That game was so fun on PS2. Red was an interesting character. Here's to hoping this is the last of the Van Der Linde gang and we get to see another different story that isn't called "Red Dead Redemption 3" and more like "Red Dead 4"
Until a few weeks ago I genuinely thought that Red Dead Revolver was some kind of cheap knock-off of Red Dead Redemption. Boy was I surprised to start looking things up on the Red Dead wiki (playing RDR1 a decade late, here) and see things about Red Dead Revolver!
@@Arto257 do it. After completing rdr2 I now have more of an emotional connection to the characters in rdr1 that I didn't have the first time around way back when.
I love how on bigger, more popular titles like this more people seem to throw their shit at Yahtzee. Just because he pokes and nitpicks at games, doesn't mean he dislikes them. If you can't laugh at some of your favorite things, then you're too self-conscious or just blind about it. I think he's hilarious and a lot of times- spot on. He thrashes some of my favorite games, but I'm still giggling and waiting for the next one.
I couldn't agree more, it's funnier if I'm personally invested in a game he's roasting; I thought that was literally, the point. Everything's at least a little shit, and the juxtaposition of his intensity and brutal takedowns of a leisure activity called GAMES is, in itself, cathartic... I thought.. 🧐
I love how Yahtzee describes handling, here's the merry-go-round example and in GTA V "the planes handle like the wings are stuck in a sumo wrestler's ass and when you level up your flight skill it's like the sumo wrestlers have put on slightly aerodynamic hats."
These videos are not only hilarious, they're informative. This convinced me to buy the game, which I enjoy playing to this day. Yahtzee almost always mentions not just whether a game is good or bad, but more importantly if you might like it based on what you're looking for. They are reviews, after all, and damn good ones too. Besides, RDR is patched pretty well at this point, so glitches don't really happen anymore
Not sure if the same can be said for Undead Nightmare, though. I still have issues where the "zombie" part of the game doesn't work, and all of the zombies turn into floating clothes that act like regular townsfolk, complete with being much tougher than zombies and HAVING GUNS
I prefer using my own brain rather than being overly dependent on other people's opinions. Thank god I don't blindly follow this man. If that were the case, I'd have to call Wind Waker a good game.
It must be hilarious to buy games at random only to claim not being "overly dependent". Specially nowadays when there's like 6000 new games per day. Spending cash just because must make anyone feel so clever. Because that is the whole point and the difference between gamers and snobs.
At my work we got a shipment of beer called "Purple Monkey Dishwasher" and I immediately took my break to come watch this video. I true Yahtzee fan knows when they're summoned.
I actually enjoyed RDR's horse riding. Later I'd just mount a random horse (since, obviously, I lost the one I caught myself), find a field with a lot of horses, look for a black one and catch it.
I just liked putting hookers on the back of mine, watching their rosy-red buttocks flap in the wind, and taking them to the train tracks - hogtied, of course - to meet their fate.
The horse riding in this game is still the best I've experienced. Even The Witcher 3 could learn from RDR. You can sprint, whistle for your horse, and hop on it all without the need to stop and look around for it.
Witcher 3, while great in many respects, fails so miserably at horse riding that you might think it's intentionally bad. There are games that did horse riding way better, though. Shadow of the Colossus comes to mind.
I think that's the important part that you still have to actively seek it. And that it can get stuck. And that it has some weird glitches on steep hills.
My favourite horse riding is in Shadow of the Colossus, because you don't actually control the horse. You're still just controlling the guy on the horse's back, so you only direct the horse rather than playing as the horse. It felt really real.
+jim jimjim its probably the same reason the stun gun wasn't included on gta online. i mean i'd much rather get stunned across the map than deal with cunts who over use plastic explosives. But i just got red dead redemption and have had a lot more fun with that than i have been on gta lately.
drunkjim420 Yeah RDR is one of the best games ever made. Well worth getting the Undead Nightmare DLC too. It's multiplayer is ok, but the single player story is great.
best free roam red dead redemption moment. I was watching my friend play and we were killing off people at a train station when he saw a guy running away. He entired deadeye mode while holding the evan's rifle which has twenty two shots and locked all of the shots on him. Neither of us noticed the transport cart with 4 horses starting to run by so when he did shoot only 1 bullet hit the guy he was aiming for before the horses ran into the way and he killed 3 of the four of them.
+Jimmy William actually he likes Nintendo, he hates how they do not innovate with their series, maybe your being too close minded about criticisms against Nintendo :p
aperturesciencegames They're still good games, and really, very few franchises constantly innovate throughout their history. So there. What's so different between all the left for dead games? or the Souls games?
To all the people complaining that Yahztee only focuses on the negative points of a game; you may have mistaken the term "criticism" with the term "advertisement". One is trying to sell you a game whilst the other one is trying to protect you and your money.
No, criticism isn't necessarily negative and hes making a review. Ive watched about 30 of this guys review and every single one is negative and i don't see why he cant say some good stuff about good games, i mean jesus he gave gta 5 a 0/5 unironically
You're right Rogers. Why can't he say something positive like "Red Dead Redemption is a beautiful looking, beautifully written, beautifully animated time sink." or "Surprisingly good doesn't do [Driver: San Francisco] justice." or "I was pleasantly surprised by Majora's Mask." or insert another one of 100 nice things he's ever said? Yahtzee's style is one of juxtaposition. If he said nice things all the time, it'd lose meaning, so instead he tries to merely praise by exception. It's what makes his praise so amazing when it is done vocally.
Wanna know what I love? If you fall on a hitched horse from above, you immediately mount it! And no, medicine is NOT pointless, especially in hardcore mode (only in the game of the year edition). Medicine instantly restores your health. Your health will Regen over time, but it does take a while, and if you keep getting shot, it won't Regen. And medicine is pretty much necessary in hardcore mode, as health takes twice as long to Regen, and John has half the normal amount of health. Dead eye will make you invincible, but that's on a meter, which will Regen over time (and can be infinite for 10 seconds when you use moonshine) and with kills that aren't in dead eye mode, but in hardcore mode, you don't get the constant Regen. You have to kill (or use items) to refill it.
+Blue Shell Geralt, despite essentially being a travelling problem solver who's basically a doctor, is one of the most unimaginative people you'll ever see XD
Ethan Stansmore Or he does not want an emotional attachment to any of them, because he knows the true nature of the world he lives in, and the dangers he faces every day. ...That or he is just plain lazy, which is much more likley!
RDR was my fave game of 2010.I loved it so much I played it for like 6 months straight and then a few years later I re-played the game twice lol will always be one of my fave games
I frickin' love this game. Out of all the games I own and out of all the years I've been gaming, this story was the only one to ever get any emotion out of me besides bloodlust. Hell, I'm still learning new things about this game. Just a few days back, I robbed a bank. Had no idea that was even possible.
Now that I watched most of Yahtzees Episodes I notice that he uses german words or exclamations quite often. I wonder if he have a secret love for our growly and harsh language. o_O
One small point concerning the auto aiming like your fussy mum was holding the barrel: you can turn that off in settings by changing it to expert. Apart from that an entertaining and largely accurate review. Especially the cougar revenge.
the gun auto aim can be turned off, and many of the hunting missions do serve a purpose, if you play enough you can hunt legendary animals, and some guns are only available to be bought after youve achieved a certain hunter rank (those guns also cant be aqquired in missions)
Yahtzee's reviews are always different from other reviews. Even though other reviewers can be more or less cynical, Yahtzee barely spends any time sugarcoating or praising a game. even with games he likes it doesn't last for even a minute. I love it.
I never did quite figure out how the show downs or whatever they were called worked (the thing where you and your opponent try to shoot each other in slow mow like in every western movie ever). It seemed like what worked the first time had a 50-50 chance of working the second.
Funny, my 360 version glitched out like no tomorrow. Then I got a ps3 a year later and re purchased the game because of the DLC and there were no glitches at all.
It does indeed sound like he cut off his previous take too late before he spliced the start of the next take. Like Daniel Crowley's comment if you also noticed this.
The interesting thing is that I found that the horse controls a LOT like the one from Shadow of the Colossus, which was one of the few games yahtzee did like a lot
this is one of the few games that i'm having trouble deciphering yahtzee's review for. he kind of implies that he kind of liked it at the end, but lists so many enormous failures before that. its hard to tell if he likes this one or not
I always figured the Red Dead part refers to the way you die. The more damage you take, the redder the screen gets, and when it gets fully blood red you're, ya know, dead.
I couldn't agree with this review more. I didn't dislike the game, but much of it seemed pointless. As Yahtzee said, beautiful game to look at, great story, but not much to do. It is also, hands down, the most depressing game I ever played. EVERY single side mission ends badly. Trying to help people just felt so futile.
i do agree with not having much to do, it was my main gripe with the game, the only thing setting it back. However, the fact that things end badly are just a way of showing how things, more often than not, ended at that time. The far west was a really dangerous place, there was many problems with the law since it wasn't cemented well enough in country yet, and there was little civilization.
I totally agree and I appreciate the artistic direction that they went with. However, still not the funnest game to play on a Saturday afternoon. I remember the first time I ran into the husband who wanted me to save his wife from being hanged by a group of bandits. I charged in, jumped of my horse and "pop, pop, pop"...killed the 3 bandits dead. However, the wife died anyway (because I was suppose to shoot the rope...duh). The husband is there crying and I felt like a helpless ass. I turned off the game and took a break, I was so depressed. So, is impressive that they could make a game that had such an emotional impact on me. However, not exactly an emotion I want to feel for 12 hours of gameplay.
69johndz Well, their main goal wasn't to make a "fun-happy" game, it was to be almost a western simulator and have all the drama from old cowboy movies and stories, it's bad i know but that's the intention behind it. It's not that it isn't a bad game, it just isn't the right genre for you. And i'm saying this without offense of course, i'm just stating that perhaps you'd like other games. Have you ever tried "Bully" also known as "Canis Canem Edit"? That's one of the most hilarious and funnest games that you could ever play on the ps2 and it was also made by rockstar, try it out! :P
Yeah, I loved Bully. And I do usually like dark games (Bioshock, The Last of Us). But, I see what you are saying. But come on....couldn't the guy who made the flying machine at least have survived. I gather all the necessary parts for him to build his wings and he just plummets off the cliff to his death and I'm like, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!", lol.
69johndz Lol, I was expecting that to happen and actually laughed at him a lot xD I also laughed when that cannibal was trying to eat some random dude. The only time i felt sad was when that poor wonderer that we would find along the way, would get increasingly poorer and insane, until he finally died a harsh death, burned by the hot sun and just charred away to blackness while being pecked by vultures. :(
The drinking wasn't super realistic but with a Lil creativity easily becomes my favorite minigame. If you add in drinks of your own then getting john drunk and seeing how long you can hilariously steer him around without face planting becomes down right the best drinking game in video game history. Right up there with drinking every time you choose a dialogue option in a bioware game and it is the complete opposite result of what you thought it would be.
XD Went through the whole game and the only glitch I ever got was the gliding along the ground one, it felt virtually bug free when I played it... I feel lucky!
@@aiden_macleod I'll have you know, I did no such slogging! I am the king of faffing around. To accentuate this claim; when I played Terraria, for the first 750 hours, I hadn't even beaten Planterra.. and yes, this was partly a skill issue and I hadn't grinded enough to get better armour, but also building go weeeee-
Pyotr Valkovak Maybe to your tiny, undeveloped brain. Of course, if you do believe that, then you obviously. don't know what makes a good game and I'm not going to waste my time.
The name is a bit dumb though. Red Dead Revolver was called like that because the protagonist's name was "Red" and a plot point revolved around a certain revolver. This one could've been called "Redemption -insert cliche word here-" and it would've made more sense.
Is there any game this guy actually likes? I mean, the best he says is, "yeah, the game is good but all in all, this game is awful." This entire show is nothing but backhanded compliments.
I love how the chocobos in Final Fantasy 15 feel like the horses from RDR. They control very nicely and are very fun to explore on. Though in FFXV, you can only rent a Chocobo but not buy one permanently. At least at 65 hours in so I just gave up on hoping to keep one. Apparently the development team thought it would be a better idea to spend large amounts of money on snacks and cat food. >.>
someone has probably already said this but its called RED DEAD redemption because there was a game on the ps2 about the main charactor when he was younger called red dead revolver so its the sequel i think or at least i think it is
Main story felt really stupid. Especially when in the end your character gets killed in an uncontrollable cutscene by roughly 20 soldiers while having tonns of explosives stuck up his every pocket. I could have killed them all in one shot, but the game forced me to die because reasons. The explanation for this is non existant aswell, this regular "i gotta die cuz zen dey wil leav my famls alone" bullshit, while there is no reason why would they unnecessarily try to hunt him anyway, no reason why he didn't consider actually getting away with his family, no reason why this would be impossible, no reason for anything at all. It felt random and illogical.
I have yet to try Purple Monkey Dishwasher in full. The beginning horse cart racing mission put me off so much I gave up with the game (after repeatedly falling down the side of the mountain with said horse and cart as if I had them firmly lodged up my anus!).
MaxPwnageIII If you're a fan of the gunslinger genre, like Sergio Leone movies or the other Spaghetti Westerns of the time, you wouldn't want to be ducking behind walls and covers in the midst of a shootout, using the same combat engine as GTA. You'd want to strut around with your guns blazing, dodging bullets and in your enemy's face. You get to do that in the Call of Juarez series, especially in Bound in Blood and Gunslinger. Here, you can't. Is the storytelling and atmosphere better in this game? Probably, but that's to be expected from a multimillion-dollar company like Rockstar. It makes me sad that they didn't want to change the gameplay up a bit from GTA.
That's all pretty much subjective opinion. I for one prefer this engine over the Call of Juarez one (even though I like both games very much). It doesn't make the game bad.
MaxPwnageIII I think I'd like Red Dead's engine a little more if it didn't have more bugs than a Motel 6. There are a lot of technical problems in Call of Juarez, but mostly in visual proportions, not glitches, and I can forgive them because of Techland's financial disadvantages. But the fact that a multi-million dollar company like Rockstar doesn't program their games to at least tone down the quantity of glitches is just sad. You could argue that Red Dead isn't a bad game compared to Call of Juarez 1 or 2, but it sure as hell has more glitches.
I had a glitch where the inside of the police station in Blackwater was completely invisible, so I walked in, fell through the floor and kept falling, got teleported back to the top, fell through the floor again, got teleported again, then got stuck :(
To my knowledge, the Red Dead part comes from a previous Rockstar title, Red Dead Revolver. The main character of that game was named Red, and his family was dead.
Red Dead Redemption was actually very storybook in how plots unraveled into the conclusion of John Marston's death, and to the extension towards his son's revenge. The whole point of the long horse rides was to show off the environment as well as the random events generation during exploration. If you hated it that much, just finish half of the Treasure Hunter challenges and use the free-travelling perk to teleport across the whole world.
Overall, I love your videos. There is only one thing I don't like that comes to mind. Its the fact that you're so good at picking out the flaws in a game. Normally this isn't a problem. That is, until, you point out things I never knew existed and make me rethink certain games.
you do realize that you could turn off auto aim in the pause menu right? and they made updates to fix most of the bugs. and do you ever use the options menu?I ask because you always complain about things that can be easily fixed in there. Not to say that is all you complain about just some of it.
it's got a bit of truth. I once pressed up on my horse, and the horse kicked me off and john just started running. None of the buttons worked. He just kept running. And money is useless. I purchased medicine for one of the earlier missions, and haven't really used it. The fact that you have to have a gun or a horse to unlock it in the shop makes buying anything worthless to the gameplay, But it is refreshing to play through the game without thinking of the grind and instead just messing around.
Are any of the criticisms not accurate? As much as some of us love the game, we cannot argue that the controls can be questionable and auto-target practically shoots guys for us.
It's strange. No matter how many times I watch any of Yahtzee's reviews, I can always watch all of them over and over.
Trust me, it becomes an addiction (☉_☉)
***** Makes us all appreciate Yahtzee even more ^__^
El Mooo I'm really surprised how fast you replied xD I just finished re-watching this video!
A person's got free time on the weekend :D
El Mooo I suppose so! Well, it was nice conversing with you good sir :D
I love the glitch wherein the horses and stagecoaches start bobbing up and down like somebody just pimped the Wild West with hydraulics.
Yeah I always found it amusing
+Daniel Plainview Don't you have some drainage to exploit?
+Daniel Plainview My favourite one was the glitch where all the wheels on the wagons locked up and everyone went around drifting everywhere
Joe Wuh-Puh Deja vu
Daniel Plainview reminds me of that song that starts *BOW* bow *BOW* bow.
Everyone has now forgotten that Red Dead Revolver ever existed
That game was so fun on PS2. Red was an interesting character. Here's to hoping this is the last of the Van Der Linde gang and we get to see another different story that isn't called "Red Dead Redemption 3" and more like "Red Dead 4"
Until a few weeks ago I genuinely thought that Red Dead Revolver was some kind of cheap knock-off of Red Dead Redemption. Boy was I surprised to start looking things up on the Red Dead wiki (playing RDR1 a decade late, here) and see things about Red Dead Revolver!
I actually still own a copy. Been thinking about digging it out; might actually do that at some point.
@@Arto257 do it. After completing rdr2 I now have more of an emotional connection to the characters in rdr1 that I didn't have the first time around way back when.
I didn't. It was a time when video games were actually games and not boring interactive movies.
I love how on bigger, more popular titles like this more people seem to throw their shit at Yahtzee. Just because he pokes and nitpicks at games, doesn't mean he dislikes them. If you can't laugh at some of your favorite things, then you're too self-conscious or just blind about it. I think he's hilarious and a lot of times- spot on.
He thrashes some of my favorite games, but I'm still giggling and waiting for the next one.
Doesn't matter if HE likes a game or not. What matters is that you don't take it personally when somebody doesn't.
I couldn't agree more, it's funnier if I'm personally invested in a game he's roasting; I thought that was literally, the point.
Everything's at least a little shit, and the juxtaposition of his intensity and brutal takedowns of a leisure activity called GAMES is, in itself, cathartic... I thought.. 🧐
Red Dead Redemption
Green Alive Atonement
Yellow Undead Salvation
Blue Sick Compenastion
Purple Healthy Reparation
Derpy guy Thx
What about Orange Comatose Restitution?
Teal Real Housewife?
Ryan Coleman
Lime Dime Fine
I'm kinda hoping he just uses this same review for RDR2
I mean, I have the same problem with the post game in both
I'm sure he will add a lengthy tirade about the introduction of "button holding to perform action" in this game. One of Yahtz's pet peeves I believe.
I read that as r2d2 and I am like woot, the cute garbage can is getting his own game
Honestly, yeah.
I love how Yahtzee describes handling, here's the merry-go-round example and in GTA V "the planes handle like the wings are stuck in a sumo wrestler's ass and when you level up your flight skill it's like the sumo wrestlers have put on slightly aerodynamic hats."
"Blue Poo Atonement" "Green Spleen Submarine" "Purple Monkey Dishwasher" i died when he said these
Patiently waiting for Green Spleen Submarine to be a real thing
Dude but its so inferior to blue poo atonement
@@internet_introvert Hello there
@@GreenSpleenSubmarine 😆
These videos are not only hilarious, they're informative. This convinced me to buy the game, which I enjoy playing to this day. Yahtzee almost always mentions not just whether a game is good or bad, but more importantly if you might like it based on what you're looking for. They are reviews, after all, and damn good ones too. Besides, RDR is patched pretty well at this point, so glitches don't really happen anymore
Not sure if the same can be said for Undead Nightmare, though. I still have issues where the "zombie" part of the game doesn't work, and all of the zombies turn into floating clothes that act like regular townsfolk, complete with being much tougher than zombies and HAVING GUNS
I prefer using my own brain rather than being overly dependent on other people's opinions. Thank god I don't blindly follow this man. If that were the case, I'd have to call Wind Waker a good game.
well i don't watch it for the review, i watch it for the entertainment cause he is fucking hilarious
It must be hilarious to buy games at random only to claim not being "overly dependent". Specially nowadays when there's like 6000 new games per day.
Spending cash just because must make anyone feel so clever. Because that is the whole point and the difference between gamers and snobs.
At my work we got a shipment of beer called "Purple Monkey Dishwasher" and I immediately took my break to come watch this video. I true Yahtzee fan knows when they're summoned.
The funny thing is that he is referring to a Simpsons joke.
Thank you HalvLion. Was about to say the same thing. Just cuz he coined "PC Master Race" doesn't mean everything he says is an original.
The ending of this game was phenomenally well written and executed. Still one of my favorite stories.
Agreed. Loved the story, even though I'd spoiled the ending a few years before I played it.
"He's not dead"....until zombie marston.
I actually enjoyed RDR's horse riding. Later I'd just mount a random horse (since, obviously, I lost the one I caught myself), find a field with a lot of horses, look for a black one and catch it.
I just liked putting hookers on the back of mine, watching their rosy-red buttocks flap in the wind, and taking them to the train tracks - hogtied, of course - to meet their fate.
Wow, that's mean. I might try that. I enjoyed tying up would-be rapists/murderers of said hookers and dropping them off cliffs in Nuevo Paraiso.
1:23 Give it time...
+Otimo *starts to tear up*
+Otimo I still don't understand the "red" part :(
Abigail Rocket-Blast Did you beat the game?
Otimo Yes.
Can't wait for the blue poo atonement 2 review!
I came to read the comments and now I'm waiting for a review for the second game now
The horse riding in this game is still the best I've experienced. Even The Witcher 3 could learn from RDR. You can sprint, whistle for your horse, and hop on it all without the need to stop and look around for it.
Witcher 3, while great in many respects, fails so miserably at horse riding that you might think it's intentionally bad. There are games that did horse riding way better, though. Shadow of the Colossus comes to mind.
I think that's the important part that you still have to actively seek it. And that it can get stuck. And that it has some weird glitches on steep hills.
My favourite horse riding is in Shadow of the Colossus, because you don't actually control the horse. You're still just controlling the guy on the horse's back, so you only direct the horse rather than playing as the horse. It felt really real.
"He's not dead."
Not yet.
They fucked up multiplayer by not allowing you to lasso other players and troll the fuck out of them as you drag them for miles across the desert :(
jim jimjim That's probably one of the major reasons it wasn't included
TheExtantKiwi lol yeah, I suppose it could get annoying.... hilarious too though :)
Supposedly the lasso was in multiplayer for a short while after the game's release, but was removed.
+jim jimjim its probably the same reason the stun gun wasn't included on gta online. i mean i'd much rather get stunned across the map than deal with cunts who over use plastic explosives. But i just got red dead redemption and have had a lot more fun with that than i have been on gta lately.
drunkjim420 Yeah RDR is one of the best games ever made. Well worth getting the Undead Nightmare DLC too. It's multiplayer is ok, but the single player story is great.
best free roam red dead redemption moment. I was watching my friend play and we were killing off people at a train station when he saw a guy running away. He entired deadeye mode while holding the evan's rifle which has twenty two shots and locked all of the shots on him. Neither of us noticed the transport cart with 4 horses starting to run by so when he did shoot only 1 bullet hit the guy he was aiming for before the horses ran into the way and he killed 3 of the four of them.
Ever since I played rdr, I find myself sticking my thumbs in my pockets when standing or walking.
You wot m8?
Brandon Marcel Nah you have to have your hands in your pockets entirely for that.
Okay guys. This guy, fucking hilarious. I've watched several of them. He enjoys the games he plays, he just points out the flaws.
Cody D He's still extremely close-minded. Like his attitude towards Nintendo.
+Jimmy William actually he likes Nintendo, he hates how they do not innovate with their series, maybe your being too close minded about criticisms against Nintendo :p
aperturesciencegames They're still good games, and really, very few franchises constantly innovate throughout their history. So there. What's so different between all the left for dead games? or the Souls games?
+Jimmy William that there are 2 left for dead games 4 souls games and about 30 mario games?
smeick It is an older series, so shouldn't you expect for there to be more games?
To all the people complaining that Yahztee only focuses on the negative points of a game; you may have mistaken the term "criticism" with the term "advertisement". One is trying to sell you a game whilst the other one is trying to protect you and your money.
+2epic4uNubs Can't stress a point like that enough these days with games.
No, criticism isn't necessarily negative and hes making a review. Ive watched about 30 of this guys review and every single one is negative and i don't see why he cant say some good stuff about good games, i mean jesus he gave gta 5 a 0/5 unironically
You're right Rogers. Why can't he say something positive like "Red Dead Redemption is a beautiful looking, beautifully written, beautifully animated time sink." or "Surprisingly good doesn't do [Driver: San Francisco] justice." or "I was pleasantly surprised by Majora's Mask." or insert another one of 100 nice things he's ever said?
Yahtzee's style is one of juxtaposition. If he said nice things all the time, it'd lose meaning, so instead he tries to merely praise by exception. It's what makes his praise so amazing when it is done vocally.
+Christian Rogers *and i don't see why he cant say some good stuff about good games*
You're listening to the wrong games critic mate.
Yahtzee is strict, definitely, but he is by no means always negative. This game he reviewed here? He ranked it Number 5 in his Top 5 Games of 2011.
“He’s not dead” they took that as a challenge
Wanna know what I love? If you fall on a hitched horse from above, you immediately mount it! And no, medicine is NOT pointless, especially in hardcore mode (only in the game of the year edition). Medicine instantly restores your health. Your health will Regen over time, but it does take a while, and if you keep getting shot, it won't Regen. And medicine is pretty much necessary in hardcore mode, as health takes twice as long to Regen, and John has half the normal amount of health. Dead eye will make you invincible, but that's on a meter, which will Regen over time (and can be infinite for 10 seconds when you use moonshine) and with kills that aren't in dead eye mode, but in hardcore mode, you don't get the constant Regen. You have to kill (or use items) to refill it.
I think horses from RDR and Roach from TW3 might be related.
misterDVader TW3?
Arthas Menethil The Witcher 3
Litterally every horse that Geralt has ever owned is named Roach.
+Blue Shell Geralt, despite essentially being a travelling problem solver who's basically a doctor, is one of the most unimaginative people you'll ever see XD
Ethan Stansmore Or he does not want an emotional attachment to any of them, because he knows the true nature of the world he lives in, and the dangers he faces every day.
...That or he is just plain lazy, which is much more likley!
Blue Shell Or he just a lil' bitch.
Of all the reviews this is by far the most hilarious
RDR was my fave game of 2010.I loved it so much I played it for like 6 months straight and then a few years later I re-played the game twice lol will always be one of my fave games
This is the first Zero Punctuation episode I ever saw. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing isn't it?
John's fricken face is amazing with those eyes! xD
I figured that everyone waiting for RDR2 would be here, remembering RDR.
Stephanie B Now, while I write this, there’s only about a week left until RDR2s release. I can’t wait to play it, it will be a masterpiece, no doubt.
I frickin' love this game. Out of all the games I own and out of all the years I've been gaming, this story was the only one to ever get any emotion out of me besides bloodlust. Hell, I'm still learning new things about this game. Just a few days back, I robbed a bank. Had no idea that was even possible.
Yeah, but you'll be wanted the second you go into the back. But picking the lock is easy.
Now that I watched most of Yahtzees Episodes I notice that he uses german words or exclamations quite often. I wonder if he have a secret love for our growly and harsh language. o_O
He does? I don't see it.
Steven Choza With all due respect you must be blind sir, he uses them in almost every video.
Derpy guy
The thing here is that he uses other words and exclamations from other European languages as well...
Derpy guy Bollocks he does. I would say maybe 1/25.
One small point concerning the auto aiming like your fussy mum was holding the barrel: you can turn that off in settings by changing it to expert. Apart from that an entertaining and largely accurate review. Especially the cougar revenge.
the red dead part is from the red dead franchise which started with red dead revolver
the gun auto aim can be turned off, and many of the hunting missions do serve a purpose, if you play enough you can hunt legendary animals, and some guns are only available to be bought after youve achieved a certain hunter rank (those guns also cant be aqquired in missions)
Green Spleen Submarine FTW!
I never had those problems with bugs and the controls didn't feel wonky at all to mee. I do think it's BS that it's not for the PC.
Yahtzee's reviews are always different from other reviews. Even though other reviewers can be more or less cynical, Yahtzee barely spends any time sugarcoating or praising a game. even with games he likes it doesn't last for even a minute. I love it.
I never did quite figure out how the show downs or whatever they were called worked (the thing where you and your opponent try to shoot each other in slow mow like in every western movie ever). It seemed like what worked the first time had a 50-50 chance of working the second.
Odd, I bought RDR back in 2010 or 2011 (can't remember) for Xbox360 and not once did I get a glitch. Was he using PS3 or something?
Funny, my 360 version glitched out like no tomorrow.
Then I got a ps3 a year later and re purchased the game because of the DLC and there were no glitches at all.
Zero Swasreich after a year of patches
Derek Bullock So you're saying the 360 got abandoned in terms of patches?
It's called patching the game to fix bugs.
This video is how many years old now, and somehow I never noticed that editing stutter at 2:29 before. Was that always there??
I wish I had watched this before buying Red Dead 2 without playing the first. Cause this is exactly my feels to the new one. Minus the flowers?
Yours are the only reviews I can watch for fun.
I wonder why this exact Zero Punctuation review surfaced in my Recomended vids...... hmmm...
A complete coincidence, I'm sure of it.
I just watched it in hopes it will stop popping off everywhere.
Anyone read one of his books? Are they as addictive as his reviews? I don’t even play computer games anymore, I still watch this guy constantly.
I've read Jam and am currently reading Mogworld I can definitely say if you enjoy his sense of humour you'll enjoy his books.
2:29 Editing mistake?
It does indeed sound like he cut off his previous take too late before he spliced the start of the next take. Like Daniel Crowley's comment if you also noticed this.
The interesting thing is that I found that the horse controls a LOT like the one from Shadow of the Colossus, which was one of the few games yahtzee did like a lot
Well 99% of the SotC world is empty field so there's less room for glitch and it's easier to make it feel fast
this is one of the few games that i'm having trouble deciphering yahtzee's review for. he kind of implies that he kind of liked it at the end, but lists so many enormous failures before that. its hard to tell if he likes this one or not
I always figured the Red Dead part refers to the way you die. The more damage you take, the redder the screen gets, and when it gets fully blood red you're, ya know, dead.
7 year....7 YEARS!! Where is my lives!???
"the euphoria engine makes me very sad, which is ironic when you think about it"
that made me crack up
Again this guy makes me laugh.
oh my.... can't you talk a bit faster please, I'll go to sleep....
Did he just studder? 2:28 "but whe-but when you also have to tap..."
I couldn't agree with this review more. I didn't dislike the game, but much of it seemed pointless. As Yahtzee said, beautiful game to look at, great story, but not much to do. It is also, hands down, the most depressing game I ever played. EVERY single side mission ends badly. Trying to help people just felt so futile.
i do agree with not having much to do, it was my main gripe with the game, the only thing setting it back.
However, the fact that things end badly are just a way of showing how things, more often than not, ended at that time. The far west was a really dangerous place, there was many problems with the law since it wasn't cemented well enough in country yet, and there was little civilization.
I totally agree and I appreciate the artistic direction that they went with. However, still not the funnest game to play on a Saturday afternoon. I remember the first time I ran into the husband who wanted me to save his wife from being hanged by a group of bandits. I charged in, jumped of my horse and "pop, pop, pop"...killed the 3 bandits dead. However, the wife died anyway (because I was suppose to shoot the rope...duh). The husband is there crying and I felt like a helpless ass. I turned off the game and took a break, I was so depressed.
So, is impressive that they could make a game that had such an emotional impact on me. However, not exactly an emotion I want to feel for 12 hours of gameplay.
69johndz Well, their main goal wasn't to make a "fun-happy" game, it was to be almost a western simulator and have all the drama from old cowboy movies and stories, it's bad i know but that's the intention behind it.
It's not that it isn't a bad game, it just isn't the right genre for you.
And i'm saying this without offense of course, i'm just stating that perhaps you'd like other games.
Have you ever tried "Bully" also known as "Canis Canem Edit"?
That's one of the most hilarious and funnest games that you could ever play on the ps2 and it was also made by rockstar, try it out! :P
Yeah, I loved Bully. And I do usually like dark games (Bioshock, The Last of Us). But, I see what you are saying.
But come on....couldn't the guy who made the flying machine at least have survived. I gather all the necessary parts for him to build his wings and he just plummets off the cliff to his death and I'm like, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!", lol.
69johndz Lol, I was expecting that to happen and actually laughed at him a lot xD
I also laughed when that cannibal was trying to eat some random dude.
The only time i felt sad was when that poor wonderer that we would find along the way, would get increasingly poorer and insane, until he finally died a harsh death, burned by the hot sun and just charred away to blackness while being pecked by vultures. :(
LOL at the calling Red Dead Redemption by other names! And LOLed at the funny parts too, especially with the imps! XD
7 years later, a lot of this still applies to RDR2!
I was literally going to say that he could have cut and pasted this whole review.
Even back then he said there was too much pointless side guff. The depths we plum.
The drinking wasn't super realistic but with a Lil creativity easily becomes my favorite minigame. If you add in drinks of your own then getting john drunk and seeing how long you can hilariously steer him around without face planting becomes down right the best drinking game in video game history. Right up there with drinking every time you choose a dialogue option in a bioware game and it is the complete opposite result of what you thought it would be.
Four years after release it's still my favorite seventh gen game ever. Sorry but I'm an eternal cowboy, Yahtzee.
Who’s here waiting on the RedDead 2 ZeroPunk?
When rockstar put him in the wild west before automobiles and asked "There are you Satisfied?" I expected him to say Yes!
XD Went through the whole game and the only glitch I ever got was the gliding along the ground one, it felt virtually bug free when I played it... I feel lucky!
Well, you DID slog through the game, so you can't be THAT lucky. I'm the lucky one. I only played the thing for an hour. Lucky me.
@@aiden_macleod I'll have you know, I did no such slogging! I am the king of faffing around. To accentuate this claim; when I played Terraria, for the first 750 hours, I hadn't even beaten Planterra.. and yes, this was partly a skill issue and I hadn't grinded enough to get better armour, but also building go weeeee-
I love how yathzee prob likes this game more than i did but still goes harder on it than me.
Red Dead Redemption was, by far, the best game on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
Nope. It was lame
Pyotr Valkovak Maybe to your tiny, undeveloped brain. Of course, if you do believe that, then you obviously. don't know what makes a good game and I'm not going to waste my time.
Defiantly underrated as well
***** Or maybe he just have a different opinion.
Well not the best bit pretty much one of my favourite open world games
Fun fact: He actually was in an episode of Unskippable, which, ironically, introduced me to Unskippable.
It's called 'Red Dead Redemption' because it is the second in a series. The first being 'Red Dead Revolver'.
The name is a bit dumb though. Red Dead Revolver was called like that because the protagonist's name was "Red" and a plot point revolved around a certain revolver. This one could've been called "Redemption -insert cliche word here-" and it would've made more sense.
Is there any game this guy actually likes? I mean, the best he says is, "yeah, the game is good but all in all, this game is awful." This entire show is nothing but backhanded compliments.
Still one of my favorite games of all time!
I love how the chocobos in Final Fantasy 15 feel like the horses from RDR. They control very nicely and are very fun to explore on. Though in FFXV, you can only rent a Chocobo but not buy one permanently. At least at 65 hours in so I just gave up on hoping to keep one. Apparently the development team thought it would be a better idea to spend large amounts of money on snacks and cat food. >.>
someone has probably already said this but its called RED DEAD redemption because there was a game on the ps2 about the main charactor when he was younger called red dead revolver so its the sequel i think or at least i think it is
Red Dead Revolver had a different character. Red Dead Redemption had John Marston, but Red Dead Revolver had Red Harlow.
That is after you beat Redemption
Max Payne I'unno have you seen me before?
Max Payne hmmmm. I got my eye on you......
It's he's 3rd favorite game of 2010 ! He doesn't dislike it , he's pointing out the mistakes he found , yet he thinks it was a good game .
Main story felt really stupid. Especially when in the end your character gets killed in an uncontrollable cutscene by roughly 20 soldiers while having tonns of explosives stuck up his every pocket. I could have killed them all in one shot, but the game forced me to die because reasons. The explanation for this is non existant aswell, this regular "i gotta die cuz zen dey wil leav my famls alone" bullshit, while there is no reason why would they unnecessarily try to hunt him anyway, no reason why he didn't consider actually getting away with his family, no reason why this would be impossible, no reason for anything at all.
It felt random and illogical.
Fitzgerald Krox someone didn't pay attention
Nonuv Urbeeznus
Please, elaborate.
Fitzgerald Krox yes let me elaborate the entire fucking plotline
Nonuv Urbeeznus
Fitzgerald Krox
Late at night accidentally laugh too hard and wake everyone up
Best Game ever! (in my opinion)
"My hooorse appears to be lodged in a waaaall" beats all the title gags at the starting gate.
Maybe you can just repost this for the second
Whoo! Finally a video I haven't seen!
I have yet to try Purple Monkey Dishwasher in full. The beginning horse cart racing mission put me off so much I gave up with the game (after repeatedly falling down the side of the mountain with said horse and cart as if I had them firmly lodged up my anus!).
as soon as you said he wasn't dead, i laughed my ass off because undead nightmare came after this.
Call of Juarez was a more authentic western. This game was just GTA copy and pasted into the old west
What's wrong with that, exactly?
MaxPwnageIII If you're a fan of the gunslinger genre, like Sergio Leone movies or the other Spaghetti Westerns of the time, you wouldn't want to be ducking behind walls and covers in the midst of a shootout, using the same combat engine as GTA. You'd want to strut around with your guns blazing, dodging bullets and in your enemy's face. You get to do that in the Call of Juarez series, especially in Bound in Blood and Gunslinger. Here, you can't. Is the storytelling and atmosphere better in this game? Probably, but that's to be expected from a multimillion-dollar company like Rockstar. It makes me sad that they didn't want to change the gameplay up a bit from GTA.
That's all pretty much subjective opinion. I for one prefer this engine over the Call of Juarez one (even though I like both games very much). It doesn't make the game bad.
MaxPwnageIII I think I'd like Red Dead's engine a little more if it didn't have more bugs than a Motel 6. There are a lot of technical problems in Call of Juarez, but mostly in visual proportions, not glitches, and I can forgive them because of Techland's financial disadvantages. But the fact that a multi-million dollar company like Rockstar doesn't program their games to at least tone down the quantity of glitches is just sad. You could argue that Red Dead isn't a bad game compared to Call of Juarez 1 or 2, but it sure as hell has more glitches.
OptiumusMagnum Perhaps, I guess, because dodging bullets is a little too unrealistic.
I had a glitch where the inside of the police station in Blackwater was completely invisible, so I walked in, fell through the floor and kept falling, got teleported back to the top, fell through the floor again, got teleported again, then got stuck :(
Blue Poo Atonement :D
Old Gold Vaginal Fold
horses being stuck in walls was amazing.
Haha the butthurt in the comments still makes me laugh!
Not to mention the fox that helps you raid a bandit hideout
Yahtzee's reviews are most interesting after you've played the game because otherwise you won't really get what he's talking about
To my knowledge, the Red Dead part comes from a previous Rockstar title, Red Dead Revolver. The main character of that game was named Red, and his family was dead.
Does he actually... like games?
Don't know, i was laughing too much...
He does, he just shits on the bad parts.
Watch the orange box review and you tell me
Or Dark Souls.
I only experienced one bug in my playthrough. Where Johns horse got sick of being a horse and decided to fly around for a bit.
ok, come here and say just one totally overrated game that comes to your mind
(cough) (cough) skyrim (cough) (sneeze)
Halo, COD, BF, Killzone and all other dude bro FPS games.
Most action games Dice, Treyarch, Infinity Ward or Bungee spew out constantly.
How dare you say skyrim is overrated! But seriously give me reasons and i'll see why they are right or why they are wrong!.
Lewtable that difficulity thing never botherd me and the sneak is ok. and the mods
use mods, unless you're a dirty console pesant
Most overrated game.................. all the gta games
Red Dead Redemption was actually very storybook in how plots unraveled into the conclusion of John Marston's death, and to the extension towards his son's revenge.
The whole point of the long horse rides was to show off the environment as well as the random events generation during exploration. If you hated it that much, just finish half of the Treasure Hunter challenges and use the free-travelling perk to teleport across the whole world.
You can turn auto aim of so you can pretend to be a bad ass when your friends are around.
Overall, I love your videos. There is only one thing I don't like that comes to mind. Its the fact that you're so good at picking out the flaws in a game. Normally this isn't a problem. That is, until, you point out things I never knew existed and make me rethink certain games.
The want to watch bestiality grew the more I stared at the back of that horse ;)
>MLP avatar
I guess I shouldn't be too surprised
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Drone Bird *>le meme arrows XD*
ur just mad becuz my maymays r dankr then urs :^)
That bit with a zombie marsdon was a bit of accidental prediction 😂
a game reviewer that hates every game? genius
Have you seen his portal review? Orange box? If not, don't watch it, it's scary.
there is a lot to hate about most games, as i've now found since game rental companies are so cheap now
The Orange Box, Crysis 2, Call of JUAR-EZ, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 4 (the ONLY good one), Silent Hill 2, Dead Rising 2, and so many more.
not every game
IamTMan007 you forgot portal
you aren't alone.
except the time a guy riding a mule decided to ride an invisible saddle that flies under the mule.
you do realize that you could turn off auto aim in the pause menu right?
and they made updates to fix most of the bugs. and do you ever use the options menu?I ask because you always complain about things that can be easily fixed in there. Not to say that is all you complain about just some of it.
he is a troll mate , how could you shit on the best game of all time ?
Love these videos so much.
He isnt serius right?Its just a joke RIGHT!?!?
his all videos are joke that why we watch it
it's got a bit of truth. I once pressed up on my horse, and the horse kicked me off and john just started running. None of the buttons worked. He just kept running. And money is useless. I purchased medicine for one of the earlier missions, and haven't really used it. The fact that you have to have a gun or a horse to unlock it in the shop makes buying anything worthless to the gameplay, But it is refreshing to play through the game without thinking of the grind and instead just messing around.
this was one of his favorite games of the year.
He loved the story and visuals, he just wasn't a fan of the game-play.
Are any of the criticisms not accurate? As much as some of us love the game, we cannot argue that the controls can be questionable and auto-target practically shoots guys for us.