Xelan Force (SWI / PC) - 10 min. gameplay

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • Xelan Force is a vertical shoot'em up developed and published by Pixel, a Japanese company from Sendai, Miyagi prefecture.
    The game reminds the old Famicom titles with a limited colour palette, similar sound effects and an old gameplay similar to classics like Star Soldier; the gameplay is focused on a “Pilot Level Score” system which changes the difficult level depending on the player’s skill: as the difficulty level increases, the score rate also increases.
    Xelan Force is currently available on Steam while the Switch version will be released on 29 February on eShop.
    A physical copy has been released for PC and includes a dvd case, the game on CD, the manual and the Steam key.
    After the Steam release the game has been updated with 2 new stages, 5 different sub-weapons and the ability to start from any cleared stages.
    This video shows the first 2 stages until the "Xbox" boss, it was my 3rd attempt to the game so I'm not yet good at it, there are two different ships, offensive with fixed shot and defensive, which can use a couple of pods that can be switched the way the fire from from front to side and finally back.
    The game is in both Japanese and English languages even if there are some errors but it could be something intended to pay homage to the old 80s games (Zero Wing to just mention one).
    My impression for the game is good, Xelan Force is a classic vertical shoot'em up with Famicom/NES style graphics, sound and gameplay, reminds me a classic like Star Soldier but also some PC games like Xenon 2 Megablast and Raptor.
    You can buy the physical PC game here: japanvideogame...
    Official site: pixel-co.com/xf/
    XELAN FORCEは,色数を制限し,現代の表現方法を極力排除した8bit風のグラフィックス,ファミリーコンピュータ同等のサウンドなど,あの頃のワクワク感を思い出してもらいたい,次の世代にも伝えていきたい,そんな想いで開発されたという,縦スクロールシューティングだ。
    Steam版は2024年2月14日から発売して、Nintendo Switch版は2024年2月14日に発売予定です。
    Steam/Nintendo Switch版は,PCパッケージ版に2つの新たなステージと5種類のサブウェポンが追加される。また,再開時にクリア済みのステージが選択可能になるほか,日本語/英語の切り替えもできる。これらの機能は,PCパッケージ版もアップデートで対応するとのことだ。

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