Can You Get Your Ex Back If They Ghosted You?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 141

  • @saranyagarikapati2422
    @saranyagarikapati2422 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Hey Brad I wanted to say you’ve been doing gods work for me over the past month. I’ve been leaving so many questions under all your videos and you’ve been amazing and answered them all calming my anxiety down. I don’t know if any of this is actually going to work but you’ve been helping me get through this.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks. Glad I was able to help!

  • @mukulhembrom
    @mukulhembrom ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I think she is not coming back ever 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorry to hear that. This vid should confirm it: so if you're having a hard time moving on from this, this video is for you: And if you're still having a hard time, this should help you understand why in order to understand what you're going through: or get my latest e-book Beat the Breakup at

  • @darthvaydr
    @darthvaydr ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hey Brad, my ex and I dated for nine months and were in a serious relationship up until the break up. We only had five conflicts during that nine month span, which all of them could’ve been avoided but she’s overly sensitive and made them bigger than what they were. But other than that over the course of nine months, I thought that we had a great relationship. We had the same things in common, we had great times together and I felt that she loved me. And I would tell her every day how beautiful she was, I would tell her that I loved her every day, every night before she went to bed I would ask her to check the doors to her house to make sure that everything was locked. I’m definitely not perfect but I thought that I was a great boyfriend.
    During our last conflict, I was joking around with her and she took it the wrong way. She had this idea in her head that I did not care about her feelings which I did, and I thought that I had shown her but I guess not in the way that she wanted me to? After that conflict she blocked and ghosted me the very next day without telling me that she was ending the relationship. Poof, she was gone with no explanation.
    I have not reached out to her, or even tried to because I saw that she had me blocked on Facebook her the day after we stopped talking and I’m not chasing after somebody that doesn’t want me and if they block me, that tells me that they don’t want me. But I miss her terribly and still love her.
    About three weeks ago, I left my house and she passed me as I was leaving. She lives about a half mile from my house. I know that she saw me because she unblocked me on Facebook that same night and kept me unblocked for about four days, but then blocked me again and she’s had me blocked since.
    During that time I still did not reach out nor did she. I feel that if someone leaves me for no justifiable reason, I’m definitely not pushing myself on them.
    Based on what I’ve told you, what are your thoughts about her eventually trying to reach out to me?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      That's still one too many conflicts considering how you're supposed to be on this honeymoon stage since your relationship is new. I suggest you try to get to the bottom of what it is you always both disagree on. Fighting is often unavoidable, but when it becomes too much, it’s time to nip the problem in the bud if you still can. So it's either that or you go on a break and discuss the logistics as well as how it should go and how long it should be. What were you two fighting or arguing about? It's best to consider the relationship overall first, so watch this: Anyways it's best to give it time because all this arguing had taken a toll in your relationship. This may help: Perhaps you've both argued more than you had a good time with each other? It could also be you're too incompatible or stubborn to meet each other halfway. If the negatives outweigh the positives in the relationship, that's when an imbalance happens and the relationship will keel over wherein one or both people will likely abandon ship, as the case with your ex. It's time to reset things. Start with the 30-day "no contact" rule to get your ex into a psychological neutral. Here's how it can help you:

    • @darthvaydr
      @darthvaydr ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning Thanks for your reply Brad. So the first argument that we had was when she told me that her sister was keeping tabs on her ex-boyfriends Facebook page and keeping her posted on what he was doing. They had dated for a year but didn’t see each other often and they had been broken up for about three months before her and I met. This first argument happened about 3 months in to our relationship. All I asked her was why was her sister obsessed with her ex boyfriend and keeping tabs on him and telling her what he was doing. She had mentioned at one time that her sister and told her something that he had done on Facebook and I’ll let it slide. But then she brought it up again and that’s what caused this argument. I told her that I felt it was disrespectful that her sister was telling her what her ex-boyfriend was doing when she was in a relationship with someone else. It was disrespectful towards me and it wasn’t right for her to be telling her sister what was going on while she was in a relationship with someone else.
      Our first argument came about three months after that. She was really busy during the day and she was going to come over that night. She had been a little edgy with me for a couple of days before this happened and I didn’t understand what was going on, but I thought she was just having a bad day. I asked her if she was wanting to me to start dinner early so when she came over most of the cooking would be done. When we would get together on the weekends we would cook together. She got really snappy with me at that point saying that it seemed like I wanted to eat early when I told her that I didn’t care what time we ate I just needed to know what time she’s going to come over so I can prepare dinner and have a timeframe. When she got snappy, I asked her what her problem was. She did not like me asking her that and she said she didn’t have a problem. I didn’t hear from her for about three hours and she wrote me and asked if we were still going to get together for dinner and I told her that if she wanted to. She then went on and started telling me that the one phrase that triggers are as whenever I ask her what her problem was. Then I just roll downhill from there. I tried to explain to her that I was just trying to help her out because I knew she was busy all that day and I was going to get a head start on dinner so it would be close to being ready by the time she got over to my house. After a bit of arguing back-and-forth, I told her that both of us just needed to calm down. We eventually made up about an hour later and she came over.
      Our third argument happened about 2 months later. And believe it or not, it was over Star Wars lol we were watching Star Wars and I had mentioned how I didn’t care for the new Star Wars movies because they tried to make men look weak and women look more powerful when everything should be equal. She took that kind of personal and try to turn it into making me sound like I was putting women down. It was totally ridiculous and blown way out of proportion.
      Our fourth argument happened about three weeks after that. There was a festival here in town and I had started asking her about a month beforehand if she wanted to go. I asked her six or seven times and she never gave me a straight answer. I ended up going with my kids and she didn’t go. After the festival was over that weekend I was a little down because she didn’t go with me. She asked me what was wrong and I told her that I didn’t know if she didn’t go because she couldn’t go or if she didn’t go because she didn’t want to because it was a German festival and she said that she didn’t like German food, although they had many other different types of fair foods and such there. She started telling me stuff that she didn’t tell me before as to why she couldn’t go. I felt that the whole reason why she didn’t go is because of the food. If she would’ve just communicated with me and told me what was going on before all this happened we never would’ve had this argument. I completely would’ve understood. I only got to see her every Friday and Saturday during the whole nine months that we were dating. She has a special-needs son, and her mother that is an alcoholic lives with her. I understood completely that she had other issues going on and I never complained about anything. I did start telling her at one point that I wanted to start spending more time together, even if it was for me to come over to her house. But she was too embarrassed for me to come over there most of the time because her mom was always drinking. My ex girlfriend also had a slight drinking problem, but she never was strung out drunk like her mom would get.
      Our last fall out happened three weeks after that. That was when we were planning on going to the OSU/OU bedlam game. Our last conflict happened on the morning of Tuesday, November 15. The night before, we were talking about going to the OU/OSU game that coming Saturday and I told her that it would be really cold outside but I was still willing to go if she was. She said that she thought about selling the tickets, but she was still thinking about it. I told her that if she still wanted to go that I was game for it. The next morning, she sent me a screenshot of some handwarmers from Amazon and said that she had just bought those. I sent a 😆. She then replied “why laugh?“ Then I said “because I can and you can’t do anything about it with a 😛emoji”. I was just joking around with her and I thought that it was cute. Is she went out of her way to do that for us. She immediately replied “I’ll just cancel the order then“. I then told her that I was just joking around and I didn’t mean any harm by it. She stated that I hurt her feelings and I kept explaining to her that I was not meaning for it to be harmful but she was so focused on her feelings being hurt that she wasn’t listening to me. I then told her that I wasn’t going to joke around with her anymore because whenever I did she would get upset and turn it around on me, and made me feel like I was a bad person. She just then said something to the effect that what I said wasn’t unintentional, But I was mad because she has feelings. I never heard from her again after that. The next day around 3 PM, I noticed that she had blocked me on Facebook. She never told me that we were breaking up or anything. She just blocked and ghosted me. No explanation.
      Sorry that I getting so much detail about this Brad. When I reflect back, maybe I should’ve let some of this slide, but there’s a part of me that feels like she needed to know when I was upset about stuff so we can talk about it, but she would seem like she would immediately get on the defensive when I would want to talk to her about my feelings about things such as these arguments over texting. I know texting isn’t the best way to solve things when you’re having issues.
      But other than these situations that we had, I feel that we had a pretty solid relationship. We always had a good time together outside of these five spots that we had. I told her all the time how beautiful she was, every night I would tell her to check the doors before she went to bedbecause I wanted her to be safe, I would always complement her on her food, which she never would believe me when I would tell her that she was a good cook. It seem like she struggled with believing things that I would tell her when they’d be compliments. I always told her that I loved her. Anytime she needed me for some thing I would drop what I was doing and would go to her rescue for things because that’s where you’re supposed to do.
      I felt like the fights could could’ve all been avoided if we would’ve been adults and tried to talk about them without flying off the handle.
      And as you read in the past message that I sent you, she did unblock me on Facebook about three weeks ago when we passed each other going down the street but then she re-blocked me again four days later. We have been in no contact ever since November 15. I was going to reach out to her a couple of days later after we first started talking so we could talk about things but since she had me blocked, I felt that she didn’t wanna talk to me so I haven’t tried to text her on her phone or anything.

  • @siladityamukherjee4663
    @siladityamukherjee4663 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey Brad, i was in a relationship for 2 months and ot was perfect because it felt straight out of the romantic novels, the thing is she is supposed to move out of the country, one thursday she says that she is going to love me forever and the very next saturday she broke up with me stating her bestfriend made her realize she is unfair to me, after 2 weeks of asking her to come back, meeting me, talking to me everything went in vain, i asked her in our last conversation if intimacy could fix she left me on seen and never responded to me again, honestly its killing me because at the end she also told me the reason to end this was something else and the fact she is not responding its getting too difficult

  • @gregepps1669
    @gregepps1669 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good morning,
    I really needed to see this video.
    My ex girlfriend friend and I have broken up for 18 months, and she has been in new relationship for over a year.
    However since March, my ex girlfriend and I have been texting and talking on the phone. Matter of fact she has reached out to me on Father's Day and 4th July. On occasion she asked me, have a thought about her during the break up. She also agreed to meet me for coffee, but she postponed the coffee meet.
    As I mentioned she reached out to me on Father's Day and the 4th July. However my birthday was in July, but she didn't reach out. Matter of fact I haven't heard from her in over 2 weeks.
    I'm so over her!! I've blocked her!! She is so immature!!

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi there! Yes, if she's been in a relationship for over a year, it's usually best to move on from it.

  • @CodyHaskins-j6e
    @CodyHaskins-j6e 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My ex broke up with me at the beginning of October i heard from her around Thanksgiving she said i needed to fix everything and said i left without paying her bills for her house and said i needed to pay her back before she trusts me again but said we would work on things slowly after i payed her back and i ended up moving from Illinois to Florida to get away from her during the breakup she ended up ghosting me after talking a few days she offered starting as friends from long distance and I said that it wouldn't be authentic to how i felt we were together nearly 3 years she ghosted me on the 28th of November she ended up getting me to beg and plead, but now she posts different on social media more then she has in the past and its mostly about her worth and trying to get men and posting she has a lot going on in her inbox on social media i dont know what to think about it it doesn't make any sense to me

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry to hear that. A long distance relationship is not easy to maintain, especially if you two had a weak foundation where you don't get to spend time with each other much in person. Not to state the obvious, but the distance is often the main culprit. Watch/review and apply the pointers here first: and/or However, if you believe your situation is unique and there may still be a chance between you two, then let's take a look at your situation in-depth via my one-on-one coaching session at

  • @saranyagarikapati2422
    @saranyagarikapati2422 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Please can you give me tips on what to do after the first conversation after no contact. Like how often do I message him, what do I do if he doesn’t initiate conversations, when do I ask to meet etc.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      This is something I discussed here: but for a full step-by-step process on what to do, I suggest you check out my Ex Factor Guide at Take care!

  • @heydio5
    @heydio5 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    270 days are coming up.
    In this time I have tried the NC and decided to do small gestures to show her I'm not mad or anything.
    She still have my stuff and wears a ring I bought her and during events stares. But won't find a way to talk to me.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      270 days of what? Trying to get your ex back? Never wait around for anyone. Watch this: Give each other space, yes, but put some boundaries up especially as to when and how long you'd try but also don't rush it. It's complicated to explain it all in one go but my updated 2.0 version Ex Factor Guide should give you a step-by-step process on how to go about it. In the meantime, here's a quick overview: Best of luck!

  • @khushijain8904
    @khushijain8904 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He is not breakup with you not block you but never text or call you if you do he will avoid your calls and serious text message why he is doing that

  • @kyeongmin9396
    @kyeongmin9396 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey Brad! Love your videos, they're super helpful!
    My gf broke up with me last week (we were together for 8 months). She told me early on in the relationship that she will never get back with an ex, and that she has never done that before in her previous 2 relationships. When she broke up with me, she also reiterated this point again "You know I never get back together with exes right? I have never done it and never will". It seems like it's a principle of hers, and she's also a very stubborn person so I don't imagine she'd change her mind. Does this mean that I should probably give up? I also saw on Instagram yesterday night that she went to a big party with a bunch of friends and seemed really happy, which made me think that she's already moved on.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You can still play your cards right regardless and see if you could be an exception. However, in an 8-month relationship that's highly unlikely to be honest. But if you still wanna try then if you're done with the "no contact" phase and therefore had sent one of these text messages for re-establishing contact, give your ex time to warm up slowly to you. Don't expect one text to work magic because it simply doesn't work that way. Getting an ex back is a process, therefore, learn to be patient and like I said, give her time to actually come close to you. She can't do that if you keep chasing her. Makes sense? Also, this may help:

  • @cboymemes5181
    @cboymemes5181 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi Brad, It's been 4 days since we broke up and since I started my No contact. it seems to me that my ex does not miss me at all and is not even sad, she deleted me everywhere, even the photos where we are together. earlier we already broke up due to the fact that I paid little attention to her, but this time we broke up because, as she says, she cannot give me as much love as I give her, and this puts pressure on her. I just want to know if it's possible that she doesn't miss me and no contact won't work?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      It could be your ex's way of coping from heartbreak. Maybe stop trying to look at your ex's profile/messages/snaps, posts, etc.? An essential part of the "no contact" rule is to turn your focus inwards for a good 30 days straight, and looking at what your ex is doing and whatnot largely deviates from that point, don't you think? Discussed that here, too:

  • @yeahhbuddddyyy3040
    @yeahhbuddddyyy3040 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What do i do? She over the past 6 months broken up now the past month has been saying she loves me, wants me, and we have slept together and she said she wants more..... then out of the blue 2 days later says she needs space and that she is hurt? Whats she hurt about i havent even done anything wrong...ive been nothing but loving.

    • @truthcoreblog
      @truthcoreblog ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was in a similar situation, she doesn’t love you. She just wants to fill a void that she has, hard pill to swallow but your life will be a lot easier if you do

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Here's a more suitable vid for you:

  • @ladystatic5290
    @ladystatic5290 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi @BradBrowning so my boyfriend broke up with me and we're currently on day 8 of no contact. Earlier I just so happened to walk past him on my way home from work. When he was walking towards me he was laughing and smiling (he had his headphones on and was on the phone) and when he noticed me (I was smiling and laughing as well) he stopped smiling and looked me up and down and said "hi" and I said it back and we went our separate ways. What could this behavior potentially mean?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Nothing other than he wasn't really expecting to see you. This is a common reaction especially if the breakup is still fresh.

  • @klscriviner
    @klscriviner ปีที่แล้ว

    How could he do this to me 😞
    I got a heart of gold me, never hurt a fly and I am always the one that gets hurt. Help. I like him x

    • @klscriviner
      @klscriviner ปีที่แล้ว

      I love him x

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorry to hear that. Relationships teach us lessons. He may just be a lesson learned. Do better next time, yeah? Take care!

    • @klscriviner
      @klscriviner ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning I just don't understand it. I don't think I will till I get to talk to him but I don't know how long that'll be. I'm not mivering but I just want to get to the bottom of it. Its left me confused, hurt and made me an emotional wreak. Thing is people get involved that doesn't help! Other people need to butt really. Tell me I'm going mad here but surely that's what any decent human being would do ?

  • @garyrobinson8665
    @garyrobinson8665 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Brad I've been ghosted just over a week ago. I think it's because I told her I'm not going to buy her anymore gifts specifically it was a cd I refused to buy her. Pathetic I know. I've bought her many gifts in the past. Maybe she was using me. She was butthurt but I've finally put my foot down. Four years wasted. If she reaches out should I let it slide or not give her another chance. I'm really annoyed with her. She might do this again.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry to hear that, man. Yes, just make sure you take it as a lesson learned and don't make unnecessary sacrifices, whether you end up fixing things with your ex or you get with someone totally new.

  • @alistair158
    @alistair158 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Brad I have a question about emotional neutrality, you say indifference is the opposite of love right? So why on earth would I want to use no contact and bring upon indifference? If she has enough time to feel indifferent about me then the connection is lost? If love is the only thing holding a relationship together then why risk losing it because once emotional neutrality has been achieved then what incentive is there to even try to bring it back? Especially when we both might be too scared to re-engage in something that is so hard to break away from? Thanks for reading.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      She won't feel indifferent about you AFTER 30 days without contact...unless this was a fling you're talking about or a casual hookup. Otherwise she just needs a little time and space. So as not to be repetitive, please watch this free full length vid presentation to understand how this goes, at

    • @alistair158
      @alistair158 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@BradBrowning No 3 years we were living together, working together, sex almost every night, things were amazing and nearly every day she's trying to call me but I thought the point of no contact is to feel indifferent through emotional neutrality???

  • @KayMoh
    @KayMoh ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Brad, my ex boyfriend and I had been in a mutually exclusive relationship for 2 years before he ghosted me about a month ago, and in my scenario, all seemed well, so I was totally blindsided by it. Well I went off the rails and tried to contact him on almost all his social media platforms for 2 weeks and I stopped trying to contact him only after two weeks of getting no response from him. It's really hard going through this process.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry but that's not a good sign. Was there a fight shortly before he disappeared? If your ex has ghosted you or blocked you everywhere where contact is impossible and you can't text/call/email even though a lot of time has already passed (i.e: more than 6 months), then I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it may be over for good. It's one of the things I've discussed here:

    • @KayMoh
      @KayMoh ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning There was no fight. Everything was fine the night before I got ghosted.

  • @dpaklakshman9448
    @dpaklakshman9448 ปีที่แล้ว

    Brad post some video to get back ex after a year of breakup if possible!

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Watch this first to help set your expectations: and look out for the signs that your ex has moved on: If you see only one or zero signs, then this vid is for you: If the conditions are right, then make sure you tick off the checklist here as well: It's important to rebuild the attraction naturally so your ex will be amenable to working things out, eventually. This is what my guide is for but you can also learn the basic principles of my 3R system here and watch the vid til' the end so you don't end up missing the important points: and the golden rules here:
      And lastly, depending on how you handled things all throughout the process, you may have to wait longer, which I’ve discussed here:

  • @shakira1453
    @shakira1453 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad
    I was dating my ex for two months we only had one argument but it was petty he ghosted me but I see him checking my WhatsApp status I do not text him I gave him his space I was surprised for his reaction

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      A reaction isn't enough. Has he tried to reach out to you? Consider moving on from this, especially if it was just a fling to either you or your short-term ex. Sorry bit there may not be anything to rebuild here if that's the case because there wasn't any long term bonding or attraction that naturally develops in long term or serious relationships, especially if things got bad between you real quick because of the mistakes. On the brighter side, here's how the "no contact" rule will work for you, though:

  • @lisettechiasson9205
    @lisettechiasson9205 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi ! My boy friend of 9 years left on my last day of work before my 6 weeks vacations. Came home and he was gone with a lot of his things. Texted him early in the afternoon to see where he was and said went for a drive and came back to left the dog home and said he will not be there for dîner. I taught he was with his friend partying but when i call no answer. Thé second time he answered and got the News that he didn’t want to be with me 24/7 wich is not true and he moved back at his place where i was supposed to go for the summer with him (cottage) That really sucks that he did this that way. Im so lost and dont Know what to do because he not good at communication. Help

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry to hear that. Did you two got into a fight? This vid should hopefully help you see things clearly about the importance of the "no contact" rule as well as the common challenges and how to overcome them: Feel free to check out my other vids as well, especially this which should give you an idea on how to go about this: But for a comprehensive, step-by-step procedure though, consider getting my Ex Factor Guide at Good luck!

    • @lisettechiasson9205
      @lisettechiasson9205 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning no fight! Thank you for answering me.

  • @gurpreetsingh-ks8po
    @gurpreetsingh-ks8po 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Brad!!! My ex and i were dating for over a year. She was married with a son and daughter 22 and 18 years old but IN THE PROCESS of getting a divorce from her husband. Her husband started emotionally brainwashing their daughter against her mother and eventually her daughter popped 30/40 tylenol pills in desperation one night. This really rattled my ex and she told me that she has to be with her daughter who was living with her father at that time.. She then blocked me across all channels after that and has been inaccessible since then. I sent her a mail asking her about her welfare to which she replied that she has decided to go back and live with her husband for the sake of kids happiness and asked me to leave her alone. Based upon your great experience, what are your thoughts on this situation? should i leave her alone and move on or wait for her ?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hey man, sorry to hear you're going through this. It's a mother's dilemma to be going through all that drama. A divorce is a messy procedure and some lasts years. However, if she hasn't taken measures to get her daughter and herself away from her husband, then it may to be your best interest to move on from this.

    • @gurpreetsingh-ks8po
      @gurpreetsingh-ks8po 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks Brad for your kind and wise words... Really appreciate.. Helps me understand the situation much better now...

  • @YADHAVKUMAR-yt8ts
    @YADHAVKUMAR-yt8ts ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad , We are in relationship for past 5 years.We used to have many fights and struggle but never think
    about break up.I am from india we said to our parents and all set for marrige after a couple of years from now.But after a continous
    normal fight for 4 months she said that can't take this forward , lets break up , i was blank and clueless.She also saying
    that she has no feeling , interest and love for past 2 years she tried to bring them back but she can't. I cried and worried a lot
    but i have a strong hope that our relationship is intense and she will come back. I badly need her back and can't control the situation.
    Parents are involving here cant able to manage them and cant abe to tell them about the break up.
    What's your view on this does no contact and silence works here ?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Fighting is often unavoidable, but when it becomes too much, it’s time to nip the problem in the bud if you still can. So it's either that or you go on a break and discuss the logistics as well as how it should go and how long it should be. What were you two fighting or arguing about? It's best to consider the relationship overall first, so watch this: Anyways it's best to give it time because all this arguing had taken a toll in your relationship. This may help: Perhaps you've both argued more than you had a good time with each other? It could also be you're too incompatible or stubborn to meet each other halfway. If the negatives outweigh the positives in the relationship, that's when an imbalance happens and the relationship will keel over wherein one or both people will likely abandon ship, as the case with your ex. It's time to reset things. Start with the 30-day "no contact" rule to get your ex into a psychological neutral. Here's how it can help you:

  • @rocketsongta
    @rocketsongta ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Brad
    So my ex girlfriend Broke up with me 1 week ago
    I didn't begged or pleaded at all
    I went no contact right after my break up with my ex girlfriend
    So my ex girlfriend contacted me 4 times
    And my ex girlfriend said she is sorry
    So after 4 days I just breaked no contact
    And I asked my ex girlfriend that what she sorry for
    And my ex girlfriend said she not sorry
    And I told my ex girlfriend that since she not sorry I just go
    Then My ex girlfriend said bye
    So I again started no contact now
    What I should do ?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      This vid is for you:

  • @lostdave3642
    @lostdave3642 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ho brad, please help
    We were in very serious relationship for 7 months!
    We were hanging out and she asked me to unfollow a relative who’s a girl I refused first then she stopped to talking and answering me and kept insisting me to drop her back home.
    I have unfollowed that girl before dropping her back home and she didn’t react
    She didn’t block me and still have me on social media besides instagram unfollow ….
    But she’s not answering no texts no phone calls no nothing! 3days
    What do u think is going to happen?
    I’ve never expected her to be that harsh on me…

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She's pissed for a reason. Did you ask why? Is she jealous? Give her time to calm down first and she'll likely be back to normal especially if you haven't given her any reason to doubt you.

  • @darrenwilde5597
    @darrenwilde5597 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad love your videos
    Let me start by saying that I want my ex back, I was at fault I closed up and did not listen to her pleas. Yes I see the idiot I was and I'm willing to do what I can to mend us both. I have just finished 30 days of no contact and myself and my family are ghosted. I am at a good place emotionally and realized I destroyed it. I do believe she has a boyfriend which I am not mad about it was my fault im here after all...I've done so much research online and I still am hesitant to contact her incase any chance would be destroyed.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Wait for a better time before interacting with your ex, however, don't wait around doing nothing. Take a leap of faith on a new path as well because you never know where life can take you, which may be better without your ex. Use this time to heal and prioritize yourself. But if it's been more than a year or so, make sure to check the signs if your ex has moved on, here: and this should help guide you on what to do for the time being: However, make it a point to be really productive with your time being apart. Follow the tips here to help guide you further: AND now when the time comes where your ex is free or is constantly contacting you, check out my other videos here in TH-cam to help you with a lot of texting tips as well as when to give up trying. Good luck!

  • @dylanengland1500
    @dylanengland1500 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Brad, my ex girlfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago on the 6th of November. We dated twice this year and the longest time was the second which lasted almost 5 months. I'm absolutely heartbroken and i feel so hopeless and depressed. she broke up with me because we were arguing alot and questioning eachother's loyalty. She told me that I wouldn't change and that I was always putting myself first before her. At the time of the relationship I said sorry for my mistakes but didn't try hard enough and now she has broken up with me and blocked me on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. I'm absolutely sad and broken because I'm all alone and I miss her with all my heart, I've been crying over her for 2 weeks and it's hurting me. is there any way I can get her back a third time at all? I need your help Brad! I really love her and I want her back again. Every kiss, hug and memory felt electric and sweet. I wanna have her heart back but i don't know how, is there anything i can do to get a third chance?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Fighting is often unavoidable, but when it becomes too much, it’s time to nip the problem in the bud if you still can. So it's either that or you go on a break and discuss the logistics as well as how it should go and how long it should be. If it's trust issues, you two need to work to meet in the middle and compromise. What else were you two fighting or arguing about? It's best to consider the relationship overall first, so watch this: Anyways it's best to give it time because all this arguing had taken a toll in your relationship. This may help: Perhaps you've both argued more than you had a good time with each other? It could also be you're too incompatible or stubborn to meet each other halfway. If the negatives outweigh the positives in the relationship, that's when an imbalance happens and the relationship will keel over wherein one or both people will likely abandon ship, as the case with your ex. It's time to reset things. Start with the 30-day "no contact" rule to get your ex into a psychological neutral. Here's how it can help you:

    • @dylanengland1500
      @dylanengland1500 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning we were arguing about other people.. (boys and girls). We were such massive overthinkers that we sometimes accused eachother of cheating despite us going through eachother's phone. Sounds silly of course but that was one of the reasons why she dumped me. it was mostly my fault for everything that had happened but now that I think about it, the more it pains me. I really want a third chance and prove that I can be a better boyfriend but I don't know how to win her heart back. she's too upset to talk to me and has blocked me on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. A week ago, she told her friend that she can't take me back anymore and wants me to try and let go but i simply can't. I'm still so in love with her and I want her back but I don't know how I can re-gain her trust and get her back for a third time. Any tips?

  • @saranyagarikapati2422
    @saranyagarikapati2422 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m sorry for all the comments, but I’ve seen he’s been speaking to a new girl for a couple of weeks and they follow each other on all social medias and they’ve even got a shared Spotify playlist together. What can I do about that? Do I keep going with my rekindling phase?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Don't talk to him if he's dating someone else. Use this time to focus on yourself instead.

  • @dinatamer2684
    @dinatamer2684 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad, my ex boyfriend ghosted me after we have agreed to get engaged as he says he got financial problems( which I believe it's true) he said he had to get away for a while and he disappeared , then I texted him after a month, he said he still wants me and love me but he has a lot of financial problems and stopped texting me and replying my calls.. He totally disappeared and I can't reach him out, he left his house and stopped going to the gym we used to go together .. I don't know what to do? I need to get him back and I still love him unfortunately.. It's been two months.. We are still following each other on social media, he checks all my updates but still won't answer my texts

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry to hear that. Have you given him space though because based on how you described things, it doesn't look like you have. So I'd still suggest to give the "no contact" rule a shot because that's still really your best bet, which will work in a sense where you BOTH will get to clear your mind to be in a better position to deal with each other when the time comes - instead of letting emotions overrule everything, risking things to get blown out of proportion even further. Makes sense? But will no contact ALONE work to get your ex back? Sometimes it does, but other times (especially if your situation is unique) it won't, because the no contact phase is only part one of the three-step process I teach in my Ex Factor Guide. Learn the basics here: There's also a risk of you being strung along if you don't cut off contact and give each other that much needed space and while it's beneficial for your ex, it's really detrimental to the dumpee in the end, so be careful. I also made a quick vid to those who are seemingly lost and could use a reminder on what to do:

    • @dinatamer2684
      @dinatamer2684 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning thank you so much for your help, I'll try to follow these advices and let you know how did it go :)

  • @alondraacosta-mora6504
    @alondraacosta-mora6504 ปีที่แล้ว

    After 4 years I feel my boyfriend is giving up, all because I said I want a ring and marry, and we were and are on a serious relationship. The problem is after I mentioned marriage he sounded so doubtful. And since then we have fights. I then freaked out and I thought he really does not want to be with me anymore but I still can not comprehend the reason. I feel so devastated. If I don’t message him he does not message me back anymore. I don’t know what is happening. He is so unclear about what he wants. And I don’t plan to message him anymore to see if he does. Before he was talking ab marrying me now I feel he is thinking about it. I found if he ever loved me. He thinks I’m very transactional just because I said I would like a nice ring and a wedding. But NO. This is ridiculous wrong. Who does not want nice things. It is terrible. I’m dying . I cry everyday. He literally is like another person after I mentioned marriage and money topics.😢

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      If he will marry you, wait until he's comfortable with it so give him space to do that. Otherwise you may have to consider moving on because he may not be the man you're looking for. However, give it some time and space first since it may just be due to bad timing, perhaps? Since your situation may be unique, I think you can benefit by working with me one-on-one so I get to learn more about the situation and therefore be more equipped to help you out, at

  • @hanabananasmilana
    @hanabananasmilana ปีที่แล้ว

    hello!!!!!! PLEASE ASSIST ME! i have been talking about little stuff, nothing serious with my ex bf and today i asked him if he wanted to go dance or climb with me and he said we could have coffee. i have written the past in recent comments. he didnt seem interested in whatever i was saying, but he said that we could go out and i dont want to mess up!! please help me!!!!!!

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You know this really depends. Assess the risks first if it's all worth it. Remember, meeting up when one or both not ready will only alienate your ex further, and that's best case scenario. Worst case scenario will land you a spot in the dreaded friendzone. Watch this first: but if you're both ready, watch this video on how to tell as well as how tips for you on tipping the odds to your favor: If that doesn't help, consider signing up for my coaching program so I can help assess your situation clearly, look at all the other factors at play and see things you might have missed, then guide you accordingly on a regular, ongoing basis at

    • @hanabananasmilana
      @hanabananasmilana ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning THANK YOU VERY MUCH KIND SIR!!!!!

  • @shelbymcfarland3838
    @shelbymcfarland3838 ปีที่แล้ว

    So everything was going great with this guy I went on multiple dates with. I was really starting to fall for him .. the last time we hung out We had a wonderful night together and he was pretty affectionate but never tried to cross the line .. the next day he just ghosted me. It’s been about 2.5months now since this happened and he still is one of the first to watch my social media stories but still haven’t contacted me to tell me what happened .. I’m still so confused to what happened.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry, but I'd say move on because that person is not just into you. However, Amy North may have some other tips on what to do about that, so check out her channel, too

  • @Comeluck-gu6jx
    @Comeluck-gu6jx ปีที่แล้ว

    Brad... U r da onli one dat encourages me... Love u... My ex likes mi post a status on social media can i get her back??? I really love her...

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      You're welcome! :-) As to your chances, I really wish I could give you a direct yes or no. However, as it is, each situation is unique, so I suggest you take the free quiz as it hits on the critical elements that will determine your chances depending on your answers. In other words, my quiz can give you a more accurate answer than I can since as you may have noticed, there are various factors at play here which needs to be looked at as well as your own actions after the breakup. Here's the link: Best of luck!

  • @terijordan6354
    @terijordan6354 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks Brad

  • @meizuki9351
    @meizuki9351 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was just thinking that my ex really was testing me or maybe kept me as an option. he's been in a serious relationship after 1y of our breakup and it's been 2y since our breakup meaning they've been dating for 1y but whenever they broke up he just text me or want to hang out and stuff.(we were friends since the breakup) we also had some moment where we ended up doing some heated stuff (lol i hate myself for that) whatever! now they're back together again and I'm just here looking like a clown 🤡
    so i woke up and blocked them from everywhere. idk.. I really loved that man

    • @meizuki9351
      @meizuki9351 ปีที่แล้ว

      And and there's also a girl who is like me and he asked me several times like "How to get a girl like you to like me back" , "what will make a girl like you to date me" and i thought there was some chances but now i think he was just messing with me

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's not a good idea to be friends with an ex you still have feelings for. Watch my take on this here:

  • @karikari7336
    @karikari7336 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It’s a trauma bond. They are a narc 99% RUN 🏃‍♀️

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      There's a fine line between a narcissist and someone with an avoidant attachment style. Here's how to tell:

  • @cameronoswald6670
    @cameronoswald6670 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad! My gf of 3 years went on vacation recently and I couldn't go due to an illness I got before the trip. It was planned for awhile and when I couldn't go, she completely was cold, like I mean didn't look at me and just got on the plane to meet her friends down there. She got back yesterday yet no text and she blocked my number (not social media though). I tried calling and texting but no good. I love her and I feel like this is something she's doing cause shes mad? Upset? What should I do? I left a message apologizing and saying I wanna talk about this and that I love her. What should I do? Your input please!

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah it seems like she is indeed upset...especially if you guys had planned this for a while and she ends up going alone? How do you handle past disagreements with her and has she always been like this? Give her space to calm down especially if she does end up going on that trip by herself. Get well soon!

  • @simonlarson6471
    @simonlarson6471 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad, I am in an interesting situation where a girl I had been in a "situationship" with for 5.5 months ghosted me and based on a conversation I had with her. friend it seems the reason is she grew impatient and thought I feared commitment with her. However, I also made some mistakes of becoming too emotional when I realized I was being ghosted. Is a situation like this potentially salvagable?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Why were you non committal to her though? She probably thinks you were being flaky and therefore lost attraction since she's obviously wanting more. Don't have the full picture however. Sorry, this is a bit too complex for me to properly respond here… please consider signing up for coaching if you want to talk at length about your situation:

  • @portiagyamaa2864
    @portiagyamaa2864 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Please I want my Ex back so help me

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      This is what most of my videos are all about so make sure to check them out. Getting an ex back is a process. Here's a short infograph to guide you in each process: Look out for the signs that your ex has moved on, though: But evaluate things, too. Are you sure you're not trying to rush it? Setting a deadline is a good way to fail when it comes to exes, so I highly discourage it. What steps have you taken to get your ex back? It's time to re-assess those and see what's working versus what's not working. Sometimes, getting an ex back is like trying to fit a square into a circle, but oftentimes, chances are you're letting emotion dictate you and therefore end up making the wrong choices. Have you checked out my guide yet? It’s ultimately up to you to act (or not act, depending on which phase you’re in) on getting your ex back, but it helps if you read it to ensure that you’re on the right track. Check it out at

  • @jonwitunsky4742
    @jonwitunsky4742 ปีที่แล้ว

    What if you’ve been married five years almost and it’s your first break up we are separated, and we talked almost every day for five months trying to reconcile and the day before Valentine’s Day. She started ghosting me. I’m confused. I’m now in radio. Silence for almost 2 weeks.

    • @jonwitunsky4742
      @jonwitunsky4742 ปีที่แล้ว

      She moved to a different state because her mother moved and she wanted to be close to her mother. That was the reason she left. She sided communication problems but she’s the one that’s not communicating. I believe she’s a dismissive avoidant.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      What happened? Sorry but this seems to complex to give you anything solid. Please consider signing up for my Mend the Marriage coaching program at

  • @AWESOME-ji9uc
    @AWESOME-ji9uc ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad, can I ask? My ex says to me to "move on" after 2 weeks of no contact when I ask her if I can get a second chance then I sent her a letter with words like "I will give you space now", "until we meet again" and she accepted it I think since she reads it and adds a heart reaction to it (just like in FB Messenger) but she never reply back, do you think I still have a second chance or she accepted it because I accepted our break up? I restarted the 30 days NC, and we broke up 2 weeks ago and our relationship is LDR only lasted 2 months, I only see her twice (since she only free once a month) but we have foundation like we teased each other and always video chat on messenger so I don't know if I can get my ex back, I really love her

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Never ask for a second chance. Clients who I coached their way to get back with their exes happened naturally. It's not by asking that kind of question because your ex will likely feel awkward about it or try to be nice to you or ignore you altogether. Now as to your chances, I really wish I could give you a direct yes or no. However, as it is, each situation is unique, so I suggest you take the free quiz as it hits on the critical elements that will determine your chances depending on your answers. In other words, my quiz can give you a more accurate answer than I can since as you may have noticed, there are various factors at play here which needs to be looked at as well as your own actions after the breakup. Here's the link: Best of luck!

  • @fullmoon7928
    @fullmoon7928 ปีที่แล้ว

    2 months now no contact...he s just waiting for me making the first move as always..but no..i don t give up!! I try everything to make him jalous..and i really want to teach him a good lesson!!! What Can i do now?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nothing's gonna happen if you don't reach out first especially since it's been months now. Once you've already completed the full 30-day "no contact" rule and assuming you did it correctly, then the texting tips here will be a good starter: but make sure you tick off the checklist here first: This means you take time focusing on the second phase and eventually the third phase when the time is right. This won’t happen overnight, of course, but it’s something you ought to continue to work on to the point where you’re gradually building attraction again. This is what my guide is for. Have you checked it out yet? It's too complicated to explain everything on here, but here's an overview of these phases and what to expect in each one: Good luck!

    • @fullmoon7928
      @fullmoon7928 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning thanks for answer me so soon❤️ I' ve break the no contact 2 times, to offend him as liar.( The reason we split is that i can t trust a man used to be unfaithful all his that normal to you to have 15 lovers!? Is pathological) . Before ending this relashioship i just wanna be sure and give him a chance to prove what is swears...thank you again

  • @aaronxgx
    @aaronxgx ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Does no contact work long distance

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry to hear that. A long distance is not easy to maintain, especially if you two had a weak foundation where you don't get to spend time with each other much in person. Not to state the obvious, but the distance is often the main culprit. Watch/review and apply the pointers here first: and/or However, if you believe your situation is unique and there may still be a chance between you two, then let's take a look at your situation in-depth via my one-on-one coaching session at

  • @monagulia9168
    @monagulia9168 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey brad , guide me
    I met him on SM
    We shared no’s. He was talking like we could hv a future together. I fell for him.
    He takes forever to reply. He has busy schedule i understand that. But it bothered me. i asked him to clear the picture, he said don’t take anything serious as I haven’t promised anything. It hurt me as i took his talking as promises and i said sm things in anger and thn he ghosted me. Msg left unseen. Should i try to talk to him again? Should I apologise? Was i making a haste as he was not clear about his feelings? Plz guide

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      You know actions always speak louder than words. How much time have you given each other though and what was the situation like? Since your situation may be unique, I think you can benefit by working with me one-on-one so I get to learn more about the situation and therefore be more equipped to help you out, at

  • @javadhoseini6059
    @javadhoseini6059 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Brad! i have been watching ur videos recently and they helped me a lot but I’m still worried
    About a month ago my gf told me that she doesn’t love me as much as she used to and she asked me to try to bring her feelings back
    We tried but she broke up with me last week. Im going through a tough time and idk what to do
    Im scared that if I use the No Contact rule she will forget me and move on
    I texted her a few days ago and ask how she was doing but I didn’t get a reply
    I want to do the No Contact rule but I’m scared

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Don't fight it. The bottom line is your ex has significantly lost attraction. Watch what I’ve explained here and watch the entire length of the video to gain full understanding, as well as know what to do: It’s important to rebuild the attraction naturally so your ex will be amenable to working things out, eventually. This is what my guide is for but you can also learn the basic principles of my 3R system here and watch the vid til' the end so you don't end up missing the important points: and the golden rules here:

    • @javadhoseini6059
      @javadhoseini6059 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning hi again Brad,
      She replied after almost a day and she only said “good” . She didn’t say hi or how are you. I talked to some of her friends and they’re telling me to always try to reach her back and that’s possible. As I said before I don’t want her to move on with No Contact. Pls help me

  • @daredevil7501
    @daredevil7501 ปีที่แล้ว

    60 days of NC ...He came... I fought... He left and said i will block u i said go for it... And after 2 days he unblocked me ...and found blocked 3 days after... What i did was i too blocked his another numbers and fb / telegram. He is pulling away i dont know how to bring his confidence back🙃... Im remaining silence... Please make a vd of pulling away guy and how to make him want me crazy

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you're trying to win him back, the last thing you want to do is fight with him. Try to keep things light next time because things won't be mended if you two block each other out. Consider signing up for my coaching program so I can guide you accordingly and at the same time know more about your situation at

  • @roczrydaz
    @roczrydaz ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad, My girlfriend said that she wanted space cause she is going through a lot ( work pressure, family issues etc) she said she can't deal with me at the same time cause our relationship has been a bit toxic. It is a long distance relationship. It has been 6 months and next month december first week she will come back here for vacation. What should I do? Should I wait for her until she comes back or should I text her or ask her?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Work on making your future interactions non toxic. For now, give each other space and respect her decision.

  • @saumyadeepbasu6073
    @saumyadeepbasu6073 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey relationship was for 6 months but I was too needy and clingy...after breakup she lost interest and replied to my texts very late....I begged and pleaded and it has been 2 months....but now she does not reply to my texts she said she feels uncomfortable and so avoids me....even a few days ago she was replying....can I do anything to reverse the situation?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You need tp stop all communication first. Watch this:

  • @jakejimenez7973
    @jakejimenez7973 ปีที่แล้ว

    She came back for the 4th time but on conversion we’re not the same I tried setting a date for she never free supposedly lol idk but I told her why did u reach out I said did she just need an ego boost 😂 and now ghosted

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      4 times? That's exhausting! With on-and-off relationships, oftentimes this is a sign of underlying issues which have been left unaddressed for quite some time. It may be time to put things into perspective while it's still early because in 14 years spent as a relationship online coach alone, I find that a breakup is often NOT just one person's fault, so look at the roles that you've BOTH played that led to the breakup and if the issues have a chance to get resolved, and how to go about it. In most cases, the problems that led to the breakup can be resolved, but in some cases, it can't. So take time to evaluate, okay? However, I have to warn you not to ask the reasons from your ex. This is what I've discussed here along with other stuff that might help you, so this is a must-watch: But if you're interested in making this your last breakup, sign up for my coaching program at especially if there's an available spot. Good luck!

  • @thant7285
    @thant7285 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi brad I just announced that I'm going no contact on my ex yesterday. What should I do now.

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This vid is for you:

    • @thant7285
      @thant7285 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning Thanks. But I don't think she'll come back to me. she's already in a relationship for 5 months. Thanks for replying me.

  • @saranyagarikapati2422
    @saranyagarikapati2422 ปีที่แล้ว

    What do I do if I know he’s talking to someone new but I don’t know if they’re together

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Try to put your focus elsewhere (best to put focus back to yourself) because your ex is likely rebounding and you're only wasting precious minutes of your life worrying about something that's out of your control. If anything, your ex is suffering, too, even though it may not seem like it. Discussed that here: Watch this, too: This should hopefully get you back on track with what you ought to be doing during this time: However, if the relationship lasts for 6 months or more, it's probably best to start moving on from this.

  • @stiqxzu
    @stiqxzu ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Brad
    Please help me
    So my relationship was 3 months
    Now its 2 days since I broke up with my ex girlfriend
    The reason of break up was that my ex girlfriend told me everything is too much for her and she was bored in our relationship and she lost interest and she wanted be free and she wanted to be single
    But I did no begging or pleading at all
    I went no contact right after my break up with my ex girlfriend
    I'm using your covert jelousy trick too and My ex girlfriend got jeloused when I posted another girl on my Instagram story
    And I didn't talked to my ex girlfriend since the break up
    So my question is that my relationship with my ex girlfriend was 3 months
    So please tell me how many days I do
    no contact rule in a 3 month relationship ?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Make it 3 weeks but make sure you apply the tips here too:

  • @Obanai_iguro0
    @Obanai_iguro0 ปีที่แล้ว

    So brad I’m kinda young my ex is kinda mad at me and she found someone else how would I make her like me and ask me out pls help

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Try to put your focus elsewhere (best to put focus back to yourself) because your ex is likely rebounding and you're only wasting precious minutes of your life worrying about something that's out of your control. If anything, your ex is suffering, too, even though it may not seem like it. Discussed that here: Watch this, too: This should hopefully get you back on track with what you ought to be doing during this time: However, if the relationship lasts for 6 months or more, it's probably best to start moving on from this.

  • @kuenzang7079
    @kuenzang7079 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hyy brad my ex doesn't want me and I can't aso meet her because of distance ,how can I get her back through text

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry to hear that but what you're asking quite rarely happens. To add, a long distance is not easy to maintain, especially if you two had a weak foundation where you don't get to spend time with each other much in person. Not to state the obvious, but the distance is often the main culprit. Watch/review and apply the pointers here first: and/or However, if you believe your situation is unique and there may still be a chance between you two, then let's take a look at your situation in-depth via my one-on-one coaching session at

  • @raginisheelam3194
    @raginisheelam3194 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please help me, I'm in very bad situation going through wrost

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorry to hear that. I suggest you start with this to give you an overview on how to go about this: but you're also welcome to sign up for my coaching program if you're unsure how to go about this or you're planning to do something but not sure if it's a good idea or not, etc. but I would have to look a the situation as a whole in order to give solid advice, at

    • @raginisheelam3194
      @raginisheelam3194 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning sure thank you

  • @jelaan5692
    @jelaan5692 ปีที่แล้ว

    My ex left with one child coz we had 2 I remained with one when she was living home she told me she had some work at there home so I left her to go but our relationship had so qaurel always she left her sister who also has a child at my home brad when I tried to contact her she didn't reply so I had to stop contacting her for 30dys she started texting asking me how our ekder son was after know contact thought things will work out then recently she stoped contacting me again so I did the same brad what r my chances

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I say generally it's still fair game unless you see most if not all the signs that your ex is over you. Here's the vid: and especially if those signs prevail over a prolonged period of time. If you're asking about your chances, I really wish I could give you a direct yes or no. However, as it is, each situation is unique, so I suggest you take the free quiz as it hits on the critical elements that will determine your chances depending on your answers. In other words, my quiz can give you a more accurate answer than I can since as you may have noticed, there are various factors at play here which needs to be looked at as well as your own actions after the breakup. Here's the link: Best of luck!

    • @jelaan5692
      @jelaan5692 ปีที่แล้ว

      When she started texting after know contact was done she told me she wants to spend some time with God and told me if shes happy she will also make me happy we spoke for hours or texted then one day she called asked me some kids item I did send plus a gift for her she seemed happy I know I haven't lost her yet but need technic to make her smile again coz I miss my dota brad

  • @khushijain8904
    @khushijain8904 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad my bf is reading my message but not responding even we meet last weak and he don't initiate the text ni love you but next day his actions are not the way he said what can I do to forget about him if he uses meext day when we meet he

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      He's still your boyfriend and not an ex? If so, then I think it's best to sit him down to have a heart to heart talk about the stuff that concerns you.

    • @khushijain8904
      @khushijain8904 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning thanks sir for your reply i tried but he said I am busy yr aaisa ni hai and all these things but he is not accepted he is ignoring me and even if I asked about what he actually feels about me he read my message and no response what does it means and I asked this also if you like someone tell me i am not texting and calling u he deny that nhi Khushi aaisa ni hai koi ni hai but he is always wait for responding my text

    • @khushijain8904
      @khushijain8904 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BradBrowning sir he also said me i love you but he seems emotionally unavailable for me i need your advice what should I do

  • @8dmusichitsandlyrics473
    @8dmusichitsandlyrics473 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good day, Brad! I've been watching your videos recently and picked up very interesting lessons along the way. My ex and I broke up a week ago, we've been together for 4 years but just started moving in together a while ago, we are still living together and cannot separate any time soon. Currently we are in good terms, that we allow each other to do things that we like for now. I'd still like to be back with her. How can I do the no contact method in this kind of situation?

    • @8dmusichitsandlyrics473
      @8dmusichitsandlyrics473 ปีที่แล้ว

      We are in the point that we talked about not entirely closing the idea of us being back in a relationship again, but still there is just no assurance from that. What is the best way I can do in this type of situation?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi there! Thanks for watching my videos. You may or may not have came across this vid already but it's a different set of rules if you live together. Do limited contact with your ex where you only discuss the essentials. Apply the tips here, too to help you out further: AND I know it's hard, but lots of folks have managed to follow the tips and succeeded. So if they can do it, then so can you! Good luck and be strong!

  • @timmyrobbywalsh1505
    @timmyrobbywalsh1505 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hay I need my x boyfriend back

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi there! Getting an ex back is a process. Here's a short infograph to guide you in each process: Look out for the signs that your ex has moved on, though: But evaluate things, too. Are you sure you're not trying to rush it? Setting a deadline is a good way to fail when it comes to exes, so I highly discourage it. What steps have you taken to get your ex back? It's time to re-assess those and see what's working versus what's not working. Sometimes, getting an ex back is like trying to fit a square into a circle, but oftentimes, chances are you're letting emotion dictate you and therefore end up making the wrong choices. Have you checked out my guide yet? It’s ultimately up to you to act (or not act, depending on which phase you’re in) on getting your ex back, but it helps if you read it to ensure that you’re on the right track. Check it out at

  • @calebshireman8660
    @calebshireman8660 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Brad, I got dumped 6 days ago and started no contact once I realized there was nothing I could say to change her mind. She texted me 3 nights in a row and I responded but ended the conversation fast. She would say stuff like "how are you" or “be safe tonight". Over the next couple of days she hasn’t texted me and deleted pictures of us on social media. What does this mean?

    • @BradBrowning
      @BradBrowning  ปีที่แล้ว

      Don't fall for it unless she changes her mind about the breakup. What she's been texting you, that's what I call the "check-in" text and your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message, here: