This is more akin to sand than water, like when something falls into the pool, there is no ripple or waves, which is disingenuous to how fluid behaves.
Look like I forgot to push the code up to github. Whoops! I'll do that tonight. In short, I'm doing a few things others have done to get around the issue. 1. I'm randomly going left or right for each water pixel if there is space. This means I don't check right first, then left, I could check left first. 2. I'm going out up to 5 spaces to the sides at a time (as long as there is no Collison with a other color) 3. I'm in full screen mode (this makes the program run at full speed hundreds of frames per seconds) if I was to lock it at 60fps, the water would be much slower.
Now we need c++ falling in water
Haha nice.
When I upload the code you can run it, press p to pause, write c++, and press c to continue, then you can upload that one!
This is more akin to sand than water, like when something falls into the pool, there is no ripple or waves, which is disingenuous to how fluid behaves.
Yep, it is very very basic "fake fluid".
It is not meant to be realistic, or a true "fluid simulation".
This is a real yes moment
How did you code the water to spread so fast an even?
Look like I forgot to push the code up to github. Whoops!
I'll do that tonight.
In short, I'm doing a few things others have done to get around the issue.
1. I'm randomly going left or right for each water pixel if there is space. This means I don't check right first, then left, I could check left first.
2. I'm going out up to 5 spaces to the sides at a time (as long as there is no Collison with a other color)
3. I'm in full screen mode (this makes the program run at full speed hundreds of frames per seconds) if I was to lock it at 60fps, the water would be much slower.
OK, code was updated on github to include this.
Haha yeah my o didn't close when I wrote hello did it, whoops