Is Wargaming slowly making battleship gameplay obsolete?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 42

  • @hiddentruth1982
    @hiddentruth1982 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    WG is falling in to the trap of making things so op that it's running off old players and new players are saying nah I can't do anything without opening my wallet to the tune of 100's of dollars.

  • @markstone-tolcher5693
    @markstone-tolcher5693 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    The main issue of this game is not particular ships or ship classes, we all can and do get great games(occasionally) with the weaker ships. The player base does not help each other, and the lack of teamwork is why more games are blowouts instead of evenly matched quality games. How we get players to understand they have to work together is the challenge.

    • @aluisious
      @aluisious หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That will never happen. The only game I ever played where people regularly worked together was Left 4 Dead 2, which was designed to require cooperation or you'd lose instantly.

  • @hiddentruth1982
    @hiddentruth1982 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thank you for your service.

  • @deadmanschest4322
    @deadmanschest4322 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I believe it's a mistake to only consider BB. CA also suffer from the mechanics that trouble BBs (carriers, submarines, destroyers), and additionally, they are affected by the overmatch mechanics of BBs. As you mentioned in the first match, it's unrealistic to expect CAs to fix everything if the DD and later the BB are taken out, assuming the CA survives that long.
    You must consider the bigger picture, which WG (Wargaming) has failed to do!
    The problem is that World of Warships (WoWs) was initially designed with a somewhat functional "triangle mechanic" at release (BB beats CA, CA beats DD, DD beats BB, with carriers (CV) somewhere in between, but with limited aircraft and playing against a rather effective AA defense). However, with each change (first CV rework, new and increasing ship tools, super ships, hybrid ships and Sub), this foundational structure has been progressively thrown off course, approaching a point where the entire WoWs system is collapsing.

    • @tangotone1241
      @tangotone1241 หลายเดือนก่อน

      *WarmoneyGrubbing (WG)

  • @andreasa6136
    @andreasa6136 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    One big factor is the subs. If you're in a BB and there is a sub around it is literally suicide to push. DD torps you have a chance to avoid by manoeuvring, but subs can just spam those homing torps at an incredible rate of fire so you'll die instantly. It is such a miserable gaming experience for the sub's target. I even prefer getting dropped by a CV if I have to choose.

    • @Rexax1
      @Rexax1 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Stop complaining about stuff that will not change, you need your team, you did not magically came in front of a sub

  • @general_av8or
    @general_av8or วันที่ผ่านมา

    Great video. To your point, I am a BB main. I only play PvE now. I want to play PvP, but got tired of getting HE spammed from behind islands when I was trying to tank for the cap I am at and getting no support. So I started playing passive in back. Then the chat got toxic cuz you weren't tanking. HE spammed, melted, no support i stick with operations now.

  • @brett76544
    @brett76544 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    CV changes will lower the number of planes killed; subs have made BBs not just scared but run immediately. Some of the DDs can just outclass the BBs. The ships with funny buttons can just farm some of the BBs at will. so, who wonders why BBs may not be the first choice for some players now. I can get into the Mainz and rain pure hate down on a BB and the more they hit me the faster I fire closer to 4.2 seconds starting at 6 seconds. That is twelve 150mm's firing like a DD.

  • @SyDeimon_45
    @SyDeimon_45 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a player with 8K random battles and 3-4k clan battles, I can tell you that a battleship without cover will never be a big threat. Especially in random where everyone plays their own game without supporting the rest. While it is true that a few years ago, before the arrival of submarines and the change of CV mechanics, playing battleship was easier, because even if they did not support you, you could still play "alone" in the game.
    The thing is that this happens mostly in random, but in clan battles it is totally the opposite. In leagues like Typhoon and Hurricane, the Battleship becomes the most important class in your lineup. Because it allows you to clear a sector where your cruisers need support and consequently helps your cruisers to take out the destroyers. But good battleship management makes a difference, especially playing well against cruisers and avoiding excessive damage from enemy battleships.
    Therefore alone a battleship is probably the most useless class, but as a whole it is the strongest.

  • @babyseal_5
    @babyseal_5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The vids are always interesting and the points are valid but the submarine torp hits were just a series of misplays 1. Never dcp a single ping, you only dcp double pings as a DD because single pings are easy to dodge but double pings cut the reaction time by half 2. Even after dcp the torps were very easy to dodge by just turning in once torps were spotted, by turning out you allowed them to turn into you

  • @anthrax2413
    @anthrax2413 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don't worry. The CV will rework will make things worse for BBs. They will be an even juicer target, won't kill enough planes and CVs will be able to cross the map much faster to target BBs.

  • @aluisious
    @aluisious หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Seems obvious that carriers and subs both went a long way to making BBs obsolete. No counter play to either one other than running to the edge of the map and effectively being out of the game.

  • @kenjukoff582
    @kenjukoff582 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Totallly agree. I wish they would listen to you.

  • @efa0tz
    @efa0tz หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    tbh subs and CVs are cancer for a reason. Gimmicky DDs don't help either. I understand that WG wants to monetize and they don't really care about balance per se apart from imbalance being a catalyst to opening wallets.
    But if you think about the state of balance after launch, it was more interesting. DD's had different strength and weaknesses depending on nation. Same with cruisers and BBs. Yamato was the only one overmatching bows, etc.

  • @lukestables708
    @lukestables708 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yeah there is so much wrong with the game it's untrue, and the sad thing is we all agree it's just such a great product but every 'update' doesn't really deal with the core problems that players have been talking about for years. Plane spotting is clearly a problem but there are several others. Regardless the key problem as I see it is that far too many games are just 'blowout games' that are basically over in a few minutes and/or just boring games that are often frustrating too. Obviously not every match can be a fun and exciting encounter but the ratio is far too low and it's just getting lower with every 'update'. At the end of the day people play games for fun, and if the game isn't fun and is mostly a frustrating experience why are people going to keep playing?

  • @dodgedaytona7435
    @dodgedaytona7435 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just change the damage saturation on bbs, just like French dd, past a certain point they are almost HE Immune. Battleships in real life besides superstructure were HE Immune. The IJN Fuso had 51mm deck armor, which is not bad for a ww1 battleship.

  • @tangotone1241
    @tangotone1241 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Keep finding myself in 7vs7.... they aren't losing player base slowly, it's happening quickly. And for those of us that love the team based games, this ends very soon. Once TL comes out in the western world, they'll need to rename this game CV vs Grubmarines, they'll be the only players that remain.

      @RIPPERDD  หลายเดือนก่อน

      ikr! Thank you!

  • @Boatswain_Tam
    @Boatswain_Tam หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's true, which is also why you get so many blow outs in the game. Randoms are now truly randoms - you just don't know which side of the blow out you're gonna to end up on
    This new CV rework will make plame survivability even higher & the game worse. Planes will be given unlimited ability to "dolphin down" (in the same way subs "dolphin up") and hit ships again and again. They'll also be travelling to their targets at max speed which means their DPM would be even higher
    One way to mitigate this could be playing at a lower tier, where you don't get that many gimmicks T5, 6 & 7 could be the way to go

  • @Borzoi-appreciator
    @Borzoi-appreciator หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Not trying to be a contrarian here or to spread hate, but I have to disagree with basically everything in this video. WG has been listening to BB players over the last 2-3 years, and have been making BBs stronger and easier to play. Secondaries have not only been buffed to the strongest state they've been in years, but WG has released strong ships that are entirely centred around secondaries. Although HE spam has been getting stronger, BBs have also been given more and more resistance to fires and HE spam in the form of improved heal duration, improved heal cooldown, better DCPs, better armor, F key gimmicks ,and most importantly buffed captain skills that make BBs nearly impossible to burn to death with a full tank build. on top of all this WG has been making BBs less punishing to play by giving them braindead armor schemes that make them very challenging to citadel, faster turret traverse, better conceal, top speeds that rival DDs, HE capabilities that outpace cruiser HE spam, more and more overmatch, and insanely accurate guns. BBs are quite possible in the strongest position they have ever been in since the game's release. Every example you used of BB being helpless to influence the game in this video is because those BB players were bad players, not because the class is weak. Any half decent BB player with more than 40 iq can absolutely roll a flank and singlehandedly carry a game. BB players aren't sitting at the back of the map refusing to push in because they have no other choice, they are sitting at the back of the map refusing to push in because 90% of them don't understand basic map positioning, angling, or torp dodging, so they'd rather play it safe and conserve HP instead of taking risky positions to actually try and win the game.

  • @strawberry-parfait3922
    @strawberry-parfait3922 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is an over obundance of battleships in WoWs because its so easy to do damage in them due to overmatch mechanics. The struggles and effort you have to go thru to achieve 150k dmg in a Shimakaze vs how easy it is in a BB like Yamato is insane. The test server CV rework has alot of flaws but for ships that rely on stealth this change is a big buff.

    • @okramra
      @okramra หลายเดือนก่อน

      Beta DD main complains about skilled Chad BB players

  • @Overdoseplus
    @Overdoseplus หลายเดือนก่อน

    BBs don't push so of course they go obsolete. Most of them will gladly let their DD or CA die so they can get a random cit.

  • @hiddentruth1982
    @hiddentruth1982 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I remember back when the shimmy came with 2 torp types. The 20 km and the starting torps. I use to sneak all the way in to the back line and throw torps. You can't really do that anymore after all the radars and cv spotting. That's not even the low earth orbit spotability of the 20km's now.

  • @booch9109
    @booch9109 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Torps and fires

      @RIPPERDD  หลายเดือนก่อน

      i know, so brutal, Thank you!

  • @aluisious
    @aluisious หลายเดือนก่อน

    ...engine boost doesn't make you slow faster.

  • @crossbow_v3nom
    @crossbow_v3nom หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yoooo ripper DD your content is 🔥 but noticed that it’s a year ago you covered the F Sherman, it’s myn favorite dd tho but realy wanne see you revisit the dd and show us how the Sherman is actually played and best build for it

  • @oneangrycanadian6205
    @oneangrycanadian6205 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have played this game from the start. I remember when bbs would push up and take damage protect their dds and cruisers by taking the damage for them. The game was so much more fun back then. I personally don’t care about cvs in the game because you can div play the game and stick together. But the subs and super ships and combat instructions are cancer to this game. Just my opinion.

  • @Aotearoawoodturner
    @Aotearoawoodturner หลายเดือนก่อน

    nice video bu its to late for the game i think. the asia server is down on player count like 30% used to c 13000 at peek time now lucky to get 8k

  • @neillynch7243
    @neillynch7243 หลายเดือนก่อน

    WG has been slowly killing this game. They don't know how to balance their game and don't play their game; and don't really listen to feedback and then try and balance via a spreadsheet... It has been slowly dying for months now, it's a real shame as the concept is great. They don't seem to realise at all. The numbers are really falling, and fast. Flamu covers WG numbers by server - the evidence is there. Also, you are usually up tiered when playing tier 8 or 9 and even 10 - with 10 the worst as again there are tier 11s in every game. It's buy a OP ship or don't have fun... It's so sad, what a waste of money, time and a great idea to have a 'World of Warships'. This game will be dead in a year or two...

  • @failure_4_sale
    @failure_4_sale หลายเดือนก่อน

    BB main, played the game from 2016-2022, I couldnt do it anymore with the subs, tried other things, even carriers and.... well... does anyone know where I can sell an account? 115 plus premium ships, a good chunk of which you cant anymore either, not even in christmas drops.

  • @roji556
    @roji556 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They already are obsolete.

  • @lemonidasm2530
    @lemonidasm2530 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What are u talking abou t, you had so much support from the BB's and you were playing near them , not ahead of them. Please do not confuse reality with wargaming.

  • @LarryWater
    @LarryWater หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think cruisers are obsolete. I do fine in BBs.

      @RIPPERDD  29 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @guyincognito1560
    @guyincognito1560 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If anyone from WG is reading these........what in the actual flock are you all thinking? I don't think I know of another example of a great game that is getting absolutely wrecked to this degree. You took an excellent game idea and phukked it up.
    Create a game mode where subs and CVs work like convoy missions with actual sub hunters and wolfpack tactics or 2 CV task forces in elimination matches with specific AA ships and let the surface ship players have their friggin game back!!! What is wrong with you people? If I didn't know any better I'd swear you are on a mission to destroy this franchise with your antics.

      @RIPPERDD  29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you!