@@Xqvvzts I believe the exact point where they knew it was the real Rav was when he said "more typing took place than a f***ing scribe at the OJ simpson hearing" which is Rav's trademark humor.
Check out his boosted Betty channel, there was a kayn that kept saying FF and GG every time he died so Rav had to mute him which he hasn’t done before.
i'm a bit curious if the 2 of them bickered like that since they knew they would wind up on youtube when they saw Rav in the lobby. I don't understand how Rav has kept sane with some of these teammates or started hiring hits on people.
Man Rav you have really found a genius way to relieve tilt, it sure as hell won't change the toxicity in game but it's definitely funny af lol. I can see a potential new video series coming out of this lmao.
idk what worse: 1. how accurate this is since it happened to me literaly 30 minutes before i saw this 2.why are people pissin themselves over a video game
This is what happens when you take a random population of people from the whole. You end up with mostly idiots. You can thank modern medicine, technology, and social structures for allowing people without working brain cells to perpetually reproduce.
Because they having nothing else in life that brings them joy. They have a shit job, maybe live at home, no partner. Barely even existing. So they hop on soloqueue, try to get a scrap of self confidence back from winning a game of league just to blame everything on another player. Just like they do in real life. Because everything in their lives is someone else's fault!
If you were to just post a zoomed-in video of only the chatting that happened all game, I would literally get some popcorn and watch it entirely. Btw, nice ad again, keep these up, they're great.
Varus really saying things like “I wasn’t typing that much” and “Rammus was mad first” after the game. Like bro I don’t even know how these guys are Gold elo. They look like Bronze. Being an ADC you need to CS and Kite. Those are the main concepts of the role and Varus couldn’t do either. He should switch roles and lower his elo.
Bruh it's not even like his 'kite' was bad. It didn't even exist. The Varus Bot that Riot physically fucking programmed moves more than he did in teamfights. Idk how that man got within a mile of gold
Adc should think of survivng first coz if they die they are fked lose cs and then fall behind unlike some other champs like sett he could kill solo even with 1 cs.
this is skill capped syndrome Skill capped: "you should farm even if your teammates are inting, there's not much you can change about the fights but if you push waves and maximise your income you'll get to a point where you can carry the game just because it's low elo and you're the only one farming well" viewers: "so you're saying I shouldn't rotate to scuttle when I have bot prio and the enemy bot is half HP? cool, I won't"
@@jansettler4828 well their free content on youtube is better than most educational league on youtube, since it's always concise example based lessons on different subjects, it is true though that the not everything they teach is put into use properly by their fanbase
Now that I spend less time in summoners rift and more time in TFT, my mental health has boosted tremendously, I started working out more, and I am more confident in myself.
Yup, this is a story we can all relate too, when two can't just stfu and play and by the end of the game three people are super pissed off about the two who both blame each other for the way the game went
He is a moron for standing still, sure. But, let's give him a break when 1v1 with ashe. I mean, you can't dodge her W, you can't dodge her AA's. But standing still next to enemy turret when thresh is there to hook you... That was just painful.
not just when he has 3 stacks my man will stop using abilitys wenever he enters in a teamfight, y'know you can do that when playng jinx, kog'maw, kalista, twitch, tristana and vayne, not when you're playng a fucking ability based champ, fuck he wasn't even using a AA build
Varus is that guy who looked one video on how to play adc, saw he must farm and thinks he only need to do that. I have teamate similar to that, enemy adc got doublekill, he said game is lost cause he will miss canon wave.
That velkoz actually played rlly well, everytime you showed him on screen he landed at least ⅔ of his skill shots. Sad that he go put with that varus tho.
The Varus can't even kite dude it was hurting my brain and it would hurt even more every time he complains. I admit im just average but how can you have an ego when you're actual trash at the game.
As a Support main that Varus has what is known as "ADC syndrome", or to refer it by its medical name "I Thinkus Thisiss Still Season 7-itis." The most noticeable syndrome of this disease is a massively inflated sense of self-worth based on the misconception that being fed as an ADC means you can actually get kills instead of getting one-shot by an assassin or juggernaut. Although being unable to attack move (known as "I'm Used To Having a Lulu-itis") and being unable to kill minions uncontested are very common side symptoms. Rammus suffers from "Autofilled Support Syndrome" which is contracted by being autofilled Support or Jungle too many times. It makes you extremely susceptible to rage when seeing entitled players blame others for their mistakes which causes extremely flame within the fingers as well as the anus region.
/mute all very underrated. Once you decide you arent bothered to know anything your "teammates" have to say during the game, theres no going back. No pings, nothing. You wont flame and cant be flamed. Life is good. I will go as far as to say that chat should be removed from the game and the pings should be redone.
Yeah, it's very seldom anything useful gets typed in chat, so mute all is a good idea. Muting all pings is a terrible idea though, sadly. I just wish people couldn't abuse pings so easily. Having a question mark ping sucks, as does allowing someone to ping so many times in a short time window. I usually mute pings on a case-by-case basis, since they are a pretty important form of communication when idiots aren't spamming them incorrectly.
Rav you Intelligent Beast. Your use of alliteration is second to none and 7/10 video have me in tears laughing so hard. You and everyone else involved should pat themselves on the back for such amazing content. If you keep making it, my ilk and I will keep enjoying it.
My last game yesterday in plat 4. My support pick swain, despite booking swain before(I play him apc). I guess he want to swap, so I asked him if thresh is ok. He said so I picked him, but later he refuse to swap. So I started play ad tresh, we somehow even manage to win early game... ,but at end we lose game. He then start blaming me why I didn't take normal adc, but tresh.What a troll. Those people aren't just in silver or gold so yea
I feel bad for you. This is the main reason why a lot of people are in a much worse elo then what they deserve to be (including me being in silver instead of gold ... and I'm not polishing myself or anything like that).
@Lyrics Club I main jungle and sometimes I play support. As a jungler, I rarely have a team that I can consider being good. The worst part in a bad team is that they usually do not give me the respect for playing the most challenging role in this game, I get bullied by my team a lot of times when I make a mistake while I am the one who have to pay attention to the most things at the same time (the ususal things like checking lanes for possible ganks to help, checking and/or securing objectives, even stealing it if thats the only way possible, ect.). This is the main reason why i never had the chance to get to a higher elo so far (I whould like to finally reach gold), and also the reason why I hate playing ranked most of the time.
Honestly that Rammus at 4:40 would literally be me. "Oh you got a triple and missed a few creeps for it? Go ahead, complain more." I'd probably leave it at that, but poking the bear is fun sometimes.
2:27 When you and NEACE did a QnA and you said you put in niche references to get subs from people who understand the joke, you are damn right lol. My friend who plays a lot of bloons TD saw this vid and subbed cuz of it. Great video as always!
I wonder if Rav or anyone else knows what the game at 6:05 is (Mabinogi) I was surprised to see a clip of it pop up in a league video. Its one of my favorite games ever
The Varus player: Am I bad at this game...? Nah, everyone else is just stupid This entire situation would be hilarious if it wasn't tragic and something that happens a ton
I don't know why, but seeing Rammus ending every sentence with a period while not capitalizing the first letter makes me understand part of the hate XD
No fr, like usually they don't *really* mean it but even then it's not like it's a creative insult 💀💀 Like if you're gonna flame be at least do it with some passion or it's just boring
Varus just standing still autoing put the image in my head of him just right clicking, taking both hands off the keyboard and cheering on his character like a sports fan
I love how in NA there are players above bronze that would be locked in their iron 2 rank if they were in another region, i mean how does it happen only in your region hahahaja
Pretty sure you didn't mean that as a compliment, but you basically just said: "Our worst can't pull themselves out of the dirt but yours can, how?" So, to answer your question: Because we're better than you hahahaja
I tried doing solo que ranked again the beginning of last season for the first time in years. The second game of my placements had a similar situation and dude ran it down all game. I remembered why I stopped and haven't done solo que since. You can't spell "League of Legends" without "Toxic AF".
"What is this feeling so sudden and new?" "I felt the moment I laid eyes on you." "My pulse is rushing." "My head is reeling." "My Face is flushing" ""What is this feeling? Burning as a flame. Does it have a name?"" ""LOATHING! Unadulterated loathing!"" ^ Most of the first verse of "Loathing" from Wicked.
Man I really love your videos, I can enjoy the art of your sarcasm while doing something else and knowing exactly whats happening You have my respect 😎
Rav, your videos are pure gold! If you find yourself looking for a new volcano of rage someday when L.O.L. dies, I would love to see this style of commentary for War zone gameplay ;)
If you recall a TH-camr named DiscoHeat (or TaehOcsid) he did a series way back in the day called League of Children. This vid is kinda like this, but he kept doing off-meta stuff and his content was about his teammates complaining at him. I just loved watching it hehe
@@Archeronus Because an ADC that has farm and doesn't get focused has some of the biggest impact. People shit on ADCs because they get killed by basically everyone, but if you have a Team that can allow you to stand back and just pump out damage you can easily kill 5 enemies before they even know what's going on. Or you just play Tristana in which case you can just yolo jump the entire game and probably still get a triple.
Get Honey for FREE today ▸ joinhoney.com/rav
Honey finds coupons with one click. Thanks to Honey for sponsoring!
Bruh rav beat me for 5 sec on first comment
Come to Newworld Rav fuck this piss game
Smoothest segue ever.
Rav if your looking for new games to make content on try Pokémon Unite. Its like league but uses less brain cells and less toxic.
League of legends is a chatting simulator with a game to play in between.
I just posted a zed montage would you be able to give me some feedback on it if you’re not too busy
a literal masochistic dating sim
@@uwrh where?
i'm stealing this comment
i love the enemy team "is this the real rav" 1 sentence goes by..."yep that's the real rav"
Not just any sentence. Product placement.
@@Xqvvzts I believe the exact point where they knew it was the real Rav was when he said "more typing took place than a f***ing scribe at the OJ simpson hearing" which is Rav's trademark humor.
@@bendystrawz2832 Nah right before he said that the other guy said "Yeah it's the real Rav cause noone else is this into shilling"
I feel bad for rav because he can't mute chat otherwise we will miss half of the fun of these videos
@@Ravlol Tru. 🤵
Check out his boosted Betty channel, there was a kayn that kept saying FF and GG every time he died so Rav had to mute him which he hasn’t done before.
i'm a bit curious if the 2 of them bickered like that since they knew they would wind up on youtube when they saw Rav in the lobby. I don't understand how Rav has kept sane with some of these teammates or started hiring hits on people.
It become so fricking stupid, to the point thats its not fun anymore
Love how they just kept going for 2.5 mins after the game was over, like they had nothing better to do
I mean, if they kept fighting in chat, they probably don't
You say they have nothing better to do, while you obviously have nothing better to do then watch them
@@daddysfavorite1721 It was part of the video tho??
@@daddysfavorite1721 says the hyprocrit trying to make someone feel bad
Even their names, Rammus and Varus rhyme like they are meant to be one braincell combined.
underrated clever comment
Varus caused all of this. his bad skills and complaining ruin it all
depends how you read their names
@@ThanhTran-dp6yh I love
Worst part about it is that to this day, that Varus probably still thinks he's in the right lmao.
you say it as if rammus was in the right. their arguments were so shit i dont even know what the rfuck they were saying
@@Smortboi20 Yeah like.. what would the right have even been? They were both shit in game and in chat lol- should've just muted each other
I like how rammus said “muted” then proceeded to not mute varus lol
His computer voice has more life than the league community
It's translate voice or text to speech
@@Darkbrotherhood348 ...
@@MC-zu6qj ?. Was just saying what he uses 💁
sucks that sounds true
Man Rav you have really found a genius way to relieve tilt, it sure as hell won't change the toxicity in game but it's definitely funny af lol. I can see a potential new video series coming out of this lmao.
League is toxic by design. I played it almost a decade ago and it was already like this
True. Imagine if the community was actually decent, you still have flaming emotes. XD Rito is toxic first
idk what worse:
1. how accurate this is since it happened to me literaly 30 minutes before i saw this
2.why are people pissin themselves over a video game
Because it's league of legends
Its more then just a video game... just look up on youtube...
This is what happens when you take a random population of people from the whole. You end up with mostly idiots. You can thank modern medicine, technology, and social structures for allowing people without working brain cells to perpetually reproduce.
Because they having nothing else in life that brings them joy. They have a shit job, maybe live at home, no partner. Barely even existing. So they hop on soloqueue, try to get a scrap of self confidence back from winning a game of league just to blame everything on another player. Just like they do in real life. Because everything in their lives is someone else's fault!
@@anthonyfaiell3263 I mean that’s kind of harsh but you aren’t wrong
I feel your pain. Yesterday I had a Teemo top that refused to play the game because he took the wrong skin. And it was Ranked.We lost the game ofc.
I’m sorry what pls tell me you’re joking
Srsly I don't have a comment on this. I wish you are joking, if not, i hope he got juicy x9.
Sadly no. He played with astronaut Teemo but wanted to play with spirit blossom Teemo. He took it from chest and wanted to try it out.
teemo player
This comment ...this single comment made me laugh so much harder than any joke ..feel bad for you man haba
If you were to just post a zoomed-in video of only the chatting that happened all game, I would literally get some popcorn and watch it entirely. Btw, nice ad again, keep these up, they're great.
Varus really saying things like “I wasn’t typing that much” and “Rammus was mad first” after the game. Like bro I don’t even know how these guys are Gold elo. They look like Bronze. Being an ADC you need to CS and Kite. Those are the main concepts of the role and Varus couldn’t do either. He should switch roles and lower his elo.
Im iron and i kite better than that varus
Bruh it's not even like his 'kite' was bad. It didn't even exist. The Varus Bot that Riot physically fucking programmed moves more than he did in teamfights. Idk how that man got within a mile of gold
@@ZakkWasNotAvailable ya lol
Adc should think of survivng first coz if they die they are fked lose cs and then fall behind unlike some other champs like sett he could kill solo even with 1 cs.
@@ZakkWasNotAvailable Carried by supports/jungle ganks probably xD
Moment to appreciate this man's never-ending creativity for jokes and nicknames.
League is a 1 v 9 game but you have to appease 4 of them
best description of the game. i will use it from now on.
I would use the word tame.
sometimes if you appease the other 5 they do stupid things like ff a game they're attacking the nexus or stuff like that
League is a game where you play against 9 other players, the twist being that 4 of them are on your team
With that attitude it's 1v10. Just play Draft with friends - grasping for ELO is pointless unless you commit 100% (olympian style).
Rav: *makes an analogy only Rav would make*
Enemy player: "Okay this is the real Rav."
this is skill capped syndrome
Skill capped: "you should farm even if your teammates are inting, there's not much you can change about the fights but if you push waves and maximise your income you'll get to a point where you can carry the game just because it's low elo and you're the only one farming well"
viewers: "so you're saying I shouldn't rotate to scuttle when I have bot prio and the enemy bot is half HP? cool, I won't"
Skillcapped is a waste. You learn nothing usefull that you can't learn somewhere else
@@jansettler4828 then you can say the same about all educational content, "you learn nothing useful that you can't learn at skill capped"
@@antoniovlassa5886 Skillcapped is subscription based...
@@jansettler4828 well their free content on youtube is better than most educational league on youtube, since it's always concise example based lessons on different subjects, it is true though that the not everything they teach is put into use properly by their fanbase
@@antoniovlassa5886 I know for a fact that it's not worth because I was a subscriber.
In all fairness, their refund worked well
"you saw me in fights right" .... sadly we did....
Imagine saying it can't be the real rav and boom you're on a video!
"using his head to keep the rain out of his neck" lol
"Why would an ADC need CS?" its all fun and games till the enemy ADC is up an item and a half off of just CS alone lmao
He couldnt even cs properly when there was no fights
Now that I spend less time in summoners rift and more time in TFT, my mental health has boosted tremendously, I started working out more, and I am more confident in myself.
good to see the league community is still thriving :)
"yOu JuSt ToLd mE tO eNd mY lIfE"
Wouldn't be lying if I said I don't give a fat fucking shit XD
Yup, this is a story we can all relate too, when two can't just stfu and play and by the end of the game three people are super pissed off about the two who both blame each other for the way the game went
ADC’s who stand still 💀
He had fleet footwork too...
@@olargol2284 bruh moment
@@ChasingCryptids Actually he didn't he had hail of blades. I just saw the thumbnail and assumed that it was Varuse's keystone
@@olargol2284 *un-bruhs the moment*
He is a moron for standing still, sure. But, let's give him a break when 1v1 with ashe. I mean, you can't dodge her W, you can't dodge her AA's. But standing still next to enemy turret when thresh is there to hook you... That was just painful.
“Just uses his head to keep the rain out of his neck”. Lmao, thats hilarious!
I want to report him too, on just the turret mode alone!
The delusional toxicity is the cream on top.
What pains me the most is that is that he gets 3 blight stacks and then doesnt e
But if he presses E he'll lose an autoattack and he can't have that
not just when he has 3 stacks my man will stop using abilitys wenever he enters in a teamfight, y'know you can do that when playng jinx, kog'maw, kalista, twitch, tristana and vayne, not when you're playng a fucking ability based champ, fuck he wasn't even using a AA build
If he presses E it just adds a random E to whatever he is currently typing 😂
Varus is that guy who looked one video on how to play adc, saw he must farm and thinks he only need to do that. I have teamate similar to that, enemy adc got doublekill, he said game is lost cause he will miss canon wave.
That moment Rav realizes we chat mute
Also Rav: C O N T E N T
The last segment with the 2 kids fighting and the enemy team sympathizing with Rav made me cry laughing. I could physically feel the pain
It really does feel great knowing I try to play my ass off in silver to climb, and this stone statue of a Varus is above me in rank.
That velkoz actually played rlly well, everytime you showed him on screen he landed at least ⅔ of his skill shots. Sad that he go put with that varus tho.
and sett just kinda had bad game.... so I think only 2 idiots was found in this game :D
@@andriusbikus7967 yeah ig, it happens sometimes.
Varus played like someone who is in iron IV and tried to explain playing an adc. Just stand still and aa
what did u expect? he ran out of fingers typing out his novels
As an adc main, that varus is one of the worse adc ive ever seen.
The Varus can't even kite dude it was hurting my brain and it would hurt even more every time he complains. I admit im just average but how can you have an ego when you're actual trash at the game.
If you main anything you can notice that varus is at least disabled
@@origin-sclvr dunning-Kruger effect
as mid/supp morgana otp I bet I could kite way better when playing adc :D and the only adc I can use decently is JHIN :D
@@andriusbikus7967 I don't doubt it. A human in a vegetable state could kite better.
They are made for each other 👩❤️💋👩
Last time i was this early, rav wasnt having problems with his wife...
The honey comercial has a better plot than moust netflix movies .
As a Support main that Varus has what is known as "ADC syndrome", or to refer it by its medical name "I Thinkus Thisiss Still Season 7-itis." The most noticeable syndrome of this disease is a massively inflated sense of self-worth based on the misconception that being fed as an ADC means you can actually get kills instead of getting one-shot by an assassin or juggernaut. Although being unable to attack move (known as "I'm Used To Having a Lulu-itis") and being unable to kill minions uncontested are very common side symptoms.
Rammus suffers from "Autofilled Support Syndrome" which is contracted by being autofilled Support or Jungle too many times. It makes you extremely susceptible to rage when seeing entitled players blame others for their mistakes which causes extremely flame within the fingers as well as the anus region.
as a wise man once said: these things happen because people are not told often enough how stupid they are
*enters champ select*
_say to watch out for certain champ cuz I'm in silver_
"I will troll your game"
Rav getting many thousands of people to come early...as always ;p
@@bryanhickernell7189 giggity
/mute all very underrated. Once you decide you arent bothered to know anything your "teammates" have to say during the game, theres no going back. No pings, nothing. You wont flame and cant be flamed. Life is good.
I will go as far as to say that chat should be removed from the game and the pings should be redone.
Yeah, it's very seldom anything useful gets typed in chat, so mute all is a good idea. Muting all pings is a terrible idea though, sadly. I just wish people couldn't abuse pings so easily. Having a question mark ping sucks, as does allowing someone to ping so many times in a short time window. I usually mute pings on a case-by-case basis, since they are a pretty important form of communication when idiots aren't spamming them incorrectly.
Rav you Intelligent Beast. Your use of alliteration is second to none and 7/10 video have me in tears laughing so hard. You and everyone else involved should pat themselves on the back for such amazing content. If you keep making it, my ilk and I will keep enjoying it.
dope! i dont play league anymore but i still llove the vids!
You're a Lucky person. I wish I could break away from this game
@@grizzlybear6377 i told myself along time ago, if a game starts to feel like being at a crappy job, thats when i should prolly take a break haha
"tell him his mod team is awful!" - neestz
Hahaha :D
TRUE ❤ Neestz
My last game yesterday in plat 4.
My support pick swain, despite booking swain before(I play him apc). I guess he want to swap, so I asked him if thresh is ok. He said so I picked him, but later he refuse to swap. So I started play ad tresh, we somehow even manage to win early game... ,but at end we lose game.
He then start blaming me why I didn't take normal adc, but tresh.What a troll.
Those people aren't just in silver or gold so yea
I feel bad for you. This is the main reason why a lot of people are in a much worse elo then what they deserve to be (including me being in silver instead of gold ... and I'm not polishing myself or anything like that).
@Lyrics Club I main jungle and sometimes I play support. As a jungler, I rarely have a team that I can consider being good. The worst part in a bad team is that they usually do not give me the respect for playing the most challenging role in this game, I get bullied by my team a lot of times when I make a mistake while I am the one who have to pay attention to the most things at the same time (the ususal things like checking lanes for possible ganks to help, checking and/or securing objectives, even stealing it if thats the only way possible, ect.). This is the main reason why i never had the chance to get to a higher elo so far (I whould like to finally reach gold), and also the reason why I hate playing ranked most of the time.
Ah the classic "ADC doesn't know what kiting is, stands still in fights, proceeds to be surprised when they die" strategy. Works every time.
“baiting the windshitter towards my bob the bowling ball jungler while there is a color-me-caribou in the other shrubs touching herself.” amazing
Honestly that Rammus at 4:40 would literally be me. "Oh you got a triple and missed a few creeps for it? Go ahead, complain more." I'd probably leave it at that, but poking the bear is fun sometimes.
2:27 When you and NEACE did a QnA and you said you put in niche references to get subs from people who understand the joke, you are damn right lol. My friend who plays a lot of bloons TD saw this vid and subbed cuz of it.
Great video as always!
:) Its a strat I have been running since day 1
I wonder if Rav or anyone else knows what the game at 6:05 is (Mabinogi) I was surprised to see a clip of it pop up in a league video. Its one of my favorite games ever
10:15 uses his head only to keep the rain out of his neck, as it has no other use, I'm dead bro such a raw line man lmao
Alot of this stuff doesnt even bother me anymore. But nothing infuriates me more than watching an adc never orbwalk
League is the most effective IQ test
I always get a good quote off our man Rav during these vids. Today is, "uses his head to keep the rain out of his neck."
The Varus player: Am I bad at this game...? Nah, everyone else is just stupid
This entire situation would be hilarious if it wasn't tragic and something that happens a ton
Rav be like: "I could mute the keyboard warriors....HOWEVER." *Starts recording*
I don't know why, but seeing Rammus ending every sentence with a period while not capitalizing the first letter makes me understand part of the hate XD
I really do dislike people who tell people to kill themselves over league
It's a fucking game, I don't understand why people want others dead over it.
No fr, like usually they don't *really* mean it but even then it's not like it's a creative insult 💀💀
Like if you're gonna flame be at least do it with some passion or it's just boring
Standing still for Bloons TD audition LMAO MAN!
Sorry to hear about your sisters drug problem on a Honey ad that was segued as smooth as my brain.
that premeditated the sponsor transition is one of the best ways I've seen it done lmao
Dont get me wrong, the Rammus isnt smart, but this is soley the Varus fault lmao.
Rammus didn't even want to mute varus, that fucking liar. He wanted to bring the heat, and now they're both equally stupid.
2:28 Bloons Tower Defence 76
Varus just standing still autoing put the image in my head of him just right clicking, taking both hands off the keyboard and cheering on his character like a sports fan
Hope riot watches these videos
It'd be nice if they did. But they don't care for us little people 😒
They probably do watch them. They are funny videos. Riot is governed by people just like the rest of us.
Varus and Ramuus being a typical neighbours for 30 minutes
if they start doing rap with the robot voice, I wouldn't be upset
I commend your mental Rav. I would’ve imploded after watching Varys stand still for the 10000000th time
"standing so still you would think he's auditioning for bloons tower defense 76" lmaoo
League of legends a game we’re if you make a mistake a person will automatically call you a troll and tell the other team members to report you lmao.
I love how in NA there are players above bronze that would be locked in their iron 2 rank if they were in another region, i mean how does it happen only in your region hahahaja
Australians lost a war to some birds, u expect them to be good at a game?
Pretty sure you didn't mean that as a compliment, but you basically just said:
"Our worst can't pull themselves out of the dirt but yours can, how?"
So, to answer your question:
Because we're better than you
@@RevokFarthis nah u got it backwards man.. like bronze in Korea is diamond NA
@@shadowling77777 that's because nowhere takes competitive gaming as seriously as Korea, and its largely irrelevant to the comment.
@@WoWFtw8 Whaa? When does Australia come into NA being awful?
I tried doing solo que ranked again the beginning of last season for the first time in years. The second game of my placements had a similar situation and dude ran it down all game. I remembered why I stopped and haven't done solo que since. You can't spell "League of Legends" without "Toxic AF".
"What is this feeling so sudden and new?"
"I felt the moment I laid eyes on you."
"My pulse is rushing."
"My head is reeling."
"My Face is flushing"
""What is this feeling? Burning as a flame. Does it have a name?""
""LOATHING! Unadulterated loathing!""
^ Most of the first verse of "Loathing" from Wicked.
"Uses his head to keep the rain out of his neck". What a saying. Gonna have to borrow that sometime
I love watching these videos because the players rav roasts are the exact kind of player to call everyone else dogshit.
Man I really love your videos, I can enjoy the art of your sarcasm while doing something else and knowing exactly whats happening
You have my respect 😎
rav: (gets sponsored by opera and recommends it)
(still uses honey on chrome)
I love that your ads are just as funny as the rest of the video (or even more)
Rav is the only person who can make league flame wars interesting instead of cringe
Started playing with chat off. Literally enjoy the game like 40% of the time now.
The absolute lack of self awareness on that varus is mind boggling lmao
the ending to this is like the end game chat of every 2nd ranked game i have 😂
Rav, your videos are pure gold! If you find yourself looking for a new volcano of rage someday when L.O.L. dies, I would love to see this style of commentary for War zone gameplay ;)
I hope that the Varus and Rammus come to this video and continue their discussion
"Pitiful excuse for a porcupine." lmaooo
lol that velkoz knew what to do, get the f* outta dodge 🤣🤣
ToxicTommy, AngryAndy, and you, LonelyLarry.
If you recall a TH-camr named DiscoHeat (or TaehOcsid) he did a series way back in the day called League of Children. This vid is kinda like this, but he kept doing off-meta stuff and his content was about his teammates complaining at him. I just loved watching it hehe
Hate at first sight? Sounds like my everyday life as a jungler.
2 girls 1 Cup 2 ULTS 1 Cop 😂
dude must work a salesman cause he even tried to sell his sponsor to his teammates the same time as to us XD
This Rammus litteraly asked "Why are you worried about cs at minute 17" I know why he's silver..😂
Because you do it as well?
Because at min 17 your adc shouldn’t be splitpushing in a sidelane
@@bavo5179 yeah the adc shouldn’t split push but should push waves out and still take farming seriously. They have some of the most expensive items
@@audi.6106 while being the lowest impact on the game but still focused for some reason
@@Archeronus Because an ADC that has farm and doesn't get focused has some of the biggest impact. People shit on ADCs because they get killed by basically everyone, but if you have a Team that can allow you to stand back and just pump out damage you can easily kill 5 enemies before they even know what's going on. Or you just play Tristana in which case you can just yolo jump the entire game and probably still get a triple.
*I see the Willem DeFoe training made Rav high elo*
i hate that XD
apply to the mid too: when the enemy rotates bot or top, or to help jungle and they only ping and dont go help BUT STAYS FARMING :D
Him saying "sigh" and "ugh" makes it so much worse 💀
Vel’koz just there vibing and giving it his all