T1 going through the entire LPL to win Worlds at Busan would be such a sick story that Riot legitimately ought to turn that into an animated series if it happens.
1:03:58 - That's why Faker is praised so highly. Meta has changed how many times since his debut in 2013? And he's STILL a contender at literally the highest level. You can have the golden road, but when you're dipping into Worlds ONLY when the meta is right for you, you're a meta champion, not a Worlds champion. 1:08:19 - I like the fact that it's brought up IF T1 win and face Weibo AND win, T1 have beaten every single LPL team at this Worlds, and you know what? I like that idea and hope it happens.
Normally, I would not be hyped after T1 stomps a team, but when they do it twice in a row against other tournament favorites, I don't think that's just the other team playing just "bad" against T1, but it is T1 forcing errors from their opponents to gain an advantage. You don't beat two great teams in a row by just luck. This is what JDG does as well, they suffocate teams later on in the game, it just feels more dominant because they've been more consistent at it because they know how to close out games. On the other hand, T1 is really great at the early game but usually have a problem closing out, which was a problem back in 2021 that I have thought they have fixed in 2022 but it seems that it has returned. Against LNG though, I think they have fixed it, so hopefully it continues so we can get a proper series from JDG and T1 that I think will go the distance.
I am on hard Hopium for T1 at the moment for both semifinals as well as finals! They do have the finals curse, but the fact that they know that this is their last attempt together as a team makes them stronger and more determined to at least win one more title, after their last one in spring 2022! Im really believing and praying for them! T1 Fighting!
@@justin9744 Afaik, more than one of them has talked in interviews about this, that this is their last shot in this team constellation... Keria, Guma and Zeus' contracts are running out after worlds and some of them have said that it won't be renewed. Don't think it matters if they win worlds or not
That topic is really interesting is how do you rate a team based on the loser and winners performance. While, T1 looked dominant LNG looked lost. While, JDG won KT didn't do that bad, but they did throw a bit game 4. I'm excited. Been a T1 fan since it's 2nd team inception in 2013, and I've always been waiting for his 4th cup. Eventually Faker is going to retire and that'll be a memorial day, I hope he has his 4th Worlds win when that happens, even if it's not this year.
Drakos, you're not alone - you really can't degrade your gameplay to a previous state where you didn't understand it :D But choosing to not do the correct thing when people's mentals explode is also an actual thing
The easiest example for Drakos can't go back is League of Legends player who know how to do things like last hitting minions, can't go back to just blindly autoattacking lane minions without bothering to try last hitting like a noob and utilizing the techniques they've learned how to last hit properly.
A good example for me is ARAMS. once you know how comps work and all the Champs, you can predict with 90% accuracy who wins every game before you even load into the game. This makes arams not worth playing
They're kind of talking about 2 different things. I think the rest are saying there are people who can turn off the sweatiness and mess around. The skills thing is different. Sure you might still do things mechanically correct but not rage if someone screws up your wave.
I like the minion example, but it think he's saying once you have that knowledge and you try to play Smash Bros for the first time, you're going to try and figure out combos and sweat to win, a take I'd agree with. Maybe I'm part of the exception, but I'd think that if you're trying to learn and be competitive in one game, you're likely to do that to some degree in every game.
The first twelve minutes of this had some real LCK Challengers energy. Also Azael was dead on. The GenG loss hurts so much not just because of the choking but because GenG went from the two worst games the roster has ever played, to two solid wins, to a coin flip loss. They COULD have won the series, maybe even in dominant fashion, if they just hadnt completely fallen on their face to start.
G2 did the same vs NRG if they replayed G2 will win, but thats the beauty of Worlds, favorited don't win always and its disappointing but if you are cheering for the other team your are hyped and Worlds is even better for you.
GenG cant play under pressure, when it comes to international they always doubt themselves and play opposite of what they are good at. Its like they buy into the LPL playstyle and think they have to match them.
Guys, have you seen the truth of Spirit Island? One of the hardest games out there (if you want it to be), and its entirely cooperative. HIGHLY recommend it. It's amazing to be playing with someone else whose strategy you respect and just get STOMPED by the rules of England 6... And then just jumping right back in to try again. There is a phone app as well if you want to learn without setting the whole thing up!
Conspiracy theory: Faker faked his wrist injury and actually went into the chamber to train for World 2023 and to scout for 2024, which is why Keria and Zeus don’t think T1 will stay together next year.
Guys, guys, when you make predictions you have to include something oddly specific... "3-1, which wouldn't have happened were it not for Ruler's missed ult at the end of game 2." Just imagine the anticipation as Game 2 ramps up. All because of your incredible prediction!
T1 at MSI was getting large leads into JDG they just were always getting picks or not enough of a lead to win so if they can get leads like in msi and not just throw they can win
GenG has absolutely no excuses. They went 3-0 and had a whole week off to analyze other teams as well as the meta. They also got to watch BLG play two BO3s against T1 and G2. What were they doing that week off? Did they go on vacation or something? It's frustrating because everyone knows that they're better than what they showed, but nothing can justify how terrible their drafts were.
@@hAxZa100i think Chronicler touched this by saying that what peanut actually meant maybe is that they're not ready in terms of the counter they had which didn't work at all.
Also shoutout to the Cuzz shoutout, my boy was legitimately one of the best junglers at worlds. I really hope he ends up on a contender roster next year. Maybe if Oner get's the boot and T1 Canyon doesn't happen, we can get a "salty" runback of T1 Cuzz?
I don’t think anyone should replace Oner outside of Canyon or Kanavi at this point. Peanut has had a really bad Worlds and Cuzz isn’t consistent and was almost Clid lvl of troll in Spring. Anyone else is a clear downgrade.
Cuzz played well game 1 then was mediocre for the rest. BDD and Aiming were the ones who were solid and consistent all throughout the series. Lehends was .. fine I suppose. Kiin was not good at all overall.
The first skit is the most on Drakos' side I've ever been. I've been trying to explain this with both card games and ARAM. Like... once you are knowledgeable about the minutia it's extremely hard (and sometimes just as unfun) to not do all the little things, and even then if you try your best to avoid is and succeed at lowering your skill level it still may not be enough nd you get called a tryhard. I really want to play Guinsoo's Nashor's meltdown Rumble in ARAM, but finding a lobby that both where that level of build isn't trolling but people aren't playing on a touchpad is impossible.
So T1 dominating 2 top teams for LPL is more because these 2 teams werent having a good day. Why is everyone saying that ? T1 is playing amazingly well just accept that fact, yes the JDG game will be hard but seeing the meta shift and how the players are performing T1 is on the road to win it all and finally Keria will get the recognition he deserves as the best player in the world.
T1 looking like SSW in 2014 when they were just toying with their opponents lmfao. I think T1 can really win this all. They know this is their last shot together so even if they win I think they will do a 2014 SSW break up.
Everyone is saying it because it’s true. BLG were drafting very badly and had no way of dealing with Tahm Kench, while Tarzan and Hang had truly terrible individual performances.
As opposed to the casters. I wouldn't mind a 3-0, if and only if, the team that wins actually outclasses a team that's objectively performing at its peak. I know how unlikely that is, but other than that my general rule is: More games = More fun
Yeah, I think Drakos basically touched on this. 3-0 doesn't necessarily mean the series wasn't close. Each of those three games could be insane bangers where both teams are clearly playing at their best, and it just happens to go one team's way each time. Though, personally, while I wouldn't mind that, I'd prefer that same level of banger drawn out over the full five games
It was 3+ years ago, I would occasionally play League with my group of friends. One day, one of them has his girlfriend on VC to join us, she's bronze and only plays adc. However, her boyfriend wanted to play top, so i played support Tahm Kench. Saved her multiple times, trolled her once, we got a good laugh. We still lost the game, but that was the moment I realized how try hard me and my friends were We mostly played normal games and still would come out full of anger and ranting. Sometimes we would be secretly toxic towards each others because of how important we thought the game was. Since that day, i never touched League, rarely connected with them, and never talked to his girlfriend again despite her trying to befriend me. I found a life and moved on from playing League.
Yeah I took a break from League for about a year, tried it again recently, and just uninstalled it again. I like following the pro scene from a distance but yeah I've grown past League now. On to less toxic things.
Same thing I've been going through lately. Realized that 5-6 year ago I made all my friends through LOL. But now we are too different in skill levels and everyone tryhards and is constantly angry to the point we genuinely lose friends. I adore LOL pro content and creators, but it's not worth playing the game I want out
@@fmagistel in fairness I took his comment as being a reverse jinx. I believe the white/black uniform winner prediction so call me superstitious as well.
@@fmagistelThis T1 team has a reputation for always losing in the finals. I mean, they literally always lose in the finals. You can’t blame LCK casters for seeing the trend.
1:12:25 Ruler was the MVP when he won worlds in 2017 with SSG, while Deft was the passenger of the Zeka/Kingen train. Deft is awesome, but he ain't on Ruler's level.
Agreed. Kingen and Zeka were able to exploit the meta well that time so they were able to carry their team. Deft is decent but I’d have to agree with Ruler being one, if not, the top Adc until now.
Deft's career didn't start 2022, he already passed his prime in 2022. Prime Deft was beating Uzi but Ruler always just destroyed by Uzi whenever they faced each other. Even Ruler is admitting that.
I am the biggest T1 fan but they have a massive uphill battle against JDG. Unless they (T1) play a perfect game, they are not gonna be able to defeat them. LPL is going to go for quick ganks against Faker bc they know he is critical to their mental state and Oner will most likely get owned as he has against Kanavi.
Just gotta say I 100% agree with Drakos and I think Kobe and Azeal don't understand the point he's trying to make. It's not about being a good casual player, but when you put in the effort to learn the optimal strategies for a game that it's super hard to just go back to being a casual player.
@@Darkstormsun9865 I don't think it's just that. What 'playing to have fun' means is different to players at different levels. A high level player might do something that they think is hilariously trolling, but to a casual or beginner player is indistinguishable from playing seriously, because they don't know the game well enough to see what's 'fun' about it. In LoL that could be particular picks and builds, going in on bad engages and trying to outplay, etc.
There were tons of changes in the 13.20 patch that made early and midgame snowballing considerably worse... All the drake buffs got nerfed, Herald Gold got nerfed, Turret plate gold got nerfed, Jungle camp clear was slowed down a lot which makes a lot of early game junglers and especially tanks clear too slow in the beginning... All of these changes make the game considerably slower paced and less snowbally, because there is less gold to snowball off of
I agree with Drakos. You can't unlearn that stuff and just play for fun once you try hard. I can't just go around the world of WoW and not min-max my time to leveling efficiency after playing 10 years of League.
I disagree. You definitely can't unknow the competitive knowledge, so your level will be higher, but you absolutely can play casually just for fun. It's just harder to find a group that's good enough to match that but are still casual.
Yes, you can. Your natural for fun level is just higher than others. I grinded solo q for 8 years to get to challenger but didn't come close. I play for fun now and it's actually fun. Trying to pop off and make plays instead of only care about winning is more enjoyable. Especially when you are good enough to do so.
I see what Drakos is trying to say, i dont think casual player would be right term. You can be a casual player, play for fun, and know/understand how to play the game.
Drakos point was very understandable and it triggered me sooo hard every one tried to misunderstand him that much. You where right they just didn't get your point.
Gen.G's coaching staff definitely deserves some criticism for that series. They had a bad read on the draft strategy and adapted too late. Game 2 should never have happened.
I remember some marvel board or card game I played with coworkers. I was the only one being the first time and I picked the character that was told it is the worst and never seen win. As a magic the gathering player looting was so broken in this marvel card/board game and my character was the only one with it. My colleagues went... Yeah. Hades is never playing with us anymore as a joke but I was always arch enemy in board games when our work group played together. Just sometimes learning mechanics and play patterns is seen as try hard but I see it as learning and teaching experience. Just be polite about it and less rub it in your face.
Everyone thinks that Scout and Tarzan threw in the mid-lane for no reason. Theres a clip that breaks down that play in which show that Faker anticipates scout’s all in and resonates(movement speed) and start stepping back 0.1second before scout moves in for the ultimate. Scout saw an angle that works 99% of the time, but Faker just outplayed it giving Scout no angle to ult Faker back. Same with Tarzan, Faker knew Tarzan was there because it was warded and baited Tarzan in with his micromovement. As bad as Tarzan played in that series, people so called “analysts” seem to have no idea why that even happened. They didnt just simply throw because they wanted to throw. They actually saw a good angle which Faker just anticipated and made it a bait.
I feel like the talks in the BLG GenG series also missed the game 4 that they threw against GenG like i get azael saying if you redo it they would win is like very wishful thinking BLG was clearly way more prepared and ready and the prep work by GenG was lackluster but even with the adaptations they were clearly behind it jsut feels kind of weird to have that kind of talk for a series like that but absolutely not for LNG T1
GenG wasn't ready for Renata???? They play Keria like 10 times a year and aren't ready for Renata? what's so disappointing about GenG every year is that they have the best prep out of anybody - sure, JDG plays all these LPL teams that have insane mechanics and learn team fight set ups and such really well but GenG has T1, KT and DK with vastly different styles and vastly different picks - they play against the best range support in the world and had advance training against range supports which Keria/Beryl pioneered, have really good mid laners in Faker/BDD to train against roaming mid and lane mids, have Zeus to train against a top carry match-up...then they go internationals and pretend they aren't ready? for someone's CHAMP POOL? HOW? the LPL can make an argument that they aren't ready for a particular champ or style but not LCK teams LCK teams' weakness should be the team fights or the aggressive ad carries of the LPL that they don't experience domestically..but not a lane match-up or a Renata pick which is literally the staple of a team they beat all year long (T1)
If faker is unable to complete this fight for the summoners cup I will be heartbroken with him being a Lcs hopeful I have a lot for t1 … I know the lpl has been great and JDG a pillar of strength but faker may be the only help left
I'd love to play with Drakos. Drakos, if you want a game to destroy, ticket to ride europe edition is stupidly easy to ruin. I broke it before even playing with my family, and we've never touched it
It'll be the same narrative for T1s path to glory. Vs BLG, BLG underperformed, vs LNG, LNG underperformed, and against jdg when they get the win, it'll be the same excuse... What do T1 have to do???
All this 369 criticism, JDG is a team full of sinister tactics, they choose a breaking point and play for it, top was not the breakpoint, it’s not decisive enough for this matchup
I don't understand how they can quietly listen to Drakos criticize Peyz given it's his rookie year then turn around and be so apologetic towards garbage NRG
Cuz expectations of each player & team are different... if you’re a challenger player, you're gonna be held to those standards. If you're a diamond going against a challenger, you're gonna be felt bad for. Peyz might've been a rookie but he played like a veteran. One of the LCKs best ADCs.
@@miantava then they need to stop talking like NRG had a chance. I actually agree with what you're saying but then they need to acknowledge NRG were no-hopers who took an extremely fortunate path to even get to quarters
@@Greyblay Why? There's no point in removing NRG potential from the discussion. That's disrespectful, unprofessional, pointless, and negligent to the fact that miracle runs can happen. DRX winning worlds is a prime example. NOBODY thought they'd win after all.
@@Greyblay As I said, no one thought DRX had a chance either. That's the point point that matters on this topic. Their skill level to that of NRGs is irrelevant. But way to cherry pick my comment.
T1 going through the entire LPL to win Worlds at Busan would be such a sick story that Riot legitimately ought to turn that into an animated series if it happens.
1:03:58 - That's why Faker is praised so highly. Meta has changed how many times since his debut in 2013? And he's STILL a contender at literally the highest level. You can have the golden road, but when you're dipping into Worlds ONLY when the meta is right for you, you're a meta champion, not a Worlds champion.
1:08:19 - I like the fact that it's brought up IF T1 win and face Weibo AND win, T1 have beaten every single LPL team at this Worlds, and you know what? I like that idea and hope it happens.
t1 don’t let me down all i want to do is see dom cry excuses for a month straight
I'm SO psyched about the T1 vs JDG serioes but anxious at the same time. Man... we NEED this win. 2022 was depressing yet so amazing.
JDG 3-0 EZ
u spitting facts man, letsgo!
Wish that was finals we know whoever wins that is likely winning.
@@gjulia312um…they can’t even 3-0 KT
@@W1001766T1 cant 3-0 KT either. They have a 68% WR against them.
here we go the 4 doubters LNG
except for the faithful chronicler
I've been refreshing looking for this, banger incoming
Normally, I would not be hyped after T1 stomps a team, but when they do it twice in a row against other tournament favorites, I don't think that's just the other team playing just "bad" against T1, but it is T1 forcing errors from their opponents to gain an advantage. You don't beat two great teams in a row by just luck. This is what JDG does as well, they suffocate teams later on in the game, it just feels more dominant because they've been more consistent at it because they know how to close out games. On the other hand, T1 is really great at the early game but usually have a problem closing out, which was a problem back in 2021 that I have thought they have fixed in 2022 but it seems that it has returned. Against LNG though, I think they have fixed it, so hopefully it continues so we can get a proper series from JDG and T1 that I think will go the distance.
I am on hard Hopium for T1 at the moment for both semifinals as well as finals!
They do have the finals curse, but the fact that they know that this is their last attempt together as a team makes them stronger and more determined to at least win one more title, after their last one in spring 2022!
Im really believing and praying for them!
T1 Fighting!
I don’t think this is their last shot as a team (if they win it all).
@@justin9744 Afaik, more than one of them has talked in interviews about this, that this is their last shot in this team constellation...
Keria, Guma and Zeus' contracts are running out after worlds and some of them have said that it won't be renewed.
Don't think it matters if they win worlds or not
League talk starts at 12:30
the value of this comment is off the charts
You just saved me 10 precious minutes
And skip the best parts?!?
They already have that time stamp ._.
@@MrBahki they must have added it after
That topic is really interesting is how do you rate a team based on the loser and winners performance. While, T1 looked dominant LNG looked lost. While, JDG won KT didn't do that bad, but they did throw a bit game 4. I'm excited. Been a T1 fan since it's 2nd team inception in 2013, and I've always been waiting for his 4th cup. Eventually Faker is going to retire and that'll be a memorial day, I hope he has his 4th Worlds win when that happens, even if it's not this year.
"Look, I pushed my buttons this time! Better?"
Me every time I run it back after getting solo killed in mid lane
Drakos, you're not alone - you really can't degrade your gameplay to a previous state where you didn't understand it :D But choosing to not do the correct thing when people's mentals explode is also an actual thing
Nothing like the classic ragesplit throwing an otherwise very winnable game 😅
The easiest example for Drakos can't go back is League of Legends player who know how to do things like last hitting minions, can't go back to just blindly autoattacking lane minions without bothering to try last hitting like a noob and utilizing the techniques they've learned how to last hit properly.
A good example for me is ARAMS. once you know how comps work and all the Champs, you can predict with 90% accuracy who wins every game before you even load into the game. This makes arams not worth playing
They're kind of talking about 2 different things. I think the rest are saying there are people who can turn off the sweatiness and mess around. The skills thing is different. Sure you might still do things mechanically correct but not rage if someone screws up your wave.
I like the minion example, but it think he's saying once you have that knowledge and you try to play Smash Bros for the first time, you're going to try and figure out combos and sweat to win, a take I'd agree with. Maybe I'm part of the exception, but I'd think that if you're trying to learn and be competitive in one game, you're likely to do that to some degree in every game.
The first twelve minutes of this had some real LCK Challengers energy. Also Azael was dead on. The GenG loss hurts so much not just because of the choking but because GenG went from the two worst games the roster has ever played, to two solid wins, to a coin flip loss. They COULD have won the series, maybe even in dominant fashion, if they just hadnt completely fallen on their face to start.
G2 did the same vs NRG if they replayed G2 will win, but thats the beauty of Worlds, favorited don't win always and its disappointing but if you are cheering for the other team your are hyped and Worlds is even better for you.
GenG cant play under pressure, when it comes to international they always doubt themselves and play opposite of what they are good at. Its like they buy into the LPL playstyle and think they have to match them.
Euphoria is caster cursed the series
Guys, have you seen the truth of Spirit Island? One of the hardest games out there (if you want it to be), and its entirely cooperative. HIGHLY recommend it. It's amazing to be playing with someone else whose strategy you respect and just get STOMPED by the rules of England 6... And then just jumping right back in to try again. There is a phone app as well if you want to learn without setting the whole thing up!
Conspiracy theory: Faker faked his wrist injury and actually went into the chamber to train for World 2023 and to scout for 2024, which is why Keria and Zeus don’t think T1 will stay together next year.
Faker is Ash and T1 is his pokemon , LPL is the Elite Four!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Guys, guys, when you make predictions you have to include something oddly specific... "3-1, which wouldn't have happened were it not for Ruler's missed ult at the end of game 2." Just imagine the anticipation as Game 2 ramps up. All because of your incredible prediction!
12:02 Being passed on the mountain by the hiking ajummas is a universal experience and necessary ego death 😭😂
T1 at MSI was getting large leads into JDG they just were always getting picks or not enough of a lead to win so if they can get leads like in msi and not just throw they can win
Msi was just ruler diff
@@Darkstormsun9865 Kind of was but it didnt help that t1 would get a small lead then get picked off one bu one
@@matthewsmith4483it didn't help that faker was on nautilus duty and oner would only play kindred
GenG has absolutely no excuses. They went 3-0 and had a whole week off to analyze other teams as well as the meta. They also got to watch BLG play two BO3s against T1 and G2.
What were they doing that week off? Did they go on vacation or something? It's frustrating because everyone knows that they're better than what they showed, but nothing can justify how terrible their drafts were.
Especially Peanut saying they 'weren't ready for Renata'
Like what??? You weren't watching the other games? You weren't scrimming? What???
it's absolutely one of the worst excuse. renata isn't even new champion anymore. @@hAxZa100
@@hAxZa100i think Chronicler touched this by saying that what peanut actually meant maybe is that they're not ready in terms of the counter they had which didn't work at all.
Also shoutout to the Cuzz shoutout, my boy was legitimately one of the best junglers at worlds. I really hope he ends up on a contender roster next year. Maybe if Oner get's the boot and T1 Canyon doesn't happen, we can get a "salty" runback of T1 Cuzz?
Plz no cuzz is a sejuani viego two trick
I don’t think anyone should replace Oner outside of Canyon or Kanavi at this point. Peanut has had a really bad Worlds and Cuzz isn’t consistent and was almost Clid lvl of troll in Spring. Anyone else is a clear downgrade.
2:25 Drakos just summed up the entirety of NA/EU performance at Worlds. Master class. 2-0 JDG. T1 Reverse sweep , Faker Penta. Final: 3-2 T1
Man, JDG looked rough. Cuz and KT played amazing though. Hoping the T1 from quarters shows up and we get a banger of a series.
Cuzz played well game 1 then was mediocre for the rest. BDD and Aiming were the ones who were solid and consistent all throughout the series. Lehends was .. fine I suppose. Kiin was not good at all overall.
@@rafayet23 Kiin was dumpstering 369? what???????
@@MonkeyCookieClicker he most certainly was not dumpstering 369 lmao. Not even close. He was behind in lane almost every single game.
@@rafayet23 Kiin was ahead in game 1, 3 and 4, start to finish, nice try bro, lying won't work tho
@@MonkeyCookieClicker You clearly didn't watch the series. He was getting solo killed and was consistently down 20 or 30 cs. Lmfao.
I'm worried about Faker aging out before he wins again. I got into the game right before his last worlds, I want to see him win one before he retires.
enjoyed this very much, now i'm hyped
T1 3-1 JDG quote me in few days.
not exactly a boiling hot take but ok
my depression wont hold back if you are wrong
Commenting to come back when JDG crushes T1 3-0
Don't be afraid bro i will say it t1 3-0 these lpl frauds
@@ignvongola123 commenting to come back and laugh
The first skit is the most on Drakos' side I've ever been. I've been trying to explain this with both card games and ARAM. Like... once you are knowledgeable about the minutia it's extremely hard (and sometimes just as unfun) to not do all the little things, and even then if you try your best to avoid is and succeed at lowering your skill level it still may not be enough nd you get called a tryhard.
I really want to play Guinsoo's Nashor's meltdown Rumble in ARAM, but finding a lobby that both where that level of build isn't trolling but people aren't playing on a touchpad is impossible.
ive played tank and AP yi multiple times in aram, dw just play what you want there
So T1 dominating 2 top teams for LPL is more because these 2 teams werent having a good day. Why is everyone saying that ? T1 is playing amazingly well just accept that fact, yes the JDG game will be hard but seeing the meta shift and how the players are performing T1 is on the road to win it all and finally Keria will get the recognition he deserves as the best player in the world.
T1 looking like SSW in 2014 when they were just toying with their opponents lmfao. I think T1 can really win this all. They know this is their last shot together so even if they win I think they will do a 2014 SSW break up.
Everyone is saying it because it’s true. BLG were drafting very badly and had no way of dealing with Tahm Kench, while Tarzan and Hang had truly terrible individual performances.
@@snorter9783 People can always pull out more excuses. BLG and LNG’s poor performances basically reflected how T1 outplayed in every aspect.
@@kryx8361 keep that energy when JDG 3-0s T1 lmao
dominating BLG?lmao
I am so praying to every god I know for T1 😭 We really need this one 😭
I needed this podcast
As opposed to the casters. I wouldn't mind a 3-0, if and only if, the team that wins actually outclasses a team that's objectively performing at its peak. I know how unlikely that is, but other than that my general rule is: More games = More fun
Yeah, I think Drakos basically touched on this. 3-0 doesn't necessarily mean the series wasn't close. Each of those three games could be insane bangers where both teams are clearly playing at their best, and it just happens to go one team's way each time. Though, personally, while I wouldn't mind that, I'd prefer that same level of banger drawn out over the full five games
@@copypasta1585but in those cases I prefer a five game series cause the more banger games, the merrier I will be watching said banger series.
Wouldn't mind a 3-0 either as long as both teams play well and the winner is T1
It was 3+ years ago, I would occasionally play League with my group of friends.
One day, one of them has his girlfriend on VC to join us, she's bronze and only plays adc.
However, her boyfriend wanted to play top, so i played support Tahm Kench.
Saved her multiple times, trolled her once, we got a good laugh.
We still lost the game, but that was the moment I realized how try hard me and my friends were
We mostly played normal games and still would come out full of anger and ranting.
Sometimes we would be secretly toxic towards each others because of how important we thought the game was.
Since that day, i never touched League, rarely connected with them, and never talked to his girlfriend again despite her trying to befriend me.
I found a life and moved on from playing League.
Yeah I took a break from League for about a year, tried it again recently, and just uninstalled it again. I like following the pro scene from a distance but yeah I've grown past League now. On to less toxic things.
Same thing I've been going through lately. Realized that 5-6 year ago I made all my friends through LOL. But now we are too different in skill levels and everyone tryhards and is constantly angry to the point we genuinely lose friends. I adore LOL pro content and creators, but it's not worth playing the game I want out
So you listen to a League podcast?
Respect to you man. Get away from all that nonsense and meet new people who you have a good and positive relationship with.
New pasta dropped
Chronicler saying that he thinks T1 will win and then lose in the finals hurt. 😢😅😂
LCK casters man. Never hype for their own region. Dagda will fight you to death defending LPL.
@@fmagistel in fairness I took his comment as being a reverse jinx. I believe the white/black uniform winner prediction so call me superstitious as well.
He's definitely trying to reverse jinx it
@@fmagistelThis T1 team has a reputation for always losing in the finals. I mean, they literally always lose in the finals. You can’t blame LCK casters for seeing the trend.
Analyst "JDG want the golden road"
Meanwhile Guma & Ruler just wanted to watch New Jeans 🤣
Also Keria 😂
i like this hotel room they recorded in
Yessssssssssssssssssssss, I needed this so much right now.
1:12:25 Ruler was the MVP when he won worlds in 2017 with SSG, while Deft was the passenger of the Zeka/Kingen train. Deft is awesome, but he ain't on Ruler's level.
Agreed. Kingen and Zeka were able to exploit the meta well that time so they were able to carry their team. Deft is decent but I’d have to agree with Ruler being one, if not, the top Adc until now.
I'm still waiting for Deft to perform like his infamous scrim god mode. We've heard about it for like 10 years and we barely gets to see it onstage
Deft's career didn't start 2022, he already passed his prime in 2022. Prime Deft was beating Uzi but Ruler always just destroyed by Uzi whenever they faced each other. Even Ruler is admitting that.
Now I'm imagining Emily gritting her teeth and trying to hurt Flowers hand with an angry handshake.
Drakos I'm with ya buddy. It's not like you can forget good mechanics, positioning etc
Finally a T1 arc,😊
chronicler mic was kinda low. great podcast as awalys, love u
I am the biggest T1 fan but they have a massive uphill battle against JDG. Unless they (T1) play a perfect game, they are not gonna be able to defeat them. LPL is going to go for quick ganks against Faker bc they know he is critical to their mental state and Oner will most likely get owned as he has against Kanavi.
How can u say ur the biggest t1 fan? Like how plss explain to me how can u say ur bigger than other fans?
I want T1 to win this Worlds so badly, so that Faker can retire in flaming glory.
With a military exemption, I don't think Faker is retiring anytime soon.
Are you actually Caedrel using a fake account?😂😂😂
@@bastantonio3077 been the shy fan since 2020 baby. i found cadrel just this year :D
I 100% agree with Drakos on the tryhard in every game thing.
only in micro not in macro, you can still troll macrowise imo
Just gotta say I 100% agree with Drakos and I think Kobe and Azeal don't understand the point he's trying to make. It's not about being a good casual player, but when you put in the effort to learn the optimal strategies for a game that it's super hard to just go back to being a casual player.
No it isn't. Your casual level is just higher. The only difference is the mindset of playing to win or playing to have fun.
@@Darkstormsun9865 I don't think it's just that. What 'playing to have fun' means is different to players at different levels. A high level player might do something that they think is hilariously trolling, but to a casual or beginner player is indistinguishable from playing seriously, because they don't know the game well enough to see what's 'fun' about it. In LoL that could be particular picks and builds, going in on bad engages and trying to outplay, etc.
Grandma speaks Cantonese?! NICEEEE
1:06:51 and here's what happen
When kobe said at 19:40 that snowballing off of early game priority is nerfed on live patch, which changes were done that nerfed this snowballing?
There were tons of changes in the 13.20 patch that made early and midgame snowballing considerably worse...
All the drake buffs got nerfed, Herald Gold got nerfed, Turret plate gold got nerfed, Jungle camp clear was slowed down a lot which makes a lot of early game junglers and especially tanks clear too slow in the beginning...
All of these changes make the game considerably slower paced and less snowbally, because there is less gold to snowball off of
And u feel it! Lots. The amount of comebacks i in my solo q game has heavily increased. As long as people dont quit and ff
Shoutout to Root, the best board game.
kobe looking so good 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I agree with Drakos. You can't unlearn that stuff and just play for fun once you try hard. I can't just go around the world of WoW and not min-max my time to leveling efficiency after playing 10 years of League.
I disagree. You definitely can't unknow the competitive knowledge, so your level will be higher, but you absolutely can play casually just for fun. It's just harder to find a group that's good enough to match that but are still casual.
Yes, you can. Your natural for fun level is just higher than others. I grinded solo q for 8 years to get to challenger but didn't come close. I play for fun now and it's actually fun. Trying to pop off and make plays instead of only care about winning is more enjoyable. Especially when you are good enough to do so.
What Dune board game were they playing?
I see what Drakos is trying to say, i dont think casual player would be right term. You can be a casual player, play for fun, and know/understand how to play the game.
As the best lee sin low elo na , I approve this upload
3 - 2 T1
Drakos point was very understandable and it triggered me sooo hard every one tried to misunderstand him that much. You where right they just didn't get your point.
Competitive league without Faker is depressing
Competitive league without Faker is blessed
@@monarchist2486 I highly doubt you'd get as much viewers if he actually leaves lol. T1 always pulls viewership probably cuz Faker is there.
@@trh3xa174not only T1..even Uzi needs the faker thumbnail for views 😅😂
@@trh3xa174that time they put Faker in the Music Video even tho he didn't attend that Worlds just to pull views lmao
@@skrattaoppar9753 they make the video before they know who will qualify for worlds.
T1 is the last bastion in Korea. It would be epic if faker and T1 finally get a worlds title in Korea being the only team left that’s not LPL.
True fact, once you try hard you can't go back. Those Pokémon online days opened my eyes
BASED Chronicler
The irony of Drakos saying you learn Pokemon and Charizard isnt good, hilariously enough its a great deck in the TCG
Might be talking about the original Charizard.
Chronicler is definitely smoking something with his takes
Not really seeing kt throw game 4 or they could have been in semis while T1 smokes both blg and lng like they're nongshim 😅
If Faker plays the way he played last match and Oner does not int that hard i can see a 3-0 from t1. But hopefully we get 5 games
Gen.G's coaching staff definitely deserves some criticism for that series. They had a bad read on the draft strategy and adapted too late. Game 2 should never have happened.
I remember some marvel board or card game I played with coworkers. I was the only one being the first time and I picked the character that was told it is the worst and never seen win. As a magic the gathering player looting was so broken in this marvel card/board game and my character was the only one with it.
My colleagues went... Yeah. Hades is never playing with us anymore as a joke but I was always arch enemy in board games when our work group played together. Just sometimes learning mechanics and play patterns is seen as try hard but I see it as learning and teaching experience. Just be polite about it and less rub it in your face.
When will final be held?
19 Nov
Everyone thinks that Scout and Tarzan threw in the mid-lane for no reason.
Theres a clip that breaks down that play in which show that Faker anticipates scout’s all in and resonates(movement speed) and start stepping back 0.1second before scout moves in for the ultimate.
Scout saw an angle that works 99% of the time, but Faker just outplayed it giving Scout no angle to ult Faker back.
Same with Tarzan, Faker knew Tarzan was there because it was warded and baited Tarzan in with his micromovement.
As bad as Tarzan played in that series, people so called “analysts” seem to have no idea why that even happened.
They didnt just simply throw because they wanted to throw.
They actually saw a good angle which Faker just anticipated and made it a bait.
If JDG shows up like they did against KT, T1 will pummel them.
If JDG peaks and reach their heights, no one is beating them.
The same can be said about T1 too! Let the best team win this weekend!
I feel like the talks in the BLG GenG series also missed the game 4 that they threw against GenG like i get azael saying if you redo it they would win is like very wishful thinking
BLG was clearly way more prepared and ready and the prep work by GenG was lackluster but even with the adaptations they were clearly behind
it jsut feels kind of weird to have that kind of talk for a series like that but absolutely not for LNG T1
It was so biased lol
GenG wasn't ready for Renata???? They play Keria like 10 times a year and aren't ready for Renata?
what's so disappointing about GenG every year is that they have the best prep out of anybody - sure, JDG plays all these LPL teams that have insane mechanics and learn team fight set ups and such really well but GenG has T1, KT and DK with vastly different styles and vastly different picks - they play against the best range support in the world and had advance training against range supports which Keria/Beryl pioneered, have really good mid laners in Faker/BDD to train against roaming mid and lane mids, have Zeus to train against a top carry match-up...then they go internationals and pretend they aren't ready? for someone's CHAMP POOL? HOW?
the LPL can make an argument that they aren't ready for a particular champ or style but not LCK teams
LCK teams' weakness should be the team fights or the aggressive ad carries of the LPL that they don't experience domestically..but not a lane match-up or a Renata pick which is literally the staple of a team they beat all year long (T1)
@@JJHuang no LPL commentators or even Dagda on, so naturally it was going to be extremely biased for Korea.
T1 vs WBG pls
I understand drakos
i want pedro back
Pokemon is indeed degenerate at a higher level XD
If faker is unable to complete this fight for the summoners cup I will be heartbroken with him being a Lcs hopeful I have a lot for t1 … I know the lpl has been great and JDG a pillar of strength but faker may be the only help left
GOAT ADC and no UZI in the discussion? Blasphemy.
Silence the doubters
Elk is really really freaking good. He to me has looked like the best player in the tournament so far.
why is tarzan and scout being called out so much when ON literally killed gala twice in game 1 on blitz and also inted other games?
because of scout top3,hang even not in top20,you understand?
I'd love to play with Drakos.
Drakos, if you want a game to destroy, ticket to ride europe edition is stupidly easy to ruin.
I broke it before even playing with my family, and we've never touched it
I really do miss the long 60+ minute games. Where it takes one play to win, anyone's game with nexuses exposed.
At this point I don't which to pick in pickems HAHHAH
To see Gen.G play 3 games and then a single series and go out, makes me wonder why dfk league doesnt have losers bracket during worlds.
True like we literally have to wait a week between finals 😅 they could easily slot them in
bruh you had a double loser's bracket in swiss stage if GENG is dogsh1t then they just are
It'll be the same narrative for T1s path to glory. Vs BLG, BLG underperformed, vs LNG, LNG underperformed, and against jdg when they get the win, it'll be the same excuse... What do T1 have to do???
T1 3-1 imo book it. WBH OR BLG will get 3-1'd as well. This is the T1 that can save he LCK.
All this 369 criticism, JDG is a team full of sinister tactics, they choose a breaking point and play for it, top was not the breakpoint, it’s not decisive enough for this matchup
WBG is a very weird team. They can beat anyone, and they can lose to anyone.
I feel bad for Gala. He deserves better.
Semis are always the true finals.
Except 2018 when the final was in the Quarters
@@anthonyhicks872who knows maybe JDG will 3-0 T1 and once again KT was the real finals
This is why I listen to EUphoria and not to The Dive. Leave Drakos alone. :(
Chronicler's take about SKT JDG being 50/50 feels similar to what Vedius said about G2 and KT/LNG, let's see if it ages as poorly
Side selection jdg chose red side
I don't understand how they can quietly listen to Drakos criticize Peyz given it's his rookie year then turn around and be so apologetic towards garbage NRG
Cuz expectations of each player & team are different... if you’re a challenger player, you're gonna be held to those standards. If you're a diamond going against a challenger, you're gonna be felt bad for.
Peyz might've been a rookie but he played like a veteran. One of the LCKs best ADCs.
@@miantava then they need to stop talking like NRG had a chance. I actually agree with what you're saying but then they need to acknowledge NRG were no-hopers who took an extremely fortunate path to even get to quarters
@@Greyblay Why? There's no point in removing NRG potential from the discussion. That's disrespectful, unprofessional, pointless, and negligent to the fact that miracle runs can happen. DRX winning worlds is a prime example. NOBODY thought they'd win after all.
@@miantava ridiculous. NRG was nowhere near DRX lol
@@Greyblay As I said, no one thought DRX had a chance either. That's the point point that matters on this topic. Their skill level to that of NRGs is irrelevant. But way to cherry pick my comment.