Fun fact. The actress that played Oola did reshoots for the 1997 special editions of Return of the Jedi. In real life she was a dancer and had the same figure years later.
Oola is arguably the most tragic character of the saga. Being a sex slave to giant slug for months on end. Dancing for a bunch of vile goons in see through netting. Being eaten alive for entertainment. All while being so close to freedom.
Truly one of the saddest characters. I have my own fan fiction of what they should have done with her character if you want to read it. It completely changes her character to more of a strong somewhat important character. It’s a long one, so I hope you don’t mind reading a bit. Oola is actually a rebel spy named Nolaa Tarkona who met up with Lando and infiltrated Jabba’s palace together. Originally just a backup dancer/singer part of Max Rebo’s band, Jabba liked what he saw and made her his personal dancing slave. C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive at the palace to present Luke’s message to Jabba. After delivering the message, C-3PO is speaking with Oola about Luke’s soon arrival when a smuggler walks into the court demanding that Jabba pay him more for the job he did for him. Jabba refuses and sends the smuggler down into the Rancor pit only hearing his scream off camera. Oola then starts her dancing performance for Jabba’s court when Leia (disguised as Boushh) enters the court with Chewbacca chained. Oola retreats back to Jabba’s thrown. Later that night, Leia frees Han from the carbonite but is captured by Jabba. As Jabba’s guards brings Leia towards Jabba, Oola is afraid for Leia. The next day, both Oola and Leia are sitting with Jabba as Luke enters the court. Luke begins arguing with Jabba to free his friends, but Jabba refuses laughing at the Jedi. Luke force grabs a guards blaster, but a Gamorrean guard wrestled with Luke as Jabba sends them both into the Rancor pit. The guard grabs Oola’s leg dragging her down into the pit with them. Frightened Oola heads behind Luke as the gate opens up revealing the Rancor. As the Rancor goes for the guard first, Luke tells Oola to hide under the rocks. The Rancor goes after Luke now as he grabs a bone to defend himself. The Rancor picks him up as Oola looks on horrified. Luke shoves the bone into the Rancor’s mouth dropping him to the ground. He then hides under the rocks with Oola. The Rancor tries to dig Luke out, but he smashes it’s fingers. Luke tells Oola to run to the other side and he follows behind her. They are met by two guards who turn them away. As the Rancor approaches, Luke throws a skull against a button dropping the gate on the Rancor’s head killing it. Luke and Oola are then taken in front of Jabba along with Han and Chewbacca. Jabba orders their executions at the sarlacc pit even Oola since he already has his new prized slave girl. As they are taken onboard the skiff to the sarlacc pit, Lando comforts Oola telling her to trust Luke. Luke pretends to jump off the skiff and springs back up grabbing his lightsaber fighting off guards and Lando joins in wrestling with a guard. Oola helps Lando pushing a guard off the skiff and Lando begins wrestling with another guard. A heavy blaster turret from the sail barge begins firing on the skiff causing Lando and the guard to fall off, but Lando manages to grab onto a rope. Oola grabs a blaster dropped by a guard and begins giving covering fire as Han and Chewbacca try to save Lando. Luke swings down onto the skiff with Leia, and they speed away the sail barge exploding behind them. They arrive at the Millenium Falcon amidst a sandstorm. Covered up to protect from the sandstorm, Oola gives Luke a hug and thanks him for saving her. Oola is present at the rebel alliance planning on how to destroy the second Death Star. She becomes Lando’s co-pilot during the space battle of Endor. Oola has doubts about the plan, but Lando tells her don’t worry his friend (Han) is down there and will get the shield down. Once the shield is down, they enter into the Death Star. Wedge Antilles shoots the first main reactor and Lando the second destroying the main reactor. They barely escape the Death Star and share a passionate kiss the Death Star exploding behind them. They arrive on the moon of Endor celebrating with all the other rebels and Ewoks (should have been Wookiees IMO) End Credits
You forgot to mention that bartender in the Mos Eisley Cantina The reason why he'd told Luke that R2 and Threepio would have to wait outside was because of the fact that his family was killed by the droid Army of the separatists during The Clone Wars
@@jonplaud nope, there's a little backstory on that guy in a novel, I don't recall if it's the novelization of Star Wars or if it's "Tales From The Mos Eisley Cantina" that it gives a little bit of backstory of that bartender
No longer a Jedi, Ahsoka Tano would become the first of something new - and perhaps the only one of her kind, unless someone else ever steps into the World Between the Worlds as well.
In Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, Wuher the bartender does find a droid that grinds and distills the remains of Greedo into a liqueur that he sells to Jabba.
Also, "Oola" was also the only known nude scene slipped past the censors in the original trilogy. The actress is covered in green makeup and a prosthetic headdress, but her top is all fishnet with no undergarments. Freeze frame her dancing/death scene and it becomes obvious.
i see you too are a man of culture. For real tho i had a BDSM fetish long before i knew what that was. Since kindergarten? I loved RoTJ with Leila's ridiculous outfit. And the dancing slave. That's peak fetish
Fun true Hollywood fact: the actor-dancer who played the green slave girl re-did her scenes, 1997 special ed the ILM costume fit her with 0 changes, no need for new costumes. 20+ years.
I kinda wish for Chewie you mentioned the fact during the Death Troopers novel he had to gun down an infected Wookie toddler and watch Han kill 3 infected adults
As a massive zombie fan, Death troopers is my favorite star wars novel, but it's also known for being the goriest and most violent one by far. Wouldn't be surprised if chewie and Han got ptsd from going through the events in that book haha
5:32 there is a backstory, maybe no longer considered canon, that after Jabba's death, Bib Fortuna was captured by the B'Omarr Monks, placed in a mere brain jar, but eventually achieved enough 'enlightenment' to receive a spider body droid, and was trying every day, to use the manipulator claw and a dinner utensil to operate Jabba's account computer. Taking forever for the manipulator to grasp it correctly, and the password timing out thousands of times a day, until he was finally able to withdraw money, pay for an operation to put his brain back into a Twi'lek body, and take over the throne. Which may be where we see him in the post-credits scene of Mandalorian, previewing the Book of Boba Fett. Also, why he's not just a heavier Twi'lek, he doesn't resemble his old self anymore.
Ki Adi Mundi didn't really mourn his family due to the Jedi's belief that those that die become one with the Force, thus he was just an adherent to the Jedi's beliefs (save for the one about getting married due to his unique circumstances of his species).
I mean, he was also an unempathetic dick; one of the original versions of the Battle of Geonosis featured him killing two different Jedi for their lightsabers when his was destroyed, for example.
I once came across a theory of Oola, a thought I also shared. In the backstory of Oola, from what I can remember, C-3PO told her (in secret) of Luke's coming, and so in her 'last' dance, decided to defy Jabba one last time, to her unfortunate end. This doesn't really make a lot of sense however, as one, that backstory came out, years after the Return of the Jedi, and two, to what end? Oola would have known of the extent of torment Jabba would have gone for one of his slaves defying him. So, as the theory goes, what if that last dance was a 'challenge' of sorts? The winner.....or 'loser' depending on one's certain point of view, was the final entertainment? So, in other words, she wasn't defying Jabba one last time, Oola was pleading for her life? I mean, the conversation between the two wasn't dubbed, one of the few conversations between two non-human's, speaking their languages, not dubbed and no translator in the whole franchise. Oola wasn't Jabba's only slave girl, the others were also displaying themselves, one fat slave girl Jabba was found of as she reminded him of his mother, so she was spared, Oola, unfortunately, was one of many well toned slave girls in his harem, and as Jabba was 'that' kind of business man, would see Oola's 'value' diminished, so to (horribly) speak. I would have actually loved to see the conversation, dubbed, in the movies, it could have been still a mystery as to what was happening in the scene, Oola, begging, "Please, I've done all that you've asked, I am loyal" while Jabba, "And you're loyalty shall be rewarded, by pleasing your master and being the last entertainment" Oola, "NO! PLEASE! I WILL CONTINUE TO SERVE, OR FREE ME-" Jabba hits the button, "YOU'RE FREE!" (Again, becuase Jabba's an 'asshole'). I would have also loved to see the other slave girls on the barge, helping Leia strangle Jabba, preferable the other Twi-lik slaves that were closer to one of their own species.
I'm not sure if the other slaves could help there without ending up dead...or if they were on the barge at the time. Remember slaves tended to have implanted bombs their masters could set off to kill them. I also remember that Oola's sister turned into a real monster as well with the Diversity Alliance mess and trying to unleash a plague upon the galaxy
"This doesn't really make a lot of sense however, as one, that backstory came out, years after the Return of the Jedi, and two, to what end? Oola would have known of the extent of torment Jabba would have gone for one of his slaves defying him." Oola was Jabba's favorite sex toy. She thought that so long she kept Jabba hard through her dancing that he would let her live. She seriously overestimated her value to him. To the point where she performed the most arousing dance of her life, then rejected him in front of all of his men. At which point Jabba got so fed up with her cock teasing and open defiance that he decided to feed her to the beast.
There is a book called Tales from Jabba's Palace that also has backstories from many of the "loyal" followers at Jabba's palace. If I recall correctly I think it has a detailed backstory for Oola
here are some more from legends Wedge Antilles losing his parents when a criminal on the run lit up his families refueling station, Admiral Ackbar was enslaved by Tarkin, Dengar was involved in a horrific swoop bike crash while racing Han Solo and was subsequently experimented on by the imperials, Wes Jansens first kill for the rebels was a fellow pilot,
My personal rewrite of Lars is that he was wounded trying to get his wife back ... Owen also wants to help so when anakin goes to to save his mom Owen sees first hand what Vader was capable of .. this way when they return ,Owen tells everyone what happened . This would explain how Owen was acting in “a new hope “
anakin was completly justified ending those sand people...they are a violent, murderous species that would keep on committing heinious acts until somebody k!lled them...
Just wanted to share some interesting tidbits about these characters I've picked up over the years: 1) Salacious Crumb--I read in the Star Wars Visual Dictionary (which came out before any of the prequel or sequel trilogies) that Jabba had initially tried to eat Crumb but found his antics rather amusing. 2) Oola--I seem to recall her drop into the rancor pit appearing much slower than it actually was the first time I saw it. I also had a series of Little Chronicle books that covered the first five movies (sadly, I don't think they made one for RoTS or any subsequent movie), and in the one for RoTJ, Oola vocally protests (in her native Twi'lek language) Jabba yanking her toward him. 3) Doctor Evazan--He didn't really have a name when the movie originally came out, so the books I read from that time (like the Little Chronicle books mentioned above) simply referred to him as Scar-face.
8:54 there is supposedly another backstory that Dr. Evazan constructed Ponda Baba a temporary cybernetic arm replacement, promising to replace his missing limb with an existing Aqualish arm, it is said that the lower class of Aqualish have the fingered hands, and the upper class have the sort of scoop hands with clawed fingers inside the scoop. Dr. Evazan was trying to abduct and amputate the right scoop hand from an upper class Aqualish, so Ponda could conceal the left hand when wishing to be mistaken for an upper class Aqualish. I don't remember if the plot was ever successful, and if Ponda still had the cybernetic hand at 'press time'.
I have the death trooper book that talks about Chewbacca and Han being stuck on a prison ship during a zombie outbreak. I think it would might make a good starwars horror movie set in Han and Chewbacca s younger days.
NOW, the Best thing about that. Is that we don't die there. We Love the stories because they Live to Tell the Story. And getting Out, and Getting Through that is only the Begining.
What I think is that Disney has ruined Star Wars. These intricate and often times dark histories are what breathed life into otherwise unremarkable characters. (Aside from the Kwakian Monkey (sp?)). There’s no “edge” to it anymore and when GL sold the rights to Disney of all companies I was very disappointed that they got it. Money ya know. But it’s all foo foo fluff now. Only Canon matters anyway but it’s deeply depressing to see all this thought process and work swept under a rug so that children won’t be “upset”. I watched the original trilogy as a kid and I fell in love with it. The more believable a villain is at their agenda and the more cruelty they show adds to it. To me it just doesn’t feel the same and I sadly lost interest in making sure was in line at the theatre. I just wait for streaming platforms to offer but generally choose not to watch what I haven’t seen. The disappointment…after the last Jedi I was so disappointed I’ve stuck to only watching those written and directed by GL. Such a shame.
I didn't know about the zombie encounter with han and chewy. I'm old school so the way they met that I go with is han found him on a slaver ship and when he refused to kill chewy and turned on his CO he was kicked out of the imperial navy and had chewy follow him as a life debt.
3:38 Disney and Star Wars touched topics like slavery, children forced labor, mass murder, racism, racist supremacy, religion (could be the Jedi Order the Catholicism and the new tendency to Grey Jedi like Ashoka, Rey and Luke protestants?), man hunting, terrorism, drugs, narcotraffic, crime syndicalism... But when it comes to sex it's a no no.
What about Mace Windu and his story "Shatterpoint"? It's sort of a variation to Apocalypse Now, and he has some close brushes with the Dark Side, as well as being confronted with possible past mistakes.
Legends Tarkin was a more tragic figure descending into evil due to everything he had to deal with and loss that ended up proving to him that the only way to fix the world was with an iron fist. Disney's made a lot of it just his homeworlds fault.
@@jayo1212 Thats like, really out of left field. Do you have any cold, hard, evidence to support this theory other than the fact that they're both green Twi'leks?
You said that the dark and adult-themed stuff being left in the legends lore and not being part of the main canon is for the better but I disagree. While Lucas chose to keep the movies generally appropriate for a large audience, the books and expanded universe were free to delve into the harsh and gruesome details which only deepened and enriched the movies. Disney's sanitization and social justice crusading has effectively ruined what was once a vast and awesome dark science fiction narrative universe.
I find these truths more than disturbing. The slave girl of Jabba, is that a slave. You know she will be treated badly. I find it more sad than disturbing.
I have my own fan fiction of what they should have done with her character if anyone wants to read it. It completely changes her character to more of a strong somewhat important character. It’s a long one, so I hope you don’t mind reading a bit. Oola is actually a rebel spy named Nolaa Tarkona who met up with Lando and infiltrated Jabba’s palace together. Originally just a backup dancer/singer part of Max Rebo’s band, Jabba liked what he saw and made her his personal dancing slave. C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive at the palace to present Luke’s message to Jabba. After delivering the message, C-3PO is speaking with Oola about Luke’s soon arrival when a smuggler walks into the court demanding that Jabba pay him more for the job he did for him. Jabba refuses and sends the smuggler down into the Rancor pit only hearing his scream off camera. Oola then starts her dancing performance for Jabba’s court when Leia (disguised as Boushh) enters the court with Chewbacca chained. Oola retreats back to Jabba’s thrown. Later that night, Leia frees Han from the carbonite but is captured by Jabba. As Jabba’s guards brings Leia towards Jabba, Oola is afraid for Leia. The next day, both Oola and Leia are sitting with Jabba as Luke enters the court. Luke begins arguing with Jabba to free his friends, but Jabba refuses laughing at the Jedi. Luke force grabs a guards blaster, but a Gamorrean guard wrestled with Luke as Jabba sends them both into the Rancor pit. The guard grabs Oola’s leg dragging her down into the pit with them. Frightened Oola heads behind Luke as the gate opens up revealing the Rancor. As the Rancor goes for the guard first, Luke tells Oola to hide under the rocks. The Rancor goes after Luke now as he grabs a bone to defend himself. The Rancor picks him up as Oola looks on horrified. Luke shoves the bone into the Rancor’s mouth dropping him to the ground. He then hides under the rocks with Oola. The Rancor tries to dig Luke out, but he smashes it’s fingers. Luke tells Oola to run to the other side and he follows behind her. They are met by two guards who turn them away. As the Rancor approaches, Luke throws a skull against a button dropping the gate on the Rancor’s head killing it. Luke and Oola are then taken in front of Jabba along with Han and Chewbacca. Jabba orders their executions at the sarlacc pit even Oola since he already has his new prized slave girl. As they are taken onboard the skiff to the sarlacc pit, Lando comforts Oola telling her to trust Luke. Luke pretends to jump off the skiff and springs back up grabbing his lightsaber fighting off guards and Lando joins in wrestling with a guard. Oola helps Lando pushing a guard off the skiff and Lando begins wrestling with another guard. A heavy blaster turret from the sail barge begins firing on the skiff causing Lando and the guard to fall off, but Lando manages to grab onto a rope. Oola grabs a blaster dropped by a guard and begins giving covering fire as Han and Chewbacca try to save Lando. Luke swings down onto the skiff with Leia, and they speed away the sail barge exploding behind them. They arrive at the Millenium Falcon amidst a sandstorm. Covered up to protect from the sandstorm, Oola gives Luke a hug and thanks him for saving her. Oola is present at the rebel alliance planning on how to destroy the second Death Star. She becomes Lando’s co-pilot during the space battle of Endor. Oola has doubts about the plan, but Lando tells her don’t worry his friend (Han) is down there and will get the shield down. Once the shield is down, they enter into the Death Star. Wedge Antilles shoots the first main reactor and Lando the second destroying the main reactor. They barely escape the Death Star and share a passionate kiss the Death Star exploding behind them. They arrive on the moon of Endor celebrating with all the other rebels and Ewoks (should have been Wookiees IMO) End Credits
Disney ruined Star Wars by removing all of the EU. So no. It wasn't for the best. You need tragedy, struggle and darkness to make a compelling story. Which the EU had and Disney Wars does not. Also. There were far more tragic backstories of side characters to list off compared to Tico. She doesn't even scratch the surface. Hell. Oola was more tragic yet Tico got number 1?
@@trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 Which would include the sorry excuse for the once great grand master Luke? I'm sorry. But screw everything Disney has done to Star Wars.
I honestly feel bad for the character of Rose. Another role that would have had potential but subjected to poor character development and shotty writing
Why do the humans of the Star Wars universe look exactly like the humans of earth? They have European whites, Asians and Africans in a galaxy far far away?
What you used the recent legends of Chewy and ignore the original? If comics are canon then you left out a hell of a lot. Lucky chewy is as civil as he is what the Empire put him through mentally and physically. Then Solo movie ignores the fact Han's father Jax Solo was in the cantina in A New Hope.
What's Chewie doing on this list? sorry but nearly all of these were either 1 Movie appearances or only Cameos. Chewie appears in more movies then Darth Vader, the Emperor, Boba Fett or Lando.
Fun fact. The actress that played Oola did reshoots for the 1997 special editions of Return of the Jedi. In real life she was a dancer and had the same figure years later.
Oola is arguably the most tragic character of the saga. Being a sex slave to giant slug for months on end. Dancing for a bunch of vile goons in see through netting. Being eaten alive for entertainment. All while being so close to freedom.
Truly one of the saddest characters. I have my own fan fiction of what they should have done with her character if you want to read it. It completely changes her character to more of a strong somewhat important character. It’s a long one, so I hope you don’t mind reading a bit.
Oola is actually a rebel spy named Nolaa Tarkona who met up with Lando and infiltrated Jabba’s palace together. Originally just a backup dancer/singer part of Max Rebo’s band, Jabba liked what he saw and made her his personal dancing slave. C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive at the palace to present Luke’s message to Jabba. After delivering the message, C-3PO is speaking with Oola about Luke’s soon arrival when a smuggler walks into the court demanding that Jabba pay him more for the job he did for him. Jabba refuses and sends the smuggler down into the Rancor pit only hearing his scream off camera. Oola then starts her dancing performance for Jabba’s court when Leia (disguised as Boushh) enters the court with Chewbacca chained. Oola retreats back to Jabba’s thrown. Later that night, Leia frees Han from the carbonite but is captured by Jabba. As Jabba’s guards brings Leia towards Jabba, Oola is afraid for Leia. The next day, both Oola and Leia are sitting with Jabba as Luke enters the court. Luke begins arguing with Jabba to free his friends, but Jabba refuses laughing at the Jedi. Luke force grabs a guards blaster, but a Gamorrean guard wrestled with Luke as Jabba sends them both into the Rancor pit. The guard grabs Oola’s leg dragging her down into the pit with them. Frightened Oola heads behind Luke as the gate opens up revealing the Rancor. As the Rancor goes for the guard first, Luke tells Oola to hide under the rocks. The Rancor goes after Luke now as he grabs a bone to defend himself. The Rancor picks him up as Oola looks on horrified. Luke shoves the bone into the Rancor’s mouth dropping him to the ground. He then hides under the rocks with Oola. The Rancor tries to dig Luke out, but he smashes it’s fingers. Luke tells Oola to run to the other side and he follows behind her. They are met by two guards who turn them away. As the Rancor approaches, Luke throws a skull against a button dropping the gate on the Rancor’s head killing it. Luke and Oola are then taken in front of Jabba along with Han and Chewbacca. Jabba orders their executions at the sarlacc pit even Oola since he already has his new prized slave girl. As they are taken onboard the skiff to the sarlacc pit, Lando comforts Oola telling her to trust Luke. Luke pretends to jump off the skiff and springs back up grabbing his lightsaber fighting off guards and Lando joins in wrestling with a guard. Oola helps Lando pushing a guard off the skiff and Lando begins wrestling with another guard. A heavy blaster turret from the sail barge begins firing on the skiff causing Lando and the guard to fall off, but Lando manages to grab onto a rope. Oola grabs a blaster dropped by a guard and begins giving covering fire as Han and Chewbacca try to save Lando. Luke swings down onto the skiff with Leia, and they speed away the sail barge exploding behind them. They arrive at the Millenium Falcon amidst a sandstorm. Covered up to protect from the sandstorm, Oola gives Luke a hug and thanks him for saving her. Oola is present at the rebel alliance planning on how to destroy the second Death Star. She becomes Lando’s co-pilot during the space battle of Endor. Oola has doubts about the plan, but Lando tells her don’t worry his friend (Han) is down there and will get the shield down. Once the shield is down, they enter into the Death Star. Wedge Antilles shoots the first main reactor and Lando the second destroying the main reactor. They barely escape the Death Star and share a passionate kiss the Death Star exploding behind them. They arrive on the moon of Endor celebrating with all the other rebels and Ewoks (should have been Wookiees IMO)
End Credits
Unfortunately that is a fate a lot of enslaved twi'lek women faced.... Truly despicable
urm actualy the "giant slug" is named jabba the hutt🤓
You forgot to mention that bartender in the Mos Eisley Cantina
The reason why he'd told Luke that R2 and Threepio would have to wait outside was because of the fact that his family was killed by the droid Army of the separatists during The Clone Wars
similar t Mano
@@jonplaud nope, there's a little backstory on that guy in a novel, I don't recall if it's the novelization of Star Wars or if it's "Tales From The Mos Eisley Cantina" that it gives a little bit of backstory of that bartender
No longer a Jedi, Ahsoka Tano would become the first of something new - and perhaps the only one of her kind, unless someone else ever steps into the World Between the Worlds as well.
In Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, Wuher the bartender does find a droid that grinds and distills the remains of Greedo into a liqueur that he sells to Jabba.
I love how like half of these characters are from Jabba’s Palace
This sure gave us alot of lore with these side characters.
You put chewie on a list of side characters? I don’t think he counts.
I was thinking the samething, (I Was like I know more about chewbacca then these other characters)
Yes, Chewbacca is a main character.
Chewbacca is a "Main Character" C3-P0 is a "Main Character"
It's not all about the humans.
Chewy is a major character
I mean they think Disney messing up the actual star wars timeline is okay ..not surprising 🙄
Also, "Oola" was also the only known nude scene slipped past the censors in the original trilogy. The actress is covered in green makeup and a prosthetic headdress, but her top is all fishnet with no undergarments. Freeze frame her dancing/death scene and it becomes obvious.
i see you too are a man of culture. For real tho i had a BDSM fetish long before i knew what that was. Since kindergarten? I loved RoTJ with Leila's ridiculous outfit. And the dancing slave. That's peak fetish
@@burtan2000 ayo
Fun true Hollywood fact: the actor-dancer who played the green slave girl re-did her scenes, 1997 special ed the ILM costume fit her with 0 changes, no need for new costumes. 20+ years.
@@DavidLLambertmobile, Femi Taylor is her name. She's a professional dancer. Also was part of the original cast for Cats.
@@williamprescott3637 I met her at a comic-con about five years ago and got her autograph on a baseball. She's beautiful.
You guys should do other side characters like Luke, leia, Han, palpatine, Vader, yoda, obiwan, and anakin too
I kinda wish for Chewie you mentioned the fact during the Death Troopers novel he had to gun down an infected Wookie toddler and watch Han kill 3 infected adults
who wrote that shit? George RR Martin?
@@burtan2000 bruh I know, sounds like some shit straight outta elden ring lol
As a massive zombie fan, Death troopers is my favorite star wars novel, but it's also known for being the goriest and most violent one by far. Wouldn't be surprised if chewie and Han got ptsd from going through the events in that book haha
5:32 there is a backstory, maybe no longer considered canon, that after Jabba's death, Bib Fortuna was captured by the B'Omarr Monks, placed in a mere brain jar, but eventually achieved enough 'enlightenment' to receive a spider body droid, and was trying every day, to use the manipulator claw and a dinner utensil to operate Jabba's account computer. Taking forever for the manipulator to grasp it correctly, and the password timing out thousands of times a day, until he was finally able to withdraw money, pay for an operation to put his brain back into a Twi'lek body, and take over the throne. Which may be where we see him in the post-credits scene of Mandalorian, previewing the Book of Boba Fett. Also, why he's not just a heavier Twi'lek, he doesn't resemble his old self anymore.
that was tales from jabba's palace i believe - there were a lot of great backstories in there with the rancor keeper being my favorite one.
I laughed my ass off when Salacious Crumb appeared after Clegg Lars 💀💀💀😂😂😂
What’s the connection?
Ki Adi Mundi didn't really mourn his family due to the Jedi's belief that those that die become one with the Force, thus he was just an adherent to the Jedi's beliefs (save for the one about getting married due to his unique circumstances of his species).
Something only a fellow jedi would understand
Wasn't he also like a REAL dick to his clone troopers?
I mean, he was also an unempathetic dick; one of the original versions of the Battle of Geonosis featured him killing two different Jedi for their lightsabers when his was destroyed, for example.
I once came across a theory of Oola, a thought I also shared.
In the backstory of Oola, from what I can remember, C-3PO told her (in secret) of Luke's coming, and so in her 'last' dance, decided to defy Jabba one last time, to her unfortunate end.
This doesn't really make a lot of sense however, as one, that backstory came out, years after the Return of the Jedi, and two, to what end? Oola would have known of the extent of torment Jabba would have gone for one of his slaves defying him.
So, as the theory goes, what if that last dance was a 'challenge' of sorts? The winner.....or 'loser' depending on one's certain point of view, was the final entertainment? So, in other words, she wasn't defying Jabba one last time, Oola was pleading for her life?
I mean, the conversation between the two wasn't dubbed, one of the few conversations between two non-human's, speaking their languages, not dubbed and no translator in the whole franchise. Oola wasn't Jabba's only slave girl, the others were also displaying themselves, one fat slave girl Jabba was found of as she reminded him of his mother, so she was spared, Oola, unfortunately, was one of many well toned slave girls in his harem, and as Jabba was 'that' kind of business man, would see Oola's 'value' diminished, so to (horribly) speak.
I would have actually loved to see the conversation, dubbed, in the movies, it could have been still a mystery as to what was happening in the scene, Oola, begging, "Please, I've done all that you've asked, I am loyal" while Jabba, "And you're loyalty shall be rewarded, by pleasing your master and being the last entertainment" Oola, "NO! PLEASE! I WILL CONTINUE TO SERVE, OR FREE ME-" Jabba hits the button, "YOU'RE FREE!" (Again, becuase Jabba's an 'asshole').
I would have also loved to see the other slave girls on the barge, helping Leia strangle Jabba, preferable the other Twi-lik slaves that were closer to one of their own species.
touch grass bro fr
@@darrinblankenship2987 What does that mean?
I'm not sure if the other slaves could help there without ending up dead...or if they were on the barge at the time. Remember slaves tended to have implanted bombs their masters could set off to kill them.
I also remember that Oola's sister turned into a real monster as well with the Diversity Alliance mess and trying to unleash a plague upon the galaxy
"This doesn't really make a lot of sense however, as one, that backstory came out, years after the Return of the Jedi, and two, to what end? Oola would have known of the extent of torment Jabba would have gone for one of his slaves defying him."
Oola was Jabba's favorite sex toy. She thought that so long she kept Jabba hard through her dancing that he would let her live. She seriously overestimated her value to him. To the point where she performed the most arousing dance of her life, then rejected him in front of all of his men. At which point Jabba got so fed up with her cock teasing and open defiance that he decided to feed her to the beast.
There is a book called Tales from Jabba's Palace that also has backstories from many of the "loyal" followers at Jabba's palace. If I recall correctly I think it has a detailed backstory for Oola
She's also referenced in the Diversity Alliance arc of the Young Jedi Knights series, since her sister was the main villain.
Never even came across a youtube or TV channel that could make me laugh every day.
Salacious B. Crumb is one of my favorites...I'm planning to cosplay as him one of these days...
here are some more from legends Wedge Antilles losing his parents when a criminal on the run lit up his families refueling station, Admiral Ackbar was enslaved by Tarkin, Dengar was involved in a horrific swoop bike crash while racing Han Solo and was subsequently experimented on by the imperials, Wes Jansens first kill for the rebels was a fellow pilot,
Loved the lore of this video mate great job.
My personal rewrite of Lars is that he was wounded trying to get his wife back ... Owen also wants to help so when anakin goes to to save his mom Owen sees first hand what Vader was capable of .. this way when they return ,Owen tells everyone what happened . This would explain how Owen was acting in “a new hope “
I think Iwen would accuse Anakin due to his circumstances. Whi would murder their mother's killer? 😶😑
anakin was completly justified ending those sand people...they are a violent, murderous species that would keep on committing heinious acts until somebody k!lled them...
Just wanted to share some interesting tidbits about these characters I've picked up over the years:
1) Salacious Crumb--I read in the Star Wars Visual Dictionary (which came out before any of the prequel or sequel trilogies) that Jabba had initially tried to eat Crumb but found his antics rather amusing.
2) Oola--I seem to recall her drop into the rancor pit appearing much slower than it actually was the first time I saw it. I also had a series of Little Chronicle books that covered the first five movies (sadly, I don't think they made one for RoTS or any subsequent movie), and in the one for RoTJ, Oola vocally protests (in her native Twi'lek language) Jabba yanking her toward him.
3) Doctor Evazan--He didn't really have a name when the movie originally came out, so the books I read from that time (like the Little Chronicle books mentioned above) simply referred to him as Scar-face.
The legend book about Chewbacca and Han on the Prison barge is called Death Troopers. It’s really good I would highly recommend it.
The follow up book was pretty good too but the first was the best
Congrats with 100k subs!
8:54 there is supposedly another backstory that Dr. Evazan constructed Ponda Baba a temporary cybernetic arm replacement, promising to replace his missing limb with an existing Aqualish arm, it is said that the lower class of Aqualish have the fingered hands, and the upper class have the sort of scoop hands with clawed fingers inside the scoop. Dr. Evazan was trying to abduct and amputate the right scoop hand from an upper class Aqualish, so Ponda could conceal the left hand when wishing to be mistaken for an upper class Aqualish. I don't remember if the plot was ever successful, and if Ponda still had the cybernetic hand at 'press time'.
Stoopa Droi, Ava Rocka Rocka.
Yeah, we’ve all been there with a malfunctioning droid.
Poor people, except scarface and walrus man.
I have the death trooper book that talks about Chewbacca and Han being stuck on a prison ship during a zombie outbreak. I think it would might make a good starwars horror movie set in Han and Chewbacca s younger days.
That could be a very interesting twist! And go a long way to shaping Hans and Chewy’s backstories.
NOW, the Best thing about that. Is that we don't die there. We Love the stories because they Live to Tell the Story. And getting Out, and Getting Through that is only the Begining.
Even though Oola was a bit Character Femi Taylor made her such a iconic character to hard-core SW fans.
Pretty much setting the standard for making female Twi’leks beautiful in the Star Wars universe.
Crumb looks suspiciously like "Albert the Alley Cat" used to give the weather on WITI-TV in Milwaukee WI, from 1965 till 1981. Hmmmmmm I wonder?
This makes me think of Dr. Evazan as Dr. Nick from The Simpsons, giving a patient a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg.
He's more like Professor Pyg, the Batman villain
I love the scene of Salacious Crumb in the Mandalorian, being roasted like a rotisserie chicken. 😋
Looks delicious.
Please do a part 2 this was so interesting
Bib’s brain ending up in a spider droid was so appropriate.
What I think is that Disney has ruined Star Wars. These intricate and often times dark histories are what breathed life into otherwise unremarkable characters. (Aside from the Kwakian Monkey (sp?)). There’s no “edge” to it anymore and when GL sold the rights to Disney of all companies I was very disappointed that they got it. Money ya know. But it’s all foo foo fluff now. Only Canon matters anyway but it’s deeply depressing to see all this thought process and work swept under a rug so that children won’t be “upset”. I watched the original trilogy as a kid and I fell in love with it. The more believable a villain is at their agenda and the more cruelty they show adds to it. To me it just doesn’t feel the same and I sadly lost interest in making sure was in line at the theatre. I just wait for streaming platforms to offer but generally choose not to watch what I haven’t seen. The disappointment…after the last Jedi I was so disappointed I’ve stuck to only watching those written and directed by GL. Such a shame.
The most interesting Star Wars stuff is not in the movies. Thanks for the video.
Yup. This is also disturbing.
Wasn't Jabba's threat to eat the creature, not murder him? After all, he did name him Salacious Crumb!
This is really interesting
It's tuff to survive in the galaxy far, far away, which is an understatement.
I still have the version of ROTJ that if you pause it at the right time you can see Oola's green sweater yams. 😁
I didn't know about the zombie encounter with han and chewy. I'm old school so the way they met that I go with is han found him on a slaver ship and when he refused to kill chewy and turned on his CO he was kicked out of the imperial navy and had chewy follow him as a life debt.
Yeah, that is how it went. The zombie thing was after that. They got briefly arrested.
Han Solo trilogy, my man!
Twilek girl was a very good character that made some interesting choices right before her end.
She was dancing one minute and then suddenly refused?
3:38 Disney and Star Wars touched topics like slavery, children forced labor, mass murder, racism, racist supremacy, religion (could be the Jedi Order the Catholicism and the new tendency to Grey Jedi like Ashoka, Rey and Luke protestants?), man hunting, terrorism, drugs, narcotraffic, crime syndicalism... But when it comes to sex it's a no no.
What about Mace Windu and his story "Shatterpoint"? It's sort of a variation to Apocalypse Now, and he has some close brushes with the Dark Side, as well as being confronted with possible past mistakes.
Legends Tarkin was a more tragic figure descending into evil due to everything he had to deal with and loss that ended up proving to him that the only way to fix the world was with an iron fist.
Disney's made a lot of it just his homeworlds fault.
@3:00 I think "Oola" is actually Hera Syndulla posing as a slave...
Nah; not unless Hera got the 'blues'! 😆
@@FerDeLance06 she went in with Lando in disguise, all part of Luke's plan...
@@jayo1212 Thats like, really out of left field. Do you have any cold, hard, evidence to support this theory other than the fact that they're both green Twi'leks?
You said that the dark and adult-themed stuff being left in the legends lore and not being part of the main canon is for the better but I disagree. While Lucas chose to keep the movies generally appropriate for a large audience, the books and expanded universe were free to delve into the harsh and gruesome details which only deepened and enriched the movies. Disney's sanitization and social justice crusading has effectively ruined what was once a vast and awesome dark science fiction narrative universe.
The story about Han and Chewy encountering the virus is call 'Death Troopers'. There is an auto book, it's worth the listen/read.
I find these truths more than disturbing. The slave girl of Jabba, is that a slave. You know she will be treated badly. I find it more sad than disturbing.
I have my own fan fiction of what they should have done with her character if anyone wants to read it. It completely changes her character to more of a strong somewhat important character. It’s a long one, so I hope you don’t mind reading a bit.
Oola is actually a rebel spy named Nolaa Tarkona who met up with Lando and infiltrated Jabba’s palace together. Originally just a backup dancer/singer part of Max Rebo’s band, Jabba liked what he saw and made her his personal dancing slave. C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive at the palace to present Luke’s message to Jabba. After delivering the message, C-3PO is speaking with Oola about Luke’s soon arrival when a smuggler walks into the court demanding that Jabba pay him more for the job he did for him. Jabba refuses and sends the smuggler down into the Rancor pit only hearing his scream off camera. Oola then starts her dancing performance for Jabba’s court when Leia (disguised as Boushh) enters the court with Chewbacca chained. Oola retreats back to Jabba’s thrown. Later that night, Leia frees Han from the carbonite but is captured by Jabba. As Jabba’s guards brings Leia towards Jabba, Oola is afraid for Leia. The next day, both Oola and Leia are sitting with Jabba as Luke enters the court. Luke begins arguing with Jabba to free his friends, but Jabba refuses laughing at the Jedi. Luke force grabs a guards blaster, but a Gamorrean guard wrestled with Luke as Jabba sends them both into the Rancor pit. The guard grabs Oola’s leg dragging her down into the pit with them. Frightened Oola heads behind Luke as the gate opens up revealing the Rancor. As the Rancor goes for the guard first, Luke tells Oola to hide under the rocks. The Rancor goes after Luke now as he grabs a bone to defend himself. The Rancor picks him up as Oola looks on horrified. Luke shoves the bone into the Rancor’s mouth dropping him to the ground. He then hides under the rocks with Oola. The Rancor tries to dig Luke out, but he smashes it’s fingers. Luke tells Oola to run to the other side and he follows behind her. They are met by two guards who turn them away. As the Rancor approaches, Luke throws a skull against a button dropping the gate on the Rancor’s head killing it. Luke and Oola are then taken in front of Jabba along with Han and Chewbacca. Jabba orders their executions at the sarlacc pit even Oola since he already has his new prized slave girl. As they are taken onboard the skiff to the sarlacc pit, Lando comforts Oola telling her to trust Luke. Luke pretends to jump off the skiff and springs back up grabbing his lightsaber fighting off guards and Lando joins in wrestling with a guard. Oola helps Lando pushing a guard off the skiff and Lando begins wrestling with another guard. A heavy blaster turret from the sail barge begins firing on the skiff causing Lando and the guard to fall off, but Lando manages to grab onto a rope. Oola grabs a blaster dropped by a guard and begins giving covering fire as Han and Chewbacca try to save Lando. Luke swings down onto the skiff with Leia, and they speed away the sail barge exploding behind them. They arrive at the Millenium Falcon amidst a sandstorm. Covered up to protect from the sandstorm, Oola gives Luke a hug and thanks him for saving her. Oola is present at the rebel alliance planning on how to destroy the second Death Star. She becomes Lando’s co-pilot during the space battle of Endor. Oola has doubts about the plan, but Lando tells her don’t worry his friend (Han) is down there and will get the shield down. Once the shield is down, they enter into the Death Star. Wedge Antilles shoots the first main reactor and Lando the second destroying the main reactor. They barely escape the Death Star and share a passionate kiss the Death Star exploding behind them. They arrive on the moon of Endor celebrating with all the other rebels and Ewoks (should have been Wookiees IMO)
End Credits
What about Nobot
7:07 i have a question from wich comics this scene is ?? because i think that there is general Pryde just behind Tarkin!
So did you know ??
Paige (Rose's sister) wasn't a pilot, she was a gunner in a ball turret on the last of the Resistance bombers. ✌️🖖
Willhuff Tarkin of the Yellow Lantern Corp.
Never disrespect a Jedi you fool
they didn't disrespect you
@@trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 Shut your mouth
3:33-3:37 This reminds me of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode, Slaves of the Republic. There's a scene where a Twi'lek commits suicide.
Death Troopers was a great book.
Yes... Jabba totally wanted twileks for their.... dancing...... skills
Thanx for the 9 back stories, anything made by disney doesnt count.
Disney ruined Star Wars by removing all of the EU. So no. It wasn't for the best. You need tragedy, struggle and darkness to make a compelling story. Which the EU had and Disney Wars does not. Also. There were far more tragic backstories of side characters to list off compared to Tico. She doesn't even scratch the surface. Hell. Oola was more tragic yet Tico got number 1?
I consider everything in eu canon just excluding the parts that directly contradict canon
@@trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 Which would include the sorry excuse for the once great grand master Luke? I'm sorry. But screw everything Disney has done to Star Wars.
@@KageAkarui well I'm pretty sure indirectly causing one of your students to turn evil and kill the rest of his class is a dark back story right?
@@trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 That doesn't mean it's an objectively good story.
@@Signal_Lost. i know but he's like Disney isn't good it doesn't have tragic backstories and ruined Luke when Luke himself has a tragic backstory
Have to say that Han and Chewie Zombie Apocalypse film would be tight👌🏻👌🏻
No mention about Chewie possibly having eaten humans before he met Han Solo in Han's origin movie. That's a disturbing enough backstory...
At least it's not cannibalism, it would only be cannibalism if he ate Wookiees lol 😝
The real tragedy of Paige Tico's backstory is she grew up with Rose as a sister.
I still wish it showed oola getting eaten 😂
If I showed this to day my dad who likes Star Wars he'd say, "Someone has a lot of time on their hands." Lol
They're paid to do this. If he knows that, he might be saying, "someone needs to get their facts straight."
Is there any backstory as to why the writers decided to kill off the hot Tico?
Your number one is Paige Tico. Err
She was the CUTEST!
I don't understand why if the 'doctor' is a worse monster than his assistant the latter is higher on the list
Josh, did you just indicate that you loved Ki-Adi-Mundi being killed at 0:13??
The "legends" e.u. will always be real to me while the Disney disaster is just the pale vomit of a plague infected Mouse.
How do you all of these backstories?
Chewie is not a side character, why is he here?
Baba, the only character that bleeds after a lightsaber attack.
I was hoping to see Salacious Crumb blown into molecules.
Jabba:Salacious Slug!
He's a crime lord. Not Master of Hello kitty land.
So what you're saying is that Ki Adi Mundi was just incredibly Based.
3:51 Like Disney was never known for sleaze and scandal?
Chewbacca is NOT a side character.
Most of them are on Tatooine, I guess that gives me an excuse to not like Sand
Wait a minute..Ponda Baba was an architect and he had his drawing arm cut off!!
Isn’t this from Robot Chicken
And he was complementing Luke on his hair
Paige Tico doesn’t count. Star Wars 7 - 9 Does not exist :)
What about No Bot/ghost protocol
I honestly feel bad for the character of Rose. Another role that would have had potential but subjected to poor character development and shotty writing
Ki-Adi-Mundi didn't need marriage to father children 🙄
Why do the humans of the Star Wars universe look exactly like the humans of earth? They have European whites, Asians and Africans in a galaxy far far away?
Humans evolved on Coruscant, and colonized other planets, including Earth, eventually.
You a Geordie?
Too bad Paige Tico died and we had Rose left instead.
I would've liked to see something on Boba Fett.
Another fun fact about Oolaa is that she had a half sister who went on to form an anti human terrorist organization called the diversity alliance
How is garindan not on this list?
What’s disturbing? Nothing. It’s a story.
Number 2 but want about the wookies. Suprised they didn't slap that in there
How could you not include Nobot?!
What EU are you referring to? The scrubbed one?
For ki adi mundis species they prefer to honor their loved ones death not mourn
Chewie and Tarkin are side characters? What about R2-D2? He doesn't even have any lines!
he has lines, they just had to bleep them all out.
You did not call chewbaka a side character you monster
Dr. Cornelius sounds like the baddest drug dealer in the world or the title character of a 60's horror movie.
What you used the recent legends of Chewy and ignore the original? If comics are canon then you left out a hell of a lot. Lucky chewy is as civil as he is what the Empire put him through mentally and physically.
Then Solo movie ignores the fact Han's father Jax Solo was in the cantina in A New Hope.
What's Chewie doing on this list? sorry but nearly all of these were either 1 Movie appearances or only Cameos. Chewie appears in more movies then Darth Vader, the Emperor, Boba Fett or Lando.