The Islamophobia of "Homeland" - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself (4/5)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 52

  • @riverdalemaryland
    @riverdalemaryland 10 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Wow! I'm impressed!
    Deepa Kumar is a very sophisticated, educated young lady with a lot of experience to the world we're living and it's societies! She is a critical thinker with a high IQ brain that supports justice for all. Well done Deepa

  • @youngbuck189
    @youngbuck189 10 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    As a Pennsylvanian, I'm much more concerned about my own government and the lunatic fundamentalists living in the country than any other state or it's citizens.

    • @sislertx
      @sislertx 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      You should be concerned about the number of them in your government.

    • @hughjohn1960
      @hughjohn1960 10 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @elvankama5898
    @elvankama5898 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a muslim, and great fan of Homeland, I liked the speech itself. All these media depictions are so subtle that even we are not consciously aware of these. However, in Homeland they are manifesting themselves obviously. Brave speech from Dr.Kumar, thanks.

  • @Bazompora
    @Bazompora 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    10:41 THIS!
    This is the first time someone on a news outlet dares to denounce the blatant double standard that we'll have been beaten around the ears with for exactly a decade and a half, just over a week from now!

  • @xombieo0723
    @xombieo0723 ปีที่แล้ว

    Deepa Kumar still doesn't have the baIIs to call out how the U.S. unjustifiably supports Israel, and that was Bin Laden's biggest problem with the U.S. government.

  • @BobsRevenge
    @BobsRevenge 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Deepa Kumar has been one of the most intelligent guests that've been on this show. I've really been enjoying these.

  • @8301TheJMan
    @8301TheJMan 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Deepa is so damn right on that scene where Brody's wife discovers that he's Muslim, my god i had absolute ly no clue how nor why she acted so disgusted with the whole concept. i'm american and fuck I've lived the vast majority of my life in Maine for fuck's sake and only when i went to Palestine and Europe have i been around a bunch of people who are practicing Muslims, aside from a few close friends at U-Maine and shit back then I was getting hardcore into politics and shit, and yet on top of all of that and so I really was confused with what had actually transpired ion that scene, I though like I had missed a part where she oped the book and saw - i dunno, nude photos of another chick, i don't fucking know! But, yeah something like that though, because I was just totally at a lost as to the reality of why she really flipped shit. I watched it twice and an the second time i realized that she was disgusted with just the very idea that he was a practicing Muslim and a follower of the Qurran. it was such a weird scene , like I mean the utter disdain she has in her eyes for him in that scene, is worse than when she discovers that he was blew up the CIA, despite that specific attack was a set up but yeah. And then how she threw the book on the ground and when he jumped down to grab it off of the floor, her disgust then somehow increased even further and peaked as she left the garage! i was like what the fuck?! I've noticed this type of reaction or something bordering on this level of disdain, tho when it comes to military families, I don't wanna push that much of a stereotype, but families who have loved ones serving over or have served over in either Iraq or afghan. will almost always universally, even if it's just subconsciously, will see Muslims as the enemy while simultaneously buying into all of the worst stereotypes of all Muslims, that firstly they are all Arab, even the Persians and Afghani's, and that they all know with certainty that they are going to get 72 virgins when they die while killing an infidel, and of course that they are allowed to kill , rape, butcher, hell - eat any and all women they want because after-all...... they'r Muslims - IE: BARBARIANS.
    This show has though done like she said , a great job of for the most part avoiding a huge amount of the horribly blatant bigoted Islamophoibia that's rampant in 24, The Unit, and so on - but yet having many other far more artfully disguised significantly bigoted Islamophobia! And it is racs, because when people say Muslim, they 99.999999% of the fucking time, just like what Reza constantly says - they don't mean Malaysian Indian or even Malcolm X any longer, they mean Arab -period! And for the Sam Harris fan boys who have as much of a pathetically underdeveloped and even more so - simplistic view of really religion in general, i can understand why you may think he is right about Islam. Unfortunately, this is a guy who has a pathetic grasp on theological or comparative-religious analysis and so being someone who is an atheist , but someone who minored in comparative religions and then took other theology courses later on and I have always respected religion and faith, as well as understood it as a belief-system or ideology, because after all that's all religion is - an ideology! And so when people like Reza bash Sam, or Cenk Uygur bashes Sam, or Sam Seder, or other hardcore liberals and progressives like Deepa, they like me, are doing so not because of some liberal sensibilities - and because specifically speaking - Maher and Harris both have a childish and simplistic understanding of what exactly do people mean when they say that they are christian, Islamic, Jewish, etc, and also what do they specifically mean when they say that they believe and what constitutes faith in general. And so when it comes to them then taking that ignorance and applying it to Islam, they are even more wrong. Though Cenk, Seder, and others may not disagree when it comes to the analysis and understanding of religion and faith in general - so i should modify that part, they completely disagree with - mainly because they happen to be somehow even less biased than these clowns, (which is rich - because Cenk is a guy who left Islam and is one of the biggest bashers of religion in general- that I kn\ow of), and they happen to be able to look at the mountain of evidence proving that that one pll has first been taken out of context completely, and secondly that it's just one fucking poll and that by answering in the affirmative, that - that then means that they would truly ever follow through on actually committing , advocating for, or even supporting the commotion of an honor-killing.
    That's the biggest problem with these guys is that they take religion and people's said-belief in that religion, a whole lot more literal and definitely one-hundred-percent more serious and absolute than who say that they do. Just because someone says words, just like with religion, they are only words, like words on a page, and to think 85% of Egyptians would kill apostates first off is ridiculous, you know why - because if they all were one hundred serious on that we would se hundreds olf thousands of honor killing every year in Egypt. Secondly, the poll says in the fine print, that this 85% is of only Egyptians who already were Muslims who believed in the full enforcement of sharia Law in all forms, and so right there that excludes a large chunk of people right there. Not mention that fact like I said before - there is a mountain of difference between saying that they'd commit a honor killer or hell even supporting the commission of of one, and then actually following through and do that in real life! Then look beyond that poll to any and all other the other truly in depth in investigations, not just polling-data, and when you add it all up, the evidence proves Harris is simply as pompous and arrogant as he is ridiculously uninformed and truly racist. And Atheists like me, or CJ Werleman, or Cenk all may disagree hugely on our overall analysis of religion in general -happen to have the facts on our side especially when it comes to Harris' slander of Muslims! And there's a number of religious scholars whom I wish my fellow Atheist brethren would investigate further, first off of course there's Cornell west, then Chris Hedges, Reza Aslan, and Deepa Kumar - (Yeah, and by the way -I don't even know if she's religious now that I think about it - I know she's not Islamic, but whatever), these are people who this new second-coming of the "Know-Nothings", aka: The New Atheists, rally and I mean really need to at least read a little bit of these people's work and scholarship on religion in general, because this black and white view of religion, like what CJ has said - is dangerous because after all it's what leads to Sam advocating for both the Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars, the Libyan War, Torture of detainees, and then each and every despicable war-criminal Israeli massacre in Gaza and there entire policy when dealing with the occupied and brutally oppressed Palestinians!

  • @slackologist
    @slackologist 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "you're either with us or against us"

  • @sinekonata
    @sinekonata 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't see why Paul has to be critical of the idea that the impact, effect or numbers of Islamic terrorism in the US or even the world is blown completely out of proportion.
    She's not saying it doesn't happen, only that it doesn't happen nearly as intensely as portrayed.

  • @2011ListenerThe
    @2011ListenerThe 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the "woman in red" is also the classic mata hari stereotype of the woman as a secret, sexual weapon. Women in red is always synonymous with female provocateur. The theme of the woman in red is constant in videography and always carries the same meaning, sexual intrigue and covert activity.

  • @sasquatch4315
    @sasquatch4315 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's a Show...get with the real issues of Islam... read the Koran and discuss what it teaches and let's deal with the reality of the situation, that is going on in the world.

    • @dakotadenverdexter
      @dakotadenverdexter 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      What type of entertainment a society consumes gives a very good indicator of how that society views certain aspects of life. Ideology is always hidden in plain sight.

    • @syedali-rs8cj
      @syedali-rs8cj 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +wayne welden wait and our American obsession with violent video games and porn is not

  • @Mxwellnz
    @Mxwellnz 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this guy is such a punk 🙄

  • @hoobymarburg167
    @hoobymarburg167 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Deepa Kumar should emancipate herself from the outdated religious dogma first. Instead, she confused her Islamic inferiority complex with intellectual integrity.
    A text that was written 1400 years ago, is not suited to solving today's problems.
    You must learn that human rights were not created with the help of Christianity and fought through, but were put through against fierce resistance of Christianity .
    There are no "sacred" texts, but only outdated dogmas.
    After she has learned this, we can talk about American imperialism and globalization. We can talk talk about the military-Industrial complex and Wall Street, and about how much power a Democratic president really has.

    • @xombieo0723
      @xombieo0723 ปีที่แล้ว

      She's not supporting Islam at all, or any kind of "sacred text" of any religion. What she is saying is that most Muslims around the world are just like any other people--they just want to live their best life and raise their families right.

    • @peak_911
      @peak_911 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      wouldn't it be muslimphobia then?

  • @yafy.5158
    @yafy.5158 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just don't make middel Eastern phenotype evil.

  • @yarimo
    @yarimo 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree and dissagree with her. Homeland has a lot of instances in wich has been Islamophobic. Like everytime Brody prayed. But have she seen the first two episodes from this new seasons?Sure we have that poster which is quite obvious its Islamophobic. But in this new episodes we see how Carey carries a drone strike in a village killing people on a wedding. She doesnt go "Oh my God what have we done?" She brushes it away. And everything was picked out of Dirty Wars. One of the survivors from the strike doesn't look for retaliation. I think they are playing it differently now and Im glad they are telling this stories which people dont know about. Lets see if they keep thip up by the end of the season.

  • @aryarish
    @aryarish 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    a phobia is an irrational fear of something. If you know islam as i do, you know that the fear of islam taking over laws is very real and very rational. coming from me an iranian who lives in iran and have visited many arab countries;
    Saying that islamic laws dont bring sexism and male supremacy in society is very naive and just stupid really. To equate the place of women in secular countries and islamic countries in the way the guest does is such an obvious false equivalency

  • @bitphr3ak
    @bitphr3ak 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    An obviously fictional story called Homeland is offensive to another fictional story called Islam....
    Superman called! He wants the spotlight back from Ironman!

    • @DC-wp6oj
      @DC-wp6oj 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bit Phreak in that case, they can choose other 'fictional' religions like Christianity and Judaism. The show is nazi propaganda

    • @xombieo0723
      @xombieo0723 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DC-wp6oj Actually it's neo-Nazi (i.e. Jewlsh) propaganda. This version with Claire Danes is based on an Israeli version, which I can only imagine how racist and xenophobic that might be.