One thing I find interesting is that many pastors have preached that Ruth "positions" herself, but when I read Ruth, I noticed that Boaz was in a position to lead, to be the head of the household. As a woman, I think it is very important to know and it is easier to decide that "he is the one" when you know God is leading him. Too often, women choose to be led by men who are not being led by God. Know who is leading him before you let him lead you!!
Sometimes you meet "the One" at the wrong time and have to grow individually first to then "reconnect at a later date". This has come true for several people I've known before. Is important to Pray for knowledge of such in the spirit and not the flesh. God Bless everyone reading this along with Pastor Steve Furtick for the great message.
This is the comment I was really hoping to see and it’s like it was put on here for me to read it. As of last week my ex wife/mother of my children and I have been divorced 2 years. I still feel like she’s the one without a doubt in my heart. She filed for divorce 2 years ago because I had a lot of problems and growing up to do and since then I’ve grown so much and have a much better relationship with my lord and savior now. I’m taking care of my responsibilities and being the best father and person I can be. I pray everyday that god brings us back together. If your reading this could you please give me your thoughts and prayers for god to bring my family back together. Thank you all & God bless!
I feel every bit of it. Sometimes in life, we meet the right person on the wrong time and it's really sad. But now I believe that God is giving us chance to grow individually to become the better version of ourselves until it's the right person at the right time.
I really felt this comment. I've met people who aren't into me as much as I am into them. I know God has brought them into my life for a purpose and so I am not discounting them just because they don't want what I want. Instead, I am actively seeking God's guidance on who and where I am supposed to be and who I am supposed to be with. All power to the source.
Whoever is reading this, God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He is by your side, He walks behind you. Whatever situation you are in right now, be confident. God is with you
Amen. Thank you. God bless. I REALLY needed to hear/see that, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen and Amen and Amen and Amen and Amen and Amen.
Amen. Needed to hear this.. when you have a humble and beautiful heart it's so hard to hold standards... lord I pray this is the man you wanted to bring in my life. And if it's just a season thank You Lord for do. Our experiences do effect us... lord help me open my eyes at times I feel like I'm blind. Afraid to push forward with what needs to occur. Lord help me not try to change or atop what you are doing. Heavy heart...Lord you know what bothers me the most... help me Lord not try to you be in control.not let emotions control me.. Lord help me not have expectations...they always turn into disappointments.
Truly a beautiful thing. One day I prayed that I would find the one If i was meant to be in a relationship. Then before I knew it, I met a girl in the utmost unexpected way. I didn't even see her as a potential partner for some years too. We become friends, then best friends and eventually a relationship formed. Now we're deeply in love and helping each other grow closer to God, while figuring out some issues.
“As a pastor for over 20 years, I have come to the conclusion that most marriage problems are not really marriage problems. They are God problems. They can trace back to one or both people having a poor relationship with God or a faulty understanding of Him. An accurate picture of God is vital to a healthy marriage. It’s vital to everything.” - Francis Chan
When I met my husband I had what I call a deep knowing that he was my husband. I truly believe it was the Lord telling me. At the time, I remember it sort of freaked me out because we had just met, but I knew it deep in my bones. And we were married 8 months later and have been very happily married for 12 years. It is impossible to describe what I felt, but I went home and told my family and friends that I had met my husband 😂. And I think the Lord told me because I had prayed like 3 weeks before we met about joining the peace Corps. I was finished with college, but I didn't have any interest in having a traditional career. I thought I could utilize the peace Corps in a missionary capacity. And I told God that I really didn't know what He wanted me to do with my life, but I was pretty sure the only thing that would keep me from signing up would be meeting my husband because I couldn't see much of a future for me staying where I was. And 3 weeks later I met him 😂. It was very clear that God did not want me to join the peace Corps.
God said in Isaiah, “Even to your old age, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you.” You never get too old for God to carry you. As much as you love carrying your small children, holding them, protecting them, making sure they feel safe and secure, Your Heavenly Father loves carrying you. When you’re tempted to worry, feel overwhelmed, and saying to yourself or your family ..“I don’t think I can make it through this sickness. How can I make it through this loss? These people at work are not fair.” Instead of worrying, just say, “God, I thank You for carrying me. I don’t see a way, but I know You control the universe. You’re my provider, my protector, my deliverer, my way-maker.” The fact is God is carrying you right now, but if you don’t recognize Him, you’ll live stressed out, upset. No, you’re in your Father’s arms. He’s holding you tightly. Nothing can snatch you away. Thanks for reading this comment, I hope you are blessed and uplifted by it. We are a new and growing channel, your support and blessings is much appreciated. Thanks and God bless you. Amen
She hoped and then she held herself to a standard, that she would be the kind of woman that would find the man that she wanted God to bring in her life". Absolutely inspired and beautiful. Love this, really making me ponder deeply on this and pray 🙏❤️
@@blesssssss5360 I understand it to mean that you don’t need to be 100% sure or knowledgeable of something to trust it, and you don’t have to fully comprehend something to be blessed by it or to fully understand someone’s situation and bless them-you trust and give/receive the blessing anyways.
I have a really great friend Jen, and she is definitely in y'all team! I love it , from my point of view it's a blessing for me, and God has used her so much 🙏❤️ forever grateful she decided to follow Jesus, because that's how I made my way back to God........ATM I am struggling deeply mentally, and I'm a mom, and I would appreciate if anyone could pray for me, my family, my daughter, as well as her father...God knows what has been going on ... please pray , thank you. And God bless 🙏
Yes, definitely, God leads me every step of the way. The thing is, God has to become more evident than what you see with your natural eyes. That's faith. Grace is God's ability to do what we can't do for ourselves ( hint: saved by grace). Also God has told me on several occasions to wear certain colors. Maybe it's just me, but the witness of the Holy Spirit is more than anything I ever hoped for. Counsel is the name the Holy Spirit has in John 14. He brings everything to rememberance. I'm definitely a "10" person.
The point is God gives us the wisdom to make a choice. Do what is good. Avoid what is bad. Sometimes, when a bad thing happens, it is our own fault because we do not listen to His voice and guidance.
“How detailed will he be?” He knows every hair on our heads. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God knows what he is doing and He knows your future, your past, and your present and still loves you
"She went to work." I remember from another video you posted about how Boaz had heard of Ruth based on her actions and who she was. We do get so focused on the where, what, why but I appreciate this reminder that living by our principles and values even when it is hard can stand for itself. If she had been focused on 'the one', she wouldn't have been focused on what she needed to do and who she needed to be.
I do think God is guiding me 10/10. Guiding someone is different from controlling them. You can be guided every step and still be disobedient, yet it’s a willful disobedience bcuz you knew better. When God speaks, it is imperative we listen. If He says to wear pink, do so in faith that He directed you for purpose. He’s in the big and the small. May you find Him every time you seek Him. God Bless🙏🏽
When I saw the title, I was expecting a sermon with the checklist of the perfect Godly partner. But instead I got God. I may not have the full picture, but I'll go knowing that God knows 🙏 May God continue to bless and increase Pastor Furtick and this ministry ❤
How do you know they are the one? When you put them from your mind, and let God put your hearts together. It's only when we chase after things, we find the distraction, instead of the one.
I believe that God does care about everything a person goes through, including what to wear. The Lord is not just present for the big things, but just as involved in the small things. He wants to be a part of everything that his child calls upon him for. Everything his child calls upon him for is important. Big and small.
You know when there’s a supernatural pull to you when you’re apart. Its butterflies magnified by 10. Its overwhelming and pleasurable. It’s deep desire.
And it’s knowing when God is revealing certain things to that person.. idk.. I just have random urges to pray in tongues and I immediately KNOW it’s do with the man God has for me. I feel this pull towards Him in a way that’s so much more powerful than infatuation or just “liking” that person. It feels your spirit is like a magnet to theirs. Just waiting for God’s timing. God told me that He will pursue me on His time (God’s time) and he will know when to make the move when God tells him to. It’s taking patience. A loooooot of patience .
I don't know about that as meaning "the one or not" (though,I sure thought so at the time) as I have had this exactly as you describe with several different significant others thru out my lifetime and I've been married three times and had even more serious, long term relationships and they most definitely were NOT "The One". I think maybe they were the one for that period of time, because everything happens for a reason,Iguess.....but I am currently, happily married and I believe that most marriage problems aren't really marriage problems but God problems, NO or very little relationship with God and little or no understanding of him.
Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing! I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for us!
Trust God's words and His promises ❤️ He'll give you the man that you prayed for. We must put God first in our life and all our prayers will be granted. God bless us all❤️
Timely word!! I’ve been praying for my Christ-centered husband with a heart after God’s. God has me in a season of heightened emotions and seeking Him more for clarity and guidance. I know all things work together for His good. ❤️🙏
If it isn't His plan He may have other plans for u such as other plans or nun life or singleness. His plan is better than what we think we want. He made all beings and this earth. He sees value in all His beings nonhuman or human on thus earth. All are valuable and He has a purpose for all to live in harmony and in peace and doing His will with no violence at all
Yes I know for a fact that The Lord is guiding my life. Everywhere that I go... He keeps showing me glimpses of past visions that He showed me many years ago. It's pretty amazing!!!
I can honestly say that as I am about to turn 40 this year I trust God is guiding me at a 10. But I KNOW he’s not in Everything, I Know it’s my responsibility for a lot of things, I Know I mess up and I stray… BUT I Trust he will even be there to take my hand and lead me back when I do stray from what he is trying to do and lead me to in my life!
Amen. Exactly. And that's how you have to look at it. Yes. We may choose to go our own route/direction from time to time. But that DON'T mean that God isn't attempting to lead us every step of the way. He's a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.
Anything less than a 10 is being lukewarm. As soon as we sin or even have a thought of sin, we are to repent immediately and ask for forgiveness. Renouncing and repenting of repeated patterns of sins and turning away from it, gives freedom and allows us to be lead by the Holy Spirit at a 10. That is true freedom♥️ Proverbs 3:5-6
With the way I felt earlier this evening I couldn’t have confidently said “ i know God is guiding my life”, even now I can’t confidently say so and that makes me feel guilty but I hope he is, I hope with all my heart that God understands where I’m at and understands how I feel, it’s not because I don’t want to believe but because I’m scared.
Love that story of Ruth and Boaz and it speaks to me because he was a man of resource or ability and yet he listened for the right mindset or actions of a woman (vs the looks or appearance & temptation that was probably all around him). Ruth choosing to be who she needed to be or do what she knew she needed to do is what led her into her destiny and that's so powerful - Lord lead us where you need us and into our destiny with you! *In Jesus Name* 🙏
Lord I recognize that my husband in the dream came to help because He had the resources and ability.. I had the right mindset, ability. Not my will but thy will. I believe your Will , will be done. I release all control, imaginations, ideas. In the meantime help me to develop your mindset.
I love this preacher for so many reasons but I truly believe that one of the biggest reasons is how truthful he is! The fact that he actually uses his real life personal experiences, challenges, sadness, faith, happiness, etc makes him one of my all-time favorite preachers!! 🥰🥰😇🙏
I have tried different churches and looked for a community that fits my heart and faith and this is the best fit I have found. So grateful for your sermons and for the whole community. Hope to be able to experience it in person one day. Blessings and love from Europe xxx
*As you start today's activities,the Almighty God will set his eyes on your pathways.He Will direct your step on the right side in the mighty of Jesus.Every evil hand that rises to seize or divert your today's blessings and favour shall be withered in the mighty name of Jesus. Whosoever that stands to turn your testimonies into trials, breakthrough into breakdown, prosperity into poverty, miracle into misfortune, peace into pain shall be paralyzed in the mighty name of Jesus.Goodnews shall be heard in your dwelling places and evil shall be distanced from you and your family in the mighty name of Jesus. May his love, joy, peace,goodness and mercy be with you and your family In the mighty name of Jesus.*
Wow. I grew up Roman Catholic, I spent almost 10 years as a proud atheist. I spent 5 years agnostic, and the last 2 as a non-denominational Christian. You're a great speaker, and you're making me, who has spent most of my life as a skeptic and who has a deep need to question almost everything, learn more about my faith and my connection to God. I've abandoned a relationship with him for most of my life. I know he's waiting for me to return to the flock. I'm just too stubborn to walk there myself.
I had the love of my life for nearly 36 years before he passed away suddenly on July 25th 2020 & he was my everything!!! If God hadn't been in my life when my hubby took his last breath in my arms I am not sure I could have ever made it the last nearly 3 years now without him.
We both feel like we've rushed into it and now that we're in a distance, we feel like we're becoming more like friends than boyfriend and girlfriend, 😕i honestly don't wanna loose her and I love her and she loves me
God literally spoke to me about this guy and said that's the one you're going to marry. He told my mom the same thing about the same guy, except a year earlier and never said a word to me.
I believe you that The Lord is guiding my life! Two people witness to me that I’ll find me my wife. One was my pastor at my church who told this a few weeks ago. And I attended a NYE service and the pastor there told the church that he hear church wedding bells as he was next to me preaching the word of God. Continue to pray for me as I’m seeking the kingdom of God first and everything will be added to me…
I'm praying I find the one someday. I thought my ex boyfriend was the one but he was a narcassist and he didnt love me his with somebody else now. God was protecting me because he knows he has the right man for me. I will focus on God and continue to pray and have faith ❤🙏
I met Hiram at his most vulnerable time...when he needed me and I needed him. He is still finding himself and I know who I am but the healing that was brought about activated the holy spirit in me to heal and pray, heal and pray. My prayer is that the holy spirit moves him to open his spiritual eyes and see me and we do mighty moves of God! I am waiting on God.
I really and genuinely enjoy Pastor Furtick's preaching style. It forces me to think more deeply about scripture and he does a GREAT job of bringing it to life. God bless you. ❤🙏🏾
Praise God.. He has given me visions and dreams my whole life, a.k.a. DEJA VU.. I knew my man was the one the second I saw the tattoo on his back.. I prayed for him for years, and now here we are..🙏💒💖💖🙏
I feel the same way about someone at church I’ve never talked to him in person I’ve noticed him three weeks ago and I find the way he praises and does his alter calls so beautiful and I’ve been praying and fasting trying to ask for clarity and to proceed or show me a sign ❤️🔥
Greetings everyone 🤗something happened in my life one morning while i was taking my normal walk, i decided that specific morning , i even said to myself let me change my direction and normal routine of walking and i did and the next minute in that moment on that specific morning something amazing happened, i am still praying about it, praying over and about ''the moment it happened' , i just know in that moment ''was a moment.
I fell in love twice with the same man 30 years in between that we knew nothing of each other, I know in my heart God brought us together, but he has too many issues, he left me once again… I too old now to want to try again, plus my schizoaffective disorder son is too much to handle, I must do it myself. And I have no strength anymore. I prayed, believed and now hurt, I feel I can change my name from Mari to Mara, myself
I’m dating a coworker right now and our jobs are important to both us. We both need to pray and where go leads us. We work at a homeless shelter and I think we have bonded through humor faith common experiences. I ask for god to please guide us and bring us discernment. Amen
Both of you guys will need to die to yourselves. I's he willing to submit to God and lead his wife his family. Are you willing to submit to your husband who is after God's heart if it means sacrificing your job?
*LORD, pliz bless the person reading this,Let blessings & favor locate them, in Jesus' Mighty Name!Bless them with good health & good relationships Increase their joy,their faith & their finances, greatly. Father blow their mind with YOUR goodness!In the matchless name of Jesus,Amen!*
I believe God is guiding my life, I prayed for a sign for weeks now, and suddenly I got a notification from youtube that Led me to your sermon.. i have never seen your workings and I have already been subscribed, you have a message that God wants me to receive in this chapter I have entered That is the true workings of God Amen
I really needed this video Pastor Furtick! I need some prayers please! As of last week my ex wife/mother of my children and I have been divorced 2 years. I still feel like she’s the one without a doubt in my heart. She filed for divorce 2 years ago because I had a lot of problems and growing up to do and since then I’ve grown so much and have a much better relationship with my lord and savior now. I’m taking care of my responsibilities and being the best father and person I can be. I pray everyday that god brings us back together. If your reading this could you please give me your thoughts and prayers for god to bring my family back together. Thank you all & God bless!
Please pray for us..we broke up 2 months ago and the more time I spend with God the more I feel to pray over him. I pray that God saves him and shows him the way🙏🏽 God redirected me and did such and I know he can do it for him as well.
I believe it is different for everybody according to the purpose of their life. Some even never get to feel that god is leading not because god lead only those who believe he is, but because their purpose of life doesn't call for that much of guidance. I also feel he helps me take many a times minute decisions, like getting late because that would save me from a disaster or would guide me towards a new learning. May god bless you! 🙏
I would say a 10 too for everyone. But the problem is that we don't always recognize it is Him speaking to us, or we don't care to listen to what He have to say. So, we tend to dismiss Him altogether. I still say that God was in the midst of leading Ruth, and it wasn't just by chance, or even fear, that she decided to stay connected to Naomi. When she stated your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God. That was the leading of the spirit of the Lord. And that's how she ended up getting to Boaz, where King David, and Jesus was born through their lineage. Yes. She probably didn't know that it led to that, or was going to lead to that prior. But that part is pretty irrelevant, and don't mean that it didn't take some sort of faith for God to lead her there, or that God still didn't orchestrate all of that (put it together). Do you think that Kobe Bryant mom and dad thought he was going to be one of the most famous basketball players in the world when they conceived him, or Michael Jackson's parents when they conceived him, or so on and so forth? More then likely they DIDN'T have a clue. But that don't mean that God didn't play a major part in them coming together either.
@@ohmphil Yeah. You can end up running late for something that is scheduled, and God will allow that to possibly happen as away to protect you from a horrific accident or whatever the case maybe. I do believe that, but that is not the same thing. God is VERY intentional about certain things like who is going to be kin to who, or who will marry who, or whatever the case maybe. Yes. He give us free will, and we can dismiss the leading of the spirit, and go our own route. Because He don't control or manipulate us. But I'm quite sure He intended Jesus to be born through that bloodline. It wasn't just by chance that any of that happened.
I am 24 years old from India .. I am repenting but I’m going through anxiety because of my sins and I have full sleeve tattoos that give me more anxiety now 🥲 please remember me in your prayer 🙏
God loves every inch of you, including every tattoo..your battle scars are a thing of beauty, reminders of where you come from, a daily reminder. Treasure your reminders and the beauty that He sees in them. They are part of your story, part of you, no shame now, you are washed clean..🥰
I guess I was meant to hear this. I began crying yesterday because I felt so lonely 😭 My heart sometimes ache because I’m alone. I sit around my co-worker’s and listen to them about the love of their life. I go on a date and by date 2 I knew the men were not right me or better yet their true intentions. I did allow someone in my life that I tried to make for me and blocked my blessings. I finally let them go. I’ve been praying and getting closer to HIM to know him. Some day’s are just hard. It has been years single but just months of getting to know him. However I keep reading and getting to know him because I love HIM and this isn’t something that will not happen in my time but HIS. Just have really rough days. I take myself on dates and try to build myself better. I ask HIM to guide my day and I pray for my future husband. I’m nowhere a 10 🙂 Definitely like a 5. I’m still excited about my journey just get discouraged at times.
Really needed this one today. Esp. the part where I put myself down (even on something I should be really proud of) so someone else won't be able to do it. And I hope God is leading me, cause there are definitely times of feeling lost and wondering/wandering.
The great thing about God is that He allows us our choices. He can guide us in all our ways but what about the issues and mistakes? Does he guide us into those? We are human beings, not robots. Thanks Pastor Furtick for that perspective. I will most certainly chew on this snippet, lol.
This was one of my top favorite sermon. Pastor using the book of Ruth in this timing was Godoence for for me. Tysm Lord for using this man of God to spread the word of God lead by You
Lord I commit my life to you I believe that you are with me every step help me find the courage to step out in faith in what you have planned for my life
My Dearest Steve!! I watch your videos on You Tube every morning for strength to endure the challenges this world faces. I constantly pray for my family and friends that someday they will find peace within themselves and realize that Faith without works is dead 😢. I hope one day to be able to attend one of your services. I currently live in Glen Burnie, MD.
God will bring to you at the right time what is yours all you have to do is trust in his process and his will and be obedient keep your eyes open for that connection that seems so wonderful and in that pray and look for God confirmations
I'm a solid 10 Ps. Steve and not trading it for any less. @Ruth was led by God to Boaz whether she knew it or not. It didn't catch God off guard when she turned out to be the matriarch of Jesus' bloodline. You're still an amazing preacher, but the 10 bruh - that was a low punch at those who've totally surrendered to Christ. Shalom
Please keep me and my wife in your prayers , she hates my parents and hates if I mention going to see them and refuses to see them still . Doesn’t want our two children to see their grandparents n gets mad when they say grandmah and grandpa’s house. My parents are old and she gets ugly and threatens me with divorce when she hears or thinks about us going to see them . I’m believing God for a breakthrough from this animosity and bitterness I love my wife and our two and four year old. Please pray for restoration with our families relationship
J R, we are so sorry to hear this! You are seen by God and LOVED by God! We are praying for you and believing with you for restoration on your family! If you'd like to reach out to our team to keep this in prayer, you can email us at:! 🙏^SF Team
Strength from above, thank you for what you wrote in the comments. I truly needed to be reminded of the truths you mentioned in your comment. Pastor Steven is a fantastic channel of God s lesson s and I listen everyday but I'd never read the comments until the very moment I needed to hear that it helps a ton. God bless you pastor Steven and Holly and all of elevation and the e fam, God is so good
Steady 7- a constant work in progress........knowing who is in control. Trusting in HIM- but I fail when I try to. Humbly & Gratefully blessed on His plan & journey for my life. Faith. Hope. Unconditional Love through forgiveness & Grace. Amen. Teach & guide me oh Lord- that I may serve you better- Amen. YOU ARE THE GREAT I AM!!! HOLY IS YOU NAME!!! May God bless & keep us all.
Hello pastor Steven furstick I love you so much your teaching always bless me every moment may lord be with you forever and bless you all the way from Kenya I'm David njenga
One thing I find interesting is that many pastors have preached that Ruth "positions" herself, but when I read Ruth, I noticed that Boaz was in a position to lead, to be the head of the household. As a woman, I think it is very important to know and it is easier to decide that "he is the one" when you know God is leading him.
Too often, women choose to be led by men who are not being led by God. Know who is leading him before you let him lead you!!
This! ❤️❤️❤️
you are absolutely correct.
Amen to that!
I totally agreed
Sometimes you meet "the One" at the wrong time and have to grow individually first to then "reconnect at a later date". This has come true for several people I've known before. Is important to Pray for knowledge of such in the spirit and not the flesh. God Bless everyone reading this along with Pastor Steve Furtick for the great message.
This is the comment I was really hoping to see and it’s like it was put on here for me to read it. As of last week my ex wife/mother of my children and I have been divorced 2 years. I still feel like she’s the one without a doubt in my heart. She filed for divorce 2 years ago because I had a lot of problems and growing up to do and since then I’ve grown so much and have a much better relationship with my lord and savior now. I’m taking care of my responsibilities and being the best father and person I can be. I pray everyday that god brings us back together. If your reading this could you please give me your thoughts and prayers for god to bring my family back together. Thank you all & God bless!
pray for me my name is LaToya! I believe I've met my husband but out of no where we have been seperated
I feel every bit of it. Sometimes in life, we meet the right person on the wrong time and it's really sad. But now I believe that God is giving us chance to grow individually to become the better version of ourselves until it's the right person at the right time.
I really felt this comment. I've met people who aren't into me as much as I am into them. I know God has brought them into my life for a purpose and so I am not discounting them just because they don't want what I want. Instead, I am actively seeking God's guidance on who and where I am supposed to be and who I am supposed to be with. All power to the source.
Whoever is reading this, God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He is by your side, He walks behind you. Whatever situation you are in right now, be confident. God is with you
Amen. Thank you. God bless. I REALLY needed to hear/see that, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen and Amen and Amen and Amen and Amen and Amen.
@@ladennayoung2939 Amen. Amen god bless and that's what our father can do he performs miracles and changes our life bless and prayers for your family.
Thank you, because you just make me stronger again
Amen. Needed to hear this.. when you
have a humble and beautiful heart it's so hard to hold standards... lord I pray this is the man you wanted to bring in my life. And if it's just a season thank You Lord for do. Our experiences do effect us... lord help me open my eyes at times I feel like I'm blind. Afraid to push forward with what needs to occur. Lord help me not try to change or atop what you are doing. Heavy heart...Lord you know what bothers me the most... help me Lord not try to you be in control.not let emotions control me..
Lord help me not have expectations...they always turn into disappointments.
If God wants you to be with someone, He will make it happen at the right time with the right person. Don't force it! Pray...
Truly a beautiful thing. One day I prayed that I would find the one If i was meant to be in a relationship. Then before I knew it, I met a girl in the utmost unexpected way. I didn't even see her as a potential partner for some years too. We become friends, then best friends and eventually a relationship formed. Now we're deeply in love and helping each other grow closer to God, while figuring out some issues.
please pray this for me and my current situation
“As a pastor for over 20 years, I have come to the conclusion that most marriage problems are not really marriage problems. They are God problems. They can trace back to one or both people having a poor relationship with God or a faulty understanding of Him. An accurate picture of God is vital to a healthy marriage. It’s vital to everything.” - Francis Chan
Hello👋 Maggie how are you doing today, I hope you're having a blessed day. Be safe 🙏
I'm Pollack Sharman from Santa Barbara, California 🇺🇸 and you?
@@christinahutton9705 Hello👋 how are you doing today?
@@pollacksharman0147 , I'm doing great! How are you?
When I met my husband I had what I call a deep knowing that he was my husband. I truly believe it was the Lord telling me. At the time, I remember it sort of freaked me out because we had just met, but I knew it deep in my bones. And we were married 8 months later and have been very happily married for 12 years. It is impossible to describe what I felt, but I went home and told my family and friends that I had met my husband 😂.
And I think the Lord told me because I had prayed like 3 weeks before we met about joining the peace Corps. I was finished with college, but I didn't have any interest in having a traditional career. I thought I could utilize the peace Corps in a missionary capacity. And I told God that I really didn't know what He wanted me to do with my life, but I was pretty sure the only thing that would keep me from signing up would be meeting my husband because I couldn't see much of a future for me staying where I was. And 3 weeks later I met him 😂. It was very clear that God did not want me to join the peace Corps.
God said in Isaiah, “Even to your old age, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you.” You never get too old for God to carry you. As much as you love carrying your small children, holding them, protecting them, making sure they feel safe and secure, Your Heavenly Father loves carrying you. When you’re tempted to worry, feel overwhelmed, and saying to yourself or your family ..“I don’t think I can make it through this sickness. How can I make it through this loss? These people at work are not fair.” Instead of worrying, just say, “God, I thank You for carrying me. I don’t see a way, but I know You control the universe. You’re my provider, my protector, my deliverer, my way-maker.” The fact is God is carrying you right now, but if you don’t recognize Him, you’ll live stressed out, upset. No, you’re in your Father’s arms. He’s holding you tightly. Nothing can snatch you away. Thanks for reading this comment, I hope you are blessed and uplifted by it. We are a new and growing channel, your support and blessings is much appreciated. Thanks and God bless you. Amen
Amen 🙏🏽 thank you for this
I do needed this thank you God bless
I needed this
Thank you
Amen 🤩❤️
She hoped and then she held herself to a standard, that she would be the kind of woman that would find the man that she wanted God to bring in her life". Absolutely inspired and beautiful. Love this, really making me ponder deeply on this and pray 🙏❤️
Awesome, N H! We are so glad this message blessed you! 🧡^SF Team
Felt this in my soul🙏🏼♥️
Absolutely in Love with this.... 💐
Me too ❤️
@@daniellegibson5612 amen
*Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world* 🗣️🗣️👈 😊
Same too you
Same to you and also!!!!!
the lord bless you too we will me in Jesus name
Thank you too
GOD will put you into the right moment, in the right place, with the right person. Great message Steeeeeeeeeve
I told my friend this the other day.
@@crystaladams3972 I'm new and also, good advice but it's really true!
Perfection is beautiful!!!
@@kevinadams2804 thank you!
I ask God to help me to know who my partner is in the spirit and not of the flesh. May everyone receive a blessing of a Godly mate 💗
Amen 🙌
Me too
“It set me free knowing that uncertainty is not a prerequisite for faith and that understanding is not a prerequisite for blessing” powerful.
Yess 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Can you please enlighten me i couldn't understand what it means
@@blesssssss5360 I understand it to mean that you don’t need to be 100% sure or knowledgeable of something to trust it, and you don’t have to fully comprehend something to be blessed by it or to fully understand someone’s situation and bless them-you trust and give/receive the blessing anyways.
Shouldn’t it be “certainty is not a prerequisite for faith “ ?
I am one of those people who believe God leads me with every step and decision
I have a really great friend Jen, and she is definitely in y'all team! I love it , from my point of view it's a blessing for me, and God has used her so much 🙏❤️ forever grateful she decided to follow Jesus, because that's how I made my way back to God........ATM I am struggling deeply mentally, and I'm a mom, and I would appreciate if anyone could pray for me, my family, my daughter, as well as her father...God knows what has been going on ... please pray , thank you. And God bless 🙏
Yes same here
Yes, definitely, God leads me every step of the way. The thing is, God has to become more evident than what you see with your natural eyes. That's faith. Grace is God's ability to do what we can't do for ourselves ( hint: saved by grace). Also God has told me on several occasions to wear certain colors. Maybe it's just me, but the witness of the Holy Spirit is more than anything I ever hoped for. Counsel is the name the Holy Spirit has in John 14. He brings everything to rememberance. I'm definitely a "10" person.
Me too
no, yyoure not the one.if a crisis like in 1982 hits society you would have to do some kind of labor job and itll cost you any chance of date.....
The point is God gives us the wisdom to make a choice. Do what is good. Avoid what is bad. Sometimes, when a bad thing happens, it is our own fault because we do not listen to His voice and guidance.
This is such truth. Thank you. This comment is a terrifically sime reminder to keep it simple and not overthink a situation.
“How detailed will he be?” He knows every hair on our heads. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God knows what he is doing and He knows your future, your past, and your present and still loves you
"She went to work." I remember from another video you posted about how Boaz had heard of Ruth based on her actions and who she was. We do get so focused on the where, what, why but I appreciate this reminder that living by our principles and values even when it is hard can stand for itself. If she had been focused on 'the one', she wouldn't have been focused on what she needed to do and who she needed to be.
Absolutely...great insights...❤
I do think God is guiding me 10/10. Guiding someone is different from controlling them. You can be guided every step and still be disobedient, yet it’s a willful disobedience bcuz you knew better. When God speaks, it is imperative we listen. If He says to wear pink, do so in faith that He directed you for purpose. He’s in the big and the small. May you find Him every time you seek Him. God Bless🙏🏽
When I saw the title, I was expecting a sermon with the checklist of the perfect Godly partner. But instead I got God. I may not have the full picture, but I'll go knowing that God knows 🙏 May God continue to bless and increase Pastor Furtick and this ministry ❤
Sometimes God knows the messages we need to hear. Glad you gave it a listen. Praying for you as you move forward in your journey with God! ^SF Team
How do you know they are the one? When you put them from your mind, and let God put your hearts together. It's only when we chase after things, we find the distraction, instead of the one.
Facts! 🙏
I love this !
This ‼️🙌🏾
I believe that God does care about everything a person goes through, including what to wear. The Lord is not just present for the big things, but just as involved in the small things. He wants to be a part of everything that his child calls upon him for. Everything his child calls upon him for is important. Big and small.
You know when there’s a supernatural pull to you when you’re apart. Its butterflies magnified by 10. Its overwhelming and pleasurable. It’s deep desire.
And it’s knowing when God is revealing certain things to that person.. idk.. I just have random urges to pray in tongues and I immediately KNOW it’s do with the man God has for me. I feel this pull towards Him in a way that’s so much more powerful than infatuation or just “liking” that person. It feels your spirit is like a magnet to theirs. Just waiting for God’s timing. God told me that He will pursue me on His time (God’s time) and he will know when to make the move when God tells him to. It’s taking patience. A loooooot of patience .
I don't know about that as meaning "the one or not" (though,I sure thought so at the time) as I have had this exactly as you describe with several different significant others thru out my lifetime and I've been married three times and had even more serious, long term relationships and they most definitely were NOT "The One". I think maybe they were the one for that period of time, because everything happens for a reason,Iguess.....but I am currently, happily married and I believe that most marriage problems aren't really marriage problems but God problems, NO or very little relationship with God and little or no understanding of him.
@@shanedejager_ FELT THIS! AMEN!
Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing! I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for us!
DM let's talk.
God can give you confirmation that He agrees with the person you're considering marrying. Seek Him earnestly and He'll make it known!
I really need God to give me the confirmation, I'm just having this spirit of confusion now and I can't give a guy a chance who claims to love me🙏🥺
Needing the confirmation as well right now. It’s so hard to determine what’s right for me vs what the devil wants to tear apart.
@@mercedesbenz220 Read/study the Bible on a regular basis. It helps to discern the truth from the lies.
@@letlotlokumalo9288how did it turn out?
@@letlotlokumalo9288I want to know too
Certainty is never a prerequisite for a blessing, but faith and hope is. Amen
Trust God's words and His promises ❤️ He'll give you the man that you prayed for. We must put God first in our life and all our prayers will be granted. God bless us all❤️
Timely word!! I’ve been praying for my Christ-centered husband with a heart after God’s. God has me in a season of heightened emotions and seeking Him more for clarity and guidance. I know all things work together for His good. ❤️🙏
Amen sister!!! Same here!
I love you all
If it isn't His plan He may have other plans for u such as other plans or nun life or singleness. His plan is better than what we think we want. He made all beings and this earth. He sees value in all His beings nonhuman or human on thus earth. All are valuable and He has a purpose for all to live in harmony and in peace and doing His will with no violence at all
Yes I know for a fact that The Lord is guiding my life. Everywhere that I go... He keeps showing me glimpses of past visions that He showed me many years ago. It's pretty amazing!!!
That’s really cool how joyful is that❤️❤️
I Thank God for you ❤ he's been showing me the same recently as well
Wow same here, praise God hallelujah
I can honestly say that as I am about to turn 40 this year I trust God is guiding me at a 10. But I KNOW he’s not in Everything, I Know it’s my responsibility for a lot of things, I Know I mess up and I stray… BUT I Trust he will even be there to take my hand and lead me back when I do stray from what he is trying to do and lead me to in my life!
Amen. Exactly. And that's how you have to look at it. Yes. We may choose to go our own route/direction from time to time. But that DON'T mean that God isn't attempting to lead us every step of the way. He's a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.
Amen!! Felt this in my soul!!
Anything less than a 10 is being lukewarm. As soon as we sin or even have a thought of sin, we are to repent immediately and ask for forgiveness. Renouncing and repenting of repeated patterns of sins and turning away from it, gives freedom and allows us to be lead by the Holy Spirit at a 10. That is true freedom♥️ Proverbs 3:5-6
With the way I felt earlier this evening I couldn’t have confidently said “ i know God is guiding my life”, even now I can’t confidently say so and that makes me feel guilty but I hope he is, I hope with all my heart that God understands where I’m at and understands how I feel, it’s not because I don’t want to believe but because I’m scared.
Love that story of Ruth and Boaz and it speaks to me because he was a man of resource or ability and yet he listened for the right mindset or actions of a woman (vs the looks or appearance & temptation that was probably all around him). Ruth choosing to be who she needed to be or do what she knew she needed to do is what led her into her destiny and that's so powerful - Lord lead us where you need us and into our destiny with you! *In Jesus Name* 🙏
Lord I recognize that my husband in the dream came to help because He had the resources and ability.. I had the right mindset, ability. Not my will but thy will. I believe your Will , will be done. I release all control, imaginations, ideas. In the meantime help me to develop your mindset.
I love this preacher for so many reasons but I truly believe that one of the biggest reasons is how truthful he is! The fact that he actually uses his real life personal experiences, challenges, sadness, faith, happiness, etc makes him one of my all-time favorite preachers!! 🥰🥰😇🙏
Someone finally said exactly how I feel about this preacher !
"Certainty is not a prequisite for Faith and Understanding is not a prerequisite for Blessing !!!!!"
I have tried different churches and looked for a community that fits my heart and faith and this is the best fit I have found. So grateful for your sermons and for the whole community. Hope to be able to experience it in person one day. Blessings and love from Europe xxx
*As you start today's activities,the Almighty God will set his eyes on your pathways.He Will direct your step on the right side in the mighty of Jesus.Every evil hand that rises to seize or divert your today's blessings and favour shall be withered in the mighty name of Jesus. Whosoever that stands to turn your testimonies into trials, breakthrough into breakdown, prosperity into poverty, miracle into misfortune, peace into pain shall be paralyzed in the mighty name of Jesus.Goodnews shall be heard in your dwelling places and evil shall be distanced from you and your family in the mighty name of Jesus. May his love, joy, peace,goodness and mercy be with you and your family In the mighty name of Jesus.*
Pray for me and pray for this blood moon and may God continue to bless your soul in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Satan's ruling is over!!! Amen.
Amen and amen
Wow. I grew up Roman Catholic, I spent almost 10 years as a proud atheist. I spent 5 years agnostic, and the last 2 as a non-denominational Christian. You're a great speaker, and you're making me, who has spent most of my life as a skeptic and who has a deep need to question almost everything, learn more about my faith and my connection to God. I've abandoned a relationship with him for most of my life. I know he's waiting for me to return to the flock. I'm just too stubborn to walk there myself.
Doors always open.
I had the love of my life for nearly 36 years before he passed away suddenly on July 25th 2020 & he was my everything!!! If God hadn't been in my life when my hubby took his last breath in my arms I am not sure I could have ever made it the last nearly 3 years now without him.
I honestly need relationship advise 😕
We both feel like we've rushed into it and now that we're in a distance, we feel like we're becoming more like friends than boyfriend and girlfriend, 😕i honestly don't wanna loose her and I love her and she loves me
All I ask if for just a little bit of advise
We want to take a break to see what we actually want in this relationship but we both don't think that's what we need
We both love each other but don't think we could last, maybe as friends but maybe smth in the future, and that really hurts, bc I love her 😞
God literally spoke to me about this guy and said that's the one you're going to marry. He told my mom the same thing about the same guy, except a year earlier and never said a word to me.
No one is perfect we need God ❤️🙏
I believe you that The Lord is guiding my life! Two people witness to me that I’ll find me my wife. One was my pastor at my church who told this a few weeks ago. And I attended a NYE service and the pastor there told the church that he hear church wedding bells as he was next to me preaching the word of God. Continue to pray for me as I’m seeking the kingdom of God first and everything will be added to me…
Amen 🙏
Never had a sermon talk so much about my personal situation. This is for ME 🙏🏾
same here✨
I'm praying I find the one someday. I thought my ex boyfriend was the one but he was a narcassist and he didnt love me his with somebody else now. God was protecting me because he knows he has the right man for me. I will focus on God and continue to pray and have faith ❤🙏
I met Hiram at his most vulnerable time...when he needed me and I needed him. He is still finding himself and I know who I am but the healing that was brought about activated the holy spirit in me to heal and pray, heal and pray. My prayer is that the holy spirit moves him to open his spiritual eyes and see me and we do mighty moves of God! I am waiting on God.
This is a great message for younger couples. May god lead their way.
“You have to live in the tension”
Not what anybody wants to hear but it is what it is
I know God is guiding my life and He is with me all the way, Pastor Steve
The lord is there every step but it is you who makes a decision
I really and genuinely enjoy Pastor Furtick's preaching style. It forces me to think more deeply about scripture and he does a GREAT job of bringing it to life. God bless you. ❤🙏🏾
Where are you from man of God ?I would like to be freindly to you do you have Facebook?
Praise God.. He has given me visions and dreams my whole life, a.k.a. DEJA VU..
I knew my man was the one the second I saw the tattoo on his back.. I prayed for him for years, and now here we are..🙏💒💖💖🙏
Wow seems interesting how did he find his way to u.. Or how did u guys end up together
I feel the same way about someone at church I’ve never talked to him in person I’ve noticed him three weeks ago and I find the way he praises and does his alter calls so beautiful and I’ve been praying and fasting trying to ask for clarity and to proceed or show me a sign ❤️🔥
@@OohalysssaASMRdid you end up together?
You will know they are the one because of God who choose you to be together and have a future ❤❤
My life is in Your hands, Lord. Order my steps.
God always guide me through life ! Every single minute
Thank you lord
God guides me in everything that is truly important
Greetings everyone 🤗something happened in my life one morning while i was taking my normal walk, i decided that specific morning , i even said to myself let me change my direction and normal routine of walking and i did and the next minute in that moment on that specific morning something amazing happened, i am still praying about it, praying over and about ''the moment it happened' , i just know in that moment ''was a moment.
Yes he’s guiding my life an yes sometimes I fall short but run back an trust in him an his way an will
I fell in love twice with the same man 30 years in between that we knew nothing of each other, I know in my heart God brought us together, but he has too many issues, he left me once again… I too old now to want to try again, plus my schizoaffective disorder son is too much to handle, I must do it myself. And I have no strength anymore. I prayed, believed and now hurt, I feel I can change my name from Mari to Mara, myself
I do believe God is guiding my life
I’m dating a coworker right now and our jobs are important to both us. We both need to pray and where go leads us. We work at a homeless shelter and I think we have bonded through humor faith common experiences. I ask for god to please guide us and bring us discernment. Amen
Both of you guys will need to die to yourselves. I's he willing to submit to God and lead his wife his family. Are you willing to submit to your husband who is after God's heart if it means sacrificing your job?
*LORD, pliz bless the person reading this,Let blessings & favor locate them, in Jesus' Mighty Name!Bless them with good health & good relationships Increase their joy,their faith & their finances, greatly. Father blow their mind with YOUR goodness!In the matchless name of Jesus,Amen!*
Amen 🙏🏽
I believe God is guiding my life, I prayed for a sign for weeks now, and suddenly I got a notification from youtube that Led me to your sermon.. i have never seen your workings and I have already been subscribed, you have a message that God wants me to receive in this chapter I have entered
That is the true workings of God
I really needed this video Pastor Furtick!
I need some prayers please! As of last week my ex wife/mother of my children and I have been divorced 2 years. I still feel like she’s the one without a doubt in my heart. She filed for divorce 2 years ago because I had a lot of problems and growing up to do and since then I’ve grown so much and have a much better relationship with my lord and savior now. I’m taking care of my responsibilities and being the best father and person I can be. I pray everyday that god brings us back together. If your reading this could you please give me your thoughts and prayers for god to bring my family back together. Thank you all & God bless!
Praying for you man.
Please pray for us..we broke up 2 months ago and the more time I spend with God the more I feel to pray over him. I pray that God saves him and shows him the way🙏🏽 God redirected me and did such and I know he can do it for him as well.
I know God is leading me cause He is in every detail through out my day. Stick to my number 10 . He uses you most of all hallelujah praise Jesus
I believe it is different for everybody according to the purpose of their life. Some even never get to feel that god is leading not because god lead only those who believe he is, but because their purpose of life doesn't call for that much of guidance. I also feel he helps me take many a times minute decisions, like getting late because that would save me from a disaster or would guide me towards a new learning. May god bless you! 🙏
I would say a 10 too for everyone. But the problem is that we don't always recognize it is Him speaking to us, or we don't care to listen to what He have to say. So, we tend to dismiss Him altogether. I still say that God was in the midst of leading Ruth, and it wasn't just by chance, or even fear, that she decided to stay connected to Naomi. When she stated your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God. That was the leading of the spirit of the Lord. And that's how she ended up getting to Boaz, where King David, and Jesus was born through their lineage. Yes. She probably didn't know that it led to that, or was going to lead to that prior. But that part is pretty irrelevant, and don't mean that it didn't take some sort of faith for God to lead her there, or that God still didn't orchestrate all of that (put it together). Do you think that Kobe Bryant mom and dad thought he was going to be one of the most famous basketball players in the world when they conceived him, or Michael Jackson's parents when they conceived him, or so on and so forth? More then likely they DIDN'T have a clue. But that don't mean that God didn't play a major part in them coming together either.
@@ohmphil Yeah. You can end up running late for something that is scheduled, and God will allow that to possibly happen as away to protect you from a horrific accident or whatever the case maybe. I do believe that, but that is not the same thing. God is VERY intentional about certain things like who is going to be kin to who, or who will marry who, or whatever the case maybe. Yes. He give us free will, and we can dismiss the leading of the spirit, and go our own route. Because He don't control or manipulate us. But I'm quite sure He intended Jesus to be born through that bloodline. It wasn't just by chance that any of that happened.
Hello 👋
I listen to you and Michael Todd every morning. Thank you for feeding my soul. God bless. Yuma, AZ
I'm raising my hand!! But there are times when we get off track. And when we do things go wrong. Then we realize we got off track.
God is guiding my life!
I am 24 years old from India .. I am repenting but I’m going through anxiety because of my sins and I have full sleeve tattoos that give me more anxiety now 🥲 please remember me in your prayer 🙏
you are healed in the blood of Jesus, I pray may you be well, healthy & whole.
Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” jesus loves you
God loves every inch of you, including every tattoo..your battle scars are a thing of beauty, reminders of where you come from, a daily reminder. Treasure your reminders and the beauty that He sees in them. They are part of your story, part of you, no shame now, you are washed clean..🥰
God is love and always forgiving . Talk to him about everything ❤️
Thank you guys for the motivation and encouragement 🙏
I guess I was meant to hear this. I began crying yesterday because I felt so lonely 😭 My heart sometimes ache because I’m alone. I sit around my co-worker’s and listen to them about the love of their life. I go on a date and by date 2 I knew the men were not right me or better yet their true intentions. I did allow someone in my life that I tried to make for me and blocked my blessings. I finally let them go. I’ve been praying and getting closer to HIM to know him. Some day’s are just hard. It has been years single but just months of getting to know him. However I keep reading and getting to know him because I love HIM and this isn’t something that will not happen in my time but HIS. Just have really rough days. I take myself on dates and try to build myself better. I ask HIM to guide my day and I pray for my future husband. I’m nowhere a 10 🙂 Definitely like a 5. I’m still excited about my journey just get discouraged at times.
Keep doing what you’re doing ❤ be content in every circumstance, surrender to Him and he will give you the desires of your heart ✨
I pray that God blesses you with the husband he has for you in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏻❤️
No matter what women put me through I will always love honor them and yrust God's plan loving someone else and god feels so good to me Steve
My God my saviour,
I seek your presence in my life every day! You are the reason that I am still ALIVE
God is guiding my life!!!
May God Bless You All Elevation Church Family
God is guiding my life 🙌🏾. and I know he is in control
I lost my 4 year old kitty yesterday to cancer and heart disease. She was my best friend. If you guys can send prayers my way I really need it 🥺❤️
Praying for you. I know how bad it hurts, God and time heals the pain❤️
So sorry I can imagine how that feels smh praying for you!❤️❤️❤️♥️
Thank you, Pastor! I needed this so bad right now. Thank you for this powerful and beautiful Word from the Holy Spirit.
Really needed this one today. Esp. the part where I put myself down (even on something I should be really proud of) so someone else won't be able to do it. And I hope God is leading me, cause there are definitely times of feeling lost and wondering/wandering.
Same here😓y'all need to be strong..Its not easy
The great thing about God is that He allows us our choices. He can guide us in all our ways but what about the issues and mistakes? Does he guide us into those? We are human beings, not robots. Thanks Pastor Furtick for that perspective. I will most certainly chew on this snippet, lol.
God is guiding my life
This was one of my top favorite sermon. Pastor using the book of Ruth in this timing was Godoence for for me. Tysm Lord for using this man of God to spread the word of God lead by You
Lord I commit my life to you I believe that you are with me every step help me find the courage to step out in faith in what you have planned for my life
Father God keep using him to bring forth your word Lord
God is leading me in my journey I know by how I feel
My Dearest Steve!! I watch your videos on You Tube every morning for strength to endure the challenges this world faces. I constantly pray for my family and friends that someday they will find peace within themselves and realize that Faith without works is dead 😢. I hope one day to be able to attend one of your services. I currently live in Glen Burnie, MD.
God will bring to you at the right time what is yours all you have to do is trust in his process and his will and be obedient keep your eyes open for that connection that seems so wonderful and in that pray and look for God confirmations
I believe God is guiding my life! ❤
God is guiding my life , Amen !
Amen. Happy Sunday and God Bless.
I'm a solid 10 Ps. Steve and not trading it for any less.
@Ruth was led by God to Boaz whether she knew it or not. It didn't catch God off guard when she turned out to be the matriarch of Jesus' bloodline.
You're still an amazing preacher, but the 10 bruh - that was a low punch at those who've totally surrendered to Christ. Shalom
Please keep me and my wife in your prayers , she hates my parents and hates if I mention going to see them and refuses to see them still . Doesn’t want our two children to see their grandparents n gets mad when they say grandmah and grandpa’s house. My parents are old and she gets ugly and threatens me with divorce when she hears or thinks about us going to see them . I’m believing God for a breakthrough from this animosity and bitterness I love my wife and our two and four year old. Please pray for restoration with our families relationship
J R, we are so sorry to hear this! You are seen by God and LOVED by God! We are praying for you and believing with you for restoration on your family! If you'd like to reach out to our team to keep this in prayer, you can email us at:! 🙏^SF Team
Strength from above, thank you for what you wrote in the comments. I truly needed to be reminded of the truths you mentioned in your comment. Pastor Steven is a fantastic channel of God s lesson s and I listen everyday but I'd never read the comments until the very moment I needed to hear that it helps a ton. God bless you pastor Steven and Holly and all of elevation and the e fam, God is so good
Steady 7- a constant work in progress........knowing who is in control. Trusting in HIM- but I fail when I try to. Humbly & Gratefully blessed on His plan & journey for my life. Faith. Hope. Unconditional Love through forgiveness & Grace. Amen. Teach & guide me oh Lord- that I may serve you better- Amen. YOU ARE THE GREAT I AM!!! HOLY IS YOU NAME!!! May God bless & keep us all.
I am 22 and trusting God to bring me and reveal my husband ❤
God is guiding my life, but I do get off track at times.
I really love this message... Our experiences affect our identity
Hello pastor Steven furstick I love you so much your teaching always bless me every moment may lord be with you forever and bless you all the way from Kenya I'm David njenga
DM let's talk.
The kingdom of heaven is like treasures which is hidden in a field. Amen
God is leading my life
Thank you for all great learnings in every service ! ...
I love everyone with all my love ...
I needed this, its crazy I was praying about these very things earlier
i believe that god is guiding my life and time to time i get off track
Also, I feel the need to tell you Pastor, check yourself, remember to do that. Take care of yourself, and keep your eyes open.