I wish you was my neighbor. We learn so much from you and your style and methods of teaching. Thankful and prayerful for you and all you do for us and Father Kingdom and glory.
Its interesting to think of the mark as just loyalty because as you say, it seems to be something you can't undo or recover from, where as there were people calling the lost to repentance also. So it seems the mark is something that locks you into a next level of loyalty.
@@CraigKeenerPhD I guess it would be unfair to put a Cristian who gave in to the mark at gunpoint in a worse spot than the one that pointed it at them. Their trajectory could be true to the lake of fire while also providing a small chance for rescue.
Are these recordings available for audio download anywhere? Would love to take them on the road to listen to. Thanks for posting this walk through Revelation!
Dr. Keener, would you mind elaborating on your scheme of interpretation? Are you a preterist, historicist, spiritualist, or futurist? You're expertise on the first century is wonderful. And you do seem to indicate that Rome is a foreshadowing, though you don't say this outright.
I see Rome as the Babylon of John's day, but Rev 13 blends all four of Daniel's beasts, so I see Revelation's Babylon as also the spirit of evil empire, which remains in the world until Jesus's return
Craig Keener Thanks so much for getting back to me Dr. Keener. So your perspective, if I'm understanding correctly, is that of a preterist base with a spiritualist/idealist application. That's very interesting. Thank you!
Dr Keener was kind enough to provide a clear and direct answer without labels that have been used as divisive instruments for useless debates. Respectfully, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a unifying Gospel that is simple, and righteous. The Gospel has never required or needed strange doctrines of many labels I.e preternatural, historicist, pre post millennialist, etc. Please resist assigning such labels to people who rightly attempt to not participate in what has become a disappointing practice amongst people scholars professing to be Christians. Platforms to divide the body of Christ.
@@CraigKeenerPhD Interesting, I am going to need to go back and look because I recorded this memory as it being on the nonhebrew side. The way I understood the situation is this. Even if the manuscript in question found is greek and 616, almost all greek manuscripts are 666 and I think this could be what happened. At the time of composition, there were copies made in both greek and latin where the authors knew the name being encoded and compensated for the 1 missing letter, and made both greek 666 and latin 616 copies at the same time. But over time as they circulated, not everyone knew the referenced name to compensate and at some point a person had a latin 616 copy in hand and wanted to turn it back into greek, and translated the words and number directly without recalculating from the original name. I think there is plenty of material about the latin form of nero ceasar being equivalent to 616 due to being one letter short, but I was thinking this could be the situation that would cause you to end up with a greek copy of 616.
I always wondered the same thing about Craig Keener. I never found anything to even stream! He has written commentaries on not only Revelation but Matthew and John ( I think) and books on the Holy Spirit.
Although I agree that one must choose whom they serve, I respectfully challenge the _blanket_ association of the mark of the beast with the seals applied by God simply for the distinctions of purposes (God's judgment v human trade) and parties they are described to serve (God''s avenging angels v the men who maintain the systems of trade on earth). You are 100% correct that the mark applied by God's angels to His people in Ez 9 served the purpose of distinguishing them from those designated for destruction, much like the blood of the lamb on the doorposts was a mark for the passing over of the angel who killed the first born in Egypt. In both of those instances, the marks/ seals were of practical application in the spiritual world for God's angels to distinguish from among men sealed or not sealed for their allegiance to God. However, the mark of Rev 13 is not designated as being for the use of angels who enforce trade, but men. The mark of Rev 13 has a very carnally practical and earthy application of distinguishing from among men those who are permitted to conduct trade, buying and selling, an activity which (I think) is uniquely reserved for those in the flesh, on earth. In other words, prior examples of "seals'" upon God's people were specifically noted to be of use exclusively for God's angels but the "mark of the beast" will be a distinguishing mark for use of _humans_ who enforce the system of trade among _men_ . Further, the language describing how the "mark of the beast" ends up on each person differs significantly from the application of God's seal: The mark of the beast is one _men actively take_ (λαμβάνω) for their own purposes of buying and selling among other men, whereas the example used of Ez 9:4, the seal of God is _given_ by God, passively received by men, for the purposes of being recognized among angels.
The fourth Beast doesn't match Rome exactly. Even a Rome + others misses some points. There is an ancient kingdom that was everything the 4th kingdom was prophesied to be. The Roman empire did not destroy all three precious kingdoms. It did not conquer all of the lands of the first three kingdoms. It was not a divided empire from the beginning. It does not now occupy the lands that the Beast will arise from. Any coalition formed by Rome will be a new and different character from the Roman Empire. Turkey is actively rebuilding the Ottoman Empire as the Islamic Caliphate. It is assuming the same character as the Ottoman empire. It is unchanged since ancient times. It totally crushed all the other kingdoms. It still occupies the lands of Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Tubal, Meshech, Magog, Kush, ... in fact, all of the lands mentioned in all of the end times prophesies are now Muslim controlled. Islam beheads those who refuse to convert. Islam has a history of severe economic sanctions (dhimmitude) against non-Muslims. Islam has always been a divided empire (Sunni and Shi'ite.) Islam is doubly antichrist. It has the spirit of antichrist in that it denies the sonship and deity of Jesus and demands those over whom it has control to also deny Jesus; and it has a substitute Christ called Al Mahdi. This man is considered "The Holy One." It is expected that he will take control of the Caliphate when it invades enacts Jihad against Israel. The Muslim prophets say that then the entire world will be brought under Sharia law and forced to convert by "Dhimmitude and the sword." **Islam even has an *image* (a representation in stone, metal, wood, or clay of a person or thing.) There is one a few miles from my home. Everyone who sees it knows that a mosque is nearby. Several times a day a voice comes out of the image and every Muslim who hears must drop to their knees and recite a prayer to Allah. If a minaret was placed on the Temple Mount and the area was under control of AL Mahdi so that *everyone* was required to bow and pray to Allah in front of the image, it would be an abomination.
Sea beast Beast represents a kingdom or nation Sea represents water Revelation chapter 17 Verse 1, the woman who also sit on many water Woman represents a church Beast represents pagan Rome That great city represents the Vatican city which sits on 7 hills Revelation chapter 17 verse 15 Water represents people multudes nation and languages Sea beast in revelation chapter 13 reign for 42 month 30 days in a month 42x30 = 1260 days The principle for one day = 1 year in bibical terms of prophecy 1 day equals one year so instead of 1260 day it is converted to years, so you have 1260 years the sea beast would reign From the day that emperor Justinian of Rome seated a pope to the throne of Caesar in 538ad vigilius ceased the Cepture of Caecar and the torch of saint Peter, And Church and state United, and a form of religion based on Christianity ruled the world until 1798 when Nepolian took the pope off the throne of Caesar, was 1260 years, that sea beast in revelation chapter 13 reign for 42 months Beast of the earth, John the revelator states as the sea beast was going into perdition he saw another beast rising Sea beast went into perdition 1798 Earth beast must rise around that time United States of America 1776, July 4 birth of our nation 1789 bill of rights introduced 1791 Bill of rights excepted and the frist admendment of the constitution establish freedom of religion and speech separation of church and state, Why? The land of the free, USA is the promise land from God to the gentiles how could this be? Answer found in Revelation chapter 12, veres 14 to 16 if one was to read between the lines, they would find the place in the bible in where God send his church that is in the wilderness for time plus times and a half of time, to a place after the period of time plus times and a half of time Take note, Time = 1 year or 360 days Times = 2 years or 780 days 1/2 of time = 180 days Bibical year represents 360 bibical days not 365 days, the book of Genesis. The story of the flood will tell us this 360× 720+180=1260 The Sea beast and the little horn of Daniel and the woman that rides that beast in revelation are that same exact power that God is talking about This beast of the earth makes an image to the sea beast the 1st beast before it How? Papacy was church and state USA has a 1st admendment of the constitution separating church and state What is the mark of the beast? Sea beast represents papacy Earthly beast represents the United States of America The papacy in 1923 made a statement to the whole world threw cardinal James Gibson that Sunday observance was the Mark of the pope Athority over the bible bibical 7th day Sabbath, Hum? What will the United States of America do to make an image to that 1st beast? In revelation chapter 13 Blue laws be unforced What are blue laws in the United States of America ? To force Christianity religious laws What did cardinal James Gibson make clear what was the Athority of the pope? Answer Sunday observance was their mark of Athority over God's word, God worked threw the Protestant and republicans to make our land of the free in which is the Gentiles promise land from God, for the prostentants and republicans with the help from Catholicism will destroy this 1st admendment of the constitution the very thing they formed this country on, and they will make and image to that same thing they ran from , from the papacy of being church and state back in the time of the mid evil church of Catholicism As today we are seeing the hands of protestants reaching across the gulf of the sea to grip the hands of the papacy of Rome 1st horn on the earthy beast is broken Of 10/31/2017 The prostentants movement of 500 years are over in which Martin Luther started in 10/31/1517 What holiday is 10/31 Answer Halloween What does Halloween represents - death ghost and witches What was a prostentants in the eyes of the papacy A heretic Definition of a heretic, a witch or a warlock and they would be burned at the stake by the papacy of Rome But these people that were heretic of Catholicism were heretics for there testimony and their faith of jesus, And of today according to the papacy of Rome, protestants who were witches and warlocks are dead, for that movement is over, and nowthe daughter had finally come back home to the mother church, for all the mother church needs now, she need her new husband, who are the kings of the earth and when she gets the government of the Republicans of the United states to do her bidding then the 2nd horn on that beast will be broken as revelation chapter 17 and 18 explains If only the papacy kept Jesus as her husband she wouldn't Been the harlot woman in which see is.
your comment is incoherent. Jesus tells us the whore of Babylon is a _city_ in whom _all the blood of the prophets was spilled_ (Rev18:24) and "it can not be that a prophet perish outside of Jerusalem" (Luke 13:33-34, Matthew 23:37)
inTruthbyGrace Not the blood of the prophet, but the blood of the saints, including where the apostle peter and Paul and john the Baptist was killed, all under the Athority of Rome. For world history declares million upon million where slaughter by the papacy of Rome, for not giving in to the papacy religion, and they had faith in Jesus alone
Revelation chapter 17 verse 6, Also the woman is dress in scarlet and purple and deck with precious stones The papacy, the cardinals and bishops are dress in scarlet and purple robes, and the papacy is filled with gold and silver and every precious stone available and during every mass of Catholicism there's a golden cup at her altar, For even revelation chapter 6 the 5th seal proclaims revelation chapter 17 veres 6 and emphasizes on that chapter of 17 veres 6,
inTruthbyGrace And if ypu want to take it a step further In 1923 cardinal James Gibson made it clear to the whole world that Sunday observance was the Mark of papacy Athority over the biblical Sabbath God's word, , and if any Christian that made the bible their supreme ATHORITY then they should keep the 7 day Sabbath But if one keeps Sunday traditions of rome,, then that individual gives their Athority to the pope of Rome, for the pope is God on earth and he has the divine power of God to alter any commandment of God as he sees fits, and so it is, a man made commandments once again over throws God's commandments, as what happened with the Jewish people, church leaders were making man made commandments over God's commandments, and for that, Jesus said your worship toward God the father becomes invein, So their you go The beast is Rome The harlot woman is the papacy The city is the vatican The mark of the beast is to keep Sunday observance over the bible Sabbath, rite straight from the whores mouth, she said it, with her own doing and with nobody help Do a research and pray that u will let the holy spirit guide u on this.
I'm going to be re-watching this over and over while I read and study. This is an absolute treasure of information.
Thanks so much!
This guy has lots of really good teachings. He's become one of my favorites!
King of Kings and Lord of Lords! This gives me great hope and makes it not so scary. Jesus will take care of everything.
Oh yes He is! I just love Him!
@@hisnewlife3543 he is worth dying for
I wish you was my neighbor. We learn so much from you and your style and methods of teaching. Thankful and prayerful for you and all you do for us and Father Kingdom and glory.
Thank you so much!
Finally! A reliable Bible teacher on TH-cam teaching on this! :)
You could not have ended this better.
“Where is your loyalty? As for me and my house…”
The witness of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, all the scriptures bear witness to Him.John 5:39-40
Thanx, Dr Keener.
Its interesting to think of the mark as just loyalty because as you say, it seems to be something you can't undo or recover from, where as there were people calling the lost to repentance also. So it seems the mark is something that locks you into a next level of loyalty.
God did want them to repent (Rev 16:9-11). But of course most do not.
@@CraigKeenerPhD I guess it would be unfair to put a Cristian who gave in to the mark at gunpoint in a worse spot than the one that pointed it at them. Their trajectory could be true to the lake of fire while also providing a small chance for rescue.
Very interesting lecture eventhough I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Keener is a very good scholar. Great input for all us, Dr. Keener.
😆😆😆 "that's why I don't eat mushrooms" and "that's why I don't take ice in my drinks" got me cackling. Thank you for this video, sir.
What does Barrack equate to in the Greek alphabet calculations?
Are these recordings available for audio download anywhere? Would love to take them on the road to listen to. Thanks for posting this walk through Revelation!
Just google YT to mp3 online downloader:
for example: www.onlinevideoconverter.com/pl/mp3-converter
Dr. Keener, would you mind elaborating on your scheme of interpretation? Are you a preterist, historicist, spiritualist, or futurist? You're expertise on the first century is wonderful. And you do seem to indicate that Rome is a foreshadowing, though you don't say this outright.
I see Rome as the Babylon of John's day, but Rev 13 blends all four of Daniel's beasts, so I see Revelation's Babylon as also the spirit of evil empire, which remains in the world until Jesus's return
Craig Keener Thanks so much for getting back to me Dr. Keener. So your perspective, if I'm understanding correctly, is that of a preterist base with a spiritualist/idealist application. That's very interesting. Thank you!
@@arglesmith I do believe Revelation 19-22 is fully future (or if I'm wrong on Rev 20, certainly Rev 21-22 :-) ). I see 12:5-6 as definitely past.
Dr Keener was kind enough to provide a clear and direct answer without labels that have been used as divisive instruments for useless debates. Respectfully, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a unifying Gospel that is simple, and righteous.
The Gospel has never required or needed strange doctrines of many labels I.e preternatural, historicist, pre post millennialist, etc.
Please resist assigning such labels to people who rightly attempt to not participate in what has become a disappointing practice amongst people scholars professing to be Christians.
Platforms to divide the body of Christ.
Are there more videos on Revelation available here, please?
Klara G yes look up Craig keener revelation there is 30 videos
I have heard they used 616 on the Latin copies so it would still add up to Nero Ceasar like the Greek. Have you heard that?
I believe it was some Greek copies, because of the other way of spelling Nero Caesar in Hebrew
@@CraigKeenerPhD Interesting, I am going to need to go back and look because I recorded this memory as it being on the nonhebrew side.
The way I understood the situation is this. Even if the manuscript in question found is greek and 616, almost all greek manuscripts are 666 and I think this could be what happened.
At the time of composition, there were copies made in both greek and latin where the authors knew the name being encoded and compensated for the 1 missing letter, and made both greek 666 and latin 616 copies at the same time.
But over time as they circulated, not everyone knew the referenced name to compensate and at some point a person had a latin 616 copy in hand and wanted to turn it back into greek, and translated the words and number directly without recalculating from the original name.
I think there is plenty of material about the latin form of nero ceasar being equivalent to 616 due to being one letter short, but I was thinking this could be the situation that would cause you to end up with a greek copy of 616.
I always wondered the same thing about Craig Keener. I never found anything to even stream! He has written commentaries on not only Revelation but Matthew and John ( I think) and books on the Holy Spirit.
Although I agree that one must choose whom they serve, I respectfully challenge the _blanket_ association of the mark of the beast with the seals applied by God simply for the distinctions of purposes (God's judgment v human trade) and parties they are described to serve (God''s avenging angels v the men who maintain the systems of trade on earth). You are 100% correct that the mark applied by God's angels to His people in Ez 9 served the purpose of distinguishing them from those designated for destruction, much like the blood of the lamb on the doorposts was a mark for the passing over of the angel who killed the first born in Egypt. In both of those instances, the marks/ seals were of practical application in the spiritual world for God's angels to distinguish from among men sealed or not sealed for their allegiance to God. However, the mark of Rev 13 is not designated as being for the use of angels who enforce trade, but men. The mark of Rev 13 has a very carnally practical and earthy application of distinguishing from among men those who are permitted to conduct trade, buying and selling, an activity which (I think) is uniquely reserved for those in the flesh, on earth. In other words, prior examples of "seals'" upon God's people were specifically noted to be of use exclusively for God's angels but the "mark of the beast" will be a distinguishing mark for use of _humans_ who enforce the system of trade among _men_ . Further, the language describing how the "mark of the beast" ends up on each person differs significantly from the application of God's seal: The mark of the beast is one _men actively take_ (λαμβάνω) for their own purposes of buying and selling among other men, whereas the example used of Ez 9:4, the seal of God is _given_ by God, passively received by men, for the purposes of being recognized among angels.
I realize Im kinda randomly asking but does anybody know of a good website to watch new tv shows online ?
@Javion Cohen Flixportal =)
@Greyson Griffin thank you, signed up and it seems to work :D Appreciate it !
@Javion Cohen glad I could help =)
Watch "The Mark of the Beast" by Hope Through Prophecy. GOD Bless!!
The fourth Beast doesn't match Rome exactly. Even a Rome + others misses some points. There is an ancient kingdom that was everything the 4th kingdom was prophesied to be. The Roman empire did not destroy all three precious kingdoms.
It did not conquer all of the lands of the first three kingdoms.
It was not a divided empire from the beginning.
It does not now occupy the lands that the Beast will arise from.
Any coalition formed by Rome will be a new and different character from the Roman Empire.
Turkey is actively rebuilding the Ottoman Empire as the Islamic Caliphate.
It is assuming the same character as the Ottoman empire.
It is unchanged since ancient times.
It totally crushed all the other kingdoms.
It still occupies the lands of Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Tubal, Meshech, Magog, Kush, ... in fact, all of the lands mentioned in all of the end times prophesies are now Muslim controlled.
Islam beheads those who refuse to convert.
Islam has a history of severe economic sanctions (dhimmitude) against non-Muslims.
Islam has always been a divided empire (Sunni and Shi'ite.)
Islam is doubly antichrist. It has the spirit of antichrist in that it denies the sonship and deity of Jesus and demands those over whom it has control to also deny Jesus; and it has a substitute Christ called Al Mahdi. This man is considered "The Holy One." It is expected that he will take control of the Caliphate when it invades enacts Jihad against Israel. The Muslim prophets say that then the entire world will be brought under Sharia law and forced to convert by "Dhimmitude and the sword."
**Islam even has an *image* (a representation in stone, metal, wood, or clay of a person or thing.) There is one a few miles from my home. Everyone who sees it knows that a mosque is nearby. Several times a day a voice comes out of the image and every Muslim who hears must drop to their knees and recite a prayer to Allah.
If a minaret was placed on the Temple Mount and the area was under control of AL Mahdi so that *everyone* was required to bow and pray to Allah in front of the image, it would be an abomination.
Sea beast
Beast represents a kingdom or nation
Sea represents water
Revelation chapter 17
Verse 1, the woman who also sit on many water
Woman represents a church
Beast represents pagan Rome
That great city represents the Vatican city which sits on 7 hills
Revelation chapter 17 verse 15
Water represents people multudes nation and languages
Sea beast in revelation chapter 13 reign for 42 month
30 days in a month
42x30 = 1260 days
The principle for one day = 1 year in bibical terms of prophecy
1 day equals one year so instead of 1260 day it is converted to years, so you have 1260 years the sea beast would reign
From the day that emperor Justinian of Rome seated a pope to the throne of Caesar in 538ad vigilius ceased the Cepture of Caecar and the torch of saint Peter,
And Church and state United, and a form of religion based on Christianity ruled the world until 1798 when Nepolian took the pope off the throne of Caesar, was 1260 years, that sea beast in revelation chapter 13 reign for 42 months
Beast of the earth,
John the revelator states as the sea beast was going into perdition he saw another beast rising
Sea beast went into perdition 1798
Earth beast must rise around that time
United States of America
1776, July 4 birth of our nation
1789 bill of rights introduced
1791 Bill of rights excepted and the frist admendment of the constitution establish freedom of religion and speech separation of church and state,
The land of the free, USA is the promise land from God to the gentiles how could this be?
Answer found in
Revelation chapter 12, veres 14 to 16 if one was to read between the lines, they would find the place in the bible in where God send his church that is in the wilderness for time plus times and a half of time, to a place after the period of time plus times and a half of time
Take note,
Time = 1 year or 360 days
Times = 2 years or 780 days
1/2 of time = 180 days
Bibical year represents 360 bibical days not 365 days, the book of Genesis. The story of the flood will tell us this
360× 720+180=1260
The Sea beast and the little horn of Daniel and the woman that rides that beast in revelation are that same exact power that God is talking about
This beast of the earth makes an image to the sea beast the 1st beast before it
Papacy was church and state
USA has a 1st admendment of the constitution separating church and state
What is the mark of the beast?
Sea beast represents papacy
Earthly beast represents the United States of America
The papacy in 1923 made a statement to the whole world threw cardinal James Gibson that Sunday observance was the Mark of the pope Athority over the bible bibical 7th day Sabbath,
What will the United States of America do to make an image to that 1st beast? In revelation chapter 13
Blue laws be unforced
What are blue laws in the United States of America ?
To force Christianity religious laws
What did cardinal James Gibson make clear what was the Athority of the pope?
Answer Sunday observance was their mark of Athority over God's word,
God worked threw the
Protestant and republicans to make our land of the free in which is the Gentiles promise land from God, for the prostentants and republicans with the help from Catholicism will destroy this 1st admendment of the constitution
the very thing they formed this country on, and they will make and image to that same thing they ran from , from the papacy of being church and state back in the time of the mid evil church of Catholicism
As today we are seeing the hands of protestants reaching across the gulf of the sea to grip the hands of the papacy of Rome
1st horn on the earthy beast is broken
Of 10/31/2017 The prostentants movement of 500 years are over in which Martin Luther started in 10/31/1517
What holiday is 10/31
Answer Halloween
What does Halloween represents - death ghost and witches
What was a prostentants in the eyes of the papacy
A heretic
Definition of a heretic, a witch or a warlock and they would be burned at the stake by the papacy of Rome
But these people that were heretic of Catholicism were heretics for there testimony and their faith of jesus,
And of today according to the papacy of Rome, protestants who were witches and warlocks are dead, for that movement is over, and nowthe daughter had finally come back home to the mother church, for all the mother church needs now, she need her new husband, who are the kings of the earth and when she gets the government of the Republicans of the United states to do her bidding then the 2nd horn on that beast will be broken as revelation chapter 17 and 18 explains
If only the papacy kept Jesus as her husband she wouldn't Been the harlot woman in which see is.
your comment is incoherent. Jesus tells us the whore of Babylon is a _city_ in whom _all the blood of the prophets was spilled_ (Rev18:24) and "it can not be that a prophet perish outside of Jerusalem" (Luke 13:33-34, Matthew 23:37)
Not the blood of the prophet,
but the blood of the saints, including where the apostle peter and Paul and john the Baptist was killed, all under the Athority of Rome.
For world history declares million upon million where slaughter by the papacy of Rome, for not giving in to the papacy religion, and they had faith in Jesus alone
Revelation chapter 17 verse 6,
Also the woman is dress in scarlet and purple and deck with precious stones
The papacy, the cardinals and bishops are dress in scarlet and purple robes, and the papacy is filled with gold and silver and every precious stone available and during every mass of Catholicism there's a golden cup at her altar,
For even revelation chapter 6 the 5th seal proclaims revelation chapter 17 veres 6 and emphasizes on that chapter of 17 veres 6,
And if ypu want to take it a step further
In 1923 cardinal James Gibson made it clear to the whole world that Sunday observance was the Mark of papacy Athority over the biblical Sabbath God's word, , and if any Christian that made the bible their supreme ATHORITY then they should keep the 7 day Sabbath
But if one keeps Sunday traditions of rome,, then that individual gives their Athority to the pope of Rome, for the pope is God on earth and he has the divine power of God to alter any commandment of God as he sees fits, and so it is, a man made commandments once again over throws God's commandments, as what happened with the Jewish people, church leaders were making man made commandments over God's commandments, and for that, Jesus said your worship toward God the father becomes invein,
So their you go
The beast is Rome
The harlot woman is the papacy
The city is the vatican
The mark of the beast is to keep Sunday observance over the bible Sabbath, rite straight from the whores mouth, she said it, with her own doing and with nobody help
Do a research and pray that u will let the holy spirit guide u on this.
God this is boring! really boring! if this is about the beast nobody will fear him?