Super Video, vielen Dank. Das ist wirklich eine Riesenüberraschung, dass aus Deutschland über diese sensationelle Technik positiv 1:1 berichtet wird. Omar und seinem Kanal Folge ich schon lang, ist aber ein grosser Unterschied (leider) bezüglich Akzeptanz, ob die Quelle aus den USA oder hier erscheint. Grosses Dankeschön an euch, dass es mit Omar arrangiert wurde, der Dinge wirklich gut rüberbringen kann.
Omar ist wirklich Mega! Es ist echt nicht einfach den vor die Kamera zu bekommen. Er hat kaum Zeit. Wir haben die besten Zeitfenster in San José arrangieren können. Kleines Easter egg. Ich bin im Model X Plaid hinter Omar’s Model 3 Performance
@@TeslaFix Habt ihr super gemacht! 👍 Apropos nett, er fährt ja immer wieder mit seinem Vater. Es ist absolut unwichtig fürs FSD, aber ich mag auch wie lieb und respektvoll sie zueinander sind. Und ja, die schlechtesten Loccations fahren sie ja auch nicht ab, es gibt immer wieder schöne Gegenden, Häuser und Pflanzen in ihren Videos zu sehen. 😉 Die Nachtfahrt habt ihr wegen engem Zeitfenster gemacht, oder wolltet ihr bewusst FSD zeigen?
Endlich macht mal ein deutscher youtuber was mit den echten Profis was Tesla angeht. Omar ist eine Legende in der Community und seine FSD Videos sind legendär.
Ich habe das Video erst jetzt "gefunden", ist das cool. Ich schau seit Jahren deine Videos. Dieses ist mit Sicherheit unter meinen Top 3 ;) Danke! Die FSD Kanäle... ich habe so 12 Stück abonniert... Es wird Zeit die FSD Kanäle in die europäischen Köpfe zu bekommen. Leider verpassten unsere Hersteller 1 oder sogar 2 Jahrzehnte Entwicklung im Automobilbereich.
Highway driving is working great until there is a lane closed because of an accident or the police slowing down traffic. FSD cannot react to these situations at the moment.
Yes, Auto Parking works amazingly in parking garage art my job in Greenwood Village Colorado.. I use FSD all the time on highways and side roads including back roads of the Rockies Mountain, FSD does amazing hair pin turns and more!
A victory of AI. These moments 01:41 where the Tesla slows down to a halt and appears to hesitate indefinitely like when it was exiting the parking lot at the beginning (perfectly safe and legal to slow and stop btw), the Tesla should communicate the reason for the delay so the drivenger could verbally resolve the impasse. A human driver in new circumstances does that all the time.
I recently rented a Model 3 that had FSD, but it had the steering wheel nag every minute or so. Question: with this software, let's say you don't pay attention to the road for an extended period of time. So we got to see the blue screen there and the message. If you just Not paying attention, would it work on the same strike system, if you didn't pay attention long enough? I think I do understand that it would eventually pull over and stop the car, but I'm wondering if you would also get that strike. Thanks!
FSD 🚀 Omar💪🚀Herzlichen Glückwunsch Robin. In D glauben es die wenigsten und verspotten uns als Fanboys. Die müssen sich warm anziehen! In der EU wird es die Auto-Lobby verzögern!
Sobald die Zahlen zeigen werden wie viel weniger Unfälle und vor allem mit Toten es mit FSD gibt, kann selbst die Auto-Lobby nicht die Politiker genug beeinflussen
Congratulations Robin & Omar. The world at this point in time can’t experience this next-level drive. Even enhanced AP is lightyears away from so many legacy manufacturers. Everyone is complaining about the wiper function, the easiest task in the world with a rain sensor, but Tesla is reinventing the approach. It is not the priority, as billions of cars on the streets do not even have auto wipers or auto lights, which is a quick fix if required. I suggest everyone utilize ceramic glass treatment, which is better than any wiper and ensures a clear windshield even in the heaviest rain.
If Tesla cannot implement the wiper function correctly, what hope is there for Autopilot or FSD? I would not trust my wife and child with the buggy FSD software.
Mega Video. Hier sieht man wie hinterher die deutsche Autoindustrie ist. Mercedes freut sich gerade, dass die einen Spurwechsel per Update auf der Autobahn eingeführt haben…😉
Mercedes lügt seine Nutzer über die Leistungsfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit ihres Systems an. Hoffentlich endet das eines Tages nicht in schweren Unfällen.
Great video appreciate the share!! Why did they stop this release? I'm on 12.3.6 works good but this is awesome!! Go wide with 12.4.1 any thoughts? Thx Tim 🇺🇸✌️🤔
Does FSD 12.4.1 still break basic traffic laws like 12.3.6? Does it speed in active school zones? Does it cross double yellow lines? Does it run red lights? Does it come to a stop partially occluding active traffic lanes unnecessarily when making UPLTs. PS: What are the training emergent failures that have stopped the general rollout of 12.4.1?
I think Robotaxi will be a 2 seater that is built on a new platform. This will enable the model 2 also. I hope the specs are as follows: 1- 0-60=4.5sec 2- range = 280miles/ charge. 3- charging= wireless or wired. With wired charging 10-80% state of charge @30min. Wired charging with 800v/400v @10min - 15min. FSD= HDW3/4 v13 with path to AI5 inference computers. Price range for model 2 variant @$25k. So the fleet will have the same car but without the steering wheel.
I believe they are working on a wireless charging platform where you just drive your car on top of it. So the car will be able to charge⚡️🔋 on its own.
Bug when driving on a highway and only minimum speed sign is presented, the car thinks that is the speed limit and slows down, or throws up a message that it is maintaining speed due to flow of traffic. When it slows, it is very dangerous.
😂 fsd can't get drunk, can't get a text from a friend / boss/ manager, can't stare at a person passing by or a cul cybertruck passing by. It's always concentrate on giving you the best ride ever, for sure this will reduce accidents to minimal or to zero
Danke für das sehr, sehr interessante Video!! Zwei Einschätzungen von Omar teile ich explizit. 1) Tesla wird das autonome Fahren (nun wirklich;)) in den nächsten 12-24 Monaten lösen. (Unsupervised) 2) FSD von Tesla wird zumindest in Europa und den USA die einzige funktionierende Software dafür sein. Es gibt für 2) auch eine ganz einfache Erklärung. Die Daten-Center und FSD Chips in den Autos kosten pro Jahr laut Elon ~10Mrd. EUR. Welcher andere Autohersteller kann/will das überhaupt bezahlen? Der Gewinn von Daimler, BMW wäre bei Null, der von VW halbiert, die Dividende wäre wohl in allen Fällen futsch… dafür fehlt unseren Managern der Mut… am Ende werden sie zum Zulieferer von Tesla… und das viel früher als alle denken. (3-5 Jahre;))
Die deutschen Hersteller werden keine Zulieferer von Tesla, sie werden Kunden. 😅 Ich rechne damit, dass die Auto-Lobby solange FSD in Europa verbieten lassen wird, bis die Hersteller ein eigenes Auto mit Tesla FSD lizensiert anbieten können. Elon hat schon mehrfach erwähnt, dass sie in Gesprächen mit großen Herstellern sind. Denn den Managern fehlt natürlich der Mut. Sie können alles verlieren aber kaum was gewinnen. Das ist leider die treibende Kraft hinter dem Mittelmaß deutscher Hersteller. Am Ende ist das aber gut, denn dadurch wir werden schneller als die meisten denken, auch in Europa autonom fahren. Es kann auch gut sein, dass der ein oder andere deutsche Hersteller dabei auf der Strecke bleibt, aber daran haben die Manager die Schuld...
I look forward to 12.4.x arriving for use in my region....the super-challenging mountainous, blind, steep, sharp, uneven, funky roadways and dirt roads of northern New England. The dirt roads in my region show the weaknesses of 12.3.6 and require a LOT of interventions for reduced pucker-factor comfort, and often also for actual safety. Ex: FSD has a horrible bias too far to edge of dirt roads, travelling in gravel at the road edge right next to culverts, or worse, mountain drop-offs.
I think it is not specifically trained for your region, so will be much better the more Tesla drive around there and the more training data from your region is processed in the ai trainings center.
So sad you guys got side tracked when talking about the robo taxi long distance traveling/charging issue. I could have also seen that you swap taxis that are fully charged already. Jump out of one, right into the next. No waiting at all
How on earth do you get 5 strikes? I have driven FSD for 3 years ad never received a strike, last week I drove from Southern California to northern Washington and back 2,500 miles mostly on FSD and have never had a strike.
The rental car already had 3 strikes when I got it. I had to install a GoPro in front of the driver display to show the FSD visualization and that blocked my view to the nag messages. It made no sound, just displayed a message and that’s why I couldn’t react to it. Was more a problem because of the video production not generally.
It was super unclear when to respond. It didn’t have any audible feedback. Pretty strange. It was also super sunny, so the screen wasn’t bright enough.
I saw the Waymo robo taxi's in San Francisco recently and they had no driver in them which I though was amazing. It will be so cool if Tesla can match that capability someday, but Waymo has a lot more external sensors. I currently have a 2023 Tesla Model Y long range with FSD version 12.3.6. It's great to use FSD on long trips and sometimes just getting across town. It now does better with a hitch bicycle rack on. With older versions of FSD it would randomly swerve because it thought the bicycle on the rack was another car behind either following too close or coming up fast. It does error out occasionally saying take immediate control.
Don't celebrate too soon. I was driving on FSD on the highway a few nights ago and the system "crashed" while driving at highway speeds. It said it had a fatal flaw ... The system yelled at me to take control on I-95. Very alarming.
FSD is amazing. But the funny thing is when you're describing it to someone, they become so unimpressed as soon as they find out you cannot sit in the back and go to sleep.
I also find out that if you talk with people about it, they are not that impressed. If you show people videos about it, they are a little bit impressed. If they are sitting in the car and experience it, their mind will be blown away.
Another thing is that FSD can't be emotional. Neither hyper or depressed. I can see certain areas and streets will be designated autonomous only in just a few years. FSD and Cybercab will be chauffeuring millions of people everyday by then.
We turned off the stabilizer on the GoPro for picture quality reasons. It looks stiff on the camera but it felt good when driving. Better do a test drive yourself if you are interested.
Don't know about 12.4.1, but 12.3.6 definitely have missed several highways exits for me. Esp in heavy traffic where the can't get over to the exit lane. It does not know how to speed up and cut over or even sometime, slow down to get over in med-high to heavy traffic. Some time, it would take the exit but then won't change lane to get out of the exit lane because of other cars merging over and ended up going back on the freeway.
Highway is still using the old V11 stack which is noticeably worse than V12. V11 is really robotic, slow to make lane changes, and is just overall not very natural/smooth. Elon has clarified that FSD 12.5 will bring the V12 stack to highway as well. He said 12.5 would be out in late June, but knowing Elon and his timelines, I'd guess end of July is more likely.
Yeah, I've experienced my 2023 Model Y Dual Motor with 12.3.6 miss exits on the highway as well due to heavy traffic here in California. It has a hard time getting over in heavy traffic. Whereas I would just slow down in order to get over or make the lane change sooner.
Bin ich gespannt wie lange des noch in Deutschland dauern wird, bis Wir wenigstens mal so ein FSD Beta Programm bekommen, wie in den USA damals zu beginn, also so 500 Personen
Das kommt schneller als man denkt. Am Ende ist es ein statistisches Problem. Wie will man 10x sicheres fahren auf Dauer ablehnen. Vor allem, wenn China FSD zulässt (ist bereits in Arbeit).
FSD is better than a human with years of driving experience? Well then let FSD drive a challenging 100 mile route, while you lean back and close your eyes. What could happen, right?
Hopefully I can test exactly this scenario next time I am in the USA. Some people who tried exactly this, said to me it works without security interventions. Just interventions because FSD missed an exit, waited to long on a crossing etc. There is a reason why you still have to supervise it but that will be gone sooner than most people expect.
@@Robin_EV You have no idea when FSD will be Level 5 Fully Autonomous. All you have to go on is the hype and fantasy from Elon. And we know from past history that he often over promises and then *under* *delivers* .
Well, it is the most advanced system that’s on the market. Testing it in the US opened my eyes. We are 90% there IMO. I hope legacy car companies are quick with licensing FSD immediately. It’ll take at least 3-5 years to implement! If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em
@@TeslaFix 90 percent is *not* *good* *enough* . A human driver is 99.99 percent. FSD is a simpleminded Level 2 assistant, nothing like a human driver.
“Not the best?” The beginning exemplifies the current inability of 12.4.1 to self navigate safely in all situations. Sure, it’s great most of the time, but it is not yet trustworthy. Supervised, it’s impressive. But it’s still liable to do the wrong thing at any moment. I don’t see any improvement over 12.3.6. In fact, not shown, is serious regression with regard to lane selection and management. Where is the improvement?
Tesla ist einfach Wahnsinn. Da können sich unsere deutschen "Premiumhersteller" warm anziehen, wenn das System zu uns kommt. Das werden die nicht überleben.-
Police state USA will never allow for vehicles to have opaque windows. If that were the case, we could have as dark of a tint as we want. Never forget, they use “traffic law” to strip away your constitutional rights.
Oh f** is that you #WholeMarsCataog, i already followed your channel and twitter for quiet sometimes now, watched most of your videos, but never saw your face only your voice and gf is mostly there but never saw her too. Just seconds befor i was watcing this and didnt noticed w/whole Mars Catalog on the Title.That is why i say #omar in the other comment🔥🔥🔥
Definitiv die meisten englischen Kommentare unter einem deiner Videos 😅 sehr cool. Warum ist Deutschland so unglaublich hinterher?! Es ist echt peinlich.
This whole FSD drives better than humans is disingenuous at best. Yes average humans get in about one accident every 500,000 miles driven and FSD can match that. The problem is the number for human drivers is skewed by drivers under the influence, drivers driving when exhausted or sick, or very young inexperienced drivers and very old drivers who have lost their cognitive skills. For experienced healthy drivers not under the influence the accident rate is orders of magnitude lower and FSD isn’t anywhere close to being as good.
Sadly we don’t live in lala land where everyone is a perfect driver. The points you’ve just mentioned are the main reasons why FSD is necessary and absolutely sensible.
WMC is quite biased and neat pick all the FSD videos in his channel. While FSD is a cool product, it doesn’t work anywhere outside NA. Whoever paid for this here in Europe has been ripped off huge time. The argument that this will work over time makes no sense. We are no where closer to having the Robotaxi Musko has been promising for years, which will require AGI. Furthermore, they will have to spend years training this here in Europe, because traffic laws are completely different from country to country. It will take years for them to gather the data to train in each country. The cult is real and Musko is not being accountable for his words.
I always find it cute when people say FSD can drive better than humans. I have been driving for 27 years and have had ... wait for it ... 0 accidents. Not one. Zero. Thats because Im a great driver who can anticipate situations. So far FSD has had accidents , so until I have as many accidents as FSD then it will never be as good as me. Also .. Ive never once in my 27 years had to have someone next to me to 'intervene' ... remind me again if FSD has ever needed a human to take over before it ploughs into a cyclist. Oh thats right ...
I've been driving for 34 years, zero accidents. But FSD is better than I am because it never gets distracted, never gets tired, and will only get better with age. If you can't see how much better FSD will be at driving than you, then you are quite myopic.
@@jebediahkerman3946 So fine ... get in the backseat of a car .. have FSD drive you around now for 34 years .. and then we'll judge how many times the FSD has never had an accident in 34 years. Heres a clue you dont quite understand. I will bet you a million dollars that at some point in the next 34 years ... that Tesla with its FSD and remember, it has to be by itself, no help from you, will crash ... wanna take that bet? Didnt think so. So what have we learnt? That contrary to your beliefs FSD is NOT safer than me or you. Like I say, if you dispute this ..all you have to do is sit in a FSD from today, let it drive entirely by itself, and do so for 34 years .. and according to YOU, it will never have an accident in those 34 years. Now .. does that sound logical to you? Because thats what YOUR claiming. Not me. YOU.
@@PerttiPeräheinä Its the one thing I excelled hence why I nailed it out in my comment. Perhaps your understanding of it, isnt the greatest. But thanks for playing kid.
There will come a point in your life when you can no longer drive with that same ability you cherish so much should you live long enough. Instead of denying all these old, bad or disabled people from being able to go wherever they want whenever without having to pay someone else you should see how insanely valuable this technology is.
Full (supervised) self driving doesn’t work. If it fails once a year It can kill you, and your family, and other unassuming normal motorists. Don’t kid yourself. If you don’t want to drive, or are not capable of driving, catch a bus. What is the point of this? To show off to your friends. It should and will be banned eventually.
Finally got OMAR on camera!!
Careful, he will block you
My first view of channel. Enjoyed the conversation in this video.❤
Omar is so passionate and knowledgeable about fsd it's refreshing to hear his perspective
I agree. love driving my car but now it's just press FSD and I'm relaxed when I get there
Super Video, vielen Dank. Das ist wirklich eine Riesenüberraschung, dass aus Deutschland über diese sensationelle Technik positiv 1:1 berichtet wird. Omar und seinem Kanal Folge ich schon lang, ist aber ein grosser Unterschied (leider) bezüglich Akzeptanz, ob die Quelle aus den USA oder hier erscheint.
Grosses Dankeschön an euch, dass es mit Omar arrangiert wurde, der Dinge wirklich gut rüberbringen kann.
Omar ist wirklich Mega! Es ist echt nicht einfach den vor die Kamera zu bekommen. Er hat kaum Zeit. Wir haben die besten Zeitfenster in San José arrangieren können. Kleines Easter egg. Ich bin im Model X Plaid hinter Omar’s Model 3 Performance
Habt ihr super gemacht! 👍 Apropos nett, er fährt ja immer wieder mit seinem Vater. Es ist absolut unwichtig fürs FSD, aber ich mag auch wie lieb und respektvoll sie zueinander sind. Und ja, die schlechtesten Loccations fahren sie ja auch nicht ab, es gibt immer wieder schöne Gegenden, Häuser und Pflanzen in ihren Videos zu sehen. 😉
Die Nachtfahrt habt ihr wegen engem Zeitfenster gemacht, oder wolltet ihr bewusst FSD zeigen?
Great video Robin! And Omar is the absolute best!
Good to see Omar. Only knew his voice from his videos
Exactly. We need more Omar selfie cam footage
Breaking rules is not part of software 2.0.
Thank You for All that you are doing for our Planet Earth...
. Peace.. Shalom.. Salam.. Namaste
🙏🏻 😊 ✌ ☮ ❤
Endlich macht mal ein deutscher youtuber was mit den echten Profis was Tesla angeht. Omar ist eine Legende in der Community und seine FSD Videos sind legendär.
insane! i want this so bad in europe
Hats off to both of you. Great questions and conversation.
Super Interview - Wahnsinn Robin 🥳
Danke für das grosse Geschenk, Robin!
Great seeing you and Omar on a drive together!!! I subscribed 😊
Thank you!
Ich habe das Video erst jetzt "gefunden", ist das cool. Ich schau seit Jahren deine Videos. Dieses ist mit Sicherheit unter meinen Top 3 ;)
Danke! Die FSD Kanäle... ich habe so 12 Stück abonniert... Es wird Zeit die FSD Kanäle in die europäischen Köpfe zu bekommen. Leider verpassten unsere Hersteller 1 oder sogar 2 Jahrzehnte Entwicklung im Automobilbereich.
Great vid! Robin has a Tesla, so he already gets how amazing these cars are. Hopefully FSD in Europe soon so more people can be amazed.
Love the discussion! So many important and valuable points.
We need this in Denmark !
*Europe! ;)
I took a coworker around on 12.3.6 after work today and they want a Tesla now specifically for FSD because highway driving gives them anxiety.
Highway driving is working great until there is a lane closed because of an accident or the police slowing down traffic. FSD cannot react to these situations at the moment.
If they have a vehicle with automated crash braking and LKAS, they can like add Openpilot to the car for 3k.
Yes, Auto Parking works amazingly in parking garage art my job in Greenwood Village Colorado.. I use FSD all the time on highways and side roads including back roads of the Rockies Mountain, FSD does amazing hair pin turns and more!
#RobinEV Thank you for letting us see #WholeMarsCatalog in person. followed him but never saw his face. I Subscribed♥♥
wow #Omar🔥🔥, i follow so many channels on FSD , this is the first time seeing you here, you are incredible♥♥
Great video Robin! It was nice meeting you in Muskegon last weekend.
Thank you 😊 It was nice meeting you, hopefully we will see us again testing FSD ✌🏼
Geiles Video Robin. Mit der FSD Legende schlechthin. 👍 cool Omar mal zu sehen.
Danke dir ☺️
This should be on your main channel 😊
finalmente ti vedo in viso Omar!! Waiting for FSD in Europe too!
Ich will das endlich hier in Deutschland 👍!
A victory of AI. These moments 01:41 where the Tesla slows down to a halt and appears to hesitate indefinitely like when it was exiting the parking lot at the beginning (perfectly safe and legal to slow and stop btw), the Tesla should communicate the reason for the delay so the drivenger could verbally resolve the impasse. A human driver in new circumstances does that all the time.
It is unbelievable what AI can do.
FSD isn’t ready for level 5, but I use it every day and it makes driving so much more relaxing. I would pay money for that alone.
I recently rented a Model 3 that had FSD, but it had the steering wheel nag every minute or so. Question: with this software, let's say you don't pay attention to the road for an extended period of time. So we got to see the blue screen there and the message. If you just Not paying attention, would it work on the same strike system, if you didn't pay attention long enough?
I think I do understand that it would eventually pull over and stop the car, but I'm wondering if you would also get that strike. Thanks!
FSD 🚀 Omar💪🚀Herzlichen Glückwunsch Robin. In D glauben es die wenigsten und verspotten uns als Fanboys. Die müssen sich warm anziehen! In der EU wird es die Auto-Lobby verzögern!
Sobald die Zahlen zeigen werden wie viel weniger Unfälle und vor allem mit Toten es mit FSD gibt, kann selbst die Auto-Lobby nicht die Politiker genug beeinflussen
28:33 well… If maybe it's a beautiful new Plaid… Or maybe even a Cybertruck?? Then it might be distracted by the beauty ... :-)
Congratulations Robin & Omar. The world at this point in time can’t experience this next-level drive. Even enhanced AP is lightyears away from so many legacy manufacturers. Everyone is complaining about the wiper function, the easiest task in the world with a rain sensor, but Tesla is reinventing the approach. It is not the priority, as billions of cars on the streets do not even have auto wipers or auto lights, which is a quick fix if required. I suggest everyone utilize ceramic glass treatment, which is better than any wiper and ensures a clear windshield even in the heaviest rain.
That’s so true! Ceramic glass is a great idea!
If Tesla cannot implement the wiper function correctly, what hope is there for Autopilot or FSD? I would not trust my wife and child with the buggy FSD software.
So cool to see both of you in one video!
What about model y 2023 vs 2024 hrw 3 vs hrw4 is it worth it
Wow 🎉 Robin trifft die wichtigsten Menschen der Welt.
Errr, what now? Ich kann nicht verstehe dich. Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
What I want to know is how are some people getting these pre releases?
I just can't wait to see it in the UK.
I imagine it'd be relatively easy to actually pay for the car via TH-cam here too
Mega Video. Hier sieht man wie hinterher die deutsche Autoindustrie ist. Mercedes freut sich gerade, dass die einen Spurwechsel per Update auf der Autobahn eingeführt haben…😉
Dasselbe habe ich auch gedacht als ich die Meldung gesehen habe 😎
Mercedes lügt seine Nutzer über die Leistungsfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit ihres Systems an. Hoffentlich endet das eines Tages nicht in schweren Unfällen.
I'm interested if V12 is also available for EAP in the USA and how it is limited. If it is available it would be great to see the difference to FSD.
Omar , I think you should do all your videos in a way that we see you sit there doing nothing, has major impact on the viewer ..impressive
Great video appreciate the share!! Why did they stop this release? I'm on 12.3.6 works good but this is awesome!! Go wide with 12.4.1 any thoughts? Thx Tim 🇺🇸✌️🤔
They are always releasing in small waves and then wider releases over time. Thats normal, so just wait a little bit ;)
Does FSD 12.4.1 still break basic traffic laws like 12.3.6? Does it speed in active school zones? Does it cross double yellow lines? Does it run red lights? Does it come to a stop partially occluding active traffic lanes unnecessarily when making UPLTs.
PS: What are the training emergent failures that have stopped the general rollout of 12.4.1?
I think Robotaxi will be a 2 seater that is built on a new platform.
This will enable the model 2 also.
I hope the specs are as follows:
1- 0-60=4.5sec
2- range = 280miles/ charge.
3- charging= wireless or wired.
With wired charging 10-80% state of charge @30min. Wired charging with 800v/400v @10min - 15min.
FSD= HDW3/4 v13 with path to AI5 inference computers.
Price range for model 2 variant @$25k.
So the fleet will have the same car but without the steering wheel.
Great prediction but acceleration will be a little bit slower ✌🏼
Omar is so nice.
I believe they are working on a wireless charging platform where you just drive your car on top of it. So the car will be able to charge⚡️🔋 on its own.
Bug when driving on a highway and only minimum speed sign is presented, the car thinks that is the speed limit and slows down, or throws up a message that it is maintaining speed due to flow of traffic. When it slows, it is very dangerous.
Damn ! , it’s gonna be game over within a couple of years .
True 🤓
😂 fsd can't get drunk, can't get a text from a friend / boss/ manager, can't stare at a person passing by or a cul cybertruck passing by. It's always concentrate on giving you the best ride ever, for sure this will reduce accidents to minimal or to zero
Danke für das sehr, sehr interessante Video!! Zwei Einschätzungen von Omar teile ich explizit.
1) Tesla wird das autonome Fahren (nun wirklich;)) in den nächsten 12-24 Monaten lösen. (Unsupervised)
2) FSD von Tesla wird zumindest in Europa und den USA die einzige funktionierende Software dafür sein.
Es gibt für 2) auch eine ganz einfache Erklärung. Die Daten-Center und FSD Chips in den Autos kosten pro Jahr laut Elon ~10Mrd. EUR. Welcher andere Autohersteller kann/will das überhaupt bezahlen? Der Gewinn von Daimler, BMW wäre bei Null, der von VW halbiert, die Dividende wäre wohl in allen Fällen futsch… dafür fehlt unseren Managern der Mut… am Ende werden sie zum Zulieferer von Tesla… und das viel früher als alle denken. (3-5 Jahre;))
Die deutschen Hersteller werden keine Zulieferer von Tesla, sie werden Kunden. 😅
Ich rechne damit, dass die Auto-Lobby solange FSD in Europa verbieten lassen wird, bis die Hersteller ein eigenes Auto mit Tesla FSD lizensiert anbieten können. Elon hat schon mehrfach erwähnt, dass sie in Gesprächen mit großen Herstellern sind.
Denn den Managern fehlt natürlich der Mut. Sie können alles verlieren aber kaum was gewinnen. Das ist leider die treibende Kraft hinter dem Mittelmaß deutscher Hersteller.
Am Ende ist das aber gut, denn dadurch wir werden schneller als die meisten denken, auch in Europa autonom fahren.
Es kann auch gut sein, dass der ein oder andere deutsche Hersteller dabei auf der Strecke bleibt, aber daran haben die Manager die Schuld...
Ich wünschte ich könnte dir widersprechen 😂 hört sich aber zu plausibel an 😊
Very cool.. love it
I look forward to 12.4.x arriving for use in my region....the super-challenging mountainous, blind, steep, sharp, uneven, funky roadways and dirt roads of northern New England. The dirt roads in my region show the weaknesses of 12.3.6 and require a LOT of interventions for reduced pucker-factor comfort, and often also for actual safety. Ex: FSD has a horrible bias too far to edge of dirt roads, travelling in gravel at the road edge right next to culverts, or worse, mountain drop-offs.
I think it is not specifically trained for your region, so will be much better the more Tesla drive around there and the more training data from your region is processed in the ai trainings center.
Robin EV, awesome work
so that's Omar? finally has a face to match that voice and tweets. lol
Same for me, I also just knew him from his voice and hands before ;)
Immer wenn ich sehe, wie weit Tesla mit der Technik ist, kaufe ich eine Aktie nach. 👍
Give fsd another year or so and then it will be a must have
yup 80% of my driving is FSD
So sad you guys got side tracked when talking about the robo taxi long distance traveling/charging issue. I could have also seen that you swap taxis that are fully charged already. Jump out of one, right into the next. No waiting at all
How on earth do you get 5 strikes? I have driven FSD for 3 years ad never received a strike, last week I drove from Southern California to northern Washington and back 2,500 miles mostly on FSD and have never had a strike.
The rental car already had 3 strikes when I got it. I had to install a GoPro in front of the driver display to show the FSD visualization and that blocked my view to the nag messages. It made no sound, just displayed a message and that’s why I couldn’t react to it. Was more a problem because of the video production not generally.
It was super unclear when to respond. It didn’t have any audible feedback. Pretty strange. It was also super sunny, so the screen wasn’t bright enough.
8th of August is also my birthday it going to be a good one this year
This event will change everything in mobility.
@@Robin_EV Yes I agree
There are people out there say there will always have to be a liscened driver in order to take control.
Those people are wrong.
I saw the Waymo robo taxi's in San Francisco recently and they had no driver in them which I though was amazing. It will be so cool if Tesla can match that capability someday, but Waymo has a lot more external sensors. I currently have a 2023 Tesla Model Y long range with FSD version 12.3.6. It's great to use FSD on long trips and sometimes just getting across town. It now does better with a hitch bicycle rack on. With older versions of FSD it would randomly swerve because it thought the bicycle on the rack was another car behind either following too close or coming up fast. It does error out occasionally saying take immediate control.
I wonder what happens when you get a ticket while running on fsd and then take to court to challenge it.
If they are changing to „unsupervised“ Tesla has to pay for tickets, accidents etc.
I'm still not paying $8000 or $99 a month. It was nice during the trial.
My wife prefers the M3 LR 2018 drive vs me. 🎉
Don't celebrate too soon. I was driving on FSD on the highway a few nights ago and the system "crashed" while driving at highway speeds. It said it had a fatal flaw ... The system yelled at me to take control on I-95. Very alarming.
Can it thru drive thru?
We have to test that.
FSD is great. People buying an another car is not informed. People need to test this.
It is a mind blowing experience and you don’t understand it fully until you experienced it on your own.
😂 the intro
FSD is amazing. But the funny thing is when you're describing it to someone, they become so unimpressed as soon as they find out you cannot sit in the back and go to sleep.
I also find out that if you talk with people about it, they are not that impressed. If you show people videos about it, they are a little bit impressed. If they are sitting in the car and experience it, their mind will be blown away.
Legacy media reporters should start riding in these teslas and tell the world the truth
They will latest after August 8.
Another thing is that FSD can't be emotional. Neither hyper or depressed. I can see certain areas and streets will be designated autonomous only in just a few years. FSD and Cybercab will be chauffeuring millions of people everyday by then.
Makes sense and I agree.
I took a test drive, the light turned yellow, the Tesla sped up, It was great!!!!
The suspension looks brutally stiff on uncomfortable
We turned off the stabilizer on the GoPro for picture quality reasons. It looks stiff on the camera but it felt good when driving. Better do a test drive yourself if you are interested.
Don't know about 12.4.1, but 12.3.6 definitely have missed several highways exits for me. Esp in heavy traffic where the can't get over to the exit lane. It does not know how to speed up and cut over or even sometime, slow down to get over in med-high to heavy traffic. Some time, it would take the exit but then won't change lane to get out of the exit lane because of other cars merging over and ended up going back on the freeway.
Highway is still using the old V11 stack which is noticeably worse than V12. V11 is really robotic, slow to make lane changes, and is just overall not very natural/smooth. Elon has clarified that FSD 12.5 will bring the V12 stack to highway as well.
He said 12.5 would be out in late June, but knowing Elon and his timelines, I'd guess end of July is more likely.
Yes highway exits are sometimes not working right. Like Brandon said, 12.5 will bring neural net highway stack.
Yeah, I've experienced my 2023 Model Y Dual Motor with 12.3.6 miss exits on the highway as well due to heavy traffic here in California. It has a hard time getting over in heavy traffic. Whereas I would just slow down in order to get over or make the lane change sooner.
You still in San Jose?
That’s not what I expected him to look like
Isn’t it always like this if we just know the voice? He is a great guy 👌🏽
Bin ich gespannt wie lange des noch in Deutschland dauern wird, bis Wir wenigstens mal so ein FSD Beta Programm bekommen, wie in den USA damals zu beginn, also so 500 Personen
Es gibt wohl schon ein paar wenige Mitarbeiter.
Rikard Fredriksson hat neulich auf linkedin geposted, dass er durch München gefahren wurde.
Das kommt schneller als man denkt. Am Ende ist es ein statistisches Problem. Wie will man 10x sicheres fahren auf Dauer ablehnen. Vor allem, wenn China FSD zulässt (ist bereits in Arbeit).
Ich denke und hoffe in 2025.
FSD is better than a human with years of driving experience?
Well then let FSD drive a challenging 100 mile route, while you lean back and close your eyes. What could happen, right?
Hopefully I can test exactly this scenario next time I am in the USA. Some people who tried exactly this, said to me it works without security interventions. Just interventions because FSD missed an exit, waited to long on a crossing etc. There is a reason why you still have to supervise it but that will be gone sooner than most people expect.
@@Robin_EV You have no idea when FSD will be Level 5 Fully Autonomous. All you have to go on is the hype and fantasy from Elon. And we know from past history that he often over promises and then *under* *delivers* .
Well, it is the most advanced system that’s on the market. Testing it in the US opened my eyes. We are 90% there IMO. I hope legacy car companies are quick with licensing FSD immediately. It’ll take at least 3-5 years to implement!
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em
@@TeslaFix 90 percent is *not* *good* *enough* .
A human driver is 99.99 percent. FSD is a simpleminded Level 2 assistant, nothing like a human driver.
So an immediate need for intervention, then a need for disengagement. Both within the first 60 seconds of activation. That’s impressive?
The beginning was not the best, but the rest is impressive.
“Not the best?” The beginning exemplifies the current inability of 12.4.1 to self navigate safely in all situations. Sure, it’s great most of the time, but it is not yet trustworthy. Supervised, it’s impressive. But it’s still liable to do the wrong thing at any moment. I don’t see any improvement over 12.3.6. In fact, not shown, is serious regression with regard to lane selection and management. Where is the improvement?
I tried it… it wanted to drive straight into another car during traffic.. I’ll stick to autopilot basic
Which version have you tried?
Fsd capable = Tesla
Tesla ist einfach Wahnsinn. Da können sich unsere deutschen "Premiumhersteller" warm anziehen, wenn das System zu uns kommt. Das werden die nicht überleben.-
Police state USA will never allow for vehicles to have opaque windows. If that were the case, we could have as dark of a tint as we want.
Never forget, they use “traffic law” to strip away your constitutional rights.
Oh f** is that you #WholeMarsCataog, i already followed your channel and twitter for quiet sometimes now, watched most of your videos, but never saw your face only your voice and gf is mostly there but never saw her too. Just seconds befor i was watcing this and didnt noticed w/whole Mars Catalog on the Title.That is why i say #omar in the other comment🔥🔥🔥
He should show himself more often 😎
I didn’t see the driver tell the car where he wanted to go.
He tapped on the map or he told via voice. I think you can see it in the video.
My fsd still sucks so annoying can't wait for 12.4
Where are you living?
Definitiv die meisten englischen Kommentare unter einem deiner Videos 😅 sehr cool. Warum ist Deutschland so unglaublich hinterher?! Es ist echt peinlich.
Finally, drunk drivers can make it home !
Without killing other people!
Yeah, Elon mentioned that if Justin Timberlake was driving a Tesla with FSD instead of a BMW, he wouldn't have gotten that DUI recently.
Intervention after 2 mins… hmmm
"BETTER than humans!" ... can't even get out of the parking lot...
You have a point, not in every situation but the most.
LMAO intervention in first 30sec of the drive 😂😂😂😂. Fcking useless
Passenger laughs like elon, its so cul
I am laughing like Elon, haha, never heard that before 😆
This whole FSD drives better than humans is disingenuous at best. Yes average humans get in about one accident every 500,000 miles driven and FSD can match that. The problem is the number for human drivers is skewed by drivers under the influence, drivers driving when exhausted or sick, or very young inexperienced drivers and very old drivers who have lost their cognitive skills. For experienced healthy drivers not under the influence the accident rate is orders of magnitude lower and FSD isn’t anywhere close to being as good.
Sadly we don’t live in lala land where everyone is a perfect driver. The points you’ve just mentioned are the main reasons why FSD is necessary and absolutely sensible.
i wouldn't associate with omar
WMC is quite biased and neat pick all the FSD videos in his channel. While FSD is a cool product, it doesn’t work anywhere outside NA. Whoever paid for this here in Europe has been ripped off huge time. The argument that this will work over time makes no sense. We are no where closer to having the Robotaxi Musko has been promising for years, which will require AGI.
Furthermore, they will have to spend years training this here in Europe, because traffic laws are completely different from country to country. It will take years for them to gather the data to train in each country.
The cult is real and Musko is not being accountable for his words.
Let’s see how everything works out.
nah, I can't make his face go with his voice
He is awesome, please don’t be superficial.
Tesla haters are going to hate but they've got nothing ha
They can hate but not stop this.
I always find it cute when people say FSD can drive better than humans. I have been driving for 27 years and have had ... wait for it ... 0 accidents. Not one. Zero. Thats because Im a great driver who can anticipate situations. So far FSD has had accidents , so until I have as many accidents as FSD then it will never be as good as me. Also .. Ive never once in my 27 years had to have someone next to me to 'intervene' ... remind me again if FSD has ever needed a human to take over before it ploughs into a cyclist. Oh thats right ...
I've been driving for 34 years, zero accidents. But FSD is better than I am because it never gets distracted, never gets tired, and will only get better with age. If you can't see how much better FSD will be at driving than you, then you are quite myopic.
@@jebediahkerman3946 So fine ... get in the backseat of a car .. have FSD drive you around now for 34 years .. and then we'll judge how many times the FSD has never had an accident in 34 years. Heres a clue you dont quite understand. I will bet you a million dollars that at some point in the next 34 years ... that Tesla with its FSD and remember, it has to be by itself, no help from you, will crash ... wanna take that bet? Didnt think so. So what have we learnt? That contrary to your beliefs FSD is NOT safer than me or you. Like I say, if you dispute this ..all you have to do is sit in a FSD from today, let it drive entirely by itself, and do so for 34 years .. and according to YOU, it will never have an accident in those 34 years. Now .. does that sound logical to you? Because thats what YOUR claiming. Not me. YOU.
statistics wasn't your best subject at school?
@@PerttiPeräheinä Its the one thing I excelled hence why I nailed it out in my comment. Perhaps your understanding of it, isnt the greatest. But thanks for playing kid.
There will come a point in your life when you can no longer drive with that same ability you cherish so much should you live long enough. Instead of denying all these old, bad or disabled people from being able to go wherever they want whenever without having to pay someone else you should see how insanely valuable this technology is.
Full (supervised) self driving doesn’t work. If it fails once a year It can kill you, and your family, and other unassuming normal motorists.
Don’t kid yourself.
If you don’t want to drive, or are not capable of driving, catch a bus.
What is the point of this? To show off to your friends.
It should and will be banned eventually.