Recently got into building quadcopters and have bought a 2 axis gimbal to go on the X8 I have built. Noticed your name on the PCB and it has opened up a whole other world as to what I will be able. There is just so much information to explore. Thanks!
This is really interesting. Thanks for sharing the video and all the files. I wonder if we'd be better off making a new transmitter from the ground up. Rather than having to take turns with the rx and tx signals, it seems like there would be an advantage to making a transmitter with bidirectional communication built in. Again, thanks for sharing your work with us. I look forward to looking through your Github documents.
many thx for the kind words. It indeed could be interesting to do a new transmitter. I'm not sure if from ground up, but PCBs to replace the original ones look doable. Using more modern mcus than the F4 like F7 or H7 would open many options.
Recently got into building quadcopters and have bought a 2 axis gimbal to go on the X8 I have built. Noticed your name on the PCB and it has opened up a whole other world as to what I will be able. There is just so much information to explore. Thanks!
my pleasure :) thx for your feedback.
what is the logic analyzer you use around 11' ?
I really enjoy your Channel
great to hear, many thx for the feedback :)
This is really interesting. Thanks for sharing the video and all the files.
I wonder if we'd be better off making a new transmitter from the ground up. Rather than having to take turns with the rx and tx signals, it seems like there would be an advantage to making a transmitter with bidirectional communication built in.
Again, thanks for sharing your work with us. I look forward to looking through your Github documents.
many thx for the kind words. It indeed could be interesting to do a new transmitter. I'm not sure if from ground up, but PCBs to replace the original ones look doable. Using more modern mcus than the F4 like F7 or H7 would open many options.