As a jungle main. Times have been rough and i completely agree. I'm half way across the map making feeding my nasus kills so he can 1v5 and actually be useful and ganking bot only 4 times since they don't need lot of help. The sdc dies to the enemy jhin then blames me for no reason. Them the support also blames the adc since they have a brain. So to all those people who blame junglers for no reason, think before you int the game
Sometimes it is the jungler’s fault tho. I literally beg them to gank the Yone that’s under my tower all game for an easy kill and when they finally arrive, we get an easy kill. Why are some of them so stubborn and just not gank when they know that their job is to get laners fed so they can win the game for them.
@@Rami1039 it's not the junglers job to manage your lane. The jungler(especially depending on if they are a farming or objective based jungler) role has a lot of dynamics and responsibilities that don't always include prioritizing your lane.
I spent almost five years without playing. Got excited watching Arcane and installed it again. A lot changed, played a game here and there and EVERY SINGLE GAME people were complaining at each other and at me. Even at ARAM or non-ranked. Honestly, I don't have the time, energy or age to listen to toxic people anymore. Uninstalled. No game is supposed to leave a bad feeling after playing.
I've experienced the same. Wanted to try it again after Arcane. Bad decision, I played the game for years before I quit so I'm used to the toxicity but holy has it gotten significantly worse. Even in ARAM you can not go a game without flamers, people talking shit or other ways of being shitty.
I never played league of legends, but watched Arcane and I am trying out LoL: Wild Rift. I haven’t experienced any toxicity on the mobile version. Give that a try :)
I just use a one strike rule. Someone says some shit not even directed at me I mute them on the spot. Unless it's funny to fuck with them and we lost/won anyway
The worst and fucked up part is the 1v9 dude that is carrying the game and trashtalking you is more likely to get away with it than if you make a single comment. Seen people get chat restricted and perma banned for telling a troll to just shut up.
10 death Yasuo enter the lobby. "Kek just hit me dash dash dash come on hit me windwall come on man just hit me knock up ult your so trash how did you lose to me when I'm 10 deaths" -Yasuo Mains
I’m sure someone else has probably said it at this point, but there’s also a component of “the longer it goes on, the worse it gets” as the “softer” people are pushed out of the community. People who would never flame or blame others and do genuinely just want to do their best and have a good time just get drained by toxic people around them at some point, and eventually leave (or, worse case scenario, finally break and become like them). The more they do that, though, the more the player base just consists of toxicity. There’s a saying: If you create a space for wolves and sheep, you will only end up with wolves. The toxic players destroy and drive out players who would offer more balance to the roster in terms of civility.
Also the toxicity kind of just becomes engrained in the community. It starts to rub off on people and they start to mirror the behavior after playing for awhile.
i appreciate that you brought up the chat abuse that enchanter mains face, even if you didn’t go indepth about it. i used to have girl in my summoner name (was a song title, weekender girl, i didn’t think about how sexist the league community was when i made that my username) and my god, the amount of shit i got nearly every game was insane. i’ve been playing for 5 years, and have been an enchanter main the entire time. i never really faced any sexist flaming, or if i did it was very rare. but after changing my name, it was every game. i do poorly? “what can we expect, stupid egirl enchanter main running it down.” i do well? “you’re pretty good for an egirl, you got snapchat?” every. single. game. i ended up changing my summoner name just because i was sick of having to play with chat permanently turned off just to avoid the flame. i can deal with being told im trash, i’m bad at my champ ect but when its made about your gender it just sucks. don’t think that just because i missed my q that means you can demean every single woman who plays the game.
Tbh it feels like most league players have never seen or met women in their entire life. I remember that one time I had a good game with a guy and he invited me to play more, we chatted and when he learned I'm a girl he started asking for my photos and social page lmao. I mean... dating apps still exists... league isn't one...
Having chat permanently turned off is the better option in the end anyways, no matter who you are, no matter if you get flamed every game or 1/100 games. Chat is useless and it only serves so you can flame other people and so other people can flame you.
@@ratspew932 unfortunately it's not just about girls, although it probably makes it worse, rather the growth of social media. I had invited an in-game friend to join the lobby and they left when I said I don't use discord.
I actually listen to my teammates if I did anything wrong, but how they deliver it is just infuriating. It makes me wanna twist thier head off. Lol. I think the chances of being toxic is lower if people played in the same room, there is more consequence to thier negative action if the person they are playing with is right next to them.
Y'all need to find a Discord of friends to play with. That is probably the best thing to do, to do preemies and normal seems maybe even rank, try to do fun builds and stuff like that. That is how you have fun playing League
@@claudeyaz I have a group of friends on messenger which sometimes is basically just like discord if you talk with the right people and not weird old people and we played a lot of games together but i recently just broke my phone (we're playing wild rift, somewhat different game but same toxicity at least in SEA) and i still don't have the money to replace it so i'm using my school-provided phone to play and almost all school-provided stuff are shit so you can guess how it went. So i'm playing on this phone with like max 30fps and average 20 fps phone so i couldn't play good but then they invited me to play one time and we went on a losing streak from like 2AM in the morning to about noon and after that they never invited me again lmao i think it was cuz i played bad and now i just can't play wr or league without thinking about them and that makes me feel worse and more unhappy than when i was playing the game alone without any friends or squads to team up with.
almost any multiplayer game i wanna ask what i did wrong to actually learn but always met with negativity or not responded to. i know it sounds sarcastic even if you didnt mean it to be but yo, i wanna learn and not be shit upon
@@pikminologueraisin2139 except it is a dumb-fun game mode and is not serious at all... its randomly assigned champs on a small map it's literally not supposed to be sweaty LOL
So true, nothing triggers me more when some losers flame people for playing below their "standards" in 4 fun gamemodes. In stuff like ARAM and Nexus blitz etc. I couldnt even care less if you ran down on command with moby boots, it doesnt bother me. Ranked is a different beast, since you expect people to be somewhat close to your level, so them getting hard stomped is usually a sign that they are not even trying.
This season I've decided to just mute my chat in game. I've finally just admitted to myself that I can't handle my team blaming me for something I felt was their fault. There's no way I can't respond to something said in that situation. And it has definitely reduced chances to win in the past. Even the "mute upon first negative comment" rule isn't good enough. That comment lights a fire in me, and will cause me to play differently. My ability to shake off a play gone south, and just look for the "next good play" is at an all time high. The real trick is to just pretend you're in a 1 player game, you have 4 AI's on your team who are semi-advanced in that they can decipher the meanings of your pings at times, and may even ping communicate with you, and the enemies are another 5 AI's. No reason to get angry at the AI's in the game, and you really need to work on playing around your AI, you're never sure if they're going in, running away, poking, you gotta watch them and learn how each one plays.
Nice how you unpersoned players in multiplayer game, I bet you wouldn't mind sending them in a camp where you concentrate? While I understand that downer mentality, there is an actual solution to that, if you want to win - learn from the pros how to play from behind and pick champs that you love to play, it's never been easier than before with replays.
"Permenantly banned" is such a joke word in League of legends. Some of the most toxic players in league cycle through accounts and play at the same level they were when they got perma banned. Great example is Tyler1. Dude was legit infamous for the ammount of toxicity he had and had what like 20 accounts? the only way Riot stopped him from playing was to legit find out what his new account was when he streamed and then banned it from there. That was before he "reformed" and Riot decided to let him stay since he reels in views and money for them.
Just a perfect example that it's not the problem in people that say a few bad words in a fucking video game but the real problem is in the hypocritical company itself.
Riot is a garbage company, they never hold onto their words they also became extremely greedy, look at how they treat their playerbase delivering only the same boring trash modes and the game still has only 1 map flash is in every game and has NOT ever been removed from the game and more, way more dominion being removed was the worst and now twisted treeline removed, why play this game? really
Don't play R6, Warzone, Counterstrike, Dota, and basically any PvP game with chat enabled while we're at it as well. Trust me, same shit, different genre.
don't play video games in general, they're not really as fun as they used to be and there is so much added bullshit like MTX & data collection. pick up some kind of cool hobby or something, or go outside, it will be much better for your well being as it was for mine.
There's just no having fun in this game. The other day I placed a shroom in a weird place in ARAM, and one of my team mates tilted so hard over it, he just spammed "?" on me for the next 20 minutes. And I don't even bother with the "fun" modes, because they're just full of raging teens and bruised egos
yeah this is a good example. Even arams have a terrible toxic atmosphere lately. Its a fun mode with random champs, not everyone always gets their preferred champ, but people act like they do. like you should just know how to play every character out there. you should ALWAYS do good even if your team comp sucks and the other teams is amazing. You fuck up a tiny bit, build stuff that isnt EXACTLY the meta, and you get pinged all game.
@@jamiesadf5829 i for example yesterday had a game in nexus blitz and just wanted to try out sett because he looked fun to me altought i don't play fighters that often and the riven on my team was raging and said how the f*** can you be so bad on sett. sigh i'm officially quitting this game today. the game it self is great but i'm just sick of being in a team with randoms in a moba. in other games there is always the feeling of coming back like in valorant. even though the opponent has more money you can save one round to get the next round still the same weapons and shields as the enemy even though they have much more money. while in league it's just impossible to play if you even get behind once because the opponent has more gold so more items and higher level.
@@jamiesadf5829 agreed, i had this game in aram early and i ended up getting janna. There was this quinn who got SOOO upset that i got kills. Like every time i got a kill spam ping 'wtf". I only got two kills that game. I only died once. I got 43 assists. My KDA ratio was literally 15.6 and i still get someone upset at me for playing the game.
Yes, its very toxic. But the main factor are the LoL design itself. The snowball on LoL made players always on edge, losing objective mean losing huge benefit and its often lead to defeat. Meanwhile on dota, making mistake or losing lane are not that punishing because you have many ways to comeback. My point is both game have toxic community but the design philosophy are day and night, one are welcoming toward mistakes while the other punish you to hell.
Same thing happens with HotS. In there from my experience playing the map right can always make up for a defecit. The part that multiplies the issue is how long games take, you know that even if you are losing incredibky hard, it will still take you another 10+ minutes to have the game officially end. So you simply watch suffering as you are powerless, and if you leave, the game punishes you as well.
Step one: turn off all chat Step two: mute your teammates Step three: enjoy your game I did it in every single game and never had any problems... Except that one time when a support came to my top lane and started feeding for some reason. I used him as a bait and won the game, pretty good memories
@@RustingPeace embrace the imbalance. ride the wave of meta, or fight against the tides like a lonely hero. also understanding that the balance of this game comes entirely from skins and macrotransactions also helps.
@Meba trust me, /all chat is a blessing, you just need to know how to use it. Get killed in lane? /all gg got outplayed. Your botlane is feeding? /all *enemy adc* damn you're rly good. Doing this not only makes everyone enjoy the game more, but it also makes it easier to win since the enemies will feel bad for killing you. If you get tilted for 1 kill in lane, just mute all or change game
@Random Username I'm just imagining people spamming Smash Brothers messages in the same way "I refused to follow my Vayne's tower dive on the the full health Jhin and Nautilus ONE time and he just started spamming 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' every single time I missed a skillshot or tried to back."
I think what causes toxicity is that ranked is based solely off of wins/loses. Someone going 12/1 is going to get mad at their 0/10 teammate because when it’s all said and done, they both will loses the same LP. How well you did in the game should determine LP gained or lost
What should also be considered is how toxic a player is, if they are constantly getting reported for being toxic then that should reduce their rank, that way, they will sink to the bottom.
No. It should not. The game is about destroying the enemy nexus. If you don't like team games, don't play them. No one is forcing you to play a 5v5 game.
Flame smarter, dont use harsh words and dont press enter a thousand times, rather type longer and less messages. Anyway defending ur self if the worst thing u can do, better to not type. My first perma was s4 when a duo trolled my game and since then I have arround 15/20 permas. This video is on point.
It snowballs too hard. Often times you just realize that you're in a situation where it's not even worth trying. Those are the "Get me out" situations and those are the worst.
I honestly okay with the hard snowball as long as you can surrender, league force you to wait 20 minutes of torture and toxicity if one of your team refuse to surrender, and if two of them refuse then the torture and toxicity will go as long as the winning team want to
I'm so happy I discovered your channel, you make such insightful and good points when it comes to these types of discussions. IMO I don't see channels that cover LOL in this manner where they discuss solely the state of the game, champs & etc. objectively.
What kills me is how in other regions like Korea it’s linked to a social security number equivalent so if you get banned it’s stupid hard to get another account. That’s not to say people don’t troll but the consequences are more steep
@@nathnate123 makes sense considering cram school in SEA contries. Even though ill stay up till 2:30 on a school night sometimes, no one really needs to be playing past 12:00 tbh
But Korea just becomes even more passive aggressive, think NA but much worse. Yes you cant type mean stuff, but 1 play where someone on the team disagrees, and they will sit in fountain in the rest of the game spamming control wards and emotes. I'd rather have someone type mean stuff to me while still trying to win the game, than someone not saying anything but making the game completely unwinnable. I can always mute the guy flaming, but I cant stop the inter/griefer from ruining any chance of the rest of us winning the game.
Simple, not only do a good amount of players want to get into stuff without being patient around teamwork or the matchup itself, coupled by how there are players who have the "I only have fun when I win" mentality instead of..... Well, just having fun other than winning, as well as how League itself can be VERY unforgiving in terms of room for errors, it makes it so that if a player makes a certain mistake, no matter how much it makes sense for them to be punished, their mental would probably go, "BUH BYEEEEEEEEEE". I mean, I do understand, states where you are bad in feel pretty bad for some, but to me that doesn't justify the flaming and toxicity despite all of that, but it happens.
Its not possible to not be toxic. I i put hours of playing, focus, play very good and lose cause someone loses 1/10 and thinks he is the best it really makes my mental health have a bad time. And everyone wants to have fun. But you cant have fun if someone griefs and you cant leave, isnt this reaction something greifer wants to achive? You can not be toxic or mean because you can get banned. Thats really annoying situation. Im having fun when i win but the game can be fun itself when everyone is pleasant and thats not happening. When you die, pretty much always someone types ez.
It also feels like people are really unforgiving to others nowadays. If you make a single bad play, you're called retarded at least 3 times, accused of grieving, etc. It's not a "haha ur grieving lol" but people genuinely mean that you are. This toxic mindset also makes it so those players will play worse, creating a bit of a negative feedback loop.
@@ptsg It's a vicious cycle of "oh maybe he just had a bad game/matchup/lag/day" until you get soo many players who do the same shit until you see what they are doing and now you assume everyone is a troll/griefer/afk The problem with this is that the companies balance the game so poorly that there is practically no way to come back from a bad snowball or player, (without all teammates working together which is unlikely) toxic people have all the power at any given time. Funny thing is I'm not even talking about LoL, all mobas suffer from this to some extent, we can't blame the company for the players but we can hold them accountable for letting it fester and spread.
@@portascar7996 you can totally do IP/hardware bans in ways that are effective. The only way it wouldn’t work would be if someone was playing off of the same IP address as you... very niche issue.
I find it a little disingenuous not mentioning how content creators also play a part in the toxicity of the community. Some of them have tens of thousands of followers that watch them religiously and behave the same way some people you described do. Like being extremely arrogant, blaming teammates for everything that happens in the game and so forth. I feel like if you want a less toxic community you should lead by example and that's just not true for League.
@@jasonmain6398 well yeah, that’s why we’re talking about CONTENT CREATORS who actually have an audience that can hear those things that are said out loud
Y'all need to find a Discord of friends to play with. That is probably the best thing to do, to do preemies and normal seems maybe even rank, try to do fun builds and stuff like that. That is how you have fun playing League
One of the many reasons: League enforces competitiveness more than anything in the game (since its what makes them the most money along with skins) so much that when anyone tries to have fun or plays below other people's standards it makes them think you are wasting their time, when in reality its just a game wether you play ranked or not, you are not getting paid, you are not being rewarded for climbing after gold and you are not being hired by a professional team. In fewer words, people tend to let their ego get the best of them.
@@maxusgamer8515 People that want to be hired by pro teams practice and improve they dont brag/flame in every game they lose, and if you are playing ranked you dont have to brag/flame either, just play the game, improve, climb and keep doing it.
@@cosmichaze1482 yeah, in fact I was saying if you troll "for fun" in ranked it's toxic. I agree with you in all, but not ranked. Ranked games are just another game, and yes you are not allowed to flame and be toxic, but if you have a troll in team, it's a "normal" react because you are basically loosing a game for someone who doesn't want to win, just piss you off and have fun with that.
@@maxusgamer8515 Exactly my point, even I myself get extremely pissed when that happends in ranked... heck I just got out from a ranked with trolls and lost, but I try really hard to just give a quick advice, mute and ignore their dumbassery, you just gotta cope with the fact that people like that play rankeds sadly, still doesnt justify toxicity imo.
I also feel like it doesn't reward supportive play enough either, meaning it pushes every player to try and get kills and assists instead of being helpful to their teammates in other ways, such as healing or buffing. Why bother healing teammates if you don't get XP or Gold for healing them? It's one thing that Overwatch actually does well, by rewarding points for blocking dmg with a Tank, buffing with a Support, giving people armor with Torbjorn and Bridgette, etc.
That's what It became now. Why would you want to give a shield to your teammates when you can just kill the enemy. Why would you heal them if you can just gank the enemy and let that teammate to recall alone. This game is so focused on combat and carry that is almost impossible to find a teammate who don't see himself as the protagonist.
@@ThyFloorestFloor because if youre a shielding character you cant always kill people because thats how the champs are balanced. Like wtf you talking about?
@@antonolufayo7804My point is not that I want to kill people as a Support, I would play Pyke or AP Rakan if I wanted to. My point was that the game seemed to benefit more aggressive play styles and characters more focused on supporting in other manners were left behind.
@@ThyFloorestFloor disagree. Obviously its best when everyone can deal some dmg, but theres lots of support champions that are for supporting rather than doing dmg. Which is why you can distiguish betweed dmg dealing supports and supporting supports.
If LoL was not a free game, then it would be better since most people would avoid getting banned since they would have to pay money to creat a new account, (cs:go and hackers when it became f2p) muting the chat is the best option honestly, I used to play with a group of friends of which one would get tilted often and become toxic to the rest of us, so every time he did it I run it down mid, and because of this interaction I started doing it whenever I got flamed in later games, until I muted the chats.
I found myself to be really positive and not toxic at all by just telling myself if I get frustrated at all, "Is it really even worth it?" and that really cools me down.
Me, a male enchanter support main: Yeah, the stereotype about people being super dismissive of us is definitely true. I will also mention that any criticism, even good faith criticism, that I see is met with hostility and rage 99% of the time. This is the main problem I think, if people can’t acknowledge their own mistakes they will never succeed on a team or improve the state of a losing game. For example, if I tell my Vayne to stop farming bot while the enemy team is 5 man kicking in our nexus and the only way they respond is “stfu brain dead janna player”... what are you even supposed to do? They are just inting. It’s rage inducing even in a normals game. I’m proud of the fact that I have never inted or intentionally thrown a game. I play to win, even when we are down 30 kills and they are at our nexus. However, when others don’t have the same attitude, it can be super demoralizing and makes me not want to play the game.
Us supports in general(moreso enchanters but I play tank supports and still get shit) are treated so weirdly poorly and at the same time we are expected to make sure our ADC reaches end game when they are having a clearly bad day and are taking it out on everyone
I´ve played five games today, three ranked and two normals. Guess where the toxic person I´ve met today was? People can´t even acknowledge normals as a casual game anymore. So the toxic comunity make all of the differences disappear and at that point, why even play normals? On a side note, I must say I played a game where our Zed and Yi were just constantly complimenting each other and saying "mb" whenever they died, or at most complaining about how the enemy Ekko dealt too much damage, but it was all in good fun. Oh, and it was RANKED SOLO/DUO. Lastly, thank you for your kind behaviour and I also proudly have never ran it down intentionally. Have a good day.
I vibe so hard on that last part, "I play to win, even when you're down 30 kills and they are at our Nexus." As a fellow support main (Bard ftw) I find myself often times trying counter-grief and be a morale boost when the frickin' Yasuo starts screeching at people for having the audacity to die (except when they die, then naturally it's the jungler's fault or bot's fault for feeding). I do think there's lots of merit to certain classes/characters drawing certain kinds of people. Support players tend to be the most, well, supportive, and generally team-oriented. Usually a direct contrast to midlane fighters, who are like...full on anime-protagonist syndrome. I'm by no means a competent player but like, morale is important, and people who flame are the baaaane of my lil support existence.
I stopped playing supports because I always felt like I couldn't do anything. If I played any champ my ADCs would either die a lot or I'd have a bad game, miss a bit in the early game which instantly tilted my ADC resulting in a dying ADC. Also no one realises that to be a useful Yuumi you actually have to know how to play her, juggle her passive, champ priority, itemization and so on. Her skill floor is one of the lowest yes, but her skill ceiling is rather fucking high and her usefulness is directly proportionate to your skill. Then the ADC factor is accounted for and you're rendered useless again bc they have the 'Anime protagonist syndrome' and die leaving you waiting to be scooped up like some kind of a dessert to finish off the meal.
League of Legends has become associated with being a sport, probably more than we realize. This increase in competitivenes probably contributed to its toxicity as well
definetly, it's that the game is so much focused on competitiveness that making even small mistakes are met with straight-up solid punishment, be it either throwing the game or flaming others repeatedly if this game was less strict on how competitive players need to be, it'd ACTUALLY be playable and very much better at being team-strategy like game.
I played hockey since I was 6, I have almost never experienced toxicity and a lack of sportsmanship in my entire life. However we also get to beat the shit out of eachother at any point in time soooo…..
Just started playing this game w/ my friends a few weeks ago and I agree that the game is pretty snowbally at times, but im having a lot of fun regardless! I can tell it would definitely suck to solo queue, which is why im very grateful to have a group of friends to play and communicate with. Imo playing this game without an actual team is just asking for salt and toxicity. Imagine playing in a competitive soccer league where you had different teammates every time!
Y'all need to find a Discord of friends to play with. That is probably the best thing to do, to do preemies and normal seems maybe even rank, try to do fun builds and stuff like that. That is how you have fun playing League Playing with friends is the answer. Just don't get addicted to solo ranked...or you will hate your life
In season 1-4 it never seemed impossible to carry a game by yourself or come back. Nowadays as an ADC or other roles there are times it is legitimately impossible to beat certain roles or champions 1v1 without major mistakes on their part. Sometimes supports have a larger impact and are more capable of 1v1ing a top laner than an ADC.
Dude those season are when the game was finding they way and progressive want to grow apart from Dota. Now the game is team 5vs5. The problem is not in the game, is on society. We grow up to be more selfish and playing sologames. Even MMO will now be able to solo doing all the content. No more Ragnarok Online (team play), but more like Mu Online(solo play). The problem is more of a player base than a riot as a company.
I am a new LoL player and what i experience is, that people only care about how many kills you have. Being helpful to the team, without getting kills, seems to be unimportant and i really hate that, because it is especially frustrating for new players like me who aren't killing machines right from the start. In games like Rainbow Six Siege (I have over 1000 hours in ranked) for example, you can still be an important asset to your team by providing valuable information, bringing the right tools for the job and so on...without getting 1 kill in a whole match and people won't (most of the times) be mad at you, as long as you were helpful. Yes, LoL is very different from Siege of course, but LoL is still a game were you play as a Team and there should be a way for new players to learn and enjoy the game without having to achieve positive K/Ds in every game. But that's only my opinion.
not going to lie i find myself doing that too. i keep thinking i have to *solo carry* games because everyone is bad and i'm bad too but i can carry this. when i forget that like yeah we're all bad i'm in silver but i don't have to do this alone and i probably cant do this alone and my teammates while they may be bad that also means the enemies are bad and if we work together we can beat them by exploiting their weaknesses better than they exploit ours. idk and i don't really flame my teammates i just put it all on myself unnecessarily because (i'm pretty new) that's what everyone keeps telling me to do and that's what the expectations are like how you said everyone's talking about 1v9ing
I think it's the opposite. People who are hard stuck always complain about their teammates because they want to blame someone else. As if you would NEED a average performing team to win a game. As long as you are under Dia2 you can solo carry 90%+ of the games if you are good enough because of the sheer amount of mistakes low elo players make. Or so I have heard from almost every high elo player/coach.
@@shahrif4687 Here's the thing though: to recognise that the opponent is making a mistake and then exploiting said mistake is also a skill in and of itself. Low elo players aren't necessarily stuck because they don't have good teammates but because they don't recognise what they're doing is wrong (hence they can't really recognise what the opponent is doing is also wrong). Also, if one goes into the game with the attitude that they *MUST* solo carry and 1v9 it, they are unconcsiously priming themselves against their own teammates. This is why one views their teammates' mistakes harsher than those of their own. While 1v5 is still not a healthy attitude, it at least doesn't pit one against their teammates. The team is the greatest asset in the entire game and most people throw it out of the window because they view them as obstacle rather than allies.
@@lockretvids But if you want to climb your allies will always be an obstacle. If you rely on your team, you won't ever climb. Relying on your team and playing according to your comp's strength is a skill, but that doesn't invalidate the "solo carry attitude". That's obviously based on which role you play. I am a top laner, who mainly plays divers/split pushers, hence the solo carry attitude has to be there. You cant just Aram it with your whole team as a splitpusher in silver cuz it's an inconsistent win condition. Climbing is ALL about consistency. Mental consistency and gameplay wise. You are the only player you can relay on because you are the only player you have control over. Everything else is rng. Obviously that doesn't fully count for enchanters but even enchanters have to solo carry. The just do it indirectly via enabling their ADC, which is a stat check, the exact way a split pusher pushing the side lanes to obtain gold/exp/turrets is a stat check. It's all about exerting pressure. Only the method differs from role to role. Relaying on your team for me only means that I have to play around our champ with the biggest win con/pressure. I don't think there is any other example for relaying on your teammates to climb. But then again, I'm a Silver player so maybe I'm just talking out of my ass xD.
@@shahrif4687 I'm also silver, so take everything I say with a heavy grain of salt :D Maybe I'm approaching it from this angle because I'm an ADC main, so for the first 5-15 minutes I have to rely on the team not to mess things up before I "come online".
I've always got this one Sentence in my clipboard to throw at toxic people: "Toxicity doesn't win games, neither will people improve if you are mean, your behavior doesn't only make your experience worse, but ours aswell. Try being Nice!" and this actually works more often than not.
I will copy paste this if you don't mind ^^. I will try it. I usually try to being nice in the chat but with short sentences like : keep going ! Nice play ! We can win ! Let's go ! etc... So thank you :D !
you lost me my game and ruined my gaming experience i should be able to ruin yours as well either we both suffer for it as in bans/restrictions or neither of us should
lost relationship of a best friend of 4 years because of all his toxicity ;/ we were in a Clash tournament and he played a role he's not good at, fed the enemy team 3 games in a row & flamed me on voice chat the entire time blaming me for every loss since I was jungler, I stood silent the entire time on voice chat every game and did best on our clash team every single game, knew the actual reason we lost was terrible teamwork & some ppl on the team deciding to listen to him, others deciding to listen to me. I could've believe how toxic & awful this guy was, thought he was a good guy the whole time before this but sadly when things aren't going well true character is revealed.
Well at least you know what kind of a person he is and left him before you really needed his help in a life or death situation or getting stuck in an island for example.
The problem with league that barely exists in most competitive shooters etc: every single player has way more power over ones failure in the game than over the success of it. This is basically flipped in games like csgo etc. The worst thing someone can do in a good compepitive game with random mates is if they can only NOT contribute to winning.
That is not a good comparison, the "progression" on a CSGO game is not even close to the "progression" on a LOL game, if you made that 1 person could stomp they line and get feed enough to 1v5 and wing the game by itself, you would be in the same position as it is now, you would still lose a game by no fault of your own, unless you was to remove or reduce the progression on the game, basic make every one week, but then the game would be boring
In a shooter too, there's no penalty for dying (you come back in 10 seconds with reloaded ammo and everything, no lost buffs, no resource gap). A top player in a shooter can spend the first third of the game doing nothing (literally nothing) and still pull out a win if they're good enough, because time to kill doesn't depend on your scaling.
I think something else that's subtle is that when respawns are quicker, you don't have time to start flaming in chat. In League, when you sit there for 40+ seconds with a grey screen, that's a lot of time to get really detailed with your manifesto on why it was everyone's fault but yours that you died.
Every single competitive multiplayer game? It's not that hard. If you make me waste 15 minutes on a game that's already lost, you get it. If you refuse to surrender and then make me waste another 5/10/15/20/25 minutes because "every game is winnable", you get it. That's every single multiplayer game in existence.
@@rushink Battlefield is not toxic because its not competitive in the same sense and yet it is ranked multiplayer. Ps. you are already wasting your life playing league, why are you mad if you have to play 5 mins longer lmao
@@jensentaylor1384 I had to stop with DbD It's not just the toxic t-bagging survivors what does it for me is the matchmaking I'm level 67 with about 170 hours and when I play Killer which I do most of the time I get red rank survivors with hundreds sometimes even thousands of hours So you sit there for 10 minutes or more just to be gen rushed in 3 minutes and totally outplayed by people with years of experience You wasted so much time and you don't even get anything from it And when I play Survivor with friends we mostly get facecamping and tunneling Wraiths so when you get hooked once it's over
I’ve come back to this game after years cause every time I try to get into it my team is always so angry at me for trying to learn. I try to learn and look into videos to help but when putting what I’ve learned into action, the constant anger really deters me from wanting to play more when there is no gratification.
League just highlights the fact that a large portion of humanity doesn't have what you'd call "Honor" "Heart" or a soul. There are a lot of petty, deranged, cowards in this world that play this game unfortunately.
@@xniyana9956 that, and that humanity was lost long ago... extinction is immenent, we just don't know when, eh we'll see. probably end up nuking each other one day.
That is the answer i can agree on, the game is quite okay but some players are just toxic as simple as that. I too have a bit of blame mentality but i keep it only in my head not on the chat because i know it won't help anything, saying bad words so you can "vent" is just a bulshit excuse for toxic people.
Wild rift is fun because everyone shuts up, no "?" Ping, the matches end quickly so I can just load up another one if I win or lose. The matches need to end quicker, so there isn't any 40min "hard fought" games where you walk away either tilted or relieved.
EXACTLY. I remember when I'm playing with a duo and we are basically doing 2v5 to save the other three because they were tilted hard. The game went on to 50+ minutes and we still lost.
Not really, I have been playing league since 2009, I since 2016 I've only played ARAM. People are toxic as fuck in ARAM and it only takes like 20 minutes. Honestly, every year it gets worse and worse
True an intense game like league should end around 30 minutes because it require so much attention energy, losing in 40+ minutes while people flaming each other is the worst thing you can get for a game
@@flowerofash4439 I've been playing wild rift a lot nowadays and I have to say they nailed it. Games are short but fun less toxicity even if you guys lose it's not that much of a hassle.
i know that league is just a video game, but when i take breaks from playing i genuinely feel happier. i tend to go back to other games and actually have fun in my down time and not have to simultaneously deal with an unbalanced game and toxic players.
I recently started playing league again after a couple of years and I am actually having fun, so I thought I would give my thoughts on the subject. I think one of the biggest problems is that people forget there are other humans in their team. It is easy to scream at a computer because what is it going to do, compute some more numbers? But when you realize that you are flaming another human being I think/hope people will realize that everyone makes mistakes. That being said, just don't take the game to seriously and laugh at your mistakes, it makes the game way more fun.
"don't take the game to seriously and laugh" man people are broken in lol. I play normals with my friend that do not have 30 lvl yet and guess what. They have audacity to flame him
Funniest thing is that tyler1 used to be the go2 example of toxicity in the game That's no longer the case, not because he changed, but because everyone around him became so unbelievable toxic that he is no longer the worse, not by a long shot.
I am new , level 11, and got told I was playing very toxic. I have no idea what I did but everyone was pissed I was playing as Twitch. It was a VS AI bot match. Blew me away. Im just trying to figure shit out and learn the champions. Kinda makes me not want to play honestly
The core issue is that most gamers (not specifically league players) have very poor communication skills. Mix that with a limited ways to communicate, a highly competitive setting, and the a culture breaded from immaturity (off a guess most online gamers are either teens or young adults). It just spells for a toxic landscape. Why league is specifically so bad is because the game is heavily depended on team work. There’s too many things out of your control, such as your teammates performance or temper/mood. If a teammate starts performing badly, that negatively affects your chances of winning, which would obviously get you worried at the very least. The fact this player is a random player, you disassociate them with an actual person, making it far easy to berate them as if it were a face to face setting. Plus the fact it can easily snowball to multiple people insulting eachother, things will lose focus fast and being stuck in this situation for a minimum of 15 minutes will just eat away at most people.
I had accuired 2 permabans for flaming. Started playing again but learned to keep calm if I see someone fail. 3rd ban was due to absolute piece of sh*t teamates who despite going 0/5 in lane went on a flaming rant how their jungler (me) was trash, useless and how his mother is this and that. I was actually doing really well, farming, taking objectives, turned the tide on other two lanes in our favor but somehow it was my fault they were getting ganked when they were balls deep with no vision for no good reason. I couldnt take it anymore and responded back with simillar vocabulary. That was my 3rd and last permaban, I dont play that shit anymore
Another thing I've noticed that makes mobas in general more toxic is that you're locked in for at least 10-15 minutes. In other games like an FPS, you know there's always an escape button if you need a break and someone else will fill your spot. In League you can get trapped like a bunch of monkeys in a cage with the fear of being punished for leaving.
@@tylerd80495 agree . You can't leave and thats the worst. If you die you see enemy write ez outplayed and your mates say wp and instead of leaving you need to still fight with no chance of winning 1v1 with enemy laner.
@@xniyana9956 really? you lose a portion of your focus and energy by arguing, typing, pinging unnecessary while playing, your performance will decrease therefore lower your chance of winning the game
Any other junglers focus much more heavily on your mistakes when others? Whenever people die I always feel pressured to be everywhere at once and when I misplay I feel like trash.
I played LOL a long time ago and as a jungle main. I agree that it’s stressful and tired of mid laners telling me to do something crazy like a diamond player would do lol
I usd to feel like that but I started winning more games when I learned to detect which lane will actually carry my ass out of that shithole... a good thing to do is check opggs right as queue starts (copy everyone's names in the champ select chat and paste them on opgg or something), see who has a good winstreak, usually it's the toplaner cause those crackheads put actual effort in the game, so focus on getting them ahead and they'll hard win the lane and you can focus on botside for drakes, etc., that what I do and usually works pretty well, but I mean I only play ranked till I hit gold 4, just want the nice skin hehe, not worth to go any elo above that escially considering how much you get punished for losing (1 loss usually takes 2 wins to recover)
honestly, there are so few very great games in LoL. Usually, games are over very quickly (wins or losses), but sometimes you get a very exciting 45min long game, where everyone pulls their weight, both teams are equally as strong, it could go either way, and at the end everyone writes ggwp. That is so rare, yet still sooooo awesome, and i am really looking for such games. Is this my inner-Nami speaking? XD im support main, i always want the best experience for everyone
Personally I have a lot of patience so the only time I ever go off in chat is when someone else is constantly whining and/or flaming the whole match. In my experience, every game where someone angrily spams the chat is an automatic loss because they're distracting the rest of the team and themselves; if they put that effort into the match instead of flaming all of us we still would've had some level of chance to still win. But, again, that's just my experience.
@Mitchell Legend this might be true, or they have a legit problem like being perma weakside and are sour for being ignored. sometimes it's not about putting more effort into a round, but to cut your losses and quickly move on to the next round. because to some people the win is actually not important, but having a good match is, and being the punching ball for the enemy team or enemy jgler, especiall if your ppl lollygags, is no fun. btw.: from what you wrote you sound like a "never ff" guy.
Great video, thanks for making it :) I won't claim that I'm very good at this game, but I have to play with the troll account players CONSTANTLY. I actually can't get through a week of play without having at least 5 games with these players. I look at their porofessor and see that they have an almost 100% lose rate with high death count, plus they speak in chat about how they're just in the game to ruin it for us because they think it's fun. These accounts are the biggest issue with this game. I personally had an LP penalty applied to me when my power went out doing a hurricane and I lost the ability to get back into a match. Riot and I talked back and forth and they basically said "yeah we have to apply this to maintain the integrity of the punishment system" but they literally don't do anything meaningful about these troll accounts. It's kind of a joke.
After 5 years of playing League, I'm happy to say that I have uninstalled the game and never look back. Riot was never your friend, they're all smart thieves who know how to extract money from you. Stay away.
??? There is barely any incentive to spend money in league, it is one of the game's few redeeming qualities. I agree that you should stay away but not for this reason lol
the whole time when you talk about how we don't really think we are the problem I felt like "this is definitely not for me" I blame myself for every mistake in the game (jng main btw) and when you say the ego comes in the way I was like oh guess I don't have any of that at all
I had one game where my entire team just went off on me for an hour long game and it actually made me cry and ruined my whole game experience. I get you can be annoyed if someones doing poorly but idk how people can get so toxic :/
You play like trash you are gonna get told you play like trash. Sont like it mute them. And also if you cry when someonw tells you you are trash at something that makes you a special kind of a snowflake.
This game genuinely crushes my faith in humanity sometimes, and the whole 'chat bans making things worse point' is especially bad. If losing the ability to say slurs in the chat is your excuse for running it down, you should probably stop and do some reevaluation of your life. It literally boggles my mind the excuses people come up with in this game, for being stuck in whatever rank they are, for why they lost, for why they are toxic or why they ran it down. It is like these people are physically incapable of taking responsibility for anything that happens or putting even a moment aside for introspection, and it is depressing to watch.
It's not an excuse, it's a cause. If the toxic ass can't slur in chat they troll, cause and effect. And it does suck but it's not an excuse, I do believe that if chat restrictions weren't in play there would be less feeders, because at least some of them* would be busy flaming. Otherwise I do agree with the rest of the comment. Introspection is a specially hard skill to get.
@@jonathankevin1309 they shouldn’t have the right, if something like league of legends is making them say all of that, then just stop playing the game and do something you enjoy more, just like what I’m doing these days
"I'M ADDICTED, SO I CAN'T QUIT" Would be their excuse and maybe they started out just trying it then they got hook, addicted, and then they can't change their main game cause they are too deep into it. This got to be some kind of self- discipline and self- worth problem when they put their worth into numbers in a game and became too addicted to take some healthy break from this competitive game.
You mentioned it a bit toward the end, but I think the fact that it's so easy to create new accounts to avoid punishment could use a little more emphasis. As someone who came back to the game after a ~5 year break, ranked placements were a complete nightmare. I almost quit again because being exposed to the toxicity so constantly was noticeably affecting my mental health. It became clear that many of the accounts I & my friends were encountering were smurfs whose toxic behavior was emboldened by the fact that they effectively had nothing to lose. So, I think implementing something along the lines of what they do for Clash (SMS account verification) for ALL modes of play could be something that *would* have a tangible positive effect, practically overnight.
Yeah and what happens when you get trolled or inted 10 games in a row and then you call someone an idiot and eventually get banned? Yes the solution is to make it harder to make new account, not to fix the stupid ban system that punishes you for typing but does fuck all to stop people for griefing. Makes sense
@@mohamedsoliman416 yeah actually if you regularly call people idiots you should get banned. The fact that you had to obfuscate and abstract it so far to "punishes you for typing" instead of the much more straightforward and correct "punishes you for insulting people consistently" makes me think that you probably understand it, too. Deep down, at least. Makes sense to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To fix the toxic issue all riot needs to do is bring back the old system from the old seasons. The reason why you had less toxic people back then is because players could carry them self's and the game was less team focus, and more about a players skill and choices.
I think all team-based games could stand to do something along those lines. Someone here actually mentioned that it could potentially help reduce the toxicity is to reduce team rewards and begin to increase solo rewarding based on performance. If an entire team is going to be screwed over because one guy is a crybaby who throws a tantrum at them, why not reward the people who are actually trying to play and reward them for their work while reducing the people who go AFK or don't pull their weight. Hunt: Showdown, while not a MOBA, has a similar reward system that rewards team play but even gives "underdog" rewards to solo hunters
7:56 keep in mind riot completely dicked crit chance for adcs, so you need 5 items to get 100% crit instead of 4 and on top of that crit damage was reduced even harder. In the meantime the windbros got their passive adjusted to get 100% crit with 2 items. And they get ad converion from more crit. Just goes to show how bad riot is at balancing their own game
this fact does not show unbalance. u are just describing an element of the game. just because the windbros have more crit chance doesn't mean they're stronger
You should play only meta to realise you are describing it wrong. A good adc can win the game almost alone. Take Samira/Aphelios/Kaisa/Kogmaw if you know what you doing, you win games.
@@carlosemiralonso7997 I mean, so can every Hypercarry and the broken AP no mana assassins in the midlane and the immortal bruisers with infinite dashes and sustain in the toplane An open meta does not mean X thing is better than Y thing, just that Y thing isn't as bad in comparison to X thing. Warzone/CoD defines this pretty well, you like the M13? Well, you can use it and win with some effort. But someone with a Grau 5.56 will perform slightly better for simply using the superior weapon
I remember my last LoL game. I was on gold promos, for the 5th time I think, and we had a jungle xin that would not stop feeding, 1-15 on a 20 minute game. I looked him up and he was doing his ranked placement games (1st ranked game ever). Enemy had 2 plat players and the rest were high silver. I logged out and never logged back in again, this was in 2018. The matchmaking on this game is designed to give you a thrombosis.
When I play league, i stay positive, yes, I get tilted sometimes, but I'm always trying to stay positive, my adc died ? No problem, people get bad days, junglers missed smite ? No problem, we are not a robots, we don't have godlike reflex, even if I lose, I'm not mad because I know in order to win, someone needs to lose and it's normal so
Oh boy, oh boy, this will be hilarious! Every time I think about LoL toxicity I wonder why so many sociopaths are willing to play this game which is literally built around team play. Why they don't want to play PUBG or other ‘single mode’ online games?
Man, league is most addicting game ever. You cant stop playing simply because winning feels so good, game itself is nice but losing is just a bad time for your brain
I think there is one more reason for the toxicity. Adding to all the mental factors you mention, when people watch streamers being toxic, they tend to normalize it, accept it and then copy it. I mean... You can see that every big personality in the league streamers community now is a not good copy of Tyler1. And I'm not agaist Tyler, but being loud and toxic it's what gives him the popularity he has today, and it really sells. So everyone is watching and normlizing disrutive behaviours more and more, because it's what gets more views on streaming platforms. I think thats a really big reason why there are more toxic players now than a few years back.
I disagree. People who watch it and enjoy "toxicity" in streamers is because they understand where it stems from, making it empathetically relatable, entertaining, and -connecting-. Sure, there may be some who love to emulate their favorite toxic streamers' toxicity, but to say its some kind of validation on their part that catalysts toxicity is a stretch for the whole. And if you look at the most "toxic" streamers that are popular, you'll see that their toxicity isn't at all that "toxic", and may even vary depending on what happened in the past and current games they've played.
I agree. Had a game last night where I died to enemy Nasus during dragon fight, our Singed said thats gg go next. I told him "you are not your favorite streamer and we are not in high elo, we will win". Flamed me in global the next 20 minutes right up to us destroying enemy Nexus. He actively wanted us to lose for refusing to surrender.
Nope, its not Tyler's fault, its Riot's fault for why there are toxic players. Watching streamers tilt is just irony. Riot does not punish game ruining behavior so toxic players keep behaving badly. Riot is the root of the problem, not "toxic" streamers like T1.
There's no deterioration. The game is just as toxic as its always been. They've never come close to fixing it and a massive issue is banning people for words rather than actions which tribunal had the same flaws
My view on this changed and thats why I can't even get myself to play League anymore. Anytime I do bad I feel I'm taking away the rest of the teams enjoyment. I have learned how hopeless things can feel after you get 1v1nd top, especially when you have a toxic team that won't shutup about it either.
@@flowerofash4439 that's absolutely abhorrent... I can't believe someone would wish death upon someone's mother just because they're angry at a game. I don't care who you are, you don't wish death on anyone regardless of how much you hate them. I'm so sorry you had to put up with such behavior from another human being
Just don't coinflip the lane level one, it's not difficult. Pick something where you know later your power ramps up and just chill early. Too often I see people play something that has to do well early and then they don't and the entire game is over.
The chat restriction effect is absolutely real. A few of my friends used to be toxic in chat, they are decent players, but simply their manner of interacting with other people was disrespectful. Of course, that isn't good, but overall the worse they were doing is calling someone who was feeding some slurs. When Riot started cracking down hard on chat, they all got restrictions, one after the other. The solution afterwards? Well, now when they get tilted, they simply throw the game. They never type anything anymore, it's just an instant "welp, we lost" and they they just go soft-afk, solo farming, or keep trying to 1v5. By enforcing chat rules Riot pretty much made worse forms of abuse that they can't deal with explode.
I can vouch for this. Previously perma banned player. Honor level 0 on current account because chat restrictions (extremely questionable as to why) and now I don’t ever type in chat, team is muted, and if nobody helps that’s not because chat is muted is because this game is best played selfishly...of course to save your sanity not to actually win.
I have a friend who's really toxic in the chat. Every time, I tell him he should desactivate the chat in the settings but he doesn't want to. He says he's waiting for Riot to chat restrict him for ever instead of ban his account (2 days ago, he got his 6th account ban...). I thought : "Yeah, it would be better than ban the account". But now, after reading your "experience" about your friends, I'm wondering if my friend will also troll/feed etc... instead of being toxic :(. I don't think so but it scares me a bit to be honest. Personnally, I used to being a bit toxic too. Too much than "reasonable" and I got 14 days ban ^^. I deserved it. Like really x). And since then, I didn't get anything. When I play a game, I either write something nice to encourage my teammates and chill a bit their toxicity or I just don't write at all. And this is SO WAY BETTER ! Sadly, I can't do really something to help myself when there is a troller in my team, which is pretty rare but still :(.
I am like this I basicly one trick caitlyn, and I play since S3, so I at least have a lot of experience. Winning games is really simple on a conceptual level, so I usually would try to provide some sort of leadership because if we at least have a plan, we have more chances of winning compared to a non-comunicating team. THen I got banned cause I confronted people about them willingly turning off their brain. Now i don't even care, I mute everyone and disable emotes, and use my pings. I'm not interested in delaying games where it's obvious people are not trying to win. I just farm side lanes so that 2 things can happen: - team actually holds their own 4v5 and I get strong enough to at least increase our chances - we lose faster, since being an adc, you can be ahead and it be the same as being 0/15 vs some champions, so there is no chance to win without enemy team disconnecting their brain
It was 2012 when I first started playing. Played it for a good minute until the toxicity of the game and how it impacted me became more and more evident. It wasn't like an fps shooter where you can fuck up because no one's paying attention to your fuck ups. Everyone's focused on how well they're doing, but with LoL, mfs are actively waiting to blame someone if the game starts going south. It got to the point where my own friends were screaming at me and each other on Discord because of how bad some games got. Not to mention I actually lost a relationship because all my attention was on the game. All my precious time that could've been spent doing something that would progress my life was spent on LoL. The shit was just not fun anymore.. Fast foward to early 2014, I finally uninstalled. While my friends stayed playing as soon as they got home from school, I was going to the gym, building new relationships, partying, making memories, and doing the shit that most rebellious teenagers do. It's crazy to think that my LoL friends didn't get to do any of that, all because they couldn't give up a stupid ass game. All those hours spent on LoL, and for what? Books to read if you're struggling with the lack of substance in your life: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Godspeed friends.
I have 6 accounts just for trying new champions, since i don't want to wait 140 years to collect enough blue essence to buy everyone. It's almost terrifying how easy it is to creare a new account
I guess that's why I'm an outlier. I just play for fun. If I lose a game I lose. It's all just memories with my buds. I can look back at the replays and see what I did wrong (or try to see what I did wrong) and grow from it. End of the day it's a game. I played a woman floating around with a magical harpstring bow or a spiky guy who looks like a pinecone who never speaks more than two syllables at a time. I can laugh and smile knowing that.
@@xniyana9956 I'm the kind of guy who would get friends to do the seasonal placement matches and then just not touch ranked for like 4 months. Only use it as an occasional test of skill and not care if I win or lose.
when it comes to League I have 2 options: play with my close friends, or don't have fun at all. and yes, Snowball is at its MOST toxic nowadays, i s2g, ive been playing this game since Aatrox was released and it was never, ever, this bad
I’m a girl and I have been playing league for a maximum of a year now, I see the toxicity that was mentioned in this video ever since day one. My mains are Rakan and Varus but recently I decided that I wanted to learn Yasuo and switch to mid. I’m in general a very positive person and I never give up on a game even though the enemy is storming our base I always say we still have a chance, as long as the nexsus stands we have a chance. Ever since I switched to Yasuo and I started playing to learn him I have gotten nothing but people flaming me for not carrying in the first five minutes and giving up after ten because I’m still learning. They type in chat “ Just ff this Yasuo sucks we can’t win this “ when we are 5 kills ahead and we took the first tower. I don’t understand that concept and I don’t understand how you can give up so easily when someone is doding everything in their power to help and do their part. I still have to learn a lot about the game I recently started playing ranked and I’m doing decent there with my two mains. I don’t think that I will start on learning a new champ anytime soon simply because I’m not given the chance to learn.
Yeah that's juste yasuo tbh. He gets it worse. Wait till you experience being tower dove or camped just because people personally hate yasuo. I do the same to irelia and kata tbh when I jungle - fuck those cancers
I do also want to think that there is some sort of psychology to it. Like for example, we associate a champion like (just throwing this champ out there for example) Irelia. There’s this mentality that this champion is really good, thus them not carrying in the first 5 10 or 15 minutes means the player playing the champion is bad when in reality it could be a multitude of factors, like maybe a counterpick, enemy jungle, just learning the champion, etc. I guess my point is is that you are expected to be the one and only carry on your team because you pick a really good champion. Obviously, there are other factors that go into play and I can be completely wrong, but I feel like it is a plausible explanation.
Lol. Yasuo players are a meme. When somone plays Yasuo and sucking they blame it cuz "Its just another Yasuo player" who if they see they can R presses it no matter what or just goes in thinking they can 1 vs 5. That probably explains a chunk of the treatment you are getting from your teammates. I played since S2 and these days its easier to comeback from a losing game believe it or not. Before, if you lose early, there is almost no chance of comming back. The give up easily mentality IMO comes from Korean players. People from other regions watch thier games admiring them, seeing them quitting early gets immitated not knowing where this behaviour comes from. Koreans have a "pali-pali" culture which is kinda like a "get it done as fast as you can and move on" mentality. This, coupled with them mostly playing in internet Cafe's which they are paying by the hour makes a lot of sense. That's just my best guess anyway.
I'm a Renekton main, but even I am annoyed at the snowball. Especially in the top lane, often, I kill my opponent once or twice and they literally can't do anything to affect the game anymore, unless I troll very hard. The same goes for when my opponent kills me. The snowball penalizes you for limit testing, and makes it that much harder to improve.
@@LeReVaQ I literally play one of the champions that benefits the most from snowball, what are you talking about? lol I'm complaining because after I kill my opponent once, the game is already over and it just gets TOO easy. You might need some more brain cells, ngl
Agree so much!, been complaning about the snowball for many years. Recently came back after few years break and noticed it's still here sadly. It's just like ok now im useless/they are useless game is over already... what's the point to continue?
If you get killed in top lane and are behind you have to adjust your playstyle Like freezing your wave near your tower, only focusing on farming and setting up a gank maybe. In like 5 out of 10 times you can turn around the lane Or make clever TP plays and snowball your other lanes Literally everyone who says the snowball is too strong is probably not able to find and execute ways to prevent it
I started playing more ARAM a couple of months ago as I was having a bad time playing ranked games. At the begining I thought it was boring but eventually started to like it. However, the fun is being ruined by afk people. Some never connect, or some get in, get killed 3 times and stay at base waiting for surrender or the enemy team to finish. As it is ARAM I like building different stuff, one game I played full tank Malphite and I was being harassed by a guy for playing tank, on a different match I played full AP malphite, and the story repeated, this time for not playing tank, like wtf
Instead of just an account ban, I feel that they should implement an IP ban to erase those people to make the threat of a ban that much more intimidating.
@@quaesitor6428 Okay and? Not many people are so desperate to play league that they'll go through that trouble. How about you come up with another creative solution instead of just blowing hot air?
IP bans are outdated bro, MAC address bans would be a better fit, because vpns change your ip yes, but they don't change anything else, so if you ban people by one deeper detail then it would be a start
I play wholesome braum support. When my adc starts running it down I only say words of encouragement and, at least in low elo, it’s pretty easy to set most people back on track mental wise
My teams tend to be nice to me but I also am encouraging and kind to them to try to make them feel better even if theyre feeding. It literally negatively benefits me to make them feel worse. If you make them feel better they will at least do their best. And since im not smurfing I'm in my own elo their best is also around my best their worse is comparable to am iron player. Positivity goes a long way
I am new to this game and i mainly play support as to learn things first. I usually try to be as positive as i can to people if they made some mistake by saying "it aight man, don't worry" and stuff to let them know that it's not the end of the world. Sometimes acknowledging your own fault and being supported by nice words will set their mood up to keep trying rather than bringing them down
I'm glad you got into the reasons people are so frustrated playing and not just whining about things in chat. If mismatch game could end in 10 minutes or a surrender could happen at any time in the game. People would be more likely to just say GG go next. But instead you're punished for 40 minutes getting steamrolled
imo, riot should remove turret plating altogether. it was a good idea back then, but now with so many lane bullies, punishers, and assassin abusers, you die once in lane as any champ regardless of how insane your late-game scaling is and you lost the game. maybe if the turret plating gold was removed, but the resistance bonus was kept, the game would at least be somewhat fixed
As someone who used to be quite toxic and still has toxic friends, the reason why we were so toxic is because there is a lack of communication and collaboration between teammates. Some people don’t use chat at all so you can’t communicate with them or they are too stubborn to actually cooperate. In almost 5 years of league I have never met someone who is toxic just for the sake of being toxic, but it was always someone who was frustrated ether with his teammates or the game. I think adding voice chat would solve this problem since there it would allow people to have communicate. Also if someone is toxic you can just mute them, something you can’t do with an int-feeder
Just yesterday I played a draft pick game where my pick was banned by a teammate “because fuck you that’s why” People definitely *are* toxic just because it’s funny, it’s the same culture that infested early 2010s CoD lobbies (all of which had voice chats). The best way to deal with a toxic player is to not soloq. I find that if a toxic player illicits a reaction from you or the rest of the team(negative or otherwise) they take it as an invitation to be even more annoying, so play with at least 2 friends and try to shut him down when he gets toxic by just not engaging, or asking your friends to back you up when you ask the other player to be quiet. And mute them
@@porkupineexe6862 my friends are not toxic with teammates, they just get mad in discord and spam ping sometimes. I guess he banned you champion because he didn’t want you to play it (maybe?) I don’t know that type of shit never happens to me
@@ventu7907 sure right playing with toxic friends is no better than toxic teammates I get that But that player was just toxic the whole time, we were winning, but he was calling everyone garbage and getting tilted about everything. Maybe it was just a really bad day for them, I just mean to point out that people are toxic for mysterious reasons. Ur better off finding kind friends and having a good time with them while losing rather than playing with toxic friends and winning
The ironic thing about so called Unskilled E-Girl Enchanter Supports is that the champions are actually a lot more difficult to pilot than Engage Supports, with perhaps the notable exception of Sona.
With a delay to your comment, yet I agree that the majority of the enchanters don't necessate much skill, yet Nami, Karma, Rakan and Taric would make exceptions as with Nami is much tougher to land a bubble especially if they have a mobile composition and she can be easily bursted than Lulu or Soraka. On top of that, she seems initially easy to be played, nevertheless, as soon as you commence playing Nami, you would struggle to master her. Rakan's W is tough to be landed especially if they have poke supports or just mobile foes.
We live in a hypercompetitive society, so anything and everything one can use to "prove" itself better than another one will be used in that way, regardless of how minimal or "unimportant" it is, this is explain why competitive games are so popular, it is a way of one to prove itself or feel like they fit in socially by being better, or just because they like being better than otthers. So, when people open a competitive game, they generally are there to win, and that generates the good feelling of the game, while in some other game one could be having enjoyment by just playing a game. Basically winning is the main goal, and anything or anyone making winning harder frustates a player, because there is more things involved than just a game. Also since the goal is to one prove itself better than others, blaming teammates or saying they are worse is almost a natural response to the situation to keep one's superiority. The snowball is so big now that even a single mistakes being premetitaded is enough for one start being toxic with others, like a single item out of the meta, or a single minion lost.
I completly agree. If you are playing league to prove you are better its normal to say someone is dogshit. But then when you die they will say wp and snowball is rolling hard
Well it’s a given that every game has a toxic side. Here in LoL it’s inevitable there’s no toxicity. Even in other MOBA’s there’s toxicity all over, and devs cant do anything about it except muting them, banning them, etc. Here in Wild Rift, there’s a 1 in 4 chance you’ll encounter a toxic teammate. The best solution to that is to mute them, but in a competitive game like League, most people would get triggered and respond back tilting them and feeding the whole game. It’s inevitable at the least, but if you mute them from the start and just focus on your play then no worries.
Altough wild rift is slowly sinking with the same toxicity as League. Just very slowly but I agree with you and your profile picture is creepy can you change that? XD
Games need to be cut down in time. When you know you lost at 8 minutes and your team won’t ff at 15 and you stay in a loosing game till 25 is just infuriating. And so you just hate literally hate teammates that hold you hostage or make you feel that way.
@KA really depends who you play. Even if I get fed as Rammus, there's only so many enemies you can keep out of the fight if your team isn't pulling their weight.
What's bizarre is that Riot created the snowbally state the game is currently in cause there was a time where the meta was shifted to more turtling. That was the meta where the Turrets had shields and shot lasers. They moved away from it, claiming it wasn't interesting and that working for an early lead only to suddenly have a game that seems like a victory flip over to a loss was not good. Honestly, the multiplayer aspect is more of a deeply rooted problem with online gaming than it is a League of Legends problem. In real life team based multiplayer games, where people are physically present, there is no "running it down mid." That's because it's naturally moderated in a way where if someone is doing something clearly against the rules, then they are called out on it: Fouls. There are no moderators in an average game to stop foul play, cause literally anything goes. The reporting system throws red flags after the deed has already been done and the catastrophic damage has been made. And it's not just League of Legends, pretty much all competitive online multiplayer games can suffer this, particularly team based ones. Dota 2 suffers from a elitism due to the skill based nature of the game, dwarfing the newer playerbase. For god sake, even Rocket League actually gets toxic with passive aggressiveness akin to the ? spam pinging in League of Legends. Stopping griefing isn't straightforward, but at the very least steps can be taken to lower frustration. I think one of the most accessible features to lowering frustration is surrender. Minimizing the trauma of disaster scenarios by just ending it. Might seem like the cowards way out, but ending a game 1/5/0 is less frustrating than ending a game 1/50/0. As a social experiment for those who always say no to surrender votes, try playing low stakes mode like normals and ARAM and saying yes to every single surrender vote that pops up. You'll find that your overall experience is far less frustrating since disasters are nipped in the bud before they can possibly happen. That said, one of the most simplest ways to make surrender a better tool for lowering frustration is to add concessions to the act of surrendering. Let's say if your team agrees to surrender, your LP is reduced by half of what it would have if you just flat out lost. That opens the option of guaranteed loss = less penalty. Does this open the loophole that teams could just literally surrender right before losing to minimize their losses? Of course it does, but does that actually negatively impact anyone at all? Your enemies don't care cause they win the game and gain the same LP either way. The people on the ladder don't care, cause who cares about other people on the damn ladder? That's the last thing on your mind when in game. Is this still cockblocked by people who are in their promos? Obviously, but how is that any different from right now? People in their promos are still going to adamantly refuse surrender, and it's still going to spawn the same issues of people running it down mid or afk'ing. People are already frustrated that people are so apprehensive about surrender. There is absolutely no change. This is just one example of how frustration could be curbed in this game. In general, frustration can't really be rid of in competitive multiplayer games. Even in real life, losing feels bad and there is always a loser in a competition. The only thing you can do is limit that frustration.
I agree 100% with what you typed, but i think there's a way Riot could lower the frustration bar in League. I've played many multiplayer games be it in a competitive or a casual way, but one thing that most of them had was a casual 'just for fun' gamemode. And I believe Riot is actually unintentionally feeding the frustration to players, not necessarily because they don't add additional gamemodes, but because they are promoting competitive play so much that they are pushing away the fact that League is just a video game. And I know what peoples reactions to "It's just a game" are. But why do we play video games in the first place? Did you start playing video games because of an potential ego-gain? or money? No, I will go as far as saying 99,9% of all players started playing video games because they are fun. Does that mean competitiveness = no fun? absolutely not. But Riot is pushing the competitive scene to the next level. They are promoting Twitch Rivals every year for their own game, what is Twitch Rivals about you ask? competitive play among twitch streamers. They also regularly push ads for their E-Sports scene into the client, to get more people to watch them. Is that in of itself a bad thing? again: No! The more urging question we need to ask is: "Is League of Legends advertised as a 'for fun game'?" and the answer to this question from my perspective is No. Why? How many times have I been flamed for a non-optimal build in ARAM? How many times have I been flamed for trying out a new champ and performing poorly in a Normal? How often do people tryhard in the rotating gamemodes? The answer to all of them is: Way too many times. If Riot wants to lower the amount of griefing and frustration in their game they should try to get people to play stupid builds by promoting people that love to mess around with the games mechanics. Another option would be to make the game less snowbally because loosing early game right now could literally mean that you know you're going to waste the next 10 minutes playing a lost game. But why is a loss bad anyway? I think what Riot should also focus on is to make losses not as punishing as they are, because you probably had at least one game where you lost but still had fun regardless. How come a loss can be fun? Ever played battlefield or call of duty? How often do you care about your team winning the round instead of your K/D? Do you start raging because of the 10 points your team was behind? (I know I'm comparing an ego-shooter to a MOBA) League needs something similar to this, a way to feel rewarded for playing a game regardless of the outcome. Maybe give them BE, maybe cut their LP losses by their performance in that ranked game, maybe let them accumulate points towards something bigger from those losses. I don't know what but they should do something for those 50% of games you're going to loose, because League is the most punishing game I know of regarding a loss. Nothing as a human being feels worse than knowing you just wasted 30 minutes of your lifetime for a setback. Just my 2 cents
@@manu241019 Speaking of harsh losses, Riot fails to consider that people have situations in their life that prevents them from committing to a game. They constantly say they look for patterns of afk to make sure they punish the people who afk for no good reason. What they don't understand is that they have failed to accommodate the players who have someone like that on their team. It's fine that people have to leave every now and then because of certain issues like real life emergencies or blackouts, but their teammates are the ones who take the brunt of that issue. This creates a lopsided skew where it is far easier to lose games than win. This is why despite wins and loss LP being identical, it is an absolute chore to climb. Even if you are extremely skilled, you are going to have to be smurfing to win a game with 2 afks on your team or even worse: int-ers. Intentionally feeding and AFK should never be justified. Even in this system, surrendering still means losing. Forcing surrenders by running it down will still cause the troll to fall dramatically in the ladder. And this should even give the system more flexibility to roll out punishments to people who troll. Rather, I think the place to start is to aim for this goal: The failures of one should not be shouldered by all. Lowering the cost of surrender helps with this because it creates a positive skew for LP that can then be adjusted by the system for people who shouldn't get it: trolls, AFK, etc. Bans and chat restrictions don't mean much to players, but touch their LP and they will feel the pain. If trolling and AFKing for the fun of it actively stops their climb, you know dang well people are going to stop.
@@manu241019 As far as casual gameplay goes, it really does tie back to the goal: The failures of one should not be shouldered by all. There is one huge difference between FPS and MOBA to really understand where this spite is coming from: Does killing make you stronger? Sure there might be some bonuses you get that can be obtained by killing more. Like maybe getting that predator missle or some other tool that makes killing easier. However, you don't physically become harder to kill. In MOBAs, experience and gold are your rewards. So while the gold is similar to getting that predator missle, the experience is something that makes MOBAs more snowbally than FPS. Feeding someone doesn't just give them the tools to kill, it makes them drastically harder to kill. You may have seen some pentakill videos where a level 15 champion kills the entire enemy team averaging level 11 single handedly. That's because level differences cause extremely stark differences in power. So if you went a wonky build and started feeding, the enemy gains a level advantage and starts kicking everyone's butt just by being 2 levels over. People aren't flaming for the wonky build, they are just looking for a reason for why an unstoppable monster was born. They would still flame if you went a meta build and fed, but they would rather be bashing your skill at the game. Proof of this is if you were fed and had a wonky build, your team would be ROFLing over that. Why are wonky builds more accepted in ARAM than SR? (let's be real, some of the builds in ARAM would cause people in SR to blow their lid) That's because level leads aren't as easy to form in ARAM, but you know flaming will sure as hell start when a level lead does form. That said, the only way to really fix this is to offer a reliable way to close that EXP gap. Only reasonable thing I could think of is creating an elixir that gives you exp over time to reach the highest level player on the enemy team. This would be to alleviate disaster situations where you can't farm minions or monsters without getting nuked by the enemy. This is more controversial than the surrender concessions, because it trivializes the effort needed to create level gaps. If it was limited to giving exp/sec in the fountain, then that could be acceptable since you need to balance contributing to the team vs. ensuring levels. Though I do think an elixir is important for this because an effect like this shouldn't be free.
Not sure lowering the penalty for FF is going to have the impact you're hoping for... If they implemented this, virtually everyone would FF a lost cause game (right before the enemy can take nexus) resulting in the half reduced LP lost becoming the status quo. At that point, losing half LP is like losing the "normal" amount of LP for a game and it will still be just as bad for people. This also would too heavily encourage a team to FF even if they actually had a chance of winning. You can be down 10k in gold at 25 minutes and just get one good baron fight and turn the game. But if you reduce the LP penalty with forfeiting, then 4 out of 5 players on the team might see more appeal in just voting yes instead of actually trying to play it out.
I’m gonna be honest. I did consider myself to be a completely non-toxic person, but now I realized that I do generally blame my team first instead of thinking of what I do wrong. I don’t actually antagonize anybody in chat, but I do think that in my head. Thanks for the eye-opening video, Vars.
Most of the issues are solved by disabling chat, I have no sympathy for people who complain about toxicity and flaming if they choose to have chat enabled.
I love this game, but I’ve been playing since 2014 so… 10 years? Legit, I started playing this game because I wanted to go pro, but peaking between Platinum1 and Emerald3, there is nothing that pisses me off more than the trolls and feeders in this game. Before I played this game I noticed I was more chill and a lot more friendly, but this game has made me a bit more violent and a bit more cynical toward the average human. People abuse this game to make money off it, they abuse this game to gatekeep people from high elo, and then you have some of the most boosted animals playing this game and I can’t comprehend why? I had an Elise jungle in Gold2 and this Elise was complete garbage! Nine straight minutes of farming over and over again, she didn’t gank, she didn’t focus objectives, but all she did was farm. Elise is an early game champ, so why are you farming and doing nothing, you aren’t Master Yi, so why the fuck are you even playing Elise? Turns out, this person was a Smurf who added me after game and essentially wanted me to buy their services in being carted… I said a lot of things to this player and yeah, I reported them. The game isn’t bad, but it’s the degenerate losers who make this game bad.
Riot is making champions that are fun to play as, but really really frustrating to play against Viego Gwen Samira Yone even Senna that also add to peoples frustration I think
Its impossible for me to learn how to play when my hole team is calling me trash for not 1v4 instead of giving advices, thats why a lot of new players get burnt out
Thats what im saying they just go straight to, " Why are u feeding?! Why are u in my lane taking my exp?! (when youre there for 2 seconds) Why arent you getting objectives?! Jung diff! Ff 15!" instead of simply explaining wht was done wrong and how to fix it. Do they rly think cussing out ppl who r learning a game helps? People r rly dumb and toxic
My acc got perma banned coz my whole team was flaming me, i had a bad game, and riot support system still said i deserved a ban, i still cannot play on my first and my favorite acc to this day
What i hated the most in lol as a Dota 2 player, is that i couldn't feel the damage of characters. In Dota 2 even if someone gets ahead and gets an item or two more than you, you still have enough space to do something and contribute to battle, battles aren't over in seconds. Maybe you will die, but you will drag him under the tower where your team can tp, you will maybe connect some CC for your team or you will just reduce his health enough so that maybe someone in your team can finish him off. In lol opponents get one or God forbid two items ahead, they delete you. You just stand and wonder wtf am i playing. You don't have a say anymore in the game. It is natural to get tilted, when you just get revived, you go to the lane and overfed jungler who took 4 kills on the bot jump on you and in two or three shots send you to respawn again like you are a fucking minion. What league needs the most imo is to extend the length of the fights by scaling down burst potential on heroes and by introducing more of the active utility items. Take an example of a famous item of last parch in Dota 2 Force Staff (mainly picked as a support item or as a build up component on item with similar effect on range carry). Force staff pushes a unit in the direction they are turned to, it can be you, ally or enemy. The enemy team jumps on the carry aka adc, he is nearly dead, 2 supports and tank in his team have force staff, they use it one after another to force carry from frontline to backline and then tank start engagement while support heal carry and fight get reset. In lol adc dies there, there is no buy back mechanic and without his damage, his whole team gets steamrolled or they just zone them out and take Baron, then they steamroll over them. If i was that adc, even if i was at fault, i would get infuriated and blame my team for something like not being there or some excuse like that, while the team would blame me for dying like a noob and ruining game for everyone else, because they know, after that death chances of winning the game are getting much slimmer. Also jungler is the most toxic role in lol. When you are losing lane, you are crying why jungler doesn't gank, because there is expectation that jungler has to gank for you. When you finally win lane after intense trade with your opponent, there is always an enemy jungler to ruin it for you. Without even mentioning the idea of "objectives" and constant pressure of archiving them. Jungler role is the definition of toxicity when it comes to my rather shallow, but still existing, experience with lol. I would like to see how it would look if lol had lanes as 2/1/2 instead of 1/1/2 + jungler. Were top objective is contested by the top side as an extension of top battle and similarly with bot side and bot objective. With mid that is flexible to gank to help either one if it gets messy. You also remove smite and leave people with room for outplaying and stealing objective, instead of pressing one button.
No comms. Plain and simple, ESPECIALLY at low rank. Text chat is ineffective when you're trying to tell your jungler not to gank and you have to catch a wave at the same time. Pings are ineffective as they're overused and spammed, not to mention they don't convey a clear message. What could a danger ping mean? I could walk into a bush knowing the enemy jungler is there and being confident I win the fight. Now all of a sudden my mid pings danger. Does that mean "Danger there's a Yi in the bush" "Danger he has help" Or "Danger, don't take the fight because I have to back and I can't help" Three very different ways of perceiving the same situation that a simple danger ping doesn't get across, and that's just one example. I'd be a lot less toxic if I could communicate before shit goes wrong, we all would.
Jungler: **exists**
Bot lane: I'm about to end this mans whole career
As a jungle main. Times have been rough and i completely agree. I'm half way across the map making feeding my nasus kills so he can 1v5 and actually be useful and ganking bot only 4 times since they don't need lot of help. The sdc dies to the enemy jhin then blames me for no reason. Them the support also blames the adc since they have a brain. So to all those people who blame junglers for no reason, think before you int the game
Jungler: **Exists**
Everyone: I failed and it completely ur fault y no gank?
@@glizzygladiator9746 I understand your pain and I’m a mad main I do ok in lane my laner leaves I spam ping and they die blames me for not ping
Sometimes it is the jungler’s fault tho. I literally beg them to gank the Yone that’s under my tower all game for an easy kill and when they finally arrive, we get an easy kill.
Why are some of them so stubborn and just not gank when they know that their job is to get laners fed so they can win the game for them.
@@Rami1039 it's not the junglers job to manage your lane. The jungler(especially depending on if they are a farming or objective based jungler) role has a lot of dynamics and responsibilities that don't always include prioritizing your lane.
I spent almost five years without playing. Got excited watching Arcane and installed it again. A lot changed, played a game here and there and EVERY SINGLE GAME people were complaining at each other and at me. Even at ARAM or non-ranked. Honestly, I don't have the time, energy or age to listen to toxic people anymore. Uninstalled. No game is supposed to leave a bad feeling after playing.
You are so right. I’m new to the game, and I get flamed all the time by other players. It’s very tiring On the mind
I've experienced the same. Wanted to try it again after Arcane. Bad decision, I played the game for years before I quit so I'm used to the toxicity but holy has it gotten significantly worse. Even in ARAM you can not go a game without flamers, people talking shit or other ways of being shitty.
I never played league of legends, but watched Arcane and I am trying out LoL: Wild Rift. I haven’t experienced any toxicity on the mobile version. Give that a try :)
I just use a one strike rule. Someone says some shit not even directed at me I mute them on the spot. Unless it's funny to fuck with them and we lost/won anyway
The worst and fucked up part is the 1v9 dude that is carrying the game and trashtalking you is more likely to get away with it than if you make a single comment. Seen people get chat restricted and perma banned for telling a troll to just shut up.
"4 abilities and a passive will lose to 20 abilities and 5 passives"
//-aphelios has entered the lobby-//
Aphelios's sister: hold my guns
10 death Yasuo enter the lobby. "Kek just hit me dash dash dash come on hit me windwall come on man just hit me knock up ult your so trash how did you lose to me when I'm 10 deaths" -Yasuo Mains
Samira has the 5 passives
I’m sure someone else has probably said it at this point, but there’s also a component of “the longer it goes on, the worse it gets” as the “softer” people are pushed out of the community. People who would never flame or blame others and do genuinely just want to do their best and have a good time just get drained by toxic people around them at some point, and eventually leave (or, worse case scenario, finally break and become like them). The more they do that, though, the more the player base just consists of toxicity. There’s a saying: If you create a space for wolves and sheep, you will only end up with wolves. The toxic players destroy and drive out players who would offer more balance to the roster in terms of civility.
Also the toxicity kind of just becomes engrained in the community. It starts to rub off on people and they start to mirror the behavior after playing for awhile.
This is exactly what's happening
This is an excellent way of putting it!
same thing can be said about sports
T1 raging and simultaniously realising its an addiction and there is no way to quit is a special kind of relatable.
I saw someone posted that he finally uninstalled the game. I'm glad if he did.
@@R4GNAR0G he didn't, he is the biggest streamer of league and also in a pro team
@@R4GNAR0G It was a meme. His cam and audio is from when he got to challenger on his top account
@@RDK325 yeah, it's his source of income, plus he's still addicted
@@inigo137 arguably he'd probably be bigger if he did variety but he's too addicted to league.
i appreciate that you brought up the chat abuse that enchanter mains face, even if you didn’t go indepth about it. i used to have girl in my summoner name (was a song title, weekender girl, i didn’t think about how sexist the league community was when i made that my username) and my god, the amount of shit i got nearly every game was insane.
i’ve been playing for 5 years, and have been an enchanter main the entire time. i never really faced any sexist flaming, or if i did it was very rare. but after changing my name, it was every game. i do poorly? “what can we expect, stupid egirl enchanter main running it down.” i do well? “you’re pretty good for an egirl, you got snapchat?” every. single. game. i ended up changing my summoner name just because i was sick of having to play with chat permanently turned off just to avoid the flame.
i can deal with being told im trash, i’m bad at my champ ect but when its made about your gender it just sucks. don’t think that just because i missed my q that means you can demean every single woman who plays the game.
Ye, ITS unfortunate fact, all i can say sorry for the experience youve had.
Tbh it feels like most league players have never seen or met women in their entire life. I remember that one time I had a good game with a guy and he invited me to play more, we chatted and when he learned I'm a girl he started asking for my photos and social page lmao. I mean... dating apps still exists... league isn't one...
Having chat permanently turned off is the better option in the end anyways, no matter who you are, no matter if you get flamed every game or 1/100 games.
Chat is useless and it only serves so you can flame other people and so other people can flame you.
@@ratspew932 unfortunately it's not just about girls, although it probably makes it worse, rather the growth of social media. I had invited an in-game friend to join the lobby and they left when I said I don't use discord.
can i add ye? weekender girl sounds like an awesome name.
I actually listen to my teammates if I did anything wrong, but how they deliver it is just infuriating. It makes me wanna twist thier head off. Lol. I think the chances of being toxic is lower if people played in the same room, there is more consequence to thier negative action if the person they are playing with is right next to them.
Y'all need to find a Discord of friends to play with. That is probably the best thing to do, to do preemies and normal seems maybe even rank, try to do fun builds and stuff like that. That is how you have fun playing League
@@claudeyaz I have a group of friends on messenger which sometimes is basically just like discord if you talk with the right people and not weird old people and we played a lot of games together but i recently just broke my phone (we're playing wild rift, somewhat different game but same toxicity at least in SEA) and i still don't have the money to replace it so i'm using my school-provided phone to play and almost all school-provided stuff are shit so you can guess how it went. So i'm playing on this phone with like max 30fps and average 20 fps phone so i couldn't play good but then they invited me to play one time and we went on a losing streak from like 2AM in the morning to about noon and after that they never invited me again lmao i think it was cuz i played bad and now i just can't play wr or league without thinking about them and that makes me feel worse and more unhappy than when i was playing the game alone without any friends or squads to team up with.
almost any multiplayer game i wanna ask what i did wrong to actually learn but always met with negativity or not responded to. i know it sounds sarcastic even if you didnt mean it to be but yo, i wanna learn and not be shit upon
League of Legends practically invented saying KYS
ppl literally started flaming today in an ARAM.... an ARAM..... i hate this game
I mean.. fair. aram has his own try-hard community, it's not just a dumb-fun game mode
@@pikminologueraisin2139 except it is a dumb-fun game mode and is not serious at all... its randomly assigned champs on a small map it's literally not supposed to be sweaty LOL
@@soulyeons I never agreed something so fast in my life
So true, nothing triggers me more when some losers flame people for playing below their "standards" in 4 fun gamemodes. In stuff like ARAM and Nexus blitz etc. I couldnt even care less if you ran down on command with moby boots, it doesnt bother me.
Ranked is a different beast, since you expect people to be somewhat close to your level, so them getting hard stomped is usually a sign that they are not even trying.
This season I've decided to just mute my chat in game. I've finally just admitted to myself that I can't handle my team blaming me for something I felt was their fault. There's no way I can't respond to something said in that situation. And it has definitely reduced chances to win in the past. Even the "mute upon first negative comment" rule isn't good enough. That comment lights a fire in me, and will cause me to play differently. My ability to shake off a play gone south, and just look for the "next good play" is at an all time high. The real trick is to just pretend you're in a 1 player game, you have 4 AI's on your team who are semi-advanced in that they can decipher the meanings of your pings at times, and may even ping communicate with you, and the enemies are another 5 AI's. No reason to get angry at the AI's in the game, and you really need to work on playing around your AI, you're never sure if they're going in, running away, poking, you gotta watch them and learn how each one plays.
I think I'll try this on my new account as soon I can play ranked
Nice how you unpersoned players in multiplayer game, I bet you wouldn't mind sending them in a camp where you concentrate?
While I understand that downer mentality, there is an actual solution to that, if you want to win - learn from the pros how to play from behind and pick champs that you love to play, it's never been easier than before with replays.
Same, it's a smart decision and sadly the only one I had to keep my sanity playing this game, and even then people in lobbies can be toxic douchebags
"that comment lights a firee in me" Man im really thankfull im not the only one that feels that way.
@@patriciosanchez4419 As Vars said in this video, we all feel that. Those that don't are the vast minority.
"Permenantly banned" is such a joke word in League of legends. Some of the most toxic players in league cycle through accounts and play at the same level they were when they got perma banned. Great example is Tyler1. Dude was legit infamous for the ammount of toxicity he had and had what like 20 accounts? the only way Riot stopped him from playing was to legit find out what his new account was when he streamed and then banned it from there.
That was before he "reformed" and Riot decided to let him stay since he reels in views and money for them.
Money > everything else
Just a perfect example that it's not the problem in people that say a few bad words in a fucking video game but the real problem is in the hypocritical company itself.
@@flowerofash4439 yup money > everything else untill the good people quit league because a yasuo 3.0 is coming.
Riot is a garbage company, they never hold onto their words
they also became extremely greedy, look at how they treat their playerbase
delivering only the same boring trash modes and the game still has only 1 map
flash is in every game and has NOT ever been removed from the game
and more, way more
dominion being removed was the worst and now twisted treeline removed, why play this game? really
@@xXCrashTXx-1 the game start to die when it was sold to tencent
For ppl who suffer from depression dont even think about playing this game. Its for your health.
Don't play R6, Warzone, Counterstrike, Dota, and basically any PvP game with chat enabled while we're at it as well. Trust me, same shit, different genre.
@@vxxiii4160 Just play masterpiece games like Shrek
don't play video games in general, they're not really as fun as they used to be and there is so much added bullshit like MTX & data collection. pick up some kind of cool hobby or something, or go outside, it will be much better for your well being as it was for mine.
@@vxxiii4160 Yes, very this. I don't think it's League. I think it's all games. And people. It's people and technology who are the problems.
There's just no having fun in this game. The other day I placed a shroom in a weird place in ARAM, and one of my team mates tilted so hard over it, he just spammed "?" on me for the next 20 minutes. And I don't even bother with the "fun" modes, because they're just full of raging teens and bruised egos
yeah this is a good example. Even arams have a terrible toxic atmosphere lately. Its a fun mode with random champs, not everyone always gets their preferred champ, but people act like they do. like you should just know how to play every character out there. you should ALWAYS do good even if your team comp sucks and the other teams is amazing. You fuck up a tiny bit, build stuff that isnt EXACTLY the meta, and you get pinged all game.
I haven't seen too much in ARAM, but yea, occasionally I do see some people who complain about the smallest thing.
"fun" modes are full if bruised egos? Are you talking about ranked?
@@jamiesadf5829 i for example yesterday had a game in nexus blitz and just wanted to try out sett because he looked fun to me altought i don't play fighters that often and the riven on my team was raging and said how the f*** can you be so bad on sett. sigh i'm officially quitting this game today. the game it self is great but i'm just sick of being in a team with randoms in a moba. in other games there is always the feeling of coming back like in valorant. even though the opponent has more money you can save one round to get the next round still the same weapons and shields as the enemy even though they have much more money. while in league it's just impossible to play if you even get behind once because the opponent has more gold so more items and higher level.
@@jamiesadf5829 agreed, i had this game in aram early and i ended up getting janna. There was this quinn who got SOOO upset that i got kills. Like every time i got a kill spam ping 'wtf". I only got two kills that game. I only died once. I got 43 assists. My KDA ratio was literally 15.6 and i still get someone upset at me for playing the game.
Yes, its very toxic. But the main factor are the LoL design itself. The snowball on LoL made players always on edge, losing objective mean losing huge benefit and its often lead to defeat. Meanwhile on dota, making mistake or losing lane are not that punishing because you have many ways to comeback. My point is both game have toxic community but the design philosophy are day and night, one are welcoming toward mistakes while the other punish you to hell.
Same thing happens with HotS. In there from my experience playing the map right can always make up for a defecit.
The part that multiplies the issue is how long games take, you know that even if you are losing incredibky hard, it will still take you another 10+ minutes to have the game officially end. So you simply watch suffering as you are powerless, and if you leave, the game punishes you as well.
Step one: turn off all chat
Step two: mute your teammates
Step three: enjoy your game
I did it in every single game and never had any problems...
Except that one time when a support came to my top lane and started feeding for some reason. I used him as a bait and won the game, pretty good memories
Turning off all chat is definitely a must do if you get easily tilted by the enemy 0/5 mid laner saying "mid gap gg ez"
but what if your incredible tilted by the balance team?
@@RustingPeace embrace the imbalance. ride the wave of meta, or fight against the tides like a lonely hero.
also understanding that the balance of this game comes entirely from skins and macrotransactions also helps.
i feel like those that mute are weak. just dont get tilted?
@Meba trust me, /all chat is a blessing, you just need to know how to use it. Get killed in lane? /all gg got outplayed. Your botlane is feeding? /all *enemy adc* damn you're rly good. Doing this not only makes everyone enjoy the game more, but it also makes it easier to win since the enemies will feel bad for killing you. If you get tilted for 1 kill in lane, just mute all or change game
The easiest solution to leagues toxicity is just to get replace the game entirely with tetris 99
lets make it a singleplayer
I think that might be more toxic, actually.
@Random Username I'm just imagining people spamming Smash Brothers messages in the same way
"I refused to follow my Vayne's tower dive on the the full health Jhin and Nautilus ONE time and he just started spamming
'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just' 'Our cause is just'
every single time I missed a skillshot or tried to back."
Nerf T pieces pls
@CoHoSlash you say that but then Hero doesn't appear and the rage returns
I think what causes toxicity is that ranked is based solely off of wins/loses. Someone going 12/1 is going to get mad at their 0/10 teammate because when it’s all said and done, they both will loses the same LP. How well you did in the game should determine LP gained or lost
True, loss forgiveness is not good enough. It could be forgiving in the form of losing less LP when u have a higher grade at the end. S+, S vs B,C
What should also be considered is how toxic a player is, if they are constantly getting reported for being toxic then that should reduce their rank, that way, they will sink to the bottom.
@@DraxTheDestroyer ya, they could try tying LP gain and loss to honor rank or something.
Imagine inting sion kda. They might be really influential in the win but due to the kda their lp gets fucked. Or even melee supports as well.
It should not.
The game is about destroying the enemy nexus. If you don't like team games, don't play them. No one is forcing you to play a 5v5 game.
When I get chat restricted for defending myself and the other player doesn’t, you know it’s a problem.
I got chat restricted for roasting someone who was testing champ in ranked. (Yes, he trew the game thanks to his pick)
Flame smarter, dont use harsh words and dont press enter a thousand times, rather type longer and less messages. Anyway defending ur self if the worst thing u can do, better to not type. My first perma was s4 when a duo trolled my game and since then I have arround 15/20 permas. This video is on point.
I told the other team a toxic player was calling me the N word, he never did.
Got confirmation of ban.
Feels bad…..
This comment is why I play only once a month or so lol
Why would you even talk to the toxic person anyway? Just mute and ignore. d:
It snowballs too hard. Often times you just realize that you're in a situation where it's not even worth trying. Those are the "Get me out" situations and those are the worst.
This I’m only toxic when I see someone up 3 kills and 40 cs and the jug is taking drags and now setting up Shelly get me out I’m not lcs get me out.
I honestly okay with the hard snowball as long as you can surrender, league force you to wait 20 minutes of torture and toxicity if one of your team refuse to surrender, and if two of them refuse then the torture and toxicity will go as long as the winning team want to
I thought csgo was the most toxic until i tried league...I think snowballing is the reason, in csgo etc you can do comebacks much easier.
Its because its true.
Alot of people are "forced" to play through bad games
I'm so happy I discovered your channel, you make such insightful and good points when it comes to these types of discussions. IMO I don't see channels that cover LOL in this manner where they discuss solely the state of the game, champs & etc. objectively.
What kills me is how in other regions like Korea it’s linked to a social security number equivalent so if you get banned it’s stupid hard to get another account. That’s not to say people don’t troll but the consequences are more steep
Deserved, koreans are the biggest trolls and inters out of all servers
Unless you just buy an account. They're cheap too. Only costs a few bucks.
@@nathnate123 makes sense considering cram school in SEA contries. Even though ill stay up till 2:30 on a school night sometimes, no one really needs to be playing past 12:00 tbh
Yet Korean region is top tier toxic
But Korea just becomes even more passive aggressive, think NA but much worse. Yes you cant type mean stuff, but 1 play where someone on the team disagrees, and they will sit in fountain in the rest of the game spamming control wards and emotes.
I'd rather have someone type mean stuff to me while still trying to win the game, than someone not saying anything but making the game completely unwinnable.
I can always mute the guy flaming, but I cant stop the inter/griefer from ruining any chance of the rest of us winning the game.
Simple, not only do a good amount of players want to get into stuff without being patient around teamwork or the matchup itself, coupled by how there are players who have the "I only have fun when I win" mentality instead of.....
Well, just having fun other than winning, as well as how League itself can be VERY unforgiving in terms of room for errors, it makes it so that if a player makes a certain mistake, no matter how much it makes sense for them to be punished, their mental would probably go, "BUH BYEEEEEEEEEE".
I mean, I do understand, states where you are bad in feel pretty bad for some, but to me that doesn't justify the flaming and toxicity despite all of that, but it happens.
Its not possible to not be toxic. I i put hours of playing, focus, play very good and lose cause someone loses 1/10 and thinks he is the best it really makes my mental health have a bad time. And everyone wants to have fun. But you cant have fun if someone griefs and you cant leave, isnt this reaction something greifer wants to achive? You can not be toxic or mean because you can get banned. Thats really annoying situation.
Im having fun when i win but the game can be fun itself when everyone is pleasant and thats not happening. When you die, pretty much always someone types ez.
It also feels like people are really unforgiving to others nowadays. If you make a single bad play, you're called retarded at least 3 times, accused of grieving, etc.
It's not a "haha ur grieving lol" but people genuinely mean that you are. This toxic mindset also makes it so those players will play worse, creating a bit of a negative feedback loop.
@@ptsg It's a vicious cycle of "oh maybe he just had a bad game/matchup/lag/day" until you get soo many players who do the same shit until you see what they are doing and now you assume everyone is a troll/griefer/afk
The problem with this is that the companies balance the game so poorly that there is practically no way to come back from a bad snowball or player, (without all teammates working together which is unlikely) toxic people have all the power at any given time.
Funny thing is I'm not even talking about LoL, all mobas suffer from this to some extent, we can't blame the company for the players but we can hold them accountable for letting it fester and spread.
A comment before the premier dropped. Interesting…
It's not that easy to just lose and have fun. But yeah, I wouldn't justify toxic behaviour either.
it’s so annoying how so many people refuse to admit the problem and say “just get good” “play with your friends” oh god
The problem is the community. Can't fix that
@Mr_Mistah they should at least try. But since they don't we're stuck here.
Bungus scrungus
Ip bans are useless and I think can ban other people too
@@portascar7996 do a joint of ip ban and hardware ban
Unless you're t1
@@portascar7996 you can totally do IP/hardware bans in ways that are effective. The only way it wouldn’t work would be if someone was playing off of the same IP address as you... very niche issue.
@@phillatt6277 you cant ban hardware
I find it a little disingenuous not mentioning how content creators also play a part in the toxicity of the community. Some of them have tens of thousands of followers that watch them religiously and behave the same way some people you described do. Like being extremely arrogant, blaming teammates for everything that happens in the game and so forth. I feel like if you want a less toxic community you should lead by example and that's just not true for League.
There's a difference between saying it outloud and typing it
@@jasonmain6398 well yeah, that’s why we’re talking about CONTENT CREATORS who actually have an audience that can hear those things that are said out loud
@@투루-l3e who cares if they, or you say it outloud. The important part is that they keep a level head in chat. You cant police peoples emotions 😆
Y'all need to find a Discord of friends to play with. That is probably the best thing to do, to do preemies and normal seems maybe even rank, try to do fun builds and stuff like that. That is how you have fun playing League
Every single person I’m in comms with that plays udyr always says this same fucking trick2g phrase “latta bitch” like shut up please
One of the many reasons: League enforces competitiveness more than anything in the game (since its what makes them the most money along with skins) so much that when anyone tries to have fun or plays below other people's standards it makes them think you are wasting their time, when in reality its just a game wether you play ranked or not, you are not getting paid, you are not being rewarded for climbing after gold and you are not being hired by a professional team.
In fewer words, people tend to let their ego get the best of them.
You are not being hired by a professional team, if you don't get the master tier. If you are master you can be hired.
And if you are playing ranked it's because you want to play seriously the game for win and improve, not for funny things.
@@maxusgamer8515 People that want to be hired by pro teams practice and improve they dont brag/flame in every game they lose, and if you are playing ranked you dont have to brag/flame either, just play the game, improve, climb and keep doing it.
@@cosmichaze1482 yeah, in fact I was saying if you troll "for fun" in ranked it's toxic. I agree with you in all, but not ranked. Ranked games are just another game, and yes you are not allowed to flame and be toxic, but if you have a troll in team, it's a "normal" react because you are basically loosing a game for someone who doesn't want to win, just piss you off and have fun with that.
@@maxusgamer8515 Exactly my point, even I myself get extremely pissed when that happends in ranked... heck I just got out from a ranked with trolls and lost, but I try really hard to just give a quick advice, mute and ignore their dumbassery, you just gotta cope with the fact that people like that play rankeds sadly, still doesnt justify toxicity imo.
I also feel like it doesn't reward supportive play enough either, meaning it pushes every player to try and get kills and assists instead of being helpful to their teammates in other ways, such as healing or buffing. Why bother healing teammates if you don't get XP or Gold for healing them? It's one thing that Overwatch actually does well, by rewarding points for blocking dmg with a Tank, buffing with a Support, giving people armor with Torbjorn and Bridgette, etc.
That's what It became now. Why would you want to give a shield to your teammates when you can just kill the enemy. Why would you heal them if you can just gank the enemy and let that teammate to recall alone. This game is so focused on combat and carry that is almost impossible to find a teammate who don't see himself as the protagonist.
You do get xp and golf for healing. You mustv
be real bad, making me toxic in the chat.
@@ThyFloorestFloor because if youre a shielding character you cant always kill people because thats how the champs are balanced. Like wtf you talking about?
@@antonolufayo7804My point is not that I want to kill people as a Support, I would play Pyke or AP Rakan if I wanted to. My point was that the game seemed to benefit more aggressive play styles and characters more focused on supporting in other manners were left behind.
@@ThyFloorestFloor disagree. Obviously its best when everyone can deal some dmg, but theres lots of support champions that are for supporting rather than doing dmg.
Which is why you can distiguish betweed dmg dealing supports and supporting supports.
If LoL was not a free game, then it would be better since most people would avoid getting banned since they would have to pay money to creat a new account, (cs:go and hackers when it became f2p)
muting the chat is the best option honestly, I used to play with a group of friends of which one would get tilted often and become toxic to the rest of us, so every time he did it I run it down mid, and because of this interaction I started doing it whenever I got flamed in later games, until I muted the chats.
When people flame me just for me to remind them we are playing bronze lol
Fighting fire with fire I see
this made me laugh lol same man
Me too lmao
Lmaoo good times
I found myself to be really positive and not toxic at all by just telling myself if I get frustrated at all, "Is it really even worth it?" and that really cools me down.
Me, a male enchanter support main:
Yeah, the stereotype about people being super dismissive of us is definitely true. I will also mention that any criticism, even good faith criticism, that I see is met with hostility and rage 99% of the time. This is the main problem I think, if people can’t acknowledge their own mistakes they will never succeed on a team or improve the state of a losing game.
For example, if I tell my Vayne to stop farming bot while the enemy team is 5 man kicking in our nexus and the only way they respond is “stfu brain dead janna player”... what are you even supposed to do? They are just inting. It’s rage inducing even in a normals game.
I’m proud of the fact that I have never inted or intentionally thrown a game. I play to win, even when we are down 30 kills and they are at our nexus. However, when others don’t have the same attitude, it can be super demoralizing and makes me not want to play the game.
Us supports in general(moreso enchanters but I play tank supports and still get shit) are treated so weirdly poorly and at the same time we are expected to make sure our ADC reaches end game when they are having a clearly bad day and are taking it out on everyone
I´ve played five games today, three ranked and two normals. Guess where the toxic person I´ve met today was? People can´t even acknowledge normals as a casual game anymore. So the toxic comunity make all of the differences disappear and at that point, why even play normals? On a side note, I must say I played a game where our Zed and Yi were just constantly complimenting each other and saying "mb" whenever they died, or at most complaining about how the enemy Ekko dealt too much damage, but it was all in good fun. Oh, and it was RANKED SOLO/DUO. Lastly, thank you for your kind behaviour and I also proudly have never ran it down intentionally. Have a good day.
I vibe so hard on that last part, "I play to win, even when you're down 30 kills and they are at our Nexus."
As a fellow support main (Bard ftw) I find myself often times trying counter-grief and be a morale boost when the frickin' Yasuo starts screeching at people for having the audacity to die (except when they die, then naturally it's the jungler's fault or bot's fault for feeding).
I do think there's lots of merit to certain classes/characters drawing certain kinds of people. Support players tend to be the most, well, supportive, and generally team-oriented. Usually a direct contrast to midlane fighters, who are like...full on anime-protagonist syndrome.
I'm by no means a competent player but like, morale is important, and people who flame are the baaaane of my lil support existence.
I stopped playing supports because I always felt like I couldn't do anything. If I played any champ my ADCs would either die a lot or I'd have a bad game, miss a bit in the early game which instantly tilted my ADC resulting in a dying ADC.
Also no one realises that to be a useful Yuumi you actually have to know how to play her, juggle her passive, champ priority, itemization and so on. Her skill floor is one of the lowest yes, but her skill ceiling is rather fucking high and her usefulness is directly proportionate to your skill. Then the ADC factor is accounted for and you're rendered useless again bc they have the 'Anime protagonist syndrome' and die leaving you waiting to be scooped up like some kind of a dessert to finish off the meal.
As a support main I say kill teammates with kindness and they stop trashtalking.
League of Legends has become associated with being a sport, probably more than we realize. This increase in competitivenes probably contributed to its toxicity as well
definetly, it's that the game is so much focused on competitiveness that making even small mistakes are met with straight-up solid punishment, be it either throwing the game or flaming others repeatedly
if this game was less strict on how competitive players need to be, it'd ACTUALLY be playable and very much better at being team-strategy like game.
@@aloe7794 👏👏👏
I played hockey since I was 6, I have almost never experienced toxicity and a lack of sportsmanship in my entire life.
However we also get to beat the shit out of eachother at any point in time soooo…..
@@FormerGovernmentHuman lol finna reach through the screen
Great answer, also the nearly zero reward given when you lose is also the case, yes i know the honor level which nobody give any fuck
Just started playing this game w/ my friends a few weeks ago and I agree that the game is pretty snowbally at times, but im having a lot of fun regardless! I can tell it would definitely suck to solo queue, which is why im very grateful to have a group of friends to play and communicate with. Imo playing this game without an actual team is just asking for salt and toxicity. Imagine playing in a competitive soccer league where you had different teammates every time! it bad that I mute messages like almost all the time? I just feel like my gameplay is way better if I dont see trheir messages
Y'all need to find a Discord of friends to play with. That is probably the best thing to do, to do preemies and normal seems maybe even rank, try to do fun builds and stuff like that. That is how you have fun playing League
Playing with friends is the answer. Just don't get addicted to solo ranked...or you will hate your life
Unfortunately, people, me and certainly Riot too think that banning an innocent person is worse than not banning a real troll
In season 1-4 it never seemed impossible to carry a game by yourself or come back.
Nowadays as an ADC or other roles there are times it is legitimately impossible to beat certain roles or champions 1v1 without major mistakes on their part.
Sometimes supports have a larger impact and are more capable of 1v1ing a top laner than an ADC.
Dude those season are when the game was finding they way and progressive want to grow apart from Dota. Now the game is team 5vs5. The problem is not in the game, is on society. We grow up to be more selfish and playing sologames. Even MMO will now be able to solo doing all the content. No more Ragnarok Online (team play), but more like Mu Online(solo play).
The problem is more of a player base than a riot as a company.
I am a new LoL player and what i experience is, that people only care about how many kills you have. Being helpful to the team, without getting kills, seems to be unimportant and i really hate that, because it is especially frustrating for new players like me who aren't killing machines right from the start. In games like Rainbow Six Siege (I have over 1000 hours in ranked) for example, you can still be an important asset to your team by providing valuable information, bringing the right tools for the job and so on...without getting 1 kill in a whole match and people won't (most of the times) be mad at you, as long as you were helpful. Yes, LoL is very different from Siege of course, but LoL is still a game were you play as a Team and there should be a way for new players to learn and enjoy the game without having to achieve positive K/Ds in every game. But that's only my opinion.
The inflation of players' egos is shown by the fact that the game is designed around teamplay yet all everybody's talking about is 1v9 and 1v5.
not going to lie i find myself doing that too. i keep thinking i have to *solo carry* games because everyone is bad and i'm bad too but i can carry this. when i forget that like yeah we're all bad i'm in silver but i don't have to do this alone and i probably cant do this alone and my teammates while they may be bad that also means the enemies are bad and if we work together we can beat them by exploiting their weaknesses better than they exploit ours. idk and i don't really flame my teammates i just put it all on myself unnecessarily because (i'm pretty new) that's what everyone keeps telling me to do and that's what the expectations are like how you said everyone's talking about 1v9ing
I think it's the opposite. People who are hard stuck always complain about their teammates because they want to blame someone else. As if you would NEED a average performing team to win a game.
As long as you are under Dia2 you can solo carry 90%+ of the games if you are good enough because of the sheer amount of mistakes low elo players make. Or so I have heard from almost every high elo player/coach.
@@shahrif4687 Here's the thing though: to recognise that the opponent is making a mistake and then exploiting said mistake is also a skill in and of itself. Low elo players aren't necessarily stuck because they don't have good teammates but because they don't recognise what they're doing is wrong (hence they can't really recognise what the opponent is doing is also wrong).
Also, if one goes into the game with the attitude that they *MUST* solo carry and 1v9 it, they are unconcsiously priming themselves against their own teammates. This is why one views their teammates' mistakes harsher than those of their own. While 1v5 is still not a healthy attitude, it at least doesn't pit one against their teammates. The team is the greatest asset in the entire game and most people throw it out of the window because they view them as obstacle rather than allies.
@@lockretvids But if you want to climb your allies will always be an obstacle. If you rely on your team, you won't ever climb. Relying on your team and playing according to your comp's strength is a skill, but that doesn't invalidate the "solo carry attitude".
That's obviously based on which role you play. I am a top laner, who mainly plays divers/split pushers, hence the solo carry attitude has to be there. You cant just Aram it with your whole team as a splitpusher in silver cuz it's an inconsistent win condition.
Climbing is ALL about consistency.
Mental consistency and gameplay wise.
You are the only player you can relay on because you are the only player you have control over. Everything else is rng.
Obviously that doesn't fully count for enchanters but even enchanters have to solo carry. The just do it indirectly via enabling their ADC, which is a stat check, the exact way a split pusher pushing the side lanes to obtain gold/exp/turrets is a stat check. It's all about exerting pressure. Only the method differs from role to role.
Relaying on your team for me only means that I have to play around our champ with the biggest win con/pressure.
I don't think there is any other example for relaying on your teammates to climb.
But then again, I'm a Silver player so maybe I'm just talking out of my ass xD.
@@shahrif4687 I'm also silver, so take everything I say with a heavy grain of salt :D
Maybe I'm approaching it from this angle because I'm an ADC main, so for the first 5-15 minutes I have to rely on the team not to mess things up before I "come online".
I've always got this one Sentence in my clipboard to throw at toxic people: "Toxicity doesn't win games, neither will people improve if you are mean, your behavior doesn't only make your experience worse, but ours aswell. Try being Nice!" and this actually works more often than not.
I will copy paste this if you don't mind ^^. I will try it. I usually try to being nice in the chat but with short sentences like : keep going ! Nice play ! We can win ! Let's go ! etc... So thank you :D !
If I'm allowed to I would like to use this too :D
you lost me my game and ruined my gaming experience i should be able to ruin yours as well either we both suffer for it as in bans/restrictions or neither of us should
You ruined my Playstyle as a feeding troll. When I can't ruin your game, where is my fun?
@@TheRealAquaz yikes no one is talking about feeding trolls
lost relationship of a best friend of 4 years because of all his toxicity ;/ we were in a Clash tournament and he played a role he's not good at, fed the enemy team 3 games in a row & flamed me on voice chat the entire time blaming me for every loss since I was jungler, I stood silent the entire time on voice chat every game and did best on our clash team every single game, knew the actual reason we lost was terrible teamwork & some ppl on the team deciding to listen to him, others deciding to listen to me.
I could've believe how toxic & awful this guy was, thought he was a good guy the whole time before this but sadly when things aren't going well true character is revealed.
Well at least you know what kind of a person he is and left him before you really needed his help in a life or death situation or getting stuck in an island for example.
The problem with league that barely exists in most competitive shooters etc: every single player has way more power over ones failure in the game than over the success of it. This is basically flipped in games like csgo etc. The worst thing someone can do in a good compepitive game with random mates is if they can only NOT contribute to winning.
That is not a good comparison, the "progression" on a CSGO game is not even close to the "progression" on a LOL game, if you made that 1 person could stomp they line and get feed enough to 1v5 and wing the game by itself, you would be in the same position as it is now, you would still lose a game by no fault of your own, unless you was to remove or reduce the progression on the game, basic make every one week, but then the game would be boring
That's a good point Armin
In a shooter too, there's no penalty for dying (you come back in 10 seconds with reloaded ammo and everything, no lost buffs, no resource gap). A top player in a shooter can spend the first third of the game doing nothing (literally nothing) and still pull out a win if they're good enough, because time to kill doesn't depend on your scaling.
I think something else that's subtle is that when respawns are quicker, you don't have time to start flaming in chat. In League, when you sit there for 40+ seconds with a grey screen, that's a lot of time to get really detailed with your manifesto on why it was everyone's fault but yours that you died.
@@sethb3090 you never played CSGO it seems...
Imagine a game which you can talk about their community's toxicity for 16 straight minutes !
Most multiplayer games bro, try Dbd
Every single competitive multiplayer game?
It's not that hard.
If you make me waste 15 minutes on a game that's already lost, you get it.
If you refuse to surrender and then make me waste another 5/10/15/20/25 minutes because "every game is winnable", you get it.
That's every single multiplayer game in existence.
@@rushink Battlefield is not toxic because its not competitive in the same sense and yet it is ranked multiplayer.
Ps. you are already wasting your life playing league, why are you mad if you have to play 5 mins longer lmao
@@DuBstep115 👏👏
@@jensentaylor1384 I had to stop with DbD
It's not just the toxic t-bagging survivors
what does it for me is the matchmaking
I'm level 67 with about 170 hours
and when I play Killer which I do most of the time I get red rank survivors with hundreds sometimes even thousands of hours
So you sit there for 10 minutes or more just to be gen rushed in 3 minutes and totally outplayed by people with years of experience
You wasted so much time and you don't even get anything from it
And when I play Survivor with friends we mostly get facecamping and tunneling Wraiths so when you get hooked once it's over
I’ve come back to this game after years cause every time I try to get into it my team is always so angry at me for trying to learn. I try to learn and look into videos to help but when putting what I’ve learned into action, the constant anger really deters me from wanting to play more when there is no gratification.
Abandon the fucking game, for the sake of your own self
Then dont play or smth
League just highlights the fact that a large portion of humanity doesn't have what you'd call "Honor" "Heart" or a soul. There are a lot of petty, deranged, cowards in this world that play this game unfortunately.
What it highlights for me is that a large portion of humanity is actually stupid.
@@xniyana9956 that, and that humanity was lost long ago... extinction is immenent, we just don't know when, eh we'll see. probably end up nuking each other one day.
That is the answer i can agree on, the game is quite okay but some players are just toxic as simple as that.
I too have a bit of blame mentality but i keep it only in my head not on the chat because i know it won't help anything, saying bad words so you can "vent" is just a bulshit excuse for toxic people.
@@flowerofash4439 you would be suprised how little you get flamed if you play well crazy i know
@@stevebob2941 of course i know, i am a grandmaster because i flame and blame a lot, how else you gonna win?
Wild rift is fun because everyone shuts up, no "?" Ping, the matches end quickly so I can just load up another one if I win or lose. The matches need to end quicker, so there isn't any 40min "hard fought" games where you walk away either tilted or relieved.
EXACTLY. I remember when I'm playing with a duo and we are basically doing 2v5 to save the other three because they were tilted hard. The game went on to 50+ minutes and we still lost.
Not really, I have been playing league since 2009, I since 2016 I've only played ARAM. People are toxic as fuck in ARAM and it only takes like 20 minutes. Honestly, every year it gets worse and worse
True an intense game like league should end around 30 minutes because it require so much attention energy, losing in 40+ minutes while people flaming each other is the worst thing you can get for a game
@@santiagosancho2317 obviously making the game quicker is not a magical trick to end toxicity, but it ease the torture
@@flowerofash4439 I've been playing wild rift a lot nowadays and I have to say they nailed it. Games are short but fun less toxicity even if you guys lose it's not that much of a hassle.
i know that league is just a video game, but when i take breaks from playing i genuinely feel happier. i tend to go back to other games and actually have fun in my down time and not have to simultaneously deal with an unbalanced game and toxic players.
I recently started playing league again after a couple of years and I am actually having fun, so I thought I would give my thoughts on the subject. I think one of the biggest problems is that people forget there are other humans in their team. It is easy to scream at a computer because what is it going to do, compute some more numbers? But when you realize that you are flaming another human being I think/hope people will realize that everyone makes mistakes. That being said, just don't take the game to seriously and laugh at your mistakes, it makes the game way more fun.
"don't take the game to seriously and laugh" man people are broken in lol. I play normals with my friend that do not have 30 lvl yet and guess what. They have audacity to flame him
Funniest thing is that tyler1 used to be the go2 example of toxicity in the game
That's no longer the case, not because he changed, but because everyone around him became so unbelievable toxic that he is no longer the worse, not by a long shot.
Riot basically made it ok to rage by unbanning him. That's when the downhill ride picked a few machs.
I am new , level 11, and got told I was playing very toxic. I have no idea what I did but everyone was pissed I was playing as Twitch. It was a VS AI bot match. Blew me away. Im just trying to figure shit out and learn the champions. Kinda makes me not want to play honestly
how is it going now? i just started league and i am in the same boat as you were now.
@btyasss i stopped playing. It was not worth my time or sanity. There are other games and better people
The core issue is that most gamers (not specifically league players) have very poor communication skills.
Mix that with a limited ways to communicate, a highly competitive setting, and the a culture breaded from immaturity (off a guess most online gamers are either teens or young adults). It just spells for a toxic landscape.
Why league is specifically so bad is because the game is heavily depended on team work. There’s too many things out of your control, such as your teammates performance or temper/mood.
If a teammate starts performing badly, that negatively affects your chances of winning, which would obviously get you worried at the very least. The fact this player is a random player, you disassociate them with an actual person, making it far easy to berate them as if it were a face to face setting. Plus the fact it can easily snowball to multiple people insulting eachother, things will lose focus fast and being stuck in this situation for a minimum of 15 minutes will just eat away at most people.
I had accuired 2 permabans for flaming. Started playing again but learned to keep calm if I see someone fail. 3rd ban was due to absolute piece of sh*t teamates who despite going 0/5 in lane went on a flaming rant how their jungler (me) was trash, useless and how his mother is this and that. I was actually doing really well, farming, taking objectives, turned the tide on other two lanes in our favor but somehow it was my fault they were getting ganked when they were balls deep with no vision for no good reason. I couldnt take it anymore and responded back with simillar vocabulary. That was my 3rd and last permaban, I dont play that shit anymore
Another thing I've noticed that makes mobas in general more toxic is that you're locked in for at least 10-15 minutes. In other games like an FPS, you know there's always an escape button if you need a break and someone else will fill your spot. In League you can get trapped like a bunch of monkeys in a cage with the fear of being punished for leaving.
@@tylerd80495 agree . You can't leave and thats the worst. If you die you see enemy write ez outplayed and your mates say wp and instead of leaving you need to still fight with no chance of winning 1v1 with enemy laner.
I remember when they didn’t have the mute team mates option and you would have to sit in game for like 20-30 mins of people arguing.
As long as they aren't feeding, I don't care what they say. If they are feeding, then all I want is for them to ff. Not asking for much here.
Now at day, you can even use a command /mute all ,2 words and ALL the flame and ping spawn are solved...
@@xniyana9956 really? you lose a portion of your focus and energy by arguing, typing, pinging unnecessary while playing, your performance will decrease therefore lower your chance of winning the game
I remember too. Wasn't fun at all.
Any other junglers focus much more heavily on your mistakes when others? Whenever people die I always feel pressured to be everywhere at once and when I misplay I feel like trash.
I played LOL a long time ago and as a jungle main. I agree that it’s stressful and tired of mid laners telling me to do something crazy like a diamond player would do lol
I usd to feel like that but I started winning more games when I learned to detect which lane will actually carry my ass out of that shithole... a good thing to do is check opggs right as queue starts (copy everyone's names in the champ select chat and paste them on opgg or something), see who has a good winstreak, usually it's the toplaner cause those crackheads put actual effort in the game, so focus on getting them ahead and they'll hard win the lane and you can focus on botside for drakes, etc., that what I do and usually works pretty well, but I mean I only play ranked till I hit gold 4, just want the nice skin hehe, not worth to go any elo above that escially considering how much you get punished for losing (1 loss usually takes 2 wins to recover)
honestly, there are so few very great games in LoL.
Usually, games are over very quickly (wins or losses), but sometimes you get a very exciting 45min long game, where everyone pulls their weight, both teams are equally as strong, it could go either way, and at the end everyone writes ggwp.
That is so rare, yet still sooooo awesome, and i am really looking for such games.
Is this my inner-Nami speaking? XD im support main, i always want the best experience for everyone
A very exciting 45 minute loss? Are you kidding?
Problem is those great games are getting harder and harder to find.
Gg EZ, not gonna be able to write that anymore. 😂
@@Baner496 XD true. Thanks for reminding me of this comment
Ah so you like to get carried then.
Personally I have a lot of patience so the only time I ever go off in chat is when someone else is constantly whining and/or flaming the whole match. In my experience, every game where someone angrily spams the chat is an automatic loss because they're distracting the rest of the team and themselves; if they put that effort into the match instead of flaming all of us we still would've had some level of chance to still win.
But, again, that's just my experience.
@Mitchell Legend this might be true, or they have a legit problem like being perma weakside and are sour for being ignored. sometimes it's not about putting more effort into a round, but to cut your losses and quickly move on to the next round. because to some people the win is actually not important, but having a good match is, and being the punching ball for the enemy team or enemy jgler, especiall if your ppl lollygags, is no fun.
btw.: from what you wrote you sound like a "never ff" guy.
Great video, thanks for making it :)
I won't claim that I'm very good at this game, but I have to play with the troll account players CONSTANTLY. I actually can't get through a week of play without having at least 5 games with these players. I look at their porofessor and see that they have an almost 100% lose rate with high death count, plus they speak in chat about how they're just in the game to ruin it for us because they think it's fun. These accounts are the biggest issue with this game. I personally had an LP penalty applied to me when my power went out doing a hurricane and I lost the ability to get back into a match. Riot and I talked back and forth and they basically said "yeah we have to apply this to maintain the integrity of the punishment system" but they literally don't do anything meaningful about these troll accounts. It's kind of a joke.
After 5 years of playing League, I'm happy to say that I have uninstalled the game and never look back. Riot was never your friend, they're all smart thieves who know how to extract money from you. Stay away.
There is barely any incentive to spend money in league, it is one of the game's few redeeming qualities. I agree that you should stay away but not for this reason lol
I also uninstalled the game but now I'm addicted to RimWorld
@@scarlett5554 but that game is actually good and isn't robbing you
the whole time when you talk about how we don't really think we are the problem I felt like "this is definitely not for me" I blame myself for every mistake in the game (jng main btw) and when you say the ego comes in the way I was like oh guess I don't have any of that at all
I had one game where my entire team just went off on me for an hour long game and it actually made me cry and ruined my whole game experience. I get you can be annoyed if someones doing poorly but idk how people can get so toxic :/
You play like trash you are gonna get told you play like trash. Sont like it mute them. And also if you cry when someonw tells you you are trash at something that makes you a special kind of a snowflake.
@@nemanjakostic8698 reason people dont like the league community 😑
@@nemanjakostic8698 what kind of snowflake gets toxic over that youtube comment, youre truly a special kind of dumbass
Wow a big snowflake
@@nemanjakostic8698 you are the kind of people that make this fanbase so trash
This game genuinely crushes my faith in humanity sometimes, and the whole 'chat bans making things worse point' is especially bad. If losing the ability to say slurs in the chat is your excuse for running it down, you should probably stop and do some reevaluation of your life. It literally boggles my mind the excuses people come up with in this game, for being stuck in whatever rank they are, for why they lost, for why they are toxic or why they ran it down. It is like these people are physically incapable of taking responsibility for anything that happens or putting even a moment aside for introspection, and it is depressing to watch.
It's not an excuse, it's a cause. If the toxic ass can't slur in chat they troll, cause and effect. And it does suck but it's not an excuse, I do believe that if chat restrictions weren't in play there would be less feeders, because at least some of them* would be busy flaming. Otherwise I do agree with the rest of the comment. Introspection is a specially hard skill to get.
Even if they're saying crap, they should have the right to speak it.
If other's are annoyed, just mute them.
@@jonathankevin1309 they shouldn’t have the right, if something like league of legends is making them say all of that, then just stop playing the game and do something you enjoy more, just like what I’m doing these days
Would be their excuse and maybe they started out just trying it then they got hook, addicted, and then they can't change their main game cause they are too deep into it. This got to be some kind of self- discipline and self- worth problem when they put their worth into numbers in a game and became too addicted to take some healthy break from this competitive game.
Some slurs should be banned, but generally they should let people to curse and shit talk.
You mentioned it a bit toward the end, but I think the fact that it's so easy to create new accounts to avoid punishment could use a little more emphasis. As someone who came back to the game after a ~5 year break, ranked placements were a complete nightmare. I almost quit again because being exposed to the toxicity so constantly was noticeably affecting my mental health. It became clear that many of the accounts I & my friends were encountering were smurfs whose toxic behavior was emboldened by the fact that they effectively had nothing to lose.
So, I think implementing something along the lines of what they do for Clash (SMS account verification) for ALL modes of play could be something that *would* have a tangible positive effect, practically overnight.
Yeah and what happens when you get trolled or inted 10 games in a row and then you call someone an idiot and eventually get banned? Yes the solution is to make it harder to make new account, not to fix the stupid ban system that punishes you for typing but does fuck all to stop people for griefing. Makes sense
@@mohamedsoliman416 yeah actually if you regularly call people idiots you should get banned. The fact that you had to obfuscate and abstract it so far to "punishes you for typing" instead of the much more straightforward and correct "punishes you for insulting people consistently" makes me think that you probably understand it, too. Deep down, at least. Makes sense to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To fix the toxic issue all riot needs to do is bring back the old system from the old seasons. The reason why you had less toxic people back then is because players could carry them self's and the game was less team focus, and more about a players skill and choices.
I think all team-based games could stand to do something along those lines. Someone here actually mentioned that it could potentially help reduce the toxicity is to reduce team rewards and begin to increase solo rewarding based on performance. If an entire team is going to be screwed over because one guy is a crybaby who throws a tantrum at them, why not reward the people who are actually trying to play and reward them for their work while reducing the people who go AFK or don't pull their weight.
Hunt: Showdown, while not a MOBA, has a similar reward system that rewards team play but even gives "underdog" rewards to solo hunters
No, people were just worse.
7:56 keep in mind riot completely dicked crit chance for adcs, so you need 5 items to get 100% crit instead of 4 and on top of that crit damage was reduced even harder.
In the meantime the windbros got their passive adjusted to get 100% crit with 2 items. And they get ad converion from more crit. Just goes to show how bad riot is at balancing their own game
this fact does not show unbalance. u are just describing an element of the game. just because the windbros have more crit chance doesn't mean they're stronger
Adcs are literally fine this season
You should play only meta to realise you are describing it wrong. A good adc can win the game almost alone. Take Samira/Aphelios/Kaisa/Kogmaw if you know what you doing, you win games.
@@carlosemiralonso7997 I mean, so can every Hypercarry and the broken AP no mana assassins in the midlane and the immortal bruisers with infinite dashes and sustain in the toplane
An open meta does not mean X thing is better than Y thing, just that Y thing isn't as bad in comparison to X thing.
Warzone/CoD defines this pretty well, you like the M13? Well, you can use it and win with some effort. But someone with a Grau 5.56 will perform slightly better for simply using the superior weapon
@@shikikankillzone4239 I fail to known anything not league related. Sorry
I remember my last LoL game. I was on gold promos, for the 5th time I think, and we had a jungle xin that would not stop feeding, 1-15 on a 20 minute game. I looked him up and he was doing his ranked placement games (1st ranked game ever). Enemy had 2 plat players and the rest were high silver. I logged out and never logged back in again, this was in 2018. The matchmaking on this game is designed to give you a thrombosis.
Preaching truth brother. The matchmaking is what makes people rage out of their fucking minds, they just don't know it. They think it's chat HA
When I play league, i stay positive, yes, I get tilted sometimes, but I'm always trying to stay positive, my adc died ? No problem, people get bad days, junglers missed smite ? No problem, we are not a robots, we don't have godlike reflex, even if I lose, I'm not mad because I know in order to win, someone needs to lose and it's normal so
Oh boy, oh boy, this will be hilarious!
Every time I think about LoL toxicity I wonder why so many sociopaths are willing to play this game which is literally built around team play. Why they don't want to play PUBG or other ‘single mode’ online games?
Yeah this community would feel right at home in GTA.
Mostly because I don’t like Shooters lol
Because when you lose 1v1 or Free for All games you can't blame team mates for your loss and have to deal with the fact that you are just bad
Man, league is most addicting game ever. You cant stop playing simply because winning feels so good, game itself is nice but losing is just a bad time for your brain
@@ben8929 nice, it makes sense
I think there is one more reason for the toxicity. Adding to all the mental factors you mention, when people watch streamers being toxic, they tend to normalize it, accept it and then copy it. I mean... You can see that every big personality in the league streamers community now is a not good copy of Tyler1. And I'm not agaist Tyler, but being loud and toxic it's what gives him the popularity he has today, and it really sells. So everyone is watching and normlizing disrutive behaviours more and more, because it's what gets more views on streaming platforms. I think thats a really big reason why there are more toxic players now than a few years back.
I disagree. People who watch it and enjoy "toxicity" in streamers is because they understand where it stems from, making it empathetically relatable, entertaining, and -connecting-. Sure, there may be some who love to emulate their favorite toxic streamers' toxicity, but to say its some kind of validation on their part that catalysts toxicity is a stretch for the whole. And if you look at the most "toxic" streamers that are popular, you'll see that their toxicity isn't at all that "toxic", and may even vary depending on what happened in the past and current games they've played.
I agree. Had a game last night where I died to enemy Nasus during dragon fight, our Singed said thats gg go next. I told him "you are not your favorite streamer and we are not in high elo, we will win". Flamed me in global the next 20 minutes right up to us destroying enemy Nexus. He actively wanted us to lose for refusing to surrender.
Sooo trueeeee
Nope, its not Tyler's fault, its Riot's fault for why there are toxic players. Watching streamers tilt is just irony. Riot does not punish game ruining behavior so toxic players keep behaving badly. Riot is the root of the problem, not "toxic" streamers like T1.
There's no deterioration. The game is just as toxic as its always been. They've never come close to fixing it and a massive issue is banning people for words rather than actions which tribunal had the same flaws
My view on this changed and thats why I can't even get myself to play League anymore. Anytime I do bad I feel I'm taking away the rest of the teams enjoyment. I have learned how hopeless things can feel after you get 1v1nd top, especially when you have a toxic team that won't shutup about it either.
Yeah thank God i uninstall it, i just followed the advice from the player who wished my mother to die from covid and called me retarded and idiot
@@flowerofash4439 that's absolutely abhorrent... I can't believe someone would wish death upon someone's mother just because they're angry at a game. I don't care who you are, you don't wish death on anyone regardless of how much you hate them.
I'm so sorry you had to put up with such behavior from another human being
Just don't coinflip the lane level one, it's not difficult. Pick something where you know later your power ramps up and just chill early. Too often I see people play something that has to do well early and then they don't and the entire game is over.
The chat restriction effect is absolutely real. A few of my friends used to be toxic in chat, they are decent players, but simply their manner of interacting with other people was disrespectful. Of course, that isn't good, but overall the worse they were doing is calling someone who was feeding some slurs. When Riot started cracking down hard on chat, they all got restrictions, one after the other. The solution afterwards? Well, now when they get tilted, they simply throw the game. They never type anything anymore, it's just an instant "welp, we lost" and they they just go soft-afk, solo farming, or keep trying to 1v5. By enforcing chat rules Riot pretty much made worse forms of abuse that they can't deal with explode.
I can vouch for this. Previously perma banned player. Honor level 0 on current account because chat restrictions (extremely questionable as to why) and now I don’t ever type in chat, team is muted, and if nobody helps that’s not because chat is muted is because this game is best played selfishly...of course to save your sanity not to actually win.
I had 5 out of my 7 rank games where my adc doesn't play an adc, riot will never care.
I have a friend who's really toxic in the chat. Every time, I tell him he should desactivate the chat in the settings but he doesn't want to. He says he's waiting for Riot to chat restrict him for ever instead of ban his account (2 days ago, he got his 6th account ban...). I thought : "Yeah, it would be better than ban the account". But now, after reading your "experience" about your friends, I'm wondering if my friend will also troll/feed etc... instead of being toxic :(. I don't think so but it scares me a bit to be honest.
Personnally, I used to being a bit toxic too. Too much than "reasonable" and I got 14 days ban ^^. I deserved it. Like really x). And since then, I didn't get anything. When I play a game, I either write something nice to encourage my teammates and chill a bit their toxicity or I just don't write at all. And this is SO WAY BETTER ! Sadly, I can't do really something to help myself when there is a troller in my team, which is pretty rare but still :(.
I am like this I basicly one trick caitlyn, and I play since S3, so I at least have a lot of experience. Winning games is really simple on a conceptual level, so I usually would try to provide some sort of leadership because if we at least have a plan, we have more chances of winning compared to a non-comunicating team. THen I got banned cause I confronted people about them willingly turning off their brain.
Now i don't even care, I mute everyone and disable emotes, and use my pings. I'm not interested in delaying games where it's obvious people are not trying to win. I just farm side lanes so that 2 things can happen:
- team actually holds their own 4v5 and I get strong enough to at least increase our chances
- we lose faster, since being an adc, you can be ahead and it be the same as being 0/15 vs some champions, so there is no chance to win without enemy team disconnecting their brain
It was 2012 when I first started playing. Played it for a good minute until the toxicity of the game and how it impacted me became more and more evident.
It wasn't like an fps shooter where you can fuck up because no one's paying attention to your fuck ups. Everyone's focused on how well they're doing, but with LoL, mfs are actively waiting to blame someone if the game starts going south. It got to the point where my own friends were screaming at me and each other on Discord because of how bad some games got. Not to mention I actually lost a relationship because all my attention was on the game. All my precious time that could've been spent doing something that would progress my life was spent on LoL. The shit was just not fun anymore..
Fast foward to early 2014, I finally uninstalled. While my friends stayed playing as soon as they got home from school, I was going to the gym, building new relationships, partying, making memories, and doing the shit that most rebellious teenagers do. It's crazy to think that my LoL friends didn't get to do any of that, all because they couldn't give up a stupid ass game. All those hours spent on LoL, and for what?
Books to read if you're struggling with the lack of substance in your life: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
Godspeed friends.
By just the %, and estimated numbers of players, over 69,000 of players have been permanently banned. I wonder how many just make/buy new accounts?
At least 8/10 of them...
I have 6 accounts just for trying new champions, since i don't want to wait 140 years to collect enough blue essence to buy everyone. It's almost terrifying how easy it is to creare a new account
@@cutboard4256 what? why do u need 6 accounts to try out champions?? do you get free blue essence when making new account?
@@johndank2209 around 10k is received with the first misions
@@milanesaconpure2994 reaching level 30 will get you about 30-40k
the game will be less toxic the day the actual in game performance of players matter for lp gain - loss
How exactly would you judge the performance?
@@jimjimson6208 sadly it's impossible for now which is why the game is still toxic
@@ohmygoddiosmio9138 Good luck finding a way that doesn't shaft supports who aren't killstealing.
i’ve seen so many videos attempting to tackle this issue lately, riot really needs to do something.
I guess that's why I'm an outlier. I just play for fun. If I lose a game I lose. It's all just memories with my buds. I can look back at the replays and see what I did wrong (or try to see what I did wrong) and grow from it. End of the day it's a game. I played a woman floating around with a magical harpstring bow or a spiky guy who looks like a pinecone who never speaks more than two syllables at a time. I can laugh and smile knowing that.
Keep playing for fun. Don't ever make the mistake of playing competitively in this garbage SoloQ environment.
@@xniyana9956 I'm the kind of guy who would get friends to do the seasonal placement matches and then just not touch ranked for like 4 months. Only use it as an occasional test of skill and not care if I win or lose.
when it comes to League I have 2 options: play with my close friends, or don't have fun at all.
and yes, Snowball is at its MOST toxic nowadays, i s2g, ive been playing this game since Aatrox was released and it was never, ever, this bad
even my good friends become somehow toxic while playing lol
I’m a girl and I have been playing league for a maximum of a year now, I see the toxicity that was mentioned in this video ever since day one. My mains are Rakan and Varus but recently I decided that I wanted to learn Yasuo and switch to mid. I’m in general a very positive person and I never give up on a game even though the enemy is storming our base I always say we still have a chance, as long as the nexsus stands we have a chance. Ever since I switched to Yasuo and I started playing to learn him I have gotten nothing but people flaming me for not carrying in the first five minutes and giving up after ten because I’m still learning. They type in chat “ Just ff this Yasuo sucks we can’t win this “ when we are 5 kills ahead and we took the first tower. I don’t understand that concept and I don’t understand how you can give up so easily when someone is doding everything in their power to help and do their part. I still have to learn a lot about the game I recently started playing ranked and I’m doing decent there with my two mains. I don’t think that I will start on learning a new champ anytime soon simply because I’m not given the chance to learn.
Yeah that's juste yasuo tbh. He gets it worse. Wait till you experience being tower dove or camped just because people personally hate yasuo. I do the same to irelia and kata tbh when I jungle - fuck those cancers
I do also want to think that there is some sort of psychology to it. Like for example, we associate a champion like (just throwing this champ out there for example) Irelia. There’s this mentality that this champion is really good, thus them not carrying in the first 5 10 or 15 minutes means the player playing the champion is bad when in reality it could be a multitude of factors, like maybe a counterpick, enemy jungle, just learning the champion, etc. I guess my point is is that you are expected to be the one and only carry on your team because you pick a really good champion. Obviously, there are other factors that go into play and I can be completely wrong, but I feel like it is a plausible explanation.
Lol. Yasuo players are a meme. When somone plays Yasuo and sucking they blame it cuz "Its just another Yasuo player" who if they see they can R presses it no matter what or just goes in thinking they can 1 vs 5. That probably explains a chunk of the treatment you are getting from your teammates. I played since S2 and these days its easier to comeback from a losing game believe it or not. Before, if you lose early, there is almost no chance of comming back. The give up easily mentality IMO comes from Korean players. People from other regions watch thier games admiring them, seeing them quitting early gets immitated not knowing where this behaviour comes from. Koreans have a "pali-pali" culture which is kinda like a "get it done as fast as you can and move on" mentality. This, coupled with them mostly playing in internet Cafe's which they are paying by the hour makes a lot of sense. That's just my best guess anyway.
“Im a girl and”
Pls uninstall
I like to play yuumi so I no longer consider myself as "playing" the game.
Playing as Yuumi is a decent mental reset, sometimes. Because if your team can't produce a single carry, it's not on you.
I played yummi, I attached to our top lane, they clashed at the dragon pit, my top laner tp, i was left behind at the base without boots. 😑
This made me feel a lot better, you’re videos are appreciated keep them coming
I'm a Renekton main, but even I am annoyed at the snowball. Especially in the top lane, often, I kill my opponent once or twice and they literally can't do anything to affect the game anymore, unless I troll very hard. The same goes for when my opponent kills me.
The snowball penalizes you for limit testing, and makes it that much harder to improve.
snowballing is the best thing to avoid long sessions. just get good
@@LeReVaQ I literally play one of the champions that benefits the most from snowball, what are you talking about? lol I'm complaining because after I kill my opponent once, the game is already over and it just gets TOO easy. You might need some more brain cells, ngl
@@LeReVaQ so you want every game to be 10 minuts long?
Agree so much!, been complaning about the snowball for many years. Recently came back after few years break and noticed it's still here sadly. It's just like ok now im useless/they are useless game is over already... what's the point to continue?
If you get killed in top lane and are behind you have to adjust your playstyle
Like freezing your wave near your tower, only focusing on farming and setting up a gank maybe.
In like 5 out of 10 times you can turn around the lane
Or make clever TP plays and snowball your other lanes
Literally everyone who says the snowball is too strong is probably not able to find and execute ways to prevent it
I have to say, I prefer losing a well-fought aram while talking to the enemies in all chat than gaining 30 LP in a single game.
30??? three take it or leave it
@@rj-juan9429 trueeeeee
I started playing more ARAM a couple of months ago as I was having a bad time playing ranked games. At the begining I thought it was boring but eventually started to like it. However, the fun is being ruined by afk people. Some never connect, or some get in, get killed 3 times and stay at base waiting for surrender or the enemy team to finish. As it is ARAM I like building different stuff, one game I played full tank Malphite and I was being harassed by a guy for playing tank, on a different match I played full AP malphite, and the story repeated, this time for not playing tank, like wtf
The enemy team tends to be very toxic as well "GG Ez noobs, unnistall, you're trash" etc. most of the times I lose that's the /all chat
Instead of just an account ban, I feel that they should implement an IP ban to erase those people to make the threat of a ban that much more intimidating.
@@quaesitor6428 Okay and? Not many people are so desperate to play league that they'll go through that trouble. How about you come up with another creative solution instead of just blowing hot air?
IP bans are outdated bro, MAC address bans would be a better fit, because vpns change your ip yes, but they don't change anything else, so if you ban people by one deeper detail then it would be a start
It's extremely easy to change MAC-Addresses as well. Would not do a thing.
banning isnt the solution the trolls use the system to ban normal players.
I play wholesome braum support. When my adc starts running it down I only say words of encouragement and, at least in low elo, it’s pretty easy to set most people back on track mental wise
I'm also a support main. And yes, I agree. We should give more positive feedback.
My teams tend to be nice to me but I also am encouraging and kind to them to try to make them feel better even if theyre feeding. It literally negatively benefits me to make them feel worse. If you make them feel better they will at least do their best. And since im not smurfing I'm in my own elo their best is also around my best their worse is comparable to am iron player.
Positivity goes a long way
I am new to this game and i mainly play support as to learn things first. I usually try to be as positive as i can to people if they made some mistake by saying "it aight man, don't worry" and stuff to let them know that it's not the end of the world. Sometimes acknowledging your own fault and being supported by nice words will set their mood up to keep trying rather than bringing them down
I'm glad you got into the reasons people are so frustrated playing and not just whining about things in chat. If mismatch game could end in 10 minutes or a surrender could happen at any time in the game. People would be more likely to just say GG go next. But instead you're punished for 40 minutes getting steamrolled
imo, riot should remove turret plating altogether. it was a good idea back then, but now with so many lane bullies, punishers, and assassin abusers, you die once in lane as any champ regardless of how insane your late-game scaling is and you lost the game. maybe if the turret plating gold was removed, but the resistance bonus was kept, the game would at least be somewhat fixed
As someone who used to be quite toxic and still has toxic friends, the reason why we were so toxic is because there is a lack of communication and collaboration between teammates. Some people don’t use chat at all so you can’t communicate with them or they are too stubborn to actually cooperate. In almost 5 years of league I have never met someone who is toxic just for the sake of being toxic, but it was always someone who was frustrated ether with his teammates or the game. I think adding voice chat would solve this problem since there it would allow people to have communicate. Also if someone is toxic you can just mute them, something you can’t do with an int-feeder
Just yesterday I played a draft pick game where my pick was banned by a teammate “because fuck you that’s why”
People definitely *are* toxic just because it’s funny, it’s the same culture that infested early 2010s CoD lobbies (all of which had voice chats). The best way to deal with a toxic player is to not soloq. I find that if a toxic player illicits a reaction from you or the rest of the team(negative or otherwise) they take it as an invitation to be even more annoying, so play with at least 2 friends and try to shut him down when he gets toxic by just not engaging, or asking your friends to back you up when you ask the other player to be quiet. And mute them
@@porkupineexe6862 my friends are not toxic with teammates, they just get mad in discord and spam ping sometimes. I guess he banned you champion because he didn’t want you to play it (maybe?) I don’t know that type of shit never happens to me
@@ventu7907 sure right playing with toxic friends is no better than toxic teammates I get that
But that player was just toxic the whole time, we were winning, but he was calling everyone garbage and getting tilted about everything. Maybe it was just a really bad day for them, I just mean to point out that people are toxic for mysterious reasons. Ur better off finding kind friends and having a good time with them while losing rather than playing with toxic friends and winning
The ironic thing about so called Unskilled E-Girl Enchanter Supports is that the champions are actually a lot more difficult to pilot than Engage Supports, with perhaps the notable exception of Sona.
Yeah, I really hate Lulu and it looks easy, but I tried her once and was like wow this is so hard, guess ill stick with pyke
Even playing sona isnt easy anymore because anyone can one shot her
With a delay to your comment, yet I agree that the majority of the enchanters don't necessate much skill, yet Nami, Karma, Rakan and Taric would make exceptions as with Nami is much tougher to land a bubble especially if they have a mobile composition and she can be easily bursted than Lulu or Soraka. On top of that, she seems initially easy to be played, nevertheless, as soon as you commence playing Nami, you would struggle to master her. Rakan's W is tough to be landed especially if they have poke supports or just mobile foes.
We live in a hypercompetitive society, so anything and everything one can use to "prove" itself better than another one will be used in that way, regardless of how minimal or "unimportant" it is, this is explain why competitive games are so popular, it is a way of one to prove itself or feel like they fit in socially by being better, or just because they like being better than otthers.
So, when people open a competitive game, they generally are there to win, and that generates the good feelling of the game, while in some other game one could be having enjoyment by just playing a game. Basically winning is the main goal, and anything or anyone making winning harder frustates a player, because there is more things involved than just a game.
Also since the goal is to one prove itself better than others, blaming teammates or saying they are worse is almost a natural response to the situation to keep one's superiority.
The snowball is so big now that even a single mistakes being premetitaded is enough for one start being toxic with others, like a single item out of the meta, or a single minion lost.
I completly agree. If you are playing league to prove you are better its normal to say someone is dogshit. But then when you die they will say wp and snowball is rolling hard
Intentional feeding should be more bannable than flaming, you can literally mute a person but you can't kick them from the team
But you can't ban intentionally feeding automatically unless is very severe cases and with them the system works
@@skelet8337 if a person says "i don't give a fuck about winning, i'll get back my lp next game" they deserve the instant ban
The weirdest thing is the normalcy. Just like they act like its not odd to be toxic. like that's the point or something.
Well it’s a given that every game has a toxic side. Here in LoL it’s inevitable there’s no toxicity. Even in other MOBA’s there’s toxicity all over, and devs cant do anything about it except muting them, banning them, etc. Here in Wild Rift, there’s a 1 in 4 chance you’ll encounter a toxic teammate. The best solution to that is to mute them, but in a competitive game like League, most people would get triggered and respond back tilting them and feeding the whole game. It’s inevitable at the least, but if you mute them from the start and just focus on your play then no worries.
You cant mute a guy running it down though..... you just get matched with tilters and have to take the L. Super fun
@@johnflowers701 I play gp and win just pick a snowball champ that has 1v5 potential even if there are griefers on your team
Altough wild rift is slowly sinking with the same toxicity as League. Just very slowly but I agree with you and your profile picture is creepy can you change that? XD
People really dont realize that what we see are merely symptoms of a greater decay in the social culture of the modern age.
This is so deep, sound exaggerated if you're an ignorant but actually true
Games need to be cut down in time. When you know you lost at 8 minutes and your team won’t ff at 15 and you stay in a loosing game till 25 is just infuriating. And so you just hate literally hate teammates that hold you hostage or make you feel that way.
It's normally the guy doing well that votes no on surrender.
@@CantoniaCustoms or the guy doing so bad, I had 4 say yes and 1 say no and everyone said they said yes but the 0/11/6 GP top.
@KA really depends who you play. Even if I get fed as Rammus, there's only so many enemies you can keep out of the fight if your team isn't pulling their weight.
and the duos
What's bizarre is that Riot created the snowbally state the game is currently in cause there was a time where the meta was shifted to more turtling. That was the meta where the Turrets had shields and shot lasers. They moved away from it, claiming it wasn't interesting and that working for an early lead only to suddenly have a game that seems like a victory flip over to a loss was not good.
Honestly, the multiplayer aspect is more of a deeply rooted problem with online gaming than it is a League of Legends problem. In real life team based multiplayer games, where people are physically present, there is no "running it down mid." That's because it's naturally moderated in a way where if someone is doing something clearly against the rules, then they are called out on it: Fouls. There are no moderators in an average game to stop foul play, cause literally anything goes. The reporting system throws red flags after the deed has already been done and the catastrophic damage has been made. And it's not just League of Legends, pretty much all competitive online multiplayer games can suffer this, particularly team based ones. Dota 2 suffers from a elitism due to the skill based nature of the game, dwarfing the newer playerbase. For god sake, even Rocket League actually gets toxic with passive aggressiveness akin to the ? spam pinging in League of Legends.
Stopping griefing isn't straightforward, but at the very least steps can be taken to lower frustration. I think one of the most accessible features to lowering frustration is surrender. Minimizing the trauma of disaster scenarios by just ending it. Might seem like the cowards way out, but ending a game 1/5/0 is less frustrating than ending a game 1/50/0. As a social experiment for those who always say no to surrender votes, try playing low stakes mode like normals and ARAM and saying yes to every single surrender vote that pops up. You'll find that your overall experience is far less frustrating since disasters are nipped in the bud before they can possibly happen.
That said, one of the most simplest ways to make surrender a better tool for lowering frustration is to add concessions to the act of surrendering. Let's say if your team agrees to surrender, your LP is reduced by half of what it would have if you just flat out lost. That opens the option of guaranteed loss = less penalty. Does this open the loophole that teams could just literally surrender right before losing to minimize their losses? Of course it does, but does that actually negatively impact anyone at all? Your enemies don't care cause they win the game and gain the same LP either way. The people on the ladder don't care, cause who cares about other people on the damn ladder? That's the last thing on your mind when in game. Is this still cockblocked by people who are in their promos? Obviously, but how is that any different from right now? People in their promos are still going to adamantly refuse surrender, and it's still going to spawn the same issues of people running it down mid or afk'ing. People are already frustrated that people are so apprehensive about surrender. There is absolutely no change.
This is just one example of how frustration could be curbed in this game. In general, frustration can't really be rid of in competitive multiplayer games. Even in real life, losing feels bad and there is always a loser in a competition. The only thing you can do is limit that frustration.
I agree 100% with what you typed, but i think there's a way Riot could lower the frustration bar in League. I've played many multiplayer games be it in a competitive or a casual way, but one thing that most of them had was a casual 'just for fun' gamemode. And I believe Riot is actually unintentionally feeding the frustration to players, not necessarily because they don't add additional gamemodes, but because they are promoting competitive play so much that they are pushing away the fact that League is just a video game. And I know what peoples reactions to "It's just a game" are. But why do we play video games in the first place? Did you start playing video games because of an potential ego-gain? or money? No, I will go as far as saying 99,9% of all players started playing video games because they are fun. Does that mean competitiveness = no fun? absolutely not. But Riot is pushing the competitive scene to the next level. They are promoting Twitch Rivals every year for their own game, what is Twitch Rivals about you ask? competitive play among twitch streamers. They also regularly push ads for their E-Sports scene into the client, to get more people to watch them. Is that in of itself a bad thing? again: No! The more urging question we need to ask is: "Is League of Legends advertised as a 'for fun game'?" and the answer to this question from my perspective is No. Why? How many times have I been flamed for a non-optimal build in ARAM? How many times have I been flamed for trying out a new champ and performing poorly in a Normal? How often do people tryhard in the rotating gamemodes? The answer to all of them is: Way too many times.
If Riot wants to lower the amount of griefing and frustration in their game they should try to get people to play stupid builds by promoting people that love to mess around with the games mechanics. Another option would be to make the game less snowbally because loosing early game right now could literally mean that you know you're going to waste the next 10 minutes playing a lost game. But why is a loss bad anyway? I think what Riot should also focus on is to make losses not as punishing as they are, because you probably had at least one game where you lost but still had fun regardless. How come a loss can be fun? Ever played battlefield or call of duty? How often do you care about your team winning the round instead of your K/D? Do you start raging because of the 10 points your team was behind? (I know I'm comparing an ego-shooter to a MOBA) League needs something similar to this, a way to feel rewarded for playing a game regardless of the outcome. Maybe give them BE, maybe cut their LP losses by their performance in that ranked game, maybe let them accumulate points towards something bigger from those losses. I don't know what but they should do something for those 50% of games you're going to loose, because League is the most punishing game I know of regarding a loss.
Nothing as a human being feels worse than knowing you just wasted 30 minutes of your lifetime for a setback. Just my 2 cents
How do these absolute units of text have the fewest likes? Take my thumb.
@@manu241019 Speaking of harsh losses, Riot fails to consider that people have situations in their life that prevents them from committing to a game.
They constantly say they look for patterns of afk to make sure they punish the people who afk for no good reason. What they don't understand is that they have failed to accommodate the players who have someone like that on their team.
It's fine that people have to leave every now and then because of certain issues like real life emergencies or blackouts, but their teammates are the ones who take the brunt of that issue. This creates a lopsided skew where it is far easier to lose games than win.
This is why despite wins and loss LP being identical, it is an absolute chore to climb. Even if you are extremely skilled, you are going to have to be smurfing to win a game with 2 afks on your team or even worse: int-ers.
Intentionally feeding and AFK should never be justified. Even in this system, surrendering still means losing. Forcing surrenders by running it down will still cause the troll to fall dramatically in the ladder. And this should even give the system more flexibility to roll out punishments to people who troll.
Rather, I think the place to start is to aim for this goal: The failures of one should not be shouldered by all. Lowering the cost of surrender helps with this because it creates a positive skew for LP that can then be adjusted by the system for people who shouldn't get it: trolls, AFK, etc. Bans and chat restrictions don't mean much to players, but touch their LP and they will feel the pain. If trolling and AFKing for the fun of it actively stops their climb, you know dang well people are going to stop.
@@manu241019 As far as casual gameplay goes, it really does tie back to the goal: The failures of one should not be shouldered by all. There is one huge difference between FPS and MOBA to really understand where this spite is coming from: Does killing make you stronger?
Sure there might be some bonuses you get that can be obtained by killing more. Like maybe getting that predator missle or some other tool that makes killing easier. However, you don't physically become harder to kill. In MOBAs, experience and gold are your rewards. So while the gold is similar to getting that predator missle, the experience is something that makes MOBAs more snowbally than FPS.
Feeding someone doesn't just give them the tools to kill, it makes them drastically harder to kill. You may have seen some pentakill videos where a level 15 champion kills the entire enemy team averaging level 11 single handedly. That's because level differences cause extremely stark differences in power.
So if you went a wonky build and started feeding, the enemy gains a level advantage and starts kicking everyone's butt just by being 2 levels over. People aren't flaming for the wonky build, they are just looking for a reason for why an unstoppable monster was born. They would still flame if you went a meta build and fed, but they would rather be bashing your skill at the game. Proof of this is if you were fed and had a wonky build, your team would be ROFLing over that.
Why are wonky builds more accepted in ARAM than SR? (let's be real, some of the builds in ARAM would cause people in SR to blow their lid) That's because level leads aren't as easy to form in ARAM, but you know flaming will sure as hell start when a level lead does form.
That said, the only way to really fix this is to offer a reliable way to close that EXP gap. Only reasonable thing I could think of is creating an elixir that gives you exp over time to reach the highest level player on the enemy team. This would be to alleviate disaster situations where you can't farm minions or monsters without getting nuked by the enemy.
This is more controversial than the surrender concessions, because it trivializes the effort needed to create level gaps. If it was limited to giving exp/sec in the fountain, then that could be acceptable since you need to balance contributing to the team vs. ensuring levels. Though I do think an elixir is important for this because an effect like this shouldn't be free.
Not sure lowering the penalty for FF is going to have the impact you're hoping for... If they implemented this, virtually everyone would FF a lost cause game (right before the enemy can take nexus) resulting in the half reduced LP lost becoming the status quo. At that point, losing half LP is like losing the "normal" amount of LP for a game and it will still be just as bad for people.
This also would too heavily encourage a team to FF even if they actually had a chance of winning. You can be down 10k in gold at 25 minutes and just get one good baron fight and turn the game. But if you reduce the LP penalty with forfeiting, then 4 out of 5 players on the team might see more appeal in just voting yes instead of actually trying to play it out.
I’m gonna be honest. I did consider myself to be a completely non-toxic person, but now I realized that I do generally blame my team first instead of thinking of what I do wrong. I don’t actually antagonize anybody in chat, but I do think that in my head. Thanks for the eye-opening video, Vars.
Most of the issues are solved by disabling chat, I have no sympathy for people who complain about toxicity and flaming if they choose to have chat enabled.
@@youtubemain4257 so what happens if they have no problem with people flaming, but don't like the clear inters and griefers in their game?
I love this game, but I’ve been playing since 2014 so… 10 years? Legit, I started playing this game because I wanted to go pro, but peaking between Platinum1 and Emerald3, there is nothing that pisses me off more than the trolls and feeders in this game.
Before I played this game I noticed I was more chill and a lot more friendly, but this game has made me a bit more violent and a bit more cynical toward the average human.
People abuse this game to make money off it, they abuse this game to gatekeep people from high elo, and then you have some of the most boosted animals playing this game and I can’t comprehend why?
I had an Elise jungle in Gold2 and this Elise was complete garbage! Nine straight minutes of farming over and over again, she didn’t gank, she didn’t focus objectives, but all she did was farm.
Elise is an early game champ, so why are you farming and doing nothing, you aren’t Master Yi, so why the fuck are you even playing Elise?
Turns out, this person was a Smurf who added me after game and essentially wanted me to buy their services in being carted… I said a lot of things to this player and yeah, I reported them.
The game isn’t bad, but it’s the degenerate losers who make this game bad.
Riot is making champions that are fun to play as, but really really frustrating to play against Viego Gwen Samira Yone even Senna that also add to peoples frustration I think
“Or Zoe mains” I laughed so hard. Also such a well written, well presented video, thank you!
Its impossible for me to learn how to play when my hole team is calling me trash for not 1v4 instead of giving advices, thats why a lot of new players get burnt out
Thats what im saying they just go straight to, " Why are u feeding?! Why are u in my lane taking my exp?! (when youre there for 2 seconds) Why arent you getting objectives?! Jung diff! Ff 15!" instead of simply explaining wht was done wrong and how to fix it. Do they rly think cussing out ppl who r learning a game helps? People r rly dumb and toxic
I was excited to watch the video and then I realized it comes out tomorrow while I'm working :(
My acc got perma banned coz my whole team was flaming me, i had a bad game, and riot support system still said i deserved a ban, i still cannot play on my first and my favorite acc to this day
Man fuck Riot
What i hated the most in lol as a Dota 2 player, is that i couldn't feel the damage of characters. In Dota 2 even if someone gets ahead and gets an item or two more than you, you still have enough space to do something and contribute to battle, battles aren't over in seconds. Maybe you will die, but you will drag him under the tower where your team can tp, you will maybe connect some CC for your team or you will just reduce his health enough so that maybe someone in your team can finish him off. In lol opponents get one or God forbid two items ahead, they delete you. You just stand and wonder wtf am i playing. You don't have a say anymore in the game. It is natural to get tilted, when you just get revived, you go to the lane and overfed jungler who took 4 kills on the bot jump on you and in two or three shots send you to respawn again like you are a fucking minion.
What league needs the most imo is to extend the length of the fights by scaling down burst potential on heroes and by introducing more of the active utility items. Take an example of a famous item of last parch in Dota 2 Force Staff (mainly picked as a support item or as a build up component on item with similar effect on range carry). Force staff pushes a unit in the direction they are turned to, it can be you, ally or enemy. The enemy team jumps on the carry aka adc, he is nearly dead, 2 supports and tank in his team have force staff, they use it one after another to force carry from frontline to backline and then tank start engagement while support heal carry and fight get reset. In lol adc dies there, there is no buy back mechanic and without his damage, his whole team gets steamrolled or they just zone them out and take Baron, then they steamroll over them. If i was that adc, even if i was at fault, i would get infuriated and blame my team for something like not being there or some excuse like that, while the team would blame me for dying like a noob and ruining game for everyone else, because they know, after that death chances of winning the game are getting much slimmer.
Also jungler is the most toxic role in lol. When you are losing lane, you are crying why jungler doesn't gank, because there is expectation that jungler has to gank for you. When you finally win lane after intense trade with your opponent, there is always an enemy jungler to ruin it for you. Without even mentioning the idea of "objectives" and constant pressure of archiving them. Jungler role is the definition of toxicity when it comes to my rather shallow, but still existing, experience with lol. I would like to see how it would look if lol had lanes as 2/1/2 instead of 1/1/2 + jungler. Were top objective is contested by the top side as an extension of top battle and similarly with bot side and bot objective. With mid that is flexible to gank to help either one if it gets messy. You also remove smite and leave people with room for outplaying and stealing objective, instead of pressing one button.
No comms. Plain and simple, ESPECIALLY at low rank. Text chat is ineffective when you're trying to tell your jungler not to gank and you have to catch a wave at the same time. Pings are ineffective as they're overused and spammed, not to mention they don't convey a clear message. What could a danger ping mean? I could walk into a bush knowing the enemy jungler is there and being confident I win the fight. Now all of a sudden my mid pings danger. Does that mean "Danger there's a Yi in the bush" "Danger he has help" Or "Danger, don't take the fight because I have to back and I can't help" Three very different ways of perceiving the same situation that a simple danger ping doesn't get across, and that's just one example. I'd be a lot less toxic if I could communicate before shit goes wrong, we all would.