It's because he learned that in order to climb in this shitty game you HAVE to play very specific champs like morde that are just boring brain dead "I'ma run at you" champs
I checked on his account and after the day he used Mord, that was his only time that he tried Right back to Riven. I get it, it is really hard to break habits and to hear truths we all don't want to know, but to pay this money and then just "F IT" I am going to continue playing this champ even though my coach even believes this is not for me. Hes gold 4 now and maybe he's learned something out of it, but again I just find it insane that he didnt even try and play a couple more mord games....
He probably just really enjoys playing Riven and doesn't think the switch to Morde is worth it, because he doesn't think it's fun. It doesn't necessarily have to be about ignoring advice or falling into a bad habit, could just be a legitimate choice.
To Squirtles point, that's a big thing. I'm an Akali main working my way up but it's been hard since she's so feast or famine and I don't have perfect mechanics with her. I'm decent but not consistent, regardless I like her kit so my rank is the consequences. I think this guy would do well to have some back ups for hard counters or when he has a bad string of losses, that works for me, but at the end it's a game. If you're not playing for fun and aren't making money on it, there's no point
MidMordekaiser quit playing the game since Morde wasn't Morde anymore. Morde ult can be QSS'd amd hes useless. No one should ever play Morde.. basically has no ultimate.
@@BlahajGoesNom I don't agree at all with that statement. In bronze-gold I don't see anyone building QSS. It's rare when people actually build it and usually only one builds it. That's just the adc. Other than that there are 4 other targets that can be ulted. I even include myself in that list of players that probably won't ever build QSS
Been playing for around 9 years and after discovering your coaching sessions a few months ago and analysing each video paired with your instructions to clients for "do's and don'ts" in a macro sense i've taken ranked seriously for the first time in years and had great success to easily coast through my games. I was an Irelia OTP pre / after rework and although I could stomp lane I felt lackluster transitioning my lead to mid-late to close out the game - much like your advice to this client i've went back to basics and any game I don't have 100% confidence in my pick I will absolutely pick a Garen into anything knowing I can 1v9 no matter what, simple champion - perfect top lane kit and overall macro plays and game knowledge allow me to steamroll through each and every game by applying things i've picked up from your content. Cheers Neace, hopefully others have had the same experience and have benefitted!
thing about this is that if i am being coached, i want to know WHY we know that we can do X thing at that very time. Kinda sucks being told what to do but not knowing why that is the right play at that moment. Im not all the way through though and maybe those things are explained later or when watching replay.
Well you can’t understand why you’re doing something until you do it and make it work.. that’s when you’re a complete beginner which is the case for 99% of these videos
Completey get where you are coming from Neace. Now I havnt played in almost 5 years but I was hard stuck in low silver as Riven for almost 2 seasons and no matter how much I loved playing her. The second Ekko came out I picked him up, dropped Riven and hit high gold that season.
I changed my mind about your coaching. I thought you were just shitting on players for fun, but after watching this I think you're just telling them the cold hard truth whether they like it or not. I was wrong, sorry about that.
I started off thinking neace is just an aashole, but after watching hundreds of hours of his videos, I kinda like him. And I understand that these titles are his editors job lol
Unfortunately, knowing things others don't and explaining why, is asshole in nature. It's literally why we have to come up with light hearted ways of explaining why certain things are wrong. But, imo, that's stupid. No one wants a Neace sing along.....wait....
When he tells a player the, "cold hard truth", I think a lot of "viewers" see the same mistakes in their own game play and resort to talking trash instead of addressing issues. He is not a bad guy, just a good player that is being bad to watch bad play all day.
Best teacher I ever had was a college physics professor. I thought he was an asshole and only went to office hours because I didn’t want to get a C. Fast forward a couple years, I had changed my major to physics and signed up for every class he taught. Didn’t realize it at the time, but people who know what they’re doing, see the deficiencies in what you’re doing, and correct it, cold or not, are the ones that will make you change
Just as an update to this dude. He went back to riven, tacking on another few hundred rounds. Is Gold 3(Highest hes been but for 6 months you'd expect at least plat). On average if each game of riven he's played is 25 minutes long. He would have spent on average 32.465 DAYS continuous on Riven. Over the entire season for all of his matches (currently over 2000). He has spent 36.371 DAYS continuous playing League. He has spent 13% of the year (since season 12 start on Jan 7th) playing league continuous. He spends likely every waking moment of free time he has playing league. This is a full blown addiction to the game (and only sitting at a 50% win rate bruh).
ive just seen this video and i was curious and he still only plays riven and is gold 4 now which is definitely addiction levels and i think he should probably check himself into rehab (no joke) because if he hasnt changed for a year, hes going to keep doing this no matter what and it is extremely unhealthy for him and when he grows up he wouldnt be able to get a job because league just takes priority, this is what is seen with people that are hard addicted to stuff like weed, heroin, coke, etc., even nicotine if it gets bad enough
For a different perspective, I did similar 7 years ago. I had 2500 ranked games in one season, hardstuck low plat. I played so much because I was bordering on taking my own life and was terribly ill (going blind etc) If it wasn't for escapism in league I wouldn't be alive today. You can't tell whats going on with someone's life by statistics. I'm not saying he's not addicted but the judginess tone is rough. It's not the healthiest way to deal with problems but its a lot better than other addictions or forms of coping Rather than judge I recommend seeking to understand. In his case it may be as simple as him loving the game and enjoying it, and not caring if he doesn't climb
Yeah I actually got mad watching this session. Players like this are the worst to have on your team. Just hardstuck dogshit. Id rather have someone who will limit test and try stuff and mess up than this guy. I see from the comments he just went back to riven too. This person should not play ranked. I wish league would make it harder to play ranked somehow. In HOTS you had to have level 5 mastery on 20 champs before you could play ranked.
@@sharbelzoghbi1638 it's ranked so you get ranked. If he's not good, he'll stay there. If you're better, you'll climb and don't see him again. I really don't get your problem. Why shouldn't he be allowed to play ranked? Because he is worse than you? Then just outrank him and leave him behind
@@sgtmaggi Youd be right if he was the only person that did this but this behavior is very common in league and thats why the game is dogshit and dying and I now play Dota 2 and dont touch this trash anymore. Dota 2 has ranked integrity and the ladder means something. Also, this behavior has nothing to do with what elo someone is at. It happens accross all elos in league. The problem is the systems in league that make it dogshit. Theres just no competitve integrity like there is in Dota 2. Im so glad this shit game is dying
@@sgtmaggi They removed the NA pro scene since this original video lol......Literally dying before our eyes. They are dropping the 2v2 mode to attempt to save this dogshit game. Just cameback to laugh at this lol
In one of Neace's previous coaching videos he had advised the guy to FF as he pings baron because it gives the mental of "Either rotate & fight it or give the game up, because clearly you don't want to win". Although it was still hilarious lmao.
i didnt hear the harsh truth but have been peeping teemoing Neace videos for a while and i used to play a LOT with Zoe got pretty good mechanically but then started losing pretty consistent, i decided to practice the macro he teaches but realized "ok zoe is not working for me right now, i like the pick a lot but i wont be able to learn other stuff unless i pick an easier champion" and i went for Annie, couldnt get more simple, sure i got stomped the first games but now im getting better results just by accepting when a champion is not helping me, one can always return to the champion once you get the hang of everything else
The champion has nothing to do with it. Yes playing a mechanically difficult champion makes the game harder because you have to focus on the mechanics and the macros of the game. But once you no life a champion for so long that the mechanics of the champion become second nature and your only focusing on macros. So the champion has nothing to do with it the reason why you’re picking a low skill champion is so you can focus on your macro. Without dealing with mechanically intense champions. So what do you mean that you were really good at Zoe but you just struggle because Zoe wasn’t a good pick “for you”? I think that you just struggled with Zoe switch to Annie a less mechanically intense champion and then focused on macro‘s and just got better at the game. 🤷♀️ never know tho
I think that last part is something Neace should’ve mentioned. Once you’ve really got a hang of all the ideas you need to be going for/thinking about, you can always come back to the Riven pick. Also I think Neace is right in a sense, except I also believe anyone can become skilled at anything. Enough time or the right approach is all you need to improve at it; if he’s played a lot of Riven he’s obviously thinking of the wrong things or he’s autopilot and/or has very bad habits. Once he’s built very strong good habits on another champion (or works REALLY hard to break the bad ones), then I believe the Riven pick is always possible. ^ all this said, I have not seen his Riven gameplay lmao
@@aaronperez9518 'I also believe anyone can become skilled at anything' that's a very naive and hopeful way of seeing life. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. some things simply aren't for some people and no matter how hard they try they will never be more than mediocre at best in that particular field. you also forget most people are pretty stupid so it's a given they aren't going to get far in a game like League simply because their brain doesn't allow it. at best they're mechanical gods and make it to high diamond but even then you need talent. most people don't have the mechanical gift either. this is the harsh reality. everyone needs to acknowledge this and stop stressing over the rank and instead play this game for what it is, A GAME. play it to have fun not to climb. you need to self reflect and realise if you're actually capable of advancing or not instead of wasting time and nerves.
@@aaronperez9518 that aside, best advice I can give is to just quit League altogether lmao. it's only worth playing if you're ultra talented and it's certain that you'll make a living out of it either by being a pro player, a coach or a booster. if that's not the case, just stay away from this hellspawn of a game.
Riven is and probably always will be an elo inflator, since so much time is spent on the micro game and can work out because of how over the top the champion is. But most riven hardcore casuals just think that because they mashed their head in the keyboard and won some games they can repeat the formula to infinity
Why is getting to an elo on Riven with good Riven mechanics any less "correct" than getting there playing Malphite with simple macro? Is playing meta OP champs also an elo inflator?
@@bottlecap6169 no, what i mean isthat players with bad riven mechanics will get to a higher elo than where they belong, just because the champion is too strong and yes, meta OP champs are elo inflators too, look at the # of tryndamere players in high elo when he was picked up before the nerfs that's why above diamond matchups are repeated a lot, because the same handful of champions are op
@@hi_im_dran Okay so what exactly is the base case? Are all support players elo inflated or deflated because they're playing the most impactful role? Are all Jayce players elo deflated because their champion is super weak? Well, since I'd assume you'd answer yes to that, what about a champion with a slightly lower than 50% winrate? Are Vlad players slightly elo deflated because the champ is under a 50% winrate? What exactly is the champion, build, and role that's not "inflated" or "deflated"? It's a completely useless term that's just used to cope. I'll say that the people I play against who abuse OP meta champs are cunts, but that doesn't mean they're elo inflated, it just means that they're making a better decision than I am by playing meta champs, which is a facet of skill.
Bullshit. You gotta work super hard on Riven to be a normal champion. If anything it's an ELO deflator, because you need to work so much harder just to do what e.g. Jax does right out of the bag.
He wanted tips on riven because he practices on him. He plays League because he likes playing with Riven, no point in suggesting another champion and even playing Mordekaiser
Correction, he wanted tips on ranking up. And he got it. Ultimately the choice is his. Listen to the coach or don’t. If he wanted tips on Riven specifically he’d not reach out to Neace, but to maybe BoxBox or someone who plays Riven a lot.
The issue is that micro and macro are hard to learn in parallel and at the same time. Taking some time on a mechanically easier champion to actively learn fundamentals could really help his general gameplay and also his Riven specifically.
usually you want to e and then r instantly, your r slows the enemy down during its cast animation, guaranteeing your e, which then you can hold your q if the enemy has some sort of mobility or just instantly use it to refresh the cooldown
Honestly I can relate to this guy except for one thing. I actually quit the game. Just wasnt fun for me played it because I refused to “let the game win”. Which meant I wasn’t really improving because the game was just a miserable experience. Had the clarity to just quit plain and simple this season. For some reason I still enjoy watching but I don’t see myself playing again. All this to say it’s okay to admit the game just isn’t for you.
And that's gonna be one of the best decisions of your life, honestly. Ranked doesn't mean anything. You can be challenger and it still won't mean anything. I'm not sure, but I think they don't even send the jackets anymore, lmao. Literally the biggest waste of time.
@@HookahOtaku Ive found ranked to be more enjoyable, for some reason my normal games are always so difficult and salty with consistent shit talking and toxicity. My ranked games are chill and I can dominate more easily. Must be mmr difference between norms and ranked?
-Sees atleast 4 people walking at him, keeps heading in their direction, gets malz ulted and melted by him and his friends. How is this guy gold and not iron?
Huge problem between both this game and his riven one is just not pressing buttons especially shield! you have no mana costs if they're hitting you just press shield what are you holding it for and on riven its like a 2 second cd there were fights he coulda got 3 shields off where he got 0
I checked this guys account and he seems to be doing really well with Riven. 65% win rate and is in Gold 3 so that's nice. It seems like he just enjoys playing Riven more which should really just be the end goal with league. Play what you find enjoyable. Mad props to this guy for sticking through 👏👏.
@@ZombieChicken-X He has lost a lot of games the past month than he has won since last I checked. I did press show more. The WR didn't fluctuate much off of 65%, but it did drop though, would have probably dropped more if I pressed show more a couple more times, but oh well. Regardless doesn't really matter. He enjoys playing Riven so that's that.
I remember going vs this guy in top lane with his Riven.. he was legit terrible.. I was supposed to go jungle in my team but since I flex Shaco everywhere I'm able to vs most champions and all this guy did was E Q into me every single time and fed me all he had to do was ignore me and freeze his lane.. LOL
I'll be honest In the 2 elos I've played in (silver and gold) everybody mindlessly runs at top shako and feeds him it's not unique to this guy 😂 not even gonna pretend I don't get antsy and wanna fight shaco lol
@@AustiuNoMatterWho big thing with shaco is most of his damage comes from backstab and w, his e pre 3 items does paper tissue damage, so u ignore him and just either freeze wave or push wave and then get camps or gank. Shaco wants u to engage on him and fight don’t give him what he wants u won’t kill him
I know I’m watching this a little late but I find braces point to be really interesting. I’ve been saying it forever that mechanics are so hard to teach, you have to have quite a bit of talent with gaming to pull off picks like riven. She’s been pretty easy for me to learn but I’ve always played really hard champs since day 1. I spent around 100 games straight with Lee sin and got really clean with his mechanics so I felt I could do it on anyone after him. I grew up maining Lucian back in the day so animation canceling is pretty natural for me. Riven is just a champion that requires so much more investment but I think learning how to play a champ like that requires you to throw yourself to the fray. It’s why yasuo has a 0-10 powerspike haha. You can’t fully be rewarded on riven unless your truly risking with her. If you wanna learn riven, spend a long time in practice tool getting very crisp with your timing, then spend time watching riven 1 tricks on how to play her macro while your playing yourself to learn. She plays way differently than any other champ in the game and you can drastically change the outcome of all your matchups but how you play her micro, she’s reactive not proactive, understand her and her only.
Lmao, riven takes no talent, champ has been figured out, all you have to do is go to practise tool and start using your abilities and autoattacks until your dps on the dummy is equivalent to a good riven player's. Her AA cancel bs is the only part that makes her good and hard to play, simple muscle memory, it's like playing osu, requires 0 thinking. The only difference between a bad and great riven player is how fast he executes his combo with full autoattacks...
@@templeofdelusiongaren takes no talent. Riven is quite possibly the hardest champ to play perfectly as she requires unbelievably tight timing and great matchup knowledge. She is very over kitted tho just like vayne, champs have so much more than others but the nice thing about their design is how hard it is to utilize those benefits compared to others. Saying she takes no talent to get good with is an unbelievable claim. Like legit who do you main to make a claim like that, cause I bet you have a crutch and btw I don’t main her or play her much at all, she’s not fun unless you’re a god with her.
@qeuarfbhq3iwushbq i was hardstuck silver for years and thousands of games. i was coached for 3 hours by a diamond player and climbed 400LP over the course of 2 weeks into the dead center of gold 2. the "just give up" or "just don't bother" advice is useless and condescending. it's a game; anyone can get better at it if they put in the effort and try. sometimes you need a coach to realize your own potential, just as in any sport or competitive practice
not Q autoing. He has issue auto orb walking. your suppose to auto between each riven q but he maybe should play mages or practice ADC role for a few. Canceling autos and not having Lane Kingdom is everything in Silver basically...
I agree. But people draw their satisfaction and pleasure of the game from different aspects of it. Some like to climb, others enjoy the fun of the champion. I'm one of the latter, i dont care as much about the rank. I play champions that i like and i actively practice them. If his riven is not working the. He needs to watch riven one tricks and copy them + puts more hours practicing and try to actively modify his gameplay according to the new insights he gets instead of shutting down his brain and do what he always does passively with the champion (habitual playstyle). I can garantee you he'll get better
Why not have a 3 or 4 champ pool mixing champs you like and champs easier to learn fundamentals? I play Fiora and I know she's a little out of my level, that's why I also play Garen and maybe a Jax.
I queue mid and play fizz. Second role jungle with nocturne pick. Easy to play champs that I can’t fuck mechanically. I have fun playing katarina, and I play kat almost every time I’m in norms with the boys. Hell most of the time in those norm games it’s a stomp with huge Katarina, but in ranked it didn’t work out for me after ~100 games so I dropped it. Can’t climb with fun champ when the win rate is just 50%.
It depends on what your goal in ranked is; if your goal is solely to climb, you're screwing yourself by playing champions you aren't good enough at. If your goal is just to improve at the game, I think it's fine to mix in some harder champs while you learn on easier champs.
i think a huge problem for me is when people ping missing enemy on my champ i think there non-verbally saying, " YOU ARE DUMB AF." but now i realize this could be a actual team mate strat helping me lol
It’s not mean it’s constructive criticism I was told this all the time playing sports by my coaches people new to learn not to take stuff like this the wrong way the guy he was coaching seemed fine with it tho but he asked if he was being mean at the end
Well its kinda unfair to have someone switch from someone they like. If it was the case everyone would just play Annie and be challenger. I have friends that play Zoe or azir and do well in lane but can't carry. The riven player "i dont know" may win lane all the time. He just can't win game.
I guess this motivated him. He wanted to prove Neace wrong which lit a fire under him. So he needed to hear it, but not for the reason that Neace thought.
I want them to change the LP gains and losses. Matchmaking needs changes big time. I feel they go off the winrates of the players on a team. I tested this multiple times and I can prove it now without a doubt. If you start go above 50% winrate, they give you shitters wtih bad winrates. If you tank and int, they give you smurfs on your team. They really want everyone to stay at 50% winrate as much as possible. Hardstuck players like this dude need to start losing 50LP a game. Just send him to iron and keep him there. Maybe they do a ranked hard reset and make everyone start in iron. This way shitters like this will start and stay there and hopefully quit playing ranked.
I love playing Sylas. I think I can solo win my lane with Sylas. I can't for the life of me finish a winning game as Sylas (I need my team to help me finish a game). To climb I play Lillia top because the climb means more than the champ I love playing.
I get what you are saying but dont be idiot. A game is 5vs5, no one can 1v9 a game. They sell it like that but is just a clickbait. People who usually say 1v9 a game is a "feeling"". That being said, one should play a champ he like so the game is that. A game is suposed to be fun. In reality one can climb with any champ, thats how "elobooster" exist. So you liking Sylas should be able to win line and proactive win the game (not a Sylas player so i cannot help you in what to do after 1st towers are destroyed phase wich i believe people call it midgame)
The issue I run into is that ultimately Sylas has a few low elo soloq issues. He has a hard time pushing towers and does no damage to dragons. CSing sucks. He is melee and not tanky. These things together make him bad at split pushing and forces you to rely on your teammates to come together and 5v5. It just feels like it was always down to a coin flip on games I won lane (and worse when I lost lane) I like playing Lilia. Her game play feels like the embodiment of trolling and she can both carry and clean up team fights
@@JimmyFisher Agree to disagree, they play any champ you have use for the system dont know they are Not you. And it can be just any champ. No need to be "an hipercarry".
@@carlosemiralonso7997 I mean this is just a silver/gold player's wet dream of excuses as to why they can't climb. You absolutely CAN 1v9 games. I've had ezreal games where my mid top and jg are collectively 2/18 @ 15 minutes and I solo carry the game through great aim with my Q and good use of my E to reposition. To say that you can't 1v9 in league is just a low elo player's delusional wet dream of excuses so they don't have to admit that the reason they aren't climbing is THEIR OWN play and lack of understanding of the fundamentals.
Honestly what I'd do here is build force of nature or spirit the first time I died to malz 3rd item , cuz not only was he 5/0 , their team was AP heavy with swain/ren/malz , and especially since he didn't buy merc , building it 4th item kinda made it harder for him to fight before buying hourglass and even after , he wasn't really that good of a player or maybe he was just waiting for instructions on every move which made hourglass super useless for him , if I got something wrong please tell me.
Against poke, max W with morde and run exhaust.. you’ll never lose. Just learn to shield bait like with Sett. Especially with the Doran’s shield start.
man, i just lost a game with 42kills/2 deaths and 135k damages, team was just waiting for the surrender, guess it's my bad, 1v8 it's not enough, gonna work my way up to 1v9.
yeap me too, i used to love riven i made montages and everything but at some point around silver 1 i realised im no riven player.. i swapped and few months later i hover between gold and plat. its a cool champ but its really not worth it.
crazy you can tell he doesnt know morde at all, i think I only have level 5 with him but when he E'd her into his turret even without ghost he still had enough room to run her down with passive and ignite, woulda lost some minions but woulda made a good opportunity to not only see his enemies thought process but to create a lane flow (im bad league player I might just be talking booty ass)
This isn't anything to do morde, this is just literal complete ineptness to how the game works, it's like he's on autopilot and doesn't have a brain. Intelligent human would figure out that morde runs people down after experiencing this once, he ran people down several times and he was still playing like a pussy as if morde can't run people down and Neace had to tell him to just go and do it repeatedly, lmao. What a clown.
Imagine paying $300 for literally a professional's opinion, and then ignoring it. It would be like going to the doctor, hearing that you have hemorrhoids then telling him no you don't. Your ass is on fire, but it's not because of the reason given to you by the person who is literally paid to tell you what's wrong with you. This right here is the actual reason people are hardstuck in this elo. Stupid people don't know their stupid.
There's a lot of ways to climb and sometimes it is your play style(lack of map awareness, overstaying, bad team fights, not looking at ult timers) but sometimes fuk your team, I had 4 afks straight, then after that 5 ego players who did bad, and all you asked them to play safe with a response of "fuk you I know what I am doing" then continue to feed. I lose 17 points per lost and win 13 points for every win. I never afk or feed just because my team doesn't gank, unlike most players who will spam ff because they didn't get their way even when winning.
something he needs to practice is that he is using e where her head is, the characters hit box is at their feet. not their head. he keeps clicking heads to try to pull.
The idea is to make an addictive "imposible" to conquer game. That makes money and give hope to silver players to be part of the small percentage. They will keep trying 4 life.
It wasn’t just him being new to morde just the small movements the positioning. Why is this man Gold. I genuinely thought I was watching an iron player
he was silver 2. It not like you need much skill to play mid silver elo. You can litteraly just brain dead split push all game as long as you keep an eye on the mini map.. Giving ZERO F about anything else that happen and prolly reach low gold. As long as you dont feed and know your champ limit when you see peoples coming to challenge your push.
For some reason I had a flashback to when mordekaiser was just reworked and we used to play it botlane as an ADC XD It was so f*cking broken lmao !!! Sieging with drakes etc lmao and the exp boost haha xDD Good ol’ days!
I've played Morde TWICE and I'm better than this guy... and I'm silver. He has just awful mechanics, orb walking, gapclose angles, reaction time. He would not be able to do SHIT against karma or poppy toplane even if he is a shit head riven otp
After watching over 30 hours of your coaching and some of chill neace, this guy is in my top 5 fav to watch. Every video is top notch info, and like pants 👖 r 🐉, will play anything anywhere. If you can't handle a chef, get out his kitchen. I respect it. I'll have the guts to pay you one day soon bro🤣✊🏾
@@brotendo he probably went for the coaching for approval like a bunch of these hardstuck players do then got hit with the truth bombs and didn't learn a thing
Being "hard stuck" just means the game figured out who to queue you against. I don't know why people want to "climb". "Climbing" means you the game gives you different opponents until you lose half of the time. Might as well lose half of the time with a champion you actually enjoy. I haven't played in five years, but I was easily six-seven divisions better playing Volibear jungle or Braum support than with Yasuo mid. But Yasuo mid is more fun, so that's what I played.
I peeped his account for shits and gigs and hes still playing riven and still hard stuck low plat (which is gold now since they added emerald). league players are so funny man they pay money for coaching then just don't even listen
He just hit Emerald IV. If he's reading this... congrats!
lol took him 1 year for a 300 dollars coaching
He is plat 4 again haha and still play otps riven poor guy
@@yuuta7583 let him cook
This guy honestly doesn't seem like he's having fun with the game. He's playing so lazy and bored. Maybe just take a break dude
yea agree, I think you can hear it in the voice too. A break won't make you a worse player.
@@thunderh0rse961 it actually makes you a better player most of the times
@@Xurety yeah man just did it myself, was too busy to play for a week now I'm having really good games
It's because he learned that in order to climb in this shitty game you HAVE to play very specific champs like morde that are just boring brain dead "I'ma run at you" champs
@@ntkn yeah but thats not true lol, nobody would tell you to play garen/annie to challenger.
I checked on his account and after the day he used Mord, that was his only time that he tried Right back to Riven. I get it, it is really hard to break habits and to hear truths we all don't want to know, but to pay this money and then just "F IT" I am going to continue playing this champ even though my coach even believes this is not for me. Hes gold 4 now and maybe he's learned something out of it, but again I just find it insane that he didnt even try and play a couple more mord games....
Neace said, its his choice to stick with it or not.
He probably just really enjoys playing Riven and doesn't think the switch to Morde is worth it, because he doesn't think it's fun. It doesn't necessarily have to be about ignoring advice or falling into a bad habit, could just be a legitimate choice.
To Squirtles point, that's a big thing. I'm an Akali main working my way up but it's been hard since she's so feast or famine and I don't have perfect mechanics with her. I'm decent but not consistent, regardless I like her kit so my rank is the consequences. I think this guy would do well to have some back ups for hard counters or when he has a bad string of losses, that works for me, but at the end it's a game. If you're not playing for fun and aren't making money on it, there's no point
MidMordekaiser quit playing the game since Morde wasn't Morde anymore. Morde ult can be QSS'd amd hes useless. No one should ever play Morde.. basically has no ultimate.
@@BlahajGoesNom I don't agree at all with that statement. In bronze-gold I don't see anyone building QSS. It's rare when people actually build it and usually only one builds it. That's just the adc. Other than that there are 4 other targets that can be ulted. I even include myself in that list of players that probably won't ever build QSS
Been playing for around 9 years and after discovering your coaching sessions a few months ago and analysing each video paired with your instructions to clients for "do's and don'ts" in a macro sense i've taken ranked seriously for the first time in years and had great success to easily coast through my games. I was an Irelia OTP pre / after rework and although I could stomp lane I felt lackluster transitioning my lead to mid-late to close out the game - much like your advice to this client i've went back to basics and any game I don't have 100% confidence in my pick I will absolutely pick a Garen into anything knowing I can 1v9 no matter what, simple champion - perfect top lane kit and overall macro plays and game knowledge allow me to steamroll through each and every game by applying things i've picked up from your content. Cheers Neace, hopefully others have had the same experience and have benefitted!
Main lowkey takeaway from this game:
23:46 - *"I don't like chasing for conditionals"*
stop using the fuckin lowkey word
Chasing for conditionals is the second line in Silver ELO's national anthem, right after "Always chase Singed"
what does chasing for conditionals mean?
@@acid1747 Something that works *IF* another variable lines up
For example, the chase will equal a kill if the area isn't warded.
Neace getting him to question mark ping graves is too funny
thing about this is that if i am being coached, i want to know WHY we know that we can do X thing at that very time. Kinda sucks being told what to do but not knowing why that is the right play at that moment. Im not all the way through though and maybe those things are explained later or when watching replay.
He usually answers if they ask. A lot of clients just sheep and listen.
He does a briefing after, ofc he doesn't do it on YT videos, if he did, why even ask for money
Well you can’t understand why you’re doing something until you do it and make it work.. that’s when you’re a complete beginner which is the case for 99% of these videos
Completey get where you are coming from Neace. Now I havnt played in almost 5 years but I was hard stuck in low silver as Riven for almost 2 seasons and no matter how much I loved playing her. The second Ekko came out I picked him up, dropped Riven and hit high gold that season.
the problem was never the champion, you just were absolute trash
This video was actually the calmest I've ever seen you. Thanks for the coaching.
I changed my mind about your coaching. I thought you were just shitting on players for fun, but after watching this I think you're just telling them the cold hard truth whether they like it or not. I was wrong, sorry about that.
I started off thinking neace is just an aashole, but after watching hundreds of hours of his videos, I kinda like him. And I understand that these titles are his editors job lol
Unfortunately, knowing things others don't and explaining why, is asshole in nature. It's literally why we have to come up with light hearted ways of explaining why certain things are wrong. But, imo, that's stupid. No one wants a Neace sing along.....wait....
When he tells a player the, "cold hard truth", I think a lot of "viewers" see the same mistakes in their own game play and resort to talking trash instead of addressing issues. He is not a bad guy, just a good player that is being bad to watch bad play all day.
@@zealdestroyer7600 hmmm you’re onto something… neace needs to get to work on a sing a long for us 😁😂😂
Best teacher I ever had was a college physics professor. I thought he was an asshole and only went to office hours because I didn’t want to get a C. Fast forward a couple years, I had changed my major to physics and signed up for every class he taught. Didn’t realize it at the time, but people who know what they’re doing, see the deficiencies in what you’re doing, and correct it, cold or not, are the ones that will make you change
Just as an update to this dude. He went back to riven, tacking on another few hundred rounds. Is Gold 3(Highest hes been but for 6 months you'd expect at least plat).
On average if each game of riven he's played is 25 minutes long. He would have spent on average 32.465 DAYS continuous on Riven.
Over the entire season for all of his matches (currently over 2000). He has spent 36.371 DAYS continuous playing League.
He has spent 13% of the year (since season 12 start on Jan 7th) playing league continuous. He spends likely every waking moment of free time he has playing league.
This is a full blown addiction to the game (and only sitting at a 50% win rate bruh).
yeah this dude is down bad he should seek help tbh
ive just seen this video and i was curious and he still only plays riven and is gold 4 now which is definitely addiction levels and i think he should probably check himself into rehab (no joke) because if he hasnt changed for a year, hes going to keep doing this no matter what and it is extremely unhealthy for him and when he grows up he wouldnt be able to get a job because league just takes priority, this is what is seen with people that are hard addicted to stuff like weed, heroin, coke, etc., even nicotine if it gets bad enough
im no doctor though but i feel like that is the best course of action for him, he doesnt need coaching, he needs to quit
if he wants to climb with riven, let him play riven. The problem is not the champ its the macro.
For a different perspective, I did similar 7 years ago. I had 2500 ranked games in one season, hardstuck low plat. I played so much because I was bordering on taking my own life and was terribly ill (going blind etc) If it wasn't for escapism in league I wouldn't be alive today. You can't tell whats going on with someone's life by statistics. I'm not saying he's not addicted but the judginess tone is rough. It's not the healthiest way to deal with problems but its a lot better than other addictions or forms of coping
Rather than judge I recommend seeking to understand. In his case it may be as simple as him loving the game and enjoying it, and not caring if he doesn't climb
Man said “ok” so quietly but I heard that shit and realized he wasnt just a mute all this time lol
He was on rammus mode
Bro this guy inted my game as riven a week ago I almost pissed myself when I saw he was the one in this coaching
Yeah I actually got mad watching this session. Players like this are the worst to have on your team. Just hardstuck dogshit. Id rather have someone who will limit test and try stuff and mess up than this guy. I see from the comments he just went back to riven too. This person should not play ranked. I wish league would make it harder to play ranked somehow. In HOTS you had to have level 5 mastery on 20 champs before you could play ranked.
@@sharbelzoghbi1638 it's ranked so you get ranked. If he's not good, he'll stay there. If you're better, you'll climb and don't see him again. I really don't get your problem. Why shouldn't he be allowed to play ranked? Because he is worse than you? Then just outrank him and leave him behind
@@sgtmaggi Youd be right if he was the only person that did this but this behavior is very common in league and thats why the game is dogshit and dying and I now play Dota 2 and dont touch this trash anymore. Dota 2 has ranked integrity and the ladder means something. Also, this behavior has nothing to do with what elo someone is at. It happens accross all elos in league. The problem is the systems in league that make it dogshit. Theres just no competitve integrity like there is in Dota 2. Im so glad this shit game is dying
@@sharbelzoghbi1638 you do you. if you enjoy dota, im glad.
league is not dying (yet) though.
@@sgtmaggi They removed the NA pro scene since this original video lol......Literally dying before our eyes. They are dropping the 2v2 mode to attempt to save this dogshit game. Just cameback to laugh at this lol
24:18 my dude just ff in the middle of a coaching i swear i laughed so hard
In one of Neace's previous coaching videos he had advised the guy to FF as he pings baron because it gives the mental of "Either rotate & fight it or give the game up, because clearly you don't want to win". Although it was still hilarious lmao.
And then Neace saying he liked it. That's a regular viewer for sure.
Neace: "Assist ping baron 19 times and throw up a surrender vote."
i didnt hear the harsh truth but have been peeping teemoing Neace videos for a while and i used to play a LOT with Zoe got pretty good mechanically but then started losing pretty consistent, i decided to practice the macro he teaches but realized "ok zoe is not working for me right now, i like the pick a lot but i wont be able to learn other stuff unless i pick an easier champion" and i went for Annie, couldnt get more simple, sure i got stomped the first games but now im getting better results just by accepting when a champion is not helping me, one can always return to the champion once you get the hang of everything else
Im surprised you make a reference to just playing Annie, and dont mention LS
The champion has nothing to do with it. Yes playing a mechanically difficult champion makes the game harder because you have to focus on the mechanics and the macros of the game. But once you no life a champion for so long that the mechanics of the champion become second nature and your only focusing on macros. So the champion has nothing to do with it the reason why you’re picking a low skill champion is so you can focus on your macro. Without dealing with mechanically intense champions. So what do you mean that you were really good at Zoe but you just struggle because Zoe wasn’t a good pick “for you”? I think that you just struggled with Zoe switch to Annie a less mechanically intense champion and then focused on macro‘s and just got better at the game. 🤷♀️ never know tho
I think that last part is something Neace should’ve mentioned. Once you’ve really got a hang of all the ideas you need to be going for/thinking about, you can always come back to the Riven pick.
Also I think Neace is right in a sense, except I also believe anyone can become skilled at anything. Enough time or the right approach is all you need to improve at it; if he’s played a lot of Riven he’s obviously thinking of the wrong things or he’s autopilot and/or has very bad habits. Once he’s built very strong good habits on another champion (or works REALLY hard to break the bad ones), then I believe the Riven pick is always possible.
^ all this said, I have not seen his Riven gameplay lmao
@@aaronperez9518 'I also believe anyone can become skilled at anything' that's a very naive and hopeful way of seeing life. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. some things simply aren't for some people and no matter how hard they try they will never be more than mediocre at best in that particular field. you also forget most people are pretty stupid so it's a given they aren't going to get far in a game like League simply because their brain doesn't allow it. at best they're mechanical gods and make it to high diamond but even then you need talent. most people don't have the mechanical gift either. this is the harsh reality. everyone needs to acknowledge this and stop stressing over the rank and instead play this game for what it is, A GAME. play it to have fun not to climb. you need to self reflect and realise if you're actually capable of advancing or not instead of wasting time and nerves.
@@aaronperez9518 that aside, best advice I can give is to just quit League altogether lmao. it's only worth playing if you're ultra talented and it's certain that you'll make a living out of it either by being a pro player, a coach or a booster. if that's not the case, just stay away from this hellspawn of a game.
im surprised that he didnt learn to farm better with over 1k games played
If he played 1k games of 5 minutes in practice tool he would have 9 cs min 😢
Riven is and probably always will be an elo inflator, since so much time is spent on the micro game and can work out because of how over the top the champion is.
But most riven hardcore casuals just think that because they mashed their head in the keyboard and won some games they can repeat the formula to infinity
She isn't even hard to play at all she has perfect trading tools that auto pilot themself in every trade
Why is getting to an elo on Riven with good Riven mechanics any less "correct" than getting there playing Malphite with simple macro? Is playing meta OP champs also an elo inflator?
@@bottlecap6169 no, what i mean isthat players with bad riven mechanics will get to a higher elo than where they belong, just because the champion is too strong
and yes, meta OP champs are elo inflators too, look at the # of tryndamere players in high elo when he was picked up before the nerfs
that's why above diamond matchups are repeated a lot, because the same handful of champions are op
@@hi_im_dran Okay so what exactly is the base case? Are all support players elo inflated or deflated because they're playing the most impactful role? Are all Jayce players elo deflated because their champion is super weak? Well, since I'd assume you'd answer yes to that, what about a champion with a slightly lower than 50% winrate? Are Vlad players slightly elo deflated because the champ is under a 50% winrate? What exactly is the champion, build, and role that's not "inflated" or "deflated"? It's a completely useless term that's just used to cope. I'll say that the people I play against who abuse OP meta champs are cunts, but that doesn't mean they're elo inflated, it just means that they're making a better decision than I am by playing meta champs, which is a facet of skill.
You gotta work super hard on Riven to be a normal champion.
If anything it's an ELO deflator, because you need to work so much harder just to do what e.g. Jax does right out of the bag.
He wanted tips on riven because he practices on him. He plays League because he likes playing with Riven, no point in suggesting another champion and even playing Mordekaiser
Correction, he wanted tips on ranking up. And he got it. Ultimately the choice is his. Listen to the coach or don’t. If he wanted tips on Riven specifically he’d not reach out to Neace, but to maybe BoxBox or someone who plays Riven a lot.
typical no brainer answer
The issue is that micro and macro are hard to learn in parallel and at the same time. Taking some time on a mechanically easier champion to actively learn fundamentals could really help his general gameplay and also his Riven specifically.
I like hyper cars so I better learn to drive on a hyper car yea sound logic
At the end of the day for some people this is just a casual game, something they like to do after work.
One cool thing for Morde players, when you R first get close to them and then use Q and E if needed
usually you want to e and then r instantly, your r slows the enemy down during its cast animation, guaranteeing your e, which then you can hold your q if the enemy has some sort of mobility or just instantly use it to refresh the cooldown
when i play morde what i like to do is fart in my hand then slap my keyboard with my nutsack.. at least a triple kill every time
Good point at 20:16 I personally think not enough players understand this key point in league!
Honestly I can relate to this guy except for one thing. I actually quit the game. Just wasnt fun for me played it because I refused to “let the game win”. Which meant I wasn’t really improving because the game was just a miserable experience. Had the clarity to just quit plain and simple this season. For some reason I still enjoy watching but I don’t see myself playing again. All this to say it’s okay to admit the game just isn’t for you.
And that's gonna be one of the best decisions of your life, honestly. Ranked doesn't mean anything. You can be challenger and it still won't mean anything. I'm not sure, but I think they don't even send the jackets anymore, lmao. Literally the biggest waste of time.
You dont need ranked to enjoy league. I play norms and its fun. I dont play ranked anymore since s5
@@HookahOtaku Ive found ranked to be more enjoyable, for some reason my normal games are always so difficult and salty with consistent shit talking and toxicity. My ranked games are chill and I can dominate more easily. Must be mmr difference between norms and ranked?
Then stop watching and commenting on a game you don't even play.
@@inkredibill6352 I suppose you missed the part where I said I still enjoy watching.
I mean I can honestly say ive never played vs a decent Riven in low elo (gold and below), but the champ can be played masterfully at higher levels.
-Sees atleast 4 people walking at him, keeps heading in their direction, gets malz ulted and melted by him and his friends.
How is this guy gold and not iron?
gold is iron
@@guppybass on na.
Yeah kinda annoying watching this guy in gold. Seems clueless on morde
@@setajucizbun7073 Spoken like a true gold player
@@HegelUnderstander like a true non na player.
Huge problem between both this game and his riven one is just not pressing buttons especially shield! you have no mana costs if they're hitting you just press shield what are you holding it for and on riven its like a 2 second cd there were fights he coulda got 3 shields off where he got 0
When was his riven game uploaded ser
@@ZaddySeeBot 5 days ago title is The Most Hardstuck Student I've Ever Seen.. 👍
I hate it when laners stare and die and then ping me for not staring and dying with them -_- 17:52
I checked this guys account and he seems to be doing really well with Riven. 65% win rate and is in Gold 3 so that's nice. It seems like he just enjoys playing Riven more which should really just be the end goal with league. Play what you find enjoyable. Mad props to this guy for sticking through 👏👏.
@@ZombieChicken-X This comment was made 3 weeks ago. WR drops sometimes.
@@ZombieChicken-X He has lost a lot of games the past month than he has won since last I checked. I did press show more. The WR didn't fluctuate much off of 65%, but it did drop though, would have probably dropped more if I pressed show more a couple more times, but oh well. Regardless doesn't really matter. He enjoys playing Riven so that's that.
@@ZombieChicken-X imagine playing 1400 games in half a season. bro must have a sad life
I remember going vs this guy in top lane with his Riven.. he was legit terrible.. I was supposed to go jungle in my team but since I flex Shaco everywhere I'm able to vs most champions and all this guy did was E Q into me every single time and fed me all he had to do was ignore me and freeze his lane.. LOL
Yep shaco is so easy to beat in top, he wants u to fight him where as all u need to do is freeze wave and ignore.
I'll be honest In the 2 elos I've played in (silver and gold) everybody mindlessly runs at top shako and feeds him it's not unique to this guy 😂 not even gonna pretend I don't get antsy and wanna fight shaco lol
little biased just because the shaco. my honest question is how you expect a gold or lower to handle a top shaco at all
@@AustiuNoMatterWho big thing with shaco is most of his damage comes from backstab and w, his e pre 3 items does paper tissue damage, so u ignore him and just either freeze wave or push wave and then get camps or gank. Shaco wants u to engage on him and fight don’t give him what he wants u won’t kill him
2" and 4' tall damn my saaame! haha fkn love it brudda
I know I’m watching this a little late but I find braces point to be really interesting.
I’ve been saying it forever that mechanics are so hard to teach, you have to have quite a bit of talent with gaming to pull off picks like riven. She’s been pretty easy for me to learn but I’ve always played really hard champs since day 1. I spent around 100 games straight with Lee sin and got really clean with his mechanics so I felt I could do it on anyone after him. I grew up maining Lucian back in the day so animation canceling is pretty natural for me.
Riven is just a champion that requires so much more investment but I think learning how to play a champ like that requires you to throw yourself to the fray. It’s why yasuo has a 0-10 powerspike haha. You can’t fully be rewarded on riven unless your truly risking with her.
If you wanna learn riven, spend a long time in practice tool getting very crisp with your timing, then spend time watching riven 1 tricks on how to play her macro while your playing yourself to learn. She plays way differently than any other champ in the game and you can drastically change the outcome of all your matchups but how you play her micro, she’s reactive not proactive, understand her and her only.
Lmao, riven takes no talent, champ has been figured out, all you have to do is go to practise tool and start using your abilities and autoattacks until your dps on the dummy is equivalent to a good riven player's.
Her AA cancel bs is the only part that makes her good and hard to play, simple muscle memory, it's like playing osu, requires 0 thinking. The only difference between a bad and great riven player is how fast he executes his combo with full autoattacks...
@@templeofdelusiongaren takes no talent. Riven is quite possibly the hardest champ to play perfectly as she requires unbelievably tight timing and great matchup knowledge.
She is very over kitted tho just like vayne, champs have so much more than others but the nice thing about their design is how hard it is to utilize those benefits compared to others.
Saying she takes no talent to get good with is an unbelievable claim. Like legit who do you main to make a claim like that, cause I bet you have a crutch and btw I don’t main her or play her much at all, she’s not fun unless you’re a god with her.
31:23 the most valuable data for this video. For research purposes
if someone stuck in Silver for so long ... the player have a problem and it has nothing to do with the game
Prolly he to morde thats why. Its a mistake he played riven for so long
His fundamentals are just horrendous
just dont play
@qeuarfbhq3iwushbq i was hardstuck silver for years and thousands of games. i was coached for 3 hours by a diamond player and climbed 400LP over the course of 2 weeks into the dead center of gold 2. the "just give up" or "just don't bother" advice is useless and condescending. it's a game; anyone can get better at it if they put in the effort and try. sometimes you need a coach to realize your own potential, just as in any sport or competitive practice
And/or your mmr is fucked somehow. Hard stuck silver IV rn on my og main (peak gold IV) made gold I fast on both new accounts.
not Q autoing. He has issue auto orb walking. your suppose to auto between each riven q but he maybe should play mages or practice ADC role for a few. Canceling autos and not having Lane Kingdom is everything in Silver basically...
I agree. But people draw their satisfaction and pleasure of the game from different aspects of it. Some like to climb, others enjoy the fun of the champion. I'm one of the latter, i dont care as much about the rank. I play champions that i like and i actively practice them. If his riven is not working the. He needs to watch riven one tricks and copy them + puts more hours practicing and try to actively modify his gameplay according to the new insights he gets instead of shutting down his brain and do what he always does passively with the champion (habitual playstyle). I can garantee you he'll get better
Why not have a 3 or 4 champ pool mixing champs you like and champs easier to learn fundamentals? I play Fiora and I know she's a little out of my level, that's why I also play Garen and maybe a Jax.
I queue mid and play fizz. Second role jungle with nocturne pick. Easy to play champs that I can’t fuck mechanically. I have fun playing katarina, and I play kat almost every time I’m in norms with the boys. Hell most of the time in those norm games it’s a stomp with huge Katarina, but in ranked it didn’t work out for me after ~100 games so I dropped it. Can’t climb with fun champ when the win rate is just 50%.
It depends on what your goal in ranked is; if your goal is solely to climb, you're screwing yourself by playing champions you aren't good enough at. If your goal is just to improve at the game, I think it's fine to mix in some harder champs while you learn on easier champs.
Neace just looks like he is going to break into a rant about catching spiderman any second now...
And to date he is still currently playing riven.
2000 games!!
Does anyone else feel like neace is the Kevin samuals of lol?
i think a huge problem for me is when people ping missing enemy on my champ i think there non-verbally saying, " YOU ARE DUMB AF." but now i realize this could be a actual team mate strat helping me lol
Neace sometimes is like the classical backseatgamer but with actual great knowledge :D
Yeah I appreciate the way he coaches because he actually tells you why, not just "that's the way it is bro"
It’s not mean it’s constructive criticism I was told this all the time playing sports by my coaches people new to learn not to take stuff like this the wrong way the guy he was coaching seemed fine with it tho but he asked if he was being mean at the end
Well the guy finally made it to gold playing 20 games of riven a day, he didn't take neaces advice and still played only riven
Well its kinda unfair to have someone switch from someone they like. If it was the case everyone would just play Annie and be challenger. I have friends that play Zoe or azir and do well in lane but can't carry. The riven player "i dont know" may win lane all the time. He just can't win game.
Eventually your skull will crack the more times you hit the wall.
I guess this motivated him. He wanted to prove Neace wrong which lit a fire under him. So he needed to hear it, but not for the reason that Neace thought.
Wasn't this guy already gold every season?
4 months after this video, he has 1800 games on Riven. Still gold 4 unfortunately :(
Wow I wish u were joking but it’s all on rank 50% wr Jesus
I want them to change the LP gains and losses. Matchmaking needs changes big time. I feel they go off the winrates of the players on a team. I tested this multiple times and I can prove it now without a doubt. If you start go above 50% winrate, they give you shitters wtih bad winrates. If you tank and int, they give you smurfs on your team. They really want everyone to stay at 50% winrate as much as possible. Hardstuck players like this dude need to start losing 50LP a game. Just send him to iron and keep him there. Maybe they do a ranked hard reset and make everyone start in iron. This way shitters like this will start and stay there and hopefully quit playing ranked.
1800 games and still haven't learned how to combo properly (riven literally wins any fight when you do).
I like how the one time the coach noticed me it was essentaly what the swain doin
I love playing Sylas. I think I can solo win my lane with Sylas. I can't for the life of me finish a winning game as Sylas (I need my team to help me finish a game). To climb I play Lillia top because the climb means more than the champ I love playing.
I get what you are saying but dont be idiot. A game is 5vs5, no one can 1v9 a game. They sell it like that but is just a clickbait. People who usually say 1v9 a game is a "feeling"".
That being said, one should play a champ he like so the game is that. A game is suposed to be fun.
In reality one can climb with any champ, thats how "elobooster" exist. So you liking Sylas should be able to win line and proactive win the game (not a Sylas player so i cannot help you in what to do after 1st towers are destroyed phase wich i believe people call it midgame)
The issue I run into is that ultimately Sylas has a few low elo soloq issues. He has a hard time pushing towers and does no damage to dragons. CSing sucks. He is melee and not tanky.
These things together make him bad at split pushing and forces you to rely on your teammates to come together and 5v5. It just feels like it was always down to a coin flip on games I won lane (and worse when I lost lane)
I like playing Lilia. Her game play feels like the embodiment of trolling and she can both carry and clean up team fights
@@carlosemiralonso7997 you can definitely 1v9 a game. "Elobooster" don't play champs that can't carry, they play 1v9 champs like Irelia, Vayne, etc
@@JimmyFisher Agree to disagree, they play any champ you have use for the system dont know they are Not you. And it can be just any champ. No need to be "an hipercarry".
@@carlosemiralonso7997 I mean this is just a silver/gold player's wet dream of excuses as to why they can't climb. You absolutely CAN 1v9 games. I've had ezreal games where my mid top and jg are collectively 2/18 @ 15 minutes and I solo carry the game through great aim with my Q and good use of my E to reposition. To say that you can't 1v9 in league is just a low elo player's delusional wet dream of excuses so they don't have to admit that the reason they aren't climbing is THEIR OWN play and lack of understanding of the fundamentals.
I almost never heal off my shield with morde, feel like the shield is too valuable. Need to learn when to turn it to heal
lol weird, I had the opposite problem where I would turn it to HP even mid fight
you need to build up damage with your passive then recast your W to turn your shield into remaining health
Sometimes it takes a few sessions to break in with someone. They need time to reflect your teaching. Still a solid video!
No . Its not his problem . if the human is not willing to inprove cuz of dunning kruger syndrom he is just genetic weak accept it
Yeah man just a few sessions of 350$ to play a little game that 12 year olds are beating you at.
Honestly what I'd do here is build force of nature or spirit the first time I died to malz 3rd item , cuz not only was he 5/0 , their team was AP heavy with swain/ren/malz , and especially since he didn't buy merc , building it 4th item kinda made it harder for him to fight before buying hourglass and even after , he wasn't really that good of a player or maybe he was just waiting for instructions on every move which made hourglass super useless for him , if I got something wrong please tell me.
update: he played his only game on mordekaiser in this video and never touched him since
honestly it depends on your league goals like personally i have a 40% winrate and iam proud of it as long as iam still having fun
I checked the guy now and he is doing good! He is 45 riven in NA with 2.3 milion points and Plat 2 :)
Did this dude say a single word the entire game
Against poke, max W with morde and run exhaust.. you’ll never lose. Just learn to shield bait like with Sett. Especially with the Doran’s shield start.
Just looked him up. Still plays rivem and is plat 4 as of today. He has not played morde this season or the last one.
man, i just lost a game with 42kills/2 deaths and 135k damages, team was just waiting for the surrender, guess it's my bad, 1v8 it's not enough, gonna work my way up to 1v9.
He is now in Plat 1 plays only Riven top still :)
yeap me too, i used to love riven i made montages and everything but at some point around silver 1 i realised im no riven player.. i swapped and few months later i hover between gold and plat. its a cool champ but its really not worth it.
crazy you can tell he doesnt know morde at all, i think I only have level 5 with him but when he E'd her into his turret even without ghost he still had enough room to run her down with passive and ignite, woulda lost some minions but woulda made a good opportunity to not only see his enemies thought process but to create a lane flow (im bad league player I might just be talking booty ass)
This isn't anything to do morde, this is just literal complete ineptness to how the game works, it's like he's on autopilot and doesn't have a brain. Intelligent human would figure out that morde runs people down after experiencing this once, he ran people down several times and he was still playing like a pussy as if morde can't run people down and Neace had to tell him to just go and do it repeatedly, lmao. What a clown.
This guy doesnt want to listen
then this man immidietely went back to one tricking Riven
I don't play the game for a long time now but I am still mad they changed Mordekeiser 15 ywars ago lol. He was so nice!
Why do people rush tier 2 boots?
he plays 20 games a day
that freaking lux e at the start triggered me lol.
Imagine paying $300 for literally a professional's opinion, and then ignoring it. It would be like going to the doctor, hearing that you have hemorrhoids then telling him no you don't. Your ass is on fire, but it's not because of the reason given to you by the person who is literally paid to tell you what's wrong with you. This right here is the actual reason people are hardstuck in this elo. Stupid people don't know their stupid.
There's a lot of ways to climb and sometimes it is your play style(lack of map awareness, overstaying, bad team fights, not looking at ult timers) but sometimes fuk your team, I had 4 afks straight, then after that 5 ego players who did bad, and all you asked them to play safe with a response of "fuk you I know what I am doing" then continue to feed. I lose 17 points per lost and win 13 points for every win. I never afk or feed just because my team doesn't gank, unlike most players who will spam ff because they didn't get their way even when winning.
took me a moment to realize he's facing renata top
In other wods. Free lane!
something he needs to practice is that he is using e where her head is, the characters hit box is at their feet. not their head. he keeps clicking heads to try to pull.
Does anyone know if neace has a list of the equipment he uses? I can't find his disc or any list. Thanks!
how can he e q malzahar when he has his passive on o.0
As a Morde main watching that really hurt
Same man, the w usage was terrible :))
Still inting on riven 1 month later💀
at 12:40 he can opposite E to get away + disrupt ult
The first rule of league is don't chase Singed. Second rule......find a champion you have a natural competency to play.
thomas shelby on the thubnail lmao
The idea is to make an addictive "imposible" to conquer game. That makes money and give hope to silver players to be part of the small percentage. They will keep trying 4 life.
Just checked his account and his past 16 games have been on riven and he has 1 win 15 losses
holy shit i almost stop watching when i saw that invade and lux starting E the problem is they couldve waited for wukong to get more close
It wasn’t just him being new to morde just the small movements the positioning. Why is this man Gold. I genuinely thought I was watching an iron player
he was silver 2. It not like you need much skill to play mid silver elo. You can litteraly just brain dead split push all game as long as you keep an eye on the mini map.. Giving ZERO F about anything else that happen and prolly reach low gold. As long as you dont feed and know your champ limit when you see peoples coming to challenge your push.
where's part 1?
Like this guy got inflated to gold with 1k riven games, wow!
Holy the surrender vote after pinging baron gigachad
did u use a song from yellowstone on this lol
Nice Neace!
UPDATE: He's Plat 2 now
Was this dude muted for the first 10+ minutes or something? This is the least I've heard a student interact so far
For some reason I had a flashback to when mordekaiser was just reworked and we used to play it botlane as an ADC XD It was so f*cking broken lmao !!! Sieging with drakes etc lmao and the exp boost haha xDD Good ol’ days!
Also, are we not gonna talk about the swain smurf in this game that terrorized this mords team?
I've played Morde TWICE and I'm better than this guy... and I'm silver. He has just awful mechanics, orb walking, gapclose angles, reaction time.
He would not be able to do SHIT against karma or poppy toplane even if he is a shit head riven otp
Does Neace coach supports?
All roles
hola bro, vos sos frank grillo?
Abysall might be a good item here. I know everyone has forgotten about that item.
That item isn’t in the game anymore lol
@@dannyfletcher Abysall Mask I mean
hi : )
Hi editor :)
Do a lot of people from the Balkans play LoL? Seems to be the majority of the names I see subscribing/liking the streams ;)
my eyes are bleedind watching this
16:22 you suggested 'ult so he can't flash'. But he can stil flash afterwards
After watching over 30 hours of your coaching and some of chill neace, this guy is in my top 5 fav to watch. Every video is top notch info, and like pants 👖 r 🐉, will play anything anywhere. If you can't handle a chef, get out his kitchen. I respect it. I'll have the guts to pay you one day soon bro🤣✊🏾
He's still playing Riven. Gold 3. This guys is going to be hard stuck gold for the rest of his life.
He's back to gold 4
@@lukester02 Yeah he's never gonna climb. Wasted $250.
@@brotendo he probably went for the coaching for approval like a bunch of these hardstuck players do
then got hit with the truth bombs and didn't learn a thing
@@ribedalex8672 Yeah. Pretty unfortunate cuz $250 is kind of a lot just to drop on approval.
Being "hard stuck" just means the game figured out who to queue you against.
I don't know why people want to "climb". "Climbing" means you the game gives you different opponents until you lose half of the time. Might as well lose half of the time with a champion you actually enjoy.
I haven't played in five years, but I was easily six-seven divisions better playing Volibear jungle or Braum support than with Yasuo mid. But Yasuo mid is more fun, so that's what I played.
Update: He's still hardstuck gold riven otp
I peeped his account for shits and gigs and hes still playing riven and still hard stuck low plat (which is gold now since they added emerald). league players are so funny man they pay money for coaching then just don't even listen