7/7 London bombs outrage Condi Rice

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 19

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    lordfortqui - I DON'T want what you hear the SNP talking about on TV - so-called "independence" by which THEY mean keeping the Queen and Scotland in the Union of the Crowns.
    The Queen is the crappiest thing about Scotland (and England, in my humble opinion).
    Having the SNP plan and still up to our neck in Windsor shite is not any better.
    English republicans want to help free Scots from the Queen are my friends but royalists in the SNP want to keep Scots enslaved and are my enemy.

  • @ReesTVideos
    @ReesTVideos 17 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rest in Peace, To Those In Which Died On That Day.

  • @transonicbuoy1
    @transonicbuoy1 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Independence for Ecosse - now. And a new Scottish language.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    creaton1976 - James VI was ANTI-Scottish. The Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 was a nationalist quasi-republican declaration of independence which disestablished absolute monarchy.
    The Scottish patriotic thing to do from 1320 would have been to reform the Scottish constitution into a Scottish democratic republic.
    But instead, by the Union of the Crowns in 1603, the Scots had suffered nearly 300 years of treacherous ANTI-Scottish monarchy and James IV was simply the next enemy ruler.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @molotov8904 We are enslaved by the state and as head of state, the Queen is responsible. I don't mean she phones up the police and says "Enslave the people!" or anything. It is more like the state is left in charge and the Queen being monarch of a kingdom prevents us having a republic and electing a president as head of state instead.
    So the UK monarch is in the way of elected presidents. The Queen is in the driving seat but there is no steering so the state is out of control and crashing.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lauraukify - Commonwealth countries which keep the Queen as head of state do not have independent nations, only independent Queen's states with the nations enslaved.
    Only when a nation elects its own head of state does it become truly independent.
    An "independent ScotLAND" threatens absolute monarchy unless what is meant is "independent SCOTS defended by a republic and president".
    Some Commonwealth countries are republics - India, Pakistan etc - so those countries ARE independent.

  • @lordfortqui
    @lordfortqui 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    im english and i can understand why u want independence we have such a crappy goverment

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    creaton1976 - Therefore the United Kingdom, or indeed any kingdom, was by 1603 an ANTI-Scottish idea.
    Excellent that you want out of the United Kingdom - me too! So let us end it by exiling or assassinating every monarch and successor who seeks the throne of this defunct kingdom.
    The 6 million Scots are the same slaves as the other 57 million enslaved by the Queen's officers who make the all rules.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @molotov8904 Strictly speaking "Scotland" is a land and cannot be enslaved. If by "Scotland" you mean "the Scots" we are as enslaved as the English or Welsh, maybe less so. You give your country as the "United Kingdom" so I guess you are no more enslaved than I am but the reason you don't feel nor know how you are enslaved is you have never come into conflict with the state and been arrested, tortured using rigid handcuffs, imprisoned etc.
    The Queen is the head of the enslaving state.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    sxmadrid - I want Scots to be governed by ... the Scots! Yes, democracy, government of all the people, by the people and for the people!
    I think Condoleezza Rice would be good for an elected president of a republican English-speaking Commonwealth (including the US) or President of the European Union so in that way of course I would recommend her to the Scots.
    Banks? Does ANYONE want to governed by the bankers?
    Oh things can ALWAYS get worse.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    TheBritishWatcher - Well if you are going to be civil to your fellow Briton even though I am a Scottish republican then you can register and post in the For Freedom Forums - link in the (more info) details.
    On the For Freedom Forums I would probably award you an "Emissary" rank - mildly bad - but your rank image would be the Princess of Wales in Braveheart.

  • @wrestlingnewsdesk
    @wrestlingnewsdesk 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    nice music

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    TheBritishWatcher - You are ignorantly misrepresenting some very important issues.
    Please learn why by engaging with me SERIOUSLY about these issues in a fully-functional forum where I can post links to answers to your questions or points.
    I can only add a few links in this video's (more info) details.
    See one to my website page "Attention Americans! Who are your true friends? Not the Windsors!"
    My website supports Scotland in NATO and keeping the British nuclear-deterrent.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fixhist - Well the BBC and other British broadcasters have broadcast and we have all seen the "martyrdom" videos produced by the suicide bombers before they did the 7/7 London bombings.
    I couldn't see any good reason for broadcasting that Al Qaeda propaganda, until now.
    Now no-one will believe your nonsense about "false flag acts of terror" - you are a conspiracy theory believer without one shred of evidence.
    You have your faith and I have Condoleezza Rice to believe in.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lauraukify - Well like many Scots you have been brainwashed by UK TV to support the Queen.
    It is not your fault that you are a weak-willed traitor who will believe any old royalist rubbish taught to you by the box.
    But there is a price to pay for following the TV Shepherd - bad Queen's government which allows disaster and missed opportunities for the Scots.
    Most Scots are like lambs to the slaughter, betrayed by royalist traitors.
    Only republican Scots are the true patriots.

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    TheBritishWatcher - For "do not register on other sites" read "cannot"?
    I am not willing to entertain you trivialising serious political issues by pretending that an ignoramus such as you can be given remedial education without the benefit of at least a fully-featured forum.
    You have acquired your simplified view of the world from television and radio and no amount of 500 character masterpieces from me can un-brainwash you.
    I am blocking user you from this channel. Links in (more info).

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  15 ปีที่แล้ว

    soulbrother6969 - Well you will need to think on what to do to preserve your precious UK when the Scots remove the Queen from Scotland.
    "the king without a sword,
    the land without a king"
    Hush Lancelot. The sword will rise again. See the related video -
    "Condi Rice gets it on, and rules Britannia".

  • @riceforpresident
    @riceforpresident  16 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fixhist - Sorry but you had your chance to respond to reason but clearly when you say video confessions "mean nothing" it means to me that you are a blinkered prejudiced person who is not capable of recognising evidence which contradicts your foolish prejudices.
    I am blocking user you because you are nothing but a waste of time conspiracy theory nut with nothing useful to add to the discussion.