I love that post. "Some kid scammed me, but that's fine, and then he stole my work so I nuked him with chickens." It sounds like a revenge to fit the crime.
So OP made negative social media posts about the college and some faculty. The college then creates a social media/internet policy based on those posts. OP was then retroactively disciplined for the posts that inspired the creation of the brand new social media policy. I’m pretty sure had they succeeded in kicking him out of school, that would’ve been a relatively easy lawsuit to win.
Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." The bill of attainder part is irrelevant, but ex post facto laws are where someone is retroactively punished for something that wasn't illegal at the time that they did that. I am not sure how this would apply to the college (assuming that this is even in the US), but it probably would not go their way in court.
@@NobodySoldier A law should be applied retroactively if it benefits the convict. For example, John Doe does something illegal and goes to prison for, let's say, 3 years. A year later after it that something is not longer illegal so John should be released free.
6 words from the student struggling with his university, “You’ll be hearing from my attorney.” Friends I’ve never regretted as much as $1 I’ve spent on my legal team.
@@MagicalMedic , or assassinations on the douchebags...that always seems to settle matters rather quickly, and especially if the body cannot be located.
Gay or not, you do not deserve to be assaulted. Even if you were gay, and he made a pass at you, that’s still assault. Same if your a straight male and a female teacher makes a pass at you You never deserve it
at my school back in the day my friends mom taught our english class funny thing is he made b's and c's in that class (he was a math geek but sucked at english) she actually graded him pretty harshly but he did end up passing due to a book report and the final that i helped him study for
Its not. I had a classmate whose mother taught at the same elementary school we went to and from 1st-3rd grade she never got to the top 10s but when we reached 4th-6th grade she topped at 2nd-5th while all her scores were pretty low and she constantly cheated with her satan spawnlings (keep in mind that in my country grades 4-6 are crucial to get into a good high school. We have no middle schools here but the grade levels are the same (7-12). A lot of us think that ger mother had influenced our teachers by acting all friendly and shit)
My aunt, who is very close to my family, was my history teacher when I was 12-ish. She not only did her job fairly, but she actualy made a bit harder for me since she would rat me to my mom(not for bad behavior, i was the quiet kid, but i could no longer hide low grades)
As somebody who is critical, I would end up grading any family member harder than an unbiased person probably would. I remember my 10th grade socialstudies/history teacher had a daughter a few years ahead of me in highschool and they managed to end up class matched despite there being another teacher available. The daughter demanded and was switched to the other class within a month, probably because her mother graded her harder and I imagine it leaked into their home life.
Know what I noticed? Rslash always picks images of creepy or cringey looking people, when in reality I'm sure most of the people in these stories look like everyday types who you wouldn't bat an eye over otherwise.
My favorite is the r/Storiesaboutkevin one with the dude shoving a glass in his mouth, but I'm sure he's a totally normal dude with an average intellect.
no Kaylas right. this has been done for thousands of years. entire genres of art styles are defined by this. marketing has core a philosophy in part that is this. and of course, propoganda has existed for thousands of years. its not new at all.
It has been a troll post on craigslist for many years now when someone is mad at someone in some form or another and usually involves livestock also in Spanish to make the person hit with calls can't tell people it is fake.
Wow, so cool how OP had omniscient knowledge of everything that was going on at the college! It's so crazy, you could almost think that the entire story was completely made up by somebody who had never stepped foot in a college before.
He sounds like such a cool guy and not a neckbeard that has never stepped foot in a collage in his life! Surely he is just a, as he put it, a fallen hero. That girl that keeps crying on his shoulder is lucky!
AGREED. Fakest story ever. Also what country is he from? Is it the uk or us? US wouldn’t say “loo” and uk wouldn’t say “dean” or “college”. Also what college professor wouldn’t know the word nepotism. Super off.
While OP sounds like he’s got an ego, the situation with the Dean and all that sounds incredibly believable. The idiots in this world in charge of thing is crazy. That being said, everything else sounds like BS
the ego comes from the talent that not only had the beginning classes boring but good enough to let him coast through despite having a hostile professor. his attitude will probably prevent him from maximizing his potential but be commented in a mid-tier position, but probably constantly on the bubble for layoffs due to work ethic big fish in a small pond syndrom
@@MercuryA2000 It just sounded fake to me. Entertaining? Yeah but seems fake. The fact that he explicitly described people as Nerds and otherwise makes it seem like he's describing middle school or early high-school. Also smoking weed in college is fine unless he was in the US. Idk about other places with significant enough Christian communities to have a church run college that has also banned weed. Americans don't use the term "fancied" to describe interest in someone and definitely did not use a social media network named after a middle eastern engineer so I think it's just fake.
@Equinox It's not like no American would ever use it but it's just not that common in the US. If it was just that then I would've assumed either that the person is a foreigner studying in America (in the post though I think he said that he was in a college nearby) or that he had some influence (eg media, neighbors, parents) and added it to his vocabulary. Either way, it's the combination of that and the rest of if that convinces me that it's fake.
OP thinks you can chew someone over a rule that did not existed when the action was taken. Fun fact: Law doesn't work like that. You can't get chewed over a law you broke before it existed
@@sirlord7145 yup like if a teacher kept giving everyone F's and giving their favorite student or someone close A++ that's not fair and the teacher would be fired and even tho most school management's suck but they still can't do nothing about it or else INSERT PARENTS SUING and cops coming for harassment assault misconduct unfairness to students
He signed an NDA. By doing that, if he then went on to spill with any hint as to where this all took place, he could get in major legal trouble. Even sharing on reddit and not disclosing the location/school could get him in trouble, probably. Not a lawyer, and I'm not sure about how much trouble he could get in for the reddit part, but I know that he legally bound himself to not spilling the information about the school by signing that NDA. All the school's lawyer would have to do is tell the judge that OP signed an NDA and the judge would most likely not only throw OPs case out, but OP would be in legal trouble himself.
ngl the 2nd story 9:53 sounds so fake and cringe..."she sobbed on my shoulder, my gallantry came into question" ..."nerd kings/queens" like wtf kinda college u in my dude? high school university?
On one hand, I agree with you, it is creepy. On the other hand, some schools are very competitive, in these schools to be graded over the average is not enough to qualify. Everything is limited which means that only the top of the class gets rewarded. In this case, your future is related to your grades. Nepotism could cost them their degree especially since Rose was grading three subjects. OP did say that she was particularly mean towards girls except for her sister. That creepy nerd may as well be a girl whom's grades were hitting rock bottom since Rose showed up.
why is it creepy to follow someone you suspect to mess up grades? Its not like the one who followed them was trying to get off on that - he/she wanted to find out what they were up to...
It was a work of pure fiction. Also how convenient it all happened on a social media that no longer exists. Riiiiiiiiiighhht So now you can't look it up and debunk it
I honestly thought the same thing! I was listening to his story and he sounds really arrogant and I couldn't help but to think of details that didn't matter but he put it in there anyway to stroke his own ego for random internet strangers. I totally agree with you!
@@justicedreams Yeah...I was so shocked by that I thought auto correct might've done something. Also, court wouldn't be a good word for "Date" Or more presumably "Hook-up" because court usually means to marry. I was like, "This dude was marrying random ass girls?"
Yeah, but it doesn't have high doses of weird dog-whistle shit so I could still enjoy it. Edit: thinking about it again, it definitely has moderate levels of pipeline to hate content. Less enjoyable than I initially thought.
15:20 Ah yes, kicking him out for saying that Rose was just giving Jess good grades before the rule was a thing Can you even do that Get punished for breaking a rule that wasn't a rule yet
Im surprised op didnt involve the Board of Education if one call came into the board of education with proof the school would be singing a different tune
It's also a private college, and a religious college at that, so the BoA can do nothing about anything. If the college is actually accredited (doubtful), such a fiasco can lose it its accreditation, maybe, or at least have it put on notice. All assuming the story is even true. I write fiction (have a couple of books on Amazon) and I too thought the story played out a bit too conveniently. I mean, it could be true, but I have some doubts.
That last story happened to me too. We shipped a $570 CRT monitor from eastern Canada to the west coast. The delivery guy shows up with his legs and feet right up against the box (the side facing away from us) and wouldn't move till we signed. We signed and he ran for his vehicle. Looking at where he stood we noticed a huge patched up hole in the box. We yelled at him to come back and he just yelled back "You signed for it. It's your problem!" and drove off. When we opened the box it was clear that someone had driven a forklift tine right through the middle of the monitor, Well my ex's dad was the one to ship it and he did it through his company. A VERY large company that spends millions a year on shipping. He tried calling and asking for them to cover it since they clearly used deception to hide the hole. They told him the same thing the driver said. "You signed for it. It's your problem now". So he switched shipping companies. He is really high up in this company, not CEO but he worked closely with the owners and board members. When he made a case for switching shipping companies they all supported him. Seriously, fuck Purolator.
It is not even just revenge, it is just sensible bussiness practice, as they just showed that they have aweful service/behave very badly (and in a way that indicates they would not correct it in the future), then it makes a lot of sense to switch to another company that does not have the same kind of problem.
Well, not quite everyone. Sure those proffs got a good what for but the dean and the sisters got off too easy, and OP sounded like a complete torque throughout
College story: Reads like a high schooler's creative writing class or sociology assignment, particularly when several things he mentions just aren't how colleges are run (i.e.: a college professor standing outside of the bathroom threatening to call parents and cops? LOL Okay). I laugh at how creative he was to say he signed a NDA; therefore, it explains why none of this was in the news. Clever!
Haha the story about the motorbike reminds me of when me and my mate were involved in a prank war with each other we were at it for a long time and the way i ended it was putting up an add on gumtree which is basically the UK's equivalent of craigslist for 4 tickets for one direction's sold out show for the very reasonable price of £20 each and his phone was bombarded with teenage girls and parents trying to get their hands on some sold out tickets it was only up for 5 minutes before he got the first call and it continued for 6 hours and back then you couldn't use your phone if somebody was calling you like you can now adays and the calls wouldn't stop so he had to walk 5 miles to my house to get me to take it down all while his phone was blowing up like crazy in the 6 hours he received 984 phone calls and 453 text messages and after that he agreed to end the war and I was victorious 😂😂
I have never heard a person who makes a well thought out argument actually make a well thought out argument. Especially when they say it three times in one sentence.
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617638759
Best Datting Click 🔽 livegirls19. com 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1617642310
Yeah, if anyone actually believed that I've got a bridge to sell. Not that it happened, but I'd love to listen to this "I had come prepared for this and proceeded to decimate their complaint with a well-constructed and elaborate speech". It was an emergency meeting so I dunno how he could've prepared that 'well-constructed and elaborate speech'. Also, this was after he had been in the loo getting stoned.
@@timeenoughatlast3368 Yes, but you have to remember that seemed to be allowed. It was only when they got that new internet policy blackmailing a student for sexual favors became a no-no. Sounds like they've got great colleges in That happened-land...
I'm glad OP didn't get expelled. But, I would have loved to see him take them to court for sexual harassment, blackmail, and wrongful expulsion. I would love to see such a college, as well as all of those who allowed for such behavior to be decimated. They honestly could have ruined lives to such an extreme degree
I am so jealous of that student. I wish I was able to fire a teacher. The teacher is mentally abusing everyone but there is no evidence. The teacher is teaching one of mine main subjects and just because of the abuse I am totally burned out.
I keep feeling that some of RSlash's stories just keep me smiling because most of it happened to me, and yeah, thanks for making my life's living hell happy for sometime
So many comments on how the OP of the college story should have done this and that. You know why he didn't? Because he doesn't care about anything or anyone but his personal gain. He laughed at people being sexually assaulted. He laughed at people being treated unfairly. He thought it would be funny to get into a personal feude with a teacher, because he wouldn't have to deal with any consequences. Generally he doesn't give a sh*t. Instead he'll smoke weed and pry on women. What a precious young man. Now, nepotism is not okay and I am sorry that he had to experience molestation. But he knew all of that was going on and he was laughing about it all as long as he wasn't involved. He did not ignore it. Most people would ignore it and stay away from such things when they can and I get that. But that's not him. He thought it was amusing. People being molested, people being played - he got a kick out of that. But once he was in the picture, he went ballistic. "I wasn't kind" ...yeah, it's not too difficult to guess. I'm absolutely certain he was shaming that woman sexually. That's why things "went crazy" and he only got away, because he used the molesting he had experienced instead of doing the right thing and reporting it to the police. "Nobody knew why the guy was fired" - so he keeps doing what he's been doing. Fantastic. 👍
I don't understand how you can work anywhere that isn't a Burger King if you don't know what nepotism is. I knew what it was at 9 and this Dean didn't know until years after getting that job. I hate our stupid upside down world.
We lived on a short street that ended in an abandoned radar facility that was part of a military base called a Nike Site, the Nike Ajax Missile Battery was about a mile away. The street was a perfect quarter mile and cars used to race down our street on weekend nights. When the neighbors went to the city to complain, the city installed a large speed bump at the end of the street at the entrance to the what the city had started to turn into a park. All the neighbors sat on lawn chairs and watched a scar after car got messed up on the speed bump. They all saw t too late. The best one was a '60's Corvette whose entire muffler system was ripped off.
So OP did some "bad" things on the internet, the institution implemented a rule to combat this behaviour, and OP was to be punished for things that happened BEFORE the rule was implemented? I'm not entirely sure that's legal
Bro that dude in college was like a massive superhero for the whole college. He can't wait what they will tell his parents and what he did right for the safety and fairness for his classmates
If it was even true!. It sounds like a made up story to me. Someone using their skills as a writer/novelist to take the piss out on everyone reading it.
It's against the law to punish those who have a bad word on an institution or facility. As long as it isn't life threatening or prejudice, it's fully allowed.
ngl as someone whos queer its understandable the guy who got harassed by the teacher reacted that way, i mean geez he got touched by someone whos supposed to be a trusted authority. not the best reaction but like hes only human and recognizes it wasnt okay now so i say dont worry OP your alright
The shipping company didn't just lose the business because of the broken TV. Not doing business with a company that *allows* this kind of thing to happen is the right call.
I feel like the story about the college was a bit too good to be real, like it’s the plot of a book. Is it real? Cuz it felt like OP was just faking it.
Is it just me, or does anyone else not like the op from the college story, I just don't like how he talks about other students who are concerned with their grades and futures. ( I'm glad he got revenge against nepotism though.) I'm glad he got revenge and stood up to a creepy pervert, but I don't think I would want to be friends with this person.
The protagonist of the last story sounded like a grade a dushbag, couldn't listen to the whole story because of it honestly. Nothing against rslash though, love him! Great guy :)
That college story was a lot to take in. Lol. But it still leaves me with more questions than answers. 1-Did the President suspend the hearing after seeing the emails that OP brought to them? What was the story they told to the other people in the hearing considering they wanted OP to keep it under wraps? 2-Why was OP still not expelled, and why did Rose end up getting let go? I’m still confused about the whole issue. Was there a conflict of interest there that the President came down on the Dean about? 3-Why wasn’t the blackmailing professor reported to the authorities/arrested? I’ve never understood why schools like to keep things “in house...” 4-What happened to OP’s grade in the classes that Rose taught? It sounds like they were changed but I missed that part. 5-What happened between OP and his gf? Did they work out? 6-Why did the school think that enacting a policy that goes against people’s first amendment rights was ever going to work? 7-How could they call what OP said “slander” if it was the truth? Slander is supposed to be a lie, and I’ve heard for years that if something is true, it can’t be slanderous. 8-Why was Rose’s sister not kicked out for cheating, considering her grades weren’t legit, and Rose charged criminally as well? Why was OP threatened to be kicked out over something so inconsequential, yet they weren’t punished for their blatant favoritism? This story has so many unresolved parts to it...we may never know the whole story, but unless the OP was forced to sign an NDA by the school, this should have been on national news faster than the “paying for admission” scandal was. OP should have burned that school’s reputation to the ground and gone nuclear or supernova...what he did is enough for the Rose thing alone, but almost being assaulted? And the professor never got jail time? That’s just not right, on so many levels.
I like how he stresses that the company does over $100k in shipping then casually brushes off tye next part, misreading it as $800k instead of $80k. 20:43
That small joint actually saved that college guy's career lol and if that creep teacher hadn't caught him and eventually sent him that email then the corrupt sisters would have gotten away with their little accademic fraud which was enabled by the institution itself. It's the butterfly effect, bois.
I like how people in the comments are like: " I love watching Rslash in the morning!" when its night time for me. (I am a filipino, however, I dont seem like a filipino at first glance Lmao)
I don't understand how it's okay to implement a rule and then retroactively punish people for breaking a rule-yet-not-existing... A warning okay, but threaten expulsion?
The fact the dude trolled an insurance company and then sold it to said insurance company for the amount they they denied him is just amazing on so many levels~
As someone who has been plagued by some small religious town policies, I salute you for getting payback! I wasn't believed because it was before computers, but you did well!
I love that post. "Some kid scammed me, but that's fine, and then he stole my work so I nuked him with chickens." It sounds like a revenge to fit the crime.
whent gonzo
Lmao I love chickens so that's an absolute win
That was too funny!
epic battle sim vibes anyone?
If only the lad’s name was Link
The fact the Dean became a councilwoman & Rose and Jess basically came out Scot-free is depressing.
Nobody was reprimanded at all. Why did the professor not end up in jail?
@@guitarbass22 he at least got essentially socially excommunicated which in small towns is often life-destroying. I agree it wasn’t enough though.
I was angry on the OPs behalf.
Because that’s life.
@@Darkloid21 I understand that, I'm not idealistic; however it is no-less depressing
Honestly, I’d kinda thought Rose and Jess we’re dating at first.
Same here
So did I! Honestly I was kinda disappointed to hear they’re just sisters! lol!
So OP made negative social media posts about the college and some faculty. The college then creates a social media/internet policy based on those posts. OP was then retroactively disciplined for the posts that inspired the creation of the brand new social media policy. I’m pretty sure had they succeeded in kicking him out of school, that would’ve been a relatively easy lawsuit to win.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. It is illegal to judge someone based on a law or rule that did not exist prior to the fault.
Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America:
"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."
The bill of attainder part is irrelevant, but ex post facto laws are where someone is retroactively punished for something that wasn't illegal at the time that they did that. I am not sure how this would apply to the college (assuming that this is even in the US), but it probably would not go their way in court.
@@wta1518 Most countries consider retroactive laws to be either illegal or worse, anticonstitutional.
@@wta1518 There's no way this happened in the US or even happened for that matter.
A law should be applied retroactively if it benefits the convict.
For example, John Doe does something illegal and goes to prison for, let's say, 3 years.
A year later after it that something is not longer illegal so John should be released free.
6 words from the student struggling with his university, “You’ll be hearing from my attorney.”
Friends I’ve never regretted as much as $1 I’ve spent on my legal team.
Not everyone can afford legal representation, but if they could find someone who could manage pro bono, maybe.
@@MagicalMedic Or Contingency~
@@MagicalMedic , or assassinations on the douchebags...that always seems to settle matters rather quickly, and especially if the body cannot be located.
@@paxhumana2015 My preferred methode
Although, I've never used it, since prison is still a risk...
@@MagicalMedic Sometimes the threat is all you need. As soon as people hear the word "attorney", they can panic.
Gay or not, you do not deserve to be assaulted.
Even if you were gay, and he made a pass at you, that’s still assault. Same if your a straight male and a female teacher makes a pass at you
You never deserve it
I would have gone to the dean immediately.
@@SoraDonaldGoofy99 the dean was a girl and girls don’t really care about men being raped assaulted or anything
@@somethingsomethingsomethin9905 That's not true. I'm a woman and I care about people being assaulted as a default. As do most women.
Its also not your fault either!!
You're not alone in this either gshdhdusudhg.
$9000 for a Twitter account, now that's a good deal!
That's a funny meme
This may just be, in fact, quite possibly, *STONKS*
If your last name is currently Trump, then ya, it actually is 🤣
he got his insurance money by selling someone thier companys twitter smart
@@boom-jr8vi V
Who on earth would think it's a good idea to have a sister teach their sibling and think it would be fair??
at my school back in the day my friends mom taught our english class funny thing is he made b's and c's in that class (he was a math geek but sucked at english) she actually graded him pretty harshly but he did end up passing due to a book report and the final that i helped him study for
Its not. I had a classmate whose mother taught at the same elementary school we went to and from 1st-3rd grade she never got to the top 10s but when we reached 4th-6th grade she topped at 2nd-5th while all her scores were pretty low and she constantly cheated with her satan spawnlings (keep in mind that in my country grades 4-6 are crucial to get into a good high school. We have no middle schools here but the grade levels are the same (7-12). A lot of us think that ger mother had influenced our teachers by acting all friendly and shit)
My aunt, who is very close to my family, was my history teacher when I was 12-ish. She not only did her job fairly, but she actualy made a bit harder for me since she would rat me to my mom(not for bad behavior, i was the quiet kid, but i could no longer hide low grades)
As somebody who is critical, I would end up grading any family member harder than an unbiased person probably would. I remember my 10th grade socialstudies/history teacher had a daughter a few years ahead of me in highschool and they managed to end up class matched despite there being another teacher available. The daughter demanded and was switched to the other class within a month, probably because her mother graded her harder and I imagine it leaked into their home life.
If it was me in that situation I would be harsher on a family member. But that's because I expect more out my family then I do some random person.
Know what I noticed? Rslash always picks images of creepy or cringey looking people, when in reality I'm sure most of the people in these stories look like everyday types who you wouldn't bat an eye over otherwise.
Did you think the thumbnails were of the actual people? All you did was state the obvious
@@RiveroftheWither Obviously not. Just a metaphor for their shitty personalities.
It's called playing on the Algorithm. Shocking thumbnails increase views.
My favorite is the r/Storiesaboutkevin one with the dude shoving a glass in his mouth, but I'm sure he's a totally normal dude with an average intellect.
no Kaylas right. this has been done for thousands of years. entire genres of art styles are defined by this. marketing has core a philosophy in part that is this. and of course, propoganda has existed for thousands of years. its not new at all.
I feel like I read the craigslist ad for the chickens and goats. Now I know why they never replied 😂
It has been a troll post on craigslist for many years now when someone is mad at someone in some form or another and usually involves livestock also in Spanish to make the person hit with calls can't tell people it is fake.
@Md Rakib uhh no
Wow, so cool how OP had omniscient knowledge of everything that was going on at the college! It's so crazy, you could almost think that the entire story was completely made up by somebody who had never stepped foot in a college before.
And how a college probably filled with grown up men has things like a nerdy club, childish behaviour and can go ballistic over these kind of things
He sounds like such a cool guy and not a neckbeard that has never stepped foot in a collage in his life! Surely he is just a, as he put it, a fallen hero. That girl that keeps crying on his shoulder is lucky!
AGREED. Fakest story ever. Also what country is he from? Is it the uk or us? US wouldn’t say “loo” and uk wouldn’t say “dean” or “college”. Also what college professor wouldn’t know the word nepotism. Super off.
Im glad I am not the only one who thought that story was fake
I wonder if people in these stories see this and are like:
"Hehehehe.. sounds like something I did.. WAIT A MINUTE!?"
Fr lol
“Let that moment serve as a Lesson.”
No, because most of these stories are fake. The story with the professor is prime content for r/thathappened.
@@wta1518 you are sheltered. Just because you’ve never met someone like them, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
@@theautisticartist9370 that's not the point. The story is written like the OP is some super genius hero and ladies man. The ego shouts fake story.
While OP sounds like he’s got an ego, the situation with the Dean and all that sounds incredibly believable. The idiots in this world in charge of thing is crazy. That being said, everything else sounds like BS
the ego comes from the talent that not only had the beginning classes boring but good enough to let him coast through despite having a hostile professor. his attitude will probably prevent him from maximizing his potential but be commented in a mid-tier position, but probably constantly on the bubble for layoffs due to work ethic
big fish in a small pond syndrom
@@geraldgrenier8132 His comment about gullible girls was rather disgusting to be honest.
He feels a lot like the cliche kinda romcom guy who the love interest fixes tbh.
@@MercuryA2000 It just sounded fake to me. Entertaining? Yeah but seems fake. The fact that he explicitly described people as Nerds and otherwise makes it seem like he's describing middle school or early high-school. Also smoking weed in college is fine unless he was in the US. Idk about other places with significant enough Christian communities to have a church run college that has also banned weed. Americans don't use the term "fancied" to describe interest in someone and definitely did not use a social media network named after a middle eastern engineer so I think it's just fake.
@Equinox It's not like no American would ever use it but it's just not that common in the US. If it was just that then I would've assumed either that the person is a foreigner studying in America (in the post though I think he said that he was in a college nearby) or that he had some influence (eg media, neighbors, parents) and added it to his vocabulary. Either way, it's the combination of that and the rest of if that convinces me that it's fake.
OP in the college story really rubs me the wrong way. Wtf is ‘courting gullible women’ 🤢 he sounded super arrogant too...
OP thinks you can chew someone over a rule that did not existed when the action was taken. Fun fact: Law doesn't work like that. You can't get chewed over a law you broke before it existed
@@muchotexto4248 At least that's how it ought to be...
Lol yeah sounds super fake. Such a weird story.
That story is probably fake, let's be honest. Sounds like fan fiction
@@sirlord7145 yup like if a teacher kept giving everyone F's and giving their favorite student or someone close A++ that's not fair and the teacher would be fired and even tho most school management's suck but they still can't do nothing about it or else INSERT PARENTS SUING and cops coming for harassment assault misconduct unfairness to students
The chicken and goat story was hysterical. That was a great revenge.
and completely fake…one DMCA takedown claim and it’d be finished but the OP is clearly not an actual photographer so that’s conveniently not mentioned
Honestly in the college story op should have taken the college to court afterwards and told the news cause they deserve it
Exactly. This could have easily gone nuclear if OP wanted it to. And after being blackmailed by his former teacher, why wouldn’t he...?
He signed an NDA. By doing that, if he then went on to spill with any hint as to where this all took place, he could get in major legal trouble. Even sharing on reddit and not disclosing the location/school could get him in trouble, probably. Not a lawyer, and I'm not sure about how much trouble he could get in for the reddit part, but I know that he legally bound himself to not spilling the information about the school by signing that NDA. All the school's lawyer would have to do is tell the judge that OP signed an NDA and the judge would most likely not only throw OPs case out, but OP would be in legal trouble himself.
@@RenAsterion And you don’t see an issue with that? If a place committed a crime and covered it up with a NDA, that’s not wrong in your eyes?
@@guitarbass22 it's not so much about what they consider wrong but what the law considers wrong
And if this happened in the US, what the college did with the internet policy has been illegal since 1788.
ngl the 2nd story 9:53 sounds so fake and cringe..."she sobbed on my shoulder, my gallantry came into question" ..."nerd kings/queens" like wtf kinda college u in my dude? high school university?
The situation itself sounds very believable, I don’t think it’s fake, just heavily, *heavily* embellished and a bit egotistical on OP’s part.
@@terra_the_nightingale135 I felt the same way too. It was a bit over the top.
Like is he an anime protagonist
@@ThatGuyRNA Come on. An anime protagonist is not that bad. OP is more of a side character.
@@songohan3321 side character that thinks they’re the main character
Someone really followed and stalked two women over grades......that’s the creepy character I think OP forgot to mention
On one hand, I agree with you, it is creepy. On the other hand, some schools are very competitive, in these schools to be graded over the average is not enough to qualify. Everything is limited which means that only the top of the class gets rewarded. In this case, your future is related to your grades. Nepotism could cost them their degree especially since Rose was grading three subjects. OP did say that she was particularly mean towards girls except for her sister.
That creepy nerd may as well be a girl whom's grades were hitting rock bottom since Rose showed up.
Sounds like that person will be a fine detective someday. :D
why is it creepy to follow someone you suspect to mess up grades? Its not like the one who followed them was trying to get off on that - he/she wanted to find out what they were up to...
The college story could’ve been told in about 5 minutes but I guess that guy wanted to write a novel and sound douchey
Lmao right
I got that same feeling too it was so awkward. Like he was super into showing himself to be be above everyone else.
It was a work of pure fiction.
Also how convenient it all happened on a social media that no longer exists. Riiiiiiiiiighhht
So now you can't look it up and debunk it
Yeah, it definitely dragged on way too long with a lot of irrelevant details.
@@sapphirejynx I honestly got to the point where I didn’t care how the story turned out because the OP was so annoying and pretentious
The guy that did the college thing sounds like a slime ball himself! A bit full of himself. I think he rearranged his story. Lazy and self centered.
I honestly thought the same thing! I was listening to his story and he sounds really arrogant and I couldn't help but to think of details that didn't matter but he put it in there anyway to stroke his own ego for random internet strangers. I totally agree with you!
Ah yes, the rebellious teenager has an ego
He courted *gullible* women.... Eugh.
@@justicedreams Yeah...I was so shocked by that I thought auto correct might've done something. Also, court wouldn't be a good word for "Date" Or more presumably "Hook-up" because court usually means to marry. I was like, "This dude was marrying random ass girls?"
@@justicedreams yeah I don't know why he'd mention that
But I guess it's better than him acting like he was totally innocent
God, that college story is such fan fiction it hurts
Yeah, but it doesn't have high doses of weird dog-whistle shit so I could still enjoy it.
Edit: thinking about it again, it definitely has moderate levels of pipeline to hate content. Less enjoyable than I initially thought.
Ah yes, kicking him out for saying that Rose was just giving Jess good grades before the rule was a thing
Can you even do that
Get punished for breaking a rule that wasn't a rule yet
In the US, no.
@@wta1518 Agreed, but the word choices made it sound like that wasn't in the US.
@@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber Yeah, I don't think it was in the US either.
Im surprised op didnt involve the Board of Education if one call came into the board of education with proof the school would be singing a different tune
I dont think this was in the united states
It's also a private college, and a religious college at that, so the BoA can do nothing about anything. If the college is actually accredited (doubtful), such a fiasco can lose it its accreditation, maybe, or at least have it put on notice. All assuming the story is even true. I write fiction (have a couple of books on Amazon) and I too thought the story played out a bit too conveniently. I mean, it could be true, but I have some doubts.
@@josepherhardt164 most likely, and also good job on being an author i wish you the best of luck on your future novels
@@thebush2569 Thanks. :)
I think the board of education only handles up to the end of secondary school, no?
That last story happened to me too. We shipped a $570 CRT monitor from eastern Canada to the west coast. The delivery guy shows up with his legs and feet right up against the box (the side facing away from us) and wouldn't move till we signed. We signed and he ran for his vehicle. Looking at where he stood we noticed a huge patched up hole in the box. We yelled at him to come back and he just yelled back "You signed for it. It's your problem!" and drove off. When we opened the box it was clear that someone had driven a forklift tine right through the middle of the monitor, Well my ex's dad was the one to ship it and he did it through his company. A VERY large company that spends millions a year on shipping. He tried calling and asking for them to cover it since they clearly used deception to hide the hole. They told him the same thing the driver said. "You signed for it. It's your problem now". So he switched shipping companies. He is really high up in this company, not CEO but he worked closely with the owners and board members. When he made a case for switching shipping companies they all supported him. Seriously, fuck Purolator.
It is not even just revenge, it is just sensible bussiness practice, as they just showed that they have aweful service/behave very badly (and in a way that indicates they would not correct it in the future), then it makes a lot of sense to switch to another company that does not have the same kind of problem.
Did everyone clap too when OP defeated the professors, got the girl, and saved the class?
My thoughts too.
Definition of a Chad
Well, not quite everyone. Sure those proffs got a good what for but the dean and the sisters got off too easy, and OP sounded like a complete torque throughout
@@ScooterBond1970 Yeah the were definitely some *moments* about him that *accelerated* my dislike of him.
College story: Reads like a high schooler's creative writing class or sociology assignment, particularly when several things he mentions just aren't how colleges are run (i.e.: a college professor standing outside of the bathroom threatening to call parents and cops? LOL Okay). I laugh at how creative he was to say he signed a NDA; therefore, it explains why none of this was in the news. Clever!
Okay for the Rose story, can I just say that I find OP insufferable? He was absolutely right about everything he said, he’s just so pompous.
Yep. The way he talks about “my girl 😩”
"King of the nerds" c'mon man
naw man it’s clear OP doesn’t give a shit about anyone else and practically looks down on everyone else.
i’m 99% sure the story is fake
The sadness in your voice when you said "The nerds were _heartbroken_ " tickled me.
Jesus Christ the one about the dean reads like a bad fanfiction. It belongs on r/thathappened IMO.
Right? I feel like it needs an "And then everybody clapped" at the end
Idk if it's the writing style but the college story just sounds made up, if not embellished. Just sounds too clean and generic.
I was ‘eh’ about it until that teacher said “suck my dick and I’ll forget about it”. This was such BS.
Idk man sounds like it's pretty basic at some parts then includes extremely long and minuscule details
Honestly the whole school prorevenge sounds more like a /that happened than anything
Its very possible some things can sound fake but 100% real
@@commanderstars7631 I think SOME things could be true but it is definitely over exaggerated.
@@TJ-hg6op thats true
I wheezed, WHEEZED, for the goat and chickens one, because I can just imagine that happening. bravo...Bravo
The college student story makes that guy sound like the most insufferable person to encounter at parties. Yeech.
Don’t worry, he doesn’t exist!
@@TJ-hg6op Considering there is a good chance this was some kind of self insert power fantasy the dude does exist in a way
Man I died “ain’t no f’n chickens! F F F F! No chickens, a hole!”😂😂😂I love it
The school story definitely sounds fake and like some (I am very smart) kid wrote it after just discovering the word "nepotism".
keyword: *_SOUNDS_*
@@starleaf-luna of course... Because I just like all stories on the internet there is not always a way to verify...
@@starleaf-luna Are you an idiot? SOUNDS like it....
Idk If It's Fake, I LIKE REVENGE
@@NoahTheAmbitious I like revenge, not some kids power fantasy which was what 99% of his reddit was
Haha the story about the motorbike reminds me of when me and my mate were involved in a prank war with each other we were at it for a long time and the way i ended it was putting up an add on gumtree which is basically the UK's equivalent of craigslist for 4 tickets for one direction's sold out show for the very reasonable price of £20 each and his phone was bombarded with teenage girls and parents trying to get their hands on some sold out tickets it was only up for 5 minutes before he got the first call and it continued for 6 hours and back then you couldn't use your phone if somebody was calling you like you can now adays and the calls wouldn't stop so he had to walk 5 miles to my house to get me to take it down all while his phone was blowing up like crazy in the 6 hours he received 984 phone calls and 453 text messages and after that he agreed to end the war and I was victorious 😂😂
You sicked the fangirls on him?!?! You're evil!!!
@@MercuryA2000 haha this was at the height of their popularity as well 😂
➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's
說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1617642305
I have listened to every episode on Spotify, you alone got me through quarantine.
Morning rSlash and Coffee... NOTHING BETTER. Keep up the good work rSlash!
If you call 2pm morning then yup
@@flamingjack9238 there are different time zones
@@theyellowzombie4277 you missed the point
I don't even drink coffee, it was 9am here.
P̳r̳e̳m̳i̳u̳m̳ ̳P̳r̳i̳v̳a̳t̳e̳ ̳S̳e̳x̳💯
𝘾𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚⏩ livegirls19. com ⏪
!♥今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした, 1617627909
that entire story about the sisters.... that was really long and disappointing =/
Right? Lmao
And fake.
I have never heard a person who makes a well thought out argument actually make a well thought out argument. Especially when they say it three times in one sentence.
Was it good?
@@imposteronyt yes!
watching it rn, Good vid so far
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617638759
Best Datting Click 🔽
livegirls19. com
來調味食物煮的時候 1617642310
“They called me in for disciplinary meeting for stuff I did before the new rules existed.” That does not have the ring of truth.
That second story about the collage is so 'That happened' that it hurts.
Yeah, if anyone actually believed that I've got a bridge to sell.
Not that it happened, but I'd love to listen to this "I had come prepared for this and proceeded to decimate their complaint with a well-constructed and elaborate speech".
It was an emergency meeting so I dunno how he could've prepared that 'well-constructed and elaborate speech'. Also, this was after he had been in the loo getting stoned.
@@Wokalis and after a male teacher attempted to sexually assault him, in an extremely public place at a collage...
@@timeenoughatlast3368 Yes, but you have to remember that seemed to be allowed. It was only when they got that new internet policy blackmailing a student for sexual favors became a no-no.
Sounds like they've got great colleges in That happened-land...
And he also says
"I'm not making this up"
Which is what liars say, he had to affirm to us that he wasn't
Haha ikr. He sounds really full of himself
The more times the guy in the third story said how he "definitely wasn't homophobic" the more suspicious I got
how is it legal to make new rules and then punish people for breaking said rules before they even existed
Exactly what I was wondering. He would've had a major lawsuit against them for sure and possibly the church.
It's a fake story
how is it legal? well it isnt legal, just another point towards why this story is fake af
I'm glad OP didn't get expelled. But, I would have loved to see him take them to court for sexual harassment, blackmail, and wrongful expulsion. I would love to see such a college, as well as all of those who allowed for such behavior to be decimated. They honestly could have ruined lives to such an extreme degree
I am so jealous of that student. I wish I was able to fire a teacher. The teacher is mentally abusing everyone but there is no evidence. The teacher is teaching one of mine main subjects and just because of the abuse I am totally burned out.
I am not making this up
Says someone fabricating a story full of lies
I keep feeling that some of RSlash's stories just keep me smiling because most of it happened to me, and yeah, thanks for making my life's living hell happy for sometime
“I really have nothing against gay people, go pride!”
Um okay?
Sure, whatever you say bud
So many comments on how the OP of the college story should have done this and that. You know why he didn't? Because he doesn't care about anything or anyone but his personal gain. He laughed at people being sexually assaulted. He laughed at people being treated unfairly. He thought it would be funny to get into a personal feude with a teacher, because he wouldn't have to deal with any consequences. Generally he doesn't give a sh*t. Instead he'll smoke weed and pry on women. What a precious young man. Now, nepotism is not okay and I am sorry that he had to experience molestation. But he knew all of that was going on and he was laughing about it all as long as he wasn't involved. He did not ignore it. Most people would ignore it and stay away from such things when they can and I get that. But that's not him. He thought it was amusing. People being molested, people being played - he got a kick out of that. But once he was in the picture, he went ballistic. "I wasn't kind" ...yeah, it's not too difficult to guess. I'm absolutely certain he was shaming that woman sexually. That's why things "went crazy" and he only got away, because he used the molesting he had experienced instead of doing the right thing and reporting it to the police. "Nobody knew why the guy was fired" - so he keeps doing what he's been doing. Fantastic. 👍
never clicked on a video so fast. i hope theres puppy bloopers!!
"i didnt care but i couldnt let it go" perfectly normal sign of not caring
I don't understand how you can work anywhere that isn't a Burger King if you don't know what nepotism is. I knew what it was at 9 and this Dean didn't know until years after getting that job. I hate our stupid upside down world.
Loving how I can wake up and just start watching rSlash!
Bro did u know in australia its 9:18
@@al3x_435 shhhhhhhhhh
Who knew rSlash had perfect pronunciation with Spanish. that was absolutely perfect!
I don’t even call this sub pro-revenge anymore, I just say prevenge
That’s cringe bro
@@DryCryCrystal No one asked
I am dumb. Can you please explain the joke?
@@shivangiparekh4980 pro but delete the o and put the evenge prevenge
I like the first guy’s brother, found a good way to handle the problem with Twitter being a new thing
Damn this got recommended to me 5 seconds after it was uploaded
When YT notifications actually do their job
True dat
@Asrul Ibrahim bot account
➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's
說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1617631514
We lived on a short street that ended in an abandoned radar facility that was part of a military base called a Nike Site, the Nike Ajax Missile Battery was about a mile away. The street was a perfect quarter mile and cars used to race down our street on weekend nights. When the neighbors went to the city to complain, the city installed a large speed bump at the end of the street at the entrance to the what the city had started to turn into a park. All the neighbors sat on lawn chairs and watched a scar after car got messed up on the speed bump. They all saw t too late. The best one was a '60's Corvette whose entire muffler system was ripped off.
So OP did some "bad" things on the internet, the institution implemented a rule to combat this behaviour, and OP was to be punished for things that happened BEFORE the rule was implemented?
I'm not entirely sure that's legal
12:50 Additional stupidity from the dean. Slander is spoken. In print, it’s libel.
Bro that dude in college was like a massive superhero for the whole college. He can't wait what they will tell his parents and what he did right for the safety and fairness for his classmates
If it was even true!. It sounds like a made up story to me. Someone using their skills as a writer/novelist to take the piss out on everyone reading it.
@@Rage_Harder_Then_Relax it did to me too but at least he changed.
Yes, the super edgy, super cool, super assholy super hero you'd see in a self insert fanfic
It's against the law to punish those who have a bad word on an institution or facility. As long as it isn't life threatening or prejudice, it's fully allowed.
So their lawyer oversaw the destruction of evidence? That sounds like they could probably lose their bar license
The shipping company gained the $600 for not replacing the broken TV, so you got the loss backwards. They lost $10,799,400, not $10,800,600.
Fun fact: people who were early just got done watching the video
Are you a sootheseer 0_o
thats true
soooo I'm not early?
17:55 that NDA is invalid. you can’t have a NDA to prevent someone from reporting a crime
That college story sounds like a movie. Almost like it was written to sound cool....
LOVE prorevenge, Nuclear revenge, and even petty revenge! Anything where bad people get what's coming to them. Keep sharing!!!
While the revenge was good am I the only one that thought the college OP was a real prick?
ngl as someone whos queer its understandable the guy who got harassed by the teacher reacted that way, i mean geez he got touched by someone whos supposed to be a trusted authority. not the best reaction but like hes only human and recognizes it wasnt okay now so i say dont worry OP your alright
The college story sounds like a middle schooler's fantasy. Then what, the whole school clapped?
The shipping company didn't just lose the business because of the broken TV. Not doing business with a company that *allows* this kind of thing to happen is the right call.
The best feeling is walking up knowing your on spring break and r/ already uploaded
➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's
說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1617642353
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-----۞------------
livegirls19. com 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《
!❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
1000 IQ this is what I’d call a pro gamer move
RSlash said “10 million dollars” like Doctor Evil lmfao
That College story was AWESOME. The genius level of malicious compliance, and clever ways of Dirt Gathering was
P E R F E C T.
I feel like the story about the college was a bit too good to be real, like it’s the plot of a book. Is it real? Cuz it felt like OP was just faking it.
the post with professor slimy was a whole movie plot
Is it just me, or does anyone else not like the op from the college story, I just don't like how he talks about other students who are concerned with their grades and futures. ( I'm glad he got revenge against nepotism though.)
I'm glad he got revenge and stood up to a creepy pervert, but I don't think I would want to be friends with this person.
I honestly thought Rose &nJess were gonna turn out to be a Couple, Imagine my surprise at them being sisters
You screw with the bull, you get the horns. Even if you think the bull is a cow
The one in the title is so interesting lol one of the longest ones I have seen so far
props to that guy
The protagonist of the last story sounded like a grade a dushbag, couldn't listen to the whole story because of it honestly.
Nothing against rslash though, love him! Great guy :)
You can't even spell correctly.
That college story was a lot to take in. Lol. But it still leaves me with more questions than answers.
1-Did the President suspend the hearing after seeing the emails that OP brought to them? What was the story they told to the other people in the hearing considering they wanted OP to keep it under wraps?
2-Why was OP still not expelled, and why did Rose end up getting let go? I’m still confused about the whole issue. Was there a conflict of interest there that the President came down on the Dean about?
3-Why wasn’t the blackmailing professor reported to the authorities/arrested? I’ve never understood why schools like to keep things “in house...”
4-What happened to OP’s grade in the classes that Rose taught? It sounds like they were changed but I missed that part.
5-What happened between OP and his gf? Did they work out?
6-Why did the school think that enacting a policy that goes against people’s first amendment rights was ever going to work?
7-How could they call what OP said “slander” if it was the truth? Slander is supposed to be a lie, and I’ve heard for years that if something is true, it can’t be slanderous.
8-Why was Rose’s sister not kicked out for cheating, considering her grades weren’t legit, and Rose charged criminally as well? Why was OP threatened to be kicked out over something so inconsequential, yet they weren’t punished for their blatant favoritism?
This story has so many unresolved parts to it...we may never know the whole story, but unless the OP was forced to sign an NDA by the school, this should have been on national news faster than the “paying for admission” scandal was. OP should have burned that school’s reputation to the ground and gone nuclear or supernova...what he did is enough for the Rose thing alone, but almost being assaulted? And the professor never got jail time? That’s just not right, on so many levels.
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!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1
I couldn't help but picture the emergency meeting in the school story like the "woman yelling at a cat" meme.
No one:
Not even Yugo:
Not even Karen:
rSlash: [[insert weird/wacky/funny quote here]]
I like how he stresses that the company does over $100k in shipping then casually brushes off tye next part, misreading it as $800k instead of $80k. 20:43
Pretty sure you can't make up a new rule and then enforce it on an event that happen before the rule was made.
That small joint actually saved that college guy's career lol and if that creep teacher hadn't caught him and eventually sent him that email then the corrupt sisters would have gotten away with their little accademic fraud which was enabled by the institution itself. It's the butterfly effect, bois.
I like how people in the comments are like: " I love watching Rslash in the morning!" when its night time for me. (I am a filipino, however, I dont seem like a filipino at first glance Lmao)
3:40pm for me - greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
8:30 pm in Malaysia here
6:54 am for me
10:05am (9am) 4 me
Who asked?
This or more like all the stories there where all so interesting is actually shook me to my core.
omfg the twitter story was really beautiful
I don't understand how it's okay to implement a rule and then retroactively punish people for breaking a rule-yet-not-existing... A warning okay, but threaten expulsion?
The fact the dude trolled an insurance company and then sold it to said insurance company for the amount they they denied him is just amazing on so many levels~
Oh man the professor story is giving me serious r/thathappened vibes. At the very least the writing makes it sound super embellished.
Yeah especially the
The dean didn’t know what it meant
As someone who has been plagued by some small religious town policies, I salute you for getting payback! I wasn't believed because it was before computers, but you did well!