Noomakhia Lecture 7. Christian Logos - Alexander Dugin (Serbia 2018)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.พ. 2023
  • Lecture 7. Christian Logos.
    1. Noological analysis of Christianity is not dogmatic but based on typology.
    2. The main structure of Christianity is heavenly patriarchy and verticality. God is Father and He is in Heaven. He is transcendent from creature so it is Logos of Apollo. Hence Platonism and Aristotelian logic in Joan Damascine and scholastics.
    3. In Christology we see Dionysian features: two nature of Christ, death and resurrection, descent into the Hell, the Christ as future God and King. But it is apollonian type of dionysism - free from chtonic motives and figure, purified, patriarchal.
    4. In the field of gender there is anelegyny and patriarchy: two branches of sedentary Indo-European society relation between sexes.
    5. In theology it is Alexandrine school and Origenes and Cappadocian fathers - Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory and so on. The radical apollonian version is monophysite heresy (Coptic, Armenian, Ethiopean).
    6. Generally it is regarded as greek influence. The teaching of Logos. Two branches of Neoplatonism - Christian and polytheistic.
    7. The second element is Arianism and Antiochean school. Usually it is explained as jewish and semitic version with more literally exegesis of the Bible. The closer analysis shows that there is not so much semitic in Syrian culture of first centuries. More than that: the Judaic tradition of post-babylonian epoch is not so much semitic too. We see here Iranian influence. We have seen the role of Iranian Logos in hellinism. So Christianity is build on Hellenistic culture with two components: greek (advaitic) apollonism and Iranian (dvaitic) appolonism.
    8. Antiochean school as well as judeo-christian tendencies in early Christianity are Iranian. Hence the war of Light and the end of History, messianism and Empire. Historic time is Iranian discovery. The idea of time proceeds from the End of Time and the War of Light vision of the kosmos.
    9. Christianity is Indo-European in both senses: in platonic and Iranian. It is non dualist and dualist (in Iranian) sense.
    10. Byzance stays in line with Platonism more, Rome with dualism (Saint Augustin - ex-Manichean).
    11. Protestantism: originally restoration of pure spiritual dimension in Christianity but degraded soon in titanic version of it. The deviation.
    The dechristianization of the Europa was the war against Logos of Apollo and his Dionysian ally.

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