I really can’t get why gjn can’t just add 13.0-14.0-15.0 or even higher br if needed to finally balance all planes. Or at least add some searching pattern like “3 up tiers - 1 mid tier - 1 downtier” with 100% chance to have at least 1 downtier and 1 mid tier in 5 matches instead of praying to have 1 not uptiered match out of 100 matches like it is rn
The only reason(s) I can come up with with is just greed or laziness, honestly. They've been using "but it will make the queue times go way up!!" as a copout for fucking years and we still have no evidence that that would even be true. If they're holding back from lowering the BR spread in the matchmaker from +/- 1 BR to +/- .7 and moving the BR ceiling much higher because the compression makes them more money, then that would not surprise me.
One big reason is because of tanks i think. We had modern day tanks like the leopard 2A5 when the top BR plane was stuff like the MiG-19 or T-2, they didnt even have flares back then. Right now I’d say tanks are mostly balanced, obviously there are exceptions, and the max BR would be better at something like 12.0 or 12.3, but anything past that would do more harm than good imo. They could easily avoid that issue if they made *GROUND* RB a tank only mode WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, but they dont want that to happen.
In case it wasn’t already obvious, Gaijin don’t expect anyone to grind in a linear fashion from the bottom to the top ranks without using premium vehicles. From their perspective the starter jets struggling is a non-issue because they know everyone will just buy a premium from a BR higher than that and back-grind; unlocking things at a lower BR than their premium and basically just skipping the bad things and continuing to grind through them. And the players will know what is and isn’t worth crewing based on how many they’ll have killed when downtiered in their premiums whilst grinding. So yes, compression at the lower BRs is bad for the game; but it’s good for Gaijin’s back pocket. And that’s all that matters.
The hunter fga 9 suffers so much at 9.3, as a slow ass subsonic that mega bleeds speed in medium turns with slightly faster aim 9b's and the potential to face aim 9L's and r60M's not to mention magics with no flares whatsoever because of the insane amount of uptiers on average REALLY makes me wish i could get my $50 back
they need the separated br between ground and air like they promised in the roadmap, so they can up in br the plane that need it in Air while left them as is in Ground
Yes, they should. But how does that help the current issue? Attackers with powerful IR missiles messed up the whole BR fork from 8.0 to 10.7. ARB players think they need to raise BR to at least 10.7. GRB players also think they need to raise BR to at least 10.3 (when SAMs start showing up). Then why do they have such a low BR? Because GRB players, who can't fly, grind those airplanes into ARBs, thus reducing their statistical efficiency. They can't grind them in GRB because there you can't take the airplane from the start, the price in spawn points is higher than you'd like, and the activity rewards are lower than in ARB. The problem isn't even BR compression, it's that the mode is outdated and not suited for transonic and supersonic aircraft. What is needed is a reform of ARB as a whole #SnailreformtheARBnow
Because they could up in br those plane in Air without messing up them in ground. A10 with aim9l in a menace at 10.0 air but if you up it'll risk being useless or not having a cohesive line-up in ground depending of the br you put it in.
I don't understand why the Mig 15bis ISH is .3 lower than all the other Mig-15bis. In the game it has identical flight performance to normal Mig-15bis.
i just can't agree more that the F-104 is incredibly oppressive in the bracket that is in right now, if you compare its dominance to others like the attackers meta at the 9.7-10.3 bracket or the F-15, the F-104 it is genuinely a threat to the game's balance because in 8.X-9.7, raw power and decent guns alone can effortlessly get you to win games, as brs go up, those assets gets progressively eroded, hence why the F-15 while being arguably a F-104 with most of its performance issues fixed and decent missiles, it ultimately underperfoms. Gaijin is seriously wrong with this month's BR changes, and i think they're moving the entire bracket purely for the fun of tweaking numbers, and not because they thought this properly in advance.
Big snail: How do we fix high tier compression? Little snail: How about we increase the maximum br? Big snail: but that would increase queue time! Other snail: how about we move the P-51H-5 and Bf-109K down to reserve? That would free up space.
This list of BR changes and the videos being released by content creators on it have basically confirmed my suspicions that Gaijin and almost all the the player base have forgotten that the Yak 23 and Yak 30 exist. Those things should not stay at 8.7 if they’re moving stuff like the MiG 15 bis, the CL13s, and Lim5 down, but they stay cause they are just forgotten aircraft.
I just got out of a game vs a yak23...nobody knew how to fly against it. everyone was trying to turnfight it (g91s, sabres) it was pathetic to watch. Gaijin doesn't balance the game correctly because the playerbase is comprised 99% of total brain-off premiums just rushing to min-max to the new shit
They are not forgotten, gaijin just balances around muh StAtIsTiCs and the average player is an absolute cretin that turns with everything. People suggesting to put vampire and MiG 15 at the same rating shouldn't be in charge of balancing.
the cold hard truth is that the US and USSR mains have the A-10s/Su-25s because it is the most braindead way gaijin can allow them to grind (and buy themselves into top tier). Because they don't require the user to learn anything, and I mean ANYTHING other than know which planes don't have flares to get easy kills. Its an easy cash grab for gaijin
Watch Gaijin leave all the French subsonics exactly where they are. Sure, not a lot of folks fly out the Mysteres and the Vautours, but sometimes I get that sneaking suspicion that Gaijin has a hate boner for anything French.
I hate it when people praise gaijin for raising the br when they add more modern jets Like bro its the BARE MINIMUM when you add new and better jets We need like 15 16.0, 8v8 or 6v6 soon or high tier air is just gonna get worse and worse
Ah, the classic Me.262 vs. MiG-15 duels. Neophytes don't know, but "Skill matters" award refers to BVVd's answer to the question of what a player on Schwalbe should do against a MiG-15. Life is a flat circle
So, they give all aspect missiles in stock to russkies, maybe they remove from phantom E E sidewinders, and give 2 J's in stock? Ah, i forgot, its russian game
mig21bis sits at 11.0 where you're facing pretty much all of top tier everyother match. It's not like they're giving every mig all aspects, just the ones that get them to begin with.
im happy theyre moving the sabre so i dont have to deal with starfighters or other extremely powerful jets (compared to the sabre) but the sabre also should not be fighting literal propeller aircraft. I don't understand their thought process here.
@@King-_Of-_Mars even if i get upteired to 10.3 i just stay away from trigger happy attackers with all aspect mssls, usally there is a lone fighter or 2 i can jump so yea. 9.3 f104 is fun tho you can kill the subsonics as they afk fly coz they dont expect an angry speed pencil mere kms off the airfeild.
if your suspicion is true when the fox 3s are added and the 11.7s are moved down the f14a is going to be a different breed of broken, 10.7 facing j35s is already crazy 10.3... i could only dream.
One thing that doesn’t get enough recognition is the plane that started the SuperSonics at 9.7 and below in the first place. It actually was the F-104 for a few weeks on initial release but was moved up to 10.0 and 9.7 was capped to be unable to face these. Then they made what I think is possibly the single worst balancing decision in air RB when the Lightning F.6 was moved from 10.0 to 9.7 while this cap was still enabled. It ran every single other jet in circles and was near impossible to kill while the stronger planes literally couldn’t face it. It is the reason the 9.7 to 10.0 cap was removed and has caused an absolute shitshow since then. And that is why I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE the Lightning F.6. Mini rant over.
War Thunder, the game where the ME-163/Ki-200 can fight a Harrier in a "normal" battle. Watch Gaijin lower the A-10 and SU-25 by .3br some day so you'll get WWII rocket planes facing all-aspects.
Yes, the reason why no one wants to play 9.3 9.7 is because of the All aspect spam, Now theyre going to change it so that no one is gonna play 7.3 and 8.0 anymore because we just dont need to have fun... as if playing the vampires, Me262, R2Y2s cant get any worse
It's obvious that we'll NEVER get the decompression that we want. Considering that BR will always stay compressed, it would be nice if that added like a variable BR for some planes. For example, the A-10. If you queue into battle with the aim-9L, you get 10.3 BR. But if you queue in without the aim-9L, you get something like a 8.0 BR. (i'm talking about air rb only, I don't know anything about a10 in ground rb). I think it would be a nice addition, because a lot of planes that have poor flight performance + strong missiles, are basically unsuitable for any BR right now.
I agree, I think the thing that will fix this is not only adding Higher BR's (ie 13 14 br) to air but also adding the same BR's numbers to ground/naval/heli's
People expecting Gaijin to change their ways.. They are never going to do anything that the players want or anything that benefits them. They will always make the choice that benefits themselves first and makes more money. They will always make choices that hurt the players in some way. Players need to lose more SL than they gain, otherwise they won't purchase it with GE. Gotta have BR compression so it's never an even playing field and that can happen.
I think another thing to keep in mind, is that Gaijin isn’t trying to cater to one of us or some of us. They’re trying to cater to EVERYONE. When you try to cater to everyone, the best option is to unbalance things. Why would they do that? Simple. An unbalanced game Allows them to create a new “meta” every few weeks. This allows them to cater to the bottom dwellers hugging the ground avoiding radar missiles one week, just to buff the radar strength two weeks later and render that tactic useless for a short time… as annoying as it is for us players, its the best option to giving everyone a “better” experience while also creating steady income from micro transactions. Hopefully one day Gaijin will build some other cash grab title, allowing war thunder to become the labor of love it deserves to be.
@@M-dicino lmfao, “catering to everyone” isn’t an actual problem or something gaijin even does… they just do what will frustrate players the most without causing another review-bomb/wtpu shitstorm like they had to maximize premium pack and GE sales.
@@DigitalShaolin i hear you, but War thunder is a business first and foremost. If you were trying to make the most money possible would you give your customers every single thing they want? Or would you do whats in your best interest as a business to ensure longevity and consistent profits? You would be hard pressed to find any game studio that listens to the vocal minority. Instead they do the same thing gaijin does. Put out roadmaps, poll the community, release new content periodically during the year, continually update and fix issues (or mistakes) in the game code, and last but not least change game play mechanics to change the meta to favor certain weapons,vehicles, or tactics. It’s simple business and most aaa game studio use this practice. Ea, Activision, Dice. I mean hell, even Bethesda did it with the train wreck that was fallout 76… These companies aren’t going out of their way to play with peoples emotions. They’re doing it for profits.
the f-104 is probably one of the hardest things to balance because it has 1 gimmick and that's it speed, any competent pilot in one can ditact every single engagement. there's no reason that gaijin shouldn't increase brs for aircraft by at least 2 and just having separate brs for ground and air where strike aircraft with great ground capabilities go up in br and fighters go down.
Literally jusy give the flareless 9.3's flares for balancing purposes and put them back up to 10.something Then fix the big issue of BRcompression. Gaijin is consistently inconsistent with their "balancing over historical accuracy"
You forget that with the cl you have a good chance meeting a 10. The mk6 from germamy basicly always met the a 10. And you cant do anything against it.
You are correct. Altho BR changed alone wont solve it as a whole. You can push AMX to 10.7, can swap r-60m for r-60 for SU-25, A-10 is fine where it is IMO (as long you're not facing decent squad of 3-4 A-10). But then we have A-6 with much better flight performance than A-10, but nowhere near SU-25. Removing AIM-9L will make it garbage and you cannot drop its BR either because it would become insane in mixed battles. Only solution i can think of is simply removing it from the game and compensating players with unique prem replacement, but gaijin will never do that.
I think people just dont realize that everytime they "decompress brs" all they do is compress low/mid tier. I think that moving sabres down is a net good, if they increased the BR ceiling to 15-17. Theres no reason why your P51D should be facing early zeros, Spitfire 22-24 facing mig17s and arriettes. How people agreed with the BR "decompression" that they did a year and a half ago is beyond me, they only saw their favored BRs being balanced; not the rest of the game.
I stopped playing like a month ago but i really depend on the f-104 since its my only rank VI jet and i need it to farm (I wanted the crusader) Maybe i'll come back before they fix this lol
Because it is part of the business model. If you feel happy and in balanced matches on your vehicle, you will not want to grind/buy premium/ buy ge to progress. And that brings money to Gaijin.
Not sure since I started playing this game where a BR change has actually helped at all, ever. And uping the A10 and 25 only makes it much harder on them. They're cannon fodder in any match they fall into, anyone still complaining about them is out of touch.
We are ignoring how much this is going to make ground battles even morr annoying. You already cant shoot down planes at that br because tracking radars suck or just do not exist. Like what has a chance at this point that isnt a lucky shot the gepard and make the amx30 dca?
I play Sabres all the time, but this is just more compression, it's awful. Sabres and migs were in a fine place. They really have no reason to go down. But, if they are going to go down, why just Sabres and migs? They're the best planes of those BRs. What about France's Mystere IIs?!? What about Swedish early jets?? It's just messed up. If you want to push all aspect missiles further away, raise the BRs of 10.0s!!! (Or maybe make rockets just as good as flares in the game code, that would actually be a fix for all the world's problems). Also sidenote honestly F-104s aren't that bad since they can't turn if you see them you can dodge then.
you do realize the first flight of the F-86 was in 1947 right? its literally ww2 technology and post war performance, this is beneficial as it compresses a battle rating where now superprops like the Spitfire Mk.24 is going to be able to fight its Korean war counterparts, if you can't handle the performance differences it's a skill issue. it's going to actually saturate 7.0-8.0 with people and increase chances for a downtier in post war jets down to props due to the amount of 8.3 and 8.7 aircraft + their premium counterparts. its a larger game than a single battlerating and in the long run will be beneficial
AIM-9E is not better than the AIM-9B. The latter turns tighter as it flies slower but pulls the same amount of G'S. The E has longer range and an uncaged seeker. I rate them equal.
@@remrryn we both know that argument is stupid especially with the new stupid smaller lobbies comming. CDK proves they don't care about gameplay. Greedy companies bro
@@hellogoodbye388 it's optional smaller lobbies similar to night battles, but ya I see where you are coming from. Would be nice but they have shown time and time again they only care about money, not fun for the players.
How about gaigin just makes 8v8 and 6v6 air rb matches and rotate them in at random so that I don't have to squeeze my nuts by playing air ab just to play small games
This is is kinda bad for air changes, Gaijin should instead decompress BR, raise the BR cap again and let the Gen 3 and 4 dogfight in their own BR gap. A-10 is terrible honestly, too slow. F-104 is also terrible, you are a pure BnZ interceptor, and it's only good cus you do face slower enemies, if you face anyone with good missiles, your chances of dying is much higher, and nothing you can do about it. And lastly the A-5C should be put at rank 7, its BR of 10.0 is not logical its underanked. Ofcourse it should be updated with a price tag of $65 like how they did for the F-5C.
There needs to be a separate rating for planes in ground and air RB. I don't play ground Rb so I have no idea if stuff like the A10 or Su 25 are balanced there, but I'm pretty sure that sharing a Br across game modes doesn't help. You can have situations where one aircraft dominates one game mode, but sucks in the other.
This game was fun to play at the time. After they add missile madness,compress all the planes and make me lose 8-9 battles In a row. I decide to not forcing it anymore. I got very weird players, battles and after that I just installed another game (warzone) and let war thunder make the necessary changes to make their game playable again. I am playing it since 2013 btw. Repeating same things over and over again make burn in guys. + How far you go that much hard is getting to spade and research vehicles. That's just to annoy players and make some cash out of them See you gjn in a year or so
These are the moments when i like to remind people of the April Fools event from 2017, "Rank IX" with the T90A and leo2A5. In the Devblogs they were introduced to be sitting at BR 14.3 and 13.0 remember where they sat at when they originaly got added to the tech tree? 10.0 and 10.7 we needed a PROPER decompresion 5 years ago not these fucking .3 BR increases every other year. we need to add BRs up to at least 16.0 and restructure the vehicles in the different trees acordingly. But that wont happen cus gaijin are lazy mofos :3
tried sabres again after years its trash unless its a fair subsonic only lobby which is 1 outta 8 battles. i agree a10s su needs to be at 11.0 min theres su25 at 11.0 why cant they all be there.
I'll disagree with you. Its good that these are going down now they can be at least run with tanks of more or less equal era! Just waiting for 262s and other early jets to finally start going down to 6.3-7.0 where they belong.
Have you flown much of the f15? It's fuckin miserable man, plane just kills itself all the time when u turn slightly. it could be 12.0 and I still wouldn't fly it
I began playing wt back in late 2012, early 2013. I love(d) this game like no other. But, the sweet spot was pre modern era jets. Take long breaks because the grid d, my skill, and the abomination that is the battle rating system in its current state. Everytime I return to the game I want desperately to love, I'm reminded of why I soon leave again. 2013 gaijin. And this shit still is broken, broken, broken.
5:25 while I think all aspects should not be too low, I do think that attackers should be competitive in air. Any good fighter can often do ground attack just as well as a ground attacker in air RB. If attackers can only attack and not dogfight it makes them useless, because there's no point in flying them. Just fly a fighter.
i feel like it should correlate with ground battles so like MIG-15s and MIG-17s should be in the same BR as the T-55s and T-62s if that makes sense but also i feel like the WW2 era jets could go down in BR aswell since the 6.0 bracket of super props definitely do outclass the lower tier jets and many 5.0 planes are also already super props that can compete with the 6.0s id argue but thats just an opinion
Me in my spitfire fighting the MiG-15.
It's not as bad as flying the mig 23m, you can fight magic 2s and r73 with 12 flares and you can't do nothing about it
@@TallyPatka-dz2cz skill issue
Nah, I’d lose
@@TallyPatka-dz2cz just don't play this plane, it was always trash.
I really can’t get why gjn can’t just add 13.0-14.0-15.0 or even higher br if needed to finally balance all planes. Or at least add some searching pattern like “3 up tiers - 1 mid tier - 1 downtier” with 100% chance to have at least 1 downtier and 1 mid tier in 5 matches instead of praying to have 1 not uptiered match out of 100 matches like it is rn
Because its part of the business model. Simple.
Then players would have fun??? How does that increase premium sales???
You suggest that we get fun? Man this game is for masochists just like me! I don't want any fun!
The only reason(s) I can come up with with is just greed or laziness, honestly. They've been using "but it will make the queue times go way up!!" as a copout for fucking years and we still have no evidence that that would even be true. If they're holding back from lowering the BR spread in the matchmaker from +/- 1 BR to +/- .7 and moving the BR ceiling much higher because the compression makes them more money, then that would not surprise me.
One big reason is because of tanks i think. We had modern day tanks like the leopard 2A5 when the top BR plane was stuff like the MiG-19 or T-2, they didnt even have flares back then.
Right now I’d say tanks are mostly balanced, obviously there are exceptions, and the max BR would be better at something like 12.0 or 12.3, but anything past that would do more harm than good imo. They could easily avoid that issue if they made *GROUND* RB a tank only mode WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE, but they dont want that to happen.
In case it wasn’t already obvious, Gaijin don’t expect anyone to grind in a linear fashion from the bottom to the top ranks without using premium vehicles.
From their perspective the starter jets struggling is a non-issue because they know everyone will just buy a premium from a BR higher than that and back-grind; unlocking things at a lower BR than their premium and basically just skipping the bad things and continuing to grind through them.
And the players will know what is and isn’t worth crewing based on how many they’ll have killed when downtiered in their premiums whilst grinding.
So yes, compression at the lower BRs is bad for the game; but it’s good for Gaijin’s back pocket.
And that’s all that matters.
British jets like Hunter completely ignored lmao
And g91s too. Meanwhile rat vehicles, like the saabs, still at same br
Britain as a whole has been ignored for so many updates
@@Sten05 To be fair, we did get the Gripen. But now Britain will be forgotten again for a couple years until Eurofighter comes out.
The hunter fga 9 suffers so much at 9.3, as a slow ass subsonic that mega bleeds speed in medium turns with slightly faster aim 9b's and the potential to face aim 9L's and r60M's not to mention magics with no flares whatsoever because of the insane amount of uptiers on average REALLY makes me wish i could get my $50 back
Venom is at 8.7 too…
I agree gaijin, the spitfire vs the mig15 bis is very fair and balanced:)
Meanwhile 262a1 that didnt feel itself good at its own br:
they need the separated br between ground and air like they promised in the roadmap, so they can up in br the plane that need it in Air while left them as is in Ground
Yes, they should. But how does that help the current issue? Attackers with powerful IR missiles messed up the whole BR fork from 8.0 to 10.7. ARB players think they need to raise BR to at least 10.7. GRB players also think they need to raise BR to at least 10.3 (when SAMs start showing up). Then why do they have such a low BR? Because GRB players, who can't fly, grind those airplanes into ARBs, thus reducing their statistical efficiency. They can't grind them in GRB because there you can't take the airplane from the start, the price in spawn points is higher than you'd like, and the activity rewards are lower than in ARB.
The problem isn't even BR compression, it's that the mode is outdated and not suited for transonic and supersonic aircraft. What is needed is a reform of ARB as a whole
Because they could up in br those plane in Air without messing up them in ground.
A10 with aim9l in a menace at 10.0 air but if you up it'll risk being useless or not having a cohesive line-up in ground depending of the br you put it in.
the 15 Bis ISH at 8.0 is going to be fun.
But incredibly unbalanced lol
My 262😭
I don't understand why the Mig 15bis ISH is .3 lower than all the other Mig-15bis. In the game it has identical flight performance to normal Mig-15bis.
makes for a decent lineup pick for GB
i just can't agree more that the F-104 is incredibly oppressive in the bracket that is in right now, if you compare its dominance to others like the attackers meta at the 9.7-10.3 bracket or the F-15, the F-104 it is genuinely a threat to the game's balance because in 8.X-9.7, raw power and decent guns alone can effortlessly get you to win games, as brs go up, those assets gets progressively eroded, hence why the F-15 while being arguably a F-104 with most of its performance issues fixed and decent missiles, it ultimately underperfoms.
Gaijin is seriously wrong with this month's BR changes, and i think they're moving the entire bracket purely for the fun of tweaking numbers, and not because they thought this properly in advance.
Big snail: How do we fix high tier compression?
Little snail: How about we increase the maximum br?
Big snail: but that would increase queue time!
Other snail: how about we move the P-51H-5 and Bf-109K down to reserve? That would free up space.
This is the real april fools joke.
This list of BR changes and the videos being released by content creators on it have basically confirmed my suspicions that Gaijin and almost all the the player base have forgotten that the Yak 23 and Yak 30 exist. Those things should not stay at 8.7 if they’re moving stuff like the MiG 15 bis, the CL13s, and Lim5 down, but they stay cause they are just forgotten aircraft.
I just got out of a game vs a yak23...nobody knew how to fly against it. everyone was trying to turnfight it (g91s, sabres) it was pathetic to watch.
Gaijin doesn't balance the game correctly because the playerbase is comprised 99% of total brain-off premiums just rushing to min-max to the new shit
They are not forgotten, gaijin just balances around muh StAtIsTiCs and the average player is an absolute cretin that turns with everything. People suggesting to put vampire and MiG 15 at the same rating shouldn't be in charge of balancing.
Oh yeah, the Yaks 🤣
Korean War jets facing 262s is literally 2015 reloaded. Back then nobody complained though :)
Worse, korean war jets facing spitfires
I really need to go back to the F104 before it inevetebly gets put in a higher BR... thankfully I probably have a few years before Gajin gets to that
the cold hard truth is that the US and USSR mains have the A-10s/Su-25s because it is the most braindead way gaijin can allow them to grind (and buy themselves into top tier). Because they don't require the user to learn anything, and I mean ANYTHING other than know which planes don't have flares to get easy kills. Its an easy cash grab for gaijin
Watch Gaijin leave all the French subsonics exactly where they are. Sure, not a lot of folks fly out the Mysteres and the Vautours, but sometimes I get that sneaking suspicion that Gaijin has a hate boner for anything French.
Dont forget british. Venoms and hunter are in bad place (especially when their analogs go down in BR). 8.0 meteors will suffer even more now too.
Hopefully they just don't shove these down but unfortunately I have a feeling these will go through...
Yeah gaijin seems to be actively fucking over france and britain
I hate it when people praise gaijin for raising the br when they add more modern jets
Like bro its the BARE MINIMUM when you add new and better jets
We need like 15 16.0, 8v8 or 6v6 soon or high tier air is just gonna get worse and worse
lmao this is like the OG days when F86As/Mig15s fight Me262s and Fw190D13s
Ah, the classic Me.262 vs. MiG-15 duels. Neophytes don't know, but "Skill matters" award refers to BVVd's answer to the question of what a player on Schwalbe should do against a MiG-15. Life is a flat circle
So, they give all aspect missiles in stock to russkies, maybe they remove from phantom E E sidewinders, and give 2 J's in stock? Ah, i forgot, its russian game
mig21bis sits at 11.0 where you're facing pretty much all of top tier everyother match. It's not like they're giving every mig all aspects, just the ones that get them to begin with.
im happy theyre moving the sabre so i dont have to deal with starfighters or other extremely powerful jets (compared to the sabre) but the sabre also should not be fighting literal propeller aircraft. I don't understand their thought process here.
Yeah f104 was usable at 9.7 idk why they refuse to move it back up
@@King-_Of-_Mars even if i get upteired to 10.3 i just stay away from trigger happy attackers with all aspect mssls, usally there is a lone fighter or 2 i can jump so yea. 9.3 f104 is fun tho you can kill the subsonics as they afk fly coz they dont expect an angry speed pencil mere kms off the airfeild.
Hi and do you think that this will be like the economy changed? Reversed as soon as it is added
Or just changed
Hopefully just changed... you never really know though
@@GeneralLee2000 yeah gaijin is very stubborn so…
the saggitario and ariette still beeing the same br is also just another snail clown moment....
“The Sagittario 2 is so OP, it always wins when i turnfight with it”
This sucks for turboprop players but absolutely slaps for early korean war jet enjoyers
Downtiers will be an absolute massacre
if your suspicion is true when the fox 3s are added and the 11.7s are moved down the f14a is going to be a different breed of broken, 10.7 facing j35s is already crazy 10.3... i could only dream.
One thing that doesn’t get enough recognition is the plane that started the SuperSonics at 9.7 and below in the first place. It actually was the F-104 for a few weeks on initial release but was moved up to 10.0 and 9.7 was capped to be unable to face these. Then they made what I think is possibly the single worst balancing decision in air RB when the Lightning F.6 was moved from 10.0 to 9.7 while this cap was still enabled. It ran every single other jet in circles and was near impossible to kill while the stronger planes literally couldn’t face it. It is the reason the 9.7 to 10.0 cap was removed and has caused an absolute shitshow since then. And that is why I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE the Lightning F.6. Mini rant over.
War Thunder, the game where the ME-163/Ki-200 can fight a Harrier in a "normal" battle. Watch Gaijin lower the A-10 and SU-25 by .3br some day so you'll get WWII rocket planes facing all-aspects.
i think A1H should go to 9.0 (flares)
Give it aim9b (they were tested on it), and put right on 10.3. After all, having aim9b and flares makes good 10.3 plane, right?
@@alexturnbackthearmy1907 yes
So true!!!
They need to reduce the mm range from 1 br to 0.7br. will be impossible to balance otherwise
Yes, the reason why no one wants to play 9.3 9.7 is because of the All aspect spam,
Now theyre going to change it so that no one is gonna play 7.3 and 8.0 anymore because we just dont need to have fun... as if playing the vampires, Me262, R2Y2s cant get any worse
It's obvious that we'll NEVER get the decompression that we want. Considering that BR will always stay compressed, it would be nice if that added like a variable BR for some planes. For example, the A-10. If you queue into battle with the aim-9L, you get 10.3 BR. But if you queue in without the aim-9L, you get something like a 8.0 BR. (i'm talking about air rb only, I don't know anything about a10 in ground rb). I think it would be a nice addition, because a lot of planes that have poor flight performance + strong missiles, are basically unsuitable for any BR right now.
That’s actually a great idea
I agree, I think the thing that will fix this is not only adding Higher BR's (ie 13 14 br) to air but also adding the same BR's numbers to ground/naval/heli's
And seperate br’s for ground and air
It was already bad… now its worse
People expecting Gaijin to change their ways.. They are never going to do anything that the players want or anything that benefits them. They will always make the choice that benefits themselves first and makes more money. They will always make choices that hurt the players in some way.
Players need to lose more SL than they gain, otherwise they won't purchase it with GE. Gotta have BR compression so it's never an even playing field and that can happen.
The hilarious thing is there's a ton of ways they could easily make more money and they just don't, I don't get them
I think another thing to keep in mind, is that Gaijin isn’t trying to cater to one of us or some of us. They’re trying to cater to EVERYONE. When you try to cater to everyone, the best option is to unbalance things. Why would they do that? Simple. An unbalanced game Allows them to create a new “meta” every few weeks. This allows them to cater to the bottom dwellers hugging the ground avoiding radar missiles one week, just to buff the radar strength two weeks later and render that tactic useless for a short time… as annoying as it is for us players, its the best option to giving everyone a “better” experience while also creating steady income from micro transactions. Hopefully one day Gaijin will build some other cash grab title, allowing war thunder to become the labor of love it deserves to be.
@@M-dicino lmfao, “catering to everyone” isn’t an actual problem or something gaijin even does… they just do what will frustrate players the most without causing another review-bomb/wtpu shitstorm like they had to maximize premium pack and GE sales.
@@DigitalShaolin i hear you, but War thunder is a business first and foremost. If you were trying to make the most money possible would you give your customers every single thing they want? Or would you do whats in your best interest as a business to ensure longevity and consistent profits? You would be hard pressed to find any game studio that listens to the vocal minority. Instead they do the same thing gaijin does. Put out roadmaps, poll the community, release new content periodically during the year, continually update and fix issues (or mistakes) in the game code, and last but not least change game play mechanics to change the meta to favor certain weapons,vehicles, or tactics. It’s simple business and most aaa game studio use this practice. Ea, Activision, Dice. I mean hell, even Bethesda did it with the train wreck that was fallout 76… These companies aren’t going out of their way to play with peoples emotions. They’re doing it for profits.
They need to add 2-3 BRs to really get Decompression, However they will not because people want instant queue times.
Gonna go check the changes but I can already guess either a bunch of British aircraft didn’t move or have gone unnecessarily up in BR
The fact the su11 still hasn’t been moved up from 7.3 is crazy
F-84F is at 8.3 still, how?
the f-104 is probably one of the hardest things to balance because it has 1 gimmick and that's it speed, any competent pilot in one can ditact every single engagement. there's no reason that gaijin shouldn't increase brs for aircraft by at least 2 and just having separate brs for ground and air where strike aircraft with great ground capabilities go up in br and fighters go down.
The solution is to just increase battle rating to 15.0 for toptier
I've given up on decompression years ago. I just want themed weekend RB events around past top tier match ups.
I love how all the thing they said where good br changes are now canceled
Me flying the unturnable j29f with no flares against all-aspect missiles
subsonic players be like: f104 should go up in br
meanwhile my f104 being chased by 10 mig21s:
They need to make the max br be 14-15.0, and they also need to move the f-104 to 9.7 or 10.0 and give it aim 9E's
Everyone bitched about br, but what they need to fix is the horrible spawn camping issues in ground.
Literally jusy give the flareless 9.3's flares for balancing purposes and put them back up to 10.something
Then fix the big issue of BRcompression. Gaijin is consistently inconsistent with their "balancing over historical accuracy"
You forget that with the cl you have a good chance meeting a 10. The mk6 from germamy basicly always met the a 10. And you cant do anything against it.
How about increase current max BR to 13.0 and reshuffle things so all the jets are between 7.7 and 13.0.
Not all jets are good enough for that, the majority yeah but not all
You are correct. Altho BR changed alone wont solve it as a whole. You can push AMX to 10.7, can swap r-60m for r-60 for SU-25, A-10 is fine where it is IMO (as long you're not facing decent squad of 3-4 A-10). But then we have A-6 with much better flight performance than A-10, but nowhere near SU-25. Removing AIM-9L will make it garbage and you cannot drop its BR either because it would become insane in mixed battles. Only solution i can think of is simply removing it from the game and compensating players with unique prem replacement, but gaijin will never do that.
trash idea
I think people just dont realize that everytime they "decompress brs" all they do is compress low/mid tier. I think that moving sabres down is a net good, if they increased the BR ceiling to 15-17. Theres no reason why your P51D should be facing early zeros, Spitfire 22-24 facing mig17s and arriettes. How people agreed with the BR "decompression" that they did a year and a half ago is beyond me, they only saw their favored BRs being balanced; not the rest of the game.
I’m going to become a 262 sweat now . MiG 15s will have nothing on me
I stopped playing like a month ago but i really depend on the f-104 since its my only rank VI jet and i need it to farm (I wanted the crusader) Maybe i'll come back before they fix this lol
As a free to play player who only has jets on USA and Germany, man do i wanna cry
Why no decompression gaijin?
Because it is part of the business model. If you feel happy and in balanced matches on your vehicle, you will not want to grind/buy premium/ buy ge to progress. And that brings money to Gaijin.
@@MT11222 I love how most TH-camrs (If not all ?) doesn't talk about that like if it wasn't very obvious.
@@WhiteRhino27200 It may break their Content Creator's Contract
@@dudus9287 If it's how it is, it means they are part of the scam then.
Not sure since I started playing this game where a BR change has actually helped at all, ever. And uping the A10 and 25 only makes it much harder on them. They're cannon fodder in any match they fall into, anyone still complaining about them is out of touch.
We are ignoring how much this is going to make ground battles even morr annoying. You already cant shoot down planes at that br because tracking radars suck or just do not exist. Like what has a chance at this point that isnt a lucky shot the gepard and make the amx30 dca?
So happy I got a random talisman for the CL-13 Mk.4, truly one of the grinders of all time
I wonder if anyone at gaijin knows the definition of butterfly effect
I play Sabres all the time, but this is just more compression, it's awful. Sabres and migs were in a fine place. They really have no reason to go down. But, if they are going to go down, why just Sabres and migs? They're the best planes of those BRs. What about France's Mystere IIs?!? What about Swedish early jets?? It's just messed up. If you want to push all aspect missiles further away, raise the BRs of 10.0s!!! (Or maybe make rockets just as good as flares in the game code, that would actually be a fix for all the world's problems). Also sidenote honestly F-104s aren't that bad since they can't turn if you see them you can dodge then.
Thats why i started playing tanks.. yes 7.0-8.7 is pretty weird but its so much more fun than fighting 104 in sabre
i thought br changes are automated. it really seems like they are not.
I will always say that the top BR should be 15.0 at a minimum, for both air and ground
Your first mistake is thinking gaijin intends to balance the game at all
The 104 is not the biggest problem, it mostly is A-10,F-5C,AV-8 and the other 9.3-9.7 shit if crazy missiles
you do realize the first flight of the F-86 was in 1947 right? its literally ww2 technology and post war performance, this is beneficial as it compresses a battle rating where now superprops like the Spitfire Mk.24 is going to be able to fight its Korean war counterparts, if you can't handle the performance differences it's a skill issue. it's going to actually saturate 7.0-8.0 with people and increase chances for a downtier in post war jets down to props due to the amount of 8.3 and 8.7 aircraft + their premium counterparts. its a larger game than a single battlerating and in the long run will be beneficial
Correction the XP-86 first flew in 1947, the F-86A flew in May, 1948. Very big difference
Watch them implement these with no alterations after getting 24 likes and over 1,100 comments
Easiest fix is getting rid of uptiers and downtiers
We are so back to 2014-2015 era🗣🔥🔥
AIM-9E is not better than the AIM-9B. The latter turns tighter as it flies slower but pulls the same amount of G'S. The E has longer range and an uncaged seeker. I rate them equal.
This is terrible i say we riot again we need br 1 - 15 and planes based by era.
would be nice but they wont go back to historical battles due to "que time arguement"
@@remrryn we both know that argument is stupid especially with the new stupid smaller lobbies comming. CDK proves they don't care about gameplay. Greedy companies bro
@@hellogoodbye388 it's optional smaller lobbies similar to night battles, but ya I see where you are coming from. Would be nice but they have shown time and time again they only care about money, not fun for the players.
Opinion on MiG-19?
Needs to go up too
Tbh, br change this time, if it gets updated as shown, just giving me solid opinion gaijin dont think, communicate with users, and cares the balance
How about gaigin just makes 8v8 and 6v6 air rb matches and rotate them in at random so that I don't have to squeeze my nuts by playing air ab just to play small games
I don't even play ARB but I still watch ARB content just to check on that garbagefire.
This is is kinda bad for air changes, Gaijin should instead decompress BR, raise the BR cap again and let the Gen 3 and 4 dogfight in their own BR gap. A-10 is terrible honestly, too slow. F-104 is also terrible, you are a pure BnZ interceptor, and it's only good cus you do face slower enemies, if you face anyone with good missiles, your chances of dying is much higher, and nothing you can do about it. And lastly the A-5C should be put at rank 7, its BR of 10.0 is not logical its underanked. Ofcourse it should be updated with a price tag of $65 like how they did for the F-5C.
I eat a 9L from an AV8-C / A-10 pretty much 80% of the matches I play on 9.7-11.3
I'm crying in my Mystere II
There needs to be a separate rating for planes in ground and air RB. I don't play ground Rb so I have no idea if stuff like the A10 or Su 25 are balanced there, but I'm pretty sure that sharing a Br across game modes doesn't help. You can have situations where one aircraft dominates one game mode, but sucks in the other.
This game was fun to play at the time. After they add missile madness,compress all the planes and make me lose 8-9 battles In a row. I decide to not forcing it anymore. I got very weird players, battles and after that I just installed another game (warzone) and let war thunder make the necessary changes to make their game playable again.
I am playing it since 2013 btw. Repeating same things over and over again make burn in guys. + How far you go that much hard is getting to spade and research vehicles. That's just to annoy players and make some cash out of them
See you gjn in a year or so
"It works for me" summary of this whole video
Dunno i cant get the a10 to work in air rb, i might be shit, but its fun
These are the moments when i like to remind people of the April Fools event from 2017, "Rank IX" with the T90A and leo2A5.
In the Devblogs they were introduced to be sitting at BR 14.3 and 13.0
remember where they sat at when they originaly got added to the tech tree? 10.0 and 10.7
we needed a PROPER decompresion 5 years ago not these fucking .3 BR increases every other year.
we need to add BRs up to at least 16.0 and restructure the vehicles in the different trees acordingly.
But that wont happen cus gaijin are lazy mofos :3
Me waitig to change the su-25 to 9.3 with r60 only
tried sabres again after years its trash unless its a fair subsonic only lobby which is 1 outta 8 battles. i agree a10s su needs to be at 11.0 min theres su25 at 11.0 why cant they all be there.
I'll disagree with you. Its good that these are going down now they can be at least run with tanks of more or less equal era! Just waiting for 262s and other early jets to finally start going down to 6.3-7.0 where they belong.
Have you flown much of the f15? It's fuckin miserable man, plane just kills itself all the time when u turn slightly. it could be 12.0 and I still wouldn't fly it
I think they really just have a personal vendetta against the korean war at this point. Used to be the funnest br. Sad.
at this rate i think props are gonna fight mig-21s in the next few months
MiG15 at 8.3 is fucking insane
And of course the Hunter doesn’t go down
as a f104 spammer i do agree that the pencil needs a br increase also a10s and su25 ruin the game
I began playing wt back in late 2012, early 2013. I love(d) this game like no other. But, the sweet spot was pre modern era jets. Take long breaks because the grid d, my skill, and the abomination that is the battle rating system in its current state.
Everytime I return to the game I want desperately to love, I'm reminded of why I soon leave again.
2013 gaijin. And this shit still is broken, broken, broken.
5:25 while I think all aspects should not be too low, I do think that attackers should be competitive in air. Any good fighter can often do ground attack just as well as a ground attacker in air RB. If attackers can only attack and not dogfight it makes them useless, because there's no point in flying them. Just fly a fighter.
Bro... 9B and 9E have the SAME moter. It's the less draggy seeker head(I belive. Idr well so take with a grain of salt)
Can't wait to play War Thunder a year later and see my Mustang facing Phantoms and MiGs.
Cant wait to fight mig15s and sabres more frequently on my j29 (end my suffering)
Same old story in war thunder with BR compression, they will never learn, this is why i can't stand playing the game anymore.
i feel like it should correlate with ground battles so like MIG-15s and MIG-17s should be in the same BR as the T-55s and T-62s if that makes sense but also i feel like the WW2 era jets could go down in BR aswell since the 6.0 bracket of super props definitely do outclass the lower tier jets and many 5.0 planes are also already super props that can compete with the 6.0s id argue but thats just an opinion
There should be seperate br’s for ground and air modes for all planes
Gajin really needs to listen to this Dude he only talks facts!
Can’t wait to abuse the MiG 15bis ish at 8.0 LMAO