At that time, I was in high school, and witnessed that MEISON made the biggest strategical mistake - It fled to the jungle when Ethiopia was in a great crisis due to the invasion of Ethiopia by Somalia. - and Hailu Garbaba who was the Cadre of MEISON in Nekemte, Woolega, fled to the jungle with his other Cadre comrades before they were told to do so by the MEISON party itself. What was more shameful and laughable was that MEISON supporters in Nekempte, Wollega, started singing in Oromiffa, "Shuruben hinqarite, gegesen bira dhufa " - the next day. Then, the security agents of the Dergue new right away that Hailu Garbaba fled to the jungle with his other MEISON Cadre. Everything they did was done emotionally and very childishly, and finally brought them to their failure and demise. Politics needs to be handled not by emotion, but by logic and good strategy.
EPRP was a terrorist group that destroyed itself by itself when it became divided into two groups due to power struggle between Birhane Mesqel Reda, Tesfaye Debesay, Getachew Maru, etal. Berhane Mesqel Reda, Marta Mekonnen, etal, committed an act of terrorism when they hijacked the Ethiopian commercial Airliner to Sudan. From the beginning, EPRP proved to the whole world that it was a terrorist group by hijacking the Ethiopian Commercial Airliner.
የቆዩ ታሪኮች በጣም ይመስጠኛል ብቃታቸው ይገርመኛል።
How many we lost sad
በጣም፡ የሚያሳዝን፡ ትውልድ፡ ነው፡፡ ከኢሕአፖ ጋር ተስማምቶ፡ እንደመሥራት፡ 60 ዎቹን፡ ባለሥልጣናት፡ ያለፍርድ፡ ከገደለ፡ ደርግ ጋር መሥራት፡ ግፍ፡ ነበር፡፡ የምጠረጥረው፡ የሚኤሶን፡ አምራር፡ ግድያውን፡ ደግፈዋል፡ ወይም፡ ቀስቅሰዋል የሚል፡ ነው፡፡ ምኝነት፡ ነበር፡ ያን፡ ሁሉ፡ የተማረ፡ ባለስልጣን፡ የጨረሰ ሰው፡ ስልጣኑን፡ ለመቀማት ብብቱ፡ ውስጥ ሆናችሁ፡ ስትዶልቱ፡ ዝንብሎ፡ የሚያችሁ፡፡ የሆነ፡ ነገር ጋርዷችኋል፡ እንጂ፡ በገሃድ፡ የሚታይ፡ ነበር፡፡ ጨፈጨፋችው፡ ምንም፡ ሳያደርጉ፡ አለቁ፡፡
አሁንም ያው ነን!!!!!!
D.r Hayele Fida was the leader of mee'eesoon!!!
ምስጋና ይገባቹሀል እነኚህን ታሪኮች TH-cam ላይ ማስቀመጣቹ።
ኃይሌ ፊዳ ደርግ ለሰራው ወንጀል ሁሉ አብሮ ተጠያቂ ነው ዋናው የመንግሥቱ ኃይለ ማሪያም አማካሪ ነበር ነገር ግን ደርግ ለወዳጁ ገመድ ይዟል በጁ እንደሚባለው መጨረሻ ናዚ ፋሽሽቱ መንግሥቱ በላው
በጣም የገረመኝ ሀይሌ ፊዳ የአማርኛ ቁዋንቃ ዶምኔት ማድረግ ይቆጨው ነበር የሚል ሳነብ ለካ ጠባብነት በዘራቸው ነው ያልኩት
At that time, I was in high school, and witnessed that MEISON made the biggest strategical mistake - It fled to the jungle when Ethiopia was in a great crisis due to the invasion of Ethiopia by Somalia. - and Hailu Garbaba who was the Cadre of MEISON in Nekemte, Woolega, fled to the jungle with his other Cadre comrades before they were told to do so by the MEISON party itself.
What was more shameful and laughable was that MEISON supporters in Nekempte, Wollega, started singing in Oromiffa, "Shuruben hinqarite, gegesen bira dhufa " - the next day.
Then, the security agents of the Dergue new right away that Hailu Garbaba fled to the jungle with his other MEISON Cadre.
Everything they did was done emotionally and very childishly, and finally brought them to their failure and demise.
Politics needs to be handled not by emotion, but by logic and good strategy.
EPRP was a terrorist group that destroyed itself by itself when it became divided into two groups due to power struggle between Birhane Mesqel Reda, Tesfaye Debesay, Getachew Maru, etal.
Berhane Mesqel Reda, Marta Mekonnen, etal, committed an act of terrorism when they hijacked the Ethiopian commercial Airliner to Sudan. From the beginning, EPRP proved to the whole world that it was a terrorist group by hijacking the Ethiopian Commercial Airliner.
It is indeed a bad collection of bad actors
They were a bunch of idiots...they sacrificed there life for nothing and spoil the future of our country ...40+ years Chaos
ባንዳ ማለት ሀገሩ እየተወረረች እያየ ከወራሪው ጀርባ ሀገሩን የሚያሰጠቃ
Meison was the killer of Addis youth.
ሀይሌ የእጁን ነው ያገኘው ትልቅ ባንዳ
ባንዳ ምን ማለት ነው?
@@weldenegodguad4974 ከጂ ማለት ነው
የባንዳን ትርጉም በደንብ የተረዳህ አልመሰለኝም ዶር ኃይሌ ፊዳ በጣም ጠንካራ እና ለሀገራችን ጠቃሚ ባለ ምጡቅ አይምሮ ባለቤት የነበሩ ነዉ 🙏
እናትህ ትበዳ....