But what is the reason for the preference is the question? With the exception of a preference for your own race bc of things like similar experiences and likely upbringing, what would cause a person to stray away from their own race entirely? I understand if someone comes along that isn’t your race that u end up liking but specifically avoiding one for the most part seems like a collection of internalized problems you haven’t faced yet.
Can we start adding context for the participants in these videos instead of jumping straight in? Stating everyone’s race, how long they’ve been dating, who’s dating whom, etc. would’ve been nice
Race would be interesting as something that gets labelled under their name when they speak. But the rest of those sound kind of boring and would make the video too long. Especially because there is already 3 hours of content that they whittle down to just 13 minutes.
Probably they could only find younger people to participate in a short youtube video that by default, because it’s so short, simplifies issues to bite-size. Young people are used to youtube and the internet in general and what they bring, whereas older people value time to sit and talk these things out, and privacy away from the internet, a little more.
I would NEVER be with someone soley based on race. If we vibe, are attracted to each other, love each other and respect each others cultures we are fine
You don't want your child to look like you? Have a group of friends that are just like him? Be able to relate to one culture that's shared with his/her parents? I mean, sure, you can love and mix with whoever you want, but just imagine what you do to your child.
@@amg2723 You might say "we are all humans" and yeah we are, but all of us developed within different cultures that make our traits different. And of course there are factors outside of that, but those are all below the ones I listed, after all you get connect and ultimately get shaped by your surroundings first and foremost.
It's interesting to me that it was mostly people in the black community that feel like they're betraying their own race, but no one else felt that way.
This episode was weirdly edited. Some people talked basically in every question and some people almost didn’t speak at all. Also it was too short, showing just two anwsers to one question is weird, like we are here to listen to different opinions. Making this video 2-3 minutes longer wouldn’t hurt anyone.
I wished jubliee actually published the whole conversation. I know it is a lot of work editing so much footage. But maybe that could be for a patreon or something like that so it would be beneficial for them as well. I would definitely pay for it
I kept waiting for Alexander’s partner to share her thoughts! She was the only one who didn’t share an experience, which is fine but I was hoping to hear everyone.
Jubilee, please release the "uncut" version of this for those of us who wouldn't mind a longer video! There was probably so much more stated that we didn't get to see.
It's sad seeing so many black people feeling like they are betraying their race by being in an interracial relationship. We need to end that stereotype and let people feel comfortable being who they want to be and loving who they want to love.
well a lot of people date IR out of deep seated self hatred and insecurities, they put whiteness and Eurocentric features on a pedestal and dislike their own black features
*I think you guys should redo this with better questions, making it longer, and not all just young couples ! Would love to see how couples married in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc have different experiences than newer couples :)*
I think everyone has their choice! but I find it a bit problematic for those rappers who talk about black women in their songs but only date white women and leave black women for "snack"
It’s so heartbreaking to hear about mixed raced children who don’t feel like they fit in or belong to a certain community. I recommend you guys have your own community. There’s nothing wrong with being both. You don’t have to choose. As a mother of a mixed race child, I encourage her to be proud of both of her heritages and embrace being biracial.
As a mixed race young person myself, I have to say that for me personally being brought up with two different cultures has been amazing. Yes it's not always easy and you can feel isolated sometimes, but overall it has helped me develop a global mindset which I am very grateful for. I've been lucky enough to meet other mixed race people, and a few who are of the same mixed race as I am. I also think that it definitely has helped me connect with other people from different cultures. It has been such a blessing. Of course I understand that not everyone has such a positive experience though. If I have children in the future, I really hope they grow up in a multicultural environment. It's beautiful :)
Your country is fucked up in the race aspect like most latin people are mixed race or at least in my country, i'm mixed race, never in my life I have felt or met someone that felt like they didn't belong anywhere because of that. Like I'm literally confused what is the problem???
@@juicyblueberry7849A biracial person is not gonna feel like they don’t belong if everyone around them is also biracial. I thought that would be obvious.
I love how a lot of these couples decided to wear similar outfits so we could remember who is dating who: like matching jean jackets, or gray shirts/brown pants. It’s cute. Thanks to all these awesome couples who shared their experiences. Y’all are all beautiful people as individuals and cute couples. Love is love. 💗💗💗
@@freckleheckler6311 wtf?? as someone who is half asian and half black i’ve never had a problem with embracing both sides & as a matter of fact even though both cultures are very different they’re actually so much more alike then most ppl would think
I feel like this video had the potential to be better, I was kinda disappointed that some of the answers from the other side weren’t shown or covered as much like for two of the questions they only showed the perspectives of those on the agree side and not those on the disagree side. It would’ve been better to have a balance especially if its like a huge range of responses.
The question that should be asked is what causes that preference? It’s usually some unconscious stereotype or life circumstance you apply to that type of person that may or may not be true.
@ash M To say that racial preferences exist just because “certain people are naturally attracted to certain skin tones” is extremely naive. Dating apps have shown that these preferences are a widespread issue, not an individual matter. When it becomes a pattern, it starts to paint a picture about the subconscious biases that society has taught us even if we don’t realize them ourselves. For example, studies have shown that black women and Asian men get the least matches on dating apps, and even black men tend to swipe left on black women more than any other race.
@@SmallLegacy but that doesn’t make sense 💀 seeing a race as uglier than another is racist considering it’s the color of their skin that is what you are visually opposed to. There are attractive ppl in every race but if the color of it is what strays u then…
It’s okay to have a preference towards your own race, it’s not racist if it isn’t based on racial attitudes towards other races. But I think it’s very easy to fetishize other races and base a preference off of that.
@@n9ne If u read their comment, they said it’s okay to have a preference towards your own race. Not that it’s okay to exclude a specific race, for example black people, and not date them just because they’re black.
@@n9ne some people are attracted to tan skin, some people are attracted to pale skin, black skin. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’d you find someone unattractive to “date” that doesn’t make you a racist. Also culture plays a huge factor and dating people with a similar culture and background plays a big part. Like mostly attracts like
@@n9ne Well, my personal standards of beauty fall more towards the traits commonly found in black and asian girls, but I'm not racist towards white girls, they just rarely have traits that I find attractive, it would be dishonest for me to pretend I am attracted to someone just to fulfil some racial dating quota, right?
The thing is i dont have a preference on my own race. If you dont live in India, the general beauty standards here are on fow fair your skin is which is especially true for women. I dont like that idea at all but maybe i internalized it myself and i am kinda sad now
Actually I've seen footage of these guys on their own separate social media platforms or they talk about stuff like that, so I think they actually did speak about it It's just this video in jubilee videos in general are very weirdly edited in terms of what they cut out and what they need in. Like most of the topics are the sort that involved demographic differences and yet they don't even tell us which demographic each one is from which is kind of defeats the purpose of the debate and the discussion in the first place.... So I think they probably didn't answer them at least most of them did it's just jubilous freaking weird when it comes to what they cut in with the keep in.... Think we could have made you stuff like that that we have plenty of weird b-roll looking at folding chairs in the warehouse which has not changed since the channel started, but for some reason they think they still have time to show that but not the stuff we actually want to know about lol.
Like people dont wanna admit that its weird to PREFER one race over another. Like its one thing to be out and about, have no strong preference to one race, just dating who is available, but then intentionally not dating a whole race is weird af.
Omg they should’ve asked “I’m afraid for possible social stigma my future mixed child could endure” that would’ve been interesting. Like asking about long term situations
That would've been an amazing question! Especially since I feel some don't think much further than the struggles of the relationship. Imagine being a mixed kid growing up with racist white family members if it's hard for the parents, it's going to be even harder on the kid since they'll be blood related and they're wondering why grandma and grandpa don't like them or their cousins treat them differently. (This isn't a given and some people have amazing experiences with both sides of the family, but it happens far too often). As a mixed person myself, I wish people would consider the long term implications of starting a family and having mixed race kids. That's not to discourage people from having kids, but to make sure they're prepared to help the kids navigate that experience and all the emotional and political challenges that are likely to come with it.
That was def a fear my mother had. Being asian with a half black half asian baby. She would always worry about racism and the struggles I’d endure. And when I did share my experience of racism to her, she would always have this look like her biggest-fear-come-true look. I always wondered if she blamed my struggles on her marrying outside her race
There’s definitely a difference between having a race preference and straight up dissing people of the race that you don’t prefer or saying “I would NEVER date someone of this particular race”. A lot of people do that and then call it a ‘preference’ when they’re just being disrespectful
I agree that there is a difference but at the end of the day... who cares? I am not going to trip over someone not wanting to date me because of my race. I will just move onto the next one.
@@erictheguapo other people care, you’re not the only person on this planet. again someone might not care, but not wanting to date someone solely because of their race is just weird and disrespectful
@@erictheguapo even though you dont care that someone is trying to disrespect your race does not mean others wont. You have many people who actually face negative repercussions based on the disgusting things people say about that race. It's not okay to many people because it actually does end up having a negative affect on them.
@@g.hmusicc Again...who cares... You can not change people's preferences so why dwell on it? Spend your time finding someone who actually wants to be with you.
Yes I wasn’t surprised at all bc black ppl are most likely to get judged harshly by their own race when they date outside their race. Just look at the comments under the shade room on Instagram anytime they post an interracial couple. So much hate and name calling from both genders. That’s why I think ppl in interracial relationships are so strong bc they are willing to go against those odds for love.
I knew all the black people would go to the agree side. I'm a black person in an IR and you get those disappoving looks, and social media keeps getting on black men and women who divest from the community.
I honestly think there is a thinner than tissue paper line between fetish and preference. For example preference is what you prefer and fetish is also what you prefer. If you're like I prefer dudes with tattoos and thats what you are dating how is it not a fetish. If someone fetishises glasses but their partner doesn't wear glasses then how is that not a preference.
Where is the line between perference and fetishism outside your race? The lines doesn't seem to be there. How can you possibly explain without sounding that way? It usually rooted in stereotypes and covert racism.
@@shhd2105 that’s a major point like ppl should ask themselves why do they prefer the races they prefer. They really need to think about that and then see how that is playing into the hands of covert racism or preconceived notions and prejudices about the particular race. Now as for your own race, I could see why you would prefer it for obvious basic reasons, but for other races, no I don’t see how I can vouch for that reasoning
@@shhd2105 nah dude most people that have a preference it is purely about being physically attractive to a specific race, obviously there are some people out there that have that mindset about being attracted to stereotypes but it’s definitely the minority
I just feel like there was so much more that everyone said and I know it would have been a long episode, but I would have loved to hear it all. This is such a diverse group of interracial couples and all of their experiences are so different and I just wanted to hear more. This is a great episode tho!
Literally!! Like wth? There is a big group of people in this spectrum and they let 1-2 people talk per prompt… like really???? There was so much more to be said, and more perspectives to hear!! . Jubilee made this video way underwhelming than it should have been.
I honestly think it’s so messed up the idea that you’re “betraying your race” by dating someone who’s a different race than you. In my opinion it just completely ties into the idea of segregation that people of different races should be separated. I was shocked to see how many people agreed tbh
Well when a certain race has oppressed your people for centuries, with the effects still being felt today, it makes sense to me why a black person would feel like they're betraying their race when dating a white person
I think it’s because most people date within their race, so if someone dates outside of it, they feel like they are purposefully excluding their own race and feel like they have some sort of self hate. But truthfully, to date one race of person doesn’t = bashing or hating the other.
"Interracial relationships can be a fetish, and that's okay if it's love too." At the end of the day, if both parties consent to being fetishized, it's their business and I would be happy for them. Personally as an Asian person, I am just so tired. I am so tired of being stereotyped and fetishized as a "submissive Asian bottom" or just as a Korean. I am more than my race or ethnicity. If the first thing they notice is my race and they make a big deal about how much they love "kpop" and "kbbq", they have already imbued me with their preconceived ideas about Koreans. Just like, piss off.
Well Ethan how do you think other young minority men feel like young black men in America get stereotyped because of all Hip-Hop culture and media portrays every young black men out to be?!
Yeah, that bothered me too. I mean I get that Johnny would mock his mom's accent, but I couldn't understand how it would still be funny if that guy's non-Asian partner made fun of his mom's accent as well (even she meant to mock him and not his mom). Also, the guy *did* say that he thought Taylar should've been on the Agree line with him, so it didn't sit right with me that she made an excuse 'cause she didn't think it was racist.
@@-Datboijj- Um… not all. I prefer another Asian guy to a white guy for marriage. A fluent in english Asian guy. I like dark hair and features more, I don’t like blonde hair blue eyed guys all that much for dating. I prefer Asian, mexican, black etc 🤷🏻♀️
@@-Datboijj- That's not true. Asian women have the highest likelihood of *dating* outside of their race. However, it is conveniently left out that asians, like every other race, has the highest likelihood of marrying inside of their race. If not, somebody should tell China because they are far the most populated country. Fun fact, did you know that asians make up roughly around 5.6% of America yet make up that vast majority of the human population just from China and India, alone?
I’m mixed race (Chinese and Haitian) and my boyfriend is Puerto Rican. I’ve learned and progressed so much by just hearing another view point on life and we get excited talking about how we will raise our future little ones. Loved this episode!
Agree! We are Filipino/American, and it definitely has helped to see other cultural perspectives and do our best to keep the strengths of both, and think about what we want to pass on to our kids. You can definitely learn a lot
@@anonymousbo0318 I’ve never met a Haitian that identified as Hispanic but could be wrong. Maybe a few that may say latino as it’s apart of the Latin America’s but Haiti doesn’t speak Spanish as the people are of African descent and the first black free republic from the French ruling. The term Hispanic also refers to being related to Spain.
That's great! As a mixed guy from Latin America and Europe the best thing you could do is introduce your future kids to your cultures and languages at the same time. I wish you both the best.
Being mixed is really hard because I feel like I can’t completely relate to my black culture, especially being raised by my white mom and white step dad I really don’t know how to fit in
Do you feel that your separation from your black side is either of your parents faults? This isn’t meant to come off as offensive I’m genuinely curious on your thoughts on it.
the problem is when people use their preferences to exclude people. like i prefer older guys but i’m not gonna turn down every guy that’s younger than me.
@@SmallLegacy liking something over something else doesn’t necessarily include exclusion but thank you for knowing how to use a dictionary. i prefer chocolate ice cream but i’m still going to eat other flavors
@@thabokgwele5268 1. it was just an example and 2. some people would find it problematic. as long as someone isn’t bashing people for not being their type, then i don’t care
Yes it is. Because you can´t live the experience, you can try to imagine, you can be empathetic but you will always be ignorant about the real experience. Like a light skin latina I´m ignorant about the experience of my indiginous friend that grow up only learning spanish, and she is ignorant about the experience of her mom that actually grow up in an indiginous comunity. Also, latinos that live in USA and barely know any spanish are ignorant about how is life for a latina living in latinoamerica and I will get angry when they try to talk over me.
@@yolotsinxochitl9645 every race is ignorant when it comes to other races struggles so yes it is cringe,im hispanic myself and i get ur point we all have different experiences and views due to where we come from but that's out of our hands,u can still educated urself and be an understanding person,ur not to blame for some that happen 100 years ago when u weren't even around
@@jessi-tp9fr no is not ignorance has nothing to do with race and more with the way u were raised my parents taught me ur race and wealth has nothing to do with the way u treat others.go to the local asian store in the hood and u gon see how these people treat the asian workers does that make every black person racist no those individuals it says alot about their character not their race
It reminds me of the trend when some Arabs on social media shamed Arab women for their skin color, saying that it's better to date white women rather than the "ugly" Arab women. And some men/ women insult the opposite gender from their same race. so preferences are fine as long as it's not out of self-hatred or sexism.
Wtf bruh i just replied to a comment above yours saying i think that Indian and Middle eastern aka Arab women are the best looking because of their skin color it's like a mix of every race.
As an Egyptian women myself, yes yes yes and yes. Arab men tend to bash Arab woman for their darker skin complexion and claim its a “preference”. Actually, Arab men seem to bash Arab women for EVERYTHING. It’s all rooted in misogyny and corrupted social beauty standards. I actually remember asking my mother for bleaching skincare at such a young age because of the amount of insults I would get from family members and friends.
Preferences are perfectly fine, but when you diminish and talk down on your own race, it becomes an issue. Preferences are often rooted in stereotypes and you perpetuate those stereotypes when you constantly devalue the people within your own race.
They black guy saying saying he wanted black children, but knew he couldn't find a mate to have them with told the exact reason why he was with a yt woman.
Chris didnt seem to care much about Grace and her feelings as well. If he isnt proud to be with her then let her be with someone who is proud to be with her. It brings a lot of pain and insecurities on her if she has to deal with trying to live up to what he wants
The thing is, she chooses to stay with him, so she chooses those insecurities. It's unlikely that even if he "let her go" that she would get with someone who treats her better because she can only choose men who she considers herself to be worthy of, and she chose him.
I’m going to assume your white because you clearly don’t seem to understand how it’s like for black people to date outside our race. He’s not trying to make her insecure he’s just being honest and speaking on his experience. Hes not saying he isn’t proud to be with her. It’s just hard in the black community to date outside our race because we care too much about what others say.
I feel like I’m betraying my race by dating outside my race sometimes too (white bf), especially because of certain looks we might get from poc. But, that will never change my feelings towards my boyfriend. I’d date any race regardless of how my race may feel about it. If I’m being treated well and if I am happy, that’s all that matters!
Ummm back in slavery the masters were busting down the slaves lets be serious. Remind any lightskin black person of their lineage if they try to make you feel bad.
@@ceceruben6113 yeah let's just shame people based on what people of their race did in the 19th century lol. Most white peoples ancestors were laborers and farmers.
@@TheExtremeCube 😂😂😂 Riiight. Look at her appearance. Only white girl up there and had on something you see….only black people in. Or the white girls that wanna be with black men or the culture.
He speaks alot about being out of alignment with his values or his values not being met because of the relationship, I really think he should just leave
The preference part is tricky. Often we as humans like to act as though our preferences aren’t shaped by so many external factors and are wholly our own, when often they are not. Sure, “nature” plays a role, i.e. what we are naturally curious about or attracted to individually, but I would argue “nurture” is often much more persuasive, as (in my opinion) this is how we shape about 90% of our sense of self, identity and personhood. Meaning - the cultural, religious, societal and communal norms that we’re all subject to based on where we’re born and what kind of society we’re born into, are very big factors into how your personality, tastes and dislikes are formed, and those factors all look very different depending on the person. For example, I know a guy who is mixed half White Irish and half Puerto Rican, and his Puerto Rican grandma always discouraged him from dating Latina women (specifically Dominican, idk why though) and he is now married to a half white, half Latina but she isn’t Dominican. Who can truly say if it’s because of his grandma’s influence or his own desires? Especially because there’s no way of knowing if that discouragement bred more of an interest in the group she encouraged him to stay away from (to rebel against what she aimed to repel him from) or if he was positively affected by her influence and that’s why he just subconsciously never let himself develop an interest in Dominican women. Knowing he ended up not marrying a Dominican woman, I’d say the latter is likely, but I can’t speak for him nor do I know his subconscious thoughts - heck, he may not even know them!
I agree, we're the beings with the most free will but that consciousness ironically comes with a huge denial of tiny, repeated subconscious factors that shape us daily, whether it's from our close peers, the media or the general zeitgeist. That does make it even harder to dissociate our natural preferences (if there is such a thing) from our cultural preferences (as you said we're born into them! very hard to let them go or even recognize them). I'm just repeating what you said but I very much agree with your point! it's super relevant nowadays as interracial couples will likely be the norm in many parts of the world.
i agree and i get what you mean and all but latin is not a race nor an ethnicity!! also nationalities like puerto rican or dominican, you can be those nationalities and be white
Uh no it isnt. It's just a preference on who you are attracted to just like nose shape or body shape or gender. That entire paragraph was not necessary
@@mariomario4068 If you're saying it's mostly nature even when mentioning body shape that's not true. Back during the renaissance in Europe, plus size women were the most desired because of the cultural values and associations back then and now it's certainly the opposite
I’m in a interracial relationship my girlfriend is black and I’m Mexican she’s the love of my life
3 ปีที่แล้ว +487
Thank you Jubilee for having Ivan & I! It was so amazing and insightful to hear everyone’s different experiences, and to share our journeys with one another on a platform like this, is such a blessing. I learned so much during our conversation and I can’t wait to learn even more! Thanks for watching everybody♥️ Love, Kédo Rebelle
I am proud of being mixed race I don’t have a racial preference either I will date Any race religion ethnicity gender etc just as long as the person is nice
As a white British Christian very happily married to a British Pakistani Muslim, I can honestly say that race isn't an issue but religiosity in our various cultural environments has been a bit of a challenge! A mixed religious couple episode would be soooo interesting...
It’s really sad that for years the black community would make anyone feel guilty if they start dating someone outside their race. Everyone is human. Love should not be separated by race.
I agree, my point is it’s a survival tactic or trauma response and it’s not going to end until the cause or trauma/global antiBlack racism does. The reason a white person disapproves of a white/Black relationship and the reason a Black person does are completely different (example given since that combo is usually the one that causes the most turmoil). It’s just always strange and shallow that by design Black people experience the worst of society and then are also condemned for the ways that some try to protect themselves with no mention of why there’s a need to be defensive in the first place. As if Black people are the ones that need to be reminded everyone is human continually. The species isn’t what causes hesitation it’s the often violent culture of other communities when it comes to Black people but we simplify and leave that out of the conversation.
Chris seems really unhappy with his relationship. It's not gonna last long. Why they are still together with so much insecurity and uneasiness? They will end up having a really bad break-up. I feel bad for Grace. He is only dating her because she is submissive. Can't imagine what he puts her through on a daily basis.
I think this discussion was healthy and covered a lot of topics in a shallow sense. However, I would've liked to hear more about experiences with families not approving or being ignorant towards the partner. Just because that's what I have experienced multiple times.
@danieltoll346 This comment 👍🏾. This was too PC. Fact is the world is very anti-black, and experiencing problems while dating intetracially is the norm not the exeption.
It’s no coincidence that all the black people were on the side saying that they feel like they disgrace their own race. It’s sad that we can’t just love each other for who we are love is love right
I definitely feel the other side of that. My in laws aren’t Black but they are Hmong and they aren’t happy with their son’s or nephew’s or grandson’s choice of bride. They just don’t the idea of him being with me. There’s only about 91,000 Hmong people California and my husband often describes his culture as a “dying language” so unfortunately he does believe his family sometimes but it hasn’t stopped him from loving me nevertheless.
everyone has a preference regardless of if they’re racist or not. We as humans tend to favor types of people that we’ve been familiar since we were younger, so environment, exposure to different types of people, and societal expectations can play a big role in shaping preferences (hence why we see so many couples of the same race in comparison to biracial couples)
@@celaya-s4e151 It really depends though. If your “preferences” are off of racial stereotypes thats pretty racist. Like saying you won’t date black people cause their ghetto or don’t like asian men cause their too feminine, etc. I feel like preferences when it comes to race should be based off that individual and not harmful rhetoric made towards the race.
@@tierk4328 I totally get that, I was more speaking about it when it comes to what u are attracted to physically. I agree with you with what you said because every person have their own personality despite their race
“As a white person im just inherently ignorant” I just don’t like that sentence for some reason. Maybe I’m just “inherently ignorant”. Or maybe that sentence just “inherently makes no sense”. Who knows…
@Ell Em Ay Oh no u tryna start problems, she obviously meant racially ignorant if that makes sense. She said that it opened her up to many things she thought she knew about, so obviously she’s talking about the fact that yt ppl don’t know how it feels to be a minority or know what they go through
probably more like since she's a white person, no matter what, she won't know what it's like to not be a white person or she hasn't done enough research or know enough about certain topics
@Ell Em Ay Oh mmmm to me it’s absolving oneself of any responsibility. If you’re “inherently ignorant” you’re saying you can’t help to be that way. Obviously she could never fully understand how a person of color feels, but that doesn’t mean you have to be ignorant of their struggles. Learn, talk to other people, and be active in that! So no it’s not thinking badly of herself LOL
I feel like they should've started this episode with at least showing us the couples together first as a simple outlook on which people are together. This all felt quite incoherent for several minutes.
Being *biracial* myself, I'm going to guess the biracial guy feels more comfortable dating outside his two dominant race. I'm Japanese and German, because I was never accepted in either groups, I find that I feel much more comfortable dating "other races". Maybe that's just me though.
by "other races" does that mean non-German or non-European? just curious about how Europeans think about race compared to Americans because Europe is extremely diverse even from the Baltics to the Balkans to the UK and so on.
Interesting. As a mixed person I always feel extra pressure to date someone in my own race (my Latino side) because I went through horrible identity issues as a kid and I figured I could shield my kid from potential issues without splitting up their identity by adding another thing into the mix that'll make them feel less connected to their culture
@@Aaron-kj8dv I think the majority subconsciously would want white, and if possible, same country. But it will probably change drastically in like 10 years.
@@1337-i3v I agree with you... I mean you will probably find people in Europe who do think about races that way, but the majority emphasizes more the nationality than the race. I guess it is due to the structure how Europe in general is build and the history. Maybe it has also a lot to do with no having slavery like the US did. So one big reason why we aint tooooo focused on skin colour or at least not at the high level like people in the US.
Where am I going to find a person who is my skin colour, relationship works out and she's the perfect wife? Me: 😳😳🙄 I would have rather he said I wanted that but felt in love with this. Because that was just rude and stereotypical and a very silly thing to say.
I'm so guilty of judging this panel. I'm getting questionable vibes from them, and honestly, it could just be the internalized hurt that comes from dating interracially in America.
@@spacenuggetdemonslayer9430 because a person with such a narrow and overidealized vision of reality won't find many girls attracted to him and then, instead of changing mentality and stop being so superficial, he will probably blame society for his frustrations, then he will start believing in weird conspiracies against him and his race and then he will end up in some racist group with criminal tendencies that will affect other people.
Yeah and also I just feel like the don’t click. They never really agreed and I can tell shes been influenced to the point where she doesn’t even want to be white herself lol
No he doesn't. If he wanted one he would have one. He's literally dating (possibly marrying) into a racist family while claiming to be passionate about black struggles. He clearly doesn't care as much as he's trying to seem like he does.
I felt the asian guy, I want to see how I look being mixed with every race of female. only honest person, everyone else was cappin. jubilee just brings cappers because of clicks
I think it's okay to have a race preference as long as you aren't disrespectful about it and put down other races. I used to think it was weird but some people find certain features attractive 🤷🏽♀️ but I don't like that "I want a mixed kid" mindset
@@mimosasseat9860 lol if I made the original comment, your question for sure as hell wouldn’t apply because I’m pan 😂 I see what ur trying to do. But sry to break it you, race and gender is not the same thing AND even if the original commenter did prefer another gender over another romantic relation wise, that would be fine especially due to how society has shaped gender over the years. Now I don’t know if ur in the mindset of “why don’t everyone just love each other without any limitations like race and gender” which I agree. Or you could be in the mind frame of “well if u can have a gender preference, then I can have a race preference” essentially trying to say the original commenter is a hypocrite. You and others may not agree w me on the just loving who u love without gender consideration which that is fine, but the other point still falls flat since like I said, the pressure of binary gender that has been put on by society through history, u cannot blame or bash someone for having a gender preference. That is what’s natural to them. And don’t hit me with “I’m not reading that” when u clearly just tried to make a point to the discussion just like I am
I don’t even understand the concept of being “inherently” anything. Like if you treat others with love and respect, why would you claim to be inherently something that you have no signs of being?
if you were a person who never experienced flying a plane, would you say that you have some inherent ignorance as far as what it's like to be a pilot? if you were assigned male at birth, would you say you are inherently ignorant to what it's like to push a baby out between your legs? inherent ignorance isn't a crime, it's an admission that none of us will ever be able to say we can understand the lived experience of everyone else. in this context, it was implied it was about race, but a black person could have said 'as a black person I've been inherently ignorant' in the context of talking about what it's like to grow up Asian, and that would make just as much sense. in other words, relax a little. she wasn't saying white people are evil or admitting some form of guilt.
sounds like a white guilt complex wouldn't be surprised if she felt she was making up for the sin of her whiteness by dating a poc, American culture is so toxic.
I HATE when black dudes say that they dont like black girls bc theyre “too ghetto” i translate that into him not liking his own mama. I understand maybe you havent found someone in that race that you like, but you dont have to stereotype black women like that. Ive heard/seen this too many times its honest appaling😬 When i tell you in my school EVERY mixed person i see, theyre parents are BMWW ( not saying anything wrong with that)
I personally think it's okay to have a preference but I do find it weird if you don't find your own race attractive. that's some self hatred issues imo
1. If someone stares at you, never assume what the person thinks. You are only being cruel to your thoughts. 2. Understand what kind of a person is he/her. Some people almost never learn, so if he/she is teasing you of your race, know if that person is just sarcastic or racist. Some people are just the way it is. 3. Never assume
Assumptions are a normal part of being human. It's impossible to not make assumptions especially if you've experienced a lot of racial discrimination before.
@@youfoundme7404 No I don't believe that's possible cause it's not a conscious process. Even you make assumptions no matter what you want to believe about yourself.
@@Solidude4 That's the exact thing with people who doesn't like judgements. If you want to succeed, you have to stop,at one point, of what people think of you. That's how you come out of your comfort zone.
This actually made me so sad! Relationships are complicated enough, something as insignificant as skin pigment shouldn’t make it more complicated. I swear humans really suck with this whole racism thing.
Wait what, are you those “don’t see color” folks cus it’s not just skin pigment that makes it complicated, it’s the decades of trauma a specific race (which isn’t just based on pigment) had to go through and sometimes at the hands of their partner’s grandparents...
@@phakepail8722 so you're telling me that a black person can't be with a white person because of what happened decades and centuries before they were born and even formed a brain? Funny enough this logic mirrors when white people opposed their white girls being with black men. Remember what that was called? Racism lmao
@@willisstillhere8846 Never said that if you actually read and comprehended my reply. Of course black people can be with non-black people (since people of races other than white can still be racist), but the color of one's skin/their race will always be a factor within a relationship... If a black person prefers not to date a white person so what? BTW racism is still very much alive and well in today's time...
Maybe because I'm the son of a mixed couple (Italian-Peruvian), maybe because I was raised in a very multicultural city of Italy, but it would never be a problem to me dating people of different "races". If I have a preference then it would be more based on cultural background, although I like to discover any culture different than mine ones.
I'd love to see this with biracials in a discussion. You'd get the view point of people that grew up with parents that maybe did or didn't fetishize their partners, and the lasting effects that has on the children of that. I for one would love to talk on that one.
I’m Latina with VERY fair skin and my boyfriend is black. The amount of stares we get at school or people asking if we’re serious w each other or even the daily “why didn’t u date a mexicano boy or a black girl” comes off as extremely disrespectful. My ex (who is white) and I together never got stared at or questioned and it really disappoints me how people my age view interracial couples
I think it is super natural to have a preference on race, the same way people have a preference on sex/gender, height, personality, etc. People are attracted to who they're attracted to, but that doesn't mean they will never date outside of their preference, it's just the initial attraction
I love my culture and I’m proud of it, but I try to avoid dating within my race because I’m just simply not attracted to a lot of the men within my race (I’m iranian). I don’t think that’s a bad thing
The girl who said that her being white made her inherently ignorant is being really harsh on herself, especially considering that her boyfriend said that she had never said anything that concerned him.
What she means is that she isn’t fully aware of how things affect people of other races because, as a white person, she is not on the receiving end of those things. A lot of white people do and say things they don’t realize are actually prejudice or bias or hurtful. I think she just means that she understands she doesn’t see things the same way as people of color.
@@WTKB82 I can understand that it's maybe naive of her to assume that she's never said anything ignorant to her partner by accident as she's likely never faced racism herself, however when her partner said that she's never done anything racist I would have moved back to disagree.
@Shadow Banned Living in the US as the majority it is likely given how she spoke about her background, however, had she spoken of her experiences in countries where white people are in the minority, it would've been a different story imo.
@Shadow Banned I never said that background and race were the same thing. E.g. A white person growing up in a country like Japan, where the population is 98% East Asian on average, compared to growing up in a rural area in the USA, where the population is probably the same percentage white. While some places in the US have white minorities, that's irrelevant as she described her upbringing as rural/midwest, hence my point.
Society makes life terribly hard. Watching this gives clarity to my statement. People can't just be people & love one another. It's sad. I'm glad, the people involved in this episode, are kind & receptive to the other's statements. No animosity whatsoever. Great episode, guys 😊🙌🏾💯
I feel like I'd only consider it racist when they start degrading, fetishising, or stereotyping the race. There's nothing wrong with having a preference, just be respectful about it. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say they wanna date Latinas because they're "feisty/curvy/have sexy accents," or how they'd never date a Latina because they're "loud/violent/ghetto," like not all of us are like that, and if that's the only reason you wanna date or avoid them, kindly gtfo. We don't like that.
We can't say "as long as everyone is a consenting adult" if we don't really mean it. How is raceplay any different from a piss kink or a scat kink. Even though you personally may not be into it, why should that affect what other consenting adults do? It's okay to have your opinion but you still shouldnt shame, control, or stop consenting adults from participating in their own adult activities.
@@fans-ed1td Did you really just compare raceplay to a piss kink? You compared being pissed on to … calling your wife/husband a term that was used to demonize and demean her people? Not only does that tell me that she/he hates themselves, that also tells me you’re a weirdo. Raceplay is racist. Its completely reliant upon the “race” of the individuals at hand, so you could play out some type of freak fantasy of yours which involves both the fetishization of you and her/his own identity.
I think it's perfectly fine to have a preference. I'm mixed-race and my preference has always been white men since I could remember. But, I don't hate other races of men; I respect them; value them.
I think it's okay to have a race preference. I think it's like any other physical preferences we have when dating, like “I prefer blond hair” or “I prefer brown eyes” because you can't help what you are or aren't attracted to. So long as your preferences aren't because of any sentiment or prejudice you have towards that race, I think it's okay.
@@goodnightosaka And even more so I think its about the certain features that races typically have that affect people's reference, more than just the skin color itself.
The only way you have a race preference is if you DO have a sentiment towards a race. “People from X race has this trait which is better than Y race” you’re generalizing a whole race to be a certain way which is why you like them more
There was a facebook survey done in Indonesia. The participants were asked the race of their preferred mate. The survey was divided between city and rural area. A whooping 76% of a Indonesian women in the city preferred White men if they can get it, most of them specify from either UK or Australia, while 53% from rural area also preferred White men. For Indonesia men, 83% preferred to marry Indonesian women, with Arab women came second. In rural area, all 100% participants preferred Indonesian Women.
@@sukarsalam1982 Inter-religious marriage is quite common in Indonesia. Just look at Anggun. Indonesia is like Turkey in that despite Muslim majority, is a pure secular country.
0:25 I have unintentionally been racist towards my partner 2:53 Sex gets steamy since you are interracial 3:40 Interracial relationships can be a fetish and that's okay if it's love too 4:43 I have always wanted mixed babies 6:43 I sometimes feel like I betrayed my own race 8:03 Being linked to another race has its benefits 9:22 I feel like an outsider with my partner's family 11:28 I wish we were the same race
I think the issue with race preference comes in when you bash another race over the one you prefer.
100% 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
But what is the reason for the preference is the question? With the exception of a preference for your own race bc of things like similar experiences and likely upbringing, what would cause a person to stray away from their own race entirely? I understand if someone comes along that isn’t your race that u end up liking but specifically avoiding one for the most part seems like a collection of internalized problems you haven’t faced yet.
I agree 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
“Do couples with a age gap think alike?” PLEASE AND THANK YOU
omg yesssss
ew no💀
@@edithputhy4948 How is it gross?
@Jeli How is it gross lol? Age gap doesn't always mean 20 year gap it can also be an 8 year or a year gap.
yes pls
Can we start adding context for the participants in these videos instead of jumping straight in? Stating everyone’s race, how long they’ve been dating, who’s dating whom, etc. would’ve been nice
Nah that's too much
They dont even wanna say all that bruh
Yeah I was curious about their racial/ethnic backgrounds
@@BriasRocks it can be brief and it makes more insightful...since we don’t get to see all their answers and full opinions
Race would be interesting as something that gets labelled under their name when they speak. But the rest of those sound kind of boring and would make the video too long. Especially because there is already 3 hours of content that they whittle down to just 13 minutes.
rightt at first i thought keno was blasian so i was like wait why can he say the n word??
I would've liked it if there were older couples as well. Everyone here was in the same age range.
Probably they could only find younger people to participate in a short youtube video that by default, because it’s so short, simplifies issues to bite-size. Young people are used to youtube and the internet in general and what they bring, whereas older people value time to sit and talk these things out, and privacy away from the internet, a little more.
why should it matter
@@alliexcx5576 Different experiences
@My Jams true
I would NEVER be with someone soley based on race. If we vibe, are attracted to each other, love each other and respect each others cultures we are fine
You don't want your child to look like you? Have a group of friends that are just like him? Be able to relate to one culture that's shared with his/her parents? I mean, sure, you can love and mix with whoever you want, but just imagine what you do to your child.
@@amg2723 You might say "we are all humans" and yeah we are, but all of us developed within different cultures that make our traits different. And of course there are factors outside of that, but those are all below the ones I listed, after all you get connect and ultimately get shaped by your surroundings first and foremost.
@@Fuerwahrhalunke also being able to connect and be exposed to two cultures instead of one is a benefit of being mixed not a downfall
@@robin7048 Personally don't think so.
Yes exactly! I want to fall in love with the person and it's strengths and flaws not with their appearance
I think Jubilee should release an extended video of these kinds of episodes where we get to hear everyone's answers, maybe on a Jubilee uncut channel
Yessss I need it for this episode lol
I don't think they will do that since it's likely that they don't like the answers given.
@@msdaus14 they don't have a patreon :(
@@lilchristuten7568 this completely sucks! We'd love integral authenticity
"This isn't Build-A-Bear, this is a human!"
Exactly 😤🔨🧸🚫
This ain’t build-a-bitch 🙄🙄🙄😠
@@PredatorialHamster lovely pfp
A human you basically build
The guy upfront seems poetic in everything he does. Movement and speech😂
And attire! lol
im honored lol
He has a black turtle neck with a chain on… I knew he was smart from the beginning lol
I know like damn i want him lol
It's interesting to me that it was mostly people in the black community that feel like they're betraying their own race, but no one else felt that way.
I know. It’s sad
When u know u a sellout youre an outcast
@@remainloyaltoyour0wnsoil580 you're a sellout because you love someone despite their skin color? sounds a bit hypocritical
no one else was honest about it. thats the only difference.
@@Senumunu I doubt that. I'm in an interracial relationship myself and I never thought about it as betraying a race.
This episode was weirdly edited. Some people talked basically in every question and some people almost didn’t speak at all. Also it was too short, showing just two anwsers to one question is weird, like we are here to listen to different opinions. Making this video 2-3 minutes longer wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Literally the first girlfriend in the row didn’t even speak
agreed. especially since it really is a great topic and cool couples.
Or they could release the 1hour of answers they've cut
Yeah, one of the girls from another video said they filmed for about 3 hours and there were so many deep conversations that were cut.
I wished jubliee actually published the whole conversation. I know it is a lot of work editing so much footage. But maybe that could be for a patreon or something like that so it would be beneficial for them as well. I would definitely pay for it
I think many people do, even without saying it. Online dating is probably where that's most evident
"Only White big tits blonde hair"
Definitely. I don’t think people having preferences is a problem though. You can force respect but you can’t force attraction
Yeah black women and Asian men are the least chosen on dating sites
People will naturally gravitate towards people of the same race. What isn’t acceptable is basing attraction on racist stereotypes or fetishization...
@@s.j.t6006 wow i actually didnt know that 😯 thanks for the info.🙂
As a black woman married to a Latino husband I've never felt like i betrayed my race idc about how they feel😂🤷🏾♀️
You did betray your race
@@glitbow7630 the only race i know is that human race 🤷🏾♀️
@@libfuzzy4629 did that guy in Buffalo only know the human race 🤷🏼♂️
@@YaAllahswt get off my 🥜
@@glitbow7630 how you don’t know if he’s Afro Latino or not !!
I kept waiting for Alexander’s partner to share her thoughts! She was the only one who didn’t share an experience, which is fine but I was hoping to hear everyone.
It really sucks because she talked during the shoot but i guess they didnt care to include anything she said :(
He shat on her
@@alexanderoda9183 hey! You are that guy! Cool!
@@alexanderoda9183 im curious, are you a model? Or an actor?
Jubilee, please release the "uncut" version of this for those of us who wouldn't mind a longer video! There was probably so much more stated that we didn't get to see.
It's sad seeing so many black people feeling like they are betraying their race by being in an interracial relationship. We need to end that stereotype and let people feel comfortable being who they want to be and loving who they want to love.
well a lot of people date IR out of deep seated self hatred and insecurities, they put whiteness and Eurocentric features on a pedestal and dislike their own black features
@@edithputhy4948 yeah pretty much most black rappers in a nutshell.
It's nobody's duty to make anyone else feel comfortable with the choices they made freely.
Naww stop bein sellouts stick to ya color
@JonMwan G they have lighter or ambiguous
*I think you guys should redo this with better questions, making it longer, and not all just young couples ! Would love to see how couples married in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc have different experiences than newer couples :)*
true I wanna see that blasian guy's parents talk about this lmao.
The past is passed and outdated. I can guarantee interracial dating was much more taboo and not documented very well
I think everyone has their choice! but I find it a bit problematic for those rappers who talk about black women in their songs but only date white women and leave black women for "snack"
So basically men can’t have preferences. Got it. 🙄
@@spacenuggetdemonslayer9430 i see you’ve read what they said without actually reading it 😐
@@spacenuggetdemonslayer9430 did they EVER SAY THAT BRO. they said they found this problematic, they didn't out right be SEXIST
@@spacenuggetdemonslayer9430 you don't even know what you're talking about.
Agreed 💯🙌🏾
It’s so heartbreaking to hear about mixed raced children who don’t feel like they fit in or belong to a certain community. I recommend you guys have your own community. There’s nothing wrong with being both. You don’t have to choose. As a mother of a mixed race child, I encourage her to be proud of both of her heritages and embrace being biracial.
Unfortunately, biracial doesn't seem like an identity. My family is black. My family is white. My family is not biracial.
As a mixed race young person myself, I have to say that for me personally being brought up with two different cultures has been amazing. Yes it's not always easy and you can feel isolated sometimes, but overall it has helped me develop a global mindset which I am very grateful for. I've been lucky enough to meet other mixed race people, and a few who are of the same mixed race as I am. I also think that it definitely has helped me connect with other people from different cultures. It has been such a blessing. Of course I understand that not everyone has such a positive experience though. If I have children in the future, I really hope they grow up in a multicultural environment. It's beautiful :)
Your country is fucked up in the race aspect like most latin people are mixed race or at least in my country, i'm mixed race, never in my life I have felt or met someone that felt like they didn't belong anywhere because of that. Like I'm literally confused what is the problem???
@@juicyblueberry7849A biracial person is not gonna feel like they don’t belong if everyone around them is also biracial. I thought that would be obvious.
I agree
My problem is when the "preference " comes from a place of self hatred
Yep, very typical of Asian women who only date white men...they're all so insecure about being Asian except when it benefits them
i think this is common within the black community
@@IzzyChopChop true
@Lyon Blade everyone has self hate they just don't talk about it .
@@dickgrayson4325 I think that's exactly what I said, it's my problem. I have a a problem with it
I love how a lot of these couples decided to wear similar outfits so we could remember who is dating who: like matching jean jackets, or gray shirts/brown pants. It’s cute. Thanks to all these awesome couples who shared their experiences. Y’all are all beautiful people as individuals and cute couples. Love is love. 💗💗💗
I didn’t realise that lol
They’re literally always in the opposite side of each other
Sorry for the late response but, they say that couples tend to dress similarly toward each other and try to compliment each other in style.
I'm obviously white lol and my lady is black. We share a beautiful daughter together and we teach her to embrace both sides, not just one.
@@freckleheckler6311 wtf?? as someone who is half asian and half black i’ve never had a problem with embracing both sides & as a matter of fact even though both cultures are very different they’re actually so much more alike then most ppl would think
@@freckleheckler6311 thats racist
@@freckleheckler6311 So mixed children don’t belong in any culture?
Only people in USA have that much problem with idendity and being mixed race ...
@@enelmartodoesfelicidad Not true.
I feel like this video had the potential to be better, I was kinda disappointed that some of the answers from the other side weren’t shown or covered as much like for two of the questions they only showed the perspectives of those on the agree side and not those on the disagree side. It would’ve been better to have a balance especially if its like a huge range of responses.
Also an unedited version. I think people who are interested in these topics would watch a long form video of it.
I know I would.
I agree. It was weak. Needed to be longer.
Agree!! The video was too short; they should have included more of the responses
The question that should be asked is what causes that preference? It’s usually some unconscious stereotype or life circumstance you apply to that type of person that may or may not be true.
You win comment of the day. Most of the other comments are emotional outcries.
It’s normal to want to date someone who shares similar culture, values, language, religion, etc. In that case, preferences include race.
@ash M To say that racial preferences exist just because “certain people are naturally attracted to certain skin tones” is extremely naive. Dating apps have shown that these preferences are a widespread issue, not an individual matter. When it becomes a pattern, it starts to paint a picture about the subconscious biases that society has taught us even if we don’t realize them ourselves. For example, studies have shown that black women and Asian men get the least matches on dating apps, and even black men tend to swipe left on black women more than any other race.
@@spacenuggetdemonslayer9430 fr
@@SmallLegacy but that doesn’t make sense 💀 seeing a race as uglier than another is racist considering it’s the color of their skin that is what you are visually opposed to. There are attractive ppl in every race but if the color of it is what strays u then…
could you do a middle ground episode with pro-interracially dating people and anti-interracially dating people?
you know that video would end badly 😶
Damn we bringing ethno-nationalists on the show now? 🤣
Somebody call Dr Umar
@@coconuthead8616 lmaooo
Honey...you've got a big storm coming
It’s okay to have a preference towards your own race, it’s not racist if it isn’t based on racial attitudes towards other races. But I think it’s very easy to fetishize other races and base a preference off of that.
@@n9ne If u read their comment, they said it’s okay to have a preference towards your own race. Not that it’s okay to exclude a specific race, for example black people, and not date them just because they’re black.
@@n9ne some people are attracted to tan skin, some people are attracted to pale skin, black skin. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’d you find someone unattractive to “date” that doesn’t make you a racist. Also culture plays a huge factor and dating people with a similar culture and background plays a big part. Like mostly attracts like
As long as the person isn’t ghetto or crazy that’s a huge turn off for me.
@@n9ne Well, my personal standards of beauty fall more towards the traits commonly found in black and asian girls, but I'm not racist towards white girls, they just rarely have traits that I find attractive, it would be dishonest for me to pretend I am attracted to someone just to fulfil some racial dating quota, right?
The thing is i dont have a preference on my own race. If you dont live in India, the general beauty standards here are on fow fair your skin is which is especially true for women. I dont like that idea at all but maybe i internalized it myself and i am kinda sad now
This convo should've been 30 minutes longer. I want to hear all of their perspectives.
Vice is better than Jubilee when it comes to race & politics. They talk about real issues and give Republicans more time to speak.
Fact on fact
taylar mocking her bf mocking his asian mom is hilarious *AHHHH*
Husband :)
Really isn't tho it's still racist and stereotyping
@@Yng619 That's their business tho
@cool 123 he’s mixed duhhhhh
@@sirrparker47 could literally say that about any racist
This topic is so broad that I feel that their should be an unedited version of this episode to hear what everyone said
I see they avoided questions about preference.
What is your preference?
Omg yeah
Actually I've seen footage of these guys on their own separate social media platforms or they talk about stuff like that, so I think they actually did speak about it It's just this video in jubilee videos in general are very weirdly edited in terms of what they cut out and what they need in. Like most of the topics are the sort that involved demographic differences and yet they don't even tell us which demographic each one is from which is kind of defeats the purpose of the debate and the discussion in the first place.... So I think they probably didn't answer them at least most of them did it's just jubilous freaking weird when it comes to what they cut in with the keep in.... Think we could have made you stuff like that that we have plenty of weird b-roll looking at folding chairs in the warehouse which has not changed since the channel started, but for some reason they think they still have time to show that but not the stuff we actually want to know about lol.
Preference doesn’t matter when you’re universally ugly Ms. Rikkllover17
Like people dont wanna admit that its weird to PREFER one race over another. Like its one thing to be out and about, have no strong preference to one race, just dating who is available, but then intentionally not dating a whole race is weird af.
Omg they should’ve asked “I’m afraid for possible social stigma my future mixed child could endure” that would’ve been interesting. Like asking about long term situations
In the USA yes
That would've been an amazing question! Especially since I feel some don't think much further than the struggles of the relationship. Imagine being a mixed kid growing up with racist white family members if it's hard for the parents, it's going to be even harder on the kid since they'll be blood related and they're wondering why grandma and grandpa don't like them or their cousins treat them differently. (This isn't a given and some people have amazing experiences with both sides of the family, but it happens far too often).
As a mixed person myself, I wish people would consider the long term implications of starting a family and having mixed race kids. That's not to discourage people from having kids, but to make sure they're prepared to help the kids navigate that experience and all the emotional and political challenges that are likely to come with it.
Who said their having a child lol
That was def a fear my mother had. Being asian with a half black half asian baby. She would always worry about racism and the struggles I’d endure. And when I did share my experience of racism to her, she would always have this look like her biggest-fear-come-true look. I always wondered if she blamed my struggles on her marrying outside her race
@@brittanysmith3716 but even if you weren’t mixed Asians still go through racism so that doesn’t make any sense
There’s definitely a difference between having a race preference and straight up dissing people of the race that you don’t prefer or saying “I would NEVER date someone of this particular race”. A lot of people do that and then call it a ‘preference’ when they’re just being disrespectful
I agree that there is a difference but at the end of the day... who cares?
I am not going to trip over someone not wanting to date me because of my race. I will just move onto the next one.
@@erictheguapo other people care, you’re not the only person on this planet. again someone might not care, but not wanting to date someone solely because of their race is just weird and disrespectful
@@erictheguapo even though you dont care that someone is trying to disrespect your race does not mean others wont. You have many people who actually face negative repercussions based on the disgusting things people say about that race. It's not okay to many people because it actually does end up having a negative affect on them.
@@g.hmusicc Again...who cares... You can not change people's preferences so why dwell on it? Spend your time finding someone who actually wants to be with you.
And I know exactly why when they asked the question “do you sometimes feel like you betrayed your own race” all the black people agreed.
Please share your thoughts
Yes I wasn’t surprised at all bc black ppl are most likely to get judged harshly by their own race when they date outside their race. Just look at the comments under the shade room on Instagram anytime they post an interracial couple. So much hate and name calling from both genders. That’s why I think ppl in interracial relationships are so strong bc they are willing to go against those odds for love.
@@frolankaestilien8900 And thats ok to date anyone from outside of your race but I know these people got something rude to say, I mean Jesus
at least they are honest. Wish I could say that for other groups.
@@frolankaestilien8900 and one of highest divorce rate ??
When it came to betraying race I find it interesting how every black person whet to the agreeable side.
Me too. That stereotype needs to go. It’s sad that some people still think it’s betrayal to date outside of your own race
I knew all the black people would go to the agree side. I'm a black person in an IR and you get those disappoving looks, and social media keeps getting on black men and women who divest from the community.
I knew that was going to happen as soon as they said it
It is if you’re dating a white woman
I was about to comment this
I think people need to understand the difference between having a preference and fetishing
I honestly think there is a thinner than tissue paper line between fetish and preference. For example preference is what you prefer and fetish is also what you prefer. If you're like I prefer dudes with tattoos and thats what you are dating how is it not a fetish. If someone fetishises glasses but their partner doesn't wear glasses then how is that not a preference.
Where is the line between perference and fetishism outside your race? The lines doesn't seem to be there. How can you possibly explain without sounding that way? It usually rooted in stereotypes and covert racism.
@@shhd2105 that’s a major point like ppl should ask themselves why do they prefer the races they prefer. They really need to think about that and then see how that is playing into the hands of covert racism or preconceived notions and prejudices about the particular race. Now as for your own race, I could see why you would prefer it for obvious basic reasons, but for other races, no I don’t see how I can vouch for that reasoning
@@shhd2105 nah dude most people that have a preference it is purely about being physically attractive to a specific race, obviously there are some people out there that have that mindset about being attracted to stereotypes but it’s definitely the minority
I just feel like there was so much more that everyone said and I know it would have been a long episode, but I would have loved to hear it all. This is such a diverse group of interracial couples and all of their experiences are so different and I just wanted to hear more. This is a great episode tho!
@@annieangel97 yes! This felt too short.
Agree, it felt like they cut off so much conversation for times sake. Would love to have heard more for each question
Literally!! Like wth? There is a big group of people in this spectrum and they let 1-2 people talk per prompt… like really???? There was so much more to be said, and more perspectives to hear!! . Jubilee made this video way underwhelming than it should have been.
Yes yes a felt that too
I honestly think it’s so messed up the idea that you’re “betraying your race” by dating someone who’s a different race than you. In my opinion it just completely ties into the idea of segregation that people of different races should be separated. I was shocked to see how many people agreed tbh
Well when a certain race has oppressed your people for centuries, with the effects still being felt today, it makes sense to me why a black person would feel like they're betraying their race when dating a white person
I think it’s because most people date within their race, so if someone dates outside of it, they feel like they are purposefully excluding their own race and feel like they have some sort of self hate. But truthfully, to date one race of person doesn’t = bashing or hating the other.
"Interracial relationships can be a fetish, and that's okay if it's love too."
At the end of the day, if both parties consent to being fetishized, it's their business and I would be happy for them. Personally as an Asian person, I am just so tired. I am so tired of being stereotyped and fetishized as a "submissive Asian bottom" or just as a Korean. I am more than my race or ethnicity. If the first thing they notice is my race and they make a big deal about how much they love "kpop" and "kbbq", they have already imbued me with their preconceived ideas about Koreans. Just like, piss off.
It’s not ok to be fetishized
@@milkhomie4582 not to you, to Ethan it is
@@AnymMusic I don’t care
Well Ethan how do you think other young minority men feel like young black men in America get stereotyped because of all Hip-Hop culture and media portrays every young black men out to be?!
@@erikybarra3898 what does that have to do with what he said? He is talking about experiences with his community, not ours 😐
I don’t understand why it seems that they don’t take racism towards Asians seriously. They all just start laughing like it’s no big deal.
Because asian women love white men no matter what so it will always seem like a joke when asians protest and 70% of their women go home to white men
Yeah, that bothered me too. I mean I get that Johnny would mock his mom's accent, but I couldn't understand how it would still be funny if that guy's non-Asian partner made fun of his mom's accent as well (even she meant to mock him and not his mom). Also, the guy *did* say that he thought Taylar should've been on the Agree line with him, so it didn't sit right with me that she made an excuse 'cause she didn't think it was racist.
@@-Datboijj- Um… not all. I prefer another Asian guy to a white guy for marriage. A fluent in english Asian guy. I like dark hair and features more, I don’t like blonde hair blue eyed guys all that much for dating. I prefer Asian, mexican, black etc 🤷🏻♀️
I'm pretty sure they laughed cause she was called out, not because they thought what she did was funny or not serious.
@@-Datboijj- That's not true. Asian women have the highest likelihood of *dating* outside of their race. However, it is conveniently left out that asians, like every other race, has the highest likelihood of marrying inside of their race. If not, somebody should tell China because they are far the most populated country. Fun fact, did you know that asians make up roughly around 5.6% of America yet make up that vast majority of the human population just from China and India, alone?
I’d like to to see this topic done with older couples
@Tyler B #2 go back to twitter
that'd be super interesting.
There aren't too many older interracial couples so that could be difficult. lol
*many people just have perverted fetishes about certain ‘races’*
I’m mixed race (Chinese and Haitian) and my boyfriend is Puerto Rican. I’ve learned and progressed so much by just hearing another view point on life and we get excited talking about how we will raise our future little ones. Loved this episode!
Agree! We are Filipino/American, and it definitely has helped to see other cultural perspectives and do our best to keep the strengths of both, and think about what we want to pass on to our kids. You can definitely learn a lot
Haitians are Hispanics though
@@anonymousbo0318 I’ve never met a Haitian that identified as Hispanic but could be wrong. Maybe a few that may say latino as it’s apart of the Latin America’s but Haiti doesn’t speak Spanish as the people are of African descent and the first black free republic from the French ruling. The term Hispanic also refers to being related to Spain.
@@offtheMarcKate completely agree!!!
That's great! As a mixed guy from Latin America and Europe the best thing you could do is introduce your future kids to your cultures and languages at the same time. I wish you both the best.
Being mixed is really hard because I feel like I can’t completely relate to my black culture, especially being raised by my white mom and white step dad I really don’t know how to fit in
Same y’all
same but with my own country where i was born, i don't feel like i belong here. want to go home so bad
Do you feel that your separation from your black side is either of your parents faults? This isn’t meant to come off as offensive I’m genuinely curious on your thoughts on it.
Story of my life!
the problem is when people use their preferences to exclude people. like i prefer older guys but i’m not gonna turn down every guy that’s younger than me.
Thank you! 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 This. 💯
Would it really be a problem if you rejected everyone younger than you though?
@@SmallLegacy liking something over something else doesn’t necessarily include exclusion but thank you for knowing how to use a dictionary. i prefer chocolate ice cream but i’m still going to eat other flavors
@@thabokgwele5268 1. it was just an example and 2. some people would find it problematic. as long as someone isn’t bashing people for not being their type, then i don’t care
"Being a white person, I'm inherently ignorant" - Cringe af. That's not true.
Yes it is. Because you can´t live the experience, you can try to imagine, you can be empathetic but you will always be ignorant about the real experience. Like a light skin latina I´m ignorant about the experience of my indiginous friend that grow up only learning spanish, and she is ignorant about the experience of her mom that actually grow up in an indiginous comunity. Also, latinos that live in USA and barely know any spanish are ignorant about how is life for a latina living in latinoamerica and I will get angry when they try to talk over me.
@@yolotsinxochitl9645 every race is ignorant when it comes to other races struggles so yes it is cringe,im hispanic myself and i get ur point we all have different experiences and views due to where we come from but that's out of our hands,u can still educated urself and be an understanding person,ur not to blame for some that happen 100 years ago when u weren't even around
i reflexively facepalmed when she said that. this is learned low self-confidence and self-deprecation.
it is true and the fact that u dont see that makes u part of the problem
@@jessi-tp9fr no is not ignorance has nothing to do with race and more with the way u were raised my parents taught me ur race and wealth has nothing to do with the way u treat others.go to the local asian store in the hood and u gon see how these people treat the asian workers does that make every black person racist no those individuals it says alot about their character not their race
It reminds me of the trend when some Arabs on social media shamed Arab women for their skin color, saying that it's better to date white women rather than the "ugly" Arab women. And some men/ women insult the opposite gender from their same race. so preferences are fine as long as it's not out of self-hatred or sexism.
Wtf bruh i just replied to a comment above yours saying i think that Indian and Middle eastern aka Arab women are the best looking because of their skin color it's like a mix of every race.
You must follow Arab trends, especially Egyptians and how they mock Egyptian women for literally everything
As an Egyptian women myself, yes yes yes and yes. Arab men tend to bash Arab woman for their darker skin complexion and claim its a “preference”. Actually, Arab men seem to bash Arab women for EVERYTHING. It’s all rooted in misogyny and corrupted social beauty standards. I actually remember asking my mother for bleaching skincare at such a young age because of the amount of insults I would get from family members and friends.
So sorry for you actually for all of us as Arab women. Wish you a happy life🥺♥️
@@2933vera yall are beautiful❤
I think it's normal to be attracted to a race but I don't think it's normal to have a preference of race you don't like, does it makes sense?
The whole point of this video, is the preference to which race you are attracted to
Some Person I'm talking about the subject itself
@@aabahdjfisosososos did we watch the same video?
pls elaborate
julia I understand when someone is attracted to a race but I don't think it's right when someone use this to say "I wouldn't date this race"
Preferences are perfectly fine, but when you diminish and talk down on your own race, it becomes an issue. Preferences are often rooted in stereotypes and you perpetuate those stereotypes when you constantly devalue the people within your own race.
They black guy saying saying he wanted black children, but knew he couldn't find a mate to have them with told the exact reason why he was with a yt woman.
asian women be doing that
@@yudarren7 You have to look at the reasons for why people do what they do, not just blame.
Chris didnt seem to care much about Grace and her feelings as well. If he isnt proud to be with her then let her be with someone who is proud to be with her. It brings a lot of pain and insecurities on her if she has to deal with trying to live up to what he wants
The thing is, she chooses to stay with him, so she chooses those insecurities. It's unlikely that even if he "let her go" that she would get with someone who treats her better because she can only choose men who she considers herself to be worthy of, and she chose him.
Maybe that’s why her family isn’t super cool to Chris lol...dudes a complete dick and a joke.
I’m going to assume your white because you clearly don’t seem to understand how it’s like for black people to date outside our race. He’s not trying to make her insecure he’s just being honest and speaking on his experience. Hes not saying he isn’t proud to be with her. It’s just hard in the black community to date outside our race because we care too much about what others say.
@@riah5455 nah he was racist af and that girl needs to do better lol
@@riah5455 Every question he was a dick. And nobody wants to hear excuses about why black people are always justifiable in their bigotry
I feel like I’m betraying my race by dating outside my race sometimes too (white bf), especially because of certain looks we might get from poc. But, that will never change my feelings towards my boyfriend. I’d date any race regardless of how my race may feel about it. If I’m being treated well and if I am happy, that’s all that matters!
I’m happy you’re happy and at the end of the day that should be all that matters. Love is love. 💗💗💗
Ummm back in slavery the masters were busting down the slaves lets be serious. Remind any lightskin black person of their lineage if they try to make you feel bad.
@@ceceruben6113 yeah let's just shame people based on what people of their race did in the 19th century lol. Most white peoples ancestors were laborers and farmers.
@Queen queen that isn’t a thing
@V King no one cares
Chris was like never on Grace’s side idk how that’s gonna work in the future
Grace isn't on her own side either
@@TheExtremeCube 😂😂😂
Riiight. Look at her appearance. Only white girl up there and had on something you see….only black people in. Or the white girls that wanna be with black men or the culture.
He speaks alot about being out of alignment with his values or his values not being met because of the relationship, I really think he should just leave
@@Kgang. time will either help or hurt them.
@@truh_von_tay Do you mean the tight clothes?
I feel like these videos could be twice as long and we’d all happily watch
Same. They should have an extended cut video for those interested to hear more about the people to better understand their background
@@cupcakkerares I was just gonna say this!! great idea.
She said "because I'm white I'm inherently ignorant" WTF😔
Lots of black tops/turtlenecks with gold necklaces
Its a nice look. They look classy. I noticed a lot younger people are bringing back the style from 90s.
@@erictheguapo History repeats itself for sure.
@@serenity3034 oh I didn't know it was a look from the past
It reminds me of Taylor Swift 1989 era outfits
@@thabokgwele5268 almost all clothes now are really looks from the past! nothing is new, we are definitely going backwards fashion wise
Dang, 13 minutes was not enough. I could have listened to their opinions and stories for hours! 🥰
Probably because they didn't ask about preferences
some of their opinions were wack though
These people are beyond saving, so are you.
That’s what I’m saying
The preference part is tricky. Often we as humans like to act as though our preferences aren’t shaped by so many external factors and are wholly our own, when often they are not. Sure, “nature” plays a role, i.e. what we are naturally curious about or attracted to individually, but I would argue “nurture” is often much more persuasive, as (in my opinion) this is how we shape about 90% of our sense of self, identity and personhood. Meaning - the cultural, religious, societal and communal norms that we’re all subject to based on where we’re born and what kind of society we’re born into, are very big factors into how your personality, tastes and dislikes are formed, and those factors all look very different depending on the person.
For example, I know a guy who is mixed half White Irish and half Puerto Rican, and his Puerto Rican grandma always discouraged him from dating Latina women (specifically Dominican, idk why though) and he is now married to a half white, half Latina but she isn’t Dominican. Who can truly say if it’s because of his grandma’s influence or his own desires?
Especially because there’s no way of knowing if that discouragement bred more of an interest in the group she encouraged him to stay away from (to rebel against what she aimed to repel him from) or if he was positively affected by her influence and that’s why he just subconsciously never let himself develop an interest in Dominican women. Knowing he ended up not marrying a Dominican woman, I’d say the latter is likely, but I can’t speak for him nor do I know his subconscious thoughts - heck, he may not even know them!
I agree, we're the beings with the most free will but that consciousness ironically comes with a huge denial of tiny, repeated subconscious factors that shape us daily, whether it's from our close peers, the media or the general zeitgeist. That does make it even harder to dissociate our natural preferences (if there is such a thing) from our cultural preferences (as you said we're born into them! very hard to let them go or even recognize them). I'm just repeating what you said but I very much agree with your point! it's super relevant nowadays as interracial couples will likely be the norm in many parts of the world.
i agree and i get what you mean and all but latin is not a race nor an ethnicity!! also nationalities like puerto rican or dominican, you can be those nationalities and be white
Uh no it isnt. It's just a preference on who you are attracted to just like nose shape or body shape or gender. That entire paragraph was not necessary
@@mariomario4068 Have you ever heard of phycology my dude?
@@mariomario4068 If you're saying it's mostly nature even when mentioning body shape that's not true. Back during the renaissance in Europe, plus size women were the most desired because of the cultural values and associations back then and now it's certainly the opposite
I’m in a interracial relationship my girlfriend is black and I’m Mexican she’s the love of my life
Thank you Jubilee for having Ivan & I! It was so amazing and insightful to hear everyone’s different experiences, and to share our journeys with one another on a platform like this, is such a blessing. I learned so much during our conversation and I can’t wait to learn even more!
Thanks for watching everybody♥️
Love, Kédo Rebelle
Loved you two in this video! ❤️
Yes I liked your vibe
Thank you for sharing your experiences! ❤️
I am proud of being mixed race I don’t have a racial preference either I will date Any race religion ethnicity gender etc just as long as the person is nice
@@SomeCrusader no we don’t
@@elini9218 you totally misunderstood what that person said lmaoo
@@pffilms2522 we don’t tho
dnt be mad ima mutt too
The guy that said, “I wanted to have a kid from every race.” Yup. I was like that too. Lol.
Same lol. I used to go on this "your future baby" site as a teenager and morph my face with celebrities of different races just to find out 🤣
Lollll he was honest 🤷🏾♀️
@@uyagraph hahah i used to do that! and i used to want a kid of every race too. I wanted to adopt. but now i dont even want kids
@@sonderexpeditions I said I wanted to be like Father Abraham
As a white British Christian very happily married to a British Pakistani Muslim, I can honestly say that race isn't an issue but religiosity in our various cultural environments has been a bit of a challenge! A mixed religious couple episode would be soooo interesting...
It’s really sad that for years the black community would make anyone feel guilty if they start dating someone outside their race. Everyone is human. Love should not be separated by race.
Yeah... that won't be going away for a millennium
probably got something to do with several centuries worth of trauma that is still ongoing
@@courtney3173 yes I know this. I’m making a statement that it needs to change.
I agree, my point is it’s a survival tactic or trauma response and it’s not going to end until the cause or trauma/global antiBlack racism does. The reason a white person disapproves of a white/Black relationship and the reason a Black person does are completely different (example given since that combo is usually the one that causes the most turmoil). It’s just always strange and shallow that by design Black people experience the worst of society and then are also condemned for the ways that some try to protect themselves with no mention of why there’s a need to be defensive in the first place. As if Black people are the ones that need to be reminded everyone is human continually. The species isn’t what causes hesitation it’s the often violent culture of other communities when it comes to Black people but we simplify and leave that out of the conversation.
@@courtney3173 you know racism happens to everyone worldwide right. True it does happen to us and it sucks that it does.
Chris seems really unhappy with his relationship. It's not gonna last long. Why they are still together with so much insecurity and uneasiness? They will end up having a really bad break-up. I feel bad for Grace. He is only dating her because she is submissive. Can't imagine what he puts her through on a daily basis.
Yeah I thought I was only one who noticed
That or it may be a new relationship which means there is still a lot to learn about each other.
yo i was thinking the same thing!!
He wants a black girlfriend. I feel sorry for her.
@@calebilhan3669 LMFAOO
I think this discussion was healthy and covered a lot of topics in a shallow sense. However, I would've liked to hear more about experiences with families not approving or being ignorant towards the partner. Just because that's what I have experienced multiple times.
Healthy? The first argument is "im white thus inherently racist" lmao
This comment 👍🏾.
This was too PC.
Fact is the world is very anti-black, and experiencing problems while dating intetracially is the norm not the exeption.
It’s no coincidence that all the black people were on the side saying that they feel like they disgrace their own race. It’s sad that we can’t just love each other for who we are love is love right
I definitely feel the other side of that. My in laws aren’t Black but they are Hmong and they aren’t happy with their son’s or nephew’s or grandson’s choice of bride. They just don’t the idea of him being with me.
There’s only about 91,000 Hmong people California and my husband often describes his culture as a “dying language” so unfortunately he does believe his family sometimes but it hasn’t stopped him from loving me nevertheless.
everyone has a preference regardless of if they’re racist or not. We as humans tend to favor types of people that we’ve been familiar since we were younger, so environment, exposure to different types of people, and societal expectations can play a big role in shaping preferences (hence why we see so many couples of the same race in comparison to biracial couples)
Exactly! And that's why it's so wrong to call it racist. It's literally human nature and something we can't control.
Well said!!
@@celaya-s4e151 It really depends though. If your “preferences” are off of racial stereotypes thats pretty racist. Like saying you won’t date black people cause their ghetto or don’t like asian men cause their too feminine, etc. I feel like preferences when it comes to race should be based off that individual and not harmful rhetoric made towards the race.
@@tierk4328 I totally get that, I was more speaking about it when it comes to what u are attracted to physically. I agree with you with what you said because every person have their own personality despite their race
Bro you can grow up around mostly black people and still prefer another race L COMMENT
“As a white person im just inherently ignorant”
I just don’t like that sentence for some reason. Maybe I’m just “inherently ignorant”. Or maybe that sentence just “inherently makes no sense”. Who knows…
I think she meant like bc she’s white she’s never really got the full experience of racism or how it’s like to be a minority
@Ell Em Ay Oh no u tryna start problems, she obviously meant racially ignorant if that makes sense. She said that it opened her up to many things she thought she knew about, so obviously she’s talking about the fact that yt ppl don’t know how it feels to be a minority or know what they go through
I mean people only believe in what affects them because that's what they have the most research on; what she said is entirely correct.
probably more like since she's a white person, no matter what, she won't know what it's like to not be a white person or she hasn't done enough research or know enough about certain topics
@Ell Em Ay Oh mmmm to me it’s absolving oneself of any responsibility. If you’re “inherently ignorant” you’re saying you can’t help to be that way. Obviously she could never fully understand how a person of color feels, but that doesn’t mean you have to be ignorant of their struggles. Learn, talk to other people, and be active in that! So no it’s not thinking badly of herself LOL
I feel like they should've started this episode with at least showing us the couples together first as a simple outlook on which people are together.
This all felt quite incoherent for several minutes.
I feel like race preference is ok, as long as 1. It’s not a fetish 2. You dont limit yourself to just that race.
Being *biracial* myself, I'm going to guess the biracial guy feels more comfortable dating outside his two dominant race.
I'm Japanese and German, because I was never accepted in either groups, I find that I feel much more comfortable dating "other races".
Maybe that's just me though.
by "other races" does that mean non-German or non-European? just curious about how Europeans think about race compared to Americans because Europe is extremely diverse even from the Baltics to the Balkans to the UK and so on.
Interesting. As a mixed person I always feel extra pressure to date someone in my own race (my Latino side) because I went through horrible identity issues as a kid and I figured I could shield my kid from potential issues without splitting up their identity by adding another thing into the mix that'll make them feel less connected to their culture
@@Aaron-kj8dv I think the majority subconsciously would want white, and if possible, same country. But it will probably change drastically in like 10 years.
@@Aaron-kj8dv Most don't think in race but in ethnicity because of the reasons in your comment.
@@1337-i3v I agree with you... I mean you will probably find people in Europe who do think about races that way, but the majority emphasizes more the nationality than the race. I guess it is due to the structure how Europe in general is build and the history. Maybe it has also a lot to do with no having slavery like the US did. So one big reason why we aint tooooo focused on skin colour or at least not at the high level like people in the US.
Where am I going to find a person who is my skin colour, relationship works out and she's the perfect wife?
Me: 😳😳🙄
I would have rather he said I wanted that but felt in love with this. Because that was just rude and stereotypical and a very silly thing to say.
Why does the WAY a stranger says something affect you?
I'm so guilty of judging this panel. I'm getting questionable vibes from them, and honestly, it could just be the internalized hurt that comes from dating interracially in America.
@Space Nugget Demon Slayer Because if I was his girlfriend I would have dumped his ass for that alone lmao
This, I was like damn does he even want her???😮
@@spacenuggetdemonslayer9430 because a person with such a narrow and overidealized vision of reality won't find many girls attracted to him and then, instead of changing mentality and stop being so superficial, he will probably blame society for his frustrations, then he will start believing in weird conspiracies against him and his race and then he will end up in some racist group with criminal tendencies that will affect other people.
Chris wants a black GF i feel sorry for that girl
why can’t he get one? or be single?
Yeah and also I just feel like the don’t click. They never really agreed and I can tell shes been influenced to the point where she doesn’t even want to be white herself lol
No he doesn't. If he wanted one he would have one. He's literally dating (possibly marrying) into a racist family while claiming to be passionate about black struggles. He clearly doesn't care as much as he's trying to seem like he does.
@@baeoshi literally it's that's simple. If he actually wanted one he'd either be dating one or not dating anybody.
@@baeoshi the one he wants don't want him
I felt the asian guy, I want to see how I look being mixed with every race of female. only honest person, everyone else was cappin. jubilee just brings cappers because of clicks
Same.. :DD
Look at Adriana Lima to satisfy your interest haha! She's predominantly caucasian but she's mixed with every race common in the Americas.
'race of female' lmao
I have to say that my preferred race is beautiful females... Hit different
You’re sexist/genderist because you prefer females over men
@@tylerfanell8212 Ummm what about people who don’t have a gender? 🙄 that seems pretty non gender phobic to me ✋🏻💯💅🏻💥
I think it's okay to have a race preference as long as you aren't disrespectful about it and put down other races. I used to think it was weird but some people find certain features attractive 🤷🏽♀️ but I don't like that "I want a mixed kid" mindset
Do you prefer men or women
@@mimosasseat9860 ...excuse me?
@@s.j.t6006 I said do you prefer men or women?
@@mimosasseat9860 and they said excuse me which if you didn't know means "can you explain"
@@mimosasseat9860 lol if I made the original comment, your question for sure as hell wouldn’t apply because I’m pan 😂 I see what ur trying to do. But sry to break it you, race and gender is not the same thing AND even if the original commenter did prefer another gender over another romantic relation wise, that would be fine especially due to how society has shaped gender over the years. Now I don’t know if ur in the mindset of “why don’t everyone just love each other without any limitations like race and gender” which I agree. Or you could be in the mind frame of “well if u can have a gender preference, then I can have a race preference” essentially trying to say the original commenter is a hypocrite. You and others may not agree w me on the just loving who u love without gender consideration which that is fine, but the other point still falls flat since like I said, the pressure of binary gender that has been put on by society through history, u cannot blame or bash someone for having a gender preference. That is what’s natural to them. And don’t hit me with “I’m not reading that” when u clearly just tried to make a point to the discussion just like I am
“ as I white person ive been inherently ignorant” wow that’s a super disgusting thing to say
I don’t even understand the concept of being “inherently” anything. Like if you treat others with love and respect, why would you claim to be inherently something that you have no signs of being?
@@cupcakkerares there were so many racial prejudices in this video, oh lord !!
I sincerely don’t understand this division by “rAcE”. As if it mattered.
if you were a person who never experienced flying a plane, would you say that you have some inherent ignorance as far as what it's like to be a pilot? if you were assigned male at birth, would you say you are inherently ignorant to what it's like to push a baby out between your legs?
inherent ignorance isn't a crime, it's an admission that none of us will ever be able to say we can understand the lived experience of everyone else. in this context, it was implied it was about race, but a black person could have said 'as a black person I've been inherently ignorant' in the context of talking about what it's like to grow up Asian, and that would make just as much sense.
in other words, relax a little. she wasn't saying white people are evil or admitting some form of guilt.
sounds like a white guilt complex wouldn't be surprised if she felt she was making up for the sin of her whiteness by dating a poc, American culture is so toxic.
I HATE when black dudes say that they dont like black girls bc theyre “too ghetto” i translate that into him not liking his own mama. I understand maybe you havent found someone in that race that you like, but you dont have to stereotype black women like that. Ive heard/seen this too many times its honest appaling😬
When i tell you in my school EVERY mixed person i see, theyre parents are BMWW ( not saying anything wrong with that)
@Cardio 123 seriously.
Black people are not all “ghetto”.. not only black people are “ghetto” either
I personally think it's okay to have a preference but I do find it weird if you don't find your own race attractive. that's some self hatred issues imo
I disagree. I think you're simplifying a somewhat complicated topic and making a blanket generalisation about an entire group of people.
I don’t find Mexican girls attractive and I’m Mexican.
Also "your own race"? How exactly does this apply to mixed people? Everything isn't just black or white.
@@GOJIRA_2000 that’s weird.
There should be an extended version of these videos where we can see more people answer the questions!
1. If someone stares at you, never assume what the person thinks. You are only being cruel to your thoughts.
2. Understand what kind of a person is he/her. Some people almost never learn, so if he/she is teasing you of your race, know if that person is just sarcastic or racist. Some people are just the way it is.
3. Never assume
Assumptions are a normal part of being human. It's impossible to not make assumptions especially if you've experienced a lot of racial discrimination before.
@@Solidude4 You have to train. Make it a habit. Soon it'd be natural. Brains are like plastic.
@@youfoundme7404 No I don't believe that's possible cause it's not a conscious process. Even you make assumptions no matter what you want to believe about yourself.
@@Solidude4 That's the exact thing with people who doesn't like judgements. If you want to succeed, you have to stop,at one point, of what people think of you. That's how you come out of your comfort zone.
@@charh8549 I will. English isn't my first nor second language so..
This actually made me so sad! Relationships are complicated enough, something as insignificant as skin pigment shouldn’t make it more complicated. I swear humans really suck with this whole racism thing.
Wait what, are you those “don’t see color” folks cus it’s not just skin pigment that makes it complicated, it’s the decades of trauma a specific race (which isn’t just based on pigment) had to go through and sometimes at the hands of their partner’s grandparents...
@@phakepail8722 so you're telling me that a black person can't be with a white person because of what happened decades and centuries before they were born and even formed a brain? Funny enough this logic mirrors when white people opposed their white girls being with black men. Remember what that was called? Racism lmao
@@willisstillhere8846 Never said that if you actually read and comprehended my reply. Of course black people can be with non-black people (since people of races other than white can still be racist), but the color of one's skin/their race will always be a factor within a relationship... If a black person prefers not to date a white person so what? BTW racism is still very much alive and well in today's time...
Americans are weird fr
Maybe because I'm the son of a mixed couple (Italian-Peruvian), maybe because I was raised in a very multicultural city of Italy, but it would never be a problem to me dating people of different "races". If I have a preference then it would be more based on cultural background, although I like to discover any culture different than mine ones.
One of the healthiest comments on this topic is unsurprisingly from outside of America
@@TheExtremeCube their history with race is way different than in America. We have a fucked up history and unsurprisingly it’s still I’ll fucked up.
Ain’t u still white either way
I'd love to see this with biracials in a discussion. You'd get the view point of people that grew up with parents that maybe did or didn't fetishize their partners, and the lasting effects that has on the children of that. I for one would love to talk on that one.
i wish they brought in older mixed couples so we could hear their experiences as well
I’m Latina with VERY fair skin and my boyfriend is black. The amount of stares we get at school or people asking if we’re serious w each other or even the daily “why didn’t u date a mexicano boy or a black girl” comes off as extremely disrespectful. My ex (who is white) and I together never got stared at or questioned and it really disappoints me how people my age view interracial couples
If your from california thats prolly why
@@El_Pimpin_Shizz ya lmaoo I’m from California
@@blueberrypancakes1771 the mexicans snd blcks got tension in certain parts
@@El_Pimpin_Shizz that explains it, I never thought of that
@@blueberrypancakes1771 just be proud of who you are love who you wanna love.
I think it is super natural to have a preference on race, the same way people have a preference on sex/gender, height, personality, etc. People are attracted to who they're attracted to, but that doesn't mean they will never date outside of their preference, it's just the initial attraction
Idc about IR but intentionally dating outside of your race is weird and gives off self hate
But you don't choose who you're attracted to
@@speedygonzalez6824 the key word here was “intentionally”
@@speedygonzalez6824 I said intentionally. Also if you find the features within your ethnicity or race unattractive that says more about you.
All I have to say to this is...what the fuck?
I love my culture and I’m proud of it, but I try to avoid dating within my race because I’m just simply not attracted to a lot of the men within my race (I’m iranian). I don’t think that’s a bad thing
"As just a white person, I'm just inherintly ignorant" Am I the only one who rolled my eyes and cringed when that girl said that 😅
Yeah those displays of “white guilt” are extremely annoying.
yeah itsvery cringe
I cringed and I'm ⚫.
It’s true, though. As a white person, I am inherently ignorant of the POC experience because I’ve never been anything but white.
The girl who said that her being white made her inherently ignorant is being really harsh on herself, especially considering that her boyfriend said that she had never said anything that concerned him.
What she means is that she isn’t fully aware of how things affect people of other races because, as a white person, she is not on the receiving end of those things.
A lot of white people do and say things they don’t realize are actually prejudice or bias or hurtful.
I think she just means that she understands she doesn’t see things the same way as people of color.
@@WTKB82 I can understand that it's maybe naive of her to assume that she's never said anything ignorant to her partner by accident as she's likely never faced racism herself, however when her partner said that she's never done anything racist I would have moved back to disagree.
@Shadow Banned Living in the US as the majority it is likely given how she spoke about her background, however, had she spoken of her experiences in countries where white people are in the minority, it would've been a different story imo.
@Shadow Banned I never said that background and race were the same thing. E.g. A white person growing up in a country like Japan, where the population is 98% East Asian on average, compared to growing up in a rural area in the USA, where the population is probably the same percentage white.
While some places in the US have white minorities, that's irrelevant as she described her upbringing as rural/midwest, hence my point.
I prefer to date only within my own race. No one can tell you who you should or shouldn't go out with.
Wow that's cringe
@@OriginalJohnnyCage You people are like the Hitlers of dating.
Society makes life terribly hard. Watching this gives clarity to my statement. People can't just be people & love one another. It's sad. I'm glad, the people involved in this episode, are kind & receptive to the other's statements. No animosity whatsoever. Great episode, guys 😊🙌🏾💯
I feel like I'd only consider it racist when they start degrading, fetishising, or stereotyping the race. There's nothing wrong with having a preference, just be respectful about it. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say they wanna date Latinas because they're "feisty/curvy/have sexy accents," or how they'd never date a Latina because they're "loud/violent/ghetto," like not all of us are like that, and if that's the only reason you wanna date or avoid them, kindly gtfo. We don't like that.
Omg yas!! I agree with ur comment a lot.
Unrelated but I love Alexander’s hair and style 👌🏽
Hopefully the comments won’t be full off people that confuse having a preference w being outright racist lol
I think there's also a big difference between "I find X race really attractive" and "I would never date X race"
@@bleepbloop6303 yea
@@bleepbloop6303 EXACTLY
@@bleepbloop6303 yea 1 is subtle and one is outright
@@bleepbloop6303 That’s what they don’t understand for some reason
raceplay is not normal yall
That’s why it’s a kink, not a normal sex thing
@@sit-insforsithis1568 mhm and some kinks need to be shamed
Kinks, in and of themselves, aren't "normal." Let's talk about it.
We can't say "as long as everyone is a consenting adult" if we don't really mean it. How is raceplay any different from a piss kink or a scat kink. Even though you personally may not be into it, why should that affect what other consenting adults do? It's okay to have your opinion but you still shouldnt shame, control, or stop consenting adults from participating in their own adult activities.
@@fans-ed1td Did you really just compare raceplay to a piss kink? You compared being pissed on to … calling your wife/husband a term that was used to demonize and demean her people? Not only does that tell me that she/he hates themselves, that also tells me you’re a weirdo. Raceplay is racist. Its completely reliant upon the “race” of the individuals at hand, so you could play out some type of freak fantasy of yours which involves both the fetishization of you and her/his own identity.
This was underwhelming, we didn't get to hear everyone's 2 cents on each subject...
I think it's perfectly fine to have a preference. I'm mixed-race and my preference has always been white men since I could remember. But, I don't hate other races of men; I respect them; value them.
Most mixed race from white and black tend to date white so it's not a suprise
I think it's okay to have a race preference. I think it's like any other physical preferences we have when dating, like “I prefer blond hair” or “I prefer brown eyes” because you can't help what you are or aren't attracted to. So long as your preferences aren't because of any sentiment or prejudice you have towards that race, I think it's okay.
Exactly! It shouldn't become a problem when it comes to skin color
@@goodnightosaka And even more so I think its about the certain features that races typically have that affect people's reference, more than just the skin color itself.
What do you mean by sentiment?
The only way you have a race preference is if you DO have a sentiment towards a race. “People from X race has this trait which is better than Y race” you’re generalizing a whole race to be a certain way which is why you like them more
@@somethingsomething8773 different races look different. that is a fact. nothing wrong with being attracted to these differences
"As a white person, I'm just inherently ignorant."
No, that's not how that works lol.
its called white guilt its very common.
Are you white
its pathetic.
There was a facebook survey done in Indonesia. The participants were asked the race of their preferred mate. The survey was divided between city and rural area. A whooping 76% of a Indonesian women in the city preferred White men if they can get it, most of them specify from either UK or Australia, while 53% from rural area also preferred White men. For Indonesia men, 83% preferred to marry Indonesian women, with Arab women came second. In rural area, all 100% participants preferred Indonesian Women.
Wahhh menarik nih, iya sih aku notice banyak cewe Indonesia yg suka bule (esp white men). Ini kalo boleh tau surveynya kapan ya?
@@ellatulipe It was in 2012.
wow so it's true in asia too
But white are not muslim.
Are they okay with that? 🤪
@@sukarsalam1982 Inter-religious marriage is quite common in Indonesia. Just look at Anggun. Indonesia is like Turkey in that despite Muslim majority, is a pure secular country.
0:25 I have unintentionally been racist towards my partner
2:53 Sex gets steamy since you are interracial
3:40 Interracial relationships can be a fetish
and that's okay if it's love too
4:43 I have always wanted mixed babies
6:43 I sometimes feel like I betrayed my own race
8:03 Being linked to another race has its benefits
9:22 I feel like an outsider with my partner's family
11:28 I wish we were the same race