Stopping “Revenge Addiction” | Phil in the Blanks EP 132

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ส.ค. 2022
  • Dr. Kimmel joins Dr. Phil on his podcast, Phil in the Blanks, for an important follow-up discussion. He shares the best ways to intervene when someone is addicted to violence and revenge, what he says could perhaps be the most important health issue in American society today. Plus, learn how to spot a revenge addict, how to approach someone addicted to violence, and how to "defuse the grenade" to keep yourself and loved ones safe from harm.
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ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @robertdiehl1281
    @robertdiehl1281 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    How ironic…that while watching this video, a commercial comes on and ask if you were hurt in an accident. And then proceeded to show a check for a large sum of money. Apparently someone got sued in vengeance…and a commercial spot was paid for.

  • @tundrawomansays694
    @tundrawomansays694 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lawyers are socialized into an institution called “Law” which is inherently adversarial. I have such respect for this man and his self-awareness and ability to identify his behavior as problematic.

  • @olguiq1013
    @olguiq1013 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just turned on to this episode. I lost my Mom to Covid, was unable to see her in person (for 2 months) until the day of her wake. The personal hell I've gone through is beyond imaginable, due to everything else that has happened post her departure. It's been one thing after another. Including the cruelty of people telling me that she did not die of Covid or that it was Gods way of making room for others. On top of dealing with a group of evil "women" at work; yet, I've never gone off or hurt another just because. I agree with Dr. Phil the lack of accountability is a problem - HUGE problem. Some people have underlying emotional issues going on and whatever situation triggers them they feel justified in doing or acting out however they see fit. I'm really over it. Go within and do the work. WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE. And yes, I get upset, but I go for a walk or yell into space, but I think before I act and I try not to dwell on things; that poison is yours nor theirs.

  • @sunnygirl9691
    @sunnygirl9691 ปีที่แล้ว

    What’s being totally missed here is you do not retaliate for pleasure - you retaliate in replacement for feeling the extreme sadness the tears the pain of the hurt. It is a replacement. Ironically, the sadness in tears witnessed by the “villains” is what would heal this country.

  • @robinpayne9622
    @robinpayne9622 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Here's something that really upset me yesterday I have a granddaughter in second grade well in a school in another town not far from here a 7-year-old brought in two guns not one two with ammunition they just did a little pat on the hand and told the parents and him that he needs help and they gave a recommendation for help and all that I felt like they should have thrown his little ass in jail for a whole day and then not let him out till a psychiatrist talks to him and counselors and really get into what's going on in that kid's head what's going on with the parents there's not enough strictness in this society and we need to get stricter

    • @newtalking3
      @newtalking3 ปีที่แล้ว

      if that boy was a minority they see it as repressive justice in schools

  • @robinpayne9622
    @robinpayne9622 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can relate to him being upset when somebody murdered his dog and him wanting to kill them take a person that has been through domestic violence and abused and suddenly one thing like that happens and you want to snap you want to go after who killed her hurt your animal or your child and that's normal human behavior I feel that it's a reaction to a trauma and I can understand that feeling what I want to learn is because I've been through so much and I've seen my kids go through so much I want to learn to control my anger when somebody does something very bad to me or anybody I love I'm a good person with a good heart a loving woman with the biggest heart ever with compassion and love but by God I really get crazy if somebody really tries to do something nasty like almost hitting me in a sidewalk purposely when I'm crossing the street almost hitting me just to cut in front of me because they didn't want to wait coming three or four inches from me flying around the corner it's threw me into a rage almost I wanted to go chase him down and I don't like that feeling so thank you for this okay I've been a victim a lot and I want to learn how to handle things when they come my way so that I don't have that feeling of I'm going to get you back I'm going to show you a****** type of thing okay thank you

  • @robinpayne9622
    @robinpayne9622 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wouldn't engage in a bad behavior for revenge however for instance if somebody did something bad to somebody and then something bad happened to that person I get a good feeling inside like good he got his karma he deserves it and get big pleasure out of them getting jailed and punished one day I saw a guy speeding by really fast way up the road he was crashed into something instead of me saying too bad he should watch what he's doing I said well he shouldn't be such a wild crazy driver that's what he gets for doing something stupid

  • @shendaraalshedir1933
    @shendaraalshedir1933 ปีที่แล้ว

    First, not all addicts are abusive. I've known many who might hurt themselves but wouldn't dream of hurting an Animal.
    I believe in a death penalty for monsters who kill children or abuse an Animal to death. Their lives are worth far more to me than the scum who hurt them! If that's how you choose to conduct your llife, you shouldn't have it!
    Like John Wick, if that was my dog, l wouldn't have had a problem pulling the trigger. One more violent scumbag gone 👍🏻
    I am sorry for your loss and to your Precious Dog.

  • @spunstelele
    @spunstelele ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yes, you must be the bigger person sometimes. I have seen so much info online about not seeing yourself as overreacting to an abuser and so on but if you start thinking that way, you end up worse than them since for them it is easy to hurt you while you have resistance and inhibitions for all good reasons, evolutionary or your personality but at least you end up filled with hate. I do not think you should do nothing. Speak out. Report if it is possible. But do not become who is hurting you. You won't be able to handle it if you are naturally a good person; but these group lynching and mob mentality are also dangerous. I guess if people already are messed up these cultural trends (nazi trends a better word) will make them end up perhaps doing random acts of violence whenever they need a release.

    • @tundrawomansays694
      @tundrawomansays694 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Being the bigger person makes you a bigger target. Get out of their way and stay away. They offer nothing positive to your life.

  • @jessmarie12901
    @jessmarie12901 ปีที่แล้ว

    someone hurts or kills my kid they getting it back x3 wouldnt even think, just act “an eye for an eye”

  • @robinpayne9622
    @robinpayne9622 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think it should start in schools I think it should start an elementary I think psychiatrist should go in or psychologist and go around to different schools and give lectures on these issues how to handle anger what to do when you feel overwhelmed how to handle the pressure of not wanting to retaliate when somebody has done something horribly horribly wrong to you or your family or friends how to handle the stress how to talk to somebody how to overcome the emotion you're so busy educating kids with Reading writing and arithmetic I think that psychology should be introduced into the schools and there should be a teacher to teaching things specifically on site psychiatric problems and regular problems and how to recognize it what to do and the school should have counselors that's specialize and mental health specifically and there's not enough of those counselors there's not enough education in the schools this is where it's at too

  • @robinpayne9622
    @robinpayne9622 ปีที่แล้ว

    Also we have to take into consideration a lot of these people that lose control and just want to really hurt other people badly they're already somewhat Disturbed they're either have a sociopath or psychopath brain as you know there's so much percent of the population that has it so you take some kid that maybe came from an abusive home who has sociopathic tendencies he's going to fly off the handle and go into a rage for even something that isn't even that bad I see this a lot. What I see is a lot of disturbed kids that are doing a lot of these mass shootings and crimes not all of them but a lot of them 80% that I see are in their late teens and early twenties as far as mass shootings and what I see is they had pretty big psychiatric issues before it happened and a lot of them have something that they're born with sometimes if somebody has autism spectrum disorder and some other issues and they're not getting the care they need the nurturing care and taught ways of coping with things from healthy parents but a lot of kids don't have that and this is why they go into a total revenge state

    • @Crazychick64
      @Crazychick64 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Or they are seeking Justice and just don't know of another way because of how they are treated at home

  • @robinpayne9622
    @robinpayne9622 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okay what I'm confused about is how can it be an addictive for instance mothers have reactions if somebody hurts their child and it's just a reaction it's just a normal response to want to put that other person in their place and let them see how it feels what are people supposed to do when they've been traumatized and hurt by a bad person I'm not talking about a nut that just goes out and shoots people at schools I'm talking about like just the normal human behavior like say a normal person that doesn't have rage or anger to begin with deep down inside of them but somebody does something really bad it's just to me normal human behavior to defend yourself to defend your child or your loved ones or whatever and to put that person in their place.

    • @Crazychick64
      @Crazychick64 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Right? That's how I feel about the violence. They don't know any other way to express their anger for justice. Parents today do not teach their kids on how to express themselves and the kids are usually just doing the best that they know

    • @Crazychick64
      @Crazychick64 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is what God means in the Bible verse: spare the rod spoiled the child. It has nothing to do with punishment

    • @tundrawomansays694
      @tundrawomansays694 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Crazychick64 Excuse me? There’s that “millstone around your neck” when you abuse your kids so uh uh. Don’t use the Bible to justify abuse or “How to Raise Up A Child,” the publication that is a primer on how to ensure you abuse your children the “Chrissian Way” under the guise of “parenting.”

  • @robinpayne9622
    @robinpayne9622 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Look at animals how they are or where the human animal of course but animals when a mother bear feels threatened at her Cubs are going to get hurt by a predator or a predator tries to hurt her Cubs she doesn't stand there and say oh don't do that now she goes the hell after him and wax the s*** out of them and says leave them the hell alone I mean or a cat or a dog or a chimpanzee or a gorilla be in a jungle where a gorilla is with her baby try to hurt that baby and she'll hunt you down and get you you know what I mean so we have a primal brain don't we that we have to work with with us

    • @tundrawomansays694
      @tundrawomansays694 ปีที่แล้ว

      You never met my monster of a birth mother and I’m glad you view mothers as you do. However, people like her use their kids as Meatshields, confidants, hostages, appendages, whipping posts and of course, the alleged source of their miserable lives etc. Giving birth doesn’t make you a mother any more than a wedding makes a marriage.

  • @noted3458
    @noted3458 ปีที่แล้ว

    Validation, thank you
    Another form of sadism
    Revenge is very violent