ENTP vs INTP - how to tell them apart?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2024
  • ENTP vs INTP differences - how to tell them apart?
    In this video, we are discussing ENTP and INTP in terms of what makes them different from each other.
    We are touching on topics such as: Ne (hero vs parent), Ti (hero vs parent), Fe (child vs inferior), Si (child vs inferior), introversion vs extraversion, interaction styles.
    If you are interested in 1:1 coaching sessions with me, book your first session here: linktr.ee/INFJ...
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ความคิดเห็น • 47

  • @INFJinxed
    @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    What else would you add about the differences between ENTP and INTP?

    • @rogerhuggettjr.7675
      @rogerhuggettjr.7675 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I've always said to turn an INTP into an ENTP you need a bottle of wine and 2 red bulls. The wine to reduce inhibitions and the red bull to be extroverted enough to say everything we feel. I see ENTPs as more creative and less disciplined, although that might not be fair.

  • @WhatDoYouWant000
    @WhatDoYouWant000 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    You explained the ENTP functions with a very nice way and your video makes it so obvious that I'm an entp that has social anxiety and I didn't really know what on earth I'm because when I think of starting an argue with someone I get so nervous and stop but you made it very clear that entp could be so shy with people so thank you

  • @personalitytypology4373
    @personalitytypology4373 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    As a socially introverted ENTP, I thank you for helping my NTP brethren distinguish the functions preference. I would like to mention (even though you imply it) the proactive focus of the NeFe in the ENTP vs the reactive NeFe of the INTP. Thanks, T.

    • @personalitytypology4373
      @personalitytypology4373 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      We can be yes. As all types. Socially speaking we can all be everything. the absolute facts cannot be stated in an ENTP realm. Especially when we deal with the human psyche that flows almost uncontrolled.

  • @farrex0
    @farrex0 2 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    According to the internet, the way to tell them appart is if someone is an asshole they are an ENTP. But in reality, through Fe is the way to tell the ENTP.
    If you are trying to type yourself or another, and you are not sure between INTP or ENTP, if you see Fe, chances are they are an ENTP. Often, the first two functions are very apparent, but it can be hard to tell the order, so look for the third function and that is how you can tell what type they are. If for example, you can see Si, and Fe is not that present, most likely they are an INTP.
    Now as to how to even tell whether they are an NTP to begin with.... Ti paired with Ne, tends to be a very reflexive and analytical, unlike ENTP stereotypes, xNTPs do not share their judgement freely. If you do, chances are you could be a Te user. Instead, Ti tends to take new information and Ti Si, compare it to what you already now. Analyze it and be very reflexive, and rarely does the xNTP has something to share unless they know a lot about the topic. Because Ti takes a lot of time to create opinions. So the person, only becomes opinionated, after they have think about that topic for quite some time.
    Now it doesn't mean the xNTP is agreeable, but instead of the xNTP saying confidetly, this is the truth, they might say something like "What you said doesn't make sense". They won't give an opinion easily, but they will often tell you if your logic is flawed. So if the person you think is an NTP, and is often saying, this is the best political system! this is the truth. Always having an opinion on everything, and or being extremely confident about their view being the only one.... chances are they are not an NTP at all. NTPs want to be open to possibilities, so hardly anything will be set in stone. They are often more excited about exploring possibilities with others, rather than telling what is.
    As you can see, I am an ENTP, but the only reason I was able to talk so confidently, and say this is how things are. Is only because I have been thinking about this topic for years. And also it is easier to share my thoughts online, in real life I am not sharing my opinions left and right, because I rarely do have opinions. Because it takes a lot of time for them to formulate. But I wouldn't be like this with any other topic. So, unlike Te, there are very very few topics I can be opinionated. But for the most part, Ti just wants to process and analyze, not externalyze, unless you have already think things through. The xNTPs will most likely be asking questions, analyzing it and then saying, "Wait this part doesn't make sense" or "this is a contradiction". But NTP approach will be that which brings more discussion, they will choose the path that will create more discussion, that which will make the conversation more profound, Ne Ti often wants to go deeper in the abstract, or they might simply change the topic entirely... Ne is like that. But if you see they focus more in logical integrity, and analyzing things, rather than giving an answer... most likely they are an NTP.
    Now I wrote this essay, because I have very often seen ExFPs mistype as ExTPs, way more often than INTPs as ENTPs. Te in ExFPs is completely absent in ExFPs stereotypes, but ExFPs often have a very strong and amazing Te, so people that can't differentiate between Te and Ti, often gets mistyped. And since several ENTP stereotypes, often depict someone that uses Te instead of Ti, well it doesn't help.

    • @caffemocca8855
      @caffemocca8855 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Very well said.

    • @bigdiam9112
      @bigdiam9112 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      really great analysis! especially the part about how the entp stereotype shows more Te than Ti. people rly forget that the whole point of Ti is that we introvert our thinking, meaning we have a lot of confidence in our own logical conclusions and don't really care about arguing and comparing opinions with others, unless that leads to us gaining a new insight on a topic or something like that

  • @georgecataloni4720
    @georgecataloni4720 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    INTPs be like: Why are you booing me? I'm right!
    ENTPs be like: You mad? 😎

  • @daisydaisy246
    @daisydaisy246 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I was mistyped myself as INTP for 8 years, until last month my INTJ friend said that I am "too extroverted to be an introvert". We spent like 2 hours debate and discussion. She pointed that I am too scatterbrained and too easy to get bored at doing my daily routine. She also mentioned that I am good at starting convesation with new people, and could doing Fe in decent way (eventhough it's not as good as my ISFJ friend). And she pointed out, extroversion is not because of how many friends that I have..but I gained energy from gathering ideas (so I am not getting bored).
    I was thinking that I am an INTP is because, I feel this disdain with society. I feel like I can't really trust people, they are all the source of drama and I don't want that kind of problem in my life. But still, when I am going out to the real world, I can't help to emphatize and interact with people fairly well.
    Tbh, I still have this feeling of (don't want to overshare) my feelings and kindness, because people could make me dissapointed. But my ENFP brother help me that, I don't have too overthink about it and keep doing good if those people doing good thing and set boundaries if they have bad intention to us.
    But as I typed this comment, I begin to realize that I think this distrust of society is because my Fe child got hurt before so I have to protect it.
    So...the conclution..still not sure..maybe I am ENTP lol

  • @sinconstanza
    @sinconstanza 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This video is great, thank you! I was having trouble explaining this to my friend who is certainly an xNTP but his Ne=Ti and his Fe=Si, so I'm gonna send this to them so they have a more concrete idea of what cognitive functions do in the xNTPs. This will hopefully lead to him typing himself confidently. As a socially introverted ENTP, I appreciate your distinction between social and cognitive introversion and extroversion :) I think a lot of people new to MBTI have trouble separating those two. Happy to be subscribed to your channel and I look forward to listening to more of what you have to think, feel, and say

  • @yurizafurizaki5574
    @yurizafurizaki5574 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    My dad was an ENTP, one of my bffs is also an ENTP, I am an INTP. What I noticed is, they make connections so much faster than me, are comfortable with endless series of discussions that have no conclusions while I am not into those endless rabbit hole discussions, more philosophical, more abstract and idealistic, kinda have god-complex, empathetic and yet as well apathetic, but definitely more caring than me and I'm more apathetic than them, they see patterns very very fast, they speak first and think later, while I think first and speak later. I am more brooding, i pause and think, they keep talking without pausing. They zone out often just like me, they always entertain many ideas at once, while I sort out those ideas and think about them one by one (if I'm even interested in those ideas). ENTPs are more socially aware and socially sensitive although can't say as good as those with higher Fe. Mostly the females are more sensitive, the males, nah, not so much, but on average very generous. They are more fashionable, not very neat at home, gotta have someone to do their chores (just like me).

  • @conradsmith9441
    @conradsmith9441 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Everytime i start thinking I’m INTP instead of ENTP I watch something like this and become even more convinced that I’m ENTP. Yeah I definitely resonated with ENTP a bit more. But when I read about INTPs or others read about them then I and other people say I’m like that. Some people tell me that I remind them of people that I know are INTJ, INTP or even INFJ. This is why I doubt sometimes. I hear other people saying I’m like an INTP and I realize I kinda am.

  • @bills1967
    @bills1967 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    During a time when I was in a more depressive state I was tested as an INTP but now that I feel like I’m in a better place I tested as an ENTP. Although I do feel like I see more in myself with INTP and the only thing I see in ENTP is how I like to debate and take the devil argument.

  • @hey-ke6kd
    @hey-ke6kd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I think the main difference comes from tert and inf functions.We both use Ti and Ne quite great so it becomes hard to distinguish entp and intp.Entps are tert Fe. It gives them a better understanding of people’s feelings and let them handle social situations better.Meanwhile Intps are inf Fe,they usually don’t know how to react in social situations and are so much worse at understanding feelings of others.Entps are Si inf,they’re mostly scared of stability and unable to go on with projects they have started.Intps are tert Si so they are more comfortable with stability and rules.
    Of course,these are the functions both types are bad at but one is always better at it. At least thats how I observed as an Entp.

    • @kseniyakaryakina
      @kseniyakaryakina ปีที่แล้ว

      What if I understand peoples feelings but I don’t really care and don’t care for social rules?

    • @PeyloBeauty
      @PeyloBeauty ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kseniyakaryakinaisn’t that intp? You know someone’s feeling very well but you don’t really like to bother with it

  • @DimashCastellucci
    @DimashCastellucci 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As a probable ENTP, i can agree with these:
    Hypochondriac: thinking I have a heart condition or health worsening through age.
    Over sharing: i overshare a lot even when meeting with strangers, let alone friends.
    Possibilities: the endless possibilities excite me so much but also gives me anxiety. 😂
    Realistic: i am not very grounded with my ideas and have been told i am all over the place, crazy, eccentric etc.

  • @yokkabai
    @yokkabai 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I can definitely identify with your description of an ENTP. Thanks!
    I also have found the descriptions at cognitive personality theory and picosixteen helpful too.

  • @Strange_Club
    @Strange_Club ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Still confused 😅 Very cuspy. I feel like I fluctuate a bit between the two. Just an NTP!

  • @MaverickJeyKidding
    @MaverickJeyKidding 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i was considering myself INTP untill i saw a real one at my workplace. The guy just shoves away any sense of humor, hyperfocused on how to solve things and keep them under controll. Even when he slips up and says something absurd - he's unphased looking at you like "don't you dare laughing, we mean very serious business here". And another INTP, which is more chill, but he's always superfocused on one thing trying 100 different approaches not really progressing forward - because he's always afraid he might overlooked a batter way to solve this problem (thus not solving it at all)
    On the other hand, ppl tend to notice after me that i don't stick to one particular subject for too long, always like ADHD-ing (while not rly having it), always trying to bring someone together to cooperate, to light the freaking enthusiasm in their eyes. I'm always shovin away the discipline, because i believe that enthusiasm is like 1000% more important in life

  • @kinderlich
    @kinderlich 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    In tech classes Entp is visual ...will use diagrams...where Intp uses analysis/Ti.

  • @soulsava8456
    @soulsava8456 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    INTP uses rational logistic reasoning to make a solid basis on their world interpretation. ENTP uses the same reasoning to cause chaos in their world.

  • @Sm_o8k
    @Sm_o8k 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    When i really love someone i became more talkative and express my feelings more and i have high empathy and well developed fe but everything else iam intp is this normal or iam an entp

    • @INFJinxed
      @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Extraversion and introversion in MBTI terms differ from what we normally mean when we use these words in day-to-day life. An introvert can still be talkative, while an extravert can still be shy.

  • @ifyourespondyourmad.2409
    @ifyourespondyourmad.2409 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I knew I was Entp when she mentioned hypochondriac. Im not like exaggeratedly worried. But I do get the feeling sometimes abt the way I eat and how I dont exercise enough that I might be a bit unhealthy 😂.

  • @DimashCastellucci
    @DimashCastellucci 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    ENTPs are more talkative INTPs and a little bit more charisma. (At first glance, not getting into nuances )
    INTPs can appear more robotic and seem to have less energy too.

  • @farrex0
    @farrex0 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    10:04 As an ENTP myself, at least for me, you were pretty accurate in the way I use Fe. This dichotomy between Ti Fe, it is like if I am a logical child. Even when I have been hurt, and I logically know the problems with oversharing my Fe. Fe just gets too excited when meeting new people and or with the people I am comfortable with. But when it isn't reciprocated it can feel hurt, but when it does I enter a reflexive state, where my Ti is like "duh, it is illogical to expect someone to reciprocate, specially when you gave it freely without them asking". I do not expect anything in return, nothing material nor actions, what I expect reciprocated is appreciation and or love. But I do get excited like a child in that sense.
    So Fe, even when I am 29 now, it is like a child. If I were to see how it would be for ENFPs, with Te as the child function. Maybe they get too excited for doing things and completing things. Which I can certainly see on my ESFP brother. He always comes back from work, extremely excited, telling me about all the things he accomplished, with childlike joy. If he does something, and or egts something done, he always gets extremely excited and has to tell everyone. Which I always found quite funny.
    I think, this a new way for me to look at the tertiary function, I will have to think about it further, but so far it seems accurate. Thanks INFJinxed!

    • @INFJinxed
      @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes! The way you describe it is exactly what I meant.

    • @farrex0
      @farrex0 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@INFJinxed I suppose by your name, that you are an INFJ. How does Ti as child function manifests for you?

    • @INFJinxed
      @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@farrex0 I talk about this more in-depth in my video called "Ti - 8 positions". But basically, I see that I need a more comfortable place to be able to use Ti properly and have clarity in thought. Whenever I am tired, I get into the state of not wanting to logically argue my points. However, I am fascinated with Ti and perceive it to be the most interesting function. It makes me want to form out great logical arguments, but sometimes it is a bit childlike in doing it. Or I get very excited when I think I came up with good argumentation.

  • @jorgeenrique
    @jorgeenrique 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I loved the way you describe us ENTPs.

  • @SilentMelodies
    @SilentMelodies 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Super well explained! Thank you!

  • @effulgENTPossibilities
    @effulgENTPossibilities 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes, first off this is a very good video. I'm going to watch it more than once since there's a lot of substance. I'm constantly thinking, what if this and what if we did that and I love to do that. I am able to express fe at times and good socially most of the time and yet can state what I see as truth at times and offend some people, but most of the time I am good enough at fe to balance that out. So based on what you said I still am thinking ENTP

  • @poci1211
    @poci1211 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for this video and the distinction between social and cognitive introversion. I relate to both INTP and ENTP, ENTPs tend to say out loud what I'm thinking but I don't relate to them in this video. I know I'm ambivert so perhaps I'm a social INTP :)

  • @Peggy-Roses
    @Peggy-Roses ปีที่แล้ว

    Okay thank god I found your vid!
    This is sooo clear for me
    I’m not sure which one is my type cuz sometimes I acted like entp (maybe I faked ) im sure now I’m INTP … this is unlocked me!
    like I finally can rest
    Thank you so much

  • @pugninja7037
    @pugninja7037 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Both not great at feelings , processing them,
    And it's nice you explain, that all entps don't debate and wants to win, like all the other channels display, cos I certainly don't.. so thanks for sharing the fe part too

  • @rironarirona
    @rironarirona 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I took the test twice and my first result was INTP and my second result was ENTP. This is strange because I don’t really know if I am social or introverted. I think I am in the middle 😅🎉

  • @AndreNewinski
    @AndreNewinski ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you! :)

  • @13e11even11
    @13e11even11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ENTP is so much more charismatic, interesting, and don’t forget better looking.🤭

    • @Idk.1246
      @Idk.1246 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That makes no sesnse mbti doesn't measure looks lol, it also doesn't measure how interesting a person is.

    • @13e11even11
      @13e11even11 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Idk.1246 You are trying to be analytical and hold my statement to be hard science, but do not notice the emoji?

    • @Idk.1246
      @Idk.1246 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@13e11even11 .

  • @BigPapa64469
    @BigPapa64469 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is wrong on so many levels