The Buran had an automatic flight guidance system, where it was able to operate without crew. In fact the only space flight that it did, was done without a single person onboard. Was launched into orbit, and then returned and landed fully autonomously. Considering how far behind the soviets were in computers back then, its impressive the amount of work and maths that went into it to make it happen!
First off autopilots are not that just machines crunching the numbers from data and making the correct adjustments to flight surfaces. As far as the Soviets abilities to pull it off they already had a lot of experience from unmanned craft with all the space probes they had launched. The space shuttle was also flown mostly on auto pilot. The entire landing sequence was on computer control until it entered heading alignment cone where the commander took over at some point.
@@rael5469 True enough, but for a ferry trip from Edwards back to Florida, demountable engines and a fuel tank in the cargo bay may have been feasible.
@@johneliadis9689 Nope. "Originally, Enterprise had been intended to be refitted for orbital flight to become the second space-rated orbiter in service." But... No. BTS-002 is airplane, similar to Buran orbiter. Buran flew into space. Once, but flew.
@@johneliadis9689 It only flew once, but it did get to space, completed two orbits and automatically landed. Iirc, the shuttle was never capable of fully autonomous flight. One big difference was, that Buran was not fitted with engines. All work was done by the Energia rocket.
Yes, it is because at the beginning, the Buran should have had also two jet engines. This is to have a much longer glide path, allowing him to land better and have more chances to land in a controlled way in Russia or in a runway of the Soviet Republics. Initially, the engines had to be two Dobrynin RD-7, the same as the Tu-22 Blinder. Afterwards the two atmospheric engines were canceled. The buran had an impressive autopilot and navigation system for the time. During the tests, the space shuttle surprised everyone when, all alone, it decided to reverse a turn during a Landing procedure, because the wind had changed. When they saw her turn, the engineers thought now to malfunction and prepared to say goodbye forever to the shuttle. Instead the Buran landed perfectly alone thanks to his computer and without any crew intervention (and because there was no one on board).
killajakez no, canceled. AFAIK the jet engines were also for the transfer of the shuttles from the landing sites in the Soviet Union to the launch site at Baikanur, but then they preferred to use the An-225 for this duty. The shuttle with jet engines is the BTS-002 OK-GLI, today at Speyer. And the engines were AL-31, not rd-7. Afaik the Buran and Ptichka were without jet engine.
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
I remember as a kid while at Space Camp in the 80s we attended a briefing and shown the Russian space shuttle. It was weird seeing another countries version of it.
Я видел тот самый орбитальный Буран, когда его выкатывали из монтажно-испытательного комплекса на стартовую позицию. Пристыкованный к ракете. С расстояния чуть больше 3 км. Проезжали мимо по степи. Но посмотреть пуск не довелось, срок моей службы закончился раньше, я уехал домой. Но пуск первой ракеты Энергия я видел, с расстояния 15 км. Зрелище неповторимое... Буран, завершая свой единственный полет, собрал данные о погоде и переписал сам себе программу, зашел на посадку с другой стороны против ветра. Будто им управлял живой летчик. Про учебный Буран я слышал, рассказывали как он сам взлетал и садился.
@@nhhfdyhvdfghhв какой-то степени, да..., мимо гагаринской стартовой позиции не раз и не два бегал марш-бросок. Он у нас как ориентир. Там рядом метров 600 была шахтная пусковая площадка 141 нашей части, я туда в караул заступал. Выходили к воротам смотреть пуски, видели как провожают космонавтов. А Буран возили на старт и обратно в МИК, на моей памяти, раза три. Очень медленно...
Ну программу он конечно не переписывал, это и сейчас невозможно (и вообще по большому счёту невозможно), но решение принял неординарное, даже создатели заволновались.
This vehicle is on display at the Technic Museum Speyer, in Speyer, Germany. A fantastic museum with a sister in Sinsheim, Germany. I wash surprised to see it had jet engines!
@@captainotto It spent some time on display at an airshow venue in Moscow. Was then purchased by an Australian astronaut who shipped it to Sydney via Sweden where it was part of an aerospace museum type place. Then it spent some time in Bahrain on display & was finally purchased by the place in Speyer Germany where it's being suitably maintained & looked after, apparently while in Australia it became a bit neglected.
Not only in automatic mode, but also with participation, as it is now fashionable to say: with an artificial intelligence algorithm. When landing, Buran independently changed the set landing trajectory and entered from the other side. Upon further investigation, it turned out that the Buran had suffered from gusts of wind and changed the landing trajectory taking into account the weather and chose a new optimal trajectory. There was such a civilization: the USSR.
If the Soviet Union hadn’t disintegrated the continued flights of the Buran and her sister shuttles would have made the USAs push for a shuttle replacement that more viable and probably would have given the Venture Star a lot more time to develop without fear of cancellation.
This is awesome! I had no idea they did powered flight tests, I just assumed they did glide flights from the AN-225 like the US did with the Shuttle/747.
The Russian space programme is decades before the US . they now live and spend MONTS in the space where they have MANY stations... All you see from Russia is VERY OLD compared with the newest they do not show. The Russians unlike the Americans DO NOT GO OUT and show what they have because they are so much ahead all other nation (DECADES) that they do not want interference.
Check out the length of the nose gear. Just the opposite of the US space shuttle. It looks like it was made longer for takeoff AOA rather than help slow the ship during landing.
This is a flight test article - similar in function to STS' Enterprise. The crafts capable of spaceflight look very similar to the American space shuttle.
I’ve never failed to be amazed at how the DC9 / MD-80 derívate series of aircraft manage to fly with their impossibly thin wings - I used to think of them as flying pencils (don’t ask!). Yes, I’m astonished at seeing Buran flying under the power of 4 jet engines (anybody know WHAT engines were used?) - but…..damn! It DID fly…….😮
I watched it at the Museeum,. it´s just like a very cheap plane made of thing sheet insulation whatsoever inside, it was never made to fly in space. It was built to develop and certify the automatic landing system. If you watch it at the Museeum, to me it´s a miracle it was able to fly. It is full of cables, really crazy.. must have been all analog electronics.In the cargo bay there is a large fuel tankt for the jet engines and a huge electronic compartment...
I like how there are 3 dudes in gas masks and chemical protection suits handeling the fueling of presumably hydrazine and 10m away there is regular personal.
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
Back when Russia was well ahead of the US space flight program. Russia soon worked out the cost of running this system was outlandish. They resorted back to their known orbital vehicles. The US pushed the Space Shuttle program through two major disasters and untold Billions of US money
Well thats not the whole truth. Had the soviet economy not tanked in the late 80's it's entirely possible Buran would have flown. It had a number of features which would have made it infinitely cheaper than the us shuttle program. The fact the boosters were reusable alone would have been enough to justify the cost. The Buran system could also fly without the shuttle, saving even more on cost
I was as old as today when I learned that the Buran was able to take off on its own from an airport, admittedly only for flight in the atmosphere, but still
это просто фантастика! они поставили двигатели от самолета на космический корабль чтобы проверить как он будет планировать после входа в атмосферу, это фантастика, ничего подобного по нынешним временам не представить.
Как де так? мне 65. видел старты и посадку в автоматическом режиме. но чтоб на земле сам рулил и тем тем более сам взлетал не видел и не слышал. может не все знаю. Вот это страна была! Жалею до сих пор!
а я в 86 году по пути из детского сада вместе с мамкой по 2 часа в очередях стоял за продуктами первой необходимости. На всю жизнь запомнил.. Вот это страна была!!
@@ВладимирЩер-р1ф в Новосибирске. Мясо покупали только с заднего входа у знакомого завсклада. В ближайшем овощном - одно гнилье продавалось, поэтому картошку и прочие нештяки выращивали на даче и на заводском поле. Туалетная бумага - по блату и про запас, иначе газета. Купить что-то из мебели - целое событие - только по ордеру через знакомых товароведов. Просто зайдя с улицы всего этого было не купить.. Черт. да у меня на антрисолях до начала нулевых находились сраные лампочки, купленные по случаю про запас еще в 80-х..
@@nd5301 Дичь какую-то несёте. Новосибирск-крупный промышленный город и снабжение у него было гораздо лучше чем в обычном районном городе. Но, если вам конечно СССР был поперек ваших яиц, то конечно в вашей голове могли запомниться не целостные картины с положительными и отрицательными моментами, а сплошной негатив с приумноженным на ваше эмоциональное восприятие. Наверно у вас дома на книжной полке стоят произведения лживого антисоветчика солженицина и ему подобных писак.
@@ВладимирЩер-р1ф Вот за что я люблю совкодрочеров - так это за то, что им все божья роса. "вы все врете, в магазинах всего было завались" Доказывать что-то, приводить примеры - бесполезное занятие.. Всего хорошего..
The Russians appears to have had a better space program . If the USA, Russia, China, ESA joined forces can you imagine what they could achieve. Science, space programs, human services should remain politics free- the things they as a collective could do, would truly be amazing...sigh
So what, It was tested only once in space. And the American and the Soviet both use several of their space program in spying. But they will probably one day cooperate, the day we get official enemies in outer space
Everyone except China combined and we got the largest most majestic Space Sation ever. When we raced each other we put man on the Moon, you decide what's better.
@American Israeli superiority Head out your ass man. The airframe was copied. The way the Buran launched was different. It could take off like a plane and fly normally. It has ejector seats. It could be landed without a crew and was automated. The documents were public about the US space shuttle. In that case the U.S copied Soviet Yak-141 technology into the F-35 with your logic.
Amazing Video! Hope the BURAN orbiter can still be revived for the 21st century and be subjected to numerous upgrades so as to make it very useful once again.......
@@chezman3892 from what I have seen on videos while it was once between 95 and 97% ready for flight now it is little more than a gutted shell. It would likely be cheaper to build from scratch :(
Crazy seeing it take off under its own power from a conventional runway, the US of course used a carrier aircraft for their own atmospheric tests with Enterprise. OK-GLI is the only surviving Buran that actually flew, but only for the atmospheric flight tests you see here. The Buran orbiter was destroyed in a hangar collapse in 2002, a sad end.
The SPace shuttle was supposed to have bypass jet fan engines. But, due to budget constraints. THey used the pylons that they would have sat on and used for thrusters.
Interested to see that the Buran had a retractable undercarriage. I wonder how much mass this added? I saw a Buran last year in a museum near Stuttgart. Then a few weeks later I saw a US shuttle at Kennedy Space Centre. Whilst the two are outwardly very similar, the difference in workmanship was plain to see.
нет не умел...єто тестовій аппарат их вообще что то три штуки біло...этому двиглы приделали что бы испытать аэродинамику как он вообще полетит или нет....
Красота. Не помню кто, рассказывал, что при проектировании бурана возникли вопросы к теплоизоляции (чёрным плиткам) . Поэтому и было принято решение о беспилотном полете. Жизнь подтвердила эти выводы на американском шатле.
Вопросов по термоизоляции не было.Достаточно сказать,что "Буран" потерял 5 плиток при входе в атмосферу Земли.А вот Шатлы теряли по 20-25 плиток.Один Шатл поэтому и сгорел.Позже Франция просила технологии производства термозащиты,но СССР не дал согласия.Кстати,на "Буране" было два вида термозащитных плиток-черные углеродные и белые кремниевые (силиконовые).
@@ГромовДенис-т5е Все "Великие" рано или поздно (лучше рано) разрушаются, остаются только "Нармальные". Гнилое государство - империя зла. Вас как зомбировали с рождения, так вы из этого состояния не как не можете выйти даже на старости лет... Сочувствую...
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
wow thats the 1st time ive ever seen a shuttle take off! i hope people realise in the comments that this was a test mule prototype. used to check out the flight systems etc. life support was not completed in time for the launch - so it went unmanned.
It's basically the Soviet version of Enterprise, was never designed to go to orbit. No idea if they eventually planned to convert it before the program was canceled after the USSR ceased to exist.
Пошли своим путем. Шаттлы просто сбрасывали с самолета и отрабатывали посадку + тренировали будущих пилотов. Мне кажется что оснащение двигателями и сопутсвующими системами как минимум сложнее и дороже. Видимо это для отработки автоматической посадки.
@@ЮжныйКот-м2э Ну конечно же Вы правы. Ведь гораздо дешевле спроэктировать и смонтировать системы крепления, питания и управления двигателями, чем только крепление к самолету. Подумаешь , навернеться все это в случае неудачи, ещё раз сделают. Зато цельный самолет лишний раз летуть не будет.
@Frank Reynolds Thanks if U your comment was true or not. So the Soviets built 2 shuttles housed in a hanger where the roof collapsed and the other the door could not open? Very interesting.
За Камунистическую Страну СССР у меня Большая гордость. Страна была в переди планеты всей , сейчас годости нет ., у влсти жулики и воры мы отстали вовсём и везде.
That isnt the Buran, per ce. Its a test model for atmospheric flight dynamics. The americans didnt put jet engines on theirs, rather they attached it to a jet and brought it to height, and dropped it.
Єто испитательная копия,с двигателями от ту,у нас ее тоже обкативали на 251 площадке, а/д юбилейний.А летал в космос в ноябре 88 другой образец.Я там тогда служил.
Never seen this before, and utterly bizarre watching a space shuttle (albeit a Russian one) take off from a runway! I assume jet engines were fitted to keep costs down whilst testing the craft instead of powered blast off? I can't imagine what the technology was like onboard. Antiqued? Gas filled valves and pressure taps?!
@@ΣΤΑΘΗΣΓΚΟΥΝΤΗΣ-ζ9φ Well the facts are it only did two orbits and never was proven it could carry cosmonauts, the only two known units are collecting dust and breaking down in an abandoned building in the middle of no where. One of the units is just a test model which many of its parts made out of wood. But whatever, if it makes your Rooskie brain feel better, then believe what you want. The fact is, the US Shuttle accomplished things, the Russian shuttle did a couple orbits and they did not even trust it to carry cosmonauts. My nephews fly model planes that can fly by themselves, I would say that is what Buran is, a big, expensive model that did nothing .
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
@@b43xoit .......any monkey can quote from Wikipedia, dosen't mean you know anything. The intent of the jets was also to be able to fly to multiple airstrips to land instead of being committed to a glide path like the shuttle. The plan was not feasible since the jets could not take the stress of a rocket launch.
Did theBuran space shuttle ever make it into outer space and orbit the earth??? I can’t really remember but I don’t think it ever made it in to space. their shuttles looks an awful lot like the NASA space shuttle, I wonder why? I’ve seen videos on TH-cam of the buran now sitting and deteriorating in a hanger somewhere it doesn’t look like the program done anything other than fly with jet engines
The Space Shuttle was never one of NASA's good ideas. The Dynasoar was an early version of the Shuttle was designed for the US Airforce. It was to be the next stage in the USAF space programme following on from the X-15 rocket plane. Whereas the X-15 was purely a research vehicle, the Dynasoar was intended for practical use. The Russians, bent of copying anything the West does, built a Dynasoar copy. Meanwhile the USAF decided the Dynasoar was a waste of money and didn't go ahead with it - it was cheaper to use rockets to launch their satellites. So NASA developed the Space Shuttle - so the Russians scrapped their Dynasoar and built a shuttle. No real reason - it was the Soviet thinking that whatever the West does, they need to do as well. And when the USSR collapsed and money was tight, their Shuttle was forgotten about. The Soviet policy of copying anything the West does originated with Stalin. He used to order that Westen things be copied, as a way of making Soviet engineers and facilities keep up to date and prove that they were doing so. If Stalin had let them do their own thing, he wouldn't have a basis for comparison. Like all government departments worldwide, once a policy is decided upon, it tends to stick until proven really silly.
Yes it did. I was an international student in the former Soviet Union when it flew unmanned - it did two orbits of the earth and then landed itself - all in automatic mode. It was shown on Russian TV News back in the day. It was truly exhilarating to see this happen.
This airframe was modified directly for athmospheric flights at "Myasiszev" firm. I visited them in 89-91 and saw this bird "face to face". Orbiter itself had no turbojets, roccket motors only.
@FrankieFatHands69 Hangar collapse, what an honorable death. But weren’t there two of these..? Here’s the video:
The Buran had an automatic flight guidance system, where it was able to operate without crew. In fact the only space flight that it did, was done without a single person onboard. Was launched into orbit, and then returned and landed fully autonomously. Considering how far behind the soviets were in computers back then, its impressive the amount of work and maths that went into it to make it happen!
The Soviets were very good at Maths. I should know - I’m married to one! 😊
First off autopilots are not that just machines crunching the numbers from data and making the correct adjustments to flight surfaces. As far as the Soviets abilities to pull it off they already had a lot of experience from unmanned craft with all the space probes they had launched. The space shuttle was also flown mostly on auto pilot. The entire landing sequence was on computer control until it entered heading alignment cone where the commander took over at some point.
NASA should have fitted detachable jet engines to their shuttle to save all that messing about attaching it to the top of a 747 for transit moves.
@@22pcirish The space shuttle was NOT a good airplane. Limited space for jet fuel even if you did.
@@rael5469 True enough, but for a ferry trip from Edwards back to Florida, demountable engines and a fuel tank in the cargo bay may have been feasible.
Seeing a shuttle take off is such a weird sight to see
@@johneliadis9689 This vehicle is like Enterprise shuttle. Both are full-scale prototypes. But Enterprise is only glider, but BTS-002 is an airplane.
@@johneliadis9689 Nope. "Originally, Enterprise had been intended to be refitted for orbital flight to become the second space-rated orbiter in service." But... No.
BTS-002 is airplane, similar to Buran orbiter. Buran flew into space. Once, but flew.
@@johneliadis9689 It only flew once, but it did get to space, completed two orbits and automatically landed. Iirc, the shuttle was never capable of fully autonomous flight.
One big difference was, that Buran was not fitted with engines. All work was done by the Energia rocket.
It's not a copy at all.
Its design was very different and more advanced.
This is insane footage, Buran taking off from a runway!! I know they powered her but never in my life did I believe I’d see this.
It's strange to see a space shuttle in powered atmospheric flight.
Yes, it is because at the beginning, the Buran should have had also two jet engines. This is to have a much longer glide path, allowing him to land better and have more chances to land in a controlled way in Russia or in a runway of the Soviet Republics. Initially, the engines had to be two Dobrynin RD-7, the same as the Tu-22 Blinder.
Afterwards the two atmospheric engines were canceled.
The buran had an impressive autopilot and navigation system for the time. During the tests, the space shuttle surprised everyone when, all alone, it decided to reverse a turn during a Landing procedure, because the wind had changed. When they saw her turn, the engineers thought now to malfunction and prepared to say goodbye forever to the shuttle. Instead the Buran landed perfectly alone thanks to his computer and without any crew intervention (and because there was no one on board).
So the jet engines were later removed before launch?
killajakez no, canceled. AFAIK the jet engines were also for the transfer of the shuttles from the landing sites in the Soviet Union to the launch site at Baikanur, but then they preferred to use the An-225 for this duty. The shuttle with jet engines is the BTS-002 OK-GLI, today at Speyer. And the engines were AL-31, not rd-7. Afaik the Buran and Ptichka were without jet engine.
Russian space shuttle has 4 jet engine for take off and flight like airplane while USA space shuttle has none engine.
Only one of 8 built burans had the engines. It was only for landing tests.
It's now in Speyer Germany in a museum.
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
I remember as a kid while at Space Camp in the 80s we attended a briefing and shown the Russian space shuttle. It was weird seeing another countries version of it.
Я видел тот самый орбитальный Буран, когда его выкатывали из монтажно-испытательного комплекса на стартовую позицию.
Пристыкованный к ракете.
С расстояния чуть больше 3 км. Проезжали мимо по степи.
Но посмотреть пуск не довелось, срок моей службы закончился раньше, я уехал домой.
Но пуск первой ракеты Энергия я видел, с расстояния 15 км. Зрелище неповторимое...
Буран, завершая свой единственный полет, собрал данные о погоде и переписал сам себе программу, зашел на посадку с другой стороны против ветра. Будто им управлял живой летчик.
Про учебный Буран я слышал, рассказывали как он сам взлетал и садился.
Один из счастливчиков. Всё равно, что увидеть выход на сушу первого двоякодышащего существа или старт Гагарина...
@@nhhfdyhvdfghhв какой-то степени, да..., мимо гагаринской стартовой позиции не раз и не два бегал марш-бросок. Он у нас как ориентир.
Там рядом метров 600 была шахтная пусковая площадка 141 нашей части, я туда в караул заступал. Выходили к воротам смотреть пуски, видели как провожают космонавтов.
А Буран возили на старт и обратно в МИК, на моей памяти, раза три. Очень медленно...
Ну программу он конечно не переписывал, это и сейчас невозможно (и вообще по большому счёту невозможно), но решение принял неординарное, даже создатели заволновались.
@IExSet имелось ввиду переписал программу полета
This vehicle is on display at the Technic Museum Speyer, in Speyer, Germany. A fantastic museum with a sister in Sinsheim, Germany. I wash surprised to see it had jet engines!
That sounds like a story all on its own. How did a Russian one of a kind space shuttle find its home in a German museum?
It spent some time on display at an airshow venue in Moscow. Was then purchased by an Australian astronaut who shipped it to Sydney via Sweden where it was part of an aerospace museum type place. Then it spent some time in Bahrain on display & was finally purchased by the place in Speyer Germany where it's being suitably maintained & looked after, apparently while in Australia it became a bit neglected.
Great machine. Too bad that there not more flights in space.
Remember: Russians were able to let it land from the orbit in an fully automatic mode back then!
Not only in automatic mode, but also with participation, as it is now fashionable to say: with an artificial intelligence algorithm. When landing, Buran independently changed the set landing trajectory and entered from the other side. Upon further investigation, it turned out that the Buran had suffered from gusts of wind and changed the landing trajectory taking into account the weather and chose a new optimal trajectory.
There was such a civilization: the USSR.
@@ВладимирЩер-р1ф а сейчас что? Тоже много всего хорошего.
If the Soviet Union hadn’t disintegrated the continued flights of the Buran and her sister shuttles would have made the USAs push for a shuttle replacement that more viable and probably would have given the Venture Star a lot more time to develop without fear of cancellation.
But theres a ledder to the space craft I believe unknown cosmonout ride the Buran.
All the respect to the test pilot. To fly the soviet Buran space shuttle powered by improvised jet prop needs the men with biggest balls on the world.
Jeeze, it’s almost like watching a parallel universe. I never thought I’d actually see footage of that thing taking off. Thanks for posting.
wow, thats a pretty incredible footage, i didnt even know it had actually ever flown!
Literally the most Soviet thing I ever saw!
Oh boy wait til u see the suckoi T4
N1 is easily the most soviet
всё советское украдено с запада
This is awesome! I had no idea they did powered flight tests, I just assumed they did glide flights from the AN-225 like the US did with the Shuttle/747.
I just watched the AN 225 and I doubt that could have ever been able to launch in fight, so close to the tails!
The Russian space programme is decades before the US . they now live and spend MONTS in the space where they have MANY stations...
All you see from Russia is VERY OLD compared with the newest they do not show. The Russians unlike the Americans DO NOT GO OUT and show what they have because they are so much ahead all other nation (DECADES) that they do not want interference.
Soviet space shuttle program was way ahead than western power combined
@@dharaneedharandme020 да!🤟👍
1 Month after Tschernobyl Disaster, amazing footage, thx for upload
If buran fly again, It will be a great day.
Check out the length of the nose gear. Just the opposite of the US space shuttle. It looks like it was made longer for takeoff AOA rather than help slow the ship during landing.
This is a flight test article - similar in function to STS' Enterprise. The crafts capable of spaceflight look very similar to the American space shuttle.
I'm shocked the wings had enough lift
I’ve never failed to be amazed at how the DC9 / MD-80 derívate series of aircraft manage to fly with their impossibly thin wings - I used to think of them as flying pencils (don’t ask!).
Yes, I’m astonished at seeing Buran flying under the power of 4 jet engines (anybody know WHAT engines were used?) - but…..damn! It DID fly…….😮
Flying brick 🧱
I'm shocked the engines had enough thrust
Flying brick hit your head
@@kissthis5361 yess more than once 🔂
This was one of the test units, without rocket engines of any kind, IIRC.
I watched it at the Museeum,. it´s just like a very cheap plane made of thing sheet insulation whatsoever inside, it was never made to fly in space. It was built to develop and certify the automatic landing system. If you watch it at the Museeum, to me it´s a miracle it was able to fly. It is full of cables, really crazy.. must have been all analog electronics.In the cargo bay there is a large fuel tankt for the jet engines and a huge electronic compartment...
I like how there are 3 dudes in gas masks and chemical protection suits handeling the fueling of presumably hydrazine and 10m away there is regular personal.
Typical Soviet Health & Safety 😅
See, with enough engines, a brick could fly!
Ha ha ha, you said it right 4449.
Totally agree Fantom F4 proved it
Not true. Once I mounted one thousand million billion rockets to a brick and it didn’t fly so I’m afraid you are WRONG.
Buran melhor do que os Ônibus espaciais dos EUA
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
Instead making a Shuttle Carrier out of large Aircraft, they just strap 4 turbojet on their space shuttle.
What's that strange artifact on 0:12, 3:10, 3:35, 4:15, 4:43 etc.?
Sounds like magnetron in front of camera lol.
Я тоже видел этот исторический полёт! Я работал в ЛИИ.
Back when Russia was well ahead of the US space flight program. Russia soon worked out the cost of running this system was outlandish. They resorted back to their known orbital vehicles. The US pushed the Space Shuttle program through two major disasters and untold Billions of US money
Well thats not the whole truth. Had the soviet economy not tanked in the late 80's it's entirely possible Buran would have flown. It had a number of features which would have made it infinitely cheaper than the us shuttle program. The fact the boosters were reusable alone would have been enough to justify the cost. The Buran system could also fly without the shuttle, saving even more on cost
The Shuttle was pushed by the Nixon administration because of its ability to place large payloads in orbit, considered necessary for defence purposes.
So much ahead that they used stolen plans of the Space shuttle to make the Buran.
I was as old as today when I learned that the Buran was able to take off on its own from an airport, admittedly only for flight in the atmosphere, but still
How cool is it. Very nice Video. Thx and Aufwiedersehen 😀👍
это просто фантастика! они поставили двигатели от самолета на космический корабль чтобы проверить как он будет планировать после входа в атмосферу, это фантастика, ничего подобного по нынешним временам не представить.
It isn't Buran. It is BTS-002 OK-GLI atmosferic analog.
Riccardo Smirnov
You're right ! This aircraft is an analogue of a spacecraft .
Still a Buran test article
It is a buran test article. Buran refers to the entire space program, not OK-1K1.
You get a know it all everywhere. Ignore him.
This atmospheric test Buran shuttle is now in the german technik museum Speyer
I wish I could know what they discussed with crew after the landing.
Fantastic!!! Marvelous
Эх, были люди в наше время...
I didn't know the Buran could acutally takeoff like a normal airplane.
That's because this footage shows one of the prototypes (better know as the Analog Buran), not the Buran that flew into orbit. Once...
Как де так? мне 65. видел старты и посадку в автоматическом режиме. но чтоб на земле сам рулил и тем тем более сам взлетал не видел и не слышал. может не все знаю. Вот это страна была! Жалею до сих пор!
а я в 86 году по пути из детского сада вместе с мамкой по 2 часа в очередях стоял за продуктами первой необходимости. На всю жизнь запомнил.. Вот это страна была!!
@@nd5301 и в каком же городе такое было? и каких вам продуктов первой необходимости не хватало?
@@ВладимирЩер-р1ф в Новосибирске. Мясо покупали только с заднего входа у знакомого завсклада. В ближайшем овощном - одно гнилье продавалось, поэтому картошку и прочие нештяки выращивали на даче и на заводском поле. Туалетная бумага - по блату и про запас, иначе газета. Купить что-то из мебели - целое событие - только по ордеру через знакомых товароведов.
Просто зайдя с улицы всего этого было не купить.. Черт. да у меня на антрисолях до начала нулевых находились сраные лампочки, купленные по случаю про запас еще в 80-х..
@@nd5301 Дичь какую-то несёте. Новосибирск-крупный промышленный город и снабжение у него было гораздо лучше чем в обычном районном городе.
Но, если вам конечно СССР был поперек ваших яиц, то конечно в вашей голове могли запомниться не целостные картины с положительными и отрицательными моментами, а сплошной негатив с приумноженным на ваше эмоциональное восприятие. Наверно у вас дома на книжной полке стоят произведения лживого антисоветчика солженицина и ему подобных писак.
@@ВладимирЩер-р1ф Вот за что я люблю совкодрочеров - так это за то, что им все божья роса. "вы все врете, в магазинах всего было завались"
Доказывать что-то, приводить примеры - бесполезное занятие.. Всего хорошего..
Most impressive with those little wings. What would the take-off speed be?
This was the same year as the space shuttle Challenger disaster!
Never seen this footage before .
It’s like watching a FedEx truck takeoff
This was a suoerb machine! It is sad that it could not be sustained further!
It was impressive, was the rationale for takeoff capability? So it could get in the sky and test aerodynamics easier?
The Russians appears to have had a better space program . If the USA, Russia, China, ESA joined forces can you imagine what they could achieve. Science, space programs, human services should remain politics free- the things they as a collective could do, would truly be amazing...sigh
Greg Munro
I am from Russia. Unfortunately, the Buran is a war machine . Peace be with you !!!
So what, It was tested only once in space. And the American and the Soviet both use several of their space program in spying. But they will probably one day cooperate, the day we get official enemies in outer space
Everyone except China combined and we got the largest most majestic Space Sation ever. When we raced each other we put man on the Moon, you decide what's better.
@American Israeli superiority Head out your ass man.
The airframe was copied.
The way the Buran launched was different.
It could take off like a plane and fly normally.
It has ejector seats.
It could be landed without a crew and was automated.
The documents were public about the US space shuttle.
In that case the U.S copied Soviet Yak-141 technology into the F-35 with your logic.
@American Israeli superiority it is a copy, but a better and more advanced one
That's not a only a glider, its an airplane that starts and lands like an commercial airliner
Did they use buckets in the 80s before take off? (0.13). Is this the reason that in the 90s shuttles needed booster rockets?
Слава советскому инженеру!
Igor Petrovic Volk @4:27. One of the pioneers of space flight who will be remembered forever. Thank you and R.I.P. Igor.
5:26 Unless I'm mistaken, the white-haired man is Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky, head honcho of the Buran program.
Amazing Video! Hope the BURAN orbiter can still be revived for the 21st century and be subjected to numerous upgrades so as to make it very useful once again.......
It was never useful, it never got passed test flights making only 2 unmanned orbits in 1 test flight.
@@chezman3892 from what I have seen on videos while it was once between 95 and 97% ready for flight now it is little more than a gutted shell. It would likely be cheaper to build from scratch :(
It is unlikely to resurface since the Russians have set back the course of their nation by 50 years due to their recent actions.
@Funky Monk right, that is why it only made 2 laps and wasn't trusted to carry humans........and never flew again.
@@chezman3892 Ever heard of the collapse of the soviet union?
Crazy seeing it take off under its own power from a conventional runway, the US of course used a carrier aircraft for their own atmospheric tests with Enterprise. OK-GLI is the only surviving Buran that actually flew, but only for the atmospheric flight tests you see here. The Buran orbiter was destroyed in a hangar collapse in 2002, a sad end.
Que fantástico!!!! Eu desconhecia esse teste!!!!
traces of a bygone highly developed civilization
@@pejtepivo спасибо за такой ответ..Как больно сейчас вспоминать всё, чем мы жили и гордились глубиной силы и духа и целей и ума..
That is so over-the-top -- can you imagine an engine failure at V1 in Buran? Well, they wanted to test it and they did!
Masterpiece engineering ❤
LOL!!!!!! That's hilarious!!!
@@SilverSergeantWhat have you invented or achieved,idiot?
The SPace shuttle was supposed to have bypass jet fan engines. But, due to budget constraints. THey used the pylons that they would have sat on and used for thrusters.
Great video, great shuttle.
(and L-39 Albatros and Tesla radar from Czechoslovakia!)
Mind blowing, the buran could jus take of from the run way,never seen the American shuttle do that.
Isn’t that Don Henley at 4:35?!!!!
What atmospheric engines did it use?
Anyone know why they were wearing NBC gear?
Interested to see that the Buran had a retractable undercarriage. I wonder how much mass this added?
I saw a Buran last year in a museum near Stuttgart. Then a few weeks later I saw a US shuttle at Kennedy Space Centre. Whilst the two are outwardly very similar, the difference in workmanship was plain to see.
The NASA Orbiter had retractable gear too. All space planes that intend to land on runways must have gear, and they can't have fixed gear!
@@noecarrier5035 The landing gear in the American shuttle could not retract, only drop
Oh. I guess they wouldn't really need to retract, would they? Never really occurred to me that they couldn't.
You did not see Buran in a museum. You saw a gliding aerodynamic model built similar to Buran.
The one you saw in Stuttgart was this exact one!
Overshadowed by the ongoing Chernobyl disaster which blew up a month before.
I'd love to see this footage cleaned up in 4k.
Never seen this! Cheers!!
This video is from one month after the Chernobyl disaster. May 27, 1986
I’ve done this so many times in Kerbal Space Program. I must have Russian in my DNA
So it could take off as well? Impressive!
They were going to take over the stars. But, then it all came crumbling down
The High Water Mark of the Soviet Space Shuttle.
They also had one that flew into orbit, it did so only once but it managed it.
That thing was stripped down on inside, no way it could have down on those engines
Он еще и взлетать без носителя умел?! Обалдеть машина.
нет не умел...єто тестовій аппарат их вообще что то три штуки біло...этому двиглы приделали что бы испытать аэродинамику как он вообще полетит или нет....
Lo que realmente sería interesante saber es la maniobrabilidad, alcance y velocidad de pérdida de esta cosa
I'm shocked @ how small the Nose Undercarriage Wheel was.
Красота. Не помню кто, рассказывал, что при проектировании бурана возникли вопросы к теплоизоляции (чёрным плиткам) . Поэтому и было принято решение о беспилотном полете. Жизнь подтвердила эти выводы на американском шатле.
Вопросов по термоизоляции не было.Достаточно сказать,что "Буран" потерял 5 плиток при входе в атмосферу Земли.А вот Шатлы теряли по 20-25 плиток.Один Шатл поэтому и сгорел.Позже Франция просила технологии производства термозащиты,но СССР не дал согласия.Кстати,на "Буране" было два вида термозащитных плиток-черные углеродные и белые кремниевые (силиконовые).
@@ВладимирКолков-д4л тогда мы многое умели. Когда смотришь на буран понятно почему амеры тогда нас уважали. Жаль что буран так себя и не показал
@@Дмитрий-ь7щ7ц меченый и беспалый зато себя показали , и мы, как бараны равнодушно позволившие разрушить свою Великую страну
Плитки изобрели в институте прикладной химии в Ленинграде, который снесли уже. Они все пронумерованы были
@@ГромовДенис-т5е Все "Великие" рано или поздно (лучше рано) разрушаются, остаются только "Нармальные". Гнилое государство - империя зла. Вас как зомбировали с рождения, так вы из этого состояния не как не можете выйти даже на старости лет... Сочувствую...
Did they use hydrazine fuel or something?
@Frank Reynolds Thanks for the explanation Frank. At first I thought it was a Chernobyl video with all the protective gear.
Только в 65 узнал,что он летать мог...А я думал,что мог только из космоса плавно приземляться....
Крыльев почти нет.а ,,дура-то"огромная и тяжёлая!
Few know that while landing automatocally it calculated the speed of wind and altered the runaway and made u turn and then it landed
flew to spray corn?
What? They hung a couple turbojets on it and flew it like a jet?
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
wow thats the 1st time ive ever seen a shuttle take off! i hope people realise in the comments that this was a test mule prototype. used to check out the flight systems etc. life support was not completed in time for the launch - so it went unmanned.
It's basically the Soviet version of Enterprise, was never designed to go to orbit. No idea if they eventually planned to convert it before the program was canceled after the USSR ceased to exist.
@@Zerbey Exactly! No the test vehicle was never designed for orbit - just to help programme the computer for the auto-land.
Буран один раз полетел?88гаду или несколько?
Что там за трёхётажная матершина стоит на 3:25 минуте? 🙄 И это называется элита, учёные, космонавты...
Пошли своим путем. Шаттлы просто сбрасывали с самолета и отрабатывали посадку + тренировали будущих пилотов. Мне кажется что оснащение двигателями и сопутсвующими системами как минимум сложнее и дороже. Видимо это для отработки автоматической посадки.
Испытательная программа более гибкая у нас получалась и шанс потерять корабль-аналог много меньше.
Ничего не дороже. Для оснащения двигателями нужны только двигатели, а для сбрасывания целый самолёт.
@@ЮжныйКот-м2э Ну конечно же Вы правы. Ведь гораздо дешевле спроэктировать и смонтировать системы крепления, питания и управления двигателями, чем только крепление к самолету. Подумаешь , навернеться все это в случае неудачи, ещё раз сделают. Зато цельный самолет лишний раз летуть не будет.
Did it fly in space like the American Space shuttels?
@Frank Reynolds Thanks if U your comment was true or not. So the Soviets built 2 shuttles housed in a hanger where the roof collapsed and the other the door could not open? Very interesting.
За Камунистическую Страну СССР у меня Большая гордость. Страна была в переди планеты всей , сейчас годости нет ., у влсти жулики и воры мы отстали вовсём и везде.
Awesomeness 😮❤
It is still breathtaking
That isnt the Buran, per ce. Its a test model for atmospheric flight dynamics. The americans didnt put jet engines on theirs, rather they attached it to a jet and brought it to height, and dropped it.
6 adet jet motoru ile Uzaya yolculuk
OK-GLI or BTS-002.
Даже в космических технологиях невозможно без мата))). На 03:22
Умный не заметит, дурак не поймет.
не только возможно, скорее без мата вообще никуда))
Єто испитательная копия,с двигателями от ту,у нас ее тоже обкативали на 251 площадке, а/д юбилейний.А летал в космос в ноябре 88 другой образец.Я там тогда служил.
Never seen this before, and utterly bizarre watching a space shuttle (albeit a Russian one) take off from a runway! I assume jet engines were fitted to keep costs down whilst testing the craft instead of powered blast off? I can't imagine what the technology was like onboard. Antiqued? Gas filled valves and pressure taps?!
You are brainwashed.
Wow:::This was much more advanced than the Shuttle, at least because it could fly by itself!!!
It was not more advanced than the space shuttle. It never made it passed test flights and never carried cosmonauts.
@@chezman3892 So you think???!!! Or would you like to think so???
@@ΣΤΑΘΗΣΓΚΟΥΝΤΗΣ-ζ9φ Well the facts are it only did two orbits and never was proven it could carry cosmonauts, the only two known units are collecting dust and breaking down in an abandoned building in the middle of no where. One of the units is just a test model which many of its parts made out of wood. But whatever, if it makes your Rooskie brain feel better, then believe what you want. The fact is, the US Shuttle accomplished things, the Russian shuttle did a couple orbits and they did not even trust it to carry cosmonauts. My nephews fly model planes that can fly by themselves, I would say that is what Buran is, a big, expensive model that did nothing .
"A test vehicle was constructed with four jet engines mounted at the rear; this vehicle is usually referred to as OK-GLI, or as the "Buran aerodynamic analogue". The jets were used to take off from a normal landing strip, and once it reached a designated point, the engines were cut and OK-GLI glided back to land. This provided invaluable information about the handling characteristics of the Buran design, and significantly differed from the carrier plane/air drop method used by the United States and the Enterprise test craft." -- W'pedia
@@b43xoit .......any monkey can quote from Wikipedia, dosen't mean you know anything. The intent of the jets was also to be able to fly to multiple airstrips to land instead of being committed to a glide path like the shuttle. The plan was not feasible since the jets could not take the stress of a rocket launch.
Nose wheel looks like double decker freight trains stacked on top a wheel barrow wheel
Wow. Remember when people from that part of the planet could do things? Good for them.
Im astonished they got that phat @$$ into the freaking sky
Did theBuran space shuttle ever make it into outer space and orbit the earth???
I can’t really remember but I don’t think it ever made it in to space. their shuttles looks an awful lot like the NASA space shuttle, I wonder why? I’ve seen videos on TH-cam of the buran now sitting and deteriorating in a hanger somewhere it doesn’t look like the program done anything other than fly with jet engines
The Space Shuttle was never one of NASA's good ideas. The Dynasoar was an early version of the Shuttle was designed for the US Airforce. It was to be the next stage in the USAF space programme following on from the X-15 rocket plane. Whereas the X-15 was purely a research vehicle, the Dynasoar was intended for practical use. The Russians, bent of copying anything the West does, built a Dynasoar copy. Meanwhile the USAF decided the Dynasoar was a waste of money and didn't go ahead with it - it was cheaper to use rockets to launch their satellites. So NASA developed the Space Shuttle - so the Russians scrapped their Dynasoar and built a shuttle. No real reason - it was the Soviet thinking that whatever the West does, they need to do as well. And when the USSR collapsed and money was tight, their Shuttle was forgotten about.
The Soviet policy of copying anything the West does originated with Stalin. He used to order that Westen things be copied, as a way of making Soviet engineers and facilities keep up to date and prove that they were doing so. If Stalin had let them do their own thing, he wouldn't have a basis for comparison. Like all government departments worldwide, once a policy is decided upon, it tends to stick until proven really silly.
Yes it did. I was an international student in the former Soviet Union when it flew unmanned - it did two orbits of the earth and then landed itself - all in automatic mode. It was shown on Russian TV News back in the day. It was truly exhilarating to see this happen.
what, Buran was able to take off all by itself?? Never knew it was that capable of.... US shuttles didn't have that option right ??
This airframe was modified directly for athmospheric flights at "Myasiszev" firm. I visited them in 89-91 and saw this bird "face to face". Orbiter itself had no turbojets, roccket motors only.
And today it rots away in some remote warehouse, being a playground for TH-camrs.
@FrankieFatHands69 Hangar collapse, what an honorable death. But weren’t there two of these..? Here’s the video: