Also, huge shout out to Skooch for helping me with thumbnail title ideas as well as general youtube help recently. He's just an awesome dude so if you don't currently watch him, check him out here
It used to be used to honour enemies who fed super hard, eventually they'd show up as being honoured by enemies too much, which meant they fed and this would lead to toxic and negative behaviour toward them
@@thedew4435 yup, however, they should introduce being able to honour all teammates like its on wild rift, heck they should port the wild rift client over to pc. im holding on to hope that that is something they're planning to do for next pre-season!
It's actually insane. Compare this to any other team competition. Imagine a soccer game where the opposing team scores a goal at 15 minutes. Then your sweeper starts raging and yelling, tackling his own teammates, grabbing the ball with his hands, and trying to score an own goal as hard as he can. That person would be carted off to a mental institution. But in a video game, everyone's just like "that's what happens".
It should be called out, mocked and shunned every single time. It continues, because we allow it to continue. There aren't enough of us standing up against that kind of action. We keep allowing excuses like 'But my team was bad'. We have to stand together and call it out. It doesn't belong in MOBAs.
yeah imagine Graves doing his job properly with counter jungling, perma-invading and feeding off Veigo on each encounter while Viego is 2-4 levels behind.
@@vskkdrnlol3441 oh yes. Because the bot lane would just watch. And Viego has already hard snowballed top lane and broke the bottom lane streak. And Rav said his mid was shit. So he would be on extreme disadvantage if perma invading
@@jos6290 level 3 mif was dead, top was a kayle shoved under tower. So the invade is free especially on graves who has 2 get out of jail free cards in his kit and a flash. Also rav on bot and hard winning was clearly ready to rotate so idk how viego ever got to farm a single camp bot against a fed graves. And you still have Kayle Heimerdinger lanes which makes it hard to do anything top as well
SkillCapped next week: We sent Hector into Gold and had him purposely lose his first 2 jungle camps to show how you can come back from a bad start (if you're a challenger smurf)!
I remember that they had a video where he was playing as ADC with losing team and he wasn't able to carry, so the whole point of the video turned out to be "ADCs suck, have fun, lul"
@@brotendo Kai'sa, he also lost as Leona when doing the same challenge as support. Riot and their BS of not reworking team-reliant roles. He literally fed 5 kills as Ryze mid while farming like a lobotomised donkey and still carried
A couple of years ago, when I started to main Nasus, I queued against a platinium Riven in a blind pick game, and Riven was clearly here to win and try hard, freezing the wave, bullying me, etc. I honestly just wanted to rage quit and ff, since I had no signs of my jungler nor my team. But I kept holding on, building tank and keep going to lane, getting a couple of minions with my E and Q while she had like 4 levels ahead of me. Later in the game, we had a Jinx that hard carry all of our teamfights, while I was the one to tank all the damages and slow the enemy for her. We ended up winning that game and the Riven just typed "gg honor Nasus, I would have ragequit."
Shout out to both you and Riven honestly. Great sportsmanship. Most people in her situation would've resorted to insults but she gave credit where credit is due
There is nothing more painful than being down 100 cs, 4 levels with no Q stacks as Nasus against a fed Riven, who counters your champ. Not even joking I would’ve left even if it meant my account was perma banned, not worth seeing it through especially in blind pick.
That’s why that game was winnable. Virgo just becomes the strongest enemy after that one gets hard focused and bursted down, Kayle and Vayne just have amazing scaling. If the roles were reversed and ravs team would have intend lv 1 that hard they should ff15. If you are behind by a lot and the enemy has scaling on they’re side just go next.
Yup. It's even worse when I'm playing Ornn, and I KNOW that once I hit Level 14 and can start upgrading their Mythics... we get a fresh start. I've been on the winning side dozens of times after a horrible start, because we get to the late game, I'm upgrading mythics, and suddenly we're taking team fights and objectives. But getting people there? Man, that's tough sometimes.
Back in the days of old Yorick I managed to get win a 1v5 and break a nexus tower, team was back up in 10sec to win the game, but they FF'd because we where 10 kills down and I actually cried.
Dude I literally had a .5 second difference from a win/loss one day, but people think 1 death is the final nail in the coffin for these things. Like I straight up cannot stand the "we lose next" mentality
Whenever I introduce a friend of mine to the game, I tell them 80% of playing is keeping your mental state, and 20% is the actual gameplay. It's like the game is designed to frustrate you, but approaching it like it is supposed to frustrate you and never getting frustrated is why I like playing the game so much. It makes every loss a win, in a sense.
Totally agree. It honestly feels like if whichever team has less babies on their team wins. You can have the 20/0 Jungle that is hard carrying the game but because the ADC took Red he's up in arms and just starts inting. Had an 0/5 Orianna try to take blue from our 8/3 Taliyah, so it was killed with smite. Ori then proceeded to Ult and then stand AFK there pinging the blue respawn timer. She didn't move until she got the next blue. Enemy Jhin got fed because my Trist didn't realize she could just easily murder the Jhin (Heal) Senna (Cleanse) lane whenever she wanted, so she got poked out and killed a lot. The enemy Senna support tries to take red from the Kha'zix who just kills it with Q, so she flashes, ults, and then tries to steal his raptors. Eventually Trist realized her damage and came back, but I was losing my mind when my Hail of Blades full HP and mana Trist is just letting the half health Senna walk up to her. Trist didn't want to go in because "you haven't hit a root". Dude, Senna is half hp, slowed, and in range for you to W her while I shield and speed up you, just go in. Luckily I continued to play despite Trist annoying me, while Senna just lost it. There are so many stories in low elo where whichever team doesn't rage quit wins it's unbelieveable, but people only see the high elo streamers who rage so that's all they know. Yeah, some games are just unwinnable, but most of us aren't in high elo where one mistake means defeat, so I would rather try to learn when slightly behind rather than just FF because I died once.
And that's a pretty bad advertisement for the game honestly. It means that you must endure and perservere every match to the end of times. Muting everyone improved the gameplay experience for me above everything else.
@@DemainaNyx I was duo'ing with one of my jungle pals and the enemy jg picked Kayn (she's a Kayn one trick), our bot lane dies to an early gank that she pinged and Kayn walked over 2 wards, then she spent the rest of the game flaming our bot lane and AFK'ing in base. Like bro, we're in gold. They took a 15min inhib, we have a free source of farm and a decent win condition. Fucking ego players, man
These guys don't know the joy and satisfaction of winning a hard game with the enemy team trash talking in all chat thinking they've won just for them to totally throw.
the bratty team that started winning then throwing has some of the worst toxidity in chat. i have chat muted but after a hard game and come back you see a wall of red flames in post game and is it any wonder they lost
As good as it is to happen more frequently, it still has its draw backs like letting it drag on to a 50min game where the enemy was just playing with you for the last 30min. Dunno how but it happen frequently here in my server that i really started to hate having games longer than 25min cause its very common to not surrender even as the enemy came into the base and just destroyed the nexus tower as they taunt at us as they extend the game to gi longer and then you have flamers whuch can be done with mute all tho you really hsve to do it in every game cause this kind of scenario almost always happens. As good as to have hard games, havibg it all the time would just maje each game dreadful and stressing to think that your gonna lose in another hard and extended match. So better wish that there would be a balance to this kind of stuff.
@@risingdawn6510 yeah i mean I agree but the enemy ''playing with you'' is one of the reasons this actually happens lol. And if your team is on the same page as you then it's a really good experience to the point that I wanted to queue again with those teammates on another game. Not saying this is good everytime, but the people that have a FF 15 mentality just don't get to experience these games.
@@alexrowe7063 it really is better to just ff 15 or 20 if everyone is tilted. You can move onto next game and get your lp back, but if youre ffing at 30 min+ the fuck did we even refuse 20 min vote for?
I just want to thank you for spreading this kind of positive attitude. League really becomes a different game if you get people to just play it, instead of looking for comfort and giving up in front of any difficulty.
@@judit5173 probably one of the reasons he still gold, no seriously warding can actually win you more games than you think JUST BUY SOME PINKS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
@@youneskasdi true but even as a supo main sometimes i just totally slip out of my head that i have to ward, since i play shaco supp im always like "wards?? Huh i only know boxes" but i always forget that boxes doesnt give the vision score, tho its pretty effective to help win the game
@@summonersriftgarbage4426 It's stupid that traps don't count towards vision score, or Heimer, Teemo, Shaco, Cait, Nid, and Zyra would be slapping the charts
@@ReikerForge that would be pretty illegal, imagine knowing everytime u take a box u give one more step toward the S rank and lose half ur health... that would feel horrible
i hate ffing in general tbh. I've won games where my nexus was open multiple times, but people literally start crying if they aren't carrying the game so it just ruins the whole experience.
I'm not sure if Dota2 has the surrender option nowadays, but back when I played it it didn't. Sometimes it resulted in the enemy team holding you hostage for a long time by not finishing and just goofing around while still not letting you do anything meaningful. It resulted in very cathartic surprise victories sometimes when they made enough mistakes while goofing around, and those games in general were quite rare for me. In League, it felt that more than half of my ranked losses were only because of the "give up" mentality without letting the match to progress to a point where an actual result could be seen. I'd rather take the Dota2 option any day
Those games are rare, I rather not play a game when I have first time senna adc with first time yummi support who fed master yi 3 kills under 5 minutes. Not winable.
"Really you chose that champ support? I'm done. FF15." - Jungler who did 10k damage vs my 25k damage support in a game where the jungler single handedly lost us the game early on then proceeded to flame tilt off the face of the planet when we wouldn't early surrender.
funny how the shitters who ruin games always go "haha idc if we lose, i have 3-5 more accounts" can't believe how many times i've read it in my games lately
I laughed so hard at the amazing lines delivered throughout the video. Jim is an inspiration to us all. So many teams give up at the earliest kill difference and don't realize that some matches put them against early game composition that you can easily outscale 20 minutes from there.
70% of people playing league of legends are infantile. all elos. especially adcs and midlaners, like if you don't spoonfeed them kills, they get mad and int or afk. if you get them kills they will get cocky and throw. it is a nightmare
@@zsofiszakacs3876 Everyone is infantile in their own sense. I think, as a person that literally tries to swap every jungle game I am autofilled into, bcs I suck at it, that junglers (at least the ones that main the role) are the most tilt proof, bcs they obtain most bullsh*t thruout the game. Every lane lost is jungler fault etc. Toplaneners are always pinging jungler, midlaners too, botlaneners are blaming eachother most of the time. But yeah, the reason why adc's are probably most proned towards the "ff15" culture is because they can't farm and without gold there is nothing they can do. So they feel that the game is over the moment they fall behind and some don't want to be bored hole game so they afk or somethink
I've got one for you- We had a 2/17 fiora, a 1/14 olaf, and a 1/17 blitzcrank. This team had at least 3x as many reasons to ff as most do, and we still won that game.
"Do you want to loose your game immediately or actually play the f game ?" people behave like they deserve to win as soon as they enter the game without any efforts
@@Pygmay you gotta love seeing some people comments here, whining about playing lost games ,riot should have removed ff long time ago, it’s just ruining the game experience
@@APerson-cw8dy I love it when my team wants to surrender and then we win, then you can say that those who voted "No" actually carried the game even if they are 0/10, without them we would have lost
@@ohlookachime Absolutely delusional. Lol. The possibility of either of those things is a flat zero percent. If the latter was possible, then the former would be true. Your optimal chances of a comeback would be 50%, your likely chances are cut to 17%. If silver and gold players would throw their lead against those at their same skill level, the stats would be different. But they aren't. Most games are a lost cause, but close to a 20% chance of turning things around means you should still fight it out.
This reminds me of the proudest game I've ever played which was 2weeks ago, i was playing samira and we were hard losing, i was the only fed person on the team and my whole team just wanted to give up. Even as they were hitting our nexus i kept telling them that its not over until our nexus is destroyed. Top, mid and jungle wanted to ff, but my supported did his job and actually supported me morally and in the game (not premade btw). I ended up carrying and we went from a half health nexus and 0 towers to winning the whole game. I still have that support on my friends list to remind me of that amazing game.
This is one of the reasons I stopped playing League, the amount of people that start a game and then want to surrender already 5 minutes in are way too many. And then when you get to 15, and 2 people vote no, half of the time they troll and start complaining ''WhY nO SuRr IS JuSt a wAsTe oF TimE'' not realizing they're legitimately the reason why we're not winning anymore.
Most of the time I just give in, if they’re feeding they’re just going to int harder, then again I don’t play ranked so there’s no consequence besides time wasting if I lose. No reason to see it through as even if you won it’s not satisfying to know some useless brainlet got a victory as well and is currently spamming “ez, (x lane) gap” acting like he did more than 14k damage in 45 minutes.
except the vast majority of those matches are lost causes, in ranked you can tell pretty early on if your gona lose or not, why they are so quick to FF early after a early double/triple kill in a lot of cases. of course theres always a slight chance you will turn the match around BUT those are so few and far between that you have a better chance at winning 20 bucks from a lotto ticket than to turn matches around in solo que on the reg. its even worse for normals, i 100% understand why people want to surrender most of the time. when the match is not fun anymore and you getting camped hard and your jg is avoiding your lane while their top/jg are tower diving you constantly you will want to leave... BUT you cannot for if you do your gona get banned, so your forced to stay in a match that could very well go on for 30-55mins only to lose and be a complete waste of your time. then you get those 2 assholes who vote no either out of spite or because they are selfish and wana play it out when its clear the majority want out. at that point i just ignore the team and just farm till the enemy wins, just to save myself 8+ mins of annoyance. and that is not a community issue it is an issue with the design of the game its self. from the new champions being so over-tuned and op, to old champions getting nerfed into the ground being nearly worthless in current meta *cough* viktor *cough* to the fact that your stuck in a horrible match thats just miserable to play. league needs a re-que system so if you leave you wont get banned but instead replaced by someone who qued top like you did, they will gain lvls on average to what your groups lvls are as well as an amount of gold you should have by that point. with draft pick this could easily be done, just add a 30min wait timer as a soft punishment for leaving like that. league is fun when your in a 5 man pre-made, but as a solo que its fucking awful and a lot of your matches in normals are just a nightmare to deal with.
@@ninvusoogoar6098 When I played ranked it felt more than half my losses were just because my team decided that the even match is lost for some reason and surrendered. I've learned to hate the entire surrender mechanic because of this. People just simply don't seem to able to consider the full picture and only make selfish decisions based on their personal game not going well enough Back when I played Dota2, which didn't have the surrender, the opposite problem of the enemy team holding you hostage in the match was way less prominent and even resulted in suprise victories every now and then so I'd pick that option every time
@@houndofculann1793 good for you, however... the solution to this is simple.. add a que system to league. look what makes league so toxic is A) you cannot leave for any reason without a high chance of losing your whole account! B) when your not having a good time the game is really painful C) people refuse to surrender even when the match is obviously lost. now (C) happens a lot more than people think, and yes you CAN 100% turn around a good portion of games. however that is not often the case and what should of been a 15-20min FF turns into a 45 min game were your team can hold them back for a time but you are unable to push the lanes to their base. the que system would fix a lot of these issues, have a toxic yasuo player who is feeding on purpose? group can vote to kick them and if the vote passes a special ticket is made and sent off for review to see if the kicked person deserves a ban or just had a bad game. it would allow people to leave groups who refuse to surrender or if the team is really bad you can leave and have a 5-10min wait time before you can que again. if someone leaves say in draft top left due to having an issue with their kids and has to go. they can leave and someone else whos waiting in que as a solo que top laner can join the match and gain extra exp and blue points for joining an active game. once inside of the game they get gold and exp scaling based on a median of what their group has and based off of what they SHOULD have normally by X time in the match. all of which can be easily done, we know how much gold one usually has by the 10min mark on average and this system wouldnt solve all toxicity in league but it would certainly take a huge chunk out of it. in MMOs some pvp is instanced and you get taken to an arena team fight for goals. if you get stuck with a really bad team who only wants to focus on kills instead of objectives you can just leave and someone will fill your place and you have to wait several mins before you can get a new match. this can 100% work for leagues draft pick and not so much blind pick.
@@ninvusoogoar6098 for (at least most) non-ranked modes that might be a workable idea. But I think a system like this would negatively affect ranked matches too much since people tend to adjust their builds according to both their and the enemy's team comp, so a queue system like this suddenly changing the team comp could be quite a bomb for one or both teams. The other option of keeping the champ but changing the player is probably even worse as that has the very probable risk of forcing players on champs that they have no idea how to play. In addition many players, me included, absolutely loathe having to jump in ongoing matches. I'm playing to learn and be better and hopefully have fun while at it, throwing me in the middle of a match where the early game is already over robs me much of the initiative to practice my own game.
@@xdlimao Long time players all have stories like that, i won a game and was more impactfull then the enemy jungler when i forgot smite on old evelynn. But In this video context (and many other games) the real gap is in champions, not players.
@@CcReap3r Never said there is no player based good/bad decisions or that the entire outcome of the match was decided solely by the champion. But, some champion are overpower; having numbers too strong in their kit that need to be tuned down or broken; their mechanic or how their abilities actually work are unfair, hard to play around or hard to balance. If tristana add more damage to her E, she would be Overpowered. But viego's kit is broken, no matter the numbers, he could be super weak, the broken condition on his kit would still apply by definition. Overpower and broken are too different things that the players just mix together, but broken and overpowered are by definition two very different state. With that being said, on a player based decision: the viego played very well and kept composure, considering he was getting invaded hard. Rav's team probably did not play around viego toward the end, but it was too late, viego healing and invulnerability makes it harder too kill by nature of his kit. In this video, instead of flaming him for being bad, he praise him and it's really fun to see the rav commentary to be reversed. A gap does not mean; the only reason. It's a big chunk, because the champion being what he is makes it "easier" for that kind of outcome. The only and first time I played viego, I got a pentakill, so yeah.
@@pool5863 Legit would not have been able to to that. Udyr is also a broken champ, because he's old. All he does is empowering Auto-attacks and get faster. If he get a little buff he get "too strong" or too annoying to deal with, like we saw some time ago. I really don't understand why riot stopped their rework so hard, so many champs are in need of one.
This is why I literally never quit or surrender any game. Even if we're dead losing and there's no hope. Eventually that mentality will bleed into your life and you will never finish anything of importance because it got too hard for you.
No thanks, I'd rather not be held hostage in a 45+ minute game because you think we can pull back from a 30 kill spread. Learn when to bow out and go next.
Proud of being part of that 29% :) And I also knew that Viego is a stupid broken champ that get strong for no reason late game,that's why I wouldn't quit lol
@@Bl4ckDr4co >When all you need is your teammates Sadly League is so toxic, it's a teamgame where you have to mentally prepare for "I can't rely on anyone, my teammates will be garbage by default."
3 ways to lose a game you feed extremely hard, your team feeds really hard, or your team gets really fed and over stays and gets their shits kicked in when an objective like elder drag or baron spawns
@@conscripthornet4430 the enemies ego ruin them, i can't count the amount of matches i won as yummi with my feed allie just running down onto the enemy team so i can 5 man ult them while my jungler steals the elder they we're doing so my feed allie can get a penta out of just elder execute.
All the man has to do is possess you to get your items, champ, percent missing health and, a refreshed ult. He’s basically designed for comebacks like this.
One game I got invaded by the enemy yi and his botlane as eve, died and got my blue side stollen. I died to him again, then farmed and killed him because he was being greedy and kept oneshotting him throughout the game. With shutdowns it's so ridiculously easy to make a comeback especially as a scaling champ but most league players have perma period
You're a good player. Knowing how the game works and understanding enough to win from losing positions, even if you're not challenger, you're still a good player.
At some point in LoL I stopped caring about wins and started specifically going for turrets and kills. Even if we’re 100% screwed 3 players AFK I still play because those are kills That aren’t being taken I just changed the goal post to something only I can do so if my team decides to play frosty the cum ball jungler I can still won
tbh comebacks really depends on the role, since the jgl role is the most impactful in the game it's easier to comeback when fed ,however me aside i've seen high elo adcs struggle even when being so ahead if their team is inting ( if ur against a fed eve/ kayn / fizz ..etc)
It's actually kind of the opposite. As adc you can just play weakside and farm up. Let your supp impact the map and all that jazz. As a jungler against a better team viego would not have gotten a single buff and been completely fcked out of the game super hard without the slightest bit of counterplay. But coming back from those kinds of things only really works in low elo anyways.
depends on your adc pick into what on the other team is ahead, if you are a twitch adc and they have a rengar with a lead then yes you are gonna struggle as twitch can't really do anything about that champion and must make his lead or comeback while avoiding (which relys on waiting for a opportunity to present itself) As an adc main, the worse situation to get a comeback is when an assassin gets fed way earlier than you, it doesn't matter if you are trading even in lane if a katarina or zed have a strong lead, because every time they are not on map you are forced to play passive and not risk any plays. If you try to make any progress in lane and fed katarina was roaming lets be honest, the odds are highly against you since katarina has a very easy time deleting adcs faster than they can damage her in this situation
that's what i'm saying and not only katarina there is , eve , rengar, khazix, fizz , ekko , zed..etc even bruisers and mages like syndra , low skills requirement and can one shot if ahead , you find urself being oneshotted every fight and if u build defensive you do no dmg and that doesn't imply on twitch only , most adcs have little to no mobility, the role is garbage tbh unless your supp is really good and can peel u and help you shine (which is rarely the case), i swapped to mid and it's a whole other story most more impact , more fun yes laning phase is harder(wave management and counter matchups) but it's 10x better
Well if it's between me not having to go through pain for another 20 minutes or help 4 toxic pricks whilst getting roasted for 20 minutes then the answer is obvious
I don't agree, maybe in competitive play but I can't find the reason in staying in a miserable lost normals game where the 4 busted 400 years hypercarries on the enemy team delete you before you can press a button. Champs win for existing now and that's so cancer inducing you shouldn't expect anyone to just suffer when it's a game and is supposed to be fun
God, looking at those other 3 games, it's not like he was playing badly. I hate those games, where *you* do well but you still lose. Mad respect, Jim Boe is a braver man than I
Out of one comeback there will be 100 games that are just prolonging the inevitable. I prefer investing time spent playing 100 losing games on the games that are actually winnable.
I agree with your overall point, but let's be honest here. This is more of a testament to how fucking busted Veigo is as a champion than anything else.
EXACTLY MY THOUGHTS There's maybe 2-3 other champs who could pull this off, Kah, Graves, maybe Diana. Anyone else getting that far behind is a death sentence, also Sej never learned wave management, and mid was a Gold elo Azir.
glad you showed this, i hate this "ff 15 "culture so much, every game is winnable, especially in bronze. It becomes unwinnable, when your team has already given up inside their head
@@billyjoe8185 actually it is a major point that's missed, if the viego was playing a harder champ, he likely wouldn't have come back, also the only reason he was capable of recovering the game may have been the strength of the champ, not the player.
Where is I said FFing is a matter of many factors beyond what you listed and I would have required more information to make a decision. In contrast, it's annoying to have people refusing to surrender a game that is an inevitable loss because they lack the self-awareness to stop making mistakes but also refuse to FF.
i mean i get the narrative but what other jungler besides viego could do this, the champ is so busted and while he did get so far behind your mid and top laners played so bad that it didn't matter in the end
I've never seen such fragile morale as I do in League of Legends. They have so many come back mechanics in the game. It's like getting a blue shell and a bullet bill in Mario kart and people still give up.
as a part of the 71% that voted "going afk" I need remark 2 things 1. Viego by itself is OP as fuck 2. his team did an excelent job setting up the ganks, they let the enemy push like crazy and Viego got fed from easy ganks the game minus any of those 2 things was a lost game from minute 3 when they stole Viego's blue + gromp and killed Viego this is a 1/1,000,000th game, in most games when you fall behind like that, you stay behind for the rest of the game because most laners don't do shit for the jungler so yeah, I stand with my decision of going afk @ minute 3. I prefer to evade getting tilted and try again in a another game instead of staying to see if that 1/1,000,000th odd is in my favor
My team was once 12:30 in score at 15 minutes and my whole team wanted to FF but knowing I was playing an elo inflated champ (kayn) I didn’t want to surrender and the game went for 45-50 minute but we ended up winning hard as I could literally solo their entire team at full build
Bro that azir was trolling. He bought lissandries then a full morello and was working towards a zonyahas? And your sej is building like some sort of ap assassin build for some reason like wtf.
Now, you see, the truth is that the real event here was you being afflicted by the Solo Queue Curse. None of that would happen if Jim Boe was on your side of the team. Matter fact, he'd instantly type "/ff" at 15:00 and quit. "Tis but a myth, an illusion that can only happen on the enemy team. (Jokes aside, the problem with the poll is that a lot of people voted as go next as "wishing to go next", not really staright up giving up or quitting, so that is... Eh... A little bit of an artificial result.)
I absolutly hate FF 15 culture, almost any game is winnable, never give up especially in a ranked game. I know it's rage inducing when your teamaates act all high and mighty, flame and int but you gotta persist through it, just mute, do your best, and even if you lose remember that, in league of legends, Lp comes, and LP goes.
I agree. I had a yasou go 1/10 in lane vs yone. It was so bad our Warwick left around 10 minutes in and didn’t come back. We won a 4v5 with a fed yone on the enemy team. Imagine how often it’s winnable but you ff, leave, or just don’t try.
This was actually a cool video format. It was neat seeing Rav point out something legitimately good happen. Probably a hard video format to uphold with League of all games but it would be nice to see on occasion.
Never ffing gets me a win about 1/3rd of the time. At minimum it makes my games funner to play because I have time to scale and look for ways back in it.
Flattered to hear I'm in the 29%, but sad to know it's that wide a margin. Had games where I had to drag games to a win rather than accept the quick loss. Even the dude I sometimes duo with will throw the FF15 Flag when the laning phase was weak. Keep telling him, it's the mid/late game where we can turn it around. Attitude is a *huge* impact of these matches, despite being kicked on the ground and teammates INTing and Ragequitting
Giving up in normals is something more people should do. League is a very time consuming game, there is no point wasting your time unless the game is relatively even. If our team loses three fights in a row it’s just time to go next. However, since league is so time consuming I thing that trolls and leavers should be punished all the more severely. They are wasting on average 0,5h * 9 per game they ran down or left. In this game your behaviour affects 9 people other than yourself. That is why we should develop a culture of respect for other people and their time in league. Also, in ranked, if you ff you are a moron, because every game is winnable, everyone makes mistakes, so forfeiting in ranked is a bad idea. Also, if you get upset and troll your team in ranked you should get suspended, because you have not ruined just this game for everyone, you have also set them back for a couple of future games, because assuming they have about 50% win ratio they will take a long time regaining this lp
I agree with you. I don't think it's a big deal at all in normal. It's our time so we should be able t move on, but I 100% agree with you about ranked. If you're playing ranked you should be playing to win. I don't think a culture of ff15 exists, I think people just have weak mental tbh
Tbh 4/1 ff vote should go through at 15. I don't care about a single game and how you and your team threw. In the time I waste losing that game, I could go on and win 2 games.
@@Caffrey90 love when people say this. Lmao. I have a 55% winrate currently. I am statistically more likely to win the next game after losing one. So my point stands
@@Caffrey90 but you don't know what ELO I'm at nor do you know how much effort I put in. And it's funny because high ELO throws up ff votes more than low ELO and they actually go through. My point stands
@@Awesomeness785 Actually it still does not. Think about (and you don't really need to answer me here, just be honest with yourself) how many games you wanted (or someone from your team) wanted to FF15, that vote did not go through, and you end up winning it.
A Plat player playing a turbo broken champ in a normals game, vs silvers, low gold, and unranked, won a game, therefore people should not FF? That's just silly
By same logic those 1/10 powerspike yasuos are unsung heroes of this game. But yeah it does not matter if you get 0/2 or 0/3 behind when you pick stupid champion
Before I start watching this reminded me of the game that I ended it on yesterday. This aphelios started off well and my duo (who was supporting that aphelios) was actually surprised at how good he was. We left him once to fight for drag (it was infernal and we got it in exchange for losing two and only killing one). One of the two we lost was aphelios who solo dived bot. Yelled at my duo and left the game after going 0/1 like 15 minutes in. I checked his match history and he left at 0/1 for his last 13 games and left the team to play it out. Sometimes these people really make me wanna pull my hair out
Damn that's cringe. I'm not even an amazing ADC and I've pulled my head in and hardcarried like 25/8 after going 0/4 in the early game. Quitting after a single death is the hardest throw one could possibly do. Like seriously, especially if this is low-mid elo, what's one kill realistically going to give the enemy over you? A longsword? A pair of boots? It's not enough of an advantage to put you out of the lane, let alone the game.
Great Video, you gotta say that man really knew what he was doing on Viego. Anyway i love the sentiment of not giving up a game 15 minutes into it at least in low Elo where i reside since throws are more common than Yasuo deaths down here
Granted most people I’ve seen refuse to FF 15 just end up drawing a losing game that would be over in 15 into a losing game ending at 30 minutes behind by fourty kills
I don't surrender much and I definitely hate 'go next' mentality. I've taken games down 10 kills to 40+ minutes only to lose anyway, but dammit; I would probably still consider conceeding that Viego game. That is a truly heartbreaking start.
Also, huge shout out to Skooch for helping me with thumbnail title ideas as well as general youtube help recently. He's just an awesome dude so if you don't currently watch him, check him out here
waga baba bobo
Lol I remember that poll
I honestly kind of see myself in this dude. the thing that makes me rage the most is ffing. I literally never surrender.
Plz get subtitles!
Thank goodness this video's only 10-11 minutes long. I would have had to stop watching it, if it went about four minutes longer.
Riot should definetly bring back honoring opponents. Mad respects for the guy
Definitely. Sometimes enemydudes are so cool, its a shame one cant honor that.
It used to be used to honour enemies who fed super hard, eventually they'd show up as being honoured by enemies too much, which meant they fed and this would lead to toxic and negative behaviour toward them
@@dingdongs5208 was about to say that, yah they should not
@@thedew4435 yup, however, they should introduce being able to honour all teammates like its on wild rift, heck they should port the wild rift client over to pc. im holding on to hope that that is something they're planning to do for next pre-season!
my FIRST perma'd acc still rocks the HONORABLE OPPONENT legacy badge. :/
I would just like to say. Jim probably didn't have the nicest team either. didn't even get 3 honours for carrying them.
For real
they probably trash talk him all game
Praise the mute button
This is better story for viego than the sentinels one
dont care + ratio
@@EM-gc2eb what + what?
@@EM-gc2eb shut + up
@@EM-gc2eb I'm edgy lol go back to Twitter you twittard
@@EM-gc2eb edgy kid + ratio
It's actually insane. Compare this to any other team competition. Imagine a soccer game where the opposing team scores a goal at 15 minutes. Then your sweeper starts raging and yelling, tackling his own teammates, grabbing the ball with his hands, and trying to score an own goal as hard as he can.
That person would be carted off to a mental institution. But in a video game, everyone's just like "that's what happens".
this comment made me laugh harder than it should've well done lol
You missed the part where the International Soccer League offers that man a position as the face of their company.
Well you ever play a soccer game with the spoiled kids ball at school ? it kinds goes down like that.
It should be called out, mocked and shunned every single time.
It continues, because we allow it to continue. There aren't enough of us standing up against that kind of action.
We keep allowing excuses like 'But my team was bad'. We have to stand together and call it out. It doesn't belong in MOBAs.
@@theclimbto1 True but also Rito games feels too uncreative in this department
I feel compelled to mention that Graves not taking Viego's red after that start was basically charity.
yeah imagine Graves doing his job properly with counter jungling, perma-invading and feeding off Veigo on each encounter while Viego is 2-4 levels behind.
@@vskkdrnlol3441 oh yes. Because the bot lane would just watch. And Viego has already hard snowballed top lane and broke the bottom lane streak. And Rav said his mid was shit. So he would be on extreme disadvantage if perma invading
@@jos6290 he's a level up with 3 kills. The fuck is a pre 6 Kayle and heimer going to do to him, politely ask him to stop?
@@jos6290 level 3 mif was dead, top was a kayle shoved under tower. So the invade is free especially on graves who has 2 get out of jail free cards in his kit and a flash. Also rav on bot and hard winning was clearly ready to rotate so idk how viego ever got to farm a single camp bot against a fed graves. And you still have Kayle Heimerdinger lanes which makes it hard to do anything top as well
@@jos6290 Apart from the fact that vayne nami should never have prio against morgana ashe
SkillCapped next week: We sent Hector into Gold and had him purposely lose his first 2 jungle camps to show how you can come back from a bad start (if you're a challenger smurf)!
LMFAOOOOOOO this killed me
"We show why losing two camps and dying level 1 is actually a winning strategy pros are abusing"
I remember that they had a video where he was playing as ADC with losing team and he wasn't able to carry, so the whole point of the video turned out to be "ADCs suck, have fun, lul"
@@helgenlane i think that might be the video where hector was playing twitch?
@@brotendo Kai'sa, he also lost as Leona when doing the same challenge as support.
Riot and their BS of not reworking team-reliant roles. He literally fed 5 kills as Ryze mid while farming like a lobotomised donkey and still carried
"How does it feel to fight for a lost game?"
Jim Boe: "Euphoric."
A couple of years ago, when I started to main Nasus, I queued against a platinium Riven in a blind pick game, and Riven was clearly here to win and try hard, freezing the wave, bullying me, etc. I honestly just wanted to rage quit and ff, since I had no signs of my jungler nor my team. But I kept holding on, building tank and keep going to lane, getting a couple of minions with my E and Q while she had like 4 levels ahead of me. Later in the game, we had a Jinx that hard carry all of our teamfights, while I was the one to tank all the damages and slow the enemy for her. We ended up winning that game and the Riven just typed "gg honor Nasus, I would have ragequit."
Shout out to both you and Riven honestly. Great sportsmanship. Most people in her situation would've resorted to insults but she gave credit where credit is due
There is nothing more painful than being down 100 cs, 4 levels with no Q stacks as Nasus against a fed Riven, who counters your champ.
Not even joking I would’ve left even if it meant my account was perma banned, not worth seeing it through especially in blind pick.
@Technic to be fair, thats how you're supposed to play the matchup as riven.
I feel like all the comeback stories are because of inting or champs like veigo or nasus lmfao
@@AngbangCorp exactly. I hate when ppl typed “gg ez” after they won a game getting carried by their teammates whilst doing the bare minimum.
What IF the guy just thought: "Im playing viego, if an enemy dies im not a feeding fuck anymore"
yeah, not like viego isn't broken or nothing.
That’s why that game was winnable. Virgo just becomes the strongest enemy after that one gets hard focused and bursted down, Kayle and Vayne just have amazing scaling. If the roles were reversed and ravs team would have intend lv 1 that hard they should ff15. If you are behind by a lot and the enemy has scaling on they’re side just go next.
@@JB-ev8ju that is why this guy has 40% winrate on him.
Cause viego so broken.
@@Sylvine one persons wr doesnt show how bad a champ is?
@@hmm7867 Viego has a 47% winrate after the nerfs tho
Having 4 people ff a completely winnable game at 20 minutes is one of the most tilting things I've ever experienced
It happens so often...
Yup. It's even worse when I'm playing Ornn, and I KNOW that once I hit Level 14 and can start upgrading their Mythics... we get a fresh start. I've been on the winning side dozens of times after a horrible start, because we get to the late game, I'm upgrading mythics, and suddenly we're taking team fights and objectives.
But getting people there? Man, that's tough sometimes.
Back in the days of old Yorick I managed to get win a 1v5 and break a nexus tower, team was back up in 10sec to win the game, but they FF'd because we where 10 kills down and I actually cried.
What's just as bad for me is me ff-ing a completely lost cause, only to have the 4 idiots on my team say no.
Dude I literally had a .5 second difference from a win/loss one day, but people think 1 death is the final nail in the coffin for these things. Like I straight up cannot stand the "we lose next" mentality
Whenever I introduce a friend of mine to the game, I tell them 80% of playing is keeping your mental state, and 20% is the actual gameplay. It's like the game is designed to frustrate you, but approaching it like it is supposed to frustrate you and never getting frustrated is why I like playing the game so much. It makes every loss a win, in a sense.
Totally agree. It honestly feels like if whichever team has less babies on their team wins.
You can have the 20/0 Jungle that is hard carrying the game but because the ADC took Red he's up in arms and just starts inting.
Had an 0/5 Orianna try to take blue from our 8/3 Taliyah, so it was killed with smite. Ori then proceeded to Ult and then stand AFK there pinging the blue respawn timer. She didn't move until she got the next blue.
Enemy Jhin got fed because my Trist didn't realize she could just easily murder the Jhin (Heal) Senna (Cleanse) lane whenever she wanted, so she got poked out and killed a lot. The enemy Senna support tries to take red from the Kha'zix who just kills it with Q, so she flashes, ults, and then tries to steal his raptors. Eventually Trist realized her damage and came back, but I was losing my mind when my Hail of Blades full HP and mana Trist is just letting the half health Senna walk up to her. Trist didn't want to go in because "you haven't hit a root". Dude, Senna is half hp, slowed, and in range for you to W her while I shield and speed up you, just go in. Luckily I continued to play despite Trist annoying me, while Senna just lost it.
There are so many stories in low elo where whichever team doesn't rage quit wins it's unbelieveable, but people only see the high elo streamers who rage so that's all they know. Yeah, some games are just unwinnable, but most of us aren't in high elo where one mistake means defeat, so I would rather try to learn when slightly behind rather than just FF because I died once.
And that's a pretty bad advertisement for the game honestly. It means that you must endure and perservere every match to the end of times. Muting everyone improved the gameplay experience for me above everything else.
@@DemainaNyx I was duo'ing with one of my jungle pals and the enemy jg picked Kayn (she's a Kayn one trick), our bot lane dies to an early gank that she pinged and Kayn walked over 2 wards, then she spent the rest of the game flaming our bot lane and AFK'ing in base. Like bro, we're in gold. They took a 15min inhib, we have a free source of farm and a decent win condition. Fucking ego players, man
As a developer, I'm blown away cuz you basically described programming
@@DemainaNyx actually i like having flamers, they tend to play better, especially when you help em
These guys don't know the joy and satisfaction of winning a hard game with the enemy team trash talking in all chat thinking they've won just for them to totally throw.
if it stretches out that long i'd rather leave than see it through. Waste of time
the bratty team that started winning then throwing has some of the worst toxidity in chat. i have chat muted but after a hard game and come back you see a wall of red flames in post game and is it any wonder they lost
As good as it is to happen more frequently, it still has its draw backs like letting it drag on to a 50min game where the enemy was just playing with you for the last 30min. Dunno how but it happen frequently here in my server that i really started to hate having games longer than 25min cause its very common to not surrender even as the enemy came into the base and just destroyed the nexus tower as they taunt at us as they extend the game to gi longer and then you have flamers whuch can be done with mute all tho you really hsve to do it in every game cause this kind of scenario almost always happens. As good as to have hard games, havibg it all the time would just maje each game dreadful and stressing to think that your gonna lose in another hard and extended match. So better wish that there would be a balance to this kind of stuff.
@@risingdawn6510 yeah i mean I agree but the enemy ''playing with you'' is one of the reasons this actually happens lol. And if your team is on the same page as you then it's a really good experience to the point that I wanted to queue again with those teammates on another game.
Not saying this is good everytime, but the people that have a FF 15 mentality just don't get to experience these games.
@@alexrowe7063 it really is better to just ff 15 or 20 if everyone is tilted. You can move onto next game and get your lp back, but if youre ffing at 30 min+ the fuck did we even refuse 20 min vote for?
I just want to thank you for spreading this kind of positive attitude. League really becomes a different game if you get people to just play it, instead of looking for comfort and giving up in front of any difficulty.
You know Rav doesn't play support much when it's 26 minutes in with an upgraded support item and still no sweeper
Rav doesn't seem to love warding, but it's okay, he'll get there
@@judit5173 probably one of the reasons he still gold, no seriously warding can actually win you more games than you think JUST BUY SOME PINKS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
@@youneskasdi true but even as a supo main sometimes i just totally slip out of my head that i have to ward, since i play shaco supp im always like "wards?? Huh i only know boxes" but i always forget that boxes doesnt give the vision score, tho its pretty effective to help win the game
@@summonersriftgarbage4426 It's stupid that traps don't count towards vision score, or Heimer, Teemo, Shaco, Cait, Nid, and Zyra would be slapping the charts
@@ReikerForge that would be pretty illegal, imagine knowing everytime u take a box u give one more step toward the S rank and lose half ur health... that would feel horrible
i hate ffing in general tbh. I've won games where my nexus was open multiple times, but people literally start crying if they aren't carrying the game so it just ruins the whole experience.
I'm not sure if Dota2 has the surrender option nowadays, but back when I played it it didn't. Sometimes it resulted in the enemy team holding you hostage for a long time by not finishing and just goofing around while still not letting you do anything meaningful. It resulted in very cathartic surprise victories sometimes when they made enough mistakes while goofing around, and those games in general were quite rare for me.
In League, it felt that more than half of my ranked losses were only because of the "give up" mentality without letting the match to progress to a point where an actual result could be seen. I'd rather take the Dota2 option any day
Those games are rare, I rather not play a game when I have first time senna adc with first time yummi support who fed master yi 3 kills under 5 minutes. Not winable.
"Really you chose that champ support? I'm done. FF15." - Jungler who did 10k damage vs my 25k damage support in a game where the jungler single handedly lost us the game early on then proceeded to flame tilt off the face of the planet when we wouldn't early surrender.
dont care + ratio
@@EM-gc2eb ratio'd yourself kek
funny how the shitters who ruin games always go "haha idc if we lose, i have 3-5 more accounts" can't believe how many times i've read it in my games lately
@@mimmikyu4452 omg that’s literally the worst I see that all the time in my games
When it comes to supp cc is more important than dmg
I laughed so hard at the amazing lines delivered throughout the video. Jim is an inspiration to us all.
So many teams give up at the earliest kill difference and don't realize that some matches put them against early game composition that you can easily outscale 20 minutes from there.
70% of people playing league of legends are infantile. all elos. especially adcs and midlaners, like if you don't spoonfeed them kills, they get mad and int or afk. if you get them kills they will get cocky and throw. it is a nightmare
@@zsofiszakacs3876 Everyone is infantile in their own sense. I think, as a person that literally tries to swap every jungle game I am autofilled into, bcs I suck at it, that junglers (at least the ones that main the role) are the most tilt proof, bcs they obtain most bullsh*t thruout the game. Every lane lost is jungler fault etc.
Toplaneners are always pinging jungler, midlaners too, botlaneners are blaming eachother most of the time. But yeah, the reason why adc's are probably most proned towards the "ff15" culture is because they can't farm and without gold there is nothing they can do. So they feel that the game is over the moment they fall behind and some don't want to be bored hole game so they afk or somethink
This just made my day. Big thanks to Rav for posting this and the CHAD Jim Boe for his efforts in improving League.
I've got one for you- We had a 2/17 fiora, a 1/14 olaf, and a 1/17 blitzcrank. This team had at least 3x as many reasons to ff as most do, and we still won that game.
Hecking heck how did you do that??
@@BEESKIT800 they believed
Yuumi was 48/4
THANK YOU. Someone finally said it. I've always hated this about league, and it's nice to finally have a known name agree
What u mean finally? Rav and ppl like him constantly whine about it
"Do you want to loose your game immediately or actually play the f game ?" people behave like they deserve to win as soon as they enter the game without any efforts
@@Pygmay you gotta love seeing some people comments here, whining about playing lost games ,riot should have removed ff long time ago, it’s just ruining the game experience
@@APerson-cw8dy I love it when my team wants to surrender and then we win, then you can say that those who voted "No" actually carried the game even if they are 0/10, without them we would have lost
@@Pygmay actually true !
Why would anyone quit this game? It's literally silver elo and your opponents will 90% missplay this
The problem is that we are silver as well
@@albertofuzzi7200 lmao
Is it possible to win every game? No.
Is it possible every game for your opponents to throw their lead? Absolutely.
Because quitters are also silver, genius :D
@@ohlookachime Absolutely delusional. Lol. The possibility of either of those things is a flat zero percent. If the latter was possible, then the former would be true. Your optimal chances of a comeback would be 50%, your likely chances are cut to 17%. If silver and gold players would throw their lead against those at their same skill level, the stats would be different. But they aren't. Most games are a lost cause, but close to a 20% chance of turning things around means you should still fight it out.
This reminds me of the proudest game I've ever played which was 2weeks ago, i was playing samira and we were hard losing, i was the only fed person on the team and my whole team just wanted to give up.
Even as they were hitting our nexus i kept telling them that its not over until our nexus is destroyed. Top, mid and jungle wanted to ff, but my supported did his job and actually supported me morally and in the game (not premade btw). I ended up carrying and we went from a half health nexus and 0 towers to winning the whole game.
I still have that support on my friends list to remind me of that amazing game.
This is one of the reasons I stopped playing League, the amount of people that start a game and then want to surrender already 5 minutes in are way too many. And then when you get to 15, and 2 people vote no, half of the time they troll and start complaining ''WhY nO SuRr IS JuSt a wAsTe oF TimE'' not realizing they're legitimately the reason why we're not winning anymore.
Most of the time I just give in, if they’re feeding they’re just going to int harder, then again I don’t play ranked so there’s no consequence besides time wasting if I lose.
No reason to see it through as even if you won it’s not satisfying to know some useless brainlet got a victory as well and is currently spamming “ez, (x lane) gap” acting like he did more than 14k damage in 45 minutes.
except the vast majority of those matches are lost causes, in ranked you can tell pretty early on if your gona lose or not, why they are so quick to FF early after a early double/triple kill in a lot of cases. of course theres always a slight chance you will turn the match around BUT those are so few and far between that you have a better chance at winning 20 bucks from a lotto ticket than to turn matches around in solo que on the reg. its even worse for normals, i 100% understand why people want to surrender most of the time. when the match is not fun anymore and you getting camped hard and your jg is avoiding your lane while their top/jg are tower diving you constantly you will want to leave... BUT you cannot for if you do your gona get banned, so your forced to stay in a match that could very well go on for 30-55mins only to lose and be a complete waste of your time.
then you get those 2 assholes who vote no either out of spite or because they are selfish and wana play it out when its clear the majority want out. at that point i just ignore the team and just farm till the enemy wins, just to save myself 8+ mins of annoyance.
and that is not a community issue it is an issue with the design of the game its self. from the new champions being so over-tuned and op, to old champions getting nerfed into the ground being nearly worthless in current meta *cough* viktor *cough* to the fact that your stuck in a horrible match thats just miserable to play. league needs a re-que system so if you leave you wont get banned but instead replaced by someone who qued top like you did, they will gain lvls on average to what your groups lvls are as well as an amount of gold you should have by that point. with draft pick this could easily be done, just add a 30min wait timer as a soft punishment for leaving like that.
league is fun when your in a 5 man pre-made, but as a solo que its fucking awful and a lot of your matches in normals are just a nightmare to deal with.
@@ninvusoogoar6098 When I played ranked it felt more than half my losses were just because my team decided that the even match is lost for some reason and surrendered. I've learned to hate the entire surrender mechanic because of this. People just simply don't seem to able to consider the full picture and only make selfish decisions based on their personal game not going well enough
Back when I played Dota2, which didn't have the surrender, the opposite problem of the enemy team holding you hostage in the match was way less prominent and even resulted in suprise victories every now and then so I'd pick that option every time
@@houndofculann1793 good for you, however... the solution to this is simple.. add a que system to league. look what makes league so toxic is A) you cannot leave for any reason without a high chance of losing your whole account! B) when your not having a good time the game is really painful C) people refuse to surrender even when the match is obviously lost. now (C) happens a lot more than people think, and yes you CAN 100% turn around a good portion of games. however that is not often the case and what should of been a 15-20min FF turns into a 45 min game were your team can hold them back for a time but you are unable to push the lanes to their base.
the que system would fix a lot of these issues, have a toxic yasuo player who is feeding on purpose? group can vote to kick them and if the vote passes a special ticket is made and sent off for review to see if the kicked person deserves a ban or just had a bad game. it would allow people to leave groups who refuse to surrender or if the team is really bad you can leave and have a 5-10min wait time before you can que again.
if someone leaves say in draft top left due to having an issue with their kids and has to go. they can leave and someone else whos waiting in que as a solo que top laner can join the match and gain extra exp and blue points for joining an active game. once inside of the game they get gold and exp scaling based on a median of what their group has and based off of what they SHOULD have normally by X time in the match.
all of which can be easily done, we know how much gold one usually has by the 10min mark on average and this system wouldnt solve all toxicity in league but it would certainly take a huge chunk out of it.
in MMOs some pvp is instanced and you get taken to an arena team fight for goals. if you get stuck with a really bad team who only wants to focus on kills instead of objectives you can just leave and someone will fill your place and you have to wait several mins before you can get a new match. this can 100% work for leagues draft pick and not so much blind pick.
@@ninvusoogoar6098 for (at least most) non-ranked modes that might be a workable idea. But I think a system like this would negatively affect ranked matches too much since people tend to adjust their builds according to both their and the enemy's team comp, so a queue system like this suddenly changing the team comp could be quite a bomb for one or both teams.
The other option of keeping the champ but changing the player is probably even worse as that has the very probable risk of forcing players on champs that they have no idea how to play.
In addition many players, me included, absolutely loathe having to jump in ongoing matches. I'm playing to learn and be better and hopefully have fun while at it, throwing me in the middle of a match where the early game is already over robs me much of the initiative to practice my own game.
So to make a quick resume of the game: Don't quit and play 200 years champs like viego.
And possibly smurf
@@xdlimao Long time players all have stories like that, i won a game and was more impactfull then the enemy jungler when i forgot smite on old evelynn. But In this video context (and many other games) the real gap is in champions, not players.
@@CcReap3r Never said there is no player based good/bad decisions or that the entire outcome of the match was decided solely by the champion. But, some champion are overpower; having numbers too strong in their kit that need to be tuned down or broken; their mechanic or how their abilities actually work are unfair, hard to play around or hard to balance. If tristana add more damage to her E, she would be Overpowered. But viego's kit is broken, no matter the numbers, he could be super weak, the broken condition on his kit would still apply by definition. Overpower and broken are too different things that the players just mix together, but broken and overpowered are by definition two very different state.
With that being said, on a player based decision: the viego played very well and kept composure, considering he was getting invaded hard. Rav's team probably did not play around viego toward the end, but it was too late, viego healing and invulnerability makes it harder too kill by nature of his kit. In this video, instead of flaming him for being bad, he praise him and it's really fun to see the rav commentary to be reversed.
A gap does not mean; the only reason. It's a big chunk, because the champion being what he is makes it "easier" for that kind of outcome. The only and first time I played viego, I got a pentakill, so yeah.
imagine if that was an udyr and not viego lol
@@pool5863 Legit would not have been able to to that. Udyr is also a broken champ, because he's old. All he does is empowering Auto-attacks and get faster. If he get a little buff he get "too strong" or too annoying to deal with, like we saw some time ago. I really don't understand why riot stopped their rework so hard, so many champs are in need of one.
This is why I literally never quit or surrender any game. Even if we're dead losing and there's no hope. Eventually that mentality will bleed into your life and you will never finish anything of importance because it got too hard for you.
No thanks, I'd rather not be held hostage in a 45+ minute game because you think we can pull back from a 30 kill spread. Learn when to bow out and go next.
True, enemies get too cocky, they're not paying attention to they're towers and base.
But it's DAMN HARD to keep a positive mental in this game
@@thelordofthelostbraincells what are you gonna do to these enemies? Kill them?
@@TheNerd4565 you mean in the game, right?
@@thelordofthelostbraincells ....
Proud of being part of that 29% :)
And I also knew that Viego is a stupid broken champ that get strong for no reason late game,that's why I wouldn't quit lol
Who cares if you're weak when all you need is your teammates to kill the fed person on the enemy team so you can become the fed person.
@@Bl4ckDr4co >When all you need is your teammates
Sadly League is so toxic, it's a teamgame where you have to mentally prepare for "I can't rely on anyone, my teammates will be garbage by default."
Omega Chad!
3 ways to lose a game you feed extremely hard, your team feeds really hard, or your team gets really fed and over stays and gets their shits kicked in when an objective like elder drag or baron spawns
Really fed and over-extending happens to me a lot, I genuinely get surprised when 50-18 becomes 62-60.
@@conscripthornet4430 low elo brains go brrrrrrrrr thats how
@@conscripthornet4430 the enemies ego ruin them, i can't count the amount of matches i won as yummi with my feed allie just running down onto the enemy team so i can 5 man ult them while my jungler steals the elder they we're doing so my feed allie can get a penta out of just elder execute.
Such an inspiration, Joe will be remembered
Comparing this game in 2012 to 2022 clearly shows how, in just a decade, the next generation of gamers have become _incredibly_ fragile.
I feel sorry for the Graves. Top and Mid where probably screeching jungle diff all game.
My Yummi started to feed because we didn't kill the enemy ADC lvl 2 and then complained about my champion reloading (Jhin).
It's Viego though, like he's a manaless, scaling, carry jg, good luck doing that on every champ.
All the man has to do is possess you to get your items, champ, percent missing health and, a refreshed ult.
He’s basically designed for comebacks like this.
I love how rav is slowly overcoming his trauma of back seat driver bullys and standing up to them more in each video 🤣
One game I got invaded by the enemy yi and his botlane as eve, died and got my blue side stollen. I died to him again, then farmed and killed him because he was being greedy and kept oneshotting him throughout the game. With shutdowns it's so ridiculously easy to make a comeback especially as a scaling champ but most league players have perma period
You're a good player. Knowing how the game works and understanding enough to win from losing positions, even if you're not challenger, you're still a good player.
@@X33Ultras0und this isn't even deep game knowledge just abusing a broken system
At some point in LoL I stopped caring about wins and started specifically going for turrets and kills. Even if we’re 100% screwed 3 players AFK I still play because those are kills That aren’t being taken
I just changed the goal post to something only I can do so if my team decides to play frosty the cum ball jungler I can still won
tbh comebacks really depends on the role, since the jgl role is the most impactful in the game it's easier to comeback when fed ,however me aside i've seen high elo adcs struggle even when being so ahead if their team is inting ( if ur against a fed eve/ kayn / fizz ..etc)
It's actually kind of the opposite. As adc you can just play weakside and farm up. Let your supp impact the map and all that jazz. As a jungler against a better team viego would not have gotten a single buff and been completely fcked out of the game super hard without the slightest bit of counterplay. But coming back from those kinds of things only really works in low elo anyways.
depends on your adc pick into what on the other team is ahead, if you are a twitch adc and they have a rengar with a lead then yes you are gonna struggle as twitch can't really do anything about that champion and must make his lead or comeback while avoiding (which relys on waiting for a opportunity to present itself)
As an adc main, the worse situation to get a comeback is when an assassin gets fed way earlier than you, it doesn't matter if you are trading even in lane if a katarina or zed have a strong lead, because every time they are not on map you are forced to play passive and not risk any plays. If you try to make any progress in lane and fed katarina was roaming lets be honest, the odds are highly against you since katarina has a very easy time deleting adcs faster than they can damage her in this situation
that's what i'm saying and not only katarina there is , eve , rengar, khazix, fizz , ekko , zed..etc even bruisers and mages like syndra , low skills requirement and can one shot if ahead , you find urself being oneshotted every fight and if u build defensive you do no dmg and that doesn't imply on twitch only , most adcs have little to no mobility, the role is garbage tbh unless your supp is really good and can peel u and help you shine (which is rarely the case), i swapped to mid and it's a whole other story most more impact , more fun yes laning phase is harder(wave management and counter matchups) but it's 10x better
Riot should make an ff queue where those who always ff 15 play together and those who dont play together
You know its ff15 when nasus have 500 stacks while he is lv 15 at 9 mins and while my team is lv 9 and 8
Quite impossible.
To be fair I think allot of us poll-voters thought the camp got stolen away by a teammate, that would be a quit for me
objectively, if the camp was stolen by your own teammate though that would be a better situation for your odds of winning than if enemy stole it
Well if it's between me not having to go through pain for another 20 minutes or help 4 toxic pricks whilst getting roasted for 20 minutes then the answer is obvious
Rav's relationship with his wife provides some good indirect commentary, I love it.
This might be your most important video yet. It's a sad reality that most of the community has close to zero tolerance to frustration u u
I don't agree, maybe in competitive play but I can't find the reason in staying in a miserable lost normals game where the 4 busted 400 years hypercarries on the enemy team delete you before you can press a button. Champs win for existing now and that's so cancer inducing you shouldn't expect anyone to just suffer when it's a game and is supposed to be fun
This has inspired me...
To ban Viego
They should make a thing where if u ff ur account is blocked to play for like an hour. Forcing u to take a break
God, looking at those other 3 games, it's not like he was playing badly. I hate those games, where *you* do well but you still lose. Mad respect, Jim Boe is a braver man than I
Out of one comeback there will be 100 games that are just prolonging the inevitable.
I prefer investing time spent playing 100 losing games on the games that are actually winnable.
I agree with your overall point, but let's be honest here. This is more of a testament to how fucking busted Veigo is as a champion than anything else.
There's maybe 2-3 other champs who could pull this off, Kah, Graves, maybe Diana. Anyone else getting that far behind is a death sentence, also Sej never learned wave management, and mid was a Gold elo Azir.
This is only possible if you're playing one of Riot's worst design failures.
Rav, this is by far your best video yet. It tells a real, relatable story.
I literally have my name as "FF 15 TY". I'm sorry.
Wow am I really in the 30% of players who play the game for fun?
Viego not playing for fun, he’s competing. People playing for fun ruin the game.
glad you showed this, i hate this "ff 15 "culture so much, every game is winnable, especially in bronze. It becomes unwinnable, when your team has already given up inside their head
Finally someone uses the polls for something useful other than “FiND ThE FuLL mOoN”
Moral of the story: Viego is overpowered as fuck and needs nerfs asap.
is viego balanced now? you forgot to mention the reason he came back is he's playing fair and balanced viego.
He came back because he did his job properly as a jungler and ganked the over extending sejuani
He came back because graves had no idea what he was doing and seju was hard inting. viego being imba helps carry the game from that point tho
That isn't the point of this video, he played better than the Graves who had a giant lead on him
@@billyjoe8185 actually it is a major point that's missed, if the viego was playing a harder champ, he likely wouldn't have come back, also the only reason he was capable of recovering the game may have been the strength of the champ, not the player.
shout out to the Mr. Smith goes to Washington clip at 2:55 that made my day
I already hit the like after I have seen the title. Damn relatable.
I've actually had this happen 2 times while playing jg this season. I didn't give up. Once won, once inted like a moron.
This is one of your best Vids for ages!
Weird cuz I'm pretty sure the "feed for 10 minutes straight and then hold everyone hostage and refuse to surrender" people are ruining the game
Where is I said FFing is a matter of many factors beyond what you listed and I would have required more information to make a decision. In contrast, it's annoying to have people refusing to surrender a game that is an inevitable loss because they lack the self-awareness to stop making mistakes but also refuse to FF.
i mean i get the narrative but what other jungler besides viego could do this, the champ is so busted and while he did get so far behind your mid and top laners played so bad that it didn't matter in the end
I've never seen such fragile morale as I do in League of Legends.
They have so many come back mechanics in the game.
It's like getting a blue shell and a bullet bill in Mario kart and people still give up.
>They have so many come back mechanics in the game.
Like what? Enemy team suddenly dropping 20 points in their IQ?
I think that's the whole point of riot's 200 years champions ,they do have more ways than the average league champ to comeback from a game
as a part of the 71% that voted "going afk" I need remark 2 things
1. Viego by itself is OP as fuck
2. his team did an excelent job setting up the ganks, they let the enemy push like crazy and Viego got fed from easy ganks
the game minus any of those 2 things was a lost game from minute 3 when they stole Viego's blue + gromp and killed Viego
this is a 1/1,000,000th game, in most games when you fall behind like that, you stay behind for the rest of the game because most laners don't do shit for the jungler
so yeah, I stand with my decision of going afk @ minute 3. I prefer to evade getting tilted and try again in a another game instead of staying to see if that 1/1,000,000th odd is in my favor
I love that Vayne Cleanse at 4:12 😂
Everyone: this is proof that u should not surrender
Me: it has just proove me that Viego is broken...
My team was once 12:30 in score at 15 minutes and my whole team wanted to FF but knowing I was playing an elo inflated champ (kayn) I didn’t want to surrender and the game went for 45-50 minute but we ended up winning hard as I could literally solo their entire team at full build
Bro that azir was trolling. He bought lissandries then a full morello and was working towards a zonyahas? And your sej is building like some sort of ap assassin build for some reason like wtf.
Now, you see, the truth is that the real event here was you being afflicted by the Solo Queue Curse. None of that would happen if Jim Boe was on your side of the team. Matter fact, he'd instantly type "/ff" at 15:00 and quit. "Tis but a myth, an illusion that can only happen on the enemy team.
(Jokes aside, the problem with the poll is that a lot of people voted as go next as "wishing to go next", not really staright up giving up or quitting, so that is... Eh... A little bit of an artificial result.)
I absolutly hate FF 15 culture, almost any game is winnable, never give up especially in a ranked game. I know it's rage inducing when your teamaates act all high and mighty, flame and int but you gotta persist through it, just mute, do your best, and even if you lose remember that, in league of legends, Lp comes, and LP goes.
i mean this is gold elo graves didn't even punish him this just proves any game is winnable in low elo.
This is the first time I actually kinda rooted for the enemy
I agree. I had a yasou go 1/10 in lane vs yone. It was so bad our Warwick left around 10 minutes in and didn’t come back. We won a 4v5 with a fed yone on the enemy team. Imagine how often it’s winnable but you ff, leave, or just don’t try.
Lol wtf my game was 20-1 for enemys still no ff15... sometimes yes but that one was lost since min 15 (they said maybe all enemys DC)
This was actually a cool video format. It was neat seeing Rav point out something legitimately good happen. Probably a hard video format to uphold with League of all games but it would be nice to see on occasion.
never ff-ing maybe gets you 1 out of 10 wins but at the cost of those 10 games taking 15-20 min longer, fuck this mentality
FF mentality is worse. You don't learn anything by ffing a match nothing at all.
Never ffing gets me a win about 1/3rd of the time. At minimum it makes my games funner to play because I have time to scale and look for ways back in it.
Hey I'm in the intro of the video!
Flattered to hear I'm in the 29%, but sad to know it's that wide a margin. Had games where I had to drag games to a win rather than accept the quick loss. Even the dude I sometimes duo with will throw the FF15 Flag when the laning phase was weak. Keep telling him, it's the mid/late game where we can turn it around. Attitude is a *huge* impact of these matches, despite being kicked on the ground and teammates INTing and Ragequitting
Giving up in normals is something more people should do. League is a very time consuming game, there is no point wasting your time unless the game is relatively even. If our team loses three fights in a row it’s just time to go next. However, since league is so time consuming I thing that trolls and leavers should be punished all the more severely. They are wasting on average 0,5h * 9 per game they ran down or left. In this game your behaviour affects 9 people other than yourself. That is why we should develop a culture of respect for other people and their time in league. Also, in ranked, if you ff you are a moron, because every game is winnable, everyone makes mistakes, so forfeiting in ranked is a bad idea. Also, if you get upset and troll your team in ranked you should get suspended, because you have not ruined just this game for everyone, you have also set them back for a couple of future games, because assuming they have about 50% win ratio they will take a long time regaining this lp
I agree with you. I don't think it's a big deal at all in normal. It's our time so we should be able t move on, but I 100% agree with you about ranked. If you're playing ranked you should be playing to win. I don't think a culture of ff15 exists, I think people just have weak mental tbh
Tbh 4/1 ff vote should go through at 15. I don't care about a single game and how you and your team threw. In the time I waste losing that game, I could go on and win 2 games.
No you wouldn't. Not with that mentality.
@@Caffrey90 love when people say this. Lmao. I have a 55% winrate currently. I am statistically more likely to win the next game after losing one. So my point stands
@@Awesomeness785 up to certain Elo. Then it happens more often that you might need to put more effort into winning a game.
@@Caffrey90 but you don't know what ELO I'm at nor do you know how much effort I put in. And it's funny because high ELO throws up ff votes more than low ELO and they actually go through. My point stands
@@Awesomeness785 Actually it still does not. Think about (and you don't really need to answer me here, just be honest with yourself) how many games you wanted (or someone from your team) wanted to FF15, that vote did not go through, and you end up winning it.
to be fair... you didn't mention we where viego in the poll
A Plat player playing a turbo broken champ in a normals game, vs silvers, low gold, and unranked, won a game, therefore people should not FF?
That's just silly
I feel sad that there was no RAID: Shadow Legends ad :(
By same logic those 1/10 powerspike yasuos are unsung heroes of this game. But yeah it does not matter if you get 0/2 or 0/3 behind when you pick stupid champion
Before I start watching this reminded me of the game that I ended it on yesterday. This aphelios started off well and my duo (who was supporting that aphelios) was actually surprised at how good he was. We left him once to fight for drag (it was infernal and we got it in exchange for losing two and only killing one). One of the two we lost was aphelios who solo dived bot. Yelled at my duo and left the game after going 0/1 like 15 minutes in. I checked his match history and he left at 0/1 for his last 13 games and left the team to play it out. Sometimes these people really make me wanna pull my hair out
Damn that's cringe. I'm not even an amazing ADC and I've pulled my head in and hardcarried like 25/8 after going 0/4 in the early game. Quitting after a single death is the hardest throw one could possibly do. Like seriously, especially if this is low-mid elo, what's one kill realistically going to give the enemy over you? A longsword? A pair of boots? It's not enough of an advantage to put you out of the lane, let alone the game.
FFing at 15 in a normal game is completely fine but never in ranked.
I remember when you did that poll. I was part of the 29% go me
preach it Rav! People that give up in any kind of game don't deserve a chance to play another
Great Video, you gotta say that man really knew what he was doing on Viego. Anyway i love the sentiment of not giving up a game 15 minutes into it at least in low Elo where i reside since throws are more common than Yasuo deaths down here
This was amazing and I have a firm belief in this same mentality.
A man of commitment, dedication and sheer will.
The number of games I have won, just by being the only one to disagree to a 15 minute FF.
Granted most people I’ve seen refuse to FF 15 just end up drawing a losing game that would be over in 15 into a losing game ending at 30 minutes behind by fourty kills
My top laner gave up after I ganked mid and bot only and didn't visit his lane yet. It was 4 minutes into the game..
This now my second favorite league video after pianta's ''is this game winnable?''.
in wildrift, surr-5 is a thing right now. where when enemy team lead like 1k gold, no drake and herald, its a guarantee lose
I don't surrender much and I definitely hate 'go next' mentality. I've taken games down 10 kills to 40+ minutes only to lose anyway, but dammit; I would probably still consider conceeding that Viego game. That is a truly heartbreaking start.