The high Spring celebration of Beltane is much older than we thought.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 40

  • @rebeccaskitt
    @rebeccaskitt ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The story of the Green Man and the White Maiden offers many perspectives to us - a union that has been destined for eternity and filled with promise of renewal and growth - the power and glory of the right combination of masculine and feminine energy - the passing on of the earths wisdom for future generations - the creation of new life. And speaks to something instinctive inside each of us…our life force. The celebration of Beltane is a time of great hope and energy and it’s story has mesmerised me since I heard it in your very first book….long before The Origins - I think you have been making sense of ancient traditions for decades…and now you have found the language to bring the meaning of the words fully alive once again. It’s always a pleasure to read your words. Xx

  • @andrewwhelan7311
    @andrewwhelan7311 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The royal family are obviously aware of the truth about the ancient origins of such festivals, just as they are aware of the fact that the site of Windsor (mound), was ancient long before the arrival of the Normans who are credited with founding the site. It's quite contradictory when a mainstream narrative that ignores the actual antiquity of a truly ancient site, supposedly in order to uphold a foreign dynasties claim to Britain, is embraced by the said dynasty to cement its claim. I suspect that King Charles is very knowledgeable about the true history of this island, but challenging the accepted narrative would do the royals no favours. Interesting... the truth, hidden in plain sight on the invitation. Excellent presentation as ever and keep them coming Hugh. Always enjoy and as usual, much food for thought.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thank you Andrew. I hope they know (it would be more worrying if they didn't), but more importantly, now we know. Our original history isn't a threat to anyone, so let's enjoy it.

    • @maeveofthelongbows9552
      @maeveofthelongbows9552 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@originofthezodiac9856 Well actually, the true history IS a threat to those in control. If a people know their history and their roots, then they are more difficult to break apart and control. The real history of the world has been obfuscated and hidden on purpose.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi Maeve. Maybe so, but I feel the best way to overcome the negative is to shine a light on the positive.

  • @justinfinityiii
    @justinfinityiii ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is amazing all the work that you have done and rediscovered
    Bringing the truth back home ,
    So we know who we are again
    Thank you .

  • @mayerzyify
    @mayerzyify ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been observing Frank Chester's work lately....he has come up with some very interesting geometry that forms a "Bell" when "spun".....he's quite brilliant. All of his work is done with a simple "stick" and "compass" measuring or complicated mathematics.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for the comment. I'm not familiar with his work, I'll check on it.

  • @derekmorse8171
    @derekmorse8171 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    very interesting, thank you.

  • @jasoncox7257
    @jasoncox7257 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Made me think of Tan Hill. The Tan Hill Inn is a public house at Tan Hill, North Yorkshire. It is the highest inn in the British Isles at 1,732 feet (528 m) above sea level. Ideal as a fire Hill on Beltane. Always interested in your output.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      No doubt there was a fire or beacon up there. Thank you for your comment.

  • @Penddraig7
    @Penddraig7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    There is a Bel in welsh, it is the mutation of Pel which means that has a principle of motion; a ball; a sphere;
    Bel is synonymous with the Sun. Bel/Beli is the sun deity. You get Bel Y Duw Cadyr meaning the moving ball/sphere (the sun), the puissant God.
    Synonymous with Mithra.
    Beli Mawr being the Great Sun.
    Beltane the spreading/expanding of Bel/ the fires of Bel
    It’s my guess that the Greek word Heli/Helio/Helios meaning the Sun comes from the welsh Pel/Bel
    You also have Haul in welsh for the Sun and Haul+go gives you Heulo in welsh which is pronounced same as Halo and Haul being the sun and go being that is gone of going

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes, that might be a connection Be/Pel- ball - sun, fire. I like Be-El as well.
      Connection with the sun was of prime importance, there may have been many layers of interpretation.
      Beli Mawr is a good interpretaion, He is also a constellation in the heavens responsible for the frame of the universe.
      How Beltane fits in with Imolc, Lamas and Samhain is also important. More to come on that in the future.
      Agreed, I think Heli/Helio/Helios comes from Haul meaning the sun. Hello, Hi etc...

    • @Penddraig7
      @Penddraig7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@originofthezodiac9856 I agree bêl (be-el) also works.
      So to add to this and you might be able to fill in the blanks…
      Arianrhod from my dabbling into comparing deities etc across different cultures is synonymous with Ariadne, the Corona Borealis.
      Arianrhod is the daughter of Beli Mawr, Ariadne is the daughter of Minos.
      Minos is the cretan equivalent of the Canaanite deity Baal
      In welsh they would change two adjacent vowels of the same vowel into a single vowel with a circumflex so Baal would be Bâl.
      If you add an -i suffix it causes an inflection of the vowel in the word and the inflection of a is e so Bâl would become Beli

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Baal (canaanite / Pheonician 2nd millenium BCE). from Bēlu Akkadian 3rd millenium BCE, which would be from the Sumerians 4th Millenium BCE since the Akkadians copied all their records from the Sumerians. But where did the Sumerians get Beli from? Enoch/Idris charted the heavens from Cadair Idris, Gwynedd in the 5th millenium BCE, and named all the constellations, including Beli Mawr.

    • @Penddraig7
      @Penddraig7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@originofthezodiac9856 exactly, that’s exactly the point, it corroborates your work because we know that Beli is of welsh origin because the word can be reverse engineered into its root components and therefore it had to have been used prior to the Sumerian’s
      It frustrates me that so much could be learnt and discovered if the welsh language wasn’t ignored by scholars, past and present
      The work you’re doing is invaluable and it should be mainstream, it has worldwide importance and significance, it should be common knowledge

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you Pendraig. Your comments too, I am replying because you raise good points but also so that other viewers can interpret them contextually. If we discuss Canaanites, how are they placed in the grand scheme, did they invest this, no, but it's good to put it into context.

  • @lilachiricli6756
    @lilachiricli6756 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Hugh, love the word videos, fascinates me.
    Can I ask where you would place the beginning of seasons?
    I place May 1st as beginning of summer - Calan Mai in Welsh being the Eve of May on April 30th, the eve of Summer.
    Likewise Calan Gaeaf, Eve of Winter, on October 31st, leaving mid summer and mid winter exactly where they should be, approximately mid season and then Spring beginning February and Autumn in August.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi. If you see the year chart, and pause the video, I think the year starts March 21st on the Equinox and this is the first day of Spring. I explain this in more detail in the Yule video. The start of the year was an important day for telling time. It is the only day that the day and night are the same length, and therefore never varies, so the year can be checked twice a year. It is harder to define the solstice accurately because the sun stays static in its rising/setting for about 6 days.

    • @lilachiricli6756
      @lilachiricli6756 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@originofthezodiac9856 Thanks - my astrology year starts spring in March but my earthly spring is always Feb 1st.
      In Welsh July is Gorffennaf. Gorffennaf literally means end of Summer. Gorffen - finish and haf - summer. So would place August as first of Autumn on the earthly realm, placing all else in place like midsummer, middle of Summer at June 21 - May, June, July - summer. With June being midsummer as meant, no? Any other way and these terms make no sense.
      I run on two calendars 😄
      Astrological and Earthly.

    • @lilachiricli6756
      @lilachiricli6756 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also, midsummer being the sun's highest point, in declination after this day and so falling into the latter half of summer, ending at August but still burning hot in its embers bringing the harvest.
      Each earthly season's beginning holding the previous seasons energy.
      But I would add that my new year begins on Calan Gaeaf. Death being a birth 😉

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm not familiar with the Earthly calendar, I will look into it, thanks. My work is really from the astronomical and etymological origins. There are many other calendars including the main dating one we have today starting Jan 1st.

    • @lilachiricli6756
      @lilachiricli6756 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@originofthezodiac9856 I'm loving your videos and work!
      And yes, many calendars and they have to keep changing with the Sun's movement. I'm no expert but I'm truly fascinated and a perpetual student.
      The earthly aspect is still astrological, but from a different aspect. Mythology and etymology being fantastic insights, eg -
      Imbolc is given to Brigid/Ffraid/Gwener who brings the fire among other things and is a Solar diety also, so bringing spring and fertility in her bol - belly, manifest on earth also.
      No son (Aries) without mother or father or attraction, growth in the womb from conception being before birth manifested but a perpetual cycle - so where does it begin 😅 fascinating. As above so below. As within so without. It all works together wonderfully.
      Also many mythologies with same meaning but different names and tellings. Brigid is a triple Goddess but so is Cerridwen.
      But also like yourself I find Welsh holding many keys with no credibility given when it works so well, and rather given away to a different narrative.
      I must read your books so I know what you're about 😄

  • @andrewchristie2713
    @andrewchristie2713 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Forgive me Hugh but tein has over 30 definitions of its compounds in the Dwelly Gaelic dictionary, Bel means mouth or utterance in Gaelic it also holds the value to be released. Angus and Bridget are said to be married at this time after Angus is released from his debility which he suffers during winter and Bridget walks the land uttering spells empowering the growing cycle.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks Andrew. I checked several Gaelic dictionaries. I agree, a lot of the definitions and compounds are fire related. I think this comes from a common ancient origin. Cultures since the ancient origin (although maybe ancient themselves) have represented meanings to fit in with their desires and cultural idiosyncrasies. eg a culture with a predominant fire ethos may represent an earlier event in their present with a fire theme. The Romans did this a lot because they didn't have any history before Romulus & Remus (see my video on January), which they usefully give as 21 April 753BCE.
      What I didn't say in this video (because it was long already) was that I have checked through the other three cross-quarter days and I am applying one method for them all, and I have checked this system against other languages. This will be presented in my present work The Origin of Time, which I am writing now. Similarly I analysed Yule if you want to watch that video. There is one system, one language, one celestial civilisation that explains all the seasons, cross-quarter days, months, solstices, equinoxes, planets, stars and numbers. All components are used interchangeably, are impossible to invent individually, and were in use ten thousand years ago. I have described numbers in The Origin of Numbers.

    • @andrewchristie2713
      @andrewchristie2713 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@originofthezodiac9856 been looking forward to reading your works for a while, have a lot on my plate the past wee while and wanted to give them the head space they deserve before diving in.
      I agree that there was is a one system in place and had been for thousands of years given that the divisions of time are governed by the observable experience of time in motion from our perspective ie the movement of the Sun etc, which is common to us all.
      the early legends of Fenius Farsaidh with regards to the tower of Nimrod or Babel, in the Irish manuscripts hints at this.
      The tale states that he sent scholars into the known regions of the world after the flood to collate the knowledge of the sciences of the time. So it would stand to reason that what was gathered together was clearly what preceded the cataclysm and what was subsequently preserved. That being medicine, law, mathematics, astrology metallurgy etc
      With regards to how the ancients and contemporary cultures who still observe fire rituals use fire it is understood that what ever is offered to the fire reappears in its astral counter part in the inner world, the prana of the offering is then reflected back to the devotees cleaning their auras or conveying a message for someone in particular to help them with a problem in life or to deepen their perspective in their spiritual quest. Sitting bull offered a buffalo robe to the fire with the intention of becoming famous across the world.
      It is understood that the window of communication is clearer on certain days for instance a Gods birthday or a date associated with a gods deeds.
      it is also known that the winter solstice is a time of great merit which creates a great opportunity for inner strides to be taken, not just in our lodge of the sun but across this and other galaxies.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you Andrew for your interesting reply. There is much that is connected and important, but our time to research it these days and connect the fragments is limited. The Hopi of Arizona talk of the Ant people who saved them from the flood. Llin are ants in Welsh, flood is Lli and Lli-en are flood-people.
      Many independent ancient cultures have a memory of a (many?) fire and flood events.
      I do not know where these ancient people were from originally or the origin of their myth; my hypothesis is that the language they used is least changed in North Wales, but we can see the etymological lineage elsewhere eg in Gaelic.
      The Star Maps of Gwynedd are too big and too intricate for the beneficial use of the ancient sheep-farming people of Gwynedd. So they must have been made by another people who went to Gwynedd for this particular purpose.
      This is the main premise of my current work The Origin of Time.

    • @andrewchristie2713
      @andrewchristie2713 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@originofthezodiac9856 look forward to reading it. Seems to be a quiet uptick in people the past few years becoming interested in our cultural collective heritages of these British isles, long may it continue. I hope to fill in a wee bit of the puzzle too, with regards to the Pictish symbols and the extant Irish manuscripts , not to give to much away, your entirely correct with regards to star maps being played out on the ground in fact we seem to have an instruction manual explaining the same.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว

      Agreed, and likewise I'm looking forward to your work!

  • @chrisnewbury3793
    @chrisnewbury3793 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very interesting. I wonder, are you familiar with "The Oera Linda"? In it Freya uses the six-spoke Yule wheel, instead of eight, which is also called The Wheel of Vishnu in Hindu cultures. I'm wondering what the difference is, and when the split occurred.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Chris. I am familiar with the Oera Linda. I have a digital copy, it's not an easy read, but I used it in my book The Origin of Numbers to help establish the vowels. Lots of cultures had different ideas, all valid to themselves. For example, the Egyptians only had three seasons because in their part of the world, there were only three, and a culture living on the equator may not be aware of the solstices and equinoxes, but may have equally as valid spiritual ideas for themselves. My work is about the origin of these particular words, events, planets etc

    • @chrisnewbury3793
      @chrisnewbury3793 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@originofthezodiac9856 I believe Woden/Odin was Sargon, or the Biblical Nimrod. He brought with him Freya's six-spoke Yule wheel, and instituted the Sexagesimal Time System and the seven day week. Which would explain why at least three of the days are named after Norse Gods.
      So in other words, the Babylonian yearly, weekly, and hourly calendar, that was instituted by Nimrod is *still* in use to this day, and largely of Norse origins.

    • @chrisnewbury3793
      @chrisnewbury3793 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@originofthezodiac9856 The Wheel of Vishnu in India also has some with six spokes and it's a year wheel as well.

    • @originofthezodiac9856
      @originofthezodiac9856  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Check out my Yule video if you have time. I think Odin is a conflation of several ideas, he had many names. We are told Enoch charted the heavens and he did it in a language. I am using that language, it has been overlooked as a tool.