take longer to show and is usually cancer
InfiniteLoop What a load of rubbish you speak
That's super disappointing, China has so many great authentic dishes, but these scammers are doing dishonest business for cash. Guys when you go to China make sure to do your research and be careful of what you're eating. I appreciate people like the Chef in the beginning who preserve culture and tradition. There are still many amazing authentic places to try!
This video was made 5 years ago. China cracked down severely on this in 2015 starting.
China has way to many ppl to feed .. bottom line
The situation in China today is much better. As long as you don't go to small suspicious restaurants, you'll be perfectly fine.
@@yinan02 phew, that's good to know :)
@@yinan02 okay but are you sure you're not biased?
Beijing can make all of the food safety laws they want, but as long as local officials are involved in the industrial food industry, nothing will change.
Luigi Cadorna Indeed!
how do you stop local officials?
Local officials involved, so what? there is a way they will bend the law for you, I am sure people try it when they want something. It a very common method, you know what i mean.
I imagine that's why they execute some people. Though that doesn't seem to be a strong enough deterrent. I don't want to make excuses for China, but how do you regulate that large of a country with all sorts of industries.
Country of that size needs to be well control, that's why asian countries like Thailand, Singapore etc are smart in implemented death penalty for drug smugglers. How does KIM JONG UN control north korea where every body scare of him. If laws are implemented and can be bend in some way then what is law. If a country only interest is money and nothing else then their future is only short term. Every country is skeptical about produce from China and things made from China, so eventually people will not buy from them. Everything is so fake , who will buy in the future?
This is sickening, we should boycott all these products that come from this country!!!
YES, we need to band together and stop giving our money to CCP.
What can we do our countries are blinded with cheap raw material for their product so that their profits will be large and can cause greed
Wtf, OMG ....................I feel sick watching this segment. yes extremely deplorable people involved with this food safety issue and the chinese food industry is unethically dysfunctionally regulated. The chinese individual authorities allowing this to continue, exported to other countries, all of these culprits, traders etc must be executed.
don't buy anything form china, crash their economy like they crushed ours.
we all need to review globalisation. and anything manufactured with unregulated health guidelines. but at the end of the day all comes to greed, profiting, exploitation and immoral ethics. sadly the virus and many other disease of worldwide society this is that capitalism and globalisation has overpowered goodness, commonsense and climate change in 2020. we all must change our attitudes and habits. enforce civil law and hold those responsible for COVID-19 outbreak accountable.
Master Wu (authentic wonton soup maker; the chef at the beginning) looks like any smart foodie's Superhero: all natural ingredients, time, thought, energy, and care for the peeps who eat his creations. Please please consider doing a video all about him and his creations, his principles, and the thinking behind them.
Scott Bennett yeh give the guy a medal for using real food...fml
Yeah like he buys flour in that same store selling borax. Buys pork that came from that swine farm where pigs are fed a shitload of chemicals. Vegetables sprayed with strong pesticides.
Hand made but ingredients about the same.
@@hispanicaccordion Not even close.
Food for thought: The pigs may also have been fed growth hormones, given who knows what chemicals, etc. Same with the eggs. Unless the farm is truly reputable, there's no way for us to know.
Most people are doing like him.
The poisoning of the food, the air, the land and the water has reached an epic proportion. For the sake of economic growth the country wants to move forward
regardless of consequences. The health of the people is ignored and many of them
will suffer illnesses in due course.
As long as humans worship materialistic things, they will become unscrupulous in achieving wealth through making unsafe foods and polluting the environment. This can be in an monumental scale as what has happened in China.
And natural selection will take up place in no time
Well then ask the Japanese and British return all the Chinese treasures they’ve robbed from Chinese during the two Sino-Japanese Wars and the two Opium Wars, hypocrite and “human right activist”.
EvolutionismAnti-Science Lie but see they gonna
Robert Ong Good job the West is totally poluution free, eh?
2020 anyone else watching this and the out break of the Corona virus
I am 🖐️
@@AbdulRehman-cp8jl serious issues with food should have seen this coming
Bill Barrios I am watching
There needs to be a system implemented to encourage ethical food sourcing and production while discouraging unethical methods used to maximize profit not just in China but worldwide
There are already too many systems. Most don't benefit most people.
What is needed is fewer parasites and predators.
@@robertwilber1909 as long as it is profitable to sell toxic food there will be people profiting on it. We need to encourage producers to make healthy food that is not degrading the environment or human bodies. How can we make that happen using only money as incentive?
@@t00b3z so, I can classify you as another big governnent sheep?
@@robertwilber1909 As in that I think a strong government is needed to keep a leash on wealth-seeking private companies. Yes definitely.
moral of the story: grow your own farm and make your own food for your safety. China was once a country that strictly believed in organic diet, everything was organic even clothes, what a sad unexpected situation it landed on
theproplayer 2016ender
Well off Chinese are doing it already.
That's because the Chinese communist party destroyed most of China history from temples to books, so now Chinese are grown to be more industrialized than tradition, and they're paying the price for it.
lol yes I too wish I have a piece of land and enough money to start a self-sufficient lifestyle...
theproplayer 2016ender , They got tired of being poor.
theproplayer 2016ender when was that?
I want the noodle soup made in the beginning 😍
why not do it yourself or go to his restaurant?
I want a hot bowl of that gutter oil. Yum!
We have lots of Chinese people buy New Zealand baby milk powder and sending it to China, supermarket's had to put a limit on how many a person can buy because they were cleaning us out.
same in the netherlands! Supermarkets paint crosses on the boxes so people who bulk buy (by having multiple people buying it from different supermarkets and different clothes so they go unnoticed) can’t export it to china. Not 100% sure how it works but I guess customs would see it when trying to export it illegally.
im malaysian chinese, i apologize for the people of china
@@somethingrandomasmekevin4538 I a also a malaysian Chinese u don't need to, it them that need to apologize not us.
Same in germany. Chinese buisness man buy all the baby formula in a store and sell it in China. I would guess, their customers in China are probably rich. Considering the price here, shipping it to China and selling it for a profit probably makes it very expensive.
This is so scary...as a Taiwanese I sometimes question the safety of our street food as well
Live markets, drip with tortured dog remains, pangolins, captured domestic and wild things. Sick, unclean, poisoned, tainted, uninspected and unregulated. hmmm- so is anyone still hungry?
Problem is these additives are toxic and illegal but the authorities are not really into clamping down the shop keepers' business...
in the past four years they have. lots more signs and restrictions. this video is also from about four years ago, the problem is much more managable now.
@@kevinzhu6417 This isn't an old issue. Putting a sign is not going to keep corporations from evading regulations. This problem is still bad today and the government covers it up.
We need more people like the good chef, the Greenpeace investigator, and the food testers who are making things better bit by bit. It will take a while but eventually it will improve, because this problem affects everyone and no-one wants the current situation.
Bless chef wu for being honest despite all the hard work and for still being a human and thinking about the plight of other people.
Look at his tired eyes at 25:24, shows his dedication and hard work
Jame Huang I just want to give him a big hug! A modern-day Wong Fei-hung!
or it could mean he was partying the night before
or depression
usually thoso tired eyes are also from turning the lights off while watching too much tv.
Here in New Zealand locally grown garlic costs $25 a kg. Garlic grown in China costs $2 a kg after travelling half way around the world. Glad that we have never bought Chinese garlic.
$25/kg is downright robbery. Just plant your own in your home garden and you will never run out.
@@givemexrice so true lol..
And if you try to replant it... It never matures..
My wife is Japanese, when we go to the grocery shop, anything made in China will not end up in our trolley. Japanese will never buy Chinese produce or products
I’m in the uk I refuse to buy chinese products especially garlic I just don’t trust it. I got my son some choclate as a treat last week looked at the back and it was made in China 😔 I don’t know how it’s getting through the uk FSA and passing as choclate
I will never understand how people can live with themselves hurting other people for money. People like these vendors selling toxic foods, people who sell hard drugs, etc. I mean, how can anyone value human life so far below profit? I just can’t understand. I can’t.
P Last Name I understand those just fine. I am fairly greedy myself, I suppose. I guess most people are. But there’s a such thing as taking things way too far.
greed my friend. Greed
There's something very wrong with those kind of people the term psychopath comes to mind.
@deharleyva Not meant for me but I wouldn't. Even if it's a stranger I would have to live with it, knowing that I have killed someone. I couldn't enjoy my life like that even with the money.
Everyone wants everything cheaper, so the last resort is finding cheap ingredients.
Here in the US, we have lots of food allergies, especially in children. I wonder if it was caused by imported food.
@@helenclark7876" DEf" You're a shill, U.S was selling all these chemicals and using it domestically as well. Hiring locals to pour DDT on cereal and eat it to show it's safety. Nuke tests all around around the world... f off China may be poisining its citizens but you're a dumbass
Caused by vaccines
Respect to the chef who is making traditional won ton soup . It really is a labor of love.
One topic they didn't talk about here was nutritional value. Take the fake noodle soup for example. Let's pretend they found zero toxic chemicals. Since it contains almost no real ingredients, it probably has zero nutritional value. So you can eat it everyday, feel full, but still be starving your body. Since the fake stuff is cheap to make, it's likely also cheap to buy, so this is an issue that may disproportionately impact people who are poorer and already vulnerable to malnutrition. It's problematic even without toxic additives.
It’s problematic even with real food wheat and rice do not contain very many nutrients by themselves leading to malnutrition.
And the other problem that is ignored. The excessive amount of salt they eat. They think they are healthy because they are skinny. Salt doesn’t make you fat but it does cause high blood pressure and then heart failure.
short answer: never buy food made in china
Don’t buy anything made in China
cifer 050 then what if we go to china what to eat?
Ng Poh leng make your own food. Buy it from an organic market im sure they have them in china. Then again I still wouldnt trust it
@@rogerc23 Most stuff is made in China though, and failing that a lot of components that are in your stuff made in your country or other countries were made in China. Besides, there are a lot of Chinese stuff that's great.
I lived in China for 5 years. Don’t lecture me on China. I know the good and bad. And the bad greatly outweighs the good.
The dude that sells borax was not even wrong. They ask “ do you have borax” and he goes: yes for industrial use. 100% lawyer way of saying haha
13:55 that mom is so brave. Wish more spoke out like her. Glad she interviewed for her beloved daughter
Agreed! She's a wonderful mother ❤️
Chef Wu is a legend! Much respect to people like him who care so passionately about good food. Will definitely give him a visit if I ever visit China
I will never visit him, but I respect his hustle.
I really appreciate the efforts to show how fake food is made in China. We need to expose similar practices of food adulteration in India...Jai Hind...
Why don't you do it you know the inside workings of it best than any foreigner would
They almost never arrest or punish, they never even pursue anything. I've reported many businesses for bad food, even using expensive labs to test it. The government ignores it
@@jermsbestfriend9296 they? China or india
Yes true it's a global issue
Yeah I wonder about the condition in India. Are we also in these path or not yet. Cuz I see a similar future.
21:58 Well, that was disturbing. Apparently those baby chicks dying to the pesticide they are actively applying are not important to the farm at all.
The sad part is that these families cant even protest for the mistreatment they have been receiving .
that's corrupt communism for ya
Oh dear god that mother is a badass making beautiful food for her family god bless that family
You can always count on China for cheap knock offs
lots of poor and impoverished areas. if you find a good restaurant you wont have to worry. just exercise caution with shady ones and check the ingredients of what you buy. Its illegal and much less prevalent, but I haven't been all over the country either.
All about making quick money and if people die or get sick too bad. No morals, it's all about them. They do not care about anyone else except themselves. Maybe this is because of how hard life used to be, they have lost their compassion. Go watch serpentza a blogger that has lived in China for many years and is married to a Chinese lady. Another one is called C milk. They give a truthful account of the good and bad things.
But it’s still yummy 😏
Do whatever needed to survive.
U.S produce isn't regulated either and Hormones in meat are permitted
Your documentaries are breathtaking. great, and sadly informative.
I once looked up to China as a country that embraced natural remedies & food,after years of seeing scandals, cover ups etc. I have come to realise that greed over powers tradition in China 👀
You can't lump everyone together, my friend. We are only talking about mass market food suppliers here. Not innocent civilians or doctors of natural medicine.
ever since the communist and cultural revolution chinas traditions have been stained.
That's true of some people in every country
@@SandKraken that was one of Mao's cornerstones. The elimination of tradition.
cultural revolution. read up on it. The mainlanders use to have amazing family values and traditions. take it all away and youre left with chaos.
Gutter oil, recycled noodles, fake eggs & everything under the sun...
though that baby milk scandal did end up with some death sentences being handed out, I still think it was more a show of force by the government.
Nah..they just put down some scapegoats to for PR control damage..don't think the government will do anything much if the news didn't blow up internationally
making fake eggs costs much than a normal egg, looks like your brain dosen't work very well
they love profit remember the dumpling fillings made from card boards and boxes only made in china
There's the issue with American food stores also, you can't trust any fast-food joint. Chicken McNuggets don't taste like real chicken either. There's a video where chicken mcnuggets are viewed under a microscope and there are tiny pieces of plastic scattered within the 'chicken meat':
Heinrich Muller Just last month the Philippines had a crackdown on imported rice from China that turned out to be plastic rice.
Thank you for exposing this. For people's awareness. We really appreciate it. Its very helpful.
Thank you for sharing! This is an eye opener for the rest of the world, not only in China but everywhere in the world...including the western countries. Here in the USA, even when you go to the farmer's market...I'm still vary about buying stuff from them because you don't know if they follow the rules after applying pesticide....so never buy the most biggest apples, grapes, nuts, nicest veggies. Get the plain looking one with bugs nibble on it which would signified it's safe to eat since the bugs are eating it.
A lot of farmer's market stalls just buy food from large producers and just act as the vendors for it
Great thinking I'll remember this thank you from Adelaide south Australia 😊
"What is this bowl doing to your body?"
*continues eating fake soup*
Eating one bowl won’t kill or do anything serious to you. An upset stomach if you are unlucky.
I never would have thought that Walmart would be the source for the cleanest food.....
Christina Michele really..who says so
so absolutely o
I hate to tell you this but Chinese produced food is already showing up in Walmart in US markets. The origin of the final food product has to be shown on US products but not the origin of "ingredients". Believe me, a lot of US food products are full of chinese-sourced additives. The US food inspection process is not even prepared to deal with what is showing up in our food. High pesticide levels will not kill someone outright - but will raise cancer rates.
Some products are already sourced directly from China. Take a look at the frozen fish area in Walmart. Yes, the fish are real but they are grown in coastal fish farms in China. These frozen fish are only spot inspected prior to be putting on sale at Walmart. What is the likelihood these fish are not contaminated with mercury and heavy metals?
Brian H I hear that foods from many other Asian countries are produced with ingredients from China. That’s really concerning. 😣
The EU standards are a lot higher than in the USA, so no Walmart isn't selling the safest foods.
"The question is: What is the bowl doing to your body?"
*Takes another huge bite*
Seeing that little girl breaks my heart.
That young man was so honest and nice to u guys !!!
U should have the courtesy to blurr his face !!
Now what if he will be suffering arrests and torchers cuz of u guys
thats bs, wtf
Probably not lol. They didn't say the name of his farm or release any info on him. What's the police gonna do look through 100,000,000 pig farmers to find him lol.
Why blur his face, he's participating in killing thousands!
Wu, (the natural food making guru), is a legend. He should be commended and used as a model, first for quality food production and also as a model for economic and social success (people sense the quality and come in droves it seems)!
I am a big fan of AJE and 101 East, but one thing that has really annoyed me about this episode was the segment about the little girl you filmed with Kidney stones. Her mother took a huge risk taking your producer into a state run hospital with hidden cameras... Particularly after, by your own admission, she had already been threatened with arrest if she kept protesting publicly. At the very least, both for your production integrity and to help the mother be able to strengthen her own claims, AJ should have paid for the girl to have been independently tested at a specialist medical clinic, not a huge cost given the risk her mother had taken. I found the lack of this both shoddy journalism and ethicly quite inexcusable. It's particularly stunning concidering the underlying narrative of this story is how large organisations cut corners to save money. This was really quite ironic, because you did exactly the same thing in putting an already vulnerable family at a huge risk of repercussions from the government authorities who had already threatened them. You could have at least helped them to provide the evidence that they needed and also added more evidence to backup your own statements.
You are too naive, once they prove to the Chinese people that the Chinese government is just a criminal organization what's gonna happen to her family and what's gonna happen to AJE? If you believe it's a worthy fight you might as well convince the US to have her nuke ready because that's how bad the situation can get.
holmiumh: With that kind of logic, why make a documentary about problems in China at all?
Asking WHY is a waste of time, too complicated to answer.
holmiumh: To be honest, I'm not really following you with either of your comments. I really don't think it's too complicated. Everything has the possibility of having a negative reaction, so I'm not sure what your original comment was trying to convey? It seems you were saying not to challenge power over fear of retaliation or negative repercussions. Yes, China doesn't respond well to negative press, understood... But nor does any country. What you seem to be saying, is China would go to war over AJE making a negative documeny about food standards in their own country. A documentary, broadcast on a news network that can't be watched by its own people, and then later syndicated on a streaming platform that is also banned in that country and in a language that many of the population don't speak. To be honest I think the Chinese government have bigger fish to fry than this documentary that will be unlikely to ever see the light of day within China... Even if that fried fish were to be a fake fish made from industrial fillers. AJ are also a news network normally very unafraid of blowback, they regularly take on power and get their fair share of retaliation. Ironically, and to follow up on your "we may as well ask the US to nuking China" comment, Al Jazeera have themselves had their overseas news bureau's bombed in in retaliation for 'negative' news stories. One time it was in retaliation for negotive press towards the US and it's coalition after a British MP encouraged the US to include a AJ news bureau in its airstrcks, to which the US happy obliged and badly executed. On at least two other occasions, the US have bombed other AJ bureau's. It was also very well documented that in 2005 president Bush had been speculating about a U.S. bombing raid on AJ's world headquarters in Doha and other locations. As the story goes, the only reason they didn't go ahead was due to British PM Blair, persuading Bush not to take action. In short, I'm not entirely sure that the U. S. 'World Police' are ever a good solution for problems around the globe, unless they find a way to make it benefit themselves. Everything is connected, but we seem to have strayed a long way from chemical wonton noodle soup and a girl with Gallstones.
James: You completely missed the point. Nothing will change. full stop. It's china.
There can be only negative consequences for the mother and children. China will take it as if countries involve themselves in trying to topple a regime and interfering with running a country and yada yada yada.
Also since china is manufacturing a lot of the goods you use or consume, it can inflict a financial stress on a lot of the countries. Most of the countries will not do that unless they are united on the cause. ! child does not worth the money potentially being lost. Don't think the the girl is interesting to the majority of people in the west.
You forgot about the Organ trade? That they harvested from prisoners?
That first white powder, if I'm not mistaken is a mixture of borax and and I believe some talc.
Borax turns elmers glue into slime. Borax + flour easily turns it into dough.
The mixture is actually used to make homemade roach killer.
Worst part of this is they never said what the chemicals were.
First time to hear Steve speaking Chinese. Cute. Haha
Yeah, he needs to work on his fluency to do more interviews in China. I'm sure most locals would be confused to look at his appearance and then hear him sound like a 老外 when he speaks.
Luigi Cadorna Sound like a what?
Carbon Queen foreigner
Oh c'mon, don't be so harsh now. Steve doesn't sound like a foreigner at all. He barely has any accent in Mandarin and speaks with great fluidity. Keep it up!
It's just a weird accent. Sounds fine to me.
The Little girl story really gets to me .
chemicals in the food is what got me!
Literally everything physical is chemical. All food is 100% composed of chemicals. If you didn't eat chemicals you'd die.
the little girl story sounds like fake news. Private hospital in China costs the same amount of money to do a kidney scan , the government has no reason to cover up the story because everyone knows about it, and herbal medicine cant cure kidney stone either its jst placebo. The mum is clearly uneducated and delusional.
@@iHaveGrudgeAgainstUT Good to hear. But this news is an old news.
Did you not watch the video. The doctor denied there being a kidney stone despite the child's continuing pain. She's hiding something from the mother. It's literally on video. Right. There.
This kills my urge to go to China fir exploring and eat their foods.
just make your own then
Don't let it I'm sure there are people who still make fresh authentic Chinese food. You jus gotta find em.
Kills my urge to visit also
How will we know the clean safe restaurants to eat from?
Go to Hong Kong or Taiwan then. They've got plenty of Chinese food and are a lot safer.
It would be good to have an update on this story
Fake food is still there especially gutter oil - bottom line do not eat Chinese food or items imported from there
Ahh, I guess this was the reason why my dad never let me buy snacks that were labeled, "Made in China."
You'd probably be better off avoiding as much as you can from China.
My friends and I went to visit an office of a city official. He served us some biscuit and we chewed on some. Then we suddenly discovered it was from China (printed on the pack). As if on cue, all of us furtively spit out the biscuits into the paper napkins.
Hmm, your dad sounds like my Physics teacher Mr. Lin.
He said he never trusted China’s food safety rules and would not let his kids eat anything made there.
But the poor buy them in dollar stores all over. So much is made in China now.
"The right kidney has a little calcification"
"No there are no stones"
*_Hol' up... so you're saying there are stones but there are no stones?_*
calcify happens first, its only stones if material is freely moving
@@matthewbenton4767 but isn't calcification just as bad?
@@VeNuS2910It's bad, and usually would be removed.
@@VeNuS2910 if the calfication clumps together and becomes bigger, its a kidney stone.
Me, being a Chinese who emigrated abroad in the 80s, I think the ingredients for this mess are:
- People smart enough to know how to cheat
- Heartless, greedy people (as everywhere else of course)
- People trying to improve their lives doing "whatever it takes"
- A generation of people who are no longer extremely poor but in their mind they are afraid to go back to that state
- Government that still favors good economy, end of hunger, over good quality of life.
Remember guys, China is labeled as the 1st economy of the world but it is because of the quantity of trade, don't let this confuse you, what really matters is the income per person(GDP per Capita) that means how much money each person generates, and in this list China is 71st, even below Mexico. China is still struggling to feed its own people which is a priority right now. I really think that someday when China has stabilized its society, these problems will be eliminated completely. Why I think this? Because, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are full of Ethnic Chinese people and these societies has proven that Chinese people are capable of living with better standards. But China is right now like a man recently release from captivity into the city and started to live a new modern life, has plenty to change, plenty to adapt to, but he still have some bad habits from the recent past.
China's big leap to the modern world really messed them up
China Diaspora you sound very patriotic to the country. However you over looked the geographic size and population difference compared to Taiwan Singapore and so on. Those Chinese in my opinion have a different mind set than Chinese people in China. Also smaller land mass and population. Also early adoption to capitalism engaged a middle class who has the power to demand higher standards. The Chinese population mind set are comfortable as followers. Yes in the future regulations will improve but doesn't excuse the disregard and acceptance by the Chinese people to cause sickness to their fellow human beings. Remember the entire base of the current Chinese political system was stolen from the Chinese republic who now resides in Taiwan.
@@vicariouswitness I disagree with you. Not wanting to fight, just to discuss things.
I'm not patriotic in a way that I like the communist party or the politics, I just have love for my people because I'm part of that ethnicity and I feel some degree of belonging.
You said that the current political system was copied from Taiwan, I don't know, but you might be right, but then, so was the communist idea, it was copied from the Russians. Decades later they realized it didn't work, so they copied the capitalist model and it's kind of working right now. At least China is doing trial and error, because look at what other countries like India have done in this whole time, not much.
I strongly believe that Chinese people can change despite of its population size as you mentioned. Because remember that since the 80s hundreds of millions of Chinese people got out of poverty by themselves just as soon as the government freed the market.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think China will ever be better than USA or Europe in terms of new ideas, order or organization, but it surely can get closer to be as nice as Japan at least.
Well said
@@cynthiamagic2994 I'm also affected by this problem, due to the fact that me and my family still eat Chinese food everyday. We buy a lot of Chinese products even though I know there's a risk. Also most of my relatives still live in HK and Mainland.
This was produced Aug 2014 now in Feb 2020 we are dealing with COVID19 virus. It originated in China. When the commentary states illness jumping from animals to humans is quite chilling!!
Who is watching after the coronavirus outbreak
I am 😊 ..
I am watching on February 17, 2020.
February 19,2020
Should have linked or written down this precious chef's address. We need to be safe even as we travel.
Melamine doesn't boost protein, it boosts nitrogen, which is what they test for as an indicator of protein content.
I wonder if that poor mother was punished for speaking out? Her food, that she grew and prepared herself, looks delicious.
She sadly did, she ended up getting arrested :(
I have stopped buying food "made in China" for a long time
@Thomas Long I have similar bad experience with Chinese stores and restaurants. I was once arguing with a waiteress because she was serving me rotten food. I told her I'm not eating it and I shouldn't pay for something I didn't even touch. She was really angry at me and she kept telling me the food is good and she is not going to cancel the bill, she was basically forcing me to eat it. I have never understood why she was so angry at me, i should be the one angrying , not the opposite!
Now I understand why Chinese in the Netherlands are buying food here (very expensive comparatively to Chinese prices I guess), especially baby foods, and sending it to China.
after watching this...never again will I eat chinese food.
Now, I really understand why Chinese parents buy baby food in Western countries.
You can buy Chinese food in cheaper US grocery store, like Dollar Tree. Always check the packaging.
I find my self checking my food labels more and more often.
If I see “Made in China”......
I put the package back!!!
equarg unfortunately in Australia we are getting more and more foods from China. I also read the labels for made in China and halal which I throw back . I try to buy natural foods as much as I can.
We are not safe if we eat or use chinese products. China is so disgusting
I also dont buy foods with made in China label on it. Better be safe than sorry.
I do the same even when I’m in an Asian store
Be careful, now China and U.S in battle of trade war, a lot China products are labeled made in different countries too.
That Chinese chef going to those toxic food additive shop was right on point. No ingredient lists on those bottles.
Borax? besides laundry, I use that for pest control.
Must be good for the digestive system.=)
Yes! I use it for ants myself...
Heard it works well for roaches too destroys their digestive tracks slowly.
The same stuff people make slime and stuff with. Just knowing how the glue and borax molecules bond it’s scary to think what it can do to the body.
Slime to
This is what happens when your government doesn't make regulations.
The same thing happened in America before they regulated food.
If you watch the video carefully, it clearly says a lot of the additives are banned/illegal by the government's regulations, but it's the lack of reinforcement of the law that gives the unlawful sellers & shop owners the opportunity to continue selling. Law reinforcement needs tons of man-power for a country at this scale, it's just not feasible for the time being.
Europe bans so many things that the USA still doesn't regulate that lead to so many health concerns. There is a reason america is the fattest 1st world country. Everything is so low quality here but at least it isn't china level
Trump is big on "deregulation".. give him 8 years and USA will be back to carcinogen polluted rivers by chemical companies and smog filled cities.
With the new abortion regulation soylent green will be tested for purity...
It still happens there in US. Growth hormones are used in large quantities. There’s why I don’t put anything from USA or China in my mouth.
Did they just make vegan wonton soup out of chemicals?
There might be animal byproducts in those additives.
Yes, yes they did😮🤢😷
At least its vegan for those who are vegan
@@miacah4452 until they no longer are
Tx❤❤God bless your efforts❤utmost Respect to you.❤❤
I really felt sorry for that little girl. I really hope China would find some humanity and stop putting so many toxic chemicals in their food just to make a profit.
Augustus McRae I agree. Health is always the priority. I’m Chinese if u were wondering
Augustus McRae ya but no seat belt?
It's probably because of overpopulation. They need people to die. It is sickening.
Lisa H that makes no sense. Wtf is wrong
@@@LisaHPhoenix It sounds a bit conspiracy-like. But the thought did cross my mind, what if all the poorer folks die off, and only the go-getters who make it in the New China can afford proper food...like weeding the population. But I don't think they can be so inhumane, I think it was just a lapse in oversight, and now I believe they have started enforcing the food regulations more strictly. In fact, they removed the 1-child policy, because they don't want the population to become an "aging" population, they want more kids to be born. It makes no sense to let everyone be poisoned into dysfunction, because just imagine the monstrous health-care situation the State will then be faced with in about 20-25 years from now. Doesn't make sense.
Thank you for this brave and well-crafted documentary. I have been dating a Chinese international student for 5 years now. Every year his family gets him to buy baby formula and vitamins in Canada and ship them back to China, because they don't feel safe using the stuff at home. It's an incredible tragedy how Chinese citizens can't even be guaranteed the right to breathe fresh air when they go outside or to eat real food when they go out to eat. But the whole world is going to become a soup of pollution and toxins if drastic steps aren't taken to make change.
Hong Kong has to limit the amount of baby formula tourists from mainland can carry over border. lol
sounds ridiculous but it is true in China about the baby formula thing you talked about
vitamins too.... when ever my wife sends home stuff to her family in china, I see many of customers sending lots and lots of vitamins and milk formulas...
Many baby formulas and vitamins, including drugs are made in China. Sometimes the labels say packaged in Ohio (for example), then look underneath, it says, produced in China. Be careful and read labels or ask about the product.
THIER not using it but reselling it!!
This is a world wide problem. In Holland the government banned some food that is coming from over sea. Bad people and they don't care. Thank you for having a good Soul.
Yeah this case not only in China
Also banned 5G and huawei because it is from China.
Yeah. If the world dies it then its fine if we benefit as well. YES? DADDY XI
There is a degree of the same problem everywhere but not this bad! Sheesh 😱
Gummy Noodles China wants to introduce 5G worldwide, knowing it was produced by the military as a weapon of mass destruction. It has the capacity to microwave brain cells. The world cares, but China doesn't
Good You made this short documentary when it was possible to do so.
And here we are with the corona virus.
Which a WHO documentary last week said got into the human system due to the practise of consumption of bat flesh in the poorer areas of rural China and also brought into the urban city areas for selling in street food markets.
Are you Chinese? If your not Chinese there is chance to servive ok don’t worry
@@rianmehri7678 No, BlueBerry, I am not Chinese and I am starting to pay more attention to food packaging information and also purchasing from local farming operations.
Julie Hunt Never buy anything from China. All food that comes from China has a high risk of danger. All other products are cheaply made.
See the cowardly official run off. He's definitely doctoring the ingredients himself