@@BibleLine how do you get around the parable of the wheat and the tares? Christ specifically says there are people who are born again and in the Church His people (wheat) and then the devil comes and sows people into the Church that confess Christ but don’t know Him (tares) and to be careful dealing with them all because you don’t wanna hurt the wheat (His people) while ripping out tares (false converts). He says he will judge the tares and throw them in the fire at the end of time. Tares confess Christ with their lips and however their heart was never changed. Side note from the agricultural world which makes the parable even more potent is ,wheat and tares look almost identical except for slight differences….. Matthew 13 if you need to look at it….
@Jayred05 This parable is based off the initial parable of the seed, sower and soil. The wheat is wheat because they received the word. To receive the word is to believe (as Luke’s account provides). The Tares are sown by the enemy, and this is likened to those whom Satan “catcheth away that which was sown in his heart.” These individuals heard the word, but they do not believe it. Even the stony and thorny soil are saved because they received the word. The parable thereafter is regarding the present reality of believers (wheat) being mixed with unbelievers (tares). Verses 38-43 of Matthew 13 even explain the parable further. We can cross reference these passages with clear passages such as John 3, Ephesians 2, Romans 3-5 and others to see that the point can mean no other. Salvation is free to all who believe. You are then “wheat,” and you are capable of bearing fruit. Hence John 15 and 1 John 1-5 we are to abide in the vine. - Trent
@@BibleLine uh huh I knew you wouldn’t have a good explanation. Why does it say in the parable of the seed and the sower nothing grows, it’s plucked out, or can’t grow in the stony soil. Tares look exactly like the wheat which means it’s a grown plant alongside the grown wheat. Your mental gymnastics and scripture twisting is actually astounding. Man you should be very afraid I’m telling you outta love.
@@BibleLine “But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct; like unreasoning animals by these things they are destroyed, Woe to them! They have gone the way of Cain, and for money they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, perished in the rebellion of Korah! These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along with winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted: Wild waves of the sea casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars , for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever! Jude 1 11-13 Jude is a stark warning for men such as yourselves. You’ll remember this conversation and warning forever if you’re wrong. Repent and believe the true Gospel of Jesus.
@Bob.55 unreal, I can’t believe people like you exist. You should read the Gospels, Jesus preaches more about Hell than anyone in scripture. I shudder for you. Hell is going to be worse for average man who denies scripture and leads others astray than pagans who murder people … God is furious with people like you and this channel. You’re in such danger and I’m saying this outta love turn form your ways and to the true God of scripture.
"Partial obedience is disobedience" was a great quote. I will rely on JESUS all day to save me rather than my effort of obedience that is never perfect.
9:51 WOW! When Pastor Jesse went into this scenario that exactly described what I have been going through for or past year or so. When I first started my walk about a year or so ago I got swept up in people like McArthur and was left with nothing but confusion and fear. So glad to have found this channel. Thank you Pastor Jesse and team for keeping to the truth
Thank you Jesse Martinez that you always point out false teachers!!! And you never stop believing in Jesus Christ, his Grace!!! His Grace is enough it’s sufficient!!!
@@j.philipharris3081 be careful, this person.might be 1 percent wrong too Forget calvin and obsession with calvin. The Bible clearly pronounces our deadness and depravity and that none seek after God. Just come to Jesus as a child BUT if you do come it's because HE chose you. He will NOT cast us out BUT HE chooses to save If you ARE SAVED HE chose you In our adamic nature we HATE God and NONE seek after God. He wants us to HEAR Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself -++ a MYSTERY NOT known before. The FINISHED work Jesus accomplished for salvation
Yup, I agree with this as well. Sam Shamoun is a clear example of someone who is well versed in scripture and is very good at debating against Islam and proving the Trinity but because he is a Catholic and believes in the Catholic doctrine that throws him straight into error.
@@AlexTheFollowerofJesusChrist Are you saying that the speaker is catholic? WOW, he has pretty good doctrine for a catholic but denying the absolute sovereignty of God in ALL things is heresy. They cannot accept the fact THAT God MUST choose to save
the Bible teaches that when someone understands the Gospel, and believes it, ......it is a done deal. By doing so, you believe it in your heart and are then sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of eternal life. This is also what true Biblical repentance is, in that you accept this free gift from Jesus to pay for your sins, and that you can't get to heaven on own merit. Why do people make it so complicated? 1 Jo 5:13 -> We can KNOW we have eternal life. It is all by faith in Christ.
I would add that you also need to accept it, simply because there are those who understand it and say they believe it, but still reject it because they are afraid of what they might have to give up in order to be a Christian. This would be the type of people who you might hear say something like they don't want to be a Christian because they like their life the way it is. Believe it or not, there ARE such people.
Yes, that's Paul's doctrine for the Body of Christ Church during this Dispensation of Grace. That isn't Israel's doctrine. They must not only believe in Christ but they will also need to endure Israel's 70th week till the end: faith plus works, just as James told them.
@@lawrencehorner8418 I completely agree. In the context I spoke of "Believe" above it was meant they accept it, as I qualified what believe in the following sentences. You must accept the Gospel , and this is believing in your heart. I also called this repentance.
@@lawrencehorner8418 wait I just want to understand. Are you saying a Christian has to give up his life to be saved??? Cause I don’t remember that in the Gospel. A Christian does not need to give up their life to be saved. All they have to do is believe. Don’t make the gospel anymore complicated please.
@@antanayaharris9301 I didn't say that. But I do believe, if someone is a career criminal, for instance, they will not be able to go on doing that for the rest of their life if they truly know the Lord. If they have the Holy Spirit and are reading the Bible, they will experience conviction and will know they need to change that aspect about themselves.
Jesus paid it ALL‼️ Thank you Lord for paying my sin debt. Thank you for taking my punishment, dying my death (that I deserved) and thank you for defeating death so that I might live forever‼️ You did EVERYTHING & give me the credit. You are worthy of ALL honor, praise and GLORY FOREVER, amen 🙏
To those upset by this message: Some hide behind their "righteousness," believing that their deeds-whether it's missionary work, helping the poor, tithing, or personal sacrifices-are what save them. They think others must follow the same difficult path they did. But the truth is, JESUS made salvation easy for all-rich and poor, strong and weak, smart and simple-minded alike. Jesus did it all for us. He died on the cross, spilling His blood to atone for our sins (past, present, and future), and rose again three days later. Our only requirement is to believe in Him and His sacrifice. Jesus calls us to become "as little children" (Matthew 18:3), accepting the gift of salvation freely and without overthinking it. I am no better than you, and you are no better than me. Put your confidence, faith, hope, and love in Jesus, who did the work so we could come to Him with the simple, free faith of a child. My hope isn't in my actions or sacrifices, but in the blessed work of Jesus. Remember, with man it is impossible, but with God, everything is possible.
I used to listen to MacArthur several years back and then I just stopped listening to him and Lord has protected me from these kinds of preachers. They are subtle but deadly. They turn the joy of salvation into dread and basically like the taskmasters of Egypt. That is how they see God
The Day I understood that John MacArthur was a demonic teacher of the heresy of" Deformed sovereign grace 5-Point Calvinism" I burned the MacArthur Study Bible in the driveway. He has perverted it to conform to his heresy reinforced by his study notes. He is s devil among Christian circle yet they don't know it!!
Absolutely love these videos I was a preschool teacher for years and kept in contact with a few families. One family has 2 girls now 7 and 10 that both completed the two year pre k course I taught. I had invited them to church awhile ago and then was able to sit down and discuss the gospel with the parents. The mom was raised Baptist and stated she had accepted Christ years ago. The dad came out of the LDS faith and I believe he also has accepted the true Christ as his Savior although despite being deeply wounded by the Mormon church. Thor two girls have repeatedly voiced interest in Jesus and getting baptized. I have had various conversations with the mom ( because the girls are influenced by the kids in school and around here where it’s heavily LDS. ) to make sure she explains the biblical gospel and role of baptism ( for a testimony of faith not to be saved ) I recently got a text from her that a church they are wanting to attend is doing baptisms and they told her that the girls could get baptized as long as they had put faith in Christ. So she reached out to me. I sent her a couple biblically sound articles on discussing salvation and baptism to children. She just contacted me this morning to say that she sat the girls down and discussed it all with them and they both wanted to be saved …. the one ( younger ) asked to say a prayer out loud and the older one who is shy asked to go say a prayer in her room by herself. The joy of having them choose to put their individual faith in Christ is a feeling that is indescribable. I reassured the mom that they came to Christ with that childlike faith and God accepted it and their names are now forever writing the Lamb’s Book of Life. I also sent her some of your short teachings on assurance, salvation vs service and a few others for encouragement. I wanted you to know how much this channel and its correct gospel doctrine has not only helped me but that I have used it many times to share with others. Today is a special day because 2 new people were added to God’s family and it’s amazing ✝️🙏
@@Smerm Thank God HE chose in mercy to open their blind eyes to Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself ---- a MYSTERY NOT known before. The FINISHED work Jesus accomplished for salvation
@Smerm That's wonderful praise Jesus! The gospel all the apostles were committed to preach is so simple and its wonderful how you shared it in its amazing simplicity and it was received 🙏🏻
@@Over-for-now I’m only responding one time to you as I’ve seen this reply to what I shared and your other responses and it’s apparent you want to argue against the truth and in defense of Calvinism and the related reformed theology. No, he did not choose. He gave us all free will and those 2 girls heard the gospel and THEY chose to respond in accepting it. Now the glory absolutely goes to God 100% but God DOES NOT pick some for salvation and some not. I’d kindly suggest you rewatch this video and all the others related to not only MacArthur but the other lessons on Bibleline on salvation and exposing Calvinism.
@@Smerm Your Lord Jesus Christ is another jesus because he is very insufficient. My Lord Will accomplish ALL HIS WILL and no one will thwart HIS promises and plans or HIS WAYS
True believers do good works and try wholeheartedly to obey God because of what our Lord JesusChrist did for us. Bled and died on the cross. We do this, by the power of the Holy Spirit which dwells within us, BECAUSE we are saved, NOT to be saved.
I actually watched this very video about 9 months ago, my assurance of salvation comes from 1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 1 John 5:13 KJV
@@jtbtdlkt2012 ya it’s anti intellectual. Pentecostals and Charismatics are spiritually bankrupt. No wonder they constantly talk about joining up with the Catholics.
@@Jayred05 in this context, the lie that we look to ourselves for assurance. We can only look to Jesus and His faithfulness to keep His promise for our assurance.
I remember the day I was assured that I was saved. Long story short the Holy Spirit just gave me assurance that I'm saved because I put my faith in Jesus for my sin. Efe 2:8-9. I never doubted it since. it's been a strength in my life fore 26 years now. It really saddens me that people can tie our salvation to works because it confuses people and steals away peoples security in Christ.
PLEASE keep these videos coming and a video on Justin Peters would be great too. So many men lead me astray in my walk with Jesus and it's comforting to see the truth come forward
After his "The Blood of Jesus doesn't save" speech he gave I just call him a heretic. I very very rarely use the word heretic like at all, its not a word I throw around. But diluting the Blood and re-defining the meaning of faith bc he thinks he meets his own subjective standards (God's standard is Perfection) and causing confusion (of which God is Not the author) these Lordship Salvationists lower God's standard to what they think they meet and look down on those who don't measure up. They shut up the Kingdom of Heaven when they themselves don't even enter. It's heresy. Salvation is so simple a child can understand. Jesus even said with the Faith of a child. But when you start adding and mudding up the clear Gospel waters of Salvation that a child doesn't understand you've already screwed up. God made it Clear and Simple, man will do whatever man can do to make it Muddy and Complicated. If the person can't even get Salvation right just turn the other way. -Acts 16:30-31
@@TheFightingSheep you’re right. John 6:28-29 Then they said to him, “what shall we do, that we may work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, this is the work of God, that ye believe in Him whom He sent.
We are supposed to follow Jesus and strive to be like him as much as possible because we love and respect Jesus for what he did for our fallen state. Salvation should never be in question when we know he has risen and his words are now solid rock for the foundation because of that.
Trials and tests are my glory, I rejoice and praise God in them! If your salvation can't stand questioning and your faith can't stand trial, you have no salvation and no faith, only wishful thinking.
I know I'm saved because of my faith in what The Lord Jesus Christ did for me. Nothing else needed or required. P.S. Any replies that have to do with "keep My commandments" or, "faith without works is dead," will be rejected.
Calvinism is maybe the largest Man Ego centered philosophies in the religious world. Its why they miss In Him/Christ/Beloved when reading Ephesians and see Us/We/Self instead. Its all about works and self righteousness while turning Grace into some super power or zapping from God which is exactly how Catholics and Mormons and others see it . They can't grasp Grace is any and all things God gives or does for us that we have not in any way earned.
I was under the impression that calvinism is all about the sovereignty and the power of God, and a total helpless dependence of man. What are you talking about?
@@TheFightingSheep Gen 1:26 KJV And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. DOMINION, noun [Latin See Dominant.] 1. Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling. God is over all. He is the God of Calvinistic Fatalism. Dominion is a synonym for Sovereignty of which God delegated that Sovereignty to Humanity and thus when we rebell and/or misuse said responsibility we are guilty for that. God has chosen to do it His way because He ultimately has the first and the last say in what is right or wrong. Psa 115:3 KJV But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased. Psa 115:15 Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth. 16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. Calvinists talk about themselves, their changed lives, or how thankful they are to be the elect of God chosen arbitrarily over others. When you listen to them talk just like with MacArthur they point ultimately to themselves. Not Jesus or His promises and definitely not Jesus's personal and Universal love for All humanity which the bible clearly expresses so well a 6 yr old can get it. But not when one's eyes are blinded by self righteous pride and gnostic philosophy which is exactly where Calvinism came from through Augustine. Nowhere does the Bible teach that mankind can not or lacks the ability to trust God. From Adam all the way forward even after man's fall Adam could and did respond to God. It's the essence of sin being rebelling while having the ability to obey. Salvation is simple I Know Without a doubt I am saved is because Jesus promised to me the free gift of Eternal life and entrance into His family if I will trust in Him to do that for me. Jesus can not lie and He is God the Son who will keep His word to me and to All who will likewise do so. Nothing about what I do or don't do factors into His faithfullness to do what He said. Calvinists focus on self. Not solely on the Son of God. Hence it is a self centered ideology from foundation up..
@@TheFightingSheep leave calvin out. The Bible clearly says we ARE under satanic grip until God in mercy awakens us to our lost condition. Thank God for HIS sovereignty and mercy to SAVE. NONE would be saved without HIS awakening us in our depravity
The individual is always given the choice whether or not to believe or reject Jesus Christ. Nicodemus believed, but he could have not believed (John 3:18). In Acts 7, the men stopped their ears at Stephen’s words. Did God make one of these happen over the other? No, they all chose. - Trent
@@Livingingrace I'm not arguing for or against, but I don't see the logic of how a philosophy teaching sovereignty of God is "Man Ego centered", while your philosophy of the sovereignty of man is not. It's the opposite, isn't?
That is true, and he gives us faith through the hearing of his word Romans 10:17, it comes by the hearing of the truth of the gospel of Christ, for it, the gospel of Chris is the power of God unto salvation unto everyone that believes.
Context matters. My response question is, why are we jumping 13 and a half chapters in? And even a whole extra book in? The Corinthians were definitely 100% saved, so are we testing their salvation? Or could Paul mean something different here? - Trent
God was showing Peter that He is doing something else (other than Israel's prophecy and their doctrine). That's when the Dispensation of Grace began with Paul. Peter didn't even get out his whole speech (Acts 11:15) when the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and family. Israel fell and diminished (Romans 11:11-12) and salvation (was of the Jews) came to the Gentiles by way of the Dispensation of Grace given to Paul (Eph 3:1-2). This was God's way of Showing Peter that He is doing something other than Israel's prophecy.
John has been deceived by the false doctrines of TULIP, as all Calvinists are. They put their faith in the falseness of TULIP that all five points can be proven wrong through the scriptures. Another good video Jesse.
I listen to many pastors and teachers of God’s word on TH-cam. I greatly appreciate your insight and love of Jesus while sharing the gospel. I grew up Southern Baptist, my dad was my pastor and though he is no longer able to preach he is still my favorite teacher. All of that said, I always worried about my salvation. I continually fight with my sin nature. I was, am, and will continue to be a sinner unworthy of God’s love and sacrifice. In watching your video series reviewing the once saved always saved video I heard several comments from the teachers on the video basically saying that they live sin free lives. I was struck thinking how much more faith and what a stronger relationship with God they must have than Adam and Eve. They walked with God in the garden and still sinned against God. They got to talk with God and still sinned. I don’t mean to sling arrows at anyone, I just believe it’s disingenuous to proclaim how perfectly they follow God’s law as imperfect humans. If I misinterpreted what they were saying I apologize for not fully understanding what they meant.
Yes, according to the Bible, Jesus said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" while on the cross near death. The phrase appears in both the Gospel of Matthew (27-46) and the Gospel of Mark (15-34)
Calvinists love to play that "he loves me/he loves me not" game with their assurance. As someone who has been there and done it, I know that's true. But, you know what else I know? The right answer was there long before I was ever born. Christ died for my sins. Christ lives at the right hand of God the father. He lived and died so I don't have to. And because he lives foreverl resurrected I live forever. Christ is all I need. He IS all life and all assurance. He is the most worthy of the trust I have. That's salvation.
My question is, if you don't believe for certain or not whether you are saved, how could you be? I think that is part of why they call it faith. I also believe that in and of itself helps us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Jesus came to a specific people, to preach a specific message, and to die a specific death. What can not be found in his exclusive ministry is salvation from the preaching of the cross. The preaching of the cross, Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection offer forgiveness & justification to all men by grace through faith alone.
The sad thing and simultaneously cause for celebration is that there's probably lot's of former calvinists who have actually believed the gospel and then guys like MacArthur have talked them out of belief and now they think that they are headed for hell and have become atheist and they're actually headed to heaven.
For someone who's been in the ministry for over 50 years, president of a seminary, written many books, including study bibles...not once has he quoted scripture to validate his argument and statements.
Jesus didn't die for everyone and He explains it in Matthew 26:26-29. Verse 28 says "covenant", Jesus doesn't enter into covenant with everyone, just His elect. If He did enter into covenant with everyone then that would mean even with those that are in hell now. This cant be because His covenant also means intercession or mediation between God and His people. So He's interceding for those in hell? He failed to forgive them? Do you see and understand how wrong and twisted this is? This is all proven later on in the sentence in the same verse where He says: "which is poured out for MANY for forgiveness of sins.". He doesn't say "EVERYONE"
@@CoCo8102. The blood of the new covenant applies to those who are in Christ by faith. However, Jesus died for every person who has ever lived. Those who remain in unbelief do not enter into the covenant and thus remain in their sins. Jesus does not intercede for these people because they are outside the new covenant.
@@DanielBShaw You've been taught a lie and you've believed it. What you've said is not found in Scripture. Covenant = intercession. God's covenant with His people started before the foundation of the earth, this is what the book of Ephesians says (Eph. 1:3-6). God chose His elect in the Beloved (Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ pays for their sins (the basis of His covenant is His blood), He intercedes for them even before they are justified (Hebrews 7:25), and the Holy Spirit effectuates this salvation onto His elect people in His chosen time throughout history and none of His elect are lost. In His timing, the Holy Spirit regenerates His elect, justifies them in Christ and grants them the gifts of repentance and faith. The only way a person can believe is if the Lord grants him that belief (Romans 8:6-8). This is why salvation begins in God and ends in Him (Romans 11:36). Your understanding of salvation is from man's perspective and not God. Your belief is no different from what the RCC preaches and teaches.
@BibleLine No that's talking about just believing and the Law of Moses! Nowhere in those passages does it say we are justified by Jesus finished work on the cross! No repentance..no confession...and no baptism...that would make you disobedient.. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder! (James 2:19, ESV)
highly agree with You sir. LOVE you Pastor Jesse Martinez. I want you to know you did an Excellent duty and job explaining Salvation and "How to Truly know if we are Saved". I do not agree with Pastor John MacArthur on Cessationism or Calvinism but I do have respect for Him and some of His material I have listened to in the past. I dont listen to him anymore or some of other ministers i know because i believe they will lead me astray. I'm sorry but what you said about Love not being a factor of Salvation is not true. What a Person Loves matters! If you don't Love God more than anything else it's disobedience to God and scripture. We are Commanded to Love God with all our Hearts , Soul and Minds ; Matthew 22: 37 and Mark 12:30-31. Ppl lose and in the apostasy that will occur in the end will lose their Salvation because they will have a Love for the Flesh and Love for themselves we see this in 2 Timothy 3:1-4 Emphasis on verses 2 & 4 they will be "lovers of Self " and Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God" We see why so many turn is because it starts out with a Desire for things other than God and love for things other than God. I'm sorry I don't mean to disagree but Love in a since is a Factor. Because if you don't Love God with ALL your Heart Soul and mind your going to "Love yourself" and "Love pleasure more than being a lover of God"
One thing that causes many struggles is the misunderstanding on who is called to do what. Are we all called to be evangelists? Preachers? Disciples? Apostles? No. It's believed that everyone Christ encountered during his earthly ministry were called to be his disciples, and by extension, all who now hear the Gospel, the same. But that is not true. The woman at the well, the blind man, the Roman general, etc. None of them were called to follow Christ until His sacrifice was complete, in order to be saved. They were saved by their faith in Christ. The disciples who endured until the end, when Christ said "It is finished" are saved. The ones who did not endure, are not. It was not until Christ completed His work that the free gift of salvation was offered to all who had ears to hear. Paul never said "Hear me Gentiles, now that you are saved, in order to stay saved you must become disciples to prove to me you are saved" I was saved approximately 6 months before I met my wife, almost 10 years ago. I was able to help her find salvation and leave the Catholic Church. Do I doubt her salvation because she left me 21 days ago and is continually saying brutal things almost every time she breaks silence? No. I am conformed to the image of Christ when God looks upon me. Of that, I am certain. My wife clearly does not see this image in me. Does that mean I am not saved? She thinks it does. Now I'm being forced into discipleship counseling , not to save this marriage, no, no. She has no intention of that. It's to prove, when I fail, that the grace of God has not been, and will never br bestowed upon me. And even though Paul commanded believers to stay with their unbelieving spouses, save for abandonment or fornication, she has every intention to prove she is Holy, and I am not and that she is completely justified in leaving and taking our children with her. Is this a trial MacArthur was speaking to? No. I'm not qualified to be an elder, and never will be. Yet many will believe I am called to be an image bearer of Christ....I am called to be a father, a husband, and a worker for Christ yes, but a worker who shares his testimony of salvation, not one who raises other disciples. My faith is the measure that Christ has given me. It is unwavering nonetheless.
Jesus was gathering and training those Jews who would take Israel's Gospel of the Kingdom to the world during the 1st half of Israel's 70th week. That's why He sent them only to Jews, not to Gentiles. Israel is to be the light unto the Gentiles. Israel is to be the salt of the earth. Israel is to be a kingdom of Priests. The whole earth will be blessed through Israel. The great multitude of Rev 7 are those who come to Christ through Israel (the 144,000). That isn't the Body of Christ Church.
I know this there are plenty of times that I was hurt and I walked away from God and to my mess and he pulled me back time and time again he is such a beautiful awesome God I've learned in my life when I have been at the lowest times of my life God was there for me to comfort me I was in a Christian men's home and I left the home it was New Year's Eve in Las Vegas I was up all night on drugs and I fell asleep on a mattress in a little desert area I woke up at 8:00 in the morning hungry I had a meeting in the day and a half and I knew that everything was closed on New Year's Day and I said to myself what am I going to do I don't have no money I have no food and all of a sudden I hear someone calling my name and I look up in this guy has a garbage bag in his hand I met him once at his house and he fed me he came up and said hey I've been looking for you here's your Christmas gift God bless you when I looked in the bag there was about 3 days worth of food a couple days worth of new clothes and a Christmas card with two five-dollar bills in it He Loves Us in the good times and the bad times thank you Jesus
2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless indeed you are disqualified. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 This proves the words MacArthur is on point.....
When you look on yourself as an indicator for the test of salvation anything is possible. Honestly, cannot an unsaved person have "love but not perfect love", "humility but not perfect humility", "obedience but not perfect obedience"? An unsaved person can do these things and appear to be saved or religious. Perhaps this is why John Calvin teaches that you could have a false salvation sent from God. All of this stuff is wild. It is the heart of Augustinian Predestination, not the Bible.
Dead does not mean "without the capability to believe in God at all." That is the presupposition that Calvinism starts with. Dead jsut means "separated." - Trent
Hello, could you possibly give an example of what someone who is more spiritual but not born again would look/act like? Thank you, I have trouble discerning those in error.
John the Baptist didn't question his ministry in jail. We know this because Jesus Christ proves it by what He says about John in Matthew 11:7-15, and Jesus says that he was not lacking of or weak in faith. If you're not believing on Christ in the active sense, moment to moment, situation to situation then you have a dead faith, period. How do I know? I was a false convert for 24 years of my life. I was self deceived and held to the false gospel of easy believism, free grace, cheap grace. When I was saved by the Lord more than 6 years ago He opened my eyes and made me to understand the true nature of saving faith, and its active, its continual, it brings about action and it doesn't crumble under pressure and trials, because its rooted in God and not in man. I know all of this because I was in darkness at one point in my life (when I held to cheap grace gospel) and now Im in Christ, the Light itself. If you believe in this false gospel or teach it then you're not saved. You need to be born again. You need to repent and believe in the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What Paul refers to as a false Gospel is mixing in Israel's doctrine with his doctrine for the Body for justification. That renders another Gospel that can not save anyone. It's Paul's Gospel of Grace that is the Power of God unto salvation for anyone that believes it (Romans 1:16). Adding in Israel's Doctrine of works, is not that Gospel of Grace. It's something else.
@@bugsocsollie1694 I dont understand how your reply has anything to do with what I commented. I believed in the false gospel of easy believism, free grace, cheap grace. So how does that have to do with works?
@CoCo8102. Well then, I guess I don't understand what you are calling the false Gospel. I don't understand why you call it "easy believeism" or cheap Grace. All it takes to be saved is to believe Paul's Gospel of Grace for our justification. That's how we receive Christ's righteousness: by faith. But there was nothing cheap about the price God paid for our sins. His salvation is bought and paid for, for anyone that would believe. It is a free gift. If you don't receive it as a free gift, you don't get the free gift, because you do not trust the Gospel to justify you.
@@bugsocsollie1694 With all due respect of course you don't understand. God's Word doesn't say that. I believed what you believe now for more than 24 years of my life and I was a false convert until the Lord saved me, He caused me to be born again more than 6 years ago and I repented and put my trust in Jesus even onto this day. How can you say that I hold to works salvation now (which implies that Im not saved) given the fact that I'm saved today but when I was a false convert for more than 24 years of my life I believed what you hold to now? There's inconsistency in your belief.
@CoCo8102. Can you give me one inconsistency in my doctrine? We haven't even covered enough of my doctrine for you to know that. My doctrine completely separates Israel's doctrine (faith plus works) from Paul's doctrine for the Body of Christ Church (by Grace through faith). As far as I can tell, there is no way to be consistent with sound Biblical doctrine unless we rightly divide the two doctrines. I'm guessing that you never once believed in separating the two doctrines because it makes so much more sense where combining the two doctrines is what causes all the confusion. God's Grace was not easy or cheap. Works are cheap and easy.
Side note. FYI I previously subscribed to your channel and when I checked today I was no longer subscribed. Not sure what's going on but people should double check. Maybe YT is playing games again.
Ive deconstructed from calvinism. No appeal anymore. Saw the debate with leighton flowers and james white. Leighton flowers gave a clear gospel. I also enjoy john r rice and sword of the Lord guys. And ive found more to read outside of calvinism since leaving. This is my favorite channel though because of these videos.
So what do you say to the person who believes and trusts in Christ for salvation but sins all they want and waves the ‘I believe’ card? Are they saved?
They’re a shame to the body of Christ. Nonetheless, Christ died for those sins, didn’t he? They’re saved. It’s not about how much a person sins or doesn’t sin. If they believed, they believed. - Trent
@@BibleLine idk that seems cheap to me. As much as I sin not that I want to anymore but I’d imagine there should be a grace cut off point where God has enough and just ends my days and I get judged and sent off to hell for sinning against him so many times. I’ve been seeking after him for so long and not once tasted joy of salvation, not once having a sense of peace and assurance. I’m always questioning if I’m saved. Been really wishing the Lord would visit me and tell me. I’m very hardheaded and it seems to me I’m left to figure out my salvation on my own which I obviously can’t. It’s been 11 years on this walk.
Well, Jesus said “it is finished” when he died for all of our sin. He made an eternal payment for all of our sin. He claimed those who believe in Him are no longer condemned to hell - John 5:24. It wasn’t cheap in that it cost Jesus his life. It’s treated as cheap to the individual who continues in a lifestyle of sin. That would be terrible for someone to do that because it is essentially spitting in Jesus’ face. He died for that person too, even the soldiers who crucified him. Sin is never okay, but the fact remains that He died for all sin. Notice 1 John 2:1-2. He is the advocate for sinners, and he remains that advocate. He is the payment for all sin. All you have to do to be sure of your salvation is believe in Him, that he made that payment for you. You receive eternal life; not life until you sin again or a lot. To not let that sacrifice seem cheap, you should serve, work, turn from sin (not legalistically, but out of love), and do things to honor Him. This is called obedience, service and discipleship. This is different than salvation. We love him because he first loved us. - Trent
@@BibleLineHebrews 10:29 TLV [29] How much more severe do you think the punishment will be for the one who has trampled Ben-Elohim underfoot, and has regarded as unholy the blood of the covenant by which he was made holy, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? -Bible
Britney Spears popped up in my Apple music. I happened to like it and kept listening for a while. I guess I am going to really question if am I saved 😂
@@Psawyer555 I don't think so. I don't know how long u have been in the Reformed circle. People do soul searching on themselves all day long and doubt their salvation. This is literally a trend.
Both examples they believed Christ at first they stumbled but got up and continued and believed, James 2:24 you are justified by what you do and not by faith alone! Romans 2,:13 It's not those who hear the commands will declared righteous but those who obey the commands! 1 Peter 3:18 If it's hard for the righteous to be saved what will become of the ungodly and sinner?
By John MacArthur's description, there's a lot of self righteous Mormons who are saved. My apologies to Mormons out there I mean no disrespect, salvation comes only by faith.
What is it that we have to do to be saved forgiveness of all sin and have eternal life? The gospel of our salvation is in 1st Corinthians 15 1-4 believe. Believe and trust Jesus that he died for our sins was buried and resurrected for our justification. There is nothing else nothing more never by performance works trun from sin which is a work we can trun from some not all it's a free gift and you cannot lose it. For those who think you can lose your salvation or say you can. If that was true then salvation was never Eternal to begin with. And also not a gift and had to work for it which is impossible. Believe the gospel of Christ before it's too late. 1st Corinthians 15 1-4
John3:16 is John3:5... Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Water baptism & Spirit baptism: Act19:5-6. If not, John3:36.
Wow! How sad what some posted here in response to me .. I do not appreciate being accused of disrespecting or de -emphasizing the awesome grace of God or being accused of serving a false Jesus especially by anyone who says they’re also a believer. I posted about those two little girls because it was such a wonderful thing that they got saved because they each made their own personal decision to do so. What if they hadn’t, do I tell their mom well, they aren’t of the elect ? What if one accepted and one didn’t??? Do I tell their mom that God chose one for heaven and the other for hell and so just know that’s how His Sovereign will works?? So I’m sorry but at least you’ll be with one in eternity so focus on that because he at least picked one of them. Sorry about the other one. This apparent that there’s much anger about people having free will arguing that people who accept Christ is because God’s sovereignty. Yes he’s sovereign but this does not negate individual choice and culpability for what a person does with the gospel when it’s presented to them. ANYONE can be a WHOSOEVER . God is not willing that any should perish and if they do , it is because they CHOSE TO REJECT the offer to be a whosoever. And if that’s bold of me then so be it because I boldly proclaim what scripture teaches about salvation. I am a whosoever, those 2 girls are whosoevers and it’s because of God’s grace that anyone can be one too. What a shame to make false accusations against a person and twist scripture to do so. And if the following is offensive then that’s how you chose to take it: Calvinism is a narcissistic evil in many aspects and its teachings are an affront to who Jesus is and what he came for and T- depraved but able to hear and respond Jeremiah 33:3 James 4:8 Matthew 7:7,8 Hebrews 7:25 John 5:24 I Peter 3:18 (all people are unjust and all may through Jesus be reconciled ) U- whosoever includes anyone Romans 10:13 John 3:16 ( shocker 🙄) John 11:25 L- died for ALL I Timothy 2:4 II Peter 3:9 I John 2:2 II Corinthians 5:14 Acts 10:34 I - choose OR reject Joshua 24:15 Matthew 10:32,33 John 1:11 I Samuel 10:19 Luke 17:25 P- preservation not perseverance John 10:28 I John 5:13 II Corinthians 1:22 Philippians 1:6 Romans 11:6 ( saved and kept saved BY grace, NOT works ) Ephesians 1:13 I Corinthians 1:8 And …. I know who I have believed and am persuaded that HE IS ABLE to keep that WHICH I’VE COMMITTED until Him against that day. II Timothy 1:12 So many verses can be applicable in debunking all of TULIP . But what happens is verses are twisted mean they are speaking to the elect as they interject only themselves into verses to try and counter what is clearly stated. They redefine God’s will , take predestination out of context to mean God chooses vs it being what is determined for ANY who believe, add works to God’s grace, faithfulness and promises to interject this wrongful assumption that they contribute to salvation and so on. If I didn’t trust in God and HIS WORD , some of the clearly Calvinistic laced replies to me would’ve ruined what was a joyful event that happened today. But nope, the hour and a half I just to type this comment and search the Bible in all its CLEAR TRUTH just strengthened my faith even more and it’s a faith that has grown stronger over the years and you know what ???? It started as the faith of a child…. The same faith these two precious girls had today and is clearly the type of faith we are told to come to Jesus with. To anyone else who CHOOSES to comment ( hey , because we all have a free will choice 😂to do so ) will not be responded to . This has become very draining and simply for sharing that 2 new people were adopted into His family because they made the decision to be adopted !! Oh how wonderful The Savior is , My Savior, and anyone’s for that matter decides to be a whosoever ❤️✝️
Hey Bibleline !! I am currently responding to a text from the mom who has watched a few of your videos I sent and she has had the same Calvinistic influences that cause doubt , insecurity, confusion etc. I am in the process of explaining my journey to finding peace because I too had been misguided by Calvinist doctrines that infiltrated the non Calvinist churches in attended as a kid and then as an adult. If I might say something… I cane to realize that sharing the gospel has become difficult in the sense that so many have a misperception and misunderstanding of what it takes to be saved. The simple gospel , that a child can grasp , has been added to adulterating it so that it has not only become complicated but leaves people confused and without peace. Again , I can not emphasize the need for the content your channel provides. So I thank you again and again! The mom is so excited at what’s she’s heard on the few Bibleline videos she’s watched that she wants to see more. I told her to go to your channel and when time allows to check all the content out. What a joy today has become and never did I know what was in store when I woke up ( and I was kind of crabby and down … but not anymore 😁)
CLV 1C 15:1 Now I am making known to you, brethren, the evangel which I bring to you, which also you accepted, in which also you stand, CLV 1C 15:2 through which also you are saved, if you are retaining what I said in bringing the evangel to you, outside and except you believe feignedly. CLV 1C 15:3 For I give over to you among the first what also I accepted, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, CLV 1C 15:4 and that He was entombed, and that He has been roused the third day according to the scriptures, CLV Eph 1:13 In Whom you also on hearing the word of truth, the evangel of your salvation in Whom on believing also, you are sealed with the holy spirit of promise CLV Eph 1:14 (which is an earnest of the enjoyment of our allotment, to the deliverance of that which has been procured) for the laud of His glory!
John McArther is a radical. I used to like hearing him, but I kept seeing discrepancies popping up, one after another. This is one of many videos populating my feed.
Stop saying 'saving faith'. Faith is not what saves a person but the object of faith that saves a person. You can have all the faith in world and if it is in anything or something other than Jesus as God & Savior, you will not be saved. Calvinist believe that saving faith is given to a person by God thus they use the phrase 'saving faith'. The adjective word 'saving' describes 'faith'. Give a clear free grace gospel. Say salvation is by grace through faith. Show me the phrase 'saving faith' in the Bible. You won't find it.
Luke 22:31 (KJV) And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: And this is one of the reasons we should😮 use the KJV. You, ye, and your are plural. All disciples were to be sifted as wheat. Thee, thou, and thine are singular.
31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Lk 22:31-32. Did the Devil get Peter or desire him?? Did Satan sift Peter like wheat or did he want to?? -- Clarifying this as that's not what was said at the beginning of this video!!
But what about all the scriptures that counter this? Like " examine yourself to see if you are truly in the Faith?" Or " many will come to me on judgement day......." Or why were Ananias n Saphirus taken out for lying? Surely yes only the Blood of Christ can save...but accepting this results in being indwelt by the power of the Holy Spirit and able " to resist the Devil and he will flee" Finally what about Mark 16 as the answer to Mc Arthurs question?
Thomas was to be one of those Jews who would take their Gospel to the world during Israel's 70th week, their last days. Those Apostles were (and will be) hand picked by God to deliver His message to the world. Who would believe their message, are not hand picked by God. Israel's doctrine is according to their prophecy. It's totally separate from the Body of Christ Church and our doctrine.
JM’s argument could be a Jehovah’s Witness argument. Do you attend the Kingdom Hall? Knock on enough doors? Come out of Babylon? Shun politics? Stop celebrating birthdays? Let’s add up the proofs! In the next video JM will boast about how strong and mature his faith is! Paul would only boast about what God did through him in bringing gentiles to faith.
You all need to go look up the sermon, “Hell , what is it and who’s going?” By David Wilkerson, He’s Pentecostal but he nails it on the head. “ I believe the majority of nominal Christians are going to Hell”, what David calls nominal Christian’s are people like you guys who think Jesus sacrifice is for everyone and you can do as you please. You all should listen to it. I’m done arguing with adult children. God will not be kind to those who have added and taken away from scripture and called His servants devils. Go listen to it if you care about your soul it’s a solemn warning. Then go seek God with a bible in private away from the internet and terrible “Pastors” like this. “ let not many of you become teachers brethren knowing that they will incure a stricter judgement” James 3:1
@@38kdoncorleone did you actually listen? If you did I’m proud of you for you for not being a goat. I’ll pray for you. Get into your Bible and alone with God He is good!
@@38kdoncorleone also brother listen to the Pastors people like this are telling you not to they will lead you to truth these guys are just a stumbling block, if you want I can show you some more convicting life changing sermons, there’s one Truth…
@@Jayred05 I have watched a lot of those types of pastors, like John Macarthur, Paul Washer, Steve Lawson, Tim Conway. I find them very convicting, but I've also been doubting my salvation and struggling with it. I think I need to spend more time in the word with God than on TH-cam haha
Yeah, that was towards the Disciples. He isn't choosing who will be saved, but who (of Israel) will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world before the 2nd half of Israel's 70th week comes. But that is totally separate from the doctrine of the Body of Christ Church.
@@bugsocsollie1694 Romans 16:25 tells of Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself -- a MYSTERY NOT known before. God is sovereign over everything, HE receives ALL the GLORY and He will not share HIS glory with another. HIS plans, promises, and counsels WILL STAND and WILL NOT be thwarted.
@johntaylor5652 Yes, according to Israel's prophecy, the New Jerusalem comes down to earth from heaven. Israel will be the kingdom of Priests on earth. The Body of Christ Church will not be on earth. Our inheritance is the heavens. Israel's inheritance is the earth. Not cherry picking verses. I'm trying to take all of it into account. And that includes separating what is meant for Israel from what is meant for the Body.
So he says the most important is in trials and if you run or give up in Tough times then that’s a sign u aren’t. Peter denies knowing Jesus 3 times. Thomas wouldn’t believe until he saw. None of the apostles stood by Jesus when he was taken away but John. Are they not saved?
Only Christ ever perfectly fulfilled the law. For those who believe they are able to maintain perfect obedience dont understand the spiritual depth of the law of God.
How do these modern day Pharisees explain their Lordship salvation? By one contradiction after another. Quote. "The gift of God is eternal life, but it will cost you everything." According to them, Jesus died for nothing, and we can save ourselves. Galatians 2:21. I do not void the grace of God, for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ died for nothing. And that is what they believe. Jesus died for nothing, and we can save ourselves. Like, who needs a savior anyway. Quote by John MacArthur in his book, "Hard to be saved". It is not the words we speak, but the life "WE" live, that determines our eternal destiny. Matthew 7:15. Who are the wolves in sheep's clothing? Those that preach another gospel. Not 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 1:6-9. Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the POWER of God unto salvation to EVERYONE that BELIEVETH, to the Jew First, and also to the Greek. Second Peter 3:16. They wrest the scriptures as others do unto their own destruction. First John 2:2. And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. But. John 3:18. They preach discipleship in place of the free gift of eternal life. Should we discipline ourselves? Yes, but not for salvation, but because we are saved. The gift of God is eternal life. No one can earn it. He has IMPUTED His perfect righteousness to our account. Romans 4:6. Without His perfect righteousness no one will be saved. His Grace covers us from all sin. Romans 5:19-21. Colossians 2:13. He has forgiven us ALL trespasses. I love my wife of 65 years, but that will not get me to heaven. First Corinthians 2:14. But the natural man, Unbeliever, receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are FOOLISHNESS unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Ephesians 1:13-14. Ephesians 4:30. First John 5:13. These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. John 3:16. Jesus said it, we believe it, and that settles it. Second Corinthians 9:15. Paul rebuked Peter for showing partiality between the Jewish converts and the Gentiles. You are just doing what you are supposed to do Jesse. Sorry for the long windedness. My 83 year old fingers never know where to quit.
You can be sure of eternal life. Watch here:
@@BibleLine how do you get around the parable of the wheat and the tares? Christ specifically says there are people who are born again and in the Church His people (wheat) and then the devil comes and sows people into the Church that confess Christ but don’t know Him (tares) and to be careful dealing with them all because you don’t wanna hurt the wheat (His people) while ripping out tares (false converts). He says he will judge the tares and throw them in the fire at the end of time. Tares confess Christ with their lips and however their heart was never changed. Side note from the agricultural world which makes the parable even more potent is ,wheat and tares look almost identical except for slight differences….. Matthew 13 if you need to look at it….
@Jayred05 This parable is based off the initial parable of the seed, sower and soil. The wheat is wheat because they received the word. To receive the word is to believe (as Luke’s account provides). The Tares are sown by the enemy, and this is likened to those whom Satan “catcheth away that which was sown in his heart.” These individuals heard the word, but they do not believe it. Even the stony and thorny soil are saved because they received the word. The parable thereafter is regarding the present reality of believers (wheat) being mixed with unbelievers (tares). Verses 38-43 of Matthew 13 even explain the parable further. We can cross reference these passages with clear passages such as John 3, Ephesians 2, Romans 3-5 and others to see that the point can mean no other. Salvation is free to all who believe. You are then “wheat,” and you are capable of bearing fruit. Hence John 15 and 1 John 1-5 we are to abide in the vine.
- Trent
@@BibleLine uh huh I knew you wouldn’t have a good explanation. Why does it say in the parable of the seed and the sower nothing grows, it’s plucked out, or can’t grow in the stony soil. Tares look exactly like the wheat which means it’s a grown plant alongside the grown wheat. Your mental gymnastics and scripture twisting is actually astounding. Man you should be very afraid I’m telling you outta love.
@@BibleLine “But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct; like unreasoning animals by these things they are destroyed, Woe to them!
They have gone the way of Cain, and for money they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, perished in the rebellion of Korah!
These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along with winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted:
Wild waves of the sea casting up their own shame like foam;
wandering stars , for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever!
Jude 1 11-13
Jude is a stark warning for men such as yourselves. You’ll remember this conversation and warning forever if you’re wrong. Repent and believe the true Gospel of Jesus.
@Bob.55 unreal, I can’t believe people like you exist. You should read the Gospels, Jesus preaches more about Hell than anyone in scripture. I shudder for you. Hell is going to be worse for average man who denies scripture and leads others astray than pagans who murder people … God is furious with people like you and this channel. You’re in such danger and I’m saying this outta love turn form your ways and to the true God of scripture.
"Partial obedience is disobedience" was a great quote. I will rely on JESUS all day to save me rather than my effort of obedience that is never perfect.
Amen to that!
And dont forget a out repentance a asking foe forgiveness😊
We are saved by Grace through Faith in Christ alone ☦️
9:51 WOW! When Pastor Jesse went into this scenario that exactly described what I have been going through for or past year or so. When I first started my walk about a year or so ago I got swept up in people like McArthur and was left with nothing but confusion and fear. So glad to have found this channel. Thank you Pastor Jesse and team for keeping to the truth
Thank you Jesse Martinez that you always point out false teachers!!! And you never stop believing in Jesus Christ, his Grace!!! His Grace is enough it’s sufficient!!!
@@arthurcristobal6989 ye must be born again -Jesus
@@Jayred05You probably don’t know what that means.
@@Jayred05believing in faith what Jesus Christ did you are born again.
@@Tdav424 lol oh ya explain please?
@@josephinemorgan6582 if you are born again then yes you can truly believe. Even the demons believe in Jesus ,dosent mean they are saved ….
My faith is in Christ and Christ alone.
I finally found the truth I no
Longer question my salvation thank you lord for leading me to this I can now rest
False teacher’s favorite line: You’re saved, but, BUT………
Excellent! I don't care if someone is 99% correct in their teaching. If the 1% they are wrong on is salvation, they are to be marked and avoided.
Best and most precise comment. This was exactly what Paul was saying when warning against false teachings. Good job mate.
@@j.philipharris3081 be careful, this person.might be 1 percent wrong too
Forget calvin and obsession with calvin. The Bible clearly pronounces our deadness and depravity and that none seek after God. Just come to Jesus as a child BUT if you do come it's because HE chose you. He will NOT cast us out BUT HE chooses to save
If you ARE SAVED HE chose you
In our adamic nature we HATE God and NONE seek after God. He wants us to HEAR Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself -++ a MYSTERY NOT known before. The FINISHED work Jesus accomplished for salvation
Yup, I agree with this as well. Sam Shamoun is a clear example of someone who is well versed in scripture and is very good at debating against Islam and proving the Trinity but because he is a Catholic and believes in the Catholic doctrine that throws him straight into error.
@@AlexTheFollowerofJesusChrist Are you saying that the speaker is catholic? WOW, he has pretty good doctrine for a catholic but denying the absolute sovereignty of God in ALL things is heresy. They cannot accept the fact THAT God MUST choose to save
the Bible teaches that when someone understands the Gospel, and believes it, ......it is a done deal. By doing so, you believe it in your heart and are then sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of eternal life. This is also what true Biblical repentance is, in that you accept this free gift from Jesus to pay for your sins, and that you can't get to heaven on own merit. Why do people make it so complicated? 1 Jo 5:13 -> We can KNOW we have eternal life. It is all by faith in Christ.
I would add that you also need to accept it, simply because there are those who understand it and say they believe it, but still reject it because they are afraid of what they might have to give up in order to be a Christian. This would be the type of people who you might hear say something like they don't want to be a Christian because they like their life the way it is. Believe it or not, there ARE such people.
Yes, that's Paul's doctrine for the Body of Christ Church during this Dispensation of Grace. That isn't Israel's doctrine. They must not only believe in Christ but they will also need to endure Israel's 70th week till the end: faith plus works, just as James told them.
@@lawrencehorner8418 I completely agree. In the context I spoke of "Believe" above it was meant they accept it, as I qualified what believe in the following sentences. You must accept the Gospel , and this is believing in your heart. I also called this repentance.
@@lawrencehorner8418 wait I just want to understand. Are you saying a Christian has to give up his life to be saved??? Cause I don’t remember that in the Gospel. A Christian does not need to give up their life to be saved. All they have to do is believe. Don’t make the gospel anymore complicated please.
@@antanayaharris9301 I didn't say that. But I do believe, if someone is a career criminal, for instance, they will not be able to go on doing that for the rest of their life if they truly know the Lord. If they have the Holy Spirit and are reading the Bible, they will experience conviction and will know they need to change that aspect about themselves.
Jesus paid it ALL‼️ Thank you Lord for paying my sin debt. Thank you for taking my punishment, dying my death (that I deserved) and thank you for defeating death so that I might live forever‼️ You did EVERYTHING & give me the credit. You are worthy of ALL honor, praise and GLORY FOREVER, amen 🙏
To those upset by this message: Some hide behind their "righteousness," believing that their deeds-whether it's missionary work, helping the poor, tithing, or personal sacrifices-are what save them. They think others must follow the same difficult path they did. But the truth is, JESUS made salvation easy for all-rich and poor, strong and weak, smart and simple-minded alike.
Jesus did it all for us. He died on the cross, spilling His blood to atone for our sins (past, present, and future), and rose again three days later. Our only requirement is to believe in Him and His sacrifice. Jesus calls us to become "as little children" (Matthew 18:3), accepting the gift of salvation freely and without overthinking it.
I am no better than you, and you are no better than me. Put your confidence, faith, hope, and love in Jesus, who did the work so we could come to Him with the simple, free faith of a child. My hope isn't in my actions or sacrifices, but in the blessed work of Jesus. Remember, with man it is impossible, but with God, everything is possible.
I used to listen to MacArthur several years back and then I just stopped listening to him and Lord has protected me from these kinds of preachers. They are subtle but deadly. They turn the joy of salvation into dread and basically like the taskmasters of Egypt. That is how they see God
Me to.
I have noticed that most Calvinists have no joy. They do not smile.
@@mlsmith49 How could they? Their assurance all boils down on how they perform.
Same here.👍
The Day I understood that John MacArthur was a demonic teacher of the heresy of" Deformed sovereign grace 5-Point Calvinism" I burned the MacArthur Study Bible in the driveway. He has perverted it to conform to his heresy reinforced by his study notes.
He is s devil among Christian circle yet they don't know it!!
Absolutely love these videos
I was a preschool teacher for years and kept in contact with a few families.
One family has 2 girls now 7 and 10 that both completed the two year pre k course I taught.
I had invited them to church awhile ago and then was able to sit down and discuss the gospel with the parents.
The mom was raised Baptist and stated she had accepted Christ years ago.
The dad came out of the LDS faith and I believe he also has accepted the true Christ as his Savior although despite being deeply wounded by the Mormon church.
Thor two girls have repeatedly voiced interest in Jesus and getting baptized.
I have had various conversations with the mom ( because the girls are influenced by the kids in school and around here where it’s heavily LDS. ) to make sure she explains the biblical gospel and role of baptism ( for a testimony of faith not to be saved )
I recently got a text from her that a church they are wanting to attend is doing baptisms and they told her that the girls could get baptized as long as they had put faith in Christ. So she reached out to me.
I sent her a couple biblically sound articles on discussing salvation and baptism to children.
She just contacted me this morning to say that she sat the girls down and discussed it all with them and they both wanted to be saved …. the one ( younger ) asked to say a prayer out loud and the older one who is shy asked to go say a prayer in her room by herself.
The joy of having them choose to put their individual faith in Christ is a feeling that is indescribable.
I reassured the mom that they came to Christ with that childlike faith and God accepted it and their names are now forever writing the Lamb’s Book of Life.
I also sent her some of your short teachings on assurance, salvation vs service and a few others for encouragement.
I wanted you to know how much this channel and its correct gospel doctrine has not only helped me but that I have used it many times to share with others.
Today is a special day because 2 new people were added to God’s family and it’s amazing ✝️🙏
That’s fantastic! What an encouragement!
- Trent
@@Smerm Thank God HE chose in mercy to open their blind eyes to Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself ---- a MYSTERY NOT known before. The FINISHED work Jesus accomplished for salvation
@Smerm That's wonderful praise Jesus! The gospel all the apostles were committed to preach is so simple and its wonderful how you shared it in its amazing simplicity and it was received 🙏🏻
@@Over-for-now I’m only responding one time to you as I’ve seen this reply to what I shared and your other responses and it’s apparent you want to argue against the truth and in defense of Calvinism and the related reformed theology.
No, he did not choose. He gave us all free will and those 2 girls heard the gospel and THEY chose to respond in accepting it.
Now the glory absolutely goes to God 100% but God DOES NOT pick some for salvation and some not.
I’d kindly suggest you rewatch this video and all the others related to not only MacArthur but the other lessons on Bibleline on salvation and exposing Calvinism.
@@Smerm Your Lord Jesus Christ is another jesus because he is very insufficient. My Lord Will accomplish ALL HIS WILL and no one will thwart HIS promises and plans or HIS WAYS
True believers do good works and try wholeheartedly to obey God because of what our Lord JesusChrist did for us. Bled and died on the cross. We do this, by the power of the Holy Spirit which dwells within us, BECAUSE we are saved, NOT to be saved.
At 24:09 he sounds like a Pentecostal faith healer. Yet, he’s a Calvinist who regularly picks on Pentecostal faith healers.
I actually watched this very video about 9 months ago, my assurance of salvation comes from 1 John 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
1 John 5:13 KJV
I weep for those being deceived by MacArthur, and for MacArthur when he learns the impact of his false teaching.
What’s deceiving about his teaching ?
@@Jayred05just stuff they've heard from people who hate calvinism, never did their own studies, never researched other theologians
@@jtbtdlkt2012 ya it’s anti intellectual. Pentecostals and Charismatics are spiritually bankrupt. No wonder they constantly talk about joining up with the Catholics.
@@Jayred05 in this context, the lie that we look to ourselves for assurance. We can only look to Jesus and His faithfulness to keep His promise for our assurance.
I agree, I think they just think they want to live how they want.
Sir, you are speaking 100% facts. Great video, informative, redemptive, and biblical.
@@lc3507 brutal video, Arminianism makes people feel comfortable going to hell, contend with Matthew 7 and let it scare you….
I remember the day I was assured that I was saved. Long story short the Holy Spirit just gave me assurance that I'm saved because I put my faith in Jesus for my sin. Efe 2:8-9. I never doubted it since. it's been a strength in my life fore 26 years now. It really saddens me that people can tie our salvation to works because it confuses people and steals away peoples security in Christ.
PLEASE keep these videos coming and a video on Justin Peters would be great too. So many men lead me astray in my walk with Jesus and it's comforting to see the truth come forward
Amen! Excellent segment! Must watch!
After his "The Blood of Jesus doesn't save" speech he gave I just call him a heretic. I very very rarely use the word heretic like at all, its not a word I throw around. But diluting the Blood and re-defining the meaning of faith bc he thinks he meets his own subjective standards (God's standard is Perfection) and causing confusion (of which God is Not the author) these Lordship Salvationists lower God's standard to what they think they meet and look down on those who don't measure up. They shut up the Kingdom of Heaven when they themselves don't even enter. It's heresy.
Salvation is so simple a child can understand. Jesus even said with the Faith of a child. But when you start adding and mudding up the clear Gospel waters of Salvation that a child doesn't understand you've already screwed up. God made it Clear and Simple, man will do whatever man can do to make it Muddy and Complicated. If the person can't even get Salvation right just turn the other way.
-Acts 16:30-31
Also what do you say about the thief on the cross? Did he not have saving faith? Because Jesus thinks that he did
Big facts!
exactly! this is the same way a person can get saved today. that quick.
The thief on the cross had the faith and the works to prove it.
What works did the thief have? 👀
- Trent
@@TheFightingSheep you’re right. John 6:28-29
Then they said to him, “what shall we do, that we may work the works of God?
Jesus answered and said unto them, this is the work of God, that ye believe in Him whom He sent.
Great teaching! Appreciate the fine distinctions to separate truth from error! 😎👍🌴
We are supposed to follow Jesus and strive to be like him as much as possible because we love and respect Jesus for what he did for our fallen state. Salvation should never be in question when we know he has risen and his words are now solid rock for the foundation because of that.
You can't even become more like Jesus unless you are OSAS.
Trials and tests are my glory, I rejoice and praise God in them!
If your salvation can't stand questioning and your faith can't stand trial, you have no salvation and no faith, only wishful thinking.
@@TheFightingSheepSo YOU are saved by "respecting" Jesus, and by your trials?
@@user-xn7tq1qh5r I never said "respecting"
The Greek grammar of Ephesians 2:8 establishes that the “it” is salvation not faith.
And a normal English reading that heeds to the context.🧐
- Trent
Roman's 12 1:3 says every one is given a measure of faith, faith comes from God not us
Jesus told Peter I have prayed for you that you faith may not fail…..and when you return “not if” strengthen the brethren
If you don't repent of your sin you'll end up in hell
I know I'm saved because of my faith in what The Lord Jesus Christ did for me. Nothing else needed or required. P.S. Any replies that have to do with "keep My commandments" or, "faith without works is dead," will be rejected.
Calvinism is maybe the largest Man Ego centered philosophies in the religious world. Its why they miss In Him/Christ/Beloved when reading Ephesians and see Us/We/Self instead. Its all about works and self righteousness while turning Grace into some super power or zapping from God which is exactly how Catholics and Mormons and others see it . They can't grasp Grace is any and all things God gives or does for us that we have not in any way earned.
I was under the impression that calvinism is all about the sovereignty and the power of God, and a total helpless dependence of man. What are you talking about?
@@TheFightingSheep Gen 1:26 KJV And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
DOMINION, noun [Latin See Dominant.]
1. Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling.
God is over all. He is the God of Calvinistic Fatalism. Dominion is a synonym for Sovereignty of which God delegated that Sovereignty to Humanity and thus when we rebell and/or misuse said responsibility we are guilty for that. God has chosen to do it His way because He ultimately has the first and the last say in what is right or wrong.
Psa 115:3 KJV But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.
Psa 115:15 Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.
16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
Calvinists talk about themselves, their changed lives, or how thankful they are to be the elect of God chosen arbitrarily over others.
When you listen to them talk just like with MacArthur they point ultimately to themselves.
Not Jesus or His promises and definitely not Jesus's personal and Universal love for All humanity which the bible clearly expresses so well a 6 yr old can get it. But not when one's eyes are blinded by self righteous pride and gnostic philosophy which is exactly where Calvinism came from through Augustine.
Nowhere does the Bible teach that mankind can not or lacks the ability to trust God. From Adam all the way forward even after man's fall Adam could and did respond to God. It's the essence of sin being rebelling while having the ability to obey.
Salvation is simple I Know Without a doubt I am saved is because Jesus promised to me the free gift of Eternal life and entrance into His family if I will trust in Him to do that for me. Jesus can not lie and He is God the Son who will keep His word to me and to All who will likewise do so. Nothing about what I do or don't do factors into His faithfullness to do what He said.
Calvinists focus on self. Not solely on the Son of God. Hence it is a self centered ideology from foundation up..
@@TheFightingSheep leave calvin out. The Bible clearly says we ARE under satanic grip until God in mercy awakens us to our lost condition. Thank God for HIS sovereignty and mercy to SAVE. NONE would be saved without HIS awakening us in our depravity
The individual is always given the choice whether or not to believe or reject Jesus Christ. Nicodemus believed, but he could have not believed (John 3:18). In Acts 7, the men stopped their ears at Stephen’s words.
Did God make one of these happen over the other? No, they all chose.
- Trent
@@Livingingrace I'm not arguing for or against, but I don't see the logic of how a philosophy teaching sovereignty of God is "Man Ego centered", while your philosophy of the sovereignty of man is not. It's the opposite, isn't?
Hebrews 10:14 "For by one offering he hath perfected FOREVEEEER them that are sanctified."
Ephesians 1:4 saved before the foundation of the world.
POWER IN HIS BLOOD. God gives Every one their own measure of Faith
That is true, and he gives us faith through the hearing of his word Romans 10:17, it comes by the hearing of the truth of the gospel of Christ, for it, the gospel of Chris is the power of God unto salvation unto everyone that believes.
Yes faith is a gift.
- Trent
"How do I know I'm saved?"
Well, who do you trust to save you? Yourself? Or is it Jesus you trust? That will answer the question.
Yes the God who started a good work in you will complete it.
- Trent
What about the verse that says examine yourselves if ye are really In The faith. Real question. Thanks
Context matters. My response question is, why are we jumping 13 and a half chapters in? And even a whole extra book in? The Corinthians were definitely 100% saved, so are we testing their salvation? Or could Paul mean something different here?
- Trent
What about when Peter refused to eat with gentiles? He must not have been saved. He didn’t have “perfect-evident love.”
God was showing Peter that He is doing something else (other than Israel's prophecy and their doctrine). That's when the Dispensation of Grace began with Paul. Peter didn't even get out his whole speech (Acts 11:15) when the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and family. Israel fell and diminished (Romans 11:11-12) and salvation (was of the Jews) came to the Gentiles by way of the Dispensation of Grace given to Paul (Eph 3:1-2). This was God's way of Showing Peter that He is doing something other than Israel's prophecy.
Amen. Lordship salvation is a doctrine from the evil one.
John has been deceived by the false doctrines of TULIP, as all Calvinists are. They put their faith in the falseness of TULIP that all five points can be proven wrong through the scriptures. Another good video Jesse.
I listen to many pastors and teachers of God’s word on TH-cam. I greatly appreciate your insight and love of Jesus while sharing the gospel. I grew up Southern Baptist, my dad was my pastor and though he is no longer able to preach he is still my favorite teacher. All of that said, I always worried about my salvation. I continually fight with my sin nature. I was, am, and will continue to be a sinner unworthy of God’s love and sacrifice.
In watching your video series reviewing the once saved always saved video I heard several comments from the teachers on the video basically saying that they live sin free lives. I was struck thinking how much more faith and what a stronger relationship with God they must have than Adam and Eve. They walked with God in the garden and still sinned against God. They got to talk with God and still sinned. I don’t mean to sling arrows at anyone, I just believe it’s disingenuous to proclaim how perfectly they follow God’s law as imperfect humans. If I misinterpreted what they were saying I apologize for not fully understanding what they meant.
Be very wary of people who say they are free of sin. Not just specific sins but sin in general.
Yes, according to the Bible, Jesus said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" while on the cross near death. The phrase appears in both the Gospel of Matthew (27-46) and the Gospel of Mark (15-34)
He was quoting psalms
Calvinists love to play that "he loves me/he loves me not" game with their assurance. As someone who has been there and done it, I know that's true.
But, you know what else I know? The right answer was there long before I was ever born. Christ died for my sins. Christ lives at the right hand of God the father. He lived and died so I don't have to. And because he lives foreverl resurrected I live forever. Christ is all I need. He IS all life and all assurance. He is the most worthy of the trust I have. That's salvation.
Great message God bless you for teaching truth 🙏
My question is, if you don't believe for certain or not whether you are saved, how could you be? I think that is part of why they call it faith. I also believe that in and of itself helps us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
You can't get good fruit from a poisonous tree. - Jesus
Jesus came to a specific people, to preach a specific message, and to die a specific death. What can not be found in his exclusive ministry is salvation from the preaching of the cross.
The preaching of the cross, Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection offer forgiveness & justification to all men by grace through faith alone.
This is the way, the truth and the life.
Thanks brother. Please keep it going. Blessings.
The sad thing and simultaneously cause for celebration is that there's probably lot's of former calvinists who have actually believed the gospel and then guys like MacArthur have talked them out of belief and now they think that they are headed for hell and have become atheist and they're actually headed to heaven.
For someone who's been in the ministry for over 50 years, president of a seminary, written many books, including study bibles...not once has he quoted scripture to validate his argument and statements.
Thank you.
MacArthur's problem is that he doesn't believe that Jesus died for everyone.
@DanielBShaw did Jesus die for everyone without exception?
Jesus didn't die for everyone and He explains it in Matthew 26:26-29. Verse 28 says "covenant", Jesus doesn't enter into covenant with everyone, just His elect. If He did enter into covenant with everyone then that would mean even with those that are in hell now. This cant be because His covenant also means intercession or mediation between God and His people. So He's interceding for those in hell? He failed to forgive them? Do you see and understand how wrong and twisted this is? This is all proven later on in the sentence in the same verse where He says: "which is poured out for MANY for forgiveness of sins.". He doesn't say "EVERYONE"
Amen Daniel
@@CoCo8102. The blood of the new covenant applies to those who are in Christ by faith. However, Jesus died for every person who has ever lived. Those who remain in unbelief do not enter into the covenant and thus remain in their sins. Jesus does not intercede for these people because they are outside the new covenant.
@@DanielBShaw You've been taught a lie and you've believed it. What you've said is not found in Scripture. Covenant = intercession. God's covenant with His people started before the foundation of the earth, this is what the book of Ephesians says (Eph. 1:3-6). God chose His elect in the Beloved (Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ pays for their sins (the basis of His covenant is His blood), He intercedes for them even before they are justified (Hebrews 7:25), and the Holy Spirit effectuates this salvation onto His elect people in His chosen time throughout history and none of His elect are lost. In His timing, the Holy Spirit regenerates His elect, justifies them in Christ and grants them the gifts of repentance and faith. The only way a person can believe is if the Lord grants him that belief (Romans 8:6-8). This is why salvation begins in God and ends in Him (Romans 11:36). Your understanding of salvation is from man's perspective and not God. Your belief is no different from what the RCC preaches and teaches.
Man you go after everyone who's next Robert breaker
Could someone please tell me where in the bible where all I got to (DO) is Trust in Jesus finished work on the cross to be saved????
John 3:14-18
Romans 3:20-28
Roman’s 4:1-5
1 Cor. 15:1-4
John 6:47
John 5:24
Galatians 2:16
That’s a handful of good scriptures
- Trent
No that's talking about just believing and the Law of Moses! Nowhere in those passages does it say we are justified by Jesus finished work on the cross! No repentance..no confession...and no baptism...that would make you disobedient.. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder! (James 2:19, ESV)
Out of context. Your probably #263 to quote James 2:19 - Calvinists and Catholics alike… can you elaborate??
- Trent
Why would John MacArthur make such a vague statement like something goes wrong and they just walk out, what happened down the road later.
highly agree with You sir. LOVE you Pastor Jesse Martinez. I want you to know you did an Excellent duty and job explaining Salvation and "How to Truly know if we are Saved". I do not agree with Pastor John MacArthur on Cessationism or Calvinism but I do have respect for Him and some of His material I have listened to in the past. I dont listen to him anymore or some of other ministers i know because i believe they will lead me astray.
I'm sorry but what you said about Love not being a factor of Salvation is not true.
What a Person Loves matters!
If you don't Love God more than anything else it's disobedience to God and scripture.
We are Commanded to Love God with all our Hearts , Soul and Minds ; Matthew 22: 37 and Mark 12:30-31.
Ppl lose and in the apostasy that will occur in the end will lose their Salvation because they will have a Love for the Flesh and Love for themselves we see this in 2 Timothy 3:1-4 Emphasis on verses 2 & 4 they will be "lovers of Self " and Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God"
We see why so many turn is because it starts out with a Desire for things other than God and love for things other than God.
I'm sorry I don't mean to disagree but Love in a since is a Factor. Because if you don't Love God with ALL your Heart Soul and mind your going to "Love yourself" and "Love pleasure more than being a lover of God"
One thing that causes many struggles is the misunderstanding on who is called to do what.
Are we all called to be evangelists? Preachers? Disciples? Apostles?
No. It's believed that everyone Christ encountered during his earthly ministry were called to be his disciples, and by extension, all who now hear the Gospel, the same.
But that is not true. The woman at the well, the blind man, the Roman general, etc.
None of them were called to follow Christ until His sacrifice was complete, in order to be saved. They were saved by their faith in Christ. The disciples who endured until the end, when Christ said "It is finished" are saved. The ones who did not endure, are not.
It was not until Christ completed His work that the free gift of salvation was offered to all who had ears to hear.
Paul never said "Hear me Gentiles, now that you are saved, in order to stay saved you must become disciples to prove to me you are saved"
I was saved approximately 6 months before I met my wife, almost 10 years ago. I was able to help her find salvation and leave the Catholic Church.
Do I doubt her salvation because she left me 21 days ago and is continually saying brutal things almost every time she breaks silence? No.
I am conformed to the image of Christ when God looks upon me. Of that, I am certain.
My wife clearly does not see this image in me. Does that mean I am not saved? She thinks it does.
Now I'm being forced into discipleship counseling , not to save this marriage, no, no. She has no intention of that.
It's to prove, when I fail, that the grace of God has not been, and will never br bestowed upon me.
And even though Paul commanded believers to stay with their unbelieving spouses, save for abandonment or fornication, she has every intention to prove she is Holy, and I am not and that she is completely justified in leaving and taking our children with her.
Is this a trial MacArthur was speaking to? No.
I'm not qualified to be an elder, and never will be. Yet many will believe I am called to be an image bearer of Christ....I am called to be a father, a husband, and a worker for Christ yes, but a worker who shares his testimony of salvation, not one who raises other disciples.
My faith is the measure that Christ has given me. It is unwavering nonetheless.
Jesus was gathering and training those Jews who would take Israel's Gospel of the Kingdom to the world during the 1st half of Israel's 70th week. That's why He sent them only to Jews, not to Gentiles. Israel is to be the light unto the Gentiles. Israel is to be the salt of the earth. Israel is to be a kingdom of Priests. The whole earth will be blessed through Israel. The great multitude of Rev 7 are those who come to Christ through Israel (the 144,000). That isn't the Body of Christ Church.
I know this there are plenty of times that I was hurt and I walked away from God and to my mess and he pulled me back time and time again he is such a beautiful awesome God I've learned in my life when I have been at the lowest times of my life God was there for me to comfort me I was in a Christian men's home and I left the home it was New Year's Eve in Las Vegas I was up all night on drugs and I fell asleep on a mattress in a little desert area I woke up at 8:00 in the morning hungry I had a meeting in the day and a half and I knew that everything was closed on New Year's Day and I said to myself what am I going to do I don't have no money I have no food and all of a sudden I hear someone calling my name and I look up in this guy has a garbage bag in his hand I met him once at his house and he fed me he came up and said hey I've been looking for you here's your Christmas gift God bless you when I looked in the bag there was about 3 days worth of food a couple days worth of new clothes and a Christmas card with two five-dollar bills in it He Loves Us in the good times and the bad times thank you Jesus
2 Corinthians 13:5
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless indeed you are disqualified. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
This proves the words MacArthur is on point.....
When you look on yourself as an indicator for the test of salvation anything is possible. Honestly, cannot an unsaved person have "love but not perfect love", "humility but not perfect humility", "obedience but not perfect obedience"? An unsaved person can do these things and appear to be saved or religious. Perhaps this is why John Calvin teaches that you could have a false salvation sent from God. All of this stuff is wild. It is the heart of Augustinian Predestination, not the Bible.
We are" dead in trespasses and sin"
Until Christ Regenerates our heart. Then we believe.
Read the 5 Sola's
Dead does not mean "without the capability to believe in God at all." That is the presupposition that Calvinism starts with. Dead jsut means "separated."
- Trent
Hello, could you possibly give an example of what someone who is more spiritual but not born again would look/act like? Thank you, I have trouble discerning those in error.
Nicessssss, much Love preach and expose fantastic
Thoughts on 2 Peter 2?
The two most important things are, Worship the True God in heaven. And Faith! Without these two fundamental steps.
John the Baptist didn't question his ministry in jail. We know this because Jesus Christ proves it by what He says about John in Matthew 11:7-15, and Jesus says that he was not lacking of or weak in faith. If you're not believing on Christ in the active sense, moment to moment, situation to situation then you have a dead faith, period. How do I know? I was a false convert for 24 years of my life. I was self deceived and held to the false gospel of easy believism, free grace, cheap grace. When I was saved by the Lord more than 6 years ago He opened my eyes and made me to understand the true nature of saving faith, and its active, its continual, it brings about action and it doesn't crumble under pressure and trials, because its rooted in God and not in man. I know all of this because I was in darkness at one point in my life (when I held to cheap grace gospel) and now Im in Christ, the Light itself. If you believe in this false gospel or teach it then you're not saved. You need to be born again. You need to repent and believe in the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What Paul refers to as a false Gospel is mixing in Israel's doctrine with his doctrine for the Body for justification. That renders another Gospel that can not save anyone. It's Paul's Gospel of Grace that is the Power of God unto salvation for anyone that believes it (Romans 1:16). Adding in Israel's Doctrine of works, is not that Gospel of Grace. It's something else.
@@bugsocsollie1694 I dont understand how your reply has anything to do with what I commented. I believed in the false gospel of easy believism, free grace, cheap grace. So how does that have to do with works?
@CoCo8102. Well then, I guess I don't understand what you are calling the false Gospel. I don't understand why you call it "easy believeism" or cheap Grace. All it takes to be saved is to believe Paul's Gospel of Grace for our justification. That's how we receive Christ's righteousness: by faith. But there was nothing cheap about the price God paid for our sins. His salvation is bought and paid for, for anyone that would believe. It is a free gift. If you don't receive it as a free gift, you don't get the free gift, because you do not trust the Gospel to justify you.
@@bugsocsollie1694 With all due respect of course you don't understand. God's Word doesn't say that. I believed what you believe now for more than 24 years of my life and I was a false convert until the Lord saved me, He caused me to be born again more than 6 years ago and I repented and put my trust in Jesus even onto this day. How can you say that I hold to works salvation now (which implies that Im not saved) given the fact that I'm saved today but when I was a false convert for more than 24 years of my life I believed what you hold to now?
There's inconsistency in your belief.
@CoCo8102. Can you give me one inconsistency in my doctrine? We haven't even covered enough of my doctrine for you to know that. My doctrine completely separates Israel's doctrine (faith plus works) from Paul's doctrine for the Body of Christ Church (by Grace through faith). As far as I can tell, there is no way to be consistent with sound Biblical doctrine unless we rightly divide the two doctrines. I'm guessing that you never once believed in separating the two doctrines because it makes so much more sense where combining the two doctrines is what causes all the confusion. God's Grace was not easy or cheap. Works are cheap and easy.
Side note. FYI I previously subscribed to your channel and when I checked today I was no longer subscribed. Not sure what's going on but people should double check. Maybe YT is playing games again.
Could be lol. TH-cam has had some glitches lately
- Trent
Well done, Pastor Jesse.
1 Corinthians 4:1-2. v2 Moreover it is required in a steward that a man be found faithful.
1st Timothy Chp 4 vs 1.
Saving faith produces good works. Theres your answer.
- Trent
Revelation 20. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Ive deconstructed from calvinism. No appeal anymore. Saw the debate with leighton flowers and james white. Leighton flowers gave a clear gospel. I also enjoy john r rice and sword of the Lord guys. And ive found more to read outside of calvinism since leaving. This is my favorite channel though because of these videos.
So what do you say to the person who believes and trusts in Christ for salvation but sins all they want and waves the ‘I believe’ card? Are they saved?
They’re a shame to the body of Christ. Nonetheless, Christ died for those sins, didn’t he? They’re saved. It’s not about how much a person sins or doesn’t sin. If they believed, they believed.
- Trent
@@BibleLine idk that seems cheap to me. As much as I sin not that I want to anymore but I’d imagine there should be a grace cut off point where God has enough and just ends my days and I get judged and sent off to hell for sinning against him so many times. I’ve been seeking after him for so long and not once tasted joy of salvation, not once having a sense of peace and assurance. I’m always questioning if I’m saved. Been really wishing the Lord would visit me and tell me. I’m very hardheaded and it seems to me I’m left to figure out my salvation on my own which I obviously can’t. It’s been 11 years on this walk.
Well, Jesus said “it is finished” when he died for all of our sin. He made an eternal payment for all of our sin. He claimed those who believe in Him are no longer condemned to hell - John 5:24.
It wasn’t cheap in that it cost Jesus his life. It’s treated as cheap to the individual who continues in a lifestyle of sin. That would be terrible for someone to do that because it is essentially spitting in Jesus’ face. He died for that person too, even the soldiers who crucified him.
Sin is never okay, but the fact remains that He died for all sin. Notice 1 John 2:1-2. He is the advocate for sinners, and he remains that advocate. He is the payment for all sin.
All you have to do to be sure of your salvation is believe in Him, that he made that payment for you. You receive eternal life; not life until you sin again or a lot.
To not let that sacrifice seem cheap, you should serve, work, turn from sin (not legalistically, but out of love), and do things to honor Him. This is called obedience, service and discipleship. This is different than salvation. We love him because he first loved us.
- Trent
@@BibleLine thanks for the responses
@@BibleLineHebrews 10:29 TLV
[29] How much more severe do you think the punishment will be for the one who has trampled Ben-Elohim underfoot, and has regarded as unholy the blood of the covenant by which he was made holy, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?
The problem with calvinism is that it is a cult of personality in calvinists to this day are still influenced by John Calvin who was not a Christian
Britney Spears popped up in my Apple music. I happened to like it and kept listening for a while. I guess I am going to really question if am I saved 😂
I'd be doing some study on ghastly taste in music rather than questioning your salvation.
I get it was supposed to be funny but really why do people take this stuff about salvation so lightly?
@@Psawyer555 I don't think so. I don't know how long u have been in the Reformed circle. People do soul searching on themselves all day long and doubt their salvation. This is literally a trend.
Both examples they believed Christ at first they stumbled but got up and continued and believed,
James 2:24 you are justified by what you do and not by faith alone!
Romans 2,:13 It's not those who hear the commands will declared righteous but those who obey the commands!
1 Peter 3:18 If it's hard for the righteous to be saved what will become of the ungodly and sinner?
By John MacArthur's description, there's a lot of self righteous Mormons who are saved. My apologies to Mormons out there I mean no disrespect, salvation comes only by faith.
We may receive five Crowns 👑👑👑👑👑 for being good stewards.
What is it that we have to do to be saved forgiveness of all sin and have eternal life? The gospel of our salvation is in 1st Corinthians 15 1-4 believe. Believe and trust Jesus that he died for our sins was buried and resurrected for our justification. There is nothing else nothing more never by performance works trun from sin which is a work we can trun from some not all it's a free gift and you cannot lose it. For those who think you can lose your salvation or say you can. If that was true then salvation was never Eternal to begin with. And also not a gift and had to work for it which is impossible. Believe the gospel of Christ before it's too late.
1st Corinthians 15 1-4
John3:16 is John3:5... Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Water baptism & Spirit baptism: Act19:5-6. If not, John3:36.
How sad what some posted here in response to me ..
I do not appreciate being accused of disrespecting or
de -emphasizing the awesome grace of God or being accused of serving a false Jesus especially by anyone who says they’re also a believer.
I posted about those two little girls because it was such a wonderful thing that they got saved because they each made their own personal decision to do so. What if they hadn’t, do I tell their mom well, they aren’t of the elect ? What if one accepted and one didn’t??? Do I tell their mom that God chose one for heaven and the other for hell and so just know that’s how His Sovereign will works?? So I’m sorry but at least you’ll be with one in eternity so focus on that because he at least picked one of them. Sorry about the other one.
This apparent that there’s much anger about people having free will arguing that people who accept Christ is because God’s sovereignty.
Yes he’s sovereign but this does not negate individual choice and culpability for what a person does with the gospel when it’s presented to them.
ANYONE can be a WHOSOEVER . God is not willing that any should perish and if they do , it is because they CHOSE TO REJECT the offer to be a whosoever.
And if that’s bold of me then so be it because I boldly proclaim what scripture teaches about salvation. I am a whosoever, those 2 girls are whosoevers and it’s because of God’s grace that anyone can be one too.
What a shame to make false accusations against a person and twist scripture to do so. And if the following is offensive then that’s how you chose to take it: Calvinism is a narcissistic evil in many aspects and its teachings are an affront to who Jesus is and what he came for and
T- depraved but able to hear and respond
Jeremiah 33:3
James 4:8
Matthew 7:7,8
Hebrews 7:25
John 5:24
I Peter 3:18 (all people are unjust and all may through Jesus be reconciled )
U- whosoever includes anyone
Romans 10:13
John 3:16 ( shocker 🙄)
John 11:25
L- died for ALL
I Timothy 2:4
II Peter 3:9
I John 2:2
II Corinthians 5:14
Acts 10:34
I - choose OR reject
Joshua 24:15
Matthew 10:32,33
John 1:11
I Samuel 10:19
Luke 17:25
P- preservation not perseverance
John 10:28
I John 5:13
II Corinthians 1:22
Philippians 1:6
Romans 11:6 ( saved and kept saved BY grace, NOT works )
Ephesians 1:13
I Corinthians 1:8
And ….
I know who I have believed and am persuaded that HE IS ABLE to keep that WHICH I’VE COMMITTED until Him against that day. II Timothy 1:12
So many verses can be applicable in debunking all of TULIP .
But what happens is verses are twisted mean they are speaking to the elect as they interject only themselves into verses to try and counter what is clearly stated.
They redefine God’s will , take predestination out of context to mean God chooses vs it being what is determined for ANY who believe, add works to God’s grace, faithfulness and promises to interject this wrongful assumption that they contribute to salvation and so on.
If I didn’t trust in God and HIS WORD , some of the clearly Calvinistic laced replies to me would’ve ruined what was a joyful event that happened today. But nope, the hour and a half I just to type this comment and search the Bible in all its CLEAR TRUTH just strengthened my faith even more and it’s a faith that has grown stronger over the years and you know what ????
It started as the faith of a child…. The same faith these two precious girls had today and is clearly the type of faith we are told to come to Jesus with.
To anyone else who CHOOSES to comment ( hey , because we all have a free will choice 😂to do so ) will not be responded to .
This has become very draining and simply for sharing that 2 new people were adopted into His family because they made the decision to be adopted !!
Oh how wonderful The Savior is , My Savior, and anyone’s for that matter decides to be a whosoever ❤️✝️
Don’t take it to heart. Your posts are spot on. Those guys are so immature.
- Trent
Hey Bibleline !!
I am currently responding to a text from the mom who has watched a few of your videos I sent and she has had the same Calvinistic influences that cause doubt , insecurity, confusion etc.
I am in the process of explaining my journey to finding peace because I too had been misguided by Calvinist doctrines that infiltrated the non Calvinist churches in attended as a kid and then as an adult.
If I might say something… I cane to realize that sharing the gospel has become difficult in the sense that so many have a misperception and misunderstanding of what it takes to be saved.
The simple gospel , that a child can grasp , has been added to adulterating it so that it has not only become complicated but leaves people confused and without peace.
Again , I can not emphasize the need for the content your channel provides. So I thank you again and again!
The mom is so excited at what’s she’s heard on the few Bibleline videos she’s watched that she wants to see more.
I told her to go to your channel and when time allows to check all the content out.
What a joy today has become and never did I know what was in store when I woke up ( and I was kind of crabby and down … but not anymore 😁)
@@BibleLine thank you Trent ❤️✝️
Philipians 2:12 backs up what MacArthur is communicating
If you lose the objective promise available to you *RIGHT NOW* you have only past faith or current experience.
McArthur is confusing salvation with being a mature believer who is filled with the spirit by " dying to self"
CLV 1C 15:1 Now I am making known to you, brethren, the evangel which I bring to you, which also you accepted, in which also you stand,
CLV 1C 15:2 through which also you are saved, if you are retaining what I said in bringing the evangel to you, outside and except you believe feignedly.
CLV 1C 15:3 For I give over to you among the first what also I accepted, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures,
CLV 1C 15:4 and that He was entombed, and that He has been roused the third day according to the scriptures,
CLV Eph 1:13 In Whom you also on hearing the word of truth, the evangel of your salvation in Whom on believing also, you are sealed with the holy spirit of promise
CLV Eph 1:14 (which is an earnest of the enjoyment of our allotment, to the deliverance of that which has been procured) for the laud of His glory!
John McArther is a radical. I used to like hearing him, but I kept seeing discrepancies popping up, one after another. This is one of many videos populating my feed.
Stop saying 'saving faith'. Faith is not what saves a person but the object of faith that saves a person. You can have all the faith in world and if it is in anything or something other than Jesus as God & Savior, you will not be saved. Calvinist believe that saving faith is given to a person by God thus they use the phrase 'saving faith'. The adjective word 'saving' describes 'faith'. Give a clear free grace gospel. Say salvation is by grace through faith. Show me the phrase 'saving faith' in the Bible. You won't find it.
Luke 22:31 (KJV) And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
And this is one of the reasons we should😮 use the KJV. You, ye, and your are plural. All disciples were to be sifted as wheat. Thee, thou, and thine are singular.
31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren
The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Lk 22:31-32.
Did the Devil get Peter or desire him?? Did Satan sift Peter like wheat or did he want to?? -- Clarifying this as that's not what was said at the beginning of this video!!
But what about all the scriptures that counter this? Like " examine yourself to see if you are truly in the Faith?" Or " many will come to me on judgement day......." Or why were Ananias n Saphirus taken out for lying? Surely yes only the Blood of Christ can save...but accepting this results in being indwelt by the power of the Holy Spirit and able " to resist the Devil and he will flee" Finally what about Mark 16 as the answer to Mc Arthurs question?
What about Thomas - he walked with the Lord and was called by our Lord . I won’t believe unless I see .
And Jesus preserved him by showing him. Proving Jesus finishes what he started.
Thomas was to be one of those Jews who would take their Gospel to the world during Israel's 70th week, their last days. Those Apostles were (and will be) hand picked by God to deliver His message to the world. Who would believe their message, are not hand picked by God. Israel's doctrine is according to their prophecy. It's totally separate from the Body of Christ Church and our doctrine.
JM’s argument could be a Jehovah’s Witness argument. Do you attend the Kingdom Hall? Knock on enough doors? Come out of Babylon? Shun politics? Stop celebrating birthdays? Let’s add up the proofs! In the next video JM will boast about how strong and mature his faith is! Paul would only boast about what God did through him in bringing gentiles to faith.
You all need to go look up the sermon, “Hell , what is it and who’s going?” By David Wilkerson, He’s Pentecostal but he nails it on the head. “ I believe the majority of nominal Christians are going to Hell”, what David calls nominal Christian’s are people like you guys who think Jesus sacrifice is for everyone and you can do as you please. You all should listen to it. I’m done arguing with adult children. God will not be kind to those who have added and taken away from scripture and called His servants devils. Go listen to it if you care about your soul it’s a solemn warning. Then go seek God with a bible in private away from the internet and terrible “Pastors” like this. “ let not many of you become teachers brethren knowing that they will incure a stricter judgement” James 3:1
Thank you for waking me up with that sermon
@@38kdoncorleone did you actually listen? If you did I’m proud of you for you for not being a goat. I’ll pray for you. Get into your Bible and alone with God He is good!
@@38kdoncorleone also brother listen to the Pastors people like this are telling you not to they will lead you to truth these guys are just a stumbling block, if you want I can show you some more convicting life changing sermons, there’s one Truth…
@@Jayred05 I did listen. Appreciate the advice
@@Jayred05 I have watched a lot of those types of pastors, like John Macarthur, Paul Washer, Steve Lawson, Tim Conway. I find them very convicting, but I've also been doubting my salvation and struggling with it. I think I need to spend more time in the word with God than on TH-cam haha
You did not choose me rather I chose you. 😮
@@johntaylor5652 AMEN
Yeah, that was towards the Disciples. He isn't choosing who will be saved, but who (of Israel) will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world before the 2nd half of Israel's 70th week comes. But that is totally separate from the doctrine of the Body of Christ Church.
@@bugsocsollie1694 He was talking to his disciples when he said I go to prepare a place for you. Just the disciples? Don’t cherry pick.
@@bugsocsollie1694 Romans 16:25 tells of Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself -- a MYSTERY NOT known before. God is sovereign over everything, HE receives ALL the GLORY and He will not share HIS glory with another.
HIS plans, promises, and counsels WILL STAND and WILL NOT be thwarted.
@johntaylor5652 Yes, according to Israel's prophecy, the New Jerusalem comes down to earth from heaven. Israel will be the kingdom of Priests on earth. The Body of Christ Church will not be on earth. Our inheritance is the heavens. Israel's inheritance is the earth. Not cherry picking verses. I'm trying to take all of it into account. And that includes separating what is meant for Israel from what is meant for the Body.
Magic has nothing to do with the BLOOD OF JESUS
So he says the most important is in trials and if you run or give up in Tough times then that’s a sign u aren’t. Peter denies knowing Jesus 3 times. Thomas wouldn’t believe until he saw. None of the apostles stood by Jesus when he was taken away but John. Are they not saved?
You need your make a video on Cliff Knechtle, he is false teacher.
Yes. He says the right things and then I heard him say "repent of sins" for salvation. Somehow I knew that was coming.
@@cassiebennet4262 yeah he said a saving faith is a faith that works 😮💨 like brother what?
Only Christ ever perfectly fulfilled the law. For those who believe they are able to maintain perfect obedience dont understand the spiritual depth of the law of God.
How do these modern day Pharisees explain their Lordship salvation? By one contradiction after another. Quote. "The gift of God is eternal life, but it will cost you everything." According to them, Jesus died for nothing, and we can save ourselves.
Galatians 2:21. I do not void the grace of God, for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ died for nothing. And that is what they believe. Jesus died for nothing, and we can save ourselves. Like, who needs a savior anyway.
Quote by John MacArthur in his book, "Hard to be saved". It is not the words we speak, but the life "WE" live, that determines our eternal destiny. Matthew 7:15. Who are the wolves in sheep's clothing? Those that preach another gospel. Not 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 1:6-9. Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the POWER of God unto salvation to EVERYONE that BELIEVETH, to the Jew First, and also to the Greek.
Second Peter 3:16. They wrest the scriptures as others do unto their own destruction. First John 2:2. And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. But. John 3:18.
They preach discipleship in place of the free gift of eternal life. Should we discipline ourselves? Yes, but not for salvation, but because we are saved. The gift of God is eternal life. No one can earn it. He has IMPUTED His perfect righteousness to our account. Romans 4:6. Without His perfect righteousness no one will be saved. His Grace covers us from all sin. Romans 5:19-21. Colossians 2:13. He has forgiven us ALL trespasses. I love my wife of 65 years, but that will not get me to heaven.
First Corinthians 2:14. But the natural man, Unbeliever, receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are FOOLISHNESS unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Ephesians 1:13-14. Ephesians 4:30.
First John 5:13. These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. John 3:16. Jesus said it, we believe it, and that settles it.
Second Corinthians 9:15. Paul rebuked Peter for showing partiality between the Jewish converts and the Gentiles.
You are just doing what you are supposed to do Jesse. Sorry for the long windedness. My 83 year old fingers never know where to quit.