O sea es mejor que se droguen en la calle y roben y se revienten la dopamina con el celular hasta suicidarse que estar trabajando? Lo mejor que le puede pasar al ser humano es trabajar desde su juventud ya que la mente humana es muy tendiente a hacer cosas malas desde su juventud. La generación moderna está pudriéndose tanto ocio
@@galewinds7696 until you’ve seen a hand mangled by a punch press you can’t learn to appreciate the safety laws we have come to enjoy. Have a great one.
Everything is very different from are western lifestyle, like you can't go into a workshop like this with no protection not even boots I bet they have some wicked accidents I can't even wear sandals are whatever less work in them .. how many toes you think are lost within a year?? GUESS are hit THE LIKE if you think the same 👇
Merry Christmas Everyone... This video is just another reminder to us all to be both humble and grateful for the safety, education and career opportunities we have in the west. I pray the people of Pakistan will continue to improve their economy and safety standards so they won't have to do this type of work anymore
To a reasonable degree it is! Do you see any of these young men out trying to turn themselves into girls or become gang bangers? These boys are becoming MEN with full knowledge of how to support themselves, the value of a dollar/rupee/whatever & the sense of responsibility to do what needs to be done.
@@acemobile9806 you are a idiot, there are things called schools and universities that could give these young man an actual future with a good paying job and better conditions. Besides why should you care if they identify as something else other than man. Lack of education is what keeps countries like that poor.
Хоть я и сам работал с 14 лет, но видеть детский труд в ужасающих антисанитарных условиях просто невозможно, это дикость, дети дышат этой ужасной химией, сидят на холодном грязном полу, сами грязные, это просто чудовищно
А с голоду умирать лучше? Не от хорошей жизни они в таких условиях работают... В целом, - люди Пакистана очень трудолюбивые, и если уж кому и помогать, то им, а не жителям Африки...
Здравствуйте. В Индии и а Пакистане это уже спец работа. Обычно родители таких мальчиков не имеют образования или специальных навыки с которым можно зарабатывать. Папа работает доставщиком тяжёлых груз, мама смотрит за семью. Это хороший проспект для мальчика. Он будет красить, сварить и в будущем свой бизнес может открыть.
La calidad y cuidado en la fabricación de esos filtros es deplorable!!!. El punto principal es la cantidad de papel. Menos de la mitad de lo que un buen filtro debería tener, y por último, habría que ver la calidad del papel, que para empezar, por ser un filtro de aceite, la porosidad del mismo, debe ser de 30 micrones. Conclusión, muy mala calidad por donde se lo mire y ni qué decir de los medios de protección y seguridad para los empleados. En mi país si hacen trabajar a un niño, va preso.
@@eddiewillers1 Automated Production line - Probably somewhere close to a million dollars... you then have to worry about it breaking down and waiting for parts/repair... when a human breaks down you just take another off the street within a few minutes...
Kids here in the States have it way too good. Hard work is what they need, and here at VK Oil Filters, we believe little hands make great filters. - Maximillian Moneybags, C.E.O.
Еще что удивляет, на самом ответственном участке, где нужно вставлять фильтрующую бумагу, ее засовывают кое-как. Не только ее плотность низкая, но и как она распределена по поверхности неравномерно. Т.е. все сделано для пыли в глаза. Типа корпус норм , покрашен, а внутри полная хрень! Зачем так изгаляться и делать все остальное качество, раз основной элемент - это поражняк. Они бы лучше тогда бу фильтры восстанавливали и менли там только бумагу. Выгоднее бы было. Ну и с их качеством масла и бензина там в два раза больше бумаги надо класть, чем тот же Манн кладет)))
@@ЯДобрыЙ-п8д при том что приоритет обертки и снижения себестоимости над реальным качеством это первейшая цель рынка. А значит и капиталиста, когда некому дать ему по рукам.
@@DimaCheguevara что такое капитализм? Маркса перечитал? Или судя по аватарке орк-тв пересмотрел. Есть понятие "рыночная экономика". И если она работает, то ты имеешь выбор что купить. А если ты приверженец рабства по типу "коммунизм", ну тогда наслаждайся бесконечными очередями за 1 товаром, без варианта выбора.
Lmao. You are so abstracted from the real world in your little bubble. Let me guess, you live in the US. Let me tell you a little secret. Those USD that they print in the trillions is a note saying this country gave real goods to the empire for this ability to trade for energy. The US and her allies have been living off of excess wealth they did not work for with force for the last 50 years. If you try to get away from the petro dollar then you will be removed and replaced by someone who will. Doesn't matter if the people suffer because of it. Open market slave trade in Libya? That's fine. They are now using the USD again.
There's a lot of good things that can be said about this video. But as a student in the Industrial engineering field, I can't help but notice that many of these processes could be automated and some simple changes made to improve quality, safety, and expense. Although in doing so, could potentially put some of these guys out of a job. So if anything I could do to at least improve the safety of these workers, especially for the children's sake, I would do so. I've seen work done like this first hand in Thailand in the early 90's, it is a real eye opener to how sheltered we can be as Americans. I wish these workers all the best and hope they remain safe as can be. Hard workers, each one of them. Have a blessed day y'all.
As a retired Industrial engineer I can tell there is nothing good about this process. If wasn't for the 80% import duty the Pakistanis could import fuel filters of better quality and less expensive. These inefficient processes guarantee that the Pakistanis will wallow in poverty for eternity.
@@jimfarmer7811 Yup, they rely on low paid workers, terrible working conditions and produce hyper low quality products that are only suitable for sale in their home country.
@@darknes7800 right after WW2 Japan was in far worse position than Pakistan is today. They put an emphasis on quality and efficiency and produced a world class economy. Pakistan could do the same thing but instead they remain stuck same backward economy because it's "the will of Allah".
Damn, as a sheet metal worker state side, these boys are skilled and strong AF. The endurance to cut and layout properly like that on the floor. No gloves to protect from the sharp edges. I use all those machines but not as fast lol. Wow... we're spoiled.
wearing gloves is what makes you slower than them pal Having full hand sensory gives much better control and faster movements. The brain simply doesn't rely only on vision.
@@vihreelinja4743 We did the same exact thing here in the US. If you look closey at the machines they are using, they are Made in the USA and eventually shipped over seas when the manufacturing here shut down.
Zero safety regulations, it looks like the Victorian era of the 19th century, these people are risking serious injuries and terrible diseases like cancer from inhaling those chemicals. Thanks to such recordings, I definitely appreciate my work in Europe, workers' rights, and workplace safety regulations. Additionally, it should be mentioned that the place for children is in school and on the playground, not in the factory. I'm afraid these people earn less in a month than I do in one day.
@@AndrE190-r8kwell if they don’t go to school they will have to work these same types of jobs snowing the same type of pay instead of much more if they had better skills and they would not be as dangerous most likely it’s an investment that pays if it’s unfortunate that it has to be this way
These filters are probably for local use. Given the size and the lack of filtering material they're probably designed for smaller engines like mopeds, or motor cycles. Still interesting to see them being hand made instead of the big automated plants used by the brands we see in more affluent countries.
This is why i only buy filters from the dealer for my subaru. never ever going to buy an oilfilter from some part supply business that sell cheap crap like this.
@@vihreelinja4743 when i was in collage i worked for a place that packaged parts for cars. There all the same. We put the same Indian bearings in boxes that had every brand name on them all exacattaly the same.
Admirable, incredible workers, I am sure OSHA does not exist in their country, but when you have to provide for your families you do what you have to do.👋👋
So what most people just don't know is that the filter doesn't slow down the rate in which the oil gets contaminated. It can't filter down to that level. It just catches fine bits of metal that could damage the bearing surfaces.
LOL....But true. I never use them anymore. A note , however, I took a Harley Davidson and a Fram that is made to fit the bike. They are both the same!!!
@@barrioscorona215 Я меняю масло каждые 7000 километров и использую качественные материалы и расходники. А такой фильтр практически бесполезен, т.к. площадь его фильтрующего элемента очень мала, обратный клапан я вообще в нем не увидел.
What people fail to understand from these videos is that these people are making do with what they have, using the resources they have available to them. The ingenuity is admirable. I've seen incredible innovation in countries across SE Asia and Africa, where they've made their own tools out of rebar. And especially when you have hundreds of millions of people or over a billion in India, the value for life is low. People are a commodity that people take advantage of. The cost of proper workplace safety or labour laws wouldn't make economic sense, and it takes sweeping government changes that do not easily happen in countries like these, so it's not so simple to compare them to our cushy, first world home countries where everything must be done "right". When I watch these videos, I take it for it is and appreciate the basic foundational technical processes that go into making oil filters, or brake discs. And then imagine how the first world was during the early to mid 20th century or during the Industrial Revolution!
Видел, на машинах пришедших с японии, покупать оригинал нет не покупал, меня вполне устраивает по качеству китайская машума (или масума кому как нравиться)@@denmortis3732
А мы тут обзоры и тесты фильтров смотрим, а их там дети собирают. Видео как ребенок пальцем клей наносит или стоит рядом с покраской, даже без маски медицинской, рвет душу попалам.
@@HosioHosio, не-не, братанчик, при капитализме у работника куча прав, даже у криворукого. Это больше по вашей, совковой части, заставлять людей за еду голыми руками собирать примитивные подделки западных аналогов и радоваться, что хотя бы так.
@@HosioHosio , не, у тебя-то, гостя понятно из какой страны (судя по мировоззрению), кучи прав, конечно, не будет. И это, как видим по твоему последнему комментарию, вполне заслужено)))
@@johnmazepa ты о моих правах не беспокойся. У меня их явно больше чем у тебя, если ты даже не понимаешь контекста моего комментария. Так что хоть очко своё разорви, но это ничего не изменит. Поэтому, таблеточки прими и спать ложись. Завтра в школу то наверно тебе. Спи, ато мамка наругает.
Твои дорогие фильтры Made in Europe, сделаны примерно по такой же технологии. Только не детьми, которые работают руками и не соблюдают технику безопасности, а полуавтоматическим оборудованием. А все остальные примерно то же самое. В следующий раз старый фильтр разрежь и посмотри, если мне не веришь.
Нас не 1.5 миллиарда а всего 140 миллионов и Индия очень отсталая страна по сравнению даже с Россией. Я молчу о Китае, Европе где экономика и уровень жизни намного выше нашего.
would be interesting to see what brands land up going on those filters, the paper quality very important, the degree of filtering of particulate sizes depends on that paper being used, low quality paper means poor filtering of the small particulates.
The media is not even sealed. This will not filter anything. haha Its a farce. the paper has to be sealed with a clip or glue,Yes the top and bottom are sealed with potting compound but the ends of the paper are not....... look at 13:45. I have five years of making filters under my belt. I guarantee these filters will do nothing to filter out anything other then money from the customer
I would take any of those kids as apprentices 😮😢 they r showing good traits essential for work , they dont stand around and wait they r working as expected , showing good initiative, dedication , eagerness to work and learn 😮😢
Thats some hard work and good skills, still would be nice to see those kids in school or playing with ball than working hard...anyway if they provise for the familly and there is no other options good for them, wish them health and prosperity.
These videos are horror films for OSHA staff. Crazy amounts of talent here, making things that most people think you need a massive assembly line to build today.
Not talent. This is basic machinist work. I can learn to do any one of those jobs in five minutes and get fast and proficient in a week. Anyone who sees this and thinks high level intelligence or talent is required is Jay virtue signaling.
Said machine can make 1000x more of these in the same amount of time mending they can pay 1000x more to the workers and have a lot less workers aswell meaning you can like 10 machines with the same amount of workers doing jobs like fixing the machine Putting materials in quality control and jobs that require education and skill with computers and machines things they will need to learn this makes things safer faster and more pay better in every way
@@ntme9i just saw a young man who has learned how to provide for himself & also learned how not to burn his fingers next time. I also didn't see him trying to be a disobedient little shit or trying to turn himself into a girl. Let that sink in.
Wow! I don’t which filter has more dirt in it, the one I’m replacing or the one I’m putting on. Building oil filters on a dirt floor and where cleanliness doesn’t exist doesn’t promote much product confidence!
Один современный конвейер может заменить 80% этих работников и повысить производительность в разы. Но к тож его будет ставить когда есть дармовая рабская сила. А про качество продукта и говорить нечего, видимо рабов, которые потом будут пользоваться этим вполне устраивает. Впрочем достаточно посмотреть на состояние их транспорта. При такой дешивизне труда стоимость постоянных ремонтов не проблема.
Дело не только в этом, это намеренное насаждение отсталости для ослабления других стран, т.к. для рыночной экономики не выгодно везде ставить конвейера, поскольку машина не может купить товар который сама производит, поэтому если замещать людей машинами все больше людей будут без работы соответственно без еды и без товаров и экономика не будет расти
@@vitalygontov9049 у вас образование на уровне работников в этом видео. Готовая конвейерная линия стоит огромных денег, а разработать свою не хватит образования
We can see some youngsters working there. Conditions do not seem optimal. On a positive note, the motor skills of some of these individuals are impressive and they can get to use it in other areas. I hope everyone there is safe and healthy
these kind are likely from poor background like older parent or orpan or anything you should appraciate thes kids that they are working hard to make money otherwise at this situation almost all kids beg on the street .\ second this video is from pakistan where there is extreme poverty and it should not be called child labour yes they should provide a little bit safety insturment if you want to turn to eletric car then you should watch how there batteries are made
This is why union strength is so critical in our western lands. If the big business had their way we would be working in these conditions if they could get away with it to increase productivity and output.
Its not about unions. Its about automation. At some point the owner buys a production line, and all of a sudden, all these guys are out. Now, go tell the union you're out...
@@calizess It's not one or the other, it's a bit of both depending on the situation. Automation isn't always inevitably going to appear as they are much more expensive than some poor people with some simple tools, and so the owner might not be able to viably recoup the investment in whatever market they work for. Also it requires much higher-skilled workers to run and maintain which simply might not be available.
Wholesome to see all these boys ages 6 and up, working hard instead of roaming the streets making ruckus or indoors playaing away on their PS5 or smartphones. This type of work ethic is what makes a nation great! You go boys! Learn of the older ones and be mindful of those fingertips, since some of the older clearly had been working with idle minds and got snipped!
I mean, you're not entirely wrong. children should do work but more along the lines of household chores, mowing lawn etc. things to prepare them for life but not this.
Yea, and the smelting locations are just wonderful..... same as the burgers everyone is now complaining that went up in price with the fast food wages, lets move production to the US and pay the employees the current wages, and your filter or item will then go up 100%. then who's complaining???
Me: "It's late, I should go to bed"
TH-cam algorithm: "Psst.... wanna see a horrifying sweatshop?"
Someone has to work from an early age and receive next to nothing for countries like the US and Europe to be able to live well.
That's why millions of them wanna break in to our countries so bad.
Yup i hopped in to bed at 10:30pm its now 12:40 😂😂😂 frick youtube
Right now xD alarm clock in 4hrs 🥹🫣😂
Thanks a lot for this videos. Now i know which brand of oil filters not to buy.
Tutto lavoro minorile
@@walteraiello3341 its a different reality tho, they are learning their future jobs
O sea es mejor que se droguen en la calle y roben y se revienten la dopamina con el celular hasta suicidarse que estar trabajando? Lo mejor que le puede pasar al ser humano es trabajar desde su juventud ya que la mente humana es muy tendiente a hacer cosas malas desde su juventud. La generación moderna está pudriéndose tanto ocio
it's for local market, not export. so dont worry
Its so nice to see everything just end up on the floor at every stage of its production.
As I've always said, if it's on the floor (including myself at times) it can't fall any further. You know where it will be.
The Koran forbid tables
Calles it white devil magic
I've done some crappy jobs when I needed to pay the bills years ago but the working conditions in these videos from Pakistan are a world apart.
thats because they bomb their fucking countries back to the stone age every 10 year.
its in their culture
... a *_THIRD WORLD_* apart, lolol
@@Liquid_Mike "Third world" means non-enslaved countries, it has nothing to do with development.
and not one person crying about hard work.
Bro it was like this during the Great Depression. Little kids at their age and no safety conditions. Let their country develop
I see the child labour laws are much different than the western nations.
And you buy all made in china products without child labour 😂😂😂😂😂
Конечно отличаются, сколько же столетий ваш запад грабил эти народы
@@galewinds7696 until you’ve seen a hand mangled by a punch press you can’t learn to appreciate the safety laws we have come to enjoy. Have a great one.
Everything is very different from are western lifestyle, like you can't go into a workshop like this with no protection not even boots I bet they have some wicked accidents I can't even wear sandals are whatever less work in them .. how many toes you think are lost within a year?? GUESS are hit THE LIKE if you think the same
Through this child labor, the Western nations can free their children from it.
Merry Christmas Everyone... This video is just another reminder to us all to be both humble and grateful for the safety, education and career opportunities we have in the west. I pray the people of Pakistan will continue to improve their economy and safety standards so they won't have to do this type of work anymore
U wont find lgbt femenists vegans... all those psychos if they world still lived like this
Bir türk olarak sana bu güzel düşüncenden dolayı teşekkür ederim
If Pakistanis also conquer others land , they can get very high safety standards like that of west and more ❤😊
Maybe if they change their religion and stop following a certain D*monic, P*dophilic De*th Cult?
Maybe that will help?
These channels are incredible they always try to portrey child labor as something good
To a reasonable degree it is! Do you see any of these young men out trying to turn themselves into girls or become gang bangers? These boys are becoming MEN with full knowledge of how to support themselves, the value of a dollar/rupee/whatever & the sense of responsibility to do what needs to be done.
@@acemobile9806 you are a idiot, there are things called schools and universities that could give these young man an actual future with a good paying job and better conditions. Besides why should you care if they identify as something else other than man.
Lack of education is what keeps countries like that poor.
Showing children working doesn’t portray child labor in a good or bad way. It just shows it happening
"That one guy who doesn't have a clue and just makes assumptions after watching a youtube video"
So to the people who think the child labor is a positive experience why not send your kids to Pakistan to spend their summer vacation in this factory?
Хоть я и сам работал с 14 лет, но видеть детский труд в ужасающих антисанитарных условиях просто невозможно, это дикость, дети дышат этой ужасной химией, сидят на холодном грязном полу, сами грязные, это просто чудовищно
А с голоду умирать лучше? Не от хорошей жизни они в таких условиях работают... В целом, - люди Пакистана очень трудолюбивые, и если уж кому и помогать, то им, а не жителям Африки...
@DenisGMS Судя по одежде индусы.
E aí trabalha mesmo não é igual no Brasil vagabundos
@DenisGMS , нет, это Пакистан. Даже в описании под видео об этом указано. Смотрите хештеги.
Здравствуйте. В Индии и а Пакистане это уже спец работа. Обычно родители таких мальчиков не имеют образования или специальных навыки с которым можно зарабатывать. Папа работает доставщиком тяжёлых груз, мама смотрит за семью. Это хороший проспект для мальчика. Он будет красить, сварить и в будущем свой бизнес может открыть.
Children ,who love cars.
They work it is a hobby...
Техника безопасности на высоте.Я уже вижу эти руки в виде масляного фильтра
У нас инженер Тб, если пришёл не в спецодежде и ботинках, сразу лишает премию, а то может поставить вопрос на увольнение.
La calidad y cuidado en la fabricación de esos filtros es deplorable!!!. El punto principal es la cantidad de papel. Menos de la mitad de lo que un buen filtro debería tener, y por último, habría que ver la calidad del papel, que para empezar, por ser un filtro de aceite, la porosidad del mismo, debe ser de 30 micrones. Conclusión, muy mala calidad por donde se lo mire y ni qué decir de los medios de protección y seguridad para los empleados. En mi país si hacen trabajar a un niño, va preso.
I was wondering why the oil filters are relatively cheap, now everything makes sense.
Child labour at its height - it would be interesting to know the capital cost of an automated production line machine.
Automated Production line - Probably somewhere close to a million dollars... you then have to worry about it breaking down and waiting for parts/repair... when a human breaks down you just take another off the street within a few minutes...
@@WrongThink_ with all dust and dirt gratis in new filter! Great factory!
I doubt this filters reach us
@@vuli1647 Proably only for Pakistan, India and S.E. Asia.
Kids here in the States have it way too good. Hard work is what they need, and here at VK Oil Filters, we believe little hands make great filters.
- Maximillian Moneybags, C.E.O.
Очень впечатляет активная масса фильтрующей составляющей...Думаю ее хватит на один запуск двигателя.
Еще что удивляет, на самом ответственном участке, где нужно вставлять фильтрующую бумагу, ее засовывают кое-как. Не только ее плотность низкая, но и как она распределена по поверхности неравномерно. Т.е. все сделано для пыли в глаза. Типа корпус норм , покрашен, а внутри полная хрень! Зачем так изгаляться и делать все остальное качество, раз основной элемент - это поражняк. Они бы лучше тогда бу фильтры восстанавливали и менли там только бумагу. Выгоднее бы было.
Ну и с их качеством масла и бензина там в два раза больше бумаги надо класть, чем тот же Манн кладет)))
Капитализм во всей красе, детский труд, дешевая рабская сила и нулевое качество!
@@DimaCheguevara это индия, там касты если что... причем тут капитализм?
@@ЯДобрыЙ-п8д при том что приоритет обертки и снижения себестоимости над реальным качеством это первейшая цель рынка. А значит и капиталиста, когда некому дать ему по рукам.
@@DimaCheguevara что такое капитализм? Маркса перечитал? Или судя по аватарке орк-тв пересмотрел. Есть понятие "рыночная экономика". И если она работает, то ты имеешь выбор что купить. А если ты приверженец рабства по типу "коммунизм", ну тогда наслаждайся бесконечными очередями за 1 товаром, без варианта выбора.
I thought my job was hard and difficult ....After watching this I love my job now.
Yep 100% I make £30k and today I sent a couple of emails and the odd meeting all from the comfort of my house.
Now I know where AC Delco Oil filters are made! Nice
Either delco or stp I’m not sure which
These definitely are not AC Delco. I believe AC Delco filters are made in Indonesia? These look to be for their local market.
This breaks my heart. To see young kids working like that- with NO SAFETY measures of equipment to say the least. Absolutely horrific 💔💔💔
Lmao. You are so abstracted from the real world in your little bubble. Let me guess, you live in the US. Let me tell you a little secret. Those USD that they print in the trillions is a note saying this country gave real goods to the empire for this ability to trade for energy. The US and her allies have been living off of excess wealth they did not work for with force for the last 50 years. If you try to get away from the petro dollar then you will be removed and replaced by someone who will. Doesn't matter if the people suffer because of it. Open market slave trade in Libya? That's fine. They are now using the USD again.
they are learning how to be productive and useful not like the spoiled useless brats the us has been turning out for the last 40 years
Essentially it's child labour
Oh they have the safety sandals on.
There's a lot of good things that can be said about this video. But as a student in the Industrial engineering field, I can't help but notice that many of these processes could be automated and some simple changes made to improve quality, safety, and expense. Although in doing so, could potentially put some of these guys out of a job. So if anything I could do to at least improve the safety of these workers, especially for the children's sake, I would do so. I've seen work done like this first hand in Thailand in the early 90's, it is a real eye opener to how sheltered we can be as Americans. I wish these workers all the best and hope they remain safe as can be. Hard workers, each one of them. Have a blessed day y'all.
As a retired Industrial engineer I can tell there is nothing good about this process. If wasn't for the 80% import duty the Pakistanis could import fuel filters of better quality and less expensive. These inefficient processes guarantee that the Pakistanis will wallow in poverty for eternity.
This is how oil filters are made, in a THIRD WORLD country ! Not how they are made in the US or other industrialized countries.
@@darknes7800 This is why 3rd world countries will remain third world countries.
@@jimfarmer7811 Yup, they rely on low paid workers, terrible working conditions and produce hyper low quality products that are only suitable for sale in their home country.
@@darknes7800 right after WW2 Japan was in far worse position than Pakistan is today. They put an emphasis on quality and efficiency and produced a world class economy. Pakistan could do the same thing but instead they remain stuck same backward economy because it's "the will of Allah".
Wow explotation and precarious conditions definitely looks nice
May God protect these children and these men with healthy lives.
Yeah that's not going to happen You see the working conditions?
Well guess thats one prayer not answered
Damn, as a sheet metal worker state side, these boys are skilled and strong AF. The endurance to cut and layout properly like that on the floor. No gloves to protect from the sharp edges. I use all those machines but not as fast lol. Wow... we're spoiled.
wearing gloves is what makes you slower than them pal
Having full hand sensory gives much better control and faster movements.
The brain simply doesn't rely only on vision.
Out of every 10 kids coming in to work, 1 goes home with fingers missing.
This is how it used to be done in europe. then we automated and sold the old machines to china india pakistan...
They sped up the video so it looks like they are working really fast. Duh!
@@vihreelinja4743 We did the same exact thing here in the US. If you look closey at the machines they are using, they are Made in the USA and eventually shipped over seas when the manufacturing here shut down.
Zero safety regulations, it looks like the Victorian era of the 19th century, these people are risking serious injuries and terrible diseases like cancer from inhaling those chemicals. Thanks to such recordings, I definitely appreciate my work in Europe, workers' rights, and workplace safety regulations. Additionally, it should be mentioned that the place for children is in school and on the playground, not in the factory. I'm afraid these people earn less in a month than I do in one day.
Оригинал-Сделано в Японии👍
Those young boys should be in school. I have mad respect for your hard work and skill.
signori, quando le famiglie faticano ad andare avanti...mica tutto il mondo è america
@@AndrE190-r8kwell if they don’t go to school they will have to work these same types of jobs snowing the same type of pay instead of much more if they had better skills and they would not be as dangerous most likely it’s an investment that pays if it’s unfortunate that it has to be this way
That are in School! It's called Hands On Schooling! There learning a good trade right here!💯 There not sitting Home all day playing video games!👍
@@DirectCurrent4u they are siting on the floor making a basic consumer product that takes about a week to learn well
Incrível trabalho meus parabéns
Пойду покажу своему сыну, пусть глянет чем его сверстники занимаются 😮
Детский труд уважаете?
@@koge6937 не в труде дело, есть другая жизнь, где не всё так хорошо как у него и большинства сверстников.
@@koge6937 к труду нужно приучать с детства , я в 10 лет себе сам заработал на мотоцикл а это были лихие 90 е
@@КирюхаМудрый Пока еще не так
These filters are probably for local use. Given the size and the lack of filtering material they're probably designed for smaller engines like mopeds, or motor cycles. Still interesting to see them being hand made instead of the big automated plants used by the brands we see in more affluent countries.
O que estranha também, além da falta de materiais é o grande número de crianças trabalhando.
You don’t know that. These filters look like Fram brand most likely.
This is why i only buy filters from the dealer for my subaru. never ever going to buy an oilfilter from some part supply business that sell cheap crap like this.
@@vihreelinja4743 when i was in collage i worked for a place that packaged parts for cars. There all the same. We put the same Indian bearings in boxes that had every brand name on them all exacattaly the same.
Far too big for a motorcycle or moped.
Admirable, incredible workers, I am sure OSHA does not exist in their country, but when you have to provide for your families you do what you have to do.👋👋
Высокие технологии 👍
Даже как всегда без перчаток
А что вас так смущает?
Титаник делали то же без перчаток
А в рашке лучше технологии?
@@user-xx7dq9gt4t там они отсутствуют во всем.
На станках запрещена работа в перчатках. Пальци отлетают только так.
@@АндрейИванов-б4о6т и чем это закончилось)))
yeah that's definitely a fram filter. you can tell by how little filter material is used.
lasts about 3 miles before you have to replace it again.
So what most people just don't know is that the filter doesn't slow down the rate in which the oil gets contaminated. It can't filter down to that level. It just catches fine bits of metal that could damage the bearing surfaces.
That's how I feel about Fram also!
LOL....But true. I never use them anymore. A note , however, I took a Harley Davidson and a Fram that is made to fit the bike. They are both the same!!!
@@adammiller2246Vehicle branded filters are usually overpriced junk. If it’s not wix, fleetguard, cat, or luberfiner it’s crap
Ручная сборка всегда качеством лучше👍💪
что за чушь
Не дай бог себе такой фильтр поставить!
фильтр как фильтр ) для мухосранска сойдет ) для Евросоюза - нет
@@aleksusnemo4284 Стоит то он как оригинал, подделка же.
вы, вероятно даже не делаете свои обычные замены масла, так почему вы жалуетесь
@@barrioscorona215 Я меняю масло каждые 7000 километров и использую качественные материалы и расходники. А такой фильтр практически бесполезен, т.к. площадь его фильтрующего элемента очень мала, обратный клапан я вообще в нем не увидел.
What people fail to understand from these videos is that these people are making do with what they have, using the resources they have available to them. The ingenuity is admirable. I've seen incredible innovation in countries across SE Asia and Africa, where they've made their own tools out of rebar. And especially when you have hundreds of millions of people or over a billion in India, the value for life is low. People are a commodity that people take advantage of. The cost of proper workplace safety or labour laws wouldn't make economic sense, and it takes sweeping government changes that do not easily happen in countries like these, so it's not so simple to compare them to our cushy, first world home countries where everything must be done "right". When I watch these videos, I take it for it is and appreciate the basic foundational technical processes that go into making oil filters, or brake discs. And then imagine how the first world was during the early to mid 20th century or during the Industrial Revolution!
Glad to see them take all the necessary safety precautions 😢
At least the kids aren't doing the dangerous machinery steps in the process?
@@social3ngin33rin во-во у них даже триптих (Иисуса Христа, Пресвятой Богородицы и Николая Чудотворца) нигде не прикреплен =)
@@social3ngin33rin the most vulnerable ones are those- painting - inhaling with paint and other particles-= early death or desease
I mean there next to the spray painter without mask 😷
Here we go this is not America
Производство контрафакта во всех подробностях, а потом удивляемся почему мотор лёг, паралельный импор, пользуйтесь на здоровье.
как буд то ты в своей жизни видел оригинал 🤣🤣
Видел, на машинах пришедших с японии, покупать оригинал нет не покупал, меня вполне устраивает по качеству китайская машума (или масума кому как нравиться)@@denmortis3732
Да с таким дырявым фильтром далеко не уедешь
А мы тут обзоры и тесты фильтров смотрим, а их там дети собирают.
Видео как ребенок пальцем клей наносит или стоит рядом с покраской, даже без маски медицинской, рвет душу попалам.
Капитализм, счастье - заебись! )
@@HosioHosio, не-не, братанчик, при капитализме у работника куча прав, даже у криворукого. Это больше по вашей, совковой части, заставлять людей за еду голыми руками собирать примитивные подделки западных аналогов и радоваться, что хотя бы так.
@@johnmazepa ну-ну, в капиталистической России у работников куча прав? Таблеточку прими...
@@HosioHosio , не, у тебя-то, гостя понятно из какой страны (судя по мировоззрению), кучи прав, конечно, не будет. И это, как видим по твоему последнему комментарию, вполне заслужено)))
@@johnmazepa ты о моих правах не беспокойся. У меня их явно больше чем у тебя, если ты даже не понимаешь контекста моего комментария. Так что хоть очко своё разорви, но это ничего не изменит. Поэтому, таблеточки прими и спать ложись. Завтра в школу то наверно тебе. Спи, ато мамка наругает.
Totally amazing ! That any of these guys still have toes that is!
Ahah yeah. But there is some finger damage 08:40
Фильтр с мусором и без перепускного клапана, просто збс😂
Да и бумаги в два раза меньше чем нужно
14:21 they use spring for bypass valve
Я так ждал, когда покажут название фирмы этого говнища, чтоб ни при каких обстоятельствах его не покупать! Не показали!
@@flashgarage Какой в два? Я фильтры резал, в три читыри раза меньше
@@ГеннадийМ-к3жНазвание может быть какое вам угодно...На выбор...
Hardworking Pakistanis geniuses
Safety not a priority,watching with my hands behind my back
С одной стороны хорошо что у людей есть работа, но с другой стороны не хотелось бы чтобы их продукция попадалась на нашем рынке
Твои дорогие фильтры Made in Europe, сделаны примерно по такой же технологии. Только не детьми, которые работают руками и не соблюдают технику безопасности, а полуавтоматическим оборудованием. А все остальные примерно то же самое. В следующий раз старый фильтр разрежь и посмотри, если мне не веришь.
@@MCXM111 Резали и смотрели, фильтрующего полотна в три раза больше и обратный клапан имеется. А это просто мусор.
Мне уже перехотелось покупать всю индийскую продукцию.
Странннннно, я не заметил ни одного работника с 9 или с8 пальцами, при такой охране труда , они должны быть вообще без рук.
Они часто меняются.
Невнимательно смотрел потому что. 8.15 - 8.25 при штамповке кругляков.
Они меняются все время.Там полюбому у многих пальцев нет.На камеру инвалидов не подпускают.
О - опять мастер-класс по технике безопасности на производстве 😀
Estos. Sra. Son la verdadera cara del progreso. Mis respetos y admiración. Que dios los bendiga.❤❤❤❤❤
I always wondered how Fram makes their oil filters
These might just be a step up from Fram filters.
Literally just commented the same before coming here
black body.....wix?
I’m thinking WIX actually
Детский труд во всей красе. Спасибо, ребята, за демонстрацию того, что мы еще вполне неплохо живём.
А ты сильно то не радуйся, скоро так же будешь вJOBывать!
Ну так у нас развивающийся путенизм. Через лет 5 будет даже хуже
@@pleshhlo мнением укроботов не интересуемся.
Нас не 1.5 миллиарда а всего 140 миллионов и Индия очень отсталая страна по сравнению даже с Россией. Я молчу о Китае, Европе где экономика и уровень жизни намного выше нашего.
@@pleshhlo У вас - да.
each one of them workers gets a free oil filter as soon as they old enough to drive 😂
one not more! nothing personel it`s just a business
To drive 30 km, see how much less in this oil filter have a filtration paper
They don't need oil filters. They take the train to work, all of them.... at the same time 😂
would be interesting to see what brands land up going on those filters, the paper quality very important, the degree of filtering of particulate sizes depends on that paper being used, low quality paper means poor filtering of the small particulates.
Knock offs of reputable brands.
The media is not even sealed. This will not filter anything. haha Its a farce. the paper has to be sealed with a clip or glue,Yes the top and bottom are sealed with potting compound but the ends of the paper are not....... look at 13:45. I have five years of making filters under my belt. I guarantee these filters will do nothing to filter out anything other then money from the customer
Looks like lots of quality control going on here
Paper Quality? Those are used Post-It notes, guy.
This is cheap shit going on cheap machines in a cheap country. Don't waste so much energy talking about quality mr engineer.
Real men doing hard work! :)
У инженера по Т Б глаз задергался и сердце сильно застучало)))))))
Угу, мертвые шахтеры не дадут соврать
No safety protocols, child labor without any payments, no social security. Welcome to Pakistan guys 😮
I think the kid gets pay in candy 🍭?
I would take any of those kids as apprentices 😮😢 they r showing good traits essential for work , they dont stand around and wait they r working as expected , showing good initiative, dedication , eagerness to work and learn 😮😢
Thats some hard work and good skills, still would be nice to see those kids in school or playing with ball than working hard...anyway if they provise for the familly and there is no other options good for them, wish them health and prosperity.
Other than the 116 OSHA violations, a very interesting video indeed.
Got To Be More Than 116
That's some excellent child labor right there 👌
Wow, this is pretty amazing 🤩
These videos are horror films for OSHA staff. Crazy amounts of talent here, making things that most people think you need a massive assembly line to build today.
You do need a massive, automated assembly line to do this without using kids.
Not talent. This is basic machinist work. I can learn to do any one of those jobs in five minutes and get fast and proficient in a week. Anyone who sees this and thinks high level intelligence or talent is required is Jay virtue signaling.
@@adeadlyfart13 LOL, I said that out loud right as I read your comment
Said machine can make 1000x more of these in the same amount of time mending they can pay 1000x more to the workers and have a lot less workers aswell meaning you can like 10 machines with the same amount of workers doing jobs like fixing the machine Putting materials in quality control and jobs that require education and skill with computers and machines things they will need to learn this makes things safer faster and more pay better in every way
Our health and safety officer would be having a heart attack seeing this 😅
and a freakout that they use child labor.
Notice the extensive use of 'safety sandals'
@@colincunningham1902 A few truck loads of OSHA maunals just exploded.
The hard work these people put in every day it saddened me that they don't get the money they deserve.
Have to love the strict child labor and work place safety rules
They do that in churches
Man much respect to these guys. 💯
Wow that’s really nice 👍 work
this promotes some wondering about just how much dirt and foreign material gets into those filters in the manufacturing process.
That's the least concerning thing about this. There are kids working in these conditions to manufacture those things.
You're worried about dirt in the filter and you just saw a 9-year-old with burnt fingers 😂 holy sht...
Not shocking but it is so wrong 😔🙏🏻🏴
@@ntme9i just saw a young man who has learned how to provide for himself & also learned how not to burn his fingers next time. I also didn't see him trying to be a disobedient little shit or trying to turn himself into a girl.
Let that sink in.
The filter paper should be 2-3 times longer 13:46
Made of guano and sticks ;)
Not necessarily, because the resistance can be too great with more filter material.
I really appreciate the hard work.
9:18 i love when my oil filters comes with factory rust
And without a bypass valve. 😆
made by children. you get what you deserve
Plus a ready supply of grit from the floor.
Ha! Wouldn't be the first time!
Wow! I don’t which filter has more dirt in it, the one I’m replacing or the one I’m putting on. Building oil filters on a dirt floor and where cleanliness doesn’t exist doesn’t promote much product confidence!
These are probably made for Russian military vehicles so...
they have little filtration
I'm more concern about child labour!
If this happen in China, chinese communist party will be blame by the western media long long time ago!
dont u worry! at the beginning of the vid they worked on a semi clean stone floor ^^
come on
Wow the safety culture here is amazing
this handwork is amazing, respect, prima !!!😊😊😊
its crazy to think that this generation is working in conditions my country did 100 years ago. a lot of props for doing what they do
They are the one destroying the planet !Too many of them !
Один современный конвейер может заменить 80% этих работников и повысить производительность в разы. Но к тож его будет ставить когда есть дармовая рабская сила. А про качество продукта и говорить нечего, видимо рабов, которые потом будут пользоваться этим вполне устраивает. Впрочем достаточно посмотреть на состояние их транспорта. При такой дешивизне труда стоимость постоянных ремонтов не проблема.
дармовая рабочая сила
Дело не только в этом, это намеренное насаждение отсталости для ослабления других стран, т.к. для рыночной экономики не выгодно везде ставить конвейера, поскольку машина не может купить товар который сама производит, поэтому если замещать людей машинами все больше людей будут без работы соответственно без еды и без товаров и экономика не будет расти
@@vitalygontov9049 у вас образование на уровне работников в этом видео. Готовая конвейерная линия стоит огромных денег, а разработать свою не хватит образования
Все выше перечисленное можно можно применить к рашке😂😂
@@user-xx7dq9gt4tтебе всё можно
We can see some youngsters working there. Conditions do not seem optimal. On a positive note, the motor skills of some of these individuals are impressive and they can get to use it in other areas. I hope everyone there is safe and healthy
i wish they knew how much this filters cost in a shop.. like here in Ireland they are around €12-20 ech... kids working there.. :( this is insane.
Half of them are probably married already, it's a different kind of place lol
Depends on the car but a wix spin on filter (like the ones they're making here only a decent brand) can be had in a factors for less than €4
As an American, I just think it's nice to see young men actually making useful things instead of selling drugs and robbing convenience stores.
Thats racist
@@fluffymacaw933 nah it ain't
@@davidlee3499 he assumed they rob convenient stored and sell drugs
There is nothing better than seeing 9 year old kids earning their living. Bet they don't complain about the latest fashions.
This is actually disturbing seeing the child workers. That's it I'm going electric vehicle now 😥
That's hardly any better with the kids in the cobalt mines
these kind are likely from poor background like older parent or orpan or anything you should appraciate thes kids that they are working hard to make money otherwise at this situation almost all kids beg on the street .\
second this video is from pakistan where there is extreme poverty and it should not be called child labour yes they should provide a little bit safety insturment
if you want to turn to eletric car then you should watch how there batteries are made
The phone in your hand was made from slaves in cobalt mines
So rather than having child workers make oil filters for you car, you prefer them digging metals in mines for your batteries?
Hahaha your argument is invalid!
I don't see they washed those metal pieces so eventually added more metal flakes to your car engine and filter....😇
I really enjoy the simplicity of the work, yet how refined each step of the process has been made.
This is why union strength is so critical in our western lands. If the big business had their way we would be working in these conditions if they could get away with it to increase productivity and output.
Its not about unions. Its about automation. At some point the owner buys a production line, and all of a sudden, all these guys are out. Now, go tell the union you're out...
@@calizess It's not one or the other, it's a bit of both depending on the situation. Automation isn't always inevitably going to appear as they are much more expensive than some poor people with some simple tools, and so the owner might not be able to viably recoup the investment in whatever market they work for. Also it requires much higher-skilled workers to run and maintain which simply might not be available.
😱😱🤣🤣👍👍 Seriously good but quality control is lacking. Not to fail to mention health and safety. Amazing dedicated hard working people! 👍👍
Потрясающий детский труд. 🎉 Что может быть лучше? Только потрясающие условия труда! 🎉
Бренд "Каждый день". Как и периодичность замены.
Даёшь бесплатный детский труд!!!
Omg this video making me feel so grateful for my work now 😅😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭
Personal Protective Equipment - PPE, does it not exist in these countries?
it does. the child labors make it for us westerners to use.
No. Also notice child labour.
They don't have the spare cash.....
They don't even have wheat & water .
Как они без перчаток работают с жестью?! Руки будут постоянно в порезах.
Покупайте оригинальные запчасти. Сделано в Пакистане
No se que decir, y mis Paisanos en Mexico pensando que estamos en la pobresa, y estos niños guerreros trabajando, mis respetos
Esos niños deberían estar jugando, divirtiéndose, estudiando. No trabajando 😢
consequence of islam
Wholesome to see all these boys ages 6 and up, working hard instead of roaming the streets making ruckus or indoors playaing away on their PS5 or smartphones. This type of work ethic is what makes a nation great! You go boys! Learn of the older ones and be mindful of those fingertips, since some of the older clearly had been working with idle minds and got snipped!
There not working there slaves.
I mean, you're not entirely wrong. children should do work but more along the lines of household chores, mowing lawn etc. things to prepare them for life but not this.
Terrible troll
Acho tão satisfatório esses processos de fabricação. Pfv continue nos agraciando com mais videos como esse, obrigado 🥰
В 1983 1984 мы студентами точно в таких же условиях и таким же оборудованием собирали рыхлители для культиваторок в Новочеркасске
Вы и сейчас туалеты так собираете.Все у вас их воруют.😅😅
The painting process painting with out masks that is insane
Yea, and the smelting locations are just wonderful..... same as the burgers everyone is now complaining that went up in price with the fast food wages, lets move production to the US and
pay the employees the current wages, and your filter or item will then go up 100%. then who's complaining???
That guy with the scissors at 1:30, amazing skills for that conistency
Mann оригинал 😅
😮con esas maquinas tan rudimentarias y fabrican excelentes productos...😅
el 90% no pasaria las pruebas en europa o america
Great job s good to see you 😊
The Child labor is kinda sad
Когда масляный фильтр поменял вчера, теперь когда поменяешь завтра. В общем на два дня хватит. Трудиться, пацанов жалко
Thanks for sharing. Those little guys were doing a good job
Poor guys.
Most of them in whole life will never see tables, chairs or even toilet bowles.
Ótimo trabalho aqui no Brasil usamos estes filtradores sao excelentes e baratos
Não tem nada barato no Brasil... Caro e de má qualidade...
Trabalho escravo e infantil, deveríamos boicotar marcas que utilizam crianças como mão de obra.