Give Me an Answer -

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 270

  • @kazelloc
    @kazelloc 5 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    I dont know how Cliffe has so much patience with kids like this guy. God bless you

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      patience is a virtue :-)

    • @iamkingwalker9613
      @iamkingwalker9613 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Imagine the patience God give us

    • @iamkingwalker9613
      @iamkingwalker9613 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Imagine how patience God is with us

    • @iamkingwalker9613
      @iamkingwalker9613 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Imagine how patience God is with us

    • @AeroZeppelin-rb4pt
      @AeroZeppelin-rb4pt 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That's the Holy spirit that's how you know your a real born again Christian there is a noticable change

  • @michaelinks5013
    @michaelinks5013 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I don’t know how long I could put up with this kids games, it is a good thing God is more patient then I am.

  • @timstinies9519
    @timstinies9519 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That was the most rapid fire answer session I have ever seen

  • @stinkymolly1
    @stinkymolly1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    watching someone ask questions who doesn't really want the answers.

    • @MapleBoarder78
      @MapleBoarder78 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Many people don’t want answers. They have an endless bag of questions they will ask, waiting for the moment someone can’t answer one so they can feel justified that because you couldn’t answer one question, you’re entire position is false. I have a person in my life who does just that. Bombards me with question after question. Each question that is satisfactorily answered is brushed to the side nonchalantly, hoping that eventually I can’t answer one to their satisfaction so they can claim that they’ve debunked Christianity.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      It may seem that way to you stinkymolly, but I think the students asking questions are asking them in all sincerity. I really enjoy these conversations as Christianity is something that's been a big part of my life, I had a whole ton of questions which I never really found answers for, it was only when I came to the conclusion that God was almost certainly a manmade thing, that lots of aspects of life made much more sense, as humans, we are social creatures who feel a need to have answers to the big questions, a God solves a lot of those questions for many people. I'd far rather have a true answer than a false answer.

    • @stinkymolly1
      @stinkymolly1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      some students seem to be very interested in what the truth actually is. This first student is not. When someone is trying to learn, there are bound to be follow up questions to clarify a certain sticking point. This student only had his talking points and wasn't interested in what the truth is. If you keep listening to Cliff, I'm convinced, if you are sincere about the truth, you will find your way back to Jesus.@@bonnie43uk

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@stinkymolly1 How do we go about determining what is the truth?, if Jesus truly did perform all those incredible supernatural miracles, not to mention all the other stuff he's supposed to have done, the evidence should be incontrovertible and beyond question.. i don't believe it is, it reads more like here'say and fiction to me. I think what you regard as truth, and what I regard as truth are two very different things. To me, truth is something that is, to use the dictionary term: "that which is true and is in accordance with fact and reality". How would you go about proving any of those miracles in the Bible are 'true' in the truest sense of the word?

    • @stinkymolly1
      @stinkymolly1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      its all about the evidence. people who witnessed all those miracles were willing to die in defense of them. That alone is the strongest evidence for me. People never die in defense of something they know is a lie. These people not only died but were tortured beyond our comprehension. Human nature is a funny thing. It withstands time and never changes. Would you stand up for something that you were certain to be true? to the death? Would you do the same for something you knew was false?@@bonnie43uk

  • @fiveSolas879
    @fiveSolas879 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @JasonSullivanBigBass
    @JasonSullivanBigBass 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God is a personal being that loves us so much thank you God for everything you do for us. Thank you Cliff for what you do God has a big plan for you

  • @timothysparks6949
    @timothysparks6949 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Cliff's patience is unreal...

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Cliffe is a great teacher.
    My golf would improve immeasurably if there was such a coach as he. I need so much help. But with the right teacher I can get there. Anyway thats a little joke although yes I do need help with my game.
    But Jesus whom we also love was a great teacher too whom Cliffe would say was the greatest teacher. Yes that’s true. And it’s true that we teach one another. We get guided and then we become guides. He guided his son who is now a guide and watching his guidance is particularly interesting because we don’t always know where he is going to go with it. Like father like son huh. A good team.

  • @The_Scouts_Code
    @The_Scouts_Code 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow, psalm 73 is my favourite!!!

  • @quicksilverjames1459
    @quicksilverjames1459 5 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Typical athiest changes his argument everytime he gets a satisfactory answer instead of acnolaging the answer or that he learnt somthing or had the wrong idea about Christianity. There all smoke and mirrors tk hode behind the real reason we dont believe . Which is because we dont want to

    • @jamesemerson9268
      @jamesemerson9268 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly right.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Archery kingjohnathan. I think both the students asked some very good questions, Cliffe's answers made sense from a Christian perspective obviously, but if you're not a Christian, those answers don't seem to tally with reality.

    • @quicksilverjames1459
      @quicksilverjames1459 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bonnie43uk i hear you and i agree to a point but im not saying it needs to make sense or not but constantly changing the question and the subject without acnolaging the answer is what i see athiest do all the time . Its like there not not sure why they dont believe and there serching for somthing that will stick and allow them to walk away without having to think about it anymore. But your right that it cannot be understood unless the veil the blindfold is removed by God himself. God bless

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@quicksilverjames1459 Thanks for that. I'd argue that the more we learn about life and everything that surrounds it, the less God comes into the picture for many of us atheists. I am sure if I lived my life lets say ..400 years ago, I would almost certainly believe in the Christian God, especially living here in England. Religion is forced upon Children, it's not something they are imbued with at birth.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Archery kingjohnathan 114 james The problem with Bonnie43uk is that he has become a problem child, all because he hates the idea of God’s existence, although he’ll deny this all day long( saying oh no no no, I am happy to believe in God, just show me the evidence please, I beg you, I’m crying out for it )
      But it’s because of his infinite inferiority compared to the creator, that he, rather than stand this, or accept this and face it and tolerate it, he instead won’t stand it and thereby won’t stand God.
      He unknowingly and unwittingly hates God.
      Does that make him innocent?
      No it doesn’t. He’s guilty. But that’s another story.
      You might say why don’t we all react like Bonnie? The answer is we all could and we would if we went as far as him.
      How far has he gone you might ask?
      The answer is this. Too far.
      He has wallowed in the idea of atheism so much, that his sense of importance has grown out of proportion to where it should be.
      He can’t come back.
      He’s not prepared to wear the garment of humility which is actually true greatness.
      The inferiority that we all have compared to God, which can be altered by joining forces with God, along with beginning to understand the meaning of being made in the image of God, is an inferiority that Bonnie43uk along with all the atheists have eradicated.
      They said there is no God.
      When atheists say this to us, its patently ridiculous, but nevertheless that’s their mad stand, Which is an unknowing attempt on their part to overcome their inferiority. And hey it’s working for them. They’re pumped.
      It’s crazy yeah sure, but nevertheless it’s really working for them, but sadly not forever.
      If you jump out of a plane without a parachute you will experience a freedom like you’ve never felt before until you eventually kiss the earth with a tremendous splat.
      But they the atheists are so pumped up, flying around sky diving, that they cannot even begin to imagine their end.
      And hey they don’t want to think about it, so they don’t.
      Why you might ask?
      They’re on a drug called feeling great. We too take sips of it, but ours are only wee sips, and not very often, and they are very diluted.
      But not for these guys. They’re swigging on it all day long and it’s 1000 % proof.
      They are so intoxicated they simply cannot be reasoned with.
      You see it time and time again. They think it’s reason that’s persuading them but actually it’s the drug.
      You think they are running from your argument. No it’s not that although manifestly that’s what they are doing. Its because they don’t want to stop drinking the drink.
      Bonnie43uk chose to brood, entertain, cogitate and meditate and fixate on the idea that hey maybe there’s no God.
      It always appealed to him but eventually it grew and grew until it really appealed to him big time.
      Why you might ask?
      Let me put it to you this way.
      Anyone who throws themselves into the deep end of seriously entertaining the notion of God’s non existence will ultimately become an atheist.
      That’s a fact.
      Why you might ask?
      Here is the answer.
      They get hooked on that super strong potion that makes them feel so great they can’t live without it.
      Our mojo in life is to indeed feel worthwhile as opposed to worthless.
      Or significant instead of insignificance.
      Or of value instead of valueless.
      Or of importance instead of no blessed importance at all.
      This isn’t up for grabs or debate.
      It’s the way we are made.
      Ok here it is.
      The idea of God naturally plays havoc with our mojo because His greatness reduces our greatness.
      Yes we are great compared to all the animals but God’s greater greatness makes our greatness seem puny by comparison to Him.
      Therefore our capacity to believe in our greatness is restricted by His super abundant overpowering greatness.
      This prevents us from being able to admire ourselves as much as we could or would if He didn’t exist.
      If you compare the atheist to the native who clubs Captain Cook to death and then feels superior you’ll get some understanding of where they are at.
      No the native wasn’t superior to Captain Cook just because he killed him.
      They think they have killed God.
      They say there is no God.
      They, including us, yes us, were and always are super inferior to God’s existence, but not anymore, at least not for them. They did the unforgivable. They killed God, albeit that it was only in their minds.
      They are pumped up because they are no longer reduced by the deflationary effects caused by the existence of God’s amazing greatness.
      The atheist of course doesn’t realise this. Nor does he want to realise it.
      Bonnie43uk has gone around the figurative bend. He’s gone too far never to return. He’s far too gone. Thats a pity but he’s a gonna. It’s going to be a tremendous splat.
      However we must thank Bonnie43uk and all the atheists, because if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be here.
      Obviously God looked ahead before the creation of mankind and realised that many would perish for disobeying Him.
      If he decided that these losses were going to be so great that He in fact should forfeit the plan to create man, we wouldn’t be here getting this crack at everlasting life.
      Whilst we thank God for this great opportunity, nevertheless it wouldn’t be our’s, if He didn’t elect to allow the lost to throw their lives away, as Bonnie43uk and his brigade of atheists, are hell bent on doing.
      Therefore we profusely thank God in all humility for His goodness and love, particularly so when the compassionate view of the lost comes into our frame of reference.
      There is only one way out of atheism.
      It’s on your knees begging God to forgive your ingrate heart.

  • @richsuga
    @richsuga 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Cliffe continues to do such a great job. I noticed that his audiences have greatly diminished in the past few years, congruent with my observations as an evangelist and apologist who works on campuses in the Southeast. I wonder if this is a general trend towards growing apathy about thinking through spiritual questions, and if so, what is behind that trend. Any thoughts?

    • @armourofgod6310
      @armourofgod6310 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well the Bible does say people's heart will grow cold

    • @knxcholx
      @knxcholx 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's exactly what it is

  • @ThecrosseyedTexan
    @ThecrosseyedTexan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This young man is just playing gotcha . He really doesn't want an answer he thinks he's being clever but he really isn't.

  • @Chantelle1999
    @Chantelle1999 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    its obvious this man is not interested in an answer. He's simply interested in disproving him.

  • @robertoh.20
    @robertoh.20 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    welcome back McLovin, it's nice to see you in another video. (16:58min mark)

  • @Ryanrobin
    @Ryanrobin 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    W Cliffe, W Jesus

  • @The_Scouts_Code
    @The_Scouts_Code 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @bonnie43uk
    @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Good to see a new Cliffe video, Cliffe is absolutely right when he says that "there's a ton of evidence that you're standing there" in regards to the guy in the blue t-shirt. There are lots of things we can be reasonably certain of. But when it comes to the claims in the New Testament, we don't have that same certainty. I've read them, and I'm not convinced they're true. People are free to believe it, I am very dubious.

    • @jamesemerson9268
      @jamesemerson9268 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I have seen your comments before. Jesus is staring you in the face. Have some faith. He is not going to come and force you to believe in him and give you 100% proof Bonnie. Because you don't need it. Millions of others don't need it. The claims of the new testament have plenty of evidence to support them. If you are not convinced that they are true, then try and create a list of the exact things that you aren't happy with and research them. God is calling you but you are fighting.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jamesemerson9268 Hi James, thanks for your comment. I can only be honest with myself, the more I delve into these claims in the New Testament the more convinced I am they are not actual accounts. If you find them accurate then that's all well and good. You ask me to research certain aspects of things which I'm not convinced about, I think it's very difficult to find reliable information about such things because they are not eye witness accounts.. ie, who saw the encounter between Jesus and Satan high on a mountain where they had a conversation?, I don't believe that actually happened. I don't believe as you are saying, that I am fighting God, if he existed he could certainly prove himself beyond any shadow of a doubt. Maybe I could ask you, how does God reveal himself to you? Once again, thanks for your excellent comment.

    • @j2mfp78
      @j2mfp78 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bonnie43uk I get where you're coming from cause I dont believe in cosmology. Ive seen videos and read reports from supposed eyewitnesses who have gone into space and landed on the moon ect but I myself havent gone to confirm it so I agree its good to be skeptical but let's keep it consistent and not just pick on Christianity. I wasn't around 2000 years ago to witness the events documented in the gospels. But I also wasnt around 14 billion years ago to witness the big bang or see a single celled organism change into every living thing we see. We cant trust the authors of the gospels cause people are biased and have agendas and will lie or make things up. So to be consistent I apply this same logic to cosmology because I cant verify any of it and I cant just take their word on faith. I hope you agree or I will start to believe you aren't being as honest as you claim.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@j2mfp78 Hi again, good to hear from you again, well, I'd say there is a massive difference in believing in the New Testament and believing in cosmology, and the age of the Universe. You cannot compare the 2 like for like. Our knowledge of cosmology has come about via human discovery and repeated tests to confirm what is out there, if you go back to the Bible, it has no hard facts about what is beyond our planet, it talks about the night sky being like a curtain that is being drawn over us at night, and that is exactly how it seems, we see the stars and moon slowly going over us.
      If I were alive let's say 800 years ago it would very much appear to me that WE are the center of everything as we see the objects in the sky, the Sun, the moon and the stars slowly go around us. But people like Copernicus and Galileo later worked out that was not the case...and as mankind has learned more and more we find out that we're a tiny suburb of the Milky Way, like a grain of sand in an entire desert, but it then gets even more bizarre, our galaxy is just one galaxy of trillions of other galaxies. These are all hard facts that we can test over and over. The sheer tonnage of knowledge is there for us all to see.
      We don't have this entire set of facts that have slowly built up over time in regards to the resurrection, all we have are claims. I cannot go back in time and witness Jesus coming back from the dead. The claim from Copernicus and Galileo that we're not the center of the Universe can be fact checked.
      The further you go back in human history, the harder it becomes to ascertain the truth of what actually happened. I was not around 200 years ago in 1818, but there is a wealth of evidence available to me to check what happened in that year, if I go back, lets say 1,000 years ago to 1018, it becomes a little less certain, if I wanted to look back to the year 18AD how reliable would the information be? was Jesus around then?, did he die in the year 0000?, heh, it all becomes a lot more uncertain. What year did Mark write his Gospel?, do we know the exact year?, No, it becomes speculation.
      With cosmology and astronomy, a lot of what we know has come about by the slow progression of human knowledge. There is still a whole ton of stuff we don't know, but as time goes by, we learn more and more.

  • @armourofgod6310
    @armourofgod6310 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    what has ''education'' done to these kids?

    • @raskeltv8882
      @raskeltv8882 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Brain wash

  • @benhollingsworth4378
    @benhollingsworth4378 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The second guy actually tried to make an argument that the only reason people do bad things is because they think they are actually good things? Wow.

    • @knxcholx
      @knxcholx 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "good will be called evil. And evil will be called good."
      Makes complete sense to me.

  • @vico100
    @vico100 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good answer

  • @zeraphking1407
    @zeraphking1407 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So many of these kids want Cliffe to prove God's existence. And if he can't, they won't believe.

    • @ryanrodrigues6175
      @ryanrodrigues6175 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So true

    • @-D-I-V-A-
      @-D-I-V-A- ปีที่แล้ว

      It's never really a lack of Evidence
      Problem, it's the giving up all of the
      Pleasures of Sinning Problem and
      Submitting their will to Jesus Christ
      Problem! Like the First Guy, Cliffe
      was hitting him with Big Evidence
      of God's existence. But he still did
      not really acknowledge that! They
      just love Pornography, Marijuana,
      Alcohol, Fornication, & Being their
      own god! *IT'S A HEART PROBLEM!*

  • @dan24293
    @dan24293 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He just wants to provoke cliff

  • @CuauhtemocVasquez-ld8cn
    @CuauhtemocVasquez-ld8cn 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have university student given up on logic . My goodness! Its almost sad to see how these university students reason through these conversations.

  • @fiveSolas879
    @fiveSolas879 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @j2mfp78
    @j2mfp78 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    And 2nd

  • @onestepaway3232
    @onestepaway3232 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If God exist as a rational person I want direction to find out. All I see, is argumentative tone. Do you want to know God or not? God changes every believer. It is a personal encounter. This is where the tension rest

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @One Step Away, ..I've had lots of conversations with you, we've had some really good chats. I wouldn't say either of us were being argumentative, you can hold a different view and still have a rational discussion :-) I hope you are well my friend.

    • @onestepaway3232
      @onestepaway3232 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      bonnie43uk I was referring to the first person. He wasn’t seeking or asking questions that would put him on a path to finding God. It seemed he was more concerned with attacking Cliff’s position. Just my opinion. The young rich ruler asked Jesus, what must I do to retain eternal life? Jesus told him and he didn’t like what he heard, which is a step in the right direction. No mention of the ruler attacking Jesus response. Humility is essential to growing in faith with God.
      Hope you’re doing well.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@onestepaway3232 Yes, the first guy asked a lot of questions, nothing wrong with that in my view. If we turned it around, and Cliffe was asking the guy in the blue t-shirt lots of questions about his non belief in God, and the student answered him as honestly as he could, do you think Cliffe would walk away as a non believer?, of course he wouldn't. I'm pretty sure Cliffe won't change his stance, nor will you, nor will the student he talked to. People have asked me what it would take for me to change my view, that's quite simple.. credible proof of a miracle, I'm pretty sure that won't happen either. But it's good to chat about faith and why people believe the things they do. Yes I'm well thanks :-)

    • @onestepaway3232
      @onestepaway3232 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      bonnie43uk my point is, skeptics should not ask what or why but how can I find God. That is the point. The person seeking will ask how not why questions. We cannot know why. We are limited in understanding. Mystery is what we will all carry to the grave with us. That is the beauty of it all.

    • @bonnie43uk
      @bonnie43uk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@onestepaway3232 The things you find beauty in are almost certainly different to the beauty I see in life, .. but that's ok, we're all different with our own minds. Certainly there is a lot of mystery in life, we can both agree on that.

  • @danieljc98765
    @danieljc98765 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Early squad

  • @DiamondDetailABQ
    @DiamondDetailABQ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This dude's skull is a bit thick. He's not cute or funny, and the attitude has to go! 🤦‍♂️ God bless Cliffe 🙏🏼

  • @davidplummer2473
    @davidplummer2473 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The kid is trying to make God's moral code arbitrary just because ours are. I would answer that if goodness and morality exist at all, if they are ontologically real, then they have to have a very real, legitimate, ultimate source.
    I would further argue that Euthyphro Dilemma arguments are a waste of time because if such an ultimate source is real, then not only can it be a living entity, it HAS to be, because goodness requires intent and abstract inanimate things cannot form intent.

  • @j2mfp78
    @j2mfp78 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @mikeramos91
    @mikeramos91 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This kid needs to learn about flat earth. His whole thinking about reality would dramatically change. The debate will be over!

    • @reubenlyimo
      @reubenlyimo 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      flat earth is not real ( if this is a joke im sorry for not noticing hard to do on the internet)

    • @mikeramos91
      @mikeramos91 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Reuben Lyimo no joke, please do your research

    • @rovert46
      @rovert46 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Michael Ramos yes let’s all research about the discoveries made by Newton, Einstein, Hubble...and disregard it for a flat earth myth.

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is there any way to explain to atheists that the reason why they don’t believe in God is because they don’t want to?
    And is there any way to explain to them that the reason why they don’t want to believe in God’s existence is because it diminishes their sense of importance?
    And is there any way to explain to them that the greatness of God diminishes their greatness?
    Hence they like the idea of buying into the notion of God’s non existence.
    Is there any way to explain to the devotees of atheism that their sense of greatness, or worth, or significance, has dramatically increased so much so that it’s much greater that those who love God.
    Would it be possible for them, the atheists, to contemplate the possibility that the reason why they cannot actually subscribe to the idea of God’s existence, is because to do so would require them to simultaneously loose a great portion of their own sense of greatness, acquired by the removal of the greatness of God, namely atheism.
    Would there be any way under the sun that an atheist would be able to admit, that if God does indeed exist, then we by comparison don’t compare at all?
    If they are honest with themselves they would certainly make this admission, however I am
    sorry to say that I personally am yet to witness the gut wrenching honesty required to consider this truth.
    If Christians in their anxiousness to not be zeros, struggle to accept their nothingness compared to God, then what chance does the atheist have who is less inclined to be diminished than the believer.

    • @rovert46
      @rovert46 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      paulwilfridhunt so by the same logic, do you believe in god because you want him to exist, and that you would feel worthless and insignificant if he didn’t?

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      rovert46 If you actually did care more than 2 figs about the truth, you would answer the more important question which is.
      “ if God the creator of the entire universe does actually exist, then do we, or do we not, compare unfavourably to Him” yes or no.
      But because you don’t give a flying fig about the truth you won’t answer that one, but until you do I won’t bother to answer your question, Which by the way I could easily bat right out of the ballpark.

    • @rovert46
      @rovert46 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      paulwilfridhunt okay.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      rovert46 chicken

    • @rovert46
      @rovert46 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      paulwilfridhunt not sure where you’re going with this. Do you want me to answer a question?

  • @walterdaems57
    @walterdaems57 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The celestial judge Dredd for justice and the imaginary BFF for love, (sigh); the jumping jester never stops :)

  • @Apologia5
    @Apologia5 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    "God's not going to violate your free will" What is the chapter and verse that teaches this? Just take Saul for example, he was on his way to kill Christians. When he had his experience did he think about the evidence for God, weigh the pros and cons and arguments for God and then make a free will decision to choose God? Or did God in the moment violate his free will and convert Saul?
    It's also interesting that Cliffe's main argument is for people to read the Gospels and look at the evidence and then decide for themselves. But is repentance and faith isn't about looking at evidence and mentally ascenting to this place of believing in God. Why not share and preach the Gospel as your main argument just as Jesus did instead of pointing people to evidence and philosophical arguments all the time?
    I agree with the guy about Cliffe using IF all the time. Look at Jesus and the apostles. Did Jesus say "IF I am the way, the truth and the life" then follow me? It's okay to speak with confidence about what you believe and talk about God as though he actually does exist. It's not offensive to speak the truth by speaking in a way without using IF all the time.

    • @jignaio5762
      @jignaio5762 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We cannot say that Paul had to become a Christian after his vision of Jesus. He might as well have discarded his experience as a hallucination or the devil playing games with his psyche, and that he simply looked directly to the sun on a really bad moment of the day.

    • @knxcholx
      @knxcholx 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @jignaio5762 exactly! That's the main fundamental of calvinism. God violates our free will to force us to believe 🙄

  • @mr.s7522
    @mr.s7522 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Funny how he has to wait for the call to prayer from the clock tower

    • @lastjkid
      @lastjkid 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      lol ummmm what? it's really loud right next to the clock tower when the tones chime, I think they just decided to wait until it got quieter

    • @mr.s7522
      @mr.s7522 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lastjkid That loud bell chime is short prayer, originating from Big Ben in England.
      Sound it out:
      Lord hear our prayer.
      All through this hour.
      Lord hear our prayer.
      All through this hour 🎶
      Then the number of bongs for what hour it is

    • @lastjkid
      @lastjkid 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mr.s7522 maybe that's how it originated, but nobody recognizes it as that

    • @mr.s7522
      @mr.s7522 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lastjkid that's what it is you mong regardless of if you didn't know or not.

  • @zeraphking1407
    @zeraphking1407 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    What a pointless conversation.