How disgusting and vile etc to say a women is a adult female.!!! No lovvie, no man has a right to say and call himself a women and denies us our womanhood by definition. Boohoo.!! Your hurty feelings are fine, apparently, but ours are bigotry and transphobic and hate speech. God help us all. 😮 Bless KJ
You fucken right it is .... to make the 99% of the population capitulate and bow down just because the 1% feelings will get hurt is ridiculous .... here is the bottom line ... women can NOT be men and men can NOT be women ... if they want to pretend to be the opposite sex well that a different story ... Trans should have their own change rooms and washrooms and also have their own sports categories ... and let me add something ... respect and being kind is something everyone deserves ... EVERYONE ... Transgender is a condition ... gender dysphoria the problem is that there is no treatment and we as a society don't know what to do about it ...
Distort reality to just to make trans people happy?, no way. There is no such thing as hate speech, just like trans men can never be a woman. lt's only important to trans people.
fynes leigh Please Tell me where a woman is defined as being the passive of the two sexes I’m not saying it’s not true but I know that it is not defined that way a woman human adult female you don’t need to get into periods you don’t need to get into technicalities of having a vagina dictionary definitions
She is saying "be kind" whilst smirking. This is nothing more than virtue signalling. Im 100% sure that there isnt any kindness in her heart at all but only fake dishonest ridiculous, yet fashionable pc language.
blueberryboy if they are women you wouldn’t need to use the word trans. You can no more change your sex than change your race. You can approximate it with hacking around your genitals. If that’s what people want to do then great.
I'm all for kindness, but when you have to deny and distort reality in order to avoid hurting people's feelings', then you're heading towards collective insanity.
Little Bit Sure - that's called diplomacy and being a nice person. But, surely, overlooking aspects of reality is a different thing entirely to being directly complicit with untruth? To agree with someone that they are a woman when they have male genitals seems cruel to me, in fact - it's reinforcing a delusion. Can we be tolerant and accepting without agreeing to throw reality out of the window?
Little Bit yes we do overlook aspects of reality but your use of fat people as a comparison is bogus. You wouldn't, I would hope, call an overweight person fat to avoid hurting there feelings but if they claimed they were as skinny as you then that is a different matter.You would be perfectly entitled to point out the material facts of your different weight ratios etc. Women and men for that matter are biologically determined before birth and to claim different is illogical. Trans people do not agree with what hand nature has dealt them for numerous reasons and that is their right but women also have a right to be classified as different to trans women.
Leona Byzantium At what point does a trans person crossover from male to female or vice versa, exactly? When do their chromosomes change? When do they develop the gonads of the sex they purport to be? Oh right, none of those things happen. All they can do is adopt superficial markers of the other sex.
dev0n james Not everyone who calls herself a feminist is actually one. Actual feminists who aren't brainwashed into the liberal cult think, like myself, are fighting tooth and nail against this nonsense.
If facts offend you, the onus is on you to deal with being offended. It is not the duty of society to accommodate your offense by attempting to change the facts.
I completely agree with the caller that said they can call themselves anything they want, but they can't dictate other's speech! Also, the trans movement has hurt women's rights!
What you mean is, the gynocracy has, for a while, faltered in its attempt to establish a feminiist collective and helotise men. I don't have much patience for autogynephiles, but in the present circumstances I am sorely tempted to laugh.
@On SB I don't hate women, I hate feminism. However I will not stand by while TERFs attack and harm the weakest group in society. The arguments I hear from them are identical to those used in apartheid and against gays. Their technique is classic: identify a vulnerable minority, demonise them and attack them. FWIW I sympathise strongly with women athletes affected by this, but it is for women to bring the TERFs and other radfems into line, and I see zero effort to do this. So I'll shut up when they do.
If gender is a feeling, can we stretch it further? Can race be a feeling? Can ethnicity be a feeling? If I, as a European woman, would do surgery and whatever it takes to make me look like a stereotypical African woman, would I be African if I just say I am? If I do surgery to get a monolid and flatten my nose to look like a stereotypical Chinese, am I Chinese? How many would not be offended by this? WOMAN IS NOT A FEELING.
It's already being stretched further. Some people are "identifying" as different ethnically as well, not to mention by age groups. One man claims to be a 6 year old girl. Of all the stupidity.
You are lucky. You are lucky that you're in the right body. You're lucky you don't have to go through Gender Dysphoria. You're SO SO lucky and I don't think you see how lucky you are. Living in phantom skin is not something you feel. Yes, there are feelings associated, but at it's core, It's just wrong, and you just know. You know you're in the right body, right? You don't have to look down to know you're in the right body, because your brain matches what you have, right? You're so lucky, and I'm jealous you don't even see how lucky you are to not either be dead or be harassed every day for something you cannot control. Being trans isn't a feeling. It's clearly a disorder, and the only way to alleviate it is to transition, whether you like it or not.
Bearing XY chromosome states you're a man.. even if you've had DD silicon breast implants implanted, and have had a vagina type orifice constructed out of your penis.. FULLSTOP! A person who bears XX chromosome.. is a woman, even if she has had her breasts cut off.. and a pretend penis constructed out of the flesh of her arm or leg.. They may call themselves trans-male.. and trans-female.. but they don't actually 'BECOME' a man, or a woman.. A person who modifies their body to appear like an alien, which I have witnessed.. they can go to great lengths to appear like an alien.. but post operatively.. they are no closer to 'BECOMING' an alien than when they first began their transformation.. These are just straight out evidence based facts! These trans people are gender confused.. and gender dysphoric.. and they are litigating the rest of the world into confirming their gender confused mindset! No thanks! Not while I have free will..
@@houseofzuma1033 Yeah, Biology's only a science, isn't it? It's not as though it's something with real credibility, like your personal opinions that happen to run completely counter to it.
I don't care about snowflakes calling me transphobic, reality is reality, trans women are men in dress and long hair, trans men are women with short hair and steroids
The nonsense of the latest generation. Alternative fact are as legitimate as objective facts. You think that when the sun comes up it's day, I think differently. It might be rain, then again it might be angel water. I can be human, or, if I feel like it, I can be a turtle.
The true problem is the 'support' system which encourages them to undergo hormone treatment and a sex change at the earliest opportunity. There are massive suicide rates amongst people who have had a sex change and I don't believe that it is because society has not adjusted to this process. This support network is making money of manipulating, taking advantage of and experimenting with, as I personally believe it, a vulnerable spiritual being made flesh. Basically, holding the power of God, or if you prefer, what is perceived by man as Godly power, in their own hands.
Its madness and that woman in the studio is an imbecile and should feel embarrassed. Everyone has a right to be happy and do what they like aslong as there not hurting anyone. But now you cant even call a woman a woman or a man a man without offending someone
@@MainelyLove yea I miss the porn graffiti aswell, the full hardcore fucking in the amphitheatres, eating flamingo tongues and pissing on my clothes to 'disinfect' them, LOL
I am truly shocked , absolutely absurd a male can just say I’m female and then has all legal rights of a woman. The future in the west is truly headed for damnation . 🙁
@@caffymatthews6595 do you have problems or..? I see you replying to every comment calling people 'commies' and 'fake' left and right. You call other people nuts but i think youre the nuts one here.
The gay doctor in question - he was asked what a woman is. He replied 'Anyone who identifies as a woman'. God please help us all - a doctor does not know the difference between male and female. He really should be struck off the register, and he, as a doctor, should not be getting involved in political issues anyway.
Martina you can submit an official complaint about him on the GMC home page. He does not have to be your own GP. I have submitted such a complaint and it was accepted.
They always argue that people should be 'kind', when they are the most intolerant, vicious people around. People who will seek to destroy your life for a five second, perceived, advantage to themselves.
Well yes of course. That's the hypocrisy embedded within their position. All animals are in fact, equal, it's just that the pigs are more equal after all.
You know what's really interesting and what hardly anyone knows Richard O'Brien is self announced transgender and not willing to change physically. Richard is better known as Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show and it's playwriter and composer Richard O'Brien whole heartedly supports female only spaces and has openly stated that transwomen are not real women There's been almost no reporting on that whatsoever
I see them changing the definition not banning, they'll never use the word banning! We judge other countries for banning certain books because they deem it offensive yet here we are doing the same thing! You got movies being created that feature a dystopian future where books are being burned to ignore history and other deemed offensive literature and now we're slowly witnessing those events for ourselves!
While I totally agree that JK should not be attacked for her beliefs I would also argue that she is being very foolish using a crude and manipulative tool like Twitter to explore what is a complex debate. Twitter has one defining characteristic - it reduces all discussion to a series of pointless rants and thus brings out the very worst in people. Use it by all means to advertise your next hairdo but let's keep all serious debatable issues off that execrable platform.
@Will Grandhammer I'm against trial by social media full stop.But surely you are missing the point. This debate (which is actually a serious of complex issues such as any society undergoing change has to negotiate) concerns gender identity. It's a common fallacy to assume the trans community is in denial about one's sexual physiology at birth. But to demand that someone born female or male should be punitively 'locked' into that form despite their wish to be other appears somewhat primitive and cruel to me, given that gender fluidity is a fact. In my opinion, it would be better if we could move towards having the conversations and listeingn to everyone's point of view and stop throwing stones at one another just because we object to a particular viewpoint. The problem is that certain interested parties - bigots, Communist trolls, haters etc - utilise social media to highjack any sensible debate purely in order to destroy any social cohesion. I fear poor JK, smart as she is, has been unwittingly sucked into a world she doesn't quite comprehend.
Your comment should be put on a massive poster, and put up feckin EVERYWHERE....! I myself identify as a 3-legged wombat, but only on a Wednesday......
onenightinmay05 are you seriously telling me that a trans woman who lives every aspect of her life as a woman and has the body and brain of a woman is more of a man?
Defining woman is only offensive if women's existence offends you.... It's not her argument--it's the literal definition. If not, petition the dictionaries.
Kindness... have the trans activists been kind? Were they kind when they assaulted the older lady on Speakers Corner? Is it kind for women subject to abuse and trauma who’s safe spaces are being eroded? Is it kind to make a mockery of women? each woman who is uncomfortable having their boundaries eroded they aren’t being treated kindly. Kindness is an awful rebuttal
David Parry The transwoman was seen by witnesses to rush over to punch an elderly woman. The court convicted him of that. Oh and he was only there to attack her. There was no other reason to be there.
I have personally seen trans women be extremely aggressive and nasty toward women. If they still identified as men, I guarantee in those situations police would have been called. People are so afraid to be called transphobic that they allow trans women to use their height, stature and voices to intimidate and disrespect women. I have seen it. I bet within the next 10 years, the feminist movement will not exist. We literally have people who claim they “ feel” like women invading our space. This is the ultimate form of patriarchy. Now that transwomen can be in our space, they will now define what it means to be a woman - since it is down to how you feel. I challenge any transgender women to tell me what it feels like to be a woman.
Femke Kuiling. You are right, but, in areas where it does not impinge upon the rights of others, your manners & your humanity should compel you to, in my view. See past the activists to the suffering humans. The suicide rate amongst the trans community is huge. Many of these people are deeply hurting and troubled, to the extent that attempting to change their gender is their final hope for happiness. To treat such people, harmless to us, with disdain or worse, is not the mark of a decent human being.
@@alangaillard2988 I agree with that to an extent. I think the whole trans thing is complete nonsense if I'm being honest. Having said that, how they choose to identify is up to them. My issue is when their beliefs are forced down everyone else's throat, as if to say, either you conform to their ideology or you're a bigot. I also don't think going along with their delusion is doing them any favours. Partly because it sets a dangerous precedent in my opinion. If anybody can be anything they want and force everybody else to go along with it, where does it end? Lastly, trans people are mentally ill, how can you tell nature you were born as the wrong sex when everything else in nature is perfect? What's more likely, nature which existed in perfect harmony millenia before we even existed being wrong, or trans people who are an overwhelming minority of the world's population having a congenital disorder that needs addressing by a psychiatrist?
@@alangaillard2988 You are joking aren't you? Most species that become extinct are due to humans hunting them in a way that is unsustainable. Dinosaurs that became extinct due to natural causes have not negatively impacted life on Earth so what exactly are you talking about?
Exactly. It sounds like many trans people with body dysphoria need counseling and therapy to work through their feelings. I don't know that many are giving that a try before going ahead with transition.
You can live however you like. But you can't alter reality. Edit: You can alter your personal reality. There are some unfortunate souls who desperately want a limb amputating because they feel it shouldn't be there (Body integrity dysmorphia). However, not many people would say to them 'ok let's get this leg off' as that would knowingly and willingly cause them to be disabled. The disabled can cost a vast amount of money to maintain their health throughout their life course, and where it is unavoidable we should (and do) as a society do what we can to share the burden. However, it is to be avoided...Not encouraged. These thoughts are my own and not the views of any body/group/company I have or may work for.
Josef Lepileo It's a common phraseology in English, it should not necessarily be taken literally but (in this case) more of an opening statement to spark debate. Which it appears has worked quite well :)
Uh, so that man, Harry is basically seething with hatred for Kellie and is comfortable expressing that. That’s nice of him. It’s misogyny, plain and simple.
Uh, so that woman, Kellie is basically seething with hatred for the trans community and is comfortable expressing that. That's nice of her. It's transphobia, plain and simple.
There isnt anything wrong sbout the word terf? It means exactly wgat the people are. Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. If your a terf who doesnt like being called a terf then boo hoo.
@@deborahhanna6640 What if it's a fact? is the truth a slur too? As it is, why are you hiding yourself. You are a Commie Fake until you prove to us otherwise. Show your real selves. Stop hiding you silly cowards.
But you can have your brain telling you that you should be a girl for all your childhood, even at an all boys school for 7 painful years, try to fight against your dysphoria to the point of getting married and having children, and then realising you cannot possibly live this lie for the rest of your life. So then you do your best to change your life, however impossible. I can never be a woman, but I could never be a man. So I simply consider myself trans. Peace.
@@ThePurplePianist1 with all due respect to you, would you agree therefore that dysphoria is the issue (which is defined as a type of anxiety)? If so, it's more akin to a psychological disorder like anorexia for e.g?
@@RetroMarkyRM For me yes, but perhaps more severe than some other conditions, and with a more drastic solution. But there was no fix for the brain for this and in those days you had to spend months with a psychiatrist and then to live in your new gender for at least a year before you could proceed. I consider myself trans. I do not consider myself a woman. And I certainly don't want women referred to as 'cis women' for the sake of some SJWs. Its an impertinence! All these extra genders and strange pronouns just muddy the waters and make us all seem a lot more crazy than we already are! 🤣
I am a gay male & disagree with Harry Doyle’s views. I don’t agree with everything Kellie-Jay says, however she makes by far more sense than Harry. I think Kellie-Jay is a very brave woman. I grew up in 70’s 80’s & gays were not that acceptable & I experienced homophobia. However I never experienced anywhere near the amount of hate, sick & disgusting comments that has been thrown at Kellie-Jay for her views. Good on her for standing her ground
I thought it was obvious that they'd never really be their desired gender. Even if they do get body modifications. They're just in permanent role play.
What I'm trying to say is that a cat is a cat. A cat will never be a dog. Shit comparison, I know. But, I still say your original reply was irrelevant to my comment.
“If it was racist I would also find it offensive”. A totally false analogy. A racist observation is based in arbitrary prejudices; a definition of woman is simply a linguistic/conceptual truth. This is the problem - a total lack of consistent or disciplined thought, and random idiosyncratic interpretation of anything to maximise personal offence.
@@henryfrancis9533 following the truth isn't transphobic. Especially not when science agrees that trans people are valid. No no, denying the truth is transphobic, and stupid.
Matthews comparison about shared toilets in the home is disingenuous. In 99% of cases, you would only share your private bathing areas with people you know and trust.
I have a gender neutral toilet at home. But er, all the men who use it, I know. So I know they're not dodgy. I cannot understand why people equate gender neutral loos in public, with those in private households, where we control who is coming into our households. It's absurd.
We already have gender neutral loos in public. Also, statistically, it's the men you know who are the biggest danger to you, not strangers, as well you know, or ought to.
I know that but given that the number of sexual assaults are so high, the 10% of assaults that are committed by strangers are not to be dismissed so loftily. Also we have gender neutral loos which have been designed as gender neutral; the doors are from floor to ceiling, the sinks are often inside the cubicle. That's not the same as specific men being allowed in facilities which are for women, not gender neutral.
'the 10% of assaults that are committed by strangers are not to be dismissed so loftily.' Are feminists guilty of dismissing the minority of sex assaults that are perpetrated against men and boys when they point out that most sex abuse is against female victims and argue accordingly that most of the focus should be on sexual violence against women and girls? 'Also we have gender neutral loos which have been designed as gender neutral; the doors are from floor to ceiling, the sinks are often inside the cubicle.' I thought you were complaining about the notion of public gender-neutral loos and arguing that it's absurd to compare household loos to public gender-neutral loos since in the former case, householders control who uses them, unlike in the latter case, making public gender-neutral loos more problematic. If that wasn't your point, then what was? 'That's not the same as specific men being allowed in facilities which are for women' Trans women are not men.
She says it comes down to being kind and understanding. What a load of crap. Reality first and always. Biology/DNA is the very basis of reality and truth.
Kindness and understanding is the pretext if all Leftist-authoritarian tactics. They can mind-read the intention of the person who put up the poster -AND mind-read the response of the entire 'community' who they presume to defend (and presumably save the lives of, another wild claim that is a pure gambit intended to bypass common sense.)
If that sign is "transphobic" then so is the dictionary...and pretty much every book ever written...and history itself. So we need to remove everything?
Yes, we must either upend our entire society and shared sex ontology that exists in every culture throughout human history, or upset the trans movement. Hm, decisions decisions...
Someone shoot me. "But it's not KIND 😭😭😭" WHAT ABOUT THE TRUTH?? Concepts and ideas have consequences. Planes fly because engineers build them on the basis of what's true, not on the basis of what's convenient for their feelings. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO MAKE THIS ARGUMENT!!!! Just go away.
samsonlovesyou the way to turn it back on idiots is to say “ok I’ve called nazis evil racist sexist misogynistic murderous bastards is that fair or should I be kind”? Just throw the word Nazi Jew or hitler in their it totally fucks them up
@@carsonfball4 Sorry to tell you but you couldn't be more! These people are constantly taking words and recreating the meaning to them. Pay attention no time for anyone to be on the slow side and not catch. I am surprised that anyone is still that stupid as to what they are doing!
Women don't have to be nice. Especially when it comes to our rights. Trans women are not women. If they were, they wouldn't have to trans. Why can't these people see how offensive it is to women when men insist that they are female.
I find it astonishing taht this woman is so concerned about women being unkind to members of the trans community. This is politics. No one worries if Michael Gove is being unkind to Jeremy Corbyn. Only women are expected to be kind to people when fighting for their rights, and only women are expected to be kind to the very people they are fighting for their rights.
On the basis that gender is a social construct wouldn't it be better to focus on biological difference only to determine your sex, and that is how you are born. If you feel you are in the wrong gender that is really a mental health problem and should be dealt with without body mutilation. We also need to remember, if you are born a man you have been raised with greater privilege, opportunity and a sense of entitlement and as such you don't come to the table with women on equal terms. This whole situation is sad and confusing and I don't think anyone wants to place women in the position whereby they look like they are against the transgender community but equally women don't want their space invaded. It isn't fair.
8:18 "If they've suffered all their life..." Poor transwomen. They've suffered all their life having MALE PRIVILEGE!! They've suffered w/ never knowing what it's like to grow up as a girl in a world in which a large percentage of men still want control over women's activities, bodies, relationships, & decisions. Most transgender men AREN'T transexuals. They are heterosexual men w/ an alterego. It is not SAFE for women to have them in their prisons, in their locker rooms, competing against them in sports, or in their women-only support groups.
I'd like to object on behalf of x. I have just become a self appointed ally and spokesman for xs. And I'm therefore sure SOME member of x MUST be offended in some way. By your wishing to become an elephant this is denying the very existence of people of x.
You are taking away a womans right to define herself and her sex class and handing it over to men. You are allowing men to define women. Womanhood is material reality, not a feeling in your head or stereotypes of dress and behaviour.
@@fuckfannyfiddlefart Nope. Trans women are men! I will not support delusional nonsense! I will not surrender my sex segregated spaces so some bloke feels validated! The answer is NO! It was no yesterday its no today and it will still be no tomorrow!
"Just imagine a Trans child going along in the bus and they see the poster..." Harry, they'd see a poster stating the truth, that's why you don't want them to see it.
How someone identifies is one thing, and that's ok, but whimsically taking someone else's rights and potentially safety is another matter entirely. Women do not have penises. Mammalian sex cannot be changed. Males should not be allowed in female spaces. It's all very simple, and is blown way out of proportion. The burning question is, why is this all of a sudden such a big thing, and what is the motivation behind it?
"I think they have the right to call themselves women" I agree. But what they DON'T have the right to do is coerce other people to indulge their delusion or to censure those who won't kowtow to their insane and increasingly authoritarian demands.
This all seems rather hypocritical to me. Surely if trans women believe they are women, they wouldn't be offended by the definition of woman because they feel they fit into that category anyway. To be offended by it is surely confirming your own beliefs that you're not truly a woman?
Wow, this is the first comment Ive read that mentions this. And Ive read a ton of comments. Trans knows that they are actually biological men and that is why they get so offened by the definition of woman, indeed.
Matthew, please talk about this more. It's just so toxic and women are being intimidated. It's taken me a long time to speak up, and we need considered and rational people like you
Nati by Nature not just the I’m. The insanity seems to be everywhere. The US is full of automatons marching around to the pc cadence and afraid to speak their truth too.
The phrase "man that feels like a woman or woman that feels like a man" has always been perplexing to me. How does a man know what it feels like to be a woman? They constructed a worldview based on what they see, but they are not a woman so how do they know what it feels like to be a woman?
They don't have the right to call themselves women because THEY ARE NOT WOMEN! It's unkind to indulge in falsehood just to satisfy someone's psychosis. Btw the same applies to 'transmen'. They are not men either. P.s. it's Not hate speech. That brings in some serious legal ramifications.
One might be not like hearing things but that doesn't make it hate speech. People have told me things I don't like hearing but that doesn't mean I want to take them to court or charge them with criminal charges except when you're threatened with violence.
@@lyndonleedalee1738 this delusion affects us all. They want the rest of the world to change the norms regarding BASIC BIOLOGY to deal with their mental illness. It's impacting schools, medical treatment. Etc. Internally they are still biologically Male or biologically female and would have the diseaaes or issues specifically related to their sex so then they are not there gender they 'think' they are. If they want to cut up their bodies, I may not agree with it but it's at them.
ChaosFlower Bro, no need to wish death on yourself. Times will change. I’ve noticed more and more people are getting fed up with this bullshit so I can’t imagine it lasting forever
Can someone not point out that there are NO GROUPS THAT HAVE RIGHTS. ONLY INDIVIDUALS HAVE RIGHTS ? If anyone, ANYONE, EVER suggests that groups should have rights, they're ACTIVELY PROMOTING THE OPPRESSION OF ANOTHER GROUP
False dichotomy. Individuals have the right to freedom of association. Groups determining their terms of membership are comprised of individuals exercising that right.
No, it's not a false dichotomy. I'll state it simply: You MUST restrict rights (under the law) to one group by applying ANY right (utl) to another " Groups determining their terms of membership are comprised of individuals exercising the right to association " seems to be a non-sequitor and just a truism with no argument attached unless you're suggesting that a self-determined 'term of membership' should be applied to somebody based upon an immutable quality such as skin colour. You're going to have to explain how that statement is in any way an argument against mine.
'You MUST restrict rights (under the law) to one group by applying ANY right (utl) to another' The same's true of individual rights. I don't see what your point is. 'seems to be a non-sequitor and just a truism with no argument' The argument is that by determining terms of membership, a group is exercising their right to freedom of association, and thus, so are the individuals comprising that group, making this an example of the dichotomy between individual and group rights being a false one. 'unless you're suggesting that a self-determined 'term of membership' should be applied to somebody based upon an immutable quality such as skin colour.' Once again, I don't see how this is relevant.
I do see your point and I will need to delve deeper, define terms then provide an example. For 'Group Right' I will use the definition: "a right given to individuals within a particular group but not to the individuals of the larger society within which the group exists" It appears you're interpreting a collective right of self-determination as an aggregation of the individual rights of self-determination possessed by those who make up a group? Please correct me if this is a misunderstanding. Pragmatically, an individual's right of self-determination is normally understood as the right of a person to determine their own life rather than a right to 'un-determine' others (Locke, Rousseau et al), this does not however negate the possibility of the extension of a law favouring individuals in one group impinging the rights of the individuals in another if the additional law allows those individuals to act similarly yet be punished less or rewarded more. Thus, the right to 'group-determine' the 'terms of membership' of its collective life cannot be merely a summing together of component rights of self-determination. Perhaps most importantly, INFRINGEMENTS against rights do not occur against the 'group' they occur against the INDIVIDUAL within a group. If we use the example of the UK police. It is admitted by various forces that since the McPherson report, their senior officers are scared-to-death of being called racist. This has had the effect of backing off policing of Asian communities and thus crimes have risen but investigations have fallen and punishments have lessened. Thus, the few individual Asian criminals have, by extension, been granted a de facto Right Under The Law that has not been granted to others. This DIRECTLY impinges on the individual rights of other races' criminals or, more importantly, against other races' individuals seeking restitution against those that have legally wronged them.
It doesn't love, trust me, I am a Trans women 30 post operative started at 17 in the eighties and never let it stop me living my life as best I could but that is mainly because I have beauty privalige and no-one knew, but believe me it's been a rough ride.
"One day, speaking the truth will be an act of bravery" - George Orwell
How disgusting and vile etc to say a women is a adult female.!!! No lovvie, no man has a right to say and call himself a women and denies us our womanhood by definition. Boohoo.!! Your hurty feelings are fine, apparently, but ours are bigotry and transphobic and hate speech. God help us all. 😮
Bless KJ
She finds facts offensive. Our society is in deep trouble
And she's a journalist, she's the one that brainwashes society & tells them what they have to think.
How scary is that. we are in deep shiite.
I was there as soon as she said someone saying something she doesn't like is a crime.
johnbrennan203 Yup, this whole debacle reminds me of the fairytale the Emperor’s New Clothes.
You fucken right it is .... to make the 99% of the population capitulate and bow down just because the 1% feelings will get hurt is ridiculous .... here is the bottom line ... women can NOT be men and men can NOT be women ... if they want to pretend to be the opposite sex well that a different story ... Trans should have their own change rooms and washrooms and also have their own sports categories ... and let me add something ... respect and being kind is something everyone deserves ... EVERYONE ... Transgender is a condition ... gender dysphoria the problem is that there is no treatment and we as a society don't know what to do about it ...
Distort reality to just to make trans people happy?, no way. There is no such thing as hate speech, just like trans men can never be a woman. lt's only important to trans people.
i really hate the one-sided debate were women have to bow down and be kind to the trans community, but that same courtesy is not extended to women.
2manynegativewaves Petal?
Women are never on a level playing field. Women's rights are never secure.
The poster of a definition of women is not hate speech
fynes leigh Please Tell me where a woman is defined as being the passive of the two sexes I’m not saying it’s not true but I know that it is not defined that way a woman human adult female you don’t need to get into periods you don’t need to get into technicalities of having a vagina dictionary definitions
@fynes leigh Typical uneducated Commie nonsense. Go away filthy rat. Crawl back under your red rock.
@@miltonwaddams2564 Please stop with the Commie crap, fake Red moron.
@fynes leigh ah so infertile women arent women.
Good logic.
@@caffymatthews6595 what is it with you assuming everyone is a commie jeeze.
Facts are not offensive, except to the delusional. As for kindness, it is kind to dispel delusion and desperately unkind to indulge delusion.
Well said.
Totally !
Yes, dear, she said kindly, you really are Napoleon.
She is saying "be kind" whilst smirking. This is nothing more than virtue signalling. Im 100% sure that there isnt any kindness in her heart at all but only fake dishonest ridiculous, yet fashionable pc language.
Very well said!
Sure, they have the right to call themselves women, but others also have the right to say they are not women.
@@mbrunson231 brain transplant needed for them all
blueberryboy if they are women you wouldn’t need to use the word trans. You can no more change your sex than change your race. You can approximate it with hacking around your genitals. If that’s what people want to do then great.
Chromosomes determine sex
300bpm precisely.
blueberryboy are they able to go thru menstrual cycles?
I'm all for kindness, but when you have to deny and distort reality in order to avoid hurting people's feelings', then you're heading towards collective insanity.
Little Bit Sure - that's called diplomacy and being a nice person. But, surely, overlooking aspects of reality is a different thing entirely to being directly complicit with untruth? To agree with someone that they are a woman when they have male genitals seems cruel to me, in fact - it's reinforcing a delusion. Can we be tolerant and accepting without agreeing to throw reality out of the window?
It is the argument that you cannot change classification is the argument denying reality.
Little Bit yes we do overlook aspects of reality but your use of fat people as a comparison is bogus.
You wouldn't, I would hope, call an overweight person fat to avoid hurting there feelings but if they claimed they were as skinny as you then that is a different matter.You would be perfectly entitled to point out the material facts of your different weight ratios etc. Women and men for that matter are biologically determined before birth and to claim different is illogical. Trans people do not agree with what hand nature has dealt them for numerous reasons and that is their right but women also have a right to be classified as different to trans women.
Leona Byzantium At what point does a trans person crossover from male to female or vice versa, exactly? When do their chromosomes change? When do they develop the gonads of the sex they purport to be? Oh right, none of those things happen. All they can do is adopt superficial markers of the other sex.
dev0n james Not everyone who calls herself a feminist is actually one. Actual feminists who aren't brainwashed into the liberal cult think, like myself, are fighting tooth and nail against this nonsense.
If facts offend you, the onus is on you to deal with being offended. It is not the duty of society to accommodate your offense by attempting to change the facts.
Yes, but you filthy Commies lock up anyone you don't agree with.
@@caffymatthews6595 who's a commie?
@@johnnytsunami9938 the Red with the fake youtube account. Funny that, he has your exact name.
Why would you assume I'm a commie? Its really weird that you would be so far off, especially after reading my comment. You sir, are an idiot.
caffy matthews you deluded crackpot are the real fascists pulling down posters with dictionary definitions🙄
I completely agree with the caller that said they can call themselves anything they want, but they can't dictate other's speech! Also, the trans movement has hurt women's rights!
What you mean is, the gynocracy has, for a while, faltered in its attempt to establish a feminiist collective and helotise men. I don't have much patience for autogynephiles, but in the present circumstances I am sorely tempted to laugh.
@On SB I don't hate women, I hate feminism. However I will not stand by while TERFs attack and harm the weakest group in society. The arguments I hear from them are identical to those used in apartheid and against gays. Their technique is classic: identify a vulnerable minority, demonise them and attack them. FWIW I sympathise strongly with women athletes affected by this, but it is for women to bring the TERFs and other radfems into line, and I see zero effort to do this. So I'll shut up when they do.
@On SB by the way, if you think 'gay men' support transwomen you need to study harder. That's the best laugh this week.
Rhea B it’s an insult to women and infringes their rights. Men are always men, get over it.
@@rathnaitmullen8541 but males are not always men. Get over yourself.
"Being kind and understanding." How about being honest and recognising reality?
Jacques Peterson absolutely right
Well, not to diminish the value of being kind and understanding, but the truth is a little more important than one's feelings.
If gender is a feeling, can we stretch it further? Can race be a feeling? Can ethnicity be a feeling?
If I, as a European woman, would do surgery and whatever it takes to make me look like a stereotypical African woman, would I be African if I just say I am? If I do surgery to get a monolid and flatten my nose to look like a stereotypical Chinese, am I Chinese? How many would not be offended by this?
theres a far greater agenda behind this. please look into it
It's already being stretched further. Some people are "identifying" as different ethnically as well, not to mention by age groups. One man claims to be a 6 year old girl. Of all the stupidity.
You are lucky. You are lucky that you're in the right body. You're lucky you don't have to go through Gender Dysphoria. You're SO SO lucky and I don't think you see how lucky you are. Living in phantom skin is not something you feel. Yes, there are feelings associated, but at it's core, It's just wrong, and you just know. You know you're in the right body, right? You don't have to look down to know you're in the right body, because your brain matches what you have, right?
You're so lucky, and I'm jealous you don't even see how lucky you are to not either be dead or be harassed every day for something you cannot control.
Being trans isn't a feeling. It's clearly a disorder, and the only way to alleviate it is to transition, whether you like it or not.
Man wants to be identifies as a canine
Violett Thank god for sane women like yourself
“I don’t think changing sex is actually possible”. Nail. Head.
Correct, its a political veneer.
I have read about these men saying "I feel like a woman today." How the hell does a man know what a woman feels like?
Hear hear. Trans-whatever is fine. Stealing an entire sex's identity not so much.
Bearing XY chromosome states you're a man.. even if you've had DD silicon breast implants implanted, and have had a vagina type orifice constructed out of your penis.. FULLSTOP!
A person who bears XX chromosome.. is a woman, even if she has had her breasts cut off.. and a pretend penis constructed out of the flesh of her arm or leg..
They may call themselves trans-male.. and trans-female.. but they don't actually 'BECOME' a man, or a woman..
A person who modifies their body to appear like an alien, which I have witnessed.. they can go to great lengths to appear like an alien.. but post operatively.. they are no closer to 'BECOMING' an alien than when they first began their transformation..
These are just straight out evidence based facts!
These trans people are gender confused.. and gender dysphoric.. and they are litigating the rest of the world into confirming their gender confused mindset!
No thanks! Not while I have free will..
As an evolutionary biologist I am sure, males means produces sperm or pollen, female means produces eggs or ova.
I support the caller who put up the billboard, she is a hero of modern times.
Her name is Posie Parker. You can find her on TH-cam.
Its a shame that s what modern heroism looks like...just using a biologically defined term .
@@houseofzuma1033 Yeah, Biology's only a science, isn't it? It's not as though it's something with real credibility, like your personal opinions that happen to run completely counter to it.
@@houseofzuma1033 She does more than that one act you know. Look her up.
5:58 A woman is offended by the definition of the word woman.
I'm going back to sleep tbh with you.....
Since when do we mandate kindness? Kindness can’t be granted artificially. It must be real, be genuine.
Love me or die you hateful bigot!
It’s not as if TRAs show any kindness or empathy for women.
Jason Jardine The luny left appear to have weaponised the word kindness 👀. Well I’m happy to be “unkind” if it protects my rights as a woman.
That was well said
They're mandating everything else, I guess "kindness" will now be enforced upon us.
lt's just like religion, everyone has a freedom of choice of what to believe, but not the right to force other people into agreeing with them.
I’m with Kelly jay on this . “Trans women” are not women
This isn't a Kelly Jay opinion, it's a biological fact
I don't care about snowflakes calling me transphobic, reality is reality, trans women are men in dress and long hair, trans men are women with short hair and steroids
@300bpm No. We're left with only a sad bunch of Russian trolls trying desperately to stir up some conflict and hate in the West.
the lady in the studio doesn't seem to be serious ...... bit of game ... how far can i go with this
How can you people actually argue that a man who feels like a woman is suddenly a woman?!?! What kind nonsense is this?!
Honestly! It evades me. I just can't believe these things are the subjects of debates in these parts of the world.
The nonsense of the latest generation. Alternative fact are as legitimate as objective facts. You think that when the sun comes up it's day, I think differently. It might be rain, then again it might be angel water. I can be human, or, if I feel like it, I can be a turtle.
The true problem is the 'support' system which encourages them to undergo hormone treatment and a sex change at the earliest opportunity. There are massive suicide rates amongst people who have had a sex change and I don't believe that it is because society has not adjusted to this process. This support network is making money of manipulating, taking advantage of and experimenting with, as I personally believe it, a vulnerable spiritual being made flesh. Basically, holding the power of God, or if you prefer, what is perceived by man as Godly power, in their own hands.
Its madness and that woman in the studio is an imbecile and should feel embarrassed. Everyone has a right to be happy and do what they like aslong as there not hurting anyone. But now you cant even call a woman a woman or a man a man without offending someone
Shania Twain suffered with the same issue.
The amount of lunatics who are now being given a voice these days is terrifying.
Reminds me of the social chaos that was ancient Rome before it all fell apart in 453 AD
@@MainelyLove wait, you were there too?! Small world omg 😂😉
@@NiceGuyEddie397 I know, miss those indestructible roads and the graffiti on the walls outside the city. :D
@@MainelyLove yea I miss the porn graffiti aswell, the full hardcore fucking in the amphitheatres, eating flamingo tongues and pissing on my clothes to 'disinfect' them, LOL
I am truly shocked , absolutely absurd a male can just say I’m female and then has all legal rights of a woman. The future in the west is truly headed for damnation . 🙁
Fake channel + non-person = dirty Rooskie troll.
@@caffymatthews6595 do you have problems or..? I see you replying to every comment calling people 'commies' and 'fake' left and right. You call other people nuts but i think youre the nuts one here.
@@baitey9626 How dare you message me from your false fake profile. Show your true face or run away and hide, you miserable snivelling coward.
The woman in the studio isnt talking to them shes actually talking to her liberal friends who might be listening.
You are right - and why shouldn't she.
Are you pro dictatorship or pro democracy? What is suddenly wrong with advocating freedom?
Th blond woman in the studio is a real lunatic...she should be ashamed of absolute disgrace
The disgusting STASI self-preservation of it...
you got it 😄😄😄
People would be more kind if these ideologues weren't dictating how everyone should think and act.
The gay doctor in question - he was asked what a woman is. He replied 'Anyone who identifies as a woman'. God please help us all - a doctor does not know the difference between male and female. He really should be struck off the register, and he, as a doctor, should not be getting involved in political issues anyway.
Martina you can submit an official complaint about him on the GMC home page. He does not have to be your own GP. I have submitted such a complaint and it was accepted.
It's bull shit. Now when a man is raping a woman he will declare he identifies as a woman and will HAVE given rights still keep on raping her.
Do it, if you can. If pepole generally see you as a goat and treat you like one it is OK with me.
there is no need to try and destroy someones life and career over misguided pollitical correctness. that is just plain wrong.
i dont understand the logic here
They always argue that people should be 'kind', when they are the most intolerant, vicious people around. People who will seek to destroy your life for a five second, perceived, advantage to themselves.
Well yes of course. That's the hypocrisy embedded within their position. All animals are in fact, equal, it's just that the pigs are more equal after all.
Fake Commie profile. Get lost, moron.
@Steve Meikle Bots talking to bots. Filthy Commies at it again.
@@burleybater Spoken like a true Rooskie Commie rat.
@Asuka NGE False bot at work.
That blonde woman is the most handmaidiest handmaiden that ever handmaidened. What an embarrassment
She's a total idiot!
You know what's really interesting and what hardly anyone knows
Richard O'Brien is self announced transgender and not willing to change physically.
Richard is better known as Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show and it's playwriter and composer
Richard O'Brien whole heartedly supports female only spaces and has openly stated that transwomen are not real women
There's been almost no reporting on that whatsoever
She's a sheep, bleathing in harmony with the rest of the herd.
@@jakace2760 Haven't we had this one already? Yawn...
@@flamenmartialis6839 Just as you are a human fart, puffing along like a smelly old goat.
The definition of “woman” can be found in any dictionary. Are all those dictionaries going to be banned because they are offensive to trans people?
lol I wouldn't be surprised if they did it
they will be changed, not banned
@@soooofiaa Idiot Commie.
@@moaningpheromones Fake.
I see them changing the definition not banning, they'll never use the word banning! We judge other countries for banning certain books because they deem it offensive yet here we are doing the same thing! You got movies being created that feature a dystopian future where books are being burned to ignore history and other deemed offensive literature and now we're slowly witnessing those events for ourselves!
jk rowling is getting so much hate for these same beliefs, if only twitter had the same common sense as the comments here
While I totally agree that JK should not be attacked for her beliefs I would also argue that she is being very foolish using a crude and manipulative tool like Twitter to explore what is a complex debate. Twitter has one defining characteristic - it reduces all discussion to a series of pointless rants and thus brings out the very worst in people. Use it by all means to advertise your next hairdo but let's keep all serious debatable issues off that execrable platform.
@Will Grandhammer I'm against trial by social media full stop.But surely you are missing the point. This debate (which is actually a serious of complex issues such as any society undergoing change has to negotiate) concerns gender identity. It's a common fallacy to assume the trans community is in denial about one's sexual physiology at birth. But to demand that someone born female or male should be punitively 'locked' into that form despite their wish to be other appears somewhat primitive and cruel to me, given that gender fluidity is a fact. In my opinion, it would be better if we could move towards having the conversations and listeingn to everyone's point of view and stop throwing stones at one another just because we object to a particular viewpoint. The problem is that certain interested parties - bigots, Communist trolls, haters etc - utilise social media to highjack any sensible debate purely in order to destroy any social cohesion. I fear poor JK, smart as she is, has been unwittingly sucked into a world she doesn't quite comprehend.
caffy matthews funny how they didnt respond lol
@@lgbtqiarights Perhaps they're still out to lunch.
@@caffymatthews6595 that's a long lunch
I could wear a chestnut brown fur coat, eat nuts and live inside a tree but that doesn't make me a squirrel.
Your comment should be put on a massive poster, and put up feckin EVERYWHERE....!
I myself identify as a 3-legged wombat, but only on a Wednesday......
I identify as Elon Musk, now give me access to these billions or you’re muskphobic. My adjectives are filthy/rich.
@@xx-xn7id "My adjectives are filthy/rich." lmfao
I identify as a border collie
Born a male= male
Born female= female..
onenightinmay05 are you seriously telling me that a trans woman who lives every aspect of her life as a woman and has the body and brain of a woman is more of a man?
Nonoctoro a woman who used to be a man.
And there is nothing inbetween if you were born with a winkle that's what you are and that is it.
Nonoctoro not really. Someone who lives their life as a woman is a woman
onenightinmay05 magic
It’s unkind to allow people to carry on unchallenged who believe their delusions to be fact.
Defining woman is only offensive if women's existence offends you....
It's not her argument--it's the literal definition. If not, petition the dictionaries.
Sica Jes Please don’t give them ideas. That’ll be next 😩
@@guinevereinthefield176 you saw it coming!
Posie Parker is a brave voice of sanity. Thank you!
it's reassuring to see all these sensible comments... the poster should NEVER have been removed. it should be reinstated. truth is truth afterall.
Kindness... have the trans activists been kind?
Were they kind when they assaulted the older lady on Speakers Corner?
Is it kind for women subject to abuse and trauma who’s safe spaces are being eroded?
Is it kind to make a mockery of women?
each woman who is uncomfortable having their boundaries eroded they aren’t being treated kindly. Kindness is an awful rebuttal
Was it kind to burn Erin Pissey's dog? 🤔
David Parry The transwoman was seen by witnesses to rush over to punch an elderly woman. The court convicted him of that.
Oh and he was only there to attack her. There was no other reason to be there.
I have personally seen trans women be extremely aggressive and nasty toward women. If they still identified as men, I guarantee in those situations police would have been called. People are so afraid to be called transphobic that they allow trans women to use their height, stature and voices to intimidate and disrespect women. I have seen it. I bet within the next 10 years, the feminist movement will not exist. We literally have people who claim they “ feel” like women invading our space. This is the ultimate form of patriarchy. Now that transwomen can be in our space, they will now define what it means to be a woman - since it is down to how you feel. I challenge any transgender women to tell me what it feels like to be a woman.
@@panikosofgrays1904 Cool story, bro.
"They have the right to call themselves women"......sure....but they don't have the right to force others to call them that. 😩
Legal rights, which means the government in one their side.
Femke Kuiling. You are right, but, in areas where it does not impinge upon the rights of others, your manners & your humanity should compel you to, in my view. See past the activists to the suffering humans. The suicide rate amongst the trans community is huge. Many of these people are deeply hurting and troubled, to the extent that attempting to change their gender is their final hope for happiness. To treat such people, harmless to us, with disdain or worse, is not the mark of a decent human being.
@@alangaillard2988 I agree with that to an extent. I think the whole trans thing is complete nonsense if I'm being honest. Having said that, how they choose to identify is up to them. My issue is when their beliefs are forced down everyone else's throat, as if to say, either you conform to their ideology or you're a bigot. I also don't think going along with their delusion is doing them any favours. Partly because it sets a dangerous precedent in my opinion. If anybody can be anything they want and force everybody else to go along with it, where does it end? Lastly, trans people are mentally ill, how can you tell nature you were born as the wrong sex when everything else in nature is perfect? What's more likely, nature which existed in perfect harmony millenia before we even existed being wrong, or trans people who are an overwhelming minority of the world's population having a congenital disorder that needs addressing by a psychiatrist?
@@grindseason7728 Extinction is compelling evidence that nature is not perfect.
@@alangaillard2988 You are joking aren't you? Most species that become extinct are due to humans hunting them in a way that is unsustainable. Dinosaurs that became extinct due to natural causes have not negatively impacted life on Earth so what exactly are you talking about?
Whats wrong with admitting to having mental health issues??
Exactly. It sounds like many trans people with body dysphoria need counseling and therapy to work through their feelings. I don't know that many are giving that a try before going ahead with transition.
Remember folks: Be kind to bullies as long as they say they are women.
You can live however you like. But you can't alter reality. Edit: You can alter your personal reality. There are some unfortunate souls who desperately want a limb amputating because they feel it shouldn't be there (Body integrity dysmorphia). However, not many people would say to them 'ok let's get this leg off' as that would knowingly and willingly cause them to be disabled. The disabled can cost a vast amount of money to maintain their health throughout their life course, and where it is unavoidable we should (and do) as a society do what we can to share the burden. However, it is to be avoided...Not encouraged.
These thoughts are my own and not the views of any body/group/company I have or may work for.
Actually there are plenty of ways to alter reality. Some people lack imagination
@@livecool.diecool well transgenderism is a fraud and an imagination
No, you can't live however you like
Josef Lepileo It's a common phraseology in English, it should not necessarily be taken literally but (in this case) more of an opening statement to spark debate. Which it appears has worked quite well :)
@@africaisacontinent2149 Unfortunately, filthy Commie rats speading lies from their smelly shacks hidden in Russia are all too real.
He's careful not to offend Trans people not to be nice, more like scared of the extreme nanny state we live in.
The toilet in your home is a safe place as you share it with family. A public toilet is not a safe space and therefore should not be shared/mixed
Uh, so that man, Harry is basically seething with hatred for Kellie and is comfortable expressing that. That’s nice of him.
It’s misogyny, plain and simple.
He's just not KIND
Uh, so that woman, Kellie is basically seething with hatred for the trans community and is comfortable expressing that. That's nice of her.
It's transphobia, plain and simple.
@@Paul2377how nice not to be able to have your own thoughts🤔
I agree. Changing sex is not possible full end. They think they can change their sex by changing their appearance. That's not the case.
This is what happens when you value being nice over being right
This!!!! We are in dangerous times my friend
Yes but they aren’t nice to biological women.
The aggression is one way.
Yes, while we're at it why don't we start ordering judges when handing out sentences to dangerous people, to be nice too?
@@janrobson9247 Fake channel + non-person = dirty Rooskie troll.
Why is 'WOMAN' a word under battle. But it is ok to call someone a 'TERF' without being censored?
But you yourself are a Commie fake.
There isnt anything wrong sbout the word terf? It means exactly wgat the people are.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists.
If your a terf who doesnt like being called a terf then boo hoo.
Commie fake? No.
Stop calling people names. Especially made up insult names. It is not ok; It is a slur. If you use a slur you do not deserve respect.
@@deborahhanna6640 if terf is a slur then callinf a trans man a girl or a trans women a man would be aswell.
@@deborahhanna6640 What if it's a fact? is the truth a slur too? As it is, why are you hiding yourself. You are a Commie Fake until you prove to us otherwise. Show your real selves. Stop hiding you silly cowards.
IMO: You can't be born in the wrong body, you ARE your body. There's no me and my body, they're one and the same.
Of course anybody who believes in the soul would disagree with you.
But you can have your brain telling you that you should be a girl for all your childhood, even at an all boys school for 7 painful years, try to fight against your dysphoria to the point of getting married and having children, and then realising you cannot possibly live this lie for the rest of your life. So then you do your best to change your life, however impossible. I can never be a woman, but I could never be a man. So I simply consider myself trans. Peace.
@@ThePurplePianist1 with all due respect to you, would you agree therefore that dysphoria is the issue (which is defined as a type of anxiety)? If so, it's more akin to a psychological disorder like anorexia for e.g?
@@RetroMarkyRM For me yes, but perhaps more severe than some other conditions, and with a more drastic solution. But there was no fix for the brain for this and in those days you had to spend months with a psychiatrist and then to live in your new gender for at least a year before you could proceed. I consider myself trans. I do not consider myself a woman. And I certainly don't want women referred to as 'cis women' for the sake of some SJWs. Its an impertinence! All these extra genders and strange pronouns just muddy the waters and make us all seem a lot more crazy than we already are! 🤣
by removing the poster Kelli Jay got more exposure than ever. Had it stayed it would have been over and done with.
Yes, great!
We love Polly Parker,The truth will set you free,leave our WOMEN alone
Russian bot. Nuff said.
@@caffymatthews6595 Who Polly or this Brit through and through ?
@@billynomate3699 You're making perfect sense - to an addled ant.
@@caffymatthews6595 On ya bike Karen
@@billynomate3699 Another cheap comment from a low rent moron. Perhaps you can explain why small birds do a poop in your hair.
I am a gay male & disagree with Harry Doyle’s views. I don’t agree with everything Kellie-Jay says, however she makes by far more sense than Harry. I think Kellie-Jay is a very brave woman. I grew up in 70’s 80’s & gays were not that acceptable & I experienced homophobia. However I never experienced anywhere near the amount of hate, sick & disgusting comments that has been thrown at Kellie-Jay for her views. Good on her for standing her ground
I thought it was obvious that they'd never really be their desired gender. Even if they do get body modifications. They're just in permanent role play.
That's an irrelevant reply, Devon. My comment refers to both genetic genders going trans.
So, why do you not mention the staggering amount of genetic men (gay and straight) who currently behave more girly than actual genetic women?
What I'm trying to say is that a cat is a cat. A cat will never be a dog. Shit comparison, I know. But, I still say your original reply was irrelevant to my comment.
We could always fight it out ;D
permanent role play lol well put!
“If it was racist I would also find it offensive”. A totally false analogy. A racist observation is based in arbitrary prejudices; a definition of woman is simply a linguistic/conceptual truth.
This is the problem - a total lack of consistent or disciplined thought, and random idiosyncratic interpretation of anything to maximise personal offence.
Racism is based on real differences. The injustice lies in the conclusions made about those differences.
ChuddmasterZero Last I checked people are born into their race like people are born into their gender, so I don’t know what these SJWs are on about.
Wear a dress but keep your meat monster.....
Good call. Racism is a lie, a woman being an adult human female is a truth. Completely false argument.
The best kindness is the truth.
Would be if transphobes weren't denying the truth.
@@BeanBossing If following truth, transphobic then I'm the biggest transphobe you'll ever meet.
@@henryfrancis9533 following the truth isn't transphobic.
Especially not when science agrees that trans people are valid.
No no, denying the truth is transphobic, and stupid.
@@henryfrancis9533 tell me seriously what "truth" are you following
Having the right to CALL yourself a woman is not the same as actually being a real legit woman. Call yourself what you want, your still a guy.
Commie crap. Ignore it.
Matthews comparison about shared toilets in the home is disingenuous. In 99% of cases, you would only share your private bathing areas with people you know and trust.
Yep. So true.
9:05 - drops the racism bomb... in a conversation that had absolutely NOTHING to do with race.
I have a gender neutral toilet at home. But er, all the men who use it, I know. So I know they're not dodgy. I cannot understand why people equate gender neutral loos in public, with those in private households, where we control who is coming into our households. It's absurd.
We already have gender neutral loos in public. Also, statistically, it's the men you know who are the biggest danger to you, not strangers, as well you know, or ought to.
I know that but given that the number of sexual assaults are so high, the 10% of assaults that are committed by strangers are not to be dismissed so loftily. Also we have gender neutral loos which have been designed as gender neutral; the doors are from floor to ceiling, the sinks are often inside the cubicle. That's not the same as specific men being allowed in facilities which are for women, not gender neutral.
'the 10% of assaults that are committed by strangers are not to be dismissed so loftily.'
Are feminists guilty of dismissing the minority of sex assaults that are perpetrated against men and boys when they point out that most sex abuse is against female victims and argue accordingly that most of the focus should be on sexual violence against women and girls?
'Also we have gender neutral loos which have been designed as gender neutral; the doors are from floor to ceiling, the sinks are often inside the cubicle.'
I thought you were complaining about the notion of public gender-neutral loos and arguing that it's absurd to compare household loos to public gender-neutral loos since in the former case, householders control who uses them, unlike in the latter case, making public gender-neutral loos more problematic. If that wasn't your point, then what was?
'That's not the same as specific men being allowed in facilities which are for women'
Trans women are not men.
I siad the samething. I agree with u
Yes, they are. Otherwise I could identify as a transwoman.
Don't be disingenuous- I do not allow strange men into my house to use my toilet.
She says it comes down to being kind and understanding. What a load of crap. Reality first and always.
Biology/DNA is the very basis of reality and truth.
Kindness and understanding is the pretext if all Leftist-authoritarian tactics.
They can mind-read the intention of the person who put up the poster -AND mind-read the response of the entire 'community' who they presume to defend (and presumably save the lives of, another wild claim that is a pure gambit intended to bypass common sense.)
Kindness is a two-way street. Trans people want it to be one-way.
99.99% of the time, WE CAN TELL.
big hands
Big jaw
Big Adam’s apple
Weird voice
Weird legs
Weird body
Still look like Trevor. Just with a wig and a dress
offwiththefairies77 believe me, you can't tell. You just can't, sure you can do sometimes but not all of the time
and the outline of a big dick bobbing away freely under a floaty skirt.
That's not exactly true because the majority of celebrities are transgenders and most people don't believe it
Blaire White?
If that sign is "transphobic" then so is the dictionary...and pretty much every book ever written...and history itself. So we need to remove everything?
Yes, we must either upend our entire society and shared sex ontology that exists in every culture throughout human history, or upset the trans movement. Hm, decisions decisions...
That’s exactly what the ideology wants.
Someone shoot me.
"But it's not KIND 😭😭😭"
WHAT ABOUT THE TRUTH?? Concepts and ideas have consequences. Planes fly because engineers build them on the basis of what's true, not on the basis of what's convenient for their feelings.
samsonlovesyou the way to turn it back on idiots is to say “ok I’ve called nazis evil racist sexist misogynistic murderous bastards is that fair or should I be kind”? Just throw the word Nazi Jew or hitler in their it totally fucks them up
im broke and this shit aint kind. tf
it is a pretentious use of being “kind”
The clue is in the word "trans".
Stuart Deakin One cannot transition into the opposite sex so their wordplay is false as well!
The prefix "trans" doesn't stand for transition. It means "across from" like Transylvania means "across the woods".
@@carsonfball4 Sorry to tell you but you couldn't be more! These people are constantly taking words and recreating the meaning to them. Pay attention no time for anyone to be on the slow side and not catch. I am surprised that anyone is still that stupid as to what they are doing!
I find her being offended by my right to be offended to be offensive.
La Di 😂🤣
It's not a so called sex change they need rather it is intense therapy
Thank you so much, Matthew Wright, for pointing out repeatedly that NO one from the potentially offended community, Transwomen, complained.
@Ribb Rotgut You act as though we didn't produce our own definitions lol.
Women don't have to be nice. Especially when it comes to our rights. Trans women are not women. If they were, they wouldn't have to trans. Why can't these people see how offensive it is to women when men insist that they are female.
Amen sista
I find it astonishing taht this woman is so concerned about women being unkind to members of the trans community.
This is politics. No one worries if Michael Gove is being unkind to Jeremy Corbyn. Only women are expected to be kind to people when fighting for their rights, and only women are expected to be kind to the very people they are fighting for their rights.
If you're offended by facts, the problem is not with the facts
On the basis that gender is a social construct wouldn't it be better to focus on biological difference only to determine your sex, and that is how you are born. If you feel you are in the wrong gender that is really a mental health problem and should be dealt with without body mutilation. We also need to remember, if you are born a man you have been raised with greater privilege, opportunity and a sense of entitlement and as such you don't come to the table with women on equal terms. This whole situation is sad and confusing and I don't think anyone wants to place women in the position whereby they look like they are against the transgender community but equally women don't want their space invaded. It isn't fair.
8:18 "If they've suffered all their life..." Poor transwomen. They've suffered all their life having MALE PRIVILEGE!! They've suffered w/ never knowing what it's like to grow up as a girl in a world in which a large percentage of men still want control over women's activities, bodies, relationships, & decisions. Most transgender men AREN'T transexuals. They are heterosexual men w/ an alterego. It is not SAFE for women to have them in their prisons, in their locker rooms, competing against them in sports, or in their women-only support groups.
tomorrow i'd like to be an Elephant. anyone object?
I'd like to object on behalf of x. I have just become a self appointed ally and spokesman for xs. And I'm therefore sure SOME member of x MUST be offended in some way. By your wishing to become an elephant this is denying the very existence of people of x.
ragnar danneskjold Im Assuming your a fella.... Actually, either i'm a bit thick, but 'i'm not sure what your point is. and who and what is x?
That's fat phobic 😂
Sahil Jam LOl, i'm sure your having a laugh, and I appreciate it.
Vanessa Feltz made a career from it. So why not?
What I find offensive is being called a cis and it is a slur being hurled at natural born women. I am a woman. Period.
Cisgender means that you identify as the gender you're born as
@Andrea MENDENHALL oh dear my heart bleeds for you,living in comfort as the gender you're born as
Yes and I feel the same as you we are woman not cis x
@@themikaylashow1987 There are women and trans women. Men and trans men. "Cis" is redundant.
@@dimcgee1726 cis is an adjective. If tall women are tall,why do you call them tall
If I identify as 2 people, could you please force my employer to pay me twice.
Thanks Mathew and Kevin for giving Kellie-Jay a fair platform and listening to how many women feel about this. 💗💗💗
Kellie Jay is a bitch to other women though, so don't hold her up as some kind of feminist.
Excuse me? Who the fuck are you?@@amazingcurves
@@KellieJayKeen But us "men" are the only ones capable of being rude....
@@CompaSystem trans women are men
You are taking away a womans right to define herself and her sex class and handing it over to men. You are allowing men to define women. Womanhood is material reality, not a feeling in your head or stereotypes of dress and behaviour.
Women can STILL define themselves as woman, that doesn't change of some trans ALSO identify as women, that is a fake argument.
@@fuckfannyfiddlefart wrong.
@2manynegativewaves Yes, theyre still women, never said they werent.
@@fuckfannyfiddlefart Nope. Trans women are men! I will not support delusional nonsense! I will not surrender my sex segregated spaces so some bloke feels validated! The answer is NO! It was no yesterday its no today and it will still be no tomorrow!
@@MinaMcKay LOL! You backed down fast! How disappointing....this is how we lose our SEX based rights....Thanks for that!
"Just imagine a Trans child going along in the bus and they see the poster..." Harry, they'd see a poster stating the truth, that's why you don't want them to see it.
So, if I decide that I'm a giraffe does that mean that I am legally and genetically a giraffe?
Love this Posie WOMAN, I’m binging on her, we need more like her.
2 Plus 2 Equals 4 me too! Her and Germaine Greer!
Me too, I've only recently found posie she's a great WOMAN!!!
How someone identifies is one thing, and that's ok, but whimsically taking someone else's rights and potentially safety is another matter entirely.
Women do not have penises. Mammalian sex cannot be changed. Males should not be allowed in female spaces. It's all very simple, and is blown way out of proportion.
The burning question is, why is this all of a sudden such a big thing, and what is the motivation behind it?
Follow the money.
This woman Daisy is ridiculous.. Her entire argument boils down to be kind... Is that it? Anything more substantial? Eugh 🙄
Adding the word "phobia" to any word immediately invalidates your cause.
Hang on to the fact that attaching 'phobia' to any cause does not invalidate a rational argument.
Exactly, a phobia is a fear. And trans don't scare me.
No it doesn’t. Many phobias exist.
@@dreamer2260 but it’s probably the most misused term out there
"I think they have the right to call themselves women"
I agree. But what they DON'T have the right to do is coerce other people to indulge their delusion or to censure those who won't kowtow to their insane and increasingly authoritarian demands.
They can call themselves trans women or male women but not just women cos they're men.
I think star wars posters should be taken down because they offend the minority’s of the star trek community
And what about the people are airplanes community?!
Dolphins are rockets community?
Lies are truth community?
You are soooo right :)
It’s a sad day when stating a biological truth somehow constitutes a “phobia” wordplay for SJW demanding "control" over what people think and feel and express.
One LightBooks Yes!
One LightBooks It’s just manipulation & gaslighting.
It's also unkind to real woman 👩
This all seems rather hypocritical to me. Surely if trans women believe they are women, they wouldn't be offended by the definition of woman because they feel they fit into that category anyway. To be offended by it is surely confirming your own beliefs that you're not truly a woman?
Wow, this is the first comment Ive read that mentions this. And Ive read a ton of comments. Trans knows that they are actually biological men and that is why they get so offened by the definition of woman, indeed.
Matthew, please talk about this more. It's just so toxic and women are being intimidated. It's taken me a long time to speak up, and we need considered and rational people like you
So hurt feelings over rule everything in the UK
It is about promulgating HATE that had REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES.
Yep, we're following the precedent that America set and taking it one step further unfortunately.
Nati by Nature not just the I’m. The insanity seems to be everywhere. The US is full of automatons marching around to the pc cadence and afraid to speak their truth too.
“Woman has never been a naughty word.”
lol, well depends who is thinking about that woman and in what way ;)
Maybe not, but I know plenty of naughty women
The phrase "man that feels like a woman or woman that feels like a man" has always been perplexing to me. How does a man know what it feels like to be a woman? They constructed a worldview based on what they see, but they are not a woman so how do they know what it feels like to be a woman?
At least you know what it is to feel like an idiot.
When someone questions the idea that "You're not a woman if you're not a woman" then someone needs some help.
They don't have the right to call themselves women because THEY ARE NOT WOMEN! It's unkind to indulge in falsehood just to satisfy someone's psychosis. Btw the same applies to 'transmen'. They are not men either.
P.s. it's Not hate speech. That brings in some serious legal ramifications.
Sureeeee. Believe what you want, it isnt affecting you.
It is hate speech. Whether you like it or not. This has already infiltrated institutions.
Fact or not we already crossed that line.
One might be not like hearing things but that doesn't make it hate speech. People have told me things I don't like hearing but that doesn't mean I want to take them to court or charge them with criminal charges except when you're threatened with violence.
@@lyndonleedalee1738 this delusion affects us all. They want the rest of the world to change the norms regarding BASIC BIOLOGY to deal with their mental illness. It's impacting schools, medical treatment. Etc. Internally they are still biologically Male or biologically female and would have the diseaaes or issues specifically related to their sex so then they are not there gender they 'think' they are.
If they want to cut up their bodies, I may not agree with it but it's at them.
It's heading to a catastrophic end of society mark my words
It will certainly weaken society and give strength to societies that are more theocratically based. Let’s see how people are offended then.
ChaosFlower Bro, no need to wish death on yourself. Times will change. I’ve noticed more and more people are getting fed up with this bullshit so I can’t imagine it lasting forever
It's the end of civilization as we know it!! Oh for Christ's sake!🙄
@Moonshine Buck "Peace" is meaningless when uttered by someone using an offensive term like "freaks" to describe transexuals.🙄
Feminists are killing the west. Look at the low birth rate.
Just the typical sappy nonsense from blonde lady. Basically truth and justice have to be sacrificed for 'tolerance' and 'understanding'.
I'll settle for truth & justice.
I'm sick and tired of this subject.... MAN & WOMAN.... PERIOD!!!!
Can someone not point out that there are NO GROUPS THAT HAVE RIGHTS. ONLY INDIVIDUALS HAVE RIGHTS ?
If anyone, ANYONE, EVER suggests that groups should have rights, they're ACTIVELY PROMOTING THE OPPRESSION OF ANOTHER GROUP
False dichotomy. Individuals have the right to freedom of association. Groups determining their terms of membership are comprised of individuals exercising that right.
No, it's not a false dichotomy. I'll state it simply: You MUST restrict rights (under the law) to one group by applying ANY right (utl) to another
" Groups determining their terms of membership are comprised of individuals exercising the right to association " seems to be a non-sequitor and just a truism with no argument attached unless you're suggesting that a self-determined 'term of membership' should be applied to somebody based upon an immutable quality such as skin colour.
You're going to have to explain how that statement is in any way an argument against mine.
ragnar danneskjold Succintly and well said.
'You MUST restrict rights (under the law) to one group by applying ANY right (utl) to another'
The same's true of individual rights. I don't see what your point is.
'seems to be a non-sequitor and just a truism with no argument'
The argument is that by determining terms of membership, a group is exercising their right to freedom of association, and thus, so are the individuals comprising that group, making this an example of the dichotomy between individual and group rights being a false one.
'unless you're suggesting that a self-determined 'term of membership' should be applied to somebody based upon an immutable quality such as skin colour.'
Once again, I don't see how this is relevant.
I do see your point and I will need to delve deeper, define terms then provide an example.
For 'Group Right' I will use the definition: "a right given to individuals within a particular group but not to the individuals of the larger society within which the group exists"
It appears you're interpreting a collective right of self-determination as an aggregation of the individual rights of self-determination possessed by those who make up a group? Please correct me if this is a misunderstanding.
Pragmatically, an individual's right of self-determination is normally understood as the right of a person to determine their own life rather than a right to 'un-determine' others (Locke, Rousseau et al), this does not however negate the possibility of the extension of a law favouring individuals in one group impinging the rights of the individuals in another if the additional law allows those individuals to act similarly yet be punished less or rewarded more.
Thus, the right to 'group-determine' the 'terms of membership' of its collective life cannot be merely a summing together of component rights of self-determination.
Perhaps most importantly, INFRINGEMENTS against rights do not occur against the 'group' they occur against the INDIVIDUAL within a group.
If we use the example of the UK police. It is admitted by various forces that since the McPherson report, their senior officers are scared-to-death of being called racist. This has had the effect of backing off policing of Asian communities and thus crimes have risen but investigations have fallen and punishments have lessened. Thus, the few individual Asian criminals have, by extension, been granted a de facto Right Under The Law that has not been granted to others. This DIRECTLY impinges on the individual rights of other races' criminals or, more importantly, against other races' individuals seeking restitution against those that have legally wronged them.
Did that Harry guy just call the definition of woman hate speech. What on earth.
Whatever2018 Nope, listen again.
apearently Perception is 9/10 of the law
My mental illness doesn't afford me special rights why should theirs.
The inmates want to take over the asylum.
It doesn't love, trust me, I am a Trans women 30 post operative started at 17 in the eighties and never let it stop me living my life as best I could but that is mainly because I have beauty privalige and no-one knew, but believe me it's been a rough ride.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the first female Labour leader was a geezer
I think we've already had that Tony Blair 😂😂