What happened in the Garden? - Dr. Michael S. Heiser

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • A divine being (not an animal) associated with the divine council freely chose to oppose God's plan for humanity by prompting the humans to disobey God so they would either be killed, or removed from God's council and family.

ความคิดเห็น • 349

  • @dougleon5929
    @dougleon5929 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I LOVE this theory/teaching! ...found it almost 2 years ago. It makes so much more sense to me than other explanations. This, Deuteronomy 32 / Psalm 82 Worldview, etc. ...all have opened my eyes to deeper meaning in my Bible reading, and daily life.

  • @uwekonnigsstaddt524
    @uwekonnigsstaddt524 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Great teaching. Amazing how the full picture assembles when the cultural, historical, linguistic contexts are taken into account.

    • @dwright4u7
      @dwright4u7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Theology is great 👍

  • @millennialfalcon1547
    @millennialfalcon1547 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Dr Heiser, you are such a gift from God to me! All my life I have struggled to get a clear "real world" interpretation of what the Garden was REALLY about.
    We are kindred spirits in that I am the born again Christian and a lover of the word but I have also taken interest in UFO's. So when you connected the serpentine (or reptilian) beings who were cast out of the Divine council and now reside under the Earth - you blew my mind.
    First it reminds me of Summerian/Babylonian carvings that depict the alligator looking beings (Annunaki?). And then Obviously, there is the UFO lore about the reptilians and the greys who live underground and in or under mountains.
    I believe that UFOs and extraterrestrials are Central to the coming great deception spoken of by the Lord. So many even Christians are going to have their face seriously tested by The narrative that God is just an advanced extraterrestrial from another planet.
    But for me, strangely, UFOs have strengthened my faith. They are direct evidence of a reality that science cannot explain and will not be able to explain bc of the supernatural or interdimensional aspect of the "ET's". By the way in my opinion I think that the ET beings that people see and interact with are some kind of cloned or manufactured or genetically engineered beings created by Lucifer/Satan. God created humanity and Satan is imitating him but he's not as good at it and that is why UFOs are constantly abducting human beings and stealing their genetics. It's an attempt to improve his crappy seed. In the seed wars- AKA The seed of the serpent vs the seed of the woman.

  • @joseacordero2837
    @joseacordero2837 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Genesis is a Supernatural Book of Supernatural beginnings. I was exposed to all this as a older teen. This is excellent insight into the actual truth of what happened in the Garden……

  • @sammcrae8892
    @sammcrae8892 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I always knew that there was a reason I don't like snakes. I never could figure out why some people do. 🐍 👀🤯
    Such a shame that Mike had to go home. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving us such a great teacher as Dr. Heiser. He has brought a greater understanding of your glory and the wonders of The Word of God! 🙏✝️🙏

  • @darrenarmstrong9079
    @darrenarmstrong9079 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @vladepast4936
    @vladepast4936 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I agree! Great knowledge! Thank you for sharing. I heard before Mike was sharing a thought about Ruth. I cannot find it anymore... Do you know if anyone has a link to that video? Or maybe it was the podcast... Do not remember...become old ;)

  • @KHayes396
    @KHayes396 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ESV Quintel Ooooh... 😳 Love the look of that one.

  • @andykennedy2993
    @andykennedy2993 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I also love Dr Heiser’s teaching. But my question is that the curse on the “serpent” was physical and doesn’t make much sense as punishment for a divine being. Does Satan have to crawl on his belly now?

    • @januddin8068
      @januddin8068 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes and is compared to the other beasts of the field. It has got to mean an actual serpent even if it is a double entendre and means a divine being too

    • @joseacordero2837
      @joseacordero2837 ปีที่แล้ว

      For it to have been in communication w/ Adam/Eve it had to obviously have ‘materialized’ into a physical being or apparition . Remember the enemy can disguise itself as an Angel of what?!--light! So it can appear as such but it’s illusory, temporary, w/ out true substance. And that is what I believe is it’s ‘casting down’ , losing its true, original form and integrity, limiting its power and ‘bite’……

    • @marksingleton7199
      @marksingleton7199 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      When God created Earth, male and female humans were placed on the Earth.
      Eventually, God created Eve who passes information to Adam. Adam becomes Adamas.
      God desired his created consciousness to have self thought. There is no point in having an awareness that cannot think.
      God create a sun for the day and the moon for night.
      The sun delivers information which is seen through the day and at night the mind reflects on the day.
      So the snake is the self thought.
      The self desires to be incharge but cannot get the information and energy to do it. The self has to talk to Eve to get what it wants.
      The self was a tool for the mind to see and assimilate information given to it by God through Eve which is the higher consciousness given to Adam so that Adam could talk to himself.
      When you look at the human mind as it thinks, it glows with energy flowing through the neurones.
      At the base of the brain is the spinal chord which looks like a snake.
      The basic part of our thought system is the body nervous system which is animalistic.
      So the lower animalistic part of conscousness desired to rule the mind. Like sexual or hunger urges desire to overpower the mind.
      When the fall occurred, our awareness fell away from Gods direct thought and fell down to the animal layer of awareness.
      Remember that God created mineral then vegitation then animal and human from which came Adam and Part of Adam was seperated and enhanced by God and then returned to Adam in a way that Adam was aware of Eve. Adam says Eve is of his flesh.
      Your mind can talk to itself.
      You know you are talking to yourself. Eve is Adams higher consciousness that allows Adam to think within himself.
      The garden is a safe area inwhich Eve can taste concepts about God and pass the information onto Adam who assimilated the information and stored it as memory.
      A thought garden in which what you believe is true apears before you. You plant seeds of thought which grow out of the earth and you see what you think.
      This why Adam has to maintain the garden.
      When the fall occurs, God does not want self thought or false ideas to corrupt the the thought harden of God's truth.
      God says that they can grow their own garden.
      Caine does not do well at that because he thinks only within himself and not with God as does Abel.
      Caine is symbolic of self or evil thought and Abel is good thought or Godly thought.
      When Eve copies God and creates her own man, she is divided in thought by the knowledge of good and evil.
      Eve's mind lives partly looking at God and partly within herself. Hence two children that oppose each other.
      The serpent now bites at Eves head. Adam now holds all the information that Eve passed on but he cannot understand it and he will have to work by the sweat of his brow to work it all out.
      This is why the world fights.
      All the thought of the world fights for power.
      This forms dictators which is symbolized by Pharoah.
      The higher mind or Eve is distracted by the serpent wispering into her mind.
      Caine is given a number 616 which means prisoner in Hebrew. He is the self and he creates a city.
      Cities are memories held to be true. Building bricks of thought that we live in and fight to defend. We build big walls around them to defend them.
      Jericho is false thoughts that the town people built up and defended. God broke the false ideas apart by showing the truth or the Ark.
      Falsity cannot stand against the truth.
      Complex is it not.
      Hope you got the gist of it.

  • @dadsonworldwide3238
    @dadsonworldwide3238 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm always amazed at how much my elders taught me growing up and how well prepared I was .

    • @sherrydavenport9735
      @sherrydavenport9735 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, forever grateful for our Pastor bringing Revelation teaching in our Church 🙏🙌

  • @Stella77_7
    @Stella77_7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Can anyone explain to me why God is/was against Adam & Eve having Knowledge of Good & Evil? Plz tell me how keeping humans in the dark with lack of knowledge is Loving. Honest question I have battled with my entire walk.
    And plz don't give me (your human you don't need to know nor are God's ways ours) that literally is a nonsense answer.

    • @dwright4u7
      @dwright4u7 ปีที่แล้ว

      "Against" sounds finite the way you described it for some reason? I'm not sure God's mind can be rationalized down to just a few scriptures?.. What do I know though? Lol

    • @pela907
      @pela907 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Time...he also hadn't had them eat from the tree of life...I suspect he was preparing them for something

    • @sammylacen1062
      @sammylacen1062 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think is more appropriate understand that the proposition of this devine being for humans, was that they should decide what's good or bad by their own terms and not by the wisdom of God. That's one of the big three rebellions that appear in Genesis.

    • @heatherakins814
      @heatherakins814 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I just heard if we knew the Knowledge Man would destroy himself as the Elites are doing

    • @dwright4u7
      @dwright4u7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sammylacen1062 Interesting perspective.. I wonder how many interpretations it would take to have this conversation inevitably find its way back to the Word which is God's wisdom correct. This line of rationalizing seems to be circular in nature. I wonder if that makes Jesus, the off ramp? To where tho? Maybe a type of thinking/relationship that resonates fully with the mind of Father God. Also Adam walked physically with God, we don't get that luxury. We rely on spirit, which is internal. Plus external experience and knowledge. We get wisdom from reading the Word/Truth and applying that to our reality the best we can. Our Hope is that once we place Jesus on the top of our universe/top of pyramid/3rd eye. We can trust He has our back no matter what happens. Everything under the sun is His to control and judge. If you believe that then the best advice from here would be to follow your heart & mind. Internal will always trump external if you are tethered to Him properly. In my opinion of course lol

  • @americanlostinvietnam3721
    @americanlostinvietnam3721 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I've come to love D.M.Heiser's work over the last few months

  • @joshuamitchell5481
    @joshuamitchell5481 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Gary-xl4mt
    @Gary-xl4mt ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Michael you say the cherub and Seraphim are essentially the same being but I always thought that a Cherubim had 4 faces and 4 wings whereas a Seraphim is a fiery serpent with 6 wings????????

    • @samueltomjoseph4775
      @samueltomjoseph4775 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same function, different appearance

    • @oreo1979
      @oreo1979 ปีที่แล้ว

      It’s because Lucifer was the anointed cherub.

    • @samueltomjoseph4775
      @samueltomjoseph4775 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@oreo1979 technically also seraphim, since both are different appearances of the creature that does the same work - sacred space guardian. These creatures obviously have no real form as they are spirits, but when in visions they are visualized in two ways.

    • @bigmeech2501
      @bigmeech2501 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@samueltomjoseph4775 wrong, spirits do have real forms because they were created and designed!

    • @samueltomjoseph4775
      @samueltomjoseph4775 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bigmeech2501 but you don't need to have form to be designed or created. But you do need a purpose or function. Let's see, softwares don't have form, yet they are designed. When we say God is spirit, we don't mean he has a form that we can't see. He can take on such a form, but he doesn't need one to exist. Spirits in general i think don't need forms. Angels can take on form, but I don't think they have an inherent form. What makes them what they are is their person - spirit, mind, will, consciousness. After we die, we gonna be just like them until we resurrect.
      Here's something to think about, compare the four living creatures in revelation 4 and Ezekiel 1. Are they the same in appearance? But they do have the same function. They just appeared differently to Ezekiel and John respectively

  • @roundhouserenovations3072
    @roundhouserenovations3072 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Azazel was the worship leader placed in the garden with a level of knowledge required to run the back of the house as they say. He was there to take the place of the adversary because this was the point of the exercise. This is why it says "everything was good" because the plot was set and evolving into the story that we call history. God was teaching an object lesson to both the deceiver in his role as the antagonist' and the human inhabitants. Precisely because God is sovereign, he is not threatened by any outcome due to his omnipotence. within this lesson is the entire human existence. it is in this object lesson that he is proving who is the true God buy exposing how everything is affected within this existence with the single exception of he himself, who is really the only one who has the ability to make changes to the creation. All other beings including the adversary are characters in the story rather than the author who draws from his own thoughts putting in order the arrangement of events. It is God who is bringing about the story and its contents in so doing he provides irrefutable evidence that he has the freedom to choose the outcome even though the characters in the story have free will they ultimately are written buy the author who set out in the beginning to bring forth a kingdom for his son. all of which he had to be willing to die for and why he was sure of his calling and willing to give himself for it. His giving of himself for it was the act that made him worthy of the union of kingdom and king. He [JESUS] truly put himself into the place of the accused received a punishment that was not his to take therefor granting to himself alone the authority to stand in place of or instead of the sinner [anti-deception/confusion] , when it is the devil who seeks to place himself in place of [anti-Christ] or instead of God Brought forth in the very beginning in the story of Cain and Able one with his own way and the other through obedience was killed for righteousness. That is what happened in the garden. The trees were guardian leadership of ministering spirits and from any of them they could learn from their behavior but not of the one who leads astray because his fruit is the concept of doubt. doubt breeds fear and fear breeds contempt strife and anger which have been frothed up until today culminating in these final events before the final revealing of the king to his kingdom.

    • @codymadison9993
      @codymadison9993 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think he was leader of the watchers, the fallen angels. Never read anything of him being in the garden.

    • @roundhouserenovations3072
      @roundhouserenovations3072 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@codymadison9993 the serpent is Azazel. Lucifer is a title. Light bearer. Satan means adversary.

    • @roundhouserenovations3072
      @roundhouserenovations3072 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He was the one who gave the original forbidden knowledge and set in motion all sin in mankind. Check out the jewish sacrifice. They put the sin of all man kind on the sin goat the azazel goat that they send off into the wilderness and the other the sacrificial lamb and we know what happens to him.

    • @kymdickman8910
      @kymdickman8910 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@roundhouserenovations3072 interesting

  • @DevinAdint
    @DevinAdint ปีที่แล้ว +5

    When I read Genesis 3 I never really thought that it was a normal snake that had the ability to talk. The question I always had was is it Lucifer possessing a serpent or taking on the form of a serpent. Now this adds a third possibility that the natural form of the seraphim Lucifer was serpentine. When I think about the description of a serpent with legs it sounds almost like the Oriental picture of the long dragons.

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 ปีที่แล้ว

      The word serpent means shining one in Hebrew so I don't know anyone except maybe a little child who didnt know it was satan.

  • @filadelfonunez1623
    @filadelfonunez1623 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dr. Heiser. I follow all your brilliant conferences and l admire your work.
    I just qant you to remember (lm sure you know) That the Seraphims looks like winged serpent, and God referred to him as a serpent. Thank you for your great work.

  • @cjleigh7924
    @cjleigh7924 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Mr Potter referenced your video in his channel.

  • @shimshonbendan8730
    @shimshonbendan8730 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Nachash can be translated as serpent or brass/bronze. This is known as a paronomasia. These are words that can be translated different ways. Remember that ancient Hebrew was not written with any vowel points. When encountering a word with a dual meaning, you have to use context to correctly interpret it. This may also be a play on words where the serpent was also shining, which the Tanach seems to describe the devil/serpent/ dragon/hasatan. Lucifer's real name in Hebrew is Haylayl Ben Shachar, or day star, son of the morning.

    • @kymdickman8910
      @kymdickman8910 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you write this after watching the video? No agenda here, just curiosity.

    • @lorrettacrowley5922
      @lorrettacrowley5922 ปีที่แล้ว

      So if Ben means 'son of' then what is the Etymology and definition of Shachar? Also Jesus is also referred to as the morning star as is Venus

    • @portlandpatriot7784
      @portlandpatriot7784 ปีที่แล้ว

      Don't quote me as for sure truth, but I just heard a guy claim that was a misinterpreted translation. I don't remember for sure that he was talking about Venus, Morning Star. I know for sure Morning Stars, plural, God mentions in Job. Probably just search " morning star job singing? "or "Job where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth"

    • @kymdickman8910
      @kymdickman8910 ปีที่แล้ว

      Job 38:6-7
      On what were its bases sunk,
      or who laid its cornerstone,
      when the morning stars sang together
      and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

    • @christopherchmiel7872
      @christopherchmiel7872 ปีที่แล้ว

      It’s interesting that Lucifer is the day star, son of the morning given that Christ is the morning star. See where I’m going with that anyone?

  • @mspgteach2002
    @mspgteach2002 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is the judgment on the serpent in some ways similar to Babel in that the desire for exaltation and hubris is brought low?

  • @thepragmaticidealist4015
    @thepragmaticidealist4015 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ok, so could seraphim be the dragons found in many myths and legends across various cultures?

  • @joelhenry4643
    @joelhenry4643 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Absolutely it was a heavenly being. Yup.

    • @codymadison9993
      @codymadison9993 ปีที่แล้ว

      In the garden, on earth? Earth is made for psychical beings, scripture even says the serpent was a “beast of the field” so I really can’t get behind any teachings against what scripture says especially when it’s from a scholar and not someone led by the Holy Spirit. Men led by their own understanding always produced error and even death.

  • @Zknwlf
    @Zknwlf ปีที่แล้ว

    Interestingly, when one looks up the symbolism (Ancient Semitic/Hebrew picture and meaning) behind the term nachash (nun, chet, shin) the term equates to: 1) nun: Seed/Continue, Heir, Son. 2) chet: Tent wall/Outside, Divide, Half. 3) shin: Two front teeth/Sharp, Press, Eat, Two.
    From the Hebrew perspective this could equate to the telling of the Edenic Fall. Two did press their teeth and eat/ something outside God's permission or boundaries/ Dividing in half their initial blessings, i.e. eternal life./Heir, Son, Seed required to continue the Edenic blessing of eternal life - that being Christ, Son of God, Heir of Heaven and Earth continued thus renewed.
    Also, the central letter chet contains the term 'Divide' which is also the PIE root of 'dai-mon' (demon) meaning dai: to divide, mon: provider of fortunes or destinies. Satan divided man from God, stoled the destinies/fates of mankind in half (a chasm that cannot be crossed from here to there), in death our body is divided from our soul.
    In other words, the entire story is seen within the term used to describe Satan in his Edenic form, the story, and the results.
    Jesus triumphs over Death, resurrected therefrom, returning as a whole human - made of flesh and blood, not a ghost. Christ has ransomed our destinies and restored our eternal and divine design.

  • @12apidxHDxGamerx
    @12apidxHDxGamerx ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is Dr Michael H. Back and healthy again?? Is this new? I heard about a year ago he was battling cancer and hadn't heard any news since

  • @chrisatkinson5169
    @chrisatkinson5169 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    All of these attributes, being a throne protector and a light bearing heavenly being which isn't that what Lucifer actually means? I think I have always tried to picture some kind of incredible fantastical being that for some reason doesn't startle or spook Adam and eve. They've seen it because they have been in God's presence. And this being helps protect the throne of God.
    The curse of having to crawl on its belly is one of humility or being humbled actually. The New testament tells us that we are made initially just a bit lower than the angels and if Lucifer is a being of such incredible Glory the thought of another creation that was someday going to usurp his place may have led to his wanting to get rid of them

  • @johnniedilangcruz9287
    @johnniedilangcruz9287 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    - Curse of the Nachash to "EAT DUST"
    - Heiser's take is a little literal, if not childish here. The Nachash "eating DUST" is a reference to the "dust of the ground" from which MAN was made from. In other words, if the breath of life was SPIRIT, then the 'dust of the ground' or soil component of man was referring to our "FLESH" or basically our Physical form - which btw eventually becomes "DUST" of ground in the end.
    - The Curse to the Nachash is valid as say, the "devil", eats metaphorically HUMANS or HUMAN FLESH - in the sense that it feeds on the DEATH of those who are separated from GOD either physically or spiritually.

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He seemed to wear his scholarly thinking cap when it suited his views and remove it when contemplating the views of others. Why it never occurred to him that the serpent was an actual animal that was under the control of a supernatural being is beyond me.

  • @travisandrews4181
    @travisandrews4181 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Mairiain
    @Mairiain ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Don't they follow the member of animal kingdom because of the surrounding context (the nachash being more clever/subtle than any other beast of the field/wild animal)?

    • @codymadison9993
      @codymadison9993 ปีที่แล้ว

      Animals where different before the fall. For one none ate each other since there was no death. Much more changed in our earth that people realize with the fall. Animals also could speak before as seen in Genesis and Jasher or Jubilee forget which book.

  • @Xanadu2025
    @Xanadu2025 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wrong. The text says, “the serpent was the most Wiley of the creatures made by God.”

  • @picknowell
    @picknowell ปีที่แล้ว

    So did God orchestrate the fall of Man? Is God wanting to transform man through suffering and evil into a higher moral being? Would that not raise Man to a higher moral state , having risen above evil not of his making, than God as a passive architect of evil?

  • @graphguy
    @graphguy ปีที่แล้ว

    IF you never understood before that the Garden of Eden was where a rebellious angelic being caused man to be seperated from God... Welcome to your freedom. You have now been released to understand the truth, the way, the salvation - Jesus Christ.

    • @katyekel
      @katyekel ปีที่แล้ว +1

      After seeing what Jesus has actually saved us from I am more grateful. He didn’t save us from ourselves - he saved us from being slaves to fallen gods during the course of our physical existence and in eternity as well.

  • @yanxseth
    @yanxseth ปีที่แล้ว

    In fact, what experts are doing today to make their heads feel as if they are bursting is trying to understand the contents of the heads of ancient humans whose knowledge and thinking abilities were very limited in such a way that what ancient humans could do was testify packaged in the form of beliefs between generations by their limited knowledge.
    For this reason, there is no other way for experts than to dig from human relics that can be stored for a longer time, namely THROUGH their HOLY BOOK, which originates from the testimonies collected.
    Because if you only go through archaeological remains that have been buried in the earth, it will be difficult to find and arrange a picture if only with a detection device for found objects.

  • @Bless-the-Name
    @Bless-the-Name ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've been saying for years, the word "serpent" means charmer - so, given the fact he was made to go on his belly after the fall, we know Adam and Eve were talking to some kind of angel when they were deceived.
    For those interested ... I've included a short article on the situation in the garden.
    Not sure if you'll like it or not - but I do think this video presentation is excellent.

    • @Bless-the-Name
      @Bless-the-Name ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Alpha and Omega
      Adam and Eve were told they can partake of any tree except the one that has knowledge of good and evil - so we know two things:
      1) They had consciousness prior to partaking the forbidden fruit - because they understood what they were told to avoid.
      2) They were allowed to obtain knowledge - because the other trees did not bare fruit that contained the mixture of lies and truth.
      They were (basically) warned to avoid anything that causes delusion - so we know the creator genuinely cares for His creation.
      After Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit: they realised they were naked - which means they became aware they have a defiant attitude toward the creator (with a sense of vulnerability that took effect) and, thus, felt shame.
      This caused consciousness, present in man, to become corrupt which then allowed him to exploit the opportunity to assert dominion over others he considers inferior.
      This is why God told Eve, "Your desire shall be to your husband and he shall 'rule' over you."
      She was, after all, the weaker vessel - so she would become subject to the misogynistic attitude of those lacking in understanding.
      Therefore, it is attitude that has been evolving or devolving through the ages: and consciousness, being a composite of attitude, has forged institutions that have galvanized class within hierarchical structure.
      This situation was exasperated by a class of angels called "the Watchers" who left their eternal estate to found early civilization and establish religions that exalt their own interests.
      These interests include the liberation of lust - where they exist as a demonic possession in those who embrace the assertion of authority over others.
      Their religions (including false Christianity) depend upon a faith in the mystery, rather than Yahshua, to draw the unsuspecting into the delusion of thinking hierarchy is a vital component of civilization.
      For this reason: secular society cannot function without religion: and, as you should have guessed by now, religion is not sanctioned by the creator - so we know civilization, past and present, bares no resemblance to the (prophesied) Kingdom of Heaven.
      Yahshua told us not to get angry with another nor lust upon another - because these (attitudes), being sin in the heart, are the manifestation of one's assertion of authority over others.
      ...and sin (delusion) is when a person seeks to justify wicked behaviour as righteous.
      Yahshua showed us the eternal estate is available to those who practice humility - which is to say: the body of flesh, we have, allows us to develop a faith that facilitates a return to perfection.
      The correct attitude will facilitate greater hermeneutic understanding: and this can adjust conscious awareness - but salvation comes to those who acknowledge the authority of Yahshua (in faith).
      He told us to love one another as He loved us - so the Father in Heaven can see He loves the Father.
      Bless 💖 the Name
      The Three Pillars

  • @jakesenkow7684
    @jakesenkow7684 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don’t commentators prefer “serpent” in Gen.3 because of how God describes His curse to crawl on his belly? And in Isaiah 6, seraphim are described not as serpentine but rather having three sets of wings. I love Heiser and he has transformed how I view my life before God but why does he not include that?

    • @disguisedcentennial835
      @disguisedcentennial835 ปีที่แล้ว

      They are described as serpentine by being called serpents dude. Seraphim = serpents.

    • @jakesenkow7684
      @jakesenkow7684 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@disguisedcentennial835 What I’m getting at is that “serpentine” isn’t the only translation of “Seraphim”. The most accepted translation is “burning ones” or “shining ones.” After giving further thought I can possibly reconcile everything by imaging the Seraphim of Isaiah 6 as six-winged dragons.

  • @rogerjamesmusic
    @rogerjamesmusic ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Did anyone think in context it wasn’t a divine being?

    • @chadclark1055
      @chadclark1055 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Right? Does it take a philosophic professor to unlock this idea. 🤦‍♂️

    • @smokingcrab2290
      @smokingcrab2290 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      To be fair, I don't think anyone ever explained it well. They just say "Satan appeared as a snake"

  • @1stCor15-58
    @1stCor15-58 ปีที่แล้ว

    One defect in this theory is that scripture does show actual animals speaking by Spiritual influence as in the case of Balaam’s donkey in Numbers 22:28 and quoted by Peter as being a dumb animal in 2 Peter 2:16. I see many swooning over this man’s theories but I get whiffs of Gnosticism when I listen! Acts 17:11!

  • @smokingcrab2290
    @smokingcrab2290 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want to know what in us gives rise to sin and why is it a good thing that the tree of knowledge was there? I would love an explanation that makes sense.

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Adam and Eve were created perfect and had the indwelling Holy Spirit. Their character was not flawed but it was not perfected through obedience. Their minds were essentially blank slates with high capacity for knowledge, learning and information. Everything that entered their minds was good and they had every reason to trust God wholly. They were even warned about one who had led a rebellion in heaven against God's government and His sovereignty. They had no reason to distrust God but we're unprepared for the subtle deception coming their way.
      So how did these perfect beings fall? (not just Adam and Eve, but the rebellious angels). For each and everyone of them, it was through the mind, through the way they processed the information that was coming to them through the great deceiver. The reason the great deceiver fell was through being puffed up by his pride. He saw himself as being on par with the divine Son of God and worthy of the same worship. There was nothing amiss about the information coming into his mind but we are all free to process the information in different ways. He was offered a chance to repent and turn back to his high position but he allowed the intrusive thoughts to win and he was so convincing that he was able to get 1/3 of the angels to his side.
      After Adam and Eve disobeyed, they grieved the Holy Spirit and the spirit departed from them. It was at that point that they instantly went from a deep love for another to accusing one another. Evil isn't Inherent within us, but is a result of not being filled with the Holy Spirit. They realized they were naked because they were clothed with Christ's righteousness. The Bible is all about Him restoring the image of God in His children. The redeemed will be clothed with Christ's righteousness which is likened to robes of light. Think how Moses' have shone bright after spending time with God.

  • @markstancliff9514
    @markstancliff9514 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dr. H, if the serpent wasn't an animal then why was it compared by juxtaposition to all the other beasts of the field??? 🤔

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe because he was just another creature to Adam and eve. The word for tree in that context was backbone, and snake wasnt used in the Hebrew, it was referred to as the shining one

  • @lauriaktahi
    @lauriaktahi ปีที่แล้ว

    Read the english translation of the Georgian bible... Its very specific. It was ALL about genetic modification.

  • @norton2757
    @norton2757 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nothing happened in the garden….. it’s just a myth.

    • @dumbcat
      @dumbcat ปีที่แล้ว

      what is your fate if you are wrong and spread falsehoods?

    • @norton2757
      @norton2757 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dumbcat What is your fate for spreading lies?

    • @wafarris
      @wafarris ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dumbcat What is your fate if Islam is true?

  • @Jundarippa
    @Jundarippa ปีที่แล้ว

    Why did God punish regular snakes as the text suggests? Who told the divine being/snake what the result of a human eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge if these are the first humans?

  • @federicomachon8841
    @federicomachon8841 ปีที่แล้ว

    Some how I have a problem seeing that God didn't know what was going to happen and that it was not part of His plans
    I keep thinking this is not plan B.
    As far as this being a metáfora 100%

  • @chrisatkinson5169
    @chrisatkinson5169 ปีที่แล้ว

    With all that said, here's some deep deep theology: is it a hot dog really just a sandwich?

  • @raytrack3552
    @raytrack3552 ปีที่แล้ว

    in the story of adam and eve, lucifer is always deceiving adam and eve by changing his form; even though it's apocrypha, it and other ancillary reading helps understand our edited-edition "Bibles", aka every translation--one of lucifers greatest feats

  • @davidrandell2224
    @davidrandell2224 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Junaynah at Dn- garden of Eden- at 20/20 by 42/55 in Asir region western Arabia. “The Bible Came from Arabia “, Kamal Salibi,1985. Plus his 3 other bible study books will surely help.

  • @millennialfalcon1547
    @millennialfalcon1547 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dr Heiser, I have playful Vatican conspiracy question. Any insight on whether Genesis 1-11 may have borrowed very heavily from the missing 5th tablet of the Seven tablets of Creation?
    There's been speculation that perhaps the Vatican confiscated all the extant copies of the 5th Tablet because it would sort of make sense in the progression of the story that that tablet would deal with the creation of the Earth.

    • @1Corinthians15_1-4
      @1Corinthians15_1-4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The book of Enoch was removed. Where were these books and why only 66 books in the bible? Just doesn't add up. There were literal books removed to hide their lies to protect you from reality.

    • @disguisedcentennial835
      @disguisedcentennial835 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@1Corinthians15_1-4 ah, you poor Gnostic. Always caught up in your hubris by having an eternal chase of the esoteric. In the end, you only approach the Gates of Hell to be let in. No books were removed lol. This is so easily disproven. It was simply never added.

  • @davidschneide5422
    @davidschneide5422 ปีที่แล้ว

    "The fall", a.k.a. "God's fail"
    Any rational person would obey a talking serpent because it's obviously communicating via Divine intervention.

  • @KGYAN-vm5oh
    @KGYAN-vm5oh ปีที่แล้ว

    Just a direct question to Dr. Heiser. When exactly did Satan fall? At the same time as Adam and Eve or earlier?

    • @disguisedcentennial835
      @disguisedcentennial835 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He doesn’t seem to read TH-cam comments sadly, but he is definitely of the view that it was at the same time.

    • @disguisedcentennial835
      @disguisedcentennial835 ปีที่แล้ว

      Those who believe it was before are often the ones to hold to the view that it was a literal serpent, been used as a kind of puppet by Satan, like Balaam’s donkey was used by God.

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 ปีที่แล้ว

    2:10 eden on earth was created to be god's dwelling place? the temple in jerusalem was god's dwelling place. the new jerusalem will be god's final dwelling place. there is a teaching that jerusalem was where eden was. did the worldwide flood move the three rivers eastward?

  • @alexly627
    @alexly627 ปีที่แล้ว

    So...the talking donkey is not a donkey? Is it divine too?

  • @deborahdean8867
    @deborahdean8867 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who didnt believe the 'snake' was satan????? This is no revelation. And actually, that includes the tree, in hebrew the root word is backbone.

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can tell you exactly what happened in the garden.
    I planted a shrubbery and the knight who says "Ni" then let me pass.

  • @smc1942
    @smc1942 ปีที่แล้ว

    IMO, the entire Antediluvian World was Eden. It was consumed by the Deluge.
    The Bible itself makes the case for this scenario. Just reading the description in Genesis of the Earth before and after the ELE.
    Eden/Earth suggest two names for this world. Pre/Post Flood.
    Just a thought. 🤔

    • @brisadelcastillo2840
      @brisadelcastillo2840 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree with you. I think there were two seperate floods. That is why Yahweh made the promise that there wouldn't be another and set the bow in the sky as a sign. There are two witnesses to this account, the books of Jubilees and Jasher:
      And he [Enoch] testified to the Watchers, who had sinned with the daughters of men; for these had begun to unite themselves, so as to be defiled, with the daughters of men, and Enoch testified against (them) all. And he was taken from amongst the children of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Eden in majesty and honour, and behold there he writes down the condemnation and judgment of the world, and all the wickedness of the children of men. And on account of it (God) brought the waters of the flood upon all the land of Eden; for there he was set as a sign and that he should testify against all the children of men, that he should recount all the deeds of the generations until the day of condemnation. Jubilees 4:22-24
      And the Lord caused the waters of the river Gihon to overwhelm them, and he destroyed and consumed them, and he destroyed the third part of the earth, and notwithstanding this, the sons of men did not turn from their evil ways, and their hands were yet extended to do evil in the sight of the Lord. Jasher 2:6

    • @smc1942
      @smc1942 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have both those books, and agree.
      One that goes hand in hand is "Cataclysm!" by Allan and Delair. (1997) It's excellent! I highly recommend it.

    • @disguisedcentennial835
      @disguisedcentennial835 ปีที่แล้ว

      The entire world? No. But a part of it? Yes. InspiringPhilosophy is a big theologian and apologist on TH-cam and he seems to have found Eden, and it’s currently underwater in the Persian Gulf lol. He used tracking of ancient riverbeds that we can still see in the ocean and I think underground using LIDAR detection

    • @smc1942
      @smc1942 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am aware of that research. My point of view use to be similar.
      However, along with the Biblical description of the Antediluvian world, and accounts in the books of Jasher and Jubilees, along with evidence found in ice cores, etc. I think it's more than that.
      Today, we call this world "Earth". What I'm suggesting is, the Antediluvians called it "Eden". This is after 20+ years of study on this subject.
      Truly, I look forward to the results of that research! If they were to find something, a column so marked, etc. That would change the things.
      However, the Deluge destroyed everything, and the world we know today is remade several times over. I wonder if it's possible.
      We know there was a Land of Nod, and a direction were it was, but we have found no evidence of it.
      Do understand, I am not being argumentative, nor am I anti-religion. Just the opposite! What I suggest is a theory, nothing more. It's possible. But I'm not insisting it's 100% fact. It's more a question that's been growing in my mind for several years. The more I read of the ELE of approximately 9600 BCE, and the one that followed it. (that we associate with Noah.) The more I wonder.
      There were certainly two events. We have proof of that. In the last one, sea levels rose over 400 ft!
      I know this statement is kind of all over the place. Sorry for that. I'm not feeling well today. This is a subject I would love to sit down and discuss at length, if possible. And I were feeling better.
      I don't know if you read Graham Hancock's books, but I do suggest them.
      Also, "Cataclysm!" by Allan and Delair. It's excellent!
      Unfortunately, since the 1880's, there has been an active and continuous effort to suppress evidence that confirms these events from ancient sources.
      Even Plato's account of Atlantis, while he insists IS REAL, "academics" have dismissed as a fabel of morality, corruption, and Devine punishment. Plato's account is anything but that! I've read it! It's in the dialogs of Critus and another I can't remember just now. Good reads!
      Again, sorry to ramble. I can't focus today. Too sick.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family. Best wishes for the new year.

  • @soundjudgement3586
    @soundjudgement3586 ปีที่แล้ว

    God in scripture never called or chose Theologians or Scholars to speak for him and for good reason. Theologians and Scholars both Add and Take Away ( adulterate ) the written and spoken word of God. If the spiritually blind lead the spiritually blind the both fall into the ditch.

  • @jeffreywelch7481
    @jeffreywelch7481 ปีที่แล้ว

    At base level Eden means "the enlosure". Paint it as pretty as you want but it simply means "enclosure "...not unlike slave quarters. Read Sitchin.

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lol MH has demolished Sitchin.

    • @jeffreywelch7481
      @jeffreywelch7481 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mikef6063 I watched his "debunking" video and was not at all convinced. I'm a fan of Heiser but Sitchin provides a more accurate view. Peace.

  • @chadclark1055
    @chadclark1055 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh. I thought all this time is was a garden snake that did this to mankind

  • @denmar355
    @denmar355 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I hear your theory, but it wasn’t like the Garden of Eden was the only lush and comfortable area in the Middle East. The entire area wasn’t scorching arid desert.

  • @mikef6063
    @mikef6063 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is Azazel Satan’s real name/identity?

  • @oreo1979
    @oreo1979 ปีที่แล้ว

    Let take this from the standpoint as if the Bible is some kind of mythology. NowYou are on the right track for who was the culprit of the plan or evil actions Lucifer is the anointed cherub, now with that you can see who’s pulling strings but you fail to take into account the rest of the Bible to help piece this together the fact that the demons are fallen angels and the fact that demons can possess animals, you are circling around it because it’s leading you right back there, also look at the boys born, 1 was fathered by Adam and 1 was fathered by the “beast” he was the most subtle or clever, he says, he beguiled her that typically means some kind of defilement. Now it does list her as the mother of all living however, it does not list Adam as father of all living. In other books of the Bible Cain is referred to be of the evil one. the only one referred as the evil one is Satan making Cain a son of Satan, by natures comparison Cain was a anger, jealous, murderer. Cain carried the traits of his father. Abel carried the traits of his father and brothers are twins born of different fathers. The beast in the garden that beguiled Eve was used as a tool to hybrid our DNA to lose the pure blood of the son of God Adam. Also it say’s Serpent spoke to the woman, that’s not Adam. She was deceived 1st, then she deceived her husband.
    satan lost his estate. I think the serpent tree was just simply trying to keep it in relation to who got in trouble. He was not banned from Heaven. We know this because he’s had conversations with Satan in the book of Job when they have a bartering session about Job. But towards the end of the Bible, we do see that Satan is kicked out permanently onto the earth right now he has access between both worlds. No disrespect to what you do.

  • @rocdajacable
    @rocdajacable ปีที่แล้ว

    The Nachash is STILL IN THE GARDEN!
    You & I Can't get in the Garden
    The Tree of Mixed Knowledge ( unlawful) is Gone also from the Garden
    Because He didn't plant it , it was already in the ground before the 3rd Day.
    It's one of the Reasons Yeshua says to be wise as the serpent ( still in the Garden) & subtle as a Dove still in the Garden.
    It's why He says Any plant my Father has NOT PLANTED
    It's why He says Any Tree that doesn't bring forth Good Fruit is Hewn down & cast into the FIRE

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable ปีที่แล้ว

      Now when you get to Chapter 6 the only thing that you can prove that is absolutely positively Proven Biblically Fallen is Man

  • @derekhalpern7179
    @derekhalpern7179 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your big mistake is that you say the nachash has free will to oppose God.

  • @norbertjendruschj9121
    @norbertjendruschj9121 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow! There are still people ignorant enough to read Genesis literally.

  • @thecanadianartist6273
    @thecanadianartist6273 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Never cease to amaze me that intelligent grown men ponder about fairy tales, and some of them they actually believe what they say.

  • @Scary_Sary
    @Scary_Sary ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there! Was this uploaded with permission?

  • @veritasjustus8543
    @veritasjustus8543 ปีที่แล้ว

    garden went with the flood...all gone

  • @MsBaztastic
    @MsBaztastic ปีที่แล้ว

    Religious scholars ARE NOT teachers as described by Paul. They hold other religions and religious texts equal to the biblical texts even explaining the bible right in your face as a knockoff of other so-called more ancient religions. So their teachings are false and undermine the truth of the Christian faith. Yet many of them love to be lauded by gullible Christians, and yet never really tell them the truth which is that they don't believe your book, your God nor your miracles and faith. They haven't found God. They've found archaeology, history, other scholars, etymology and their own understanding. If you really listen, no matter how well said, he just trashed Christianity. They say you can chew the grass and spit out the sticks, but there are way to many immature Christians out there who can't separate the two.

  • @MrLgmurphysr
    @MrLgmurphysr ปีที่แล้ว

    Why try to conjure up a belief, based upon what a Jesuit mistranslated, when you can look up the words and their actual meanings? Takes about 10 minutes.
    Serpant = enchanter or magician
    Touch = have sexual relations with
    Fruit = progeny or offspring
    Beguiled = seduced
    Serpent was added as a secondary meaning a thousand years after Eden. The offspring of Cain chose the serpent as a symbol or emblem of their god.

    • @brisadelcastillo2840
      @brisadelcastillo2840 ปีที่แล้ว

      Interesting. You might enjoy seeing the crucifixion scene inscribed in creation at "THE CRUCIFIX FISH - WHAT THE CRUCIFIX FISH REVEALS"

  • @petemiller9865
    @petemiller9865 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @fugravity39
    @fugravity39 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please check out Dr. Scott McQuate on youtube, he will show you something you can discern for yoirself. Keep digging!!

  • @Jake-ke3eh
    @Jake-ke3eh ปีที่แล้ว

    This being was probably a seraphim, or serpent with wings. It had scales that looked like gold. It would fly, with sun shining on it, reflecting ever color of the rainbow. It was the most beautiful being on earth. That's from, one of Ellen g whites book. Patriarchs and prophets, I think. She was given a vision on this. Also Adam and eve had a ball of light around them for a covering. When they ate of the tree, that ball of light disappeared, and they used fig leaves to cover themselves. Ellen died in 1917. She helped start the 7th day Adventists church.

    • @shimshonbendan8730
      @shimshonbendan8730 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorry, but she was a false prophet and her words must be rejected. 7th Day Adventists are like any group. There are good, righteous ones and ones not so good. There is nothing in the Hebrew Bible, B'rit Chadasha, or Talmud that mentions any of this.

    • @disguisedcentennial835
      @disguisedcentennial835 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      False prophet

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 ปีที่แล้ว

      Read all of her writings and predictions. It is no less than cringeworthy

  • @ryanbosak2944
    @ryanbosak2944 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think Adam was lucky he was able to have a woman who was made of his rib and didn't have to go about dating .

    • @D4Disdain
      @D4Disdain ปีที่แล้ว

      Adam, created in a lab didn't have a "belly botton", the same goes for Eve, clone of Adam. Adam made love with his "female" self and vice versa.

  • @larrywalters2990
    @larrywalters2990 ปีที่แล้ว

    This guy is assuming another of things I'll tell you what happened ark angel

  • @Bildad1976
    @Bildad1976 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dr. Heiser, while having watched/listened to many of your videos and having read some of your books, I value many of the things I've learned from you. And, as I'm sure you also value the "Berean principle" of searching the scriptures to see if these things are so, I continue to search the scriptures to evaluate all teachings I'm exposed to, including yours, of course. What is concerning is how you interpret Genesis as having been written not as literal truth, but as some symbolic tale written to convey some esoteric concept.
    I encourage you, and all believers, to reject this distortion of biblical truth. "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2 TIMOTHY 3:16).
    I think it would be more noble and honest of you if you would be more forthcoming by advising your listeners and readers that you reject the traditional and historical view of the scriptures instead of just expecting us to "figure it out".
    EDIT: Additionally, the rejection of the literal truth of the first chapters of Genesis by saying "the writers weren't trying to teach science" is highly misleading! Those of us who believe in the literal truth of Genesis are not claiming that the writer was trying to teach science. What we are saying is that we believe that it is true HISTORY (i.e. historical fact).

    • @pedinurse1
      @pedinurse1 ปีที่แล้ว

      From what I have studied, some of it was symbolic along with literal explanations because thats how people spoke and explained things in the Hebrew culture.

    • @Bildad1976
      @Bildad1976 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@pedinurse1 Jesus acknowledged that Adam and Eve were real people, not symbolic. Do you believe that they were real or symbolic?

    • @pedinurse1
      @pedinurse1 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Bildad1976 no I believe they had to be real, but I think symbolic language was also used because thats how people explained the world back then. There is no way Adam and Eve were not real, they had to be, otherwise the fall did not occur. And we would not need a savior

    • @Bildad1976
      @Bildad1976 ปีที่แล้ว

      @pedinurse1 I agree. Then can you identify where the language in the text (Gen 1-3) clearly indicates (or vaguely, even) that it's switching between literal and allegorical?

    • @pedinurse1
      @pedinurse1 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Bildad1976 Just listen to what the speaker said, he explained it, also look up Carl Gallup explaining the story of Eden and he said the same thing. And I have heard the same explanation from other teachers of Genesis. When Heiser talks about the serpent, the shining one, Satan , these are all the same. He explains it could not be a literal snake. It is hard to understand.

  • @henryschmit3340
    @henryschmit3340 ปีที่แล้ว

    Exactly what Genesis plainly says happened.

  • @BobSmith-lb9nc
    @BobSmith-lb9nc ปีที่แล้ว

    Heiser misses the point: The Garden Story is not historical narrative, but rather liturgical drama. Otherwise his comments are on point.

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 ปีที่แล้ว

      Despite the fact that the rest of the Bible takes for granted it was historical. Please reread your Bible sir

    • @BobSmith-lb9nc
      @BobSmith-lb9nc ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mikef6063 A lot of people do make the error of reading the Bible as unitary in genre, which is obviously false. A similar error is to read a parable as narrative history, or to so interpret Aesop's fables. Learn how to read with a discerning eye.

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BobSmith-lb9nc The problem with your view is that the Bible always self-interprets as literal and historical. In other words, the inspired Biblical authors routinely look back on earlier Biblical writings as literal historical narrative. This is taken for granted in fact.

    • @BobSmith-lb9nc
      @BobSmith-lb9nc ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mikef6063 Yes, most readers of the Bible do not distinguish different genres of literature: narrative, poetry, legislation, proverbial wisdom, parables, oracles, etc. The diversity of views by biblical authors makes it impossible to see merely one theology, and interpretations vary wildly -- the source of rampant denominationalism. Even the stable Methodist Church is falling apart over divergent interpretations. Actually, only the Holy Spirit can provide a correct interpretation of any Scripture.

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BobSmith-lb9nc Again, I say, the Biblical authors themselves took for granted that Genesis, etc was literal narrative history. You are on a slippery slope of segregating the Bible into "genres" that you can then dismiss its historicity and trivialize their reality. This is exactly what the early so-called church fathers influenced by Philo, Greek philosophy and Gnosticism were guilty of. Origen, Augustine, and others descended down this slippery slope into allegorism, whereby they developed deviant views such as Amillennialism, Replacement Theology, etc, as a downstream result of their allegorizing away the plain meaning of Scripture (normally prophetic passages). This (among other things) plunged the mainstream church into a thousand years of darkness. I fear you are making the same error. Once we can arbitrarily segregate Scripture we in essence are deliteralizing it and therefore diminishing its reality. We have no reason at all to believe that Genesis is not literal narrative history. Once you segment certain parts of Scripture into the genre of your own choice, you as a reader are able to funnel the meaning into the interpretation of your choice. In other words, just like the error of allegorism, you as the interpreter hold all the power instead of the actual text.

  • @unholywarrior9007
    @unholywarrior9007 ปีที่แล้ว

    Or the Assyrian gave Eve evil wine sacrament (not an apple) the Assyrian had a snake sock puppet on his hand and he taught her an evil religion through the grape vine. It's that simple

  • @jaysmith378
    @jaysmith378 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh, for crying out loud!
    This guy has a doctorate and how many years of study, and he thinks Satan was a serpent BEFORE the temptation and fall of Eden?!?
    Satan was 'refered to' as "that old dragon", understandably, and was THEN CURSED to BECOME a serpent!
    This is ignorance and false teaching without an excuse on this point alone.

    • @juboy04
      @juboy04 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you even watch the video ? Some of you have no understanding at all

  • @CunningOfReason
    @CunningOfReason ปีที่แล้ว

    The serpent is Jesus. He didn’t lie, Adam and Eve didn’t die by eating from the forbidden fruit. Their eyes were opened and they were able to differentiate. That’s our inheritance. 🙏🏻

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think you need to reread the Bible.

  • @billbrock8547
    @billbrock8547 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Imagine earning real degrees, up to and including a PhD, and then devoting your life to the study of Puss In Boots.

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 ปีที่แล้ว

    5:01 assuming that "nachash" is a member of the animal kingdom.scriptures clearly declares that the nachas (h 5175) was one of the wild animals (more crafty than any of the wild animals) and is used all throughout the ot 31 times referring to actual serpents like the one that was hanged on a pole that prophesied how jesus would have to die of to save us (the plagued israelites had to look at the hanged serpent to be healed from the bites as we have to look to (believe in) jesus that we will be saved.
    most likely, it was really a serpent that allowed itself to be possessed as humans because of what they do or think allows entry of evil spirits into them. perhaps at the beginning of time man could converse with animals even just mentally. so eve was not surprised when the serpent talked and started the conversation.

  • @cjleigh7924
    @cjleigh7924 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Coincides with research of Lord Marduk which is in the Holy Bible. Nobody talks about it...thank you for your study. RPotter referred...🎚🙏🌿

    • @scribeofsolace
      @scribeofsolace ปีที่แล้ว

      what is the research of lord marduk? Thank you!!!

  • @deannagalvan2397
    @deannagalvan2397 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank You for sharing; I Thoroughly enjoyed this presentation again, yes again, and I'll listen to it again.

  • @sunshowerpainting1
    @sunshowerpainting1 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Amazing when one learns that no one......and I mean no one really knows much of anything about such ancient times yet speak as if they do. The ego is a terrible thing beyond childhood.

  • @sparkysrun4274
    @sparkysrun4274 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This was excellent, thankyou. Roy Potter linked us to you for further accurate understanding.

  • @pedinurse1
    @pedinurse1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love how he teaces. I have followed another teacher that explained thos the exact same way, this is the legit explanation. Why this isnt taught in church I will never know. Absolutely fascinating how it all measures up

  • @rev.aaroncraig1663
    @rev.aaroncraig1663 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Man, I wish you would've been one of my professors in seminary! Very eye opening. Thank you for your work and disclosure of these truths.

    • @endoftheagereality
      @endoftheagereality 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yupyup ! Many "men of God" think the same in this hour. For me "spirit-realm" reality awakened in 1984. With the current apostacy advancing as it is in this hour, know for sure "The Holy Spirit" is speaking openly. Blessings.

  • @elucidation3064
    @elucidation3064 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I guess it's my duty to share this, but I'm a guy in my early 20's, and my mom is around her mid 50's.
    I was raised Christian, and one day a few years ago, I asked my mom why she decided to become a Christian, and she told me it was because of a dream she had in which she saw a horde of horrific creatures in front of her, and leading them all was a "reptilian humanoid" who she described as being covered in shining jewels and all sorts of precious materials, and she instinctively knew it was the devil, whilst behind her was all of the Christians she knew, who were apparently praying for her.
    She knew absolutely nothing about reptilians or conspiracy theories or anything about this kind of topic and she told me she had the dream when she was quite young, maybe in her 20's if I recall correctly.
    At the time I was deeply immersed in this kind of information through documentaries like Gonzo Shimura's age of deceit series, and I was familiar with the "nakash serpent shining one" theory, so it blew my mind to hear my mom's testimony match so closely with descriptions of the devil that I had heard.
    Personally that was enough evidence for me.

  • @monkkeygawd
    @monkkeygawd ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Uh... the garden was a literary device to convey a myth... talking serpent? Tree of good and evil? Tree of life? Yikes.

    • @johnyork-fj4lo
      @johnyork-fj4lo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      “Yikes”?? Drama much?

    • @monkkeygawd
      @monkkeygawd 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@johnyork-fj4lo huh

  • @rainerthurnher5593
    @rainerthurnher5593 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is the degree of stupidity you arrive at when you are unable to make distinctions between literary genres, taking the old testament narratives as history!

  • @Douggg1000
    @Douggg1000 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The text implies that the serpent dies in Genesis 3:14 It was not a divine being, but a beast that allowed itself to be used by Satan. After dying, that specific singular original serpent beast was cast into the bottomless pit. Satan was there in the garden whispering into the serpent's ear what to say.
    Fast forward to the end times, our time.....
    When the person in Revelation 13, the wounded/healed head becomes the beast - he will become possessed by that original serpent beast - now in spirit form - in Revelation 17:8 which will be allowed to ascend out of the bottomless pit to possess the end times person..
    Regarding Ezekiel 28:16-19, Satan will be cast down to earth in the middle of the 7 years of Daniel 9:27, at the time of the sounding of the 7th trumpet , in Revelation 12:7-9 a forth coming battle in the second heaven, the cosmos. Satan, time will be short - a time/times/half times left during which he will be a terror, Revelation 12:10 having great wrath.
    Satan will incarnate the statue image of the beast person made in Revelation 13. Making it appear to come alive and speak, and be worshiped.
    On the day that Jesus returns, to the Mt. of Olives, He will melt away the outer facade of the statue image standing on the temple mount, in fire turning it to ashes, exposing Satan to the kings of the earth as it says in Ezekiel 28:16-19, to be literally be seen by everyone.
    In Revelation 20, A lone angel will then descend from heaven, bind Satan in chains, and cast into the bottomless pit - to be a terror no more as it says in Ezekiel 28:16-19.

  • @mh4zd
    @mh4zd ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not really a serpent.... but all serpents were punished for its actions. Ok. He's making it make even less sense.

  • @kathyern861
    @kathyern861 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    An evil spirit can inhabit the body of an animal. For instance, Jesus sent the demons into the body of pigs. Can an animal talk? Consider the donkey who spoke with Balaam. Was this donkey a "supernatural being"? Or was it an ordinary donkey? Satan is an angelic spirit being - a spirit who has the ability to inhabit the body of an animal. Given these truths, it is simple and straight forward thinking to conclude that Satan inhabited the body of an ordinary serpent and Satan spoke through the serpent. Think about how long it took me to draw this conclusion. Then consider the length of this video. Then, draw your own conclusion.

    • @nsdkido
      @nsdkido ปีที่แล้ว

      So the ordinary serpent is innocent? If it is innocent why did God curse all the ordinary serpent's descendants to crawl on their bellies and to eat the dust of the earth? Also why would God emphasize the conflict between ordinary snakes and the offspring of Eve, and that it would be the Seed of Eve whose heel will be bruised but that same heel crushes the head of the ordinary snake?

    • @kathyern861
      @kathyern861 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nsdkido You conflate reality with a metaphor. Many have made the same error and the result is confusion. But don't worry it will only be a temporary state for someone as smart as you. You'll quickly dismiss it as something stupid and move on to more important things in your life. Animals are not criminally culpable. Innocence and guilt cannot be attributed to them. No animal is tried in a court of law to determine their innocence or guilt. They have no conscience. God did curse all serpents. Jesus cursed a fig tree. God claims the right to curse anyone or anything. Are you planning to revoke His power and authority to do such things? What you must realize is that God cursed the entire animal kingdom. All of them became the hunted and the hunters. Kill or be killed. Now you may snivel about it and say, "What did they do to deserve that?" Here's my suggestion, if you feel that certain things God did were wrong or unfair, why don't you go to God and start chastising him? You certainly seem to be much smarter and wiser than God. Go tell Him where He screwed up. One thing, though, you will find yourself standing in a long line of "smarty-pants" people who want to also take a crack at God.

  • @juanesparza3810
    @juanesparza3810 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wow 😮…..Beautiful ❤

    • @ChannelC2tv
      @ChannelC2tv  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Glad you like it! Please pray for Dr. Heiser and his family.

  • @endoftheagereality
    @endoftheagereality 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great point as most commentator's do not see these links. I'm thinking because they are stuck by their own choice to the "inside the Church box" tradition's. Amazing how relational they are to their spiritual relatives from the past, Pharisees.

  • @captainmartin1219
    @captainmartin1219 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was suffering demonic possession from habitual sexual sin. I would dream about an attractive black woman. Soon I started seeing her when I was awake. We started having sex and woukd hang out together. Eventually this woman calling herself Jazibiya showed her true form eventually as a demonic being. She was burnt to a crisp and had white eyes with snall beady red eyes.
    I would also see a small snake creature rhat would talk to me at certain times snd tell me I was going to hell. It talked and immediately the creature in the garden popped into my mind. I beleive it was the same being or another being that was extremely similar.

  • @shauncupido5082
    @shauncupido5082 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Genesis 3:1, serpent is a beast of the field, so it is an animal.

  • @gary_stavropoulos
    @gary_stavropoulos ปีที่แล้ว

    So actual snakes were “punished” because of something that was done by a “divine” being, that does sound like the Bible’s justice. Seriously though he sounds very desperate.

  • @lasharonbrown9454
    @lasharonbrown9454 ปีที่แล้ว

    Satan the original deceiver and anti Christ deceived both Eve and the serpent; also Adam ate the fruit when with her. The biblical word is clear.

  • @taylorsmobilecarvehicleval6272
    @taylorsmobilecarvehicleval6272 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That’s interesting…wasn’t it a bronze serpent that god used in numbers…? 🧐😨

  • @donmilo4733
    @donmilo4733 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am sorry but y’all need to read the New Man by Thomas Merton he explains this much better it’s really good.