You gotta admit, even though Alec Guinnes didn't like performing in Episode IV, and Mark Hamil didn't like performing in Episode VIII, those two still took their roles seriously and gave great performances, despite their feelings about their roles. True professionals.
Totally agree plus Alec was a genius also in asking for 2% of the movie's royalties and wound up getting 2.25% so he wound up getting around 3.3 million and in total from all star wars made 50 million dollars
Hamill I give all credit to. I liked him in TLJ and knowing he hated the direction it was going in but still gave a perfect performance for it deserves all the credit. Guinness though, I remember hearing (many many years ago) that he thought it Star Wars was garbage and gave an aloof performance because of it. so his great performance was born from his dislike f the role rather than in spite of it.
This is exactly what KK, Abrams and Johnson do, for years I thought it was incompetence or stupidity, and yeah that can be a good excuse. But the fact that these people do it over and over , in spite of the fact that it clearly isn't profitable. The truth is, it's malice and intentional, it's done for the sake of demoralizing society. American heroes, are for the most part not actual people, but idealized fictional characters. Even the founding fathers are elevated to this near mythical status, beyond their actual personage. The reason why you see many of our fictional characters being "Deconstructed" meaning Destroyed, is because it's an attempt by foreign countries who have heavy investments into places like hollywood, in a attempt to demoralize Americans and make us easier to conquer later. Because Americans greatest strength but also greatest weakness, is that we are at our most powerful when we come together. With that in mind, create division, resentment and demoralization, and we in-fight, engage in self destructive behaviour and ultimately cannot defend ourselves. This was done purpose.
To me there is only the original trilogy and nothing after Return of the Jedi and nothing before Star Wars. Yes I said Star Wars. None of those Oscars it won has A New Hope engraved on them.
I'll admit the sequel trilogy could've been better, especially if they hadn't killed Luke & Han. Carrie's passing was incorporated into Rise of Skywalker, so I can't say anything about Leia's passing. It would've been nice to have seen Han & Luke reunited, and surrounding Leia as after she passed away.
I would say that Han's death scene was probably the best scene of Force Awakens, posibbly even the entire sequel. The Luke's death, horewer, was pretty bad.
yes, after some time passing and being able to see things like the Mandolorian, the sequels became more disappointing than I first thought. The cgi was cool and the Force awakens was good in some areas but overall I think they could've been much better. Even the prequels were able to bring unique aspects and topics like the jedi council and a entirely different story of the main character's downfall. while rey was a rather boring sort of luke character but with less development and training. not to say that the prequels or even main films had no problems tho.
Well Mark could very well liked or found bearable Luke in TLJ,but he said he didn't like the character because he would have been cancelled by the community
Denis Lawson and Alec Genius were both open about not liking the fandom. Alec Genius even had a story about sending back things fans wanted signed unsigned and talked about how he wanted to be remembered for his other work He really often spoke negatively of his roll Billy Dee Williams on the other hand loved his roll and wanted to do more of it but was also not actively seeking new rolls as he enjoyed his retirement. Harison Ford also notoriously destroyed a fan's gift on camera and longed to forget the Holliday special. Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, David Prowse , and Jeremy Bulloch did one give positive reviews but I don't know there most recent thoughts on there rolls.
i feel really bad for Daisy Ridley as she was forced into it all so quickly and never got the chance to settle on the set, which is why she felt so pressured the entire time. and i also feel bad for Karrey Fisher in her roles with the bikini as she was literally FORCED to not wear ANYTHING underneath it all. in the original release of Episode 6, in the part where she turns the deck gun you can actually see her crotch and bottom so clearly it looks like a porn shoot if you don't know what is what.
@@MajorForcekin that's the thing, i didnt look for it. as a kid watching the original VHS Release i saw it, and never forgot it. it haunts my mind today still...
@@hazmatsteve5489 believe what you want buddy, but i don't search for that stuff as i don't see the point in it. if i want to watch porn, i watch porn. if i want to watch a movie, i watch a movie. simple as that.
I love my job as a farmer but there are elements that are not fun, occasionally you have to dispose of dead animals , get stuck in the mud, or worst of all do paperwork, why is it surprising that actors occasionally have to do aspects of their jobs that are not fun?
I know a lot of people hate Luke in the last Jedi and love Luke in the last Jedi, but in my opinion it is my least favorite phase of the character. If they made a more convincing reason on why he gave up on everything It would be good
Agreed. They just gave us no context to how in the world does a guy whose whole story is “I’m going to redeem my dad, even though he’s 2nd in command to Space Hitler” go from “I’m gonna save a guy everyone gave up on” to TLJ’s “Well my nephew has some darkness in him, I am going to consider murdering him for a split second.” Like… what?!
Idk hopefully they make shows that will explain a lot more of the st. The clone wars helped a lot with the prequels so maybe a show set at the time of the sequels would make them better to understand.
They don't need to do any of that. Just let the sequels die. they had so much material they could have worked with. There were/are so many books that continued the SW saga, but no, they had to woke the fuck out of it.
That’s the issue with the sequels in a nutshell. They ask us to believe so many things that go against what we’ve known for 6 films with no convincing argument and very little context.
Any man who would brag about using large rodents as target practice would absolutely cut a large Yetti's arm off to save his own life! Even Luke Skywalker!
Rats can cause starvation and ruin a farm that was built up over a lifetime. Farmers have no hesitation in exterminating thousands of rats. It's just as much a me or them mentality as a hungry Yeti. The only difference is Yetis are a bit higher up the evolutionary chain, so I'd be more comfortable with killing the rodents.
@@kkknotcool That's a completely valid point. I still stand by my comment though. It's not so much the shooting Womp Rats as much as it is the bragging about it...
@@michaelmiller44820 If the womp rats need to go, then it's your job to do the best you can with that. The first time you shoot an animal that needs to go you feel sad about taking a life and about the 5th you feel nothing and about the 13th you feel nothing but that was a damn good shot, which you feel good about. Eventually it's just about the sport of shooting and the fact that you are taking care of a pest isn't even in your mind.
@@michaelmiller44820 With the rats the killing is self preservation and the emotion is sport. With the Yeti the killing is self preservation but there is no emotion to draw from, other then maybe anger or fear for trying to kill him. Which he is supposed to ignore as a new Jedi. My point is both the rats and yeti are self preservation but the instinctual fear to kill hasn't had time to go numb considering it's the first time he encountered a yeti.
I can't imagine any actor who thought that they were going to make Star Wars movies enjoying one minute of their time participating in that Disney garbage... Poor Mark Hamill. We all deserved better.
on the last one, Yoda gave up on the jedi and almost died in that mindset, until Luke came and helped change his mind. So if "A jedi never gives up" then Yoda must not be a jedi by that same logic.
I guess I never interpreted it that way. Yoda says something about having to go into exile, but the plan was to lay low until they had the means to fight back. If Luke had to convince Yoda to do something, it was to convince Yoda that he had the resolve to go all the way as a Jedi and not approach it halfheartedly.
Bro I didn’t even think about how Snokes death made the actor feel :( imagine being promised a prominent role as the big bad for one of the greatest franchises of all time only for your character to be subverted before he even got a chance to do anything really. That sucks.
I think I first heard someone call Stormtroopers "imperial bucket heads" in Rebel Assault 2. Probably not the first time they were called that, though.
I don't consider the sequel trilogy to be Star Wars canon, what is Star Wars canon to me is the following: • Episode I: The Phantom Menace • Episode II: Attack Of The Clones • Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith • Episode IV: A New Hope • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back • Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi • The Clone Wars • Rebels • Rogue One • The Mandalorian • The Book Of Boba Fett • Obi-Wan Kenobi • Ahsoka
@@meesterexit1969 When I see the abbreviation ST I think of Star Trek, not the sequel trilogy necessarily. But I thank you for reminding me of that little movie, yes Rogue One leads right into A New Hope. I am sad that the KK crew chose to kill off the two primary heroes of Rogue One for I would have liked to see them in their own Disney+ series.
i think carrie fischers hatred for that is really important bc people like to disregard how uncomfortable it was for her for their own pleasure of thinking shes hot. wish people had more respect then and now for the way women are treated in the film industry.
Carrie wasn't uncomfortable because the outfit was revealing, she was uncomfortable because the bikini was made of metal which made it uncomfortable for her to sit and she had to move carefully in order to keep her breasts from slipping out. But Carrie was actually the one who wanted a revealing costume for a change specifically to feel empowered.
@@freaky1382 It's not actually. Carrie herself has only complained about the discomfort of the outfit itself, she never complained about being half naked. After all, actors are trained to be comfortable with their bodies and prepared to reveal as much as the scene demands.
@@vetarlittorf1807 “It was like, "Where am I in all of this?" ... I have to stay with the slug with the big tongue! Nearly naked, which is not a style choice for me. ... It wasn't my choice. When [director George Lucas] showed me the outfit, I thought he was kidding and it made me very nervous. I had to sit very straight because I couldn't have lines on my sides, like little creases. No creases were allowed, so I had to sit very, very rigid straight.” from her fresh air interview, clearly in the first half she is uncomfortable with the bikini. “Fisher was not always fond of it, either. In Newsweek in 1999, she said, "I remember that iron bikini I wore in 'Episode VI,' what supermodels will eventually wear in the seventh ring of Hell." She's also said that her favorite moment in the "Star Wars" films was killing Jabba the Hutt.” another interview from insider. but go off and silence her bc you’re uninformed.
Can we just get a remake of the sequel trilogy like 10 years in the future? So much of it was a massive heap. Force Awakens paved the way for so much potential… then the later movies wasted it for unnecessary comedy and lots of nostalgia that was slotted in despite not having a reason for being there. So I’ll list the potential that I feel would make great work for a new Sequel trilogy; Finn being force sensitive marking him as the first force-sensitive stormtrooper, along with being an ex-stormtrooper that would carry out his commander’s bidding would be a good point to have some PTSD moments. Rey flipping between the dark side and the light side because of the ambiguity of her origin, sure I’d let the “you’re a Palpatine” thing slide if they committed to her to being a Sith Lord later down the line (keep the yellow lightsaber to symbolize the ambiguity AND the flip-able lightsaber Bo staff, it looked so cool). Ben killing Han could’ve been his breaking point and he would’ve sworn against the First Order in favor of turning to the Resistance, and his mother. General Hux being hailed as a ferocious and feared general for the First Order, especially after the speech and cold look he gave when Starkiller fired it’s laser. Not sure where Snoke would fall in all of this, but I don’t buy him as the type to be a knockoff Palpatine clone or Palpatine apprentice. Luke would need almost no convincing to join the Resistance, especially since his sister and nephew needs help. Plus I feel like we could have some touching moments between Ben and Luke, since Ben would definitely need a lot of comforting and reconciling with the fact that he killed his dad. Also make Poe and Finn boyfriends, I (and Oscar Isaac for that matter) would definitely love that. The bond between those two were definitely strong. Plus I wanna add, slotting in a same sex kiss at the celebration part of the movie is NOT proper LGBTQ+ representation. Poe and Finn would grow deeper and deeper in love with each other as they learn more and more about each other. Poe will be there for Finn when he has his PTSD moments, Finn will be there to help Poe hold back on his cockiness (even though that’ll be one of the reasons he loves him), and their shared bond will be stronger. EDIT: Definitely just dumped a lot here lol. Any thoughts on this or opinions lmk I wanna see what people think
Although not technically wrong, as the lightsabre Rey used did belong to Luke, it was also the lightsabre originally constructed by Anakin. It would have been more apt to refer to it as Anakin's. William Na said it first. Subscribe to him. He might make a video. Now that I have your attention, does anybody else think it was neat that Anakin and Vader's lightsabres look very similar, yet Luke's green lightsabre looks like Obi-Wan's last one?
And to top it off I believe most if not all the main actors from them have no desire to come back to star wars after the radioactive mess they were both in story and work conditions.
Three were about the original trilogy, three were about the prequels, and four were about the sequels. I guess that meets one definition of "most", but I don't think 40% gets you "most" in most contexts.
mrsundaymovies made a whole video pointing out that the most star wars thing in universe is just murdering any and all animals and creatures in your path with zero regard whatsoever. Even though hamill may not have liked it, that wompa is lucky it wasnt sliced right in 2
@@oz2362 That's most likely the fault of the director/s though (it is Star Wars after all)-although I thought her performance was fine. Plus again, given it was her first day of shooting, it's just kinda rude.
Mark Hamill saying "Jedis don't give up" is not really something I see in the universe: even Yoda gave up in E3. And even had to be convinced by dead Obi Wan to give the Jedi another chance in E5.
That's total bull shit. Yoda fled to Dagoba to survive the Jedi's genocide. That's not giving up, that's choosing to live. And he was resistant to training Luke, because of his failure in allowing Anakin Skywalker's training at an age where he had already formed attachments. Yoda had no interest in the extinction of the Jedi one way or another.
Gotta love that when hovering your cursor over the bar that shows you how much time is left on the video, views increase on the Princess Leia part, LMAO
He didn't want to work in FX-heavy, emoting-to-a-tennis-ball filmmaking. I don't think that's what *Batman Begins* was, at least for him. Also, it's "Ra's al Ghul".
For the record. Fisher did not hate doing the Slave Leia at the time and was excited to be sexy on screen for the first time. Only later during the "MeTOO" insanity did someone talk her into being offended. This is stupid and everyone is lying to make women into victims.
The #Metoo movement began in 2017 whereas there are multiple interviews with Fisher before then where she discusses how uncomfortable the costume was and how unpleasant & isolating the shooting was (since Ford and Hamill were doing their own thing and she got stuck with the Jabba Puppet). But don't let little things like the linear nature of time get in the way of your Redpilling, my dude.
She suffered from an eating disorder and turned to drugs because of the stress. I don’t think the MeTOO movement was the beginning and in interviews predating this event she had already talked about the comments on her weight and how she was insecure.
@@amato0215 Please. Her mom was feeding her cocaine sandwiches at age 4. The eating disorder was from constantly using meth and cocaine so her body did not gain weight and that eating disorder was the public explanation for it all. She grew up with hardcore drug users around her all the time and came through hollywood during the great cocaine explosion of the early 1980s. She liked to party and get high. So be it.
He thought about it momentarily. He actively tried to kill his father for a minute or two until he snapped out of it. I question that anyone who makes this lame argument understands Luke's character at all. It's stated again and again how much he flirts with the dark side.
CGI was too early in development/not "realistic" enough to be used that much in the prequals. (Yes I know it was cheaper than elaborate sets) I feel if the used more models for it and stuff it could be better looking, but now that CGI has been around for 40 or so years it is fine.
If you've seen Star Wars I, you've seen the other 10+ films. And now that the suits at Disney are milking this aging cow of a franchise, we can all move on to something new. Anyone up for "Shrek the Musical"?
have to say i love the star wars movies and found this video interesting. having said that the world is filled with people working in much worse conditions for decades of their lives for much much much less money it is really hard to pity or feel sorry for actors who got paid millions and sometimes tens of millions to be "uncomfortable" for a few months at a time. part of me says good work enjoyed the film another part of me says quite your complaining you got paid damn good money for your discomfort. if they dont like doing CGI or tough working conditions then get movie parts in dramas and romantic comedies.
I mean to be fair though, Actors don't really have many openings, at least the less common ones, some succeed and some don't, But I can tell the conflict is raging on within you, the light and dark fighting over for control of you, both telling you to resist the other and telling you to give in to them, but no matter which side you choose, there is no sign of peace, for it is the Will of the Force
You gotta admit, even though Alec Guinnes didn't like performing in Episode IV, and Mark Hamil didn't like performing in Episode VIII, those two still took their roles seriously and gave great performances, despite their feelings about their roles. True professionals.
Totally agree plus Alec was a genius also in asking for 2% of the movie's royalties and wound up getting 2.25% so he wound up getting around 3.3 million and in total from all star wars made 50 million dollars
Hamill I give all credit to. I liked him in TLJ and knowing he hated the direction it was going in but still gave a perfect performance for it deserves all the credit.
Guinness though, I remember hearing (many many years ago) that he thought it Star Wars was garbage and gave an aloof performance because of it. so his great performance was born from his dislike f the role rather than in spite of it.
@@mattyt1961 if he hated it so much why’d he take the role?
@@aaronstevensonjr2462 Money
Harrison Ford.
I feel for Hamil. No actor should need to bury the character that made him a star like he had to.
This is exactly what KK, Abrams and Johnson do, for years I thought it was incompetence or stupidity, and yeah that can be a good excuse. But the fact that these people do it over and over , in spite of the fact that it clearly isn't profitable. The truth is, it's malice and intentional, it's done for the sake of demoralizing society. American heroes, are for the most part not actual people, but idealized fictional characters. Even the founding fathers are elevated to this near mythical status, beyond their actual personage. The reason why you see many of our fictional characters being "Deconstructed" meaning Destroyed, is because it's an attempt by foreign countries who have heavy investments into places like hollywood, in a attempt to demoralize Americans and make us easier to conquer later. Because Americans greatest strength but also greatest weakness, is that we are at our most powerful when we come together. With that in mind, create division, resentment and demoralization, and we in-fight, engage in self destructive behaviour and ultimately cannot defend ourselves. This was done purpose.
@@AgentExeider bullshit
"star" wars
@@AgentExeider chill out
To me there is only the original trilogy and nothing after Return of the Jedi and nothing before Star Wars. Yes I said Star Wars. None of those Oscars it won has A New Hope engraved on them.
“Luke Skywalkers blue lightsaber impaling Supreme Leader Snoke” that isn’t just the Skywalker lightsaber. It’s the Youngling Slayer 3000.
Ah yes the youngling slayer 9000 pro max plus galaxy fold 5g
I like how right now the likes are at 66z
I would have LOVED filming the Separatist leaders slaughter on Mustafar from Episode III. Hayden probably had a blast!
I'll admit the sequel trilogy could've been better, especially if they hadn't killed Luke & Han. Carrie's passing was incorporated into Rise of Skywalker, so I can't say anything about Leia's passing. It would've been nice to have seen Han & Luke reunited, and surrounding Leia as after she passed away.
I would say that Han's death scene was probably the best scene of Force Awakens, posibbly even the entire sequel. The Luke's death, horewer, was pretty bad.
It really could have been a lot better, if Disney let George Lucas direct and write it could have been great
yes, after some time passing and being able to see things like the Mandolorian, the sequels became more disappointing than I first thought. The cgi was cool and the Force awakens was good in some areas but overall I think they could've been much better. Even the prequels were able to bring unique aspects and topics like the jedi council and a entirely different story of the main character's downfall. while rey was a rather boring sort of luke character but with less development and training. not to say that the prequels or even main films had no problems tho.
Fitting that Mark Hamil is on this list twice, though he should be on the list twice for just how much he hated what they did to Luke in the last jedi
Well Mark could very well liked or found bearable Luke in TLJ,but he said he didn't like the character because he would have been cancelled by the community
@@Burlapyui he was talking about it before the movie even came out soooo
Denis Lawson and Alec Genius were both open about not liking the fandom. Alec Genius even had a story about sending back things fans wanted signed unsigned and talked about how he wanted to be remembered for his other work He really often spoke negatively of his roll
Billy Dee Williams on the other hand loved his roll and wanted to do more of it but was also not actively seeking new rolls as he enjoyed his retirement. Harison Ford also notoriously destroyed a fan's gift on camera and longed to forget the Holliday special.
Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, David Prowse , and Jeremy Bulloch did one give positive reviews but I don't know there most recent thoughts on there rolls.
I mean to be fair, we all long to forget the holiday special.
Alec…Genius? He probably would have liked the compliment to his intelligence, but not the insult to his last name, which was spelled Guinness.
*once (?)
i feel really bad for Daisy Ridley as she was forced into it all so quickly and never got the chance to settle on the set, which is why she felt so pressured the entire time.
and i also feel bad for Karrey Fisher in her roles with the bikini as she was literally FORCED to not wear ANYTHING underneath it all. in the original release of Episode 6, in the part where she turns the deck gun you can actually see her crotch and bottom so clearly it looks like a porn shoot if you don't know what is what.
Why would you look for that...
@@MajorForcekin that's the thing, i didnt look for it. as a kid watching the original VHS Release i saw it, and never forgot it. it haunts my mind today still...
@@zerrierslizer1 ya ok lol
@@hazmatsteve5489 believe what you want buddy, but i don't search for that stuff as i don't see the point in it. if i want to watch porn, i watch porn. if i want to watch a movie, i watch a movie. simple as that.
@@zerrierslizer1 it's not that the fact that you said it scared you or what wver you said is stupid stfu
I didn't see the storm trooper talking to a wall but I did see a storm trooper struggle to get through a door lmao
Carrie Fisher & her gold bikini single-handedly kick started me into puberty. So, there's that.
*Especially the lego one...*
@@VegaFic bro that shit made every one of us kick started at age 6
3:24 ''luke skywalkers blue lightsaber'' huhum! Thats Anakins BLUE LIGHTSABER
better than saying rey skywalkers saber
5:06 that is the scariest thing I have ever seen in star wars
I love my job as a farmer but there are elements that are not fun, occasionally you have to dispose of dead animals , get stuck in the mud, or worst of all do paperwork, why is it surprising that actors occasionally have to do aspects of their jobs that are not fun?
I don't like mud. It's sticky, and heavy, and it goes everyhere.
@@URMyNewTV Anakin but he's born on Naboo
Of course the Slave Leia is in the Thumbnail
Even the monkey pet thing was looking at the bikini
Goddamn it.
I'd say the mark of a good actor is commiting yourself to a role regardless of what you may think of it.
“Snokes death is cruel” meanwhile Dooku gets his head chopped off
Meanwhile darth maul gets cut in half and survives
Meanwhile Anakin gets mutilated and burns, and still survives
I know a lot of people hate Luke in the last Jedi and love Luke in the last Jedi, but in my opinion it is my least favorite phase of the character. If they made a more convincing reason on why he gave up on everything It would be good
Agreed. They just gave us no context to how in the world does a guy whose whole story is “I’m going to redeem my dad, even though he’s 2nd in command to Space Hitler” go from “I’m gonna save a guy everyone gave up on” to TLJ’s “Well my nephew has some darkness in him, I am going to consider murdering him for a split second.” Like… what?!
Idk hopefully they make shows that will explain a lot more of the st. The clone wars helped a lot with the prequels so maybe a show set at the time of the sequels would make them better to understand.
@@linkyboi5961 Exactly I hope they will do that and not only for luke, but also, rey finn, poe and palpatines revival
They don't need to do any of that. Just let the sequels die. they had so much material they could have worked with. There were/are so many books that continued the SW saga, but no, they had to woke the fuck out of it.
That’s the issue with the sequels in a nutshell. They ask us to believe so many things that go against what we’ve known for 6 films with no convincing argument and very little context.
Any man who would brag about using large rodents as target practice would absolutely cut a large Yetti's arm off to save his own life! Even Luke Skywalker!
Rats can cause starvation and ruin a farm that was built up over a lifetime.
Farmers have no hesitation in exterminating thousands of rats.
It's just as much a me or them mentality as a hungry Yeti.
The only difference is Yetis are a bit higher up the evolutionary chain, so I'd be more comfortable with killing the rodents.
@@kkknotcool That's a completely valid point. I still stand by my comment though. It's not so much the shooting Womp Rats as much as it is the bragging about it...
@@michaelmiller44820 If the womp rats need to go, then it's your job to do the best you can with that.
The first time you shoot an animal that needs to go you feel sad about taking a life and about the 5th you feel nothing and about the 13th you feel nothing but that was a damn good shot, which you feel good about.
Eventually it's just about the sport of shooting and the fact that you are taking care of a pest isn't even in your mind.
@@kkknotcool I feel like you just made my point lol It becomes about the sport with a Womp Rat... But it's 100% self preservation with a Wampa! 😃
@@michaelmiller44820 With the rats the killing is self preservation and the emotion is sport.
With the Yeti the killing is self preservation but there is no emotion to draw from, other then maybe anger or fear for trying to kill him. Which he is supposed to ignore as a new Jedi.
My point is both the rats and yeti are self preservation but the instinctual fear to kill hasn't had time to go numb considering it's the first time he encountered a yeti.
Literally underrated your the best
That's what acting is all about... doing things that don't necessarily come naturally to you.
The problem isn't with what comes naturally to the actor.
The entire argument is over what comes naturally to the character.
I can't imagine any actor who thought that they were going to make Star Wars movies enjoying one minute of their time participating in that Disney garbage... Poor Mark Hamill. We all deserved better.
Why I hate star wars fans
2:19 i just think its funnier that one of them walked into a wall
on the last one, Yoda gave up on the jedi and almost died in that mindset, until Luke came and helped change his mind. So if "A jedi never gives up" then Yoda must not be a jedi by that same logic.
I guess I never interpreted it that way. Yoda says something about having to go into exile, but the plan was to lay low until they had the means to fight back.
If Luke had to convince Yoda to do something, it was to convince Yoda that he had the resolve to go all the way as a Jedi and not approach it halfheartedly.
True, C3P0's CGI appearance was awful looking back now. But we've really gotta remember that for their time it was pretty advanced business.
It was certainly advanced, but it looked bad back then, too.
I feel like Adam Driver (Kylo) is the type of guy to complain about everything.
Bro I didn’t even think about how Snokes death made the actor feel :( imagine being promised a prominent role as the big bad for one of the greatest franchises of all time only for your character to be subverted before he even got a chance to do anything really. That sucks.
*Sees tittle, sees thumbnail*
Me: Yeah~, I can understand why
that actor of Qui-Gon appeared in Obi-Wan Kenobi
I thought the Stormtroopers were called "bucket head". Or was that just Sabine Wren?
That was their nicknames, but this franchise has been retconned so many times it has my head spinning!
Call my name and i shall appear
I think only Boba was called bucket head during shooting of ot
I think I first heard someone call Stormtroopers "imperial bucket heads" in Rebel Assault 2. Probably not the first time they were called that, though.
love it or hate it, those scenes wouldn't be the same otherwise
I don't consider the sequel trilogy to be Star Wars canon, what is Star Wars canon to me is the following:
• Episode I: The Phantom Menace
• Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
• Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
• Episode IV: A New Hope
• Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
• Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
• The Clone Wars
• Rebels
• Rogue One
• The Mandalorian
• The Book Of Boba Fett
• Obi-Wan Kenobi
• Ahsoka
I would add 'Rogue One' to your list, which is a very good list btw...
'Rogue One' has more Star Wars-DNA in it than the whole ST together.
@@meesterexit1969 When I see the abbreviation ST I think of Star Trek, not the sequel trilogy necessarily. But I thank you for reminding me of that little movie, yes Rogue One leads right into A New Hope. I am sad that the KK crew chose to kill off the two primary heroes of Rogue One for I would have liked to see them in their own Disney+ series.
what about the book of boba fett?, it takes place right after the mandalorian
@@Samuel_Chilcott okay Sam I thank you for asking.
@@wallacelang1374 no worries
Well Hamil tried to warn us from the Sequel catastrophy
i think carrie fischers hatred for that is really important bc people like to disregard how uncomfortable it was for her for their own pleasure of thinking shes hot. wish people had more respect then and now for the way women are treated in the film industry.
she looks incredibly uncomfortable in that thumbnail photo
Carrie wasn't uncomfortable because the outfit was revealing, she was uncomfortable because the bikini was made of metal which made it uncomfortable for her to sit and she had to move carefully in order to keep her breasts from slipping out.
But Carrie was actually the one who wanted a revealing costume for a change specifically to feel empowered.
@@vetarlittorf1807 4:34 it was both actually
@@freaky1382 It's not actually. Carrie herself has only complained about the discomfort of the outfit itself, she never complained about being half naked. After all, actors are trained to be comfortable with their bodies and prepared to reveal as much as the scene demands.
@@vetarlittorf1807 “It was like, "Where am I in all of this?" ... I have to stay with the slug with the big tongue! Nearly naked, which is not a style choice for me. ... It wasn't my choice. When [director George Lucas] showed me the outfit, I thought he was kidding and it made me very nervous. I had to sit very straight because I couldn't have lines on my sides, like little creases. No creases were allowed, so I had to sit very, very rigid straight.” from her fresh air interview, clearly in the first half she is uncomfortable with the bikini.
“Fisher was not always fond of it, either. In Newsweek in 1999, she said, "I remember that iron bikini I wore in 'Episode VI,' what supermodels will eventually wear in the seventh ring of Hell." She's also said that her favorite moment in the "Star Wars" films was killing Jabba the Hutt.” another interview from insider.
but go off and silence her bc you’re uninformed.
Can we just get a remake of the sequel trilogy like 10 years in the future?
So much of it was a massive heap. Force Awakens paved the way for so much potential… then the later movies wasted it for unnecessary comedy and lots of nostalgia that was slotted in despite not having a reason for being there. So I’ll list the potential that I feel would make great work for a new Sequel trilogy; Finn being force sensitive marking him as the first force-sensitive stormtrooper, along with being an ex-stormtrooper that would carry out his commander’s bidding would be a good point to have some PTSD moments. Rey flipping between the dark side and the light side because of the ambiguity of her origin, sure I’d let the “you’re a Palpatine” thing slide if they committed to her to being a Sith Lord later down the line (keep the yellow lightsaber to symbolize the ambiguity AND the flip-able lightsaber Bo staff, it looked so cool). Ben killing Han could’ve been his breaking point and he would’ve sworn against the First Order in favor of turning to the Resistance, and his mother. General Hux being hailed as a ferocious and feared general for the First Order, especially after the speech and cold look he gave when Starkiller fired it’s laser. Not sure where Snoke would fall in all of this, but I don’t buy him as the type to be a knockoff Palpatine clone or Palpatine apprentice. Luke would need almost no convincing to join the Resistance, especially since his sister and nephew needs help. Plus I feel like we could have some touching moments between Ben and Luke, since Ben would definitely need a lot of comforting and reconciling with the fact that he killed his dad. Also make Poe and Finn boyfriends, I (and Oscar Isaac for that matter) would definitely love that. The bond between those two were definitely strong. Plus I wanna add, slotting in a same sex kiss at the celebration part of the movie is NOT proper LGBTQ+ representation. Poe and Finn would grow deeper and deeper in love with each other as they learn more and more about each other. Poe will be there for Finn when he has his PTSD moments, Finn will be there to help Poe hold back on his cockiness (even though that’ll be one of the reasons he loves him), and their shared bond will be stronger.
EDIT: Definitely just dumped a lot here lol. Any thoughts on this or opinions lmk I wanna see what people think
I’m not reading that
If they can remake the sequels, then they should prolly do the same for the prequels
2:18 a stormtroopers whacks his head on the door
Notice how the most replayed part is 05:01
Thanks for the timestamp
I'm not sure I would have gone from being a boy to being a man had the golden bikini not existed. #RIPLeia
2:18 a stormtrooper hits his head due to lack of vision🤣🤣
Although not technically wrong, as the lightsabre Rey used did belong to Luke, it was also the lightsabre originally constructed by Anakin. It would have been more apt to refer to it as Anakin's. William Na said it first. Subscribe to him. He might make a video.
Now that I have your attention, does anybody else think it was neat that Anakin and Vader's lightsabres look very similar, yet Luke's green lightsabre looks like Obi-Wan's last one?
yeah, that's probably intentional (I mean it makes sense for vader to build one similar to his previous, and luke was influenced heavily by obi-wan)
What? Luke lost Ani’s when he lost his arm. Then made his own green.
But blue? Hmmm. I think i need to rewatchxP
It was the youngling slayer 9000
@@andresaureo and when Luke was about to kill Kylo as a young age Anikan was like
"Keep your eyes focused, arms back, and swing"
Notice how most of these have to do with the sequels😂
And to top it off I believe most if not all the main actors from them have no desire to come back to star wars after the radioactive mess they were both in story and work conditions.
Three were about the original trilogy, three were about the prequels, and four were about the sequels. I guess that meets one definition of "most", but I don't think 40% gets you "most" in most contexts.
@@davidmacy411 I imagine it has more to do with the toxic fans harassing them.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You clicked for the thumbnail
And I did to
Salacious Crumb chewing on Threepio's eye. Anthony Daniels had a full blown panic attack.
mrsundaymovies made a whole video pointing out that the most star wars thing in universe is just murdering any and all animals and creatures in your path with zero regard whatsoever. Even though hamill may not have liked it, that wompa is lucky it wasnt sliced right in 2
Wow, I never knew JJ said that to Daisy. That's pretty harsh considering it was her first day. Yeesh.
Tbf though her acting in the sequals is a bit wooden.
@@oz2362 That's most likely the fault of the director/s though (it is Star Wars after all)-although I thought her performance was fine. Plus again, given it was her first day of shooting, it's just kinda rude.
@@galacticglamourgirl what did he say? (I missed it)
@@The7thFleet He said her acting was wooden on her first day of shooting, and it upset her to the point that she felt like crying.
Mark Hamill saying "Jedis don't give up" is not really something I see in the universe: even Yoda gave up in E3. And even had to be convinced by dead Obi Wan to give the Jedi another chance in E5.
I wouldn’t say yoda gave up, he was beaten, badly. There was no chance he would have survived if he stayed to fight palpatine to the end.
That's total bull shit.
Yoda fled to Dagoba to survive the Jedi's genocide.
That's not giving up, that's choosing to live.
And he was resistant to training Luke, because of his failure in allowing Anakin Skywalker's training at an age where he had already formed attachments.
Yoda had no interest in the extinction of the Jedi one way or another.
Admitting defeat is not the same as, "giving up."
@@Funky_Fabuloso Right, admitting failure is the necessary basis of all future success.
Gotta love that when hovering your cursor over the bar that shows you how much time is left on the video, views increase on the Princess Leia part, LMAO
Liam said he'll never return to the " genre "... apparently Ra Sha Ghul didn't count as Sci Fi
He didn't want to work in FX-heavy, emoting-to-a-tennis-ball filmmaking. I don't think that's what *Batman Begins* was, at least for him. Also, it's "Ra's al Ghul".
Luke didn't want to maim a fake creature but was ok with blowing up a fully built Death Star? that makes zero sense to me
And I forgot that he talks with some random pilot that he used to shoot creatures back home in his skyhook for fun
Mark is really talented but he’s not the brightest bulb in the shack. His opinions can go from ehh to fringe as fuck
I was also sad that the arm was cut off
2-28-22 if Mark Hamel didn't like to cut off the wampas arm, it should of used the force push on the wampa.
OB-1 chopped someone’s arm off defending Luke, so he is definitely hurting a Wampa to survive.
this entire list could just be rise of skywalker change my mind
Headbump yo. Hahahhaahahahha
For the record. Fisher did not hate doing the Slave Leia at the time and was excited to be sexy on screen for the first time. Only later during the "MeTOO" insanity did someone talk her into being offended. This is stupid and everyone is lying to make women into victims.
Chill out, bud. Not everyone is lying. Some people just don't know what they're talking about.
The #Metoo movement began in 2017 whereas there are multiple interviews with Fisher before then where she discusses how uncomfortable the costume was and how unpleasant & isolating the shooting was (since Ford and Hamill were doing their own thing and she got stuck with the Jabba Puppet).
But don't let little things like the linear nature of time get in the way of your Redpilling, my dude.
@@RLplusabunchofdumbnumbers "only later did the Me Too....." the date of filming is irrelevant. Women had such craziness before the movement.
She suffered from an eating disorder and turned to drugs because of the stress. I don’t think the MeTOO movement was the beginning and in interviews predating this event she had already talked about the comments on her weight and how she was insecure.
@@amato0215 Please. Her mom was feeding her cocaine sandwiches at age 4. The eating disorder was from constantly using meth and cocaine so her body did not gain weight and that eating disorder was the public explanation for it all. She grew up with hardcore drug users around her all the time and came through hollywood during the great cocaine explosion of the early 1980s. She liked to party and get high. So be it.
Well, got the theory that Qui Gon will never have live action role again is wrong
Lets be honest. Who als clicked on this video without reading the description Because of the thumbnail.
Thumbnail though corrr
“Attack of the clowns”
How is protecting yourself from an animal that could pull you apart cruel ? Cruel would be , “I want a new carpet , oh look a Wampa “
He could have easily frightened the creature, or used the lightsabre to create a visually stunning, cinematic escape.
We all know we came here because of the thumbnail.
So Luke didn’t want to shoot the wampa Scene cause he thought it was “wampa abuse” I would have Gone for the head if came in contact with a wompa..
I def didnt only click the video for the thumbnail...
Ahem…Anakin’s lightsaber
Also the fact that Luke tried killing his nephew in his sleep... Something he wouldn't do
He thought about it momentarily. He actively tried to kill his father for a minute or two until he snapped out of it. I question that anyone who makes this lame argument understands Luke's character at all. It's stated again and again how much he flirts with the dark side.
3:24 actually it was Anakin's first
Thanks to C.Fisher to decide to do the bikini scene. She was PHENOMENAL
i feel bad for karrey fisher aswell that must be so embarasing knowing 10yolds would see her like that
And now qui gon came back for the finale in the kenobi show
CGI was too early in development/not "realistic" enough to be used that much in the prequals. (Yes I know it was cheaper than elaborate sets) I feel if the used more models for it and stuff it could be better looking, but now that CGI has been around for 40 or so years it is fine.
believe it or not, each sequil used more models than the entire OT. They just used a hell of a lot of cgi on top.
@@wilsmiff3041 Thats interesting. i just think they should have cut back on the CGI on the clones and the backdrops in the jedi temple and stuff.
I find the sequel trilogy worse I than awful but the cast and crew have my respect.
Anybody else hear him call Adam Driver the "Fallen Jedi actor" on #9?
Yeah? He was an actor who portrayed a fallen Jedi. Seems accurate.
the most replayed 😳
I dont know who hated Disney's fuck ups more, the fans, or the actors.
Kylo was a nice antagonist until he put off the mask xD all the sith vibes was gone and a way to teenage boi face was revealed
The logo of this vid is uhhhh ya know what why are people not talking about this
Kylo helmet was naff as was Kylo. You could also see Carrie hated being in that bikini.
,...and yet Snokes death, Leia in the gold bikini, and Last Jedi Luke are some of the best parts of the saga. Funny how that is. 😁
Honestly through, Luke in last Jedi is way better than people say he is.
@@frde2190 I like him much more than Return of the Jedi Luke.
@@lookingforwookiecopilot fair enough I guess, I prefer old Luke but I think it was an interesting way to take his character
I liked Snoke's death, it shows his arrogance (inline with the dark side) that he was too powerful not to see a betrayal coming...
6:55 about that
Hi how’s it going
that is not "Luke Skywalker's blue lightsaber" That is Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber
God loves you
i llike how he said in the snoke death scene luke skywalker's lightsaber have you heard of anakin skywalker
I was perfectly good with how Luke turns out. Trauma, especially long term trauma, changes people.
Luke had PTSD and wanted to end it all!!!
Was he even changed, though? He's always had a streak of the dark side in him. The original trilogy is pretty explicit about it.
To be honest, I only clicked on this video because Slave Leia is in the thumbnail.
If you've seen Star Wars I, you've seen the other 10+ films. And now that the suits at Disney are milking this aging cow of a franchise, we can all move on to something new. Anyone up for "Shrek the Musical"?
I guess Adam Driver didn't like to wear a shirt as well
I just noticed a resemblance between Adam Driver and Justin Trudeau!
Maybe it's not a coincidence?
have to say i love the star wars movies and found this video interesting. having said that the world is filled with people working in much worse conditions for decades of their lives for much much much less money it is really hard to pity or feel sorry for actors who got paid millions and sometimes tens of millions to be "uncomfortable" for a few months at a time. part of me says good work enjoyed the film another part of me says quite your complaining you got paid damn good money for your discomfort. if they dont like doing CGI or tough working conditions then get movie parts in dramas and romantic comedies.
I mean to be fair though, Actors don't really have many openings, at least the less common ones, some succeed and some don't, But I can tell the conflict is raging on within you, the light and dark fighting over for control of you, both telling you to resist the other and telling you to give in to them, but no matter which side you choose, there is no sign of peace, for it is the Will of the Force
Harrison Ford. All of them...
Mark, it wasn't our Luke either.
Hamil should have walked rather than perform Rian Johnson's character assassination.
You mean there's actually movies after Revenge of the Sith?
No there's only 6 films
@@unoriginalcontent237 oh thank god, that scared me
@@novicejaguar3339 np
@@unoriginalcontent237 hm
@@novicejaguar3339 hm
Harrison Ford didn't like playing Han Solo
... is not a flesh of mine you looking for..
i fisher had a bad time i imagine the actress that play the slave twi'lek
@@Timien actress
ye lol oola was a bit far
I’ve watched all of them
im sorry anakins lightsaber
What is a surprise of course A lot of them are from the sequel trilogy
when the fk luke had his own blue light saber? obi wan gave him the weapon of anakin
I get why fisher didn’t like the bikini