I was raised in an atheist/agnostic home and was taught that Christians are only brainwashing hypocrites. Then I met the man that is now my husband. He taught me what Christianity is really about. With his love and guidance he opened my heart so that I could let God in. I believe God led me to him so that I could ultimately join Him in heaven. Sometimes people are so broken that they need a person to love them before they can believe that God could possibly love them.
I know this was 4 years ago but reading this brings tears to my eyes. I'm in a relationship with a girl that is a non believer. I love her so much and want to to have salvation. She asked God into her heart but I feel that was just for me. Your testimony gives me hope that I can truly save my girlfriend and hopefully wife.
Chris Alan hey so I just read your comment and thought I could give you some insight. I was in a similar relationship as yours. I loved this guy but he didn’t love the LORD and I stayed with him because he showed “promise”. He tried because he knew how badly I wanted it for him. It was never really true though because it was never for the right reason. We dated for three years and in that relationship I compromised so much of myself because I was dating and non believer. And because he wasn’t a believer he couldn’t encourage me in things of God because he didn’t understand them. In the end that relationship left me damaged and hurt and it’s honestly one of my biggest regrets. Fast forward to now. I’m in a relationship with a man that loves the LORD and I’m almost certain this will be my husband. I have something that I never had in my past relationship and that’s peace. Peace that’s transcends all understanding. My heart was in such turmoil when I was with my ex because deep down the Holy Spirit was telling me I needed to get out of that relationship. Now I’m in an edifying and loving relationship and I’ve never been happier with anyone in my life. This is the man I’ve been waiting for. Stephanie’s story above is wonderful but it’s an exception to the rule. Just like the video said it’s divine providence that the relationship worked out. Usually when you date someone who is unsaved you end up like I did. I hope that put some things in perspective for you. I’ll be praying for you and your girlfriend.
I was not a christian when I met my now husband in highschool and thanks to him being Christian and mentioning church and christ to me I came to know jesus and gave my life to the lord
I agree to an extent. I was drawn to my wife when she was a non-believer. We were dating and she respected my love for God and she wanted to know more about my faith. About five months into our relationship, my grandfather passed away and I hit rock bottom. I struggled because my grandfather was a prayer warrior in his church and really helped me in my walk with The Lord. That's when she started to steer me back in the direction of God. That's also when she decided in her heart the she wanted to know The Lord and accepted Christ in her heart. Fast forward and we are now married with a beautiful two month old son who we are raising in a Godly home. So I believe that just because you're dating a non-believer, doesn't mean you're sinning. Sometimes you're what helps lead them to God.
I have never commented on a TH-cam video but this one I had to comment. I met my husband he was not at all what I had imagined when I imagined a husband. He was not faithful in his other relationships, he didn't NOT believe in God but he was not even on his list of priorities and defiantly didn't entertain the thought of church. My brain told me to run, my heart said DONT MOVE!! Being divided internally I prayed about it and realized something wouldn't let me let go. I had to trust that and hope it was not a mistake but if it didn't turn out to be what it should I obviously needed to learn something. I am gentle with those who don't believe, and my goal is to bare witness gently. There is a reason they fear, horrible past experiences. Long story short my children and myself spending time with him and his children who also were not convinced that God even existed. The change in them over a short period of time and with the extended time all were shocking The lord was all my husband spoke of, when planning our wedding the first thing he said when I said I would love a beach wedding is, NO WAY. I will marry you in a church no where else, I want this to be right with HIM, and it means something to me. I agreed of course touched and shocked at the bold statement. Long story short his daily speech was never lacking mention of God and all that this life has blessed him with he told our children everyday that God made him the richest man in the world to have them and me. We were on top of the world for 8yrs. Then one day our lives drastically changed my husband was involved in a car accident 11months ago and died of his injuries the next day. I have been told more than once, and over and over how grateful the ones who love him are that they KNOW he is in heaven without a doubt. The man he was prior might not have been there. I was fearful that my step children would now become angry with God and change their feelings, shockingly they think like myself and we discuss it often God has a plan and it is most definitely the most painful thing I have had to endure, and I don't know how to function most days. I trust him and I am trying, through my pain through my tears through the ache, and the kids who are mostly all adults now right beside me. I think we are here to make a difference. I don't think that its for everyone to date someone who doesn't believe but I think that you can bare witness which is more powerful than most things actually.
April Butz your story truly touched me. I pray that God continues to bless you and your children. I can’t imagine what that must feel like and I’m 3 years late now but May God’s love cover you.
It took my husband 11 years into our marriage to become a believer. I prayed very hard before we got married, asking God what to do about wanting to marry this man who wanted absolutely NOTHING at all to do with religion. He clearly and I mean clear as day, told me, "Give me a decade one and one, and He will be mine once again." My husband is the most amazing God fearing husband and Father now. This is something for YOU and GOD to discuss....not let a video make the decision for you. Totally love Bethke and his teachings. But my husband is proof that you can lead your spouse to Christ, and that might even be the reason as to why God paired you two together.
Ultimately God is love, it's His essence and character. God's ways are not known to man. We try to rationalise the plans He has for us... If the motives are pure and centered in love, God searches our hearts and knows what we truly desire. Finding a partner who doesn't truly make you happy, is also considered "settling". We cannot change people's hearts, only God can. And ultimate we are all His children and He loves us all.
Thank you for this. I got so discouraged by this video but you're right when you say it's between you and God and not a video. Thank you for speaking out, I really needed that .
I will never fear God. I may love him some day but if I am ever meant to fear him, I will do anything in my power to tear down his kingdom. I will never fear my creator period.
This is God’s command, and it is also wise, because God tells us that the marriage relationship is one that should help us to grow in godliness, not hinder us. In fact, husbands are commanded to love their wives and help to make her holy. (See Ephesians 5:25-33) How can a muslim man do this for his wife if he does not even know Jesus? If you are a Christian yourself, I encourage you to think more deeply about your relationship with God. Are you someone who follows Jesus, or do you just call him Lord without doing God’s will in your life? Are you sure that you will have eternal life when you die?
I love the part where he says "There are so many Christian boys but not many MEN of God." I couldn't agree more. So many people are disagreeing with this video because he is stating his opinion on dating non-believers. He isn't saying that it is against the Bible or that it is a bad thing to do, he's just simply stating how he feels, which honestly I agree with 100%. When you're head over heels for Jesus, you WANT the person you share your life with to feel the same way. That's how I am and always have been. Not that I try to shut out potential boyfriends/husbands based on their religion, but Christianity to me is such an important aspect. I don't think he is saying to avoid the situation, because so much good can come from it too. Growing together, possibly helping them get into the Bible and God. But personally, it's easier to have a Christ-centered relationship when both of you believe in Him and that's what I think Jefferson is trying to say in this video. He also isn't saying that it CANNOT work. I know a lot of non-believers that are still amazing people and have "forever" kind of qualities when it comes to marriage. Some people can see past religion and not worry about whether or not their partner believes. I think it's just for him personally, and other people, including me, it's hard to see past. You want your partner on earth to share life with you in heaven. And you want to raise your kids under God's word. That's how I interpreted the video. Loved it!
The main reason this condescending slur "there are so many christian boys but not many men of god" is nonsense, is because most "boys" don't make the choice to be christian and are rather born into christian families where religion is more or less forced on them. So they might have no real affinity with it, but you are still stamped as christian because you got baptised and did confirmation. That doesn't disqualify them from being a real man. But you're right, in case you are head over heels for Jesus, you probably should marry someone that feels the same way.
I'm an outspoken atheist. My wife of nearly two decades is a believer. We have an awesome relationship. In fact, I'll put our relationship up against the relationship of any believer. We have children who are being raised to be either believers or unbelievers, whatever they choose. My wife is a believer and good for her. We discuss it quite often and actually have a great time with it. I don't think less of her because she believes and she doesn't think less of me because I don't.
Encouraging an open mind to people's differences.... this is what really makes a relationship work. Ed hit the nail on the head. And for anyone to close off their heart before truly knowing that person.... you might be missing out on the greatest love of your life. Stand by your beliefs, but please respect other people's ideas as much as you wish for them to respect yours.
Awesomely said! I am a believer and my husband is Buddhist, not only do we accept each others believes, but we also attend events together at my church and I go to the temple with him. I understand why people stress it is better to date a believer if you are because yes I agree having someone to share the same values as you is important. However, my husband and I share many of the same believes/values. In fact, we have a lot in common with what we think and believe and I find that I listen to more sermons online now, then I ever did before meeting him and I have become closer to God since my husband, not further away. I truly am blessed! AMEN
Anthony Trivisano I saw the movie. It's a ridiculous strawman of atheists. It was laughable. If one wants to know what an atheist believes, ask one. Don't watch a movie about atheists written by a Christian.
This makes no sense, that's like saying you can't be friends with an atheist. I've been with my boyfriend for going on two years now and we've been best friends for 8 years. I've never shoved my beliefs down his throat but he came to me the other day with his heart in his hands and many questions about god. How can you turn something like that away? Everyone has potential.
I agree with you. My boyfriend is muslim and we hav only been dating a few months but I've been talking to him abt Jesus and I'm hopeful one day he will come around. We are supposed to be the light of the world and help everyone see Jesus
eve m no offense, but your relationship doesn't sound very healthy based on what i'm hearing so far. Are you saying your relationship hinges on the future prospect of your Muslim boyfriend converting to Christianity?? What if he doesn't? What if you married him and after 30 years you realize he is never going to convert? What if he becomes an atheist? What if he doesn't want to go to your church and refuses to participate in your church's activities? How will you raise your kids? Which religion do you teach your kids? What Sunday school will your kids attend - Islam or Christianity? How do the parents feel? Are they ok with you dating a Muslim? What about his parents - are they ok with their Muslim son dating a Christian? What if he expects YOU to convert to Islam? Does he hold that expectation? Does his family hold that expectation? Does his family expect his kids to be raised as Muslims? These are questions you should talk to your boyfriend about. Have a SERIOUS conversation and actually write down what you guys said, and go back to it ever 6 month or so and make sure you guys are still on the same page. Best of luck!
+Sean Armstrong love is not based on religion, it is based on the person. My buddy is an atheist and married a Christian woman over 20 years ago. Religion isn't needed as basis for a relationship. Trying to make them conform makes problems.
My mom is a Christian and my dad is an Atheist. They've been happily married for more than 20 years. I think it's possible to be (not only date) with someone who is Non-Christian as long as both people are kind to each other and very open-minded.
I do not think you are understanding what a Christian is. Did your mom seek God? Has your mom ever been involved in anything that has to do with Jesus? Well if not she is not a Christian because she is not a "Christ Follower". Instead she is part of the population that says they are but don't care enough to seek God. It is not a good idea for a Christian to date or marry an Atheist, not because the Atheist is good or bad, but rather because she will not have a husband or a relationship that is centered on Christ. She most likely has not gotten closer to God and therefore is not a Christ follower or a Christian.
Julio Suarez You are really going to go about telling someone that their mom isn't a Christian, pretending that you somehow how have the authority to judge someone's heart and decide whether they are going to hell or not? Really? That's not Pharisaical or anything....
I think you should look a little closer, I asked questions in the beginning of my statement. and said... "WELL IF NOT" meaning IF NOT.. meaning if the answers to my question are "no" then my statements are correct... not judging but correct.
trust in the will of the lord for it is said "i know the plan i have for you ,plans to give you a hope and a future. just like when it seened that sara could not become pregnant,sge had abaham sleep with another women but the lord had a plan. so just like then the lord has a plan for you all you got to do is be patient
My mother started dating my father while he was a non-believer, she would cry out everyday that my Dad would have and encounter with Jesus and she NEVER stopped going to church, praying, reading the bible, didn't drank, until one day, while she was praying, my father felt a burning in his heart and had his first encounter with God, since then he is a HUGE man of God, honestly, its more about you then it is about the other person, the common sense is to avoid it, but thats not a norm.I'm dating a girl who loves Jesus, but if I thought in my heart that dating a girl that doesn't know Jesus yet is the right thing, if I felt peace in my heart I would do it.
Scripture does talk about this, 2 Corin 6:14 - "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers..." That means do not get "hooked up" with someone who doesn't believe what you believe and WALK the walk you do. We can be friends and hang out, we are to love EVERYONE, but not to get into UNIONS with just anyone. Can cause A LOT of problems! I agree with everything you said in this vid! :) Blessings! * Jae *
Sorry Jae Tracie, you are taking 2 Cor 6:14 out of context... that scripture has nothing to do with marital relationships.... please read 1 Cor 7: 12 To the rest I say-I and not the Lord-that if any believer has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. 13 And if any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is made holy through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy through her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 15 But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so; in such a case the brother or sister is not bound. It is to peace that God has called you. 16 Wife, for all you know, you might save your husband. Husband, for all you know, you might save your wife. The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (1 Co 7:12-16). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Please google/read up on Rudy Rasmus pastor of St John's in downtown Houston.... If his wife believed in this unequally yoked thing the city would be without him... It's not as cut and dry as ***** points out.
Terrell Harris Hey this is what I see in the Bible is that 1 Cor 7:12 is speaking on behalf of a couple who is already married. And also it clearly says it's Paul speaking since he wrote the letter to the Corinthian church. And not God.
Guys. Wait. On. God. Waiting 50 years for a spouse who loves God with all their heart is better than having a lukewarm spouse now. God's timing is perfect. You rushing headlong into a relationship without God being the center is evidence of your impatience with God's sovereignty and power. Go to God. Lay your heart out before Him. The Lord is good, and if a godly spouse is the best thing for you, He will bring one into your life. Wait on Him. "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7 I'm fighting alongside all the rest of you singles! Let's live our lives for God!
Watching this video, I at first was a little mad. But then I realized that as an Atheist, I wouldn't really want to date/marry a religious person. It is a very important thing to agree or disagree about.
Erin L I think you're right, BUT no one should say you shouldn't date with none cristians. Because there are also people who are dating the opposite site of religion, and they're totally happy with that. It personally think no one should limit or isolate themselves to sth good because of jesus or religion
What do you believe if a guy is pursuing a non believer? The whole video was kinda addressing if a girl was interested in a non believing guy. Do you think its the same vice versa?
I think it applies both ways. You want to share common goals in relationships and if the one you are pursuing doesn't love Jesus and you do, then that will cause major strain on the relationship. We should desire to be with someone who loves the Lord more than they love us.
I second Josue^^^ ***** Being a man and the different position he holds in a relationship, does it hold true for the same side if he puts Jesus first do you think it still follows the same thought you guys talk about in the video?
***** thanks bro. I was just wondering because I've heard that a man and a woman impact each other in different ways. I appreciate your reply! You should come down to Walla Walla sometime by the way! Just to hang out haha
Christians: Date whomever you want; but, if your religious beliefs are vitally important to you be sure to talk about it and be clear on what your expectations are. Some Atheist-Christian Couples are successful, others are not. The *KEY* focus should be communication.
@@breaisalive3424 my girlfriend is a Christian I don't believe in God she knows that I don't because I told her I fully respect her and her belief and we don't have any problems and god him self in the bible even says every one is equal so yeah and I'm not even religious but I have went to church with my girlfriend but I don't believe in God though I shall support my girlfriend
@@LiamTalkk You just proved William M.'s point. Your words are an example of what happens when a Christian dates an non-Believer. You don't care and just want things your way and failure in the relationship is inevitable.
I've been in a relationship where I don't believe in God, but my then boyfriend does. We worked because we communicated our boundaries, respected our differences, and loved each other regardless.
@jonathan. You sound an awful lot like his mother. What you need to realize is that two people of different faiths can make it work with communication and effort. Yes, it also helped that neither of us wants kids, but regardless it's also about compromising. A healthy relationship realizes each others differences, but makes it work. I don't believe in a God, but I know his God is important to him. And he knows I don't believe in a god, to me as long as you are a good person who does their best to treat others how you would want to be treated, then I don't care about the differences. I would never ridicule him, nor would he look down on me. That's what made it work. What made our relationship go sour is his lying to protect me from harm, and my wanting him to open up. It had nothing to do with religion. If we had stayed together and had a child, I would have been happy to go to church with them. I grew up with the help of a church, I see nothing wrong with it, I just never held a belief in god. I more so appreciated the church and the people that made the world bright. It has nothing to do with my beliefs, but the fact that I would want my child to know that feeling of kindness. If they believed in a god, then who am I to crush that? If they didn't, then who is he to judge their own path? We are not our parents. If I were my mother, I'd be an abusive woman. I would want a child of mine to be their own person and figure out what life is to them, not to me.
My ex of 10 months broke up with me 3 days ago via text because me being an agnostic was a major disappointment for her (I shared with her about me being an agnostic a year ago). Because she has a strong faith life, she wants a partner that does too. I've never talked badly about her beliefs, and we've shared values that were correlated to each other. I thought we understood each other well when we were sharing our faith in God, and how open minded I was about learning about his existence. We believed in the same things, had a lot of common interests, had a lot of deep conversations we enjoyed having, and had fun times together. We never fought nor argued about anything in our relationship. I'm currently staying on no contact, so she can have enough time and space to rethink about this unfair decision she made. I know she's a wonderful, sweet person from the inside and someone I see myself being with long term, but it's a shame she let religion destroy our relationship just because I'm labeled as agnostic. Didn't think it would be an issue till now. I think the Covid 19 Lockdown is what took a toll on her mental health, but I just hope she'll come back around to have an open communication with me about this.
Your values just didn’t line up. She shouldn’t have ever agreed to be in a relationship with you if she could never fully handle your opposing beliefs in the first place...
Amen. I'm 18 years old and I've never had a boyfriend because I won't settle for a guy who just calls himself a Christian. Thanks for making this video.
I agree partially, however God places people in your life for a reason. I disagree with not talking to a non believer about becoming a believer. My wife and I, I strongly believe we're brought together by God. When we started dating in college she did not believe, she did not have faith in God or believe in his works, but with me sharing my faith and what God has done for me, that started to bring about a change I'm her life. She gave her life to Christ and we are happily married. We are born in sin and shaped in iniquity, she wasn't a bad person, she wasn't on the fast track to hell so to speak, but had things to work on like we all do. She just didn't have the Christian upbringing that I had that would give her that faith in The Lord and the thirst to strengthen her relationship with him. I believe God place her in my life to help draw her to him, and as a Husband and a Man of God, it is very rewarding to know that I was able to assist him in adding a soul to the kingdom. So although your advice is good in some way, please be careful at how your message is brought forth, you could be hindering Gods will for two people that has already been predestined. Your shirt states "He > I" please don't forget that.
AgentMose amen brotha, I’m currently going through this right now with my girlfriend, but I will not give up on her I have faith that she will find god and that my love may be a stepping stone towards that
@@vincentolvera2499 hi dear..guess we are in same situation..m also in dilemma..stressed out,confused wat to do..how do you take your relationship with a non believer?m in a relationship with a non believer for 10 yrs now😓😓and i love him so much
On the same boat but my parents don’t accept him and would never give us their blessing in the future. I pray everyday and have full trust in God with this.
Not in my case, I was destroyed and was interested in that part of her life. I always have believed in GOD, just not to the extent u are suppose to, but I was willing, I just feared failing him
Ask someone who you know who loves the LORD, to talk to that person, stay clear and allow GOD'S will to be done. Surrender your will to GOD. Seek to have a godly motive when deeling with the person. The fact that you stay clear is evidence and a witness the person, that you trust GOD and HIS Word.
I'm in that situation now hence why I'm on this video lol (I'm a non Christian) but I respect his views and I'm trying learning about God for him and myself too.
Jacque Griffin If you watch his video that says "Are Tattoos Sinful" he explains it. I think they're on both wrists. One says "Forgiven" and the other says "Loved" in the original Greek translation.
My husband and I are a mixed faith couple. Can you allow him to have his faith? Each person finds their own path to God and you should concentrate on your's while encouraging but not pushing his.
I actually just got out of a relationship that was with a non-believer. The reason I dated him was because I fell in love with his personality and who he was and I thought I could overlook the fact that we just weren't working because he didn't believe and I was caught between him and Jesus. But praise God. You two are so amazing for sharing God's love and spreading knowledge and peace. Thank you 😊
I dealt with this once before, and it made me realize that i had been so selfish. To want a relationship with another person that i pushed Christ aside, and ultimately hurt the other person in the process when I had to tell him i could not see him anymore because he was not following the Lord and was not supportive of me in following the Lord. However, I hold onto God's promises because I know they are good and true!! Can't wait for your book Alyssa!
+Jefferson Bethke From an intelligent human being perspective its both funny and sad to see an indoctrinated person. Its like seeing a drunk 3 year old baby walking and falling then vomiting then falling with his vomit.
I WAS a non christian girl when me and my christian boyfriend started dating. In the beginning i didn't see an issue in this. I thought we would figure it out, find a way to compromise... LOL! Today i am a christian, I've been reborn and got to feel the love and protection from god himself. My life has been forever changed and i couldn't be more thankful. I was a fool to ever think that we could last if i hadn't found the lord.. Me and my boyfriend truly believe god brought us together, to love one another, but mostly for us to love and serve him, to work for his kingdome together. I want to make clear that i never "decided" to become a christian to save my relationship. One day I just felt this overwhelming love, this protection, i felt save and i felt at home. That day was the day I met the lord, the day i felt his warm hand on my shoulder and i heard his word in my ears and his love in my heart. I'm still getting to know him daily and still need to ask my boyfriend a lot. I'm still learing about his kingdome and his word daily and i can honestly say, sometimes i stumble and it isn't always easy. But i truly believe that with the lord i'm destined to be and i couldn't be more thankfull to be a child of his. A relationship between a christian and a non christian is possible when it comes from god himself. When this is his plan for you and your future CHRISTIAN wife or husband. With god everything is possible. Spend time with him daily and listen to his word, only he will tell you and lead you to where you're destined to be.
I personally think it has less to do with religion and more to do with spirituality and a relationship with God. I don't identify as a Christian, or any religion, but I do believe in God and Jesus. I know this sounds very strange, but it's true. Every Church I have gone to, I just didn't feel much sincerity, and I wasn't feeling His presence in their sermons. And I haven't been able to identify with any sort of denomination of Christianity. My personal philosophy about God and Jesus is different than any organized religion I've experienced. But I fully believe and have a relationship with God. I don't identify as Christian, but a Christian and I could have many of the same beliefs and morals.
I call myself a Non-denominational Christian, i have a relationship with God and I believe in him 100% I go to a church that is not based on religion but is based on a loving relationship with God and truly worshipping him and it is a beautiful thing
I was not a Christian when I went on my husband and I's first date back when I was 18. One of the first questions he asked me was if I was a believer. I told him no. He then asked if I would go to church with him the following Sunday. I had always felt an urge to become a Christian but because of my upbringing and the group of friends I had, I didn't ever try hard enough to really explore my options on ways to learn about Jesus. 4 years later and we are married. He told me not too long ago that if I would have told him "no" to going to church with him on our first date, he would have never seen me again. My story is not very common and even though I do believe my husband brought me to Christ, I would never want to see my children date a non-believer. My situation is not very common and I wouldn't them to end up with someone with the thought process I used to have.
So what you're trying to say is you agreed to do something to please someone else, and have now diluted yourself into thinking that they're right simple to make them happy? And if you're so disgusted by the idea of your children dating a non-religious person, then it's simple what you are. You're a bigot.
Alexei, I did not agree to do something to please him. He simply asked and I agreed. I had always felt a pull to go to church but because of the way I was brought up and the friends I was around I didn't necessarily have the best support to go and I wish I wouldn't have worried so much about what others would have thought of me. I didn't fake a belief. I am just open minded and am able to put myself in situations where I was not most comfortable to therefore form my own opinion of the world. Andreas, I remember the exact day. There was a message at church on forgiveness. It literally gave me chills. I knew at that very moment I wanted to give my life to Christ. I still remember the feeling I had to this day.
Alicia Rodriguez-Murray Thanks for your civil response. You seem very easy going for a Christian. I, for one, can understand you not wanting your children to date people so different from your beliefs and values (as long as the choices of the children themselves are respected, of course). It's your life. You can do what you want. I was just curious about your story. It's hard, also, to understand or argue against internal feelings. But was it forgiveness that drew you in? I guess now you're drawn to all the aspects of it, huh?
Andreas Devig I am very easy going, and even when it comes to communicating with people who may not understand or approve of my decisions. To each their own and I have to love everyone even if they don't like what I have to say. To answer your question, I guess since about age 6 I always felt like I "wanted" to believe in God. And I say it that way because I tried hard to believe in God because at that time I felt like something was wrong with me if I didn't. But as many others around the world I questioned and questioned. But that never gave me the "I will never try to open up to this ever again" mentality. Throughout my life I always felt like I should try harder and harder to study more about the Bible and go through discussions about Jesus. But like I said I couldn't share that with the people around me without getting judged for it and I wasn't a strong enough person to say "Hey, I want to look more into this, and I don't care what you think of me for it." Because unfortunately I did care too much. Looking back I can see how my life could have been so much better if I would have had the mindset I do now. Going to church has taught me how to care about people and overall live a more happy positive life. The forgiveness thing I think was just the cherry on the top that made me say "You know what, this makes since to me, I feel it in my heart, I don't have any doubts anymore." It was really an AHA moment. I also think that your environment may have something to do with it. Growing up I always assumed churches were filled with people who would judge you for what you are wearing and your status. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of people that go to church and judge you, but the church I got saved in was such a calm and serene environment and the pastor even told me when I got there not to tithe and don't get saved until I was ready. I think a lot of me getting saved has to do with the church I go to. I wear jeans, we have a rock band, all these things that I never associated with church. I hope this answers your question.
I am not a christian, but I do not hate christianity or jesus (if he does exist) but 1 thing for sure is love who you want to love, don't let a book destroy your life, love who you think is right for u
omfg -_- that's pretty much the whole fucking point of finding a mate and thinking someone you love! first of all you're not gonan find someone perfect if you just hangout for 1 - 2 days and if you hangout for 1 year and think that they are perfect and you want to live with them and marry them, then they are perfect with you! if YOU think someone is right for you, then they mostly are because it's YOU who needs the person and wants her/him, if she/him wasn't perfect then you wouldn't think she's perfect, many people like different types of people, no one will go for the same one
No I'm pretty sure the point that I was trying to make flew RIGHT over your head. If a woman loves a man who abuses her does that mean he's right for her? Rihanna loved Chris Brown but he obviously wasn't right for her as I'm sure you know why. I never said anything about finding someone perfect, the whole point of finding a mate is loving an imperfect person who is capable of loving you the way you need to be loved.
Michelle A what the fuck?!?! so you're saying if I marry someone and fuckign abuse her, it's 'okay' because she was looking for an imperfect mate! no the fucking point of it years ago was to produce offsprings and reproduce the population, and by that you would need a mate that would not abuse the children, wont get fucking drunk, and be a good model for their kids, not beat the fuck out of your wife. also another thing, I was talking about atheist/muslim/hindu/buddhist people can marry Christian, you are talking about people beating up wives is okay
The Bible is a tool for understanding God's word. Think about the people who are unable to read. God reaches out to everyone in different kinds of ways. If you think Christianity is just an annoying 'book' that gets in the way of our 'oh so important love lives', then you have no idea what a relationship with God is, or what it means to people.
My fiance is hindu, and I'm a Christian. He is the most respectful person I have ever met, and our life values are the same, the only issues we have had are our families wants for the wedding day itself! I don't want to convert him, and him neither to me, but we work well together, and I'm so happy and blessed to have him in my life!
I'm crying!!!! this is exactly what i needed to hear right now. i love you guys you always explain things sooooo well. Alyssa, when you said "it might be you're just settling" i burst, that's exactly what I'm doing and as much as it hurts it's exactly what i needed to hear. thank you, wish I could give you a hug xxx
Me too. Settling so we are not alone even when someone can point out that they don't need to hear about my 'Jesus stuff'. Sometimes something is so obvious but we still insist on it. But God is so patient with us. He knows how to get through to us by His Wisdom.
What you think about God is the single most important thing about every person. It defines how you operate on a foundational level--whether you think He's great, or hates you, or doesn't exist, or doesn't care. It's vitally important to how you view the world. So this should be vitally important in a lifelong partner. You should at least agree on the foundational stuff. Tertiary things can differ, but not your core worldview, or else you will never truly relate to one another.
Nah, I say it doesn't really matter. I could marry a Wiccan for all I care... I mean even God had Hosea marry an idolater... Just because you can't see, doesn't mean it isn't so.
Jesse Lawhon Hosea isn't setting an example for all Christians. God doesn't say "go be like him and marry harlots." What you think about God is the most important part about you because it changes how you view the world. It is core to your human experience. You can say "He isn't real" or "He loves me" or "He doesn't care" and each of those things fundamentally change how you live your life. Does that make sense?
You can be with someone different than you, but if you can't share with them your deepest thoughts and feelings about God (good or bad), and if you can't fully be honest with them about what you think about the world, then you're going to have problems. It is good to at least have _that_ basic belief in common so you at least agree on the most important thing first.
Who says I can't share my thoughts and feelings about My God with a Wiccan? Who says I can't share with an Atheist my views on the world? If sharing is your reason then maybe that's the problem. It may be good to have that "basic belief" in common but it is no required nor is it the text book of a working marriage. God is Love and Love is the foundation of a good marriage, not bigotry and ignorance. Not looking at someone who says they don't understand religion and saying, well looks like there is no point wasting time on you. This is seclusion and God doesn't not seclude or divide his people, Satan does. God wants all his people and loves them for who they are.
Jesse Lawhon I'm not saying you _can't_ marry someone with a different theology or religion than you. it is possible, even the Bible says so in 1 Cor. 7:12-14. But what I'm saying is that _ideally_ , you should have your religion in common with your spouse because you will understand eachother better, and you will be able to share that space with eachother. Here's an example in my mind: imagine a Christian woman is married to an atheist man. She is going through a really hard time and she really wants to pray with him and she needs him to pray for her and help her in her walk with God. However, since she knows he thinks her God is fake, she doesn't go to him for spiritual help. See how that can be difficult? In fact, how awful would it be to know that your spouse thought you were a fool for worshiping a "make-believe" God? I would never be okay with marrying a woman who didn't take my most personal relationship seriously. Does that make more sense?
I think it all depends on where you are in your own faith journey, though. Jesus loved us before we gave him our hearts, and we are called to live by his example. I feel that it is okay to have faith in God working in someone's heart, and loving them as they struggle with things we all struggled with as we chose to truly follow Christ. I have seen some amazing believer/nonbeliever relationships in which it was clear God's hand was present, and the transformations I have witnessed have been amazing. I am not saying that it is always an equation that will work out to produce two believers, and I think that most often if someone TRIES to make that happen, it will fail. The most important things are trust in the Lord and prayer. Praying that if this relationship is drawing you away from Christ, for the Lord to give you strength to step away. But also trusting. Trusting the Lord that if you feel His hand in this, to let Him do the work and not to try to change anyone with our own efforts. Continue to love Jesus, put Jesus first, and let God work in other hearts, and keep praying for guidance. Sometimes God works in mysterious ways. To 'limit' Him is sin. It is not impossible for an unlikely relationship to bring people closer to Christ; if you feel God's hand in a relationship, trust. Pray, and trust. Just remember to be honest with yourself and don't force a relationship just because you may WANT God to work through you.
I am what others would call an anti-theist atheist and certainly not a fan of Jefferson Bethke but, I agree with this video. Although I have a profound love for people, I can't imagine spending my life with somebody who perpetuates a construct that I view as unhealthy to self and dangerous to others. I also can't imagine any christian woman wanting to be with me since I would not elect to get married in a church, I would not want christian symbols in my home, I would not allow my children to be exposed to religion and I would not provide a christian burial for her. If any of these things are important to a christian woman, only a selfish atheist man would consider entering a relationship with her.
If you like or maybe even in love with the person you're dating, i don't see how religion can get between that? You're saying that just because they don't believe in god or whatever, then you can't be in love with eachother. Am i the only one, or is that complete bullshit?
aBoughtLemon I love how on these videos people keep saying "western mindset"....that's...seriously something that occurs everyone there buddy not just in the west XD
Uhm okay, so let's think of a hypothetical situation...say you're talking to a guy and you find out he's in a gang. Now idk if you're about that life or whatever but his life will be dictated by that...would u still be down or what? Christians live their lives based on scripture and try to make decisions that glorify God, now if you date someone who doesn't live their life like this...how are you supposed to still live your life as a Christian? Dating someone who rejects Jesus as their savior is not glorifying to God is it?
Lacie Scaletta you're......you're actually serious aren't you? Ok first of all....about what life kiddo? gang life? you realize there are THOUSANDS of meanings to that. Oh and guess what. "gang" activity is not restricted to gang members, plenty of people murder deal drugs hurt others etc etc without a gang. Almost like....wait...wait a minute now...people can be good people without being Christian. HOLYCRAP MIND BLOWN. Also you didn't show how dating that person takes you away from living a Godly life...you just said it did. As for dating an unbeliever glorifying to God...I don't know....is being friends with a tax collector glorifying to God? seem to me like you're being pretty elitist. I wonder would you judge Jesus for the company he kept? cause it sounds like a pretty elitist argument you are presenting there. And hey guess what? not all gang members are the same person just like not all Christians are the same person same with non-believes cut the homogenized bullcrap. The church seems to want to do that these days....I swear guys like Bethke are harder and harder to tell apart from all the other "I'm gonna follow God while being a cool cat" guys out there. Stop with the generalization. And just see people for who they are not the label they wear
justanother guy Ok dude, i see you're lookin for an argument. That gang reference was an analogy...Christians are dictated by the Bible and the teachings of Jesus...just as gang member's lives are dictated by the gang they're in..riiight? Just an analogy man, no need to take it out of context. Also, I said nothing about being a good person, I know there are bad people who call themselves Christian and good people who aren't Christian...not the point I was trying to make either. Obvz I'm referring to the Christians who actually follow and practice teachings in the scripture, not the majority of Americans who are actually nominal "christians". Idk why you're getting so offended...all i was saying was that if your significant other is not a Christian and you are I find it really unlikely to maintain the Christian life that God asks of you. If you aren't maintaining that life then no you are not glorifying him...how can you? You're putting him on the back burner. I will overgeneralize because most of the over generalizations tend to be true, sure there are exceptions but as a whole yah so true.
I think a reason why a lot of women aren't with Christian men is because our fathers aren't raising us up to be proper men. I watch a lot of guys that can't lead and take care of themselves and make themselves strong, much less love a woman... Then there are also a lot of girls who claim to be Christian that don't seem to be walking with The Lord if you look at their behavior and language.
It looks to me like we both said there are problems on both sides. At least I think that's what we said. *sarcasm* I'm a female and I can say there are women that aren't right by God Plenty.
I’d rather be with someone who is 100% in love with the Lord who does not see separation or divorce as a way out to problems and also doesn’t wait for problems to accumulate into that situation . And a man of God that has a faithful loyal heart.
Most of the time, I usually agree with your views and I really love the advice you two have to give, but I really must say that I disagree this time around. I was never very religious. When people asked what I believed in, I figured I would say that I was Christian since that's what my grandma said we were, but that's not even the right answer to that question. The truth is, I didn't know what to believe in.... I didn't know whether there was a God or not. When I started going though hard times in my life, I was so desperate for help. I turned to God for guidance, but I had never felt so alone. Finally, I decided that my prayers were useless and that there was no God. Then I met a boy. He spoke of Jesus all the time. He would tell me stories of the bible. He would tell me stories of his days as a youth leader. He bowed his head to say grace at meal times.... something so simple, yet it was something I had never seen. He eventually invited me along with him to church on Sunday. That was the first time I had ever been to church other than for funerals. He made me realize how wonderful the grace of God is. I was so thankful for him bringing me closer to God, but eventually, that turned around to me being thankful to God for bringing me to this boy. I know that it might sound terrible that this is what it took, a boy, for me to truly believe in God, instead of me finding God through my own free will, but the point is that now I believe. It shouldn't matter how you got on the road to being closer to Jesus, whether that was on your own or though the help of someone else.... the point is that you got there. And if you help someone come closer to Jesus, then isn't that a good thing?
Finally someone who understands. My dad wasn't a Christian when he met my mom however with the right strategy, she got him to come to church. Sooner or later, he got saved and became a believer. So it's not really a question of whether it's a sin or not, but whether it's God's will in your life or not to date them.
Let me start by saying I am a Christian, but let me also say that while I was raised Christian, as a young adult I fell away from a practicing Christian (though I still believed in God, I would say I didn't fully have a relationship with him). In this time, I met a man whom I honestly felt was the other part of me, there was something about him and I fell in love. He is agnostic. As our relationship grew, along came children, marriage and a deeper love. Here we are 11 years later, still just as in love, but now that I have a true relationship with God, or at least one that I am improving on, I find myself saddened by the fact that my husband does not believe or disbelieve in God. Would I divorce him for this? No.1 Corinthians 7:12-14 (NIV) says "To the rest I say (I, not the Lord) that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy." I witness to my husband on a daily basis and I have faith that my husband will one day have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He has spoke on multiple times before of his curiosity so therefore I know God is working in him. So, to the question as to WHY would you want to marry a non-believer (which I despise as it makes me feel that it is a very closed-minded question), the answer can have so much depth to it that only the person within that situation can understand. Sometimes it's not as simple of an answer as you would like, sometimes it's just because the believer in the relationship was a different person before and then with time children become involved or maybe it's on their heart to work with that person through their journey in finding God. Whatever the reason, I believe that there is hope for the non-believer. I'm so glad for you both that you can be in an equally yoked marriage, but for those who are not, I do not believe it's a lost cause.
thank you for this! I am in a relationship with a non-christian guy right now. he's catholic. we've been dating for over a year now. when I share things about God and Jesus to him, most of the time he can't relate to it but, i don't see him disagreeing to it. he truly respects me for what I believe in and I would like to do the same to him. I am still praying that one day he will also be saved and have that deeper relationship with Jesus but I also want to leave it all to the hands of God, for it is not my thing to intervene in. I got saved not because of a man/woman who have randomly shared Jesus to me, I got saved because of Jesus himself with the help of the Holy Spirit, whom I believe was and still is working in my heart every single day. it is actually worth it to be in a relationship with someone who believes the same as we do but, it is something unexplainable as well that this relationship with non-christians have allowed by God. I've heard and seen married couples that the husband even after marriage is still not a believer but because of the faith of his wife to Jesus, the husband miraculously accepted Jesus in his life. so yeah, it is God (always) not us.
@@pseudonym____ yes ma'am! As a follow up, 3 years later, that husband I referenced to, he gave his life over to God about 2 years ago. Thank you Lord! Right before he did though, I had a different prayer with God. I just gave the whole situation over to Him. No longer did I feel it was my responsibility to keep pushing (pulling lol) him to Christianity, like I literally just gave it to God. I felt God put it on my heart that my responsibility wasn't to talk him into anything, rather my responsibility was to be a biblical Christian wife and show him God's love versus constantly preaching it. Basically be the walking Bible for him because I knew he wasn't going to read it lol. Girl, I kid you not, not too long after that he became a Christian who prays at mealtimes, goes to church, prays with God and has an actual relationship with him. I pray for you and your husband that the yoke becomes even, but I pray until then that he continues to have an open heart and mind and that you just continue to be the amazing Christian wife that I'm sure you are ❤️
@@whittniestroud1193 amen! awww praise the Lord. this is what I exactly want to do like surrender it all to God, letting Him do what He wants for his child. I really love the person but I don't want to force him to believe in what I believe in. that's why I also want to agree with you that it is not our responsibility, it is God's duty. your testimony is one of those I always wanted to hear. I mean its so scary to commit to these types of relationship but, aww God knows what He is doing. so happy for you both ❤️ p.s. we're not married yet hehe we are still in a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship
@@pseudonym____ well the best advice I could give you from one Christian sister to another is to continue following where you feel the Holy Spirit leading you, don't let anything cloud it. Also, be the best Christian person/gf/fiance/wife you can be and let God do that heavy lifting. God will always fight for His children, even when they are not trying to do the same. He won't give up on your boyfriend and that means everything ❤️
@@whittniestroud1193 I'd say, Amen! (2 Corinthians 3:17) and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. You can easily know if its from the Lord or not by checking your heart if you have peace, right? Sister, what you have shared is actually reminding me also to be that Christian women wherever I go or to whoever is around me. Thank you so much! Anyway, I'm gonna include you and your family to my prayers. Let's enjoy serving the Lord with them. Hugs all the way from the Philippines 😄
As a Christian I'll always put God priority. But what if I date a Muslim guy, who respects all my choices and believes including Jesus? Is that a sin too?
The problem with your reasoning is that you aren't using the same definition of love as is being discussed here. Your kind of love is one that just happens, that fills fairy tales. True love is work and dedication. You don't always feel loving, but the act of loving someone is just that: an act, and one that must be carried out despite your feelings.
Neophenx ahaha thats true love in you're perspective. In my opinion, remember its an opinion, everyone is entitled to choose their path; to enlightenment, God, spirituality etc. that should not effect if you love them or not. Its quiet close minded to think christians should only date other christians. There is not only one way toward the light my friend...
@@neophenxgaming Your right. Jesus was a liberal back in the day. He was the definition of counter-cultural even to the religious leaders. He loved people. He loved spending time with people who didn't believe in him.
Love Alyssas' voice. Not in a creepy way lol. I would just like hate to ever argue with her because she speaks so gentle lol. May God continue to bless you two! Your going to be great parents!
I am a christian and I happen to be looking for wife for many yrs, I just dont see any cute girls in church. So I look outside the church.I did have a dream a few nights ago about a lady saying to me satan is trying to stop our marriage and woke up. Yeah I believe God has someone for me but I hate the wait its been a yr and 6 months its killing me , He always makes you wait drives me crazy.
As an Atheist married to a Christian for 16 years, who attends bible class and Church, with two Christian Children (so far), I strongly disagree with your sentiments. Loving someone is the strongest emotion someone can give and receive in life. I have had many good and bad conversations with my family about beliefs and we disagree on religion BUT I love them all dearly and would give my life for them. You do not pick love, it just happens. If sounds like you both are literalists which is a word strongly associated with the word fundamentalism.
Spot ON Jeff and Alyssa!!!...Why would I want to date someone who is not a true Man of God..!!..That would be a losing battle and not fulfilling at all!!..I really enjoy these series and further affirms my decision to pump the brakes on dating right now and focus more on my relationship with the Father. Thanks for bringing it home with scripture!! Lamentation 3:25
To all of the atheists complaining about what they're saying in this video, I don't understand why you're mad about it. Why would a Christian date and possibly marry a non Christian? Most marriages lead to children and if one of the parents are a non believer, they're most likely going to be telling the children that there is no God which will cause many problems in the marriage. I dated an atheist for 2 years and it was the most dreadful thing I've ever had to deal with. I'm not talking about all atheists because I'm sure there are some decent ones out there, but based on my experiences with him and other atheists, they're usually disrespectful and get joy out of making people of the book feel ignorant for believing in a "fairy tale" as they call it. I respected them for being non religious, but it was so difficult for them to respect me for being religious. &Honestly, they talked about religion more than any religious person I know. It's sad actually. They hate religion and religious people so much, yet most of their conversations and thoughts were based on religion and religious people. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Why are they so worried about something that they don't even believe in? I loved him so much, but the more time I spent with him, the less I could see a future with him. &I truly believe that if a Christian is desperate to marry a non Christian for whatever reason it is, don't choose an atheist.. For the sake of the children.. Marry a Muslim or Jew. At least they're people of the book..
Not even those either because they are not saved and don't know Jesus as your savior and Lord. If you are a Christian woman marrying a Muslim man is extremely dangerous! If he is devout you automatically become Muslim and loose your rights if you have kids. It's almost impossible in Muslim countries for women to divorce their husbands but men can. Plus the kids also are rights to the husband. Also you would have to where a hijab or burka.
You need to read the Bible more. 2 Corinthians 6:14 ESV / 116 helpful votes Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? Helpful Not Helpful 1 Corinthians 15:33 ESV / 72 helpful votes Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 ESV / 62 helpful votes Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 ESV / 53 helpful votes To the rest I say (I, not the Lord) that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace. For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? Proverbs 31:30 ESV / 30 helpful votes Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Deuteronomy 7:3-4 ESV / 23 helpful votes You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV / 22 helpful votes But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. Proverbs 4:23 ESV / 21 helpful votes Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. 1 Corinthians 11:1-34 ESV / 16 helpful votes Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. 1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV / 14 helpful votes Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Deuteronomy 7:3 ESV / 13 helpful votes You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 ESV / 12 helpful votes For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; Malachi 2:15 ESV / 12 helpful votes Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ESV / 11 helpful votes Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Hebrews 13:4 ESV / 9 helpful votes Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Amos 3:3-4 ESV / 8 helpful votes “Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet? Does a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? Does a young lion cry out from his den, if he has taken nothing? Matthew 5:28 ESV / 6 helpful votes But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Amos 3:3 ESV / 6 helpful votes “Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet? 1 Corinthians 7:39 ESV / 4 helpful votes A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. Hebrews 6:4-8 ESV / 2 helpful votes For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned. Ephesians 5:3 ESV / 2 helpful votes But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ESV / 1 helpful vote If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;
from God's point of view, there is an abyss between heaven and hell. That difference could be powerfully destructive when it comes to marriage. (it's not about religion, you can be a religious sinner, or a pious or whatever)
He made a video a while ago saying he loves Jesus but hates religion. Because religion was divisive and Jesus came to abolish that. Now here he is promoting the same shit. People leting a relationship aside because his imaginary friend don't like it are insane.
I wish people could have the right words to explain what they meant, but this whole world is supernatural, people think they could reach and understand God...waste of time guys :) (hope you recieved my messasge Tyrion)
As someone who has been in a relationship for 12 years with a non-believer. I agree 100% on everything you guys have said. So many aspects of our marriage has been affected because we are unequally yoked. Unfortunately we began dating during a personal season of rebellion and then we married during that season...The comment you guys made about "either making God the center and then the spouse/partner is pushed to the side" or vise a versa DOES happen. Being like minded is so important. Through the Grace of God we are now in a position were I can listen to Worship music and discuss my beliefs with him, with out him having a negative reaction. I recently experienced death in a very personal way and through my grief and pain I poured my heart out to him on Why the Gospel is such an important part of my life and Why I believe in God!! He is an Atheist..since then his attitude toward God has changed. I thank the Lord every day for this small step, however I firmly believe in what you guys say about "flirt to convert". So very true! I really appreciate videos like this..I have a ten year old daughter and I know that in the near future these types of topics will come up and I hope to share these things with her.
It's preferable that a Christian dates another believer however that isn't always the case. My dad wasn't a Christian when my mom dated her and that's how he came to Christ. You have to be open to what God says to you and it's a matter of whether it's his will for you to date a person so they can come to Christ.
***** Hasea was told to marry an idolater... it's not rare case, it's the way the world works. Quit being so bigot and secluded of outside people who need people to be there for them. God detest those who reject others based on such little things.
Religion shouldn't have a damn thing to do with love or your relationship with God or Jesus. If she's Christian and I'm not it isn't complicated. She goes to church. I don't. She reads the Bible. I don't. We respect each other's beliefs and right to believe what we please and make sure we always practice personal development so that we each remain the best versions of ourselves. Relationships don't work just cause people go to the same church or share the same faith. They work because both partners are good to each other, keep doing what made them attractive to each other and keep things interesting(especially the man in this case). All religion does is exactly what politics and race does. Unnecessarily complicate things for two people who would otherwise be very happy together.
The real damage might reside in a complication of priorities. But how do you react to the idea of not being with the person you love after you die? Dealing with the fact that your spouse/love will die and go to hell can be extrememly emotionally damaging to a person. You'll never see him/her ever again because they didn't believe. It's essentially like living your life knowing that the end is going to be bad and terrible when choosing another person or waiting for that person to come to the faith could result in a good ending. No it is not a sin. But it is unwise.
Justin Honey That's all the more reason why I myself would not include religion in this sort of thing. If I'm a Christian I'd be more concerned with my relationship with God in terms of the afterlife than my lover because I'm not going to face my lover in the afterlife for judgement. I'm going to face God. Not to mention I'd likely be in heaven too if I'm that true to my faith. You know...HEAVEN? The place that's supposed to be the place of all places to be? You really think you're gonna be that worried about someone else(even if it is your spouse) if you're in HEAVEN? All the preaching Christians do about having a relationship with God over all others should mean that even if you wind up in heaven without your spouse that it should be more than enough, right? Or did I miss something here...
***** The answer is simple. You don't. You allow him to have his free will that Christianity boasts so much about people having and and let him do him while you do you and build YOUR relationship with God. You enjoy the life you two have together knowing that it won't last forever regardless of the difference in faith you have and you both do what makes you feel right without judgement or trying to force the other to do anything they don't want to do. That's a little thing called mutual respect that comes regardless of religion. Make sense?
Thank you for this video. I broke up with my ex today. He is non Christian and I was people pleasing the entire time. If you are Christian NEVER date a non believer.
I'm not a religious person, but my fiance is. We get along very well. Finding the right person is as hard as it is. Having religion as a variable on top of it is really not necessary. She does her thing and I do mine in that regards. Our love for each other is very strong. Love, caring, compassion, understanding, etc.. These sort of qualities are more important than having the same religion.
i've been seeking an answer to this question for such a long time. i am head over heels for a muslim and i am a christian. at first i said no and denied my love because of my religion. and then i thought, hold on. this isnt about religion or church it is truly about jesus. i believe that if you personally love jesus and dont stop loving him, you can date a non christian. you may not have the same outlook on life but if chemistry is there and love is there then i believe god put you in that situation for a reason. the outcome depends on god and the situation. thats all i have to say.
Girl that's weird because I am in the same situation. I don't find anything g wrong with it but it's hard when people tell me to leave him because he is not Christian. Jesus died for EVERYONE. And told us to love EVERYONE
that's exactly what i thought. God loves us all and wants us all to be friends with christians and non christians. its been about a week since we broke up because my sister didnt approve of him. but i really do love him. still do and always will. if its meant to be we'll stay together. if not then you will seperate. i hope all goes well with you. let me know if anything happens!
People are like "Oh your being judgemental" or "Who are to judge". Its one thing to make a judgement call then to actually judge the person. People also mistake judging for Condemnation. That isnt the case. It's simply, Are they pursuing Jesus or not. Not are they a good and bad person. Will they build me up in Christ? Are we not to put God first? Is Jesus Christ not our identity and worship is the lifestyle we are suppose to live? Coming at this biblically remember that. Read his WORD!! You personally may see nothing wrong, but you see its not about how we feel when following Christ. Bible does not talk about dating specifically, but it does talk about how we are to live and how without Jesus we are nothing. This is what God says and as the popular saying goes "Only God can judge me" And his word is SET! We are to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY! But we also need to know what is good and bad and what will help further us in our relationship with God.
I find this the same with my non christian friends as well, I feel apart from them and like I'm drifting away when I am closer to god. Could you do a video on this?
This is God’s command, and it is also wise, because God tells us that the marriage relationship is one that should help us to grow in godliness, not hinder us. In fact, husbands are commanded to love their wives and help to make her holy. (See Ephesians 5:25-33) How can a muslim man do this for his wife if he does not even know Jesus? If you are a Christian yourself, I encourage you to think more deeply about your relationship with God. Are you someone who follows Jesus, or do you just call him Lord without doing God’s will in your life? Are you sure that you will have eternal life when you die?
This video brought me out of a very dark and spiritually harmful relationship and it was exactly the words God intended for me to hear at the time. Thank you guys so much for speaking truth :)
I thought it was interesting how he says he cannot share his emotions or his thoughts with a non-believer. Isn’t that in your own heart? Aren’t we called to share our beliefs in our heart? Why not do that and possibly make disciples out of our significant other?
@@dorkailles7780 That's not how it really works. Religion broke my family apart. It broke me apart from two women i loved. It broke apart families of those two women i loved and created trauma. These tales we tell ourselves are destructive because they divide and pit people against each other.
I'm Christian and I'm dating an athiest and I am teaching him about god and he reads and Is trying to fit for my sake but my mom just says he not Christian so I cant date him this just makes me want to break my mom off he's who I like so why can't I date him. Religion broke my family and my the way people see me. We are still together and I'm not going to give up on but neither will I pull away from god.
I'm an Atheist and my boyfriend is a Christian. We accept each others beliefs and agree that we're not gonna change that. Theres more to a relationship than faith.
I'm agnostic, I also go to youth group and read the bible. I was raised on a chosen faith (I was taught to love all religion and accept everyone, and was given the choice to believe anything I wanted) so I chose to live by "I will never say I can't experience things I want to experience and love the people I want to love because of political or religious stance" because I see everyone as human. I fell in love with someone who is Christian and I love him for all of him and I'd never ask him to change because christianity is such a big part of his life and I love that about him. So I don't think others should expect me to change either. I wish we could all live and talk about our religious beliefs without feeling like others don't accept us. We all love the same, we just have different ways of doing it.
I think it's also possible for God to lead you to a non Christian to possibly LEAD them to faith. Because I was friends with my husband before I fell for him, and he actually taught me A LOT about Jesus and Christianity because I was actually very bitter towards God when I met my husband. He definitely didn't flirt to convert, but I saw a light in him that pulled me towards the same flame like a moth and for that I'm thankful. Just a perspective to throw out there. :)
@@timothyschreiber8338 Obama was corrupt as well. Though not nearly as bad as Trump, no question there. I am team policy, like Medicare for All (you know, not letting people die in the streets), not team Democrat or Republican. Also, if you are lol'ing about putting kids in cages, pleease stop calling yourself a Christian.
There's so many misunderstandings in the comments. If you are a true believer and devoted to Christ then there is no way you can be with a non-believer. How can you share the most important thing in your life? If you're a believer dating a non-believer than sorry Jesus obviously isn't that important to you.
Busol Oleksandr you sound a bit defensive and clouded by love. The girl who wrote this comment doesn’t know if it would lead her to repent and you may not either. I’ve loved and still love an unbeliever so I know it’s hard. Relationships are such magnets that they can override a lot of reason. Ask yourself are you really devoted to Christ like when you first gave your heart to the Lord? What do you do when your gf wants to be intimate?... How do you know she isn’t a tool sent to distract you from the most important thing in your life? I hope my lover comes to Christ but I know I have to stay away. Prayer reaches people more than my presence ever could.
okay... So im a nearly 18 year old guy who has vowed to never even kiss a girl until my wedding. I recently got a job and there was a pretty girl who I invited to coffe and a church youth group with me. She went to coffee with me and we talked about religion and politics. She has nearly 100% different views on God, she's agnostic, and politics. She is really into me though and is willing to deal with my beliefs if we start dating. i told her from the start that i couldnt date her because she is not a Christian but out of a moment of weakness i asked her to go on a date with me before setting up the date i told my mentor and he told me to break it off. I did that day. What do i do now? I still work with her and like her. She wants to "just be friends" and still hang out but i know if we hang out it will eventually grow into more than a friendship. Just pray that either i find someone who loves God or God changes her heart to love him.
+JESUS FREAK The real question is. On a scale from 1 to 10 how sad is to see christians being jesus freaks and showing their narrow mindness to the world. Muslims say you cant have a relationship with a non-believer. THIS IS LITERALLY THE SAME THING. Christianity = Islam on this issue. Just a bunch of narrowminded religious freaks.
Say you starting dating someone, and they've never met your best friend before. That best friend has been with you through everything, you two are inseparable. And you know, you two have that kind of understanding of each other that no one else gets. Then you take your significant other to meet your best friend one day, do you expect them to appreciate your best friend the way you do? Do you expect them to have that connection? Is that a deal breaker? No, that's ridiculous. Say you're an engineer, one of those logical types. And say you start dating a writer, one of those less logical more emotional types. They will never fully grasp why you do what you do, just as you will never fully grasp why they do what they do, just that you are motivated by reason more often while they are motivated by emotion more often. Is that a problem? Why? People are different, why do you want to be with someone who is the same as you? You can have different motivations but still see eye to eye, and often times a group of people with different motivations will have the best results, because when they finally agree, it's right in every way. Say you're a priest who believes homosexuality is a sin. And say a gay couple wants to join your church, do you let them? Why, they're sinners, they can't be here, right? But what better place for alleged sinners than a church, where they can seek to better themselves and repent?
Jeff & Alissa Three Questions for you guys. 1. Jeff you state in your book, your mom is in fact gay, and that even though she is, you still love her very much even though you may disagree on things. So my question is do you think same sex couples or relationship can also be considered a blessing from god if that person waits like you suggest, to find someone that god will bless them with? 2nd question do you believe people who come from addictons can be saved & loved by god as much as those who never struggled with an addiction or a health problem? And thirdly, a lot of different religions feel different towards people with disabilities. What is your feeling towards disabled Christians & god, and do you think how some Christians who treat Christians with disabilities is fair?
incase they don't reply to this, i'll try to answer some based on my Christian perspective and opinions (i'm not a priest btw) 1. I don't think God blesses same sex relationships because that is not what He intended when He created us. In Mark 10:2-9, Jesus talks about marriage and divorce. He quotes Genesis when God made them male and female, and they became one flesh. Notice that Jesus said "male and female" indicating that this is the purpose He designed for marriage. 2. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." I believe we all were doomed to hell ever since Adam and Eve brought sin to this world. Some of the consequences of sin were addictions and health problems, but most consequential of all were death and separation from God. But God made a way for us to be saved. John 3:16 is a promise to anyone who believes in Jesus, will be saved. So yes, anyone who is or not addicted to anything can be saved. 3. Jesus cured many disabled people in His day on earth. In fact, God tells us throughout the Bible to not only love the disabled, poor, widows, and orphans, but also our enemies. Therefore, all Christians are to love everyone, just as Jesus showed His love for us, who don't deserve to live, by dying on the cross so that we may live. These are my perspectives, which I hope they helped. God bless.
+Draco Xephyr That's true. The hardest part about dating if you are a Christian who doesn't believe in sex before marriage...non-Christians and Christians both expect sex before love, or before marriage. They don't even care to get to know someone or love them first, they just want sex. Even the ones who claim to be very religious. They will dump someone over no sex no matter how great the person is.
Do you think its possible to be a good Christian without going to church? I just haven't been to church in so long, and don't like going alone, I know its silly, but I love the Lord.
Jefferson, I really need your advice in a time like this. I am young, I have much of my life ahead of me. But I have recently met an incredible man, that has all of the qualities I am potentially seeking. Problem is, I do not believe he is very religious or strong in his faith in God. We haven't gotten into deep conversations over this. Nor have we really been on many dates, but I was feeling sick to my stomach for a while, thinking this can't be possible. This can't work. He is questioning God and that's just a deal breaker for me. But I just prayed and prayed, and I almost felt as if God spoke to me and lifted the burden I was feeling. I felt as if this person is being put into my life for a reason. I'm looking at it more as an opportunity to potentially bring someone closer to Him. I'm hoping it can work in that way, but I know that if my relationship with him is straying me from my relationship with Him, it's not a good idea.
He doesn't need to be religious. What your goal should be is to tell him the love of Jesus Christ, because Jesus doesn't want us to be religious, he wants us to have a relationship. As for your lover:), just be an example of Christ. Trust me, he will want a taste of what you have. But make sure this man is what God wants for you ok! I wish you the best do luck Angel!
Mike Mckenna maybe because you love THAT person and only that person? grow the fuck up and realize we are all one species on a spinning, moving, ball through space, and that closing yourself off to some 80% of the worlds population simply because they don't believe in the same deity as you is as old a thinking as that the thought that the world is flat.
hip360hop There is no "only that person" for Christians. We have God in our relationships because He is shows us the best way on how husbands should treat their wives and vise versa. And before you throw the word "love" out there, how about you define it? Because I am sure we are not talking about the same love.
This video truly helped me. I just broke up with a guy who isn't Christian and I am torn. I was settling and I came to that realization and I had to let go.
The bible is a good book full of stories that can help you. As well as many other books in other religions. Those of you who are christian because your parents were, please do your own research you will find that the story of Jesus exists in almost all cultures. Mithra, Buddha, Horus, among other messiah figures, were all born of virgins and walked on water and the whole shabang. The only difference between these figures and Jesus is that they came first these cultures and storied existed before the story of Jesus. So who copied who? I'm not saying don't read the bible. Take the good from it but do not believe Jesus was unique. Many cultures share the exact figure down to the smallest details in the stories.
and you have a doctorate on world religions, mono & poly theism, world history and the contrasts between all of them leading to prove the validity of the point you're trying to make here?
Joshua G i dont need a doctorite. The facts are there. Take them as you will. for example f you have 2 novels with the exact same story and you then ask the authors who wrote theirs first then the person who wrote it first by common sense is the original author and the other copied. Don't need a doctorite to see that. Any smart individual with common sense can. Christian scholars admit this is true and accept these other messiah figures. They try explain them away by saying that in the past the devil created these other fake messiah figures so that when the real one (jesus) came people would not blieve it and say he is a copy. Buddhist monks travelled to the middle east and spread the word about buddah. you know prince destined to be king like jesus the king of the iraelites. Both tempted by the devil for 40 days and nights. etc. Buuddah is also depicted with an aura around his head. Many christian sects mainly the kgnostics who were authors of the kngostic gosphels had allot of stories of jesus that were very similar to buddah. You should check those gosphels out. They were never included in the bible becuase the roman empire decided to not include them. The bible is nothing but passages picked and chosen by the roman empire to unify the nation of christian and sun god worshippers. Jesus is nothing but a flesh and blood representation of the sun god with attributes similar to all the past messiah figures form the past.
Joshua G My History professor back when i was doing history of Mormonism did have doctorate on world religions, a JD, L.P.P, and B.A in American History. He pretty much said the same the same thing.
I am an atheist and I have to agree with you on the point that dating a person with such a fundamentally different belief would not work. I personally wouldn't want to date a christian and I doubt a christian would want to date me.
Never doubt. Two different views can be great. I know many great Atheist-Christian relationships but those that don't work, don't know how to work together. It's like saying a Baseball loving guy and hockey loving girl won't get along. Opposites attract. Never try to convert each other but love one another.
Tyler Swank Well, it's nice to hear that it worked out for those couples you know, and I get that never trying to convert the other would be key to that, but the way I see it (mind you, that is just my point of view) simply by living their believe, a christian would drive an atheist up a wall, no convertion atempts needed.
My now ex boyfriend and I were together for 2 1/2 years. I don't believe in a God, and he's a Christian who fully believes in his God. We worked because we respected our differences and didn't force our beliefs down each other's throats. We talked about religion and different beliefs once in awhile, mostly as a friendly debate. I made it clear to him from the beginning I didn't believe in a God, nor would I ever. He understood that my beliefs just don't align the same way. And I understood that he has a deep personal relationship with his God. I didn't make fun of that, I fully believe everyone is entitled to their differences in beliefs and deserves respect. To him, God exists, and I wouldn't ever belittle him for having faith in a deity. We worked because we didn't believe the differences between us affected our dynamic. It had nothing to do with our relationship. I loved him, and he loved me. We didn't work out for completely unrelated reasons, but we're still close friends and it still doesn't have an impact on our dynamic. We have never fought over our different political beliefs either, I'm liberal and he's more conservative. We worked because we loved each other. And we didn't work when we fell out of love, in which we chose to still be friends. So, yes, a Christian and Atheist can date and it not be a problem.
Was totally too afraid to break up - and I finally did because I knew in my heart what you guys are saying was true. A HARD decision that took me months to make. And even now its hard. But Keller is right. If she does not really care about whats most important in your life - then she does not understand you.
This honestly helped me out because I have been dating non Christian girls and to realize that I have been doing something that's not right truly made me rethink my self. Keep up the good works guys. God Bless
I love being a Christian but it doesn't mean that need to discount my fiance just because of the way he thinking s opposed to the way that I think.. this is where being a Christian becomes incredibly difficult.. one side of the religion says that you need to keep within your flock and the other side says that you need to go out and influence others.. so honestly, do you want to be open and honest or do you just want to stay within what you know?
I love the way she stares at him! ❤️🙏🏽 I feel like a lot of times we go with the flow instead of thinking if dating a non-Christian would be a good thing in the long run.
Why would one date a person with a different belief? It is because one can respect others' beliefs. The problem comes only when you try to "force" your belief onto others. As long as you are willing to humbly accept that your belief is not necessarily superior to your partner's, having different religions does not matter at all. In fact, I would prefer to date a person who is not like me, as such experience allows me to learn and understand others. If you are a Christian dating a non-Christian, just remember that you are dating, not evangelizing.
no thats completely false your religion is what you believe those are morals you live by why would you marry someone who does not believe what you believe because although there's respect there's no understanding. especially if yalls religion contradict each other that's too much trouble. In the begining it might seems fine but the day will come where their believe will clash and will blow up.
team1DandMB lol are you serious? Religions do not give you morals. What kind of morals did you get from your religion that which cannot be obtained by people of different religions? There are people with different religions getting married and not breaking up. Just because you can't fully respect other's beliefs doesn't mean the entire humanity also can't.
its all a matter of perspective if you're not a believer i don't expect you to understand. but do you realize you just proved my point. you claim religion dont matter and yet let say you love a girl and she happens to be a christian how can you marry her if you cant even watch a youtube video on her believe without thinking its stupid. you all proved my point.
team1DandMB As I said, having a belief and forcing one's belief unto others is different. If you fail to recognize the difference, I can't help you. And again, as I said, there are "already" families with their members having different religions doing fine right now. This kind of mentality of asking "why would a Christian date a non-believer?" is only demonstrating that some people (like you ;)) cannot live with others who hold different perspective. But it doesn't mean that all people can't. p.s. "If you cant even watch a youtube video on her believe without thinking its stupid. you all proved my point." Don't you see the irony here? lol
please listen to me our job as believers is to spread the gospel and to love everyone because we are all sinners if you are an atheist or a non-believer and you meet someone who says they are christian but all they do is spread hate please do not believe them because they are fakes they only claim christianity when its convenient. don't blame all christians for the bad seeds, true christians don't judge others sin just cause its different from theirs, judging is gods job not ours. and people hate on christians soo much and yet all were doing is defending our believes. christianity is all around the world and we are always defending ourselves because people ridicule our believes. am just following what my believe says and the bible is part of my believe so is it wrong to follow that
Lasse Did you not watch the video? The Bible says not to have partners who are not Christians and this makes sense given Christians will want to raise there children in the faith.
bulldogsbob The Bible says alot of things like no sex before marriage, no shellfish. Not alot of Christians follow that. U don't have to be too fundemental
Lasse First off it's okay to eat shellfish if you are a Christian Jesus said in Acts it's okay to eat non kosher foods. Christians are not perfect but commands like this are easy enough to follow if you are not a cultural or causal Christian.
2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? or what fellowship can light have with darkness?". The bible talks A LOT about relationships, especially marriage.. not sure how this guy figured that relationships never happend around that time. He needs to actually read the bible before he gives out advice. Also, the bible specifically states (as mentioned above) that you should not get together with those who do not believe in Christ.
It’s stupid saying that “what fellowship can light have with darkness” because I’m sure you as well as anyone knows life isn’t always going to be all gods glory like yes you have your ups but saying that in the bible is so single minded because what person in the world has had their life stay perfect constantly..... no one. You need the balance of light and darkness and it’s true in daily life like you can’t say you’re perfect or a perfect child of God because I can honestly say that you would’ve have sinned numerous times and that’s the same as everyone else and yes I am a Christian and firm believer in god but all these people especially the two in the video are mentally disturbed because God is open to everyone because people can change on a dime under the correct circumstances and influences so everyone including you should just shut up about “yoking with an unbeliever” because it’s bullshit..... Like why be so single minded and selfish. We as Christians are no better than the rest of the world we are all earth bound, made of flesh, blood and bone all that’s different is yes there is difference in terms of gender(genitalia etc) but no way in hell are we anymore perfect than the non-believer! WE ARE EQUAL!! Yes we believe in God but other than that we are equal and yes you can bitch and bicker but I’m not going to read your reply to this because life has better things for me to be doing with my life rather than seeing some bullshit you’ll come up with next in response to this.... but just think about that rather than being absent minded and wanting to shut out non-believers.... Because the fact of the matter is God loves everyone and has his arms wide open and welcoming for everyone of any background who seeks him for help.
2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
Sounds like a lousy reason not to date someone, then again I probably couldn't stand dating a Christian either.Question... What would you do if Alyssa became an atheist?
Ok ignore those responses. What he would likely do is pray that she come back to Christ and try to make the relationship work, but if in all seriousness that happened and it got to strained they would probably divorce. And we don't think we're better then you guys by the way, we just want to keep our passion for God protected and focused on him.
Jess Wolves Bane The prayer thing doesn't make sense to me. It sounds like he would be asking God to infringe on Alyssa's free will. You might not think you're better then us, but I think Christians generally do. Pride and arrogance masquerading as humility seems to be the general trend.
I was raised in an atheist/agnostic home and was taught that Christians are only brainwashing hypocrites. Then I met the man that is now my husband. He taught me what Christianity is really about. With his love and guidance he opened my heart so that I could let God in. I believe God led me to him so that I could ultimately join Him in heaven. Sometimes people are so broken that they need a person to love them before they can believe that God could possibly love them.
Stephanie Iglesias aw that’s beautiful
Stephanie Iglesias beautiful story Steph! God bless always
I know this was 4 years ago but reading this brings tears to my eyes. I'm in a relationship with a girl that is a non believer. I love her so much and want to to have salvation. She asked God into her heart but I feel that was just for me. Your testimony gives me hope that I can truly save my girlfriend and hopefully wife.
Chris Alan hey so I just read your comment and thought I could give you some insight. I was in a similar relationship as yours. I loved this guy but he didn’t love the LORD and I stayed with him because he showed “promise”. He tried because he knew how badly I wanted it for him. It was never really true though because it was never for the right reason. We dated for three years and in that relationship I compromised so much of myself because I was dating and non believer. And because he wasn’t a believer he couldn’t encourage me in things of God because he didn’t understand them. In the end that relationship left me damaged and hurt and it’s honestly one of my biggest regrets. Fast forward to now. I’m in a relationship with a man that loves the LORD and I’m almost certain this will be my husband. I have something that I never had in my past relationship and that’s peace. Peace that’s transcends all understanding. My heart was in such turmoil when I was with my ex because deep down the Holy Spirit was telling me I needed to get out of that relationship. Now I’m in an edifying and loving relationship and I’ve never been happier with anyone in my life. This is the man I’ve been waiting for. Stephanie’s story above is wonderful but it’s an exception to the rule. Just like the video said it’s divine providence that the relationship worked out. Usually when you date someone who is unsaved you end up like I did. I hope that put some things in perspective for you. I’ll be praying for you and your girlfriend.
You found yourself a keeper young lady. I wish you guys the best.
I was not a christian when I met my now husband in highschool and thanks to him being Christian and mentioning church and christ to me I came to know jesus and gave my life to the lord
I agree to an extent. I was drawn to my wife when she was a non-believer. We were dating and she respected my love for God and she wanted to know more about my faith. About five months into our relationship, my grandfather passed away and I hit rock bottom. I struggled because my grandfather was a prayer warrior in his church and really helped me in my walk with The Lord. That's when she started to steer me back in the direction of God. That's also when she decided in her heart the she wanted to know The Lord and accepted Christ in her heart.
Fast forward and we are now married with a beautiful two month old son who we are raising in a Godly home. So I believe that just because you're dating a non-believer, doesn't mean you're sinning. Sometimes you're what helps lead them to God.
Thanks. This is what I needed.
God thank you this is what i needed
Can I ask you something about love marriage?
@@secretsuperstar9409 I mean, you can ask, but I am no longer married. I was cheated on five years into our marriage which caused our separation.
@@Shieldwolf27 but why you cheated on her
I have never commented on a TH-cam video but this one I had to comment. I met my husband he was not at all what I had imagined when I imagined a husband. He was not faithful in his other relationships, he didn't NOT believe in God but he was not even on his list of priorities and defiantly didn't entertain the thought of church. My brain told me to run, my heart said DONT MOVE!! Being divided internally I prayed about it and realized something wouldn't let me let go. I had to trust that and hope it was not a mistake but if it didn't turn out to be what it should I obviously needed to learn something. I am gentle with those who don't believe, and my goal is to bare witness gently. There is a reason they fear, horrible past experiences. Long story short my children and myself spending time with him and his children who also were not convinced that God even existed. The change in them over a short period of time and with the extended time all were shocking The lord was all my husband spoke of, when planning our wedding the first thing he said when I said I would love a beach wedding is, NO WAY. I will marry you in a church no where else, I want this to be right with HIM, and it means something to me. I agreed of course touched and shocked at the bold statement. Long story short his daily speech was never lacking mention of God and all that this life has blessed him with he told our children everyday that God made him the richest man in the world to have them and me. We were on top of the world for 8yrs. Then one day our lives drastically changed my husband was involved in a car accident 11months ago and died of his injuries the next day. I have been told more than once, and over and over how grateful the ones who love him are that they KNOW he is in heaven without a doubt. The man he was prior might not have been there. I was fearful that my step children would now become angry with God and change their feelings, shockingly they think like myself and we discuss it often God has a plan and it is most definitely the most painful thing I have had to endure, and I don't know how to function most days. I trust him and I am trying, through my pain through my tears through the ache, and the kids who are mostly all adults now right beside me. I think we are here to make a difference. I don't think that its for everyone to date someone who doesn't believe but I think that you can bare witness which is more powerful than most things actually.
April Butz your story truly touched me. I pray that God continues to bless you and your children. I can’t imagine what that must feel like and I’m 3 years late now but May God’s love cover you.
It took my husband 11 years into our marriage to become a believer. I prayed very hard before we got married, asking God what to do about wanting to marry this man who wanted absolutely NOTHING at all to do with religion. He clearly and I mean clear as day, told me, "Give me a decade one and one, and He will be mine once again." My husband is the most amazing God fearing husband and Father now. This is something for YOU and GOD to discuss....not let a video make the decision for you. Totally love Bethke and his teachings. But my husband is proof that you can lead your spouse to Christ, and that might even be the reason as to why God paired you two together.
Ultimately God is love, it's His essence and character. God's ways are not known to man. We try to rationalise the plans He has for us...
If the motives are pure and centered in love, God searches our hearts and knows what we truly desire.
Finding a partner who doesn't truly make you happy, is also considered "settling".
We cannot change people's hearts, only God can.
And ultimate we are all His children and He loves us all.
Why does he fear God?
Kris she means that fear by disobeying the lord because of how much we love him
Thank you for this. I got so discouraged by this video but you're right when you say it's between you and God and not a video. Thank you for speaking out, I really needed that .
I will never fear God. I may love him some day but if I am ever meant to fear him, I will do anything in my power to tear down his kingdom. I will never fear my creator period.
as someone who has had 2 boyfriends...both non Christian...the answer is NO. the difference in values & traditions will cause a lot of stress!!
I agree you can't have a happy marriage if you don't share the same values.
Your logic makes so much sense
MegaErnieMAN lmao
My boyfriend is extermly supportive of my relgion even though he's a non-beilver.
This is God’s command, and it is also wise, because God tells us that the marriage relationship is one that should help us to grow in godliness, not hinder us. In fact, husbands are commanded to love their wives and help to make her holy. (See Ephesians 5:25-33) How can a muslim man do this for his wife if he does not even know Jesus?
If you are a Christian yourself, I encourage you to think more deeply about your relationship with God. Are you someone who follows Jesus, or do you just call him Lord without doing God’s will in your life? Are you sure that you will have eternal life when you die?
I love the part where he says "There are so many Christian boys but not many MEN of God." I couldn't agree more. So many people are disagreeing with this video because he is stating his opinion on dating non-believers. He isn't saying that it is against the Bible or that it is a bad thing to do, he's just simply stating how he feels, which honestly I agree with 100%. When you're head over heels for Jesus, you WANT the person you share your life with to feel the same way. That's how I am and always have been. Not that I try to shut out potential boyfriends/husbands based on their religion, but Christianity to me is such an important aspect. I don't think he is saying to avoid the situation, because so much good can come from it too. Growing together, possibly helping them get into the Bible and God. But personally, it's easier to have a Christ-centered relationship when both of you believe in Him and that's what I think Jefferson is trying to say in this video. He also isn't saying that it CANNOT work. I know a lot of non-believers that are still amazing people and have "forever" kind of qualities when it comes to marriage. Some people can see past religion and not worry about whether or not their partner believes. I think it's just for him personally, and other people, including me, it's hard to see past. You want your partner on earth to share life with you in heaven. And you want to raise your kids under God's word. That's how I interpreted the video. Loved it!
The main reason this condescending slur "there are so many christian boys but not many men of god" is nonsense, is because most "boys" don't make the choice to be christian and are rather born into christian families where religion is more or less forced on them. So they might have no real affinity with it, but you are still stamped as christian because you got baptised and did confirmation. That doesn't disqualify them from being a real man. But you're right, in case you are head over heels for Jesus, you probably should marry someone that feels the same way.
Right on
How can you call yourself a Christian MAN though when you're not man enough to follow God's law?
I'm an outspoken atheist. My wife of nearly two decades is a believer. We have an awesome relationship. In fact, I'll put our relationship up against the relationship of any believer. We have children who are being raised to be either believers or unbelievers, whatever they choose. My wife is a believer and good for her. We discuss it quite often and actually have a great time with it. I don't think less of her because she believes and she doesn't think less of me because I don't.
I salute you being open minded ^_^
Encouraging an open mind to people's differences.... this is what really makes a relationship work. Ed hit the nail on the head. And for anyone to close off their heart before truly knowing that person.... you might be missing out on the greatest love of your life. Stand by your beliefs, but please respect other people's ideas as much as you wish for them to respect yours.
Awesomely said! I am a believer and my husband is Buddhist, not only do we accept each others believes, but we also attend events together at my church and I go to the temple with him. I understand why people stress it is better to date a believer if you are because yes I agree having someone to share the same values as you is important. However, my husband and I share many of the same believes/values. In fact, we have a lot in common with what we think and believe and I find that I listen to more sermons online now, then I ever did before meeting him and I have become closer to God since my husband, not further away. I truly am blessed! AMEN
Anthony Trivisano I saw the movie. It's a ridiculous strawman of atheists. It was laughable. If one wants to know what an atheist believes, ask one. Don't watch a movie about atheists written by a Christian.
Ed Gloss So Ed, what do you believe? :)
This makes no sense, that's like saying you can't be friends with an atheist.
I've been with my boyfriend for going on two years now and we've been best friends for 8 years. I've never shoved my beliefs down his throat but he came to me the other day with his heart in his hands and many questions about god. How can you turn something like that away?
Everyone has potential.
I agree with you. My boyfriend is muslim and we hav only been dating a few months but I've been talking to him abt Jesus and I'm hopeful one day he will come around. We are supposed to be the light of the world and help everyone see Jesus
eve m no offense, but your relationship doesn't sound very healthy based on what i'm hearing so far. Are you saying your relationship hinges on the future prospect of your Muslim boyfriend converting to Christianity??
What if he doesn't? What if you married him and after 30 years you realize he is never going to convert?
What if he becomes an atheist?
What if he doesn't want to go to your church and refuses to participate in your church's activities?
How will you raise your kids? Which religion do you teach your kids? What Sunday school will your kids attend - Islam or Christianity?
How do the parents feel? Are they ok with you dating a Muslim? What about his parents - are they ok with their Muslim son dating a Christian?
What if he expects YOU to convert to Islam? Does he hold that expectation? Does his family hold that expectation? Does his family expect his kids to be raised as Muslims?
These are questions you should talk to your boyfriend about. Have a SERIOUS conversation and actually write down what you guys said, and go back to it ever 6 month or so and make sure you guys are still on the same page.
Best of luck!
+Imperfectly Perfect (Kelly Addy) the devil is using him to seduce you!
+Sean Armstrong love is not based on religion, it is based on the person. My buddy is an atheist and married a Christian woman over 20 years ago. Religion isn't needed as basis for a relationship. Trying to make them conform makes problems.
My mom is a Christian and my dad is an Atheist. They've been happily married for more than 20 years. I think it's possible to be (not only date) with someone who is Non-Christian as long as both people are kind to each other and very open-minded.
I do not think you are understanding what a Christian is. Did your mom seek God? Has your mom ever been involved in anything that has to do with Jesus? Well if not she is not a Christian because she is not a "Christ Follower". Instead she is part of the population that says they are but don't care enough to seek God. It is not a good idea for a Christian to date or marry an Atheist, not because the Atheist is good or bad, but rather because she will not have a husband or a relationship that is centered on Christ. She most likely has not gotten closer to God and therefore is not a Christ follower or a Christian.
Julio Suarez You are really going to go about telling someone that their mom isn't a Christian, pretending that you somehow how have the authority to judge someone's heart and decide whether they are going to hell or not? Really? That's not Pharisaical or anything....
I think you should look a little closer, I asked questions in the beginning of my statement. and said... "WELL IF NOT" meaning IF NOT.. meaning if the answers to my question are "no" then my statements are correct... not judging but correct.
Julio Suarez It's still not your place to state those things.
He is actually right.
But guys like that are so rare....
Really....??? 🤔😉
BUPBE INC like unicorns😊
trust in the will of the lord for it is said "i know the plan i have for you ,plans to give you a hope and a future. just like when it seened that sara could not become pregnant,sge had abaham sleep with another women but the lord had a plan. so just like then the lord has a plan for you all you got to do is be patient
Is your name Eve, cause your the only girl in my world😉
My mother started dating my father while he was a non-believer, she would cry out everyday that my Dad would have and encounter with Jesus and she NEVER stopped going to church, praying, reading the bible, didn't drank, until one day, while she was praying, my father felt a burning in his heart and had his first encounter with God, since then he is a HUGE man of God, honestly, its more about you then it is about the other person, the common sense is to avoid it, but thats not a norm.I'm dating a girl who loves Jesus, but if I thought in my heart that dating a girl that doesn't know Jesus yet is the right thing, if I felt peace in my heart I would do it.
Scripture does talk about this, 2 Corin 6:14 - "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers..." That means do not get "hooked up" with someone who doesn't believe what you believe and WALK the walk you do. We can be friends and hang out, we are to love EVERYONE, but not to get into UNIONS with just anyone. Can cause A LOT of problems! I agree with everything you said in this vid! :) Blessings! * Jae *
Thank you! I stopped watching after the first few seconds because I knew at that point anything they was was not biblically based
Sorry Jae Tracie, you are taking 2 Cor 6:14 out of context... that scripture has nothing to do with marital relationships.... please read 1 Cor 7: 12 To the rest I say-I and not the Lord-that if any believer has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. 13 And if any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is made holy through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy through her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 15 But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so; in such a case the brother or sister is not bound. It is to peace that God has called you. 16 Wife, for all you know, you might save your husband. Husband, for all you know, you might save your wife.
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (1 Co 7:12-16). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Please google/read up on Rudy Rasmus pastor of St John's in downtown Houston.... If his wife believed in this unequally yoked thing the city would be without him... It's not as cut and dry as ***** points out.
Terrell Harris Goes to show how annoying Bible interpretation is...
No one can be certain what they mean.
Terrell Harris
Hey this is what I see in the Bible is that 1 Cor 7:12 is speaking on behalf of a couple who is already married. And also it clearly says it's Paul speaking since he wrote the letter to the Corinthian church. And not God.
Wait. On. God.
Waiting 50 years for a spouse who loves God with all their heart is better than having a lukewarm spouse now.
God's timing is perfect. You rushing headlong into a relationship without God being the center is evidence of your impatience with God's sovereignty and power.
Go to God. Lay your heart out before Him. The Lord is good, and if a godly spouse is the best thing for you, He will bring one into your life. Wait on Him.
"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phil 4:6-7
I'm fighting alongside all the rest of you singles! Let's live our lives for God!
Couldn't agree more! I just broke up recently and my parents told me to read Philippians. It's a really good book to read!!
I respect you my Brother you are right.
Watching this video, I at first was a little mad. But then I realized that as an Atheist, I wouldn't really want to date/marry a religious person. It is a very important thing to agree or disagree about.
Erin L I think you're right, BUT no one should say you shouldn't date with none cristians. Because there are also people who are dating the opposite site of religion, and they're totally happy with that. It personally think no one should limit or isolate themselves to sth good because of jesus or religion
Ukekon Also do I disagree on the role behaviour of Alyssa.
Ukekon You're right. We definitely should not not give people a chance just because of their religious beliefs.
Erin L I'm an atheist and dating a christian girl..
We understand eachother and just respect eachother
this vid just pissed us both off
What do you believe if a guy is pursuing a non believer? The whole video was kinda addressing if a girl was interested in a non believing guy. Do you think its the same vice versa?
I think it applies both ways. You want to share common goals in relationships and if the one you are pursuing doesn't love Jesus and you do, then that will cause major strain on the relationship. We should desire to be with someone who loves the Lord more than they love us.
Josue Hernandez sorry if we didn't make it clear, but we'd say the same thing either way!
I second Josue^^^ ***** Being a man and the different position he holds in a relationship, does it hold true for the same side if he puts Jesus first do you think it still follows the same thought you guys talk about in the video?
***** thanks bro. I was just wondering because I've heard that a man and a woman impact each other in different ways. I appreciate your reply! You should come down to Walla Walla sometime by the way! Just to hang out haha
Definitely the same both ways man :) I think the reason the video addressed a girl a lot was because Alyssa was talking from her point of view.
Christians: Date whomever you want; but, if your religious beliefs are vitally important to you be sure to talk about it and be clear on what your expectations are. Some Atheist-Christian Couples are successful, others are not. The *KEY* focus should be communication.
William M. Christians ignore this comment and read your bible, we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers!
@@breaisalive3424 my girlfriend is a Christian I don't believe in God she knows that I don't because I told her I fully respect her and her belief and we don't have any problems and god him self in the bible even says every one is equal so yeah and I'm not even religious but I have went to church with my girlfriend but I don't believe in God though I shall support my girlfriend
@@LiamTalkk You just proved William M.'s point. Your words are an example of what happens when a Christian dates an non-Believer. You don't care and just want things your way and failure in the relationship is inevitable.
I've been in a relationship where I don't believe in God, but my then boyfriend does. We worked because we communicated our boundaries, respected our differences, and loved each other regardless.
@jonathan. You sound an awful lot like his mother. What you need to realize is that two people of different faiths can make it work with communication and effort. Yes, it also helped that neither of us wants kids, but regardless it's also about compromising. A healthy relationship realizes each others differences, but makes it work. I don't believe in a God, but I know his God is important to him. And he knows I don't believe in a god, to me as long as you are a good person who does their best to treat others how you would want to be treated, then I don't care about the differences. I would never ridicule him, nor would he look down on me. That's what made it work. What made our relationship go sour is his lying to protect me from harm, and my wanting him to open up. It had nothing to do with religion. If we had stayed together and had a child, I would have been happy to go to church with them. I grew up with the help of a church, I see nothing wrong with it, I just never held a belief in god. I more so appreciated the church and the people that made the world bright. It has nothing to do with my beliefs, but the fact that I would want my child to know that feeling of kindness. If they believed in a god, then who am I to crush that? If they didn't, then who is he to judge their own path? We are not our parents. If I were my mother, I'd be an abusive woman. I would want a child of mine to be their own person and figure out what life is to them, not to me.
My ex of 10 months broke up with me 3 days ago via text because me being an agnostic was a major disappointment for her (I shared with her about me being an agnostic a year ago). Because she has a strong faith life, she wants a partner that does too. I've never talked badly about her beliefs, and we've shared values that were correlated to each other. I thought we understood each other well when we were sharing our faith in God, and how open minded I was about learning about his existence. We believed in the same things, had a lot of common interests, had a lot of deep conversations we enjoyed having, and had fun times together. We never fought nor argued about anything in our relationship. I'm currently staying on no contact, so she can have enough time and space to rethink about this unfair decision she made. I know she's a wonderful, sweet person from the inside and someone I see myself being with long term, but it's a shame she let religion destroy our relationship just because I'm labeled as agnostic. Didn't think it would be an issue till now. I think the Covid 19 Lockdown is what took a toll on her mental health, but I just hope she'll come back around to have an open communication with me about this.
oh!poor agnostic.
Don’t chase it. She won’t respect ur beliefs. There isn’t anything wrong w your beliefs she just isn’t tolerant of other people. Not ur fault
Your values just didn’t line up. She shouldn’t have ever agreed to be in a relationship with you if she could never fully handle your opposing beliefs in the first place...
Amen. I'm 18 years old and I've never had a boyfriend because I won't settle for a guy who just calls himself a Christian. Thanks for making this video.
Same here, I'm waiting for the one God sends me! (= p.s. is that Cameron I see? (=
Did you end up getting a boyfriend?
Then date a man of god
I agree partially, however God places people in your life for a reason. I disagree with not talking to a non believer about becoming a believer. My wife and I, I strongly believe we're brought together by God. When we started dating in college she did not believe, she did not have faith in God or believe in his works, but with me sharing my faith and what God has done for me, that started to bring about a change I'm her life. She gave her life to Christ and we are happily married. We are born in sin and shaped in iniquity, she wasn't a bad person, she wasn't on the fast track to hell so to speak, but had things to work on like we all do. She just didn't have the Christian upbringing that I had that would give her that faith in The Lord and the thirst to strengthen her relationship with him. I believe God place her in my life to help draw her to him, and as a Husband and a Man of God, it is very rewarding to know that I was able to assist him in adding a soul to the kingdom. So although your advice is good in some way, please be careful at how your message is brought forth, you could be hindering Gods will for two people that has already been predestined. Your shirt states "He > I" please don't forget that.
AgentMose amen brotha, I’m currently going through this right now with my girlfriend, but I will not give up on her I have faith that she will find god and that my love may be a stepping stone towards that
@@vincentolvera2499 hi dear..guess we are in same situation..m also in dilemma..stressed out,confused wat to do..how do you take your relationship with a non believer?m in a relationship with a non believer for 10 yrs now😓😓and i love him so much
On the same boat but my parents don’t accept him and would never give us their blessing in the future. I pray everyday and have full trust in God with this.
What if person decide to want to learn about Jesus when meeting you ?
get in prayer dear ask Jesus for confirmations because we need to be led by God first always
Not in my case, I was destroyed and was interested in that part of her life. I always have believed in GOD, just not to the extent u are suppose to, but I was willing, I just feared failing him
Ask someone who you know who loves the LORD, to talk to that person, stay clear and allow GOD'S will to be done. Surrender your will to GOD. Seek to have a godly motive when deeling with the person. The fact that you stay clear is evidence and a witness the person, that you trust GOD and HIS Word.
I'm in that situation now hence why I'm on this video lol (I'm a non Christian) but I respect his views and I'm trying learning about God for him and myself too.
NEW VIDEO! Should a Christian date a Non-Christian?
1 Corinthians 7:15
Love this video! Quick question, I noticed you have a tattoo on your wrist. What does it say? :)
Jacque Griffin If you watch his video that says "Are Tattoos Sinful" he explains it. I think they're on both wrists. One says "Forgiven" and the other says "Loved" in the original Greek translation.
What do you do if you have done married one?
My husband and I are a mixed faith couple. Can you allow him to have his faith? Each person finds their own path to God and you should concentrate on your's while encouraging but not pushing his.
The girl has natural anime voice LOL
She sounds like one of the power puff girls
I actually just got out of a relationship that was with a non-believer. The reason I dated him was because I fell in love with his personality and who he was and I thought I could overlook the fact that we just weren't working because he didn't believe and I was caught between him and Jesus. But praise God. You two are so amazing for sharing God's love and spreading knowledge and peace. Thank you 😊
I dealt with this once before, and it made me realize that i had been so selfish. To want a relationship with another person that i pushed Christ aside, and ultimately hurt the other person in the process when I had to tell him i could not see him anymore because he was not following the Lord and was not supportive of me in following the Lord. However, I hold onto God's promises because I know they are good and true!!
Can't wait for your book Alyssa!
***** wow Jenna! Thanks for sharing! God is good. Nothing like His grace.
+Jefferson Bethke From an intelligent human being perspective its both funny and sad to see an indoctrinated person. Its like seeing a drunk 3 year old baby walking and falling then vomiting then falling with his vomit.
+Wambli Padilla I find it sad that you can be so mean. 'The indoctrinated' as you call them are people too.
+Morgan McManus stupid "people", but yes I guess they can be qualified as people too. Unfortunately.
That's amazing i love your faith, don't loose hope in this promises there are real Christians out there don't settle for the less.
I WAS a non christian girl when me and my christian boyfriend started dating. In the beginning i didn't see an issue in this. I thought we would figure it out, find a way to compromise... LOL! Today i am a christian, I've been reborn and got to feel the love and protection from god himself. My life has been forever changed and i couldn't be more thankful. I was a fool to ever think that we could last if i hadn't found the lord.. Me and my boyfriend truly believe god brought us together, to love one another, but mostly for us to love and serve him, to work for his kingdome together. I want to make clear that i never "decided" to become a christian to save my relationship. One day I just felt this overwhelming love, this protection, i felt save and i felt at home. That day was the day I met the lord, the day i felt his warm hand on my shoulder and i heard his word in my ears and his love in my heart. I'm still getting to know him daily and still need to ask my boyfriend a lot. I'm still learing about his kingdome and his word daily and i can honestly say, sometimes i stumble and it isn't always easy. But i truly believe that with the lord i'm destined to be and i couldn't be more thankfull to be a child of his.
A relationship between a christian and a non christian is possible when it comes from god himself. When this is his plan for you and your future CHRISTIAN wife or husband. With god everything is possible. Spend time with him daily and listen to his word, only he will tell you and lead you to where you're destined to be.
Love this!
I personally think it has less to do with religion and more to do with spirituality and a relationship with God. I don't identify as a Christian, or any religion, but I do believe in God and Jesus. I know this sounds very strange, but it's true. Every Church I have gone to, I just didn't feel much sincerity, and I wasn't feeling His presence in their sermons. And I haven't been able to identify with any sort of denomination of Christianity. My personal philosophy about God and Jesus is different than any organized religion I've experienced. But I fully believe and have a relationship with God. I don't identify as Christian, but a Christian and I could have many of the same beliefs and morals.
I call myself a Non-denominational Christian, i have a relationship with God and I believe in him 100% I go to a church that is not based on religion but is based on a loving relationship with God and truly worshipping him and it is a beautiful thing
Go to church
I was not a Christian when I went on my husband and I's first date back when I was 18. One of the first questions he asked me was if I was a believer. I told him no. He then asked if I would go to church with him the following Sunday. I had always felt an urge to become a Christian but because of my upbringing and the group of friends I had, I didn't ever try hard enough to really explore my options on ways to learn about Jesus. 4 years later and we are married. He told me not too long ago that if I would have told him "no" to going to church with him on our first date, he would have never seen me again. My story is not very common and even though I do believe my husband brought me to Christ, I would never want to see my children date a non-believer. My situation is not very common and I wouldn't them to end up with someone with the thought process I used to have.
So what you're trying to say is you agreed to do something to please someone else, and have now diluted yourself into thinking that they're right simple to make them happy? And if you're so disgusted by the idea of your children dating a non-religious person, then it's simple what you are.
You're a bigot.
May I ask, what was it that got you to start believing in Christianity?
Alexei, I did not agree to do something to please him. He simply asked and I agreed. I had always felt a pull to go to church but because of the way I was brought up and the friends I was around I didn't necessarily have the best support to go and I wish I wouldn't have worried so much about what others would have thought of me. I didn't fake a belief. I am just open minded and am able to put myself in situations where I was not most comfortable to therefore form my own opinion of the world. Andreas, I remember the exact day. There was a message at church on forgiveness. It literally gave me chills. I knew at that very moment I wanted to give my life to Christ. I still remember the feeling I had to this day.
Alicia Rodriguez-Murray Thanks for your civil response. You seem very easy going for a Christian. I, for one, can understand you not wanting your children to date people so different from your beliefs and values (as long as the choices of the children themselves are respected, of course).
It's your life. You can do what you want. I was just curious about your story. It's hard, also, to understand or argue against internal feelings. But was it forgiveness that drew you in? I guess now you're drawn to all the aspects of it, huh?
Andreas Devig I am very easy going, and even when it comes to communicating with people who may not understand or approve of my decisions. To each their own and I have to love everyone even if they don't like what I have to say. To answer your question, I guess since about age 6 I always felt like I "wanted" to believe in God. And I say it that way because I tried hard to believe in God because at that time I felt like something was wrong with me if I didn't. But as many others around the world I questioned and questioned. But that never gave me the "I will never try to open up to this ever again" mentality. Throughout my life I always felt like I should try harder and harder to study more about the Bible and go through discussions about Jesus. But like I said I couldn't share that with the people around me without getting judged for it and I wasn't a strong enough person to say "Hey, I want to look more into this, and I don't care what you think of me for it." Because unfortunately I did care too much. Looking back I can see how my life could have been so much better if I would have had the mindset I do now. Going to church has taught me how to care about people and overall live a more happy positive life. The forgiveness thing I think was just the cherry on the top that made me say "You know what, this makes since to me, I feel it in my heart, I don't have any doubts anymore." It was really an AHA moment. I also think that your environment may have something to do with it. Growing up I always assumed churches were filled with people who would judge you for what you are wearing and your status. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of people that go to church and judge you, but the church I got saved in was such a calm and serene environment and the pastor even told me when I got there not to tithe and don't get saved until I was ready. I think a lot of me getting saved has to do with the church I go to. I wear jeans, we have a rock band, all these things that I never associated with church. I hope this answers your question.
His hairline keeps distracting me, how on earth is it so straight like that?
it's called going to a barber.....lol
It's awkward and bulky
His hair is super thick so he has it buzzed but having no length on top it would be uneven lookin to keep the hairline untouched
My barber gave him the hook ups.
@@KyleAlexanderkneeGrowPlz 🤣🤣
A woman's heart should be so deep in God that a man has to seek him just to get to her -max lucado
@@rathoresrishti8034 wrong again
I am not a christian, but I do not hate christianity or jesus (if he does exist) but 1 thing for sure is love who you want to love, don't let a book destroy your life, love who you think is right for u
Just because you think someone is right for you doesn't meant they actually are.
omfg -_- that's pretty much the whole fucking point of finding a mate and thinking someone you love!
first of all you're not gonan find someone perfect if you just hangout for 1 - 2 days
and if you hangout for 1 year and think that they are perfect and you want to live with them and marry them, then they are perfect with you!
if YOU think someone is right for you, then they mostly are because it's YOU who needs the person and wants her/him, if she/him wasn't perfect then you wouldn't think she's perfect, many people like different types of people, no one will go for the same one
No I'm pretty sure the point that I was trying to make flew RIGHT over your head. If a woman loves a man who abuses her does that mean he's right for her? Rihanna loved Chris Brown but he obviously wasn't right for her as I'm sure you know why. I never said anything about finding someone perfect, the whole point of finding a mate is loving an imperfect person who is capable of loving you the way you need to be loved.
Michelle A
what the fuck?!?! so you're saying if I marry someone and fuckign abuse her, it's 'okay' because she was looking for an imperfect mate! no the fucking point of it years ago was to produce offsprings and reproduce the population, and by that you would need a mate that would not abuse the children, wont get fucking drunk, and be a good model for their kids, not beat the fuck out of your wife.
also another thing, I was talking about atheist/muslim/hindu/buddhist people can marry Christian, you are talking about people beating up wives is okay
The Bible is a tool for understanding God's word. Think about the people who are unable to read. God reaches out to everyone in different kinds of ways.
If you think Christianity is just an annoying 'book' that gets in the way of our 'oh so important love lives', then you have no idea what a relationship with God is, or what it means to people.
Don't date a non-Christian. It will make everything complicated if you want to have a real relationship with Jesus.
Jesus was just a naive man
@@namankumar9478 JESUS CHRIST ❤️❤️❤️IS LORD FOREVER AND IN ALL ETERNITY!!! GOD bless you richly! :-) Have a nice day!
My fiance is hindu, and I'm a Christian. He is the most respectful person I have ever met, and our life values are the same, the only issues we have had are our families wants for the wedding day itself! I don't want to convert him, and him neither to me, but we work well together, and I'm so happy and blessed to have him in my life!
I'm a Hindu dating a Christian. Lots of love. :)
I am sorry but my wife wasn't a Christian when we married but she converted through it. Sorry but you are way off point here!
Every time Alyssa begins speaking it catches me off guard.. Coming from Jeff's deep voice to hers is so crazy haha
I'm crying!!!! this is exactly what i needed to hear right now. i love you guys you always explain things sooooo well. Alyssa, when you said "it might be you're just settling" i burst, that's exactly what I'm doing and as much as it hurts it's exactly what i needed to hear. thank you, wish I could give you a hug xxx
Fiona Lord Photographer I’m crying too!
Me too. Settling so we are not alone even when someone can point out that they don't need to hear about my 'Jesus stuff'. Sometimes something is so obvious but we still insist on it. But God is so patient with us. He knows how to get through to us by His Wisdom.
What you think about God is the single most important thing about every person. It defines how you operate on a foundational level--whether you think He's great, or hates you, or doesn't exist, or doesn't care. It's vitally important to how you view the world.
So this should be vitally important in a lifelong partner. You should at least agree on the foundational stuff. Tertiary things can differ, but not your core worldview, or else you will never truly relate to one another.
Nah, I say it doesn't really matter. I could marry a Wiccan for all I care... I mean even God had Hosea marry an idolater... Just because you can't see, doesn't mean it isn't so.
Jesse Lawhon
Hosea isn't setting an example for all Christians. God doesn't say "go be like him and marry harlots."
What you think about God is the most important part about you because it changes how you view the world. It is core to your human experience. You can say "He isn't real" or "He loves me" or "He doesn't care" and each of those things fundamentally change how you live your life.
Does that make sense?
You can be with someone different than you, but if you can't share with them your deepest thoughts and feelings about God (good or bad), and if you can't fully be honest with them about what you think about the world, then you're going to have problems.
It is good to at least have _that_ basic belief in common so you at least agree on the most important thing first.
Who says I can't share my thoughts and feelings about My God with a Wiccan? Who says I can't share with an Atheist my views on the world? If sharing is your reason then maybe that's the problem.
It may be good to have that "basic belief" in common but it is no required nor is it the text book of a working marriage.
God is Love and Love is the foundation of a good marriage, not bigotry and ignorance. Not looking at someone who says they don't understand religion and saying, well looks like there is no point wasting time on you.
This is seclusion and God doesn't not seclude or divide his people, Satan does. God wants all his people and loves them for who they are.
Jesse Lawhon
I'm not saying you _can't_ marry someone with a different theology or religion than you. it is possible, even the Bible says so in 1 Cor. 7:12-14.
But what I'm saying is that _ideally_ , you should have your religion in common with your spouse because you will understand eachother better, and you will be able to share that space with eachother.
Here's an example in my mind: imagine a Christian woman is married to an atheist man. She is going through a really hard time and she really wants to pray with him and she needs him to pray for her and help her in her walk with God. However, since she knows he thinks her God is fake, she doesn't go to him for spiritual help. See how that can be difficult?
In fact, how awful would it be to know that your spouse thought you were a fool for worshiping a "make-believe" God? I would never be okay with marrying a woman who didn't take my most personal relationship seriously.
Does that make more sense?
I think it all depends on where you are in your own faith journey, though. Jesus loved us before we gave him our hearts, and we are called to live by his example. I feel that it is okay to have faith in God working in someone's heart, and loving them as they struggle with things we all struggled with as we chose to truly follow Christ. I have seen some amazing believer/nonbeliever relationships in which it was clear God's hand was present, and the transformations I have witnessed have been amazing. I am not saying that it is always an equation that will work out to produce two believers, and I think that most often if someone TRIES to make that happen, it will fail. The most important things are trust in the Lord and prayer. Praying that if this relationship is drawing you away from Christ, for the Lord to give you strength to step away. But also trusting. Trusting the Lord that if you feel His hand in this, to let Him do the work and not to try to change anyone with our own efforts. Continue to love Jesus, put Jesus first, and let God work in other hearts, and keep praying for guidance. Sometimes God works in mysterious ways. To 'limit' Him is sin. It is not impossible for an unlikely relationship to bring people closer to Christ; if you feel God's hand in a relationship, trust. Pray, and trust. Just remember to be honest with yourself and don't force a relationship just because you may WANT God to work through you.
Life with Lana this was so amazing , thank you !!! ❤️
I am what others would call an anti-theist atheist and certainly not a fan of Jefferson Bethke but, I agree with this video. Although I have a profound love for people, I can't imagine spending my life with somebody who perpetuates a construct that I view as unhealthy to self and dangerous to others. I also can't imagine any christian woman wanting to be with me since I would not elect to get married in a church, I would not want christian symbols in my home, I would not allow my children to be exposed to religion and I would not provide a christian burial for her. If any of these things are important to a christian woman, only a selfish atheist man would consider entering a relationship with her.
If you like or maybe even in love with the person you're dating, i don't see how religion can get between that? You're saying that just because they don't believe in god or whatever, then you can't be in love with eachother. Am i the only one, or is that complete bullshit?
I don't see why that interfers with. So yes, if i loved the person so much that i would merry her.
aBoughtLemon I love how on these videos people keep saying "western mindset"....that's...seriously something that occurs everyone there buddy not just in the west XD
Uhm okay, so let's think of a hypothetical situation...say you're talking to a guy and you find out he's in a gang. Now idk if you're about that life or whatever but his life will be dictated by that...would u still be down or what? Christians live their lives based on scripture and try to make decisions that glorify God, now if you date someone who doesn't live their life like this...how are you supposed to still live your life as a Christian? Dating someone who rejects Jesus as their savior is not glorifying to God is it?
Lacie Scaletta you're......you're actually serious aren't you? Ok first of all....about what life kiddo? gang life? you realize there are THOUSANDS of meanings to that. Oh and guess what. "gang" activity is not restricted to gang members, plenty of people murder deal drugs hurt others etc etc without a gang. Almost like....wait...wait a minute now...people can be good people without being Christian. HOLYCRAP MIND BLOWN. Also you didn't show how dating that person takes you away from living a Godly life...you just said it did. As for dating an unbeliever glorifying to God...I don't know....is being friends with a tax collector glorifying to God? seem to me like you're being pretty elitist. I wonder would you judge Jesus for the company he kept? cause it sounds like a pretty elitist argument you are presenting there.
And hey guess what? not all gang members are the same person just like not all Christians are the same person same with non-believes cut the homogenized bullcrap. The church seems to want to do that these days....I swear guys like Bethke are harder and harder to tell apart from all the other "I'm gonna follow God while being a cool cat" guys out there. Stop with the generalization. And just see people for who they are not the label they wear
justanother guy Ok dude, i see you're lookin for an argument. That gang reference was an analogy...Christians are dictated by the Bible and the teachings of Jesus...just as gang member's lives are dictated by the gang they're in..riiight? Just an analogy man, no need to take it out of context. Also, I said nothing about being a good person, I know there are bad people who call themselves Christian and good people who aren't Christian...not the point I was trying to make either. Obvz I'm referring to the Christians who actually follow and practice teachings in the scripture, not the majority of Americans who are actually nominal "christians". Idk why you're getting so offended...all i was saying was that if your significant other is not a Christian and you are I find it really unlikely to maintain the Christian life that God asks of you. If you aren't maintaining that life then no you are not glorifying him...how can you? You're putting him on the back burner. I will overgeneralize because most of the over generalizations tend to be true, sure there are exceptions but as a whole yah so true.
I think a reason why a lot of women aren't with Christian men is because our fathers aren't raising us up to be proper men.
I watch a lot of guys that can't lead and take care of themselves and make themselves strong, much less love a woman...
Then there are also a lot of girls who claim to be Christian that don't seem to be walking with The Lord if you look at their behavior and language.
***** Nahh bruh, both people are at fault in this situation. I'm just not a girl so I can't speak from a female's perspective.
It looks to me like we both said there are problems on both sides. At least I think that's what we said. *sarcasm* I'm a female and I can say there are women that aren't right by God
I’d rather be with someone who is 100% in love with the Lord who does not see separation or divorce as a way out to problems and also doesn’t wait for problems to accumulate into that situation . And a man of God that has a faithful loyal heart.
Most of the time, I usually agree with your views and I really love the advice you two have to give, but I really must say that I disagree this time around.
I was never very religious. When people asked what I believed in, I figured I would say that I was Christian since that's what my grandma said we were, but that's not even the right answer to that question. The truth is, I didn't know what to believe in.... I didn't know whether there was a God or not.
When I started going though hard times in my life, I was so desperate for help. I turned to God for guidance, but I had never felt so alone. Finally, I decided that my prayers were useless and that there was no God.
Then I met a boy.
He spoke of Jesus all the time. He would tell me stories of the bible. He would tell me stories of his days as a youth leader. He bowed his head to say grace at meal times.... something so simple, yet it was something I had never seen.
He eventually invited me along with him to church on Sunday. That was the first time I had ever been to church other than for funerals. He made me realize how wonderful the grace of God is. I was so thankful for him bringing me closer to God, but eventually, that turned around to me being thankful to God for bringing me to this boy.
I know that it might sound terrible that this is what it took, a boy, for me to truly believe in God, instead of me finding God through my own free will, but the point is that now I believe. It shouldn't matter how you got on the road to being closer to Jesus, whether that was on your own or though the help of someone else.... the point is that you got there.
And if you help someone come closer to Jesus, then isn't that a good thing?
Finally someone who understands. My dad wasn't a Christian when he met my mom however with the right strategy, she got him to come to church. Sooner or later, he got saved and became a believer. So it's not really a question of whether it's a sin or not, but whether it's God's will in your life or not to date them.
You were willing to come to Jesus before marriage that is the difference.
Let me start by saying I am a Christian, but let me also say that while I was raised Christian, as a young adult I fell away from a practicing Christian (though I still believed in God, I would say I didn't fully have a relationship with him). In this time, I met a man whom I honestly felt was the other part of me, there was something about him and I fell in love. He is agnostic. As our relationship grew, along came children, marriage and a deeper love. Here we are 11 years later, still just as in love, but now that I have a true relationship with God, or at least one that I am improving on, I find myself saddened by the fact that my husband does not believe or disbelieve in God. Would I divorce him for this? No.1 Corinthians 7:12-14 (NIV) says "To the rest I say (I, not the Lord) that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy." I witness to my husband on a daily basis and I have faith that my husband will one day have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He has spoke on multiple times before of his curiosity so therefore I know God is working in him. So, to the question as to WHY would you want to marry a non-believer (which I despise as it makes me feel that it is a very closed-minded question), the answer can have so much depth to it that only the person within that situation can understand. Sometimes it's not as simple of an answer as you would like, sometimes it's just because the believer in the relationship was a different person before and then with time children become involved or maybe it's on their heart to work with that person through their journey in finding God. Whatever the reason, I believe that there is hope for the non-believer. I'm so glad for you both that you can be in an equally yoked marriage, but for those who are not, I do not believe it's a lost cause.
thank you for this! I am in a relationship with a non-christian guy right now. he's catholic. we've been dating for over a year now. when I share things about God and Jesus to him, most of the time he can't relate to it but, i don't see him disagreeing to it. he truly respects me for what I believe in and I would like to do the same to him. I am still praying that one day he will also be saved and have that deeper relationship with Jesus but I also want to leave it all to the hands of God, for it is not my thing to intervene in. I got saved not because of a man/woman who have randomly shared Jesus to me, I got saved because of Jesus himself with the help of the Holy Spirit, whom I believe was and still is working in my heart every single day.
it is actually worth it to be in a relationship with someone who believes the same as we do but, it is something unexplainable as well that this relationship with non-christians have allowed by God. I've heard and seen married couples that the husband even after marriage is still not a believer but because of the faith of his wife to Jesus, the husband miraculously accepted Jesus in his life. so yeah, it is God (always) not us.
@@pseudonym____ yes ma'am! As a follow up, 3 years later, that husband I referenced to, he gave his life over to God about 2 years ago. Thank you Lord! Right before he did though, I had a different prayer with God. I just gave the whole situation over to Him. No longer did I feel it was my responsibility to keep pushing (pulling lol) him to Christianity, like I literally just gave it to God. I felt God put it on my heart that my responsibility wasn't to talk him into anything, rather my responsibility was to be a biblical Christian wife and show him God's love versus constantly preaching it. Basically be the walking Bible for him because I knew he wasn't going to read it lol. Girl, I kid you not, not too long after that he became a Christian who prays at mealtimes, goes to church, prays with God and has an actual relationship with him. I pray for you and your husband that the yoke becomes even, but I pray until then that he continues to have an open heart and mind and that you just continue to be the amazing Christian wife that I'm sure you are ❤️
@@whittniestroud1193 amen! awww praise the Lord. this is what I exactly want to do like surrender it all to God, letting Him do what He wants for his child. I really love the person but I don't want to force him to believe in what I believe in. that's why I also want to agree with you that it is not our responsibility, it is God's duty. your testimony is one of those I always wanted to hear. I mean its so scary to commit to these types of relationship but, aww God knows what He is doing. so happy for you both ❤️
p.s. we're not married yet hehe we are still in a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship
@@pseudonym____ well the best advice I could give you from one Christian sister to another is to continue following where you feel the Holy Spirit leading you, don't let anything cloud it. Also, be the best Christian person/gf/fiance/wife you can be and let God do that heavy lifting. God will always fight for His children, even when they are not trying to do the same. He won't give up on your boyfriend and that means everything ❤️
@@whittniestroud1193 I'd say, Amen! (2 Corinthians 3:17) and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
You can easily know if its from the Lord or not by checking your heart if you have peace, right? Sister, what you have shared is actually reminding me also to be that Christian women wherever I go or to whoever is around me. Thank you so much! Anyway, I'm gonna include you and your family to my prayers. Let's enjoy serving the Lord with them. Hugs all the way from the Philippines 😄
As a Christian I'll always put God priority. But what if I date a Muslim guy, who respects all my choices and believes including Jesus? Is that a sin too?
WTF im sorry but fuck that, love who you truly love, you will see how sacred and profound love really is
The problem with your reasoning is that you aren't using the same definition of love as is being discussed here. Your kind of love is one that just happens, that fills fairy tales. True love is work and dedication. You don't always feel loving, but the act of loving someone is just that: an act, and one that must be carried out despite your feelings.
***** News flash: Jesus wasn't a moderate fellow.
Neophenx ahaha thats true love in you're perspective. In my opinion, remember its an opinion, everyone is entitled to choose their path; to enlightenment, God, spirituality etc. that should not effect if you love them or not. Its quiet close minded to think christians should only date other christians. There is not only one way toward the light my friend...
Worse advice ever lol
@@neophenxgaming Your right. Jesus was a liberal back in the day. He was the definition of counter-cultural even to the religious leaders. He loved people. He loved spending time with people who didn't believe in him.
Love Alyssas' voice. Not in a creepy way lol. I would just like hate to ever argue with her because she speaks so gentle lol. May God continue to bless you two! Your going to be great parents!
I am a christian and I happen to be looking for wife for many yrs, I just dont see any cute girls in church. So I look outside the church.I did have a dream a few nights ago about a lady saying to me satan is trying to stop our marriage and woke up. Yeah I believe God has someone for me but I hate the wait its been a yr and 6 months its killing me , He always makes you wait drives me crazy.
As an Atheist married to a Christian for 16 years, who attends bible class and Church, with two Christian Children (so far), I strongly disagree with your sentiments. Loving someone is the strongest emotion someone can give and receive in life. I have had many good and bad conversations with my family about beliefs and we disagree on religion BUT I love them all dearly and would give my life for them. You do not pick love, it just happens.
If sounds like you both are literalists which is a word strongly associated with the word fundamentalism.
I totally agree with you
Spot ON Jeff and Alyssa!!!...Why would I want to date someone who is not a true Man of God..!!..That would be a losing battle and not fulfilling at all!!..I really enjoy these series and further affirms my decision to pump the brakes on dating right now and focus more on my relationship with the Father. Thanks for bringing it home with scripture!! Lamentation 3:25
To all of the atheists complaining about what they're saying in this video, I don't understand why you're mad about it. Why would a Christian date and possibly marry a non Christian? Most marriages lead to children and if one of the parents are a non believer, they're most likely going to be telling the children that there is no God which will cause many problems in the marriage. I dated an atheist for 2 years and it was the most dreadful thing I've ever had to deal with. I'm not talking about all atheists because I'm sure there are some decent ones out there, but based on my experiences with him and other atheists, they're usually disrespectful and get joy out of making people of the book feel ignorant for believing in a "fairy tale" as they call it. I respected them for being non religious, but it was so difficult for them to respect me for being religious. &Honestly, they talked about religion more than any religious person I know. It's sad actually. They hate religion and religious people so much, yet most of their conversations and thoughts were based on religion and religious people. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Why are they so worried about something that they don't even believe in? I loved him so much, but the more time I spent with him, the less I could see a future with him. &I truly believe that if a Christian is desperate to marry a non Christian for whatever reason it is, don't choose an atheist.. For the sake of the children.. Marry a Muslim or Jew. At least they're people of the book..
Not even those either because they are not saved and don't know Jesus as your savior and Lord. If you are a Christian woman marrying a Muslim man is extremely dangerous! If he is devout you automatically become Muslim and loose your rights if you have kids. It's almost impossible in Muslim countries for women to divorce their husbands but men can. Plus the kids also are rights to the husband. Also you would have to where a hijab or burka.
You need to read the Bible more.
2 Corinthians 6:14 ESV / 116 helpful votes
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
Helpful Not Helpful
1 Corinthians 15:33 ESV / 72 helpful votes
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 ESV / 62 helpful votes
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”
1 Corinthians 7:12-16 ESV / 53 helpful votes
To the rest I say (I, not the Lord) that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace. For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
Proverbs 31:30 ESV / 30 helpful votes
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Deuteronomy 7:3-4 ESV / 23 helpful votes
You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV / 22 helpful votes
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
Proverbs 4:23 ESV / 21 helpful votes
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
1 Corinthians 11:1-34 ESV / 16 helpful votes
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven.
1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV / 14 helpful votes
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
Deuteronomy 7:3 ESV / 13 helpful votes
You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons,
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 ESV / 12 helpful votes
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;
Malachi 2:15 ESV / 12 helpful votes
Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ESV / 11 helpful votes
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Hebrews 13:4 ESV / 9 helpful votes
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
Amos 3:3-4 ESV / 8 helpful votes
“Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet? Does a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? Does a young lion cry out from his den, if he has taken nothing?
Matthew 5:28 ESV / 6 helpful votes
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Amos 3:3 ESV / 6 helpful votes
“Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet?
1 Corinthians 7:39 ESV / 4 helpful votes
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.
Hebrews 6:4-8 ESV / 2 helpful votes
For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.
Ephesians 5:3 ESV / 2 helpful votes
But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ESV / 1 helpful vote
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;
I think you misunderstood what they said in the video.
This is beautiful
I love how you said you hate religion but you make a distinction between christian and non-christian while advocating for sectarism
He hates religious but he never said he will stop following it.
from God's point of view, there is an abyss between heaven and hell.
That difference could be powerfully destructive when it comes to marriage. (it's not about religion, you can be a religious sinner, or a pious or whatever)
He made a video a while ago saying he loves Jesus but hates religion. Because religion was divisive and Jesus came to abolish that. Now here he is promoting the same shit. People leting a relationship aside because his imaginary friend don't like it are insane.
I wish people could have the right words to explain what they meant, but this whole world is supernatural, people think they could reach and understand God...waste of time guys :) (hope you recieved my messasge Tyrion)
Well like I'm not a psychiatrist I may never understand you delusions nor your imaginary friends.
As someone who has been in a relationship for 12 years with a non-believer. I agree 100% on everything you guys have said. So many aspects of our marriage has been affected because we are unequally yoked. Unfortunately we began dating during a personal season of rebellion and then we married during that season...The comment you guys made about "either making God the center and then the spouse/partner is pushed to the side" or vise a versa DOES happen. Being like minded is so important. Through the Grace of God we are now in a position were I can listen to Worship music and discuss my beliefs with him, with out him having a negative reaction. I recently experienced death in a very personal way and through my grief and pain I poured my heart out to him on Why the Gospel is such an important part of my life and Why I believe in God!! He is an Atheist..since then his attitude toward God has changed. I thank the Lord every day for this small step, however I firmly believe in what you guys say about "flirt to convert". So very true! I really appreciate videos like this..I have a ten year old daughter and I know that in the near future these types of topics will come up and I hope to share these things with her.
It's preferable that a Christian dates another believer however that isn't always the case. My dad wasn't a Christian when my mom dated her and that's how he came to Christ. You have to be open to what God says to you and it's a matter of whether it's his will for you to date a person so they can come to Christ.
***** Hasea was told to marry an idolater... it's not rare case, it's the way the world works. Quit being so bigot and secluded of outside people who need people to be there for them. God detest those who reject others based on such little things.
Same with my parents, but you have to remember to be cautious.
Religion shouldn't have a damn thing to do with love or your relationship with God or Jesus.
If she's Christian and I'm not it isn't complicated.
She goes to church. I don't.
She reads the Bible. I don't.
We respect each other's beliefs and right to believe what we please and make sure we always practice personal development so that we each remain the best versions of ourselves.
Relationships don't work just cause people go to the same church or share the same faith. They work because both partners are good to each other, keep doing what made them attractive to each other and keep things interesting(especially the man in this case).
All religion does is exactly what politics and race does. Unnecessarily complicate things for two people who would otherwise be very happy together.
+Sausage Fest Exactly...
The real damage might reside in a complication of priorities. But how do you react to the idea of not being with the person you love after you die? Dealing with the fact that your spouse/love will die and go to hell can be extrememly emotionally damaging to a person. You'll never see him/her ever again because they didn't believe.
It's essentially like living your life knowing that the end is going to be bad and terrible when choosing another person or waiting for that person to come to the faith could result in a good ending.
No it is not a sin. But it is unwise.
Justin Honey That's all the more reason why I myself would not include religion in this sort of thing.
If I'm a Christian I'd be more concerned with my relationship with God in terms of the afterlife than my lover because I'm not going to face my lover in the afterlife for judgement. I'm going to face God.
Not to mention I'd likely be in heaven too if I'm that true to my faith.
You know...HEAVEN? The place that's supposed to be the place of all places to be?
You really think you're gonna be that worried about someone else(even if it is your spouse) if you're in HEAVEN?
All the preaching Christians do about having a relationship with God over all others should mean that even if you wind up in heaven without your spouse that it should be more than enough, right? Or did I miss something here...
***** The answer is simple. You don't. You allow him to have his free will that Christianity boasts so much about people having and and let him do him while you do you and build YOUR relationship with God.
You enjoy the life you two have together knowing that it won't last forever regardless of the difference in faith you have and you both do what makes you feel right without judgement or trying to force the other to do anything they don't want to do.
That's a little thing called mutual respect that comes regardless of religion. Make sense?
***** Did God really tell you that? Tell the truth.
Thank you for this video. I broke up with my ex today. He is non Christian and I was people pleasing the entire time. If you are Christian NEVER date a non believer.
I am a 17 year old girl and I do NOT date a non-Christian. I have liked a couple of non-Christians but I never dated one. God had my back big time.
I'm not a religious person, but my fiance is. We get along very well. Finding the right person is as hard as it is. Having religion as a variable on top of it is really not necessary. She does her thing and I do mine in that regards. Our love for each other is very strong. Love, caring, compassion, understanding, etc.. These sort of qualities are more important than having the same religion.
i've been seeking an answer to this question for such a long time. i am head over heels for a muslim and i am a christian. at first i said no and denied my love because of my religion. and then i thought, hold on. this isnt about religion or church it is truly about jesus. i believe that if you personally love jesus and dont stop loving him, you can date a non christian. you may not have the same outlook on life but if chemistry is there and love is there then i believe god put you in that situation for a reason. the outcome depends on god and the situation. thats all i have to say.
thank you.
Girl that's weird because I am in the same situation. I don't find anything g wrong with it but it's hard when people tell me to leave him because he is not Christian. Jesus died for EVERYONE. And told us to love EVERYONE
that's exactly what i thought. God loves us all and wants us all to be friends with christians and non christians. its been about a week since we broke up because my sister didnt approve of him. but i really do love him. still do and always will. if its meant to be we'll stay together. if not then you will seperate. i hope all goes well with you. let me know if anything happens!
eve m hahaha yess! i made it was i was like 12 so dont judge me 😂 its lolskankan
Kassandra Cruz ok ahaha I'll add u
People are like "Oh your being judgemental" or "Who are to judge". Its one thing to make a judgement call then to actually judge the person. People also mistake judging for Condemnation. That isnt the case. It's simply, Are they pursuing Jesus or not. Not are they a good and bad person. Will they build me up in Christ? Are we not to put God first? Is Jesus Christ not our identity and worship is the lifestyle we are suppose to live? Coming at this biblically remember that. Read his WORD!! You personally may see nothing wrong, but you see its not about how we feel when following Christ. Bible does not talk about dating specifically, but it does talk about how we are to live and how without Jesus we are nothing. This is what God says and as the popular saying goes "Only God can judge me" And his word is SET! We are to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY! But we also need to know what is good and bad and what will help further us in our relationship with God.
I find this the same with my non christian friends as well, I feel apart from them and like I'm drifting away when I am closer to god. Could you do a video on this?
This is God’s command, and it is also wise, because God tells us that the marriage relationship is one that should help us to grow in godliness, not hinder us. In fact, husbands are commanded to love their wives and help to make her holy. (See Ephesians 5:25-33) How can a muslim man do this for his wife if he does not even know Jesus?
If you are a Christian yourself, I encourage you to think more deeply about your relationship with God. Are you someone who follows Jesus, or do you just call him Lord without doing God’s will in your life? Are you sure that you will have eternal life when you die?
This video brought me out of a very dark and spiritually harmful relationship and it was exactly the words God intended for me to hear at the time. Thank you guys so much for speaking truth :)
I think if there is a God who is all about love ... He wouldn't really care about who loves who
That god isn't about love, it's about control.
I thought it was interesting how he says he cannot share his emotions or his thoughts with a non-believer. Isn’t that in your own heart? Aren’t we called to share our beliefs in our heart? Why not do that and possibly make disciples out of our significant other?
Pretty sad that religion would divide people who love each other.
But Christ unites people with the one who loves us the most! Don’t confuse religion with knowing Christ🤍
@@dorkailles7780 That's not how it really works. Religion broke my family apart. It broke me apart from two women i loved. It broke apart families of those two women i loved and created trauma.
These tales we tell ourselves are destructive because they divide and pit people against each other.
neptronix It depends on how you look at it
I'm Christian and I'm dating an athiest and I am teaching him about god and he reads and Is trying to fit for my sake but my mom just says he not Christian so I cant date him this just makes me want to break my mom off he's who I like so why can't I date him. Religion broke my family and my the way people see me. We are still together and I'm not going to give up on but neither will I pull away from god.
I'm an Atheist and my boyfriend is a Christian. We accept each others beliefs and agree that we're not gonna change that. Theres more to a relationship than faith.
Let me ask you this would you be okay with any children you have being raised in the Chritsian faith and would you not undermine it?
We're going to let our kids decide what faith they want to follow. If they wish to follow the Christian faith, then I'll accept it.
He isn't really living for God then or your more important . I
I'm agnostic, I also go to youth group and read the bible. I was raised on a chosen faith (I was taught to love all religion and accept everyone, and was given the choice to believe anything I wanted) so I chose to live by "I will never say I can't experience things I want to experience and love the people I want to love because of political or religious stance" because I see everyone as human. I fell in love with someone who is Christian and I love him for all of him and I'd never ask him to change because christianity is such a big part of his life and I love that about him. So I don't think others should expect me to change either. I wish we could all live and talk about our religious beliefs without feeling like others don't accept us. We all love the same, we just have different ways of doing it.
This is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for your ministry, Jefferson and Alyssa!
I think it's also possible for God to lead you to a non Christian to possibly LEAD them to faith. Because I was friends with my husband before I fell for him, and he actually taught me A LOT about Jesus and Christianity because I was actually very bitter towards God when I met my husband. He definitely didn't flirt to convert, but I saw a light in him that pulled me towards the same flame like a moth and for that I'm thankful. Just a perspective to throw out there. :)
I have a hard time dating people who have sex before marriage it reallyyyy bothers me.
Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals. - 1 cor 15:33
Good morals like being okay with putting kids in cages!
@@Onionman77 Obama did that lol
@@timothyschreiber8338 Obama was corrupt as well. Though not nearly as bad as Trump, no question there. I am team policy, like Medicare for All (you know, not letting people die in the streets), not team Democrat or Republican.
Also, if you are lol'ing about putting kids in cages, pleease stop calling yourself a Christian.
There's so many misunderstandings in the comments. If you are a true believer and devoted to Christ then there is no way you can be with a non-believer. How can you share the most important thing in your life? If you're a believer dating a non-believer than sorry Jesus obviously isn't that important to you.
Busol Oleksandr you sound a bit defensive and clouded by love. The girl who wrote this comment doesn’t know if it would lead her to repent and you may not either. I’ve loved and still love an unbeliever so I know it’s hard. Relationships are such magnets that they can override a lot of reason. Ask yourself are you really devoted to Christ like when you first gave your heart to the Lord? What do you do when your gf wants to be intimate?... How do you know she isn’t a tool sent to distract you from the most important thing in your life? I hope my lover comes to Christ but I know I have to stay away. Prayer reaches people more than my presence ever could.
okay... So im a nearly 18 year old guy who has vowed to never even kiss a girl until my wedding. I recently got a job and there was a pretty girl who I invited to coffe and a church youth group with me. She went to coffee with me and we talked about religion and politics. She has nearly 100% different views on God, she's agnostic, and politics. She is really into me though and is willing to deal with my beliefs if we start dating. i told her from the start that i couldnt date her because she is not a Christian but out of a moment of weakness i asked her to go on a date with me before setting up the date i told my mentor and he told me to break it off. I did that day. What do i do now? I still work with her and like her. She wants to "just be friends" and still hang out but i know if we hang out it will eventually grow into more than a friendship. Just pray that either i find someone who loves God or God changes her heart to love him.
The real question is should a saved person date a saved person??? ABSOLUTELY!😎
+JESUS FREAK The real question is. On a scale from 1 to 10 how sad is to see christians being jesus freaks and showing their narrow mindness to the world. Muslims say you cant have a relationship with a non-believer. THIS IS LITERALLY THE SAME THING. Christianity = Islam on this issue. Just a bunch of narrowminded religious freaks.
+Wambli Padilla
How did you come to that conclusion ⁉️
Wow... all of the people who are writing negative comments on this video obviously don't know the Lord.......
Kinda judgmental don't ya think..
Say you starting dating someone, and they've never met your best friend before. That best friend has been with you through everything, you two are inseparable. And you know, you two have that kind of understanding of each other that no one else gets. Then you take your significant other to meet your best friend one day, do you expect them to appreciate your best friend the way you do? Do you expect them to have that connection? Is that a deal breaker? No, that's ridiculous.
Say you're an engineer, one of those logical types. And say you start dating a writer, one of those less logical more emotional types. They will never fully grasp why you do what you do, just as you will never fully grasp why they do what they do, just that you are motivated by reason more often while they are motivated by emotion more often. Is that a problem? Why? People are different, why do you want to be with someone who is the same as you? You can have different motivations but still see eye to eye, and often times a group of people with different motivations will have the best results, because when they finally agree, it's right in every way.
Say you're a priest who believes homosexuality is a sin. And say a gay couple wants to join your church, do you let them? Why, they're sinners, they can't be here, right? But what better place for alleged sinners than a church, where they can seek to better themselves and repent?
Jeff & Alissa
Three Questions for you guys.
1. Jeff you state in your book, your mom is in fact gay, and that even though she is, you still love her very much even though you may disagree on things. So my question is do you think same sex couples or relationship can also be considered a blessing from god if that person waits like you suggest, to find someone that god will bless them with?
2nd question do you believe people who come from addictons can be saved & loved by god as much as those who never struggled with an addiction or a health problem?
And thirdly, a lot of different religions feel different towards people with disabilities. What is your feeling towards disabled Christians & god, and do you think how some Christians who treat Christians with disabilities is fair?
incase they don't reply to this, i'll try to answer some based on my Christian perspective and opinions (i'm not a priest btw)
1. I don't think God blesses same sex relationships because that is not what He intended when He created us. In Mark 10:2-9, Jesus talks about marriage and divorce. He quotes Genesis when God made them male and female, and they became one flesh. Notice that Jesus said "male and female" indicating that this is the purpose He designed for marriage.
2. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I believe we all were doomed to hell ever since Adam and Eve brought sin to this world. Some of the consequences of sin were addictions and health problems, but most consequential of all were death and separation from God. But God made a way for us to be saved. John 3:16 is a promise to anyone who believes in Jesus, will be saved. So yes, anyone who is or not addicted to anything can be saved.
3. Jesus cured many disabled people in His day on earth. In fact, God tells us throughout the Bible to not only love the disabled, poor, widows, and orphans, but also our enemies. Therefore, all Christians are to love everyone, just as Jesus showed His love for us, who don't deserve to live, by dying on the cross so that we may live.
These are my perspectives, which I hope they helped. God bless.
Maybe you should try to love someone for who they are if you really feel a connection. Lousy reason to turn someone down.
+Draco Xephyr That's true. The hardest part about dating if you are a Christian who doesn't believe in sex before marriage...non-Christians and Christians both expect sex before love, or before marriage. They don't even care to get to know someone or love them first, they just want sex. Even the ones who claim to be very religious. They will dump someone over no sex no matter how great the person is.
Do you think its possible to be a good Christian without going to church? I just haven't been to church in so long, and don't like going alone, I know its silly, but I love the Lord.
Jefferson, I really need your advice in a time like this. I am young, I have much of my life ahead of me. But I have recently met an incredible man, that has all of the qualities I am potentially seeking. Problem is, I do not believe he is very religious or strong in his faith in God. We haven't gotten into deep conversations over this. Nor have we really been on many dates, but I was feeling sick to my stomach for a while, thinking this can't be possible. This can't work. He is questioning God and that's just a deal breaker for me. But I just prayed and prayed, and I almost felt as if God spoke to me and lifted the burden I was feeling. I felt as if this person is being put into my life for a reason. I'm looking at it more as an opportunity to potentially bring someone closer to Him. I'm hoping it can work in that way, but I know that if my relationship with him is straying me from my relationship with Him, it's not a good idea.
He doesn't need to be religious. What your goal should be is to tell him the love of Jesus Christ, because Jesus doesn't want us to be religious, he wants us to have a relationship.
As for your lover:), just be an example of Christ. Trust me, he will want a taste of what you have. But make sure this man is what God wants for you ok! I wish you the best do luck Angel!
what the fuck?! date someone you like or love,no matter what religion...
But if God is love, why not be with someone who shares that same love for God?
Mike Mckenna Brilliantly put.
Mike Mckenna maybe because you love THAT person and only that person?
grow the fuck up and realize we are all one species on a spinning, moving, ball through space, and that closing yourself off to some 80% of the worlds population simply because they don't believe in the same deity as you is as old a thinking as that the thought that the world is flat.
hip360hop What makes you the love-expert?
hip360hop There is no "only that person" for Christians. We have God in our relationships because He is shows us the best way on how husbands should treat their wives and vise versa. And before you throw the word "love" out there, how about you define it? Because I am sure we are not talking about the same love.
This video truly helped me. I just broke up with a guy who isn't Christian and I am torn. I was settling and I came to that realization and I had to let go.
The bible is a good book full of stories that can help you. As well as many other books in other religions. Those of you who are christian because your parents were, please do your own research you will find that the story of Jesus exists in almost all cultures. Mithra, Buddha, Horus, among other messiah figures, were all born of virgins and walked on water and the whole shabang. The only difference between these figures and Jesus is that they came first these cultures and storied existed before the story of Jesus. So who copied who? I'm not saying don't read the bible. Take the good from it but do not believe Jesus was unique. Many cultures share the exact figure down to the smallest details in the stories.
and you have a doctorate on world religions, mono & poly theism, world history and the contrasts between all of them leading to prove the validity of the point you're trying to make here?
Joshua G i dont need a doctorite. The facts are there. Take them as you will. for example f you have 2 novels with the exact same story and you then ask the authors who wrote theirs first then the person who wrote it first by common sense is the original author and the other copied. Don't need a doctorite to see that. Any smart individual with common sense can. Christian scholars admit this is true and accept these other messiah figures. They try explain them away by saying that in the past the devil created these other fake messiah figures so that when the real one (jesus) came people would not blieve it and say he is a copy. Buddhist monks travelled to the middle east and spread the word about buddah. you know prince destined to be king like jesus the king of the iraelites. Both tempted by the devil for 40 days and nights. etc. Buuddah is also depicted with an aura around his head. Many christian sects mainly the kgnostics who were authors of the kngostic gosphels had allot of stories of jesus that were very similar to buddah. You should check those gosphels out. They were never included in the bible becuase the roman empire decided to not include them. The bible is nothing but passages picked and chosen by the roman empire to unify the nation of christian and sun god worshippers. Jesus is nothing but a flesh and blood representation of the sun god with attributes similar to all the past messiah figures form the past.
oh ok, so glad you know everything. Are you from Rome? Were You a Roman Electorate back then??
NO? Then how do you know?
common historical knowledge buddy. go to university and that sir you will learn in your history gen ed.
Joshua G
My History professor back when i was doing history of Mormonism did have doctorate on world religions, a JD, L.P.P, and B.A in American History. He pretty much said the same the same thing.
I am an atheist and I have to agree with you on the point that dating a person with such a fundamentally different belief would not work. I personally wouldn't want to date a christian and I doubt a christian would want to date me.
Never doubt. Two different views can be great. I know many great Atheist-Christian relationships but those that don't work, don't know how to work together. It's like saying a Baseball loving guy and hockey loving girl won't get along. Opposites attract. Never try to convert each other but love one another.
Tyler Swank
Well, it's nice to hear that it worked out for those couples you know, and I get that never trying to convert the other would be key to that, but the way I see it (mind you, that is just my point of view) simply by living their believe, a christian would drive an atheist up a wall, no convertion atempts needed.
mini mei is dating an atheist wouldn't be a picnic either. I'd never date an atheist. Can't trust them
KarnRulez Why can't you trust them?
Tenni Bei cause they're always looking down on you for being religious
My now ex boyfriend and I were together for 2 1/2 years. I don't believe in a God, and he's a Christian who fully believes in his God. We worked because we respected our differences and didn't force our beliefs down each other's throats. We talked about religion and different beliefs once in awhile, mostly as a friendly debate. I made it clear to him from the beginning I didn't believe in a God, nor would I ever. He understood that my beliefs just don't align the same way. And I understood that he has a deep personal relationship with his God. I didn't make fun of that, I fully believe everyone is entitled to their differences in beliefs and deserves respect. To him, God exists, and I wouldn't ever belittle him for having faith in a deity.
We worked because we didn't believe the differences between us affected our dynamic. It had nothing to do with our relationship. I loved him, and he loved me. We didn't work out for completely unrelated reasons, but we're still close friends and it still doesn't have an impact on our dynamic. We have never fought over our different political beliefs either, I'm liberal and he's more conservative.
We worked because we loved each other. And we didn't work when we fell out of love, in which we chose to still be friends. So, yes, a Christian and Atheist can date and it not be a problem.
Was totally too afraid to break up - and I finally did because I knew in my heart what you guys are saying was true. A HARD decision that took me months to make. And even now its hard. But Keller is right. If she does not really care about whats most important in your life - then she does not understand you.
I don't know anything more impatient then this topic
This honestly helped me out because I have been dating non Christian girls and to realize that I have been doing something that's not right truly made me rethink my self. Keep up the good works guys. God Bless
Do not be unequally yoked
Have ye not read how our fore father Jacob , his wife Rachel was fond of pagan gods ? (Genesis 31)
I love being a Christian but it doesn't mean that need to discount my fiance just because of the way he thinking s opposed to the way that I think.. this is where being a Christian becomes incredibly difficult.. one side of the religion says that you need to keep within your flock and the other side says that you need to go out and influence others.. so honestly, do you want to be open and honest or do you just want to stay within what you know?
I love the way she stares at him! ❤️🙏🏽 I feel like a lot of times we go with the flow instead of thinking if dating a non-Christian would be a good thing in the long run.
Why would one date a person with a different belief? It is because one can respect others' beliefs. The problem comes only when you try to "force" your belief onto others. As long as you are willing to humbly accept that your belief is not necessarily superior to your partner's, having different religions does not matter at all. In fact, I would prefer to date a person who is not like me, as such experience allows me to learn and understand others. If you are a Christian dating a non-Christian, just remember that you are dating, not evangelizing.
no thats completely false your religion is what you believe those are morals you live by why would you marry someone who does not believe what you believe because although there's respect there's no understanding. especially if yalls religion contradict each other that's too much trouble. In the begining it might seems fine but the day will come where their believe will clash and will blow up.
team1DandMB lol are you serious? Religions do not give you morals. What kind of morals did you get from your religion that which cannot be obtained by people of different religions?
There are people with different religions getting married and not breaking up. Just because you can't fully respect other's beliefs doesn't mean the entire humanity also can't.
its all a matter of perspective if you're not a believer i don't expect you to understand. but do you realize you just proved my point. you claim religion dont matter and yet let say you love a girl and she happens to be a christian how can you marry her if you cant even watch a youtube video on her believe without thinking its stupid. you all proved my point.
team1DandMB As I said, having a belief and forcing one's belief unto others is different. If you fail to recognize the difference, I can't help you. And again, as I said, there are "already" families with their members having different religions doing fine right now. This kind of mentality of asking "why would a Christian date a non-believer?" is only demonstrating that some people (like you ;)) cannot live with others who hold different perspective. But it doesn't mean that all people can't.
"If you cant even watch a youtube video on her believe without thinking its stupid. you all proved my point."
Don't you see the irony here? lol
please listen to me our job as believers is to spread the gospel and to love everyone because we are all sinners if you are an atheist or a non-believer and you meet someone who says they are christian but all they do is spread hate please do not believe them because they are fakes they only claim christianity when its convenient. don't blame all christians for the bad seeds, true christians don't judge others sin just cause its different from theirs, judging is gods job not ours. and people hate on christians soo much and yet all were doing is defending our believes. christianity is all around the world and we are always defending ourselves because people ridicule our believes. am just following what my believe says and the bible is part of my believe so is it wrong to follow that
Sounds to me like you are just afraid of critical thinking and questioning of your beliefs
What makes you think they haven't we Christians do think you just don't like they will still follow God.
bulldogsbob but why are they afraid of having a partner whose not christian?
Did you not watch the video? The Bible says not to have partners who are not Christians and this makes sense given Christians will want to raise there children in the faith.
bulldogsbob The Bible says alot of things like no sex before marriage, no shellfish. Not alot of Christians follow that. U don't have to be too fundemental
First off it's okay to eat shellfish if you are a Christian Jesus said in Acts it's okay to eat non kosher foods.
Christians are not perfect but commands like this are easy enough to follow if you are not a cultural or causal Christian.
What about someone who isn't an atheist but has different beliefs?
Different beliefs may cause arguments and even cause you to Change your views which isn't good
Notice how Jefferson Bethke did not reply to my comment..
2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? or what fellowship can light have with darkness?". The bible talks A LOT about relationships, especially marriage.. not sure how this guy figured that relationships never happend around that time. He needs to actually read the bible before he gives out advice. Also, the bible specifically states (as mentioned above) that you should not get together with those who do not believe in Christ.
It’s stupid saying that “what fellowship can light have with darkness” because I’m sure you as well as anyone knows life isn’t always going to be all gods glory like yes you have your ups but saying that in the bible is so single minded because what person in the world has had their life stay perfect constantly..... no one. You need the balance of light and darkness and it’s true in daily life like you can’t say you’re perfect or a perfect child of God because I can honestly say that you would’ve have sinned numerous times and that’s the same as everyone else and yes I am a Christian and firm believer in god but all these people especially the two in the video are mentally disturbed because God is open to everyone because people can change on a dime under the correct circumstances and influences so everyone including you should just shut up about “yoking with an unbeliever” because it’s bullshit..... Like why be so single minded and selfish. We as Christians are no better than the rest of the world we are all earth bound, made of flesh, blood and bone all that’s different is yes there is difference in terms of gender(genitalia etc) but no way in hell are we anymore perfect than the non-believer! WE ARE EQUAL!! Yes we believe in God but other than that we are equal and yes you can bitch and bicker but I’m not going to read your reply to this because life has better things for me to be doing with my life rather than seeing some bullshit you’ll come up with next in response to this.... but just think about that rather than being absent minded and wanting to shut out non-believers.... Because the fact of the matter is God loves everyone and has his arms wide open and welcoming for everyone of any background who seeks him for help.
2 Corinthians 6:14
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
Sounds like a lousy reason not to date someone, then again I probably couldn't stand dating a Christian either.Question... What would you do if Alyssa became an atheist?
Obviously leave her, we should stay with Jesus
+Gabby Cifuentes Yup leave amazing girl you fell in love with for a lying hippie. Great choices, great fucking choices.
+MysticBazooka my God is more amazing than any person
Ok ignore those responses.
What he would likely do is pray that she come back to Christ and try to make the relationship work, but if in all seriousness that happened and it got to strained they would probably divorce.
And we don't think we're better then you guys by the way, we just want to keep our passion for God protected and focused on him.
Jess Wolves Bane
The prayer thing doesn't make sense to me. It sounds like he would be asking God to infringe on Alyssa's free will. You might not think you're better then us, but I think Christians generally do. Pride and arrogance masquerading as humility seems to be the general trend.