He has the same exact laugh as the laugh that is all throughout the game, just deeper and more menacing, but it's nearly exact. The Get Out thing is just a guess but, to be honest, who else could it be?
The "Get out" guy is an enemy called Krosshair, which is almost never seen throughout the DK games, he was in one of the DK country games aswell. There are pictures on how he supposedly looks. The ghost of this video is someone else.
Between the dark game over screen, the get out voice, Dugadon's second boss battle, and this, it was like it was rare’s top priority to give kids nightmares with this game.
This needs to be a ride at a theme park, with some well-done special effects it would the scariest and best thrill ride ever. Imagine the ghost popping up ahead of you in pure darkness, and swinging his claws at you..yikes!
Jupiter9099 Yeah this so needs to be a new theme park ride because it would be the coolest awesome and scary good new theme park ride ever with really cool special effects and sounds especially with the Creepy Ghost Crocodile popping out and swinging his claws at you I would totally ride a new theme park ride like that
I can remember as a kid the first time I played this mini-game I thought "this is so cool", but then I kept losing and eventually I was yelling stuff at the TV like "STOP TAKING MY COINS YOU BASTARD". Luckily I eventually beat the game.
Diddy: Classic Donkey Kong Country Minecart level, with a great modern coat of paint. Chunky: More modern looking Mine, also explores the forest in a pretty day setting, and a much more dangerous, storming night. Donkey: LITERALLY GOES TO HELL.
That could’ve been a good fight, a mine cart based boss. King Cut-Out was a very frustrating and gimmicky battle I thought, but it was neat that all the Kongs can be used
That “Get Out!” Is the most shocking, and this is the scariest part of the game. The creepiest is the interior parts of this level where there’s that moaning in the background
@@George-zk4nv honestly, I actually want this on the N64 online, sure I can't stand the backtracking & beaver bother bonus but I'd actually enjoyed the game 😅
Man... i STILL REMEMBER.. .the fucking commercials for this game, and seeing the ghost ( 0:30 ) and thinking that it would be a boss fight... I was so convinced THIS HAD to be a bad ass boss fight... got the game on Christmas and played the hell out of DK64, finally got to creepy castle, gave the Pig the bananas to open the boss door or whatever, and man... I was like "OH BOY HERE COMES THAT COOL BOSS FIGHT" and man...... i got baited so hard LOL. It was that dumbass Giant cardboard cutout K.Rool fight. So lame. LOL
This game was so legendary n64 upgraded with a expansion pack in order to play it🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 rareware dont ever forget we love u thank u for your work in this game....
The requirement to pass is MUCH easier than I remember it, I remembered it being 70 coins instead of 25. It was especially fun to play this at night to get the perfect atmosphere and appreciate the richness of the colors in the darker areas.
in Beta of the game the demand for first mine cart was actually 70 coins instead of the 50. so its possible when this was in Beta stage, they demanded 50 coins. But due to difficulty its good its only 25.
Tell me about it. I'm a big horror fan, and I play Silent Hill, Siren and Project Zero (Fatal Frame) with lights off. But there's something about the creepy moments in Nintendo games that keeps sending chills down my spine. I just say Majora's Mask and Animal Crossing (yes, even that one can get really creepy at times).
Nuclear-Skull87 I sure wish the Resident Demon Crocodile Ghost had been the Creepy Castle boss because he matches Creepy Castle to a T and he's actually perfect for the Creepy Castle boss.
I hear something that sounds like an air-raid siren whenever you enter any tunnel that doesn't have Kackle in it, what is that noise (Not the laughing tombstones)
I used project64 + IZ3D drivers to play this level on my 3D TV (SBS 3D). The results are incredible. Back when this game came out, I had always wanted to see ghost in 3D, thankfully that dream came true. I do wonder though if it's possible to play the original console on a CRT and view it in 3D somehow.. they do sell emitters, but the console would have to have been capable of 3D, unless it does some kind of hocus pocus by sending two signals? can't be sure... someone out there knows.
I can't listen to this music anymore without thinking about Painis Cupcake
Me too fuck that guy and pony gal to hell
Especially when he Übercharges
@@GeneralHeavy yeah well rubber fruit got away with this mediocre n64 music of dk64
MeeMFromHH i will eat you :D
Same with the other theme. Lol
*Little did they know that he was actually running from Painis Cupcake*
edp445 like cupcakes
Hearing this all the time in Hard Rain after installing the Painis Cupcake mod really scares me lol.
I am painis cupcake,I Will eat You.
He will eat you
An self-Übercharged mad Painis Cupcake
I think we found the 'Get Out!' Guy
As well as the guy who's evil laugh plagues the game
This guy haunted all our childhoods.
That's King K. Kool Laugh Slowed Down.
He has the same exact laugh as the laugh that is all throughout the game, just deeper and more menacing, but it's nearly exact. The Get Out thing is just a guess but, to be honest, who else could it be?
The "Get out" guy is an enemy called Krosshair, which is almost never seen throughout the DK games, he was in one of the DK country games aswell. There are pictures on how he supposedly looks. The ghost of this video is someone else.
The Ghost with the claws in this video is called The Resident Demon.
yeah! our childhood butt really from weird haunting shit!
Between the dark game over screen, the get out voice, Dugadon's second boss battle, and this, it was like it was rare’s top priority to give kids nightmares with this game.
"I am Painis Cupcake!" "I will eat you!"
I don't get it
This part scared the hell out of me when I was a little kid
Which part?
@@George-zk4nv the mine cart minigame
@@SkyhawkJD I see.
This needs to be a ride at a theme park, with some well-done special effects it would the scariest and best thrill ride ever. Imagine the ghost popping up ahead of you in pure darkness, and swinging his claws at you..yikes!
Universal's Horror Nights should take notes
Universal Studios is making a Nintendo-themed area. You never know what they might do :P
Jupiter9099 Yeah this so needs to be a new theme park ride because it would be the coolest awesome and scary good new theme park ride ever with really cool special effects and sounds especially with the Creepy Ghost Crocodile popping out and swinging his claws at you I would totally ride a new theme park ride like that
@@katelynbodiford5680 My sister shit her pants when she saw the Resident Demon. She shoved the controller in my hands when she saw him.
I can remember as a kid the first time I played this mini-game I thought "this is so cool", but then I kept losing and eventually I was yelling stuff at the TV like "STOP TAKING MY COINS YOU BASTARD". Luckily I eventually beat the game.
lol this level gave me nightmares when i was a kid.. i did not expect this level to be dat scary haha
Mob_Tatted This would be a great new theme park ride
Well, It’s called *Creepy* Castle
@@katelynbodiford5680 It sure would!
I agree especially with The Ghost Crocodile used in it.
those tombstones that keep impeding your progress represent everyone painis cupcake has eaten
Wait a minute.....
Your next line is "I am Painis Cupcake! I will eat you!", isn't it?
Look alive people. We're now entering the lair of Painis Cupcake.
What are you smoking?
little did he know he was actually running from Panis Cupcake >:)
Not gonna lie, this was REALLY scary (and intense) to me when I first played this.
0:14 Painis Cupcake theme thank me later
What are you smoking?
The theme got to
Mr incredible turns into a hamster
running from painis cupcake be like
What are you even smoking?
I actually love mine cart levels! They’re so intense and scary at the same time!
Like Mine Cart Carnage, and Mine Cart Madness.
Diddy: Classic Donkey Kong Country Minecart level, with a great modern coat of paint.
Chunky: More modern looking Mine, also explores the forest in a pretty day setting, and a much more dangerous, storming night.
Frightening. I can see DK being scared out of his _mind_ when the Resident Demon pops up.
Painis Cupcake from TF2 brought us here.
Ah yes, The Resident Demon Mine-cart Challenge. Good to see you again old friend.
This really needs to be a theme park ride at Super Nintendo World.
Never played this game before but this level looks scary and I love it!!!
THIS should have been the boss of Creepy Castle, although the King Kut Out fight was hilarious
That could’ve been a good fight, a mine cart based boss. King Cut-Out was a very frustrating and gimmicky battle I thought, but it was neat that all the Kongs can be used
.....Damn gravestones... Now I remember why I NEVER went back to this stage...
Please tell me I wasn't the only one creeped out by this as well as the random GET OUT! as a kid
That “Get Out!” Is the most shocking, and this is the scariest part of the game. The creepiest is the interior parts of this level where there’s that moaning in the background
@@roddydykes7053 Facts, Rareware knew how to jumpscare kids big time 😅
How would you feel if this gets back into N64 Nintendo Switch Online?
@@George-zk4nv honestly, I actually want this on the N64 online, sure I can't stand the backtracking & beaver bother bonus but I'd actually enjoyed the game 😅
Hey look the ghost crocodile is Kackle
Equally the scariest and most fun part of the game.
I need a rom hack of this game with painis cupcake as a boss
Why? That sounds stupid
I didn’t play DK64. I was stupid back then lol
Mr incredible's becoming scared
first painis cupcake, now the betrayal incident.
what betreyal
@@Another_Dusk trollge incident
Painis Cupcake brought me here. still played this first tho.
Run Donkey Kong, Painis Cupcake are going to eat u
What are you smoking?
@@AgentYTOfficial That explains a lot because you are definitely making things up.
Idk how I was not scared of this as a kid
When I listen to this song,it reminds me of a certain spawn camping soldier in tf2
painis cupcake rage theme
*eats slowly*
When you make Painis Cupcake angry.
This was real terror.
Man... i STILL REMEMBER.. .the fucking commercials for this game, and seeing the ghost ( 0:30 ) and thinking that it would be a boss fight... I was so convinced THIS HAD to be a bad ass boss fight... got the game on Christmas and played the hell out of DK64, finally got to creepy castle, gave the Pig the bananas to open the boss door or whatever, and man... I was like "OH BOY HERE COMES THAT COOL BOSS FIGHT" and man...... i got baited so hard LOL. It was that dumbass Giant cardboard cutout K.Rool fight. So lame. LOL
When you hear Painis Cupcake :
What are you smoking?
pov: unfortunate son rage (panic attack warning)
Oh some roblox kid here 😅
@@ripdvnice joke, 1 year ago i was only 9, now im T E E N
@@lamminh2128 Oh u growing son!
I just wish there were more mine cart mini-games, because kids would lose their minds and go crazy crazy!
This game was so legendary n64 upgraded with a expansion pack in order to play it🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 rareware dont ever forget we love u thank u for your work in this game....
The requirement to pass is MUCH easier than I remember it, I remembered it being 70 coins instead of 25. It was especially fun to play this at night to get the perfect atmosphere and appreciate the richness of the colors in the darker areas.
in Beta of the game the demand for first mine cart was actually 70 coins instead of the 50. so its possible when this was in Beta stage, they demanded 50 coins. But due to difficulty its good its only 25.
I love it when Resident Demon is shown in POV as he's shooting out fireballs at you.
"Did you enjoy the ride, Donkey?"
Donkey Kong: YEAH!
And his name is painis cupcake
George zk4
Everyone: *gasps and runs screaming in terror*
You’re telling me K. Rool had this guy on his payroll but the goons went with King Kut Out as the boss for this world?
Eh, he must be a freelancer.
"Creepy?" 😱
I never done this part back when I had DK64, but this reminds me of the Haunted Hall stage of DKC 2.
So much for a creepy gravestone's laugh.
People before : this is a cool music
People now : this is the music of phase 6 of Mr incredible becoming scared template
Even at age 27, I would not play this at night! For a kid's game that's saying a lot!
Tell me about it. I'm a big horror fan, and I play Silent Hill, Siren and Project Zero (Fatal Frame) with lights off. But there's something about the creepy moments in Nintendo games that keeps sending chills down my spine. I just say Majora's Mask and Animal Crossing (yes, even that one can get really creepy at times).
I agree!
Rare had a way of successfully inserting creepy subjects into their games.
Nuclear-Skull87 I sure wish the Resident Demon Crocodile Ghost had been the Creepy Castle boss because he matches Creepy Castle to a T and he's actually perfect for the Creepy Castle boss.
I wasn't scared. XD And I'm 26 years young.
Painis cupcake is at 4:45 your welcome
But the video's over by then.
The #6 Runaway Guys Fan r/woooosh
Brayden Cook the video is 4:43 long so what do you mean?
I think you mean 0:14
This drives me crazy
DK64 one of the best games on the N64. They should have had more mine cart games
now why wasn't this ghost Kremling the boss for creppy castle instead of that k rool cut out we got?
Painis Cupcake’s rampage
I hear something that sounds like an air-raid siren whenever you enter any tunnel that doesn't have Kackle in it, what is that noise (Not the laughing tombstones)
Kevin Broderick This should be a theme park ride it's perfect for a new scary theme park ride
Two words: AWESOME and YIKES!
Damn. I really wanted them to play Tocatta’s Fugue in D Minor on this stage!
This part reminds me so much of Resident Evil.
I had no idea there was a Minecraft in this part of the game
Kackle's brother.
Rustom Khan
Yeah meet Kackle's Big Brother.
Remind Luigi never to go here.
And you thought insanity was crazy!
Happy Halloween
Mr incredible becoming scared was one of these
I used project64 + IZ3D drivers to play this level on my 3D TV (SBS 3D). The results are incredible. Back when this game came out, I had always wanted to see ghost in 3D, thankfully that dream came true. I do wonder though if it's possible to play the original console on a CRT and view it in 3D somehow.. they do sell emitters, but the console would have to have been capable of 3D, unless it does some kind of hocus pocus by sending two signals? can't be sure... someone out there knows.
Why wasn't this the boss of Creepy Castle, this is more intense and scary than King Kut Out!!
(laughing maniacally)
I miss that instrument they used to use for this soundtrack
What instrument would that be?
A synthesizer?
So this the original song of painis cupcake from tf2 freak fortress 2 the demon resisdent minecart i do not know how to spell lol
MaheGamingR Ichimaru This is before TF2
Sir Kinsella98 Oh
Actually, it's the door creaking open. I thought it was an alarm too.
this actually sounds fun lol
Today, February 21, it's the 10th anniversary of this video!!
Even I wasnt born in 1999.
OMG this looks hard!
1 of Your Average Jinjo’s highlights of 🎃 2021.
The morgue shouldn’t have been in this game. I heard those moans in the middle of the night.
Mr. incredible becoming scared
11,419 懐かしい beloved old longed-for (2017/01/05 10:12:52)
I am painis cupcake...
I never got round to playing this game
Is it just me or do the tombstones sound like John Cleese?
+Karen Melton One of the members of the Monty Python sketch group
+Joey De Gore He also played R/Q in James Bond for a bit.
Jesus, Rare.
Painis cupcake
Insert comment about the shovel from bloody battle here
Sound like mr incredible becoome scared
What the hell are people on about in the comments? Painis Cupcake?
Sounds like a load of crap to me.
it's an old tf2 meme
I can't see shit