Yes, that's because he mastered the language first...most people out here are just talking and it's obvious that they don't know what the words they say even mean.
He a great talker he no what he speaks proud is underestimated what I feel for him overstand baby me too love you I wish you get exactly what you want baby With Most highest speed much. Love
@@jerseymontana1310 Yes I agree with you, my point was, I wish there were more people able to have access to the information to share it. (As this is how we evolve) The problem is, as I'm sure you are aware, is the indoctrination, the destroying of information, the hoarding of information..etc. Knowledge is power (with great power comes great responsibility) and not everyone uses it for good. It also isn't free, you have to pay attention. I, myself like to do research and analyze information and am open to multiple points of view, as well as being able to agree to disagree because not everyone is on the same level of intellect, view points, opinions and facts and so on.
WE MUST educate our OWN children. The US educational system continues to indoctrinate with push back on telling the truth. Let us create home school and after school programs. The blue babies et all REQUIRE it. Otherwise, the future of the upcoming generations will be lost, WE are responsible and must guide and protect them. The brother is awesome and speaks the truth😢. We must get busy because the devil is busier. Our ancestors are watching….
His take on plantations and how other ethnic groups would not BE building AirBnbs and making money on literally where their ancestors died 💁🏽♀️💁🏽♀️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 that really blew my mind !!! That’s true !! We need to acknowledge our history !! NOT allow our people again to be monopolize😢😢🤯
Rizza Islam's words are akin to shrapnel from a fragmentation grenade, they go in all directions and not a single piece misses their target. Thank you profusely and infinitely. I didn't just learn something new today I learned a whole bundle of truths. Gratitude ! Gratitude ! Gratitude ! Ankh Udja Seneb!
I am a Christian/Catholic but believe that this man is one of the very smartest people on the planet today. I agree with almost everything he says and appreciate him so much.
Omg this man is so intellectual and love our People. I pray that all black men follow his steps. We need these type of Black man modeling the way. Thank you and God Bless Rizza Islam.
Jesus is the right man but he was not a white man. The bible say he had "hair like lambs wool and feet like brass burned in an oven". Sounds like he was a black man man to me. WAKE UP. PEACE.@@Davido50
This is one of our leading men of our future! What a mind he has, he shows our young Men and Women a day to learn, study,live, grow into this life, Thank you young brother.
@1:34:15, the sex, organ trafficking issues y’all discussing reminds me of a documentary that reveals an individual who bumped into a house/barn that contained people that were being harvested for their hearts, and other organs - in Africa. India also has those issues - it’s a global problem
I particularly appreciate the comments in the opening statements. It seems like everyone wants to have a strong opinion or stance, yet so many people these days don't like to read. Knowledge is power! People who have deep knowledge are people who are willing to take the time to find the correct sources, read all the information, and then come to thoughtful conclusions. If people think they can get all the necessary information from Facebook, TV, or just watching TH-cam, then we are going to have a very uneducated population. This is particularly true of our youth. Thank you Brother Rizza for setting the right example! 🙏🏾♥️
We as a people need to unite and learn how to communicate with each other first before communicating with other cultures. We have to come together and learn about ourselves.
Society has taken the life out of life. He's right that we need to work hard to re-implement these basic skills and values, from which we build upon for the rest of our lives. Young men today have zero interest in such, nor do they realize what they're being depraved of.
I am so pleased to have heard this young man. I completely resonate with everything that he is saying. I love God and my people. I am speaking a truth that speaks to owning our own vision before God unapologetically! I will be watching and listening!
Listening to this young man makes my soul happy I feel like I've had a feast ..not a microwave meal, a real spread on a big old school dining room table made of mahogany😊
This is my first time listening to this podcast and I am hooked. Love Rizza and his flow I also love the smoothness of your voices and the knowledge. You have a new subscriber. My grandmother used to make us pick a word in the dictionary and we had to spell it and use it at least twice in a sentence EVERY DAY!! Annnnnd we had to learn a fact from the Encyclopedia Brittanica...Yes the actual books that door to door salesmen sold us.
Peace. I fully agree. Brother Rizza spoke of our need to truly study our history and once we do that within our own families first, the tale of slavery will be exposed and this whole ish gonna flip for sure. Peace
OMG, this is by far the best interview. I listen to in a while..Love the content and the questions that was ask., I will be tuning in more to this podcast. Love Rizza ❤.
To me as a brother from The Grass Roots the only Grassroots I know is the ghetto and most of us wouldn't even have an idea of what the man is trying to say Elijah Muhammad barely can talk so that's why they say in the Nation of Islam make it plain because we don't have higher education that allows us to listen to Someone Like This except when we're in court being charged with crimes from the prosecutor and not having good lawyers that are paid for by the state for us to even have a chance to keep our freedom I can go on for a long time with the subject so I think I made my point so I'll stop right here, my name is Jerome Keith Jenkins AKA Cherokee Red Wolf.
This the most educational video that for me is one, current, two prophetic and thirdly necessary that I have ever seen. Thank you gentlemen so very much. So much has been shared that must re-ingest. I feel found and need help others lost in the muck of society my people are. Can’t thank you enough!
Allah protects his true believers. You can tell a tree by the fruit they bare so can you tell a man by his works! This is the type of brothers and sisters that minister Farrakhan produce Bro. Rizzas work bares who he is!!!! Good brother!
Thank you for addressing the weed and cannabis situation..I am so glad I quit years ago I dibble and dabble very rarely once in a blue. But when I seen how crazy people would act when they didn't have it. And everyone was becoming forgetful and lazy. I'm like oh no 😂.. but weed definitely isn't the same..And for people to think they can trust legal weed because it's legal is so naive and clueless.
I can listen to this man all day, he tells nothing but truth and facts!
Well, he speaks his theories derived from facts. Scholars and not just social media videos and the internet.
Big facts
Rizza that dude! We need more intelligent young brothers like him!
I agree 💯 percent 😊
Seeing and listening to this made me proud. I love to see young black men with so much knowledge and perfect diction.
Yes, that's because he mastered the language first...most people out here are just talking and it's obvious that they don't know what the words they say even mean.
He a great talker he no what he speaks proud is underestimated what I feel for him overstand baby me too love you I wish you get exactly what you want baby With Most highest speed much. Love
I hated he putting his life on line I'm in mourning when I watch him love him but I hate the world
This is why we don't have leader they kill us but worship hilter
Facts my husband is smart as well 😊
If you are not listening to this dude, you are truly missing out!!
This man is handsome, and what makes him handsome, is he is well EDUCATED..
Protect Rizza at all cost
Yes yes yes
I was looking for this comment 😅
This is one time I definitely concur …
Protect our charlatans.
He is divinely protected
Brother Rizza is under the protection of Almighty GOD ALLAH. PEACE. 😀😀😀
This man right here is our brother Malcom for our generation
Yes he is…🙌🏿
Yes .. Almost.
No way, Malcolm discovered the real Islam and this brother is still a part of the cult NOI
@@ShadzVibez Malcolm didn’t discover Islam brother
Black folks need to hold tight to our love for humanity… we are never afraid!! It’s painful when you visit plantation grounds!!
Brotha Rizza is a godsend! We gotta protect him at all cost.
This is the type of education I wish all our children had access too🙏🏼
Such an amazing man💞👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
He went out and learned himself. He wasn't just given it. Get out and search. It's not gonna fall on you
@@jerseymontana1310 Yes I agree with you, my point was, I wish there were more people able to have access to the information to share it. (As this is how we evolve)
The problem is, as I'm sure you are aware, is the indoctrination, the destroying of information, the hoarding of information..etc.
Knowledge is power (with great power comes great responsibility) and not everyone uses it for good.
It also isn't free, you have to pay attention.
I, myself like to do research and analyze information and am open to multiple points of view, as well as being able to agree to disagree because not everyone is on the same level of intellect, view points, opinions and facts and so on.
Teach your own children They will teach their friends. The library 📚 Amazon 📚 black own sites 📚 the information is easy to access
WE MUST educate our OWN children. The US educational system continues to indoctrinate with push back on telling the truth. Let us create home school and after school programs. The blue babies et all REQUIRE it. Otherwise, the future of the upcoming generations will be lost, WE are responsible and must guide and protect them.
The brother is awesome and speaks the truth😢.
We must get busy because the devil is busier. Our ancestors are watching….
They do u just have to order the books & help them understand what’s happening. It’s up to u to truly educate them.
Very knowledgeable and very well spoken. This young man should be speaking to our youth! Very powerful and eloquent.
Agree wholeheartedly!!
He does
I'm here for brother rizza
I’ll second that
@@audrafolkes5978I also concur 👍🏾
His take on plantations and how other ethnic groups would not BE building AirBnbs and making money on literally where their ancestors died 💁🏽♀️💁🏽♀️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 that really blew my mind !!! That’s true !! We need to acknowledge our history !! NOT allow our people again to be monopolize😢😢🤯
Exactly, facts!!!!!!! B1
Brotha Rizza always bringing quality information.
Rizza Islam's words are akin to shrapnel from a fragmentation grenade, they go in all directions and not a single piece misses their target. Thank you profusely and infinitely. I didn't just learn something new today I learned a whole bundle of truths. Gratitude ! Gratitude ! Gratitude !
Ankh Udja Seneb!
100% agree with you
So succinctly expressed!! ✨
I am a Christian/Catholic but believe that this man is one of the very smartest people on the planet today. I agree with almost everything he says and appreciate him so much.
Bro on point with everything
Omg this man is so intellectual and love our People. I pray that all black men follow his steps. We need these type of Black man modeling the way. Thank you and God Bless Rizza Islam.
Quite a Few of US..NEED TO HEAR THIS.
I will stop what I’m doing. Just to make sure I can listen to Brother Rizza Islam
we stand with Brother Rizza and all of our leaders bringing us TRUTH!!! as-salaam-alaikum, one love🌍✌️❤️
Christianity is the only way friend. 🙏 ✝️
@@Davido50 LOVE is the only way family. ☮️
Jesus is the right man but he was not a white man. The bible say he had "hair like lambs wool and feet like brass burned in an oven". Sounds like he was a black man man to me. WAKE UP. PEACE.@@Davido50
Yes yes yes 💯 percent 😊
1LUV ♥️
Great conversation, I learned a lot thank you both
Thank you for this interview! Blessings to everyone 🙏
Wow, talk about a five course meal. Absolutely refreshing conversation with such a well read, conscientious man. ✨
This is one of our leading men of our future! What a mind he has, he shows our young Men and Women a day to learn, study,live, grow into this life, Thank you young brother.
One of the most important interviews you will ever watch.
This brother is the truth! Great interview!
Nailed It! The love for your Enemies is REAL!!!!
Yall really have me stress waiting for these full interviews lol🙏🏿
Im here for the whole interview 💯
How long has this man been popular? Why am I just now finding him !? I need this !
I just knew about him because my husband listens to him so I decided to he is amazing to listen and learn from 😊
Salute…. ✊🏾
@1:34:15, the sex, organ trafficking issues y’all discussing reminds me of a documentary that reveals an individual who bumped into a house/barn that contained people that were being harvested for their hearts, and other organs - in Africa.
India also has those issues - it’s a global problem
Much respect to Rizza Islam... He speaks 100 percent facts.
Peace and Love family, thank you for the in depth info!
I particularly appreciate the comments in the opening statements. It seems like everyone wants to have a strong opinion or stance, yet so many people these days don't like to read. Knowledge is power! People who have deep knowledge are people who are willing to take the time to find the correct sources, read all the information, and then come to thoughtful conclusions. If people think they can get all the necessary information from Facebook, TV, or just watching TH-cam, then we are going to have a very uneducated population. This is particularly true of our youth. Thank you Brother Rizza for setting the right example! 🙏🏾♥️
This brother is the TRUTH! Remember, Ezekiel saw the wheel way in the middle of the air! Nothing but the Black Melanated Truth!
We as a people need to unite and learn how to communicate with each other first before communicating with other cultures. We have to come together and learn about ourselves.
Yes I agree with you 💯
Exactly!!!! 👏🏿 No lies told!
Bout time u dropped the full video. Been waiting on this 1 🔥
Society has taken the life out of life. He's right that we need to work hard to re-implement these basic skills and values, from which we build upon for the rest of our lives. Young men today have zero interest in such, nor do they realize what they're being depraved of.
I am so pleased to have heard this young man. I completely resonate with everything that he is saying. I love God and my people. I am speaking a truth that speaks to owning our own vision before God unapologetically! I will be watching and listening!
Listening to this young man makes my soul happy I feel like I've had a feast ..not a microwave meal, a real spread on a big old school dining room table made of mahogany😊
This is my first time listening to this podcast and I am hooked. Love Rizza and his flow I also love the smoothness of your voices and the knowledge. You have a new subscriber. My grandmother used to make us pick a word in the dictionary and we had to spell it and use it at least twice in a sentence EVERY DAY!! Annnnnd we had to learn a fact from the Encyclopedia Brittanica...Yes the actual books that door to door salesmen sold us.
So leave a word of wisdom or a vocabulary word for readers to ingratiate themselves with the culture...
We gotta get someone on to talk about genealogy and law so we can get our land back and protect our communities
Lmao they’ll never let us get “our” land back.
Peace. I fully agree. Brother Rizza spoke of our need to truly study our history and once we do that within our own families first, the tale of slavery will be exposed and this whole ish gonna flip for sure. Peace
I have been waiting for this full interview to drop. Definitely didn’t disappoint!
Dadgum, my brotha your true talk is enlightening. Keep up the truth, and wake up black Americans.
Thank you gentleman.❤
Yes Monells in Nashville is a old Plantation house. I just didn't feel comfortable there. You can feel that energy all I there
This was very educational thank you. Glad this is the only social media I have
Same here
I am new to listening to you and I really do appreciate your words and your wisdom God be with you
Knowledge Is Power ❤️
Always a powerful interview wit dis man!
Rizza always coming with that heat
This man is extremely intelligent and brilliant. God bless.
OMG, this is by far the best interview. I listen to in a while..Love the content and the questions that was ask., I will be tuning in more to this podcast. Love Rizza ❤.
Rizza is the best
Powerful interview peace and blessings❤️🙏🏾
To me as a brother from The Grass Roots the only Grassroots I know is the ghetto and most of us wouldn't even have an idea of what the man is trying to say Elijah Muhammad barely can talk so that's why they say in the Nation of Islam make it plain because we don't have higher education that allows us to listen to Someone Like This except when we're in court being charged with crimes from the prosecutor and not having good lawyers that are paid for by the state for us to even have a chance to keep our freedom I can go on for a long time with the subject so I think I made my point so I'll stop right here, my name is Jerome Keith Jenkins AKA Cherokee Red Wolf.
Thoroughly enjoyed the full length interview, digital dollar ads and all!!!
Been waiting for the full episode.
Thank you for being Honest /Wise ..Yor truth can change lives..We appreciate Intellectual People as yourself
So glad I found your channel. Great interview !
This the most educational video that for me is one, current, two prophetic and thirdly necessary that I have ever seen. Thank you gentlemen so very much. So much has been shared that must re-ingest. I feel found and need help others lost in the muck of society my people are. Can’t thank you enough!
Battle los ángeles is a real movie that came out around 2012 .....wild
Pretty weird the word of is missing😂😂😂😂
@@MDAM12716 that's the name of the movie.... idk why they named it that
we follow so closely and glory in the ones who are working for our downfall
All of this is by design history is just repeating itself, but on a different level
One of the greatest men alive
Allah protects his true believers. You can tell a tree by the fruit they bare so can you tell a man by his works! This is the type of brothers and sisters that minister Farrakhan produce Bro. Rizzas work bares who he is!!!! Good brother!
This brother deep and in point! Teach brother teach!
vladed us with the clips lmao damn thank you brother
Love our brother! Wisdom is a defense, and understanding is to depart from Evil!
Such a nice well spoken young man ❤
I love this man frr speak nothing but facts 💯 i want to start a black 🖤 army come together and unite.
Thank you for addressing the weed and cannabis situation..I am so glad I quit years ago I dibble and dabble very rarely once in a blue. But when I seen how crazy people would act when they didn't have it.
And everyone was becoming forgetful and lazy. I'm like oh no 😂.. but weed definitely isn't the same..And for people to think they can trust legal weed because it's legal is so naive and clueless.
Salute to both of you Kings
Talk about gems and knowledge!!!
Mind blowing!!!!
This is an interview worth listening to many times,so many gems!
Yes these truth are priceless ❤😊❤
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview
Protection and Positive Vibes For This Powerful Brother ✊👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
My brother Rizza speaks nothing but the truth
I can give u many examples of his lies, his whole belief system is fraudulent and built on lies
I been addicted to these vide drops love the info
(Edit) im not sick tho😂😂😂
Welcome to reality
Love this brotha. Very knowledgeable and with that knowledge willing to teach.
Ladies Den you are a gorgeous princess. Let's put our heads together and build. How your day going
😊 what a great smart black man!
Dr.tyrone of Chester PA.
At 1:14:52 he almost named dropped hitler witnessing UFOs. big facts
Give thanks !!
Them listeren strips that melt. What type of technology 😍😇
So glad to see & hear your voice again. You are highly Protected & Spiritually Guided. I am sending my love & light to you. Namaste
Another Problem People Rather Follow Than Studying For SELF Not Looking For And Depending On Someone's Else Interpretation!!!!💯
Thank God for this intelligent knowledgeable interviewer.
Smart brother smart and smart intelligent interview.. always a pleasure listening to this brother.. shout out to my Jamaican podcast
Thank you so much for giving him time to explain.
Salute my brother's. Keep up the great work. Respect for life.
WOW. THANK YOU. BROTHER RIZZLA. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rizza thank you .......
I just subscribed to this postcast yesterday and I am really enjoying all the interviews.
One word "compassion"
This man is not only handsome but brilliant and pure in spirit and truthful. I can listen to him 24/7. There are few people I can listen to for 45min