I watch all the give me an answer videos.. I look forward to every upload and gain more knowledge and more tools to apply in witnessing to others needing answers.. Thanks Cliffe and Team.. Thanks uploader.. Keep em coming. Godbless! Joseph :)
Great video Cliffe! And I finally have my first critique for Cliffe. There was a point where the lady and Cliffe agreed that Christ was interchangeable with God. (based on there names) however I feel that it would be more christological at this point to say Christ is God. (as in the Son and the Father are not interchangeable) but saying this from my couch is very easy and saying that from campus is a different story.
I love this ladies questions and her ability to articulate her question👌.... Correct The Bible does not say if all children go to heaven Or even if they do except one place in The Bible that I'm aware of And that's when king David was mourning and fasting over his child With Bethsheba. Soon as thair child died he quit fasting and said..... "Paraphrasing"... My child can no longer come to me but I will go to him. 2nd Samuel 12:23 Therefore we know that There are Young children in heaven but that being said... Since God Does the choosing of the elect before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless Ephesians 1:4.We know by scripture HE did not choose All therefore God and only God knows the children that would come to him. God-bless hope this helps 🙏.
Great point about king Davids son. However I don’t agree with you about God “choosing” the elect, in the sense that God doesn’t choose some and does others. The statement about God knowing or choosing the elect before they even existed is a testament to God position versus ours. God exists outside of time and space, he knew who would be saved, who would be elect before they were created. God didn’t “choose” them over others, but to is it looks that way. In 1st Peter, Peter calls him self elect, but elect only according to the foreknowledge of God. God foreknew Peter would be a follower of Christ, God knew he would be an elect person before he was ever created, it appears to us within space and time that God chose home. But instead it is actually through foreknowledge not choosing some and not others. You even said in your comment that God will choose some kids that die to be elect, meaning not others. This means that a 1 month old baby may be separated from God for eternity because God didn’t choose them. That is not how God works. Additionally if God chooses the elect, meaning not choosing others, then this removes all aspects of free will and love. We cannot love God if we are not free, if he chooses us and it’s not our free will that chooses him then it’s not actual love. Anyways, thanks for your time and comment, feel free to let me know if I misunderstood your comment, thanks.
@Christian E Thank you for your response...... You're looking at it from a humanistic man centered position. And you will continue to argue from that position until the Holy Spirit reveals to you that scripture cannot be broken. God don't look into the future to see who would choose HIM! Why?We can't! Why? Because all mankind are TOTALLY depraved from the fall of Adam and can NEVER choose God unless God 1st regenerates man's heart!!! Your problem is you think there's some "little" goodness in mankind, scripture refutes that...... Scripture says this.... First...... Ask yourself how could anybody like this ever choose God. The unbeliever is a slave of sin. Roman 6:14-20. is a hater of God who does no good Romans 3 :10-11, 12 his heart is deceitful, full of wickedness. Jeremiah 17: 9 he cannot receive the things of God 1st Corinthians 2:14 hes dead in his sins Ephesians 2:3. Therefore it is God that regenerates us!!! Please.....Listen to scripture..... Therefore it is GOD WHO CAUSES US to be born again 1st Peter 1:3. WHO grants that we believe. Philippines 1:29. WHO works faith in us John 6:28 - 29 WHO grants that we believe 2nd Timothy 2: 25 WHO makes us born again NOT OF OUR OWN WILL'S John 1:13!!!!! THIS IS WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES!!! SALVATION IS OF THE LORD!!! JONAH 2:9. God-created past present and future time.... What I was saying is..... Bluntly, if God wants to send one or all babies to hell who are you O man to answer back to God??? Romans 9:20. You're the clay trying to tell the Potter what to do, LOL and how to do it, LOL... Did you give God the scriptures ?? OR did HE gave them to us through inspiration of the Holy Spirit?? Our commission is too Believe it and teach it.... not alter it. God bless.
@@tjhoss6729 Thanks friend for your response. I should have explained myself better, I by no means am telling God what to do, or saying that it is unjust for God to send anyone to hell. As you said we all deserve it and I agree. What I am saying though is that we all have free will. I don't mean to ignore many of the things you said but do you believe we have free will? To your multiple verse points, I agree, it is only by God that we are born again, only by God that we are saved, only by God that we have and grow in faith. Every good thing comes from God. So yes God gives us these things, but ultimately if people want to run from God they can and do. The choosing I am referring to is man choosing to love God, he doesnt make us. Additionally, when I say we choose God, it doesnt mean that God didnt choose us, it means that we chose to accept the gift God has given us. God attempts to reach everyone, he wants everyone to love him, but he can't make us. He gave us the gift of salvation through Jesus' death, but if we do not choose to accept it, choose to accept/love God, then we cannot be saved. To me it all goes back to free will, do we have it or not. This matters so much because why as Christ followers should we share the gospel with others if God forces people to accept it? I guess that is the ultimate question between our view points. What do you think about free will?
@Christian E Hello again brother…How can you Receive the free gift of God if you're dead, dead? Dead in your sins and transpasses? The only thing a dead person can do is stink.... Don't get me wrong I love you, I love your Passion, I love your desire but you're not understanding God in HIS FULL SOVEREIGNTY..... You have man centered theology that crept in the church.... If you're dead brother, you and me We're both dead! But God regenerated you and I. Picture this...... you have a light switch, there's electricity running to it.... the electricity was predestined before the foundation of the world for you..So if you're dead and you hate God And you can't come to HIM "unless" it's been granted from the FATHER, how in the world do you have anything to do with turning the lights switch on to receive the electricity?? You CAN'T brother..Why?You're Dead!!! It's God who causes you to be born again!!! the electricity was already there from Before the foundation of the world.... God is Who flipped on the light switch through the Regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, it had nothing To do with you, your faith was a free gift granted to you!!! therefore you can't boast even in your Faith!!! Think about how many times you've read Ephesians 2:8-9. Now hopefully you hear what it's saying. For it is by grace that you've been saved through faith ( the faith that God granted to you) And not of yourself it's the gift of God (100 % free gift) not of works least any man should boast. It leaves no boasting. If you have 3 identical twins, they live the same exact life they become teenagers they have a friend come over their house and preach the gospel, one believes and goes on to tell as many people about Jesus as he possibly can and the other 2 are atheist what did the 1 do that believed different than the others. If you say he did anything even if he was smart enough to believe that would give him something to boast about. So many christians don't get this.... I feel like I'm talking to a mormon or a Jehovah's witness....... Thanks be to God By God's grace, "all" of God's grace I'm NOT..... I pray that you get this because it's huge once you do. I love you I love you I love you please re read all the scripture that I "d in the earlier text and read them slowly. God-bless you brother.
Thank you for finally being able to "give me an answer" to my question for a reference! Now, to fully understand this passage, you must first understand two things: 1) Its cultural context and 2) There are ways to examine a woman's virginity. The Jewish people were a theocracy. In marriage, it was expected that the woman was a virgin; if it was discovered that she wasn't, she was considered sexually immoral (Deut. 22:13-21). What if the virgin was raped? How could she prove her innocence?.......
How come no one ever asks WHY Jesus had to die to save us? I liked Rachel what a tempered mature person to ask such good thoughtful questions, never arrogant and never contradicted herself. I would not mind speaking with any atheist like that.
Hi Cliffe, great work!!!! The doctrines of Grace will help with Sarahs question. No free will and Hell glorifies God as does Heaven does according to scripture .... might help : )
My "religion" didn't "break my leg," I did. God didn't"sell me a crutch" He simply offered it to me. And regarding you question, what does it matter? As I've stated, there's a reason God commands things.
Maybe because he loves to give. Therefore he gave us all life. He doesn't need us, but we need him. Without him we can't exist. Therefore, he asks you to worship him because your life depends on it. If you use your will to reject him he will honour it, then he can't use his power to sustain you because you refuse.
Also, similar to you I don't think we have a "sinful nature," but that we choose to sin. I was having a dialogue with a fellow Christian who does believe in it and claimed that some babies were going to hell since they were "born in sin." His reasoning was drawn not just from scripture that Calvinists typically use, but also that there were times when God commanded the Israelites to kill women and children in certain cities. What is a good response to that inference?
Trollingwithoutreason said: "I asked you a question does it say in the Bible that _blah blah blah_ I want your position on this either it does or it does not what is your position?" You need to find a passage that supposedly says that and paste it onto this board before your question is taken seriously.
people would rather attack and accuse God unnecessarily and not see how good, loving, merciful and gracious God is in that before we ever got here, a plan of redemption and Salvation has been perfectly made! It's only a matter of people giving up sin and embracing and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ and His gift of eternal life through Faith in Him
"2And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.…" Mathew 18:3..... I think that answers her question
If that person in China who never knew Christ died and went to heaven because of his "righteousness," what is the purpose of preaching the Gospel? I'm confused. I'm aware of Paul mentioning Gentiles having a law of conscience, but if that's the case why was he the main one going around preaching and telling people they must "follow Jesus"? Thanks Cliffe, God bless you!
SPhillips0711 Is it easier to follow what you know is good or what you think is good? If he had the Gospels he would know & have guidelines. Maybe he would never need that, what of those who do? There are more than just the righteous in China. The other side is for you. You spread the message of Christ because you know it is good. That is a real thing & a good to you just for dwelling in it. Telling others about God helps you & them. So, it is two fold. You give the righteous a reason to continue to be righteous or to become so, & you are bettered, because you dwell more deeply in the word when you speak, think, & act upon it. God Bless
Cliffe's logic about people going to Heaven without hearing of Jesus makes me wonder: was there a purgatory for that time period? Was it temporary? Does it still exist?
Also, how could she ever get married, since if she attempted, she'd be falsely accused. Therefore her abuser had to marry her AND pay her father, who customarily gave their daughters in marriage, "damages" from the incident.
This young woman has superb ethical questions. No one can answer them definitively. If there is no God then her questions are irrelevant. If there is then she will find her answer.
I love these videos, but you didn't address specifically the question of: 1. God is. He created us. Why? For his grace? But he doesn't need us. Right? Just that one point I think you didn't pin point.
McChulo No, he said it clearly. Why did God make us Cliffe? I do not know. God does not reveal everything. Just because God knows, does not imply He must answer every question we have. Here is my perspective. What you do know is God made life & that is good! Do you need God to explain why he makes good things?
No. As I have already explained this applied to there and then also, the woman did not have to marry the an if she could be provided for and taken care of by her father. Marryinf the rapist meant that her had to take care of her for the rest of her life seeing as he robbed her of her virginity. Again today a woman can move on/ take care of herself, still find love etc
Atheist agnostics deal with ONE question Cliffe makes it a decision on everything. When he said that's just me, I have to wonder how much of what he is saying is christ and how much is the gospel according to Cliffe?
Hi! This is a hard one in todays culture. If a woman wasn't a virgin in those days she'd have to live with censure. Forcing her rapist to marry her would mean he had to take care of her and her innocence justified.. restoring her place in that society. It's not ideal, but the world is not how God originally orchestrated it. In a culture where virginity isn't held up, a raped woman wouldn't be ostrcised by the society, the rapist could simply be punished. She can still get on with her life.
Children do sin, but Jesus does not hold them accountable for Hell, and because He did pay for our inherited sinful guilt on the Cross that crucified Him, Jesus is able to take them home to Himself! We who have reach age of accountability, which only God knows best when that is reached, we have to repent, ask for forgiveness and invite Him inside of us to Baptize us by His Holy Spirit and at the same time give us His gift of faith in us! If we reject Him we will remain on the course towards Hell of our own free will, and there are only two definite places, from which one gains nothing by criticizing God! ✝🤗❤
Never crossed my mind, until I learned Calvinistic doctrine and the horrible, baseless idea of election and ran away from it. Now, I noticed it was 4 months since I wrote that question; since then I've found an answer to it. But to address you comment, I'd like to know by what standard do you judge God's commandment as an "immoral act"? And apparently you haven't read the whole story of Abraham's sacrifice (or conveniently left out something), because God stopped him before taking his son's life
Who are you to make that claim Troll? It's unwise to judge the Righteous Judge of all the earth (Acts 17:31), especially being a part of His creation. As the Scripture states, God was testing His faith (Gen. 22:12). He has a right to do so by whatever means He chooses. And what of Jeptha? He made a rash offer, just like those Jews who vowed not to eat or drink anything until they murdered Paul (Acts 23:12). God's silence doesn't mean He approves.
God is The God of glory The God of mercy The God of love The God of wisdom The God of creation The God of all The God of wrath The God of justice The God of holiness The God of the living The God of fairness The God of good The God of righteousness The God of eternity The God of miracles The God of knowledge The God of power The God of Israel The God of Jacob The God of Abraham The God of the Bible The God of Isaac YHWH the Father, YESHUA the Son, RUACH HAKODESH the Spirit.
My standards pale in comparison to God's. I'm nothing if you ask me, just a sinner saved by His loving hand. God bless you Mr. Troll, please repent and believe the Good News while God allows you to still breathe!
Who said God accepted it? The bible never says that. It does say he detests human sacrifice (Deut. 18:10). So now you know, He didn't approve. And have you noticed the sacrifice event with Abraham foreshadowed God's sacrifice of Christ? You see, there's a reason He commands things.
The evil and the devil are here so that we the mortals don't make the same mistake the angels made in heaven and got kicked out. Salvation is free gift through faith in Jesus Christ. because we by default became sinners. see www.gotquestions.org
Ask all the scientists who go by the Scientific Method of observation -something cannot come from nothing. An argument for the existence of God can come from this basic logic, for something had to exist for something to come from nothing (an uncaused cause).
When God created something out of nothing, he also is able to create a square out of a circle. Actually, according to Hegel, For God it is even possible to be death and alive at the same time, which he also showed to us by the death of Jesus, who was also God.
_"The devil"_ is an allegory, representing man's rebellious attitude toward God. Also, God has no duties and no responsibilities, so even if _"the devil"_ were a real person, it would not be God's job to stop him from using the free will that God gave him.
please check out the scripture is quiet clear except for he parable of Lazarus which would s and analogy people dont suffer eternally their punishment is eternal those people are destroyed in the lake of fire its the second death or the word perish which used several times yes god created people to make choices and when they choose not christ they perish in the lake of fire which ' s the second death , and there ' s zero compassion in letting some one suffer eternally
Yea however in this era, No one will ever get to heaven without believing in Jesus Christ..It's ONLY by faith in Christ anyone living in this era will ever be saved and thereby get to heaven.. Cliffe keeps on talking about Abraham, Rahab, and other testament people never hearing about Jesus or the gospel!, yea when they put their faith in the true God,their sin was also paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.. the sacrifice of Christ was applied to them when they believed in the true God.. So in ALL cases, it's ONLY by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, anyone is forgiven and will thereby be in heaven..one still has to respond or receive it by faith..
God's rationale appears faulty? Don't be ridiculous "Mr. Logic." Stop judging your Creator. The Muslim god doesn't exist so I have no worries there. As for you, I don't believe you are an atheist -for why would you be wasting your time mocking and condemning my faith when according to you, God doesn't exist? It's illogical.
(15:50) 'Living the American dream'??? I'd be very careful here. Granted, worshiping money is wrong (1 Timothy 6:10) But how is it wrong to live for Christ AND achieve the American Dream? That's a blessing. It's certainly not unscriptural (Matt 6:33, Psalm 33:12). The thing that is wrong, is blindly bashing rich people & the American dream, that activity inspires covetousness (Exodus 20:17) and God would never bless that.
I watch all the give me an answer videos.. I look forward to every upload and gain more knowledge and more tools to apply in witnessing to others needing answers.. Thanks Cliffe and Team.. Thanks uploader.. Keep em coming. Godbless! Joseph :)
Pastor you are just amazing! God bless you, and thanks for your videos
Great video Cliffe!
And I finally have my first critique for Cliffe.
There was a point where the lady and Cliffe agreed that Christ was interchangeable with God. (based on there names) however I feel that it would be more christological at this point to say Christ is God. (as in the Son and the Father are not interchangeable) but saying this from my couch is very easy and saying that from campus is a different story.
She's a sweet girl 🙂
I love this ladies questions and her ability to articulate her question👌.... Correct The Bible does not say if all children go to heaven Or even if they do except one place in The Bible that I'm aware of And that's when king David was mourning and fasting over his child With Bethsheba.
Soon as thair child died he quit fasting and said..... "Paraphrasing"... My child can no longer come to me but I will go to him. 2nd Samuel 12:23
Therefore we know that There are Young children in heaven but that being said... Since God Does the choosing of the elect before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless Ephesians 1:4.We know by scripture HE did not choose All therefore God and only God knows the children that would come to him. God-bless hope this helps 🙏.
Great point about king Davids son. However I don’t agree with you about God “choosing” the elect, in the sense that God doesn’t choose some and does others. The statement about God knowing or choosing the elect before they even existed is a testament to God position versus ours. God exists outside of time and space, he knew who would be saved, who would be elect before they were created. God didn’t “choose” them over others, but to is it looks that way. In 1st Peter, Peter calls him self elect, but elect only according to the foreknowledge of God. God foreknew Peter would be a follower of Christ, God knew he would be an elect person before he was ever created, it appears to us within space and time that God chose home. But instead it is actually through foreknowledge not choosing some and not others. You even said in your comment that God will choose some kids that die to be elect, meaning not others. This means that a 1 month old baby may be separated from God for eternity because God didn’t choose them. That is not how God works. Additionally if God chooses the elect, meaning not choosing others, then this removes all aspects of free will and love. We cannot love God if we are not free, if he chooses us and it’s not our free will that chooses him then it’s not actual love. Anyways, thanks for your time and comment, feel free to let me know if I misunderstood your comment, thanks.
@Christian E Thank you for your response...... You're looking at it from a humanistic man centered position. And you will continue to argue from that position until the Holy Spirit reveals to you that scripture cannot be broken. God don't look into the future to see who would choose HIM! Why?We can't! Why? Because all mankind are TOTALLY depraved from the fall of Adam and can NEVER choose God unless God 1st regenerates man's heart!!! Your problem is you think there's some "little" goodness in mankind, scripture refutes that...... Scripture says this.... First......
Ask yourself how could anybody like this ever choose God.
The unbeliever is a slave of sin. Roman 6:14-20. is a hater of God who does no good Romans 3 :10-11, 12 his heart is deceitful, full of wickedness.
Jeremiah 17: 9 he cannot receive the things of God 1st Corinthians 2:14 hes dead in his sins Ephesians 2:3. Therefore it is God that regenerates us!!! Please.....Listen to scripture..... Therefore it is GOD WHO CAUSES US to be born again 1st Peter 1:3. WHO grants that we believe. Philippines 1:29. WHO works faith in us John 6:28 - 29 WHO grants that we believe 2nd Timothy 2: 25 WHO makes us born again NOT OF OUR OWN WILL'S John 1:13!!!!! THIS IS WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES!!!
SALVATION IS OF THE LORD!!! JONAH 2:9. God-created past present and future time.... What I was saying is..... Bluntly, if God wants to send one or all babies to hell who are you O man to answer back to God???
Romans 9:20.
You're the clay trying to tell the Potter what to do, LOL and how to do it, LOL... Did you give God the scriptures ?? OR did HE gave them to us through inspiration of the Holy Spirit??
Our commission is too Believe it and teach it.... not alter it.
God bless.
@@tjhoss6729 Thanks friend for your response. I should have explained myself better, I by no means am telling God what to do, or saying that it is unjust for God to send anyone to hell. As you said we all deserve it and I agree. What I am saying though is that we all have free will. I don't mean to ignore many of the things you said but do you believe we have free will? To your multiple verse points, I agree, it is only by God that we are born again, only by God that we are saved, only by God that we have and grow in faith. Every good thing comes from God. So yes God gives us these things, but ultimately if people want to run from God they can and do. The choosing I am referring to is man choosing to love God, he doesnt make us. Additionally, when I say we choose God, it doesnt mean that God didnt choose us, it means that we chose to accept the gift God has given us. God attempts to reach everyone, he wants everyone to love him, but he can't make us. He gave us the gift of salvation through Jesus' death, but if we do not choose to accept it, choose to accept/love God, then we cannot be saved. To me it all goes back to free will, do we have it or not. This matters so much because why as Christ followers should we share the gospel with others if God forces people to accept it? I guess that is the ultimate question between our view points. What do you think about free will?
@Christian E Hello again brother…How can you Receive the free gift of God if you're dead, dead? Dead in your sins and transpasses? The only thing a dead person can do is stink.... Don't get me wrong I love you, I love your Passion, I love your desire but you're not understanding God in HIS FULL SOVEREIGNTY..... You have man centered theology that crept in the church.... If you're dead brother, you and me We're both dead! But God regenerated you and I. Picture this...... you have a light switch, there's electricity running to it.... the electricity was predestined before the foundation of the world for you..So if you're dead and you hate God And you can't come to HIM "unless" it's been granted from the FATHER, how in the world do you have anything to do with turning the lights switch on to receive the electricity?? You CAN'T brother..Why?You're Dead!!! It's God who causes you to be born again!!! the electricity was already there from Before the foundation of the world.... God is Who flipped on the light switch through the Regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, it had nothing To do with you, your faith was a free gift granted to you!!! therefore you can't boast even in your Faith!!! Think about how many times you've read Ephesians 2:8-9. Now hopefully you hear what it's saying. For it is by grace that you've been saved through faith ( the faith that God granted to you) And not of yourself it's the gift of God
(100 % free gift) not of works least any man should boast. It leaves no boasting. If you have 3 identical twins, they live the same exact life they become teenagers they have a friend come over their house and preach the gospel, one believes and goes on to tell as many people about Jesus as he possibly can and the other 2 are atheist what did the 1 do that believed different than the others. If you say he did anything even if he was smart enough to believe that would give him something to boast about. So many christians don't get this.... I feel like I'm talking to a mormon or a Jehovah's witness....... Thanks be to God By God's grace, "all" of God's grace I'm NOT..... I pray that you get this because it's huge once you do. I love you I love you I love you please re read all the scripture that I "d in the earlier text and read them slowly. God-bless you brother.
This girl really got me thinking great questions
I like this song.
Thank you for finally being able to "give me an answer" to my question for a reference! Now, to fully understand this passage, you must first understand two things: 1) Its cultural context and 2) There are ways to examine a woman's virginity. The Jewish people were a theocracy. In marriage, it was expected that the woman was a virgin; if it was discovered that she wasn't, she was considered sexually immoral (Deut. 22:13-21). What if the virgin was raped? How could she prove her innocence?.......
Great job uncle Cliffe
How come no one ever asks WHY Jesus had to die to save us? I liked Rachel what a tempered mature person to ask such good thoughtful questions, never arrogant and never contradicted herself. I would not mind speaking with any atheist like that.
This might help your question
I think he means it being the ultimate goal in life.
Hi Cliffe, great work!!!! The doctrines of Grace will help with Sarahs question. No free will and Hell glorifies God as does Heaven does according to scripture .... might help : )
My "religion" didn't "break my leg," I did. God didn't"sell me a crutch" He simply offered it to me. And regarding you question, what does it matter? As I've stated, there's a reason God commands things.
Well I appreciate you sharing your honest opinion and hope you get saved soon enough. By the way, you misread my previous comment. God bless you.
Maybe because he loves to give. Therefore he gave us all life. He doesn't need us, but we need him. Without him we can't exist. Therefore, he asks you to worship him because your life depends on it. If you use your will to reject him he will honour it, then he can't use his power to sustain you because you refuse.
Also, similar to you I don't think we have a "sinful nature," but that we choose to sin. I was having a dialogue with a fellow Christian who does believe in it and claimed that some babies were going to hell since they were "born in sin." His reasoning was drawn not just from scripture that Calvinists typically use, but also that there were times when God commanded the Israelites to kill women and children in certain cities. What is a good response to that inference?
Trollingwithoutreason said: "I asked you a question does it say in the Bible
that _blah blah blah_ I want your position on this either it does or it does not what is your position?"
You need to find a passage that supposedly says that and paste it onto this board
before your question is taken seriously.
Deuteronomy 7:1-2,Exodus, Chapter 34, verses 11-14,Leviticus, Chapter 26, verses 7-9,Deuteronomy 20:16-17,Joshua 6:21,1 Samuel 15:2-3, Exodus 4:21; 7:3; 9:12; 10:1,20,27; 11:10; 14:4,8,17, but other than these passages you're probably right.
What kind of a bus route was that?
people would rather attack and accuse God unnecessarily and not see how good, loving, merciful and gracious God is in that before we ever got here, a plan of redemption and Salvation has been perfectly made!
It's only a matter of people giving up sin and embracing and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ and His gift of eternal life through Faith in Him
well done cliffe
I stand to be corrected Human Beings do not murder Human Being that is why the word Animal was created
God freely limits the expression of his power in order to bestow free will upon man.
Good stuff.
"2And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.…" Mathew 18:3..... I think that answers her question
If that person in China who never knew Christ died and went to heaven because of his "righteousness," what is the purpose of preaching the Gospel? I'm confused. I'm aware of Paul mentioning Gentiles having a law of conscience, but if that's the case why was he the main one going around preaching and telling people they must "follow Jesus"?
Thanks Cliffe, God bless you!
Is it easier to follow what you know is good or what you think is good? If he had the Gospels he would know & have guidelines. Maybe he would never need that, what of those who do? There are more than just the righteous in China.
The other side is for you. You spread the message of Christ because you know it is good. That is a real thing & a good to you just for dwelling in it. Telling others about God helps you & them.
So, it is two fold. You give the righteous a reason to continue to be righteous or to become so, & you are bettered, because you dwell more deeply in the word when you speak, think, & act upon it.
God Bless
Cliffe's logic about people going to Heaven without hearing of Jesus makes me wonder: was there a purgatory for that time period? Was it temporary? Does it still exist?
No, purgatory is a pagan teaching the Catholic church teaches.
Earth is purgatory,simple -you decide here what's next.
Also, how could she ever get married, since if she attempted, she'd be falsely accused. Therefore her abuser had to marry her AND pay her father, who customarily gave their daughters in marriage, "damages" from the incident.
God is omnipotent, He creates.
This young woman has superb ethical questions. No one can answer them definitively. If there is no God then her questions are irrelevant. If there is then she will find her answer.
I love these videos, but you didn't address specifically the question of:
1. God is. He created us. Why?
For his grace? But he doesn't need us. Right?
Just that one point I think you didn't pin point.
No, he said it clearly. Why did God make us Cliffe? I do not know. God does not reveal everything. Just because God knows, does not imply He must answer every question we have.
Here is my perspective. What you do know is God made life & that is good! Do you need God to explain why he makes good things?
No. As I have already explained this applied to there and then also, the woman did not have to marry the an if she could be provided for and taken care of by her father. Marryinf the rapist meant that her had to take care of her for the rest of her life seeing as he robbed her of her virginity. Again today a woman can move on/ take care of herself, still find love etc
Atheist agnostics deal with ONE question Cliffe makes it a decision on everything. When he said that's just me, I have to wonder how much of what he is saying is christ and how much is the gospel according to Cliffe?
Hi! This is a hard one in todays culture. If a woman wasn't a virgin in those days she'd have to live with censure. Forcing her rapist to marry her would mean he had to take care of her and her innocence justified.. restoring her place in that society. It's not ideal, but the world is not how God originally orchestrated it. In a culture where virginity isn't held up, a raped woman wouldn't be ostrcised by the society, the rapist could simply be punished. She can still get on with her life.
Children do sin, but Jesus does not hold them accountable for Hell, and because He did pay for our inherited sinful guilt on the Cross that crucified Him, Jesus is able to take them home to Himself! We who have reach age of accountability, which only God knows best when that is reached, we have to repent, ask for forgiveness and invite Him inside of us to Baptize us by His Holy Spirit and at the same time give us His gift of faith in us! If we reject Him we will remain on the course towards Hell of our own free will, and there are only two definite places, from which one gains nothing by criticizing God! ✝🤗❤
God could do what ever He wants just because Hes God.
Never crossed my mind, until I learned Calvinistic doctrine and the horrible, baseless idea of election and ran away from it. Now, I noticed it was 4 months since I wrote that question; since then I've found an answer to it. But to address you comment, I'd like to know by what standard do you judge God's commandment as an "immoral act"? And apparently you haven't read the whole story of Abraham's sacrifice (or conveniently left out something), because God stopped him before taking his son's life
Are you suggesting something can come from nothing? Lol, ok I'm done. God bless you! (Psalm 14:1)
Don't be silly, Mr. Troll. This is your salvation at stake here.
Who are you to make that claim Troll? It's unwise to judge the Righteous Judge of all the earth (Acts 17:31), especially being a part of His creation. As the Scripture states, God was testing His faith (Gen. 22:12). He has a right to do so by whatever means He chooses. And what of Jeptha? He made a rash offer, just like those Jews who vowed not to eat or drink anything until they murdered Paul (Acts 23:12). God's silence doesn't mean He approves.
God is a "Holy Spirit" which means you have to have a "Holy Soul"
Show me.
God is
The God of glory
The God of mercy
The God of love
The God of wisdom
The God of creation
The God of all
The God of wrath
The God of justice
The God of holiness
The God of the living
The God of fairness
The God of good
The God of righteousness
The God of eternity
The God of miracles
The God of knowledge
The God of power
The God of Israel
The God of Jacob
The God of Abraham
The God of the Bible
The God of Isaac
YHWH the Father, YESHUA the Son, RUACH HAKODESH the Spirit.
God bless you. I urge you to get right with God, He loves you my friend. :)
People with most questions are one who never read the entire bible.
My standards pale in comparison to God's. I'm nothing if you ask me, just a sinner saved by His loving hand. God bless you Mr. Troll, please repent and believe the Good News while God allows you to still breathe!
Who said God accepted it? The bible never says that. It does say he detests human sacrifice (Deut. 18:10). So now you know, He didn't approve. And have you noticed the sacrifice event with Abraham foreshadowed God's sacrifice of Christ? You see, there's a reason He commands things.
The evil and the devil are here so that we the mortals don't make the same mistake the angels made in heaven and got kicked out. Salvation is free gift through faith in Jesus Christ. because we by default became sinners. see www.gotquestions.org
Ask all the scientists who go by the Scientific Method of observation -something cannot come from nothing. An argument for the existence of God can come from this basic logic, for something had to exist for something to come from nothing (an uncaused cause).
When God created something out of nothing, he also is able to create a square out of a circle. Actually, according to Hegel, For God it is even possible to be death and alive at the same time, which he also showed to us by the death of Jesus, who was also God.
_"The devil"_ is an allegory, representing man's rebellious attitude toward God.
Also, God has no duties and no responsibilities, so even if _"the devil"_ were a real person,
it would not be God's job to stop him from using the free will that God gave him.
please check out the scripture is quiet clear except for he parable of Lazarus which would s and analogy people dont suffer eternally their punishment is eternal those people are destroyed in the lake of fire its the second death or the word perish which used several times yes god created people to make choices and when they choose not christ they perish in the lake of fire which ' s the second death , and there ' s zero compassion in letting some one suffer eternally
Therein lies your problem, you want to be God. Pride comes before destruction, please repent before its too late sir (Pro. 16:18).
No. I can't wait to live in one in heaven, where sin is not present.
the bible does speak to babies getting into heaven... just look at the baby that David lost...
Maybe your god would sanction rape, but my God is the One true loving God of the Bible who hates wickedness and loves righteousness.
You tell me "bible scholar." You can't give me one reference. Don't make assertions you can't justify.
Again, you're coming off the assertion that God commanded that when you still haven't shown any Scriptural evidence backing it.
* today's* ostracised* Idon't like grammatical errors, lol
You made the claim, now back it with Scripture. Otherwise, don't make an baseless claim. Show me in the bible where it says that.
I was born to a sinful world isn't the same as you have to sin that's silly
Yea however in this era, No one will ever get to heaven without believing in Jesus Christ..It's ONLY by faith in Christ anyone living in this era will ever be saved and thereby get to heaven..
Cliffe keeps on talking about Abraham, Rahab, and other testament people never hearing about Jesus or the gospel!, yea when they put their faith in the true God,their sin was also paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ..
the sacrifice of Christ was applied to them when they believed in the true God..
So in ALL cases, it's ONLY by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, anyone is forgiven and will thereby be in heaven..one still has to respond or receive it by faith..
God's rationale appears faulty? Don't be ridiculous "Mr. Logic." Stop judging your Creator. The Muslim god doesn't exist so I have no worries there. As for you, I don't believe you are an atheist -for why would you be wasting your time mocking and condemning my faith when according to you, God doesn't exist? It's illogical.
(15:50) 'Living the American dream'??? I'd be very careful here. Granted, worshiping money is wrong (1 Timothy 6:10) But how is it wrong to live for Christ AND achieve the American Dream? That's a blessing. It's certainly not unscriptural (Matt 6:33, Psalm 33:12). The thing that is wrong, is blindly bashing rich people & the American dream, that activity inspires covetousness (Exodus 20:17) and God would never bless that.