Convoy 3x21D sbt90.2 vs Convoy L8 sbt90.2 The 3x21D is running 3 samsung 30T batteries The L8 is using the provided 26800 battery #budgetflashlights #convoy #sbt90
News channel ! Subscribed I just ordered my dad one of the 3x 21ds last night to keep track of his kittens he just got on his ranch in case they get out at night time. I think he's going to keep him inside in the night time and let him play when they get bigger outside. For now they're fenced in his patio
That 3X21D is the Best Choice for the Quality/Price Range Sbt90.2 Thrower. I got the Buck Driver model 😎
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! Subscribed
I just ordered my dad one of the 3x 21ds last night to keep track of his kittens he just got on his ranch in case they get out at night time. I think he's going to keep him inside in the night time and let him play when they get bigger outside. For now they're fenced in his patio
The 3x21d is awesome.Ordere and received directly from convoylight.
The customer service is FANTASTIC! Just like the products.