Revealing The MOST IMPORTANT TOPICS For Mechatronics!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 302

  • @shannonscherer9466
    @shannonscherer9466 2 ปีที่แล้ว +525

    Next Halloween I’m going to dress as a microcontroller because they’re scary af

  • @elizabethviveiros9275
    @elizabethviveiros9275 2 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Yes, it sounds scary, and yes, it was extremely helpful. My senior project as a mechanical engineering student is around 75% mechatronics and the only thing I confidently could say I can do from your “to do list” is CAD. Thank you so much for the step-by-step, I have a lot of learning to do, but that was just the guidance I needed to start out!

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Glad it was helpful!

  • @nicknengineering
    @nicknengineering ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for the video! It's a very useful list I will be using! One thing about the video itself, that would be cool to be updated is having the topic name somewhere on the screen at all times . I noticed myself spacing out for a moment and then I got confused if you flipped to the next point or were still at the previous one. Thanks!

  • @pocketpangolin
    @pocketpangolin ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So, I know there is a plethora of information I haven't even skirted across, but this makes me feel like I can breathe a little better and go through the steps to learn! Thank you! I'm going to be getting those books and seeing what I can learn through them! Also, all the links you provided, I'll be checking those out, too! I love Khan Academy! I have learned so much through them, too!

  • @UltraQuantumNerd-xd2li
    @UltraQuantumNerd-xd2li ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you do chemical engineering next

  • @JonPrevost
    @JonPrevost ปีที่แล้ว

    Ahhhhh. Was with you up until Raspberry Pi as example of micro "device", I think starting with an Arduino is way more powerful, and get yourself an oscilloscope. Doesn't need to be expensive, but that's my only critique. Everything else is spot on. I always wished I had stuck through more of the software programming side of things before switching majors... twice. Understanding signals, which include latency and bandwidth, then processing time, etc., all can be better understood working with an "Arduino" and an oscilloscope. It scales easily from there. Skip the Raspberry Pi unless you ONLY know Python.

    • @mattmurphy7030
      @mattmurphy7030 ปีที่แล้ว

      Agree with you, we used arduino Dues for the power but I wouldn't go past that. And the rigol 1054 with the firmware unlock should definitely be on everyone's list. Especially for FPGA stuff

    • @JonPrevost
      @JonPrevost ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mattmurphy7030 With regards to FPGA stuff. A lot of it can be learned by using an old PAL or GAL device. Also introduces PLD for foundational understanding. I can't stress how important it is to start small and build-up. The best (in my opinion) engineers know the individual building blocks FIRST, before trying to build the entire system. It costs a lot of time up front, but pays for itself in dividends of both time and money.

    • @ChanceBerryman
      @ChanceBerryman ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It’s a lot easier to write this opinionated comment than create your own video or channel though right

    • @JonPrevost
      @JonPrevost ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ChanceBerryman yes, I'm waiting for your video, send a link when you're done ;)

    • @MrMikeyPayne
      @MrMikeyPayne ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ChanceBerryman I really appreciated the video and the additional perspectives of commenters.

  • @logicleb2164
    @logicleb2164 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I love this video...very insightful!! :)

  • @martinmakhubela1234
    @martinmakhubela1234 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for the tips 👍

  • @seth_speakzzz
    @seth_speakzzz 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do I need to take mechatronics at college if I know nothing about it

  • @rushanrafi8496
    @rushanrafi8496 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey, I have a question. Can I do MS on automobile engineering after completing BS on mechatronics engineering ?

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Probably, you'd have to ask your school

  • @tabishkhan4010
    @tabishkhan4010 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    lovely video .....highly inspirational for robogeeks like me

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @phillipwombacher9635
    @phillipwombacher9635 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It’s all about agricultural engineering

  • @perfectmatch-uv8hi
    @perfectmatch-uv8hi ปีที่แล้ว

    this is very helpful, I am interested to join any scholarship class for the training of this course. Please send me a link if available, God bless Thanks

  • @pizzainc.1465
    @pizzainc.1465 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ok, I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I cannot let anyone ever say anything using latin incorrectly (I'm trying really hard not to get mad about homophobia and billion right now), but -tron means quantum-range particles, and I don't think we have gears that small yet. What is mechatronics?

  • @flopie2613
    @flopie2613 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can a kid learn mechatronics

  • @legendsamuel465
    @legendsamuel465 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm not sure I want to do mechatronics anymore🥲

  • @MrWaalkman
    @MrWaalkman ปีที่แล้ว +66

    I think that you are viewing Mechatronics from the perspective of an embedded controller or a CompSi guy. I was a Controls Engineer, predominantly for Saturn and later on for GM. Outside of the GM world, I did work for Nissan, Ford, Chrysler. As well as non-automotive work for startups, field service, and commissioning. Currently retired, but working with a covy of Mechanical Engineers on upgrading the PLC in a drill rig destined for Antarctica.
    So I am going to approach this as a PLC/robotics/process controls/startup guy. So I'm not going to say that you are wrong, just that you are missing a huge chunk of what is done out there.
    1) Data structures / Algorithms.
    Most of my programming was limited to learning the programming software for a given PLC or robot. The only time I had to mess around with C and C++ was for that startup company that made systems for automated warehousing. That was it. And never did I need to learn anything about data structures outside of the programming methods used by a given PLC.
    So did I or any of my contemporaries need to learn data structures or algorithms? Did any of us learn C or C++ for our job? Don't be absurd, of course not.
    2) Logic gates and electrical circuits.
    Logic gates on the other hand come in *very* handy for PLC programmers. Here's a site that shows the correlation between logic gates and PLC ladder logic programming:
    But there is much more to PLC programming than this. You rarely see programs made up of just logic gates.
    Understanding electrical circuits (the ones that will kill you and not just the sub 24VDC world) is extremely helpful, so much so that it is usually a coin toss as to what the background of your friendly Controls Engineer is. Mine is as an electrician. About a third of your automotive "Controls Engineers" (or "Manufacturing Controls Engineers" as GM puts it) are repurposed electricians. In a GM factory downtime can be somewhere along the lines of $15,000 per minute. Being an electrician means that you tend to look at a problem from the tail end (the malfunctioning device) back into the PLC and not the other way around. And you tend to get along with the grizzly old maintenance workers because that's pretty much what you are.
    3) Signals and Systems Controls.
    You are not going to need much more than the basics when it comes to electronics and "signals" (I saw a basic example of a PID controller, and yes, it would be good to understand these). you will need to fully understand the process, and in Paint shops this means flow, temperature, pressure, thermal, speed and timing, and anything/everything else. Paint shops (my specialty I suppose) is the worst. My best advice is to avoid them.
    And no offense, but you keep buzzwording "robots". You really need to define what type of robot you are talking about. For factory floor operations, it's going to be a standard robot such as a Fanac, ABB, Motoman, etc. And for the most part, what you will need to know about these will be very specific, and hopefully included in the manual. As sub-categories you have welding robots, paint robots, and material handling robots to name a few. The current big thing is "Co-bots" that work alongside a human in a peaceful and friendly manner typically depicted at the beginning of every robot uprising movie ever made.
    4) 3D modelling.
    It's a "nice to have". Most Control Engineers don't bother. We put some toolmakers (machinists) out of work at Goodman by replacing their $200-a-pop machined part with a $0.25 3D printed one. My involvement was that I was the one who owned the 3D printer.
    5) Embedded Systems
    So these guys are the natural enemies of the poor bastard who is tasked to keep things running in the plant (and let's be clear, there are any number of folks who aid in the resumption of production during a breakdown, but there is only one guy who is going to get his butt chewed. That would be the Controls Engineer). So there is no way that any Controls guy is going to want to see a "closed source" piece of hardware installed on their floor. Why would he or she?
    A few actual examples:
    1) Early on at Saturn a young engineer was convinced by a company that specialized in embedded systems that were programmed in Forth to use their gear for all of the HVAC systems at Saturn. Once installed, the young engineer quit and went to work for the company. Saturn not to be blackmailed simply had the Carrier guys run the systems manually. For 30 years...
    2) We had to install a certain specific brake fluid boiling point tester (rumor has it that it was made by a retired GM engineer who had buddies in upper management). It would lock up a couple times a week. Enough to be really annoying, but not quite enough to kick it to the curb. For what it is worth, I believe that it used a 8052 microcontroller chip for its CPU.
    3) The laser VIN tag etcher was sold to a Process Engineer / Project Manager who took the project on, had it installed, and agreed to the terms of the German company without ever bouncing it off of the Controls group. Then the German group reneged on the terms of their support (or more likely, GM got tired of paying them) and bailed. Chuck came running to us and insisted that we take it over. Nope. To the best of my knowledge it did get kicked to the curb.
    4) AGVs. Take your pick, they all suck. They either wander off, stall for no apparent reason (and are controlled by triggering SQL and/or live editing your database). The Creform AGVs reminded me of those droids in the Star Wars movie that made cheerful noises while randomly wandering around the floor with no apparent purpose.
    The one thing in common with all of this is that the embedded guy is going to be off in Cancun with Ted while you get dragged out of bed to get the darn thing running again. And to add insult to injury, having to write a report and/or stick around for the dayshift management to chew your ass out.
    Like I said, natural enemies. Run 'em over if you get the chance.
    There are a couple of "must haves" when it comes to programming experience and that would be (please sit down first), Visual Basic 6 (for older Fanuc robots equipped with the old versions of Paintworks). And for the newer Fanuc robots, VB Express. And of all things, Microsoft Excel. I kid you not, engineers 40 years younger than me insist on using this godawful mess as a programming platform. WTF? Okay, Gen Z'ers...
    Otherwise, it's in the manuals. Hopefully.
    So what about the brave new world of modern automation? You're going to find out rather quickly that there isn't much interest in modernizing equipment if it works. While there are jobs out there for embedded platform development, the vast majority of the jobs are going to be as a fairly well paid babysitter for miscreant robots and conveyor lines.
    To illustrate my point of old hardware having a life of its own, here's a video of how Kimonos are made. Watch the first five seconds of the video and take note of what computer the lady in the video is loading her tape into. It's a Sharp MZ-80K2 *released in 1980*. It's still in use today. If you are a retro nerd like me, FF to @0:34 to see more of this glorious dinosaur.
    So for those of you headed to the factories in the hopes of making a mark in this world, prepare to lose your soul.

    • @superalexforty9130
      @superalexforty9130 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Could i self-learn mechatronics? If yes, could you suggest a roadmap or a path to follow? Thanks

    • @MrWaalkman
      @MrWaalkman 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@superalexforty9130 Sure! Most of us did back in the day, and I don't see that changing because it's still a job that doesn't get taught all that well in school. In school you typically will be exposed to ancient hardware, bespoke training platforms (that may or may not have an analog in automation), or worse yet, TH-cam videos.
      So I am going to answer for my form of a mechatronic system, that being the good old PLC. This is by far and away the most common device used in automation, and they aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Other sources would have you learn electronics, which is very handy to know, but you will probably have a harder time finding a job and making the kind of money that you would in the PLC world.
      For free, and nearly for free is "The Learning Pit" (canadu) and their LogixPro for $38 USD. They also have their ancient PLC-2 trainer for free. There is also theory, examples, and other resources there. And PLCS dot net is a place that is an absolute must.
      And I must of forgot to include the video that I referenced in my previous post. It's a YT video titled "The process of making traditional Japanese clothing. A Japanese factory that produces kimono." and includes a Sharp MZ-80K2 computer that is still in use.

    • @superalexforty9130
      @superalexforty9130 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MrWaalkman thanks brother, I'll look into it. I have another question seeing that you have experience in this field. I'm trying to search a valuable work to go in, I'm padsioned about mechanics, electronics and something about computer science, the fact is that I want to find my work enjoying, but you said if I wanna do something remarkable to change job because this job will take your soul, so, what job would you suggest in this field where I can make big changes? A job that is in the mechanical/electrical/computer science field. Thanks in advance

    • @MrWaalkman
      @MrWaalkman 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@superalexforty9130 You're welcome of course. :)
      If you work for an integrator such as Kasa Industrial Controls (a company that I used to work for), they will keep you hopping around the country/world doing startups. If this is your thing, you will be in seventh heaven. Until your S.O. informs you that they are tired of it, and they are moving on. When I was single I had a lot of fun hopping all over the place. Once I was married, well, things changed.
      Not necessarily earth-shaking, but plenty of variety.
      If you have military experience, getting in with groups such as NAVFAC (Naval Facilities) can be a nice gig. They hire mostly former military and you (might) end up living in some interesting places. As one couple did it in Okinawa, she would go out to sea (she was a PhD, and developed things that you could shoot people with - I presume). Her husband's job was to kayak around the island while she was away and look pretty. :) How you get a job like that (either one I suppose, but I would prefer to be out to sea rather than kayaking) I have no idea. Becoming a PhD seems a bit extreme, but I know a few.
      Becoming a PhD will get you opportunities that I have no experience in. But I have friends who have gone that route. I really don't know.
      You can go the startup route, which I did for a small company that made storage racks and had autonomous robots (in the form of pallets) go into the racks and store and retrieve items. It was a fun gig, but COVID struck and it ended there. There is a risk with these types of jobs because they tend to be run from a shoestring. But it was fun while it lasted, all sorts of design and prototyping, and it even took me to South Africa for a week. :)
      You just have to be at the right place at the right time. And usually these jobs will end once the project is complete.
      If you are young enough, there are internships - something that GM does pretty well. You will get some experience. But more importantly, you will get a chance to decide if that's the company for you.
      So for me, the really fun jobs were temporary gigs (a year or two) that always eventually ended. It was a case of being in the right place at the right time, and being in a position where I could "run off to the circus" whenever I liked. :)
      Best of luck!

    • @MrWaalkman
      @MrWaalkman 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@superalexforty9130 Animaxdesigns looks like a fun place to work. As for good places, the problem is that every job is great until your boss gets promoted/fired/or retires. Or you could get reassigned, or the company gets bought out and you get the boot.
      If you want to make big changes, get in at the corporate level in the Controls group where you get to make the decisions (for better or for worse). Keep in mind this means living out of a suitcase...
      Stay away from becoming the boss as you will never get to do what you like from then on.
      Training can be fun. Always nice to see enthusiasm before it has a chance to die...
      Be careful who you work for, your time on earth is valuable and limited. Take Tesla for example, is there any reason why there should be a googleplex of job listings for a happy place such as Tesla? No, I don't think so.
      Consider the "Devil may care" contractor position. When the going gets tough, the contractors are the first to go...
      And be open to trying new things out. I've done a lot of things and seen a bunch thanks to this job. It's (mostly) been fun.
      Rewarding hobbies is a great backup plan.

  • @PaymaanJafari
    @PaymaanJafari ปีที่แล้ว +103

    As a Graduated Mechatronics engineer, I still found this video very useful and helpful to those who want to know how complex and diverse Mechatronics is.

    • @mohammedcampwala
      @mohammedcampwala ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hello Sir.. I m a mechatronics bachelor student in India and i intend to study masters in mechatronics engineering in USA please will you suggest any university.. and also where did u done your mechatronics

    • @TheWeen344
      @TheWeen344 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      im still in highschool and heavily interested in mechatronics, I have taught myself how to do C# through Unity so im confident with anything programming related,. How did you find the 'electrical engineering' part of it?

    • @MuhammadMuhaddis-ot2ws
      @MuhammadMuhaddis-ot2ws ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@TheWeen344TH-cam khan Academy

    • @legendaryshadow6428
      @legendaryshadow6428 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      its versatile for sure

    • @PaymaanJafari
      @PaymaanJafari 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mohammedcampwala I am not living in the US, but there are a lot of good schools there, maybe Swiss is slightly more advanced but the main work is done by you, not the university, except for good funding :)

  • @mi.Dalton
    @mi.Dalton ปีที่แล้ว +96

    Coming into this content now it is EXTREMELY helpful. I’m self learning Mechatronics, Mechanical and Electrical engineering. And just knowing where to start ….well that’s a challenge in itself.

    • @h4teher0
      @h4teher0 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Yeah. I am glad that I am not the only one who is SELF-LEARNING mechanical and electrical engineering...

    • @johnjay370
      @johnjay370 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am going to be an IBEW electrician but the union is slow. So wile I am waiting I am gaining a job placement and school program in mechatronics. The electrical classes are useful for both industries.

    • @classyjohn1923
      @classyjohn1923 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      me too, I'm stuck on the self-learning electrical engineering aspect. Been going through a Udemy crash course on electrical circuits 101.

    • @classyjohn1923
      @classyjohn1923 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@h4teher0 haha i wish there was a community of people who self-learned! easier to relate to...

    • @johnjay370
      @johnjay370 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@classyjohn1923 I used the same website for electrical courses. But I am going into the electrical industry not engineering. Small world.

  • @timmy---
    @timmy--- ปีที่แล้ว +20

    In addition to all of above, these are extremely important: Actuators (motors, servo & step; cylinders, pneumatics) and mechanism design (linkages, etc).

  • @eeyoregamer6506
    @eeyoregamer6506 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    It’s scary for me I’m very bad on math and science stuff but curious on this stuff is no way out of barriers but for your explanation I able to figure and plan out thank you a lot

    • @anasabubakar4125
      @anasabubakar4125 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Think of mathematics as a tool,. Mathematics doesn't necessarily needs to make sense by itself but when you apply it to engineering or physics to solve something it becomes clear. I use to hate Maths but now i have an Msc in Physics with electronics and telecommunication

  • @ekenebernard6654
    @ekenebernard6654 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    You did a great job of explaining the most common topics in the Mechatronics Engineering field. In my country 🇳🇬, we had a shot at these topics, combined with some very necessary topics such as vibrations, heat transfer and Materials science. A knowledge of PLCs and CNC part programming and G-codes was also necessary, especially for those Mechatronics engineers that want to focus on industrial Automation. In my view, there's no course as complex as Mechatronics, but it is a very exciting field if you can lay a serious foothold on it 😴

    • @mysmomshorts
      @mysmomshorts 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How can we connect, I need help.

  • @cyberflaneur9127
    @cyberflaneur9127 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Well, I have 4 out of the 5. Good tip on data structure and algorithms I never got taught it during my degree. However, I can see how it will be beneficial. My least favorite topic was control systems due to the incompetence of my teacher, but I used youtube to learn the important parts. Also, the best way to control a mechanism is to have an understanding of how it works. to gain an understanding of how something works you need to also know how to design it. Thus, mechanical design is extremely important for mechatronics without it we are just electronics/control. I for one applied myself to mechanical design and it has been extremely rewarding.

      @SAVIYOTHERATTIL 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      hey, mind sharing those youtube videos? i'm finding a similar problem. Thank you!!

    • @HomeMadeBoards
      @HomeMadeBoards 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Engineering mindset.
      Engineering explained.

    • @ekenebernard6654
      @ekenebernard6654 ปีที่แล้ว

      Very true
      Most times the mechanical side is more essential, as the electronics is usually employed for the sole purpose of controlling mechanical systems.

  • @Linkx16
    @Linkx16 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    As an millennial Mechanical/Software Engineer and having gone through so many of these courses it’s so nice to see how all this information is now available to anybody willing to learn it. It’s as how I imagined it as a kid where any everyone will be able to hack to some extent. Like that kid from terminator.

  • @atl_tt0944
    @atl_tt0944 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    me just dropping this comment before watching: go to university

  • @joelmontano6562
    @joelmontano6562 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I am currently finishing up my finals for a variety of classes such as architecture, operating systems, and networks (I am majoring in compsci). And although I can recall a fair amount of concepts within each class the motivation to deep dive in these subjects was never there. You have definitely given me the motivation to finish strong. Summer projects here I come!

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sounds great! Would love to see what you make!

    • @bogdanserban1339
      @bogdanserban1339 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@OliverFoote I have a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and i take Masters Classes on Advanced Mechatronics, I got a job already in an IT consulting firm and I work with a lot of different products from a lot of different suppliers and manufacturers (for example PLC-s from Siemens, Phoenix Contact and Bosch) also with actuators and sensors . From your point of view, is it worth to study the basics (that I'm already aplying with a bare minnimum of knowledge, also with my best friend ChatGPT help) beside my job or its ok to learn just from experience.

    • @eemtech1606
      @eemtech1606 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bogdanserban1339Is it possible you share your syllabus in that Advanced Mechatronics?

  • @justarandomdude.9285
    @justarandomdude.9285 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Me, a 16 years old nerd who's taking notes, gathering some resources and thinks that he's a hotshot the new Ironman. At least I'll make sure to major in engineering.

    • @nela8118
      @nela8118 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I totally get you lol

  • @guillermonavarro3042
    @guillermonavarro3042 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I’m happy to recognize those topics , I’m currently studying mechatronics engineering at Mexicali and that’s exactly what i have learned in my University.

    • @CycloidalHeadache
      @CycloidalHeadache ปีที่แล้ว

      It would definitely be scary and very disappointing to find yhat your college courses are teaching you all the wrong things lol

  • @innocentokeke4709
    @innocentokeke4709 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am not super good in maths like physics chemistry and other subject and I want to study mechatronics please what advice there should you give me

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Take a look at online tinkering and microcomputers. As well as reading all the textbooks I've mentioned, you can start with more basic ones to get an understanding of physics and math.

  • @EshikaGupta-w1w
    @EshikaGupta-w1w 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Mechatronics is something which I wanted to do since I’m very passionate about it to serve this industry and here Quantum University is actually having teachers to teach well

  • @Human_01
    @Human_01 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is excellent content ("data structure is as useful as it sounds"-a simplified version "how to effectively organize data" should be taught in highschools).
    Also, your spectacles are pretty funny/cartoon-ish (in a good way).😂

  • @varshneydevansh
    @varshneydevansh 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    During my time in CS back in 2016 I was told by people to do Mechatronics and now here I am today. Currently stuck with 8 bit computer

  • @RyanUptonInnovator
    @RyanUptonInnovator ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You used all my trigger words.

  • @its_just_marvlus
    @its_just_marvlus ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a beginner i find it challemging but i am stubborn i have that not giving up kind of mind. I think you did great for beginners like myself who barely know as much about mechatronics. I have taken your advice as well as took screenshots of the recommended books and other ways to learn about mechatronics.

  • @josephchrono
    @josephchrono 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi Olvier foote! i have a question about mechatronics. What do you think about the course Bachelor of Engineering Technology/Bachelor of science Industrial Technology in Mechatronics Technology? Like job employment, and how does it differ to Mechatronics Engineering. Looking up for information about this specific course is hard and i was wondering if you can give me some useful infos/insights about this specific course! Thank you :)
    btw im a freshman from Philippines taking Bachelor of Engineering Technology major in Mechatronics Technology

  • @camgere
    @camgere ปีที่แล้ว

    So, the purpose of mechatronics is to get assembly line workers laid off? Sounds like one of Elon Musk's "lights out" factories. Many of these topics are now fairly mature. You can use low levels of abstraction or high levels of abstraction. If you write data structures in C you need to know quite a bit. To write data structures in Python you need to know how to type a period. Signals and Systems is interesting because signals and system are described by the same math. You can do quite a bit just by beating the Pythagorean theorem to death. e^iwt is your best friend. Past that a degree in mathematics would be useful. Most microcontroller have "development boards". They are really oriented to working engineers, not hobbyists. Companies don't want their support engineers deluged with hobbyists. Where there is a will, there is a way. I interviewed many digital logic engineers. Most were unfamiliar with: Truth Table, Karnaugh Map, Optimized Logic Equations, Optimized circuit diagram. Because "the compiler does all that". Levels of abstraction. Learning how to learn truly is the biggest skill.

  • @tanmoydas8962
    @tanmoydas8962 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Joy Maa Saraswati❤❤
    Joy ShivShokti❤❤

  • @maxrybold1531
    @maxrybold1531 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You covered the electrical side of things and then lumped all the mechanical aspects together… Not cool bro, lol! But for real, any1 can model something in CAD but to implement a unique design you need to know Force and Stress analysis. This encompasses statics, dynamics, material properties, solid mechanics, and fluid dynamics :)

  • @thunderslap7390
    @thunderslap7390 ปีที่แล้ว

    I only got 2 questions for you, How old are you? and should I believe you?. and this statement, .py is the most used coding language and has been for a while now, If you are more into the IT side of Coding as the Math side of it, a question like this is rhetorical and deserves to answer. So you can guess on what side I stand!

  • @ragemaster2
    @ragemaster2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you can get a chance to attend a trade show / conference on technology such as what this video is covering STMicro devices give away for free there controller starter kits with code online, ATMEL and TI have also been giving away little starter kits. They are a lot of fun.

  • @lemonhorny9098
    @lemonhorny9098 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bro, I almost died from how terrifying this is

  • @blackwater7183
    @blackwater7183 ปีที่แล้ว

    IMO, I mechatronics is what mechanical engineering was way back. Kinda like an all purpose engineering people will hire even for none related engineering positions.

  • @_dave977
    @_dave977 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bro you are talking about robotics
    Not mechatronics
    Robotics is a sub set of mechatronics
    Replace the mechatronics with robotics in the video title

  • @sidimed507
    @sidimed507 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi Oliver
    Thank you for your explainings, I'm studing mecatronics master degree, I study by french language but I understood a lot of info

  • @paulkennedy5953
    @paulkennedy5953 ปีที่แล้ว

    i'm interested but seems a hard way to make a living.....?...nothing comes easy I guess.

  • @dhavalpatel7523
    @dhavalpatel7523 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fluid mechanics, pneumatics, neural network, engineering drawings SolidWorks AutoCAD, and many more.

  • @mohammedcampwala
    @mohammedcampwala ปีที่แล้ว

    bro I want to do my masters in mechatronics in USA please will you suggest good universities

  • @jonathanseagraves8140
    @jonathanseagraves8140 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have quite a powerful prescription, that or you have amazing night vision.

  • @sarbagyaadhikari3268
    @sarbagyaadhikari3268 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am really interested in physics, and want to major in it but want to have an engineering background as well. After all the research, mechatronics engineering is looking interesting to me. Do you think double majoring in physics and mechatronics would be a good idea?
    Also do you think I will fit into mechatronics, as I am a really theoretical person and have zero experience in electronics ,robotics. Zero practical knowledge.

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I think it would be really hard. Engineering Physics is a great middle ground between lots of physics and mechatronics style work. Honestly a lot of EngPhys people are really good with robotics because they cover a lot of similar topics. And everyone thinks they are the smartest people on campus

  • @Congtalks.English
    @Congtalks.English ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi hello, I am also mechatroincs engineer🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @thunderbuns
    @thunderbuns ปีที่แล้ว +2

    6:21 cool, my step dad is an EE for L3 Harris and does under water communication stuff. I saw he had a book on it and he has to travel sometimes to do his job.

  • @jesusalejandropachecocalle2503
    @jesusalejandropachecocalle2503 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks buddy. Actually I started w/ microcontrollers and control systemes, It's time to go to the library and looking for those books and, of course, reading a hundred of pages.
    Greetings from Mexico.

  • @4FutureIOT
    @4FutureIOT ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for sharing all of that information man , ur a successful person go ahead and wish u all the best and luck in ur life 🎀🌸🙏🏻

  • @ghislainwilliamketchanzoun833
    @ghislainwilliamketchanzoun833 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey, I'm going to be starting my Mechatronics bachelor's soon and was hoping for some advices and tips especially for someone with no prior knowledge to programming/software and for someone like me who's basically walking in blind to discover and learn. Would really appreciate some feedback and yeah happy new years

  • @GameFloWM
    @GameFloWM ปีที่แล้ว

    i have 13-14 years and i love mechatronic :) i made for me next finger :D

  • @allinfoyouneedtoknow9788
    @allinfoyouneedtoknow9788 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hello my brother after a long gap I commenting

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Welcome back

    • @allinfoyouneedtoknow9788
      @allinfoyouneedtoknow9788 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@OliverFoote hi bro , what type exam should be studied how to join in University of America that is what I mean for Artificial Intelligence what University is suitable in America then what type of exam should I need to write to get in that University in America ?

  • @yassminechahafi8839
    @yassminechahafi8839 ปีที่แล้ว

    so mechatronics engineering is mostly electronics and electrical engineering than mechanical ????

  • @diwakar8815
    @diwakar8815 ปีที่แล้ว

    I might sound silly but do I need to remember alot of thing to be a mechatronics engineer

  • @itsme_619
    @itsme_619 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Big eyes

  • @therakergamerz8578
    @therakergamerz8578 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Nice information Oliver.I am an Indian student and I have opted for mechatronics and automation for my bachelor's degree

    • @mrabbot-iit1908
      @mrabbot-iit1908 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      In which College?

    • @therakergamerz8578
      @therakergamerz8578 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mrabbot-iit1908 vit chennai

    • @VihaanKumar-i7g
      @VihaanKumar-i7g 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@therakergamerz8578 hey I am fresher in mechnatronics but I don't know any code will I survive?

  • @thinleylepcha-l4q
    @thinleylepcha-l4q ปีที่แล้ว

    As a software eng background m starting from the end 😂

  • @brennenfarrell5406
    @brennenfarrell5406 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    why don't mechatronics engineers get paid 200k+? Finance bros directing geezers to AI run retirement funds make like 120k I mean gimme a break

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Iconic comment, I can't say I argue with this point of view lol

  • @skull_4890
    @skull_4890 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @spankthebass1829
    @spankthebass1829 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am a recently retired military guy. I worked with robots, UUV, AUVs and ROVs. Just started my mechatronics degree path. I appreciate your content dude!

  • @jerusalema9155
    @jerusalema9155 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does mechatronics pay well with an associates degree

  • @Jommyeo
    @Jommyeo 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Oliver is c# also used?

  • @danauburn1119
    @danauburn1119 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Bro got 1.5x magnifying lens

  • @landytrapp2794
    @landytrapp2794 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Is there a order we should read these books in?

  • @deusx.machinaanime.3072
    @deusx.machinaanime.3072 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oliver….Please sir. I want some more 🤭🤓

  • @abdrahmanelkholy4249
    @abdrahmanelkholy4249 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mechatroics engineering Vs computer engineering. what the better ?

  • @theboyofjoyy
    @theboyofjoyy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    11:08 what does the thing do? I'm curious

  • @yohanpathak1948
    @yohanpathak1948 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hello Oliver!!! First of all,i love your videos they are really informative! I just want to ask a question, now I have completed my high school and am on a summer break,and I am going to take Mechatronics engineering technology as my major! So, can you tell me what should I work on in this break?

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I would work on learning a bit of coding, and working with some kind of microcontroller like an arduino

  • @breadx333
    @breadx333 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amazing, everything explained exactly

  • @SGUDevs
    @SGUDevs ปีที่แล้ว

    realistic way this can be revolutionary?

  • @Shhheye1
    @Shhheye1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I liked your video, it gave me more info than the interview I had with the professor teaching the program

  • @alessandromorelli5866
    @alessandromorelli5866 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a mechatronic engineer...
    Not once did I use data structures and algorithms in the career, lol.
    The process for creating the control systems was pretty standard, programming them is super easy when you got the equations down.
    Also it might be because I focused much more on the mechanical design so I didn't go too deep on that.

    • @someonespotatohmm9513
      @someonespotatohmm9513 ปีที่แล้ว

      It depends on the control system. Simple PID yes, but for adaptive control this doesn't stay true for very long. For those wondering there are entire fields dedicated to different kind of control en sensor processing methods.

    • @mattmurphy7030
      @mattmurphy7030 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was mechanical and used DS&A in my electrical electives, especially the FPGA stuff. But yeah my controls classes never did anything complicated enough to need it.

    • @alessandromorelli5866
      @alessandromorelli5866 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@someonespotatohmm9513 well. the most advanced thing I saw on control semester was models using internal model control (IMC) plus waves damping.
      Perhaps after that you do use it but...I don't see how creating an internal model requires algorithms...

    • @alessandromorelli5866
      @alessandromorelli5866 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mattmurphy7030 well...yeah...I guess you are right

    • @someonespotatohmm9513
      @someonespotatohmm9513 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alessandromorelli5866 Oke, yea internal models don't. I guess I should have been more specific and pointed to nonlinear optimization like dynamic programing and model predictive control. Or cases where you need to use iterative optimization algorithms in general because there is no analytical solution.
      Same for path planning problems.

  • @kothecompetitor
    @kothecompetitor 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    you are such a genius for posting this video, I'm a subscriber from now on; Thank you very much

  • @b-rainwash410
    @b-rainwash410 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @023_debarghyadebnath3
    @023_debarghyadebnath3 ปีที่แล้ว

    1sr please tell me what is mechatronics? 🙂

  • @magnuswootton6181
    @magnuswootton6181 ปีที่แล้ว

    tron is the answer to my existance.

  • @pham3383
    @pham3383 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    as a mechatronics master,embedding system as MCU is important
    but you only need to know 3 controller,arduino,any type of distributed control system as PLC with digital/analog IO,FPGA(optional).I used tons of controllers like Pi 3b+,pi pico,arduino,stk600,esp32 8266,but they function the same,just different in syntax
    and my uni taught stk 600 ,and other 13 module are with PLC
    sum up:try every autodesk apps,arduino is enough as a MCU,please study hard in PLC,gambling anything you have to matlab,try to chek your electric circuits and electronics homework with Spice or proteus

  • @soul4031
    @soul4031 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much detailing mechatronic major subjects.
    Do you think I can self learn at home? By following the mentioned subjects in your video?

  • @nebster333
    @nebster333 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This video was VERY helpful. Thank you!

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Glad it was helpful!

  • @jasoncheng7964
    @jasoncheng7964 ปีที่แล้ว

    Simple. Algorithm is amazing

  • @mikefr24
    @mikefr24 ปีที่แล้ว

    digital logic: Highly recommend watching Ben Eaters channel. I built his 8-bit computer and gained a enormous amount of digital logic knowledge.

  • @raj.qwerty
    @raj.qwerty 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Awesome, thank you!!

  • @DIYRobotGirl
    @DIYRobotGirl ปีที่แล้ว

    I just want to know if there is way to turn a regular desktop into a microcontroller for servo and leds. To run the code from like a shell script. It just seems we break everything down to building our own circuit boards but then we our held to arduinos and rpi4s. Why can't we modify a gamer pc's motherboard as a robot microcontroller? We should be able to skip the arduino ide and write the code straight from the shell script. This would allow my robot to have direct access to the gamer pc's graphic cards. This is relevant in machine learning. I know people always have the statement of rpi4 or portenta would do it until they say that little board can't do all of that on that little board. It just seems the real way is to modify a motherboard of desktop. Then, the robot that needs to process 60 microcontrollers and computer vision and self-balancing accelerometers and a cognitive machine learning rendering ability could have a chance with actual graphic cards of a gamer pc. This just seems like it should done off the motherboard of a desktop and the code written from the computer's actual shell script. The guy in the video seems like he has the understanding of computer science to know what I am saying.

  • @88anarahammertime
    @88anarahammertime ปีที่แล้ว

    no kinematics of machinery?

  • @mukhamasheleni566
    @mukhamasheleni566 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you very much, as a student who hasn't gone to university yet or actually tested out some of the hardware and software, I found this video very much encapsulating and informative of the many key aspects that can be found in Mechatronics.😄

  • @eddysanoli
    @eddysanoli ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn, the only other person that I have heard mentioning the Tiva-C boards. But you are recommending the actual way to work with a TIVAC (nice), I actually used Energia, which is a sort of Arduino hack made to interface with the hardware in an easier way. Did not learn how to properly use the buff ass microcontroller, but it sure made it easier to program Tetris on it (although it ran like garbage)
    This is great! Keep it up

  • @jeremysargent5037
    @jeremysargent5037 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just pick control systems, electronic sensors and stepper motor control. I would also suggest that you start some Arduino projects and definitely read the device manufacturers' application notes. As a person who has a degrees in Physics, Electronic, Telecommunications and Computer Science up to master levels and working in the industry, I congratulate you for demoralising every prospective young engineer into thinking that they need all those categories before they can work in the industry. Yes all of these are useful but you are never going to have enough time to read all of this before looking for a job. Reading too much will make you sh!t at everything and master of none. Focus on the core parts that I suggested at the beginning and fill in the gaps when you need to put something practical together just like most engineers. If you do not have to qualifications, look for a junior apprenticeship post where you will start as a circuit assembler or a wireman and gradually work your way up. Even though I had the back ground knowledge, the practical side was very demanding as I didn't have Google or TH-cam to fall back on 35 years ago. However at the time the most useful things to help with my electronics were the device manufacturer application notes. The good thing with this video is that, even if you waste your time reading these recommendations, the knowledge will be useful. I can say that even when I left the mechatronics industry I found the knowledge that I had very useful when I was working in R&D and as an Architect at a tech company. In the beginning of my career I worked as a mechatronics engineer and embedded engineer in the space and medical applications sectors and then moved to POS retail systems and now I am with trading systems. (Only now I am thinking about starting my own design business.) If I had seen this video as a young person I would never have gone into the industry.

  • @mariadelourdesaniessanch-be7cp
    @mariadelourdesaniessanch-be7cp ปีที่แล้ว

    maybe the truth
    Alexa speak

  • @therealmcgoy4968
    @therealmcgoy4968 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m thinking of signing up at local community college for electrical mechanical engineering (it’s also called mechatronics)…. I took this program in high school my first year and liked it. Sadly I moved and had to onto a different high school where it was not offered and I did not remember what the program was called until I looked back at old school assignments from the 9th grade.

  • @akash_sawant_
    @akash_sawant_ 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey Oliver , I have completed bachelors in electronics and telecommunication from India. Can I enroll for mechatronics course for MS in US universities ?

    • @OliverFoote
      @OliverFoote  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There aren't really any mechatronics programs for MS in US. They have robotics and automation however. Check out my Mechatronics USA video at the end for more details.

  • @jamesbrown99991
    @jamesbrown99991 ปีที่แล้ว

    All of that (except algorithms and data structures, which I'd argue is not mechatronics-related) is taught in microelectronic engineering too.

    • @mattmurphy7030
      @mattmurphy7030 ปีที่แล้ว

      That sounds like a very school-specific program

  • @justchill4886
    @justchill4886 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @RyanRyan-ym7yi
    @RyanRyan-ym7yi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Perfect instruction!

  • @iCro63
    @iCro63 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You have beautiful eyes

  • @danielstewart3507
    @danielstewart3507 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Should you study Mechatronics? Search for Mechatronics jobs on the internet in the area you want to work. Search for any course you might be interested in studying. A lot of hiring managers come from an era where Mechatronics is not known to them. Personally I wouldn't study this degree.

  • @JMac___
    @JMac___ 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Whats a good list of masters after taking mechatronics?