I agree my mother has bowl cancer from the microscopic bugs in water and my grandmother died on the weekend from the same,it's so upsetting and to me due to it BEING so close to home,!I have a newborn he had his first immunisation with the rotavirus and got very sick one if the recommendations from go was hydrolyte powder mixture given to him with water obviously boiled but you can see what it does to a kettle alone after a few boils alone I buy expensive water from natural water sources and boil it due to being so paranoid as I have lost a child due to a infection in my kidneys from tap water this needs to be informed nation wide on tv as an announcement ,let's pray and hope that the angels above can intervene and help our society's with this problem !
@@irismoller4729 wtf that's horrible I'm so sorry for your loss... Thanks alot for sharing I'm truly shocked will also boil my water now (no tap) I buy water
Human Babies are honestly some of the weakest, fragile, and helpless babies of any species on this planet Like seriously, it's a miracle we all didn't die...
Right! Babies of other beings adapt themselves to their environment in a short time and can sustain their lives on their own. However, babies of human beings can hardly stand on their feet in two years .
I remember my grandma telling me I needed to give my infants water, that they used to give their babies water. I’m so glad I had read a parenting book before my first was born and the book had this information in there. Idk how her kids, one of them being my mom, survived. 😳
They used to do tons of things that were harmful (they often did not know better),like smoking and drinking alcohol and no carseats,no seef sleeping,tons of toys on thr cribs,child.mortality rate has decreased a lot since then.
Daniel Chachanashvili it’s not that they don’t drink water. It’s that they drink diluted water. There is water in formula and breast milk it’s just diluted. Breast milk is 88% water. But that 12% of other stuff in it makes the difference potentially between life and death.
Babies can drink water perfectly fine and they dont have to be 6 months old. The reason that babies dont drink water like adults do is because most of their food has a high water content which means they dont need additional water. Formula has water, breastmilk has high water content and pureed foods have high water content. It isnt until they start eating table food and less foods with hogh water content that they need “additional” fluids/water. If your baby is in warmer climates, and is losing water via sweating then it is definitely ok to give them water. Dont take youtube videos as the gospel.
Their kidneys can't properly deal with water its the equivalent of over drinking water and drowning your kidneys as a grown human sooo yes babies don't need water they get it in other ways
My Gosh i am 58 yrs old don't have children. I do have nieces n nephews. Thank god i never killed them with water. I never knew this. Please get this information out there to school n day care centers. This should be widely know😯
i cant speak for the whole country but where i live they canceled all home ec classes for being "sexist towards women" even though alot of men took the classes (like 2/3) and they really cut back on sex ed beyond teaching you about every STD on the planet and basically saying "wear a condom or you'll definitely get AIDS even if your both virgins" (i wish i was exagerating) but never taught us anything about what to do once you actually had a kid. I'm smack dab in the middle of an ultra liberal area so it's not even a religious or moral thing.
@@hotpockets2224 please I don't want a scientific debate here, all I am saying is that they are also humans but small so you should also treat them as you do with others.
@@abdulmoid267 The UN Convention on Human Rights declare that until 2, human souls must be left to form, and using the terms "he" or "she" instead of "it" or then" can cause severe neurological defects. Therefore, it is acceptable to call a child under 2 years of age "it" or "thing". Source: Your, Bumhole. (2005, August) Why People Can't Take A Joke. Retrieved from www.gocommitdie.com
This fact should be clearly explained on dry baby formula. When I read instructions that you can't use less water or more water when mixing formula, as directed on the box, I was always trying to be as specific as possible. But my relatives always were saying that i paid too much attention to preparation process and I could not explain them a real reason why it was important, except showing directions for mixing. It made me feel stupid sometimes. Thanks God, I had a strong feeling inside, that I was doing a right thing!
@@Rafaal03 It's not a lie. You can give babies really small amounts of water, which I learned as a mother. Like 4 ounces or something. But I still think that it should be told to new mothers. Sorry my comment provoked you.
@@TheBridget272 lmao dont apologize to him, hes nothing but a little troll. he probably watches the news on tv and thinks its a reliable source of information.
@@Rafaal03 not a lie, I have a toddler brother that didn’t drink normal water when he was a baby. My parents chose that and they’re both family doctors.
I have had my pediatrician tell me this when I had my 1st child. But I don't think I was told for all of my children. It really should be standard info to give to parents of infants.
Strangest patient situation I ever came across was a patient who came in on fluid restriction after purposely drink so much water they bottomed out their sodium levels - why? We never really understood why or how they did this but it was odd 🙃
If you aren’t aware of all the hormonal reasons that such an incident could occur (ie: diabetes insipidus, anti-diuretic hormone imbalances, etc), I highly question your credentials and your ability to be in a position in which you have “patients.” 😳
@@RedRoseSeptember22 I'm not sure- I think its a genetic disease. I heard of it and looked it up once. I ll look it up again. It a condition that has to do with the pituitary glad where your body can't regulate water levels like you lose your important electrolytes the way I understand it.
This seems like really important information. Why am I learning it for the first time at age 26. Do they teach it in parenting courses? Does your doctor tell you? Why do the parents keep it a secret from the rest of us? I did not click on this video expecting to have my world turned upside down but BOY DID IT EVER
simonsaysism, I'm 56 and have studied health are related subjects in detail and this is the first time I've ever encountered this and too wonder why I've never encountered this information before.
I have a health & teaching background (daycare/babies care, plus teaching parenting health classes) & the reason you haven't heard it before is because it's bullshit clickbait
I don't know ounces, but pretty sure the numbers they are talking about are so high as to be impossible for a baby to drink, but particularly if a baby is on formula & the weather is hot or he/she has diarrhoea, water can be very important for them (breast milk naturally adjusts better, but it's still not perfect). If sick they will go off their food & not take a bottle, or vomit if they do try to drink it, due to being sick & as such their stomach not having the capacity to digest it in that moment. Best option in that situation is to wet a washer with boiled water & give it to the baby, who will do what they do with EVERYTHING & put it in their mouth & if dehydrated, normal responses will kick in & they will start to suck it & obtain the critical water they need. If they have signs that something's really not right, that water should be while calling & waiting for an ambulance to arrive. If they seemed fine, it can be prevention & as long as they stay stable, just monitoring for a few hours & they should return to looking ok, if not, hospital time. I do cover various symptoms in the classes I teach, but more than anything I teach just to trust "mother's intuition" because signs & symptoms in young babies are generally so hidden (instinct, the predator targets the weak member of the herd, babies instinctively mask when weak) that even professionals have trouble identifying them in clear cut terms, but a mother (or father) knows their baby & if something's off, they'll pick it, even though they most probably won't be able to define it in words & so that's what should be used as a guide to further medical care being needed. If they're really sick, babies will deteriorate very quickly & boiling the water will be time consuming enough! For parents to start searching for gastrolite or whatever speciality formulas they might be considering & searching exactly when they're suitable & if it matches the baby wastes too much time, plus causes parental stress that the baby picks up on & gets sicker. Water is all they need short term. If they're not that sick, then again water is all that's needed to get things back into enough balance that the baby's body can handle it from there. Babies aren't as fragile as new parents think they are. They'll endure most things :) biggest risk to them is probably scared parents, so videos like this really aren't helpful for anyone but ad revenue
@@weneedmoreconsideratepeopl4006 yes you can. if you endlessly keep writing comments without executing body processes then yes you will die, condition being you are left untreated and you only keep commenting. no eating, no breathing, no bathroom, nothing.
@Yorick Rodriguez Teething remedy. Plus, back in the day, my pediatrician told my mom to give me a hot toddy when I was sick. Or sore throat. Hot water, honey, whiskey.
Yes, my parents would rub rakiya on my gums as a baby when i was teething. They said they learned it from my grandparents who used it on all their kids, and it was a practice among every house in our village.
Nicole Cranham right it was almost subconciously understood almost but i wasn't sure why untill now. I just figured if I breast fed my baby they'd get everything they needed.
@@specialopsdave I just looked it up, and apparently the terminology waivers. But in general, newborn=first month, infant=first year, and baby=anything between 0-4 years old. Which is definitely weird to me, seeing how I always associated baby with "can't crawl yet" for whatever reason. I definitely understand people associating "baby" with anything with chubby cheeks... But the fact it's mostly associated with newborns for me is just... Mind boggling to me. I'm guessing it's a culture thing or maybe just a personal thing. Oh well. Ya learn something new every day~
Yeah people think "baby" means 8 months old when we ate clearly talking about 6 months and younger, especially the first couple weeks a.k.a new born stage
sonic artist/animator I’m just responding to the logic in the joke tbh. I get your point tho we actually drink water unlike blood but yeah the “you’re made out of it so consume it” logic
My baby cousin was a week old when he became very fussy with a bloated belly. He hadn’t had a bowel movement in a day or two . My grandpa suggested to give him a few sips of baby water and boom- the poop and gas INSTANTLY started coming out . The baby was so relieved after getting everything out ( and getting a warm bath) he slept like an angel. I think he was constipated from all of the milk. So maybe in small sips it’s okay for some babies? I’m not sure but it worked well in that instance .
Sips are okay! It's like when bathing them, it's okay if they accidentally have a few sips of water. Same for giving just a few sips. Just as long as it isn't more than like maybe 2oz (a lot for a newborn) they'll be okay! Honestly that's such a good idea when they're constipated, I didn't even think of it for mine😭 that's so smart to do honestly. He was constipated for 6 months. It was so bad. He even had an intake of about 44oz a day of milk but it still wasn't helping😞 thank u for making this post though!!
A few sips is like it’s a perfect fit for their little bellies, that happened to all my siblings when they were babies younger that 3 months… they were happy too 😂
I work in pediatrics and that’s definitely NOT something to do!! There are other things you can do for a constipated baby such as gentle bicycle kicks, rectal stimulation such as taking temperature rectally, gripe water, probiotics. If they are on formula, maybe try switching formula’s or talk with your pediatrician about switching to a different formula for constipation. Babies should NOT have water until they are 6 months. Once they reach 6 months, they can have 1-2 oz of water. Their organs and bodies are still developing so DO NOT GIVE WATER UNTIL 6 MONTHS!!!! I cannot express that enough😧 We also like waiting until 6 months to give water because they can hold their heads up with little support vs. a newborn baby.
@@autumn18178 Kinda surprised someone working in pediatrics recommends gripe water. It works for some babies, but can cause allergic reactions in others and can even introduce bad bacteria to their bellies, making the gas, bloating, and colic worse. Most pediatricians will suggest other methods before recommending gripe water. If your baby is constipated, talk to their doctor. But lowkey I'm a hypocrite because I used gripe water without being advised to and thankfully my baby didn't have any issues with it. All babies are different, I too would recommend it but always talk to the doctor first for a more safe first option.
@Edgy MoonwalkaYes, because they wouldn't need any water which means they wouldn't be dehydrated. but the bad news is that they sweat and they will be over hydrated. So, it's a win win
@@reactionsfromjpridevlogs3697 they'll sweat, so they'll loose water therefore they need to replenish the water but babies kidneys can't handle water. Therefore baby dies.
@@shaunnen7437 I gave both my kids water a day they are both fine. It's funny how they say no water but if you use formula powder you need water to mix it.
@@shaunnen7437 not newborns. Maybe a tiny little bit would be OKAY when they're a bit older, but babies get all the water they need from their milk or formula until they're old enough for solids. Babies may have survived in the past when given water because people didn't know it was dangerous but it could have been bad. I was warned when I had my first baby when I was leaning about taking care of a newborn to never give them water.
In my family we give all babies water. Especially if they’re having stomach issues. I’m not a doctor but please know that not all TH-cam videos give accurate information. None of the babies in our family have any long term health issues from being fed water every now and again…
I've just read comments from other people saying that small sips of water is fine. I mean if a baby is having a bath, they're bound to swallow a bit of water and they're always completely fine
I come from Africa and we used to give water mixed with glucose to babies right from birth, weaning was done at 3 months and thus babies were given normal water. I don't know why or how that changed after 2005.
Same. My family gave infants “baby water” as well and nothing happened. maybe pure tropical coconut water will be better? I know mothers milk is the primary source of nutrients for children..: And as we all know, majority of Doctors don’t know what the hell they’re talking about 👀
Cows milk actually slows childrens cognition down. Everyone thinks my kids are so smart but really its just that everyone elses kid is clogged and backed up from their little bodies trying so hard to process all the dairy. Dairy is worse for children than meat, but meat is worse for adults than dairy. Stop feeding your kid milk and dairy and you'll see an obvious boost in their cognition and awareness
It is crazy how the hospital pediatrician gave me instructions to give my infants a couple of ounces of water everyday in the early 90s but prohibited my infant born in 2000 water for the first 6 months.
When my babies were tiny (mid 70's)I was told to give water in a bottle between breast feeds when the weather was hot. It didn't seem to cause any problems. I hope that it hasen't created unknown problems for them growing up.
No, it didn't. If it was going to cause them any harm, it would have happened then, rather than later on. Also, when a baby has a stomach bug, parents were told to give boiled, cooled water little & often. Now, there are great rehydration formulas that are milk free, but specially designed for babies with stomach bugs. My friend was a doctor & when her daughter became sick after eating banana at about 4 months old, she gave her boiled, cooled water instead of breastmilk & stopped feeding her solids until she stoppped vomiting. As long as you don't give too much at once, a baby would be OK. But they can only handle small amounts.
this is the type of shit that needs to be taught to everyone at school. im 28 with a 6 yr old and i cant recall every being told not to give my child water. and i attended a few baby classes as well.
It’s okay in small bits, when my daughter was constipated or gassy we’d give her a little water- it was actually recommended by the doctor. 1 oz of water per month of age on occasion is perfectly healthy
She was drinking Gallons of water and refused to use the bathroom to relieve herself. All for a game system that she could have just bought for roughly $50. Im sorry for her loss but if you ask me it’s her own fault..
Nah it's the Aussies like me and peeps who live anywhere you sweat a LOT. Here you actually need to occasionally give 2-6month old infants water (or watered down formula/breastmilk) if it's too hot and they're dehydrated. The video is a bit dramatic about it and frankly, not correct in all cases. And yes, this is actual medical advice I've received for my infant.
Shara Ford Cow milk has Mammalian hormones that can affect growth. Estrogen, IGF1. Also it's really fatty, and most cows have infections, and cow milk has shit it in. This is why it needs to be cooked (pasteurization) even than the hormones are still their it still had puss and shit, and it's not a good source of vitamin They add Vitamin D to Cow milk it isnt in cow milk, and or the cooking burns off the vitamins. It's litterally toxic. Why is over 50% of the world Allergic to it??? Milk helped us survive when we were living in the woods, we definitely don't need it now
Gammelfleischvomtoasterschmecktgut Human Milk is vastly different. Also just think dude, The Dairy Industry advertises milk so much that you love it and crave cheese and Ice Cream so much. But MOST People wouldnt want to drink a Woman's breast milk. If you don't want to drink a Woman's breast milk (Generally) why would you drink another animals Also milk is for the Mothers baby not you. Just go vegan.
Baby birds can't drink water too! So if you ever get to take care of a baby bird that has fallen from its nest, don't give them water nor milk! It's very dangerous for them.
I'm honestly surprised my parents didnt kill me. As soon as i could walk I'd wander into fields with snakes, coyotes, and stray dogs for hours on end. One time i went missing for 4 hours and they found me under the deck.
So the world should have been dead so far!! When I had my kids 30 years ago all of the mothers have been told at the hospital to give our babies water. Nobody said it is deadly dangerous. And my kids grew into healthy women who themselves have their babies. And now they have been told at the same hospital (just 30 years later) to not give water to their baby!!!
Yet my mother in law always insisted that I should give my babies water. I love her, but I never loved her advice. Smile, nod, then go your own way and do the right thing.
My cousin gave her daughter an ounce water a day before she was even 1 month and that baby girl loves to drink water. I don't get these "now-a-days" new parenting, honestly. Everyone thinks the "old ways" of parenting is the worse, but a lot of time these same people go back to the old ways or the old remedies, to care for their child. I am due Jan 2022 and there is no way I am not giving my baby at least an ounce water a day or every other day. I am old school.
@@sabawahid1867 Google "baby drinking water" there is a half a dozen pages of findings on this subject. Yes, a lot of water is bad for a baby, but this video claims that a small amount is bad for an infant... Hydration is very important, to the point of brain damage for an infant and only drinking milk can dehydrate a baby...
Ragu inacan Right, there’s water in almost everything we drink. But it’s combined to make other compounds, so it’s not pure water, not the substance our body needs. Water itself is what we cannot survive without. Milk is milk, it’s not water. It contains a lot of water, but it’s not the purest form of water. We can survive without milk.
What’s so aggravating is grandparents think it’s so okay for babies to drink water, my in laws were trying to make me give my nb water but I knew better.
My daughter will be 37 on July 31st. When she was born she was even given water in the hospital!! It was common to give babies a little water occasionally. When she herself gave birth I asked her why she never gave my granddaughter any H2o and she told me about the dangers and I was shocked and grateful that nothing bad happened to her when she was a baby.
@@stefaniefenty3999 DO NOT DO IT! Omg, always defer to a pediatrician. My nephew was hospitalized and almost died from water poisoning. He drank about one bottle of water per day and ended up in the hospital
When training hard I used to make my own isotonic drink. 1litre water + pinch of salt + 1tsp sugar (to cover salt taste. This mix is better and far cheaper than so called “sports drinks”
I’m amazed at the comments on this video. SMH. Take home points; 1. There is enough water content in breast milk/formula for babies until they begin eating solids in that they do not need additional water. 2. It is plain water (that is, water with no formula mixed in) or diluted formula that is the issue when given before babies are eating solids. 3. Most babies start solids at age 4 to 6 months. 4. When babies start solids a general rule is to give the amount of ounces per day as the age of the baby, (e.g 4 months old get 4 ounces per day, 5 months old get 5 ounces a day etc.) and those ounces should be split over 24 hours. 5. If a doctor suggest water before your baby starts eating solids, he/ she has a reason that is specific to your child. 6. Many of us got water as kids, and yes we are alive. But when you know better, do better. It’s like saying, oh we have learned that putting babies to sleep on their stomachs before they could roll on their own contributed to sudden infant death syndrome, but hey, I’m gonna not gonna put my baby on her back or side as suggested and hope she’ll be okay.)🤔 7. If you knew someone whose baby sadly got water intoxication or even your own child then many of these comments would not be so smart and snide. 8. 75 percent water already! Everything does not need to be 100 percent!! 9. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. 10. There was a time when cigarettes were deemed to be safe and even believed to have health benefits! (And look where we are now). With time, experience and studies we learn different so we do different. Anything that will affect the health of my baby it only seems rational to follow what is suggested. Have a blessed day people!!😊
The thing is - she died from drinking 3 gallons of water in a two hour window in order to win a contest where she could win a wii, supposedly. The thing is - she drank distilled water and not normal water. Please watch this video where it is thoroughly explained: th-cam.com/video/J3HivpHP-5I/w-d-xo.html
The worst part is they don't tell you about this at all. I found out from a friend and from the common sense of wondering why people so desperately need to buy formula. This one couple was unlucky fed their baby water. The baby passed away and they were hauled off to jail for murder.
I've tried sharing this knowledge with others, however there've been times when it wasn't well received, folks thinking I'm either joking or full of crap. Thank you for explaining so well. I hope many people watch this.
I would've believed you once you explained why...or atleast I would've looked into it.Sometime you can't tell someone that if they walk in a specific direction they may fall off a cliff,you just have to let them find out through experience,but when it comes to a child how can we not cry out constantly to them to save his or her life...that's what the village is for,to raise a child.
Yeah we knew about this as part of a parenting course. My boy is 2.5 now and has a water bottle, a juice bottle, and a milk bottle. He usually empties each of those once per day (the juice bottle gets diluted juice, and the bottle itself is half the volume of the other two)
I remember a mom was criminally charged in her babies death because she gave him water, I felt bad for her because I never knew babies could not drink water either. And I have mentioned it to people and a lot of other people said they also had no idea water would kill babies
@@eIon_for_dinner FYI, Americans use the metric system. I got a degree in biochemistry and we used the metric system in every course. The only time Americans don’t use the metric system is when we’re in day to day life.
The general American public (probably the target audience) uses imperial. This isn't aimed towards scientists. The audience are going to prefer imperial. It's all marketing.
@@iforgot8376 The target audience is anyone who is interesting in the topic, i.e. science. Do you really think only Americans possess such an interst? And fyi, Americans use metric for science class and for the field as a whole. Thus it is ridiculous for this channel to be using imperial
14 year of school including 2 units of biology, 4 health and safety classes, and heck, even chemistry…and I had no idea about this! Like it didn’t even cross my mind once!
My mom gave me,my siblings, my nieces and nephews water and were all fine 🤷🏽♀️ She always said babies need a little bit of water to rinse the milk off their tongues so it doesn’t get sour.
Before seeing this video... I never even realized that babies don’t drink water.
Humor with George TV ik
Humor with George TV lmao right
Me too
Humor with George TV they can... just not supposed to & not a lot of it
Then I am not alone
This should be a general public service announcement! Not just some random video on TH-cam!
I agree my mother has bowl cancer from the microscopic bugs in water and my grandmother died on the weekend from the same,it's so upsetting and to me due to it BEING so close to home,!I have a newborn he had his first immunisation with the rotavirus and got very sick one if the recommendations from go was hydrolyte powder mixture given to him with water obviously boiled but you can see what it does to a kettle alone after a few boils alone I buy expensive water from natural water sources and boil it due to being so paranoid as I have lost a child due to a infection in my kidneys from tap water this needs to be informed nation wide on tv as an announcement ,let's pray and hope that the angels above can intervene and help our society's with this problem !
Most parents are aware of this when they have a child
Lol. When you become a parent, you learn this stuff. This isn't a new discovery.
@@TheBusyJane No shit. It still happens though, so it should be a PSA instead of a YT video.
@@irismoller4729 wtf that's horrible I'm so sorry for your loss... Thanks alot for sharing I'm truly shocked will also boil my water now (no tap) I buy water
Being a parent is scary so many ways to harm a baby, every new parent should take infant safety courses.
No you just don't do stupid shit lol
Tampatec doctors and nurses probably tell parents about this and more stuff before they go home with baby
I stronly agree 👌👌
Your everywhere
@@garnetuniverse4212 you're noticing ... sick!
Human Babies are honestly some of the weakest, fragile, and helpless babies of any species on this planet
Like seriously, it's a miracle we all didn't die...
Right! Babies of other beings adapt themselves to their environment in a short time and can sustain their lives on their own. However, babies of human beings can hardly stand on their feet in two years .
We were made in a lab and seeded on planet Earth millions of years ago.
@@RelevantRhythm dream along, fool
@@MarlockMulm It's called having an open mind, Sheep.
@@RelevantRhythm It's called ignorance of proven facts and coming up with random ass theories just to be anti-something
Just realised that I'm NOT ready to have a kid AT ALL
Exactly like I'm struggling with just trying to have the courage to do my assignments long enough taking care of a baby LMFAO 😭😭 I can't
I'm 41 and still not ready. I never will be, so it's a good thing I am childfree.
@@AA-wc3tw its okay
My baby got thrush at 1.5 months which the doctor told me to give my baby 1 oz of water a day or he will need meds, at 2 month appointment it was gone
You’re mature enough to know this! You’ll do great when you do decide it’s time. Use protection!
I have never even questioned why they just drink milk. Never put any thought into it, I guess..
Me either. Kind of strange lol
It’s called indoctrination
Natalie Marie no lol
Milk is just fatty water
babies instinctly hold their breath in water aswell
Faith Costello IKR
^ this dude now 100% water
I knew from my niece my sister never gave her water
I remember my grandma telling me I needed to give my infants water, that they used to give their babies water. I’m so glad I had read a parenting book before my first was born and the book had this information in there. Idk how her kids, one of them being my mom, survived. 😳
Yes they used to give babies water
My grandma and mom give me daughter water daily , i cry everyday about it but apparently I was also give water as a newborn
Can you please name the book you read about parenting?
They used to do tons of things that were harmful (they often did not know better),like smoking and drinking alcohol and no carseats,no seef sleeping,tons of toys on thr cribs,child.mortality rate has decreased a lot since then.
i never realized that babies never drink water.... how bout that
Daniel Chachanashvili
Go pack
Catch me outside, *how bout that.*
Daniel Chachanashvili But they CAN HAVE WATER!
Daniel Chachanashvili it’s not that they don’t drink water. It’s that they drink diluted water. There is water in formula and breast milk it’s just diluted. Breast milk is 88% water. But that 12% of other stuff in it makes the difference potentially between life and death.
@@ragon39, you can't dilute water by adding extra water, like any other chemical.
Babies can drink water perfectly fine and they dont have to be 6 months old. The reason that babies dont drink water like adults do is because most of their food has a high water content which means they dont need additional water. Formula has water, breastmilk has high water content and pureed foods have high water content. It isnt until they start eating table food and less foods with hogh water content that they need “additional” fluids/water. If your baby is in warmer climates, and is losing water via sweating then it is definitely ok to give them water. Dont take youtube videos as the gospel.
Do your research my friend
drake wednner Im a doula. Ive done the research, friend.
True. Especially in West Africa. It gets really HOT
Thank you for this comment. It's important people don't rely on videos
Their kidneys can't properly deal with water its the equivalent of over drinking water and drowning your kidneys as a grown human sooo yes babies don't need water they get it in other ways
When they give the baby water, it turns in to 100% water. The mom looks away and looks back to find a puddle on the floor.
This comment is too underrated
the milky way I know right? But a comment that says "but they are made of water" gets 12k likes.
why is this so funny im dying
This had me laughing out loud holy, this needs to be the top liked comment
L LaMaster not funny
I knew babies shouldn’t drink water but never really understood the reasoning x.x thanks for this video, very informative and clear 🙏
Something like this should be common knowledge but I had no idea
Seun Man, a lot of things need to be common knowledge. I wish school classes taught things based on life more...
My Gosh i am 58 yrs old don't have children. I do have nieces n nephews. Thank god i never killed them with water. I never knew this. Please get this information out there to school n day care centers. This should be widely know😯
i cant speak for the whole country but where i live they canceled all home ec classes for being "sexist towards women" even though alot of men took the classes (like 2/3) and they really cut back on sex ed beyond teaching you about every STD on the planet and basically saying "wear a condom or you'll definitely get AIDS even if your both virgins" (i wish i was exagerating) but never taught us anything about what to do once you actually had a kid. I'm smack dab in the middle of an ultra liberal area so it's not even a religious or moral thing.
Seun Helloooo Everyone 🌚🌚🌚🌝🌝🌝🌞
Why would it be common knowledge unless you were expecting a child, or were a parent?
“. If your baby shows signs of water intoxication take it to the doctor right away-“
Have your tried putting it In rice?
@@abdulmoid267 babies dont develop a soul until they are 2 years of age so it is appropriate to refer to them as 'it' or 'thing'
@@hotpockets2224 please I don't want a scientific debate here, all I am saying is that they are also humans but small so you should also treat them as you do with others.
@@abdulmoid267 The UN Convention on Human Rights declare that until 2, human souls must be left to form, and using the terms "he" or "she" instead of "it" or then" can cause severe neurological defects. Therefore, it is acceptable to call a child under 2 years of age "it" or "thing".
Source: Your, Bumhole. (2005, August) Why People Can't Take A Joke.
Retrieved from www.gocommitdie.com
Abdul Moid it was supposed to be a joke :/
I had no idea that babies couldn’t drink water lmao
They can lol
@@thekoalakingdomshow6319 only after 6 months tho
@@RunEnabled Plot twist; God wants you to be a parent.
This fact should be clearly explained on dry baby formula. When I read instructions that you can't use less water or more water when mixing formula, as directed on the box, I was always trying to be as specific as possible. But my relatives always were saying that i paid too much attention to preparation process and I could not explain them a real reason why it was important, except showing directions for mixing. It made me feel stupid sometimes. Thanks God, I had a strong feeling inside, that I was doing a right thing!
Very good that you listened to your own intuition and not to what they said!
You know, you'd think they'd mention that at the hospital when they babies are born. I've had two kids and no one ever mentioned this.
@@Rafaal03 It's not a lie. You can give babies really small amounts of water, which I learned as a mother. Like 4 ounces or something. But I still think that it should be told to new mothers. Sorry my comment provoked you.
lmao dont apologize to him, hes nothing but a little troll. he probably watches the news on tv and thinks its a reliable source of information.
@@Rafaal03 not a lie, I have a toddler brother that didn’t drink normal water when he was a baby. My parents chose that and they’re both family doctors.
I have had my pediatrician tell me this when I had my 1st child. But I don't think I was told for all of my children. It really should be standard info to give to parents of infants.
Because most people know this. How many times in your life have you seen a new born just chugging away at a bottle of water? Babies =milk. Ffs.
just when i thought i was ready to start adulting, the internet shows me this!
with spell fox ears and fox tail
Hahahaha ikr 😭
@Chloé's stuff probally not alot aka glass water
Mom: "its only a bit of rain, it won't hurt you"
Babies: *heavy breathing intensifies*
Bevsworld04 I hate myself for laughing XD
That one friend I laughed too
Im a 30y old, and that shit made me laugh... gfuckingg
Strangest patient situation I ever came across was a patient who came in on fluid restriction after purposely drink so much water they bottomed out their sodium levels - why? We never really understood why or how they did this but it was odd 🙃
Sounds like a waterholic
If you aren’t aware of all the hormonal reasons that such an incident could occur (ie: diabetes insipidus, anti-diuretic hormone imbalances, etc), I highly question your credentials and your ability to be in a position in which you have “patients.” 😳
@@familylifetoo9541 Water diabetes? What's that? I'm a diabetic and have never heard of this??
@@RedRoseSeptember22 I'm not sure- I think its a genetic disease. I heard of it and looked it up once. I ll look it up again. It a condition that has to do with the pituitary glad where your body can't regulate water levels like you lose your important electrolytes the way I understand it.
This seems like really important information. Why am I learning it for the first time at age 26. Do they teach it in parenting courses? Does your doctor tell you? Why do the parents keep it a secret from the rest of us? I did not click on this video expecting to have my world turned upside down but BOY DID IT EVER
simonsaysism, I'm 56 and have studied health are related subjects in detail and this is the first time I've ever encountered this and too wonder why I've never encountered this information before.
I have a health & teaching background (daycare/babies care, plus teaching parenting health classes) & the reason you haven't heard it before is because it's bullshit clickbait
@@lilaclizard4504 can you expand on that?
I don't know ounces, but pretty sure the numbers they are talking about are so high as to be impossible for a baby to drink, but particularly if a baby is on formula & the weather is hot or he/she has diarrhoea, water can be very important for them (breast milk naturally adjusts better, but it's still not perfect).
If sick they will go off their food & not take a bottle, or vomit if they do try to drink it, due to being sick & as such their stomach not having the capacity to digest it in that moment.
Best option in that situation is to wet a washer with boiled water & give it to the baby, who will do what they do with EVERYTHING & put it in their mouth & if dehydrated, normal responses will kick in & they will start to suck it & obtain the critical water they need.
If they have signs that something's really not right, that water should be while calling & waiting for an ambulance to arrive. If they seemed fine, it can be prevention & as long as they stay stable, just monitoring for a few hours & they should return to looking ok, if not, hospital time.
I do cover various symptoms in the classes I teach, but more than anything I teach just to trust "mother's intuition" because signs & symptoms in young babies are generally so hidden (instinct, the predator targets the weak member of the herd, babies instinctively mask when weak) that even professionals have trouble identifying them in clear cut terms, but a mother (or father) knows their baby & if something's off, they'll pick it, even though they most probably won't be able to define it in words & so that's what should be used as a guide to further medical care being needed.
If they're really sick, babies will deteriorate very quickly & boiling the water will be time consuming enough! For parents to start searching for gastrolite or whatever speciality formulas they might be considering & searching exactly when they're suitable & if it matches the baby wastes too much time, plus causes parental stress that the baby picks up on & gets sicker. Water is all they need short term. If they're not that sick, then again water is all that's needed to get things back into enough balance that the baby's body can handle it from there.
Babies aren't as fragile as new parents think they are. They'll endure most things :) biggest risk to them is probably scared parents, so videos like this really aren't helpful for anyone but ad revenue
Lilac Lizard, good to know, thank you.
Now that I think about it...
We can die from anything.
I study this module, they say everything is a poison if you don't take right doses
Only in excess
@Boi wait how can we do from boredom??
Well you can't die from leaving comments apparently.
@@weneedmoreconsideratepeopl4006 yes you can. if you endlessly keep writing comments without executing body processes then yes you will die, condition being you are left untreated and you only keep commenting. no eating, no breathing, no bathroom, nothing.
“Damage your brain cells”
*_bold of you to assume I have any_*
-looks at your entire channel-
bold of you to assume theres anything to damage inside my bone sack
Excessively for water bottle limit 2 liters per daily will be increase brain grows will be damage migrana
What cells
U can write so they must be damaged
I have seen babies being given a little bit of water. The idea that babies don't get thirsty, hot or dehydrated it a strange one.
You’re not supposed to give them whiskey either but that never stopped my parents.
@Yorick Rodriguez
Teething remedy.
Plus, back in the day, my pediatrician told my mom to give me a hot toddy when I was sick. Or sore throat.
Hot water, honey, whiskey.
Yes, my parents would rub rakiya on my gums as a baby when i was teething. They said they learned it from my grandparents who used it on all their kids, and it was a practice among every house in our village.
I want those parents, where can I sign up?
Yorick Rodriguez choked
I knew babies shouldn’t have water subconsciously but I never really realised it until now
Nicole Cranham right it was almost subconciously understood almost but i wasn't sure why untill now. I just figured if I breast fed my baby they'd get everything they needed.
Instinct maybe
This is scary
I know right
Fking stalker leave me alone
Alan MacLaren huh?
And now youre here again beach
8B 08 Clive Michio Achwan Me?!?
You need to specify "infant" in the title, since many parents give their year-old babies small amounts of water on hot days, and it's fine.
they specify it pretty early on in the video, no need
Infant=6months-18months. Babies are younger.
Or at least, this is how we call them at my daycare.
@@oeeveemkittygfreak I think you have that backwards, a newborn is definitely an infant, since killing a newborn is called infanticide
@@specialopsdave I just looked it up, and apparently the terminology waivers. But in general, newborn=first month, infant=first year, and baby=anything between 0-4 years old.
Which is definitely weird to me, seeing how I always associated baby with "can't crawl yet" for whatever reason. I definitely understand people associating "baby" with anything with chubby cheeks... But the fact it's mostly associated with newborns for me is just... Mind boggling to me. I'm guessing it's a culture thing or maybe just a personal thing. Oh well. Ya learn something new every day~
Yeah people think "baby" means 8 months old when we ate clearly talking about 6 months and younger, especially the first couple weeks a.k.a new born stage
-Never give them water
-Never expose them to light
-And never ever feed them after midnight!!!
Last one can be broken
Also the second thing one
@@AM-tc2ff I think he's joking
LOL! I miss that movie!
Isn't it technically always after midnight, though?
People have died due to water poisoning, like that woman who tried to win a Wii on some radio contest.
I thought she survived
water is good water is life
Water poisoning... wat
@@lhinglakof4406 yeah it's real
I remember hearing about that , and yes people it was real
But they are made of water
Check My Playlist we are made out of blood too... doesn’t mean we should become vampires
sonic artist/animator I’m just responding to the logic in the joke tbh. I get your point tho we actually drink water unlike blood but yeah the “you’re made out of it so consume it” logic
That's irony.
TOo much water = no sodium and whole body swells up
@@futurekillerful wooosh
My baby cousin was a week old when he became very fussy with a bloated belly. He hadn’t had a bowel movement in a day or two . My grandpa suggested to give him a few sips of baby water and boom- the poop and gas INSTANTLY started coming out . The baby was so relieved after getting everything out ( and getting a warm bath) he slept like an angel. I think he was constipated from all of the milk.
So maybe in small sips it’s okay for some babies? I’m not sure but it worked well in that instance .
Exactly the same with my newborn. Gave him a few sips of lukewarm water and he was happy.
Sips are okay! It's like when bathing them, it's okay if they accidentally have a few sips of water. Same for giving just a few sips. Just as long as it isn't more than like maybe 2oz (a lot for a newborn) they'll be okay! Honestly that's such a good idea when they're constipated, I didn't even think of it for mine😭 that's so smart to do honestly. He was constipated for 6 months. It was so bad. He even had an intake of about 44oz a day of milk but it still wasn't helping😞 thank u for making this post though!!
A few sips is like it’s a perfect fit for their little bellies, that happened to all my siblings when they were babies younger that 3 months… they were happy too 😂
I work in pediatrics and that’s definitely NOT something to do!! There are other things you can do for a constipated baby such as gentle bicycle kicks, rectal stimulation such as taking temperature rectally, gripe water, probiotics. If they are on formula, maybe try switching formula’s or talk with your pediatrician about switching to a different formula for constipation. Babies should NOT have water until they are 6 months. Once they reach 6 months, they can have 1-2 oz of water. Their organs and bodies are still developing so DO NOT GIVE WATER UNTIL 6 MONTHS!!!! I cannot express that enough😧
We also like waiting until 6 months to give water because they can hold their heads up with little support vs. a newborn baby.
@@autumn18178 Kinda surprised someone working in pediatrics recommends gripe water. It works for some babies, but can cause allergic reactions in others and can even introduce bad bacteria to their bellies, making the gas, bloating, and colic worse. Most pediatricians will suggest other methods before recommending gripe water. If your baby is constipated, talk to their doctor.
But lowkey I'm a hypocrite because I used gripe water without being advised to and thankfully my baby didn't have any issues with it. All babies are different, I too would recommend it but always talk to the doctor first for a more safe first option.
So babies would do great on desert expeditions?
@Edgy MoonwalkaYes, because they wouldn't need any water which means they wouldn't be dehydrated. but the bad news is that they sweat and they will be over hydrated. So, it's a win win
@@reactionsfromjpridevlogs3697 they'll sweat, so they'll loose water therefore they need to replenish the water but babies kidneys can't handle water. Therefore baby dies.
You are either a genius or a great fool
@@irrelevance3859 Yeah your right but I did say they will sweat and Overhydrate
Self care people on twitter threads and dermatologists would be so mad if they read that title
anastasia lmao
Im your 1k likeeeeee
I am not vaccinating my child it turns them green at least according to people on 4Chan
Mikee 1234444 it’s true I read some rick lady’s blog once and she said that
I just asked my mom if she ever gave me water 💧🚰💦 before 6 months she said "since the first day" HOW AM I ALIVE
Cause it’s safe. People are stupid. Lmao how would you think it feels to drink milk alll day and no water? 1-2 oz A day is good for a baby
@@shaunnen7437 I gave both my kids water a day they are both fine. It's funny how they say no water but if you use formula powder you need water to mix it.
Faith Kings exactly lol
@@shaunnen7437 not newborns. Maybe a tiny little bit would be OKAY when they're a bit older, but babies get all the water they need from their milk or formula until they're old enough for solids. Babies may have survived in the past when given water because people didn't know it was dangerous but it could have been bad. I was warned when I had my first baby when I was leaning about taking care of a newborn to never give them water.
I asked my mom and she said about 2oz with a lil bit of sugar
In my family we give all babies water. Especially if they’re having stomach issues. I’m not a doctor but please know that not all TH-cam videos give accurate information. None of the babies in our family have any long term health issues from being fed water every now and again…
I've just read comments from other people saying that small sips of water is fine. I mean if a baby is having a bath, they're bound to swallow a bit of water and they're always completely fine
I come from Africa and we used to give water mixed with glucose to babies right from birth, weaning was done at 3 months and thus babies were given normal water. I don't know why or how that changed after 2005.
Same. My family gave infants “baby water” as well and nothing happened. maybe pure tropical coconut water will be better? I know mothers milk is the primary source of nutrients for children..: And as we all know, majority of Doctors don’t know what the hell they’re talking about 👀
Were they over six months old?
The most scariest thing is that this got recomended now?
Drink some we water
That's why i don't let my baby drink milk. He's got to snort those milk powder from the table.
Cows milk actually slows childrens cognition down. Everyone thinks my kids are so smart but really its just that everyone elses kid is clogged and backed up from their little bodies trying so hard to process all the dairy. Dairy is worse for children than meat, but meat is worse for adults than dairy. Stop feeding your kid milk and dairy and you'll see an obvious boost in their cognition and awareness
@@sanjayw9878 what
@@DezhdaBear dairy makes your kids brain slower bro
@@sanjayw9878 so I've heard but why reply this here though..m
@@DezhdaBear So someone can see it and know. You are obviously not the person meant to recieve this message
"0.4 ounces of sodium per gallon"
*confused metric noises*
that's 3.5 nimps of salt per oogle of water.
@@Ass_of_Amalek wtf HAHAHA
2.9 grams of sodium per litre
Thankyou. It was closely followed by 200,000 Americans. Apparently the channels doesn't realise TH-cam exists outside murica.
@@arlert4396 thank you
I learned about babies not drinking water before, but I had no idea it could cause damage like this. Thank you.
Stuff I didn’t know of but needed to watch
So you can use That information in The future
Stuff they don't teach at school
Lol, babies can drink water... My sister when she was borned she was drinking water... I mean.... Wtf is wrong with these TH-camrs?!
@@mattex4217 yes they can, the video is talking about newborns..
-did you even watch it?-
every morning i wake up to water my babies. i dedicate my life to the tending of my crop for a bountiful harvest
DZY 😂😂
Why did I laugh😂
MavisDom ! Literally died 😂😂
Guys let's flex on baby's by drinking water
@im an epic gamer EDUCATED GAMER BBY
@your free trail of legs has ended r/iamverysmart
Yes 😎
Babies: let's flex on adults by drinking... milk
It is crazy how the hospital pediatrician gave me instructions to give my infants a couple of ounces of water everyday in the early 90s but prohibited my infant born in 2000 water for the first 6 months.
nice that they made the turn...
This is why infants need to come with a how-to book
Imagine your wife giving birth and a book comes out before the baby does
But the bad news is :
It's an outdated version
@@TheSlimeKilling_Minecart good because people don’t know how to care about there kids 😒🤦🏻♀️🤡
How the hell did we survive
It's hidden in the placenta
Jesus can walk on walker.
Babies are 75% water.
I can walk on babies.
I am 75% Jesus.
Tussan 150 Amen
but can you turn water into wine?
I can turn babies into wine
mind blown
@SgtPiggie Damn dude I just noticed that.
0:52 Hypo meaning low, natrium refers to levels of natrium or sodium, and emia meaning presence in blood
low sodium presence in blood.
*Chubbyemu intensifies
@@GantengPolNotok *uWu intensifies lethally.
That’s cool how you did that.
“BB” is a six month old baby presenting to the emergency room with constant seizures, confusion and shortness of breath.
When my babies were tiny (mid 70's)I was told to give water in a bottle between breast feeds when the weather was hot. It didn't seem to cause any problems. I hope that it hasen't created unknown problems for them growing up.
No, it didn't. If it was going to cause them any harm, it would have happened then, rather than later on. Also, when a baby has a stomach bug, parents were told to give boiled, cooled water little & often. Now, there are great rehydration formulas that are milk free, but specially designed for babies with stomach bugs. My friend was a doctor & when her daughter became sick after eating banana at about 4 months old, she gave her boiled, cooled water instead of breastmilk & stopped feeding her solids until she stoppped vomiting. As long as you don't give too much at once, a baby would be OK. But they can only handle small amounts.
Ironic... they're made out of water but can't drink water
Ironic.. they’re made out of blood, organs, bone and flesh but they can’t drink/eat any of that.
A n d r e a Lol
A n d r e a Ironic that humans are made of water but can drink it at a specific age but not blood organs bones and flesh
Milk contains water
A n d r e a We can
They are made of more water and drinking water turns them into full water balloons.
just another commenter lol
Lol 🤣
I'm a normal human so I don't know what Gallons or Ounces are
1 gallon = 4 liters
I do
There is a 128 oz in a Gallon
@@ananimoselty2234 1 gallon=4 quarts liters are a lil more than quarts
this is the type of shit that needs to be taught to everyone at school.
im 28 with a 6 yr old and i cant recall every being told not to give my child water. and i attended a few baby classes as well.
My kids are 11 and 13 years old and I am just learning this...
I'm patting myself on the back for not killing them in their infancy.
imyourconscience You’re fired
I'm sorry, that was too funny😂
Do you hate that babies have their hands in a fist like wtf bro you cant even stand up yet wtf are you planning
They pissed cuz they cant have water. They be like wtf mom I'll kill u.
@@scottscage6409 gotta love communist propoganda
Ahmed Seckinov they beating the air up
*Next Video:* "Why water is important for babies!"
dafuq. only for 6 month old babies
Nightcor EDM r/whoosh
@@NightcorEDM r/whoooooooooooooooooosh
Was gonna do that
It’s okay in small bits, when my daughter was constipated or gassy we’d give her a little water- it was actually recommended by the doctor. 1 oz of water per month of age on occasion is perfectly healthy
Yes it help very wel
Yes, this is true. Water as medicine, not as hydration as we adults drink it. ❤
M giving water to my baby from 3 months
>Adults: 55-60% water
>Babies: 75% water
Probably why babies pee more often
_Reivax _ WOAH Jesus Christ my mind
But also probably because their bladder capacities are smaller
>Why my gf pees every 3 seconds
@@bagelbytes69420 > yo gf 2 my g
cuz she's a baby
But they are already 75% of water.
Everyone should aim for 100%. Teach that baby early. Aim for 100% of water.
reported for: dangerous misleading comment.
Vold of nothingness someone doesnt understand jokes
But I don't want my baby to be Poseidon
@@CyniColt You don't understand a joke
@@wevemiwevvles5146 i commented this a month ago this is irrelevant
I remember that news were a mother died of water intoxication because she wanted to win a Wii in a contest for her family 😔😔😔 it's so sad.
Yea chubbyemu did a video on it
Yeah that was sad
That's really sad
That's exactly what I was thinking when the video brought up water intoxication in adults.
She was drinking Gallons of water and refused to use the bathroom to relieve herself. All for a game system that she could have just bought for roughly $50. Im sorry for her loss but if you ask me it’s her own fault..
The dislikes be like :
Nah, thats just another way to ki.... i mean, control population.
Lots of old people will always say that they did give water to babies.
Nah it's the Aussies like me and peeps who live anywhere you sweat a LOT. Here you actually need to occasionally give 2-6month old infants water (or watered down formula/breastmilk) if it's too hot and they're dehydrated. The video is a bit dramatic about it and frankly, not correct in all cases. And yes, this is actual medical advice I've received for my infant.
am i the only one that never realized babies couldn’t drink water until i saw this video?
did u read the comment s
They can formula is mixed with water
Same, I had to ask my mom right away
Never knew too, how do babies drink if water is bad even in Or have I heard wrong?
Nope. :|
This was informative! I wonder why this isn't as widely talked about like other things such as the appropriate age to give a baby cow's milk or honey.
Shara Ford
Cow milk has Mammalian hormones that can affect growth. Estrogen, IGF1. Also it's really fatty, and most cows have infections, and cow milk has shit it in. This is why it needs to be cooked (pasteurization) even than the hormones are still their it still had puss and shit, and it's not a good source of vitamin They add Vitamin D to Cow milk it isnt in cow milk, and or the cooking burns off the vitamins.
It's litterally toxic. Why is over 50% of the world Allergic to it??? Milk helped us survive when we were living in the woods, we definitely don't need it now
@@mexicanmuslim what about human milk
Human Milk is vastly different.
Also just think dude, The Dairy Industry advertises milk so much that you love it and crave cheese and Ice Cream so much.
But MOST People wouldnt want to drink a Woman's breast milk. If you don't want to drink a Woman's breast milk (Generally) why would you drink another animals
Also milk is for the Mothers baby not you. Just go vegan.
@@mexicanmuslim, most of what you said isn't true.
Uncle Andy
List it. Explain it. Otherwise your comment is pointless. Defend yourself or f off
Baby birds can't drink water too! So if you ever get to take care of a baby bird that has fallen from its nest, don't give them water nor milk! It's very dangerous for them.
SAK- SOON yes sir
Looks like they gonna thirst to death
@@gowen_places_5471 Thirst to death? You mean dehydration
Eboni Bryant pretty much the same thing
@@bryanteboni4204 lmao
Very useful - now if only you had also mentioned what the signs of water intoxication in babies were
Water intoxication. The only intoxication you can't go to jail for.
Incredibly false.
Wait what? Since when is drinking illegal, is the prohibition back?
@Naked Squirtle i know that but he just didn't phrase it well
you don't end up in jail, you end up in a coffin.
Al F welll if a baby dies of water intoxication the parents would likely face a jail sentence so that’s technically false lol
I am happy my parents didn’t kill me
I'm honestly surprised my parents didnt kill me. As soon as i could walk I'd wander into fields with snakes, coyotes, and stray dogs for hours on end. One time i went missing for 4 hours and they found me under the deck.
i wish they killed me
Christinamay123 mood
Super Blaster 64 im not
how do you know?
Anddd ofc they still have the best skin
Riya Vivek 🤔💯
Riya Vivek. What means ofc, pls ?!
@LOLLIPOP2662 tks the kindness.
jurubatubaze google is a thing which exists.
So the world should have been dead so far!!
When I had my kids 30 years ago all of the mothers have been told at the hospital to give our babies water. Nobody said it is deadly dangerous. And my kids grew into healthy women who themselves have their babies. And now they have been told at the same hospital (just 30 years later) to not give water to their baby!!!
Just do what I do
Put extra salt in your fries
Not if you consume just as much water.
Thanks, now I have kidney stones
Hey good luck with that erectile dysfunction
Aarian Malhotra z
Or don’t have kids
Holy shit this is dangerous as hell why didn't I know of this before
Because your asshole
Is shit
good one
Dan is that you ?!
Because it's not
this comment thread is all fucked up lol
This is why I'm scared to be a parent. What if I do something I don't know and it injures my kids, I wouldn't never forgive myself
you shouldn’t have kids at all, because they will die at some point.
@@sparklingfashion6276 wow thats depressing
@vincent deschatelets make a new one
You would never regret having a kid
@@sparklingfashion6276 and the parent will at some point die too
It’s amazing how we’ve survived for this long.
2:05 baby kidneys look like babies 😂
Trump? :v
What kind of moron are you?
All kidneys look like babies Emma 🙄
@@ajantsmith6139 she is just a kid
@THAT IS MY UCHIHA WAY you meant "on TH-cam" if you're gonna insult me at the very least make your insult grammatically correct you moron.
Nice to know, I would have hydrated my child from birth
I would say me too, but the doctors would warn us before
“I would have tried to kill my child from birth”
Wtf is wrong with you
You mean *overhydrated
Mewkityy fun fact: you learn a lot when you get pregnant & deliver
Yet my mother in law always insisted that I should give my babies water. I love her, but I never loved her advice. Smile, nod, then go your own way and do the right thing.
It depends on how old they are at the time. It's a good first step to weaning them off of milk
@@specialopsdave Right. I’m pretty sure that it’s safe in a limited amount after 6 months
Exactly! Well, my mother in law is very kind, but I bet my own mom would tell me the same! 😂 Yes, do what you need to do for your own kids! I agree!
I feel like my mother and I kind of have this type of relationship.
I think you should correct her. She can advice that to someone who will listen...
My cousin gave her daughter an ounce water a day before she was even 1 month and that baby girl loves to drink water. I don't get these "now-a-days" new parenting, honestly. Everyone thinks the "old ways" of parenting is the worse, but a lot of time these same people go back to the old ways or the old remedies, to care for their child. I am due Jan 2022 and there is no way I am not giving my baby at least an ounce water a day or every other day. I am old school.
To sum up this video, over hydration.
A lot of this is very exaggerated to be honest...
@@gravityfallscanada How so?
Google "baby drinking water" there is a half a dozen pages of findings on this subject. Yes, a lot of water is bad for a baby, but this video claims that a small amount is bad for an infant...
Hydration is very important, to the point of brain damage for an infant and only drinking milk can dehydrate a baby...
So you're saying that i survived more than 3 months without water ?
Ragu inacan does tit milk taste like cow milk ?
6 months.
@Ragu inacan I love the sentence you have created. 😂
but wait then wtf is in the baby bottle?
Ragu inacan Right, there’s water in almost everything we drink. But it’s combined to make other compounds, so it’s not pure water, not the substance our body needs. Water itself is what we cannot survive without. Milk is milk, it’s not water. It contains a lot of water, but it’s not the purest form of water. We can survive without milk.
parenting guide everyone
Exactly.. My mom and dad Probably never Watched Life hacks and These videos too. I Watch Pychology videos too even tho I'm really young to watch these
dO NoT TeLl mE HoW tO PaRenT mY BAbY HOw daRe YOu
What’s so aggravating is grandparents think it’s so okay for babies to drink water, my in laws were trying to make me give my nb water but I knew better.
* _Serves Gordon Ramsay water_ *
*_"Tasteless, no seasoning at all in this, it's so watery and cold! Definitely not fresh!"_*
The waters dry.
This water is soggy, undercooked, look, it's all doughy in the middle, disgusting.
its watery
I need olive oil and lamb sauce
Y.V-Young Vinny *ITS DRY*
My daughter will be 37 on July 31st. When she was born she was even given water in the hospital!! It was common to give babies a little water occasionally. When she herself gave birth I asked her why she never gave my granddaughter any H2o and she told me about the dangers and I was shocked and grateful that nothing bad happened to her when she was a baby.
I know! We used sugar water in the hospital between feedings!
Wow. How far we've come. My grandma used to ask me if I gave my baby water and I was confused. But I guess it was normal to her
My mom is practically forcing me to give my baby water,that’s why I searched for such a video
@@stefaniefenty3999 had same issue even we argued because our parents get angry like they give when they raised us and now we invented new "methods"
@@stefaniefenty3999 DO NOT DO IT! Omg, always defer to a pediatrician. My nephew was hospitalized and almost died from water poisoning. He drank about one bottle of water per day and ended up in the hospital
That's the reason why babies always piss, even if they don't drink water. They are full of water.
That explains a lot.
Babies are born retaining water. During the first few weeks they loose water weight.
They're like a leaky water balloon lol
When training hard I used to make my own isotonic drink. 1litre water + pinch of salt + 1tsp sugar (to cover salt taste. This mix is better and far cheaper than so called “sports drinks”
This feels like an A Thousand Ways To Die episode
Dinese K lmao
*Dumb ways to die!!!! So many dumb ways to die!!! Dumb ways to di-i-ie so many dumb ways to die!*
Man dies from looking at sun for 5 seconds
How. I have looked longer into the sun as a child
i think someone did die this way on the show
I’m amazed at the comments on this video. SMH. Take home points;
1. There is enough water content in breast milk/formula for babies until they begin eating solids in that they do not need additional water.
2. It is plain water (that is, water with no formula mixed in) or diluted formula that is the issue when given before babies are eating solids.
3. Most babies start solids at age 4 to 6 months.
4. When babies start solids a general rule is to give the amount of ounces per day as the age of the baby, (e.g 4 months old get 4 ounces per day, 5 months old get 5 ounces a day etc.) and those ounces should be split over 24 hours.
5. If a doctor suggest water before your baby starts eating solids, he/ she has a reason that is specific to your child.
6. Many of us got water as kids, and yes we are alive. But when you know better, do better. It’s like saying, oh we have learned that putting babies to sleep on their stomachs before they could roll on their own contributed to sudden infant death syndrome, but hey, I’m gonna not gonna put my baby on her back or side as suggested and hope she’ll be okay.)🤔
7. If you knew someone whose baby sadly got water intoxication or even your own child then many of these comments would not be so smart and snide.
8. 75 percent water already! Everything does not need to be 100 percent!!
9. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry.
10. There was a time when cigarettes were deemed to be safe and even believed to have health benefits! (And look where we are now). With time, experience and studies we learn different so we do different. Anything that will affect the health of my baby it only seems rational to follow what is suggested.
Have a blessed day people!!😊
WalkinginGodsgrace this deserves way more likes
why did you write a whole 6 pages of key points lol
spaxtel Because it’s important, lol. ! Blessings.
@@walkingInGodsGrace awwh. blessings
Perfect example of how we "know" nothing as a species, even after all these years...it's all just guess work and clever theories.
a lady actually died from drinking water on a contest on a radio talk show they where eventually shut down because of it
trending games yeah but she wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom and she drank a lot at once.
@@Rinsuki yeah
The thing is - she died from drinking 3 gallons of water in a two hour window in order to win a contest where she could win a wii, supposedly. The thing is - she drank distilled water and not normal water. Please watch this video where it is thoroughly explained: th-cam.com/video/J3HivpHP-5I/w-d-xo.html
She didnt pee.
trending games
She didn’t die tho
The worst part is they don't tell you about this at all. I found out from a friend and from the common sense of wondering why people so desperately need to buy formula. This one couple was unlucky fed their baby water. The baby passed away and they were hauled off to jail for murder.
I've tried sharing this knowledge with others, however there've been times when it wasn't well received, folks thinking I'm either joking or full of crap. Thank you for explaining so well. I hope many people watch this.
I would've believed you once you explained why...or atleast I would've looked into it.Sometime you can't tell someone that if they walk in a specific direction they may fall off a cliff,you just have to let them find out through experience,but when it comes to a child how can we not cry out constantly to them to save his or her life...that's what the village is for,to raise a child.
@@jermainandrew4112 ..so thoughtful
By you're full of crap I don't think they meant your info wasn't true.
Because you are full of crap. Do not think youtube has a medical degree.
Maybe if you weren't full of crap, people would believe you.
0:58 - Chubbyemu: Hypo meaning Low, Natremia meaning Sodium presence in blood
went straight to the comments when that came up lol
Was on the look out for this comment! 🤣
"Where we are now at the emergency room"
Yes! Love Chubbyemu!
Omg yes!! 🤣🤣
but i want my baby to be 100% water 😔
👍Jesus’s Sacrifice 👌
t w i t t e r s e l f - c a r e
Your pic suits your comment 😂😂
Do you want to adopt my water ballon baby? I can assure he’s 100% water!
Yeah we knew about this as part of a parenting course. My boy is 2.5 now and has a water bottle, a juice bottle, and a milk bottle. He usually empties each of those once per day (the juice bottle gets diluted juice, and the bottle itself is half the volume of the other two)
Juice ain't good for the liver
I remember a mom was criminally charged in her babies death because she gave him water, I felt bad for her because I never knew babies could not drink water either. And I have mentioned it to people and a lot of other people said they also had no idea water would kill babies
Dude! I’m 42 and didn’t know this. This should be taught to everyone!
yeah it should I’m a teenager and learned it in 5th grade from a TH-cam video though
baby don’t drink
Go read a book sometimes
Oh God..
As a channel called "Science Insider" please don't use imperial system but use metric system instead
I'm literally American and prefer metric..
@@eIon_for_dinner FYI, Americans use the metric system. I got a degree in biochemistry and we used the metric system in every course. The only time Americans don’t use the metric system is when we’re in day to day life.
The general American public (probably the target audience) uses imperial. This isn't aimed towards scientists. The audience are going to prefer imperial. It's all marketing.
@@iforgot8376 The target audience is anyone who is interesting in the topic, i.e. science. Do you really think only Americans possess such an interst? And fyi, Americans use metric for science class and for the field as a whole. Thus it is ridiculous for this channel to be using imperial
14 year of school including 2 units of biology, 4 health and safety classes, and heck, even chemistry…and I had no idea about this! Like it didn’t even cross my mind once!
Holy shit Without watching this I could’ve accidentally given my new born water
Kinda crazy when you think about it
Why would you give a new born baby water in the first place?
@@shoshoncaligula5512 you literally missed the whole point of my comment 😐
@@zorome3007 you'd think that humans would remember this shit instinctively but no
this seems like an super important thing to know that nobody told me...
Wouldn't we all be dead by now because our parents didn't know about this and gave us WATER
No, because they didn't because we aren't.
vertex Parents just never think to give their babies water in the first place, just a bunch of good ol’ titty milk
My mom gave me,my siblings, my nieces and nephews water and were all fine 🤷🏽♀️
She always said babies need a little bit of water to rinse the milk off their tongues so it doesn’t get sour.
I think most parents only give their babies milk the first months, not pure water
@@theZmoee that's probably not necessary. I don't think humans evolved to drink pure, uncontaminated, water in their first month's of life.
We gave our baby a little water... Did not hurt him. He is a healthy 21 year old.